













2.6电容器投切控制程序支持等容/编码(1:2、 1:2:3、 1:2:4:8…)及模糊控制投切方式。





3、控制器外观正面视图1 产品名称2 LCD液晶显示屏3 手动/自动切换按键4 参数设置按键5 上翻按键6 下翻按键7 公司名称 8 相别按键右面视图1 安装固定夹2 自攻螺丝4 控制输出接线端子背面视图1 接线图标签顶视图1 规格型号标签2 安装固定夹×24、主要技术参数4.1环境条件1.海拔高度:≤2500m2.工作温度:-20℃~+60℃3.存储温度:-25℃~+70℃4.周围环境无腐蚀性气体,无导电尘埃,无易燃易爆的介质存在,安装地点无剧烈振动、无雨雪侵蚀。



发电工程10kV开关柜及站用变技术规范书业主: 山东邹城赛维太阳能生态发展有限公司2011年11月技术规范1.总则1.1 10kV高压开关柜应符合和达到以下几个标准和技术条件的要求:(DGB3906《3—35KV交流金属封闭开关设备》;(2)DL/T404《户内交流高压开关柜订货技术条件》;(3)DL403《10—35KV户内交流高压真空断路器订货技术条件》;(4)SD318《高压开关柜闭锁装置技术条件》;(5)DL/T539《户内交流高压开关柜和元部件凝露及污秽试验技术条件》;(6)DL/T593《高压开关设备的共用订货技术导则》;(7)DL/T596《电力设备预防性试验规程》;(8)GB1985《交流高压隔离开关和接地开关》;(9)DL/T402《交流高压断路器订货技术条件》;(10)GBU022《高压开关设备通用技术条件》;(1DGB1984《交流高压断路器》;(12)GB1208-1997《电流互感器》;(13)GB1207-1997《电压互感器》;(14)IEC76《电力变压器》(15)IEC726《干式电力变压器》(16)IEC905《干式电力变压器负载导则》(17)GB1094《电力变压器》(18)GB6450《干式电力变压器》(19)GB/T17211《干式电力变压器负载导则》(20)GB/T10228《干式电力变压器技术参数和要求》(2DGB/T16927. 1.2《高压试验技术》(22)GB311. 1《高压输变电设备的绝缘配合》(23)GB10237《绝缘水平和绝缘试验、外绝缘空气间隙》(24)GB7328《变压器和电抗器声级测定》(25)GB50150《电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准》(26)GB5273《变压器、高压电器和套管的接线端子》(27)GB4208《外壳防护等级(IP代码)》(28)GB191《包装、储运指示标志》(29)IEC60076-5《电力变压器承受短路的能力》(30)IEC60076-9《端子和分接标志》以上标准以最新版木为准。

新月-HC12A 产品说明书

新月-HC12A 产品说明书

新月-HC12A产品说明书北京合众思壮科技有限责任公司系统工程部2008年10月第一章新月-HC12A简介 (1)1.1性能指标 (1)1.2机械尺寸 (3)1.3引脚说明 (4)第二章核心技术介绍 (4)2.1COAST技术 (4)2.2 E-Dif技术 (5)2.3L-Dif技术 (6)第三章 NMEA 0183输入输出语句 (7)3.1NMEA 0183消息要素 (7)3.2通用命令 (7)3.3GPS命令 (13)3.4E-Dif命令 (16)3.5基站消息 (18)3.6.L-Dif命令 (20)3.7数据消息 (21)第四章二进制消息 (28)4.1二进制消息结构 (28)第五章常用设置 (36)5.1 DGPS流动站设置 (36)5.2 DGPS基站设置 (36)5.3 E-Dif自差分设置 (37)5.4 L-Dif基站设置 (39)5.5 L-Dif流动站设置 (40)第一章新月-HC12A简介新月-HC12A是合众思壮公司在2006年正式推出的一款GPS OEM模块。

该模块是一款单频12通道接收机,采用了最新的ASIC芯片和Coast等专利软件算法,同时具有20Hz的原始数据、定位数据更新率,信标接收功能,差分基准站/移动站,L-Dif,E-Dif,1pps/Event Marker等多种功能,代表了当前GPS行业的最新技术趋势。

¾原始数据、定位数据实时更新率最大可达20Hz¾快速的冷启动、热启动以及重捕获时间¾高精度:单机小于2.5米,DGPS差分精度小于0.5米¾独有的Coast技术在差分信号丢失的情况下仍可保持精度¾专利的E-Dif自差分技术可在无差分信号的地方获得高精度¾具有RTCM差分基准站/流动站功能1.1性能指标单频12通道L1载波输出WAAS功能原始数据更新率:20Hz定位数据更新率:20Hz定位精度:单机:<2.5米(2DRMS)DGPS:<0.5米(2DRMS)L-Dif:<0.2米(2DRMS)E-Dif:<1.0米(2DRMS,30分钟)冷启动时间:<60秒温启动时间:<35秒热启动时间:<20秒重捕获时间:<1秒1pps精度:50ns事件标识输入最大速度:515米/秒最大高度:18,288米储存温度:-40~+85℃工作温度:-30~+70℃95%不冷凝抗冲击:EP455抗振动:EP455数据接口:3个全双工3.3V CMOS1个USB支持数据格式:NMEA 0183SLX binaryRTCM SC-104自有差分格式(L-Dif)输入电压:3.3VDC±5%功耗:<1W外形尺寸:71.1×40.6×12mm重量:<20g1.2机械尺寸图1.1 新月-HC12A板机械尺寸1.3引脚说明1 天线供电(0~40mA)11 端口A输出 TX2 3.3V电压输入(3.2~3.4V)12 端口A输入RX3 备用电池输入13 地4 端口C显示和控制输入RX 14 端口B输出 TX5 复位(低电平有效输入)15 端口B输入RX6 ARM导入选择16 地7 GPIO0 保留17 事件标识8 端口D差分输出TX 与通信设备连接18 地9 端口D差分输入RX 与通信设备连接19 秒脉冲输出10 地20 端口C显示和控制输出TX图1.2 新月-HC12A板引脚说明第二章核心技术介绍2.1COAST技术COAST是一种专利的软件算法。




直接将串口线连接电脑后,在下载程序里选择对应com端口下载烧录程序(冷启动STC 单片机:点击电脑端“下载”后,再打开学习板电源);

步骤二:安装光盘内USB转串口驱动程序(CH341SER文件夹下的SETUP文件),在资源管理器中记下com口端号,在下载程序里选择对应com端口下载烧录程序(冷启动STC 单片机:点击电脑端“下载”后,再打开学习板电源);


C、防止接地开关处于闭合位置时合断路器、负荷开关。(只有当接地开关处于分闸状态,才能合隔离开关或手 车才能进至工作位置,才能操作断路器、分荷开关闭合)
5.5 压力释放装置
元器件使用.同时由于整个柜体用敷铝锌板相拼联,这样使整个柜体都处在良好接地状态之中,确保运行操作人员及 柜体安全。
六 基础形式
1,开关柜的安装基础的施工应符合"电力建设施工及验收技术规范"中的有关条款规定。 2,开关柜的安装基础一般要分二次浇灌混凝土.第一次为开关柜安装构件即角钢或方钢,槽钢构件安装基础,第 二次浇灌混凝土是地面的补充层,一般厚度为 60mm,在浇注混凝土补充层时混凝土高度应低于构件平面 1~3mm。
5.7 带电显示装置
开关柜内设有带电显示装置.该装置由高压传感器和可携带式显示器两部分组成.传感器安装在母线或馈线侧, 显示器的插接口安装在开关柜低压隔室上,当需检测 A,B,C 三相是否带电时,可将携带式显示器的插头插入 L1,L2,L3 接口,如果显示器动作,则表示母线或馈线侧带电,反之,则说明不带电.同时也能作为相序检测器或电光 指示器,其作用也是检测高压侧上是否带电,为了安全,若电缆室装有电缆或互感器,则带电显示上必须装有电磁

NEMA 12转换套件安装说明书

NEMA 12转换套件安装说明书
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Instructions for NEMA Type 12 Kit Installation — Frame 4 . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Table 3-2: Instructions for NEMA Type 12 Kit Installation — Frame 5 . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Table 3-3: Instructions for NEMA Type 12 Kit Installation — Frame 6 . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Table 4-1: NEMA Type 12 Kit — Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
NEMA 12 Conversion Kit for 9000X Adjustable Frequency Drive
Installation Manual
New Information January 2004
For more information visit:
This symbol indicates high voltage. It calls your attention to items or operations that could be dangerous to you and other persons operating this equipment. Read the message and follow the instructions carefully.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor to moderate injury, or serious damage to the product. The situation described in the CAUTION may, if not avoided, lead to serious results. Important safety measures are described in CAUTION (as well as WARNING).



图4. (1)上电 (2)正常工作 (3)自动重启 (4)电源关断时的典型波形
脉宽调制器 脉宽调制器通过驱动输出MOSFET来实现多模式控制,其占空比与流入控制脚超过芯片内部消 耗所需要的电流成反比(如图3)。反馈误差信号以过电流的形式, 由一个典型转折频率为 7 kHz的RC滤波电路进行滤波,以降低芯片电源电流中由MOSFET栅极驱动产生的开关噪音。 要优化电源效率,需要实施四个不同的控制模式。在最大负载条件下,调制器将在全频PWM 模式下进行工作,随着负载的增加,调制器将自动依次切换到变频PWM模式和低频PWM模式。 在轻负载条件下,控制方式将从PWM控制切换到多周期调制控制,调制器在多周期调制模式 下进行工作。虽然不同模式的工作方式有所不同,但为了实现模式间的平滑切换,图3中所
振荡器和开关频率 内部振荡器使内部电容在两个设定的电压值间线性充放电,以产生脉宽调制解调器所需的三 角波电压。在每个周期的起点,振荡器将脉宽调制解调器/电流限制的触发器电路置位。全 开关频率选择为66kHz。全频PWM模式下,66kHz开关频率大约在±2.5kHz的范围内以250Hz 的速率抖动。当系统进入固定漏极峰值电流的变频模式后,频率抖动将关闭。
图 2. 内部结构框图
管脚 1
5,6,7,8 3 4 2
符号 S D C NC M
管脚定义描述 功率管的源极 功率管的漏极 控制反馈引脚 空脚,不连接 多功能引脚
控制(C)引脚: 误差放大器及反馈电流的输入脚,用于占空比控制。与内部并联调整器相连接,提供正常工 作时的内部偏置电流。也用作电源旁路和自动重启动/补偿电容的连接点。 漏极(D)引脚: 高压功率MOSFET漏极引脚。通过内部的开关高压电流源提供启动偏置电流。 源极(S)引脚: 这个引脚是功率MOSFET的源极连接点,用于高压功率的回路。它也是控制反馈脚的参考地。 空脚(NC)引脚: 该脚为空脚,与芯片内部无连接,外部应用无需连接。 多功能(M)引脚: 是过压(OV)、欠压(UV)、降低DCMAX的线电压前馈、输出过压保护(OVP)、外部流限调节、远 程开/关和器件重置的输入引脚。多功能引脚组合了电压监测及外部流限引脚功能。但其中 某些功能不能同时实现。连接至源极则禁用此引脚的所有功能实现简单的三端模式工作。



退出患者 信息界面 信息后系 统自动采 集信息
心电波形 采集完成 后点击“冻 结”(红圈 内)
冻结后点 击“报告” (红圈内)
点击“普通 报告”选项
系统自动 分析并保 存心电图 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ息,心 电图采集 完成
点击“打印” 即可打印 心电图报 告
点击绿色 按钮可快 速分析打 印心电图, 但不保存 分析结果, 事后记得 保存
慧博源医院 胡俊骅
准备 开机 记录 打印 关机
电源连接:使用交流电(220V)或可 以使用本机内安装的充电电池。
检查周围环境舒适,温湿度适宜,周围 环境中无X光机、超声波装置或其他 电 器设备等产生干扰。
导联的连接 将随机附件的 导联线接到机器导联插座。 电极安装 电极的安装是能 否记录准确的心电图的重要 一环,请注意确保电极接触 良好。将电极连接病人时, 务必使电源开关处于关闭状 态。
打开左侧电源开关, 然后按面“ON/OFF” 键,液晶显示屏显 示整机工作状态及 预设的导联波形。

橙色按钮为电 源开关键,同 时也是开关机 键
点击箭头所 指区域,进 入输入患者 信息界面
输入患者 信息界面 信息输入 完成后点 击右上角 “X”即可退 出
输入患者 信息界面 信息输入 完成后点 击右上角 “X”即可退 出
四肢电极连接 电极应装 于两手脚的柔软皮肤上。 先用酒精清洗电极安装部 位的皮肤。然后在清洗后 的皮肤上涂少量的导电膏。
肢体导联:右手:红(R) 左手:黄(L) 左脚:(F) 右脚:黑(N)
心电图检查胸前导联的位置: V1 胸骨右缘第四肋间 V2 胸骨左缘第四肋间 V3 V2与V4连接的中点 V4 左侧锁骨中线第五肋间 V5 左侧腋前线第五肋水平处 V6 左侧腋中线第五肋V5水平



安装手册LMS bRev 12A 〇.本手册是软件基本安装过程,如有特殊要求,请参考安装光盘中的PDF文件。





点击Install LMS b now…。


四.在b安装前,首先会自动运行安装LMS Unit System。


2.选择I accept,点Next3.默认设置,点Next4.选择LMS Unit System安装路径,点Next5.选择配置文件路径,点Next6.点Install进行安装。

五.LMS Unit System安装结束后,会自动进行b软件的安装1.点Next2.选择I accept,点Next3.默认设置,点Browse…指定License文件存放路径。

点Next4.选择中间一项:Usea LMS_MID.lic文件,点Browse…指定License文件,点Next5.选择Desktop类型,点Next。

可以用文本编辑软件打开License文件,查找Desktop,确认是Standard版本还是Advanced 版本,再进行安装。




两种方法:●安装好b软件后,从开始-> 所有程序->LMS b-> Tools->Licensing, 运行“flexid”和“hdd32”两个文件。








目录一、产品概述 (4)二、使用条件 (4)三、型号说明 (4)四、产品外形及安装尺寸 (4)五、基本功能 (4)(一)显示功能 (5)(二)设置功能 (5)(三)无功补偿功能 (5)(四)保护功能 (5)(五)超限及故障警示功能 (6)六、技术参数 (6)1. 基本参数 (6)2. 控制参数 (6)3. 测量精度 (7)七、安装调试 (7)1.安全提示 (7)2.安装与接线 (8)3.调试说明 (9)八、开箱检查 (16)九、简单故障排除 (17)一、产品概述本产品符合《JB/T9663-1999》标准。




二、使用条件海拔高度:≤2500米环境温度:-20℃- +70℃相对湿度:40℃时20%-90%大气压力:79.5Kpa-106KPa环境条件:周围介质无爆炸危险,无足以损坏绝缘及腐蚀金属的气体,无导电尘埃,安装地不易剧烈振动,无雨雪侵蚀。

三、型号说明SR JKF -- XX AA:接触器输出路数12或者18F:取3相电流(混合补偿型), G:取1相电流(全共补型)苏容电气以上型号只在产品标牌中体现;四、产品外形及安装尺寸SRJK系列无功功率自动补偿控制器为嵌入式安装。


海尔 DE12A 家用智能除湿机 使用说明书

海尔 DE12A 家用智能除湿机 使用说明书
ᬔ᭖ૉᇨ༥ 当除霜指示灯亮时,表示除霜动作开始,压缩机停止运行,风扇继续运行。
1. 除湿机不应在湿度设定高于环境湿度的状况下运作。 2. 当水满指示灯亮时,将水箱中的水倒出。然后将清空后的水箱放回原来的位置,机器
就可以继续使用。 3. 当机器停止时,至少需等3分钟才能重新启动,以免压缩机损坏。 4. 可使用的环境温度范围为5-32度。 5. 插头

1. ᖃᛘᜣ֯⭘↔࣏㜭ᰦˈ䈧᣹ࠪ≤㇡ˈᨂ‫≤ᧂޕ‬
㇑Ҿ“ 䘎㔝ࠪ≤ਓ”(䈧㿱മ 02)ԓᴯ≤㇡ˈ޽ሶ
2. ≤㇑享վҾ“ 䘎㔝ࠪ≤ਓ”ԕ‫≤ׯ‬㜭亪⭵Ⲵᧂ

1. ਆࠪ䗷└㖁ѻࡽˈሶ≤㇡ਆࠪDŽ 2. ሶ└㖁ᢺ᡻ੁл᣹ࠪDŽ 3. ⇿єઘሶ└㖁ਆࠪ⭘⑙≤(վҾ 40 ᓖ)␵⍇ˈ

装箱清单 & 规格参数
1. 整机(1 台) 2. 说明书(1 份)
රਧ 㿴Ṭ 仍ᇊ⭥঻৺仁⦷ 儈⑙䲔⒯䟿(30ć RH80%) 仍ᇊ䲔⒯䟿 仍ᇊ䗃‫⦷࣏ޕ‬ ᴰབྷ䗃‫⦷࣏ޕ‬ ߰䟽 ቪረ ∛㊣ 䘲⭘⧟ຳġ ≤㇡ᇩ䟿ġ
220V~50Hz˄অ⴨˅ 12 ॷ/ᰕ 0.23kg/h 162W 260W 11.2kg
362Wx220D x508H 5ć-32ć 2.2L
(CE) N 842/2006: R134a ᱟӜ䜭䇞ᇊҖѝ㿴㤳Ⲵа⿽≏ॆ⑙ᇔ≄փ 䈕≄փⲴᙫ⑙ᇔ᭸ᓄ▌㜭٬(GWP)ᱟ 1430.
ܱ᜺Պᦊ͈Րሦឭ௚ 1. ᧗ࡦਠ 2. ࠪ仾ਓ 3. ᢺ᡻ 4. ࡽ༣



1 •取出待加粉硒鼓

6・卸下侧盖灌装墨粉:将供粉件上磁眾无齿轮一侧的怨钉旋下.拿下塑料壳后可看到一个白色塑料盖. 打开此盖•将粉仓内和磁規上的墨粉全部清理干冷(如果不清理踊仏和粉仓打卬样张可能出现底灰或字迹发浅)•将磁轮装好•此时应用力按住≡⅞!t防止磁規脱离丿京位。

把激光打印机墨粉摇匀后慢慢倒入供粉仓内,盖好塑料盖,上好塑料壳(此时应注总:磁擁中轴末端上的半圆形与塑料壳上的半圆形小孔对好)• 轻轻转动磁觇侧而的齿轮数圈,使墨粉上匀C






哭多姆DR24D12系列单相交流固态继电器(12A) 用户手册说明书

哭多姆DR24D12系列单相交流固态继电器(12A) 用户手册说明书
1-60 6 2.5 0.1 0.6 60 0.1
22/14 AWG 22/14 AWG 1.76 oz. (50g)
1-100 6 2.5 0.1 0.6 60 0.1
22/14 AWG 22/14 AWG 1.76 oz. (50g)
280V, 12A
DR24D12 DR24B12 DR24A12 DR24E12
600V, 6A
600V, 12A
DR48D12 DR48B12 DR48A12 DR48E12
60V, 6A
60V, 12A 100V, 6A 100V, 12A
Hale Waihona Puke DR10D06 DR100D12
Operating Voltage [VDC] Maximum Load Current [Adc] (2) Minimum Load Current [mAdc] Maximum Off-State Leakage Current @ Rated Voltage [mA] Maximum On-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current [Vpk] Maximum Surge Current (10ms) [Apk] On-State resistance at rated current [Ohms] Min/Max stranded wire Min/Max solid wire Weight (typical)

Envision H712a 用户手册说明书

Envision H712a 用户手册说明书

Envision H712a User’s ManualTABLE OF CONTENTSFOR YOUR SAFETY --------------------------------------------------1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS --------------------------------------2SPECIAL NOTES ON LCD MONITORS -------------------3 BEFORE YOU OPERATE THE MONITOR ---------------------3 FEATURES --------------------------------------------------------3PACKING LIST ---------------------------------------------------3INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------------4CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS --------------------------5ADJUSTING THE VIEWING ANGLE-----------------------6 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------7 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS----------------------------------7HOW TO ADJUST A SETTING ------------------------------9ADJUSTING THE PICTURE -----------------------------10-11PLUG AND PLAY ----------------------------------------------- 12 TECHNICAL SUPPORT(FAQ) ----------------------------------- 13 ERROR MESSAGE & POSSIBLE SOLUTION--------14 APPENDIX --------------------------------------------------------------15 SPECIFICATIONS -----------------------------------------15-16FACTORY PRESET TIMING TABLE ----------------------17CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT -------------------------18Before operating the monitor, please read this manual thoroughly. This manual should be retained for future reference.FCC Class B Radio Frequency Interference Statement WARNING: (FOR FCC CERTIFIED MODELS)NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:1.Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.4.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. NOTICE:1.The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.2.Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used inorder to comply with the emission limits.3.The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interferencecaused by unauthorized modification to this equipment. It is the responsibilities of the user to correct such interference.As an E NERGY S TAR®Partner our company has determined that this product meets the E NERGY S TAR®guidelines for energy efficiency. WARNING:To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the monitor to rain or moisture. Dangerously high voltages are present inside the monitor. Do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.PRECAUTIONS●Do not use the monitor near water, e.g. near a bathtub, washbowl,kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool or in a wet basement.●Do not place the monitor on an unstable cart, stand, or table. If themonitor falls, it can injure a person and cause serious damage to the appliance. Use only a cart or stand recommended by the manufacturer or sold with the monitor. If you mount the monitor on a wall or shelf, use a mounting kit approved by the manufacturer and follow the kit instructions.●Slots and openings in the back and bottom of the cabinet are provided forventilation. To ensure reliable operation of the monitor and to protect it from overheating, be sure these openings are not blocked or covered. Do not place the monitor on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface. Do not place the monitor near or over a radiator or heat register. Do not place the monitor in a bookcase or cabinet unless proper ventilation is provided.●The monitor should be operated only from the type of power sourceindicated on the label. If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your dealer or local power company.●The monitor is equipped with a three-pronged grounded plug, a plug witha third (grounding) pin. This plug will fit only into a grounded power outletas a safety feature. If your outlet does not accommodate the three-wire plug, have an electrician install the correct outlet, or use an adapter to ground the appliance safely. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounded plug.●Unplug the unit during a lightening storm or when it will not be used forlong period of time. This will protect the monitor from damage due to power surges.●Do not overload power strips and extension cords. Overloading can resultin fire or electric shock.●Never push any object into the slot on the monitor cabinet. It could shortcircuit parts causing a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquids on the monitor.●Do not attempt to service the monitor by yourself; opening or removingcovers can expose you to dangerous voltages and other hazards. Please refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.●To ensure satisfactory operation, use the monitor only with UL listedcomputers which have appropriate configured receptacles marked between 100 - 240V AC, Min. 5A.●The wall socket shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easilyaccessible.SPECIAL NOTES ON LCD MONITORSThe following symptoms are normal with LCD monitor and do not indicate a problem.NOTES∙Due to the nature of the fluorescent light, the screen may flicker during initial use. Turn off the Power Switch and then turn it on again to make sure the flicker disappears.∙You may find slightly uneven brightness on the screen depending on the desktop pattern you use.∙The LCD screen has effective pixels of 99.99% or more. It may include blemishes of 0.01% or less such as a missing pixel or a pixel lit all of the time.∙Due to the nature of the LCD screen, an afterimage of the previous screen may remain after switching the image when the same image has been displayed for a long time. The monitor will slowly recover from this. BEFORE YOU OPERATE THE MONITORFEATURES∙43.2cm(17”) TFT Color LCD Monitor∙Crisp, Clear Display for Windows∙Recommened Resolutions: 1280X 1024 @60Hz∙EPA E NERGY S TAR®∙Ergonomic Design∙Space Saving, Compact Case DesignCHECKING THE CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGEThe product package should include the following items:1.LCD Monitor2.Owner's Manual3.Power Cord4.D-Sub Cable5.Audio CableINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInstall RemoveFigure 1 Installing and Removing the Swivel BasePOWER CORDPower Source:1.Make sure that the power cord is the correct type required in your area.2.This LCD monitor has an External universal power supply that allowsoperation in either 100/120V AC or 220/240V AC voltage area (No user adjustment is required.)3.Connect the power cord into your LCD monitor’s power input socket, andthen plug the other end into a 3-pin AC power outlet. The power cord may be connected to either a wall power outlet or the power outlet socket on your PC, depending on the type of power cord supplied with your LCD monitor.NOTESA certified power supply cord has to be used with this equipment. The relevant national installation and/or equipment regulations shall be considered. A certified power supply cord not lighter than ordinary polyvinyl chloride flexible cord according to IEC 60227 (designation H05VV-F 3G 0.75mm2 or H05VVH2-F2 3G 0.75mm2) shall be used. Alternative a flexible cord be of synthetic rubber according to IEC 60245 (designation H05RR-F 3G 0.75mm2) shall be used.CONTROLS AND CONNECTORSVIDEO CABLEConnecting the D-Sub Cable: Connect one end of the 15-pin D-Sub cable to the back of the monitor and connect the other end to the computer’s D-Sub port.Connecting the Power Cord:Connect the power cord into your LCD monitor’s power input socket, and then plug the other end into a 3-pin AC power outlet. The power cord may be connected to either a wall power outlet or the power outlet socket on your PC, depending on the type of power cord supplied with your LCD monitor.Caution: If the AC outlet is not grounded (with three holes), install the proper grounding adapter (not supplied).Connecting the Audio Cable:Plug audio cable between the computer multi-media (or sound) card's audio output and monitor's audio input.Figure 2 Connecting Cables1.AC Power Cord2.D-Sub Cable3.Audio CableADJUSTING THE VIEWING ANGLE∙For optimal viewing it is recommended to look at the full face of the monitor, then adjust the monitor’s angle to your own preference.∙Hold the stand so you do not topple the monitor when you change the monitor’s angle.∙You are able to adjust the monitor’s angle from -5︒ to 20︒.Figure 3NOTES∙Do not touch the LCD screen when you change the angle. It may cause damage or break the LCD screen.∙Careful attention is required not to catch your fingers or hands when you change the angle.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONSPress the power button to turn the monitor on or off. The other control buttons are located on the front panel of the monitor (See Figure 4). By changing these settings, the picture can be adjusted to your personal preferences.∙The power cord should be connected.∙Connect the video cable from the monitor to the video card.∙Press the power button to turn on the monitor position. The power indicator will light up.Figure 4 External Control ButtonEXTERNAL CONTROLS1.Auto Adjust Key/Exit 4.>/ Volume2.</ Volume 5.MENU/ENTER3.Power Key/ LEDFRONT PANEL CONTROL∙Power Button / Power Indicator:Press this button to turn the monitor ON or OFF.Blue—Power On mode.Orange—Off mode.∙MENU / ENTER :Activate OSD menu when OSD is OFF or activate/de-activate adjustment function when OSD is ON or Exit OSD menu when in Volume Adjust OSD status.∙> /Volume:Activates the volume control when the OSD is OFF or navigate through adjustment icons when OSD is ON or adjust a function when function is activated.∙< /Volume:Activates the volume control when the OSD is OFF or navigate through adjustment icons when OSD is ON or adjust a function when function is activated.∙Auto Adjust button / Exit:1.When OSD menu is in active status, this button will act as EXIT-KEY(EXIT OSD menu).2.When OSD menu is in off status, press this button for 2 seconds toactivate the Auto Adjustment function.The Auto Adjustment function is used to set the HPos, VPos, Clock and Focus.OSD Lock Function:To lock the OSD, press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on. To un-lock the OSD - press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on. NOTES∙Do not install the monitor in a location near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts, or in a place subject to direct sunlight, or excessive dust or mechanical vibration or shock.∙Save the original shipping carton and packing materials, as they will come in handy if you ever have to ship your monitor.∙For maximum protection, repackage your monitor as it was originally packed at the factory.∙To maintain the cleanness of your LCD display, wipe it periodically with clean and soft cloth. The screen may be damaged by any liquid splash.∙To keep the monitor looking new, periodically clean it with a soft cloth.Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth lightly dampened with a mild detergent solution. Never use strong solvents such as thinner, benzene, or abrasive cleaners, since these will damage the cabinet. As a safety precaution, always unplug the monitor before cleaning it.HOW TO ADJUST A SETTING1.Press the MENU-button to activate the OSD window.2.Press< or > to navigate through the functions. Once the desiredfunction is highlighted, press the MENU-button to activate it. If the function selected has a sub-menu, press < or > again to navigate through the sub-menu functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press MENU-button to activate it.3.Press< or > to change the settings of the selected function.4.To exit and save, select the exit function. If you want to adjust any otherfunction, repeat steps 2-3.Figure 5 The OSD MessageADJUSTING THE PICTUREThe descriptions for function control LEDSMain Menu Item Main Menu IconSub Menu Item Sub Menu IconDescriptionContrast Contrast from Digital-register.LuminanceBrightnessBacklight AdjustmentFocus Adjust Picture Phase to reduce Horizontal-Line noiseImage SetupClockAdjust picture Clock to reduce Vertical-Line noise.H. Position Adjust the horizontal position of the picture.Image PositionV. PositionAdjust the verticalposition of the picture.Warm N/A Recall Warm Color Temperature from EEPROM.Cool N/A Recall Cool Color Temperature from EEPROM.sRGB N/A Recall sRGB Temperature from EEPROM.User / Red Red Gain from er / Green Green Gain Digital-register.Color Temp.User / BlueBlue Gain from Digital-register.Main Menu ItemMain Menu IconSub Menu Item Sub Menu Icon DescriptionYesN/AAuto Adjust the H/V Position, Focus and Clock of picture.Auto ConfigNoN/ADo not execute Auto Config, return to main menu.H. Position Adjust the horizontal position of the OSD.V. Position Adjust the verticalposition of the OSD.OSD SetupOSD TimeoutAdjust the OSD timeout.Language Language N/A Set OSD language InformationInformatio n N/A Show the resolution, H/V frequency and input port of current input timing.Yes N/A Clear each old status of Auto-configuration.Reset NoN/A Do not execute reset, return to main menu.ExitN/AN/AExit OSDPLUG AND PLAYPlug & Play DDC2B FeatureThis monitor is equipped with VESA DDC2B capabilities according to the VESA DDC STANDARD. It allows the monitor to inform the host system of its identity and, depending on the level of DDC used, communicate additional information about its display capabilities.The DDC2B is a bidirectional data channel based on the I²C protocol. The host can request EDID information over the DDC2B channel.THIS MONITOR WILL APPEAR TO BE NON-FUNCTIONAL IF THERE IS NO VIDEO INPUT SIGNAL. IN ORDER FOR THIS MONITOR TO OPERATE PROPERLY, THERE MUST BE A VIDEO INPUT SIGNAL.This monitor meets the Green monitor standards as set by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) and/or the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and The Swedish Confederation Employees (NUTEK). This feature is designed to conserve electrical energy by reducing power consumption when there is no video-input signal present. When there is no video input signal this monitor, following a time-out period, will automatically switch to an OFF mode. This reduces the monitor's internal power supply consumption. After the video input signal is restored, full power is restored and the display is automatically redrawn. The appearance is similar to a "Screen Saver" feature except the display is completely off. The display is restored by pressing a key on the keyboard, or clicking the mouse.TECHNICAL SUPPORT (FAQ)Problem & Question Possible SolutionPower LED is not on*Check if the Power Switch is in the ON position*Power Cord should be connectedNo Plug & Play *Check if the PC system is Plug & Playcompatible*Check if the Video Card is Plug & Play compatible*Check if the D-15 plug pin of Video Cable is bentPicture is fuzzy *Adjust the Contrast and BrightnessControls.Picture bounces or a wave pattern is present in the picture *Move electrical devices that may cause electrical interference.The power LED is ON but there’s no video or no picture.*Computer Power Switch should be in the ON position.*Computer Video Card should be snugly seated in its slot.*Make sure monitor’s video cable is properly connected to the computer.*Inspect monitor’s video cable and make sure none of the pins are bent.*Make sure computer is operational by hitting the CAPS LOCK key on the keyboard while observing the CAPS LOCK LED. The LED should either turn ON or OFF after hitting the CAPS LOCK key.Missing one of the primary colors (RED, GREEN, or BLUE)*Inspect the monitor’s video cable and make sure that none of the pins are bent.Screen image is not centered or sized properly.*Adjust pixel frequency (CLOCK) and FOCUS or press hot-key (AUTO).Picture has color defects (white does not look white)*Adjust RGB color or select color temperature.Horizontal or vertical disturbances on the screen *Use win 95/98 shut-down mode Adjust CLOCK and FOCUS or perform hot- key(AUTO-key).CLOCK (pixel frequency) controls the number of pixels scanned by one horizontal sweep. If the frequency is not correct, the screen shows vertical stripes and the picture has not correct width.FOCUS adjusts the phase of the pixel clock signal. With a wrong phase adjustment the picture has horizontal disturbances in light picture.For FOCUS and CLOCK adjustment use “dot-pattern” or win 95/98 shut-down mode pattern.ERROR MESSAGE & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONCABLE NOT CONNECTED :1.Check that the signal-cable is properly connected , If the connector isloose, tighten the connector’s screws.2.Check the signal-cable’s connection pins for damage.MODE NOT SUPPORTED :Your computer has been set to unsuitable display mode ,set the computer to display mode given in the following table (See page17).APPENDIXSPECIFICATIONSDriving system TFT Color LCDLCD Panel Size43.2cm(17.0")Pixel pitch0.264mm( H ) × 0.264mm( V )Video R,G,B Analog InterfaceInput Separate Sync.H/V TTLH-Frequency30kHz – 80kHzV-Frequency55-75HzDisplay Colors16.2M ColorsDot Clock135MHzMax. Resolution1280 × 1024Plug & Play VESA DDC2B TMON Mode≤37WEPA E NERGY S TAR®OFF Mode≤1WInput Connector15-pin D-SubInput Video Signal Analog:0.7Vp-p(standard),75 OHM, PositiveMaximum Screen Size Horizontal : 337.92mmVertical :270.34mmPower Source100~240VAC,50~60HzEnvironmental Considerations Operating Temp: 5° to 35°C Storage Temp.: -20° to 60°C Operating Humidity:10% to 85%Dimension371(W)×380(H)×106.4(D)mm Weight (N. W.) 4.5kg Unit (net)Switch∙Auto Adjust Key∙< / Volume∙> / Volume∙Power Button∙MENUExternal Controls:Functions∙Contrast∙Brightness∙Focus∙Clock∙H. Position∙V. Position∙Auto Config∙Language∙Information∙OSD Setup∙(Warm)Color∙(Cool)Color∙ sRGB∙User Color temperature∙Reset∙ExitAudio Output Rated Power 1.5 W rms(Per channel) Regulatory Compliance FCC,CE,cULusPreset Display ModesSTANDARD RESOLUTION HORIZONTALFREQUENCYVERTICALFREQUENCYDos-mode 720 x 400 31.47kHz70.0Hz640 × 48031.47kHz60.0Hz VGA640 × 48037.50kHz75.0Hz800 × 60037.879kHz60.0Hz SVGA800 × 60046.875kHz75.0Hz1024 × 76848.363kHz60.0Hz1024 × 76856.476kHz70.0Hz XGA1024 × 76860.021kHz75.0Hz1280 × 102464.000kHz60.0Hz SXGA1280 × 102480.000kHz75.0HzCONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT15 - Pin Color Display Signal CablePIN NO.DESCRIPTION PIN NO.DESCRIPTION1.Red 9.+5V2.Green10.Detect Cable3.Blue11.Ground4.Ground12.DDC-Serial Data5.Ground13.H-Sync6.R-Ground14.V-Sync7.G-Ground15.DDC-Serial Clock8.B-Ground。

Honda 12V 辅助插座安装说明书

Honda 12V 辅助插座安装说明书

Publication No.
MII 16426
Issue Date
January 2018
1. Open the left saddlebag lid as shown. • Repeat on the right side.
<Left side>
15. Remove the right deflector panel, right inner cowl and right middle cowl in the same manner as the left side.
9. Remove the screw as shown. • Repeat on the right side.
<Left side>
2 of 7
10. Remove the left deflector panel as shown. <Left side>
13. Remove the clip as shown. <Left side>
WIRE TIE Secure the accessory socket harness to the motorcycle’s harness.
7 of 7
2. Rem ove t he lef t si d e c over as s h own, an d disconnect the negative (-) cable of the battery.

M12 标准环形连接器,线到线,密封,线缆接触电流评级为12A,4个位置,60VAC,镍膜说明书

M12 标准环形连接器,线到线,密封,线缆接触电流评级为12A,4个位置,60VAC,镍膜说明书

3-2172097-2M12 Connector, Standard Circular Connectors, Cable-to-Cable, 4 Position, Sealable, Wire & Cable, 12A Contact Current Rating (Max), Power, Nickel10/05/2020 08:19PM | Page 1For support call+1 800 522 6752Connectors > Circular Connectors >Standard Circular ConnectorsContact Current Rating (Max):12 AConnector & Contact Terminates To:Wire & CableSealable:YesNumber of Positions:4Connector System:Cable-to-CableFeaturesProduct Type Features Product Type Connector Connector System Cable-to-Cable SealableYesConnector & Contact Terminates To Wire & Cable Circular Connector Type Receptacle Shell TypeMetalConfiguration Features Number of Positions 4Number of Power Positions 4Contacts Preloaded YesElectrical Characteristics Operating Voltage 60 VACBody Features Shell Plating MaterialNickel3-2172097-2 ACTIVEM12 ConnectorTE Internal #:3-2172097-2M12 Connector, Standard Circular Connectors, Cable-to-Cable, 4 Position, Sealable, Wire & Cable, 12A Contact Current Rating (Max), Power, NickelView on >Shell Plating Material NickelShell Base Material Zinc AlloyCircular Connector Insulation Material Type PAContact FeaturesContact Current Rating (Max)12 AReverse Gender NoCircular Connector Contact Type SocketTermination FeaturesTermination Method to Wire & Cable Screw TerminalMechanical AttachmentMating Alignment Type KeyedHousing FeaturesCircular Connector Shell Size20DimensionsWire Size22 – 16 AWGUsage ConditionsIP Water Sealing Level7IP Dust Sealing Level6Operating Temperature Range-40 – 85 °C, -40 – 85 °C[-40 – 185 °F][-40 –185 °F]Operation/ApplicationCircuit Application PowerShielded YesPackaging FeaturesPackaging Quantity1Product ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Compliant with ExemptionsEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Compliant with ExemptionsChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 202010/05/2020 08:19PM | Page 2 For support call+1 800 522 675210/05/2020 08:19PM | Page 3For support call+1 800 522 6752Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 2020 (209)SVHC > Threshold:Pb (3% in Component Part)Article Safe Usage Statements:Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash thoroughly afterhandling. Recycle if possible and dispose of the article by following all applicable governmental regulations relevant to your geographic location.Halogen Content Low Halogen - Br, Cl, F, I < 900 ppm per homogenous material. Also BFR/CFR/PVC FreeSolder Process Capability Not reviewed for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked. Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulation, the information TE provides on SVHC in articles for this part number is based on the latest European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’ posted at this URL: https://echa.europa.eu/guidance-documents/guidance-on-reachStandard Circular Connectors(529)Circular Connector Adapters(2) TE Model / Part #3-2172096-2M12 MALE CABLE CONNECTOR-T-CODING-SHLDCompatible PartsAlso in the Series M12 ConnectorCustomers Also Bought10/05/2020 08:19PM | Page 4For support call+1 800 522 6752TE Model / Part #953653-2HOLDER GUIDE FOR RELAYTE Model / Part #2141029-1FUSE BOX ASSY,HARD WIREDTE Model / Part #965914-1TIMER, RECEPTACLE AND TABTE Model / Part #2112045-2LEAVYSEAL LOCKING SLIDESTE Model / Part #1011-232-0305DEUTSCH DT BACKSHELLSTE Model / Part #9-1625999-3Power Resistors: Aluminum Housed, HSCTE Model / Part #6-2271110-2M12, MALE, A CODE, 12P, PG9 (AU)TE Model / Part #6-2271128-2M12, FEMALE, A CODE, R/A, 12P, PG9 (AU)TE Model / Part #6-2271122-2M12, MALE, A CODE, R/A, 12P, PG9 (AU)TE Model / Part #1-2823591-1RAIL ROOFTOP MIMO LTE ANTENNADocumentsCAD Files3D PDF3DCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-2172097-2_A.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-2172097-2_A.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_3-2172097-2_A.3d_stp.zipEnglishBy downloading the CAD file I accept and agree to the of use.Terms and Conditions Datasheets & Catalog PagesM8 / M12 Connector System CatalogEnglishProduct SpecificationsApplication SpecificationApplication SpecificationEnglish10/05/2020 08:19PM | Page 5 For support call+1 800 522 6752。











Noctua NF-S12A PWM 风扇安装说明书

Noctua NF-S12A PWM 风扇安装说明书

NF-S12A PWM | User Manual安装当把NF-S12A PWM安装在散热器、散热片或其它装置上时,请使用自带的安装配件来进行安装(如风扇夹、专用螺丝等等),请使用这些安装机制来进行安装。

在安装NF-S12A PWM时,你可以使用专用的系统(如果你的系统具有安装风扇的功能)或者是我们提供的安装螺丝、有机硅防振装备等。




如果有必要需移除NF-S12A PWM的综合性防振垫,你可以很容易的移除。

连接把NF-S12A PWM 通过连接器连接到你主板上的4-pin PWM 连接头,连接到主板的4-pin PWM时连接头可以使风扇以自动速度运行。

请注意,风扇同样可以与你主板上的3-pin 的风扇控制器连接起来。

当与主板的3-pin 风扇控制器连接之后,NF-S12A PWM 将以全速运行,(除非主板提供的电压是以速度控制为基础的)。

如果你需要使用多个NF-S12A PWM风扇,你可以使用系统提供的y-cable(NA-S YC1)来把多个风扇和一个PWM 风扇控制器连接起来。


-NF-S12A PWM 的长20厘米的基本电缆以它特有的应用程序帮助你把电缆杂乱问题缩到最小。

如果你想要一根更长一点的电缆的话,就请用我们提供给您的30厘米的加长电缆(NA-S EC1)代替吧。

NF-S12A PWM 的低噪音适配器/转接器(NA-RC6)确保您可以把风扇的速度由每分钟1200转减到每分钟900转。

您既可以使用适配器来把风扇的速度设置为已经确定的每分钟900转(前提是速度控制器已经停止工作了),也可以是在速度控制PWM 过程中超过最大速度每分钟900转。



viper 12A高频变压器使用电路

viper 12A高频变压器使用电路




由于VIPER12A内部的功率MOSFET 管是一种特殊的“灵敏场效应管”如图1所示,有两个源极S1、S2,其中S1接外部参考地,S2用于电流检测,且IS1>>IS2,因此,能无损检测出漏极电流ID,从而达到节能。


图2为系统整体框图,电网电源经过整流滤波后可得到峰值约为310V的直流高压,同时还设有保护电路及抗电磁干扰电路,然后经过功率转化为+5V 脉动直流电压,再经二次滤波后得到+5V恒压源。













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Rev 12A 〇.本手册是软件基本安装过程,如有特殊要求,请参考安装光盘中的PDF文件。





点击Install LMS b now…。


四.在b安装前,首先会自动运行安装LMS Unit System。


2.选择I accept,点Next
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五.LMS Unit System安装结束后,会自动进行b软件的安装
2.选择I accept,点Next

4.选择中间一项:Usea LMS_MID.lic文件,点Browse…指定License文件,点Next

可以用文本编辑软件打开License文件,查找Desktop,确认是Standard版本还是Advanced 版本,再进行安装。




●安装好b软件后,从开始-> 所有程序->LMS b-> Tools->
Licensing, 运行“flexid”和“hdd32”两个文件。

●从安装光盘\Drivers\Licensing Dongle Drivers目录中把加密狗驱动程序拷贝到
