Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第三集完整中英文对照剧本


Teens 总第563期

Teens 总第563期

21st Teens for Senior 3
4. How did Duno help those bullied?
She realized that helping animals in need made her feel better, and she decided to put her love of animals together with her desire for stopping bullying by creating a non-profit organization.
2. No one deserves to be bullied.
认真工作的人值得肯定。 ____________________________.
21st Teens for Senior 3
3. It’s a really rewarding feeling.
学习英语是一个有趣又有回报的过程。 ________________________________.
21st Teens for Senior 3
Animals can help (P3)
21st Teens for Senior 3
If you saw someone being bullied(欺负) by others, what would you do?
21st Teens for Senior 3
What shoulders show (P5)
21st Teens for Senior 3
I. Pre-reading
for Senior 3




Sybil Crawley小姐不顾她的贵族地位参加了亚历山德拉王后的皇家护士部队并且收获了属于自己的爱情。








演职员表演员表角色演员配音备注Robert Crawley休·博内威利芒来伯爵Cora Crawley(néeLevinson)伊丽莎白·麦戈文张欣伯爵夫人Violet Crawley玛吉·史密斯张筠英伯爵的母亲Lady Mary JosephineCrawley米歇尔·道克瑞唐烨伯爵的大女儿Lady Edith Crawley劳拉·卡尔迈克尔王俪桦伯爵的二女儿Lady Sybil Crawley 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利张璐伯爵的三女儿Matthew Reginald Crawley丹·史蒂文斯金锋(原)伯爵的堂亲,(现)伯爵大女婿Tom Branson艾伦·里奇[2]孙星(原)庄园司机,(现)伯爵小女婿Isobel Crawley佩内洛普·威尔顿----伯爵堂亲,马修的母亲Charles Carson吉姆·卡特任亚明男管家Elsie Hughes妃莉丝·罗根杨冬雁女管家Anna May Bates(née Smith)琼安·弗洛加特白蓓女侍领班John Bates布兰登·柯伊尔曲敬国伯爵的贴身男侍Thomas Barrow 罗伯·詹姆斯·克里尔王磊男侍领班角色演员配音备注Beryl Patmore Lesley Nicol耿莉华厨师长Daisy Mason(néeRobinson)Sophie McShera王羊厨师长助手Jimmy Edward Speleers----第三季男仆Thomas暗恋对象Sarah O'Brien Siobhan Finneran----伯爵夫人的贴身女侍∙▪制作人:Nigel Marchant;Liz Trubridge;Gareth Neame;Rebecca Eaton;Julian Fellowes ∙▪导演:布莱恩·派西维尔;詹姆斯·斯特朗∙▪副导演(助理):Charlie Reed;Danielle Bennett;Tom Fenwick Smith;Chris Croucher ∙▪编剧:Julian Fellowes∙▪摄影:David Katznelson;David Marsh;Gavin Struthers∙▪配乐:John Lunn∙▪剪辑:John Wilson;Alex Mackie;Nick McPhee∙▪选角导演:Jill Trevellick∙▪艺术指导:Donal Woods∙▪美术设计:Charmian Adams;Mark Kebby∙▪服装设计:Susannah Buxton∙▪布景师:Gina Cromwell译制职员表翻译文明、高非导演唐烨录音姚程编辑吉纲后期制作刘玥、邓若涛编务宋桂英制片主任郭永刚编审郭维安制片人何文新、潘洪莲总制片人周亚平总监制张子扬进口中央电视台3角色介绍上层主人/UpstairsHugh Bonneville饰演Grantham伯爵RobertRobert一直过着简单的生活。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第三季第二集你说看见这个谁会先发火奶奶还是爸爸Who will groan first when they see it, Granny or Papa? 我估计他们会一起对天咆哮I should think they'll howl at the moon in unison.老天啊这是什么What in God's name is this?真不敢相信Well I never!这是哪来的Where did this come from?经过伦敦的时候我订的I ordered it on our way through in London,返程时取的货picked it up on the way back.-是辆爱希 -好在是英国车- It's an AC. - Well, at least it's English.欢迎回家亲爱的Welcome back, my darling.蜜月如何How was the honeymoon?眼界大开My eyes have been opened.这我深有体会啊快进屋吧Don't I know it! Now come on in.-安娜平安归来了吗 -是的- Anna get back all right? - Yes.那是谁的你怎么在这儿做Who's that for? Why are you doing it down here?这是马修先生的It's for Mr Matthew.有点皱了我想熨一下It was creased, and I brought it down to iron.他不该由你服侍啊You're never looking after him?莫斯利先生呢What about Mr Molesley?他留在卡劳利公♥馆♥了He's staying at Crawley House.那怎么没让我做Why wasn't I asked?卡森先生认为这样最好Mr Carson thought it best.是嘛真不知他怎么会这么想Did he indeed? I wonder how that came about?如果你真想当好男仆And if you're learning how to do your job,就记着别把衣服拿到这种房♥间来you should never open a shirt in a room like this会不小心弄脏where it might be marked,更不该往上面按钉子let alone put studs in it.这种工作只能在更衣室做Do that in a dressing room and nowhere else.谢谢指导Thank you.对谢谢你托马斯Yes, thank you Thomas,你总是这么乐于助人for always trying to be so very helpful.在法国南部玩得好吗So how did you enjoy the south of France?那里不错It was lovely,就是没见过那么热的夏天but almost too hot, even now.到了夏天许多地方都关门了真是可惜It's such a shame they close things up during the summer. 我喜爱阳光I love the sun.-看得出来 -夏天的戛纳没法待- So we can see. - You couldn't be in Cannes in summer,没人受得了No one can bear it.我就可以I could.她要在这里待多久啊Just how long is she here for?天知道Who knows?就不应该让没定离程日期的客人来No guest should be admitted with no date of their departure settled. 这我深表赞同You won't get any argument from me.家里收到了一堆邮件There's a hideous pile of post, I'm afraid.我放在大厅的桌子上了I've put it on the hall table.今晚别急着看Don't look at it tonight.您最近如何What have you been up to?其实我给自己找了个新工作As a matter of fact, I've found myself a new occupation,只是维奥莱特婶母觉得不太合适but I'm afraid cousin Violet doesn't think it's appropriate.这个我们能回头再说吗Can we talk about it afterwards?都1920年了还有什么禁忌吗Are there still forbidden subjects in 1920?真难以置信I can't believe this.不是不能说只是不合时宜I speak of taste rather than law.我可不这么觉得Well, it's not my taste.你怎么看柯拉What about you, Cora?我赞成妈妈I agree with Mama.有些话题是需要有所回避Some subjects are not suitable for every ear.是不能当着仆人说吗Oh, pas devant les domestiques.别拘泥了亲爱的Come on, my dear,卡森和阿尔弗雷德可比我们懂得生活Carson and Alfred know more about life than we ever will.能让她别说了吗Can't we stop this?怎么做她就像列失控的火车How? She's like a runaway train.我们离席吧Shall we go through?可怜的老斯特兰怎么样了What about poor old Strallan?你和他联♥系♥了吗Have you seen anything of him?我不明白你为什么这么说Why do you call him poor or old?他既不老也不可怜He's neither.让她这么跟斯特兰胡闹下去好吗Isn't it dangerous to let this Strallan nonsense simmer on? 说句公道话一心胡来的恐怕不是他Well, to be fair, I don't think it's coming from him.那就让他做个了结Then ask him to end it.他出手肯定比我们管用It'll be more effective than if we try.她都吃了Ooh, she ate it, then?我还怕美国人不吃内脏呢I'm never sure about Americans and offal.我觉得你给她什么她都会吃I think she'll eat whatever you put in front of her, that one. 还说个不停What a gob.我以为卡森先生会拿个袋子套在她头上呢I thought Mr Carson was going to put a bag over her head. 莱文森夫人知道你们嘲笑她Mrs Levinson knows you make fun of her可她也取笑你们but she makes fun of you.那我们扯平了不是吗Then we're all square, aren't we?烟囱里有水The chimney is not drying properly,炉子不够热the oven's not hot enough.拙匠常怨工具差A bad workman always blames his tools.你现在忙吗Are you busy?不忙我们半小时后开饭但都准备好了No, I'm not. We're eating in half an hour but it's all done. 那就占用你一分钟Well, if you could spare a minute.这酒真不赖希望不是专为我开的This is very good, I hope you didn't open it for me.当然是为你开的Certainly I did.为了欢迎你以女婿的身份住进这个家To welcome you into this house as my son.你都不知道我有多开心I can't tell you how glad it makes me.罗伯特我希望我们可以一直Robert, I want us always to feel we can be坦诚相待honest with each other.当然了Of course.玛丽已经告诉我你目前的窘境了Because Mary's told me about your present difficulties. 她做得对Oh, she was right,失去唐顿对你们俩的影响最大losing Downton will affect you both more than anyone. 不知道她说没说I wonder if she's told you about拉维尼娅父亲遗嘱的事the will of Lavinia's father?是的你父亲都告诉我了Yes, your father told me all about it,但我不明白but I cannot understand怎么把那么多钱投给一个公♥司♥呢why so much money was put into one company.我也这么觉得I couldn't agree more.现在我们要失去唐顿了Now we're to be turned out of Downton.就算是劳合·乔治也不愿看到这种事Even Lloyd George can't want that.[大卫·劳合·乔治英国自♥由♥党政♥治♥家时任首相] 他可不是个好例子I'm not sure he's a good example.重要的是我们有没有什么遗漏The point is have we overlooked something,比如之前没有加以利用的收入来源you know, some source of revenue previously untapped?要是我们有煤矿或采石场If only we had some coal, or gravel,或锡矿就好了or tin.我倒是知道谁很有钱Well, I can think of someone who's got plenty of tin.[tin既有锡的意思也有钱的意思]你要帮助那些...堕落的女人吗So you help women who have... fallen over?不尽然Not quite.伊泽贝尔堂亲要帮助那些Cousin Isabelle helps women迫于生计不得不令自己蒙羞的女人who have had to degrade themselves to survive.在约克有个救助中心There's a centre in York.别透露具体地点Oh, no addresses, please,不然阿尔弗雷德就要偷偷记下来了or Alfred will be making notes.你要怎么帮助这些女人So, what do you do for these women?首先我们要把她们送走Well, first, we like to send them away...-休养一下 -她们是需要休养- to rest. - I should think they need it.然后帮她们找些其他工作And then we try to find them alternative employment.战争摧残了许多家庭的生计The War destroyed many households,上千户人家的男人都死了thousands of families' bread winners are dead.你想让我捐些钱吗So you want me to contribute?不是每次谈话都让您给钱妈妈You don't have to give money after every conversation, mother.不吗No?英国人不就指望着美国富人捐钱吗Isn't that what the English expect of rich Americans?你为什么不肯继承遗产But why can't you benefit from the will?你又没做错什么事You've done nothing wrong.斯维尔立遗嘱时When Swire made it,并不知道我伤了他女儿的心he didn't know I'd broken his daughter's heart.这份遗产是回报我的忠诚It was to reward my fidelity而事实上我背叛了她when in fact I'd betrayed her.如果我接受那份遗产就与罪犯无异If I kept that money, I would be no better than a common criminal. 我明白了I see.既然你是这么想的我就不说什么了Well, if that's how you feel, then there's no more to be said.非常抱歉老爷I'm ever so sorry, my lord,我以为你们已经离开了I thought you were out of here.我们也该离开了进来吧我们这就走Yes, we should be. Please. We're going now.确实有个肿块这点毫无疑问Well, it's a lump all right, there's no point dithering about that.-你打算怎么办 -我也不知道- What are you going to do about it? - I don't know.要我说明天What I do know, tomorrow,你去预约看一下医生you'll make an appointment with the doctor听听他的意见and we'll see what he's got to say.万一是...But what if it's...退一万步说即便真是If it is, and I'm not saying it is,也该尽快查清it's best to know now.或许吧I suppose so.如果你不想一个人去Now, look, you'll not be alone for a minute我就陪着你if you don't want to be,但必须得查清病因but we have to get it seen to.还有开销...Then there's expense.如果一定要花钱If you must pay money,宁肯付给医生也别付给殡葬师better to a doctor than an undertaker.帕特莫太太你要是就这么安慰人If that's an example of your bedside manner, Mrs Patmore,我还是自己去吧I think I'd sooner face it alone.居然要让安娜看到我衣衫不整的样子It seems rather shocking for Anna to have to find me en deshabille. 我很勇敢的先生您别担心I'm made of stout stuff, sir, don't worry about that.你今天要去看望贝茨吗Are you seeing Bates today?是的我都等不及了I am, and I can't wait.代我们向他问好Give him our best wishes.抱歉在你的床上醒来I'm sorry. It still seems odd我还是觉得很怪to be found in your bed.-但感觉很好 -好得不能再好了- But very nice. - Oh, as nice as nice can be.我今天要去见贾维斯I'm going to see Jarvis today看有哪些待售的宅邸and find out what houses are available.非去不可吗Do you have to?我们在这儿待不了几天了These are our last days here.我原以为蜜月期间事情会有转机I thought something might've turned up while we were away 但看来毫无起色but it seems it hasn't.难道你想等我们非走不可时Would you rather wait till we have to go再找房♥子吗and find a new house then?亲爱的毕竟是你非逼我们搬出去After all, darling, you're the one who's pushing us out.不用了谢谢Not for me, thank you.玛丽刚度完蜜月回来But Mary's only just got back from honeymoon.她应该跟家人在一起It's her family time.但你也是...But you are...请不要再说我是你的家人了我不是Please, stop saying I'm family when I'm not.我下周晚宴时再去I'll be there for the big dinner next week.-怎么了 -我知道你不想伤害我- What is it? - I know you don't mean to hurt me, but...我当然不想伤害你Of course I don't.那是我最不希望发生的事That's the last thing I'd ever wish to do.那你为什么要疏远我Then why do you shove me away?我也不想一点也不想但是...I don't want to, not at all, but...如果你又想拿你那条受伤的胳膊作借口If you're going to talk about your wretched arm again,我可不想听I won't listen.不光是我的胳膊我太老了It's not just my arm. I'm too old for you.你该去找个还有大好人生的年轻人You need a young chap with his life ahead of him.你也有大好人生啊But your life's ahead of you.亲爱的我倒是希望如此Oh, my dear. If you knew how much I'd like to believe that. 那就说定了Then it's settled.你不许再疏远我You're not going to push me away any more而且你今晚要来赴晚宴and you are coming for dinner tonight.就这么定了That's all there is to it.薇拉的通讯薄查的怎么样了How did you get on with Vera's book?我回来时收到了几封回复I had a few answers waiting for me when I got back还有两封信因为地址无效被退了回来and two returned "Address unknown".-哪两封 -我想想- Who from? - Let me see,一封好像是哈利普先生的one was a Mr Harlip, I think,另一封是巴特利太太的and the other was Mrs Bartlett.哈利普没什么关系Harlip doesn't matter,是我北方的表亲他们没见过he was a cousin in the north, she never saw him,但巴特利太太真是可惜but Mrs Bartlett's a shame.她就住在街角跟薇拉关系很好She lived on the corner, she was very friendly with Vera. 别担心我会找到她的I'll find her, don't worry.跟我讲讲♥法♥国吧Tell me about France.你吃没吃青蛙腿跳康康舞Did you eat frog's legs and dance the can-can?没有No,不过我买♥♥了条吊袜带but I bought a garter.还有其他症状吗You've had no other symptoms?至少我还没发现Not that I'm aware of.你是否有不适感或觉得疲劳You're not feeling ill or tired?我不敢说我从不觉得疲劳I can't swear to not feeling tired但没有什么异常症状but nothing out of the ordinary.很好Very well.那么我需要先进行初步检查Well, I'm just going to conduct a preliminary examination. 我能留下来吗Do you mind if I stay?那样更好I should prefer it.-你手里是什么 -马修先生的燕尾服- What have you got there? - Mr Matthew's tailcoat.-你看这是什么东西 -不好说- What do you think that is? - Hard to say.常用的办法我都试遍了就是洗不掉I've tried all the usual things but I can't shift it.我可以告诉你个小窍门I'll give you a tip, if you like.-真的吗 -嗯- Would you, really? - Yeah.别到处说我可不想把秘密都泄露了Keep it to yourself, don't want to give away all my secrets. 你在这儿啊亲爱的Oh, there you are, my dear.早安奶奶Good morning, granny.我到处找你呢I've been looking for you.告诉我我们是不是真要那么做Now I want to know if we're serious,争取那个女人about getting that woman,请求你外祖母向我们施以援手about asking your other grandmother to come to our aid.她很有钱She's made of money她入土后只有妈妈和哈罗德舅舅能继承财产and there's only Mama and uncle Harold to share it when she's gone. 我们等不得了We can't wait that long,看她的气色能比我们活得都长呢she looks as if she'll bury us all.不行我们得马上行动No, we must act now.我们要让她觉得拯救唐顿义不容辞We must make her feel it is her duty to save Downton.可我们怎么才能做到呢But how? What can we do?让她认识到唐顿的价值Get her to sense its value,它在这一带举足轻重的地位its vital role in the area.你是她的外孙女You're her granddaughter.如果能保住唐顿这儿将来就是你的This will be your house if it survives.只要她不是铁石心肠你肯定能利用这一点Surely you can make something of that if she has a heart at all.今天我们一起过去喝下午茶We'll come for tea this afternoon.那我们就有机会了Then we can begin.相信我还有几道程序要走Believe me, there are several stages to go through现在完全没必要担心before there's any cause for despair.什么程序What stages?你过一两天再来做检查When you come back in a day or two,我会取一些囊液样本I'll remove some fluid from the cyst.如果运气好液体是清澈的就没问题了With any luck it'll be clear and that will be that.-怎么取 -用针管- How will you do it? - With a syringe.会疼吗Will it hurt?不管疼不疼他都得做Since he has to do it, whether it hurts or not,所以就别问这种问题了吧I don't see the point to that question.我想知道如果液体不清澈怎么办What I want to know is what happens if the fluid is not clear?那就要送去化验It'll be sent away for analysis.因为有可能...是癌症吗Because it may be... cancer?是有可能但我认为肯定不是It may be cancer but I'm fairly certain it is not.你听听There you are.可能性非常非常小对吧医生It's very, very unlikely, isn't it, doctor?帕特莫太太医生都把我当大人对待If the doctor treats me like an adult, Mrs. Patmore,你又何必哄着我呢why do you insist on treating me like a child?-你觉不觉得这火太小了 -不觉得- Does this seem slow to you? - Not really.莱文森夫人要和大家一起去老夫人家喝下午茶Mrs Levinson's going to the Dower House with the others for tea. 我觉得他喜欢我I think he likes me.他那只是友好罢了He's being friendly, that's all.你还好吗你已经埋头苦干了几个小时了Are you all right? You seem to have been slaving away for hours.我想在回去上班之前赶上进度I want to be up to date with it all before I get back to the office.斯维尔先生的律师有消息吗Anything from Mr Swire's lawyer?你看看吧You can read it if you like.也就是说你的确是雷吉的继承人So you are definitely Reggie's heir?看上去是这样Looks like it,但他们还得向印度政♥府♥要一份死亡证明but if they have to get a death certificate out of the Indian authorities, -一时半会儿肯定办不好 -很好- it won't be settled by Tuesday. - Good.哪里好了Why is it good?晚到几天你就有时间改主意了The delay may give you time to change your mind.玛丽求你别再逼我了Stop punishing me, Mary, please.如果我接受遗产If I accepted the legacy,就是以欺骗手段获取财产I would be taking money under false pretences.无异于盗窃I'd be stealing.你父亲都理解了你怎么不行Your father understands now. Why can't you?我觉得他并不理解只是不想求你I don't think he understands at all, he just doesn't want to beg.好了我要去奶奶家喝下午茶Anyway, I'm off to granny's for tea.一会儿见吧I'll see you later.我真的很爱你I do love you so terribly much.我知道Yes, I know you do.哈罗德最近在忙什么呢So what's Harold doing now?他沉迷于游艇His idee fixe is yachts.要更大更快的Bigger yachts, faster yachts.就是游艇那些事Something with yachts.-他开心吗 -谁知道他都忙昏头了- Is he happy? - He's much too busy to find out.我一直觉得难以想象It always seems so strange to me柯拉竟还有个兄弟that Cora has a brother.怎么说Why?你知道这里的规矩妈妈You know how the things work here, mother.只要有男嗣女儿就没有继承权If there's a boy, the daughters don't get anything.在英国有兄弟的女性不可能成为继承人There's no such thing as an English heiress with a brother.我们怎么都没见过他Why do we never see him?哈罗德不愿离开美国Harold hates to leave America.有意思他不愿离开美国Curious. He hates to leave America.我还不愿去呢I should hate to go there.别说笑了奶奶You don't mean that, Granny,我们明明都很向往美国when we're both so drawn to America.确实如此尤其是现在Indeed, indeed we are. Never more than now,卡劳利和莱文森两家的感情这么深when the bond between the Crawleys and Levinsons is so strong. 如果你真心这么想可真好妈妈That's nice, if you mean it, Mama.是真的I do.我们两家之间相互扶持实在难能可贵It is marvellous the way our families support each other.你是想用莱文森的钱保住卡劳利的地位吧You mean you needed the Levinson cash to keep the Crawleys on top? 我们恐怕不会这么说I'm not sure we'd put it that way.当然不会I'm quite sure we would not.但我希望您能认同But I hope you feel that用妈妈的财产来Mama's fortune has been well spent维系古老家族是再好不过in shoring up an ancient family.钱总得花不是吗You gotta spend it on something!这里怎么了What happened here?我...I...我只是...I just...怎么了You just what?-那里弄脏了 -这我知道- There was a mark in it. - I know there was a mark in it,但也没必要烧了吧but you didn't need to burn it away.你做了什么What have you done?我穿小礼服下去吧I'll go down in my dinner jacket,你明早送去我伦敦的裁缝那里you can send it to my tailor in London in the morning.没关系又没死人Come on, nobody's died,去把小礼服找出来just find the dinner jacket.休斯太太Mrs Hughes.布丁酒的杯子还没准备There don't seem to be any glasses waiting for the pudding wine. 今晚要喝那个吗Are they having one tonight?都写在菜单上了It's on the menus.我写菜单又不是为了好玩I don't write them for my own amusement.确实No, I dare say not.休斯太太Mrs Hughes,我一直在劝老爷再招些仆人I am trying, and so far failing,恢复到正常数量可是他也一直不肯to persuade his lordship to bring the staff levels back up to snuff, 在我说服他之前but until he does你一定得完成分内的工作it is vital that you pull your weight.纽波特可不是片丛林Newport's not a jungle, not at all,[纽波特美国罗德岛避暑胜地]但确实有些随意but it is a little less formal.马修显然是希望你能随意才穿了便装Matthew obviously wants you to feel at home in his play clothes. 这不能怪我Don't blame me for this.我和阿尔弗雷德之前出了点状况I'm afraid Alfred and I had a little bit disaster earlier.怎么回事What happened?他不知怎么在我的燕尾服上烧了个洞Somehow the poor chap managed to burn a hole in my tails.别担心能补好的Don't worry, it can be mended.小心点卡森别急啊Careful, Carson. Steady the bus.十分抱歉老爷I beg your pardon, my lord.我倒更喜欢小礼服I'd rather like dinner jackets.我赞同你的观点有时随意点更好And I agree with you. Sometimes it's nice to be informal.尤其是情侣独处的时候Especially when a couple is alone.但尽力维持传统是我们身为贵族的职责But people like us should lead the fight to keep tradition going. 如果你的意思是拒绝改变我不能苟同If you mean we can never change, I can't agree to that.我也是Nor me.接受改变和保护过去一样重要Accepting change is as important as defending the past.但唐顿这样的大宅就是要保护传统But the role of houses like Downton is to protect tradition.所以维系它们才如此重要That's why they're so important to maintain.你同意吗莱文森夫人Don't you agree, Mrs Levinson?我们必须倾尽全力We must do everything in our power让唐顿这样的宅子维系下去to keep houses like Downton going.当然如果你们认为有必要Sure, if you think it's worth it.下周都有谁来赴宴So who's coming to dinner next week?一些乡绅Some locals.我们认为你会想看看唐顿举办盛典We thought you'd like to see Downton on parade.没错外婆That's right, grandmama.幸好我们筹办了晚宴I'm glad we've planned a dinner.正好让您看看唐顿的真正价值We can show you the real point of Downton.我不知道说什么好卡森先生I don't know what to say, Mr Carson.-怎么回事 -阿尔弗雷德让家族蒙了羞- What's going on here? - Alfred has embarrassed the family.他害得马修先生下楼用餐时着装不当He forced Mr Matthew to appear downstairs improperly dressed. 听着还真刺♥激♥You make it sound quite exciting.不要这么粗俗奥布瑞恩小姐I will not tolerate vulgarity. Thank you, Ms O'Brien.阿尔弗雷德肯定不是故意的卡森先生I'm sure Alfred didn't mean to, Mr Carson.我向托马斯请教怎样去除...I asked Thomas how to get off mark...你这是什么意思Hey wait, what's this?你给我用来清理的东西The stuff you gave me to clean the tails在燕尾服上烧了个洞burned a hole in them.胡说我给了你一些碳酸钠No such thing. I gave you some soda crystals, I thought.你没用好可不怪我If you use them wrongly, it's not my fault.这就是拔苗助长的结果This is what comes of making him run before he could walk.如果你想让我跟她断绝往来我会的If you want me to stay away from her, of course I will.我知道这很无情I know it sounds harsh.不必多说罗伯特我完全理解Please Robert, I understand completely.伊迪丝小姐是你女儿Lady Edith's your daughter,你不愿她跟一个老残废在一起and you don't want her involved in some cripple who's far too old. 这下是你不留情面了Now you're the one who's harsh.可她总来看我The trouble is she calls round regularly.我又不能不让她进来I can hardly ask her not to be admitted.我写信跟她说吧I suppose I could write to her.希望这事不会影响我们之间的友谊I hope you won't feel we can't be friends after this.还是先放一放吧But let's leave it for a while.下周的晚宴我就不来了I'll duck out of the dinner next week.这样也好谢谢你It might be best. Thank you.你该用那一瓶碳酸钠That's the one you should've taken, soda crystals.但他给我的不是那个But he didn't give me that,他指的是这瓶我保证he pointed to this one. I promise.你不用向我保证我相信你You don't have to promise, I believe you.你认为他还没准备好So you think he's not ready?他还只是个毛头小子老爷He's just a lad, my lord.服侍外人还过得去He can see to the odd visitor,但做马修先生的固定贴身男仆but permanent valet to Mr Matthew?他做不来It's too much.我想卡劳利先生肯定更想自己穿衣服Actually I'm pretty sure mr Crawley would rather manage on his own. 仆人可不希望那样老爷They wouldn't like that downstairs, my lord.我就怕你会这么说I was afraid you'd say that.那你说怎么办So what would you suggest?把莫斯利先生请过来Ask Mr Molesley to join us.从长远来看这对阿尔弗雷德也更好It'd be kinder to Alfred in the long run,比逼他做力所不能及的事要好kinder than asking more than he can give.那可怜的男仆怎么样了How is that poor footman?我看卡森恨不得生吞了他I thought Carson was going to eat him alive.发着愁呢说实话他是有点呆Very glum. To be honest, he has been a clot.我不得不把衣服送去伦敦I'll have to send the coat up to London.尽快处理好Well get it done quickly.这次晚宴必须尽善尽美This dinner has to be the grandest of the grand.你想让她看什么What do you hope to show her?唐顿为什么重要为什么不能倒下Why Downton matters, why it mustn't be allowed to fall apart. 柯拉该拿的财产不是都拿过了Hasn't Cora had her share of Levinson gold?剩下的该归你舅舅吧what's all left is headed for your uncle.在美国这种事不是板上钉钉It's not so laid down in America.而且他已经富得流油He's as rich as Croesus as it is.你想榨她的钱吗So you mean to fleece her?明明可以却不肯出手相救的人是你Since you are the one to get us out of this hole if you wanted to, 就别来教训我了I won't take any criticism, thank you.她会答应吗Will she do it?奶奶的意思是不成功便成仁Granny means to make her or die in the attempt.趁我还没生气别说话了快吻我Now stop talking and kiss me before I get cross.他不是说一有消息就会告诉你嘛You heard him, they'll let you know at once.希望你能管好这些女仆I wish you could get those maids under control.她们这次居然打破了一个上菜盘子They've broken one of the serving dishes this time.下周的晚宴怎么得了And with the dinner next week?我们缺一名男仆We're short of a footman,一名厨房♥女仆至少还缺一名家仆We're short of a kitchen maid and one house maid at least,如果安娜要按玛丽小姐的意思that's if Anna's to be a proper lady's maid,把她照顾周全的话which is what Lady Mary wants.这是自然她喜欢事事妥当Well, naturally. She likes things done properly.天呐我们现在没法事事妥当For heaven's sake, we can't do things properly要么老爷允许我们配齐人手until either his lordship allows us the staff we need要么你和神圣的玛丽小姐or until you and the blessed Lady Mary就得清醒过来接受现实come down from that cloud and join the human race!我只能当你是劳累过度祝你晚安I can only suppose that you are over-tired. I bid you good night. -听我说她... -晚安卡森先生- You see, she... - Good night, Mr Carson.晚宴的事我们明早讨论We will discuss the dinner in the morning.帕特莫太太你可不能告诉他And no, Mrs Patmore, you may not tell him.服侍好马修先生了吗Have you finished with Mr Matthew?是的他在餐厅I have. He's in the dining room.很好你不用再服侍他了Very good. You won't need to attend to him again,莫斯利先生会从村里过来Mr Molesley will be coming up from the village.是马修先生抱怨了吗Has Mr Matthew complained?用不着他抱怨He needn't have to.这不是你的错That's not your fault,是我们太急躁了we've hurried you along too fast.你不要难过You mustn't feel badly.是托马斯在捣鬼This is Thomas's doing,不过你别急but don't you fret,我会让他后悔I'll make him sorry.我是你这边的I'm on your side.有人这么想我很高兴I'm glad somebody is.-玛丽没来 -她说她是已婚女人了- No Mary? - She said she's a married woman now能在床上吃早餐so she can have breakfast in bed.燕尾服的事我很抱歉Hm. I'm sorry about your tails.卡森今早把衣服送上去伦敦的火车了Carson's sending them up on the London train this morning. 得再缝块布片进去They'll have to put a new panel in.我们想让莫斯利过来服侍你We thought we'd get Molesley to come and look after you.他了解你He knows your ways.我完全满意...I'm perfectly happy...我认为让他来最好I think it best if he comes.我得跟您谈谈我们缺仆人的事老爷I do need to talk to you about the other staff we need, my lord. 现在不行卡森Not now, Carson.但你可以派人去请莫斯利过来But you may send for Molesley如果卡劳利夫人不介意的话if Mrs Crawley has no objection.伊迪丝。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

第五季第五集蛋糕糖果店-柯拉 -你好罗斯孟德- Cora. - Hello, Rosamund.你动作好快啊You made good time.-天啊 -怎么了- I say! - What?有人在埃塞克斯郡韦克福德开了个裸体主义营Some man has opened a nudist colony at Wickford in Essex, 叫做穆聂拉团called the Moonella Group.colony也有殖民地之意什么意思在埃塞克斯开了个殖民地What do you mean, a man has opened a colony in Essex?不是那个意思妈妈Not that sort of colony, Mama.是为想脱♥光♥衣服的人准备的It's for people who want to take all their clothes off.在埃塞克斯吗那里不是很潮湿吗In Essex? Isn't it terribly damp?那有什么关系吗Would that make a difference?如果不♥穿♥衣服就有关系Well, yes, if you had no clothes on.这主意太疯狂了Well, I think it's a mad idea.我看他们不是冲着你来的Oh, I doubt they were aiming it at you.玛丽和我说你特别喜欢一个佃户家的孩子I wanted to come after Mary told me about the farmer's child 我就想过来看看you're taking such an interest in.你换完衣服来我房♥间吧好吗Come to my room when you're changed, why don't you?你这次来待多久How long are you here for?如果可以大概一周吧About a week, if I'm allowed.很好我周五要为几位副郡长办个庆典Good. We're giving a bash for my Deputy Lieutenants on Friday.你可以留下来帮忙You can stay and help.但我周四晚上不在I'm afraid I'll be away on Thursday night.又是个老爷们庆祝收获的活动It's another of my Lord Loot things.全约克郡的驻地指挥官I'm guest of honour at a dinner都要参加晚宴我是贵宾逃不掉的for all the Yorkshire-based commanding officers. I can't get out of it.你要在那里过夜吗You're staying the night?在谢菲尔德会到很晚所以得过夜了It's down in Sheffield, and it'll be very late, so it seems sensible.你就和柯拉将就将就吧You'll just have to make do with Cora.还有伊迪丝汤姆和罗斯And Edith and Tom and Rose.你的求婚者有什么消息吗What news of your suitor?他最近都没来找过我I haven't heard from him lately.你决定给他什么答复了吗Have you decided what answer you're going to give him yet?我想我该先告诉他再告诉你吧Well, I think I should tell him before I tell you.不是吗Wouldn't you agree?要说拖延艾伦·泰利都比不上你Ellen Terry has nothing on you when it comes to stringing out a moment. 十九世纪英国戏剧演员-你们在忙吗 -不不进来吧- Oh, are you busy? - No, no, no. Come in.有什么事吗How can I help?要我出去吗Would you like me to leave?我也希望我有个Oh, I'd love to think I had a secret不能入女士耳朵的秘密可惜没有that was too indelicate for a lady's ear, but I haven't.不这次其实是有好消息No, I've got some good news, for a change.我一位老姑妈去世了An old aunt's died.好消息不是指这个但她很长寿了No, that's not the good news, but she made old bones.这才重要Which is the main thing.是这样她给我留了些钱Well, the point is, she's left me a bit of money.有几百英镑比我一辈子攒的都多It's a few hundred quid, more than I've ever saved.真为你高兴I am glad for you.她嫁了一个面包师他挺能干Well, she was married to a baker and he did well,但他们没有孩子but they had no children.她选择你真是太好了How nice of her to choose you.我想应该是因为她和我爸爸感情好Well, I think it was in memory of my dad, more than anything. 他们小时候可亲密了She and he were very close when they were growing up...你是想听听我And you want my advice on关于处理这份遗产的建议是吗what to do with the inheritance? Is that it?是的It is.你还是问问布兰森先生或者克拉克森医生吧You'd do better asking Mr Branson's advice. Or Dr Clarkson's. 她在问我呢She's asking mine.可我们跟不上时代啊But we live so out of the way here.你要找个了解当今行情的人谈谈You need to talk to someone who's still in the game.我会想想的帕特莫太太I'll give it some thought, Mrs Patmore.好了如果你们不介意And now, if you'll allow me,我要上楼去敲锣了I will go up and ring the gong.过来坐这儿我们谈谈Come and sit here and we can talk.我又不会吃了你I'm not going to eat you.但您会把我嚼个透But you are going to chew me up.和我说说那个佃户的女儿吧Why not just tell me about the dear little farmer's daughter? 玛丽怎么说的What did Mary say?只说了这个No more than that.您早知道我会把她带回来You knew I'd bring her back.我担心你会I feared it.我还是对施罗德太太深感愧疚And I still feel very sorry for poor Mrs Schroder.我给她写信了她说她领养了另一个孩子I wrote to her. She told me she's adopted another baby.那她的问题解决了Then she has solved her problem,但你的问题解决了吗but the question remains: have you solved yours?能至少让我见见这女孩吗Am I at least going to be allowed to see the girl?-您想见她吗 -当然- Do you want to? - Of course.我花了十个月的时间I gave up ten months of my life确保她安全地降生to make sure she came safely into the world.问题是佃户的妻子德鲁太太The trouble is, the farmer's wife, Mrs Drewe,她觉得我很讨厌she just thinks I'm a nuisance.她不想让我见玛丽戈德She doesn't want me to see Marigold.那么我们面临着对你名誉的极大威胁So, we have a situation of infinite danger to your reputation,却不能给你换来任何情感上的回报which brings you no emotional reward to compensate.我们是最先下来的吗Are we the first down?看来是想来点吗It looks like it. Want some?邦廷小姐如何了还在楼下教黛西吗How is Miss Bunting? Still teaching Daisy downstairs?是的不过别担心She is. But don't worry.我以后不会再邀她上来了I won't ask her to join us in the future.柯拉如果觉得这对你重要Cora would overrule me in a moment会马上不顾我反对if she thought it important to you.但您觉得不该这样Which you don't think it should be?我知道你有时感到孤立在家里像一个外人I know you feel excluded at times, an outsider in your own home. 我对您和这个家庭非常感激Look, I am very grateful to you and this family.但我对这个国家及其该何去何从But my vision of this country and where it should be headed与你们看法不同is different from yours.但却与邦廷小姐看法一致But not from Miss Bunting's?我信奉改革和左派的道德准则I believe in reform and the moral direction of the Left,跟她在一起时我不会觉得自己像个异类或傻瓜and when I'm with her, I don't feel like a freak or a fool,不通情理devoid of common sense.我只能这么说汤姆I would only say this, Tom:你在这里的日子了解到了双方的观点In your time here you've learned both sides of the argument,与你曾经视为仇敌的人成了朋友befriended people you'd once have seen as enemies.这话没错That's true.你应该感到自豪You should be proud.五年前你会相信Five years ago, would you have自己能与我母亲友好相处吗believed you could be friendly with my mother?五分钟前我都不敢确信呢I'm not sure I'd have believed it five minutes ago.不要轻视你自己的成就没别的Don't make nothing of what you've achieved. That's all.晚餐前就喝酒卡森发现会怎么说啊Drinks before dinner? Wait till Carson catches you.这酒可是我亲手倒的You'll notice I poured them myself.安娜我收到了一张威利斯警长的便条Anna, I've had a note from Sergeant Willis.他说他今天上午十一点会来访He says he's going to look in this morning at 11 o'clock.来见我吗To see me?他是这么说的That's what he says.还有别人吗卡森先生Anyone else, Mr Carson?我不确定他说他想跟安娜和玛丽小姐谈谈I'm not sure. He says he wants to talk to Anna and Lady Mary. 玛丽小姐为什么还要找她Lady Mary? Why her?我不知道但你能提醒她一下吗I don't know. But could you warn her?我把早餐盘端上去的时候跟她说I'll tell her when I take up the breakfast tray.请问您是为何事大驾光临May I ask... to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?我就开门见山吧I'll get straight down to it.你知道默顿伯爵有多么You know how Lord Merton likes to...爱表现他对医学的兴趣吧display his interest in all things medical?至少At least, he likes to,在卡劳利太太面前是如此when in the company of Mrs Crawley.承蒙您对我的信任Your confidence is a compliment.我向你倾诉克拉克森医生因为我必须如此I confide in you, Dr Clarkson, because I must.只有你能帮忙Only you can help.真是让我受宠若惊That is more flattering still.都是我们家的错真的It's the family's fault, really.我们按我们的习俗训练她We've trained her in our ways,结果她那种中产阶级的热诚和理性and the earnest and intellectual 'bonne bourgeoise'已经被一种has been replaced by...不太好定义的性格所取代a rather less definable figure.您是说您更喜欢作为中产阶级的她吗Are you saying you liked her better when she was more middle-class? 不那倒不至于No, I wouldn't go that far.但您更了解那样的她But you understood her better.没错现在我都不知道她是谁了Precisely. Now I do not know who she is.我也不知道她想要什么I do not know what it is she wants.很多人不会对想嫁给伯爵Well, there are many who wouldn't be puzzled住进宫殿的渴望感到陌生by the desire to marry a lord and live in a palace.我能问您一个私人问题吗Can I ask you a personal question?我活过了大战经历过悲痛I've lived through great wars and my share of grief.我想我能承受一个医生的不当问题I think I can manage an impertinent question from a doctor.您是不是不希望Do you perhaps resent the idea of卡劳利太太改变地位a change of position for Mrs Crawley?抱歉我没太听明白你的问题I'm sorry. I do not quite grasp your question.让我有点糊涂It bewilders me.但我要说But I will say this:你愿意看到她过上一种Do you wish to see her live a life缺乏勤勉和道德价值的生活吗devoid of industry and moral worth?-不愿意 -待光彩蒙尘之后- I do not. - And when the glitter is tarnished,你知道会怎样吗you know, what then?她会成为一具空壳住在一间又大又空的房♥子里A hollow existence in a large and draughty house,身边是一个让她无聊至死的男人with a man who bores her to death.真是可怕的前景It's a terrible prospect.所以我们的责任就很明确了So our duty is clear.是您啊小姐It's you, m'lady.是我我想带我姑妈来见见玛丽戈德Yes. I wanted to bring my aunt to meet Marigold.这位是罗斯孟德·平斯维克夫人这是德鲁太太This is Lady Rosamund Painswick. May I introduce Mrs Drewe? 你好德鲁太太How do you do, Mrs Drewe?很抱歉冒昧来访我想你一定很忙吧We're sorry for dropping in like this. I expect you're very busy. 是的夫人我的确很忙I am busy, m'lady, yes.这就是玛丽戈德This is Marigold.难怪她真可爱Oh, I do see. She's very sweet.伊迪丝小姐似乎也有同感Lady Edith seems to think so.您好Hello.伊迪丝小姐带她姑妈来炫耀孩子了Lady Edith has decided to show off the baby to her aunt.这位是罗斯孟德·平斯维克夫人Lady Rosamund Painswick.很高兴见到您夫人Pleased to meet you, m'lady.我们不想打扰你们Well, we don't want to disturb your day.我得先去准备做饭了I've got to get the dinner started on top of everything else.当然请便Yes, of course.再见亲爱的Goodbye, dear.要记得你的...你的朋友罗斯孟德Remember your... Remember your friend, Rosamund.我该带她进去了I should take her inside.-我可以... -我来就行- Oh, I could always... - I'll take her.当然Of course.再见Goodbye.怎么Well?我早说过会这样It's exactly what I said would happen.她就想把玛丽戈德当做玩具She wants Marigold as her toy,好让那大宅子里的人都能随便又捏又逗to be poked and prodded by every stray guest from the big house!这都怪你都怪你And you've done this. You've done it!你跟帕特莫太太说那话是什么意思What did you mean by saying to Mrs Patmore我们跟不上时代已经不了解行情了we were living our lives out of the way, not in the game?这是事实啊Well, we are.怎么人人说话都像我们是古人似的Why does everyone talk as if we don't live in the modern world? -你不同意吗 -不同意- You don't agree with that, then? - No.难道国王不是活在当下的吗Does the King not live in the world of today?萨金特先生画的不是现代的画作吗Does Mr Sargent not paint modern pictures?吉卜林先生写的不是现代的著作吗Does Mr Kipling not write modern books?那你准备怎么跟她说So, what are you going to tell her?我还没想好我会考虑的I don't know yet. I shall consider.威利斯警长找您卡森先生Sergeant Willis is asking for you, Mr Carson.他说他从伦敦带了个人来He's got a man with him from London, he says.他们在书房♥了They're in the library now.他们They?苏格兰场来了位探长An Inspector's come from Scotland Yard.他找我♥干♥什么What does he want with me?他找我们任何人干什么简直没道理What does he want with any of us? None of it makes any sense. 对了我想赶明早十点的火车By the way, I'd like to catch the ten-o'clock train tomorrow.我要跟布雷克先生进餐我不想太仓促I'm dining with Mr Blake and I don't want to be in a rush.我们住罗斯孟德夫人那里吗她人在这里呢Will we stay at Lady Rosamund's even though she's here?她不介意她跟米德交待过了She doesn't mind. She's told Mead.您会见吉利安姆子爵吗Will you see Lord Gillingham?应该不会I don't think so.看来您没回心转意So you haven't changed your mind?好了咱们去把这事了结吧Right. Let's get this over with.是我害得我们还没开始就结束了吗Have I finished us off before we ever really got started?你从一开始就站在他们的对立面上You've pitted yourself against them from the start.你怎么会放弃立场呢How can you retreat from that position?你是说我让你在他们和我之间做选择You mean I've made it 'them or me'?难道不是吗Haven't you?你鄙视那家人You despise the family,但你可能忘了我太太也是他们的一员but I think you forget my wife was one of them.我的孩子也是My child is one of them.那我是什么立场Where does that leave me?你就不鄙视他们吗心底里Don't you despise them? Really?不我不No, I don't.我也希望世道有所变化I'd like things to change,但我不会再抱着非黑即白的观念了but I don't think in black-and-white terms any more.而我是这样While I do?听着我不会否认认识你是件幸事Look, I'm not going to pretend I haven't enjoyed knowing you.事实上你让我庆幸In fact, I'm relieved to know自己不是这世上唯一的社♥会♥主♥义♥者I'm not the only Socialist left on this earth.但我们还是就此打住为好以免有人受到伤害But maybe we should call it a day, before one of us gets hurt.我不知道还有什么好说的维纳先生I don't know what else to add, Mr Vyner.我记得当时为赶火车我们很仓促I remember we had to race to catch the train.我跟吉利安姆子爵用了午餐必须赶回家I'd had lunch with Lord Gillingham and I needed to get home,因为还要商议第二天教堂的活动as the church fete was planned for the following day.就在活动期间吉利安姆子爵从伦敦赶来And it was during the fete that Lord Gillingham arrived from London 带来了格林先生的死讯with the news of Mr Green's death?是的然后我告诉了安娜That's right. And I told Anna.她吃惊吗Was it a great surprise?我想我会形容为"震惊"I think I would have called it a shock.她非常震惊She was very shocked.是吗真的吗Was she? Was she, indeed?我能走了吗Can I go now?我想玛丽小姐已经尽力了I think Lady Mary has given what help she can.您能确认格林先生死的那天早上Erm... will you confirm that Mrs Bates was in London贝茨太太在伦敦而您并不知道她具体在哪吗on the morning that Mr Green died and that you don't know where? 我问问她就清楚了I only have to ask her.其次您毫无理由认为贝茨那天Secondly, you have no reason to believe去过比约克更南边的地方that Bates was anywhere further south than York?毫无理由No reason at all.我觉得他们会喜欢相互熟悉一下I think they'd enjoy getting to know each other better.这是个好主意但这次该我来了吧I think it's a nice idea, but shouldn't I do it, for once?我好像总来你这儿蹭午餐I always seem to be taking luncheon off you.还是我来吧No, I'd rather.波特太太就喜欢给人做饭You see, Mrs Potter likes to have people to cook for.而且斯普拉特也需要些工作来分心And Spratt needs something to occupy his mind.我们都觉得我的女仆柯林斯快走了We both have an inkling that my maid Collins is on the way out. 那太糟了Oh, I do hope not.不我不是说她要死了No, I don't mean she's dying.我是说她快要不干了I mean she's on her way out of my house.她总说她的母亲如何年老体弱She keeps talking about her mother being infirm.我还年老体弱呢她怎么不说But I'm infirm. Why doesn't she think about that?你简直和温莎堡一样坚挺You're as infirm as Windsor Castle.为什么斯普拉特会这么在意And why does Spratt mind, particularly?因为他希望一切如故Because he likes things to be just so.另外我觉得柯林斯已经是他的人了But also, I think Collins was his creature会毫不质疑地听他使唤and does his bidding without qualm or query.下一个女仆未必听他的话He can't be sure of that in the next one.我从来没有过贴身女仆Well, never having had a lady's maid,所以我是不会有这种烦恼了it's not a challenge I've had to tussle with.但你周四会来的吧But you'll come on Thursday?会的I will.让克拉克森医生有机会了解默顿伯爵I think it would be nice for Doctor Clarkson而不是只把他当做贵族看待是件好事to see beyond Lord Merton's position and get to know the man. 我同意I agree.我还有件事要告诉你Oh! I knew I had something to tell you.小虾好像有了克拉根亲王夫人下落的线索Shrimpie thinks he may be on the trail of Princess Kuragin.我很高兴Oh, I am pleased.是的有传言说有一些俄♥罗♥斯♥护士在... Yes, he's heard a rumour of some Russian nurses working in... 湾仔工作Wan... Wan Chai?在香港And that's in Hong Kong?应该是在附近Well, nearby, I think.这如果是真的可比意料中的好多了Well, if it's true, it sounds much better than it might have been. 是啊亲王夫人给病患洗澡倒便盆Yes. The idea of Princess Irina scrubbing the sick真是个令人开心的好消息and emptying bedpans is a cheering one.你要告诉她丈夫吗Will you tell her husband?不我想等小虾确认了再说No, I'll wait until Shrimpie is certain.这些事必须小心处理These things must be managed carefully.是啊Yes.听上去这件事必须尤为小心Sounds as if this must be managed very carefully.为什么卡森先生要隐瞒你那天早上在伦敦的事Why did Mr Carson try to hide that you were in London on that day? 他不是有意隐瞒只是忘了吧I don't think he tried to hide anything. He just forgot.有个仆人去伦敦难道不是该记住的大事吗Isn't it a big thing when a member of the staff goes to London?-贴身女仆去很正常 -休斯太太请别插话- Not for a lady's maid. - Mrs Hughes, please.她说得对贴身女仆和男仆去伦敦很正常She's right. It's not a big thing for ladies' maids or valets.我明天还要和玛丽小姐去呢I'm going tomorrow with Lady Mary.你喜欢格林先生吗And you liked Mr Green?是很喜欢Yes. I did. Very much.他好像不怎么喜欢你丈夫啊He wasn't so fond of your husband.人都有各自喜欢的类型嘛Well, there's no accounting for taste.别走太远贝茨太太Don't go away, Mrs Bates.你说你要去伦敦我没意见You've said you'll be in London. I've no objection.但是别走太远But don't go away.打扰了老爷I'm very sorry, My Lord.我们什么时候可以进来铺桌子I wonder if you know when we can get in here and lay the table.警♥察♥占用了书房♥I'm afraid that the police have taken over the library,我得把这些摆在这儿了and I needed to spread these out.这是什么What are they for?我在整理开♥发♥村子的计划I'm trying to formulate my plans for the village,正在寻找合适的承建商and I'm looking into some builders.用平时的维修队不行吗You won't use the ordinary maintenance team?工程太大他们做不了It would be beyond them.您有选择了吗Have you made your choice?我还要和玛丽小姐谈谈I'll have to talk to Lady Mary,但我挺中意这家的but I like the look of this outfit.他们总部在瑟斯克就在当地They're based in Thirsk, so they're local,他们之前的工程也很棒and their work is excellent.而且现在投资房♥地♥产♥是好选择Of course, we should all invest in building.近几年一定能赚大钱Fortunes will be made over the next few years.我替你拿包你先打伞吧Why don't I hold the bags, while you do that?你真是太好了真的可以吗Oh, that's frightfully nice of you! Are you sure?当然Quite sure.-我可以自己拿了 -还是我来吧- Erm... I can have them back now. - I shouldn't dream of it.你要去哪Where are you going?圣抹大拉的玛丽亚教堂Erm... just to St Mary Magdalene's.你一定很喜欢吃糖You must have a very sweet tooth!不是我自己吃的No, they're not for me.我每周二和周四为俄♥国♥难民准备茶点I give tea to some Russian refugees every Tuesday and Thursday. 他们喜欢吃蛋糕They love cake.我也喜欢吃蛋糕I love cake.那就来吃一点吧Oh, come and have some, if you like.你对俄♥国♥感兴趣吗Are you interested in Russia?不特别感兴趣不过我真为他们难过Not terribly... although I am very sorry for them all.当然Of course.我其实该更上心一些的I should be more interested, really.-为什么 -我有一部分俄♥国♥血统- Why? - I have a bit of Russian blood.-不会吧 -是真的- How extraordinary! - It's true.我家人算是俄♥国♥人至少以前是In a way, my family is Russian. Or, at least, they used to be. 我一定得请你进来喝杯茶Well, now I insist. Come and have some tea.算是对你表示感谢By way of a thank-you.我们应该互相自我介绍一下I suppose we ought to introduce ourselves,虽然感觉有点怪even if it feels funny.我叫罗斯·麦克莱尔Erm... Rose MacClare.阿提科斯·奥德里奇随时为你效劳Atticus Aldridge, at your service.这名字听起来不像俄♥国♥名啊That doesn't sound very Russian.我们当时不叫奥德里奇Well, we weren't called Aldridge back then.帕特莫太太我也许有办法解决你的问题了Mrs Patmore, I think I may have a solution to your problem. 那敢情好Oh, that's good to hear.可以投资建筑业Why not invest in the building trade?现在到处都在建房♥子With the expansion that's going on everywhere,你很快就能有收益了right now you'd soon see a good return.这主意不错Well, that's a thought.你有什么公♥司♥推荐吗Had you any special firm in mind?WP摩斯怎么样What about WP Moss?他们总部在瑟斯克公♥司♥规模不断扩大They're based in Thirsk, they're expanding,到处都能听到他们公♥司♥的名字and I hear their name everywhere.你对这些消息还挺灵通的嘛I expect you keep your ear to the ground about that sort of thing. 我喜欢了解各种时事新闻I like to keep abreast of what's going on in the world.能买♥♥到WP摩斯的股份吗So, can you buy shares in WP Moss?有没有公开♥发♥♥售♥I mean, have they gone public?这你得自己去问了Well, erm... you'll have to make enquiries.邦廷小姐没想到还能在这儿见到你Miss Bunting? I must confess I am surprised to see you here.别紧张卡森先生我是来道别的Rest easy, Mr Carson. I've come to say goodbye.她要离开学校了She's only leaving the school, isn't she?她要离开学校离开村子了She's leaving the school and the village,因为布兰森先生不敢跟老爷对抗because Mr Branson won't stand up to His Lordship.你这话太无礼了黛西You are nudging impertinence, Daisy.先把话过一遍脑子再开口I should think carefully before you say one more word.你真要走吗Are you going? Honestly?是但情况并不像黛西说的那样I am, but the situation's not quite as Daisy recounted it.那是当然的We already knew that.我被普雷斯顿的一所学校聘用了I've had an offer, from a school in Preston,在兰开夏郡in Lancashire.还是文法学校算是晋升吧A grammar school, no less, so it's quite a step up.我有过犹豫但还是决定接受I dithered a bit, but I've decided to accept.因为她每次来这儿都受欺负Because every time when she comes this house she gets insulted. 我相信邦廷小姐得到的待遇恰如其分I am sure Miss Bunting is given the reception she deserves.帕特莫太太Mrs Patmore...别让黛西放弃学习她很有潜能Don't let Daisy give up her studies. She's got potential.-这里什么情况 -各种情况都有- What's going on here? - All sorts.卡森先生给了我投资建议Mr Carson's giving me investment advice邦廷小姐要离开唐顿and Miss Bunting's leaving Downton,因为布兰森先生不站在她这边because Mr Branson won't stick up for her.差不多是这样Well, that seems to cover it.我回房♥间了I'll be in my room.那就再见了祝你好运Well, goodbye... and good luck.再见Goodbye.休斯太太维纳先生是什么人Ah, Mrs Hughes. Who is this Mr Vyner?是伦敦的警♥察♥ 在调查格林先生的死He's the London detective, looking into the death of Mr Green.他们为什么一直向贝茨夫妇问问题Why do they keep questioning Mr and Mrs Bates?这是谁说的Who says they do?这栋房♥子里没有秘密This house has no secrets.这你要去问维纳先生了Then I suggest you ask Mr Vyner.我可能真会去I may just do that.谁知道呢也许我有事想告诉他Who knows? I might have something to tell him.别惹麻烦巴罗先生Don't make trouble, Mr Barrow.您是说我不该履行我的义务吗休斯太太Are you saying I shouldn't do my duty, Mrs Hughes?不是我是叫你别惹麻烦No. I'm asking you not to make trouble.你还好吗看你脸色似乎需要去躺会儿Are you quite well? You look as if you could do with a lie down. 别担心我Don't worry about me.-你刚跟谁打电♥话♥呢 -西蒙·布里克- Who was that on the telephone? - Simon Bricker.天啊他又想干什么Oh, God. What did he want?我就不说你说话的口气了I shall answer without commenting on your tone.他想给画拍照放进书里He wants the picture photographed for his book.-什么时候 -他明天过来- When is this? - He's coming tomorrow周五进行拍照and they take the pictures on Friday.你知道我到时不在Well, you know I won't be here.要去谢菲尔德参加晚宴I've got the dinner in Sheffield.你又不喜欢他我不觉得这有什么不好Since you don't like him, I don't see that much of a drawback. -而玛丽在伦敦 -这有什么关系- And Mary's in London. - What difference does that make?其实不是我不喜欢他It's not that I dislike him, exactly.只是这件事没完没了的It's more like this business has been dragging on and on.罗伯特这是恭维啊Robert, it's a compliment.他在书里用到我们收藏的画作By referencing our painting in his book,它的价值会大大提升这很糟吗he'll increase its value, maybe by a lot. Is that so bad?我并没有禁止你邀请他You're not forbidden from inviting him.很好因为我已经邀请了Good, because I already have.布兰森先生先生Mr Branson, sir.你好黛西我能为你做什么吗Hello, Daisy. What can I do for you?你可以为自己做件事You can do something for yourself.你在犯下你人生中最大的错误You're making the biggest mistake of your life.你是不是在说邦廷小姐的事Is this Miss Bunting, by any chance?她是个很棒的人She's an extraordinary person.聪明又善良Clever and kind.-她优点无数 -那你为什么背弃她- She's all of those things. - Then why turn your back on her? -黛西 -我是认真的- Daisy - - I mean it.她明天就要走了但我知道她爱你She's leaving tomorrow, but I know she loves you.每当她说起你我都能看出来I can tell whenever she speaks of you.她明天要走吗永远离开吗She's leaving tomorrow? For good?你不阻止她吗你不是卡劳利家的贵族Won't you stop her? You're not a Crawley.你和我们是一类人You belong with us.我们才是未来他们已经过时了We're the future. They're the past.-我能从你这话里听到她的想法 -黛西- Well, I can hear her voice in that. - Daisy?。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第四季第六集热吐司不是该先端给我吗黛西Shouldn't the hot toast come to me first, Daisy?抱歉卡森先生Sorry, Mr Carson.为什么阿尔弗雷德有特殊待遇Why is Alfred getting special treatment?那怎么会呢I'm sure he's not.为什么给他特殊待遇Why is he getting special treatment?还能为什么因为他要继续待在这儿了Why do you think? Because he's staying here with us.真好Oh, this is nice.奈皮尔先生和布雷克先生过几天要来Mr Napier and Mr Blake are coming up in a few days.他问我是不是真的希望他们留宿He asks if I'm serious about their staying here.那您希望吗And are you?当然了他们能帮上忙Certainly. They could be useful.他们在写一个报告They're writing a report关于我们这种庄园衰落的原因on why estates like this are going wrong.-您不认为唐顿也在衰落吧小姐 -不- But you don't think Downton's going wrong, do you, My Lady? - No. 但确认一下总是好事But I wouldn't mind having it confirmed.你最近气色好多了You seem brighter lately.问题解决了吗Have things sorted themselves out?还没完全解决但是好多了Not quite, but it's better. Yes.那你搬回农舍了吧And you've moved back into the cottage.是的小姐I have, My Lady.好吧你显然不打算告诉我到底是怎么了Well, you're obviously not going to tell me what it was about. 但如果解决了我很高兴But I'm glad if it's resolved.没有我的吗Nothing for me?恐怕没有Afraid not.这可真够棘手的This is a fine kettle of fish, I must say.你哈罗德舅舅陷入困境了Your Uncle Harold is in a proper fix.怎么了他又干什么了Why? What's he done this time?石油租约出了什么问题Something to do with oil leases.-哈罗德舅舅是谁 -柯拉的哥哥- Who's Uncle Harold? - Cora's brother.我一直觉得他别无长处但挺有生意头脑呢I always think him rather good at business, if nothing else.但他这次似乎是看走眼了But it seems he's backed a very lame horse this time.他为什么来找您Why is he bothering you with it?我也不太确定I'm not entirely sure.那是什么What's that?塔姆沃思猪[英国肉用猪]的事It's about the Tamworths.我们在唐伊阁也有塔姆沃思猪We had Tamworths at Duneagle.爸爸非常看好它们Daddy swears by them.这对我们是新事物It's a new thing for us.我们之前没怎么养过猪We haven't done much with pigs before.您不是答应了吗I thought you were convinced.我是答应了但有点紧张总可以吧I am. But... I'm allowed to be nervous.密集农作可是一大步Intensive farming's a big step.八点半了我得走了Half past eight. I must skedaddle.给你一便士说说你在想什么Penny for your thoughts.你不会想知道的You'd pay twice that not to know them.-如果我能做什么... -我知道- If there was anything I could do... - I know.这不怪你怪我It's not your fault, it's mine.你丈夫好瞎想Your husband is a brooder.-就爱闷头想 -那就想想我吧- And brooders brood. - Then brood about me?我在给鱼蛋奶酥做醍鱼酱I'm making anchovy sauce for the fish souffle.你想看看吗Do you want to watch?没事不用了No, you're all right.他心思已经不在这儿了His heart's not in it any more.我看不会Oh, I think it is.但如果你摔了一跤But when you fall off a horse,总需要点时间才能爬起来you need a bit of time to get back in the saddle.-柯拉表亲 -你直接叫我柯拉吧- Cousin Cora? - I think you can call me Cora now.-我对罗伯特表亲可不敢 -对我可以- I wouldn't dare with Cousin Robert. - You must dare with me. 有什么事吗How can I help?我想告诉您I... I wanted to tell you that他的生日惊喜我安排好了I've settled the surprise. For his birthday.既然你不肯告诉我是什么Since you won't tell me what it is,我也没什么好说的挺好I don't know what to say. Good?是这样Well, the thing is...我需要卡森帮忙保密您说他会同意吗I need Carson to keep the secret. Do you think he will?就白天而已直到晚饭后It's only on the day. And it's only till after dinner.要保守秘密就找休斯太太吧Mrs Hughes is the one for a secret.对了没错Yes. That's true.而且到时需要她照应一下And it'll be she who has to deal with it.又来信了老夫人The second post, Your Ladyship.谢谢斯普拉特Thank you, Spratt.雕刻坠子不是你拿走的吧You haven't taken the netsuke carving from here?你知道我是说哪个吧象牙渔夫雕像You know the one I mean? The little ivory fisherman.我知道但我没碰过它I know it, but I've not touched it.没拿去清洗或是修理什么的吗Not to wash it or mend it or something?-没有 -最近还有谁进过这房♥间- No. - And who else has been in this room in the last day or so? 女仆们进来过还有佩格先生The maids, of course. And young Pegg.他是来给盆栽植物浇水的He was watering the pot plants.-但贝蒂当时也在 -一直看着吗- But Betty was with him. - Watching all the time?没有她在打扫但我觉得不能怪她Well, no. She was cleaning. But... I wouldn't want her blamed.我不怪她Oh, I wouldn't blame her.你知道那个坠子非常珍贵You know, of course, the netsuke is very valuable.小件东西就这点不好That's the risk with little things.要放进口袋太容易了They fit into a pocket easily.我觉得很多东西都能放进这个人的口袋I have a feeling most things would fit into this particular pocket.-谢谢你斯普拉特 -夫人- Thank you, Spratt. - My Lady.-我们得把总额算对 -积累财富需要好好计划- We have to get the sums right. - We must speculate to accumulate. 挺有美国人的腔调啊So speaks the American half of you.-你真的要去美国吗 -别担心- Will you really go to America? - Don't worry.养猪的事运作起来之前我不会走的I won't go until the pig business is up and running.我们可以帮你结交很多人We can give you masses of introductions.首先是我外婆和哈罗德舅舅Grandmamma and Uncle Harold, for a start.老爷今天收到了一封他的来信Lord Grantham got a letter from him today.不是什么好消息It wasn't good news.不用担心可能是说游艇搁浅了I shouldn't worry. It only means a yacht's gone aground.或是哪个姑娘回娘家了Or a girl's gone back to mother.好像不是那种事That's not what it sounded like.好了我去把车开过来Right. I'll get the car.有什么要报告的吗Anything to report?肯定不是什么大事It's nothing...I'm sure.不过罗斯小姐好像But Lady Rose seems to要休斯太太帮她隐瞒什么秘密have some secret she wants Mrs Hughes to keep.这样才对嘛That's more like it.是什么秘密What secret?我不知道应该不是大事I don't know. It'll be nothing.我得把这个拿上楼了Now. Must take this up.你被解雇了这么快You were dismissed?! From one minute to the next?梅里先生找到我Mr Maley came over.说不再需要我了就这样Said I wasn't needed no more. And that was that.太过分了It's disgraceful!就没有挽回的余地了吗Is there nothing you can do about it?没有可我不明白No. But I don't understand it.我把花房♥照看得不错I had a good touch with the greenhouses.也好好给室内植物浇了水I did all the house plants.我觉得自己干得不错I was working well. I know I was.我相信你我一定把这事问个清楚I'm sure. I'll see if I can get to the bottom of it.非常感谢您夫人I'm very grateful, Your Ladyship.别叫我夫...算了I'm not your la- Oh, never mind.一支乐队A band?!别让其他人知道No-one must know.趁晚餐时把地毯铺上布置好一切We'll get the carpets rolled up and everything set during dinner.这样老爷走出餐厅时惊喜就在他眼前So that when His Lordship walks out of the dining room, there it is. 我们得把乐队藏到那时候吗And we're to hide them until then?藏什么呀Hide them?待在你这里不就得了You just have to keep them with you.老爷又不会到楼下来His Lordship won't come down here.那我还得给他们准备食物和床铺一共多少人So I have to find them food and beds. How many are there?大概是六个我会确认一下的Six, I think. But I'll check.夫人知道这事对吧And Her Ladyship knows about it?她不知道是乐队我也想给她一个惊喜Well, not that it's a band, because it's a surprise for her too.不过她知道我准备了惊喜But she knows that there is a surprise而且你在协助我and that you're helping me with it.好我尽力而为吧Very well. I'll see what I can do.有劳你了Thank you.罗斯小姐怎么会到楼下来啊I wondered why Lady Rose was down here.恐怕你的好奇心得不到满足了And I'm afraid you will continue to wonder.搞得这么神秘兮兮呀休斯太太That's very mysterious, Mrs Hughes.你是知道我的巴罗先生You know me, Mr Barrow.一向神秘莫测A woman of mystery, if ever there was one.反正她的秘密也不关我们的事Well, her secret won't affect us.你怎能这么肯定呢How can you be so sure?这下我可真担心了Now you have got me worried.那还真是抱歉巴罗先生I am sorry to hear that, Mr Barrow.不过我得去忙了But now you must let me get on.我只知道All I know is this.佩格一进我房♥间我的裁纸刀就不见了I find Pegg in this room and my paper knife is gone.他再进来一次He comes into the room again一个珍贵的日本吊坠也不见了and a very valuable piece of Japanese netsuke is missing.这个玩意那个玩意眼中只有它们Things. Things. Things!我有点不明白你的立场I don't understand your position.难道他偷我的东西还有道理了吗Are you saying he's justified in stealing my possessions?还是你不相信是他偷的Or do you not believe he took them?我觉得你把这些身外之物看得太重要I'm saying you put too much importance on material objects-反而忽略了正义 -是吗- and not enough on justice. - Oh, really?你怎么不把庄园一把火烧了围着它跳舞I wonder you don't just set fire to the abbey and dance round it, 脸上涂上迷彩嘴里喊着号♥子painted with woad and howling要是这样有好处我说不定会的I might, if it would do any good.要这么说Ah. Well --对不起打扰您老夫人 -不用道歉- I beg your pardon, Your Ladyship. - No. Don't apologise.我倒希望有个人能帮帮腔I'm glad to have an ally in the room.这是在贝蒂打扫用的水桶里找到的This was found in Betty's cleaning bucket.应该是不小心卷进去了她刚刚才找到It must've rolled in there, and she's just found it.多谢多谢了Thank you, thank you.这下我放心了I'm very relieved.是放心还是恼羞成怒Relieved? Or irritated我可以退下了吗老夫人If that will be all, My Lady?-你要道歉吗 -当然不会- Aren't you going to say you're sorry? - Certainly not.他也许没有偷这个He may not have taken this,但也可能是趁我们不注意or he may have sneaked it把它偷偷放进了女仆的桶里into the maid's bucket when we weren't looking.你是多讨厌犯错啊How you hate to be wrong.不知道啊我不怎么熟悉犯错的感觉I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with the sensation.-那你是打算固执己见了 -很抱歉- So you're determined to dig in your heels. - I am sorry.但无论他是否拿了这个刀肯定是他拿的But whether or not he took this, he certainly took the knife. 这件事我不想再多说什么了That is all I have to say on the subject.伊迪丝Edith.出什么事了Whatever's the matter?迈克尔不知去向了Michael's vanished into thin air.谁也没有他的消息谁也找不到他Nobody's heard from him, no-one can reach him.我相信只是通讯不畅的缘故I'm sure it's just a failure of communication.如果真发生了什么事我们会知道的If anything had happened, we'd've heard.也许吧Maybe.我只祈求他能接电♥话♥I just wish to God he'd pick up the telephone.他会的过来He will. Come on.我们该去更衣了We ought to get changed.最后两封信一封我的...Last post. One for me and er...一封你的阿尔弗雷德one for you, Alfred.我得到了是丽兹酒店寄来的I've got it! It's from The Ritz.有一个中选者得到了一份工作One of the chosen candidates has got a job退出了培训课程我可以按顺序顶上and dropped out of the course. And I was next.我是第五名瞧见了吗吉米I was fifth. See, Jimmy?我是第五名I was the fifth.我从没说你不是I never said you weren't.他们录取了你是吧So, they want you, do they?是的我得补点课了但我不介意Yes. I'll have some catching up to do, but I don't mind that. -阿尔弗雷德我真为你高兴 -我们都是- Alfred, I'm so pleased for you. - We all are.-没错 -非常感谢你们- That's right. - Thank you very much.你什么时候走When do you go?尽快吧尽量少缺课免得落后太多As soon as I can. The less I miss, the less I'm behind.但还是要看卡森先生怎么安排But it's up to Mr Carson.我可不想挡你的路阿尔弗雷德Oh, I've no wish to stand in your way, Alfred.有詹姆斯和巴罗先生能应付得来I'm sure I can manage with James and Mr Barrow.那我可以走了吧现在So I can go! Now?等明天吧我们应该告诉主人一家Wait until tomorrow. We ought to let the family know.你不打算祝贺他吗黛西Aren't you going to congratulate him, Daisy?黛西去厨房♥把水壶烧上Daisy, run to the kitchen and put the kettle on.那个就放在这儿吧You can leave that there.如果你有什么要洗的今晚交给我吧If you need anything washing through, give it to me tonight. 还有我我们会帮你收拾整齐And me. We'll get you shipshape.如今梦想成真我感觉好紧张I'm quite nervous now what's happened.有什么好紧张的What's there to be nervous about?你感到紧张是因为你很聪明阿尔弗雷德You're nervous because you're intelligent, Alfred.只有笨蛋才莽撞无畏Only stupid people are foolhardy.-我非常抱歉黛西 -是吗- I'm ever so sorry, Daisy. - Are you?你不就是那个把他逼走的人When you're the one that's driven him away?你怎么会这么想How do you make that out?因为你想要吉米而不是他Because you wanted Jimmy and not him and所以他不得不走that's why he were forced to go.-他知道的 -好了姑娘们- He knew that. - Come on, girls.擦干眼泪准备晚餐Dry your tears and let's get on with the dinner.艾薇过来打鸡蛋Ivy, come and beat these eggs.你回来了You're back.我以为你一定是错过了最后一班火车呢I thought you must've missed the last train.没有但也就刚刚赶上No. But I only just caught it.-要吃晚餐吗 -我在餐车上吃了- Do you want some dinner? - I ate in the restaurant car.您在伦敦没待多久啊You weren't very long in London.没有多少事就是给比利·谢菲尔德There wasn't much to do. Just sign some papers为他儿子设的信托基金签署一些文件for a trust Billy Sheffield set up for his son.有什么内容呢What will that entail?主要就是让那孩子少喝酒对他母亲好一些Mainly, telling the boy to drink less and be nicer to his mother. 我们在晚餐时听说阿尔弗雷德要走了We learned at dinner that Alfred's leaving.他终于还是进了丽兹酒店的厨师培训课程He's got a place on the Ritz cookery course after all.很抱歉这样突然离开老爷I'm sorry to cut and run, My Lord.别那么想我们都为你骄傲Don't worry about it. We're proud of you.等你当了名厨可以一定回来看看You must return one day as a famous chef.既然您回来了老爷我有些话要说Now you're back, My Lord, there's something I wanted to say. 我在这个家中承蒙大家关照I've been well treated in this house我想告诉大家我非常感激and I want you all to know that I'm very grateful.谢谢你阿尔弗雷德Thank you, Alfred.卡森先生待我不薄...Mr Carson has been a kind...更令我受教良多...and wonderful teacher.再说下去我们就要哭了Much more and we shall all burst into tears.抱歉老爷I'm sorry, My Lord.好了阿尔弗雷德继续干活儿吧Come along, Alfred. Let's get back to work.我的生日晚宴准备得如何了How's my birthday dinner coming on?您怎么知道晚宴的事How do you know about the dinner?寇德赫斯一家昨天打来说他们很乐意出席The Coldhursts rang yesterday and said they'd love to come.我们不是都发誓保密的吗Weren't we all sworn to secrecy?天啊人真是靠不住God! People are so hopeless.无所谓少点惊喜我也一样高兴I don't mind. It won't spoil it if it's not a surprise. Not for me.也许还是会有惊喜的There may still be a surprise.那我拭目以待了So I should hope.明天怎么样我知道你会喜欢的So, what about tomorrow? I know you'd enjoy it.你们准备去看什么What are you going to see?《沙漠情酋》The Sheikh.我很喜欢鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺[《沙漠情酋》的主演]I like that Rudolph Valentino.看到他我就激动得发抖Ooh! He makes me shiver all over.想想都觉得别扭What a very disturbing thought.我们去约会吧服侍他们换好衣服就走Let's us go for a date. We could leave when we've dressed them 在他们睡觉之前赶回来and be back in time to put them to bed.玛丽小姐不会介意的Lady Mary wouldn't mind.-好不好 -我们好久没出去吃饭了- Why not? - It's been a long time since we went out to dine.-太久了 -是啊- Too long. - I quite agree.你明早要给莫斯利先生捎个信吗Will you send a message to Mr Molesley in the morning?-为什么 -阿尔弗雷德要走了啊- Why should I? - Because Alfred's going?-怎么 -您不去找他来帮忙吗- So? - Won't you need him now?我确实缺一个男仆但莫斯利先生I'll need a new footman, yes. But Mr Molesley has,已经错失了良机as the saying goes, had his chance and missed it.不是吧他上次还答应要来呢You don't mean that. Not when he agreed to come last time.的确同意了但好像是威廉二世退位一样Yes, he agreed. Much as Kaiser Bill agreed to abdicate.满心不情愿With the greatest possible reluctance.-可是... -抱歉休斯太太- But surely - I'm sorry, Mrs Hughes.阿尔弗雷德今晚向这个家以及我Young Alfred gave thanks tonight for the courtesy对在这儿受到的礼遇和照顾and kindness he has received here,表示了由衷的谢意both from the family and from me.这才是我想看到的感激And that is what I like to see. Gratitude.我不要心不甘情不愿来干活儿的人I don't want someone who has to be dragged into the house by his heels. 但莫斯利先生毕竟遭受了...Yes, but Mr Molesley has had a lot to很多打击A lot to put up with.但谁能不遭受打击呢帕特莫太太We've all had a lot to put up with, Mrs Patmore.但跟不想留在这儿的人一起工作And it is not made easier by working with people只会让人难受who don't want to be here.可能比你想的要糟It may be worse than you think.如果他们又要开始解雇人了我可不会觉得意外It won't surprise me if they are getting ready to lay some people off.这和罗斯小姐有什么关系Why would that concern Lady Rose?不清楚Not sure.但休斯太太似乎觉得我们都会受影响But Mrs Hughes seems to think we could all be affected.你得多调查一下You've got to find out more.-怎么查 -你会想出办法的- But how? - You'll think of something.明天我来安排订个特别的餐馆I'll arrange something tomorrow. Book somewhere special. 就照你的意思If you like.我知道我们回不到从前了I know it can't be the same as it was.我不想自欺欺人I don't deceive myself about that.但我想创造一些新的回忆But I want to make some new memories.美好的回忆Good memories.这样才不会觉得幸福都在过去So it's not as if all our happiness was before.只要看着你...我就很幸福I'm happy...whenever I look at you.这不是真的吧But you're not, are you?一切都被阴影笼罩了Everything is shadowed.过去的一切都盖上了一层阴影Every moment we share is shadowed.你说得对You're right.就这一晚上Let's evening...我们不去想这事把它抛在脑后when we don't think about it. We leave it all behind.谢谢你Thank you.今晚我要在敲锣前更衣Tonight, I'll change before the gong.我得去开个委员会议I have a committee meeting,然后我们要去个可怕的酒店吃饭and then we're all dining together in some frightful hotel. 我大概六点出发I should leave around six.您打算穿什么夫人What will you wear, My Lady?我不想冒犯他们Well...I don't want to insult them.我得穿得有点诚意I should look as if I've tried.优雅但有分寸我懂了Elegant, but sensible. I know.你安排吧谢谢I'll let you choose. Thank you.-别忘了写信回来 -祝你好运- Don't forget to write. - And good luck.我就知道你会心想事成的I know you'll get what you want.是吗我也不总能如愿Do you? Cos I don't always.记住你一点不比那些法国人差Just remember, you're as good as any Frenchman.我才不管他们怎么说I don't care what they say.你要走了衷心祝你好运Ah, you're off. Well...all the luck in the world.别做什么我不会做的事Don't do anything I wouldn't do.这岂不是在鼓励人惹事吗That gives you a bit of leeway-黛西呢 -在厨房♥呢- Where's Daisy? - In the kitchen.-好了车在等你了 -我还得...- Right. There's a car waiting to take you. - I've just got to... -我要走了 -那再见了- I'm off! - Goodbye, then.黛西如果我伤害了你对不起Daisy, I'm sorry if I've hurt you.你是个好姑娘You're a good person.将来谁能娶到你是他的福气You're gonna make someone very happy one day,但恐怕那个人不会是我but, it were never gonna be me.祝你好运真心的Good luck. I mean it.你工作勤奋目标明确You work hard and you know what you want.我希望你一切顺利阿尔弗雷德I hope you do well, Alfred.我相信你会的I think you will.阿尔弗雷德走吧没时间了Alfred? Come along. We've not a minute to lose.谢谢黛西你的祝福对我意义重大Thank you, Daisy. That means a lot to me.非常重大An awful lot.谢谢您卡森先生Ah. Thank you, Mr Carson.早安夫人Good morning, ma'am.恐怕老夫人刚走呢I'm afraid you just missed Her Ladyship.而且她一时半会儿回不来She'll be gone some time.真可惜谢谢你What a shame. Thank you.我的天Oh, my goodness.我头有点晕I feel a bit dizzy.-我能进去坐会儿吗 -当然夫人请进- Might I sit down for a moment? - Of course, ma'am. Please come in. 我给您倒杯水吧May I fetch you a glass of water?不了谢谢斯普拉特No. Thank you, Spratt.我只想安静地坐一会儿I just need to sit quietly for a few minutes.好的夫人有什么吩咐就摇铃Certainly, ma'am. Please ring if you need anything.找到了Eureka!谢谢你的招待我感觉好多了You've been kind. But I'm feeling much better.那...我就走了So...I'll be on my way.老夫人回来后有劳把这个给她Would you give this to Lady Grantham on her return?我在我坐的椅子里面发现的I found it down the side of the chair I was sitting in.她一定会高兴的之前弄丢了她很伤心She will be pleased. She was very upset at its loss.但愿她会高兴I hope she'll be pleased.虽然我看未必会I'm not certain that she will.不过但愿如此But I hope so.莫斯利先生Mr Molesley.有什么事吗What can I do for you?我今早去了车站I was at the station this morning.我们...在外面铺碎石We're...we're renewing the gravel out front.然后我碰到了阿尔弗雷德And erm...I ran into young Alfred.-他要去伦敦了 -是的- He's off on his way to London. - Yes.那么既然他还是走了我想So he is going after all, I thought...我应该再来表明一下我愿意回到唐顿I'll look in to confirm my willingness to...return to Downton. 莫斯利先生我很高兴Mr Molesley. I'm glad you are,你..."愿意"as you put it, willing.但我感觉这个词并不能表达But I cannot feel the word expresses我想在新男仆身上看到的热情the kind of enthusiasm I am looking for in a new footman.-什么 -我们上次谈及此事时- What? - When we last discussed it,你明确表示you made it quite clear that you你不想屈就低级职位didn't wish to plunge down the ladder of preferment.我愿意的I was willing to.尽管你这么说但我不想伤你自尊As you keep saying, But I don't want to humiliate you.你觉得你理应得到更好的职位You feel you're meant for better things.这我不反对And I won't contradict you.遗憾的是我们这里没有更高的职位可以提供Unfortunately, we have no higher place to offer in this house. 我知道但我说了I know. But I said...你很有骨气而我为此敬重你And you have your pride... and I respect you for it.不送莫斯利先生Good day, Mr Molesley.卡劳利夫人和克拉克森医生来了Mrs Crawley and Dr Clarkson, your Ladyship.何事有劳两位大驾光临Oh. To what do I owe this treat?老夫人既然您已经更衣准备就餐了Lady Grantham, you've already changed for dinner.那...我们明天再来吧We'll erm... we'll come back tomorrow.别走我的好奇心可忍♥不到明天No. My curiosity would not brook such a delay.斯普拉特把裁纸刀给你了吗Did Spratt give you the paper knife?-给了 -那么很显然不是佩格拿的- Yes. - Then it's quite clear that Pegg did not steal it.还是你又要说他发现自己惹麻烦了Or are you going to argue now that he sneaked it back in here 所以又把它偷偷放回来when he realised what trouble he was in?这个嘛...Well...也可以这么想It's a thought.多可鄙的想法啊But a despicable one.还要我怎么说才能What can I say to persuade让你不这么蛮不讲理you out of your injustice and stubbornness?-你还看不到你做了什么吗 -好了...- Can't you see the damage you do? - Now...少说几句吧卡劳利夫人Hold your horses, Mrs Crawley.也听老夫人说两句Lady Grantham has a right of reply.谢谢克拉克森医生Oh, thank you, Dr Clarkson.如果你能等一会儿再教训我...Now, if you will put up your cudgels for a moment...斯普拉特Oh, Spratt.园丁佩格先生把蔬菜带来了吗Has the young gardener Pegg brought in the vegetables yet?-什么 -他现在在厨房♥ 夫人- What? - He's in the kitchen now, My Lady.请他进来Please ask him to step in here.到客厅来吗夫人Into the drawing room, Your Ladyship?让他把靴子脱了进来如果这样能让你好受些Well, ask him to remove his boots, if that will soothe your nerves. -我不明白 -当然如果你想弄明白- I don't understand. - No. If you wish to understand things,就得先摒弃自己的偏见并学会倾听别人you must come out from behind your prejudice and listen.- 夫人您叫我 -是的- Your Ladyship? - Yes.你能向卡劳利夫人解释下Could you give an account to Mrs Crawley今天下午的事吗of what transpired between us this afternoon?什么意思夫人I'm...sorry, My Lady?把我跟你说的告诉她Tell her what I said to you.夫人召我来我就来了Her Ladyship sent for me. So I came.她说把我当成小偷是个误会She said she'd been mistaken in saying that I were a thief,她现在知道事实不是这样就让我恢复了工作which she knew now to be untrue. She gave me my job back.说她很抱歉问可否原谅她Said she was sorry and... asked if I could forgive her.-你原谅了她 -当然医生- Which you have. - I certainly have, Doctor.谢谢你可以走了Thank you. You may go.走吧Out. Come on.怎么样Well?好吧...Well...我看这局是老夫人胜了I'd say that was game, set and match to Lady Grantham.你们要在奈瑟比酒店吃饭You're dining at The Netherby?我知道真了不得是不是小姐I know. It's quite something, isn't it, My Lady?我们结婚之后就再也没出去吃过饭了I don't think we've eaten in a hotel since before we were married. 您不介意吧You don't mind, do you?当然不介意别急着回来Not at all. And don't rush back.我自己可以更衣睡觉It won't kill me to get myself to bed.我会回来的您别担心I'll be back, don't you worry.我有没有告诉过你奈皮尔先生Did I tell you that Mr Napier和布雷克先生会来吃晚饭and Mr Blake will be here in time for dinner为老爷祝寿on his Lordship's birthday?场面肯定不好看Rather a baptism of fire.他们会待多久How long are they going to stay?我不清楚I'm not sure.他们没定日子It's open-ended.奶奶肯定不会赞同的Which Granny would never approve of.贝茨Bates?好像没有预定I don't seem to have it.你能不能再查一下我们肯定预定了Could you look again? Because we definitely made a reservation.也许你们都觉得对方定了Maybe you each thought the other had done it.-我定的位置 -我们今天晚上客满了- I made the booking. - I'm afraid we're very full tonight.格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人带来了很多客人The Countess of Grantham has a large party with her.格兰瑟姆夫人在这里Lady Grantham's here?我们好些老客是约克郡有头有脸的人物Among our patrons are some of the greatest names in Yorkshire society. -伯爵夫人也在其中 -我们认识她- And the countess is among them. - Yes. We know her.这两个人说他们认识您夫人These people claim to know you, Your Ladyship.-我们没.. -当然我们很熟- Well, we didn't... - I know them both very well indeed.你们今晚要在这里用餐吗安娜You're dining here tonight, Anna?是这打算We were.。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第七集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第七集完整中英文对照剧本

第五季第七集天哪妈妈您可从不来车站接我Gracious Mama, it's not like you to meet a train.亲爱的我要带你直接回庄园My dear, I'm taking you STRAIGHT to the house.我们回去换衣服再回来吃晚饭We'll go back and change and return for dinner.-知道她昨天什么时候走的吗 -不确定- Do you know what time she left yesterday? - No. Not precisely. 我们其他人都在越野赛马场The rest of us were at the point-to-point.-我们回来时才听说 -那我们现在怎么办- We heard when we got back. - So what are we going to say now? 我整夜没合眼I've been awake the whole night.现在只有一个办法了There's only one thing we can say.我们得告诉柯拉We have to tell Cora.这不是背叛伊迪丝吗Well, isn't that rather a betrayal?伊迪丝要有个三长两短而柯拉后来得知If anything happens to Edith and Cora learns later我们一直在瞒着她她永远不会原谅我们we knew all along, she would never forgive us.要真这样我也不会怪她And I wouldn't blame her.作为母亲这是她的权利You see, as a mother, it is her right.但您不打算告诉罗伯特吗But you don't plan to tell Robert?-他是伊迪丝的父亲 -他是个男人- He is Edith's father. - He's a man.男人没权利Men don't have rights.他们昨晚给罗斯孟德夫人打电♥话♥了They telephoned Lady Rosamund last night.她正在来的路上She's on her way here now.真是为难这种时候他们还要招待客人It seems very hard they should have guests staying还有其他人要来赴晚宴and more coming for dinner with this going on.他们如果想取消安排就不免要作解释I suppose they couldn't put them off without telling them why. 晚上可有得尴尬了It'll make for a funny evening.-还是没有消息吗 -可以知道她在伦敦- We still don't know anything. - We know she's in London.车站站长说她买♥♥了张票去国王十字车站The station master says she bought a ticket for King's Cross. 可她能躲在哪呢But where can she be hiding?我们留在这儿似乎太不合适了It seems a terrific imposition for us to be here.要不我们先告辞吧Should we just leave?为什么我们请了迪基·默顿Why? We've got Dicky Merton,还有辛德比夫妇和儿子他们随时会到the Sinderbys and their son arriving any minute.-我们可以取消 -千万不要- We could put them off. - Please don't.他们可期待了They're looking forward to it awfully.-是你很期待吧 -我看这样不好- You are. - I don't think we should.我们必须让人觉得We have to give the impression伊迪丝只是去哪里待一阵that Edith has gone away to stay somewhere.你一定担心极了真抱歉How terribly worrying this is for you. I'm so sorry.这么大惊小怪干什么伊迪丝走了有什么关系Why the song and dance? Edith's gone away. So what?我们三个去走走吧让他们好好谈谈We three should go for a walk and leave them to talk.托尼可以带我们逛他对花♥园♥一定很熟悉了Tony can be our guide. He must know the gardens pretty well. 或许我们是该去透透气Maybe we should take some air.或许我们可以效仿他们I think we might emulate the others让柯拉带我们逛花♥园♥and let Cora show us the garden.那有什么意义I'm not sure what good that'll do.我说我们要透透气就要透透气柯拉When I say we need some air, we need some air. Cora.如果您想的话If it's what you want.玛丽孩子们过来时你能应付吧Mary, you can manage the children when they get here.当然Of course.楼下有个人夫人There's a person downstairs, M'Lady.紫杉农场的一位德鲁太太急着想见您A Mrs Drewe from Yew Tree Farm. She's very anxious to see you.带她到我的起居室吧You'd better show her in my sitting room.抱歉妈妈你们去吧我失陪了I'm sorry, Mama. You go ahead without me.如果您愿意我可以陪您散步I can take you for a walk if you like.我散哪门子的步啊Why would I want to walk?我进去换衣服I'm going in to change.我悄悄溜上楼就不会打扰他们了I'll sneak upstairs so I don't disturb them.-晚餐见 -说不定晚餐之前就能见- See you at dinner. - Not if I see you first.我真不明白你们非常般配I don't understand. You're so well suited.-你和她比和玛丽在一起时要放松得多 -是的- And you're much more relaxed with her than you are with Mary. - Yes. 你得承认这很奇怪You must admit it's odd -玛丽想和你分手Mary is trying to break off而梅布尔对你的爱求之不得and Mabel is dying for love of you.我知道但我不能和玛丽分手现在不能I know. But I can't break it off with Mary. Not now.为什么呢Why not?我不方便解释但可以说Well, I won't explain it but suffice to say,这样不厚道it wouldn't be honourable.你要是以为You are an old dear我不知道你在说什么你就太天真了if you think I don't know what you're talking about.-但这不该由玛丽决定吗 -这不是她想要的- But isn't it up to Mary? - It's not what she wants.那不是她的真心你看她今天的样子Not really. Did she look like a woman today像个想甩掉求婚者的女人吗trying to rid herself of a suitor?你混淆了You're muddling her instinct,她想控制每个男人的本能which is to hold every man in thrall,和她想要分手的意愿and her wish, which is to break up.-我不信 -我真希望你信- I'm not convinced. - I wish you would be.这样对大家都好For everyone's sake.-谁寄来的信 -布鲁克先生- Who was that letter from? - Mr Brook.他在索尔福德找到了新工作He's got a new job in Salford所以他不想续租了so he doesn't want to renew the lease.我们得另找一个佃户了真见鬼We need to find another tenant. Damn it.要心怀感恩Don't be ungrateful.我每天都感激你母亲把房♥子留给我们I've blessed your mother every day for leaving us the house.有了房♥产选择就多了When you have property, you have choices.那我们该怎么做So What should we do?等他走了咱们一起请个假After he's gone, let's ask for time off together.去看看♥房♥♥子的具体情况然后再做打算Go down. See what condition he has left it in then we can plan.你笑什么Why are you smiling?每次我觉得出了麻烦你看到的却是机会Because whenever I see a problem, you see only possibilities.你俩都知道吗Did you both know?德鲁太太告诉我罗斯孟德知道Mrs Drewe told me Rosamund knew,你跟伊迪丝一起去看过孩子you went to see the child with Edith.-是 -而你从没想过告诉我- Yes. - And you never thought to tell me我还有个外孙女that I have a third grandchild.伊迪丝不想让我说Edith didn't want me to.她那莫名其妙的瑞士之行就是因为这事吗I suppose this makes sense of that bewildering trip to Switzerland? 我还能怎么办What else was I to do?-她不肯做掉 -做掉- She wouldn't get rid of it. - Get rid of it?当初是她自己的主意It was her idea.可她最终没有那么做But she wouldn't go through with it in the end.-您又知道些什么 -没这么多- And what did you know? - Well, not quite as much.我只知道她们去瑞士的原因I knew why they were in Switzerland.我以为她会把孩子留在那里I thought she'd left the baby there.本来是这么打算的That was the idea.伊迪丝没按计划执行Edith didn't stick to it.而您从没想过让我知道And you never thought to involve me?我可是她母亲Her own mother.而你罗斯孟德你看着那孩子You, Rosamund, you looked at that little girl就从没想过这事也跟我有关吗and you never thought it was my business too?我们本想控制住事态we wanted to contain it.尽可能不在国外引起注意To make as little noise abroad as possible.那现在有什么变数So what changed?是什么刺♥激♥了她让她逃跑了What tipped her over the edge and into running away? 我想大家心里都明白格莱格森先生已经去世了Well, I suppose we all knew Mr Gregson was dead但得到确凿消息肯定还是非常让人心碎的but the confirmation must have been very upsetting.而且德鲁太太一直没给她好脸色And Mrs Drewe was being difficult.显然孩子不能一直待在他们那里Clearly the child couldn't stay there indefinitely.所以我们想...So, we thought...-想什么 -也许把孩子送出国- What did you think? - That it would be better and safer -会更合适也更安全 -这就对了- if the girl was sent abroad. - Now, we have it.伊迪丝知道她的孩子要被带走了Edith was told her child would be taken away.你会告诉罗伯特吗Are you going to say anything to Robert?不有一点我同意这秘密不该由我们去说No. I agree with one thing - the secret is not ours to tell. 但我们必须找到伊迪丝Somehow we must find Edith...到时候我们要好好听听她的诉求.. and we must hear from her what she wants.小姐M'Lady.-抱歉打扰了 -怎么了休斯太太- I'm sorry to bother you. - What is it, Mrs Hughes?您可能已经忘了小姐It may have slipped your mind, M'Lady,不过我们之前去伦敦参加罗斯小姐的舞会时but do you remember I gave you a train ticket您还记得我给过您一张火车票吗when we came to London for Lady Rose's ball?是我在贝茨先生外套口袋里发现的一张返程票It was a return ticket that I found in the pocket of Mr Bates' overcoat. 当然记得Of course I remember.您大概没把它留着保管起来吧I don't suppose you put it anywhere for safekeeping?-怎么了 -因为我们想错了- Why? - Because we were wrong.这票非但不能证明Far from proving贝茨先生在格林先生死的那天去过伦敦that Mr Bates went to London on the day Mr Green died,它恰恰证明了他没去过it proved he didn't.他在约克买♥♥了那张票He bought the ticket in York但最终改了主意所以那票没被检过but changed his mind and that's why it was never given in.所以那票能证明他的无罪而非有罪So it was proof of his innocence not his guilt?差不多就是这样That's about the size of it.恐怕我已经烧了休斯太太I'm afraid I burnt it, Mrs Hughes.阿提科斯Atticus.-你们好辛德比勋爵夫人 -晚上好罗斯- Hello. Lord and Lady Sinderby. Hello. - Good evening, Rose.二位见过我表姐了Oh, you know my cousin.当然我们对你昨天的勇敢深表敬佩Of course, we were in awe of your courage yesterday.勇敢或是鲁莽来见见爸爸妈妈吧Courage or foolhardiness? Come and see Mama and Papa. 说实话家里现在出了点事To be honest, we're in the middle of rather a drama.我会告诉你但你千万不能说出去Which I'll tell you about but you mustn't let on.我们的第一个秘密Our first secret.这个凉了可以上去了This is cold so it can go up now,不过上餐前先盖起来but cover it till it's served.你今晚干完活儿后Shall we work on Vanity Fair-我们一起看《名利场》吗 -我不知道- when you've finished tonight? - I dunno.好吧那我晚点再问你Well, I'll ask you later.默顿伯爵到了人都到齐了Lord Merton's arrived so everyone is here.等你准备好了我就宣布开饭I'll announce it when you're ready.你宣布的时候我会准备好的I will be by the time you say it.-干吗拉着脸 -有吗- You're very glum. - Am I?别告诉我你对知识的渴望已经枯竭了Don't tell me your enthusiasm for learning is drying up. 也许吧你最近看报纸了吗Maybe. Have you read the papers lately?我要是有时间就好了I wish I had the time!麦克唐纳先生似乎在接连不断的危机中挣扎Mr MacDonald seems to limp from crisis to crisis.他们刚当政时本有那么多抱负They were going to do so much when they came in.第一个工党政♥府♥The first Labour Government.我现在怀疑他们能不能撑过今年Now, I doubt they'll last the year.-别太往心里去 -可我就是- Don't take it personally. - But I do.我一想起来就觉得我们好像被困住了When I think about it, it seems to me that we're trapped.困在一个毫无价值和自♥由♥可言的体制中Held fast in a system that gives us no value and no freedom.-我可不觉得 -可我这么觉得- Oi. Speak for yourself! - I am. I do.现在我开始怀疑我努力提升自己真的有用吗And now I'm wondering. Is it worth it me trying to better myself? 有什么意义What's the point?好了他们开始用餐了That's it. They're coming in.巴克斯特小姐Miss Baxter.恐怕你认为我让你们俩惹上麻烦了I'm afraid you think I've got you both into trouble.-我不明白你的意思 -你当然明白- I don't know what you mean. - Yes, you do.我说了我没证据我告诉他们的事都无法证明I said I had no proof. I gave them nothing that would stand up.那你为什么要说呢Why did you have to say anything?我当时进退两难I was in a difficult position.-所以你就拉我们下水 -我非常抱歉- So now you've put us in one. - I'm very sorry.我是真心的I am. Truly.我要去擦鞋了I have to clean some shoes.您在约克郡待得还愉快吗Are you enjoying Yorkshire?首先我们要跟约克郡熟络一下First, we and Yorkshire have to get used to each other.但你们还没碰到什么不可逾越的阻碍吧But you haven't come up against too many impassable barriers. 格兰瑟姆伯爵我们都清楚会碰到什么Lord Grantham, we both know what we're up against.庆幸的是我们都习惯了Happily, we're used to it.我们这边是不会有麻烦的You won't have any trouble with us.格兰瑟姆夫人的父亲就是犹太人Lady Grantham's father was Jewish.这也未必是宽容的保证That isn't a guarantee of tolerance.不过听您这么说我很舒心So it's a relief to hear you say it.阿提科斯似乎对您侄女十分倾心Atticus seems to be very taken with your niece.而我不得不说And I must say...我觉得她特别可爱.. I find her quite charming.辛德比勋爵也这么想吗Does Lord Sinderby approve?他需要点时间来接受Well, you know, he needs time to settle into things.您母亲从没想过要改变信仰吗Your mother never considered converting.我想没有I don't believe so.这困难吗拥有和您父亲不同的信仰Was it difficult? Having a different religion from your father's? 在我印象中还好Not that I recall.您并不为他感到羞愧And you're not ashamed of him?辛德比勋爵我想指出一点Lord Sinderby, I would point out我们可没改过姓氏that we never changed our name.那是我祖父的决定It was my grandfather's decision.我本想改回来I thought of changing it back但家里人觉得自己现在是英国人了but the family felt they were English now就想继续and they wanted to stay...做英国人English.你终于决定好是否要离开了吗Have you decided at last whether you are leaving?的确是最终决定了'At last' is the right phrase但我想确保这也是正确的决定but I want to make sure I do the right thing.我不想扰乱了茜玻的生活到头来又后悔I don't want to disrupt Sybbie's life and then regret it.你知道他们都希望你留下You know they all want you to stay.这让事情更加艰难了That only makes it more difficult.格兰瑟姆伯爵刚才说Lord Grantham was saying格莱格森把出版社留给伊迪丝小姐了Gregson left Lady Edith his publishing company.-没错 -那不该有人打电♥话♥去办公室问问吗- Yes. That's right. - Then shouldn't someone telephone the office? 她不会去那儿吗他们一定知道上哪找她Won't she go there? They must know where to find her.当然了你真聪明Of course. How clever you are.是吗我觉得挺明显的Why? It seems rather obvious to me.你母亲和罗伯特很聊得来Your mother and Robert are hitting it off.她不成问题She's not the problem.我父亲才麻烦My father's the tough nut.我父母是反过来的My people are the other way round.父亲和善可亲而母亲尖刻固执My father's a darling and my mother's the nut.那我们应该让他们会会Then we shall crack them against each other.真奇怪有些人一次又一次地结婚Strange how some people get married and married and...而我们一次都结不成we can't manage it once.我觉得是追求的对象不对Dogs barking in wrong trees spring to mind.托尼很抱歉让你觉得我四处跟着你Tony, I'm sorry if you feel I'm tracking you round the country,但我还不能放弃but I can't give up just yet.要是你接受我我们会很幸福的We would be so happy if you'd let us.反之我就一定不幸福吗And I won't be if I don't?我记得我母亲说过到最后I remember my mother telling me, that in the end,幸福全在于你的选择happiness is a matter of choice.有些人选择幸福而有些人选择Some people choose to be happy and others select a course只有沮丧和失望的生活that leads only to frustration and disappointment.-而我是后者 -我希望不是- And I'm one of the latter. - I terribly hope not.为了我自己For my sake.我有件事要宣布I have a little announcement.-你确定 -是的- Are you sure? - I am.我想告诉大家You might like to know默顿伯爵和我决定结婚了that Lord Merton and I have decided that we should get married. 太好了How lovely.这事值得干一杯Well, this calls for a toast.祝贺你卡劳利太太I give you, Mrs Crawley.或许我该说未来的默顿夫人Or should I say, the future Lady Merton.-未来的默顿夫人 -未来的默顿夫人- The future Lady Merton! - The future Lady Merton.当然我从没想过会发生这事Naturally, it was the last thing I ever thought would happen.是我极力劝说的I forced her into it.他哄我嫁给他的我对此非常庆幸He wooed me into it and I'm terribly pleased he did.-怎么了奶奶 -我担心伊迪丝- What's the matter, granny? - I was worried about Edith.何必呢I can't think why.亲爱的缺乏同情心与过度多愁善感一样粗俗My dear, a lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears. 黛西想好了吗Daisy. Have you decided?《名利场》的人物要继续讨论贝基·夏普女士的罪孽吗Shall we discuss the vices of Miss Becky Sharp?我累了先上楼了晚安帕特莫太太I'm tired. I'm going up. Good night, Mrs Patmore.她怎么了What's that about?她对工党政♥府♥的希望破灭了She had such hopes of the Labour Government, she feels let down. -但她不能放弃啊 -邦廷小姐在的时候- But she mustn't give up. - I don't recall you being this keen你好像没这么热心啊when Miss Bunting was teaching her.她是专业人士我不好插手但既然她走了I wouldn't interfere with a professional but now she's gone,我想尽我所能帮忙I'd like to help if I can.听上去你是入错行了Sounds to me as if you've missed out on your vocation.和黛西谈谈也许能让她改主意Tell Daisy. Perhaps you can change her mind.-她不会听我的 -说得对那梅森先生呢- She wouldn't listen to me. - Well spotted. What about Mr Mason? 有意思巴罗先生这次可能还真说着了Funnily enough, Mr Barrow might be right for once.-我们怎么找他和她谈呢 -让我想想- How do we get him to speak to her? - Let me think on it.抱歉我有些心不在焉I'm sorry if I seem distracted但我是真心为你们俩高兴but I'm truly so happy for you both.我想设次宴让她见见我的两个儿子I thought I'd give a dinner so she could meet my sons.-她见过拉瑞了 -但愿她忘记那事了- She has met Larry before. - Let's hope she's forgotten!为什么不在这儿呢请奶奶和其他人一起Why don't we do it here? We could invite Granny and everyone.您是我的教父而伊泽贝尔是我孩子的奶奶You are my godfather and Isobel is the grandmother of my child.拜托了就该在这儿办妈妈Oh, please let's. It seems only right, Mama.-当然您愿意的话 -那真是太好了- Of course. If you'd like. - Oh, that would be very kind.作为我们成为一家人的象征A signing of the bond between our families.真希望我们不知道这愉快晚上暗藏的忧伤I wish we didn't know the anguish lurking around joinng the evening. 你不是喜欢知道别人的秘密吗You love other people's secrets.最近不喜欢了Not these days.我没法告诉你我为什么不能放弃玛丽I can't tell you why I can't leave Mary but...但如果我告诉你你会理解的you'd understand if I did.我只想知道这让你纠结Just promise me it's a struggle.非常纠结More than you know.今晚很尽兴但我们得走了We must go but it's been such fun.希望你们下次能来我们家作客I hope you come to us next time.十分乐意We should love it.我想现在只需静观他们的发展了I suppose we just have to wait and see what happens.没必要着急他们都还年轻No need to hurry them into anything. They're both very young. 如果能修成正果我会很开心的Well, I would be delighted if something were to come of it.晚安格兰瑟姆夫人罗斯孟德夫人Good night, Lady Grantham. Lady Rosamund.请去开门莫斯利The door, please, Molesley.谁都看得出来他们在一起处得很融洽They're so easy in each other's company. Anyone can see.但他就是不愿放弃我But he won't let me go.因为你没有明确告诉他你希望他放弃Because you refuse to make it clear that you want him to.他刚有些动摇你又拉住他Just as he's moving off, you tug his strings.只要明确地告诉他他就会放弃我肯定Send a clear message and he'll go. I promise.怎么明确What is that message?我们会想到的We'll think of something.阿提科斯说伦敦杂♥志♥社的人Atticus says the London office of the magazine must know肯定知道伊迪丝在哪how to get in touch with Edith.不是说好不告诉别人吗I thought we weren't going to tell anyone.他又不是别人He's not anyone, is he?当然我们可以明天打电♥话♥过去Of course not. We could ring them tomorrow或者我该亲自去一趟but maybe I should go.奥德里奇先生要走了Mr Aldridge is leaving.我明早就坐火车去I'll train up in the morning.-我和你一起去 -我就不去了- I'm coming with you. - I'm not going.但我一整天都会忧心不已相信我I'll have a horrible day worrying. Trust me.您还指望我会再相信您吗How can you imagine I'll ever trust you again?-她不是真心的妈妈 -恰恰相反- She doesn't mean it, Mama. - On the contrary.这是她对我说过最真心的话It's the most honest thing she's ever said to me.-给你 -谢谢- There you are. - Thank you.我们的生活是不是太复杂了Is our life overcomplicated?-怎么说 -帕特莫太太要在这儿买♥♥♥房♥♥子- In what way? - Mrs Patmore is buying a house up here.我们何不把伦敦的房♥子卖♥♥了也在这儿买♥♥一栋Why don't we sell the London house and do the same?我们还在唐顿工作的时候就把房♥子出租We could rent it out as long as we want to work out Downton.-退休以后就住进去 -我们以前梦想过未来- And then live in it when we retire. - We had a dream once.在这附近开一家小旅馆Of a small hotel in the area.伦敦一栋小房♥子的售价A London house, even a little one,也足以在这儿买♥♥块不错的地♥产♥would buy something substantial here.我真不想提他的名字I hate to say his name...但你觉得格林先生的事真的已经结束了吗.. but do you feel the whole business of Mr Green might be over?-对我们来说 -他们似乎已经认定- For us, I mean. - Well, they seem to have accepted the fact我那天一直都在约克that I spent the day in York巴克斯特小姐又没有给他们新的线索and Miss Baxter has given them nothing new to go on.所以我们又能再次计划我们的未来了So we can dare to plan our future again.-就像普通人一样 -这话是我希望的那个意思吗- Like normal people. - Does that mean what I hope it means?贝茨先生我以为你已经相信我说的Mr Bates, I thought you'd decided to believe me-那是玛丽小姐的东西 -我相信你- when I said that device was Lady Mary's? - I do believe you. 我不知道她为什么会要这个但我相信你I don't know why she wanted it but I believe you.那不就好了Well, then...你说我们俩是不是有什么问题You don't suppose there's anything wrong with us, do you? 不会No.只是有些人要比别人等得久一些I think it takes some people longer than others.就是这样That's all.没了你我可怎么办What would I do without you?-他们赶上了吗 -就差一点- Did they get away? - Just about.幸亏火车晚点了The train was late, thank heaven.-托尼没希望了吗 -我觉得是- And it isn't going to be Tony? - I don't think so.-也不是查尔斯 -我决定之前他就已经想好了- Nor Charles. - He decided that before I did.你的老父亲对此事的观点I don't suppose your ancient father's opinion也没什么份量吧on this matters carries much weight.是啊'Fraid not.我刚想起来我说过要去看奶奶的And I've just remembered I said I'd go and see granny.看来托尼不会成为我的下任女婿了So, I don't think Tony is going to be my next son-in-law.我觉得也是I don't believe he is.真遗憾如果能成的话我会很高兴的但没办法Pity. I'd have been so pleased but there we are.你状态真的不佳啊老伙计You're really not yourself, are you, old girl?那你呢And what about you?我们也不希望你一直单身We don't want you to be on your own forever, you know.只要找个与家里观念相同的人就行Just to pick someone who shares the family's values.-找个对我们友好的人这不一样 -对- Someone who feels friendly towards us is not the same thing. - No. 没错You're right.我并不为邦廷小姐的离开责怪您And I don't blame you for the departure of Miss Bunting.我不想把一辈子都花在较劲上I didn't want to spend my life in a bare knuckle fight.但有些东西已经变了我能感觉到But something's changed. I feel it.的确是的I may as well tell you.我给我在波士顿的堂亲写了信I've written to my cousin in Boston.他在那里过得不错我想听听他的意见He's done well there and I'd like his advice.这样啊I see.如果这是我的粗鲁所带来的结果我表示抱歉I apologise if my bad manners have brought this on.您无需道歉我是我您是您No need to apologise. I am what I am and you are what you are.-水火不容 -我可不会这么说- Never the twain shall meet! - I wouldn't say that.我爱你们所有人I do love you all, you know.离开会很艰难It'll be hard to go.对我们双方来说都是On both sides.但我们没法知道伊迪丝小姐今天是否会来But we have no way of knowing if Lady Edith will come in today. 现在已经是下午茶时间了而我们六点关门It's already tea-time and we close the office at six.那我们就等到六点Then we'll wait until six.然后明早再过来And we'll come back in the morning.日日如此直到她出现And every day till she either turns up或是联络你们告知她的行踪or contacts you with her whereabouts.给她捎消息说你们想见她还不行吗It wouldn't be enough to give her a message that you want to see her? 不不行No, it would not be enough.您已经告诉她了对不对You've told her, haven't you?您没有遵守诺言You've broken your word.-不我... -德鲁太太来过庄园了- No. I've... - Mrs Drewe came to the house.-她想要什么 -她觉得你过分地利用了她- What did she want? - She felt you had used her badly.我承认我也有这种感觉I confess it was a feeling we shared.-我不会回去的 -我们别在这里谈这些- I'm not coming back, you know. - Let's not talk about it here.-来我家共进晚餐吧 -不要- Come to me for dinner. - No.那好我们就在你的新员工面前讨论这事Very well, we'll discuss it now in front of your new employees给他们嚼舌根的资本吧and give them something to chew on.在街尾有个茶座There is a tea room at the end of the street.你好吗斯普拉特希望你过得不错How are you, Spratt? Well, I hope.-人人都有难念的经小姐 -老天- Everyone has their troubles, M'Lady. - Oh, dear.斯普拉特在帮我培训我的新女仆丹可Spratt has been helping to train my new maid. Denker.我觉得她就像只腊肠犬小姐I'd say she takes after the dachshund, M'Lady.-怎么像了 -她挺难培训的- In what way? - She's QUITE untrainable.-斯普拉特 -有事请叫我夫人- Spratt. - Will there be anything else, Your Ladyship?听上去挺麻烦的Sounds like trouble to me.您确定丹可值得这麻烦吗Are you certain Denker is worth it?您得记得周五的晚餐Oh, you must put dinner on Friday into your diary.迪基·默顿和他的两个儿子要来That's when Dicky Merton is coming with his sons.嗯我还想这样好不好呢Yes. I wonder if it is a good idea.伊泽贝尔总得见他们Isobel has got to meet them some time.拉瑞也不会再为难汤姆了茜玻已经过世了And Larry won't make trouble for Tom again. Now with Sybil dead. 希望如此Let us hope not.奶奶我知道您为何觉得这很难接受Granny, I know why you're finding this difficult.-是吗 -是的但您不能被这种情绪占据- Do you? - Yes, but you mustn't give in to it.-什么被什么占据 -伊泽贝尔一直受您提点- What? Give in to what? - Isobel has always been your protege.她敬仰您而您则一直保护她She looks up to you and you have kept her from harm in return.我有吗Have I?有的所以她要变成郡里的头面人物Yes. So of course it's difficult that she is to take her place-这当然让人难以接受 -为什么- among the leaders of the county. - Why?-为什么难 -您不必假装- Why is it difficult? - You needn't pretend.您的地位已经变了您是孀居的寡妇Your positions have changed - you the widow in the Dower House, 伊泽贝尔则是一个大庄园的女主人Isobel a great lady presiding over a great house.但您得大度一点But you simply have to be bigger than that.你就是这么想我的吗。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第六季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第六季第六集完整中英文对照剧本

第六季第六集请来一张吧Oh, let me give you one of those.来一张吗庄园的开放参观日Can I give you one of those? It's an open day at the Abbey.一定来哦为医院基金出一份力Please come along, in aid of the hospital trust.您好先生来一张吗Hello, sir, might I offer you one of those?请带家人一起来吧来一张吗Please bring the family. Would you like one of those?唐顿庄园开放日6月6日周六资助唐顿医院信托基金门票六便士带上全家可他们花钱看什么呢我们没什么可展示的But what are they paying to see? We have nothing to show 'em. 有幅不错的雷诺兹的画几幅罗姆尼的A decent Reynolds, a couple of Romneys一幅温特豪特的and a Winterhalter.皆为欧洲著名画家没别的了他们倒不如坐火车去伦敦That's your lot. They'd do better taking a train for London看看泰特美术馆and visiting the Tate.这不是重点That's not the point.他们想看的是另一种家People want to see a different sort of home.而不是里面的东西It's not the things in it.看看另一类人怎么生活吗How the other half lives?您要这么说也行If you want to put it like that.人们对这样的地方很好奇There's curiosity about these places,还有这种生活方式about these way of life.克拉克森医生你怎么看Dr Clarkson, what do you feel?如今要保持人们健康花费很大Keeping people healthy takes a lot of money in this day and age.能筹到不少钱呢比您想的多We could raise more than you think.罗伯特我们就为慈善开放一日Robert, we are opening for one day for charity,就这样了and there's an end to it.玛丽和汤姆已经决定了Mary and Tom have made the decision.我也知道玛丽一说话I know well enough that when Mary has spoken,我的意见就无关紧要了my opinion has little bearing on the matter.您不会太介意吧You don't really mind, do you?不会但我觉得太疯狂了No, but I think it's crackers.我不喜欢这样在宅子里四处打探I don't like it. Poking and prying around the house.保不准谁就把珍贵的初版书What's to stop them slipping the odd first edition塞进兜里了呢into their backpockets?你对同胞的看法真够差的You've a very poor opinion of your fellow man.我的看法都是生活教的I have the opinion that life has taught me.我不明白怎么会有人花钱来看But I don't see why anyone would pay good money to come and look. 因为你对别人的生活方式没兴趣That's because you're not curious about how other people live.确实没兴趣No. I'm not.那如果你有机会看看And if you'd the chance to see国王和王后的私人房♥间the private rooms of the King and Queen,你会愿意花六便士吗would you give six pence for it?可那能看出些什么呢But what would it tell me?他们睡在床上在饭桌上吃饭我也一样They sleep in a bed, they eat at a table. So do I.我可是一直都想知道I suppose I always wonder whether是不是有人过得比我好someone else is having a better time than I am.可这就危险了But that's what's so dangerous.你认为他们一定过得比你好You think they must be having a better time.于是就希望他们别过得比你好Then you want them not to have a better time.紧接下来The next thing you know,就是特拉法尔加广场上的断头台了there's a guillotine in Trafalgar Square.真是够乐观的Ever the optimist.我觉得所有的庄园都应该对外开放I think all these houses should be open to the public.他们有什么权利不让人进去呢What gives them the right to keep people out?物权法The law of property,任何名副其实的文明都以此为基础which is the cornerstone of any civilisation worthy of the name. 我倒觉得这或许是好事Well, to me, it could be a good thing.让人们欣赏一下精巧的工艺精美的画作To let them enjoy fine craftsmanship and beautiful paintings. 不过他们肯定会想问But then, of course, they're bound to start asking,为什么卡劳利家能有这些我就没有呢"Why have the Crawleys got all of this and I haven't?"谢谢莫斯利先生说得太对了Thank you, Mr Molesley. I couldn't have put it better myself.可究竟是为什么呢卡森先生But why have they, Mr Carson?你的工作找得如何了巴罗先生How is your job search going, Mr Barrow?可为什么会有人花钱看个普普通通的宅子呢But why should anyone pay to see a perfectly ordinary house? 不是所有人都住在唐顿庄园这样的宅子里Not everyone lives in a house like Downton Abbey.来啊来啊来看看真正的餐厅Oh, roll up, roll up, visit an actual dining room!真实的桌子和椅子一样不少Complete with a real life table and chairs!总有人买♥♥通管家就为在大宅里转转呢People have always tipped the butler to look 'round a house. 就连伊莉莎白·贝内特Even Elizabeth Bennett《傲慢与偏见》也想知道彭伯里庄园里面是什么样wanted to see what Pemberly was like inside.结果还不是害得自己尴尬不已A decision which caused her a great deal of embarrassment, 如果我没记错小说是这么写的if I remember the novel correctly.那罗伯特怎么办他还病着呢And what about Robert? He's still very ill.他在康复已经好几周了He's on the mend. It's been a few weeks now.-而且柯拉很能干 -她确实很能干- And Cora's very competent. - Mmm, yes, she's competent.面不改色地引领一场革命Leading a revolution without turning a hair.总之已经决定了Anyway, it's agreed.唐顿庄园对外开放一日Downton Abbey will open to the public for one day.克拉克森医生非常感激Dr Clarkson is very grateful.克拉克森也在吗他还真是开始让步了Clarkson was there? Oh, so he really has weakened.我看应该说他开始看开了I prefer to think he has begun to see sense.你这么看吗罗伯特还活着You believe that? Even after Robert's life多亏附近有医院救治was saved by a hospital being nearby?我知道你认为这就能改变一切了I know you think that changes things,但正如默顿伯爵所言but as Lord Merton pointed out,即使在交接后罗伯特也能在那里接受治疗Robert would have been treated there even after the hand-over. 默顿伯爵近来怎样How is Lord Merton?一如往常As he always is.那你呢你也开始让步了吗And you? You weakening?没有No.就是没有No!谁的电♥话♥Who was it?伯蒂·佩勒姆他11日会去伦敦Bertie Pelham. He's going to be in London on the 11th,想和我见面and he wanted to meet up.不如让他回诺森伯兰郡时Why don't you ask him to stop in here顺路来这里看看on his way back to Northumberland?-如果你愿意的话 -好啊- If you'd like to. - I would rather.-他有那么好吗 -跟你的汽车修理工比吗- Is he worth it? - As opposed to your car mechanic?我就是汽车修理工谢谢I'm a car mechanic, thank you.我们那个周末对外开放We're opening the house that weekend.他或许能出点主意He may have some ideas.那我问问他Well, I'll ask him.我得走了I should go.我已经晚了明天再过来I'm late as it is. I'll be back tomorrow.别觉得你每天都必须来Don't feel you must look in everyday.你该好好准备考试You should be working for your exams.-时间不多了吧 -的确不多了- It can't be long now. - Not too long, no.你紧张吗换我就会紧张Are you nervous? I should be.我其实都会但问题是I do know it. The question is,考试时能不能都记得呢can I summon it up when the time comes?-考场在哪里 -在学校里- Where are you taking them? - The school.校长会来监考The headmaster will oversee it.莫斯利先生在确认细节Mr Molesley's settling the details.-你得好好谢谢他 -我知道但他也很开心- You owe him a great deal. - I know. But he's enjoyed it, too. -这个给帕特莫太太 -这是什么- This is for Mrs Patmore. - What is it?给她的感谢信我很感谢她A note to thank her. I'm grateful.-她已经知道了 -说出来总没坏处- She already knows that. - It never hurts to say it.你还是别刺♥激♥她了You don't want to encourage her.她爱想太多对她没好处She's too curious for her own good.把信给她就是了Just give her the note.你费心了This is good of you.你让个男仆送上来就行了You should've let one of the footmen bring it up.我想看看您身体如何老爷I wanted to see how you are, My Lord,还有...我猜您可能想喝点这个and...I thought you might fancy some of this.看着好吓人Crumbs. That looks frightening.这是忘忧堡酒庄的葡萄酒老爷It's, uh, a little Chateau Chasse-Spleen, My Lord.我倒在了小瓶里携带比较方便I put it in this for ease of carriage.忘忧堡酒庄的这才对嘛Chasse Spleen? Now you're talking.拜伦勋爵很爱喝这个I believe it was a favourite of Lord Byron's.他挺了解红酒还有女人He knew a thing or two about wine. And women.但是卡森我想我得拒绝But do you know, Carson, I think I'm going to have to say no. -真的吗老爷 -恐怕是的- Really, my Lord? - I'm afraid so.人有时得做出些牺牲Sometimes in life sacrifices have to be made,我也得接受现实and I think the time has come for me to accept不能再照老样子下去了that I cannot go on as I used to.我很遗憾老爷I am very sorry to hear you say so, My Lord.我比你还遗憾Not as sorry as I am.说到必要的牺牲And speaking of necessary sacrifices,我躺着的时候想了很多I've been thinking about things, lying here.我们得开始精减仆人了We must get on with simplifying the household.我知道我们已经讨论过了但是还没着手去做I know we've talked about it, but we haven't really done much. 新女佣住在村里为我们节省了不少开支Oh, the new maids live in the village, and so cost a lot less.我们只有一个马夫和一个马童And we only have one groom and a stable boy.但我们还有一个副管家和两个男仆But we still have an under butler and two footmen.都这个时代了In this day and age.我知道巴罗先生I do believe that Mr Barrow确实在找下家了has genuinely been looking for other employment.但没找到我们能帮上忙吗But not finding it. Is there anything we can do to help?我去和他谈谈老爷I'll speak to him, My Lord.你觉得庄园对外开放一日的主意怎么样What do you think of the plan to open the house for a day? 既然您问了我觉得这是个危险的先例I think it's a dangerous precedent, since you ask,但我不同意也没什么用but I'm not sure how useful it is of me to say so.危险我觉得很蠢Dangerous? I think it's idiotic.差不多一个意思老爷It adds up to the same thing, My Lord.这是个错误It's a mistake.-我想现在叫停已经太晚了 -确实太晚了- I suppose it's too late to stop it now. - Far too late.但我们到底要展示些什么But what on earth can we show them to能让参观者觉得值回票价give them their money's worth?看格兰瑟姆老夫人缝织吗Lady Grantham knitting?还是玛丽小姐沐浴Lady Mary in the bath?这是什么What's this?是给我的Oh, it's addressed to me.梅森先生写的Oh, it's from Mr Mason.-怎么掉进垃圾箱了 -我还在想我放在哪了- How did it get there? - I wondered where I'd put it.-他让我给你的 -那你怎么没给我- He asked me to give you it. - Well, why didn't you, then?我找不到I couldn't find it.肯定不小心掉进垃圾桶了It must have fallen in the rubbish by mistake.-为什么已经打开了 -是吗- Why had it been opened? - Had it?那人怎么样了Whatever happened to that man?你知道他被判了多久吗Do you know what his sentence was?-十年夫人 -十年我的天- Ten years, m'lady. - Ten years? My goodness.是啊我有点庆幸当时没用我去作证I know. I'm glad in a way I didn't have to testify against him now. 晚安巴克斯特Good night, Baxter.你来了现在几点了Are you here? What time is it?很晚了继续睡吧It's late. Go back to sleep.我们该让妈妈来见见我I think we ought to ask Mama to come and see me.她肯定觉得自己被忽略了She must be feeling rather left out.她在操心别的事呢Her mind is on other things.她希望你的手术能说服别人支持她的观点She's hoping your operation will persuade people over to herside. 我要是得去约克做手术肯定就没命了I would have died if I'd had to be taken to York.但这里还可以继续做紧急手术呀But they'd still operate here in an emergency,没有任何改变so nothing's changed.我们不要让事态恶化Well, let's not make it worse.恐怕情况转好之前必然会先恶化I'm afraid it must get worse before it gets better.生个火怎么样What about a fire?是有点奢侈不过我们都累了一天了It's a bit indulgent, but we've earned it.-我不用我要去睡了 -你不是不舒服吧- Not for me. I'm going to bed. - You're not feeling ill, are you?安娜如果你病了一定要告诉我Anna, if you're not well, you must tell me.以后任何事都别再瞒我了We've finished with this business of your keeping me in the dark.-我倒也不是病了 -你告诉玛丽小姐了吗- I'm not ill exactly. - Have you told Lady Mary?我不想打扰她I didn't like to bother her.明天一早就打扰她吧Bother her first thing.我可以找克拉克森医生I could tell Dr Clarkson.不要看医生就去找赖德医生No. You're seeing Dr Ryder if you're seeing anybody.别傻了我们付不起的Don't be silly. We can't afford that.我不能指望玛丽小姐一直帮我付钱I can't expect Lady Mary to keep shelling out.我来付我有积蓄I'll pay. I have savings.-我们要卖♥♥♥房♥♥子啊 -是啊然后再买♥♥一栋- We're selling a house, aren't we? - Yes. To buy another house.现在是你在犯傻明天就去跟她谈谈吧Now you're the one being silly. Talk to her tomorrow.她会同意我说的我来付钱She'll agree with me. And I'm paying.我不介意偶尔在这儿吃早餐I wouldn't mind having breakfast here sometimes.-不是每天就偶尔 -我想不会有人反对的- Not every day, but sometimes. - I don't think anyone would object.你会煮咖啡吗How are you at making coffee?我当然会又不难I can make coffee. It's not very hard.你这就错了煮咖啡可是大有讲究呢That's where you're wrong. There's quite an art to it.你或许会想和帕特莫太太聊聊Uh, you might like to have a word with Mrs Patmore.当然如果你想让我去Of course. If you'd like me to.我希望能提高各方面水准And I want to start bringing things a little more up to standard. 或许我们可以叫门童来擦擦鞋I wonder if we could have the hallboy to do some polishing.未尝不可啊I don't see why not.你或许可以叫个女佣来整理下被褥And you might ask one of the maids about making the bed.我连被褥整理得都不好吗Isn't that good enough, either?没有不好我不是那个意思It's not bad. I didn't mean that.但我很喜欢叠得四四方方有棱有角But I do like those sharp corners.你没觉得不好我还真高兴Well. I'm glad it's not bad.你该早点告诉我的I wish you'd told me before.-我想一定没事的 -贝茨怎么说- I'm sure it's nothing. - What does Bates say?他想让我再去一趟赖德医生那儿He wants me to see Dr Ryder again.他想付医疗费但我觉得这样有点挥霍He wants to pay, but it seems an extravagance to me.我觉得找克拉克森医生就好了I'm happy to talk to Dr Clarkson.不我们去伦敦No, let's go to London.我相信克拉克森医生应付得来I'm sure Dr Clarkson could manage it,-但我想去趟伦敦 -留宿吗- but I feel like a jaunt. - And stay the night?住在罗斯孟德夫人家准备点夜间的衣物用品With Lady Rosamund. Pack something for the evening.不用太多我去打几通电♥话♥Medium smart. I'll make some telephone calls.收到你的信儿了怎么了I got your message. What's happened?我去叫人送咖啡来I'll ring for some coffee.你听上去像是需要人送嗅盐来You sound as if you should ring for some smelling salts.如果你是说事情严重确实如此If you mean is it serious, it is.今早我收到董事会的来信I received a letter this morning from the Board of Governors.继续说Go on.他们准备将我们和约克合并They are going to combine us with York.-我们一早就预料到了 -确实- As we knew they must. - Indeed.我会继续留在这里I am to remain in my post here.-很好 -卡劳利太太会继续担任司务- Good. - Mrs Crawley is to stay on as our almoner.很明智Very sensible.但他们想让您担任主席一职But they want to offer the role of president to you.我为什么Me? Why?你去约克时给他们留下了好印象You made a good impression when you went into York.我不懂了那妈妈怎么办I don't understand. What about Mama?老夫人将会原话是Lady Grantham is to be, and I quote,"在多年辛勤效力后将可以辞职""Allowed to step down after so many years of noble service."老天他们直接把领头的给换了Golly. They've sacked the Captain.不难理解他们的初衷You can see their point.他们怎么能让一个觉得新系统How could they have someone in the management of the new system 一无是处的人处在管理层呢who thinks the whole idea is a horrible mistake?你支持吗And you support this notion?他当然支持了Of course he does.是他提名的你做继任者He put your name forward as replacement.老夫人已经不年轻了Lady Grantham is not as young as she was,正如卡劳利太太所说and, as Mrs Crawley says,恐怕她更乐意看到新系统失败I'm afraid she'd be almost willing the new regime to fail.很有可能Probably.除此之外我还想让新主席Besides, I want to involve the new president参与到后勤运营中来in the logistics of running things.而她绝不会答应帮忙的And she would never have agreed to take that on.所以我要接她的班So, I'm to step into her shoes还要肩负比她更多的责任吗and then be given more responsibility than she had?我们都觉得你会做得很好We both think you'd be marvellous.那谁去告诉她这个消息And who's going to tell her?等他们收到我的答复就会给她写信They'll write, as soon as they hear back from me.我得跟格兰瑟姆伯爵商量一下I need to talk to Lord Grantham.是这样我们不希望再有别的提名人The thing is, we don't want someone to come up with another name. 不吗要真提了别人可能还好办点Don't we? It might be easier all round if they did.好那八点见Good. I'll see you at 8:00.别告诉他是我Don't tell him it's me.我想给他个惊喜I want to be the surprise guest.你能想出借口的Oh, you'll think of something.好的再见All right, bye.这就是大小姐急着要去伦敦的原因吗So this is the urgent business that takes m'lady to London town? -不光这一件事 -但你们是认真起来了- It's not the only thing. - But it is getting serious.和艾弗林·奈皮尔在标准餐厅吃晚饭Dinner with Evelyn Napier at the Criterion?听起来没那么认真Doesn't sound very serious to me.我以前和迈克尔去过标准餐厅I used to go to the Criterion with Michael.你非得把伦敦每家餐厅都说得让人倒胃口吗Do you have to put a damper on every restaurant in the capital? 事实上我对那家餐厅有很美好的回忆As a matter of fact, I have very happy memories of it.代我向他问好希望能再见到他Send him my best wishes. I hope to see him again soon.艾弗林吗是的代我也问声好Oh, Evelyn? Yes, send him my love,too.艾弗林或者别的什么人Evelyn or whoever else might be there.你何不跟我一块去肯定很有意思去吧Why don't you come with me? It'll be fun. I dare you.你好久都没出过门了You haven't been anywhere in ages.那好我去收拾行李All right. I'll go and pack.但不能待太久We can't be too long.我想为开放日做好准备I want to be sure we're ready for the opening.时间多得很明天就回来了Oh, we've masses of time for that. We'll be home tomorrow.伊迪丝我们不在你一个人能行吧Edith, you can manage for a day without us, can't you?你不在家多久我都没问题I can manage without you for as long as you want.你怎么不一起来Why don't you come with us?然后看着玛丽和她的小车手调情吗And watch Mary flirt with her oily driver?不用谢了No, thank you.你就不能替她高兴吗Can't you be pleased for her?她替我高兴我就替她高兴I'm as pleased for her as she would be for me.巴罗别让他累着你了Barrow, you mustn't let him wear you out.没关系的小姐是吧Oh, he's all right, m'lady. Aren't you?-我在给他鼓劲 -看着可不像呢- I was cheering him up. - That's not what it looked like.你需要鼓劲吗巴罗Do you need cheering up, Barrow?人有时都需要鼓舞小姐We all need it sometimes, m'lady.说真的乔治你得让巴罗先生去干活儿了I mean it, George. You must let Mr Barrow get on with his work. 再来再来Again, again...好吧我们走喽All right. And off we go!我们要走了汤姆也去该让他休个假了We're off. I'm taking Tom. It's time he had a break.真羡慕你我在这房♥间里都要待疯了Oh, I envy you. I'm so sick of this room, I could scream.巴罗刚刚在走廊里闷闷不乐的怎么回事Barrow was in the gallery, looking rather glum. Do we know why? 我们之前说过宅子要做些人员调整We've talked about making changes in the household.卡森和我都觉得他是最该走人的Carson and I both feel he's the obvious candidate.您不会解雇他吧You're not going to sack him?但愿不用我希望他能找个新工作I hope not. I hope he's going to find another job.明白了怪不得呢I see. Well, that explains it.他对乔治和两个丫头特别好He's awfully sweet with George and the girls.这您知道吧You do know that?等乔治长大了可以再叫他回来And when George is older, he can ask him back.再见爸爸Goodbye, darling.-好好休息 -还要休息- Get some rest. - Rest.别担心贝茨她很快就会回来的Don't worry, Bates. We'll have her home soon.我觉得没什么好担心的I don't think there'll be anything to concern ourselves about. 安娜今晚有预约Anna has an appointment this evening.我晚点再给你电♥话♥ 米德先生不会介意的I'll telephone you after. Mr Mead won't mind.小姐真的非常感谢您安排这一切I'm very grateful to you, m'lady, for arranging it,但安娜会让医生把账单寄给我but Anna will ask him to send me the bill.去找赖德医生是我的主意不是你的Dr Ryder was my idea, not yours.是个好主意小姐一个让我们And it was a good idea, m'lady. An idea that has brought us 与最大的幸福近在咫尺的主意to within shouting distance of our greatest happiness.但账单请让我付不然我会过意不去But I can pay my way, and I'd be more comfortable to do so. 那好我们就不争这个了Very well. We won't fight about it.-你会想我吗 -一看不到你我就会想你- Will you miss me? - I miss you when you're out of sight,更别说你去伦敦了never mind London.你这么说我很高兴贝茨先生I'm glad to hear it, Mr Bates.我不会让他们把账单寄给他的I won't let them send him the bill.这样可不好That's not kind.他的尊严比金钱更重要His pride is more important to him than the money. 谢谢你布兰森先生Thank you, Mr Branson.巴罗先生再过二十年Mr Barrow, in 20 years' time,唐顿估计一个男仆都不会剩下了I doubt there's one footman working at Downton.伊迪丝小姐已经不用贴身女佣了Lady Edith already manages without her own maid, 要是安娜也走了and if Anna were to leave,玛丽小姐应该不会找人替代她I doubt that Lady Mary would replace her.-不只是你一人 -但我是第一个走的- It's not just you. - But I am the first.但你是副管家But you are the under butler,这职位是旧时代的残影了a post that is fragrant with memories of a lost world. 没人比我更遗憾这样的改变No-one is sorrier to say it than I am,但你已不适合当今世界了but you are not a creature of today.那您就适合吗And you are?我不认为唐顿这么大的宅子I don't believe that a house like Downton能离了管家could be run without a butler.这么说的话我的确适合In that sense, yes, I am.你在忙啊You're busy.不我们谈完了休斯太太No, no. We're finished, Mrs Hughes.至少我们中一人完了Or at least one of us is.日安卡森先生Good day, Mr Carson.我想我们今晚可以回农舍吃晚饭I thought we might have our dinner at the cottage tonight. 你要是想的话If you like.或许你可以找帕特莫太太指导你一下Perhaps you could get some guidance from Mrs Patmore? 不用做特别复杂的菜It doesn't have to be anything very complicated.是吗真是松了口气Doesn't it? That's a relief.我会尽快告诉你具体日子的I'll give you the date as soon as I have it.好我还挺激动真有意思Right. I'm quite excited. How mad is that?帕特莫太太能放黛西出来一天吗Can Mrs Patmore spare Daisy for the day?要考一天的有六张试♥卷♥呢For it will be the whole day. There are six separate papers. 他们会让他出来的Oh, they'll spare her.大家都认为她这一步走得对Everyone there thinks she's taking the right step.尤其是夫人Especially Her Ladyship.希望他们也对你发挥的作用表示了赞许I hope they appreciate your role in all this.你真是太好心了You've been very kind.大概是因为我错过了机会Well, I think it's because I missed the boat所以格外希望其他人不要错过that I feel it's so important for others to catch it.莫斯利先生我有个主意Mr Molesley, I've had an idea.你愿意帮帮我吗What would you say to helping me out?什么What?倒不是说你可以来教学I'm not necessarily suggesting you might teach.我得进一步了解你的知识面情况I need a clearer idea of what you know.但我喜欢你对教育的尊重But I like your respect for education.我喜欢你的热情如果可以我想加以利用I like your enthusiasm, and I want to harness it if I can.我不知道该说什么好I don't know what to say.首先你可以决定愿不愿参加我设置的考试First you can decide if you'd sit a test of my own devising,基本上就是考考常识知识of general knowledge as much as anything.多谢你妈妈This is kind of you, Mama,您也看到了我好多了but as you can see, I'm miles better.没急匆匆地找我过来一定是好兆头喽I assumed it was a good sign that I hadn't been summoned in haste. 反正我来了正好有机会Anyway, I'm here and I'm glad of the chance谈谈这开放大宅的疯狂计划to talk about this mad scheme of opening the house.都已经定了妈妈玛丽定的It's all fixed, Mama. By Mary.真不明白怎么会有人来但既然如此Well, why anyone would come beats me, but, since it is,开门的时候我要不要剪个彩什么的should I cut a ribbon when the doors are flung open?-这... -作为医院主席我理应正式出席- Well... - As president of the hospital, I ought to have a formal role. 我们毕竟是为医院筹款That is why we are raising funds.没必要办什么典礼吧I don't believe we need a ceremony.九点就开门了谁会来那么早啊The doors will be open from 9:00. Who'd want to get here for then? -对我来说倒也还行 -但我们可能受不了- Well, it wouldn't kill me. - No, but it might kill us.你决定好告诉我Oh, well, let me know what you decide.病人是我最关心的The patients are my priority.作为主席我可是他们的代表As president, I am their representative on earth.我觉得你的病倒会使很多人I have a feeling your collapse will have changed对所谓的改革改变看法a lot of people's minds about the so-called reforms.别担心我会做个有度量的胜者Don't worry. I shall be magnanimous in victory.今天的晚饭都准备好了吗Is everything ready for tonight?应该是的你不会指望有盛宴吧I think so. You're not expecting a banquet, are you?我指望享用我美丽妻子用一双巧手I'm expecting a delicious dinner prepared by the fair hands准备的美味晚餐of my beautiful wife.这话有点威胁性呢There's a threat in there somewhere.我不明白I don't understand.他想要你和黛西一起参加考试吗He wants you to sit the exam as well as Daisy?不是考一样的他想测下我的常识知识Oh, no. Not matric. He wants to assess my general knowledge.-然后呢 -他没具体说- With a view to... - He wasn't very specific.他大概不愿许下可能无法遵守的承诺I would guess he didn't want to make a promise he might have to break. 你要去考吗Are you going to take the test?只要卡森先生能给假有什么损失呢If Mr Carson gives me the time off. What have I got to lose?晚饭后我们碰头我屋还是你屋We'll meet upstairs after our dinner. My room or yours?-无所谓 -去我那儿吧灯光更好- I don't mind. - Mine, then. The lighting's better.你回来了啊我以为我要自己更衣了呢You're back. I thought I was going to have to dress myself.真抱歉小姐我就是等不到车呢。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第六季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第六季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

第六季第八集你可不能让他一直等着You mustn't make him wait forever.我爱他I love him.要不是因为玛丽戈德我一定马上就答应他I'd accept him in a trice if it weren't for Marigold.你说他同意你带上她You say he'll let you keep her.-问题不在这儿 -那是什么- That's not the problem. - What is?如果我不告诉他If I stay silent,我的婚姻就建立在一个谎言上there's a lie at the heart of my marriage.但如果我告诉他真♥相♥ 是不是就完了But if I tell him the truth, will I ruin it?伊迪丝Edith,你是大人了我不能逼你you're a grown woman and I can't force you.但你不能嫁给一个男人But you cannot be married to a man却瞒着这样的秘密and leave him out of a secret like this.这是瞒不住的你也不会幸福It's not possible and you won't be happy.我现在又有多幸福呢How happy am I now?帕特莫太太霍顿-斯克恩果园巷3号♥Mrs Patmore, you are the owner of No.3, Orchard Lane,是你的房♥产吧Haughton-le-Skerne.对那是我的床铺加早餐式旅馆I am. I'm running it as a bed-and-breakfast place.你的客人当中有弗莱彻医生和太太吗Among your guests, was a certain Doctor Fletcher and his wife? 没错是我的第一批客人Yes, they were my first.我得说他们彬彬有礼值得尊敬Very courteous and respectable, I must say.不像你想的那么可敬Not as respectable as you think.弗莱彻医生其实是伊恩·麦克基德先生Dr Fletcher was a Mr Ian McKidd-他"太太"其实是杜丽太太 -什么- and his 'wife' a Mrs Dorrit. - What?杜丽先生正因通奸造成的伤害Mr Dorrit is now suing Mr McKidd for damages起诉麦克基德先生related to adultery.你可能会被传唤去作证You may be called upon to testify.我的上帝Oh, my God.霍顿-斯克恩有可能会上报纸There is some concern Haughton-le-Skerne will be in the news, 被说成是风月场所as a site of a house of ill repute.风月场所A house of ill repute?恐怕谣言已经开始传了I'm afraid the rumour mill has already begun...但杜丽也有可能选择庭外和解but there's a chance that Dorrit may settle out of court.-有消息我随时通知你 -谢谢你警长- I'll keep you informed. - Thank you, Sergeant.你好你怎么来了Hello. What brings you here?你问问帕特莫太太吧Oh, Mrs Patmore's the one to ask.风月场所A house of ill repute?妈妈正在法国南部四处闲逛Mama is swanning around the South of France却连封信也不来without a word to any of us.-真希望柯拉... -不许说柯拉的不是- I wish Cora - - I won't hear a word against Cora.-是妈妈不可理喻 -我只是想说- Mama is being impossible. - I was going to say,真希望柯拉别往心里去"I wish Cora wouldn't take it to heart."这次我对妈妈失去耐心了Mama has exhausted my patience this time.可她给了你提奥But she did give you Teo.那倒是我什么都原谅她了True. I forgive her everything.你说他会娶伊迪丝吗Do you think he will marry Edith?如果他知道了玛丽戈德的身世If he learns about Marigold?我只希望她别受伤I just don't want her to be hurt.英国侯爵命丧丹吉尔-好了吗 -好了走吧- Is that it, then? - Yes, let's go.伯蒂的雇主不是一直在丹吉尔吗Isn't Bertie's employer always in Tangiers?买♥♥一份吧Can you buy one?谢谢Thank you.第六任赫克瑟姆侯爵在丹吉尔度假时身亡The 6th Marquess of Hexham, 39, has died年仅三十九岁on holiday in Tangiers他是那里的常客where he was a frequent visitor.死因据报为疟疾赫克瑟姆侯爵未婚The cause is given as Malaria. Lord Hexham was unmarried. 那伯蒂就没工作了吗Does this mean Bertie's out of a job?那得看继承人的意思了That depends on the heir.可怜的伊迪丝他做代理人就够糟的了Poor Edith. It was bad enough he was an agent.现在可能连这都不是了Now he may not be that.别这么幸灾乐祸Don't sound so gleeful about it.你真该看看她的表情You should have seen her face.这对帕特莫太太就不好笑了It wasn't very funny for Mrs Patmore.是的我不是笑她但...No. And I'm not laughing, but -但你就是在笑But, you're laughing.你一周要上几节课How many classes will you be taking every week?先从五节开始Five to start with.下午两点半到四点半之间Only afternoons between half-two and half-four.卡森先生怎么说What does Mr Carson say?我还没问他I haven't asked him yet.别问他直接告诉他Don't ask him, tell him.可如果我做不来呢如果我不行呢But suppose it doesn't work out? Suppose I'm no good?我当然不知道他们邀请了你Of course I didn't know they'd invited you.不然我肯定会告诉你的I would have mentioned it.从没有人像你儿子对我那么无礼Nobody has been as rude to me as your son.他怎么会想邀请我参加他的婚礼呢Why in God's name would he want me at his wedding?-这不是个好兆头吗 -还难说这表明了什么- Well, isn't it a good sign? - I'm not sure what it's a sign of. 艾米莉亚的影响Amelia's influence.是啊大概是的Yes. I think I agree.她很善良很温和She is a very kind and gentle soul.是吗真是这样吗Is she? Is she, indeed?你不这么看吗Don't you think so?说实话我并不了解她To be honest, I don't know her.我只能强忍♥住笑可怜人It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. Poor thing.这好笑吗如果有人把帕特莫太太Is it funny? Suppose someone makes a connection和她在唐顿庄园的工作联♥系♥起来怎么办between Mrs Patmore and her place at Downton Abbey?肯定不会的I'm sure they won't.我们该祈祷不会We should PRAY they don't.我可不希望这事传到上头去I don't want this story repeated upstairs.我没打算告诉他们I'm not going to tell them.我好久没这么笑过了Oh, that's the first proper laugh I've had for ages.-我没法不告诉您 -可怜的帕特莫太太- I couldn't resist telling you. - Poor Mrs Patmore.我知道对她太糟糕了Oh, I know. It's awful for her.我下楼时得想些严肃的事I'm going to have to think of something serious when I go down. 我们去瑟斯克时得知了坏消息I had some rather sad news when we were in Thirsk.赫克瑟姆侯爵死了Lord Hexham's died.-那是谁小姐 -布兰克斯特堡的主人- Who's that, M'Lady? - The owner of Brancaster Castle,我们去年都在那里猎过松鸡where we all stayed last year. For the grouse.我没去小姐我被扣在别处了Not me, M'Lady. I was... otherwise detained.对了真抱歉Oh, of course you were. I am sorry.这可能影响到伊迪丝小姐的朋友Only it might affect Lady Edith's friend,佩勒姆先生Mr Pelham.他是那里的代理人至少之前是He's the agent there. Or was.他可能要没工作了He might be out of a job.真令人担心How worrying for them.看来不只我的感情要夭折了So my romance might not be the only one to come to an untimely end. 塔伯特先生有什么消息吗Have you heard from Mr Talbot?没有但这是好事No. But that's a good thing.-说明他接受我的决定了 -那是您想要的吗- It means he's accepted my decision. - Which is what you want?正是我想要的Which is exactly what I want.我满脑子都是那几个字Oh, I just can't get the phrase out of my head.一遍遍地重复It just goes round and round.风月场所A house of ill repute.我知道是什么多谢了Yes, I know what it is, thank you!这样啊Yes, I see.道斯先生有消息告诉你Ah, Mr Dawes has got some news for you.我想知道吗Do I want to know?你自己看看吧Read it for yourself.每一场考试你都高分通过了You passed every paper with high marks.黛西这真是太好了Oh, Daisy. That's wonderful news.可怜的佩勒姆先生Poor Mr Pelham.先是目睹可怕的赛车事故First that terrible day at the racetrack,-又听到他表亲的死讯 -确实挺惨的- and then to hear his cousin's died. - It does seem very hard. -联♥系♥上他了吗 -是的- Did you get hold of him? - Yes.他明天就南下准备去丹吉尔He's coming tomorrow, on the first leg of his trip to Tangiers. -我请他过来了 -很好- I've asked him here. - Good.-他怎么样 -很难过- How is he? - Sad.他很爱他的表亲一切都太突然了He loved his cousin, and it was all so quick.问题是他们已经把他埋了The trouble is they've already buried him伯蒂不知道该怎么办and Bertie's not sure what to do.这在热带国家很常见不代表不敬It's ordinary in hot countries. It won't mean any disrespect.我知道但把他留在那里合适吗No, but, should they leave him there?这得由新任侯爵来决定吧不是伯蒂Surely the decision is down to the new Marquess not to Bertie. 重点就在这儿Well, that's the thing.他就是新任侯爵伯蒂He is the new Marquess... Bertie.伯蒂·佩勒姆现在是赫克瑟姆侯爵了Bertie Pelham is now the Marquess of Hexham?对Yes.怎么可能他在骗你呢Nonsense. He's having you on.他要是继承人肯定早告诉你了He'd have told you if he was the heir.他是说过但他表哥正当年He did tell me. But his cousin was in his 30s而且他们都认识他要娶的那个姑娘and they all knew the girl he was going to marry.可这也太荒唐了But that's absurd!要是伯蒂成了侯爵那伊迪丝If Bertie's a marquess, then Edith -伊迪丝的地位就比我们都高了没错Edith would outrank us all. Yes. That's right.他们是近亲吗Was he a close relation?远房♥表亲Second cousin, once removed.当初没人觉得他会成为继承人Nobody thought it was possible he would inherit.伯蒂更没想到Least of all Bertie.我倒觉得他挺不错的He seemed like a nice young man to me.而且越来越好了And getting nicer by the minute.而且非常热爱布兰克斯特堡With a real love of Brancaster.我的天好个转折啊Golly gum drops! What a turn-up.晚餐好了That's dinner.恐怕我们都无心用餐了If we're not too distracted to eat.那我们以后都得对伊迪丝行屈膝礼了So we'll all bow and curtsy to Edith.-你会高兴吗玛丽 -才不呢- You'll enjoy that, Mary? - Hardly.要是伯蒂真成了赫克瑟姆侯爵反正我是不信And if Bertie is Lord Hexham which I still don't believe,-他现在肯定不会娶她了 -说话注意点- he won't want to marry her now. - Careful.否则人们会觉得你是嫉妒那可不好Or people will think you're jealous, dear. We don't want that. 我只是去试试卡森先生It's only a try-out, Mr Carson.你每天两点就要离开Every day you'd leave at two?我五点就回来午餐和晚餐都不会耽误And I'd be back by five. So I could serve dinner and luncheon. -布丁就等不及了 -还有巴罗先生在呢- No lingering over the pudding. - Mr Barrow is still here --可不是嘛 -就算午餐真延长了- Oh, don't we know it. - But if lunch does go on a bit,还有安德鲁巴罗先生和你呢there's still Andrew and Mr Barrow and you to see to it.你为什么觉得你能行And what makes you think you'll be any good?我也不确定可能因为我太想做了吧I don't know exactly. Perhaps because I want it so much.有很多小男孩都渴望成为著名板球运动员There are plenty of little boys who want to be famous cricketers. 但光有心可不足以让他们成为冠军It's not enough to make them champions.我只想试试卡森先生I just want to try, Mr Carson.你会有这个机会的And so you shall.太糟糕了可怜的帕特莫太太How terrible. Poor Mrs Patmore.真是个让人意想不到的老鸨啊What an unlikely bawdy house madam.帕特莫太太的秘密事业Mrs Patmore's secret career.伯蒂在的时候咱们可不能开玩笑We mustn't joke when Bertie's here.我们会拉下脸的不用担心We'll have long faces, don't worry.-之前亨利打给了我 -亨利- I had a call from Henry earlier. - Henry?你怎么不早说Why didn't you say?-我这不是说了吗 -他还好吗- I'm saying now. - How is he?还在为查理·罗杰斯哀悼Mourning Charlie Rogers.而且很想念你Missing you.你不准邀请他过来You're not to ask him to come here.万一他自己来了呢Suppose he just turns up?不准鼓励他汤姆我说真的Don't encourage him, Tom. I mean it.我们在一起会痛苦一辈子的We'd be wretched long term.你现在就不痛苦吗And you're not wretched now?-玛丽觉得他会抛弃我 -我不觉得- Mary thinks he'll throw me over. - I don't see why.他要去伦敦It's surely very encouraging还顺道过来就是好兆头啊he's coming here on his way to London.也许他是来跟我分手好重新开始呢Unless it's to break with me so he can start afresh.他并没什么义务He's not bound.我还没答应他的求婚呢I haven't accepted him.你告诉他玛丽戈德的事了吗Have you told him about Marigold?还没Not yet.说吧拜托Make a clean breast of it. Please.现在不说你日后会后悔的You'll regret it if you don't.就我这运气不管怎样我都会后悔的With my luck, I'll regret it either way.你干什么呢What are you doing?做时间表设置一些考察理解的测试Making time charts and setting some tests for comprehension. 测试给村里的孩子们吗Tests? For the village children?你不会期望太高了吧You're not expecting too much?-谁要可可 -我觉得有期望才会有收获- Who wants cocoa? - I think if you expect a lot, you get a lot. 不了谢谢帕特莫太太No, thank you, Mrs Patmore.-晚安 -晚安- Good night. - Good night.你还好吗How are you feeling?还心有余悸这我不否认I'm still shaken. I can't deny it.你可怜的外甥女能行吗Is your poor niece managing?我明天就过去看她I'm going over to see her tomorrow.我跟你一起去I'll come with you.伊迪丝找到位货真价实的侯爵A genuine, copper-bottomed marquess for Edith.谁能想到啊Who'd have thought it?她还没答应他的求婚所以他不非得娶她She hasn't accepted him so he's not obligated.他要是改主意了就不会来这儿了He wouldn't be coming here if he'd changed his mind.要是以前有人跟我说玛丽会看上一个机械师If anyone had told me Mary would hitch up with a mechanic 而伊迪丝会嫁给英国最显赫的人and Edith would marry one of the grandest men in England, 我肯定直接一拳过去了I'd have knocked them down.玛丽已经跟机械师分手了Mary has got rid of her mechanic-而伊迪丝也还没结婚 -我知道- and Edith is not married yet. - I know.但对可怜的伊迪丝来说But for poor old Edith连她自己的娃娃都不肯顺她的意who couldn't make her dolls do what she wanted,-这事简直太棒了 -还有玛丽戈德呢- it is rather wonderful. - There's still Marigold.她还没告诉他她必须开这个口She hasn't told him yet and she must要是他们还想获得幸福的话if they're to have any chance of happiness.求你了亲爱的I beg you, my darling,拜托别让她这次再黄了please don't let things be spoiled for her this time.-我别无所求了 -是啊- That's all I ask. - All.我觉得林子这样正好I think the wood is right the way it is.不必再扩张了We don't need it any larger.玛丽我去叫他来吧Mary, let me get him up here.-没必要什么都没变 -你已经变了- There's no point. Nothing's changed. - You've changed. 说得轻巧It's not as easy as that.他是很有魅力我很喜欢他I find him very attractive. I like him a lot."他是很有魅力我很喜欢他"'I find him very attractive. I like him a lot.'你瞎扯什么呢What a load of baloney!要是我爱上了他那又如何If I'm in love with him, then what's that?不过是会消褪的一时激♥情♥而已A powerful urge that fades.你和马修的激♥情♥消褪了吗Did it fade for you and Matthew?我们结婚没那么久We weren't married long enough-但我相信日子久了还是会的 -我可不觉得- but I'm sure it would have done. - I'm not.汤姆我不想拿门第说事Tom, look I don't mean to pull rank可像我们这样的人but with people like us,得理智地选择婚姻we need to marry sensibly.尤其作为要继承家业的人Especially if we're going to inherit the family show.这种生活并不适合每个人It's a way of life that isn't for everyone而错误的婚姻会雪上加霜and a bad marriage can poison it.他又不是个粗人他明白这些事He's not an orangutan. He knows how it works.他想要另一种生活He wants different things.那你和马修呢你们就像来自两个极端的人What about you and Matthew? You came from different poles. 是但我们当时还年轻没有束缚Yes, but we were young and free.-第二次婚姻是很难的 -为什么- It's difficult the second time. - Why?因为你知道轻重了很容易出岔子Because you know what's at stake. It's easier to get it wrong. -我倒觉得这是让你幸福的好机会 -真的吗- I only see a real opportunity for you to get it right. - Honestly? -我一直都很诚实 -是吗- I'm always honest. - Are you?你这话是什么意思Why would you say that for heaven's sake?只说一点玛丽戈德One word, Marigold.那不是我的秘密我不能说It wasn't my secret to tell.那看来是真的了我就知道So, it is true. Well, I knew it was.别管玛丽戈德了她没法让你快乐Never mind Marigold. She won't make you happy.亨利·塔伯特可以Henry Talbot will.亨利·塔伯特亨利·塔伯特Oh, Henry Talbot, Henry Talbot.你就知道帮着他也不考虑我You're far more on his side than you were on mine.他是你的真命天子相信我给他个机会He's the one for you. Trust me and give him a chance.不行而且你要是还想挽回我的好感No. And if you want to redeem yourself in my good graces,就也别给他机会you won't give him a chance either.大家都去哪了Where is everybody?玛丽和汤姆在忙代理的事Mary and Tom are agenting伊迪丝去车站接伯蒂了and Edith's gone to meet Bertie's train.我们要谈谈那事吗Are we going to talk about it?我们难道真要Are we going to sit by眼睁睁看着这个年轻人的家庭和前途and let this young man's family and future由于我们隐瞒的丑闻而面临危险be put at risk from a scandal we are hiding from him?我不觉得她非要跟所有人坦白I don't think she has to tell everybody但我同意你的观点but I agree.她必须告诉他然后让他决定She must tell him. Then it's his choice.不该由伊迪丝决定吗Isn't it up to Edith?你这么说是因为托尼·吉利安姆走后You say that because after Tony Gillingham had gone,你担心自己没一个女儿you thought none of your daughters能嫁得好would make a marriage worthy of the name.现在有这么个大好机会你不想就此错过And now there's a chance and you can't bring yourself to give it up. 你没有孩子你不会明白的You haven't got children. You don't understand these things.对我是没有孩子罗伯特多谢你的提醒No. I haven't had children, Robert, as you so kindly remind me,但我起码还算正派but I hope I do have a sense of decency.你打算在这儿待多久How long are you planning to stay?你的感冒应该已经好了Your cold must have cleared up by now.别吵了Don't fight.你们俩吵一点用也没有Nothing's going to get better by you two falling out.你好佩勒姆先生我是说...Hello, Mr Pelham. I mean...仪式结束前我还是继续用佩勒姆这个名字I'm going to stay Mr Pelham until the service.不过希望你们还叫我伯蒂But I wish you'd call me Bertie anyway.-打算举办什么仪式 -不是葬礼- What sort of service will it be? - Not a funeral.我不想惊扰他I've decided not to disturb him.我会收拾他的私人物件偿清他的债务I'll fetch his things and settle his debts and在家办个仪式跟他告别have a service at home to say goodbye.这主意听上去不错That sounds like a very good plan.-希望你能允许我参加 -我希望你参加- I hope you'll allow me to come. - I want you to come.还记得我姐姐吗You remember my sister?当然罗斯孟德夫人Of course. Lady Rosamund.你现在一定很别扭也很不安This must be a strange and unsettling time for you.的确I'll say.我母亲乐坏了My mother's cock-a-hoop,但她不明白我多么忠于彼得堂亲but she doesn't appreciate that I was devoted to Cousin Peter. 她一定是理解的I'm sure she does.并不是很少有人理解他Not really. Most people didn't get the point of him.他...很敏感He was... so delicate.但他对我非常好But he was as kind to me as any man has ever been.由你来做继承人他在天有灵也会开心Then how pleased he'd be to know that you're his heir.多谢您That's so nice of you.天哪Goodness.您这么一说我眼眶都湿了I'm afraid you've made me blub.我带你上楼收拾行李Let me take you upstairs to unpack.午餐起码还要半小时Luncheon's not for half an hour.你就想骗这样一个人娶伊迪丝吗And that's the man you want to trick into marriage?我要出去走走I'm going for a walk.我同意I agree.但罗伯特觉得伊迪丝难得走一回运But Robert thinks Edith's had so little luck in her life.我当然同情她Oh, I sympathise, of course,但我们都知道她在犯一个大错but we both know she's making a mistake.有件事要注意你们现在One thing. Don't forget that Mr Pelham要称呼佩勒姆先生为赫克瑟姆侯爵了is now the Marquess of Hexham, when you address him. 我今早帮他收拾行李时I helped him unpack this morning他说在他表亲葬礼前and he wishes to remain Mr Pelham希望我们继续叫他佩勒姆先生卡森先生until his cousin's funeral, Mr Carson.他要是愿意大可继续称自己为佩勒姆先生He can call himself Mr Pelham to his heart's content但他就是赫克瑟姆侯爵贝茨先生but he is Lord Hexham nevertheless, Mr Bates,我们就称他为老爷and we will refer to him as His Lordship.好了大家干活儿吧Good. Time to get started.好消息吗Good news?不是Not exactly.感谢您的询问但我们希望应聘者Thank you for your enquiry but we wish to combine一人身兼管家司机贴身男仆三职the roles of butler, chauffeur and valet,对您来说未免大材小用and you seem overqualified.祝您前程似锦But please accept our best wishes for the future.-什么前程 -别傻了- What future? - Don't be silly.是啊说得没错Of course. That's right.我是傻可真傻I'm silly, aren't I? Silly old me.-不是的等等 -由他去吧- No wait. - Let him go.丹吉尔有什么让你表亲如此着迷What was it about Tangiers that your cousin enjoyed so much? 谁知道他曾说他会去沙滩Who knows? He used to talk of going down to the beach看年轻的渔民收网and watching the young fishermen bring in the nets.落日会让景致变得无比梦幻How the setting sun would make the scene magical然后一切突然就堕入无边的暗夜until everything was suddenly plunged into darkness.天哪真有诗意Goodness. How lyrical.他是个有诗意的人他是位艺术家He was lyrical. He was an artist.至少他内心是的In his heart, anyway.我们家是不敢自称出过艺术家I don't think this family can boast much in the way of artists.不过是有位姑妈擅长制♥作♥流苏Although we did have an aunt who was quite good at macrame. 你来是打算先跟伊迪丝定下婚事再离开吗So, are you here to settle things with Edith before you leave? 玛丽别这样Mary, please.希望如此希望我们能定下来I hope so. I hope we can get things settled但我不能操之过急but I mustn't jump the gun.你提到过你母亲你还有其他家人吗You've talked of your mother but what other family do you have? 没有了父亲去世了That's it. My father's dead, obviously,我也没有兄弟姐妹there are no siblings.就只剩我和母亲了It's just me and Mother.你说你母亲乐坏了只是开玩笑吧You were joking when you said she was cock-a-hoop但是她肯定也挺骄傲的but she must feel a certain pride.我不是开玩笑I wasn't joking but等您见到她时再自己作判断吧you can judge for yourselves when you meet her.听你说来好像我们该怕她You talk as if we should be scared of her.跟她一比斯奎尔斯先生简直像弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔She makes Mr Squeers look like Florence Nightingale.狄更斯笔下的反派人物女士们能给你们照张相吗Ladies? Can I have a picture?不能No, you may not.他整天都在那里He's been there all day.你怎么不打个电♥话♥提醒我们你这蠢货Well, why didn't you telephone and warn us? You daft ha'porth! 抱歉贝丽尔姨母我怕您不会来了I'm sorry, Auntie Beryl, I thought you might not come我在这儿快疯了and I'm going nearly mad here.预定呢What about the bookings?取消了Cancelled.什么全都取消了吗What?! All of them?还有个男人想要赔偿金说是蒙受了愚弄One man wanted compensation. For the ridicule.希望你告诉他他该怎么办了I hope you told him what he could do with it!我会叫他知道厉害I'll give him RIDICULE!冷静点Now, calm down.又没什么损失我们去喝杯茶吧There's no harm done so let's go and have some tea.这位是莫斯利先生This is Mr Molesley.他会教你们历史和英国文学He will be teaching you history and English literature.-大家欢迎 -同学们下午好- Make him welcome, please. - Good afternoon.这里就交给你Well, I'll leave you to it.本学期我们要学习This term we will explore从16♥4♥2年内战一直到...the years between the Civil War of 16♥4♥2 and... 16♥4♥2年内战到1688年的...16♥4♥2 and the Glorious Revolution...光荣革命of 1688.近半个世纪的社会变革和进步Almost half a century of change and social progress.希望大家和我一样喜欢这段历史I hope you will find it as exciting as I do.你的境遇变了Things have changed for you now.你要明白如果你想你还是自♥由♥的You must know that you're quite free if you want to be.我不想I don't.的确是发生了改变Look, of course things have changed.我之前本来注定过上平静生活I was in line for a quiet life,耕种运动与妻子建立一个家庭farming, sport, bringing up a family with my wife.但现在我将成为一郡之首But now I'm to be one of the kings of the county -重要场合都要出席代表尊敬我的人♥民♥ always on parade, representing the people who look up to me, 为公众利益抗争竭力不让民众失望fighting for causes, trying oh so hard not to be disappointing. 我相信你会做得很好Oh, I think you'll make a very good job of it.没人比你更有道德良知了You couldn't ask for a man with a sounder moral conscience. 良知或许是有The conscience maybe,但勇气呢but what about the courage?帮帮我吧Help me. Please.但我能帮上你吗我有资格吗But can I help? Am I worthy?第七任赫克瑟姆侯爵The 7th Marquess of Hexham迎娶第五任格兰瑟姆伯爵之女weds the daughter of the 5th Earl of Grantham?没有比这更合适的了母亲肯定要高兴坏了What could be more suitable? Mother will be thrilled.你经常提起她You talk of her a lot.她对我非常重要我承认She has been an important figure in my life. I admit it.但我们也会意见不合But I don't agree with her about everything.她真的很严厉吗Is she really very stern?她相信地位伴有责任She certainly believes rank carries responsibilities.我也这么认为But so do I.所以我才需要你That's why I need you.帮我达到对自己的期许To help me live up to my own expectations.我们该进去了We ought to go in.下午茶就要开始孩子们也快下楼了Tea will have started and the children will be down in a minute. 那个丈夫收了钱The husband has been bought off?他庭外和解了Well, he's settled out of court.那你不用做证人了And you won't have to be a witness?威利斯先生是这么说的So Mr Willis said.但我的房♥客预定都没了But I've still lost every one of my bookings.我还是大家的笑柄I'm still a laughing stock.从一开始我就不喜欢这主意I did wonder about the whole idea from the beginning.你才没有You did not!我们本来也打算这样It's exactly what we're planning to do.那我们肯定要比帕特莫太太Then clearly we're going to have to be a lot more careful更小心些了对吧than Mrs Patmore, aren't we?前门有客卡森先生That's the front door, Mr Carson.我这就去I'll go.庞奇好凶Punch is terribly fierce.他可不是将来找丈夫的好榜样I don't think he's a good model for marriage in later life.也不是遵纪守法的好榜样Or relations with the law.-接招看拳 -你这无赖- Take that! And that! And that! - Ouch, you rascal!就该这样And that's the way to do it!真棒Very good!塔伯特先生到了Mr Talbot.你好塔伯特先生玛丽没说过你要来Hello, Mr Talbot. Mary never told me you were coming. 我也不知情I didn't know he was.是这样我正从达勒姆开车返回Well, the thing is, I was driving down from Durham突然意识到我离这里都这么近了and I suddenly realised I'd almost be passing the gates. 你去达勒姆做什么What were you doing in Durham?就是些跟车相关的事Oh, I was doing various car things.布鲁克兰惨剧后就没见你了We haven't seen you since that awful day at Brooklands. 希望你都释然了I hope you're coping with it all.也只有如此了Well, one doesn't have much choice.你知道这事吗Did you know about this?我可能提过如果他从达勒姆回来I might have said if he was coming from Durham,会离庄园很近then he'd be driving quite close.别以为我觉得好笑我讨厌被人强迫Don't think I'm amused. I dislike my hand being forced. 没人要强迫你做什么No-one's forcing anything.既然你来了至少留下过夜吧Now you're here, I hope you'll stay the night at least.玛丽Mary?也许塔伯特先生急着回家Perhaps Mr Talbot is in a hurry to get home.不我不急No, no I'm not.。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

第五季第八集伦敦格兰瑟姆大宅以此缅怀兰开夏燧发枪手团二等兵阿奇·菲尔帕斯为国捐躯卒于1917年2月5日终年19岁以此缅怀兰开夏燧发枪手团二等兵阿奇·菲尔帕斯为国捐躯卒于1917年2月5日终年19岁直接拿到四轮马车上去Take them straight to the wagonette.物品清单卡森先生The inventory, Mr Carson.谢谢Thank you.-休斯太太 -谢谢你巴罗先生- Mrs Hughes. - Oh. Thank you, Mr Barrow.我们怎么把它带去伦敦啊How can we get it up to London?别担心会有时间修补的Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to make repairs.我得说你真是个艺术家I must say, you're a real artist.不只是我黛西也帮了大忙Well, it's as much Daisy's work as mine.好了我们该带多少Now, how much should we take有哪些是可以到那儿再买♥♥的呢and what can we buy when we get there?庆幸的是里彭能买♥♥到的东西I'm happy to tell you that most things you can buy in Ripon 伦敦大都也有are also available in London.我知道但应该不太一样吧I know. But you don't trust them quite the same.是你觉得不一样Well, YOU don't.她为什么也去伦敦Why is she coming to London?还没找人接替布尤特太太吗Haven't they replaced Mrs Bute?没有不会找人了Oh no, no, they're not going to.以后格兰瑟姆大宅不会雇长驻管家了There'll be no permanent housekeeper at Grantham House in future. 时代前进的又一步Another clang in the march of time.真漂亮That's lovely.-会不会有点老气 -不会- You don't think it's a bit mumsy? - No!很时髦It's very chic.戴上帽子看看Can we see it with the hat?-你期待去伦敦吗 -很期待- Are you looking forward to London? - I am.我和贝茨先生正好要去看看♥房♥♥子Mr Bates and I need to inspect our house,所以时机刚刚好so the timing couldn't be better.真遗憾苏珊错过了这些I'm sorry Susan's missing all this.她才不在乎服装呢She doesn't care about clothes.我还是不明白他们为什么不按原计划I still don't understand why they didn't come two months ago两个月前就来when they originally said.没办法啊How could they?政♥府♥改了交接日期他们过不来The Government changed the date for the hand-over. They were stuck. 要是我无论如何也要为女儿的婚礼回来I'd have come back anyway if it were my daughter's wedding.那你就不要去搞外交了I do not suggest a career in the Diplomatic.-他们会比我们先到吗 -不会- Will they be there before us? - No.他们在南安普顿过夜They're spending the night in Southampton.我们会在同一天到圣詹姆斯区We'll all arrive in St James's on the same day.我们要当他们是对幸福夫妇吗Are we to pretend they're a happy couple?-是的必须要 -何必闹得不愉快- Yes, we jolly well are. - Why cast a shadow?-就是说 -真遗憾不能在这里办- I quite agree. - I'm sorry it can't be here.去登记处结婚再到教堂祈福I don't think a registry office wedding and a church blessing 郡里可能接受不了would be what the county expects,而且伦敦对苏珊和小虾更合适些and London makes more sense for Susan and Shrimpie.我还想在犹太教堂做祈福呢And I want a blessing in a synagogue.里彭哪会有犹太教堂And where would you find a synagogue in Ripon?我真佩服你能如此从容面对一切I do admire the way you just take it all in your stride.如果能做到I think it would make it easier我想对辛德比勋爵会好受些for Lord Sinderby if we could manage it.我看他不值得你在意I'm not sure Lord Sinderby deserves your concern.阿提科斯爱他而我爱阿提科斯Atticus loves him and I love Atticus.爱不可能战胜一切但还是很有力量的Love may not conquer all, but it can conquer quite a lot.我还担心夫人要面对那个叛徒I worried about her ladyship having to face the traitor,但听说奥布瑞恩小姐but it seems Miss O'Brien's got herself被新总督的妻子留下了taken on by the new Governor's wife.很正常不过我听说他们贴身男仆女仆都没有Typical, but I've been told they've neither maid nor valet,这对一对侯爵夫妇太奇怪了which seems odd for a Marquess and Marchioness.说实话卡森先生To be honest, Mr. Carson,我看他们是没什么钱了I don't think they have two pennies to rub together. It's all gone.那么辛德比一家的阔气肯定合他们心意So, the Sinderby millions must be a cheering thought.不好说呢I wonder.弗林特夏尔夫人可不是个开放的人Lady Flintshire's not the most liberal being on the planet.-的确不是 -不过- No. - Then again...-玛姬说辛德比勋爵也不太赞同 -我也听说了- Madge says Lord Sinderby's none too keen. - So I gather.两边都有倔脾气呢Hurrah for intolerance on both sides.我担心只有巴罗先生和莫斯利恐怕不够I'm worried about running it with only Messrs Barrow and Molesley. -你担心会显得寒酸吗 -你不觉得吗- You think we'll look a bit dingy? - Don't you?-能不能去借个男仆呢 -恐怕不行- Could we borrow a spare footman? - I don't know.借男仆听起来像是上个世纪的事了Borrowing footmen sounds like something out of the last century. 连我都觉得过时Even to me!那就雇一个吧就一周不会花多少钱Hire a lad for the week we're there. It wouldn't cost much.就为了支撑个门面吗That's to be it for the Big Parade?风光的年代过去了卡森先生The Big Parade's passed, Mr Carson.我们只能尽力而为了We're just trying to keep up as best we can.轮到我了My turn.你真棒Well done, you.我父亲要是在会怎么说呢What would my father say?你在和外孙女建立牢固的友谊That you were building a very solid friendship with your granddaughter.不对亲爱的No, darling.你碰上蛇了所以你得回到那儿去You've landed on a snake so you have to go back to there.不要No!别这么小气让她留在原处吧Don't be so mean. Let her stay where she is.现在不教教她接受失败It won't be very helpful later on对以后没什么好处if we don't teach her how to lose.你哭吧亲爱的You go ahead and cry, darling.-这样阿驴就难受了 -别叫我阿驴- Make Donk feel guilty. - Don't call me Donk!快点阿驴轮到您了Oh hurry up, Donk! It's your turn.谁的信What's that?是我在波士顿的堂亲It's from my cousin in Boston.他是卖♥♥♥车♥的想扩展到卖♥♥农业机械He sells cars but he wants to expand into farm machinery.这两个你都熟悉You know about both.是啊所以他想拉我入伙Exactly. He'd like me to come in with him.他要在这里开分店吗Oh, is he opening a branch over here?不是他想让我去马萨诸塞州找他No. He's asked me to join him in Massachusetts.-跟他合伙 -原来如此- As a partner. - Oh, I see.辛德比勋爵最近怎么样How's it going with Lord Sinderby?我看他做梦都希望我一觉醒来改主意了呢I think he dreams of my waking up in the morning and changing my mind.有个那样的父亲You'd think with a father like that按说阿提科斯该有个更犹太的名字呢Atticus would have a more Jewish name.很有犹太宗教色彩的名字他的本名是以法连·阿提科斯His real name is Ephraim Atticus,可他妈妈从小就叫他阿提科斯就成习惯了but his mother called him Atticus as a baby and it stuck.她是你的盟友She's your ally.对可并不是因为她觉得这些不重要Yes, but not because she thinks it's all unimportant,她只是觉得她儿子的幸福比什么都重要just that she thinks her son's happiness is more important.-谢谢你 -这我喜欢听- Thank you! - I like the sound of that.贝茨夫妇请留步Mr and Mrs Bates. Might I take up a moment of your time?我接到了威利斯警长的电♥话♥I had a call earlier from Sergeant Willis.维纳先生来这边了打算明早过来一趟Mr Vyner is back up here and wants to come by in the morning. -来找我吗 -找你们俩- To see me. - To see both of you.我不明白为什么I don't understand. Why?相信等他来了就清楚了I dare say it will become clearer after he's been.我们还希望这事已经结束了We hoped this was over.我也一样贝茨先生我也一样So did I, Mr Bates. So did I.我上去了I'm going up.晚安Good night.我去看看孩子们你就不用去了I'll check on the children so you don't have to.她还真热心啊She's keen. I'll give her that.她为什么一副全天下就她是个母亲的样子Why does she have to carry on as if she'd invented motherhood?我也去睡了I'm going to bed, too.稍等您考虑过在村里施工的事了吗Before you do, have you thought any more about the work in the village? 那些农舍的情况不容乐观Those cottages are in quite a state要修缮的话就得抓紧时间了if we're going to restore them, then we ought to get on with it.我知道我知道可我们哪来的钱I know, I know, but how are we going to find the money?我们到伦敦后好好想想吧然后再做决定Let's think about it while we're in London and make a decision.是真的吗伦敦的探长明天要过来Is it true that London Inspector is coming back tomorrow?你怎么知道的How do you know that?请记住我很愿意发誓Just remember I'd be happy to swear我看到了那张完整的车票I saw that ticket in one piece.-夫人要睡了 -好的谢谢- Her ladyship's on her way to bed. - Right. Thank you.希望巴克斯特小姐不是我们避免麻烦的唯一希望I hope Miss Baxter's not all we've got between us and trouble.我这次想好好逛逛伦敦每次我都下决心I want to use London this time because I always resolve要去剧院啊画廊啊博物馆什么的to visit theatres and galleries and museums.可最后总是哪也没去就回家了Then I get home and I've not done anything.我跟你一起I'll join you.我们一起去We'll go together.一言为定I'll hold you to that.揭幕仪式的日子定了The date of the unveiling.纪念碑吗什么时候Of the memorial? When is it?25日我们正好从婚礼赶回来On the 25th, so we'll just be back from the wedding.大家注意村里会在25日正午12点Everyone, we will be unveiling the war memorial in the village 为战争纪念碑揭幕at twelve noon on the 25th.-希望咱们家的人都能到场 -当然- I'd like the house to be well represented. - Of course.希望你不介意我不去卡森先生I hope you won't object if I don't come, Mr Carson.我们会想你的You'd be missed.我不想旧事重提但那会令我难过I don't want to drag it up again, but it would be painful.卡森先生能理解Mr Carson understands.好就这样吧Yes, that's as may be.可怜的女人Poor woman.你听到她的话了咱们就别旧事重提了You heard her. Let's not drag it up again.您用好了吗夫人Have you quite finished, m'lady?可以了谢谢丹可Yes, thank you, Denker.刚才是谁敲门啊Who was that at the door?一位自称克拉根亲王的先生夫人A gentleman called Prince Kuragin, m'lady.他在会客厅里He's in the drawing room.我跟他说了您还没下楼可他说可以等I told him you weren't downstairs but he said he'd wait.-他非常坚持 -嗯我...- He was most insistent. - Yes I...我不想穿昨晚选的那套了I don't think I'll wear what I chose last night.我想也是I suspected that might be the case所以我拿出了淡紫色的日间裙装so I put out the lavender day dress.跟您非常相配Goes very well with your ladyship's colouring.亲王只是位老朋友丹可没别的The Prince is an old friend, Denker, nothing more.当然夫人Oh, I'm sure, m'lady,但打扮漂亮点总没坏处对吧but it never hurts to look your best, does it?也对是没坏处No. I don't believe it does.我们需要一些兵团代表We'll need representatives of the regiments involved当然还要个乐队and of course a band of some sort,但相信你都安排好了吧but I dare say that's all under control.那是当然老爷I dare say it is, m'lord.我想给威廉·梅森的父亲安排个好位子I'd like William Mason's father to have a good place.威廉离开家乡为国捐躯William left this house to give his life for his country.-我深感遗憾 -我们都是的老爷- I feel that very deeply. - We all do, m'lord.-转告仆人好吗 -已经说了- Will you tell the staff? - Already done.出席的人应该不会少We should have a good turnout.帕特莫太太请假了但也情有可原Mrs Patmore has asked to be excused but that's understandable. 我很遗憾但也意料之中I'm sorry, but not surprised.我先告退了M'lord.我不明白你说"我们最后的机会"是什么意思I don't know what you mean by "our last chance".我们的机会早在多年前就被我们放弃了We left any chance we had behind us, many years ago.-我不接受 -那亲王夫人怎么办- I don't accept that. - And what about the Princess?他们还没找到她They haven't found her yet.我们又分开很久了We've been apart for a long time.你是要离婚吗Are you proposing to divorce?何必你还想生孩子吗Why? Do you want more children?我只希望人生最后的日子能与你共度I wish to spend my final years with you.作为朋友爱人As a friend, as a lover.我并不想闹出丑闻只求爱情I don't seek scandal, only love.这几年我过得很凄惨The last years have been ugly.我不想余下的日子都这么凄惨I don't want what remains to be ugly.是啊No.那么...So...你意下如何...what do you say?你这就想要答案啊You want an answer just like that?我知道我的感觉你也知道I know my own feelings. You do too.我现在没法做决定I can't make a decision now!我不会改变心意的I won't change.别把你的强硬态度当做什么优点炫耀Don't proclaim your intransigence as if it were a virtue.事情有了点进展Things have advanced a little.看来格林先生并非卡森先生所说的那种正人君子It seems Mr Green was not quite the sunny soul that Mr Carson depicted. 他好像侵犯过不少女性He appears to have carried out a series of attacks on women.她们之前不敢出面揭发他They were too nervous to come forward before now,但经过一番鼓励她们中有人说出了实情but with a little encouragement some of them have spoken out. 我们大概拼凑出了他的行径We've been able to formed a picture of his behaviour.可这里没发生什么啊But nothing happened here!他的受害者多为纤弱的女人His victims were generally small, slight women,而且并未挑逗过他who'd given little or no encouragement.-真令人不快 -没错的确令人不快- How very unpleasant. -Yes, It is rather 'unpleasant'.-你说是吧贝茨太太 -当然- Wouldn't you agree, Mrs Bates? - Yes.我们还有消息也许能证明贝茨先生的清白We also have news which may put Mr Bates in the clear.又有一名目击证人站出来了A second witness has come forward.他的证据表明His evidence suggests在人行道上与格林起争执的人whoever was arguing with Green on the pavement要比他矮was shorter than him.也比你矮贝茨先生Someone shorter than yourself, Mr Bates.你有什么想法休斯太太What do you think, Mrs Hughes?我可什么都不知道I don't know a thing about it.就这样吧We'll leave it there.如果我们需要贝茨太太来伦敦If we need Mrs Bates to come to London,可以安排下吗休斯太太could that be arranged, Mrs Hughes?我们下周会去伦敦参加罗斯小姐的婚礼We'll be in London next week for Lady Rose's wedding.那你能在周二上午十点来一趟苏格兰场吗Then could you pop in to Scotland Yard on Tuesday at ten o'clock? 她去的话我要陪她一起If she comes, I'll be with her.-如你所愿 -那好就这么定了- As you wish. - Good, that's settled.先告辞了Now I'll say goodbye.这到底怎么回事啊What on earth was that about?他想逼你说出实情He's trying to bully it out,但最好别妨碍他but it's best not to stand in his way.说出什么Bully what out?上面找您卡森先生You're required upstairs, Mr Carson.埃文斯先生很高兴你能来Mr Evans. It's good of you to come.我很荣幸老爷I'm pleased to, m'lord.你父亲这几年给我们的狗刻了不少墓碑Your father carved many stones for our dogs over the years.很高兴你准备继承他的衣钵了I'm glad you're prepared to go on with it.这些就像我们以前给您做的一样These are like the ones we've made for you in the past.这是本宠物墓碑册吗Is this a book of pets' tombstones?像另一个世界啊A parallel universe.不老爷我们做的东西那里面都有留样No, m'lord. You've examples of everything we do.我明白了这是什么I see. What's this?纪念碑老爷A memorial, m'lord.我们给欣克利的一个园丁做的We made it for a garden in Hinckley.快到莱斯特了你们生意范围还真大Near Leicester? You do get about.你来了还真是不着急啊There you are! You took your time.我还以为你不小心拉到了铃I thought you'd rung by accident.那你要我怎么召唤你吹起约书亚的喇叭吗How would you like to be summoned, by Joshua's trumpet? 最好压根不要"召唤"我I prefer not to be "Summoned" at all.至少不是被你召唤At any rate, not by you.把这些拿到车里去Take these down to the car.我去拿她的雨鞋和雨伞I'm going to fetch her galoshes and umbrella.我一直在想I've been thinking.等我们到了那边Should I tell them everything要不要把一切告诉他们了事when we get there and have done with it?不不到万不得已我不会说出自己的秘密No. I'm not one to give up my secrets unless I have to.他们没有其他证据了They have nothing else to prive against it,既然杀他的人不可能是你if the man who killed him can't have been you.即便如此也不行Even so.黛西Daisy?卡森先生Yes, Mr Carson.走之前老爷想Before we go, his lordship邀请梅森先生去参加揭幕仪式wants to extend an invitation to Mr Mason for the unveiling, 当然也包括你作为威廉的遗孀which will include you as William's widow.-谢谢卡森先生 -我会以主席身份写信给他- Thank you, Mr Carson. - I'll write to him as Chairman.但你下封信里要是能先跟他提一下就再好不过了But it might be nice if you were to mention it in your next letter.-当然 -那好- Of course. - Right.我们该上去等车了Well, we'd better get up to the cars.丹可离开几天希望你应付得来斯普拉特I hope you can manage a few days without Denker, Spratt.完全可以而且非常乐意夫人A hope that will be fulfilled and gladly, m'lady.所有箱子都在这里了吗丹可Are these all the cases, Denker?夫人真是火眼金睛Your ladyship is very sharp-eyed.确实少了一个箱子We are missing one.既然是斯普拉特先生负责把它们拿下来Since Mr Spratt was given the task of bringing them down,那他肯定是放到哪里妥善保管起来了no doubt he's put it somewhere for safe keeping.你真体贴斯普拉特Oh, how very considerate of you, Spratt.-快去拿来吧 -可是夫人我没有- Fetch it now, please. - But your ladyship, I don't...去把箱子拿来斯普拉特Fetch the case, Spratt.我觉得好内疚要扔下玛丽戈德一个人I feel so guilty, leaving Marigold on her own.她可不是一个人她周围都是保姆和孩子Oh, she's not on her own, she's surrounded by nannies and children! -我知道 -她会过得很好的- I know. - She'll have a whale of a time.伊迪丝对那孩子简直着迷了Edith is obsessed with that child.-她好可爱啊 -那倒没错- She's a dear little thing. - So she is.可事实上我觉得那孩子有点特别But as a matter of fact, there is something about her.玛丽戈德吗怎么了About Marigold? What?我不知道总觉得似曾相识I don't know. A sense of deja vu.我也说不准I can't quite put my finger on it.大家注意这是安迪我们在伦敦期间All of you, Andy here will be an extra footman他会在这里做男仆while we're in London.请大家多帮助他Please be helpful to him.-今天晚餐就开始帮忙吗 -是这样- Starting at dinner tonight? - That's the idea.卡森先生怎么找到你的How did Mr Carson find you?我之前是门童I was working as a hall boy.卡森先生打给我以前人家的管家Mr Carson rang my old butler问我有没有兴趣to see if I have any new ideas.就一个星期你之后还能回去吗It's only a week's work. Will he take you back?我不想回去做门童了I don't want to go back as a hall boy.我想做男仆这就是第一步I want to be a footman now and this is the first step.-真有勇气 -如今这世道没勇气不行啊- I think that's brave. - You've got to be brave these days. 你对伦敦熟悉吗Do you know London well?对这块不熟我在东区长大Not here. I grew up in the East End.-我只在贝斯沃特上过班 -贝斯沃特- I've only ever worked in Bayswater. - Bayswater?-公园北边那个 -我知道- Yeah, north of the park. - Oh yes, I know where it is.-你对这附近完全不熟咯 -是的- So you're not known round here then? - No.你只在这儿工作到婚礼结束You're just with us 'til after the wedding?-是的 -你应该喜欢找乐子吧- That's it. - I dare say you enjoy a bit of fun.算是吧谁不喜欢呢I s'pose so. As much as the next man.只要你会找这附近有不少乐子可寻There's fun to be had round here if you know where to look for it.-你对这里很熟咯 -当然简直像回家了- You know this area, then? - Oh, yes. I've come home.我在圣詹姆斯广场住了好多年I spent many a year in St James's Square.趁丹可小姐还没开始滔滔不绝地讲她的过去Well, before we get drawn into Miss Denker's past adventures,你和我来我带你熟悉一下工作情况吧why don't you come along with me and I'll show you how it all works? 快来Chop, chop.欢迎猎人从山林中归家Welcome the hunter, home from the hill.-两位感觉怎样 -累死了- How are you both? - Worn out!从南安普敦坐火车过来The train from Southampton跟从孟买♥♥坐船回来一样累人was almost as bad as the voyage from Bombay.更衣前先躺一会吧You must lie down before you change.你还记得卡森吗Do you remember Carson?我知道您没带随身侍从侯爵老爷I gather you haven't brought any personal attendants, m'lord.我们早就不带了卡森Those days are done for us now, Carson.没必要昭告天下吧We needn't tell the world.走吧小虾Well, Shrimpie.玛丽小姐的女仆安娜负责照顾您夫人You will have Lady Mary's maid Anna, to help you, m'lady.侯爵老爷由莫斯利先生照顾His lordship will have Mr Molesley.我带您去您的房♥间Now I'll show you to your room.我们不是住一间房♥吧We're not in one room? Together?-现在房♥间不太够 -我绝不合住- The thing is, we're very squashed. - I'm not sharing a room.-我去住酒店 -得了- I'll go to an hotel. - Come on...别担心夫人我们会安排好的请这边走Don't worry m'lady, we'll manage. If you'd like to come this way. 或许罗斯小姐可以和伊迪丝小姐住一间房♥Maybe Lady Rose could share with Lady Edith?谢谢休斯太太Thank you, Mrs Hughes.我就知道她会找麻烦I knew she'd be trouble.妈妈Mummy.-他们说您到了 -是啊可累死了- They said you'd arrived. - Yes. What a journey.我好像一直在到处奔波I seem to have been travelling for as long as I can remember.可您到了Well, you're here now.来亲亲你可怜的母亲Won't you give your poor old mother a kiss?当然Of course.-你的选择可真特别 -希望您会喜欢他- This is quite a choice you've made. - I hope you'll like him.他们今晚都会来吃晚饭They're all coming for dinner tonight.你真的确定就是他了And you're quite, quite sure?十分确定Absolutely.这就够了Well then, that's all I needed to hear.-卡森先生宣布晚餐开始了吗 -他们还没到齐呢- Has Mr Carson announced dinner? - They're not all here yet.我到的时候收到一封维纳先生的信I found a letter from Mr Vyner when we arrived,确认我明早会去苏格兰场confirming I'm to be at Scotland Yard in the morning.别太担心Try not to worry about it.结束之后正好去看看你们的房♥子吧你会开心的Why not go to see your house afterwards? You'd enjoy that.在伦敦我们在旁边看着Now, in London, we supervise,他们自己会从茶几上拿咖啡和其他喝的but they help themselves to coffee and drinks from a side table. 等他们都拿好了我们就离开Once they settle, we leave them to it.我之前工作的地方男仆要在旁边守到他们睡觉In my last place, the footmen stayed 'til they went to bed.这里不一样他们要喝第二杯得自己倒Not here, if they want a second drink, it's up to them.好了There we are.希望安娜能照顾好你I hope Anna was helpful.我相信她会的She will be, I'm sure.辛德比一家在哪呢Where are the Sinderbys?我们还以为您是辛德比勋爵和夫人呢We thought you might be Lord and Lady Sinderby.抱歉让你们失望了'Fraid not.您好Hello.-他们什么样 -夫人人很好很喜欢罗斯- What are they like? - She's very nice and fond of Rose.-勋爵大人有些犹豫 -罗斯和他非常般配- He's less convinced. - Rose is more than a match for him.真是可笑他们哪有资格嫌弃我们女儿It does make me smile that they should be the ones objecting. -他们和我们一样有资格 -爸爸妈妈- They have as much right as we do. - Mummy, Daddy...你们可以装得恩爱一点吗Can you try to behave like a happy couple?那多不诚实Wouldn't that be rather dishonest?这怎么了你们还没分开呢Why? You haven't separated yet.在南安普敦上船的那一刻我们的心就分开了We separated the moment we walked down the gangway at Southampton. 演几天戏又不会死It won't kill us to put on a show for a few more days.主要是我不想让辛德比勋爵找到话茬The thing is, I don't want to give Lord Sinderby any ammunition.罗斯·麦克莱尔小姐还配不上他们家了So, Lady Rose MacClare is a mesalliance.别这样说奶奶I'm not sure that's helpful, Granny.辛德比勋爵夫妇和阿提科斯·奥德里奇先生Lord and Lady Sinderby and Mr Atticus Aldridge.快进来见到你们真好Do come in. How lovely to see you.爸爸妈妈这是阿提科斯Daddy, Mummy. This is Atticus.-你们好 -真是个特别的名字- How do you do? - What a peculiar name.怎么样How's it going?-弗林特夏尔夫人可不好伺候 -我早说了- Lady Flintshire is not a push-over. - I told you that.我必须要问我实在放不下这事I must ask, because I can't get it out of my mind,探长传召贝茨太太做什么why has the Inspector summoned Mrs Bates?我要是发誓他们都是清白的能让你放心吗Would it help if I swore neither of them has done anything wrong?我没怀疑过但听到这话我就放心了I never doubted it, but it's a relief to hear.我该上去了I'd better go up.为何选择约克郡因为那里的历史吗What made you choose Yorkshire? Was it a historic reason?不是我年少时常去那里Not really. I used to go there as a girl而且风景也很好and of course it's beautiful.你有英国血统吗Do you have any English blood?我家人是上世纪五十年代过来的It's true we only date from the 1850s,但辛德比夫人家but Lady Sinderby's family早在理查三世在位时就来英国了arrived in the reign of King Richard Ill.是吗我一直以为你们是游牧民族漂泊四海Really? I always think of you as nomads, drifting around the world.说到漂泊Talking of drifting round,你们真打算从康宁斯比的梅尔福家is it true you're starting your honeymoon开始蜜月之旅吗at the Melfords' in Coningsby?是的梅尔福夫人是母亲的表亲Oh yes. Lady Melford is Mother's cousin.是吗我还真不知道Is she? I never knew that.听说你想在犹太教堂办祈福I gathered you wanted a synagogue blessing?我想尊重双方的传统I'd like to respect both sides.但你不懂我们的礼节不过这也很正常Well, you don't understand our customs. Then again, why should you? -这不行吗 -不行他该告诉你的- So it won't be possible? - No. He should have told you.我想邀请你们周三晚上过来共进晚餐I thought we could have a dinner on Wednesday night for all of you,介绍一些亲戚给你们认识so you could meet some of the relations.让他们知道自己是多幸运And show them how lucky they are!-他们都住在府上吗 -快挤不下了- Have you got many of them staying? - We're crammed to the gunwales. 阿提科斯不得不去霍恩比酒店住Atticus has had to move into the Halnaby Hotel.我非常喜欢那地方I love the Halnaby.这样也好他可以在那里办...怎么说的It makes sense and he can have his... What do they call it now?他的单身派对又不会打扰我们His stag party there, without disturbing us.-您会去吗辛德比勋爵 -不会- Will you be going, Lord Sinderby? - Hardly.单身派对在父亲的反对清单上排名很前Stag parties are rather high on Father's disapproval list.这张清单很长吗辛德比勋爵Is it a long list, Lord Sinderby, the things you disapprove of?不长我只是不喜欢牌桌上的老千和没熟透的鱼No, as long as I can steer clear of card sharps and undercooked fish, 还有离婚其余都很随意and divorce, I think I'm fairly easy.这年头离婚有这么可怕吗Is divorce so terrible these days?有必要勉强在一起继续痛苦的生活吗Is it worse to stay together and be miserable?我是很传统但我觉得离婚代表软弱Well, I'm clearly old-fashioned but to me divorce signifies weakness. 堕落丑闻和失败Degradation, scandal and failure.再次来伦敦你开心吗Are you glad to be in London again?拿回我的房♥子我就开心了I will be when I get the house back.-租客什么时候搬走 -理论上是下周- When do the tenants go? - Next week in theory.我得把真画从储藏室搬出来I need to pull the real pictures out of storage.真是抬举他们What a palaver!就是但想想最后I know, but think of the relief我终于能关上房♥门一个人享受家里的清净了when I can shut the door at last and be alone in my own home.-弗林特夏尔侯爵不也会在吗 -当然了- Won't Lord Flintshire be with you? - Of course he will.我当然会在这话真滑稽苏珊Of course I will. What a funny thing to say, Susan.可以这么说吧Funny is one word for it.我想说Well, I want you to know随时欢迎你们来坎宁福德。






但对于热爱《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)这部剧的广大粉丝来说,这样的形容非但不过分,甚至还不足以传达这部剧的好看之处。














唐顿庄园⼜⾛⼈:坏⼥仆OBrien嫌⾓⾊太卑鄙离开O'Brien is leaving "Downton Abbey," and unlike Dan Stevens' departure, not many viewers willbe sad to see the notoriously catty maid to Lady Grantham go.第⼀⼥仆O'Brien也要离开唐顿庄园了。

和⼤表哥Dan Stevens的出⾛不同,⼤概没有多少观众会因为伯爵夫⼈的贴⾝⼥仆——招⼈烦的O'Brien的离开⽽难过吧。

"I'm not doing any more," Siobhan Finneran, who played O'Brien, revealed to the Press Association,. "O'Brien is a thoroughly despicable human being -- that was great to play."“我不想再演了,”O'Brien的扮演者Siobhan Finneran向英国联合社透露说,“O'Brien这个⾓⾊实在太卑鄙了,不过能演这个⾓⾊是件很棒的事情。

”Though Masterpiece confirmed that O'Brien would not appear in "Downton Abbey" Season 4,the door seems open for her return.尽管已经证实了O'Brien将不会在第四季的唐顿庄园中出现,但是,唐顿庄园的⼤门永远向她敞开。

O'Brien has been a love-to-hate character throughout her three seasons on the show, fromcausing Cora's miscarriage in Season 1 to the bitter feud she had with under-butler Thomasthat led to her outing him in Season 3.在前三季中,O'Brien是⼀个让⼈爱恨交加的⾓⾊。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第四季第五集真不知你为什么总要等我完全没必要I don't know why you always wait for me. There's no need. 因为我想每天早晨第一个跟你打招呼Because I want to be the first to greet you every morning. 我说了没必要Well, as I said... there's no need.有...There's -绝对有必要There's every need.而且我会一直这样And I will keep it up直到你解释清楚我们到底怎么了until you explain to me what has gone wrong between us. 解释什么Explain what?我的生活原本很完美My life is perfect.但在一天之内什么都没了And then, in the space of one day, it is nothing.我需要一个解释To me, that requires an explanation.早安巴克斯特小姐Oh, good morning, Miss Baxter.你们好贝茨先生贝茨太太Hello, Mr Bates, Mrs Bates.-能否请你们帮个忙 -我们尽量- I wondered if you'd help me. - We will, if we can.就是我的缝纫机我房♥间里没有插座It's my sewing machine. I have no sockets in my bedroom. 而缝纫室又在洗衣房♥那边And what with the sewing room being in the laundry wing, 不知道休斯太太I wondered if Mrs Hughes能不能让我在休息室用缝纫机might let me use it in the servants' hall.-我想你该去问问她 -是啊没错- I should ask her, if I were you. - Yes, of course.我这就去I'll do that.你觉得她怎么样What do you make of her?我觉得她不错I think she's nice.所以我很好奇她到底看上托马斯什么Which prompts me to wonder what she sees in our friend Thomas. 有句老话说得好You know the old saying."凡人皆古怪"'There's nowt so queer as folk.'再不赶紧要错过早餐了We'll miss breakfast, if we're not careful.你不介意我们教阿尔弗雷德烹饪吗Are you happy for us to be teaching Alfred to cook?你该去问卡森先生It's Mr Carson you should ask.问我什么Ask me what?厨房♥佣人在帮阿尔弗雷德准备考试About the kitchen staff helping Alfred to train for his test.-他已经被录取了吗 -不还没有- He's been accepted for it, then? - Not yet, no.但他希望能做好准备But he'd like to be ready if he is.我看没问题I suppose it's all right.阿尔弗雷德很勤快这点值得肯定Alfred is a hard worker. I'll give him that.如果他要选择烹饪这条路...And if cooking's his chosen path...很好我只是想确认这不会引起混乱Good. I was just checking I wasn't inciting a revolution.请用夫人There we are... My Lady.该准备的我应该都弄了不过Now, I think I've remembered everything. But...您还是看看我就在这儿等着I'll just stay here while you check.看起来很好不过这是什么It seems perfect, but... What's this?我听说美国人早餐常喝橙汁Well, I know Americans often drink orange juice with breakfast. 我想您会喜欢So I thought you might like it.你真体贴巴克斯特That is so considerate, Baxter.谢谢你Thank you.-早安老爷 -早安- Good morning, My Lord. - Good morning.你看起来很高兴You look very jovial.巴克斯特让我想起了过去的时光It's just Baxter reminding me of times gone by.-你喜欢她 -是的谢天谢地- You're pleased with her. - I am, thank heaven.你今天怎么样So what's your day looking like?汤姆和玛丽让我去一下书房♥Tom and Mary have summoned me to the library.说他们有个想法They have an idea.希望你不会反对他们的想法I hope it's not something you're going to fight about.这要我怎么说我都不知道是什么呢How can I answer that when I don't know what it is?你的意思是So what you are saying is如果我们为这孩子找个工作if we find a job for the boy,对他母亲将意义重大it'll make a difference to his mother.那是当然Oh, a big difference.如果你真想帮助佩格太太If you really want to help Mrs Pegg,这可比喝茶和同情this will be of more practical use更有实际意义than all the tea and sympathy in the world.-可我这里不缺人手了 -我知道- Well, I don't need anyone else here. - I know.但你能不能问问庄园的主管园丁呢But would you talk to the head gardener up at the Abbey?或者和老夫人谈谈Or maybe even talk to Lady Grantham.她对园艺很用心She takes her garden seriously.这不用你说You don't have to tell me that.真遗憾葬礼是什么时候I'm sorry. When's the funeral?明天您会去吗Tomorrow. Will you go?我会的I will.他的祖辈从乔治三世时期就是我们的佃户His forebears have been tenants since the reign of George III.即便如此他有好几年没交租金了Be that as it may, the rent's not been paid for ages.文件也发过了该做个了断了We've served all the papers. It's time to get on with it.你是要中止租约我们自己管理土地You mean, foreclose the lease and farm the land ourselves?这是我们的讨论结果That's what we discussed.真让人难受It's sad, though.都在这家人手里那么长时间了After such a long time in the hands of one family.时代在前进我们必须紧跟时代The world moves on, and we must move with it.你总是这么说So you keep telling me.说到前进我想你已经看过这个了吧Talking of the world moving on, I suppose you've seen this.吉利安姆子爵与已故奥兹维斯顿勋爵的独生女The engagement is announced between the Viscount Gillingham 尊敬的梅布尔·莱恩·福克斯and the Honourable Mabel Lane Fox,宣布订婚only child of the late Lord Osweston.看来我得写封信祝贺他Well, I must... write and congratulate him.那我去了Now...let me get on.但这是电动的你就不怕它自己动起来But it's electric. Aren't you worried it'll run away with itself 把你的手指缝在桌上吗and sew your fingers to the table?-希望不会 -你怎么控制它- I certainly hope not. - How do you operate it?用踏板就在我脚下With a pedal - under my foot.我觉得这东西不该摆在休息室Well I don't think it has any business in a servants' hall.但她房♥间里没有插座But there's no socket in her room.那她可以拿去洗衣房♥用啊But she could take it to the laundry.或者直接扔掉更好Or, better still, chuck it out altogether!帕特莫太太可不怎么喜欢新潮东西Mrs Patmore is not what you'd call a futurist.这我看出来了I think I'd got there already.-安娜 -我忘了点东西- Anna. - I've forgotten something.务必原谅我贝茨先生You must forgive me, Mr Bates.恐怕我让安娜太忙了I'm afraid I'm keeping Anna too busy.你想试试吗Would you like to have a try?安娜Anna?我不明白你为什么要对贝茨先生那么无情I don't know why you must be so hard on Mr Bates.至少现在你知道...不会有孩子At least you know now there'll be... no baby.是的No.那你就不能让这事过去然后...Then, can't you start to get past it and...告诉他点什么吗and tell him something?如果我说谎他一眼就能看出来He'd know if it wasn't the truth.他能看透我就像看一本书一样He sees through me. He can read me like a book. 我希望他能看透你I wish he could read you.然后把你带出这种...阴霾的笼罩And take you out of this... veil of shadows.你不想对他坦诚吗Don't you want to be honest with him?我当然想Of course I do.但是我了解他我知道他会做什么But I know him. I know what he'd do.所以我不能拿他的未来去冒险And I can't risk his future.好吧这是你的秘密不是我的's your secret and not mine.但我觉得你不该这样But I think it's a mistake.你确定自己很有园艺天赋吗And you're sure you have a feel for gardening? 是的夫人I am, Your Ladyship.不用拘礼叫我卡劳利夫人就行I'm not a ladyship. Just Mrs Crawley.我现在懂的还不多但我是个嫁接工I...I don't know much now. But I'm a grafter.而且我学东西很快And a quick learner.我没法做什么承诺I cannot make promises,但我会尽力帮你找点事做but I will try and find something for you.非常感谢您夫人Thank you very much, Your Ladyship.请送他出去Will you show him out?等他发现我实际上很平凡时He's going to be so disappointed when he finds out一定会非常失望how ordinary I really am.在村民眼里你就是那个家庭的一员You're part of the family. That's how the village sees you.那个家庭可不这么想It's not how the family see me.我看不见得Oh, I'm not so sure about that.格兰瑟姆伯爵和夫人一直都对我很好Lord and Lady Grantham have always been as kind as they can be. 我心存感激但我不是他们的一员And I appreciate it. But I am not one of them.就是这样And that's the end of it.格兰瑟姆伯爵很敬重你Lord Grantham admires you very much.但你非觉得自己不受爱戴才高兴But if it serves you to think yourself unloved,那我说什么也没用了nothing I say will change that.这话可真难听I think that's rather harsh.-格兰瑟姆伯爵 -仪式很好- Lord Grantham. - It was a very good service.你父亲一定会高兴的Your father would've been pleased.谢谢您Thank you.-你住哪 -紫杉农场- Do you have far to go? - I'm staying at Yew Tree Farm.当然Of course.搬的时候跟我们说一声不着急Let us know when you're ready to leave. There's no hurry.可是老爷我不想搬走The thing is, My Lord, I...don't want to move out.我想延续租约I want to take on the tenancy.什么What?如果还可能的话If it's still possible.虽然很遗憾但恐怕是不行I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but I don't believe it is. 我们早发过通知这事已成定局The notices have been served. The case is closed.您是说你们要自己管理那片土地You mean, you want to farm the land yourself.这都定下来了Then it's all settled.德鲁先生没必要把我当成恶工头Mr Drewe, it's no good painting me as Simon Legree. 我们给了你父亲很长时间凑钱We gave your father a long time to get straight.他临终的日子里我们也没追究And left him in peace at the end of his life.他没跟我提过这笔债He never told me about the debt.不然我会尽力帮他还的Or I'd've tried to help him.因为我的祖先Because my ancestors自拿破仑战争时期就在紫杉农场耕种have farmed at Yew Tree since the Napoleonic Wars. 这总该有一定的意义Surely, that's got to mean something.对我来说意义重大It means a great deal to me.那我们能谈一谈吗老爷Then, can we talk about it, My Lord?求您了Please?你愿意的话明天早上过来吧Come tomorrow morning, if you wish.但我觉得没什么用But I can't see what good it will do.别过早拿起来Don't take it off too soon.让它沸腾一下不然味道就不好了Let it bubble a bit, or you'll taste the flour.-这样够了吗 -我觉得够了- this enough? - I'd say so, yeah.把它先放一边去去看看蛋衣Now put it to one side while you check your casings.天啊什么东西那么香My, my. Something smells good.阿尔弗雷德在做♥鸡♥蛋奶酪蛋挞Alfred's making tarts with an egg and cheese filling.满口奶酪香这就做今晚的咸点吧Bouchees de fromage. They could be tonight's savoury. -真的吗 -我觉得没问题- Do you think? - I don't see why not.我去拿鸡蛋I'll fetch the eggs.做得好黛西Well done, Daisy.我很难受帕特莫太太It's very hard, Mrs Patmore.-我觉得我在帮他离开我们 -没错- I feel like I'm helping him to leave us. - And so you are. 他现在既然有这打算就该让他走Which is as it should be, now he's decided to go.下一步怎么做So, what's next?我们要把鸡蛋和奶酪加到白汁里面We'll add egg and cheese to the white sauce,如果帕特莫太太不介意的话if Mrs Patmore doesn't mind.我一点都不介意黛西I don't mind at all, Daisy.你可以帮他弄调味酱You can help him enrich the bechamel.夫人小姐Your Ladyship. My Lady.那是下午的邮件吗有没有我的Is that the afternoon post? Is there anything for me?只有几份给老爷的小姐There's just a couple for His Lordship, My Lady.你在等谁的信吗Were you expecting something?也不是Not particularly.我有段时间没有迈克尔的消息了仅此而已I haven't heard from Michael in a bit, that's all.他应该很忙吧I expect he's busy.你在干什么What have you been up to?我在给托尼·吉利安姆写信I was writing to Tony Gillingham.替我向他问好Give him my regards.就说我们期待与莱恩·福克斯小姐见面Say we look forward to knowing Miss Lane Fox.我很惊讶我以为他很喜欢你I am surprised. I thought he was rather keen on you.你这不是第一次弄错了Not for the first time, you've got the wrong end of the stick. 我以为你是罗伯特Oh. I thought you were Robert.-他从葬礼回来了吗 -还没有吧- Is he back from his funeral? - Not yet, I don't think.趁他不在我们讨论一下他生日怎么过吧While he's not here, shall we discuss his birthday?-他马上就要过生日了吗 -是的- Oh, does he have a birthday soon? - Fairly soon.您有什么计划吗Do you have any plans?只能想到准备点他喜欢吃的Nothing beyond his favourite food.-这没什么特别 -我们开个派对怎么样- It's not a special one. - Why don't we have a party?让我们开心起来小派对就行To cheer ourselves up. A small one.好主意That'll be fun.但梅里可能已经有But Maley may have a candidate他想提拔的接♥班♥人了of his own that he wants to bring forward.也就是说你的确需要人手So, you do need extra help.可能是吧I suppose so.之前的园丁跑去一个大教区了The last boy went off to a frightfully grand rectory.那你就收下佩格先生嘛Then, will you take young Pegg?他给我的印象很好He impressed me so favourably.你头上的光环沉不沉啊You know, I wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy.是不是像一直戴着一顶皇冠It must be like wearing a tiara round the clock.你愿帮他一把吗他母亲会很感激的Will you help him? His mother would be very grateful.我也是And so would I.没错但你的感激来得快去得也快Yes, but your gratitude never seems to last.我还没来得及答应你这个要求下一个又来了I've no sooner said yes than you come back with another request. 你会帮他吗Will you?好吧好吧Very well. Very well.但愿他像你说得那么好But he'd better turn out to be all the things you say he is.这是寄给你的This came for you in the last post.是通知会不会见你的信吗Is that the letter that tells you if they'll see you?应该是I think it must be.伦敦丽兹酒店-打开啊 -快点别吊我们胃口- Well, open it, then. - Oh, go on. Don't keep us in suspense.我太想要这次机会了I want it so much.真不敢想如果没得到要怎么办I can't bear to find out I've not got it.那给我Give it to me, then.-他们同意让你考试 -是吗- Well, they are going to test you. - Oh, they are.但是见鬼了安排在了后天But, by 'eck. It's the day after tomorrow.他们没给你多少准备时间They don't give you much time.这封信十天前就寄出来了一定是半路丢了Oh, this was posted 10 days ago. It must've got lost.他会没事的他知道该怎么做He'll be fine. He knows his stuff.他当然知道不是吗黛西Course he does. Doesn't he, Daisy?是的他知道He does, yeah.怎么了What's this?阿尔弗雷德得到了考试机会丽兹酒店的Alfred's got his test. At The Ritz.-我为你高兴阿尔弗雷德 -安娜- I'm happy for you, Alfred. - Anna...敲锣了That's the gong.别担心贝茨先生她只是烦心事太多了I shouldn't worry, Mr Bates. She's got ever so much on her plate. 谁不是呢Haven't we all?我想在敲更衣锣之前再待十分钟Thought I'd get an extra 10 minutes in before the gong goes.你到是可以帮我一把You can help me with this.茜玻说飓风就快来了Sybbie says there's going to be a hurricane any moment now. 飓风真的吗在约克郡A hurricane? Really? In Yorkshire?所以我们把动物都保护起来了So we're getting all the animals under shelter.当然了保姆呢I'm sure you are. Where's nanny?去洗衣房♥拿衣服了Collecting some clothes from laundry.我说我会陪着他们I said I'd stay with them.我们小时候的保姆可不敢这么悠闲She's so much more relaxed than our nanny ever was. 我的童年和茜玻很不一样My childhood wasn't anything like Sybbie's.跟我的也大相径庭啊Nor mine, God knows.你觉得她现在算过的好吗Do you think she's having a good childhood?我们做的还行吗That we're doing well?我觉得你已经尽力了I think you're doing your best for her...如果你是要问这个的话if that's what you mean.也不全是It isn't quite.我想飓风该来了Oh. I think it's time for the hurricane.-太棒了 -真不错- Oh, bravo! - Very good!她说的对一点不比我差呢She's right. I couldn't have done better myself.把这些端上去说是你做的Now. Take them up and say you cooked 'em.-我不能这么做 -卡森先生可以替你说- I couldn't. - Well, Mr Carson can say it.他们又能怎么样插旗宣告吗And what are they supposed to do? Hang out the flags? -不要嫉妒他的成功 -我才没有- Oh, don't grudge him his success. - I don't.我只是不觉得整天在厨房♥打转有什么好的I just can't see the fun in a life chained to a stove.咸点做好没Are the savouries ready to go up?当然了They certainly are.做的不错I say. Well done.很遗憾你要离开了阿尔弗雷德We'll be sorry to lose you, Alfred.但我相信你能通过考试But I think you'll pass your test.上帝保佑夫人Fingers crossed, My Lady.-考试是什么时候 -后天我早上过去- When is it? - The day after tomorrow. I'm going up in the morning. 祝你顺利Our best wishes go with you.我明天也要过去I'm going up myself tomorrow.晚上就回来去下迈克尔的办公室Just for the day. To visit Michael's office.晚饭前就回来I'll be back for dinner.-一个人吗 -好像是- All alone? - I seem to be.不知道是为什么I don't know why.你和夫人相处的怎么样How are you getting on with Her Ladyship?挺好的Pretty well...I think.美国人习俗赞扬茜玻小姐都做了吗You've done America and praised Lady Sybil?当然了Have I not你说的我都照做了You name it, I've said it.-她会听你的话的 -要的就是这样- She'll be eating out of your hand. - That's the intention.楼下也没有树敌No enemies downstairs neither.奥布瑞恩小姐就犯了这错That was Miss O'Brien's mistake.没人喜欢她有事也都不告诉她Nobody liked her, so nobody told her anything.-他们也不怎么喜欢你 -所以才需要你- They don't like you much. - That's why you're here.弥补我这个过失To rectify that failing on my part.你又搬回大宅了吗Is it true you've moved into the house again?休斯太太这么说的Mrs Hughes said so.这样子我能更好地同时照顾您和夫人It seemed easier when I was looking after Her Ladyship as well as you. 但她现在有人服侍了But she has her own maid now.为什么不回农舍Why not go back to the cottage?还没来得及I haven't got round to it.安娜如果你有困难请你告诉我Anna, if you're in difficulties, I wish you'd tell me.我很好小姐真的I'm not, My Lady. Honestly.我是来道别的谢谢你们的照顾I've come to say goodbye. Thank you for all your help.镇定点保持镇定你就能做得很好Just keep calm. You know enough to do well if you keep calm.祝你好运阿尔弗雷德Very good luck, Alfred.关于伦敦有什么我需要了解的吗Is there anything I ought to know about London?那可太多了亲爱的There's quite a lot you ought to know about London, dear.但现在没时间说了不然你要误了火车了And no time to tell it now or he'll miss his train.今天下午夫人下来的时候This afternoon, when Her Ladyship comes down,你们可不许闲聊I don't want any backchat,一定要让她感到井然有序干净整洁she must see everything is in order, all neat and tidy.你的围裙怎么了What's happened to your apron?怎么了有什么...Why? What should...天哪Oh, my God!怎么了What's up?准是给钉子划了Well...I must've caught it on a nail.我菜还没洗好呢夫人一会儿就下来了My meals are in the wash. And her ladyship's coming down later! 别担心交给巴克斯特小姐去弄吧Oh, don't worry. Miss Baxter'll sort that out.给我Give it here.好吧Right.您不介意和阿尔弗雷德同行吧小姐I thought you wouldn't mind if Alfred rode in the front, My Lady. 他也赶同一趟火车He's catching the same train.我当然不介意Of course I don't mind.我们都愿你好运阿尔弗雷德We all wish you luck, Alfred.多谢小姐I'm going to need it, My Lady.这是他第一次去伦敦It's his first trip to London.很开心吧How exciting.可以这么说吧Exciting's one word for it.你想拿回赎回权并续约You want to reverse the foreclosure and take the lease,但你仍付不清欠款but you still can't pay all the arrears.这提议不是很诱人啊It doesn't seem a very enticing offer.我会付清的不会很久的I'll pay. And it won't take long.即便如此...Even so...我是约克郡人老爷I'm a Yorkshireman, My Lord.这是我的家This is where I belong.我们和卡劳利家共同经营这片土地We've worked this land in partnership with the Crawleys 已有一个多世纪for more than a century.和卡劳利家共同经营In partnership with the Crawleys?我无意冒犯I don't mean to be impertinent.我并不觉得有冒犯I do not hear it as impertinence.我们确实是共同经营We have been in partnership.我们是在和所有租户共同经营We're in partnership with all our tenants.至少应该如此Or, we should be.那么您愿意让我回来吗Then, will you let me come home?我试试吧I'll see what I can do.谢谢老爷Thank you, My Lord.我就在农场I'll be at the farm.德鲁先生Mr Drewe.我想告诉大家I would prefer to report that你打算全额付清欠款you are prepared to repay the arrears in full.你差的钱我替你补上I'll lend you the difference myself.您愿这么帮我You'd do that for me?这最起码得五十英镑It won't be less than 50 pounds.等有了定论我寄张支票给你I'll send a cheque when I'm sure of the outcome.您不会后悔吗You won't regret it?不我想我不会No. I don't think I will.你觉得阿尔弗雷德真能当上大厨吗Do you think Alfred has a chance with his cooking?我觉得岂止有可能I think he's got more than a chance,从帕特莫太太的夸奖就能看出judging by what Mrs Patmore has to say on the subject.因为我有个主意Because I've got an idea或许能一箭双雕that might kill two birds with one stone.我们随时会失去一个男仆We'll be short of a footman any day而莫斯利先生则没有工作and Mr Molesley will be short of a job.我们同时处理这两个问题如何What say we deal with the two problems together?-把两个都解决了 -正是- And solve both. - Exactly.但他会干吗But would he do it?他会干吗Would he do it?他现在又是当修路工又是当送货工When he's been mending roads and delivering groceries,能有这样一份好差事他指定会做and lucky to get even that? I'll say he'll do it.-但愿你是对的 -绝对的- I hope you're right. - I know I am.您就不能先跟我们谈谈再做决定吗You might've talked it over with us before you made up your mind. 但我还没决定But I haven't.我跟他说我们再考虑一下就这样I told him we'd think about it. That's all.在我听来您已决定了Sounds to me as if you've come to a decision.如果我们不尊重过去If we don't respect the past,就更不能创造未来it'll be harder to build our future.-这话你在哪看到的 -我现编的- Where did you read that? - I made it up.-我觉得这话很不错 -相当好- I thought it was rather good. - It's too good.我们最不愿意看到的就是家里出个诗人One thing we don't want is a poet in the family那很糟糕吗Would it be so bad?我唯一熟悉的贵族诗人就是拜伦勋爵The only poet peer I am familiar with is Lord Byron.我想你该知道他的下场吧And I presume you all know how that ended.[拜伦因遭受政客和上流社会排挤而被迫离开英国]那你想让德鲁先生留下喽So, you'd let Mr Drewe stay on.既然他愿意偿还欠款我觉得这样挺好Since he wants to repay the debt, I think it only fair.此外他还提到了我们家族Besides, he talks of the partnership和佃户之间的合作关系我挺喜欢这想法between the farmers and the family, and I like that.-我觉得这么做很好 -反叛女王如是说- Well, I think it's splendid. - Says the queen of the rebels 谢谢Thank you.你也同意吗And you agree,就算他根本无权续租even though he has no right to renew the lease?他在法律上没权利但道义上还是有的No right legally, no. But we think he has a moral right. 只可惜了紫杉农场It's a pity it should be Yew Tree.本来刚好可以填补我们的耕地It would've filled a hole in the land we farm.之前没那块地你不也经营得好好的You've managed without it till now.你还没说你的看法呢You haven't said what you think.-你支持哪一边 -当然是佃户啦- Which side are you on? - The farmer's, of course.我还没把社♥会♥主♥义♥思想全抛下I've not abandoned all my socialism.虽然有时几乎想不起它了Even though it feels like it sometimes.这是绝无仅有的一次我很高兴听你这么说In this one and only instance, I am glad to hear it.-您打算什么时候告诉他 -这事不急- When will you tell him? - There's no tearing rush.我们可以再商量一两天然后由你告诉他We've a day or two to talk it over. And then you can tell him.站在你身旁却默默无语...实在别扭It's strange...standing here next to you in silence.我爱你Because I love you.所以我得明白你为什么不爱我了I want to find out why you don't love me any more.按理说我们谈谈就行了但显然不行You'd think we could talk about it. But apparently not.但我不是...But I don't...我下午要去里彭I'm going into Ripon this afternoon给玛丽小姐买♥♥点东西to get some things for Lady Mary.如果他们问起说我敲锣之前就会回来If they miss me, I'll be back before the gong.至少我知道你在敲锣前会回来At least I know you'll be back before the gong我受不了这速度Ooh! I can't get over the speed of it.看得我头晕I feel quite dizzy watching.我觉得应该看不出补过I don't think it'll show.补过比我买♥♥的时候还好呢Show? It's better than it was before I bought it.太感谢你了Aw! Thanks very much.夫人要下来了Her Ladyship's on her way down.又笼络了一个Another one roped to the chariot得到这份工作我很感激托马斯I'm grateful for this job, Thomas.原因你我心知肚明但你到底打的什么算盘And we both know why. But what's it all about?唐顿将有一番大变化肯定会的Well, there's going to be changes at Downton. There's bound to be. 我同意I'm sure.所以我想知道主子们的计划So I want to know about any plans upstairs.再小的细节我都不想遗漏明白吗Any detail, no matter how small. Understand?之前的贴身女仆也是你的眼线吗Did the other lady's maids keep you informed?没错奥布瑞恩小姐Miss O'Brien, yes.但后来我们闹僵了But we fell out.贝茨太太呢她是我的敌人吗What about Mrs Bates? Is she an enemy?她了解这里的情况She knows what's going on.她算不上敌人但也收买♥♥不了No, she's not an enemy. But she's incorruptible.所以我和她没什么交集So we have nothing in common.她还很沉默She's also silent.我来之后大概就听她说过四个字Shouldn't think I've had four words out of her since I arrived.让大家都信任你对你无话不说Just get them all to trust you... and tell you everything.夫人需要我做什么吗Your Ladyship. How can I help?我下来就是为了劝你I've come down to persuade you.我搞不明白冰块箱哪不好了I just don't see why it's better than an ice box.可电冰箱的效果更好Well, a refrigerator is more efficient.它能让食物保鲜更久It keeps food fresh longer.也不必再让人送冰块来了We won't need ice to be delivered.但报纸杂货还有其他东西But the papers will still be delivered,不也还得让人送吗and the groceries, and all sorts.还是连那些东西也不送了Or are we to stop that too?帕特莫太太Mrs Patmore.这个时代有什么Is there any aspect of the present day是你能欣然接受的吗that you can accept without resistance?夫人Well, My Lady.要是能不♥穿♥束腰就好了I wouldn't mind getting rid of my corset.梅里让你干什么你就干什么You must do everything Maley tells you.知道了夫人I will, Your Ladyship.约翰很愿意学的对吧John is keen to learn. Aren't you?-是的夫人 -好园丁不愁找不到工作- I am, ma'am. - Because there's always work for a good gardener. 你得好好感谢卡劳利夫人You owe your place to Mrs Crawley.我不答应给你这个职位她就不让我走She would not let me go until I'd promised.坚决不松手She would not relax her grip.你把我说的太热情了You make me sound very fervent.打仗都没你这么热情Wars have been waged with less fervour那希望这场仗咱们能赢日安约翰Well, let's hope we win this one. Good day, John.。



《唐顿庄园》第四季剧透(英语学习)《唐顿庄园》第四季剧透热门英剧《唐顿庄园》第四季正在拍摄中,日前有报道称英国演员Daisy Lewis 将加盟该剧饰演鳏夫汤姆-布兰森的孩子Baby Sybil 的保姆,并将于在上季中失去妻子的汤姆-布兰森发展一段感情。

Daisy Lewis 出演《唐顿庄园》的剧照也在日前正式曝光。

知情人透露,Daisy Lewis 饰演的角色目前尚未确定名字,但这个决定与汤姆-布兰森的爱情故事将是第四季的主线,汤姆在第四季中的戏份也会增加。

《唐顿庄园》第四季将于今年9月在英国ITV电视台首播She has so far had minor parts in Doctor Who and detective drama series Lewis.But now Daisy Lewis is set to hit the big time as she joins the cast of hit ITV show Downton Abbey, playing the new love interest of widower Tom Branson.The British actress has been spotted filming alongside Tom Branson over the last couple of days, amid rumours she will become one of theshow’s most prominent characters.Daisy, who’s character is currently unnamed, no doubt feels right at home as she has already starred alongside Maggie Smith and Hugh Bonneville in 2009 feature film From Time To Time, also penned by Julian Fellowes.The actress, who trained at the National Youth theatre, has also had small parts in BBC television shows including Doctor Who, Lewis, After You’ve Gone and Miss Austen Regrets.Speaking about her role a source told The Daily Mirror:‘Daisy will become one of Downton’s most prominent characters. She wowed producers in her audition and they are delighted to have secured such a brilliant young actress.’The source continued: Her romance with Tom will be one of the main storylines of the series. He will begin to develop feelings for her and they start a secret affair.‘Tom will have an even bigger role in the new series after -becoming the estate manager of Downton,’they added.。



《唐顿庄园》第四季:唐顿宝宝们难度:容易作者:沪江英语来源:daily mail 评论:1With their mops of hair, cheeky grins and expressions of wide-eyed innocence, they're the new double act ready to delight fans of Downton Abbey when the much-anticipated fourth series starts next month.乱蓬蓬的头发、可爱的笑容、瞪大眼的无辜表情,这对双胞胎将出现在下个月首播的《唐顿庄园》第四季中,准备给剧迷们带来无限欢乐。

Identical twins Logan and Cole Weston have joined the cast of the blockbuster period drama – but you'll never see them on screen together.双胞胎兄弟洛根和科尔将加入这部热门年代剧,不过你没法同时看到他们出现在银幕上。

The twin brothers will share the task of playing little George Crawley, the son of Lady Mary and her late husband Matthew – who met a sticky end in a car crash in last season's Christmas finale.这对双胞胎兄弟将共同承担饰演乔治·克劳利的角色,乔治是玛丽小姐和过世的丈夫马修的孩子,大表哥马修在第三季圣诞特辑中出了车祸死于非命。

And the twins are not the only young stars set to charm viewers. Also joining the action is bubbly two-year-old Ava Mann, who will play baby Sybbie, daughter of tragic Lady Sybil who died in childbirth in series three.不过这对双胞胎可不是唯一的小演员,同时加入演出的还有2岁的小姑娘艾娃·曼,她将在剧中饰演小西比尔,也就是在第三季因为生产而死的悲情三小姐西比尔的女儿。

德雷尔一家 第四季 第二集 (中英对照)

德雷尔一家 第四季 第二集 (中英对照)

德雷尔一家人(第四季第二集)The Durrells Season 4 Series 2开篇对白中英对照我的裁缝贾克韦先生给我寄的好东西Riches from my tailor, Mr Jakeways.我第一次看到达芙妮和她孩子在一起I saw Daphne with her baby for the firsttime.哦亲爱的Oh, darling.我想有个自己的家庭I want my own family.我20了正是适合组建家庭的年龄I'm 20, that's a good age to start.并不是的It isn't really.你都没有投票权而且你才有... You can't even vote and you've got...有多少积蓄well, how much money?你指经济上In financial terms?不是钱难道是香蕉吗NO, in bananas.作为一个正值盛年的男人我准备好了Well, as a man in my prime, I'm ready.小牛一岁就成年了Bulls start at the age of one.可你不是只牛你得帮我运营旅馆Well, you're not a bull, you help run aguesthouse.拉里不在我需要你的帮忙And I need you here while Larry's gone. 玛戈也说她要离开And Margo say she will leave soon.什么太荒唐了What? Well, that's absurd.简直像把痴傻的小猫崽放到原始森林里一样That's like releasing a dotty kitten intothe jungle.这就是为什么她想走And that's why she wants to go因为你把她当傻瓜看because you think she' a clot.我才没有当她是傻瓜I don't think she's a clot!只是她还没准备好去面对She's just not ready for the real world 现实世界中正常的人际交往of normal human interaction.鲁格勒斯雅求你了回家吧Lugaretzia, please ,go home.那我回家I go home.回家让你可怜的背Go home and rest your bad back还是屁股什么的好好歇歇吧or your bottom or whatever it is.你觉得怎么样What do you think?瘌蛤蟆先生知道你穿了他的衣服吗Does Mr. Toad know you have his clothes? 路易莎我爱你的无情Louisa, I love your cruelty.很不错Well, that's good还有更多没展现呢there's plenty more where that came from. 马丁在我手上拉了屎不过是我的错Martin crapped on me. My fault.你就是杜雷尔夫人了吧You must be Mrs Durrells.你可很受好评啊You come highly recommended.是吗真好Ah, well,how nice.有给我的房间吗Do you have a room for me?有的顶层的豪华阁楼I do. The penthouse on the top floor.这是什么地方该死的动物园吗What is this, a ruddy zoo?我也这么觉得Yes,I suppose it is.别和他调情Don't get romantic with him.他不是你喜欢的类型He's not your type.正片对白中英对照上校也喜欢枪The Colonel loves guns你俩会相处得很好的莱斯利so you two will get on well, Leslie.我已经不玩枪了In fact, I've moved on from shooting.不过真挺壮观啊Although that is quite something.玛戈走了很抱歉上面有屎Margo's gone. Sorry about the poo.亲爱的妈妈我知道你一直想我留下来'Dear Mother, I know you'd try to make mestay.我就偷拿了一些私房钱so I've been smuggling out my possessions. 在科孚找了一个秘密居所I'll be at a secret location in Corfu.等我安定下来我会再联络你们的I'll be in touch when settled.玛戈去哪里了Where's Margo gone?她没写She won't say.这可太糟了Well,this is terrible.我们得搜查整个岛We must search the island.别我们小时候都会离家出走嘛No! We all run off when we're nippers- 她多大了 - 才18岁- How old is she? - 18.也是时候让她走了Well, it's time she left then.没事的Yes, it'll be all right.这是对她好Do her good.你已尽到了你的职责Your job's done.你们男人懂什么What do all you men know?我很伤心无论是作为一位母亲I'm...sad as a mother还是一个女人as a woman.总之我觉得我的孩子们都反天了frankly, I'm feeling outnumbered.我跑到上面...结果抓住了一个自己人Then I went over the top in Wipers...and ...copped a Blighty.你说啥What?他曾在伊普尔打仗受伤然后被送回国He fought at Ypres and was invalided home. 裆部全是弹片Still got a crotch full of shrapnel.我也不能把磁铁放屋里I can't have magnets in the house.路易莎不想听见裆部这词Louisa doesn't want to hear the word"crotch".没事我很清楚那是什么No, it's fine, I am familiar with the或者我继续说or should I?别说了No.我在博斯普鲁斯海峡被刺刀The time I got a bayonet up my jacksie扎进屁股的经历有人想听吗in the Bosphorus, anyone?我以为你喜欢战争I thought you liked war.没疯的人都不会喜欢战争Nobody sane likes war.我相信的是去保护所爱之人I believe in protecting one's loved ones 如果很幸运能找到这爱人if one's lucky enough to have any.显然德国佬还在耍他们的旧把戏Well, the Hun are up to their old tricksclearly.上次我没杀够I didn't kill enough last time奥地利沦陷了谁会是下一个Austria's gone, who's next?我决定餐桌上禁止谈论战争I've decided there won't be a new war.真是好姑娘Good girl.有点过于自来熟了Little bit over familiar.我在这都几个月了我才可以这样说I've been here for months, I've earned it. 我们的关系很融洽We have a super rapport.总之我最近离开了军队Anyway, I've recently left the army现在我更想把精力放在打猎上and I'd rather like to try my hand athunting.不别做这事oh no, don't do that.为什么不why not?只有蠢货才以屠杀动物为乐Only an idiot would kill an animal for fun. 我很肯定你不是个蠢货And I'm sure you're not an idiot.杰瑞别对付费的客人这么没礼貌Gerry, don't be rude to our paying guests. 你的家庭Your family是我的错觉还是真的在渐渐分崩离析is it me or is it slightly falling apart? 西奥我喜欢这里I love it here, Theo谢谢你让我住这thanks for letting me stay.没事对我也有好处No, it's good for me.我过得太规律这也不太好I'm a creature of routine which is terrible. 我和我完全对称的房间Me and my perfectly symmetrical room.由你打破Break it up!不过让我告诉你妈妈你在我这吧But let me tell your mother you're here. - 她可着急了 - 你敢- She's anxious. - No, don't you dare.我昨天在市场买了这些Oh, I bought these yesterday in the market. 它们激发了我对新的美容事业的灵感They'll help me inspire my new beautybusiness.来把这古董货换下来Let's take this old codger down.美不美Isn't it gorgeous?你不介意吧You don't mind, do you?多谢了西奥Thanks, Theo.我听说你很会玩枪I hear you're a gun wallah.我们一起去打猎吧Let's go hunting.我想要个稳定的工作I want a solid career这样就可以组建我的家庭so I can have a family and...酬劳丰厚哦I'll pay you handsomely.现在告诉我科孚岛上最大的猎物是什么Now, what's the big game on Corfu?最大的是野猪但是很难找到Well, the biggest prize is wild boar, butthey're hard to find.很好你负责解决Good! You sort that out then.如果失败了我就要拿回我的钱And I'll have my money back if it's awashout.请进Yeah.晚上好Evening.你知道昆虫没有血液循环系统吗Did you know that insects don't havecirculatory blood systems?是吗Right.它们的器官浸浴在血液中Their organs bathe in chambers of blood 血的颜色一般是绿色或黄色it's usually green or yellow.我需要找人谈谈I...need to confide in someone.莱斯利在楼下Leslie's downstairs.不他帮不上忙No, he'd be useless.上校在... The Colonel's...我宁愿选择去死I'd rather die.妈妈总在哪儿待着呢Mother's somewhere.她正是我想说的事It's her I want to talk about.因为我吃惊地发现…Because I'm...finding to my surprise. 我... that I...well...我爱她I love her.我也爱她I love her too.我不是说你这种爱Not the way I love her.像是在燃烧的房子Like a蝗虫找不到配偶时when locusts fail to find a mate.它们会跋山涉水几千里…they travel often for thousands of miles... 我们能不能至少这一次Can we, for once别把事情都和恶心的爬虫联系到一起not relate everything to creepy crawlies? 根据你对你妈妈的了解…Based on your knowledge of your mum...你有没有什么技巧能撬开她的心房Do you have any hints or tips reunlocking herheart?你一点希望也没有抱歉You haven't a hope in hell. Sorry. 那... Well...还是个挑战呢There's a challenge.亲爱的老妈还有那些裙带的亲人们"Dear Ma and the sibling horde此刻我正在北方歇脚I'm perched up here in the North这里宁静祥和的气氛像瀑布般倾泻which cascades serenity我不再大喊大叫的敲打字机了when I'm not hammering sentences into being.别文绉绉的了你知道我的Please relax, its me.孩子们怎么样了"How are the Kids?"好些了That's better.我想念他们和你了I miss them and you, of course.我的舞女们去雅典找正职去了My dancer girls have left to pranceprofessionally in Athens但我如饥似渴般地在这写信but I am writing like a hungry fish.你开心了吗Are you happy?依我了解的你Knowing you, and I do你只会在承认快乐的同时you will concede only partly happy感受到零散的怀疑与沉重的风险with risk of scattered doubts, heavy attimes.拉里的信也会让我很难受Larry's letters make me sad too.不过我是因为它们全是废话But that's because they're gibberish.我想他了也想玛戈I miss him.And Margo, of course.就像是想念…as one misses a...痴傻的小猫逃到原始森林里去dotty kitten who's run off into the jungle 即使它还没准备好去面对现实的世界…even though she's not ready for the realworld or...好吧All right.这些年我已经习惯向拉里倾诉But over the years, I've grown used toconfiding in Larry.还有斯皮罗他和我在自那次以后And Spiros, although he and I are rebuildingour friendship在重建我们的关系你知道的since, well, you know.是的Yes.我已经长大了并且收入稳定Well, I'm mature, and financially secure. 现在处理着上校狩猎的工作now I'm running the Colonel's hunts.你不需要依靠拉里或斯皮罗You don't need Larry or Spiros.现在我就是你的依靠I'm your confidant now.为你指明方向Guiding your every move.你可以不再忧愁担心了Your worries are an end.借过Sorry.斯皮罗你有在哪里见过玛戈吗Spiros, have you seen Margo anywhere?没有No.你担心的太多了You worry too much你不能再这样了You should stop that.斯皮罗我们之间看起来不会Spiros, things don't seem to be getting back 再回到从前那样了to how they were between us.不是你太紧张了No, you're tense.我是紧张是因为我…Well, yes, I'm because I, I...我需要还账单I will have as many men in the house所以我会找更多的男人去我家as I need to pay the bills.如果他们希望Lying around in hammocks我可以睡在内衣横飞的吊床上in their underwear if they wish.我是说我的意思是I'm just saying, make it clear.你对他们不感兴趣you're not interested in them.我对他们才不感兴趣I'm not interested in them.随时来亲自上门看看Drop in any time and see for yourself.我可能会去哦I may do that.我丈夫总是外出My husband is away a lot他不怎么可靠and not reliable但我们在努力维持一个幸福的婚姻but we are trying to make a good marriage. 我会很喜欢有一个宝宝的I'm going to love having a baby.你有女朋友吗Do you have a girlfriend?没有我在等你No, I'm waiting for you.这不公平That's not fair.对你或任何其他人For you or anyone.或许吧谁知道呢Maybe, who knows.她喜欢你She likes you.不过你还是放下她回家休息去吧But you can leave her and go home and sleep. 如果你想休息我可以照顾她I'll babysit if you want a rest.你会吗You would?我爸说男人不懂照顾婴儿My father says men do not look after babies. 没事我是对女性敏感Well, I'm the new kind of man.而又极具男子气概的新兴男人Who's sensitive to women whilst remainingmanly in the extreme.莱斯利·德雷尔Leslie Durrell.利库斯先生Oh, Mr Likourgos.这段时间在忙什么呢What are you doing these days?我有一场令人兴奋的新冒险组织狩猎旅行I have an exciting new venture, organizinghunting trips.最佳的打野猪的地方在哪Where is the best place to hunt wild boar? 埃弗罗普利那里的树林The woods at Evropouli.我有狩猎许可证I own the hunting licence.你可以在那打野猪You can shoot wild boar there.谢谢Oh, thank you.你的话收你便宜点For you, not expensive.可以多少钱Fine, How much?我可以... Might I...抱歉Apologies.恩...需要我帮忙吗Erm... Might I help?是的你可以帮我洗盘子Yes, you can wash up.估计会晕过去if he saw me mixing textures like this. 我其实之前从来没有做过这个I've never actually done this before.很有趣的Oh, it's great fun.如果你做的好的话If you're very good你可以建一个新的厕所坑you can build a new lavatory pit.哈哈Ha-ha.你还好吗Are you all right?你觉得我的家庭像上校说的那样Do you think my family is falling apart 正在分崩离析吗as the Colonel said?没有我是说我知道... No! Imean I know...一个走了一个失踪了one's left and one's missing剩下的两个互相看不顺眼但是... and the other two hate each other, but er... 所以路易莎... So, Louisa...你喜欢... 看我刷干净了What are your...Oh, look, I've made itclean.你最喜欢什么What are your favorite things?问这干嘛Why do you ask?没什么说嘛No reason, Come on!...跳舞... Dancing桥牌[桥] 海鲜bridge, seafood还有短脚狄文梗犬Dandie Dinmont dogs我的孩子们快乐... my children being happy...够了That's enough.我的桡足生物My copepods!西奥老实说Honestly, Theo为什么人们这么自私麻木不仁why are people so selfish and insensitive? 这么说有失精准It's not deliberate.我们只是不一样而已We are just different.你根本没听懂我在说什么You don't know what I'm talking about . 我明白Oh, I see.我们的新客人Our new guest.瑞宾德上校... Colonel Ribbidane, has...你有客人吗Have you got guests?不没有No, no.这个荒诞的上校带着他的战后抚恤金So this preposterous Colonel arrives withhis war chest打算和莱斯利去屠杀野猪and he and Leslie are planning to slaughterwild boar.这样的话告诉莱斯利你有多不满Well, tell Leslie how strongly you feel. 他这段时间善解人意多了He's so much more thoughtful these days. 这是什么What's this?我在...尝试丰富我衣橱的色彩I'm... experimenting with mor color in my是的我找了Yes, I have.但是不要告诉任何人这件事But don't tell anyone.西奥是时候告诉我们了Honestly, Theo, it's about time我们一直都在猜想we were all wondering.她是谁她年轻吗Who is it? Is she young?她是一位科学家还是一位性感美女Is she a scientist, but a sexy one?是玛戈It's Margo.是的是玛戈Yse, it's Margo.她只是住在这She's only staying here.我就知道Well, I konw that.但是不要告诉你妈妈But don't tell your mother.玛戈渴望去探寻更多的自我Margo is desperate to discover more aboutherself.我想念她但是I miss her, but她并不是一个容易相处的室友是吧she's not easy to live with, is she?上校我已经找到了完美的私人林地Colonel, I've secured the perfect privatewoodland来捕猎野猪for hunting wild boar.好小伙Good man.坐Sit.当我和一个男人一起射击时Now, when I'm shooting with a man.我想知道是什么激励着他I like to know what makes him tick.是什么呢Answer?好吧我...好好想想Well, to think.我是一个体面的人I'm a decent sort.我和我的妈妈一起经营这个旅馆I hold this place together...with my mother. 我听说你为某些女人和一个婴儿而烦恼What's this I hear about you pining for somegirl and a baby?确实是的... Well, yes...我不反对这种精致的性爱I've nothing against the dainty sex.我已经结过至少一次婚I've been married at least once她们都尽力做得很好and they did their best但是如果我们一起去打猎but if we're going hunting together.我们要保持... Let's keep it...热血澎湃red blooded.不用担心当要披甲上阵时Don't worry, when the time comes.我会精神昂扬准备充足的I'll be cocked and ready to go.可以借一步说话吗 A word, please.稍等Excuse me.请你不要去打猎Please don't go hunting.不要这么感性Oh, don't be so sentimental.跟动物们自相残杀比起来Compared to how animals kill each other 猎杀它们是人道的shooting them is humane.把它们逼到角落并猎杀它们是不人道的Cornering animals and executing them is nothumane.那是在树林没有角落It's a wood, there are no corners.杰瑞这是工作Gerry, this is work.上校付了我钱The Colonel's paying me.行我会存钱的All right. I'll save up我会把他付你的钱给你的多少钱and I'll match what he's paying you. How muchis it?一周25英镑 25 pounds, for one week.我要给你弄个跟珍·哈露一样的波浪卷I'm going to put a wave in your hair like JeanHarlow.为什么Why?我们存在世上就应该尽可能使自己美丽We owe it to the world to be as beautiful aspossible.万一你担心我只是一个傻女孩In case you're worried I'm just a silly girl 我可在西奥的X光工作室工作了两年I worked at Theo's X-ray unit for two years. 所以我知道我在做什么So I know what I'm doing.卷发钳需要加热到适宜温度才能The curling tongs need to be nice and warm 在你的头发上烫出波浪卷to put a wave in you hair.抱歉我迟到了Sorry, I'm late.斯迪芬奈兹先生是我今天的发型助手Mr Stephanides is my salon assistant for theday.人不能太急于求成是吧One can't have enough strings to one's bow,can one?有什么技术难题吗Is there a difficulty?我们在想你的头发为何如此可爱We were wondering whether your hair is solovely.我们应该让它保持原样we should leave it as it is.我们可以将此次访问视为初步咨询Or treat this visit as an initialconsultation和做一些调查你可以下次再来and do some research and reconvene.真是个好主意What a good idea.在这呢格莉莉Herete, Galini.杰瑞你好Gerry, pos eisai?你好Kala, efharisto.- 有糟糕的事情正在发生 - 真的吗- Something bad is happening. - Really? 是时候需要我们站出来And there comes a time when we need to standup维护我们信仰的东西了for what we belive in.是的Yes.我们信仰什么What do we believe in?有一个疯狂的上校和我们住在一起There's a mad Colonel staying with us他雇佣了莱斯利带他去猎杀野猪and he's paying Leslie to take him to killwild boar.- 太过分了 - 对呀- That's terrble. - Exactly.我去阻止Well, I am.你最好待着看着我怎么挡子弹就好了You probably better stay back and watch metake the bullet.不我们要共存亡No, we die together.莱斯利Leslie!家庭用品和你狩猎远征的补给Household items and provisions for yourhunting expedition谢谢你斯皮罗thank you Spiros.我听说你准备和利库斯先生一起去森林打猎I hear you plan to hunt in the woods with MrLikourgos.是的那里很好打野猪Yes, it's good for wild boar.实际上并不是Well, in fact, it isn't?什么What?利库斯先生在骗你Mr Likourgos is pulling a fast one.这些说法哪来的Where does that saying come from?我不知道I don't know.你说的什么意思What do you mean?那片森林没有野猪... There are no wild boars in that forest... 方圆几英里内也没有or anywhere for miles.他也并没有狩猎许可证And he doesn't own the license.岛上的东西是公有的it's common land.德雷尔夫人Mrs Durrells.哈基奥普罗斯先生Mr Hakiaopulos.热衷于检查我是不是和我所有的男房客调情吗Keen to check I'm not flirting with all my menfolk?当然不是Of course not.我在镇上看到巴兹尔了I saw your Basil in town买了一个大大的礼物可能是给你的buying a big gift, probably for you.我了解巴兹尔那是给他自己的Knowing Basil, it'll be for him.有谁看到我的泳帽吗Anyone seen my swimming hat?你游泳还需要帽子吗You need a hat to swim?你看起来秀色可餐You're looking good enough to scoff.他之前从来没有像那样说过话He's never said anything like that before. 我喜欢我们昨天的谈话I loved our chat yesterday.谢谢你对我如此敞开心扉Thank you for opening up to me sodeliciously .现在你知道我为什么怀疑了吧Now you see why I wonder?他们有试图勾引你吗Have they tried to seduce you?没有而且这不公平No, and that's not fair.斯皮罗我们在一起经历过这么多Spiros, after all we've been through.我才是那个应该嫉妒的人And it's me who should be jealous.- 没事 - 不要跟我说没事- Nothing. - Don't "nothing"me.你可以信任我知道吗You confide in me, remember?我是全新的拉里I'm the new Larry但是没有那么自命不凡说吧but less pretentious. Come on.斯皮罗在吃醋Spiros is Jealous但是我们不能在一起那又有什么意义and what's the point as we can't be together? 那就是他为什么嫉妒Well, that's why he's jealous.就我的经验而言Well, in my experience一个人投身于繁忙积极的工作throwing oneself into hard, vigorous work 可以治疗情伤can help conquer heartache.你以为我现在在做什么What do you think I've been doing?我的手就像古代农民的手I have the hands of an ancient farmer.很好你听取了建议Good, you've taken that advice.那么谈谈怎么赢回斯皮罗怎么样Now, what about winning Spiros over?斯皮罗是一位忠诚的丈夫Spiros is a faithful husband也是一位很好的合适的丈夫as is right and proper.独一无二令人难忘And rare and regrettable.如果你精心设计一个完美的方案Would his wife perhaps step aside他的妻子可能会让位吗if you were to make a good enough case? 不会的莱斯利No, Leslie.不那样做很好No to that, fair enough.要是你们三个都不开心Well, if all three of you are unhappy.为什么不能达成一致妥协why not agree on some compromise?那怎么能行呢And how would that work?我很高兴你重视妥协I'm glad you value compromise.看在杰瑞的份上请取消明天的打猎... Please call off the hunt tomorrow forGerry's sake...不我一定要做No! I'm going to bloody do this而且一定要成功and it's going to be a success.我对我妈说So I said to my mother.你从没有真正重视过我不是吗"you've never really taken me seriously,have you?"身为母亲的听到会很难过That is hard for a mother to hear.事实上我倒是挺享受不被重视In fact. I've always enjoyed not being takenseriously但在你长大后它变得不合适了but as you get older it becomes a bitunseemly.现在控制自己别冲我发火Now don't shout at me.我看起来真美I look nice.是的You do.这能保持多久So how long will this last?波浪卷吗The wave?你要怎么做呢How do you do that?一些药水还有很大的勇气Chemicals and a lot of bravery.如果我弄错了你的头发就会掉光If I get it wrong, all your hair falls out. 我相信你I trust you.过来Come here.坐下坐下Sit! Sit!马丁过来Martin, come here.过来你穿上会很好看的Come on, you'll look good in this.过来Here!噢上帝啊Oh, for God's sake.早上好我能和你谈谈吗Ah, morning, can I have a word?- 我要去找格莉莉 - 站住- Just off to see Galini. - Stop!两件事Two things.如果你要去阻止打猎你可能会死If you try to interfere in the shooting, youmay die总而言之这样做没有意义which would, on balance, be a waste.另一件事呢And?大家是知道玛戈在哪出于某些保护她的目的Do people know where Margo is and they're nottelling me而选择不告诉我吗out of some urge to protect her?我已经保护她一辈子了Well, I've protected her all her life- 我也是最适合保护她的 - 是的你确实是- and I am the best at it. - Yes, you are. - 谢谢 - 你要去哪- Thank you. - Where are you off to?打猎Hunting.你在烦恼些什么吗Are you in a pickle of some sort?你真的想知道吗Do you really want to know?并不No, no.我们要去追野猪了So, we're after wild boar.打猎活动我真是新手除非你把打德国人也算上I'm new to the hunting game, unless you count Germans.- 还是别算上了 - 还有土耳其人- Let's not. - And Turks.我去忙了I'll get on then.切实的好计划Soild plan! Solid plan!你好莱斯利Hello, Leslie.达芙妮还有卡蒂娜看到你们真好Daphne. And Katina, how nice.我有事相求I have a favour to ask.好啊但在你说之前... Yeah, before you do...你父亲骗了我Your father's cheated me.我付费给他让我们去打野猪I paid him to let us hunt wild boar.但事实并没有野猪所以我也不需要付钱and it seems there aren't any and I didn'tneed to.否则会是一场精彩的狩猎Otherwise, brilliant.我很乐意I'd love to.谢谢你了我有太多事情要做Thank you. I have so many things to do. 哇哦哇哦现在吗Woah, woah, now?我正准备去打野猪I'm about to leave on a wild boar hunt. 但你刚刚说了并没有野猪But you said there are no wild boar there. 我计划营造一个I have a plan to get around that营造一个有野猪的幻觉懂吗by creating the illusion of a wild boar, see? 看来没人是诚实的Perhaps nobody is honest.我可以在其他任何时间帮忙Look, I'll help any other time但这次的打猎对我来说意义重大but this hunt is so important to me.拉里走了我现在是家里的顶梁柱Larry's left, so I'm the man of the house now 而且也是我第一次可以真正的为家里... and for the first time I can, erm, really,erm...好吧在我回来前我妈可以代为照看All right, my mother can look after you untilI get back.不是吗Can't she, eh?- 你需要的东西都在里面 - 好的- Everything you need is in there. - Ok. - 我明天回来 - 明天- I will come back tomorrow. - Tomorrow? 拜托了Please,我真的需要喘口气I need a break不然我要疯掉了or I go mad.你好Oh, hello.西奥我很抱歉... Theo, I'm sorry...不不不我才是No, no, no, I am.实际上是我太习惯独自生活了But the truth is, I'm so used to living onmy own.噢不你不会已经嫌弃我在这了吧Oh, no, you've hated having me here.不是你很好你是我的朋友No, you're a delight, you're my friend. 但对我来说杂乱的房间会造成混乱的思维But for me, a disorderly house creates adisorderly mind.但我没事现在家具都已经对称了But I'm fine, now the furniture issymmetrical.我知道我现在该干什么了I know now what I need to do.请告诉你母亲你在哪Please, tell your mother where you are. 还不是时候Not yet.我正在尝试独立I'm getting a taste for independence.你会为我骄傲的You'd have been proud of me.我给马夫罗诺达斯太太烫了头发I waved Mrs Mavroknodas's hair并没有杀了她without killing her.我为你感到骄傲I am proud of you.巴兹尔我的打猎远征队需要你的帮助Basil, I need your help with my huntingexpedition.我就知道有什么事你不能去打猎Oh, I knew there was something you mustn'tgo hunting.我们一定会去的但是... Tough, we're going. But......你可以先行藏在树堆里...would you go ahead, hide in the foliage 并且发出类似野猪的声音吗and make a noise like a wild boar, please? 恐怕最后会哭着结束I fear that could end in tears.不不会是个皆大欢喜的结局的No, no, it won't. It'll be a laugh!在树林里逛逛爬到树上就行Day out in the woods, up a tree.你为什么需要制造野猪的叫声Why do you need wild boar noises?因为事实证明那里并没有野猪Because there are no wild boars, it turns out 上校会把钱要回去的so the Colonel will demand his money back. 我深表同情但还是拒绝My sympathies. Still no.如果你帮我我会告诉你怎么讨好我妈If you help me, I'll show you how to impressmother.我已经采取行动去赢取她的心了I've already taken steps to win her over. 至少我可以保证成功Well, I can more or less guarantee success 因为我是她的依靠because I'm her confidant.野猪怎么叫的What noise do wild boar make?如果我没记错听起来像If I remember correctly, it's somethinglike...更大声点But louder.哇哦对的Wow, yeah.咳得好厉害Oh, that's a nasty cough.喉咙有点痒有点痒It's a bit of a...a tickle, tickle.正在找你Delivery for you.你还在等什么呢What are we waiting for?我需要等到我妈回来再出发I just need my mother to come home before weleave.为什么Why?欢迎回家Welcome home.谢谢但没必要欢迎我Thank you, no need to welcome me.我我有话要说I, er, have something to say.我已经在这里呆了几个月了Over the months I've been here你也看到了我you may have observed my journey从吹毛求疵转变成忠诚的爱慕者from somewhat prissy quest to doggedadmirer.你走的太快了能否请你慢一点You're going quite fast, can I just gentlyslow you down并请你闭上眼睛and ask you to shut your eyes.为什么Why?上一次让我闭眼杰瑞放了一只蜥蜴The last time I did that, Gerry put a lizard 在我衬衫上down my blouse.我不会的Yes, I won't do that.不过这事听起来十分搞笑准备好了吗Though it sounds like massive fun, erm,ready then?继续闭上眼睛我给你的这个礼物Keep them shut. As a symbol of our connection 是我们关系的象征is this gift which I now give you.现在睁开And, open.当然周围没水但是我会... Obviously, it lacks water, but I'll...等我有时间的时候我会引入一条小溪divert a stream when I have a moment.- 巴兹尔你为什么... - 什么也不要说- Basil, why have you...? - Say nothing. 见谅林子那边还需要我Please excuse me, I'm needed in a wood. 享受你的礼物吧Enjoy your gift.- 哪来的宝宝 - 达芙妮的- Whoes is that? - Daphne's.莱斯利Oh, Leslie.有一封拉里的信Oh, a...a letter from Larry.谢谢你亲爱的Oh, thank you, darling.为什么巴兹尔要给我们买座桥Why has Basil bought us a bridge?是啊确实很诡异Yes, that did seem odd.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mother很高兴听说玛戈暂住在西奥家Enchante to hear that Margo's nesting withTheo.这是个秘密吗Is that a secret?在我打猎期间能帮我照看达芙妮的宝宝吗Erm, can you babysit Daphne's baby while I'mhunting?不我亲爱的我得赶回到镇上Oh, no, darling, I have to go back to town. - 可是... - 你带孩子这样更好- Oh, well... - This is much better.你留下履行父亲职责You stay here and be Daddy就像你说过的你想要的那样as you said you wanted to.我该拿你怎么办What the hell am I going to do with you? 天气正合适Lovely day for it.我没跟你说话I'm not talking to you!好吧Fine.在打仗时期你会被军法处置的You'd have been court-martialled for that ina war.太不专业了Highly unprofessional.我说过了我很抱歉I've said I'm sorry.别让我向宝宝开枪Don't make me shoot the baby.那一点也不好笑That's not funny别哭了Please shush.让我来堵住你的耳朵Let's just clog your ears up.啊...是只野猪Th... that's a wild boar.How exciting, I told you I'd find you some. 太令人振奋了我就跟你说我会为你找到野猪的那声音是从一棵树上传来的Isn't it coming from up a tree?不能吧它们不会爬树Hardly, they can't climb trees.你说的是松鼠吧You're thinking of a squirrel.这边This way.。





















Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第四季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第四季第五集真不知你为什么总要等我完全没必要I don't know why you always wait for me. There's no need. 因为我想每天早晨第一个跟你打招呼Because I want to be the first to greet you every morning. 我说了没必要Well, as I said... there's no need.有...There's -绝对有必要There's every need.而且我会一直这样And I will keep it up直到你解释清楚我们到底怎么了until you explain to me what has gone wrong between us. 解释什么Explain what?我的生活原本很完美My life is perfect.但在一天之内什么都没了And then, in the space of one day, it is nothing.我需要一个解释To me, that requires an explanation.早安巴克斯特小姐Oh, good morning, Miss Baxter.你们好贝茨先生贝茨太太Hello, Mr Bates, Mrs Bates.-能否请你们帮个忙 -我们尽量- I wondered if you'd help me. - We will, if we can.就是我的缝纫机我房♥间里没有插座It's my sewing machine. I have no sockets in my bedroom. 而缝纫室又在洗衣房♥那边And what with the sewing room being in the laundry wing, 不知道休斯太太I wondered if Mrs Hughes能不能让我在休息室用缝纫机might let me use it in the servants' hall.-我想你该去问问她 -是啊没错- I should ask her, if I were you. - Yes, of course.我这就去I'll do that.你觉得她怎么样What do you make of her?我觉得她不错I think she's nice.所以我很好奇她到底看上托马斯什么Which prompts me to wonder what she sees in our friend Thomas. 有句老话说得好You know the old saying."凡人皆古怪"'There's nowt so queer as folk.'再不赶紧要错过早餐了We'll miss breakfast, if we're not careful.你不介意我们教阿尔弗雷德烹饪吗Are you happy for us to be teaching Alfred to cook?你该去问卡森先生It's Mr Carson you should ask.问我什么Ask me what?厨房♥佣人在帮阿尔弗雷德准备考试About the kitchen staff helping Alfred to train for his test.-他已经被录取了吗 -不还没有- He's been accepted for it, then? - Not yet, no.但他希望能做好准备But he'd like to be ready if he is.我看没问题I suppose it's all right.阿尔弗雷德很勤快这点值得肯定Alfred is a hard worker. I'll give him that.如果他要选择烹饪这条路...And if cooking's his chosen path...很好我只是想确认这不会引起混乱Good. I was just checking I wasn't inciting a revolution.请用夫人There we are... My Lady.该准备的我应该都弄了不过Now, I think I've remembered everything. But...您还是看看我就在这儿等着I'll just stay here while you check.看起来很好不过这是什么It seems perfect, but... What's this?我听说美国人早餐常喝橙汁Well, I know Americans often drink orange juice with breakfast. 我想您会喜欢So I thought you might like it.你真体贴巴克斯特That is so considerate, Baxter.谢谢你Thank you.-早安老爷 -早安- Good morning, My Lord. - Good morning.你看起来很高兴You look very jovial.巴克斯特让我想起了过去的时光It's just Baxter reminding me of times gone by.-你喜欢她 -是的谢天谢地- You're pleased with her. - I am, thank heaven.你今天怎么样So what's your day looking like?汤姆和玛丽让我去一下书房♥Tom and Mary have summoned me to the library.说他们有个想法They have an idea.希望你不会反对他们的想法I hope it's not something you're going to fight about.这要我怎么说我都不知道是什么呢How can I answer that when I don't know what it is?你的意思是So what you are saying is如果我们为这孩子找个工作if we find a job for the boy,对他母亲将意义重大it'll make a difference to his mother.那是当然Oh, a big difference.如果你真想帮助佩格太太If you really want to help Mrs Pegg,这可比喝茶和同情this will be of more practical use更有实际意义than all the tea and sympathy in the world.-可我这里不缺人手了 -我知道- Well, I don't need anyone else here. - I know.但你能不能问问庄园的主管园丁呢But would you talk to the head gardener up at the Abbey?或者和老夫人谈谈Or maybe even talk to Lady Grantham.她对园艺很用心She takes her garden seriously.这不用你说You don't have to tell me that.真遗憾葬礼是什么时候I'm sorry. When's the funeral?明天您会去吗Tomorrow. Will you go?我会的I will.他的祖辈从乔治三世时期就是我们的佃户His forebears have been tenants since the reign of George III.即便如此他有好几年没交租金了Be that as it may, the rent's not been paid for ages.文件也发过了该做个了断了We've served all the papers. It's time to get on with it.你是要中止租约我们自己管理土地You mean, foreclose the lease and farm the land ourselves?这是我们的讨论结果That's what we discussed.真让人难受It's sad, though.都在这家人手里那么长时间了After such a long time in the hands of one family.时代在前进我们必须紧跟时代The world moves on, and we must move with it.你总是这么说So you keep telling me.说到前进我想你已经看过这个了吧Talking of the world moving on, I suppose you've seen this.吉利安姆子爵与已故奥兹维斯顿勋爵的独生女The engagement is announced between the Viscount Gillingham 尊敬的梅布尔·莱恩·福克斯and the Honourable Mabel Lane Fox,宣布订婚only child of the late Lord Osweston.看来我得写封信祝贺他Well, I must... write and congratulate him.那我去了Now...let me get on.但这是电动的你就不怕它自己动起来But it's electric. Aren't you worried it'll run away with itself 把你的手指缝在桌上吗and sew your fingers to the table?-希望不会 -你怎么控制它- I certainly hope not. - How do you operate it?用踏板就在我脚下With a pedal - under my foot.我觉得这东西不该摆在休息室Well I don't think it has any business in a servants' hall.但她房♥间里没有插座But there's no socket in her room.那她可以拿去洗衣房♥用啊But she could take it to the laundry.或者直接扔掉更好Or, better still, chuck it out altogether!帕特莫太太可不怎么喜欢新潮东西Mrs Patmore is not what you'd call a futurist.这我看出来了I think I'd got there already.-安娜 -我忘了点东西- Anna. - I've forgotten something.务必原谅我贝茨先生You must forgive me, Mr Bates.恐怕我让安娜太忙了I'm afraid I'm keeping Anna too busy.你想试试吗Would you like to have a try?安娜Anna?我不明白你为什么要对贝茨先生那么无情I don't know why you must be so hard on Mr Bates.至少现在你知道...不会有孩子At least you know now there'll be... no baby.是的No.那你就不能让这事过去然后...Then, can't you start to get past it and...告诉他点什么吗and tell him something?如果我说谎他一眼就能看出来He'd know if it wasn't the truth.他能看透我就像看一本书一样He sees through me. He can read me like a book. 我希望他能看透你I wish he could read you.然后把你带出这种...阴霾的笼罩And take you out of this... veil of shadows.你不想对他坦诚吗Don't you want to be honest with him?我当然想Of course I do.但是我了解他我知道他会做什么But I know him. I know what he'd do.所以我不能拿他的未来去冒险And I can't risk his future.好吧这是你的秘密不是我的's your secret and not mine.但我觉得你不该这样But I think it's a mistake.你确定自己很有园艺天赋吗And you're sure you have a feel for gardening? 是的夫人I am, Your Ladyship.不用拘礼叫我卡劳利夫人就行I'm not a ladyship. Just Mrs Crawley.我现在懂的还不多但我是个嫁接工I...I don't know much now. But I'm a grafter.而且我学东西很快And a quick learner.我没法做什么承诺I cannot make promises,但我会尽力帮你找点事做but I will try and find something for you.非常感谢您夫人Thank you very much, Your Ladyship.请送他出去Will you show him out?等他发现我实际上很平凡时He's going to be so disappointed when he finds out一定会非常失望how ordinary I really am.在村民眼里你就是那个家庭的一员You're part of the family. That's how the village sees you.那个家庭可不这么想It's not how the family see me.我看不见得Oh, I'm not so sure about that.格兰瑟姆伯爵和夫人一直都对我很好Lord and Lady Grantham have always been as kind as they can be. 我心存感激但我不是他们的一员And I appreciate it. But I am not one of them.就是这样And that's the end of it.格兰瑟姆伯爵很敬重你Lord Grantham admires you very much.但你非觉得自己不受爱戴才高兴But if it serves you to think yourself unloved,那我说什么也没用了nothing I say will change that.这话可真难听I think that's rather harsh.-格兰瑟姆伯爵 -仪式很好- Lord Grantham. - It was a very good service.你父亲一定会高兴的Your father would've been pleased.谢谢您Thank you.-你住哪 -紫杉农场- Do you have far to go? - I'm staying at Yew Tree Farm.当然Of course.搬的时候跟我们说一声不着急Let us know when you're ready to leave. There's no hurry.可是老爷我不想搬走The thing is, My Lord, I...don't want to move out.我想延续租约I want to take on the tenancy.什么What?如果还可能的话If it's still possible.虽然很遗憾但恐怕是不行I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but I don't believe it is. 我们早发过通知这事已成定局The notices have been served. The case is closed.您是说你们要自己管理那片土地You mean, you want to farm the land yourself.这都定下来了Then it's all settled.德鲁先生没必要把我当成恶工头Mr Drewe, it's no good painting me as Simon Legree. 我们给了你父亲很长时间凑钱We gave your father a long time to get straight.他临终的日子里我们也没追究And left him in peace at the end of his life.他没跟我提过这笔债He never told me about the debt.不然我会尽力帮他还的Or I'd've tried to help him.因为我的祖先Because my ancestors自拿破仑战争时期就在紫杉农场耕种have farmed at Yew Tree since the Napoleonic Wars. 这总该有一定的意义Surely, that's got to mean something.对我来说意义重大It means a great deal to me.那我们能谈一谈吗老爷Then, can we talk about it, My Lord?求您了Please?你愿意的话明天早上过来吧Come tomorrow morning, if you wish.但我觉得没什么用But I can't see what good it will do.别过早拿起来Don't take it off too soon.让它沸腾一下不然味道就不好了Let it bubble a bit, or you'll taste the flour.-这样够了吗 -我觉得够了- this enough? - I'd say so, yeah.把它先放一边去去看看蛋衣Now put it to one side while you check your casings.天啊什么东西那么香My, my. Something smells good.阿尔弗雷德在做♥鸡♥蛋奶酪蛋挞Alfred's making tarts with an egg and cheese filling.满口奶酪香这就做今晚的咸点吧Bouchees de fromage. They could be tonight's savoury. -真的吗 -我觉得没问题- Do you think? - I don't see why not.我去拿鸡蛋I'll fetch the eggs.做得好黛西Well done, Daisy.我很难受帕特莫太太It's very hard, Mrs Patmore.-我觉得我在帮他离开我们 -没错- I feel like I'm helping him to leave us. - And so you are. 他现在既然有这打算就该让他走Which is as it should be, now he's decided to go.下一步怎么做So, what's next?我们要把鸡蛋和奶酪加到白汁里面We'll add egg and cheese to the white sauce,如果帕特莫太太不介意的话if Mrs Patmore doesn't mind.我一点都不介意黛西I don't mind at all, Daisy.你可以帮他弄调味酱You can help him enrich the bechamel.夫人小姐Your Ladyship. My Lady.那是下午的邮件吗有没有我的Is that the afternoon post? Is there anything for me?只有几份给老爷的小姐There's just a couple for His Lordship, My Lady.你在等谁的信吗Were you expecting something?也不是Not particularly.我有段时间没有迈克尔的消息了仅此而已I haven't heard from Michael in a bit, that's all.他应该很忙吧I expect he's busy.你在干什么What have you been up to?我在给托尼·吉利安姆写信I was writing to Tony Gillingham.替我向他问好Give him my regards.就说我们期待与莱恩·福克斯小姐见面Say we look forward to knowing Miss Lane Fox.我很惊讶我以为他很喜欢你I am surprised. I thought he was rather keen on you.你这不是第一次弄错了Not for the first time, you've got the wrong end of the stick. 我以为你是罗伯特Oh. I thought you were Robert.-他从葬礼回来了吗 -还没有吧- Is he back from his funeral? - Not yet, I don't think.趁他不在我们讨论一下他生日怎么过吧While he's not here, shall we discuss his birthday?-他马上就要过生日了吗 -是的- Oh, does he have a birthday soon? - Fairly soon.您有什么计划吗Do you have any plans?只能想到准备点他喜欢吃的Nothing beyond his favourite food.-这没什么特别 -我们开个派对怎么样- It's not a special one. - Why don't we have a party?让我们开心起来小派对就行To cheer ourselves up. A small one.好主意That'll be fun.但梅里可能已经有But Maley may have a candidate他想提拔的接♥班♥人了of his own that he wants to bring forward.也就是说你的确需要人手So, you do need extra help.可能是吧I suppose so.之前的园丁跑去一个大教区了The last boy went off to a frightfully grand rectory.那你就收下佩格先生嘛Then, will you take young Pegg?他给我的印象很好He impressed me so favourably.你头上的光环沉不沉啊You know, I wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy.是不是像一直戴着一顶皇冠It must be like wearing a tiara round the clock.你愿帮他一把吗他母亲会很感激的Will you help him? His mother would be very grateful.我也是And so would I.没错但你的感激来得快去得也快Yes, but your gratitude never seems to last.我还没来得及答应你这个要求下一个又来了I've no sooner said yes than you come back with another request. 你会帮他吗Will you?好吧好吧Very well. Very well.但愿他像你说得那么好But he'd better turn out to be all the things you say he is.这是寄给你的This came for you in the last post.是通知会不会见你的信吗Is that the letter that tells you if they'll see you?应该是I think it must be.伦敦丽兹酒店-打开啊 -快点别吊我们胃口- Well, open it, then. - Oh, go on. Don't keep us in suspense.我太想要这次机会了I want it so much.真不敢想如果没得到要怎么办I can't bear to find out I've not got it.那给我Give it to me, then.-他们同意让你考试 -是吗- Well, they are going to test you. - Oh, they are.但是见鬼了安排在了后天But, by 'eck. It's the day after tomorrow.他们没给你多少准备时间They don't give you much time.这封信十天前就寄出来了一定是半路丢了Oh, this was posted 10 days ago. It must've got lost.他会没事的他知道该怎么做He'll be fine. He knows his stuff.他当然知道不是吗黛西Course he does. Doesn't he, Daisy?是的他知道He does, yeah.怎么了What's this?阿尔弗雷德得到了考试机会丽兹酒店的Alfred's got his test. At The Ritz.-我为你高兴阿尔弗雷德 -安娜- I'm happy for you, Alfred. - Anna...敲锣了That's the gong.别担心贝茨先生她只是烦心事太多了I shouldn't worry, Mr Bates. She's got ever so much on her plate. 谁不是呢Haven't we all?我想在敲更衣锣之前再待十分钟Thought I'd get an extra 10 minutes in before the gong goes.你到是可以帮我一把You can help me with this.茜玻说飓风就快来了Sybbie says there's going to be a hurricane any moment now. 飓风真的吗在约克郡A hurricane? Really? In Yorkshire?所以我们把动物都保护起来了So we're getting all the animals under shelter.当然了保姆呢I'm sure you are. Where's nanny?去洗衣房♥拿衣服了Collecting some clothes from laundry.我说我会陪着他们I said I'd stay with them.我们小时候的保姆可不敢这么悠闲She's so much more relaxed than our nanny ever was. 我的童年和茜玻很不一样My childhood wasn't anything like Sybbie's.跟我的也大相径庭啊Nor mine, God knows.你觉得她现在算过的好吗Do you think she's having a good childhood?我们做的还行吗That we're doing well?我觉得你已经尽力了I think you're doing your best for her...如果你是要问这个的话if that's what you mean.也不全是It isn't quite.我想飓风该来了Oh. I think it's time for the hurricane.-太棒了 -真不错- Oh, bravo! - Very good!她说的对一点不比我差呢She's right. I couldn't have done better myself.把这些端上去说是你做的Now. Take them up and say you cooked 'em.-我不能这么做 -卡森先生可以替你说- I couldn't. - Well, Mr Carson can say it.他们又能怎么样插旗宣告吗And what are they supposed to do? Hang out the flags? -不要嫉妒他的成功 -我才没有- Oh, don't grudge him his success. - I don't.我只是不觉得整天在厨房♥打转有什么好的I just can't see the fun in a life chained to a stove.咸点做好没Are the savouries ready to go up?当然了They certainly are.做的不错I say. Well done.很遗憾你要离开了阿尔弗雷德We'll be sorry to lose you, Alfred.但我相信你能通过考试But I think you'll pass your test.上帝保佑夫人Fingers crossed, My Lady.-考试是什么时候 -后天我早上过去- When is it? - The day after tomorrow. I'm going up in the morning. 祝你顺利Our best wishes go with you.我明天也要过去I'm going up myself tomorrow.晚上就回来去下迈克尔的办公室Just for the day. To visit Michael's office.晚饭前就回来I'll be back for dinner.-一个人吗 -好像是- All alone? - I seem to be.不知道是为什么I don't know why.你和夫人相处的怎么样How are you getting on with Her Ladyship?挺好的Pretty well...I think.美国人习俗赞扬茜玻小姐都做了吗You've done America and praised Lady Sybil?当然了Have I not你说的我都照做了You name it, I've said it.-她会听你的话的 -要的就是这样- She'll be eating out of your hand. - That's the intention.楼下也没有树敌No enemies downstairs neither.奥布瑞恩小姐就犯了这错That was Miss O'Brien's mistake.没人喜欢她有事也都不告诉她Nobody liked her, so nobody told her anything.-他们也不怎么喜欢你 -所以才需要你- They don't like you much. - That's why you're here.弥补我这个过失To rectify that failing on my part.你又搬回大宅了吗Is it true you've moved into the house again?休斯太太这么说的Mrs Hughes said so.这样子我能更好地同时照顾您和夫人It seemed easier when I was looking after Her Ladyship as well as you. 但她现在有人服侍了But she has her own maid now.为什么不回农舍Why not go back to the cottage?还没来得及I haven't got round to it.安娜如果你有困难请你告诉我Anna, if you're in difficulties, I wish you'd tell me.我很好小姐真的I'm not, My Lady. Honestly.我是来道别的谢谢你们的照顾I've come to say goodbye. Thank you for all your help.镇定点保持镇定你就能做得很好Just keep calm. You know enough to do well if you keep calm.祝你好运阿尔弗雷德Very good luck, Alfred.关于伦敦有什么我需要了解的吗Is there anything I ought to know about London?那可太多了亲爱的There's quite a lot you ought to know about London, dear.但现在没时间说了不然你要误了火车了And no time to tell it now or he'll miss his train.今天下午夫人下来的时候This afternoon, when Her Ladyship comes down,你们可不许闲聊I don't want any backchat,一定要让她感到井然有序干净整洁she must see everything is in order, all neat and tidy.你的围裙怎么了What's happened to your apron?怎么了有什么...Why? What should...天哪Oh, my God!怎么了What's up?准是给钉子划了Well...I must've caught it on a nail.我菜还没洗好呢夫人一会儿就下来了My meals are in the wash. And her ladyship's coming down later! 别担心交给巴克斯特小姐去弄吧Oh, don't worry. Miss Baxter'll sort that out.给我Give it here.好吧Right.您不介意和阿尔弗雷德同行吧小姐I thought you wouldn't mind if Alfred rode in the front, My Lady. 他也赶同一趟火车He's catching the same train.我当然不介意Of course I don't mind.我们都愿你好运阿尔弗雷德We all wish you luck, Alfred.多谢小姐I'm going to need it, My Lady.这是他第一次去伦敦It's his first trip to London.很开心吧How exciting.可以这么说吧Exciting's one word for it.你想拿回赎回权并续约You want to reverse the foreclosure and take the lease,但你仍付不清欠款but you still can't pay all the arrears.这提议不是很诱人啊It doesn't seem a very enticing offer.我会付清的不会很久的I'll pay. And it won't take long.即便如此...Even so...我是约克郡人老爷I'm a Yorkshireman, My Lord.这是我的家This is where I belong.我们和卡劳利家共同经营这片土地We've worked this land in partnership with the Crawleys 已有一个多世纪for more than a century.和卡劳利家共同经营In partnership with the Crawleys?我无意冒犯I don't mean to be impertinent.我并不觉得有冒犯I do not hear it as impertinence.我们确实是共同经营We have been in partnership.我们是在和所有租户共同经营We're in partnership with all our tenants.至少应该如此Or, we should be.那么您愿意让我回来吗Then, will you let me come home?我试试吧I'll see what I can do.谢谢老爷Thank you, My Lord.我就在农场I'll be at the farm.德鲁先生Mr Drewe.我想告诉大家I would prefer to report that你打算全额付清欠款you are prepared to repay the arrears in full.你差的钱我替你补上I'll lend you the difference myself.您愿这么帮我You'd do that for me?这最起码得五十英镑It won't be less than 50 pounds.等有了定论我寄张支票给你I'll send a cheque when I'm sure of the outcome.您不会后悔吗You won't regret it?不我想我不会No. I don't think I will.你觉得阿尔弗雷德真能当上大厨吗Do you think Alfred has a chance with his cooking?我觉得岂止有可能I think he's got more than a chance,从帕特莫太太的夸奖就能看出judging by what Mrs Patmore has to say on the subject.因为我有个主意Because I've got an idea或许能一箭双雕that might kill two birds with one stone.我们随时会失去一个男仆We'll be short of a footman any day而莫斯利先生则没有工作and Mr Molesley will be short of a job.我们同时处理这两个问题如何What say we deal with the two problems together?-把两个都解决了 -正是- And solve both. - Exactly.但他会干吗But would he do it?他会干吗Would he do it?他现在又是当修路工又是当送货工When he's been mending roads and delivering groceries,能有这样一份好差事他指定会做and lucky to get even that? I'll say he'll do it.-但愿你是对的 -绝对的- I hope you're right. - I know I am.您就不能先跟我们谈谈再做决定吗You might've talked it over with us before you made up your mind. 但我还没决定But I haven't.我跟他说我们再考虑一下就这样I told him we'd think about it. That's all.在我听来您已决定了Sounds to me as if you've come to a decision.如果我们不尊重过去If we don't respect the past,就更不能创造未来it'll be harder to build our future.-这话你在哪看到的 -我现编的- Where did you read that? - I made it up.-我觉得这话很不错 -相当好- I thought it was rather good. - It's too good.我们最不愿意看到的就是家里出个诗人One thing we don't want is a poet in the family那很糟糕吗Would it be so bad?我唯一熟悉的贵族诗人就是拜伦勋爵The only poet peer I am familiar with is Lord Byron.我想你该知道他的下场吧And I presume you all know how that ended.[拜伦因遭受政客和上流社会排挤而被迫离开英国]那你想让德鲁先生留下喽So, you'd let Mr Drewe stay on.既然他愿意偿还欠款我觉得这样挺好Since he wants to repay the debt, I think it only fair.此外他还提到了我们家族Besides, he talks of the partnership和佃户之间的合作关系我挺喜欢这想法between the farmers and the family, and I like that.-我觉得这么做很好 -反叛女王如是说- Well, I think it's splendid. - Says the queen of the rebels 谢谢Thank you.你也同意吗And you agree,就算他根本无权续租even though he has no right to renew the lease?他在法律上没权利但道义上还是有的No right legally, no. But we think he has a moral right. 只可惜了紫杉农场It's a pity it should be Yew Tree.本来刚好可以填补我们的耕地It would've filled a hole in the land we farm.之前没那块地你不也经营得好好的You've managed without it till now.你还没说你的看法呢You haven't said what you think.-你支持哪一边 -当然是佃户啦- Which side are you on? - The farmer's, of course.我还没把社♥会♥主♥义♥思想全抛下I've not abandoned all my socialism.虽然有时几乎想不起它了Even though it feels like it sometimes.这是绝无仅有的一次我很高兴听你这么说In this one and only instance, I am glad to hear it.-您打算什么时候告诉他 -这事不急- When will you tell him? - There's no tearing rush.我们可以再商量一两天然后由你告诉他We've a day or two to talk it over. And then you can tell him.站在你身旁却默默无语...实在别扭It's strange...standing here next to you in silence.我爱你Because I love you.所以我得明白你为什么不爱我了I want to find out why you don't love me any more.按理说我们谈谈就行了但显然不行You'd think we could talk about it. But apparently not.但我不是...But I don't...我下午要去里彭I'm going into Ripon this afternoon给玛丽小姐买♥♥点东西to get some things for Lady Mary.如果他们问起说我敲锣之前就会回来If they miss me, I'll be back before the gong.至少我知道你在敲锣前会回来At least I know you'll be back before the gong我受不了这速度Ooh! I can't get over the speed of it.看得我头晕I feel quite dizzy watching.我觉得应该看不出补过I don't think it'll show.补过比我买♥♥的时候还好呢Show? It's better than it was before I bought it.太感谢你了Aw! Thanks very much.夫人要下来了Her Ladyship's on her way down.又笼络了一个Another one roped to the chariot得到这份工作我很感激托马斯I'm grateful for this job, Thomas.原因你我心知肚明但你到底打的什么算盘And we both know why. But what's it all about?唐顿将有一番大变化肯定会的Well, there's going to be changes at Downton. There's bound to be. 我同意I'm sure.所以我想知道主子们的计划So I want to know about any plans upstairs.再小的细节我都不想遗漏明白吗Any detail, no matter how small. Understand?之前的贴身女仆也是你的眼线吗Did the other lady's maids keep you informed?没错奥布瑞恩小姐Miss O'Brien, yes.但后来我们闹僵了But we fell out.贝茨太太呢她是我的敌人吗What about Mrs Bates? Is she an enemy?她了解这里的情况She knows what's going on.她算不上敌人但也收买♥♥不了No, she's not an enemy. But she's incorruptible.所以我和她没什么交集So we have nothing in common.她还很沉默She's also silent.我来之后大概就听她说过四个字Shouldn't think I've had four words out of her since I arrived.让大家都信任你对你无话不说Just get them all to trust you... and tell you everything.夫人需要我做什么吗Your Ladyship. How can I help?我下来就是为了劝你I've come down to persuade you.我搞不明白冰块箱哪不好了I just don't see why it's better than an ice box.可电冰箱的效果更好Well, a refrigerator is more efficient.它能让食物保鲜更久It keeps food fresh longer.也不必再让人送冰块来了We won't need ice to be delivered.但报纸杂货还有其他东西But the papers will still be delivered,不也还得让人送吗and the groceries, and all sorts.还是连那些东西也不送了Or are we to stop that too?帕特莫太太Mrs Patmore.这个时代有什么Is there any aspect of the present day是你能欣然接受的吗that you can accept without resistance?夫人Well, My Lady.要是能不♥穿♥束腰就好了I wouldn't mind getting rid of my corset.梅里让你干什么你就干什么You must do everything Maley tells you.知道了夫人I will, Your Ladyship.约翰很愿意学的对吧John is keen to learn. Aren't you?-是的夫人 -好园丁不愁找不到工作- I am, ma'am. - Because there's always work for a good gardener. 你得好好感谢卡劳利夫人You owe your place to Mrs Crawley.我不答应给你这个职位她就不让我走She would not let me go until I'd promised.坚决不松手She would not relax her grip.你把我说的太热情了You make me sound very fervent.打仗都没你这么热情Wars have been waged with less fervour那希望这场仗咱们能赢日安约翰Well, let's hope we win this one. Good day, John.。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园动作快点姑娘们加把劲Hurry up girls, come on.快快这儿早该打扫干净了Come on, come on, you should be done here!他们随时都会从火车站回来They'll be back from the station any second now.还没机会问你呢伦敦怎么样啊I haven't had a chance to ask, how was London?一如既往又脏又吵不过很惬意Oh, much as usual. Dirty, noisy and quite enjoyable. 其实你没必要提前一天回来There was no need for you to come back a day early. 我一个人完全能把庄园收拾好I'm perfectly capable of getting the house ready.那是当然不过我想在他们回来之前Of course you are, but I like to have the heavy luggage 把大件行李运回来整理好back and unpacked before they get here.我想... 慢慢来威廉又没人跟你抢I suppose... Steady, William. This isn't a race.可怜的孩子Poor lad.他见到他母亲了吗But he did see her?送他去国王十字车站的时候我很担心I was worried when I took him to King's Cross.他赶上见她最后一面Yes, he had time to say goodbye.他现在怎么样How is he now?毕竟母亲是唯一的不是吗Well, you've only got one mother, haven't you?他们回来了休斯太太They're here, Mrs Hughes.1914年7月你好威廉欢迎你回来Hello, William. It's good to have you back.终于到家了What a relief to be home!老爷假装抱怨没在伦敦玩好你们可别当真Don't listen when his lordship pretends not to enjoy the season. 入乡随俗嘛When in Rome...玛丽小姐会很快回来吗Will Lady Mary be back soon?她要在我姐姐那里呆上几周She's staying on with my sister for a couple of weeks.那格兰瑟姆大宅已经关门了吗So Grantham House is closed?这周末就关It will be by the end of this week.亲爱的休斯太太Dear Mrs Hughes,我希望我们不在的这段时间你给自己放过假了I hope you've had some time to yourself while we've been away. 趁着没人我把之前总忘记做的活I've tackled a few jobs that get forgotten about都做完了when the house is full.这里有什么新鲜事吗Any local news?大家都在谈奥匈帝国大公遇刺的事The main topic here is the murder of the Austrian Archduke.走到哪里都是这个话题Here and everywhere else.恐怕这事没那么容易过去I'm afraid we haven't heard the last of that.-威廉怎么样了 -硬撑着呢- And how is William? - Bearing up.可怜的孩子真为他难过Poor chap. He has our sympathies.我想在晚餐前洗洗尘I think I'll wash the train off before dinner.好的老爷您去沐浴我来整理行李Very good, milord. I can unpack while you're bathing.那楼上见I'll see you up there.休斯太太Oh, Mrs Hughes,你对为医院举办露天聚会的事have you had any thoughts about the garden party有什么想法吗for the hospital?我已经着手准备了I've started on it,不过还有些事需要和您商量but there are things we need to talk about.天呐一听就是麻烦事我先去把帽子放下Oh, dear. That sounds like trouble. I'll take my hat off.茜玻你在伦敦大获成功亲爱的Sybil, you were a great success in London, darling.真棒Well done.您从没对我那样说过You never say that to me.是吗你真是个好帮手谢谢Don't I? You were very helpful dear. Thank you.夫人刚回家我不想扫她的兴I hate to spoil her ladyship's homecoming,不过帕特莫太太的事该怎么办but what are we going to do about Mrs Patmore?她的情况比你们出发时更糟了She's worse than when you left. Much worse.对我还想问Oh, and I meant to ask,贝茨先生请辞的事老爷下决定了吗is there a decision about Mr Bates leaving?还没定论老爷想知道真♥相♥Oh, not yet. His lordship wants the facts,可贝茨先生不肯说and Mr Bates won't give them.你打算怎么向夫人汇报帕特莫太太的事So, what are you going to say to her ladyship about Mrs Patmore? 我不知道I'm not sure.我不想让这可怜的女人丢掉工作I don't want the poor woman sacked,可一直这样也不是办法but things cannot go on as they are.英国的夏天真是无与伦比啊是不是There's nothing like an English summer is there?只有英国的冬天能与之争锋吧Except an English winter.很遗憾你收到的邀请不多I'm sorry you haven't received more invitations.不过经历了四届社交忙季But then, after four seasons,你更像雨后的海棠而不是三月的桃花了one is less a debutante than a survivor.亲爱的你有没有什么事要告诉我My dear, is there anything you're not telling me?-没有 -只是我听到些传言...- No. - Only one hears stories...真的没有罗斯孟德姑妈There's nothing, Aunt Rosamond.那么你决定了吗要不要嫁给马修堂侄So, have you decided whether or not to marry Cousin Matthew? 任何秘密在柯拉那里都藏不了一个月Oh, there's no secret Cora can keep for more than a month.那可不一定You'd be surprised!我告诉他我一回家就答复他I've told him I'll give him my answer the day I get back.至少可以说这样做还算合适Well, it would be very tidy, at least we can say that.-想抽口烟吗 -抽口也好- Fancy a smoke? - Don't mind if I do.又来了盖伊·福克斯和他的同伙There they go. Guy Fawkes and his assistant.密谋炸掉国会大厦并炸死英王但计划败露被杀-哪个是主犯呢 -给你- Which is which? - Here you are.既然老爷到现在都没动静Surely, if his lordship hasn't done anything until now,那肯定是说明他不想追究下去it means he doesn't want to take it any further.安娜帮我缝了块黑纱卡森先生Anna's made me an armband, Mr Carson.为了悼念我的母亲我可以戴着吗For my mother. Can I wear it?可以侍候主人时不要戴其他时候没事I dare say, not when we're entertaining, but otherwise.你好医生我不知道你来了Hello, Doctor. I didn't know you were here.是的格兰瑟姆夫人叫我来的No, Lady Grantham sent a message.-怎么了她不会是病了吧 -其实不算生病- Why? She's not ill, is she? - Not ill, exactly.你在书房♥等我好吗Would you mind waiting in the library?怀孕了Pregnant?你没必要这么吃惊吧You needn't be quite so shocked.让我缓缓Give me a moment.你都十♥八♥年♥没怀孕了You haven't been pregnant for 18 years.但我现在怀上了And I'm pregnant now.我们也没做什么特别的啊I don't understand what we've done differently. 别说了你要是想弄清楚Stop right there. If you want to know more,下楼找医生向他打听吧go down and offer the doctor some whisky.我无法理解I can't take it in.但你开心吗But you're pleased?当然Of course.我当然开心了Of course I'm pleased.我没想到她真会去做I didn't think she'd do it.我就说她会的I told you she would.我能看出来她也想打听I could see she was interested.我们又都是贴身女仆And I was speaking as one lady's maid to another. 那也算是种交情That means something, you know.之前还以为抓到他的小尾巴了Course we thought we had him before,没想到他狡猾得很but he's a slippery devil.-这显然不常见 -不常见简直是奇迹- It's unusual, obviously. - Unusual? It's Biblical.没这么夸张Not quite.你知道女人到了年龄会发生一些变化You understand that women go through a certain change. 谢谢该懂的我都明白Thank you. I know quite as much as I need to about all that. 有时受孕率会...突然大增Well, sometimes it can result in a surge of fertility,我也想不出更好的说法了for want of a better word.但这个孩子会健康吗But the child will be healthy?这点无需担心Oh, there's no reason why not.怀多久了...How long has she...日期说不准不能按规律推断不过...Hard to be precise. Things had become irregular, but...请讲Please!我看大概有四个月了吧I'd say she's about four months gone.很快就能看出来了It'll begin to show soon.我想大概没法知道孩子是...And I don't suppose there's any way of knowing if it's a... 打扰了老爷我以为您是一个人I do beg your pardon, milord. I thought you were alone.没事请进来吧休斯太太我正要告辞No, please come in, Mrs Hughes. I'm just leaving.威廉William!那谢谢你医生Well, thank you, Doctor.看来我得着手写几封信了I'd better start writing some letters.送克拉克森医生出门Show Dr Clarkson out.夫人不舒服我不想去打扰她I didn't want to bother her ladyship, if she's not well...她在休息有事跟我说吧She's resting, but tell me anyway.是帕特莫太太的事老爷It's Mrs Patmore, milord.事到如今我们不得不做出决定了The time has come when we really have to make a decision. 现在您相信我了吧Now do you believe me?注意点托马斯你自己也岌岌可危Careful, Thomas. Your position is not a strong one.该责备的不是我们卡森先生Don't punish us, Mr Carson.您该去找贝茨先生吧It's Mr Bates who's wanting here.卡森先生您说该留那样的人Tell me, Mr Carson, do you think it right在唐顿庄园里工作生活吗a man like that should live and work at Downton?小姐奈皮尔先生来访Mr Napier, milady.你怎么来了我姑妈刚刚出门What a surprise! I'm afraid you've just missed my aunt.我知道我看着她离开的I know. I watched her leave.您的婚礼准备得如何How are your wedding plans going?不是很好其实我们决定取消婚约了Not very well. In fact, we've decided to call it off.真的吗Really?在茜玻的舞会上我以为事情都定了呢Well, it seemed quite fixed at Sybil's ball.真可惜What a shame!请坐Please.从长远看是件好事It'll be better in the long run.也许吧Perhaps.我知道您对婚姻的期望很高I know what high hopes you have of the institution.事实上玛丽小姐The thing is, Lady Mary,我今天登门拜访是因为我想在你回乡下前I am here today because I needed to tell you something,当面告诉你一件事face to face, before you went to the country."当面"吗天呐"Face to face"? Gracious me!我最近听到一些传言I've recently heard gossip是关于我和科莫·帕努克那次对唐顿的造访about the time when I came to Downton with Kemal Pamuk. 据我所知这些传言给你的生活带来了不便Gossip that I believe has made life difficult for you.我还听闻I've also heard it said人说是我散步了这些传言that I am the source of these stories.让您知道事实并非如此这对我非常重要It is very important to me that you should know that I am not. 从那天起From that day to this,我从未提及此事I have never spoken one word on the matter.那究竟是谁Then who did?似乎是从土耳其大使♥馆♥传开的It seems to have come from the Turkish Embassy,事实上正是大使本人还有他的夫人from the Ambassador himself, in fact, and his wife.但如果不是你又是谁告诉他们了呢But who told them, if not you?这一点很难启齿This is the hard part.我发现真♥相♥的时候When I discovered the answer,犹豫是否应该告诉你I debated whether I should relay it,不过最后我认为你该知道but in the end I feel you ought to know.求你别卖♥♥关子了The suspense is killing me.是你的妹妹伊迪丝小姐写信给大使It was your sister, Lady Edith, who wrote to the Ambassador. 所以大家才对这件事深信不疑That is why people accept the story.伊迪丝Edith?的确难以相信It is very hard to believe.对我来讲不是很难Harder for you than for me.家里多个孩子自然值得高兴I love the thought of a baby in the house,但如果是个男孩...but if it's a boy...对卡劳利先生来说就太残酷了It'll be very hard on Mr Crawley.我明白I know.当初我并不欢迎他来I was no great champion when he first arrived,不过在我看来他已经尽力了but it seems to me he's tried his best,而且他做事也很得体and he's done the decent thing.恐怕他不能如愿了I can't see that coming off.你不会是说订婚的事吧You don't mean the engagement?可现在不还没订吗But it's not an engagement yet, is it?她不会变心的She'd never throw him over!卡森先生玛丽·卡劳利小姐何德有您如此忠心Mr Carson, Lady Mary Crawley does not deserve you.她还没跟马修堂孙联♥系♥吗And she's not been in touch with cousin Matthew?至少我没听说Not that I've heard.你有喜当然是绝好的消息Wonderful news, of course.你一定要照顾好自己You must look after yourself.别担心奥布瑞恩照顾得很周全Don't worry. O'Brien has me wrapped in silk and feathers.你真是幸运You're lucky.我很不好的预感西蒙斯将要向我辞职I have a horrible feeling Simmons is about to hand in her notice. 她最近总是烦躁不安She's looking very fidgety, lately,我还见她邮差一来就匆忙迎上去and I saw her hurrying to meet the postman.你真是可怜Oh, you poor thing.还有什么比失去贴身女佣更糟Is there anything worse than losing one's maid?我不明白她为何要离开I mean, why would she want to leave me?我的性格如此温和I've been as gentle as a lamb.大部分时间是这样Most of the time.我想告诉你我会为你做好安排的I want to say I'll make provision for you,以防是个男孩却让你失去一切if it's a boy and you get pushed out.别操心了我知道你做不了什么Don't worry, I know you can't.这世上最了解限定继承权法律力量的人If any man living understands the strength of the entail,就是我it's me.我会把卡劳利公♥馆♥送给你I can give you Crawley House for life,希望这能补偿你if it's a help.您有玛丽的消息吗Have you heard from Mary?没有你呢No. Have you?对了我想请你帮个忙By the way, I want to ask a favour.你的厨师叫什么名字What's the name of your cook?你从曼彻斯特带来的那位The one you brought with you from Manchester?伯德太太Mrs Bird.-我来吧帕特莫太太 -别烦我- I'll get it, Mrs Patmore! - Oh! Don't fuss me!-就这些吗 -是的- Is that everything? - Yeah.你还好吗How are you feeling?黑发人送白发人也是常事Well, most people's parents die before them,-这也在所难免... -你省省吧- and so they should... - Oh, give it a rest.要我说你妈也真够拖拖拉拉的Your mother knew how to drag it out, I'll say that for her. -你说什么 -托马斯- What? - Thomas!去备餐室Get up to the servery!你拿错了垫锅布You gave me the wrong cloth!快坐下帕特莫太太Here, sit down, Mrs Patmore.我没空坐午饭还没做完I can't sit down, I've got the luncheon to finish!这是命令坐下It was not a suggestion. Sit!黛西和我会做完午餐Daisy and I will finish the luncheon.这么说他把这房♥子送给我们了是吗So he'll give us this house for life, will he?他可够慷慨的How generous!他确实很慷慨他本不必这么做It is generous. He doesn't have to.不过我考虑了一下But it's made me think.你想留下就留下吧You must stay here if you want,但我想或许从大局来看but I wonder if it mightn't be better我回到曼城会对大家都好all round if I went back to Manchester.也可能不是男孩It may not be a boy.行了吧妈妈Really, Mother.你起初对此事不也持反对态度吗You never approved of it all in the first place.如果真是男孩你应该视之为解脱If it is a boy, you should see it as a release,而不是失望not a disappointment.玛丽有决定了吗What does Mary say?还没有Nothing yet.先生您要见伯德太太You wanted to see Mrs Bird, sir.是的伯德太太Yes, Mrs Bird,格兰瑟姆伯爵想请你帮个忙Lord Grantham has rather a favour to ask of you.没想到伯爵竟知道有我这个人I'm surprised Lord Grantham knows that I exist, sir.很抱歉打扰你I'm sorry to disturb you.没关系Quite all right.贝茨先生是关于你上次令人震惊的坦白Mr Bates, it's about your somewhat startling confession.你肯定猜到了As you'll have surmised,老爷还没有做出决定his lordship has yet to come to a decision.老爷确实宽宏大量His delay is generous.但是我想你不会对此吃惊However, it will be no surprise to you奥布瑞恩小姐不肯就此罢休that Miss O'Brien has been unwilling to let things drop.看来我们在伦敦时It seems that, when we were in London,她结交了新朋友she made a new friend.是你之前所在军团的陆军上校家里的贴身女仆A lady's maid in the house of a colonel in your former regiment. 请告诉我这指控是假的至少部分是Please tell me that this account is false, at least in part.恐怕我不能I wish I could.我必须拿给老爷看I'll have to show this to his lordship.这是应该的Of course you will.我不愿意充当彼拉多I do not like to play the part of Pontius Pilate,彼拉多审判并钉死耶稣的古罗马犹太总督但恐怕我别无选择but I'm afraid I must.老爷会决定如何处置这件事Lord Grantham will decide what's to be done.贝茨先生Mr Bates,希望你没有觉得我处事不公I hope you do not feel that I have treated you unjustly.正相反卡森先生On the contrary, Mr Carson,您的仁慈出乎我的想象I am astonished at your kindness.三姐妹里只有茜玻会享受村舍生活Of all of you, Sybil might find joy in a cottage,你可不行but not you.我们还不知是不是男孩We don't know it'll be a boy.没错所以让马修等到孩子出世再说Exactly, so ask Matthew to wait until the child is born.如果是女孩你就开开心心嫁给他If it's a girl you can wed him happily,一切都会像以前一样and all will be as it was before.可如果我拖延But if I delay,他不会觉得我嫁的只是他的头衔吗won't he think I'm only after him for his position?再说我可能也不想拖延Besides, I'm not sure I want to put him off,他没有爵位也无所谓even without the title.我们相处得很好We get on so well, you know.他又相当聪明And he's terribly clever.说不定能当上大♥法♥官He might end up Lord Chancellor.要是当不上呢理智点吧玛丽And he might not. Oh, come along, Mary, be sensible.你觉得你真能做个乡村律师夫人Can you really see yourself dawdling your life away终日无所事事吗as the wife of a country solicitor?我们为什么要在唐顿装电♥话♥ 老爷But why would we ever want a telephone at Downton, my lord? 因为电♥话♥还是很有用的Well, they have their uses.你可以和伦敦的女管家通话You could speak to the housekeeper in London.相信你也用得上That'd be helpful surely?莫非是我对伦敦之行安排不周I hope I've not failed in my management of the recent move?当然不是不过装电♥话♥已成趋势Not at all. But the telephone is here now,小姐们在伦敦也用习惯了and the girls got used to it when we were in London.而且我们都不确定Besides, none of us know未来几个月会发生什么事what the next few months will bring.因为奥匈帝国大公遇害Because of the Archduke's death?塞尔维亚满足不了奥匈帝国的野心Austria won't get what it wants from Serbia.现在俄♥国♥人也摩拳擦掌And now Russia's starting to rumble.不过这些事我们也无能为力Well, there's not much we can do about that.你能招待一下电♥话♥公♥司♥的人吗So, will you take care of the telephone man?关于贝茨先生老爷Oh, about Mr Bates, my lord,我想您已经考虑过那封信的内容了I expect you've had time to consider the contents of that letter? 是的不过我觉得很奇怪Yes. But I find it very odd.偷军队里的银器Regimental silver?我倒更容易相信贝茨是个刺客I could more easily see Bates as an assassin而非小毛贼than a petty pilferer.我同意虽然信件内容看似无可辩驳I agree, and while the letter is hard to argue with,可托马斯和奥布瑞恩小姐做事是没有底线的I wouldn't put anything past Thomas or Miss O'Brien.-伦敦发生什么事了吗 -也没什么- So, what did we miss? - Nothing much.不过要是换了你会比我收到更多的邀请Although you'd have had more invitations than I did.你想过马修的事吗Have you thought about Matthew?当然不过罗斯孟德姑姑Of course, but Aunt Rosamond...她给我写信了我根本不理她She's written to me. I should pay no attention. 可是奶奶她确实有道理But, Granny, she has got a point.玛丽也不能太天真了Mary can't be completely naive.我没问你意见谢谢I don't need your help, thank you.玛丽听我说如果你现在接受马修Mary, listen to me, if you take Matthew now, 而他此刻又前途未卜when his whole future is at risk,他会爱你一生一世he will love you to the end of his days.奶奶您竟是如此浪漫Why, Granny, you're a romantic!还从没人这么说过我呢I've been called many things, but never that. 如果是男孩怎么办And what happens if the baby is a boy马修就会失去一切and Matthew loses everything?玛丽还可以改主意Mary can always change her mind.我不能这么对马修But I can't do that to Matthew.我们不是那种关系It's not how we are together.我去帮安娜收拾行李I'm going upstairs to help Anna unpack.我跟你去I'll come with you.伊迪丝你也去吧Edith, why don't you go, too?安东尼·斯特兰爵士参加了瑞安夫人的聚会Sir Anthony Strallan was at Lady Wren's party. 他还问起你来着He asked after you.她对他是认真的吗Is she really serious about him?她是饥不择食Any port in a storm.对了我对女仆的预感应验了By the way, I was right about my maid.她要离开我结婚去了She's leaving, to get married.-她怎么能这么自私 -我真同情你- How can she be so selfish? - I do sympathise.罗伯特总想让我辞退奥布瑞恩Robert's always wanting me to get rid of O'Brien, 可我做不到but I can't face it.毕竟她很喜欢我Anyway, she's so fond of me.我还以为西蒙斯喜欢我呢Well, I thought Simmons was fond of me.我该怎么办What am I to do?我帮你在《女士》上登个广♥告♥吧Why don't I put an advertisement in The Lady?总能招到合适的人It's always the best place to start.你真是太好了谢谢Oh, that's so kind, thank you.现在我该走了Now, I really must be going.别让玛丽Now, don't let Mary wait等到孩子出生再给马修回复for the baby before she gives Matthew her answer. 我肯定这次还是女孩I'm sure it's another girl.我了解那些道德观很强的人I know those men of the moral high ground.如果她不愿意跟他共贫贱If she won't say, "Yes", when he might be poor,那他也不会跟她共富贵he won't want her, when he will be rich.也许我们该织些东西Maybe we should knit something.是啊Oh, yes,我想他们会喜欢你织的毛线鞋I'm sure they'd love a pair of bootees knitted by you.买♥♥个受洗时用的银杯怎么样Or what about a christening mug?他们又不是买♥♥不起银器They can buy their own silver.有什么新闻吗托马斯Anything in the paper, Thomas?他们逮捕了普林西普[行刺者]和他的同党They've arrested this Princip fellow and his gang.都是塞尔维亚黑♥手♥党♥成员All Serbian and members of the Black Hand.黑♥手♥党♥ 听上去不太好"The Black Hand"? Oh, I don't like the sound of that.整篇听着我都不喜欢要打仗了I don't like the sound of any of it. War is on the way.那我们就要面对Then we'll have to face it,-英勇无畏地面对 -多谢表态炮灰小弟- as bravely as we can. - Thank you, Mr. Cannon Fodder.你觉得不会开战吗Don't you think a war's coming?当然会开战了Oh, there'll be a war, all right.也该准备准备了And it's time to prepare for it.-国家要准备吗 -不我要准备- The country, do you mean? - No, me.你真是绝不吃亏You never disappoint.黛西跑去找帕特莫太太Daisy, run and find Mrs Patmore.老爷要在书房♥见她His Lordship wants to see her in the library.老爷要帕特莫太太上楼去书房♥吗His Lordship wants Mrs Patmore to go up to the library?我就是这么说的安娜你也来That is what I said. And Anna, you're to come, too.我们还把大公遇刺当成新鲜事了呢And we thought the assassination of an Archduke was a surprise. 老爷帕特莫太太来了Mrs Patmore, my lord.老爷Your lordship,我知道最近错儿犯得不少I know things haven't been quite right for a while,-可我保证... -过来吧帕特莫太太- but I can assure you... - Come in, Mrs Patmore.老爷我保证I promise you, my lord,如果您能再留我一段...if I could just be allowed a bit more time...帕特莫太太Mrs Patmore,我叫你来不是要解雇你I have not asked you here to give you your notice.-不是吗 -不是的- Haven't you? - No.我知道你视力出了问题I understand you've had some trouble with your sight...就是啊我知道我能做好就是...That's just it! I know I could manage better if only...-帕特莫太太 -你让他说啊- Please, Mrs Patmore! - Let him speak!-请您原谅老爷 -不用道歉- Beg your pardon, my lord. - Don't apologise.遵照克拉克森医生建议Now, on Dr Clarkson's recommendation,我要送你去伦敦I'm sending you up to London去莫菲尔医院看眼科专家to see an eye specialist at Moorfields.安娜会陪你去Anna will go with you你们住在我姐姐罗斯孟德and you'll stay with my sister Rosamond,在贝尔格雷夫广场的新家in her new house in Belgrave Square.抱歉老爷我怕是要当您的面坐下了I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit in your presence, my lord. 仆人是不能当主人的面坐下的坐吧Of course.可家里怎么办呢But how will you get on here?卡劳利夫人会借出她的厨娘伯德太太Well, Mrs Crawley is lending us her cook, Mrs Bird. 她明天就来She's coming over tomorrow.你会好好带她熟悉情况吧You'll be good enough to show her how things work. 那卡劳利一家会饿肚子吗Are the Crawleys to starve while I'm away?他们会每天过来吃晚餐They'll eat here every evening.我姐姐的管家会照顾你Now, my sister's butler will look after you.他人很好的He's very nice.安娜你愿意去趟伦敦吗Anna, you won't mind a visit to London?行啊老爷谢谢就当是去探险了No, my lord. Thank you. It'll be an adventure.希望最终皆大欢喜One with a happy ending, I hope.走吧Come.我们把话说清楚Let me get this clear,茜玻的舞会上你说一回来at Sybil's ball you said you'd give me your answer就会答复我现在又不肯了吗the day you got back, and now you say you will not! 为什么这么急呢Why do we have to rush into it?我只想确定心意I need to be sure, that's all.可当初你已经确定了But you were sure.想听听我怎么想的吗Shall I tell you what I think has altered you?是我的前途让你犹豫了只有这点变了My prospects! Because nothing else has changed!-不是的 -就是这样- No. - Yes!如果你母亲生了男孩继承人就是他If your mother's child is a boy, then he's the heir我又得过自食其力的日子and I go back to living on my wits,而你不想跟我受苦and you'd rather not follow me!马修你怎么总这么黑白分明呢Matthew, you always make everything so black and white. 我觉得这事就是黑白分明I think this is black and white.你对我的爱到愿意与我白头偕老的程度吗Do you love me enough to spend your life with me?若不是就拒绝我If you don't, then say no.-若是就答应 -我想答应...- If you do, then say yes. - I want to...奶奶说我该现在答应Granny told me I should say yes now,要是你失去了一切再反悔then withdraw if you lost everything.你要想那么做得很会撒谎了To make that work, you'd have to be a good liar.你撒谎撒得好吗Are you a good liar?显然是没好到打算试试的程度Well, not good enough to try it, apparently.你怎么会想不到How could you not have realised他们马上就会发现丢了东西they'd discover the loss at once?还把东西♥藏♥在家里And to keep them in your house...-但你只蹲了两年监狱 -没错老爷- But you only served two years? - That's right, my lord. 显然法官认为So, clearly the judge thought有值得减刑的因素there was some mitigating factor.我只想知道实情I just want to know the truth.我不能说老爷I cannot speak of it, my lord.您只能凭眼前证据You must decide whether I stay or go决定我的去留on the basis of the evidence before you.我会尊重您的决定I will respect that.对不起可我不信I'm sorry. I don't believe it.你怎么还不信呢我都认罪了How can you say that, when I've confessed to the crime?老爷显然认为Well, His Lordship obviously不能光凭你认罪下定论doesn't think that's all there is to it,我也是and I don't either.安娜明早九点火车准备好了吗Anna, are you set for the 9 o'clock train tomorrow?都收拾好了All packed and ready.罗斯孟德夫人的司机会去国王十字车站接你You'll be met at King's Cross by Lady Rosamond's chauffeur, 夫人很慷慨which I think is generous,但那之后你就得自己照顾自己了but after that you're on your own.好我得走了Right, I must get on.要去给帕特莫和伯德太太做介绍人I'm acting referee for Mrs Patmore and Mrs Bird.那祝您好运Best of luck.你会想我吗Will you miss me?别太想我以后还要习惯这种感觉Try not to miss me. It'll be good practice.你可能挺难适应这里厨房♥的工作I expect it'll be hard adjusting to this kitchen,。



第三集句子唐顿庄园精彩句子第三集Branksome子爵继承人Evelyn Napier和他英俊的朋友土耳其大使馆随员Kemal Pamuk到访。






楼下方面,Gwen 在学习打字和速记,希望以后能成为一名秘书。


Season OneSeries Three1.He says he’s found a pub that caters for hunting专门接待狩猎者的客栈2. We can improve on that 哪能这么委屈他4. All the more reason, then. 那就更有理由邀请他了5. Dad will think I'm a fool to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself,放弃这份好差事我爸会觉得我不知好歹我妈妈会说我好高骛远(不知天高地厚)6. Mary won't take Matthew Crawley,玛丽不会接受马修·卡劳利7. so we'd better get her settled before the bloom is quite gone off the rose所以得赶快把她嫁出去否则青春易逝容颜易老8. you’ve already looked him up in the stud booksand made enquiries about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise.打听过他们的家产了不要装得毫不知情9. I doubt it’ll come to that 那还不至于10. Then there’s nothing more to be said 那还废话什么11. I have no intention of usurping your authority.我绝没有企图篡夺您的职权12. I merely want to get to the bottom of it.我只是想搞清事情的真相13. Will you tell us why, preferably without any morecheek? 有话好好说别这么没轻没重的14. I'm too busy living a life.活得太滋润没时间看报15. I was born with nothing and I'll die with nothing.生不带来死不带去一条贱命活一世16. Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, but youcan change it completely, I know.尽管过程艰辛但你还是能改变命运的17. Are you sure? You're as white as a sheet.真的吗? 你脸色苍白得很18. I hope the day is living up to your expectations?--今天过得还称心吗19. She likes to be in at the kill重头戏她一定粉墨登场20. I've got sharp eyes for anything out of order.任何出格的地方都逃不过我的双眼21. Then I put myself entirely in your hands那就全靠你了22. I will make you an offer我会跟你做一笔交易23. But will she judge them sensibly?她能判断出孰优孰劣吗24. It seems we must brush up on our powers offascination. 看来我们的魅力指数有待提高25. Hope I didn't wear you out today-希望今天没把你累坏26. Oh, not at all. I enjoyed it. 怎么可能我乐在其中27. Who else has as much to lose as you if it ever getsout? 谁和你一样原为这事铤而走险?28. I feel now that I can never forgive what you have putme through this night.今晚你让我如此蒙羞我想我永远都不会原谅你29. But I keep the secret for his sake, not for yours.我保守这个秘密是为了他不是为你30. That's why you should treat every day as if it wereyour last.所以才要今朝有酒金朝醉.31. Nothing would give me more pleasure,我荣幸之至32. I wonder if I might risk embarrassing you?也许会冒犯您33. The truth is, Lady Grantham, I am not a vain man伯爵夫人我有自知之明34. At least at the start.至少一开始该这样35. I thought Mary was rather struck with him last night,didn’t you 玛丽昨晚像是对他一见倾心36. There are plenty more fish in the sea than ever cameout of it 天涯何处无芳草.37. Everything seems so golden one minute, then turns toashes the next一切本是那么美好突然间就灰飞烟灭38. Have you ever felt your life was somehow slippingaway你有没有感觉生命不知不觉地逝去39. Don't raise the white flag quite yet别轻言放弃40. I hope you have a strong stomach但愿你看了不会恶心41. I will spend my life happily as the butt of others’jokes我要开开心心被别人当笑柄42. Good riddance 终于解脱了。

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唐顿庄园第四季第三集以前这儿的管家是休斯太太Housekeeper used to be Mrs Hughes.不知她是不是还在这儿I don't know if she's still here.交给我吧老爷Leave everything to me, m'lord.楼上见锣响之前我不会上楼I'll see you upstairs. I won't be up before the gong.-要帮忙吗 -夹在我胳膊下吧- Can I help? - Stick it under my arm if you can.-你真是个天使 -这可不好说- You're an angel. - I don't know about that.你知道吉利安姆子爵的房♥间在哪吗Do you know where Lord Gillingham's room is?走廊尽头的女仆有客人名单她会告诉你的There's a maid down the gallery with the list. She will show you. 瞧你什么都知道See, you've got the answer to everything.我想你也一样吉利安姆先生I suspect you have too, Mr Gillingham.火车准点吗约翰爵士Was the train on time, Sir John?很准十分高效Absolutely. It was all as efficient as you like.杰弗森夫人见到你真好Mrs Jefferson, how nice to see you!哪位是桑普森先生我们为什么请他来Which one's Mr Sampson and why have we asked him?我在怀特俱乐部经常看到他Ah well, I see him at White's every now and then他又很想来的样子and he seemed keen to come.-就是和妈妈聊天的那位 -知道了- He's over there, talking to Mama. - Ah yes.那个风流倜傥的家伙是谁Who's the glamorous pirate?你不认识约翰尼·吉利安姆的儿子了Don't you recognise Johnnie Gillingham's son?安东尼·弗伊Anthony Foyle?对他现在是吉利安姆子爵了Yes but he's Lord Gillingham now.自从他父亲葬礼之后我就没见过他I haven't seen him since his father's funeral.我知道但我后来给他写过信他回复了I know, but I wrote afterwards and he answered.-感谢你的到来 -回到唐顿的感觉真好- How nice of you to come. - It's good to be back at Downton.玛丽你还记得安东尼·弗伊...吉利安姆吧Mary, you remember Anthony Foyle? Sorry, Gillingham.我还记得有位出众的年轻男子I remember a very superior young man觉得跟三个小丫头打交道十分无聊who found three little girls extremely tiresome to deal with.我好像被你父母的一堆故友给埋没了啊I seem to be outnumbered by your parents' old friends.别担心Don't worry.你和爸爸这次一定能熟悉起来的我保证You and Papa are going to get to know each other this time. I promise. 玛丽告诉我你成了这里的代理人了You're the agent here now, aren't you? Mary told me.你一定十分想念茜玻吧You must miss darling Sybil so dreadfully.是的旅途还愉快吗Yes. Did you have a good journey?汤姆聊天实在太不上档次I'm afraid Tom's small talk is very small indeed.又不是谁都是奥斯卡·王尔德Not everyone can be Oscar Wilde.幸亏如此That's a relief.[备受争议的英国文豪]各位请随意我们八点在客厅集♥合♥Go up when you like. We'll gather in the drawing room at eight.十位客人只有三个女仆两个贴身男仆Ten staying and only three maids and two valets between them.-和战前真是大相径庭啊 -确实- Not quite like before the war, is it? - Very little is.他们大多挺好伺候的They're mostly easy and奥维公爵夫人也容易应付the Duchess of Yeovil's no trouble at all.桑普森先生和约翰·布洛克爵士我们不了解Of course, we don't know Mr Sampson or Sir John Bullock也很久没见吉利安姆子爵了and we haven't seen Lord Gillingham for a while.安娜能帮忙照看一下杰弗森夫人吗Oh, Anna, can you look in on Mrs Jefferson?他们在中国客房♥They're in the Chinese.当然Of course.艾德娜去照顾一下雷文夫人Oh, Edna, Lady Raven might need a helping hand.她住方蒂诺伊She's in Fontenoy.她说她习惯没有女仆了但我可不敢怠慢She says she's used to having no maid but I rather doubt it.-我不一定有空 -挤出空来- I'm not sure I've got time. - Make time!可怜的雷文夫人Poor Lady Raven.想想她十年前多风光再看看现在When you think of her life ten years ago and now.我听说她住在公园北面的一间小破屋里I'm told she has some dingy little house north of the park.没想到他们还邀请她来住It's a wonder they still ask her to stay.也许夫人不愿因为Well, perhaps her ladyship does not wish老朋友境遇潦倒就与她断交吧to cast away an old friend because she lives north of the park.我不是那意思只是觉得惋惜I know, I know. But still, it's sad.战后我们就没再搬回去那里做过医院嘛We never moved back after the war. It was a hospital, you know. -现在呢 -成了女子学校- And now? - It's a girls' school.但我们在奶奶家安顿得很好Hmm. But we're quite comfortable in the Dower House. 你去过吗Did you ever see it?我在那儿和你奶奶喝过下午茶I remember having tea there with your grandmother.我把她给我的冰激凌洒在了裙子上She gave me ice cream and I got it all over my dress.保姆都快气死了Nanny was furious.真像奶奶会干的事That sounds like Grandmama.她总说对孩子就该多加宠爱She'd always say how children should be spoiled.她已经去世了永远不会知道我有没有这么做了She's gone now, so she'll never know if I took her advice. -你没子女吗 -没有- You have no children? - No.没有妻子没有子嗣No children, no wife.有那么几次快要成了现在就是如此I've come close a couple of times. In fact, I'm close now. 你呢What about you?我有个儿子乔治I have a son, George.还有马修你知道的You know that Matthew...上帝我很抱歉Oh God, I'm... I'm sorry.我当然知道我刚才糊涂了Of course I know. I just wasn't thinking.请你原谅Please forgive me.没关系的There's nothing to forgive.我要往这边走你去那边I go this way and you're down there.别用这些碗艾薇Oh, not those bowls, Ivy!冷汤都是精致的一小碗Chilled soup should be an exquisite mouthful,不是一桶猪食not a bucket of slop!-我去换小碗 -乳鸽做的怎么样了- I'll get the smaller ones. - How are the squabs doing?很好帕特莫太太Fine, Mrs Patmore.奶油葡萄酒呢What about the syllabubs?橙皮和白兰地在储藏室里凉着呢The orange peel and brandy is cooling in in the larder.我会在第一道菜期间打奶油I'll whip the cream during the first course.-咸点呢 -蘑菇去皮切好了- What about the savoury? - Mushrooms peeled and cut.黄油准备好了Butter's ready.我会在他们吃布丁时烤吐司I'll make the toast when they eat the pudding.上帝啊蔬菜Oh my god, the vegetables!再这么下去会要了她的命的She'll bust a gut if she keeps that up.你把他伺候好了吗吉利安姆先生Have you settled him in satisfactory, Mr Gillingham?叫我格林吧我的真名I wish you could call me Green. My real name.卡森先生不会同意的他坚信传统Mr Carson wouldn't approve. He believes in the old ways.那你相信什么呢What do you believe in?我相信要好好工作I believe in getting on with my work.只干活儿不放松会把人闷坏的All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a dull girl. 也许我该安排些活动Perhaps I should organise some games.小心点不然我要收拾你了I'll organise you if you don't watch out!你终于还是穿上全套晚礼服了They finally got you into white tie, I see.真是不幸我从没觉得这么傻过More's the pity. I've never felt more stupid in my life.我还在想为什么我回来之后我们都不说话了I was wondering why we've never spoken since I came back.希望我们还能做朋友I hope we can still be friends?当然当然能Of course. Of course we can.但是我们再也不能在村里的酒馆吃午饭了But we can't have lunch again at the pub in the village.布雷思韦特Braithwaite...艾德娜Edna.我现在得小心处事...I'm trying to walk a tightrope here...只要你不把我当做敌人As long as you're not my enemy.当然不会God, no.我希望你一切顺利真心的I hope things turn out well for you. I do, truly.听说庄园又要重新往日的风采了I gather the abbey is once more to be a scene of great splendour. 你会去参加吗Are you going up there for any of it?我最后一晚应该去吃晚餐的I'm supposed to go for dinner on the last night.听梅尔芭唱歌♥To hear Melba sing.那可真好Oh. I envy you.但你听起来好像不太开心But you don't sound very glad.我不想他们沉浸在无尽的悲伤里I don't want them to spend their days in stygian gloom,这是真心话I really don't.都说生活要继续确实如此They say life must go on and of course it must.但这是对马修的不忠But it seems disloyal to Matthew.倒也不能说是不忠Not disloyal, exactly.-玛丽小姐怎么样了 -你知道玛丽的- What does Lady Mary feel? - Oh, you know Mary.总是让人捉摸不透She's always quite opaque.我很喜欢艾尔·乔逊你呢I love Al Jolson, don't you?[美国歌♥手喜剧演员]我有他全部的唱片I've got all his records.-包括《四月阵雨》 -当然我可喜欢了- Including April Showers? - Of course. I love it madly.-你会去伦敦吗 -也许会- Are you ever in London? - I might be.要在冬天种植大麦这里条件不太好We're a little exposed up here to sow barley as a winter crop.公爵一向极力推崇大麦The Duke always swore by it.你知道大麦啤酒可能是最早的酒精饮料吗Did you know the barley beer was probably the first alcoholic drink? 在石器时代就酿造出来了It was developed by Neolithic man.[汤姆不明白Neolithic man的意思以为是指一个人]-那我们得好好感谢他了 -是吗- So we all owe him quite a debt. - Do we?雷文夫人在那儿啊Oh, there's poor Lady Raven.我得和她聊聊I really ought to go and talk to her.慢走阁下Of course, Your Grace.-别称呼她为"阁下" -我以为该那么喊呢- Don't call her Your Grace. - I thought it was correct.仆人或官员在正式场合中才这么称呼她For a servant, or an official at a ceremony,但在社交场合称呼她"公爵夫人"but in a social situation, call her Duchess.为什么我不称呼您为"伯爵夫人"啊But why? I don't call you Countess.-当然不能这样叫 -这没有逻辑- Certainly not! - There's no logic in it.不如果想要逻辑Oh no, if I were to search for logic,可不能在英国上流社会找I should not look for it among the English upper class.托马斯给我杯酒天啊Thomas, get me a drink will you, for God's sake.请叫我巴罗好的请稍等It's Barrow now, sir. But yes, of course.-跟我一起玩牌吧 -好啊- What about a hand at cards? - Why not?我吩咐人在吸烟室备好桌子巴罗I'll get them to set up a table for you in the smoking room. Barrow? 准备好了老爷Er, already done, m'lord.一起玩吗格兰瑟姆伯爵Will you play, Lord Grantham?算了今晚没兴致I don't think so. Not tonight.-你玩牌吗 -过去玩过- Do you ever play? - Well, I used to.今晚我只想和你一起Tonight I'd rather be with you.没问题我们有好几匹马It's no trouble. We have plenty of horses爸爸不会介意的and Papa would be delighted.-你有马具吗 -我们带来了- Have you anything to ride in? - We packed it all in case.那就没问题了Well, that settles it.我今晚会安排马厩做好准备I'll send a message to the stables tonight.你愿意和我一起去吗Will you come out with me?可以啊我好久没骑马了Actually I might. I haven't been in the saddle for ages.第二天身上肯定要僵了I'll be as stiff as a board the next day.明天早上有人想去骑马吗Would anyone else like to go riding tomorrow morning?约翰爵士桑普森先生Sir John? Mr Sampson?非要去吗Must I?伊迪丝Edith?-你骑马吗 -不是很想骑- Do you ride? - Not if I don't have to.看来就只有我俩了I'm afraid you're stuck with me.你怎么还在干活儿啊都这么晚了Why on earth are you doing that at this ungodly hour?-两个女孩呢 -我让她们去睡了- Where are the girls? - I sent them to bed.我想提前做好准备I thought I might get ahead of myself.说起来我把早餐的材料也准备好吧Come to think of it, I might lay out what I need for the breakfast. -明天都安排好了吗 -应该没问题- All set for tomorrow? - I think so.内莉·梅尔芭夫人周日在哪吃饭啊Where should we feed Dame Nellie on Sunday?她不能跟仆人一起吃She can't eat in the servants' hall.钢琴家又在哪吃饭呢And what about the pianist?钢琴家跟我们一起吃夫人在房♥间里吃Well, he can join us and she can have a tray in her room.你觉得她不该和宾客们一起吃吗You don't think she should dine with the house party?澳大利亚的歌♥手An Australian singer?和夫人一起吃饭Eating with her ladyship?还有公爵夫人不这不行Never mind the Duchess! No, I do not!-莫斯利先生 -你好- Mr Molesley? - Hello.-你来做什么 -帕特莫太太- What are you doing? - Mrs Patmore在贝克韦尔先生那儿订了东西她急着要left an order with Mr Bakewell. She said it was urgent.怎么回事莫斯利先生What's this, Mr Molesley?你给贝克韦尔先生送货啊Are you delivering for Bakewell's?我只是顶班直到找到份合适的工作I'm just filling in. Until something turns up.你现在送货啊You're a delivery boy?黛西努力工作不可耻Now, now, Daisy. There's no shame in hard work.你在那儿坐坐莫斯利先生我去给你倒茶You sit there, Mr Molesley, and I'll fetch you some tea.你玩得很晚啊You played late.希望你不觉得我先去睡很失礼I hope you didn't think me rude for going to bed.-一点也没有 -玩得怎样啊- No. Not a bit. - How was the game?桑普森是高手Sampson is a very skilled player.-昨晚去哪了 -被桑普森打得落花流水- Where were you last night? - Being thrashed by Sampson. 真可怜Poor you!那今晚你是不是能陪着我呢I hope that means I can count on you tonight.当然啊You can always count on me.你今天有什么计划What are your plans for today?我打算去趟塞斯伍德看下新种的庄稼I though I'd go to the Sethwood, look the new planting.你不帮我招待客人吗Won't you help me entertain our guests?让我歇两个小时然后任您吩咐Just give me two hours off and I'll do whatever you want.我们早饭后想去散散步您来吗We're going for a walk after breakfast. Why don't you come? 应该不行I don't think so.我还有很多事要做招待这一大群人I've got too much to do, rounding this lot up.要咖啡吗Coffee?先不用了谢谢Not yet, thank you.我会想到办法的I'm going to manage it somehow.我觉得他很擅长拖延他不想做的事I've a feeling he's good at putting off what he doesn't want to do. 他心计没那么重He's not as calculated as that.我们真不了解我们的父母啊How little we know our own parents.听说他赢了约翰·布洛克爵士一大笔钱Apparently he took a fortune off Sir John Bullock.你家主人呢What about your employer?我们家老爷很聪明他收手得早His lordship's too clever. He got out the game early.-我听到的可不是这样 -他们玩的什么- That's not what I heard. - What were they playing?-扑克 -当然是扑克- Poker. - Of course it was poker.-但玩翻牌是不会输一大笔的 -我就会- You can't lose a fortune playing snap. - I could![snap: 一种翻牌配对游戏]梅布尔·莱恩·福克斯Mabel Lane Fox?你攀上了社交季中最好的女继承人So you've caught the greatest heiress of the season.-其实她人很好 -我相信- She's very nice, in fact. - I'm sure.当然双方家族都希望促成我们Of course, everyone wants it, on both sides,但我们相处得挺融洽but we do get on.可能你会感到惊讶You may be surprised to hear但一段众望所归的联姻也可能会很幸福that a match wanted by everyone can turn out to be extremely happy. -你这是自身经验吗 -当然- Do you speak from experience? - Absolutely.从马修一到这儿Matthew and I were flung at大家就一心想要撮合我们each other's heads from the moment he arrived.老实说这反倒阻碍了我们If anything, it rather slowed matters up.但是你们很幸福But you were happy?非常幸福Wonderfully happy.你真幸运How lucky you are.是吗Am I?你曾拥有真爱You've known a great love.它难道没有丰富你的人生吗Doesn't that enrich any life?我也说不好马修改变了我I'm not sure. Matthew changed me.我爱他但他改变了我I loved him but he changed me.假如我还像认识他以前那样坚强的话If I were as tough as I was before I met him,现在会更快乐一些I bet I'd be happier now.也许吧Maybe.但时光无法倒流不是吗But we can't go back, can we?是啊Apparently not.你要怎么处理那个啊What will you do with that?把它盖上放在火炉上烘干然后放进棉布袋Cover it and dry it on the stove, then put it into muslin bags.吉利安姆老夫人的女仆都是买♥♥成包的Old Lady Gillingham's maid buys it in packets.她大概不是乡下姑娘吧Perhaps she's not a country girl.跟你比她可差远了Judging by you, she's the poorer for that.-你们这么有功夫闲聊 -都怪我- You've plenty of time for chatter. - You can blame me.-恐怕是我的错 -我就是在责怪你- I'm afraid it's a failing of mine. - I do blame you.你怎么了What is the matter?不知道他就是让我觉得不舒服I don't know. There's something about him that gets my goat.他只是想表示友好He was just trying to be nice.卡森我们十分钟后要去花♥园♥转转Carson. We're all going on a tour of the gardens in ten minutes.回来后想喝点咖啡When we get back, it might be nice to have some coffee.好的夫人Very well, m'lady.-一切都还顺利吗 -是的- Is everything under control? - It is.内莉·梅尔芭要在唐顿一展歌♥喉真是太兴奋了It's exciting to think of Nellie Melba singing at Downton.兴奋谈不上很贵就是了I'm not sure about exciting. It's certainly expensive.我知道但乡间宴会不准备点节目就太乏味了I know, but a house party can be so flat if there's no special moment. 在湖边欣赏夕阳西下还不足以吗And it wouldn't be special enough to watch the sun set by the lake? -早上好女士们 -早上好- Good morning, ladies. - Good morning.-怎么了 -我打不开这个盖子- What is it? - I can't get the lid off this.我来Give it here.我来吧I'll do it.靠边站让真正的男人来Stand back. Let a real man handle it.给我吧Come on.那个"真正的男人"怎么了I wonder what happened to that real man?看到了吧我才是最厉害的See? Told you I was master here.叫你再臭显摆That'll teach you to show off!我都伤到了I hurt myself, thank you!你会好起来的那罐子可不会You'll mend which is more than I can say for that jar.黛西艾薇收拾干净Daisy, Ivy, clear this mess up.我就不指望这个聪明鬼了As I assume Mr Clever Clogs won't.我现在说得挺流利了I'm getting quite fluent.你还去学德语了You're taking German lessons?我得在那儿生活啊If I'm going to live there.是啊当然了No, no. Of course.只是想到你是为了我付出这么多感觉过意不去I just can't get over the fact you're doing all this to be with me.都是值得的Whatever it takes.-迈克尔刚刚去看了书房♥ -真太棒了- Michael was admiring the library. - It's marvellous.伊迪丝告诉我这儿有本谷登堡圣经Edith tells me there's a Gutenberg Bible.[1456年由谷登堡排印的拉丁文圣经被认为是活字印刷的第一本书] 是的可惜图书管♥理♥员♥帕丁森先生不在Yes. It's a shame our librarian, Mr Pattinson, isn't here.只有他知道东西都放在哪He's the only one who knows where anything is.失陪了我去挑选一下今晚喝的酒If you'll excuse me? I must go and sort out the wine for tonight.他不喜欢我He doesn't approve of me.-他还不了解你 -他这样也没法了解啊- He doesn't know you. - Nor is he likely to.晚宴上玛尔戈葡萄酒明天再上奥比昂Serve the Margaux at dinner and keep the Haut-Brion for tomorrow. 不上99年的如果够的话No the '99, if we have enough.压轴要用好酒I want to go out with a bang.-白酒你来选吧 -好的老爷- And you can choose the white. - Very good, m'lord.对了夫人好心邀请仆人们One thing, her ladyship has been kind enough to invite the servants 明晚一起听内莉夫人演唱to hear Dame Nellie tomorrow evening.-这对他们很难得 -夫人真慷慨- It's a rare opportunity for them. - She's very generous.但不知道厨房♥的佣人们怎么办呢But I wondered, what are we to do about the kitchen staff?怎么你怕听歌♥剧有伤风化吗Why? Do you fear the corrupting influence of opera?当然不是老爷Not at all, m'lord.但在战前厨房♥佣人一般要被排除在外But before the war they wouldn't usually have been included.我想这个观念要改变了卡森I think we must bend that far, Carson.-毕竟时代不一样了 -听您的老爷- Modern times and all that. - As you wish, m'lord.我安排内莉夫人的伴奏者I've arranged for Dame Nellie's accompanist和男仆睡在一起to sleep with the male servants.他总不会想和女仆们一起睡吧I doubt he'd expect to sleep with the female ones!-内莉夫人将在自己房♥里用餐 -很好- And Dame Nellie will have dinner in her room. - Very good.你安排就好Whatever you think.真难得还能看到如此完整的庄园How wonderful to see an estate that's still all in one piece.-别急着下结论 -怎么说- Don't speak too soon. - What do you mean?我们还有一大笔税要缴Well, we have a big tax bill to pay.爸爸想把地卖♥♥了可我希望能设法避免Papa wants to sell land but I'd like to see if we can avoid it. 问题是我说的他不听The trouble is, I can't get him to listen.-我能给你一点建议吗 -洗耳恭听- Shall I tell you what I'd do? - Please.让他同意你去见见税务局的人Make him agree for you to meet the tax people尽量让他们提出对你最有利的交易then bring back the best deal they can offer.这样你就可以据理力争了In that way you'll have a real case to argue.我父亲去世时我们的处境也很类似We had a similar choice when Father died.最后我们把宅子租了出去把地留住了In the end, we let the house but kept the land.谢谢你Thank you.知道自己并不孤单真是欣慰It's nice to know one's not alone.有人跟你同病相怜That others are facing the same trials.是啊No.你并不孤单You're not alone.-怎么了 -我该死的手腕扭到了- What's up? - I've jiggered my bloody wrist, that's what! 这里不许说粗话拜托你们了I'll have no swear words in here, thank you very much.-除非是我自己说 -怎么回事- Unless I'm doing the swearing. - What's going on?-你怎么还在楼下 -吉米手腕受伤了- Why aren't you upstairs? - Jimmy hurt his wrist.-他端不了托盘 -什么- He can't carry the tray. - What?-我尽力而为卡森先生 -有什么事吗- I'll do my best, Mr Carson. - Is something wrong?你怎么到下面来了餐厅里是谁负责Why are you down here now? Who's in the dining room?我正要上去我就想知道为什么慢了I'm going straight back up. I just wondered what the delay was. 不这可不行Oh no, that's no good.巴罗先生得劳驾你了Mr Barrow, you'll have to do it.卡森先生我得提醒您我现在是副管家Mr Carson, must I remind you that I am the under butler?我不管你是什么重要人物I don't care if you're the high cockalorum.你今晚就是个男仆You're a footman tonight.抱歉巴罗先生Sorry, Mr Barrow.那不是她丈夫是条狗It wasn't her husband, it was a dog!我准备去玩一局你来吗吉利安姆I'm getting up a game. What about you, Gillingham?-我就算了 -不介意的话算我一个- I don't think so. - I'll join you if you like.-我能加入吗 -当然- Is there a place for me? - Certainly.-我们十分钟后在吸烟室见吧 -好的- Shall we meet in the smoking room in ten minutes? - Very good. 我要是您就多加小心I shall be careful if I were you.桑普森是个厉害角色Sampson is a very sharp player.我想我能照顾好自己I think I can look after myself.看起来好重啊It looks terribly heavy.待会儿我会跟桑普森还有你父亲玩牌I'm playing cards with Sampson and your father later.在牌桌上我们一定会交谈的He'll have to talk to me if we're sitting at a card table.希望詹姆斯伤的不厉害I hope James isn't really hurt.-应该没有夫人 -那就好- I don't think so, m'lady. - Good.我们明天还得凑合过去吧We'll have to muddle through tomorrow as well.别担心夫人我有主意了Don't worry about that, m'lady. I have an idea.你知道我们可以卖♥♥地得到一大笔钱You do realise we can sell land as a capital gain这样就不必缴税了and pay no tax on it at all?可是剩下的地♥产♥无法维持庄园运作And end up with an estate that can't support the house.我看我未必会改主意I doubt it will change my mind.很高兴您认为还有回旋余地I'm glad you only doubt it.看来我还是有进展的I must be making some progress.那是什么What's that?有人想跳舞吗Is there anyone who wants to dance?我很乐意如果是跟你跳的话I jolly well do. If it's with you.我很喜欢跳舞可惜没有舞伴I love dancing, but these days I haven't got a partner.汤姆Tom?你这打扮正合适嘛You're dressed for it.-愿意和我跳舞吗公爵夫人 -我很乐意- Would you care to dance with me, Duchess? - I should love it. 错过揽你入怀的机会真是遗憾I hate to pass up a chance to hold you in my arms...-为什么一定要去玩牌 -因为我已经答应了- Why do you have to play? - Because I've said I will.跳舞吗What about it?我想陪着奶奶I thought I'd keep Granny company.别拿我当挡箭牌不想跳舞就跟他直说Don't use me as an excuse. If you don't want to dance, tell him. -你知道小鬼赛跑吗 -听说过但没玩过- Do you know Racing Demon? - I've heard of it but I've never played. 正好我在这儿愿意的话我可以教你I'll teach you while I'm here if you like.还得找些人来We'll bring in some of the others.-每个人都需要一副牌 -没有问题- You need a pack of cards for every player. - We can manage that.安娜能帮我处理一下这件衬衫吗Anna, can you give me a hand with this shirt?我得去清洁鞋子I've got shoes to clean.当然可以Of course.我很喜欢爱尔兰你在哪里长大的I'm very fond of Ireland. Where did you grow up?威克洛郡的布雷Bray, in County Wicklow.我可喜欢威克洛了Oh, I love Wicklow!那你一定认识鲍尔斯考特一家Of course, you must know the Powerscourts.我知道鲍尔斯考特勋爵是的I know of Lord Powerscourt, yes.鲍尔斯考特夫人是我侄女你认识她吗Lady Powerscourt is my niece. Have you met her?我见过她但不好说我认识她I've seen her. I wouldn't say exactly I've met her.真不知我为什么要这么做I don't know why I'm doing this.对了我采纳了你的建议By the way, I took your advice而且深感庆幸谢谢你了and I'm pleased I did. Thank you.乐意效劳Glad to be of service.罗斯Rose?你从哪里找到那个的Where did you get that?我在阁楼上找到的I found it in the attic.我让阿尔弗雷德帮我搬下来的I got Alfred to bring it downstairs.很抱歉但是我不想跳舞了I'm so sorry but I... I can't dance after all.这是怎么了What was that about?留声机The gramophone.这是马修的我太粗心了It belonged to Matthew. I didn't think.真遗憾What a pity.四条九Four nines.-你比我强得多 -他比我们都强得多- You're too good for me. - He's too good for all of us.别这么说我只是运气好罢了Nonsense. I've been lucky, that's all.我在想是不是该收手了I'm wondering if I ought to stop.-我快输光了 -我输的更多- I'm in pretty deep. - I'm in deeper I'm sad to say.你们的运气会好转的先生们我肯定Your luck is about to change, gentlemen. I'm certain of it. 要是再输的话拿什么赔给你啊If it doesn't, how do you like to be paid?别担心欠条也可以Don't worry. I'm happy with IOUs.回头离开之前再清算或者到俱乐部再说We can settle up when we leave or at the club.而且没准到最后你全赢回去了呢Besides, you may have won it all back by the end.得了吧不过希望你们能替我保守秘密Not a chance. I hope you can all keep my secret?我不想让格兰瑟姆夫人担心I wouldn't want to worry Lady Grantham.-那我们得练练面无表情了 -下注吧先生们- We must practise our poker face. - Antes, gentlemen. 晚安Good night.宴会玩得好吗How are you enjoying the party?我看起来像个傻子I look like a fool.言谈也像个傻子我就是个傻子I talk like a fool. I am a fool.阿尔弗雷德说你还跳了舞Alfred said you were dancing.跟一个老太婆老得够当我奶奶了With an old bat who could be my granny还认为我是在山洞里长大的and thinks I grew up in a cave.我穿得再光鲜也骗不了任何人My clothes deceive no one.别这么为难自己Don't be so hard on yourself.我是只离水之鱼今天感觉尤甚I'm a fish out of water and I've never felt it more than today.-今天还好吗老爷 -晚上之前都挺好的- Good day, m'lord? - Good until tonight.被桑普森先生打得好惨我是说扑克I took a walloping from Mr Sampson. At poker.我真是愚蠢I was a fool居然去跟一个老手过招to play with someone who so obviously knew what he was doing. 吉利安姆子爵提醒我了可我没听进去Lord Gillingham tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen.-您跟他熟吗 -不熟- Do you know the gentleman well? - No.我之前在俱乐部提起宴会的事But I was discussing the party at the club他暗示说想来结果我就上钩了and he hinted a bit and I suppose I took the bait.不说了Anyway.你自己知道就行了贝茨Perhaps keep it to yourself, Bates.当然老爷Of course, m'lord.很好Good man.。
