



品红Magenta(热情)CMYK:C15M100Y20K0RGB:R207G0B112洋红Carmine(大胆)CMYK:C100M0Y60K10RGB:R215G0B64宝石红Ruby(富贵)CMYK:C20M100Y50K0RGB:R200G8B82玫瑰红Rose-red(典雅)CMYK:C0M95Y35K0RGB:R230G28B100山茶红Camellia(微笑)CMYK:C0M75Y35K10RGB:R220G91B111玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味)CMYK:C0M60Y20K0RGB:R238G134B154浓粉Spinel-red(娇媚)CMYK:C0M55Y30K0RGB:R240G145B146紫红色Opera-mauve(优美)CMYK:C10M50Y0K0RGB:R225G152B192珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺)CMYK:C0M50Y25K0RGB:R241G156B159火烈鸟Flamingo(可爱)CMYK:C0M40Y20K10RGB:R245G178B178淡粉Pale-pink(雅致)CMYK:C0M30Y10K0RGB:R247G200B2072楼贝壳粉Shell-pink(纯真)CMYK:C0M30Y25K0RGB:R248G198B181淡粉,婴儿粉Baby-pink(美丽动人)CMYK:C0M15Y10K0RGB:R252G229B223鲑鱼粉Salmon-pink(有趣)CMYK:C0M50Y40K0RGB:R242G155B135朱红Vermilion(积极)CMYK:C0M85Y85K0RGB:R233G71B41绯红,绛红scarlet(生命力)CMYK:C0M100Y100K0RGB:R230G0B18深红Strong-red(华丽)CMYK:C0M100Y100K10RGB:R216G0B15绯红Cardinal-red(威严)CMYK:C0M100Y65K40RGB:R164G0B39酒红Buraunby(充实)CMYK:C60M100Y80K30RGB:R102G25B45土红Old-rose(柔软)CMYK:C15M60Y30K15RGB:R194G115B127 [编辑本段]橙ORANGE橙色Tangerine(生气勃勃)CMYK:C0M80Y90K0RGB:R234G85B32柿子色Persimmom(开朗)CMYK:C0M70Y75K0RGB:R237G110B61橘黄色Orange(美好)CMYK:C0M70Y100K0RGB:R237G109B0太阳橙Sun-orange(丰收)CMYK:C0M55Y100K0RGB:R241G141B0热带橙Tropical-orange(幻想)CMYK:C0M50Y80K0RGB:R243G152B57蜂蜜色Honey-orange(轻快)CMYK:C0M30Y60K0RGB:R249G194B112杏黄色Apricot(无邪)CMYK:C10M40Y60K0RGB:R229G169B107伪装沙Sandbeige(天真)CMYK:C0M15Y15K10RGB:R236G214B202浅茶色、米色Beige(纯朴)CMYK:C0M15Y30K15RGB:R227G204B169浅土色Pale-ocre(温和)CMYK:C20M30Y45驼色Camel(质朴)CMYK:C10M40Y60K30RGB:R181G134B84椰棕色Coconets-brown(古典)CMYK:C50M80Y100K40RGB:R106G51B21棕色、茶色Brown(安定)CMYK:C45M75Y100K40RGB:R113G59B18咖啡Coffee(坚实)CMYK:C60M70Y100K25RGB:R106G75B35[编辑本段]黄YELLOW金盏花Marigold(华丽)CMYK:C0M40Y100K0RGB:R247G171B0铬黄Chrome-yellow(生动)CMYK:C0M20Y100K0RGB:R253G208B0茉莉Jasmine(柔和)CMYK:C0M15Y60K0RGB:R254G221B120淡黄色Cream(童话)CMYK:C0M10Y35K0RGB:R255G234B180象牙色Ivory(简朴)CMYK:C10M10Y20K0RGB:R235G229B209香槟黄Champagne-yellow(闪耀)CMYK:C0M0Y40K0RGB:R255G249B177月亮黄Moon-yelloe(智慧)CMYK:C0M0Y70K0RGB:R255G244B99鲜黄色Canaria-yellow(开放)CMYK:C0M0Y100K0RGB:R255G241B0含羞草、巴黎金合欢Mimosa(幸福)CMYK:C10M15Y80K0RGB:R237G212B67芥子Mustard(乡土)CMYK:C20M20Y70K0RGB:R214G197B96黄土色Ochre(温厚)CMYK:C0M35Y100K30RGB:R196G143B0卡机色Khaki(田园)CMYK:C0M30Y80K40RGB:R176G136B39 [编辑本段]绿Green黄绿色Yellow-green(自由)CMYK:C30M0Y100K0RGB:R196G215B0苹果绿Apple-green(新鲜)CMYK:C45M10Y100K0RGB:R158G189B25嫩绿Fresh-leaves(快活)CMYK:C40M0Y70K0RGB:R169G208B107叶绿色Foliage-green(自然)CMYK:C50M20Y75K10RGB:R135G162B86草绿色Grass-green(成长)C,YK:C40M10Y70K0RGB:R170G196B104苔绿色Moss-green(柔和)CMYK:C25M15Y75K45RGB:R136G134B55橄榄绿Olive(诚意)CMYK:C45M40Y100K50RGB:R98G90B5常青藤Ivy-green(安心)CMYK:C70M20Y70K30RGB:R61G125B83钴绿Cobalt-green(自然)CMYK:C60M0Y65K0RGB:R106G189B120翡翠绿Emerald-green(希望)CMYK:C75M0Y75K0RGB:R21G174B103碧绿Turquoise-green(协调)CMYK:C70M10Y50K0RGB:R66G171B145灰绿色、青瓷色Celadon-green(潇洒)CMYK:C55M10Y45K0RGB:R123G185B155孔雀石绿Malachite-green(和平)CMYK:C85M15Y80K10RGB:R0G142B87薄荷Mint(痛快)CMYK:C90M30Y80K15RGB:R0G120B80碧色Viridian(温情)CMYK:C90M35Y70K30RGB:R0G101B80孔雀绿Peacock-green(品格)CMYK:C100M30Y60K0RGB:R0G128B119[编辑本段]蓝Blue地平线Horizon-blue(奇趣)CMYK:C35M0Y20K0RGB:R176G220B213浅天蓝色Light sky-blue(澄澈)CMYK:C40M0Y10K0RGB:R161G216B230水蓝Aqua-blue(正义)CMYK:C60M0Y10K0RGB:R89G195B226蔚蓝Azure-blue(爽快)CMYK:C70M10Y0K0RGB:R34G174B230天蓝Sky-blue(清凉)CMYK:C45M10Y10K0RGB:R148G198B221淡蓝Baby-blue(幻想)CMYK:C30M0Y10K10RGB:R177G212B219浅蓝Pale-blue(温和)CMYK:C40M10Y0K20RGB:R139G176B205水蓝、浅蓝Saxe-blue(宽容)CMYK:C60M15Y0K30RGB:R139G176B205蓝绿色、水蓝宝石Aquamarine(纯粹)CMYK:C75M30Y10K15RGB:R41G131B177翠蓝、土耳其玉色Turquoise-blue(平衡)CMYK:C80M10Y20K0RGB:R0G164B197蓝绿Cyan-blue(清楚)CMYK:C95M25Y45K0RGB:R0G136B144孔雀蓝Peacock-blue(贵重)CMYK:C100M50Y45K0RGB:R0G105B128天蓝Cerulean-blue(冷静)CMYK:C100M35Y10K0RGB:R0G123B187钴蓝Cobalt-blue(镇静)CMYK:C95M60Y0K0RGB:R0G93B172深蓝Ultramarine(深远)CMYK:C100M80Y0K0RGB:R0G64B152品蓝、宝蓝Royal-blue(格调)CMYK:C90M70Y0K0RGB:R30G80B162[编辑本段]靛INDIGO青金石、靛色Lapis lazuli(睿智)CMYK:C95M80Y0K0 RGB:R19G64B152鼠尾草Salvia-blue(洗练)CMYK:C70M50Y10K0RGB:R91G119B175韦奇伍德蓝Wedgwood-blue(高贵)CMYK:C55M30Y0K25RGB:R102G132B176青蓝Slate-blue(静寂)CMYK:C60M40Y20K20RGB:R100G121B151天蓝、宝蓝Sapphire-blue(智慧)CMYK:C90M45Y10K35RGB:R0G87B137石青Mineral-blue(认真)CMYK:C100M70Y40K0RGB:R0G81B120亮蓝Strong-blue(礼节)CMYK:C100M40Y30K35RGB:R0G89B120海蓝Marine-blue(时髦)CMYK:C100M60Y30K35RGB:R0G69B107海军蓝、深蓝Navy-blue(纪律)CMYK:C100M90Y25K45RGB:R0G28B84靛青Indigo(庄严)CMYK:C90M60Y10K60RGB:R0G46B90深石青Dark mineral-blue(理智)CMYK:C80M70Y30K30RGB:R56G66B106深蓝Midnight-blue(传统)CMYK:C100M95Y50K50RGB:R4G22B58[编辑本段]紫PURPLE紫藤Wisteria(风雅)CMYK:C60M65Y0K10RGB:R115G91B159淡紫色Mauve(神秘)CMYK:C60M75Y0K0RGB:R124G80B157铁线莲Clematis(赞美)CMYK:C0M20Y0K20RGB:R216G191B203丁香Lilac(清香)CMYK:C30M40Y0K0RGB:R187G161B203薰衣草Lavender(品格)CMYK:C40M50Y10K0RGB:R166G136B177紫水晶Amethyst(直觉)CMYK:C60M80Y20K0RGB:R126G73B133紫色Purple(神圣)CMYK:C50M85Y0K0RGB:R146G61B146香水草Heliotrope(高尚)CMYK:C65M100Y20K10RGB:R111G25B111紫罗兰Mineral violet(怀旧)CMYK:C20M30Y10K10RGB:R197G175B192三色堇、蝴蝶花Pansy(思虑)CMYK:C35M100Y10K30RGB:R139G0B98锦葵Mallow(妖精)CMYK:C15M70Y0K0RGB:R211G105B164兰花Orchid(温和)CMYK:C0M50Y0K20RGB:R209G136B168浅莲灰Pale-lilac(萌芽)CMYK:C0M10Y0K10RGB:R237G224B230灰紫Gray-purple(神秘)CMYK:C25M35Y10K30RGB:R157G137B157减色(CMYK)C.青色(Cyan)M.洋红色(Magenta)Y.黄色(Yellow)K.黑色(blacK)CMYK模型针对印刷媒介,即基于油墨的光吸收/反射特性,眼睛看到颜色实际上是物体吸收白光中特定频率的光而反射其余的光的颜色。



洗朱 #d2553d 紅樺色 #b4534b 紅緋 #ef4136 樺色 #c63c26 鉛丹色 #f3715c 赭 #a7573b 緋色 #aa2116 丹 #b64533 土 #b54334 焦香 #853f04 真紅 #840228 緋 #7a1723 紅海老茶 #a03939 浅蘇芳 #8a2e3b 鳶色(とびいろ) #8e453f 小豆色 #8f4b4a 弁柄色 #892f1b 栗梅 #6b2c25 海老茶 #733a31 深緋 #54211d 赤銅色 #78331e 赤褐色 #53261f 金赤 #f15a22 赤茶 #b4533c 赤錆色 #84331f 黄丹 #f47a55 赤橙 #f15a22
柿色 #f3704b 肉桂色 #da765b 樺色 #c85d44 煉瓦色 #ae5039 錆色 #6a3427 檜皮色 #8f4b38 栗色 #8e3e1f 黄赤 #f36c21 代赭 #b4532a 駱駝色 #b7704f 黄茶 #de773f 洗柿 #c99979
鳥の子色 #dbce8f 黄色 #ffd400 蒲公英色 #ffd400 中黄 #ffe600 刈安色 #f0dc70 黄檗色 #fcf16e 緑黄色 #decb00 鶸色 #cbc547 海松色 #6e6b41 鶸茶 #596032 山鳩色 #525f42 生壁色 #5f5d46
草色 #225a1f 木賊色 #367459 常磐色 #007947 緑青色 #40835e 千歳緑 #2b6447 深緑 #005831 萌葱色 #006c54 青白橡 #375830 革色 #274d3d 麹塵 #375830 仙斎茶 #27342b 若竹色 #65c294 青磁色 #73b9a2 青竹色 #72baa7 鉄色 #005344 錆鼠 #122e29 鉄御納戸 #293047 青緑 #00ae9d 錆浅葱 #508a88 水浅葱 #70a19f 新橋色 #50b7c1 浅葱色 #00a6ac 白群 #78cdd1 御納戸色 #008792 甕覗き #94d6da 水色 #afdfe4 藍鼠 #5e7c85


XQG50-12866/10866/9866/8866 XQG50-B12866/B10866/B9866/B8866
速度 Speed
温度 Temp.
预约 Delay
额外漂洗 Extra rinse
强力洗 Intense
自动挡 Auto
包装尺寸(高×深×宽): 920mm×567mm×682mm
XQG50-12866 XQG50-B12866
XQG50-10866 XQG50-B10866
XQG50-9866 XQG50-B9866
XQG50-8866 XQG50-B8866
速度 Speed
温度 Temp.
预约 Delay
额外漂洗 Extra rinse
强力洗 Intense
自动挡 Auto
化纤 Synthetic
棉麻 Cotton
预洗 Prewash
启动/暂停 Start/pause
按住2秒后解开门锁 Press and hold 2 seconds
K 洗涤剂分配器盒
打开洗涤剂分配器盒,可看到三个防洗涤剂的小室: (预洗)室:选择预洗程序时,需在此室投放洗涤剂,如不进行预洗洗涤时不能在此室、 投放洗涤剂。 (主洗)室:除单漂、单甩程序外,不管是否选择预洗程序,都必须在此室投放洗涤剂。 (软化)室:洗涤的衣物需进行软化或其他调理时,在此室投放相应的柔顺剂、调理剂 或香料等。


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[大学英语考试复习资料]大学三级(B)分类模拟 145
B.mix C.match pare 答案:C 本题考查近义词辨析。match 表示“相称,匹配”,符合题 意。suit 意为“合适,相配”,但一般与 for 连用,不与 with 连用; mix 意为“混合”,mix with 表示“与…相混合”;compare 意为 “比较”,compare with 表示“与…相比较”,均不符合题意。 问题:13. Short sight can be ______ by the use of suitable glasses. A.fixed B.improved C.reduced D.corrected 答案:D 本题考查词义分辨。根据常识,视力可通过佩戴眼镜来 correct(纠正),而不是 improve(改善)。故选项 D 为正确答案。 选项 A(固定,确定)、B(改善)和 C(减少)都不符合逻辑。考生需要注 意 improve - 般 和 中 性 词 或 褒 义 词 连 用 , 如 : His health has improved.(他的健康改善了。) 问题:14. ______his cold, he came first in the athletics meet. A.Regardless of B.Despite C.In spite
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[大学英语考试复习资料]大学三级(B)分类模拟 145
表程度或表示转折;although 或 though 意为“尽管,虽然”,引 导让步状语从句。 译文:尽管他很勤奋,但生意上却一直没有成功。 问题:17. More than one question ______ asked. A.was B.be C.were D.been 答案:A 不止一个问题被提出来。“more than one+单数名词”结构 虽有复数概念,用作主语习惯上要接单数谓语动词。 问题:18. He can't be a teacher ______ he is only 16 years old. A.except that B.but that C.now that D.in that 答案:D 原因状语从句 根据句意可以看出,前后两分句之间是因果关系,前半句为结果,后 半句为原因。而四个选项中只有 in that 符合句子逻辑关系,意思是 “原因在于……”,故选 D。 A“除了”和 B“要不是……”,后面都接从句,但都不符合本句的逻 辑关系;C“既然”,引导原因状语从句,一般为前果后因,故排除。 问题:19. They all enjoyed ______ to play the guitar.



大学三级(B)分类模拟145Part Ⅰ Vo c abu l a r y and S t r u c t u r eSection A1. His good sense of humor made a deep impression us.A.inB.onC.forD.toB 他的幽默感给我们留下了深刻印象。

固定搭配make/leave a deep impression on sb.意为“给某人留下深刻的印象”。

2. I don't think these books are for young children.A.suitableB.reasonableC.capableD.probableA该题考查近义词辨析,考点是形容词的词义。

A) suitable;适合的,适当的。

B) reasonable:有道理的,合情合理的。

C) capable:有能力的,合格的。

D) probable:很有可能的,可能发生的。

而且Be suitable for:适合,适于。



3. Since the introduction of the new technique, the production cost greatly.A.reducesB.is reducedC.is reducingD.has been reducedD 本题考查的是动词时态和语态的用法。


此外,“cost”是“reduc e”的宾语。



4. This suitcase is heavy for me to carry.A.enoughB.veryC.soD.tooD本题测试的是固定结构的用法。



整改方案如下。此操作箱内部共有两个中间继 电器,分别是 1ZJ 和 2ZJ,通过由第二组操作电源提 供正负电,引 TJR 节点 4n87、4n238 给 2ZJ 中间继电
· 14 ·
何承涛:基于 FCX-12HP 操作箱失灵
2021 年 3 月 10 日第 38 卷第 5 +期24V 1D60 4D106 4N14
结合图 4 主一保护启 A 套母差失灵回路和图 5 主二保护启 B 套母差失灵回路来分析,A、B 套母差 保护装置都采中间继电器 2ZJ 的辅助节点来实现三跳 启失灵,即 TJR 启失灵功能。从图 3 中可以看出给
3 整改方案
针对上述情况,特制定了整改方案,如图 6 和 图 7 所示,并在进行方案讲解前进行以下几点说明。 首先,原 A 套母差保护装置为 BP-2B,不具备判流 功能,现技改为 PCS-915NA,具备判流功能。其次, A 套母差保护装置接 I 段直流,220kV XX 线路主一 保护装置和第二组操作电源接 I 段直流。最后,B 套 母差保护装置接 II 段直流,220kV XX 线路主二保护 装置和第一组操作电源接 II 段直流。
回路4N改23进7 分4析D116
主二保护 PSL-603GCW+24V 1D60
主二保护 PSL-603GCW
远跳开入 1N1X6
4D106 1D57
1TJR 4N14
4N237 4D116
Telecom Power Technology
Abstract: During the transformation of the 220 kV bus differential protection device in a station, it was found that the FCX-12HP type operation box produced by Guodian South’s own manufacturer has only three permanent jump (TJR) nodes, which are used for remote jump and start failure functions. In accordance with the requirements of the China Southern Power Grid’s anti-accident measures, the automatic switching function of the first and second operating power supplies of the operation box needs to be cancelled. After this function is cancelled, when the first group of operating power loses power, the pressure monitoring power supply will also lose power at the same time. At the same time, it will cause the failure circuit function of the three-hop node (TJR) to activate A and B sets of bus differential protection respectively to disappear, that is, it does not have the function of failure and then failure. For this type of operation box, a corresponding rectification plan has been formulated. The three-hop node (TJR) enables the failure circuits of A and B bus differential protections to meet the requirements of mutual independence.

1445B 通信矢量信号发生器 产品手册说明书

1445B 通信矢量信号发生器 产品手册说明书



主要特点⚫频率覆盖范围:100kHz~6GHz;⚫功率输出范围:-120 dBm~+20 dBm;⚫蜂窝网通信标准信号:NB-IoT/IoT-G/5G NR/TDD-LTE/FDD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/GSM/EDGE,为高质量移动通信物联网设备测试提供全面的解决手段;⚫非蜂窝网通信标准:WiFi802.11a/g/j/n/ac、蓝牙、LoRa;⚫丰富的数字调制格式:BPSK、QPSK、OQPSK、8PSK、16QAM、32QAM、64QAM、128QAM、256QAM等数字调制格式,用户可灵活配置不同调制方式及码元速率;⚫模拟调制功能:幅度调制、相位调制、频率调制、脉冲调制;⚫GPIB、LAN和USB等丰富程控接口,方便用户实现远程控制及网络升级。



NB-IoT标准信号发生5G NR标准信号发生LTE标准信号发生TD-SCDMA标准信号发生GSM标准信号发生物联网模块测试1445B可与5264B通信矢量信号分析仪组成物联网模组测试系统,支持WiFi、蓝牙和NB-IoT信号发生功能,可与物联网模组建立非信令连接,进行相应的射频测试及业务测试。



Ordering Code Q67000-S132
RDS(on) 3.5 Ω
Package SOT-23
Tape and Reel Information E6327
Marking SBs
Maximum Ratings Parameter Drain source voltage Drain-gate voltage RGS = 20 kΩ Gate source voltage Gate-source peak voltage,aperiodic Continuous drain current TA = 31 °C DC drain current, pulsed TA = 25 °C Power dissipation TA = 25 °C
Dynamic Characteristics Transconductance VDS≥ 2 * ID * RDS(on)max, ID = 0.2 A Input capacitance VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Output capacitance VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Reverse transfer capacitance VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Turn-on delay time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.2 A RGS = 50 Ω Rise time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.2 A RGS = 50 Ω Turn-off delay time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.2 A RGS = 50 Ω Fall time VDD = 30 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.2 A RGS = 50 Ω

pcm1609a 数字解码芯片特性

pcm1609a 数字解码芯片特性

BurrĆBrown Productsfrom Texas InstrumentsFEATURES APPLICATIONSDESCRIPTIONPCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST2005–REVISED MARCH2008 24-BIT192-kHz SAMPLING8-CHANNEL ENHANCED MULTILEVELDELTA-SIGMA DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER•Integrated A/V Receivers•24-Bit Resolution•DVD Movie and Audio Players•Analog Performance•HDTV Receivers–Dynamic Range:105dB Typical•Car Audio Systems–SNR:105dB Typical•DVD Add-On Cards for High-End PCs –THD+N:0.002%Typical•Digital Audio Workstations –Full-Scale Output:3.1Vp-p,Typical•Other Multichannel Audio Systems•4×/8×Oversampling Interpolation Filter–Stop-Band Attenuation:–55dB–Pass-Band Ripple:±0.03dB The PCM1609A is a CMOS,monolithic integrated •Sampling Frequency:5kHz to200kHz circuit that features eight24-bit audio digital-to-analogconverters(DACs)and support circuitry in a small •Accepts16-,18-,20-,and24-Bit Audio DataLQFP-48package.The DACs use Texas Instruments •Data Formats:Standard,I2S,and Left-Justified(TI)enhanced multilevel delta-sigma architecture that •System Clock:128f S,192f S,256f S,384f S,employs fourth-order noise shaping and8-level 512f S,or768f S amplitude quantization to achieve excellentsignal-to-noise performance and a high tolerance to •User-Programmable Functionsclock jitter.–Digital Attenuation:0dB to–63dB,The PCM1609A accepts industry-standard audio data0.5dB/Stepformats with16-to24-bit audio data.Sampling rates –Soft Muteup to200kHz are supported.A full set of –Zero Flags Can Be Used as user-programmable functions is accessible through a General-Purpose Logic Output4-wire serial control port that supports register writeand read functions.–Digital De-Emphasis–Digital Filter Rolloff:Sharp or Slow•Dual-Supply Operation–5-V Analog– 3.3-V Digital•5-V Tolerant Digital Logic Inputs•Package:LQFP-48Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.FilterPro is a trademark of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2005–2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSPCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST2005–REVISED MARCH2008This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)V DD–0.3V to4V Power-supply voltage rangeV CC–0.3V to6.5VV CC,V DD Supply voltage difference V CC–V DD<3V Ground voltage differences±0.1VDigital input voltage range–0.3V to6.5VInput current(except power supply pins)±10mAOperating temperature range under bias–40°C to125°CStorage temperature range–55°C to150°CJunction temperature150°CLead temperature(soldering)260°C,5sPackage temperature(reflow,peak)260°C(1)Stresses beyond those listed under"absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under"recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.MIN NOM MAX UNIT Digital supply voltage,V DD3 3.3 3.6V Analog supply voltage,V CC 4.55 5.5V Digital input logic family TTLSystem clock8.19236.864MHz Digital input clock frequencySampling clock32192kHz Analog output load resistance5kΩAnalog output load capacitance50pF Digital output load capacitance20pF Operating free-air temperature,T A–2585°C2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):PCM1609AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPCM1609A SLES145B–AUGUST2005–REVISED MARCH2008All specifications at T A=25°C,V CC=5V,V DD=3.3V,system clock=384f S(f S=44.1kHz),and24-bit data(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT RESOLUTION24Bits DATA FORMATAudio data interface formats Standard,I2S,left-justifiedAudio data bit length16/18/20/24bit,selectableAudio data format MSB first,binary2s complementf S Sampling frequency5200kHz128f S,192f S,256f S, System clock frequency384f S,512f S,768f SDIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUTLogic family TTL compatibleV IH2Input logic level VdcV IL0.8I IH(1)V IN=V DD10I IL(1)V IN=0V–10Input logic currentµAI IH(2)V IN=V DD65100I IL(2)V IN=0V–10V OH I OH=–4mA 2.4Output logic level VdcV OL I OL=4mA1DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE(3)(4)V OUT=0dB,f S=44.1kHz0.002%0.008%V OUT=0dB,f S=96kHz0.004%V OUT=0dB,f S=192kHz0.005%THD+N Total harmonic distortion+noiseV OUT=–60dB,f S=44.1kHz0.7%V OUT=–60dB,f S=96kHz0.9%V OUT=–60dB,f S=192kHz1%EIAJ,A-weighted,f S=44.1kHz98105Dynamic range A-weighted,f S=96kHz103dBA-weighted,f S=192kHz102EIAJ,A-weighted,f S=44.1kHz98105SNR Signal-to-noise ratio A-weighted,f S=96kHz103dBA-weighted,f S=192kHz102f S=44.1kHz94103Channel separation f S=96kHz101dBf S=192kHz100Level linearity error V OUT=–90dB±0.5dBDC ACCURACYGain error±1±6%of FSRGain mismatch,channel-to-channel±1±3%of FSRBipolar zero error V OUT=0.5V CC at bipolar zero±30±60mV(1)Pins31,38,40,41,45–47(DATA4,SCKI,BCK,LRCK,DATA1,DATA2,DATA3)(2)Pins34–37(MDI,MC,ML,RST)(3)Analog performance specifications are tested using a System Two™Cascade audio measurement system by Audio Precision™with400-Hz HPF on,30-kHz LPF on,average mode with20-kHz bandwidth limiting.The load connected to the analog output is5kΩor larger via capacitive loading.(4)Conditions in192-kHz operation are system clock=128f S and oversampling rate=64f S in register12.Copyright©2005–2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Link(s):PCM1609APCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)All specifications at T A =25°C,V CC =5V,V DD =3.3V,system clock =384f S (f S =44.1kHz),and 24-bit data (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG OUTPUTOutput voltage Full scale (–0dB)0.62V CC Vp-p Center voltage 0.5V CCVdc Load impedanceAC load5k ΩDIGITAL FILTER PERFORMANCEGroup delay time 20/f S De-emphasis error±0.1dBFilter Characteristics 1,Sharp RolloffPass band ±0.03dB 0.454f S Pass band –3dB0.487f SStop band 0.546f SPass-band ripple ±0.03dB Stop-band attenuation Stop band =0.546f S –50dB Stop-band attenuationStop band =0.567f S –55dBFilter Characteristics 2,Slow RolloffPass band ±0.5dB 0.198f S Pass band –3dB0.39f SStop band 0.884f SPass-band ripple ±0.5dB Stop-band attenuationStop band =0.884f S –40dBANALOG FILTER PERFORMANCEf =20kHz –0.03Frequency responsedBf =44kHz–0.2POWER-SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS (5)V DD 3 3.3 3.6Voltage rangeVdcV CC 4.55 5.5f S =44.1kHz 1825I DD (6)f S =96kHz 40f S =192kHz 40Supply currentmAf S =44.1kHz 3346I CCf S =96kHz 36f S =192kHz 36f S =44.1kHz224313Power dissipationf S =96kHz 312mWf S =192kHz312TEMPERATURE RANGE T A Operating temperature –2585°C θJA Thermal resistance100°C/W(5)Conditions in 192-kHz operation are system clock =128f S and oversampling rate =64f S in register 12.(6)SCKO is disabled.4Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):PCM1609AOUT 1OUT 2OUT 3COMOUT 4OUT 5OUT 6OUT 7OUT 8B0033-03Z E R O 1/G P O A G N D 1−V C C 1−V D D G N DS C K Z E R O 2/G P O Z E R O 3/G P O Z E R O 4/G P O Z E R O 5/G P O Z E R O 6/G P O Z E R O Z E R O TEST RST ML MC MDI MDOPCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMCopyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Link(s):PCM1609ACC 3CC 4OUT 8CC 5OUT 7COM OUT 1OUT 2PT PACKAGE (TOP VIEW)Z E R O 1/G P O Z E R O 2/G P O Z E R O 3/G P O Z E R O 4/G P O Z E R O 5/G P O Z E R O 6/G P O N N V O U T V O U T V O U T V O U T LCD ID OE R O 8A T A 4E R O 7CC C 1G N D 1C C 2G N D 2P0028-03PCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008TERMINAL FUNCTIONSTERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.AGND127–Analog ground AGND225–Analog ground AGND323–Analog ground AGND421–Analog ground AGND517–Analog ground AGND619–Analog groundBCK 40I Shift clock input for serial audio data.Clock must be one of 32f S ,48f S ,or 64f S .(1)DATA145I Serial audio data for V OUT 1and V OUT 2(1)DATA246I Serial audio data for V OUT 3and V OUT 4(1)DATA347I Serial audio data for V OUT 5and V OUT 6(1)DATA431I Serial audio data for V OUT 7and V OUT 8(1)DGND 44–Digital groundLRCK 41I Left and right clock.This clock is equal to the sampling rate,f S .(1)MC 35I Shift clock for serial control port(2)MDI 34I Serial data input for serial control port(2)MDO 33OSerial data output for serial control port(3)(1)Schmitt-trigger input,5-V tolerant(2)Schmitt-trigger input with internal pulldown,5-V tolerant (3)3-state output6Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):PCM1609APCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST2005–REVISED MARCH2008 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS(continued)TERMINALI/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.ML36I Latch enable for serial control port(2)NC7,8,29–No connectionRST37I System reset,active low(2)SCKI38I System clock input.Input frequency is one of128f S,192f S,256f S,384f S,512f S,or768f S.(1)Buffered clock output.Output frequency is one of128f S,192f S,256f S,384f S,512f S,or768f S,or SCKO39Oone-half of128f S,192f S,256f S,384f S,512f S,or768f S.TEST42–Test.This pin should be connected to DGND.(2)V CC128–Analog power supply,5VV CC226–Analog power supply,5VV CC324–Analog power supply,5VV CC422–Analog power supply,5VV CC518–Analog power supply,5VV COM15O Common voltage.This pin should be bypassed with a10-µF capacitor to AGND.V DD43–Digital power supply,3.3VV OUT114O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to left channel on DATA1V OUT213O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to right channel on DATA1V OUT312O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to left channel on DATA2V OUT411O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to right channel on DATA2V OUT510O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to left channel on DATA3V OUT69O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to right channel on DATA3V OUT716O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to left channel on DATA4V OUT820O Voltage output of audio signal corresponding to right channel on DATA4ZERO1/GPO11O Zero-data flag for V OUT1.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO2/GPO22O Zero-data flag for V OUT2.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO3/GPO33O Zero-data flag for V OUT3.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO4/GPO44O Zero-data flag for V OUT4.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO5/GPO55O Zero-data flag for V OUT5.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO6/GPO66O Zero-data flag for V OUT6.Can also be used as GPO pin.ZERO730O Zero-data flag for V OUT7ZERO832O Zero-data flag for V OUT8ZEROA48O Zero-data flag.Logical AND of ZERO1through ZERO8.Copyright©2005–2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Link(s):PCM1609ATYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESDigital Filter (De-Emphasis Off)Frequency [× f S ]−140−120−100−80−60−40−20001234A m p l i t u d e − d BG001Frequency [× f S ]−0.05−0.04−0.03−0.02− m p l i t u d e − d BG002Frequency [× f S ]−140−120−100−80−60−40−20001234A m p l i t u d e − d BG003Frequency [× f S ]−5−4−3−2−10123450. m p l i t u d e − d BG004PCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008All specifications at T A =25°C,V CC =5V,V DD =3.3V,f S =44.1kHz,system clock =384f S ,and 24-bit input data (unlessotherwise noted)FREQUENCY RESPONSE (SHARP ROLLOFF)PASS-BAND FREQUENCY RESPONSE (SHARP ROLLOFF)Figure 1.Figure 2.FREQUENCY RESPONSE (SLOW ROLLOFF)TRANSITION CHARACTERISTICS (SLOW ROLLOFF)Figure 3.Figure 4.8Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):PCM1609ADigital Filter (De-Emphasis Curves)f − Frequency − kHz002468101214L e v e l − d BG005f − Frequency − kHz024********E r r o r − d BG006f − Frequency − kHz −10−9−8−7−6−5−4−3−2−1002468101214161820L e v e l − d BG007f − Frequency − kHz−0.5−0.4−0.3−0.2− r r o r − d BG008f − Frequency − kHz −10−9−8−7−6−5−4−3−2−100246810121416182022L e v e l − d BG009f − Frequency − kHz−0.5−0.4−0.3−0.2− r r o r − d BG010PCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (continued)All specifications at T A =25°C,V CC =5V,V DD =3.3V,f S =44.1kHz,system clock =384f S ,and 24-bit input data (unless otherwise noted)DE-EMPHASIS (f S =32kHz)DE-EMPHASIS ERROR (f S =32kHz)Figure 5.Figure 6.DE-EMPHASIS (f S =44.1kHz)DE-EMPHASIS ERROR (f S =44.1kHz)Figure 7.Figure 8.DE-EMPHASIS (f S =48kHz)DE-EMPHASIS ERROR (f S =48kHz)Figure 9.Figure 10.Copyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedSubmit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Link(s):PCM1609ATYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (continued)ANALOG DYNAMIC PERFORMANCESupply Voltage CharacteristicsV CC − Supply Voltage − V96981001021041061081104. y n a m i c R a n g e − d BG012V CC − Supply Voltage − V4. H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %100.010.001G0110.11V CC− Supply Voltage − V96981001021041061081104. N R − S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e R a t i o − d BG013V CC − Supply Voltage − V96981001021041061081104. h a n n e l S e p a r a t i o n − d BG014PCM1609ASLES145B–AUGUST 2005–REVISED MARCH 2008All specifications at T A =25°C,V CC =5V,V DD =3.3V,and 24-bit input data (unless otherwise noted).Conditions in 192-kHz operation are system clock =128f S ,DAC3through DAC6disabled in register 8,and oversampling rate =64f S (set by OVER bit in register 12).TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISEDYNAMIC RANGEvsvsSUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE(V DD =3.3V)(V DD =3.3V)Figure 11.Figure 12.SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIOCHANNEL SEPARATIONvsvsSUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE(V DD =3.3V)(V DD =3.3V)Figure 13.Figure 14.10Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2005–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):PCM1609ATYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (continued)ANALOG DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE (continued)Temperature CharacteristicsT A − Free-Air Temperature − °C9698100102104106108110−50−250255075100D y n a m i c R a n g e − d BG016T A − Free-Air Temperature − °C−50−25255075100T H D +N − T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n + N o i s e − %10G0150.11T A − Free-Air Temperature − °C 9698100102104106108110−50−250255075100S N R − S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e R a t i o − d BG017T A − Free-Air Temperature − °C9698100102104106108110−50−250255075100C h a n n e l S e p a r a t i o n − d BG018All specifications at T A =25°C,V CC =5V,V DD =3.3V,and 24-bit input data (unless otherwise noted).Conditions in 192-kHz operation are system clock =128f S ,DAC3through DAC6disabled in register 8,and oversampling rate =64f S (set by OVER bit in register 12).TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION +NOISEDYNAMIC RANGEvsvsTEMPERATURETEMPERATUREFigure 15.Figure 16.SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIOCHANNEL SEPARATIONvsvsTEMPERATURETEMPERATUREFigure 17.Figure 18.SYSTEM CLOCK AND RESET FUNCTIONSSYSTEM CLOCK INPUTSystem ClockHLT0005A08SYSTEM CLOCK OUTPUTThe PCM1609A requires a system clock for operating the digital interpolation filters and multilevel delta-sigma modulators.The system clock is applied at the SCKI input (pin 38).Table 1shows examples of system clock frequencies for common audio sampling rates.Figure 19shows the timing requirements for the system clock input.For optimal performance,it is important to use a clock source with low phase jitter and noise.The PLL170x multiclock generator from Ti is an excellent choice for providing the PCM1609A system clock.Table 1.System Clock Rates for Common Audio Sampling FrequenciesSYSTEM CLOCK FREQUENCY (f SCLK )SAMPLING FREQUENCY(MHz)(kHz)128f S192f S256f S 384f S 512f S 768f S 8(1)(1) 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.14416(1)(1) 4.096 6.1448.19212.28832(1)(1)8.19212.28816.38424.57644.1(1)(1)11.289616.934422.579233.868848(1)(1)12.28818.43224.57636.86496(1)(1)24.57636.86449.152(1)19224.57636.864(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)This system clock is not supported for the given sampling frequency.SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT t w(SCKH)System clock pulse duration,HIGH 7ns t w(SCKL)System clock pulse duration,LOW 7ns(1)1/128f S ,56f S ,1/384f S ,1/512f S ,and 1/768f S .Figure 19.System Clock TimingA buffered version of the system clock input is available at the SCKO output (pin 39).SCKO can operate at either full (f SCKI )or half (f SCKI /2)rate.The SCKO output frequency can be programmed using the CLKD bit of register 9.The SCKO output pin can also be enabled or disabled using the CLKE bit of register 9.If the SCKO output is not required,it is recommended to disable it using the CLKE bit.The default is SCKO enabled.POWER-ON AND EXTERNAL RESET FUNCTIONSV DD2.4 V 2 V 1.6 V Internal ResetSystem ClockT0014-080 VRSTInternal ResetSystem ClockT0015-06The PCM1609A includes a power-on reset function (see Figure 20).With the system clock active,and V DD >2V (typical,1.6V to 2.4V),the power-on reset function is enabled.The initialization sequence requires 1024system clocks from the time V DD >2V.After the initialization period,the PCM1609A is set to its reset default state,as described in the Mode Control Registers section of this data sheet.The PCM1609A also includes an external reset capability using the RST input (pin 37).This allows an external controller or master reset circuit to force the PCM1609A to initialize to its reset default state.For normal operation,RST should be set to a logic 1.The external reset operation and timing is shown in Figure 21.The RST pin is set to logic-0for a minimum of 20ns.After the initialization sequence is completed,the PCM1609A is set to its reset default state,as described in the Mode Control Registers section of this data sheet.During the reset period (1024system clocks),the analog outputs are forced to the bipolar zero level (or V CC /2).After the reset period,the internal registers are initialized in the next 1/f S period and,if SCKI,BCK,and LRCK are provided continuously,the PCM1609A provides proper analog output with the group delay time given in the Electrical Characteristics section of this data sheet.The external reset is especially useful in applications where there is a delay between PCM1609A power up and system-clock activation.In this case,the RST pin should be held at a logic-0level until the system clock has been activated.Figure 20.Power-On Reset TimingFigure 21.External Reset TimingAUDIO SERIAL INTERFACEThe audio serial interface for the PCM1609A consists of a5-wire synchronous serial port.It includes LRCK (pin41),BCK(pin40),DATA1(pin45),DATA2(pin46),DATA3(pin47),and DATA4(pin31).BCK is the serial audio bit clock,and is used to clock the serial data present on DATA1,DATA2,DATA3,and DATA4into the audio interface serial shift register.Serial data is clocked into the PCM1609A on the rising edge of BCK.LRCK is the serial audio left/right word clock.It is used to latch serial data into the serial audio interface internal registers. Both LRCK and BCK must be synchronous to the system clock.Ideally,it is recommended that LRCK and BCK be derived from the system clock input,SCKI.LRCK is operated at the sampling frequency(f S).BCK can be operated at32,48,or64times the sampling frequency(I2S format does not support BCK=32f S).Internal operation of the PCM1609A is synchronized with LRCK.Accordingly,internal operation of the device is suspended when the sampling rate clock(LRCK)is changed,or when SCKI and/or BCK is interrupted at least for a3-bit clock cycle.If SCKI,BCK,and LRCK are provided continuously after this suspended state,the internal operation is resynchronized automatically within a period of less than3/f S.During this resynchronization period and for a3/f S time thereafter,the analog outputs are forced to the bipolar zero level,V CC/2.External resetting is not required.AUDIO DATA FORMATS AND TIMINGThe PCM1609A supports industry-standard audio data formats,including standard,I2S,and left-justified(see Figure22).Data formats are selected using the format bits,FMT[2:0],in register9.The default data format is 24-bit standard.All formats require binary2s complement,MSB-first audio data.See Figure23for a detailed timing diagram of the serial audio interface.DATA1,DATA2,DATA3,and DATA4each carry two audio channels,designated as the left and right channels. The left-channel data always precedes the right-channel data in the serial data stream for all data formats. Table2shows the mapping of the digital input data to the analog output pins.(2) I 2S Data Format; L-Channel = LOW, R-Channel = HIGH(1) Standard Data Format; L-Channel = HIGH, R-Channel = LOW(3) Left-Justified Data Format; L-Channel = HIGH, R-Channel = LOW(= 48 f S,LRCK BCK DATA LRCKBCK DATA T0009-05(= 48 f S,Figure 22.Audio Data Input FormatsDATA1, DATA2,DATA3, DATA41.4 VBCKLRCK T0010-071.4 V1.4 V(1)f S is the sampling frequency (e.g.,44.1kHz,48kHz,96kHz,etc.)Figure 23.Audio Interface TimingTable 2.Audio Input Data to Analog Output MappingDATA INPUT CHANNELANALOG OUTPUTDATA1Left V OUT 1DATA1Right V OUT 2DATA2Left V OUT 3DATA2Right V OUT 4DATA3Left V OUT 5DATA3Right V OUT 6DATA4Left V OUT 7DATA4RightV OUT 8SERIAL CONTROL INTERFACEREGISTER WRITE OPERATIONR0001-021 = Read Operation (Register Index is Ignored)MLMCMDI T0048-02SINGLE REGISTER READ OPERATIONThe serial control interface is a 4-wire synchronous serial port that operates asynchronously to the serial audio interface.The serial control interface is used to program and read the on-chip mode registers.The control interface includes MDO (pin 33),MDI (pin 34),MC (pin 35),and ML (pin 36).MDO is the serial data output used to read back the values of the mode registers.MDI is the serial data input used to program the mode registers.MC is the serial bit clock used to shift data in and out of the control port.ML is the control port latch clock.All write operations for the serial control port use 16-bit data words.Figure 24shows the control data word format.The most significant bit (MSB)is the read/write (R/W)bit.When set to 0,this bit indicates a write operation.Seven bits,labeled IDX[6:0],set the register index (or address)for the write operation.The least significant eight bits,D[7:0],contain the data to be written to the register specified by IDX[6:0].Figure 25shows the functional timing diagram for writing to the serial control port.ML is held at a logic-1state until a register is to be written.To start the register write cycle,ML is set to logic 0.Sixteen clocks are then provided on MC,corresponding to the 16bits of the control data word on MDI.After the sixteenth clock cycle has completed,ML is set to logic 1to latch the data into the indexed mode control register.Figure 24.Control Data Word Format for MDIFigure 25.Write Operation TimingRead operations use the 16-bit control word format shown in Figure 24.For read operations,the R/W bit is set to 1.Read operations ignore the index bits,IDX[6:0],of the control data word.Instead,the REG[6:0]bits in control register 11are used to set the index of the register that is to be read during the read operation.Bits IDX[6:0]should be set to 00h for read operations.The details of the read operation are shown in Figure 26.First,control register 11must be written with the index of the register to be read back.Additionally,the INC bit must be set to logic 0in order to disable the auto-increment read function.The read cycle is then initiated by setting ML to logic 0and setting the R/W bit of the control data word to logic 1,indicating a read operation.MDO remains in a high-impedance state until the last eight bits of the 16-bit read cycle,which correspond to the eight data bits of the register indexed by the REG[6:0]bits of control register 11.The read cycle is completed when ML is set to 1,immediately after the MC clock cycle for the least significant bit (LSB)of the indexed control register has completed.INC = 1 (Auto-Increment Read)INDEX “N”ML10000000X XX X X X X XD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7High Impedance MCMDI MDO INDEX “Y”MLX X X X X X X X X X X X XX X XD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7High ImpedanceMCMDI MDO INDEX “N + 1”D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7INC = 0 (Single-Register Read)INDEX “N”ML10000000XX X X X X X XD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7High Impedance MCMDI MDO T0075-01AUTO-INCREMENT READ OPERATIONNOTES:X =Don’t careY =Last register to be readIn single-register read (INC =0),the index that indicates the register to be read in read operation can be set by REG[6:0]in register 11.For example,setting REG[6:0]=0001001b means reading from register 9.In auto-increment read (INC =1),the index REG[6:0]indicates the first register to be read.For example,setting REG[6:0]=0001001b means reading registers from 9to Y.Y is determined by the low-to-high transition of ML in serial mode control.Figure 26.Read Operation TimingThe auto-increment read function allows for multiple registers to be read sequentially.The auto-increment read function is enabled by setting the INC bit of control register 11to 1.The sequence always starts with the register indexed by the REG[6:0]bits in control register 11,and ends by the ML setting to 1after MC clock cycle for the LSB of the last register.。


校准程序中新增了机器人型号 IRB 1600 ID。
本修订版包含下列新增内容和 / 或更改: • 淘汰了 S4Cplus/M2000。 • 淘汰了 IRB?4450S、IRB?6600/6650 和 IRB?940。 • 新增了 IRB?2600、IRB?4600、IRB?6620、IRB?6620LX、IRB?6640、 IRB?6660.
Product manual - IRB 140 Product manual - IRB 260 Product manual - IRB 460 Product manual - IRB 660 Product manual - IRB 760 产品手册 - IRB 1410 Product manual - IRB 1600/1600ID Product manual - IRB 2400 Product manual - IRB 2600 Product manual - IRB 4400/4450S Product manual - IRB 4600 Product manual - IRB 6620 Product manual - IRB 6620LX
本修订版包含下列增添和 / 或修改内容: • 增添 IRB 760 和 IRB 460。 • 将手册中全部 “ 后退弯曲的机器人 ” 命名更改为 “ 串联机器人 ”。 • 添加章节轴 4 和轴 6 的正确校准位置 第 45 页 。 • 在设备列表中添加 IRB 1600ID,有关转动盘适配器的信息,请参见校 准摆锤设备 第 29 页 。 • 添加关于水平仪 2000 机柜内连接点的信息,请参见启动 Levelmeter 2000 第 34 页 .
进行了少量的编辑性更改。 新增了校准悬摆工具的方法。 有关 IRB 7600-2.3/500 信息的变更。

1.1.1 LTB145D1 B 型断路器检修作业指导书范本

1.1.1 LTB145D1 B 型断路器检修作业指导书范本

Q/GZDW贵州电网公司企业标准Q/GZDW ××××-2009LTB145D1/B型断路器检修作业指导书范本2009-**-**发布 2009-**-**实施贵州电网公司发布前言为使工作或作业活动有章可循,使工作(作业)安全风险和过程控制规范化,保证全过程安全和质量,根据南方电网公司生[2008]19号关于印发《作业指导书编写导则》的通知要求,贵州电网公司组织编写了《LTB145D1/B型断路器检修作业指导书范本》,本范本用于指导和规范贵州电网公司系统各单位变电检修人员编写LTB145D1/B型断路器检修的现场作业指导书,同时作为变电检修专业现场工作(作业)人员学习与培训资料。





目次前言 (I)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 支持文件 (1)4 术语和定义 (1)5 安全及预控措施 (1)6 作业准备 (2)7 作业周期 (3)8 定额工期 (3)9设备主要参数 (4)10 工作流程 (6)11 作业项目、工艺要求和质量标准 (9)12 作业后的验收和交接 (14)11 大修的判断标准和检修项目 (14)附录一 LTB145D1/B断路器检修报告 (15)LTB145D1/B型断路器检修作业指导书范本1 范围本范本适用于ABB公司LTB145D1/B型断路器的维护和检修2 规范性引用文件下列标准、规程及技术资料所包含的条文,通过在本范本中引用,而构成为作业导则的条文。


DL 408—91 电业安全工作规程(发电厂和变电所电气部分)GBJ 147—1990 电气装置安装工程: 高压电器施工及验收规范GB/T 11023—1989 高压开关设备SF6气体密封试验导则JB/T 9694—1999 SF6断路器通用技术条件DL 5009.3—1997 电力建设安全工作规程(变电所部分)DL/T 639—1997 SF6电气设备运行、试验及检修人员安全防护细则Q/CSG 1 0007—2004 电力设备预防性试验规程3 支持文件北京ABB公司《LTB145D1/B型断路器操作说明书》4 术语和定义大修:断路器本体、传动部件、液压机构或弹簧机构进行拆装、清洗、更换易损件,处理缺陷等操作。



18. BCD190(B).6-5
19. BCD205DF(B).6.2
21. BCD217(B).6.1-7
22. BCD217(B).6-4 23. BCD217(B).6.1-1
24. BCD217(B).6.1-6
25. BCD217(B).6.1-4
26. BCD217(B).6.1-3
软质 PVC+磁条
软质 PVC+磁条
编 号
1. 1 BCD145(B).0-2
5. BCD145(B).16
6. BCD145(B).0-1
10. BCD145(B).0-3 11. BCD145(B).0-4
12. BCD145(B).9
14. BCD145(B).0-8
15. BCD217(B).6-3
16. BCD217(B).6-5 17. BCD190(B).6-4
15#/M5*16 聚丙烯(+ M8 螺钉)
BCD-190 E14/220V/10W
WDF23 15# 尼龙 66



2004 Mar 29
NXP Semiconductors
Product specification
Low-voltage variable capacitance diode
DATA SHEET STATUS DOCUMENT STATUS(1) Objective data sheet Preliminary data sheet Product data sheet Notes 1. Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. PRODUCT STATUS(2) Development Qualification Production DEFINITION
NXP Semiconductors
Product specification
Low-voltage variable capacitance diode
FEATURES Ultra small plastic SMD package C4: 2.75 pF; ratio: 2.4 Low series resistance. APPLICATIONS Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO).
2004 Mar 29
NXP Semiconductors
Product specification
Low-voltage variable capacitance diode
handbook, full pagewidth



水稻三系不育系G29A的选育伍祥;张上都;陈文强;石邦志;周乐良【摘要】利用保持系G98B与中间保持材料145B杂交,经过多年单株选择,不断聚合双亲优良基因,选择出优良保持材料04N1129,用野败胞质三系不育系G98A与04N1129杂交,后经过连续7代回交,育成水稻不育系G29A,2012年通过贵州省农作物品种审定委员会审定.【期刊名称】《贵州农业科学》【年(卷),期】2013(041)008【总页数】2页(P14-15)【关键词】水稻;三系不育系;回交;选育;特征特性【作者】伍祥;张上都;陈文强;石邦志;周乐良【作者单位】贵州省水稻研究所,贵州贵阳550006;贵州省水稻研究所,贵州贵阳550006;贵州省水稻研究所,贵州贵阳550006;贵州省水稻研究所,贵州贵阳550006;贵州省水稻研究所,贵州贵阳550006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S511.033贵州省属典型的喀斯特地形地貌,地处云贵高原东南坡,从东向西呈阶梯状上升,立体农业明显,最低处为黎平县地坪乡,海拔147.8m,最高处位于毕节赫章县韭菜坪,海拔2 900.6m,特殊的地形地貌导致省内自然灾害频繁发生,春旱及秋风对农业生产影响十分突出。








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81 98
73 87
62 49
线性代数(Ⅱ)/必修课 体育课外活动(单学期)/任 概率论与数理统计(I)/必 高等数学A(下)/必修 /2.5 选课/1 修课/3 课/5
71 51 85 85 85 85
64 67 42 19
工程力学(I)/必修 课/4
60 64
数据库技术与应用/必 自动控制原理(Ⅲ)/必 大学英语-听说(4)/必 大学生就业指导/任选 修课/3 修课/2 修课/2 课/2 70 50 79 70 81 64 84 65 97 84 92 81 85 70 87 63 74 46 91 77 63 32 80 62 92 73 80 69 87 67 21 82 68 90 70 83 85 90 84 55 15 60 38 81 63 37 75 41 78 60 89 81 80 63 96 77 89 74 68 68 89 90 80 71 61 71 73 25 74 61 85 85 88 65 87 72 72 66
序 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
获得学 可靠性理论(Ⅱ)/必修 航空维修质量管理/限选 供应链管理/专业选修 分 课/2 课/1.5 课/2 120145201 陈东伦 16.5 51 74 74 120145202 丛晨 29 76 77 71 120145203 顿航 27 70 60 44 120145205 何波 23 63 47 53 120145206 侯骥 26.5 90 85 87 120145207 黄昊一 26.5 70 71 91 120145208 黄鑫 29.5 64 60 50 120145209 蒋迪祚 30.5 77 71 86 120145211 李昌積 24.5 52 44 60 120145212 李键聪 30.5 74 80 82 120145213 李文堂 15.5 28 60 34 120145214 李志乐 27 63 35 66 120145215 梁变 27.5 81 76 70 120145216 梁伟杰 27.5 76 73 66 120145217 刘鼎民 26.5 69 78 77 120145218 刘言 29 76 50 63 120145219 卢德龙 28.5 80 62 83 120145220 罗旋 26.5 76 78 64 120145221 马晨炜 28.5 86 71 82 120145222 皮明 24.5 63 64 69 120145223 邱海明 22.5 63 65 70 120145224 孙威 22.5 78 74 72 120145225 孙宇 24.5 63 67 70 120145226 王博涵 31 49 60 79 120145227 王杰 29 89 81 94 120145228 王同济 26.5 69 76 64 120145229 吴斯妤 28.5 96 80 93 120145230 许成多 26.5 67 60 61 120145231 闫志杰 24.5 62 62 73 120145232 杨芃芃 26.5 82 77 84 120145233 姚达 34.5 45 49 79 120145234 尹朝辉 23.5 46 50 61 120145236 张博 24.5 77 73 60 120145237 张帅 27.5 92 81 90 120145238 张跃飞 31.5 69 80 82 120145239 赵顺 27.5 45 85 90 120145241 周悦 26.5 71 66 61 学号 姓名
金工实习(Ⅱ)(2) /必 工程经济学/必修 大学英语-读写译(2)/必 修课/2 课/2 修课/2 66 51 67 69 70 62 72 70 73 84 67 74 64 85 65 81 66 65 68 78 71 54 71 76 72 82 71 87 70 72 70 69 70 76 74 83 69 90 69 56 69 67 70 71 65 71 67 62 68 87 69 84 84 89 69 87 71 74 82 80 71 67 74 67 51 69 84 73 76 75 73 74 78 69 78
纳米材料合成与探索/任 普通物理(1)/必修 选课/2 课/4
87 8
28机械设计基础/必修 航空物流概论/任选 安全心理学/任选 课/1 课/3 课/1 课/1 64 73 68 72 81 76 83 90 60 64 66 76 65 70 81 72 65 65 72 74 71 87 65 72 80 80 81 93 90 88 76 76 67 73 68 73 85 66 65 80
85 85 52 29
大学生健康教育/必修 课/0.5
大学英语-读写译(4)/必 修课/2
大学英语-读写译(3)/必 修课/2
C语言程序设计/必修 课/3
71 64
62 79
高等数学A(上)/必修 大学英语-听说(1)/必 课/5 修课/2
马克思主义基本原理概论及实践/ 必修课/3
工业工程基础/必修 大学英语-听说(3)/必 课/2 修课/2 72 79 80 55 81 81 75 76 78 80 84 73 71 79 85 86 73 84 82 92 73 76 48 72 80 82 84 80 94 85 78 92 71 82 79 83 85 80 80 飞机结构与系统 (Ⅱ)/必 修课/4 47 63 69 42 87 60 72 47 44 80 51 62 84 70 62 77 84 92 72 5 38 46 60 62 70 60 80 77 39 68 47 46 70 92 60 67 65 普通物理(2)/必修课 /2.5 74
70 77
运筹学(I)/必修 课/3 63 84 69 71 89 87 84 88 69 78 67 72 83 90 89 80 81 80 91 67 70 75 62 75 91 79 92 96 71 88 65 80 37 87 77 79 76
电工学(Ⅱ)/必修 课/4
大学生职业生涯设计/任 选课/1