选择截面一侧的elements (事先定义好的set)
选择截面一侧的elements (事先定义好的set)
ABAQUS中如何通过cutting surface和section print输出桩的轴力经过两个星期的摸索与学习,今天终于学会了桩轴力的输出。
现总结如下:1.主要步骤是先定义截面cutting surface,然后用section print输出轴力sof。
2.所有操作均是在inp文件中进行修改的,而不是ABAQUS/CAE中的编辑关键词(edit keywords)。
3.最后提交的inp文件也不是在CAE中导入模型文件(import model),然后提交job进行运算的,而是在ABAQUS命令窗口(小黑屏)进行的。
原因同2中的一样,CAE并不能识别关键词*section print。
好了,下面开始详细的步骤讲解吧!第一步:定义截面(cutting surface),具体的关键语句为:*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurf-10.6,25,0,0,1,0Set-pile解读:第一行,定义surface、surface类型以及名称。
需要注意的是,这个cutting surface是垂直于桩径方向的一个桩截面,而不是桩的侧表面。
我一开始理解错了!此关键句在inp文件中的位置是在*Assembly, name=Assembly这一行之后,我试了下在放在材料定义之后,运算不成功。
若是在part 里定义了桩的集合,是不是可以将此关键句移动到材料定义之后,这个我倒没试。
如果是在CAE中通过编辑关键词来添加上述语句,将会有下面的错误提示:第二步:定义输出(section print),具体的关键语句为:*section print,name=secprint-1,surface=cutsurf-1sof,som解读:第一行,定义输出的名称及截面。
ABAQUS 中梁板壳单元的弯曲问题beam_plate_shell
表1:集中力作用下悬臂梁的自由端挠度(mm)细长梁(l/h=10)深梁(l/h=3)材力解 1 2 4 材力解42单元个数 10.10800.10804.000 4.000 4.0000.10800.1080B23(E-B梁) 4.000B21(Timoshenko梁) 3.734 3.955 4.010 4.000 0.10860.1145 0.1160 0.1080B22(Timoshenko梁) 4.028 4.028 4.028 4.000 0.11650.1165 0.1165 0.1080表1比较了上述三种梁单元在应用于细长梁和深梁受弯时的表现。
基于ABAQUS简支梁受力和弯矩的相关分析(梁单元和实体单元)对于简支梁,基于 ABAQUS2016,首先用梁单元分析了梁受力作用下的应力,变形,剪力和力矩;对同一模型,并用实体单元进行了相应的分析。
图1 简支梁结构简图1.梁单元分析ABAQUS2016中对应的文件为beam-shaft.cae ,beam-shaft.odb,beam-shaft.inp。
图2 建立part并分割接下来为梁结构分配材料,创建材料,定义弹性模量和泊松比,创建梁截面形状,如图3,非别定义两个圆,圆的直接分别为180和150mm。
图3 创建梁截面形状接下来装配实体,再创建分析步,在创建分析步的时候,点击主菜单栏的Output,编辑Edit Field Output Request,在SF前面打钩,这样就可以在结果后处理中输出截面剪力和力矩,如图4所示。
ABAQUS使用Free body cut提取桩截面合轴力和弯矩
1.进入visualiation-Tool-free body cut-
输出面上集中力和弯矩report-report free body cut 切片经过的点
点选allow for multiple cuts
有时候我们需要提取轴力和弯矩 一般方法是定义path ,提取path 上的应力 然后乘以截面积 得到轴力,而切片的方法更为方便下面是ABAQUS 6.11的详细步骤 原创 Danneyguo 2015/11/4 13:38
ABAQUS 使用Free body cut 提取桩截面合轴力和弯矩
free body cut 文件保存位置和文件格式inp 或者dat
实体单元弯矩轴力的输出主要步骤是先定义截面cutting surface,然后用section print输出轴力sof和弯矩som。
所有操作均是在inp文件中进行修改的主要步骤如下:第一步:定义截面(cutting surface),具体的关键语句为:*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-10,0,0.05,0,0,1Set-1解读:第一行,定义surface、surface类型以及名称。
此关键句在inp文件中的位置是在*Assembly, name=Assembly这一行之后,如果要输出多个截面的弯矩和轴力,在编辑cutting surface这一步中就是直接重复编写,例如:*Assembly, name=Assembly***surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-10,0,0.05,0,0,1Set-1*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-20,0,0.5,0,0,1Set-1*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-30,0,1,0,0,1Set-1*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-40,0,1.5,0,0,1Set-1*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurface-50,0,1.95,0,0,1Set-1*Instance, name=Part-1-1, part=Part-1第二步:定义输出(section print),具体的关键语句为:*section print,name=forcemoment-1,surface=cutsurface-1,axes=local,frequency=1,update=yessof,som解读:第一行,定义输出的名称及截面。
abaqus 实体 输出弯矩和轴力
abaqus 实体输出弯矩和轴力*Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=Surf-1*Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=Surf-2首先必须定义输出弯矩的面,在assembly模块中定义!!!如上面其次,在end step 前加语句*Section print,name=Sur1,surface=Surf-1,axes=local,frequency=1,update=yes,28,0,1100(第一个数据为截面求距点的编号,若为空格则由后面的三个数据确定的坐标决定),28,0.5,1100,,29,0,1100(第一个数据为a点的节点标号,诺为空格则由后面三个数据代表的坐标确定;最后四个数据代表了b点的位置)(以截面建立局部直角坐标系,a为x轴上一点,b为y轴上一点)sof,som*Section print,name=Sur2,surface=Surf-2,axes=local,frequency=1,update=yes,28,0,700,28,0.5,700,,29,0,700sof,somaxes=local表示为局部坐标系,frequency指定了输出频率 update=yes 表示在局部坐标系下输出本例是输出;两个截面的弯矩具体资料如图片查看弯矩 dat 文件S E C T I O N O U T P U TSECTIONNAME SUR1SURFACE NAME ASSEMBLY_SURF-1SYSTEM OF COORDINATES LOCALUPDATE OF THE LOCAL SYSTEM YESDEFINITION OF THE LOCAL SYSTEM->CURRENT ANCHOR POINTCOORDS 28.0000.0000 1100.0->CURRENT DIRECTION COSINES OF THE LOCAL AXESAXIS1: 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000AXIS2: 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000AXIS3: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000NOTE: THE ABOVE SYSTEM OF COORDINATES IS MEANINGFUL ONLY FOR THE SOF AND SOM VARIABLES.NOTE: SOCF IS ALWAYS REPORTED IN THE GLOBAL COORDINATE SYSTEM. IF THE DOT PRODUCT OF SOFAND SOM IS NOT EQUAL TO ZERO, CENTROID OF THE SECTION IS REPORTED AS SOCF, AND SOMIS NOT EQUAL TO THE CROSS PRODUCT OF SOCF AND SOF.THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE PRINTEDSOFM SOF1 SOF2 SOF3 SOMM SOM1 SOM2 SOM31.5501E+04 -1.0681E-03 4.2111E-05 1.5501E+04 6.2004E+06 1.4242E-03 6.2004E+06 -1.3798E-02SECTIONNAME SUR2SURFACE NAME ASSEMBLY_SURF-2SYSTEM OF COORDINATES LOCALUPDATE OF THE LOCAL SYSTEM YESDEFINITION OF THE LOCAL SYSTEM->CURRENT ANCHOR POINTCOORDS 28.0000.0000 700.00->CURRENT DIRECTION COSINES OF THE LOCAL AXESAXIS1: 0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000AXIS2: 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000AXIS3: 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000NOTE: THE ABOVE SYSTEM OF COORDINATES IS MEANINGFUL ONLY FOR THE SOF AND SOM VARIABLES.NOTE: SOCF IS ALWAYS REPORTED IN THE GLOBAL COORDINATE SYSTEM. IF THE DOT PRODUCT OF SOFAND SOM IS NOT EQUAL TO ZERO, CENTROID OF THE SECTION IS REPORTED AS SOCF, AND SOMIS NOT EQUAL TO THE CROSS PRODUCT OF SOCF AND SOF.THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE PRINTEDSOFM SOF1 SOF2 SOF3 SOMM SOM1 SOM2 SOM31.5501E+04 -9.1553E-05 -1.8209E-05 1.5501E+04 1.2401E+07 -2.5802E-03 1.2401E+07 -2.8905E-03INCREM ENT 7 SUMMARYTIME INCREMENT COMPLETED 7.594E-02, FRACTION OF STEP COMPLETED 0.218STEP TIME COMPLETED 0.218 , TOTAL TIME COMPLETED 0.218。
二、源文件设置1. 在进行结构分析之前,需要在Abaqus中创建相应的模型和加载条件,并进行网格划分。
2. 在创建模型的过程中,需要特别注意设置节点的编号,这对于后续输出节点受力结果非常重要。
3. 确保在Abaqus中设置了所需的输出请求,例如NFORC、SFORC、RFORC等,以便输出节点的受力情况。
三、输出节点受力结果1. 完成结构分析后,可以在Abaqus中查看节点的受力情况。
2. 通过查看ODB文件,可以找到节点的受力结果,包括节点的受力大小和受力方向。
四、分析结果解读1. 输出的节点受力结果通常包括节点受力的大小和方向。
2. 通过对节点受力结果的分析,可以评估结构的受力情况,发现可能存在的受力集中区域和局部受力异常等问题。
3. 根据节点受力结果进行结构优化和改进,以提高结构的稳定性和安全性。
五、节点受力结果的应用1. 节点受力结果对于工程设计和结构分析非常重要,它可以为工程师提供关键的参考信息。
2. 通过对节点受力结果的分析,工程师可以评估结构的受力情况,及时发现和解决潜在的安全隐患。
3. 节点受力结果还可以用于优化结构设计和改进材料选型,以提高结构的整体性能和安全性。
七、节点受力结果的深入分析和应用1. 节点受力结果的分析在进行节点受力结果的深入分析时,工程师需要考虑各个节点受力的大小、方向以及相互之间的关联。
abaqus弯矩正负【原创实用版】目录1.ABAQUS 软件介绍2.弯矩的概念和计算方法3.ABAQUS 中弯矩的正负表示4.弯矩正负的影响因素5.总结正文一、ABAQUS 软件介绍ABAQUS 是一款国际知名的有限元分析软件,广泛应用于各种工程领域,如机械、航空航天、土木工程等。
弯矩的计算公式为:M=F*L,其中 M 表示弯矩,F 表示作用力,L 表示力臂。
三、ABAQUS 中弯矩的正负表示在 ABAQUS 中,弯矩的正负表示与实际物理意义相一致。
在分析过程中,ABAQUS 会自动计算每个节点的弯矩值,并根据正负号显示拉伸或压缩的情况。
四、弯矩正负的影响因素在 ABAQUS 中,弯矩正负的影响因素主要有以下几点:1.杆件的材料性质:不同的材料在受到拉伸或压缩时,其应变和应力分布不同,从而导致弯矩正负的变化。
3.受力情况:在 ABAQUS 中,弯矩的正负还与作用力的大小和方向有关。
五、总结总之,在 ABAQUS 中,弯矩的正负表示是与实际物理意义相一致的。
它由法国公司Dassault Systemes的SIMULIA品牌开发,为用户提供了一个强大的模拟平台,可以进行各种力学、热学、电磁学等现象的分析。
ABAQUS中如何通过cutting surface和section print输出桩的轴力经过两个星期的摸索与学习,今天终于学会了桩轴力的输出。
现总结如下:1.主要步骤是先定义截面cutting surface,然后用section print输出轴力sof。
2.所有操作均是在inp文件中进行修改的,而不是ABAQUS/CAE中的编辑关键词(edit keywords)。
3.最后提交的inp文件也不是在CAE中导入模型文件(import model),然后提交job进行运算的,而是在ABAQUS命令窗口(小黑屏)进行的。
原因同2中的一样,CAE并不能识别关键词*section print。
好了,下面开始详细的步骤讲解吧!第一步:定义截面(cutting surface),具体的关键语句为:*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurf-10.6,25,0,0,1,0Set-pile解读:第一行,定义surface、surface类型以及名称。
需要注意的是,这个cutting surface是垂直于桩径方向的一个桩截面,而不是桩的侧表面。
我一开始理解错了!此关键句在inp文件中的位置是在*Assembly, name=Assembly这一行之后,我试了下在放在材料定义之后,运算不成功。
若是在part 里定义了桩的集合,是不是可以将此关键句移动到材料定义之后,这个我倒没试。
如果是在CAE中通过编辑关键词来添加上述语句,将会有下面的错误提示:第二步:定义输出(section print),具体的关键语句为:*section print,name=secprint-1,surface=cutsurf-1sof,som解读:第一行,定义输出的名称及截面。
实体单元建的模型,要提取截面的内力有什么好方法呢?我看过别人的一个帖:对于一般的实体单元结构可以定义surface 然后用section file 输出其中,这个surface可以在cae中定义,也可以在inp中定义,但是由于涉及到边的编号问题,所以在inp中容易出错。
section file 的结果直接在dat中可见。
一定要编个程序才可以提取吗在dat文件里没有找到什么section file是输出在*.fil文件中。
要直接得到截面的total force,moment,heat flux可以在inp中添加:*SECTION PRINT,name=*,surface=**SOF,SOM在dat文件中可以找到总内力和弯矩我做钢筋混凝土的问题,模型分为两个part,分别是钢筋和混凝土,然后Assembe在一起,将钢筋embeded到混凝土内。
我在keywords编辑器End assemble前定义*surface, type=cutting surface,name=surface_1-21.5,0,0,1,0,0怎么也不成,总说定义的截面没有相交(坐标计算没有错误)。
Displaying a free body cutYou can define a free body cut to view the resultant forces and moments transmitted across a selected surface of a model. Force vectors are displayed with a single arrowhead and moment vectors with a double arrowhead.To create a free body cut:1. To display the entire model in the viewport, select Tools Display Group Plot All fromthe main menu bar.2. From the main menu bar, select Tools Free Body Cut Manager.3. Click Create in the Free Body Cut Manager.4. From the dialog box that appears, select 3D element faces as the Selection method andclick Continue.5. In the Free Body Cross-Section dialog box, select Surfaces as the Item and Pick fromviewport as the Method.6. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle and accept the default angle.7. Select the surface, highlighted in Figure 4–33, to define the free body cut cross-section.a. From the Selection toolbar, toggle off the Select the Entity Closest to theScreen tool and ensure that the Select From All Entities tool is selected.b. As you move the cursor in the viewport, Abaqus/CAE highlights all of the potentialselections and adds ellipsis marks (...) next to the cursor arrow to indicate an ambiguousselection. Position the cursor so that one of the faces of the desired surface ishighlighted, and click to display the first surface selection.Figure 4–33 Selected faces for the free body cross-section.c. Use the Next and Previous buttons to cycle through the possible selections until theappropriate vertical surface is highlighted, and click OK.8. Click Done in the prompt area to indicate your selection is complete. Click OK in the FreeBody Cross-Section dialog box.9. In the Edit Free Body Cut dialog box, accept the default settings for the SummationPoint and the Component Resolution. Click OK to close the dialog box.10. Click Options in the Free Body Cut Manager.11. From the Free Body Plot Options dialog box, select the Force tab in the Color &Style tabbed page. Click the resultant color sample to change the color of the resultant force arrow.12. Once you have selected a new color for the resultant force arrow, click OK in the Free BodyPlot Options dialog box and click Dismiss in the Free Body Cut Manager.The free body cut is displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure 4–34.Figure 4–34 Free body cut displayed on the connecting lug.Generating tabular data reports for subsets of the modelTabular output data were generated earlier for this model using printed output requests. However, for complicated models it is convenient to write these data for selected regions of the model using Abaqus/Viewer. This is achieved using display groups in conjunction with the report generation feature. For the connecting lug problem we will generate the following tabular data reports: •Stresses in the elements at the built-in end of the lug (to determine the maximum stress in the lug)•Reaction forces at the built-in end of the lug (to check that the reaction forces at the constraints balance the applied loads)•Vertical displacements at the bottom of the hole (to determine the deflection of the lug when the load is applied)Each of these reports will be generated using display groups whose contents are selected in the viewport. Thus, begin by creating and saving display groups for each region of interest.To create and save a display group containing the elements at the built-in end:1. In the Results Tree, double-click Display Groups.2. Choose Elements from the Item list and Pick from viewport as the selection method.3. Restore the option to select entities closest to the screen.4. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle; and click the built-in face of the lug.Click Done when all the elements at the built-in face of the lug are highlighted in the viewport.In the Create Display Group dialog box, click Replace followed by Save As. Save thedisplay group as built-in elements.To create and save a display group containing the nodes at the built-in end:1. In the Create Display Group dialog box, choose Nodes from the Item list and Pick fromviewport as the selection method.2. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle; and click the built-in face of the lug.Click Done when all the nodes on the built-in face of the lug are highlighted in the viewport. In the Create Display Group dialog box, click Replace followed by Save As. Save thedisplay group as built-in nodes.To create and save a display group containing the nodes at the bottom of the hole:1. In the Create Display Group dialog box, select All from the item list, and click Replace toreset the active display group to include the entire model.2. In the Create Display Group dialog box, choose Nodes from the Item list and Pick fromviewport as the selection method.3. In the prompt area, set the selection method to individually; and select the nodes at thebottom of the hole in the lug, as indicated in Figure 4–35. Click Done when all the nodes on the bottom of the hole are highlighted in the viewport. In the Create Display Group dialog box,click Replace followed by Save As. Save the display group as nodes at hole bottom.Figure 4–35 Nodes in display group nodes at hole bottom.Now generate the reports.To generate field data reports:1. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on built-in elements underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.2. From the main menu bar, select Report Field Output.3. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, accept the default positionlabeled Integration Point. Click the triangle next to S: Stress components to expand the list of available variables. From this list, select Mises and the six individual stresscomponents: S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, and S23.4. In the Setup tabbed page, name the report Lug.rpt. In the Data region at the bottom of thepage, toggle off Column totals.5. Click Apply.6. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on built-in nodes underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.(To see the nodes, toggle on Show node symbols in the Common Plot Options dialog box.)7. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, change the positionto Unique Nodal. Toggle off S: Stress components, and select RF1, RF2, and RF3 from the list of available RF: Reaction force variables.8. In the Data region at the bottom of the Setup tabbed page, toggle on Column totals.9. Click Apply.10. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on nodes at hole bottom underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.11. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, toggle off RF: Reactionforce, and select U2 from the list of available U: Spatial displacement variables.12. In the Data region at the bottom of the Setup tabbed page, toggle off Column totals.13. Click OK.Open the file Lug.rpt in a text editor. A portion of the table of element stresses is shown below. The element data are given at the element integration points. The integration point associated with a given element is noted under the column labeled Int Pt. The bottom of the table contains information on the maximum and minimum stress values in this group of elements. The results indicate that the maximum Mises stress at the built-in end is approximately 330 MPa. Your results may differ slightly if your mesh is not identical to the one used here.*SECTION PRINTDefine print requests of accumulated quantities on user-defined surface sections.This option is used to provide tabular output of accumulated quantities associated with a user-defined section. Depending on the analysis type the output may include one or several of the following: the total force, the total moment, the total heat flux, the total current, the total mass flow, or the total pore fluid volume flux associated with the section. This option is not available for eigenfrequency extraction, eigenvalue buckling prediction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, or linear dynamics procedures.Product: Abaqus/StandardType: History dataLevel: StepReferences:•“Output to the data and results files,”Section 4.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual •“Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers,”Section 4.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's ManualRequired parameters:NAMESet this parameter equal to a label that will be used to identify the output for the section. Section names in the same input file must be unique.SURFACESet this parameter equal to the name used in the *SURFACE option to define the surface.Optional parameters:AXESSet AXES=LOCAL if output is desired in the local coordinate system. Set AXES=GLOBAL (default) to output quantities in the global coordinate system.FREQUENCYSet this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output will always be printed at the last increment of each step unlessFREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1.Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.UPDATESet UPDATE=NO if output is desired in the original local system of coordinates.Set UPDATE=YES (default) to output quantities in a local system of coordinates that rotates with the average rigid body motion of the surface section. This parameter is relevant only ifAXES=LOCAL and the NLGEOM parameter is active in the step.Optional data lines:First line:1. Node number of the anchor point (blank if coordinates given).2. First coordinate of the anchor point (ignored if node number given).3. Second coordinate of the anchor point (ignored if node number given).4. Third coordinate of the anchor point (for three-dimensional cases only; ignored if node numbergiven).Leave this line blank to allow Abaqus to define the anchor point.Second line:1. Node number used to specify point a in Figure 18.5–1 (blank if coordinates given).2. First coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).3. Second coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).The remaining data items are relevant only for three-dimensional cases.4. Third coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).5. Node number used to specify point b (blank if coordinates given)6. First coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).7. Second coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).8. Third coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).Leave this line blank to allow Abaqus to define the axes.Third line:1. Give the identifying keys for the variables to be output. The keys are defined in the “Sectionvariables” section of “Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers,”Section 4.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Omit both the first and second data lines for AXES=GLOBAL or to allow Abaqus to define the anchor point and the axes for AXES=LOCAL. Repeat the third data line as often as necessary: each line defines a table. If this line is omitted, all appropriate variables (“Output to the data and results files,”Section 4.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual) will be output.Figure 18.5–1 User-defined local coordinate system.SOFTotal force in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: noSOMTotal moment in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: noSOCFCenter of the total force in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no24.4实体单元的截面力/弯矩/转角[url=/forum/viewthread.php?tid=]/forum/viewthread.php?tid=[/ url]问:求助:请问abaqus里面怎样看一个构件截面(如:钢骨混凝土压弯柱)的内力啊请问:SRC柱模拟后,如何提取截面内力:如某一截面处的轴力、弯矩、剪力等内容,谢谢。
ABAQUS 如何输出梁单元的剪力图和弯矩图?
在场变量输出中设定输出SM的结果,在后处理中显示云图(如SM1),然后打开“contour plot options”窗口(打开此窗口的路径:下拉菜单options >> contour),选中Basic标签,在“contour type”中勾选“show tick marks for line elements”。
abaqus中如何隐藏datum plane?
(视图)view菜单(装配件显示选项)assembly option 第二个标签(基准)可以隐藏或者显示datum plane/datum point/datum axis 最后一个标签(实例)能隐藏part,自己都练习下。
实体单元建的模型,要提取截面的内力有什么好方法呢?我看过别人的一个帖:对于一般的实体单元结构可以定义surface 然后用section file 输出其中,这个surface可以在cae中定义,也可以在inp中定义,但是由于涉及到边的编号问题,所以在inp中容易出错。
section file 的结果直接在dat中可见。
一定要编个程序才可以提取吗在dat文件里没有找到什么section file是输出在*.fil文件中。
要直接得到截面的total force,moment,heat flux可以在inp中添加:*SECTION PRINT,name=*,surface=**SOF,SOM在dat文件中可以找到总内力和弯矩我做钢筋混凝土的问题,模型分为两个part,分别是钢筋和混凝土,然后Assembe在一起,将钢筋embeded到混凝土内。
我在keywords编辑器End assemble前定义*surface, type=cutting surface,name=surface_1-21.5,0,0,1,0,0怎么也不成,总说定义的截面没有相交(坐标计算没有错误)。
Displaying a free body cutYou can define a free body cut to view the resultant forces and moments transmitted across a selected surface of a model. Force vectors are displayed with a single arrowhead and moment vectors with a double arrowhead.To create a free body cut:1. To display the entire model in the viewport, select Tools Display Group Plot All fromthe main menu bar.2. From the main menu bar, select Tools Free Body Cut Manager.3. Click Create in the Free Body Cut Manager.4. From the dialog box that appears, select 3D element faces as the Selection method andclick Continue.5. In the Free Body Cross-Section dialog box, select Surfaces as the Item and Pick fromviewport as the Method.6. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle and accept the default angle.7. Select the surface, highlighted in Figure 4–33, to define the free body cut cross-section.a. From the Selection toolbar, toggle off the Select the Entity Closest to theScreen tool and ensure that the Select From All Entities tool is selected.b. As you move the cursor in the viewport, Abaqus/CAE highlights all of the potentialselections and adds ellipsis marks (...) next to the cursor arrow to indicate an ambiguousselection. Position the cursor so that one of the faces of the desired surface ishighlighted, and click to display the first surface selection.Figure 4–33 Selected faces for the free body cross-section.c. Use the Next and Previous buttons to cycle through the possible selections until theappropriate vertical surface is highlighted, and click OK.8. Click Done in the prompt area to indicate your selection is complete. Click OK in the FreeBody Cross-Section dialog box.9. In the Edit Free Body Cut dialog box, accept the default settings for the SummationPoint and the Component Resolution. Click OK to close the dialog box.10. Click Options in the Free Body Cut Manager.11. From the Free Body Plot Options dialog box, select the Force tab in the Color &Style tabbed page. Click the resultant color sample to change the color of the resultant force arrow.12. Once you have selected a new color for the resultant force arrow, click OK in the Free BodyPlot Options dialog box and click Dismiss in the Free Body Cut Manager.The free body cut is displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure 4–34.Figure 4–34 Free body cut displayed on the connecting lug.Generating tabular data reports for subsets of the modelTabular output data were generated earlier for this model using printed output requests. However, for complicated models it is convenient to write these data for selected regions of the model using Abaqus/Viewer. This is achieved using display groups in conjunction with the report generation feature. For the connecting lug problem we will generate the following tabular data reports: •Stresses in the elements at the built-in end of the lug (to determine the maximum stress in the lug)•Reaction forces at the built-in end of the lug (to check that the reaction forces at the constraints balance the applied loads)•Vertical displacements at the bottom of the hole (to determine the deflection of the lug when the load is applied)Each of these reports will be generated using display groups whose contents are selected in the viewport. Thus, begin by creating and saving display groups for each region of interest.To create and save a display group containing the elements at the built-in end:1. In the Results Tree, double-click Display Groups.2. Choose Elements from the Item list and Pick from viewport as the selection method.3. Restore the option to select entities closest to the screen.4. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle; and click the built-in face of the lug.Click Done when all the elements at the built-in face of the lug are highlighted in the viewport.In the Create Display Group dialog box, click Replace followed by Save As. Save thedisplay group as built-in elements.To create and save a display group containing the nodes at the built-in end:1. In the Create Display Group dialog box, choose Nodes from the Item list and Pick fromviewport as the selection method.2. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle; and click the built-in face of the lug.Click Done when all the nodes on the built-in face of the lug are highlighted in the viewport. In the Create Display Group dialog box, click Replace followed by Save As. Save thedisplay group as built-in nodes.To create and save a display group containing the nodes at the bottom of the hole:1. In the Create Display Group dialog box, select All from the item list, and click Replace toreset the active display group to include the entire model.2. In the Create Display Group dialog box, choose Nodes from the Item list and Pick fromviewport as the selection method.3. In the prompt area, set the selection method to individually; and select the nodes at thebottom of the hole in the lug, as indicated in Figure 4–35. Click Done when all the nodes on the bottom of the hole are highlighted in the viewport. In the Create Display Group dialog box,click Replace followed by Save As. Save the display group as nodes at hole bottom.Figure 4–35 Nodes in display group nodes at hole bottom.Now generate the reports.To generate field data reports:1. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on built-in elements underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.2. From the main menu bar, select Report Field Output.3. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, accept the default positionlabeled Integration Point. Click the triangle next to S: Stress components to expand the list of available variables. From this list, select Mises and the six individual stresscomponents: S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, and S23.4. In the Setup tabbed page, name the report Lug.rpt. In the Data region at the bottom of thepage, toggle off Column totals.5. Click Apply.6. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on built-in nodes underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.(To see the nodes, toggle on Show node symbols in the Common Plot Options dialog box.)7. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, change the positionto Unique Nodal. Toggle off S: Stress components, and select RF1, RF2, and RF3 from the list of available RF: Reaction force variables.8. In the Data region at the bottom of the Setup tabbed page, toggle on Column totals.9. Click Apply.10. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on nodes at hole bottom underneath the DisplayGroups container. In the menu that appears, select Plot to make it the current display group.11. In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, toggle off RF: Reactionforce, and select U2 from the list of available U: Spatial displacement variables.12. In the Data region at the bottom of the Setup tabbed page, toggle off Column totals.13. Click OK.Open the file Lug.rpt in a text editor. A portion of the table of element stresses is shown below. The element data are given at the element integration points. The integration point associated with a given element is noted under the column labeled Int Pt. The bottom of the table contains information on the maximum and minimum stress values in this group of elements. The results indicate that the maximum Mises stress at the built-in end is approximately 330 MPa. Your results may differ slightly if your mesh is not identical to the one used here.*SECTION PRINTDefine print requests of accumulated quantities on user-defined surface sections.This option is used to provide tabular output of accumulated quantities associated with a user-defined section. Depending on the analysis type the output may include one or several of the following: the total force, the total moment, the total heat flux, the total current, the total mass flow, or the total pore fluid volume flux associated with the section. This option is not available for eigenfrequency extraction, eigenvalue buckling prediction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, or linear dynamics procedures.Product: Abaqus/StandardType: History dataLevel: StepReferences:•“Output to the data and results files,”Section 4.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual •“Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers,”Section 4.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's ManualRequired parameters:NAMESet this parameter equal to a label that will be used to identify the output for the section. Section names in the same input file must be unique.SURFACESet this parameter equal to the name used in the *SURFACE option to define the surface.Optional parameters:AXESFREQUENCYSet this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output will always be printed at the last increment of each step unlessFREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1.Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.UPDATESet UPDATE=NO if output is desired in the original local system of coordinates.Set UPDATE=YES (default) to output quantities in a local system of coordinates that rotates with the average rigid body motion of the surface section. This parameter is relevant only ifAXES=LOCAL and the NLGEOM parameter is active in the step.Optional data lines:First line:1. Node number of the anchor point (blank if coordinates given).2. First coordinate of the anchor point (ignored if node number given).3. Second coordinate of the anchor point (ignored if node number given).4. Third coordinate of the anchor point (for three-dimensional cases only; ignored if node numbergiven).Leave this line blank to allow Abaqus to define the anchor point.Second line:1. Node number used to specify point a in Figure 18.5–1 (blank if coordinates given).2. First coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).3. Second coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).The remaining data items are relevant only for three-dimensional cases.4. Third coordinate of point a (ignored if node number given).5. Node number used to specify point b (blank if coordinates given)6. First coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).7. Second coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).8. Third coordinate of point b (ignored if node number given).Leave this line blank to allow Abaqus to define the axes.Third line:Figure 18.5–1 User-defined local coordinate system.SOFTotal force in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: noSOMTotal moment in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: noSOCFCenter of the total force in the section..dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no24.4实体单元的截面力/弯矩/转角[url=/forum/viewthread.php?tid=724857]/forum/viewthread.php tid=724857[/url]问:求助:请问abaqus里面怎样看一个构件截面(如:钢骨混凝土压弯柱)的内力啊请问:SRC柱模拟后,如何提取截面内力:如某一截面处的轴力、弯矩、剪力等内容,谢谢。
定义历史输出(history output),选中你要输出力的那个点,输出上面那几个物理量。
最后算完后,在后处理里面,Result菜单下面选history output,能看到若干行输出变量,找到你想要的那四行输出变量,直接plot看到数据曲线。
想要查看具体数据的话,在history output下面选中输出变量后,点“save as”,存成“XY Data”;然后到T ools菜单下面的XY Data,选中后点Edit就看到具体数据的表格了。
还可以直接把history output打印到一个文本文件里。
如果英语好或者愿意练习一下英文,就先学习一下Abaqus软件自带的电子版的帮助文档Documentation,先看《Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition》和《Getting Started with Abaqus: Key Edition》。
Abaqus提取弯矩的原理可以总结为以下几个步骤:1. 选择感兴趣的结构部件或截面。
2. 定义截面坐标系。
3. 提取应力和应变数据。
4. 计算弯矩。
5. 分析结果展示。
以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 结构强度分析:通过提取弯矩,可以评估结构在不同工况下的强度和刚度。
2. 结构优化:通过提取弯矩,可以对结构进行优化设计。
1.Abaqus 简介
3.Abaqus 中弯矩的正负
【1.Abaqus 简介】
Abaqus 是一款广泛应用于工程领域的有限元分析软件,可以进行各种复杂的固体力学、热传导、热膨胀和动力学分析。
在 Abaqus 中,用户可以模拟各种复杂的结构和材料,以评估其在不同载荷和工况下的性能。
弯矩是描述杆件在弯曲过程中产生的内力的物理量,通常用符号 M 表示。
弯矩的计算公式为:M = F*L,其中 F 为作用在杆件上的力,L 为力臂的长度。
在 Abaqus 中,弯矩可以通过节点或单元上的力和位移来计算。
【3.Abaqus 中弯矩的正负】
在 Abaqus 中,弯矩的正负取决于计算模型的几何形状、边界条件和载荷。
在 Abaqus 中,弯矩的正负主要受到以下因素的影响:
- 模型的几何形状:不同的几何形状会导致弯矩在各个方向上的正负不同。
- 边界条件:模型的边界条件,如固定或滑动边界,会影响弯矩的正负。
- 载荷:作用在模型上的载荷,如均布荷载或集中荷载,也会影响弯矩的正负。
在 Abaqus 中,弯矩的正负是一个重要的概念,因为它反映了模型在弯曲过程中的内力分布情况。
在ABAQUS 中,可以通过定义约束和加载来实现对物体施加弯矩。
1/ 1。
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ABAQUS中如何通过cutting surface和section print输出桩的轴力经过两个星期的摸索与学习,今天终于学会了桩轴力的输出。
现总结如下:1.主要步骤是先定义截面cutting surface,然后用section print输出轴力sof。
2.所有操作均是在inp文件中进行修改的,而不是ABAQUS/CAE中的编辑关键词(edit keywords)。
3.最后提交的inp文件也不是在CAE中导入模型文件(import model),然后提交job进行运算的,而是在ABAQUS命令窗口(小黑屏)进行的。
原因同2中的一样,CAE并不能识别关键词*section print。
好了,下面开始详细的步骤讲解吧!第一步:定义截面(cutting surface),具体的关键语句为:*surface,type=cutting surface,name=cutsurf-10.6,25,0,0,1,0Set-pile解读:第一行,定义surface、surface类型以及名称。
需要注意的是,这个cutting surface是垂直于桩径方向的一个桩截面,而不是桩的侧表面。
我一开始理解错了!此关键句在inp文件中的位置是在*Assembly, name=Assembly这一行之后,我试了下在放在材料定义之后,运算不成功。
如果是在CAE中通过编辑关键词来添加上述语句,将会有下面的错误提示:第二步:定义输出(section print),具体的关键语句为:*section print,name=secprint-1,surface=cutsurf-1sof,som解读:第一行,定义输出的名称及截面。
注意,此处第一行surface=**必须是上一步中cutting surface的名称(name=**),因为要输出的就是第一步定义的截面轴力及弯矩。
所以大家不要再犹豫写*SECTION PRINT还是*section print……此关键句在inp文件中的位置是最后一个** HISTORY OUTPUT: H-Output-3之后,*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT之前。
如果是在CAE中通过导入inp文件来进行运算,在导入时,CAE下方窗口将会有下述警告信息:WARNING: The following keywords/parameters are not yet supported by the i nput file reader:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*SECTIONPRINTThe model "Job-20101215" has been imported from an input file.Please scroll up to check for error and warning messages.这再次验证了,ABAQUS/CAE是不能识别关键词*section print的。
具体操作是:开始→所有程序→Abaqus 6.9.1→Abaqus Command输入:abaqus job=***.inp(就是你刚才修改的inp文件名)回车即可。
然后黑屏窗口会弹出一个警告语句:Abaqus Warning:The .inp extension has been removed from the job indentifi er大概意思是说,后缀.inp被省略。
黑屏窗口并不会像CAE那样提示job completed或ANSYS中的solution is done!(害得我还以为没反应……-_- 汗!)默认工作路径下已经生产了结果文件.com .dat .log .msg .odb .prt .sta等一系列后缀文件。
第四步:提取数据用记事本打开刚才生产的.dat文件,在最下面会找到想要的输出结果THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE PRINTEDSOFM SOF1 SOF2 SOF31.0556E+06 4.0515E+04 1.0548E+06 0.000三个方向的sof,以及合力SOFM。
无需乘以截面面积……至此,大功告成!后话:(1)本人查看了仿真论坛里的一些帖子,发现输出轴力的方法有三:后处理模块中运用free body cut,此法较为方便简单,可直接得到截面合力,无奈我的模型是二维轴对称的,不能进行自由体切割。
Displaying a free body cutYou can define a free body cut to view the resultant forces and moments transmitted across a selected surface of a model. Force vectors are displayed with a single arrowhead and moment vectors with a double arrowhead.To create a free body cut:1. To display the entire model in the viewport, select Tools Display GroupPlot All from the main menu bar.2. From the main menu bar, select Tools Free Body Cut Manager.3. Click Create in the Free Body Cut Manager.4. From the dialog box that appears, select 3D element faces as the Selectionmethod and click Continue.5. In the Free Body Cross-Section dialog box, select Surfaces asthe Item and Pick from viewport as the Method.6. In the prompt area, set the selection method to by angle and accept thedefault angle.7. Select the surface, highlighted in Figure 4–33, to define the free body cutcross-section.a. From the Selection toolbar, toggle off the Select the Entity Closestto the Screen tool and ensure that the Select From AllEntities tool is selected.b. As you move the cursor in the viewport, Abaqus/CAE highlights all ofthe potential selections and adds ellipsis marks (...) next to the cursorarrow to indicate an ambiguous selection. Position the cursor so thatone of the faces of the desired surface is highlighted, and click todisplay the first surface selection.Figure 4–33 Selected faces for the free body cross-section.c. Use the Next and Previous buttons to cycle through the possibleselections until the appropriate vertical surface is highlighted, andclick OK.8. Click Done in the prompt area to indicate your selection is complete.Click OK in the Free Body Cross-Section dialog box.9. In the Edit Free Body Cut dialog box, accept the default settings forthe Summation Point and the Component Resolution. Click OK to close the dialog box.10. Click Options in the Free Body Cut Manager.11. From the Free Body Plot Options dialog box, select the Force tab inthe Color & Style tabbed page. Click the resultant color sample tochange the color of the resultant force arrow.12. Once you have selected a new color for the resultant force arrow, click OK inthe Free Body Plot Options dialog box and click Dismiss in the Free BodyCut Manager.The free body cut is displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure 4–34.Figure 4–34 Free body cut displayed on the connecting lug.✍输出截面上的应力值进行积分运算,主要方法是创建路径(path)或者拾取节点应力值,桩身的网格越密集,最后的积分值越精确,此法我已学会。