heating storage & Air to Air heating recovery Machine
F-5The selection of the proper screw plug immersion heater requires critical engineering judgement. After determining the heat requirement (see the technical section of thiscatalog), the proper selection of the plug material, heating elements sheath material and correct watt density is critical for long heater life. Thefollowing table may be used as a guide to this selection along with the Technical Information in Section Z.Ultimate choice is determined by the knowledge of the process and engineeringSELECTION OF SCREW PLUG IMMERSION HEATERSHeater application isinfluenced by the following parameters. (Refers to chart below).1. The heated mediumviscosity, specific heat density and corrosive properties.2. Contaminants present in the medium.3. The heater sheath material corrosion resistant properties.4. Watt density of the heating element — the heat output per square inch.5. Screw plug material.TYPICAL APPLICATIONSSee screw plug immersion heater selection guide below for your application.ߜHot water storage tanks ߜWarming equipment ߜPre-heating all grades of oilߜFood processing equipmentߜCleaning and rinsing tanksߜHeat transfer systems ߜProcess air equipment ߜBoiler equipmentߜFreeze protection of any fluidparallel to bottom for use as a hot MTO heater used to preheat oil to insure efficient lubrication for heavy MTO heaters applied to conveyorized degreasing operation of many partsF-6FTo set the control temperatures of heaters equipped with standard general purpose enclosure adjust the knob on the outside of the terminal enclosure. For those heaters equipped with aType E-2 enclosure (explosion resistant/moisture resistant*)remove the terminal enclosure lid to expose the temperature adjusting knob. For safety reasons, power to heater and pilot duty power must be turned off before removing enclosure lid.This control is wired in as a linethermostat for loads up to 4.2 kW on 120 Volts and up to 6 kW on 240 V.For high wattage ratings and 480 V,this control is for pilot duty only and should be wired to operate the holding coil of magnetic contactor by customer.TERMINAL ENCLOSURESSpecify type enclosure required when ordering.General Purpose sheet metal,NEMA 1.Type E-2 Combination moisture resistant, explosion resistant*.Caution: Explosion resistant* type E-2 construction refers to heater design features which provide explosion resisting containment of electrical wiring according toNational Electric Code. Abnormal applications or use of heaters which result in excessive temperatures can create hazardous conditions which can lead to fire.U.L. Listing — U.L. Listing available for most screw plugimmersion heaters – consult factory.ߜ1", 11⁄4", 2", 21⁄2" Brass Screw Plug ߜCopper Sheath ߜ0.75 to 18 kW ߜWith or Without ThermostatAPPLICATIONSFor clean water pH 6 to 8 —Clean municipal water such as used in washing, rinsing and industrial processes with a pH factor range of pH 6 to pH 8.For temperature ranges of 212°F — Or those temperatures normally seen in heating water.For industrial tanks, vessels &process piping —Or any application where a screw plug heater can be used or is necessary for a physical connection to an industrial process.FEATURESRugged construction — Sturdy 0.315", 0.375" and .475" diameter elements, silver brazed to brass screw plugs provide superior rigidity and strength. Heavy duty jumper straps and terminal posts to assure permanent tightness of connections and an extra margin of current carrying capacity.Long life metal sheath — High grade virgin copper is used to make seamless copper tubing, insuring integrity of the heavy wall copper outer sheath, eliminating structural weak point crevices or surface imperfections.High conductivity elements — Filled with highest purity blends of magnesium oxide refractory (MgO)compacted to a rock hard density to insure maximum electrical resistance,and assure long element life.Heavy coil construction — Watt density on the heating coil is designated for low watt density operation by increasing the coil diameter and length to givemaximum coil surface area and limit coil surface temperature, providing longer coil life.Liberal electrical clearances —are provided in all terminalenclosures in accordance with the NEC insuring that proper arcing and creepage clearances aremaintained. Termination insulators provide electrical isolation between terminations and grounded metal sheath —all to insure personal safety and equipment service life.Superior performance at element bends — with all bent elements repressed in hydraulic presses after bending to assure recompaction of refractory material to eliminate hot spots and electrical insulation voids.Easy access to terminal wiring —with a large terminal enclosure providing ample wiring and termination space insuring coolterminations and making installation easy.Grounding connector standard —A solid terminal connector is standard on all OMEGALUX ®immersion heaters insuring positive ground and personal safety.Precise temperature control —Standard heaters provided with built-in temperature controls. For those units not provided withcontrols, see Section P. Standard temperature ranges are:Temp.Temp.Range Range Type°FType°F2 & 21⁄2" NPT1"NPT Screw Plug Screw Plug TL 0-127T10-100TH60-240T260-250Standard60-180T3200-550Note:The integral thermostat functions as a temperature control only. This is not a fail safe device so an approved pressure and/or temperature limit control should be used with these heaters to assure safe operation.SCREW PLUG IMMERSION HEATERS FOR CLEAN WATER*(Explosion Resistant Enclosure not Intended for use in Hazardous Area).IMMERSION HEATER SIZING EXAMPLE A chemical plant has a coveredcylindrical steel tank containingclean water. The tank is insulated allaround and on top with 2 inches offiberglass insulation. The tank sitson grade, is 3 feet in diameter, 5feet high, weighs 150 poundsempty, and initially contains 200gallons of water. Initially, the tankand its contents are to be heatedfrom 70°F to 180°F in 2 hours.thereafter, 50 gallons/hour of waterflowing through the tank must beheated from 70°F to 180°F. Select aheater to work in this application.Power available is 240 V, 3 phase.A temperature controller will beused for heating control.Specific Heat of Steel= 0.12 BTU/lb-°FSpecific Heat of Water= 0.12 BTU/lb-°FInitial Weight of Water in Tank (equivalent to 200 gal)= 200 gal x ft3/7.48 gal x 62.4 lb/ft3 = 1670 lbExposed Surface Area of Tank (cylindrical portion and the top surface) = 3.14 x D x H + (3.14 x r2) = 3.14 x 3 x 5 + (3.14 x 1.5 x 1.5) = 47.1 + 7.1 = 54.2 ft2 Temperature Difference for Heating (∆T) is 180 - 70 = 110°FFrom Figure A-3 on page Z-18 (heat loss curves), the heat loss from the exposed surface area of the tank is 10 watts/ft2.First calculate the Heating Requirements to heat up the initial charge of 200 gal of water.TO FIND INITIAL HEATING CAPACITY IN kW:kWh = Q w+ Q c+ L s H34121000 x 2where:Q w = energy to heat initial charge ofwater = 1670 x 1.0 x 110 =183,700BTUQ c= energy to heat steel tank= 150 x 0.12 x 110 = 1980 BTUL s= Surface heat losses= 10 x 54.2 = 542 wattsH = heating time, hours3412 = BTU to kWh conversion1000 = watts to kW conversion2 = averaging factor for surface heatlosses over initial 2 hour heating timekWh = 183,700 + 1980 + 542 x 2 =34121000 x 254.4 + 0.5 = 54.9 kwWhkW Capacity for Initial Heating =kWh =54.9 =27.5H2Next, calculate the steady-stateoperating kW requirements to heat50 gal/hr of water passing throughthe tank and to make up for heatlosses from the exposed tank and tomake up for heat losses from theexposed tank surface area(operating kW requirements arecalculated on an hourly basis).TO FIND OPERATING kWREQUIREMENTS:Weight of water passing throughtank =50 gal x ft3x 62.4 lb = 418lb/hrhr7.48 gal.ft3kW = Q wo+ L s34121000where:Q wo= energy to heat additionalwater passing through tank= 418 x 1.0 x 110 = 45980 BTUL s= Surface heat losses = 10 x54.2= 542 wattskW = 45980 + 542 = 13.5 + 0.5 = 14.034121000Therefore, both the initial kWrequirements and the operating kWrequirements have been calculated.The greater of the two is installed.A 20% safety factor is commonlyadded to the greater kW valuecalculated to arrive at the final kWvalue to be installed.Most commonly, the initial kWrequirements works out to be thegreater value. This is true in theexample above where the initial kWrequirements are 27.5 kW.Therefore, final kW to install= 27.5 x 1.2 = 33 kWSELECT THE HEATERIf a temperature controller is to beused for heating control, then threemodel no. MT-3120A, 240 V,3 phase, clean water screw plugimmersion heaters (see page F-16)rated at 12 kW each could be used.This would make a total of 36 kWinstalled. The heating initial timewould make a total of 36 kwinstalled. The heating initial timewould therefore be reduced to alittle less than 2 hours.F-7CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
蓄热型电加热装置1 范围本标准规定了蓄热型电加热装置的术语和定义,分类与标记,一般要求,要求,试验方法,检验规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存等。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 1234 高电阻电热合金GB/T 1236 工业通风机用标准化风道进行性能试验GB 2894 安全标志及其使用导则GB/T 4208 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB 4706.1-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全第1部分:通用要求GB 5226.3 机械安全机械电气设备第11部分:电压高于1000Va.c.或1500Vd.c.但不超过36kV的高压设备的技术条件GB 5959.1 电热装置的安全第1部分:通用要求GB 5959.4 电热装置的安全第4部分:对电阻加热装置的特殊要求GB/T 10066.1-2004 电热设备的试验方法第1部分:通用部分GB/T 10067.1 电热装置基本技术条件第1部分:通用部分GB/T 13306 标牌GB/T 14285 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程GB/T 17045 电击防护装置和设备的通用部分GB 23971 有机热载体GB 50054 低压配电设计规范GB/T 50065 交流电气装置的接地设计规范GB 50191 构筑物抗震设计规范GB 50981 建筑机电工程抗震设计规范JB/T 2379 金属管状电热元件JB/T 4088 日用管状电热元件3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
Lesson 4 Thermal Storage 热存储
大多数存储以24小时为存储周期,但也有以一周 和一个季节作为周期的。
When the period of energy availability is longer than the period of energy use, thermal storage permits the installation of smaller heating or cooling equipment than would otherwise be required.
Storage efficiency up to 90% can be achieved in well-stratified water tanks that are fully charged and discharged on a daily cycle. 以一日为周期在完全分层的水箱中充满水再放掉,可达到90%的存储效率。
设备 n. 设备
Most thermal storage applications involve a 24-hour
循环 n. 循环 一周的 a. 一周的 季节的 a. 季节的
storage cycle, although weekly and seasonal cycles are also used.
Copy the words listed. 抄写单词。
The storage of solar energy for night heating 存储太阳能为晚上供热 The storage of summer heat for winter use 存 储夏天的热量供冬天使用
Examples of thermal storage 热存储的例子
Magnetic Energy Storage
Super Capacitors
Principle: At low-temperatures, electric currents encounter almost no resistance. Stores energy in the magnetic field. Environmental friendly and Highly efficient.
1.What should we do about the energy crisis?
Which one is the most important?
Energy Storage System (ESS) can be classified as
Mechanical Energy Storage
热轧生产常用专用英语词汇Heating area:加热区Furnace 加热炉Gas 煤气Mixed gas 混合煤气Nitrogen 氮气Oxygen 氧气Resident oxygen 炉内残氧Pressure 压力Volume 体积、流量Valve 阀门Slab 板坯Slab yard 板坯库Continuous cast slab 连铸板坯Width 宽度Thickness 厚度Length 长度Weight 重量Bend 弯曲Combust 燃烧Temperature 温度Centigrade degree 摄氏度Pyrometer 高温计Thermocouples 热电偶Fixed beam 固定梁Walking beam 步进梁Forward 向前Backward 向后Discard 剔除Discard table 剔除辊道Charge 装炉Discharge 出炉Preheating zone 预热区Heating zone 加热区Soaking zone 均热区Vaporizing cooling/ vapour cooling 气化冷却Soft water 软水Scale 氧化铁皮Ventilate 通风Chimney 烟囱Exhaust 废气Stack 烟道Roller table 辊道Baffle 挡板Charge machine 装钢机Discharge machine 出钢机Compressed air 压缩空气Burner 烧嘴Combustion air fan 助燃风机Recuperative heat exchanger回热式热交换器Refractory brick 耐火砖Mathematic model 数学模型Feed-forward 前馈Feedback 后馈/反馈Furnace pressure 炉压Temperature profile 温度曲线Hot rolling shop:热轧车间Mill 轧机4-high finishing mill 四辊精轧机Rough mill 粗轧Screw down 压下Screw up 抬升辊缝Edger 立辊轧机,轧边机High-pressure descaling system 高压水除鳞系统Nozzle 喷嘴Heat cover 保温罩Shear 剪机Hydraulic loop液压活套Looper 活套辊Side guide 侧导卫Interstand cooling 机架间冷却Run-out table 精轧输出辊道Laminar cooling 层流冷却Head water tunk 高位水箱Side stripper 侧喷头Pinch roll 夹送辊Down Coiler 卷取机Mandrel 卷取机芯轴Wrapper roller 助卷辊Coil stripper car 卸卷小车Strip catcher 卷取区域带钢拦截装置Gear motor 齿轮马达Coupling 接手,连接器Spindle 接轴Universal Spindle 万向接轴Shaft 轴Roll changing device 换辊装置Crane 行车Bite 咬入Cascade speed adjustment 节联调速Cobble 堆钢事故,中间事故坯料Tension 张力Tension control 张力控制Loop height 活套量/活套高度Speed up 升速Lock cylinder 锁紧缸Balance cylinder 平衡缸Lift 提升Shift 横移Leveling 校平,调平Zero 校零Alignment 对中Industrial water 循环水Water volume 水量Water pressure 水压Cooling rate 冷却速度Speed cone 速度锥Maintenance 检修,维护Pneumatic system 气动系统Roll shop 轧辊间Roll 轧辊Grinder 磨床Work roll grinder 工作辊磨床Combinative/universal grinder 组合磨床Work roll 工作辊Back-up roll 支撑辊Barrel 辊身Roll neck 辊颈Roll cooling 轧辊冷却Work roll chock 工作辊轴承座Work roll bending system 工作辊弯辊系统Work roll shifting system 工作辊窜辊系统Back-up roll chock 支撑辊轴承座Bearing 轴承Work roll bearing 工作辊轴承Oil film bearing/morgoil bearing 油膜轴承Headstock 头架Tailstock 尾架Grinding carriage 磨头滑架Wheel 砂轮Dressing diamond 修整金刚石Measure 测量Size 尺寸Diameter 直径Ovality 不圆度Roundness 圆度Eccentricity 偏心度Contour 外形轮廓Geometry 几何尺寸,几何形状Curve 曲线Sine curve 正玄曲线Active curve 实际曲线Rated curve 额定曲线/设定的曲线Position 位置Axis 轴,数轴Horizontal 水平的Vertical 垂直的Calibration 校准,刻度Compensation 补偿Correction 纠正Control panel 控制面板,操作控制台Deviation 偏差Error 误差,错误Offset 偏差量Definition 定义Reverse 反转Swivel 回转,转动Distance 距离Range 范围Chamfer 凸度Centerline 中心线Infeed mode 进给模式Limit 限制,极限Limit switch 限位开关Scan 扫描Coolant 冷却剂Surface 表面Plunge grinding 掏沟磨削Caliper 测量卡规Optimize 优化Load roll 装辊Unload roll 卸辊Calibrate caliper 校准测量卡规Finishing area 精整区域Coil marking machine 钢卷标号机Coil strapping machine 钢卷打捆机Coil weighing device 钢卷称重装置Sampling shear 取样剪Transfer chain 链条运输机Walking beam transfer 步进梁运输机Coil yard 钢卷库Skin pass 平整机Saddle 鞍座Electric room 电气室Motor 电机Main motor 主电机Load 载荷Over load 过载Motor load 电机负荷Rolling force 轧制力Rolling speed 轧制速度MPM: meter per minute 米/分钟Torque 扭矩Rated torque 额定扭矩Voltage 电压Process computer 过程计算机Program 程序,编程PLC:programmable logic controller 可编程控制器Encoder 编码器Information 信息Ghost rolling 模拟轧制Measuring instrument 测量仪表X-ray X射线Thickness gauge 测厚仪Width gauge 测宽仪HMD: hot material detector 热金属探测仪CMD: cold material detector 冷金属探测仪Light barrier 光栅Automatic model 自动模式Semi-auto model 半自动模式Manual model 手动模式Emergency 紧急,急停Joggle 点动HMI:human machine interface 人机界面AC frequency converter 交流变频器I/O:input/output 输入/输出端口Step control 卷取机助卷辊的“踏步”控制Hydraulic system 液压系统Grease 甘油Oil 油,稀油Oil station 油站SSC: Short stroke control 短行程控制AGC: automatic gauge control 自动压下控制AWC: automatic width control 自动宽度控制Pump 泵Screw pump 螺杆泵Filter 过滤器,滤网Cylinder 液压缸,圆柱体Valve stand 阀台Accumulator 蓄能器Leakage 泄漏Product 产品Grade 钢种Batch 一炉,一批Batch No. 炉批号Coil 钢卷Strip 带钢,薄带钢Sheet 钢板,薄钢板Plate 中厚板Physical performance 物理性能Mechanical performance 机械性能Strength 强度Elongation 延伸Flatness 平直度Plasticity 塑性Crown/chamber 凸度Hardness 硬度Microstructure 微观组织结构Austenite 奥氏体Ferrite 铁素体Pearlite 珠光体Deep drawn 深冲SPHC 普通级热轧钢板(卷)SPHD 深冲级热轧钢板(卷)SPCC 普通级冷轧钢板(卷)SPCD 深冲级冷轧钢板(卷)High strength low-alloy steel 低合金高强度钢Silicon steel 硅钢,电工钢Galvanizing 镀锌Coating 涂镀,涂层Heat treatment 热处理Aging 时效处理Annealing 退火Quenching 淬火Other Alarm 报警Anchoring bolt 地脚螺栓Yield 产量,成材率Ton 吨Annual 一年的Month 月Day 日Shift 班Safety 安全Radioactive hazard 放射性伤害Caution 注意,小心Layout 平面布置Document 文件Documentation 技术文本,技术文件报价书TOP: take-over point 交接点Width 宽度Thickness 厚度Length 长度Weight 重量Bend 弯曲Combust 燃烧Temperature 温度Centigrade degree 摄氏度Vaporizing cooling/ vapour cooling 气化冷却Stack 烟道Baffle 挡板Recuperative heat exchanger回热式热交换器Refractory brick 耐火砖Mathematic model 数学模型Feed-forward 前馈Feedback 后馈/反馈Furnace pressure 炉压Temperature profile 温度曲线Hot rolling shop:热轧车间Mill 轧机4-high finishing mill 四辊精轧机Rough mill 粗轧Screw down 压下Screw up 抬升辊缝Edger 立辊轧机,轧边机High-pressure descaling system 高压水除鳞系统Heat cover 保温罩Shear 剪机Hydraulic loop液压活套Looper 活套辊Side guide 侧导卫Interstand cooling 机架间冷却Run-out table 精轧输出辊道Laminar cooling 层流冷却Head water tunk 高位水箱Side stripper 侧喷头Pinch roll 夹送辊Down Coiler 卷取机Mandrel 卷取机芯轴Wrapper roller 助卷辊Coil stripper car 卸卷小车Strip catcher 卷取区域带钢拦截装置Gear motor 齿轮马达Coupling 接手,连接器Spindle 接轴Universal Spindle 万向接轴Shaft 轴Roll changing device 换辊装置Crane 行车Bite 咬入Cascade speed adjustment 节联调速Cobble 堆钢事故,中间事故坯料Tension 张力Tension control 张力控制Loop height 活套量/活套高度Speed up 升速Lock cylinder 锁紧缸Balance cylinder 平衡缸Lift 提升Shift 横移Leveling 校平,调平Zero 校零Alignment 对中Industrial water 循环水Water volume 水量Water pressure 水压Cooling rate 冷却速度Speed cone 速度锥Maintenance 检修,维护Pneumatic system 气动系统Roll shop 轧辊间Roll 轧辊Grinder 磨床Work roll grinder 工作辊磨床Combinative/universal grinder 组合磨床Work roll 工作辊Back-up roll 支撑辊Barrel 辊身Roll neck 辊颈Roll cooling 轧辊冷却Work roll chock 工作辊轴承座Work roll bending system 工作辊弯辊系统Work roll shifting system 工作辊窜辊系统Back-up roll chock 支撑辊轴承座Bearing 轴承Work roll bearing 工作辊轴承Work roll bearing 工作辊轴承Oil film bearing/morgoil bearing 油膜轴承Headstock 头架Tailstock 尾架Grinding carriage 磨头滑架Wheel 砂轮Dressing diamond 修整金刚石Measure 测量Size 尺寸Diameter 直径Ovality 不圆度Roundness 圆度Eccentricity 偏心度Contour 外形轮廓Geometry 几何尺寸,几何形状Curve 曲线Sine curve 正玄曲线Active curve 实际曲线Rated curve 额定曲线/设定的曲线Position 位置Axis 轴,数轴Horizontal 水平的Vertical 垂直的Calibration 校准,刻度Compensation 补偿Correction 纠正Control panel 控制面板,操作控制台Deviation 偏差Error 误差,错误Offset 偏差量Definition 定义Reverse 反转Swivel 回转,转动Distance 距离Range 范围Chamfer 凸度Centerline 中心线Infeed mode 进给模式Limit 限制,极限Limit switch 限位开关Scan 扫描Coolant 冷却剂Surface 表面Plunge grinding 掏沟磨削Caliper 测量卡规Optimize 优化Load roll 装辊Unload roll 卸辊Calibrate caliper 校准测量卡规Finishing area 精整区域Coil marking machine 钢卷标号机Coil strapping machine 钢卷打捆机Coil weighing device 钢卷称重装置Sampling shear 取样剪Transfer chain 链条运输机Walking beam transfer 步进梁运输机Coil yard 钢卷库Skin pass 平整机Saddle 鞍座Electric room 电气室Motor 电机Main motor 主电机Load 载荷Over load 过载Motor load 电机负荷Rolling force 轧制力Rolling speed 轧制速度MPM: meter per minute 米/分钟Torque 扭矩Rated torque 额定扭矩Voltage 电压Process computer 过程计算机Program 程序,编程PLC:programmable logic controller 可编程控制器Encoder 编码器Information 信息Ghost rolling 模拟轧制Measuring instrument 测量仪表X-ray X射线Thickness gauge 测厚仪Width gauge 测宽仪HMD: hot material detector 热金属探测仪CMD: cold material detector 冷金属探测仪Light barrier 光栅Automatic model 自动模式Semi-auto model 半自动模式Manual model 手动模式Emergency 紧急,急停Joggle 点动HMI:human machine interface 人机界面AC frequency converter 交流变频器I/O:input/output 输入/输出端口Step control 卷取机助卷辊的“踏步”控制Hydraulic system 液压系统Grease 甘油Oil 油,稀油Oil station 油站SSC: Short stroke control 短行程控制AGC: automatic gauge control 自动压下控制AWC: automatic width control 自动宽度控制Pump 泵Screw pump 螺杆泵Filter 过滤器,滤网Cylinder 液压缸,圆柱体Valve stand 阀台Accumulator 蓄能器Leakage 泄漏Product 产品Grade 钢种Batch 一炉,一批Batch No. 炉批号Coil 钢卷Strip 带钢,薄带钢Sheet 钢板,薄钢板Plate 中厚板Physical performance 物理性能Mechanical performance 机械性能Strength 强度Elongation 延伸Flatness 平直度Plasticity 塑性Crown/chamber 凸度Hardness 硬度Microstructure 微观组织结构Austenite 奥氏体Ferrite 铁素体Pearlite 珠光体Deep drawn 深冲SPHC 普通级热轧钢板(卷)SPHD 深冲级热轧钢板(卷)SPCC 普通级冷轧钢板(卷)SPCD 深冲级冷轧钢板(卷)High strength low-alloy steel 低合金高强度钢Silicon steel 硅钢,电工钢Galvanizing 镀锌Coating 涂镀,涂层Heat treatment 热处理Aging 时效处理Annealing 退火Quenching 淬火Other Alarm 报警Anchoring bolt 地脚螺栓Yield 产量,成材率Ton 吨Annual 一年的Month 月Day 日Shift 班Safety 安全Radioactive hazard 放射性伤害Caution 注意,小心Layout 平面布置Document 文件Documentation 技术文本,技术文件报价书TOP: take-over point 交接点Coil 钢卷Strip 带钢,薄带钢Sheet 钢板,薄钢板Plate 中厚板耐磨性abrasive气孔abscess横坐标abscissa容纳、收纳accommodating空气喷射air ejection气动电机air motor自动踏步控制AJC=automatic jumping control 定中心、对中align排成直线、列队、对中alignment交替、轮流alternate电流量amperage锚固、地脚anchor退火的annealed一年一次的annual能应用的、适用的、适合的applicable 应用application增多,重视appreciate接近、进给approach适合的、特有的appropriate裙板apron相变arrest装配、组装、配件assembly分配assignment奥氏体austenite奥氏体轧制austenite rolling奥氏体的austenitic辅助液压auxiliary hydraulic轴向的axial后退、退回backlash平衡力balance force球面丝杆ball jack screw包装带分配器banding dispenser打捆带banding strap冷却段bank轴承架bearing bracker轴承箱bearing cage轴承座bearing chock轴承滑块,托瓦bearing shoes口径、钻孔bore支架、托架bracket脆性brittle青铜bronze水桶,废品箱bucket四轮小车buggy衬板bushing碰撞仪butt gauge计算calculation凸轮cam曲线度cambering amount辊型误差cambering profile悬梁cantilever有能力的capable能力capacity渗碳carburized小车,砂轮架carriage延伸辊道carry over table连铸坯分段剪CC shear中心线centerline离心机centrifuge房间chamber轴承座chock垫板choke linerC形沟C-hook溜槽chute圆周运动circular motion过滤设备clean-up device间隙clearance废钢收集装置cobble catcher带卷打捆机coil banding machine带卷运输机coil conveyor带卷检查线coil inspection line带卷提升机coil lifter托卷臂coil loading arm带卷打号机coil marking machine开卷机coil opener带卷鞍座coil saddle带卷鞍座coil skid带卷站coil station卸卷小车coil stripper car带卷回转台coil turner带卷称重装置coil weighter带卷跨coil yard卷取机进口恻导板coiler entry sideguide 卷取温度coiling temperature收缩状态collapsed校准仪,准直仪collimator燃烧combustion补偿conpensated复杂的complicate压缩空气compressed air计算机数据传输线computer data line凹面concave构想,认为conceive概念concept水泥,钢筋混凝土concrete条件condition联接conjuction控制台console统一,一致consortium控制器controller凸面convex凸形convex profile输送,运输convey冷却水cooling water冷却水管cooling water header相互作用correlation腐蚀性的corrosive支架cradle托辊cradle roll标准,准则criterion临界点critical point十字接头式万向接头cross pin type universal joint结晶crystallization立方体的cubic曲线curve剪切力cutting force剪切速度cutting speed周期的cyclic圆柱度cylindricity缓冲,减振dampen十年decade缺陷defect偏转辊deflector roll变形deformation变形抗力deformation resistance不管,危害despite超声波式涡流探伤仪detector of ultrasonic or eddy current type消耗,磨损deteriorate不利的,有害的detrimental数字位置传感器digital positioning sensor先导伺服阀diredt servo valve散乱,分散dispersion忽视disregard明显的,不同的distinct分配器distributor龙门式double column type地下卷取机downcoiler翻转装置downender下游的downstream转鼓drum转鼓更换钩drum changing hook柔性,柔软的ductile延展性,延伸率ductility变钝,钝的dull动态的dynamic动平衡dynamic balance偏心套eccentricity ring偏心轴eccentricity shaft弹性材料elastic material电液伺服控制electro-hydraulic servo control 高度elevtion除去,消除eliminated经验的empiric能量energy必要的,必不可少的essential优于,擅长excel专有的exclusive偏差excursion实现execute伸展expand分离(拆卸)装置extractor面板,花盘faceplate特点,特征feature毛毡felt铁素体ferrite铁素体轧钢ferrite rolling铁素体结构ferritic填充辊道fill-in table精轧机出口温度finisher delivery temperature 精轧机进口温度finisher entry temperature裂纹fissure固定导板fixed guide法兰flange楔形flared shape平面液晶显示器flat-face CRT裂纹flaw易弯曲的flexible挠性推爪flexible dog荧光的fluorescent尾座foot stock地脚螺栓foundation bolt框架frame全扩展状态fully expanded漏斗形funnel级别,钢种grade晶粒grain干油grease磨床grinder磨,打磨ground挡板guard导卫guide导辊guide roller导板guide-liner导向导板guiding apron旋转gyrating手轮handwheel钩子hanger床头head stock高位水箱系统head tank system集水管header喷水横梁header piping保温罩heat holding cover高速飞剪high speed strip shear高速穿带装置high speed strip threading device绞接hinge高速转动体hi-rotor起重机hoist压紧辊hold down roll中空hollow框架housing压下螺丝huosing pin牌坊立柱housing post机架窗口housing window液压缸hydraulic cylinder静压的hydro-static水泥,钢筋混凝土concrete条件condition联接conjuction控制台console统一,一致consortium控制器controller凸面convex凸形convex profile输送,运输convey冷却水cooling water冷却水管cooling water header 相互作用correlation腐蚀性的corrosive支架cradle托辊cradle roll1780热轧生产常用专用英语词汇Heating area:加热区Furnace 加热炉Gas 煤气Mixed gas 混合煤气Nitrogen 氮气Oxygen 氧气Resident oxygen 炉内残氧Pressure 压力Volume 体积、流量Valve 阀门Slab 板坯Slab yard 板坯库Continuous cast slab 连铸板坯Width 宽度Thickness 厚度Length 长度Weight 重量Bend 弯曲Combust 燃烧Temperature 温度Centigrade degree 摄氏度Pyrometer 高温计Thermocouples 热电偶Fixed beam 固定梁Walking beam 步进梁Forward 向前Backward 向后Discard 剔除Discard table 剔除辊道Charge 装炉Discharge 出炉Preheating zone 预热区Heating zone 加热区Soaking zone 均热区Vaporizing cooling/ vapour cooling 气化冷却Soft water 软水Scale 氧化铁皮Ventilate 通风Chimney 烟囱Exhaust 废气Stack 烟道Roller table 辊道Baffle 挡板Charge machine 装钢机Discharge machine 出钢机Compressed air 压缩空气Burner 烧嘴Combustion air fan 助燃风机Recuperative heat exchanger回热式热交换器Refractory brick 耐火砖Mathematic model 数学模型Feed-forward 前馈Feedback 后馈/反馈Furnace pressure 炉压Temperature profile 温度曲线Hot rolling shop:热轧车间Mill 轧机4-high finishing mill 四辊精轧机Rough mill 粗轧Screw down 压下Screw up 抬升辊缝Edger 立辊轧机,轧边机High-pressure descaling system 高压水除鳞系统Nozzle 喷嘴Heat cover 保温罩Shear 剪机Hydraulic loop 液压活套Looper 活套辊Side guide 侧导卫Interstand cooling 机架间冷却Run-out table 精轧输出辊道Laminar cooling 层流冷却Head water tunk 高位水箱Side stripper 侧喷头Pinch roll 夹送辊Down Coiler 卷取机Mandrel 卷取机芯轴Wrapper roller 助卷辊Coil stripper car 卸卷小车Strip catcher 卷取区域带钢拦截装置Gear motor 齿轮马达Coupling 接手,连接器Spindle 接轴Universal Spindle 万向接轴Shaft 轴Roll changing device 换辊装置Crane 行车Bite 咬入Cascade speed adjustment 节联调速Cobble 堆钢事故,中间事故坯料Tension 张力Tension control 张力控制Loop height 活套量/活套高度Speed up 升速Lock cylinder 锁紧缸Balance cylinder 平衡缸Lift 提升Shift 横移Leveling 校平,调平Zero 校零Alignment 对中Industrial water 循环水Water volume 水量Water pressure 水压Cooling rate 冷却速度Speed cone 速度锥Maintenance 检修,维护Pneumatic system 气动系统Roll shop 轧辊间Roll 轧辊Grinder 磨床Work roll grinder 工作辊磨床Combinative/universal grinder 组合磨床Work roll 工作辊Back-up roll 支撑辊Barrel 辊身Roll neck 辊颈Roll cooling 轧辊冷却Work roll chock 工作辊轴承座Work roll bending system 工作辊弯辊系统Work roll shifting system 工作辊窜辊系统Back-up roll chock 支撑辊轴承座Bearing 轴承Work roll bearing 工作辊轴承Oil film bearing/morgoil bearing 油膜轴承Headstock 头架Tailstock 尾架Grinding carriage 磨头滑架Wheel 砂轮Dressing diamond 修整金刚石Measure 测量Size 尺寸Diameter 直径Ovality 不圆度Roundness 圆度Eccentricity 偏心度Contour 外形轮廓Geometry 几何尺寸,几何形状Curve 曲线Sine curve 正玄曲线Active curve 实际曲线Rated curve 额定曲线/设定的曲线Position 位置Axis 轴,数轴Horizontal 水平的Vertical 垂直的Calibration 校准,刻度Compensation 补偿Correction 纠正Control panel 控制面板,操作控制台Deviation 偏差Error 误差,错误Offset 偏差量Definition 定义Reverse 反转Swivel 回转,转动Distance 距离Range 范围Chamfer 凸度Centerline 中心线Infeed mode 进给模式Limit 限制,极限Limit switch 限位开关Scan 扫描Coolant 冷却剂Surface 表面Plunge grinding 掏沟磨削Caliper 测量卡规Optimize 优化Load roll 装辊Unload roll 卸辊Calibrate caliper 校准测量卡规Finishing area 精整区域Coil marking machine 钢卷标号机Coil strapping machine 钢卷打捆机Coil weighing device 钢卷称重装置Sampling shear 取样剪Transfer chain 链条运输机Walking beam transfer 步进梁运输机Coil yard 钢卷库Skin pass 平整机Saddle 鞍座Electric room 电气室Motor 电机Main motor 主电机Load 载荷Over load 过载Motor load 电机负荷Rolling force 轧制力Rolling speed 轧制速度MPM: meter per minute 米/分钟Torque 扭矩Rated torque 额定扭矩Voltage 电压Process computer 过程计算机Program 程序,编程PLC:programmable logic controller 可编程控制器Encoder 编码器Information 信息Ghost rolling 模拟轧制Measuring instrument 测量仪表X-ray X射线Thickness gauge 测厚仪Width gauge 测宽仪HMD: hot material detector 热金属探测仪CMD: cold material detector 冷金属探测仪Light barrier 光栅Automatic model 自动模式Semi-auto model 半自动模式Manual model 手动模式Emergency 紧急,急停Joggle 点动HMI:human machine interface 人机界面AC frequency converter 交流变频器I/O:input/output 输入/输出端口Step control 卷取机助卷辊的“踏步”控Hydraulic system 液压系统Grease 甘油Oil 油,稀油Oil station 油站SSC: Short stroke control 短行程控制AGC: automatic gauge control 自动压下控制AWC: automatic width control 自动宽度控制Pump 泵Screw pump 螺杆泵Filter 过滤器,滤网Cylinder 液压缸,圆柱体Valve stand 阀台Accumulator 蓄能器Leakage 泄漏Product 产品Grade 钢种Batch 一炉,一批Batch No. 炉批号Coil 钢卷Strip 带钢,薄带钢Sheet 钢板,薄钢板Plate 中厚板Physical performance 物理性能Mechanical performance 机械性能Strength 强度Elongation 延伸Flatness 平直度Plasticity 塑性Crown/chamber 凸度Hardness 硬度Microstructure 微观组织结构Austenite 奥氏体Ferrite 铁素体Pearlite 珠光体Deep drawn 深冲SPHC 普通级热轧钢板(卷)SPHD 深冲级热轧钢板(卷)SPCC 普通级冷轧钢板(卷)SPCD 深冲级冷轧钢板(卷High strength low-alloy steel 低合金高强度钢Silicon steel 硅钢,电工钢Galvanizing 镀锌Coating 涂镀,涂层Heat treatment 热处理Aging 时效处理Annealing 退火Quenching 淬火OtherAlarm 报警Anchoring bolt 地脚螺栓Yield 产量,成材率Ton 吨Annual 一年的Month 月Day 日Shift 班Safety 安全Radioactive hazard 放射性伤害Caution 注意,小心Layout 平面布置Document 文件Documentation 技术文本,技术文件报价书TOP: take-over point 交接点。
Solar energy storage system
专利名称:Solar energy storage system发明人:David Murray Munson, Jr.申请号:US11199654申请日:20050809公开号:US07614397B1公开日:20091110专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method and apparatus for storing, transporting, and releasing high grade,thermodynamically useful energy for a wide variety of uses. Solar energy is collected and reflected onto a heat storage container using a three-mirror reflecting system. This invention involves a method of heating the heat storage container using a primary,secondary, and tertiary system, which has a core that is partially comprised of an aluminum alloy and a metallic shell with a higher melting point than the aluminum alloy contained within. Once heated, the storage containers can then be transported to different storage areas in order to heat secondary storage containers or can be used in processes such as cooking, powering heat engines, water heating, absorption refrigeration, or drying garbage, waste, or biomass.申请人:David Murray Munson, Jr.地址:Dallas TX US国籍:US代理机构:Hemingway & Hansen, LLP代理人:D. Scott Hemingway更多信息请下载全文后查看。
关键词:跨季节太阳能蓄热供暖技术研究中图分类号:TK512 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2021)12(c)-0000-00Abstract: Solar energy is seasonally unbalanced. When heating is not used in summer, solar energy can release more heat. When heating in winter, because the sunlight is relatively weak, it will not release more heat. During the research period of this article, firstly, the solar cross season heat storage heating technology is introduced, and then the research status of solar cross season heat storage technology is deeply analyzed. On this basis, the solar cross season heat storage heating technology is prospected, so that the rationality and economy of solar cross season heat storage heating technology can be comprehensively improved.Key Words: Cross season; Solar energy; Heat storage heating technology; Research1技术简介尽管我国太阳能热水生产能源已经非常完善与健全,但是不能直接当作采暖能源的主体,究其原因是:太阳能季节性不均衡,夏季不用采暖时,太阳能可以释放很多的热量,当到了冬季取暖季节时,因太阳光比较弱,所以不会释放更多的热量。
高温储存测试规范High Temperature Storage Test Procedure1.0 PURPOSE (目的):1.1The high temperature storage test is designed to determine the effects on the product, while package in it's shipping container, due to high temperatures. This is an accelerated test to uncover weaknesses in components, assemblies, and processes, which may appear in the field during normal shipping situations.1.1 高温储存试验是用来判定高温对产品包装后在运输过程中的影响,这是一个加速性测试,用来显露出任何组成零件,在正常运输中可能造成的损坏。
1.22.0 SCOPE (范围):2.1This test describes the minimum temperature storage performance test required for all products.2.1对所有产品都须经过此测试。
3.0 SPECIFICATIONS (规格):3.1Class 1 product - Switching Power supply and Linear Power Supply 3.1 第一级- Switch和Linear电源供应器 ;Temperature - +85 ℃ C 90% RH温度:+85℃湿度90%Temperature Gradient - +/- 20 ℃/hr.温度变化率 + / - 20℃/hr3.2Class 2 Products - Charger Base, Headset and Data Transfer box3.2 第二级- Charger Base , Headset and Data transfer box ; Temperature - +80 ℃ 90% RH温度:+80℃湿度90%Temperature Gradient - +/- 20 ℃/hr.温度变化率 + / - 20℃/hrNOTE: When this specification conflicts which product specification the product specification take precedence in all respects.备注: 当这份规范与产品规格书所规定的规格有所抵触时, 以产品规格书所规定的规格为准.4.0 TEST EQUIPMENT (测试设备):4.1Environmental chamber capable of sustaining constant temperatures of 85 deg C. and of sustaining constant humidity of between 20% to 90% RH. The chamber must also have the capabilities to record both temperature and humidity vs. time.4.1恒温恒湿机须有能力提供 85℃且湿度为 20% 到 90% 之间,还须有能力记录温度、湿度与时间的关系。
化工装置常用英语词汇对照1. 反应釜(Reactort) Reactor2. 蒸馏塔(Distillation Tower) Distillation Column3. 冷凝器(Condenser) Condenser4. 换热器(Heat Exchanger) Heat Exchanger5. 压缩机(Compressor) Compressor6. 泵(Pump) Pump7. 阀门(Valve) Valve8. 管道(Pipeline) Pipeline9. 传感器(Sensor) Sensor10. 控制系统(Control System) Control System11. 进料(Feed) Feed12. 产品(Product) Product13. 副产品(Byproduct) Byproduct14. 废料(Waste) Waste15. 物料(Material) Material16. 流量(Flow Rate) Flow Rate17. 压力(Pressure) Pressure18. 温度(Temperature) Temperature19. 浓度(Concentration) Concentration20. 比重(Specific Gravity) Specific Gravity21. 开车(Startup) Startup22. 停车(Shutdown) Shutdown23. 维修(Maintenance) Maintenance24. 检修(Overhaul) Overhaul25. 调试(Commissioning) Commissioning26. 操作规程(Operating Procedure) Operating Procedure27. 安全规程(Safety Procedure) Safety Procedure28. 紧急停车(Emergency Shutdown) Emergency Shutdown29. 报警系统(Alarm System) Alarm System30. 防爆区域(Explosionproof Area) Explosionproof Area 化工装置常用英语词汇对照(续)31. 化学反应(Chemical Reaction) Chemical Reaction32. 反应速率(Reaction Rate) Reaction Rate33. 溶解度(Solubility) Solubility34. 酸碱度(pH Value) pH Value35. 悬浮物(Suspension) Suspension36. 沉淀(Precipitation) Precipitation37. 搅拌(Agitation) Agitation38. 过滤(Filtration) Filtration39. 萃取(Extraction) Extraction40. 吸附(Adsorption) Adsorption41. 蒸发(Evaporation) Evaporation42. 结晶(Crystallization) Crystallization43. 干燥(Drying) Drying44. 焙烧(Calcination) Calcination45. 熔融(Melting) Melting46. 铸造(Casting) Casting47. 冷却(Cooling) Cooling48. 加热(Heating) Heating49. 真空(Vacuum) Vacuum50. 压缩空气(Compressed Air) Compressed Air51. 工艺流程(Process Flow) Process Flow52. 设备布局(Equipment Layout) Equipment Layout53. 流程图(Piping and Instrumentation Diagram, P&ID)Piping and Instrumentation Diagram54. 设计规范(Design Specification) Design Specification55. 操作手册(Operation Manual) Operation Manual56. 安全手册(Safety Manual) Safety Manual57. 环保要求(Environmental Requirements) Environmental Requirements58. 能耗(Energy Consumption) Energy Consumption59. 自动化(Automation) Automation60. 信息化(Informatization) Informatization这些词汇在化工装置的日常操作、维护和管理中扮演着重要角色。
A1、absorptions coefficient——吸收系数, 吸收强度(α-吸收系数)2、aperture diameter width——开口直径,指槽式聚光镜抛物槽的开口直径大小3、axis——轴4、azimuth——方位角,方位角又称地平经度(Azimuth (angle)缩写Az),是在平面上量度物体之间的角度差的方法之一。
5、absorptance——吸收率6、assembly——组装7、Alternating current——交流电8、AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
9、Anneal——退火10、as-built drawing——竣工图B1、bypass valve——旁路阀2、biomass——生物质,太阳能电站混合供电系统中用到的生物质发电技术C1、concentrating Solar Power——聚光式太阳能发电,简称CSP,又叫做STP(Solar Thermal Power)——光热太阳能发电2、concentrator——聚光器或聚光镜3、collector——集热器,直接将太阳能转化为热能,使用高储热的物质诸如水或油等,之后使用热交换器使用所搜集的热量。
是聚光太阳能设备的总称,其中包括,concentrator(聚光镜)和receiver(接收器).4、collecting loop 集热回路,槽式太阳能集热回路包括两种模式,一种是双回路系统,包括导热油(HTF系统)和(水蒸汽系统),另一种叫DSG系统,直接产生蒸汽系统。
一车间标识牌一车间:1 workshop 修理区:Repair Area(Repairing Area)打浆室:Slurry mixing不合格品区:Defect Area(Defective product) 极片全检:100% electrode inspection(cathode inspection) 极耳储存区:Material(Tab storage Area) 超声波焊接区:Ultrasonic welding(cathode Tabbing Area) 正极刮粉区:Scratching for (+)(cathode Alignment) 裁大片区:Cutting(Cathode cutting Area)In Gear Area(Temp storage Area) 极片储藏区:Repertory Area(cathode storage Area) 铝箔放置区:Material(Al foil storage Area)单面极片放置区:Product-in-process(1/2 FG’s Area)—storage Area for 1-side coating cathode可回收废品区:Recyclable Waste(For QA testing,Do not touch!)成品放置区:FGs Area(coate cathode storage) 浆料储存区:slurry storage Area正极配料区:Mix Area(cathode Mixing Area)原材料储存区:Material(Raw cathode material storage Area)二车间标识牌负极配料区:Anode mixing area 品质办公区:Office(Quality Assurance Area) 不合格品区:Defect Area(Defective Area) 负极拉:Anode Line负极片全检区:Anode Electrode Inspection Area 极片铆接区:Electrode connection(Anode Tabbing Area) 极耳储存区:Material(Tab storage Area) 备用设备区:Backup Euipment(Backup tooling Area) 对辊:Roller down(Calendaring Area) 负极刮粉区:Sctrach for (—)(Anode Alignment) 极片储存区:Electrode Store Area(Anode storage Area)负极拉浆拉:Anode coating lines 半成品区:1/2 FG’s Area(storage Area)1,2,3,4,5,6号拉浆拉:Anode coater #1,2,3,4,5,6 极片存储区:Electrode storage Area浆料存储区:Slurry store Area(slurry storage Area) 铜箔储存区:Material(copper foil storage Area) 负极配料区:Anode mixing Area(Mixing)/Mix Area for (—)(Anode mixing Area)原材料区:Material(Raw Material) 称量区:Measure Area(Weighing Area)工具放置区:Tools Area(Saving Area)三车间:办公区:修理区:REPAIR AREA(cell reworking)裁隔膜纸区:CUT AREA(separator cutting)装配A1-A7拉:Assembly line A1-A7(cell assembly line #A1—A7)平板车停放区:TOOLS AREA(dollies) 周转盒存放区:RECYLE BOX物料盒存放区:MATERIAL DEPOSTART(recycle box) 钢壳存放区:METAL HULL AREA(stealness can) 刷粉区:Cleaning(electrode cleaning)四车间压钢珠: SEAL IN(steel ball sealing) 杂物间: SUNDIES APARTMENT(box room)电池预充区: PRE-CHARGE(charging) 激光焊接区: LASER SOLDER(laser connecting)电池烘烤区: HEATING AREA(cell drying) 小车放置区: TOOLS AREA(dollies)电解液区: ELECTROL YTE 真空装置: V ALUUM EQUIPMENT工鞋存放处: SHOES DEPOSITARY(work-shoes) 氩气存放区: PIACED-ARGON AREA(argon)密闭度测试区: AIRPROOF TEST AREA(airproof testing) 注液室: INJECTION ROOM运输通道: CONVEYANCE ALLEY 入口: ENTRY W AY(entrance)办公区: OFFICE进入注液室前请穿鞋套: PLEASE WEAR PLASTIL BAG BEFOR ENTERING INTO INJELTION ROOM警告: W ARNING一般废弃物: GENERAL WASTE(waste)此电梯属载货电梯,绝对禁止人员乘坐:FOR LOADING NOT FOR STAFFS(for loading,not for staffs)危险废弃物: DANGEROUS WASTE五车间办公区: office 化成分容: charge﹠discharge(sorting)已分容区: passed charge﹠discharge(sorted) 待分容区: wait for charge﹠discharge(for sorting) 评比活动栏: performance public(bulletin board) 规章制度栏: Bylaw Documentation(regulatory) 特殊状态栏: Especial status bar(abnormal notice) 通知通告: public notes(notice)垃圾回收区:recycle waste六车间全检内阻:100%INSPECTION(impedance inspection)电池周转区:W AITWG FOR CHANGED AREA(traansfered cell)全检外观:100% INSPECTION(surface inspection) 外观清洗:CLEANING(surface cleaning)抛光区:SURFACE PROCESS(surface polishing) 单充电区:FINAL CHARGING(formation) 七车间盖板组合A/B/C拉: COVER LINE A/B/C(cover board assembly line #A/B/C)包装材料区: PACKING MATERIAL包装A/B/C拉: PACKING LINE A/B/C(packing line #A/B/C)待检区: WAIT FOR QA(for inspection)QA 抽检区: QA AREA(inspected by QA)八车间:成品全检区:100% inspection(finished products inspection)点焊区:(PRE--SOLDER)(pointer connecting)方通整形区(CHECLING AREA)(Fangtong process) 方通清洗区(CLEANING)(Fangtong cleaning) 方通成形区(MOLDING AREA)烘烤区(HEATING AREA)(drying)圆管下料区(STEEL TUBE CUT)(stainless steel tube cutting)钢管区(STEEL TUBE CUT)(stainless steel tube)。
Heat storage material and its manufacturing method
专利名称:Heat storage material and its manufacturing method发明人:SEI MIKIO,清 三喜男,KANEOKA KENJI,金岡 賢司,URANO MASASHI,浦野 雅司,MARUOKATSUHIKO,丸尾 勝彦申请号:JP特願平2-77901申请日:19900327公开号:JP第2841667号B2公开日:19981224专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a heat storage article having little possibility of leakage of paraffin and excellent in safety by integrally forming a resin layer having a polyolefin content gradually raised outwardly on the outside of a mixture of a polyolefin and paraffin. CONSTITUTION:A resin layer having a polyolefin content gradually raised outwardly is integrally formed on the outside of a mixture of a polyolefin (e.g. PE or PP) and a latent heat storage material comprising paraffin to give a heat storage article. To simply form this heat storage article, a molten polyolefin.paraffin mixture 3 is injected into a polyolefin container 1 at a temperature of the mixture higher than the melting point of the polyolefin from which the container 1 is formed, so that the inner surface of the container is exposed to the molten mixture at a temperature higher than the melting point of the container material and therefore fused to the mixture 3 to form an integral part, thus forming a resin layer 2 with the content of the polyolefin from which the container is formed increasing towards the outside.申请人:MATSUSHITA DENKO KK,松下電工株式会社地址:大阪府門真市大字門真1048番地国籍:JP代理人:佐藤 成示 (外1名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
在英语中,暖气设备的表达方式有很多,比如 heating system(暖气系统)、heater(加热器)、furnace(熔炉)等。
比如,我们可以说“turn on the heating”(打开暖气)或者“the heating system is malfunctioning”(暖气系统出现故障)。
Thermo-Chemical Heat Storage using the
Thermo-Chemical Heat Storage using theReversible Calcium Hydroxide/Calcium Oxide System Franziska Schaube, Antje Wörner, Rainer TammeGerman Aerospace (DLR), Stuttgart, GermanyIntroductionHigh temperature heat storage systems are crucial to improve energy efficiency of power plants and the use of process heat. They are required for permanent energy supply in solar thermal applications. Thermo-chemical reactions offer an option for thermal storage at temperatures where common sensible or phase change materials are not available. Because of their high energy density and low material cost reversible gas-solid reactions are highly promising candidates. In this work a thermo-chemical storage based on the reversible reaction “Ca(OH)2↔CaO+H 2O” has been investigated which can achieve storage densities above 300 kWh/m 3 operating in a temperature range between 400 and 650°C.ResultsReversibility and cycling stability has been proven experimentally by thermogravimetric measurements. Also, kinetic parameters and thermal conductivity of commercially available powder have been experimentally determined. Different reactor concepts with direct or indirect contact of the heat transfer fluid with the solid or gaseous reactants have been discussed with respect to limiting effects of the reaction rate and heat transport. A 2D-model solved by the Finite Element Method has been developed to describe heat and mass transfer in a packed bed reactor during the reactions. The reactor concept with direct heat transfer by flowing the gaseous reactant plus additional inert gas through the solid reactants did not show any limitation due to heat transfer. If reaction kinetics are fast enough reactor performance is rather limited by the thermal capacity of the gaseous heat transfer fluid to take-up heat of reaction. Experimental proof of the direct contact reactor concept has been successfully provided in laboratory scale. Results of parametric studies of mass flow, temperature, pressure and partial pressure are presented which show promising performance with regard to reaction rate, temperature level and reversibility. 热化学热存储使用可逆氢氧化钙/氧化钙体系讨论了关于的影响反应速率和热传输限制因素质量流量、温度、压力和部分压力反应速率、温度水平和可逆性。
ORT test
Cable-plug pull out force for 3kg/min
Force Test
Joint/housing & Joint/plug pull force for
Joint/L housing & Joint/R housing pull force
K70e℃epdcrayrthoenadt,r2y dduaryisng(4t8eshtrs)
QADREL013 4 hrs
-10℃, 4 hrs
RELINS013 3 hrs
Connect power supply, speaker/headphone
Set "Repeat" function for playback
For normal test ±X.Y≥3g,±Z≥2g ,for CD
portable all positions ≥5g
Cut plastic or metallic surfaces with silk
screen or spray-painting into small pieces, &
In-room noise level < 40dB, refers
instruction to inspect noise
Refers instruction to inspect
中 文
英 文中 文英 文来自太阳能热水器solar water heater
solar collector
flat plate collector
split pressurized water tank
International standard
incise evenly
round end
connect to exhausting tube
spot welding
facility installation
copper coil
water tank
small tank
air vent
electric heater
one way valve
mixing valve
over flow pipe
heat exchanger
flat panel
heat lost
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Thanks very much
Fuel Price and efficient(RMB/Kcal)
Fuel for industrial :units
1.00 0.94
1.00 0.83 0.80 0.69 0.66 0.68 0.69 0.50 0.41 0.36 0.39 0.58 0.59 0.53 0.55 0.81 0.83
Why we need off peak power storage
Electricity can not be stored & middle night Human need sleep, power generator can not stop— off peak time electricity is wasted ! Demand Side Management—All country are push this rules and one method is peak & off peak price difference for power consumption All of China enterprise, commercial are fit this rule price already. Enterprise off peak time price is 0.28-0.3/KWH、 0.56-0.65/KWH—noon time0.84—1.14/KWH— morning time.
Dry Tunnel (for parts or paintings)
Dry for Plastic film painting
Dr y box cover isolation
Air Outlet & Inlet isolation and air valeve
Air to Air Heating recovery
Installation site request
Need drainage & oil (water) storage sys to prevent leaking
Heating storage module are very heavy, need special base to support machine—9T on 1.2x2.4m
Currently, most of Chinese power plant is drive by coal, the price is up & down 50%-60% based normal time, that is mean 1:2:3 times. Japanese, EU, Au is near the same rules. Shang-Hai and Zhejiang, Guangdong even have peak-peak time price, that’s mean 4 times price than the middle night—one day 4 hours! Save the earth and reduce the emission, not only Governments have compensation but also we can save at least 50% cost, invest return time is 1-1.5 year –compare with diesel, 2-3 years with electricity, 3-4 years with the Nature Gas or LPG.
Safty Note
Sys must connected to open system to air; No pressure in the pip, only cycle pump pressure. Product must connect to the Ground. Must connect to expansion tank. Transformer only can working on 85-90% of full rating plate. Oil sys in the Temp rise between 95~105℃,must pause, till no water inside, then to 230-250 pause again, till hydrocarbon vapor released, After that we can rise Temp to the setting T.
0.75 0.76
0.20 0.19 0.22 0.00 煤800 煤900
0.24 0.27
Method of selecting of product
Our Heating out put Must bigger litter bit than customer consumption Normally 10-20% is. That is mean 1.1-1.2 times bigger.
Product cross section
Space heating conducted by heating oil
St ruc ture
1、加热管 2、高密度蓄热合金 3、蓄热超温保护开关 4、高温微孔粒子绝热材料 5、高效内螺纹紫铜管换热器 6、变频调速循环风机 7、保温循环风道 8、环氧喷涂机箱和 不锈钢密封内胆 9、 承重隔热层 10、承重钢结构底座 11、热油出口 12、 冷油进口 13、热油高温保护开关 14、油流传感器 15、进油机械温度表 16、出油机械温度表 17、出油口阀门 18、on ground or basement.
Because we can unassembled to the parts. The entry door of the site can be very small or narrow. (1.0x2.0 minimum)
Some function of our product
Pre-Heating can divided 3 period Heating release can be 6 period Priority Temp out let or in let (water:0~95 ℃,oil:0~300 ℃) ±1 ℃
Off peak heating storage VS Diesel : We can save:(0.92-0.34) ÷0.92 = 63%
Protection for all heating elements—never cut off
Heating ability on demand—side by side installation
After compare the fuel
Off peak electric heating storage VS Directly
heating, We can save 50%~61.3% Off peak heating storage VS LPG or NG:
We can save:(0.55-0.34) ÷0.55 = 38.2%
Out let 190,000m3/h OutTemp50℃ After Exchange25℃ Inlet 163,000m3/h Inlet AirTemp19℃ After Exchange 41℃ Efficient 75.7% !
Conclusion & Promise
With the help of Air to Air heating recovery SyS: We can reduce your heating cost 40-60% Replace diesel fuel ,running cost is only 25-30% of before; Replace LPG or LNG, cost will be 45-60% of before; Replace directly electric heating : for the day time shift8:00-22:00,cost will be 25-30%, for the 24 Hrs running shifts, cost will be 30-35% of before;
After compare with heating materials we can fine out
We have advantage: Electricity heating storage VS Directly heating: cost is 41.7%-50% before Example:10KW heating 24 hours cost is 0.28/KWH(8Hrs), 0.56/KWH(8Hrs),0.84/KWH(8Hrs), One day cost= 10×8×(0.28+0.56+0.84) = 134.4RMB/Day。 Heating storage: power must = 10×24÷8 = 30KW One day cost = 30×8×0.28 = 67.2RMB/Day, Save (134.4-67.2)÷134.4 = 50% If only day time working12 Hrs(8:00-20:00), Day time cost = 10×(5×0.56+7×0.84)= 86.8RMB, Heating storage power = 10×(5+7)÷8 = 15KW, Cost will be= 15×8×0.28 = 33.6RMB, Can save (86.8-33.6)÷86.8= 61.3%