A.总结B.阶段性报告C.需求分析评审D.以上答案都不正确2.在结构化分析方法中,用以表达系统内数据的运动情况的工具是( A )。
A.数据流图B.数据词典C.结构化英语D.判定表与判定树3.在选择程序设计语言时最重要的依据是(A)A.语言的应用领域B.对语言的熟悉程度C.数据结构的复杂度D.算法的复杂度4.模块的( B)性是把软件划分为模块时要遵守的准则,衡量的标准是模块本身的( A )性和模块之间的(C)性。
由若干个逻辑功能相似的成分组成的模块,该模块的内聚性是( H );模块内部的各个成分使用同一个输入数据,或产生同一个输出数据,该模块的内聚性是( J )。
A. 内聚性 B. 独立性C. 耦合性D. 功能内聚E. 顺序内聚F.过程内聚G. 时间性内聚 H. 逻辑性内聚 I. 偶然性内聚J. 通讯性内聚5.白盒法测试程序时常按照给定的覆盖条件选取测试用例:( B )覆盖比( A )覆盖严格,它使得每个判定的每条分支至少经历1次;( D )覆盖既是判定覆盖,又是条件覆盖,但它并不保证使各种条件都能取到所有的值;( E )覆盖比其他条件都要严格,但它不能保证覆盖程序中的每一条路径。
A. 语句B. 判定C.条件D. 判定/条件E. 多重条件F.路径6.在以下的描述中,( B )不是信息。
A.计算机02班全体30名同学B.5、6、7、8、9C.中国的4个直辖市D.经济管理学院共有4个系7.下列( C )语句是非功能性需求的描述。
A.系统可以查询到某人当前借了哪些书B.系统可以查询到某人是否为会员C.系统可以把查询的响应速度尽量控制在5秒之内D.系统可以查询到某人是否得到奖学金8.下面( C )不是面向对象开发方法的特征。
A.抽象性B.继承性C.关联性D.封装性9.以下( C )不属于系统维护的类型。
并采用Visual Studio 2008作为开发工具,SQL Server 2005作为数据库管理工具。
[关键词] 课程管理;Visual Studio 2008;SQL Server 2005;B/SAbstract: In this paper, the general case introduces students to curriculum management, student course management system as a whole, and describes the system analysis, design, detailed design and implementation of the system as a whole. In developing the method the system uses software engineering ideas and methods, the overall life cycle using structured development methods, the specific modules used prototyping and implementation of object-oriented system development methods. And use as a development tool Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005 as a database management tool. The system is based on B / S structure of the network database system, with teacher management, student management, classroom management, classroom management, curriculum management, performance management modules separately on the daily classroom information, student information, teacher information, class information, course information, score information to add, modify, delete, query and other functions.Key words:Course Management ;Visual Studio 2008;SQL Server 2005;B/S目录1 绪论 01.1 本课题的研究意义及必要性 01.2 相关领域国内外应用的现状及发展趋势 02 系统分析 (1)2.1 系统功能要求 (1)2.2 系统开发功能 (2)2.3 系统的可行性分析 (4)3 总体设计 (5)3.1 功能模块划分 (5)3.2 系统模块设计图 (5)3.3 系统流程图 ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
高校网上选课系统 毕业论文
经过分析,我们使用 MICROSOFT公司的SQL 2000、ASP (active server pages)作为开发工具, 用Microsoft Windows XP Professional 版本2002 Service Pack 2 简体中文版,Microsoft Offices ACCESS 2003 中文版,Internet Information Services (IIS6) Manager,Intel(R) PIIII CPU 3.0GHz Double CPU 512MB Rom 160GBHardDisk作为开发平台。
关键词: 选课,学生 ,数据库 ,查询University online courses systemAbstractAbstract The Internet network is currently the world's biggest computer network, it all over the globe almost all countries and regions. WWW system is a large distributed hypermedia information database, it greatly promoted the development of the Internet, have already become the most popular Internet information service, the most important way. WWW technology in the global popularization, makes an important reason is that it and database management system mutual confluence, become a processing and share information powerful tools. On the one hand, the database is a powerful information management tools, on the other hand, WWW provides share data method. Both the power-and-power union complement each other, play to their respective advantages, users can easily in the Web browser on the content of a searchable database.This thesis mainly including student elective course system plan analysis and the network planning, the system is a typical information management system (MIS), its development mainly includes the setting and maintenance of database and the programming of the frontend application. The former required establish data consistency and integrality, data security good storehouse. For the latter requires the application program function complete, easy to use, etc.Through analysis, we use the MICROSOFT company of SQL 2000, ASP (web) as active server development tool, does with MICROSOFT Windows XP Service Pack 2 simplified version 2002 Chinese version, MICROSOFT privately in Chinese, the paper takes ACCESS 2003 IIS6 Internet Information Services for (Manager, Intel (R) PIIII CPU 3.0 GHz) 160GBHardDisk CPU 512MB Rom Double as a development platform.This system can be convenient teachers, students more convenient course. Realizing whole school student courses online query. Can the new student information inputinformation. Because the student class, may realize the complicated circumstances, adjust students information modify the basic situation.Keywords: courses, students, databases, inquires目录1引言 .............................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1 课题研究的目的 ................................................................................................. - 2 - 1.2 课题研究的意义 ................................................................................................. - 2 - 1.3 课题的可行性分析 ............................................................................................. - 2 -1.3.1 课题调研 ......................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.2 可行性分析 ..................................................................................................... - 3 -2 准备阶段 ..................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.1 ASP基础 .............................................................................................................. - 4 - 2.2 数据库系统设计 ................................................................................................. - 4 -3 应用系统开发工具 ..................................................................................................... - 6 -3.1 对软件和硬件的要求 ......................................................................................... - 6 - 3.2 运行需求 ............................................................................................................. - 6 - 3.3 其他需求 ............................................................................................................. - 6 - 3.4 数据库应用系统开发简介 ................................................................................. - 6 - 3.5 学生选课系统 ..................................................................................................... - 7 - 3.6 MS SQL Server 简介........................................................................................... - 8 - 4系统分析 ........................................................................................................................ - 9 -4.1 系统简要分析 ................................................................................................... - 9 - 4.2 应用需求分析 ................................................................................................... - 9 - 4.3 业务流分析 ..................................................................................................... - 10 - 4.4 数据流分析 ..................................................................................................... - 10 - 4.5 系统数据模型设计 ......................................................................................... - 10 -4.5.1 E-R图............................................................................................................. - 10 -4.5.2 数据表 ........................................................................................................... - 12 -5 操作方法 ..................................................................................................................... - 14 -5.1 登录 ................................................................................................................. - 14 - 5.2 课程预览 ......................................................................................................... - 14 - 5.3 选课 ................................................................................................................. - 14 - 5.4 退课 ................................................................................................................. - 14 - 5.5 密码修改 ......................................................................................................... - 14 - 5.6 管理员登录 ..................................................................................................... - 14 -5.7 退出系统 ......................................................................................................... - 14 - 6 调和测试 ..................................................................................................................... - 15 -结论 ............................................................................................................................. - 16 -参考文献 ................................................................................................................... - 17 -附录 ............................................................................................................................... - 18 -附录1:用户注册页面 ............................................................................................ - 18 - 附录2:add_user.asp原代码................................................................................... - 18 - 附录2:数据库设置 ................................................................................................ - 20 - 附录3:注册资料 .................................................................................................... - 21 - 致谢 ..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
毕业设计(论文)题目员工考勤管理系统图书馆借阅管理系统网上拍卖系统超市管理系统图书管理系统学生公寓管理系统xxx资源网的设计与开发计算器的设计计算器的设计与实现JSP人事综合信息管理系统的设计与实现健康饮食网站设计基于java的图书管理系统的设计与开发网络聊天室设计与实现xx市三益医疗器械有限责任公司网站开发与设计蓬莱利朗葡萄酒网站设计与实现基于ssh的学生成绩查询系统xx市环球酿造有限责任公司网站设计酒店管理系统xx集团网站开发与设计图书管理系统学生信息管理系统xx校园网络建设教授个人教学网站建设学校图书管理系统VB文件档案管理系统图书管理系统xx大酒店网络组建方案校园局域网规划与管理销售供应链管理系统的设计与开发学校图书管理系统的设计局域网财务管理系统的设计IT学习论坛系统在线拍卖平台系统xx学院计算机排课系统的设计与实现ATM自动取款机终端系统ASP产品销售管理系统朝阳小学校园网络改造与建设企业网站设计与制作企业财务管理系统读者信息管理系统的设计泰来服装销售系统小型财务办公管理系统网上书店企业组网实施方案基于Web的网上购物系统企业网接入方案设计网页聊天系统网上书店系统局域网的信息安全与病毒防治策略动态电子商务网站制作局域网网络安全问题剖析居家装饰公司网站设计研究方案局域网信息安全与病毒防治策略中国风系列画册设计网络聊天室超市管理系统互联网信息安全控制与病毒防治措施个人网站设计与制作计算机图书管理系统局域网安全策略方案研究办公自动化系统的设计与实现基于的在线考试系统电子商务网站开发与设计学生信息管理系统电子商务网站开发与设计基于技术的动态IT培训网站的设计与实现小型网上商城的设计与实现企业门户网站的开发与设计基于PHP的在线留言管理系统设计与开发图书馆借阅管理系统网络聊天室的开发与设计无线、有线融合网络环境下不同丢包区分算法性能的研究电子商务网站开发与设计图书管理系统的设计与实现人事管理系统学生管理系统图书馆管理系统酒店管理系统基于VC++的图书馆管理系统学生信息管理系统学生信息管理系统产品管理系统火车订票系统在线答疑图书馆管理系统在线答疑图书管理系统在线答疑系统基于WEB的网上答疑系统网上答疑软件工程学院论坛系统网上订餐系统新闻发布系统在线求职网超市管理系统企业网站的建设与管理基于WEB的成绩管理设计与实现鲜花销售系统电脑销售管理系统设计与开发网络考试系统个人防火墙研究—状态检测学生信息管理系统个人博客的设计与实现网上选课系统基于的留言板设计高校教师管理系统人事信息管理系统超市管理系统学生信息管理系统学生在线选课系统图书馆查询系统8086/8088系统仿真技术个人空间及留言板的设计与实现校园网络规划设计方案耗材管理系统学生信息管理系统图书管理系统个人博客系统诚鑫贸易销售网网上团购系统进销存管理系统人力资源管理系统网上购物系统学员管理系统的研究与实现开发酒店管理系统生产管理系统flash cs3课件制作技术与应用动态网页制作——“吉他时代”3D MAX在建筑中的应用——室内设计Maya与After Effects在影视创作中的运用成绩管理系统用数据库语言编写销售管理系统网上购物系统网上考试系统学生公寓管理信息系统Maya室内设计高校学生选课系统企业人员信息管理系统教育宣传网站的设计与实现学生公寓管理系统个人网页设计与制作学生信息管理系统学生成绩查询系统B2C电子商务系统图书借阅管理系统个人博客系统数字时钟的设计与制作MP3播放器的制作小区物业管理系统在线购物系统的设计与实现服装进销存管理系统电子商务网站的设计与实现-系统前台设计xx集团无线局域网规划与建设xx学院学生选课系统航空公司管理系统超市管理系统学生档案管理系统俄罗斯方块的设计与实现同学录设计与实现计算机网络安全超市管理系统Flash播放器的制作电子商城网站Linux全能服务器搭建LAMP实验课在线答疑系统学生选课系统学生选课系统学生选课系统网上购物系统设计网络故障及解决办法。
毕业设计论文总结与展望篇一:毕业设计总结与展望致谢毕业设计总结与展望致谢 6.1总结一卡通系统非常庞大,分若干子系统,每个子系统又分若干模块,不可能一个人完成,它需要精诚合作的团队,大家分工明细,各司其职,相互区别也相互关联。
本次设计本人主要负责(原文来自:w WW.bD Fqy.千叶帆文摘:毕业设计论文总结与展望)了第三方对接的基本模块。
采用了强大的数据库编程工具delph i 7,D elphi被称为第四代编程语言,它具有简单、高效、功能强大的特点。
和 VC 相比,Del phi 更简单、更易于掌握,而在功能上却丝毫不逊色;和 VB相比,D elphi则功能更强大、更实用。
可以说 Delp hi 同时兼备了V C 功能强大和 VB简单易学的特点。
6.2 展望校园一卡通系统是个非常复杂的系统工程,随着技术日新月异的发展,其概念也在不停向前延伸,其接口应用也将越来越广,CPU卡、手机卡已经开始应用,一卡通结构也在发生变化,当然对与各个业务系统的对接也提出了新的要求,这就需要我们不停地去探索新的需求,发展新的技术,使得系统对接更加完善,集成度更加深入。
网上选课系统 毕业设计论文
本程序前台采用Macromedia Dreamweaver 8进行页面制作,后台由ACCESS数据库支持,通过使用ASP语言实现动态网页的效果,达到对数据库的操作以完成使用者的要求。
关键词:选课;课程信息发布;权限;ASP;ACCESS- 1 -Online Course Selection System【Abstract】With the increasing number of college students, academic system, the amount of data has also been rising. Elective for students in this part of the system from the students and teachers online elective courses independently released two major aspects of the design, the basic realization of the students online information inquiry, teachers and curriculum elective functions and management of information dissemination function, while also solving the initial information dissemination and management of teachers in courses on the rights issue. This procedure front page using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for production, background from the ACCESS database support, ASP language through the use of the effect of dynamic pages, to the operation of the database to complete the requirements of users. This in addition to the program's overall design, detailed design, function realization of the main part of the outside, before that also introduced the online course selection system-related information management systems, network programming, ASP programming language, ACCESS database, and other basic content and development.2Keywords:Elective Course News rights ASP ACCESS- 3 -目录摘要....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目前的选课系统的实现方式有很多种,既有C/S结构的,也有B/S结构的,总体来说,基于Web 的B/S结构的选课系统是最适合当前高校教务管理需要的,因此是目前的发展主流。
关键词:网络选课、B/S、效率ABSTRACTABSTRACTWith the popularity of computers and the Internet,online Network Elective system as a important part of college information.it is gradually changing the traditional of artificial Educational Administration Elective.And also gradually increase the efficiency of teachers and students.Students could choose courses anywhere anytime via internet by this system.The Network Elective system has an unparalleled advantage,for example,like large amounts of data storage and query,disclosure of information,and it can be fair,justice and minimize errors by computer design.In this context,it is necessary to establish a online register system by full use of exsiting network resources.There are many ways to realize a Network Elective system,not only C/S structure,also exsits B/S structure.Overall,the system based on B/S structure is the best suited to current needs.So it is the trend of development.Key words: Network , Elective , B/S , Efficiency目录第1章引言 (1)1.1 开发背景 (1)1.2 系统构架 (1)1.3 系统目标 (2)第2章主要技术介绍 (3)2.1 J2EE概述 (3)2.2 J2EE的优势 (3)2.3 MVC设计模式 (4)2.4 框架的选择 (5)2.4.1 Struts2简介 (5) Struts2结构 (5) Struts2处理流程 (6)2.4.2 Hibernate简介 (6)2.4.3 Spring简介 (6)第3章系统开发工具及容器 (8)3.1 开发工具 (8)3.2 数据库的选择 (8)3.2.1 MySQL 简介 (8)3.3 JDK版本的选择 (9)3.4 容器 (9)3.4.1 Tomcat简介 (9)第4章网络选课系统总体设计 (10)4.1 需求分析 (10)4.1.2 系统流程 (10)4.1.3 用UML用例图描述 (12)4.2系统的分层设计 (13)第5章详细设计 (14)5.1 数据库 (14)5.1.1 数据库设计 (14)5.1.2 数据表 (14)5.1.3 数据表关系 (17)5.2 Web层的设计 (18)5.2.1 JSP简介 (18)5.2.2 ExtJS简介 (18)5.2.3 字符集编码问题 (19)5.3 EJB层的设计 (19)5.3.1 实体Bean的设计 (19)5.3.1 数据库映射与连接 (21)5.4 网络选课系统的实现 (22)5.4.1 用户登录 (22)5.4.2 权限管理 (27)5.4.3 管理员功能 (29)5.4.4 学生功能 (37)5.4.5 教师功能 (41)第6章网络选课系统的性能优化方案 (43)6.1 基于软件的优化措施 (43)6.1.1 Tomcat服务器性能调优 (43)6.1.2 Java虚拟机性能调优 (44)6.1.3 操作系统性能调优 (45)6.1.4 数据库服务器性能调优 (45)6.2基于硬件的优化措施 (46)6.2.1服务器性能优化 (46)6.2.2 Web服务器集群技术 (47)第7章系统测试与维护 (48)7.1 系统测试 (48)7.2 系统实施中遇到的问题 (49)第8章结论 (50)参考文献 (51)致谢 (52)附录 (53)外文资料原文 (65)译文 (67)第1章引言第1章引言1.1 开发背景随着计算机及互联网的普及,传统的教务人工管理已经很难适应新环境。
题目学生网上选课系统设计与实现学生姓名刘渴娜学号1118014093 所在学院数学与计算机科学技术学院专业班级计算机科学与技术1103班指导教师李军完成地点陕西理工学院2015年6月1日本科毕业设计任务书院(系) 数学与计算机科学学院专业班级计算机科学与技术(计算机1103) 学生姓名刘渴娜一、毕业设计题目学生网上选课系统设计与实现二、毕业设计工作自 2014 年 11 月_ 27__日起至 2015 年 6 月 10 日止三、毕业设计进行地点: 陕西理工学院四、毕业设计内容要求:指导教师系(教研室) 计算机工程教研室系(教研室)主任签名批准日期 2015-01-05 接受设计任务开始执行日期 2015-03-01 学生签名刘渴娜学生网上选课系统设计与实现刘渴娜(陕西理工数学与计算机科学学院计算机科学与技术专业1103班, 陕西汉中 723000)指导教师:李军[摘要]学生网上选课系统就是为了选课管理工作规范化、系统化而设计。
[关键词]选课系统;课程信息发布; MyEclipse 8.5;JSPThe Design of Student Course Selection SystemLiu Kena(Grade 11, Class 03, Major Computer Science and Technology, School of Mathematics and Computer Science. Shannxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, Shaanxi)Tutor: Li JunAbstract: The system of online course selection was aimed to standardization and systematization of curriculum management. It has realized to manage teachers, students, curriculum and teaching department. It provided the functions of personal information view, choosing course as well as the announcements view for students. For teachers, it provided the functions to check the course schedule he teach, to view the information of student selecting course, to issues and view announcements. For administrator, it provided functions to manage all courses, students, and teachers’ information.Keyword:System of course selection; Course information release; MyEclipse 8.5; The JSP目录1引言 (1)2需求分析 (2)2.1系统的功能描述 (2)2.1.1管理员功能模块 (2)2.1.2教师功能模块 (2)2.1.3学生功能模块 (2)2.2可行性分析 (2)3系统总体设计 (4)3.1该系统总的模块结构图 (4)3.2网上选课系统业务图 (4)3.2.1 用户登录流程图 (5)3.2.2用户修改密码流程图 (5)3.2.3 管理员添加课程选流程图 (6)3.2.4学生选课流程图 (6)3.2.5学生退选流程图 (7)4数据库设计 (8)4.1数据库物理结构设计 (8)4.2实体E-R图 (8)4.2.1 学生表E-R图 (9)4.2.2 教师表E-R图 (9)4.2.3 课程信息信息表E-R图 (10)4.2.4排课表E-R图 (10)4.3数据库表 (11)5系统测试 (14)5.1网上选课系统测试 (14)5.2测试中的问题 (14)5.3测试截图 (15)5.4测试报告 (17)6总结 (18)致谢 (19)参考文献 (20)科技外文文献 (21)附录A:源程序代码 (27)附录B:系统使用说明 (31)1引言我国高校都实行学分制,它的核心是允许学生自由选课,即把学习的自主权交给学生。
毕业设计(论文)论文题目:学生选课管理系统系别:计算机与信息技术系专业班级:学生姓名:指导教师:目录摘要 (1)引言 (2)1 绪论 (2)1.1 研究背景 (2)1.2 运行环境 (3)2 需求分析 (3)2.1 性能需求 (3)2.2 功能需求 (3)2.3 流程分析 (3)3 总体设计 (4)3.1 系统目标 (4)3.2 功能设计 (5)4 详细设计 (8)4.1 php与mysql数据库连接 (8)4.2 模块实现 (11)4.3 学生选课管理模块详细设计 (15)5 编程工具的选择 (16)参考文献 (17)致谢 (18)学生选课管理系统【摘要】随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机科学日渐成熟,其强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。
【关键词】PHP WampServer 数据库教务系统引言学校是一个与学生信息安全密切的重要机构,在高度信息化的今天,学生对学校管理的要求也越来越高。
2012 届计算机科学技术学院毕业生毕业论文参考题目、计算机类1、某高职院校学生学籍管理系统;2、本校图书馆管理系统的设计与实现;3、多媒体课件开发与研究;4、某门课试题库的设计与实现;5、某门课程网上考试系统的实现;6、软件测试高效率的探讨;7、多媒体技术在教学中的应用及研究;8、连连看游戏程序的设计;9、高职院校计算机专业课程的设计与分析;10、基于FALSH的多媒体课件的设计与开发;11 、餐饮管理系统12、学生信息管理系统13、个人资料编辑器14、教师档案管理系统15、人事信息管理系统16、超市销售管理系统17、ASP069考试报名信息处理系统18、VB模拟ATM机系统19、VB扫雷游戏的设计与开发20、学校校园BBS的设计与实现21、用计算机程序制作三维立体画22、在微机上模拟电器控制线路的工作过程.23、简单的无纸考试系统。
24、基于PDF文档的网络学习资源建设25、用VB构键In ternet 的应用26、计算机自动出卷系统.27、餐饮管理系统.28、基于web的教学辅助网站.29、IC 卡管理系统30、Java 游戏设计打飞机程序31、JSP学生学籍管理系统32、基于C/S 模式的校园田径动动会管理系统33、基于C/S 模式的物流管理系统34、浅谈基于组件的客户活动管理系统35、计算机动态网页的制作36、企业人事信息系统的应用37、基于Client/Server 数据完整性约束的实现技术38、程序设计网站的设计与实现39、小型企业网站的设计与实现40、校园网站的设计与实现小型网上商城的设计与实现 基于CMS 的信息发布网站基于web 的压力测试 黑盒测试的测试用例设计方法 软件测试技术及其自动化 从视觉文化的角度分析软件界面设计 WEB 界面的设计与规划基于UML 的仓库信息系统建模 商场管理系统, 对国内网络电子商务平台现状的思考 教学互动网的设计与实现 局域网络最优化分析 仓库管理系统进销存管理 园区网的组建 校园网教学平台架构 . 书市交易平台建设 . 校园流媒体教学网组建 企业信息网架构 产品交易平台架构 . 基于web 企业办公信息建设 题目:个人电脑的安全风险及对策 说明: 1、 分析个人电脑的安全隐患及不安全因素(即常见的安全风险) ; 2、 介绍个人电脑的安全概念和一些基本的安全设置; 3、 介绍个人电脑避免恶意入侵的防范措施及手段。
NANCHANG UNIVERSITY毕业论文THESIS OF BACHELOR题目:学生网上选课系统专业:准考证号:学生姓名:指导教师:起讫日期:随着在校大学生的不断扩增,学生选课系统也是在学校对学生管理方面中不可缺少的一部分。
本文通过分析浏览器/服务器结构的特点并结合选课的实际情况简单的介绍了系统各功能模块及数据库的设计,着重讨论了用技术和SQL Server 2005 开发选课系统的数据库的访问技术和动态网页制作技术,并给出了一些可以实现的核心代码。
该系统在Windows XP系统和VS2005平台下开发完成,使用C#作为的开发语言,SQL Server 2005作为数据库。
关键词:学生选课,浏览器/服务器, 、VS 2005, SQL Server 2005数据管理系统With the continuous increase in college students, students in schools of students elective system is also an integral part of management. Previous elective method is to use artificial methods to manage file archives, this management approach has many disadvantages: low efficiency, poor security, while over time, will generate a large number of documents and data, which for finding, updating and maintenance of bring a lot of difficulties. With the continuous improvement of science and technology, the computer has access to all areas of human society, and play an increasingly important role. As a part of computer applications and practical management of information technology is absolutely elective, with manual management incomparable advantages. For example: to find convenient, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost.This paper analyzes the browser / server structure is characterized by combining the actual situation of elective a brief introduction of the system of functional modules and database design, focused on using technology and SQL Server 2005 Developer elective system, access to the database technology and dynamic web production techniques, and give some of the core code can be achieved. Through the system so that students can easily online Online Course on campus. The system is Windows XP system and VS2005 platform is developed using C # as the development language, SQL Server 2005 as a database. System has a higher security and better performance. In which the database connection string in the web.config where you can change at any time. The code to make use of the stored procedure and to minimize the database connection open time to improve performance.This addition to the program's system analysis, overall design, database design, function and so the main part of the implementation, but also describes the combination of and database elements. Keywords: Student elective, browser / server, , VS 2005, SQL Server 2005 database management system目录第一章引言 (1)1.1课题研究目的 (1)1.2 课题研究的意义 (1)第二章系统的分析与设计 (2)2.1系统分析 (2)2.2系统设计构架 (3)2.3 数据库的设计和实现 (4)2.4数据库需求分析 (5)2.5数据库概念结构设计 (5)2.6数据表的设计 (7)第三章公共类与公共页面设计 (10)3.1 Web.config页面设计 (10)3.2 数据库连接操作类—Db类 (11)3.3 工具类MyUtility类 (11)3.4 错误信息类和错误显示页面 (12)第四章系统说明书 (13)4.1系统界面说明 (13)4.1.1登录界面 (13)4.1.2学生选课界面 (14)4.1.3学生查看选课界面 (15)4.2系统登录及浏览权限说明 (16)第五章总结 (17)参考文献 (18)致谢 (19)第一章引言1.1课题研究目的1.掌握采用Internet的TCP/IP协议,以B/S方式,编程技术,多媒体技术。
大学生计算机毕业设计论文题目大全第1-100个题目1.网络留言薄2.客户管理系统3.多媒体积件管理库的开发与应用4.基于WEB的多媒体素材管理库的开发与应用5.网络教学软件中的教学设计与应用6.小型教育网站的开发与建设7.基于图像的风景旅游模拟漫游系统8.网上报名系统9.电脑配件网络购物10.房产网站11.计算机组成原理网站12.软件下载系统网站13.图书管理系统14.网络办公系统15.电子书店管理系统16.中学学生学籍管理系统17.在线图书销售系统18.网上图书销售系统19.网上购物系统20.出租公司管理系统21.办公管理系统22.班级网站23.教学互动系统24.网上求职招聘系统25.鲜花销售管理系统26.小区物业管理系统27.学生社团管理系统28.在线邮件发送系统29.在线考试系统30.综合网站系统31.校园新闻管理系统32.在线订单管理系统33.聊天室管理系统34.教师档案管理系统35.信息网管理系统36.毕业论文管理系统37.车辆故障管理系统38.电子商务网站39.房产销售网站40.网上购物系统41.工资管理系统42.卷烟物价管理系统43.聊天室管理系统44.聊天室管理系统45.网络教学平台-教师子系统46.物流网站47.网上选排课系统48.病历管理系统49.学生成绩学分制管理系统50.药店管理系统51.小型酒店管理系统52.基于web的师资管理系统53.网上教务评教系统54.网络电话号码查询系统55.BLOG网站建设56.网上拍卖系统57.视频点播系统58.B2C购物网站设计59.煤炭销售系统60.旅行社网站系统61.教学进度管理系统62.建材网站系统63.手机商城网站64.珠宝购物网站的建设65.企业网站系统66.音乐网站系统67.电影网站系统68.毕业生学历证明系统69.网络相册管理系统70.物资管理系统71.选课及媒体教学系统72.网上书店73.学生日常行为评分管理系统74.网上手机购物系统75.校园办公系统76.在线考试系统77.电子商务网站设计78.个人网站建设及实现79.学籍管理系统80.毕业设计管理系统81.图书销售系统82.网页信息采集系统83.毕业设计管理系统84.个人网站的设计与实现85.库存管理系统86.信通系网站的设计与更新87.现代通信原理网站88.基于Matlab的移动通信网站设计89.论坛系统90.高校评教教师工作量管理系统91.网上图书销售92.网上书店93.个人网站设计之654上网导航94.教师信息管理95.人才信息管理系统96.网络图书销售系统97.BBS论坛系统98.办公管理系统99.个人网站设计100.图书管理系统第101-200个题目101.企业订单管理系统102.企业网站建设103.网上挂号系统104.文章发布系统105.家庭财务管理系统106.求职招聘网站107.网上书店108.网上购物系统109.在线考试系统110.人事管理系统111.网上教务评教系统112.在线学习网站113.企业信息平台建设114.教务管理系统115.动态网站建设116.在线图库网站117.医院管理系统118.网络硬盘管理系统119.教学在线网站120.手机销售网站121.校园相册管理系统122.在线医药销售网站123.网上书店124.库存管理系统125.人事管理系统126.玩具公司网站设计127.网上求职与招聘系统128.网上书店129.房产信息管理系统130.计算机散件报价系统131.电子商务网站设计(网上商品销售系统) 132.供求信息网133.基于WEB的设备管理系统134.基于Web的网上物流系统135.网络考试系统136.人力资源管理系统137.基于WEB的购物系统138.汽车销售管理信息系统139.在线药店管理系统140.在线图书管理系统141.网上图书超市142.供房产信息网站143.精品课程网站144.课堂考勤管理系统145.企业网站建设146.企业信息网147.搜索引擎网站(网址站)系统148.班级网站149.网上鲜花店150.在线订餐系统151.校园二手拍卖网站152.个人博客Blog建设153.P二手车交易管理系统154.专用信箱系统的实现155.网络办公系统156.客房预订系统157.客户关系管理系统158.计算机组成原理精品课程网站159.理发管理系统160.在线视频播放网站161.mp3销售网站162.中学网站建设163.企业网络办公系统164.人事档案管理系统165.在线音乐播放器166.在线投票系统167.图书管理系统168.企业员工信息管理系统169.药店销售管理系统170.图书管理系统171.网上军事论坛172.职称考试模拟系统173.在线考试系统174.局域网文件共享及检索系统175.网络房产信息超市176.音像销售系统的设计与实现177.文学网站的设计与实现178.网络文件管理系统179.搜索引擎的设计与实现180.论坛系统181.工资管理系统182.玩具网站183.图书销售管理系统184.基于asp的搜索引擎185.基于WEB的房屋出租管理系186.基于BS的家教交流平台187.交易管理系统188.简易网络存储系统189.场地预约系统的设计与实现190.玩友交流网站191.网上交易平台网站192.网络考试系统193.医院信息管理系统194.基于ASP网站的安全性研究与实现195.民航售票管理系统196.学生在线选课系统197.高校工资管理系统198.基于BS结构的旅游网站199.精品课程网站200.基于BS结构的房屋租售管理系统第201-300个题目201.库存管理系统202.网上订餐系统203.小区物业管理系统204.学生交流论坛205.社区管理系统206.基于BS结构的工艺品销售系统207.求职与招聘系统208.数字图书馆的设计与实现209.商场管理系统210.学生管理系统211.工艺品展示系统212.网上考试系统213.网上教学系统214.旅游网站215.旅游信息系统216.基于ASP的反垃圾邮件管理系统的设计217.个人日志系统的设计与实现218.BBS系统开发与帐户安全219.病历管理系统220.校园论坛的设计与实现221.销售供应链管理系统222.家电销售管理系统223.客户关系管理系统224.库存管理系统225.二手交易系统的设计与实现226.档案管理系统227.音乐网站的设计与实现228.企业网上订单系统229.人事工资管理系统230.人事管理系统231.学生信息管理系统232.在线考试系统233.网上书店的设计与实现234.进销存管理系统235.影碟管理系统236.人才交流网站(求职招聘)237.笔记本销售网站238.网上教务系统239.毕业论文管理系统240.二手交易系统241.网上投票系统242.设备管理系统243.企业公告及资料发布系统244.企业员工管理系统245.课程教学网站246.二手商品交易管理系统247.物流网站248.在线手机销售系统249.旅游网站250.在线花店251.博客网站252.同学录254.校园新闻发布管理系统255.在线花店256.网上花店257.在线教育系统258.在线人才网(招聘网) 259.学生管理系统260.期刊稿件处理系统261.网络聊天室262.个人网站的设计与实现263.音乐网站264.网络留言本265.网上图书销售系统266.实验室设备管理系统267.办公自动化系统268.酒店预定管理系统269.学生成绩查询系统270.视频点播系统271.团员管理系统272.网上作业提交系统273.企业网站建设274.网上报名系统275.车辆调度管理系统276.动态网站设计与制作277.个人网上日记本278.车辆管理系统279.校园物品交易系统280.人力资源管理系统281.在线C语言教学系统282.交友网站283.图书管理系统284.旅游资源及线路管理系统285.软件信息发布系统286.学校学生论坛的设计与实现287.办公管理系统288.毕业设计选题管理系统289.电子商务网站的设计与实现290.电子政务档案管理系统291.服装销售系统292.奥运专题网站293.基于WEB的办公管理系统294.家教信息管理系统295.教师档案管理系统296.教师信息管理系统298.酒店房间预约系统299.客户关系管理系统300.企业进销存管理系统第301-400个题目301.企业物流管理系统302.求职招聘网站303.人才招聘网站304.人力资源管理系统305.上网导航网站306.同学录设计与实现307.在线投票系统308.图书管理系统的设计与实现309.网络办公系统310.网络购物系统311.网络硬盘资源管理系统312.网上书店313.网上考试系统314.聊天室设计与开发315.网上人才管理系统316.网上售房管理系统317.网上贴吧系统318.网上选课系统319.物流网站的设计与实现320.物资管理系统321.校友录322.新闻管理系统323.新闻发布系统324.信息查询系统325.学生信息管理系统326.药店管理系统327.医药连锁店管理系统328.影片租赁系统329.网上书店330.学生信息管理系统331.在线考试系统332.鲜花销售系统333.在线教育系统334.作业提交与批改系统335.教师信息管理系统336.Flash制作《七里香》动画MTV 337.FLASH制作歌曲<下雨天>动画MTV338.信息学院网上办公系统339.网上答疑系统的设计与开发340.基于WEB的新生报到系统管理的设计与实现341.基于web的财务管理系统342.动态个人博客设计343.毕业生信息管理系统344.编译原理在线答疑系统设计与实现345.编译原理在线考试系统346.个人财务管理347.机房上机安排管理系统348.基于ASP技术的人才招聘信息系统349.基于WEB的产品管理系统350.基于WEB的网上购物系统351.期刊学报网络投稿系统352.企业网上办公自动化系统的设计与实现353.汽车在线销售系统354.手机网上购物平台的设计与实现355.数据库精品课程系统356.通用网站生成系统357.企业办公自动化系统358.网上招标系统359.校园网站设计360.基于ASP的学生考试系统361.基于BS考试系统的实现362.网络版客户管理系统363.计算机等级考试系统设计与实现364.网上图书查询与销售系统365.心缘同学录的设计与实现366.学院电子政务系统367.在线点播系统368.高校文学系统的设计与开发369.综合教务系统信息发布子系统370.中小型企业商务网站的设计和实现371.在线考试系统的设计与研发372.心理健康网的规划与设计373.网上书店系统的设计与实现374.网上教学平台的设计与实现375.在线花卉销售系统376.在线鲜花销售系统377.论坛程序的设计与实现378.期刊系统的设计与实现379.基于Web的在线考试系统380.基于WEB的学生成绩管理系统381.基于WEB的新生报到系统管理的设计与实现382.在线教育系统的设计与实现383.基于XML技术的调查投票系统的设计与实现384.基于B/S模式的网络教学系统385.宠物医院管理信息系统386.学生心理健康网的规划与设计387.网络自主学习监控技术研究388.基于ASP的计算机组成原理考试系统389.企业及其分支机构内部办公管理系统390.毕业生就业信息管理系统391.编译原理在线考试系统的设计与实现392.基于ASP的人才招聘系统393.基于LAN的视频教学系统……。
2.1 全校性选修课“全校性选修课”与学生选课中的“选修课程”是一样的,也只是界面上的不同还有就是一些控制上的不同。
全球变暖 选修课论文 3000字
3、系统实现采用了结合SQL Server2008数据库,即将学生选课的有关数据库存放在选用的SQL Server2008作为后台的数据库。
运行环境硬件与网络环境:用服务器能运行Windows XP及以上操作系统。
第二篇:毕业设计网上选课系统ASP外文翻译论文题目姓名学号班级年级专业学院指导教师完成时间外文翻译(一)网上选课系统软件工程软件学院2014年 5 月13日:::::::::东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文英文原文The Active Server Pages(ASP)is a server to carry the script plait writes the environment, using it can create to set up with circulate the development, alternant Web server application ing the ASP cans combine the page of HTML, script order to create to set up the alternant the page of Web with the module of ActiveX with the mighty and applied procedure in function that according to Web.The applied procedure in ASP develops very easily with modify.1.The working principle of ASP When the Web site into the ASP feature, will take place the following things:(1)the user browser address bar to enter a URL, the default page of the expansion are.Asp.(2)the browser request to the server.(3)the server engine running ASP procedures.(4)ASP document in accordance with the order from top to bottom starting with the implementation of the script orders, the implementation of HTML page content.(5)pages of information sent to the browser.2.ASP operating environment Asp need to run in under the PWS or IIS.PWS or IIS services in windows98 or windows2000 on the fringe of the CD-ROM, can use the “Add / Remove Programs” in the “Add / Remove windows components” to install.Asp and the general need to access databases or a combination of SQL Server database, made a powerful process.ASP can run the web serversoftwareWindows2000 default installation is IIS5.0(internet information server), and the default installation of windows xp is IIS5.1, windows 2003 default installation of IIS6.0.PWS(personal web server)running windows98 environment in a simple personal Web server.3.ASP and the meaning of ASP(Application Service Provider, application software rental service providers)refers “through the Internet to provide application software rental services industry”, refers to the application software industry as the mainstay, and through one-to-many network Transmission services, such service-based business transactions to be leased by the way, in a more cost-effective manner has the right to use the software, and also because the industry centralized management and greatly reduce the cost of maintaining enterprises.1 东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文Basically, ASP is a “software services, Internet services,” and “outsourcing of information services and network integration” and “access of products, access products,” such as the three major characteristics, can even be seen as ISP(Internet Service Provider)and ITS(Information Technology Service)combination.ASP is the English Application Service Provider, the standard Chinese translation is “application service provider”, is defined as commercial or individual customer management applications to provide solutions for companies or enterprises.ASP Chaozuo recently by the media is very fiery, the IT industry is not facing a pile of technical terms it is very difficult to clarify terminology ASP content, the paper tried to use simple language to the broad masses of readers opened the mysterious veil of ASP, IT Top of the ASP industry areas have some basicknowledge.4.Origin of ASPThe research to ASP mode and ASP enterprise's origin can proceed with two respects , one to in terms of business and technology , is it carry on research to come from ASP developing history that business commit;Another one is studies the origins of ASP enterprises and evolution course at present in terms of organization's development.Whether stand up synthetically above-mentioned developing stage, to put it briefly, present ASP history and development path of provider can simple to describe as: The first, developed from the past ISP, rounded the infrastructure and communication function, cooperate with software manufacturer, increase the business scope, develop into the present IDC(the data centre of Internet);The second,the past ISV(independent software provider)and VAR(the trader that resells value-added service), at Internet age , changed the marketing way in the past , would rely mainly on sale of the software product to change direction to rely mainly on the fact that right to use is leased in the past, bale from physics carrier encapsulation way change direction and long-range operation way main fact now, through the cooperation with network operator , realize the transition to ASP;The third,IT service departments and traditional advisory companies of traditional large-scale organization, at the foundation known deeply in Internet , depend on long-term experience, is it carry on systematic design and implementation of scheme for other customer to begin, through establish in with trader who operates network and alliance relation between the application software manufacturer, realize the ASP provider that appears in the capacity of system integration trader.5.The developing history and classification of ASPSeen from the present, ASP is as emerging and proposing formally it is only a thing from the end of 1998 to the beginning of 1999 of a kind of mode.And until from the end of 1999 to the beginning of 2000 to a great extent, ASP field relevant东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文outstanding behaviors at the capital market of Company just cause people's extensive concern.In fact speaking from the intension and essence of ASP mode, it is not the brand-new things, but the mode that had once had, has been given the new vitality at Internet age.During this festival, we will review the course that ASP produce development and develop, in order to help the essence of better deep understanding ASP.At the end, we will concentrate on introducing the situation which enterprises divide from different standards in ASP field at present.The HTML plait writes the personnel if you are a simple method that a HTML plait writes the personnel, you will discover the script of ASP providing to create to have diplomatic relation with each other page.If you once want that collect the data from the form of HTML, or use the name personalization HTML document of the customer, or according to the different characteristic in different usage of the browser, you will discover ASP providing an outstanding solution.Before, to think that collect the data from the form of HTML, have to study a plait distance language to create to set up a CGI application procedure.Now, you only some simple instruction into arrive in your HTML document, can collect from the form the data combine proceeding analysis.You need not study the complete plait distance language again or edit and translate the procedure to create to have diplomatic relation alone with each otherpage.Along with control to use the ASP continuously with the phonetic technique in script, you can create to set up the more complicated script.For the ASP, you can then conveniently usage ActiveX module to carry out the complicated mission, link the database for example with saving with inspectional information.If you have controlled a script language, such as VBScript, JavaScript or PERL, and you have understood the method that use the ASP.As long as installed to match the standard cowgirl in the script of ActiveX script engine, can use in the page of ASP an any a script language.Does the ASP take the Microsoft? Visual Basic? Scripting Edition(VBScript)with Microsoft? Script? Of script engine, like this you can start the editor script immediately.PERL, REXX with Python ActiveX script engine can from the third square develops the personnel acquires.The Web develops the personnel if you have controlled a plait distance language, such as Visual Basic, you will discover the ASP creates a very vivid method that set up the Web application procedure quickly.Pass to face to increase in the HTML the script order any, you can create the HTML that set up the applied procedure connects.Pass to create to set up own the module of ActiveX, can will apply the business in the procedure logic seal to 东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文pack and can adjust from the script, other module or from the other procedure the mold piece that use.The usage ASP proceeds the calculating Web can convert into the visible benefits, it can make the supplier of Web provide the alternant business application but not only is to announce the contents.For example, the travel agency can compare the announcement aviation schedule makes out more;Using the script of ASP can letthe customer inspect the current service, comparison expenses and prepare to book seats.Include too can lower in the Windows NT Option Microsoft in the pack Transaction Server(MTS)on the server complexity of constructing the procedure with expenses.The MTS can resolve to develop those confidentialities strong, can ratings of and the dependable Web applies the complexity problem of the procedure.6.Active Server Pages model The browser requests from the server of Web.Hour of asp document, the script of ASP starts circulating.Then the server of Web adjusts to use the ASP, the ASP reads completely the document of the claim, carry out all scripts order any, combining to deliver the page of Web to browser.Because script is on the server but is not at the customer to carry the movement, deliver the page of Web on the browser is on the Web server bining to deliver the standard HTML to browser.Because only the result that there is script returns the browser, so the server carries the not easy replication in script.The customer cans not see to create to set up them at script order that the page that view.We introduce the Basic form of the database language known as SQL, a language that allows us to query and manipulate data on computerized relational database systems.SQL has been the lingua franca for RDBMS since the early 1980s, and it is of fundamental importance for many of the concepts presented in this text.The SQL language is currently in transition from the relational form(the ANSI SQL – 92 standard)to a newer object-relational form(ANSI SQL-99, which was released in 1999).SQL-99 should be thought of as extending SQL-92, not changing any of the earlier valid ually, the basic SQL we define matches most closely the ANSI SQL standards basic subsets, called Entry SQL-92 and core SQL-99 that are commonlyimplemented;our touchstone in defining basic SQL is to provide a syntax that is fully available on most of the major RDBMS products.东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文We begin with an overview of SQL capabilities, and then we explain something about the multiple SQL standards and dialects and how we will deal with these in our presentation.We will learn how to pose comparable queries in SQL, using a form known as the Select statement.As we will see, the SQL select statement offers more flexibility in a number of ways than relational algebra for posing queries.However, there is no fundamental improvement in power, nothing that could not be achieved in relational algebra , given a few well-considered extensions.For this reason, experience with relational algebra gives us a good idea of what can be accomplished in SQL.At the same time, SQL and relational algebra have quite different conceptual models in a number of respects, and the insight drawn from familiarity with the relational algebra approach may enhance your understanding of SQL capabilities.The most important new feature you will encounter with SQL is the ability to pose queries interactively in a computerized environment.The SQL select statement is more complicated and difficult to master than the relatively simple relational algebra, but you should never feel list or uncertain as long as you have access to computer facilities where a few experiments can clear up uncertainties about SQL use.The interactive SQL environment discussed in the current chapter allows you to type a query on a monitor screen and get an immediate answer.Such interactive queries are sometimes called ad box queries.This term refers to the fact that an SQL select statement is meant to be composed all at once in a fewtype written lines and not be dependent on any prior interaction in a user session.The feature of not being dependent on prior interaction is also down as non-procedurality.SQL differs in this way even from relational algebra, where a prior alias statement might be needed in order to represent a product of a table with itself.The difference between SQL and procedural languages such as java or c is profound: you do not need to write a program to try out an SQL query, you just have to type the relatively short, self-contained text of the query and submit it.Of course, an SQL query can be rather complex.A limited part of this full form, know as a sub-query, is defined recursively, and the full select statement form has one added clause.You should not feel intimidated by the complexity of the select statement, however.The fact that a select statement is non-procedural means that it has a lot in common with a menu driven application, where a user is expected to fill in some set of choices from a menu and then press the enter key to execute the menu 东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)英文原文choices all at once.The various clauses of the select statement correspond to menu choices: you will occasionally need all these clauses, but on not expect to use all of them every time you pose a query.Observed reliability depends on the context in which the system s used.As discussed already, the system environment cannot be specified in advance nor can the system designers place restrictions on that environment for operational systems.Different systems in an environment may react to problems in unpredictable ways, thus affecting the reliability of all of these systems.There for, even when the system has been integrated, it may be difficult to make accuratemeasurements of its reliability.7.Visual Basic Database Access prospects With the recent Web application software and the rapid development of the existing data stored in diverse forms, Visual Basic Database Access Solutions faces such as rapid extraction enterprises located in the internal and external business information with the multiple challenges.To this end Microsoft, a new database access strategy “unified data access”(UniversalDataAccess)strategy.“Unified data access” to provide high-performance access, including relational and non-relational data in a variety of sources, provide independent in the development of language development tools and the simple programming interface, these technologies makes enterprise integration of multiple data sources, better choice of development tools, application software, operating platforms, and will establish a maintenance easy solution possible.东华理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译)汉语翻译汉语翻译Active Server Pages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的 Web 服务器应用程序。
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毕业论文密级:公开大学网上选课系统设计-学院:专业班级:计算机科学与技术学号:学生姓名:指导教师:2010年10 月摘要利用INTERNET 技术来实现“无纸办公”这个概念已经深入人心,校园网作为学校信息化建设的一个平台在完成资源共享、互联网访问、教务管理、电子备课等方面发挥了重要作用。
关键字:JSP,MySQL,信息管理系统AbstractMake use of an INTERNET technique to carry out the concept in"have no paper to transact" have already gone deep into public, the campus net was a terrace of the school information-based construction to develop an important function in the aspects of completing the management, electronics of the resources share, Internet interview, educational administration to prepare lessons wait.The service teaching, level and effect of the exaltation teaching are core target and core value that the campus net constuct, how make use of an existing resources, betterly is serve in the teaching of school, serve at the management work of school, is 1 which puts in our in front to together set question.This thesis mainly includes a student to select elective courses analysis and network of the system project to program, this system is the information management of a typical model system, its development mainly includes the application develop of procedure of establishment and maintenance and head of backstage database 2.Request that starting to build up the data consistency and the integrity is strong to the former, the data safety good database.But then request that applying procedure function is complete to the latter, easy usage etc. characteristics.full text from five concrete introduction the student select elective courses system of design and realization of process.One part, introduction system of development background and viability assessment.Two part, introduction the need of the system analysis.Three part, system essentials analysis, assurance system of function mold piece.Four-part cent, the system be detailed analysis, concrete explained in detail an each function mold piece of concrete development process.Five part, each function mold piece of concrete realization and core code.Key words:JSP,MySQL,Information management system目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT .......................................................... I I 第1章前言 .. (1)第2章系统概述 (3)2.1系统开发背景 (3)2.2系统可行性分析 (4)第3章需求分析 (5)3.1系统需求概述 (5)3.2数据流图(DFD) (5)第4章系统概要设计 (7)4.1功能概要设计 (7)4.2数据库概要设计 (8)第5章系统详细设计 (10)5.1注册模块 (10)5.2选课模块 (11)5.3删除课程模块 (12)5.4查询课程模块 (13)5.5查询信息模块 (14)5.6修改密码模块 (14)第6章系统实现 (18)6.1系统开发环境及开发工具简介 (18)6.1.1数据系统MySQL 5.0 (18)6.1.2Struts框架 (18)6.1.3Hibernate (18)6.1.4 JSP (19)6.2选课系统功能模块的实现 (19)6.2.1 注册功能的实现 (19)6.2.2 查看学籍信息功能的实现 (23)6.2.3 修改密码功能的实现 (23)6.2.4 选课功能的实现 (26)6.2.5 已选课程功能的实现 (29)- I -6.2.6 删除课程功能的实现 (30)6.2.7选课帮助功能的实现 (31)6.2.8重新登录功能的实现 (32)6.2.9 登录功能的实现 (32)第7章结论 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)- II -第1章前言数据库是从60年代初发展起来的计算机技术。
在进入- 1 -选课系统后,设计了查看学籍信息,修改密码,查询备选课程,选课,退选课程,查询选定课程,帮助信息,重新登录等功能模块。
- 2 -第2章系统概述2.1系统开发背景在时下这个信息社会中,直到今天仍然没有一套完善可行的学生信息管理系统出现在学校里。