unit3 Solar Turbine Controller Logix5563 faults


深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司 7N型号晶体振荡器说明书

深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司 7N型号晶体振荡器说明书

深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司样品承认书客户代码:物料名称:贴片钟振规格型号:5032 OSC12.288MHZ 1.8~3.3V ±30PPM CMOSP N/ SJK:7N12288G33YC承认签章供应商承认()公司承认制定审核核准工程师审核批准林雁杨霞黄灏东盖章签署盖章签署日期日期批示:□接受□有条件接受备注:公司地址:深圳市龙岗区天安云谷产业园一期3栋C座12楼1204~1206室电话:传真:Approved by: 黄灏东Checked by: 杨霞Issued by: 玉静霞产品规格书SPECIFICATIONPN / SJK: 7N12288G33YC深圳市晶科鑫实业有限公司SHENZHEN CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.公司地址:深圳市龙岗区天安云谷产业园一期3栋C座12楼1204~1206室电话:*************-837传真:*************修改记录版次修改日项目改定内容改定者确认者A1 2015-6-5 初版林雁杨霞1. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSStandard atmospheric conditionsUnless otherwise specified, the standard range of atmospheric conditions for making measurement and tests are as follow:Ambient temperature : 25±5℃Relative humidity : 40%~70%If there is any doubt about the results, measurement shall be made within the following limits: Ambient temperature : 25±3℃Relative humidity : 40%~70%Measure equipmentElectrical characteristics measured by MD 37WX-05M or equivalen t.Crystal cutting typeThe crystal is using AT CUT (thickness shear mode).Parameters SYMElectrical Spec. Notes MIN TYPE MAX UNITS1 Nominal Frequency 12.288000 MHZ2 FrequencyStabilityAT 25℃±10 PPM Over OperatingTemperature range±20 PPM3 Operating Temperature Topr -40 25 85 ℃4 Storage Temperature Tstg -55 ~ 125 ℃5 Supply Voltage VDD 1.8~3.3 ±10% V6 Input Current Icc 5 mA7 Enable Control Yes Pad18 Output Load : CMOS CL 15 pF9 Output Voltage High VoH 90%VddV10 Output Voltage Low VoL 10%VddV11 Rise Time Tr 5 ns 10%→90%VDDLevel12 Fall Time Tf 5 ns 90%→10%VDDLevel13 Symmetry (Duty ratio) TH/T 45 ~ 55 %14 Start-up Time Tosc 10 ms15 Enable Voltage High Vhi 70%VddV16 Disable Voltage Low Vlo 30%VddV17 Aging ±3 ppm/yr. 1st. Year at 25℃18 Output Disable Delay Time T off 150 us19 Output Enable Delay Time T on 150 us20 Phase Jitter (12KHZ~20MHZ)0.5 1.0 ps2. DIMENSIONS (Units :mm)MARKING3. TEST CIRCUITControl input (output enable/disable)Logic 1 or open on pad 1: Oscillator outputLogic 0 on pad 1 : Disable output to high impedance4. PART NUMBER GUIDESJK -7N— 12288Frequency12.288MHz— GFrequencytolerance—33Supplyvoltage— Y Fan out type X:TTL/CMOS — C Temperaturerange5. WAVEFORM CONDITIONSWaveform measurement system shouldhave a min. bandwidth of 5 times thefrequency being tested.6. OUTPUT ENABLE / DISABLE DELAYThe following figure shows the oscillator timing during normal operation . Note that when the device is in standby,the oscillator stops. When standby is released, the oscillator starts and stable oscillator output occurs after a short delay7. SUGGESTED REFLOW PROFILE8. STRUCTURE ILLUSTRATIONNO COMPONENTSMATERIALS FINISH/SPECIFICATIONS1 LID Kovar (Fe/Co/Ni)2 Base(Package)Ceramic (AI2O3) + Kovar (Fe/Co/Ni)+ Ag/CuColor black 3 PAD Au Tungsten metalize+ Ni plating + Au plating4 Crystal blank SiO25 Conductive adhesiveAg Silicon resin6 Electrode Noble Metal7 IC chip8 Bonding wire Au Pad 1 options : NC is 5wires , EN is 6 wires.9. PACKING10. RELIABILITY TEST SPECIFICATION1.Mechanical EnduranceNo.Test Item Test Methods REF. DOC 1 Drop Test75 cm height,3 times on concrete floor .JIS C67012 Mechanical Shock Device are shocked to half sine wave ( 1000G ) three mutuallyperpendicular axes each 3 times. 0.5m sec.duration timeMIL-STD-202F3 VibrationFrequency range 10 ~ 2000 HzAmplitude 1.52 mm/20GSweep time 20 minutesPerpendicular axes each test time 4 Hrs(Total test time 12 Hrs)MIL-STD-883E4 Gross Leak Standard Sample For Automatic Gross LeakDetector, Test Pressure: 2kg / cm2MIL-STD-883E5 Fine Leak Helium Bomging 4.5 kgf / cm 2 for 2 Hrs6 SolderabilityTemperature 245 ℃ ± 5℃Immersing depth 0.5 mm minimumImmersion time 5 ± 1 secondsFlux Rosin resin methyl alcoholsolvent ( 1 : 4 )MIL-STD-883E2.Environmental EnduranceNo. Test Item Test Methods REF. DOC1 Resistance To SolderingHeatPre-heat temperature 125 ℃Pre-heat time 60 ~ 120 sec.Test temperature 260 ± 5 ℃Test time 10 ± 1 sec.MIL-STD-202F2 High Temp. Storage + 125 ℃ ±3 ℃ for 1000 ± 12 HrsMIL-STD-883E 3 Low Temp. Storage - 40 ℃ ± 3 ℃ for 1000 ± 12 Hrs4 Thermal Shock Total 100 cycles of the following temperaturecycleMIL-STD-883E5 Pressure CookerStorage121 ± 3℃ , RH100% , 2 bar , 240 Hrs JIS C67016 High Temp&Humidity 85℃ ± 3℃, RH 85% , 1000 Hrs JIS C5023。

Crouzet Syrelec控制继电器系列说明书

Crouzet Syrelec控制继电器系列说明书

CONTROL RELAYSCrouzet offers several variations of Syrelec control relays.Five models for liquid level controls, 3 phase 230V, 380V, 440V and 480V for phase loss or reversal protection, current and voltage detection and control, motion detection, and alternating relays are also available.If a standard control requires modification or a special product is needed to meet your exact needs, please call us or the Crouzet Sales Representative nearest you.Crouzet has controls to meet your CE, UL, and CSA requirements.SERIES FUNCTIONFEATURES SERIES F U N C T I O N FEATURES NNR SeriesLiquid LevelControlPC Board liquid levelcontrol.Pumpup/Pump down.4.7 to47K ohm sensitivity.SPDT 10A output relay3.62˝ x 2.16˝Liquid LevelControlNR SeriesLLC PumpDownNRU SeriesLLC Pump UpPlug-in or Din-Railmount.4.7 to 100Kohm sensitivity.1.89˝H x 1.89˝W x3.9˝LLiquid LevelControl PumpDownLiquid LevelControl PumpUpEN SeriesEND SeriesLiquid LevelControlLiquid LevelControlDin-Rail/surface mount.Pump up/Pump down.5K to 100K ohm sensi-tivity.80mmH x22.5mmW x 100mmLIR.T SeriesCurrentControl RelayMonitorsCurrent withRelay OutputPlug-in or Din-Railmount.Adjustableinhibit time for start up.LED Relay output indi-cator.3mAmp to7Amps-AC, 5mA to10Amps DC.1.89˝H x1.89˝W x 3.9˝LEIL EIH EITSeriesCurrentControl RelayMonitorsCurrent withRelay OutputDin-Rail/surfacemount.Adjustable timeinhibits.2mAmp to10Amps AC/DC.forEIL/EIH .01 to100Amps for EITw/transformer.80mmHx 22.5mmW x 100mmLUR SeriesVoltageControl RelayMonitorsVoltage withRelay OutputPlug-in or Din-Railmount .1 to 400 VoltsAC/DC.With latchingfunction selectable.LED output indication.1.89˝H x 1.89˝W x3.9˝LCTD/CTHSeriesT emperatureControllersP, PI, PIDOn/OffAuto TuningHeat/CoolSingle and dual displaymodels.Thermocoupleand RTD inputs.Auto-tuning for PID mod.Soft start function.WRL SeriesPhaseMonitorPhase ControlRelayMonitors:- PhaseSequence- Loss of Phase- Under VoltagePlug-in or Din-Railmount.3 x 230 VAC, 3x 380 VAC, 3 x 480VAC, 1.89˝H x 1.89˝Wx 3.9˝LHDU SeriesVoltageControl RelayMonitorsVoltage.With RelayOutput.With LCDDisplay..2 to 600 Volt AC/DC v o l t-age monitoring ra n g e.O v er and under v o l t a g ef u n c t i o n s.With LCD dis-p l a y.S h o ws actual ands e t p o i n t s.Din-Rail mount.81mmH x 36mmW x81m m LFW SeriesPhaseMonitorMonitors:- Phase Loss- PhaseReversal- UndervoltageDin-Rail or surface mount.3 x 230 VAC, 3 x 380VAC, 3 x 480 VAC, 3 x600 VAC.45mm widee n c l o s u r e.A d j u s t a b le timei n h i b i t.LED power on andr e l a y status.79mmH x45mmW x 100mmLEUL,EUHSeriesVoltageControl RelayMonitorsVoltage withRelay OutputD i n-R a i l/s u r f ace mount.A d j u s t a b le time inhibit..2 to 600 Volts AC/D C.S e l e c t a b le latching fe a-t u r e.80mmH x22.5mmW x 100mmLJR SeriesAlternatingRelayDuplexAlternatingRelayPlug-in style.Designedfor dual pump system.Selector switch ver-sions available.1.89˝Hx 1.89˝W x 3.9˝LMCI SeriesCurrentControl RelayMonitorsCurrent.WithRelay Output.With Built-inTr ansformer1 to 20Amp AC/DC cur-rent monitoring ra n g e.Built-in tra n s f o r m e r.R e l a youtput-SPDT Over andunder current functions.81mmH x 17.5mmW x83m m LF3I SeriesMotorProtectionRelayMotorProtection forPhase LossPhaseUnbalanceCurrent Surge8 to 630Amp currentra n g e.LED diagnostics.A d j u s t a b le trip timers.Phase loss test s w i t c h.Front panel reset.79m m Hx 45mmW x 95mmLFWIT SeriesMotorProtectionRelayMotor Protectionfor Phase LossPhase UnbalancePhase Rev e r s a lCurrent SurgeO v e r h e a t i n g7 to 630Amp currentrange.LED diagnos-tics.Adjustable triptimers Phase loss testswitch.Front panelreset.80mmH x78mmW x 99mmLHDI SeriesCurrentControl RelayMonitorsCurrent.WithRelay Output.With LCDDisplay.2mA to 10Amp;AC/D Ccurrent monitoring r a n g e.O v er and under currentf u n c t i o n s.With LCD dis-p l a y.S h o ws actualand setpoints.D i n-R a i lm o u n t.81mmH x36mmW x 66mmL83311CONTROLS&SENSORS Toll Free 1-800-526-5376Fax 201-337-1862201-337-1000Control Relays845Toll Free 1-800-526-5376Fax 201-337-1862201-337-1000Protective Relays & Alternating RelaysAdjustableProduct Number Product Number Operating Voltage UndervoltagePlug-inCase Socket Surface-Mount 50/60 Hz Drop-out Range(8 pin octal socket)Case*208/240V 180-230VPMP24070169-D PMD240480V 360-460V PMP480**70175PMD480PHASE MONITOR RELAYSProvides microprocessor-based protection for 3 phase systems against phase loss, phase rever-sal, phase unbalance, and under voltage.These devices are designed to be compatible with most Wye or Delta systems.In Wye systems, a connection to a neutral is not required.Phase Monitoring Relays protect against unbalanced voltages or single phasing regardless of any regenerative voltages.The relay is energized when the phase sequence and all voltages are correct.Any one of four fault conditions will de-energize the relay.Re-energization is automatic upon correction of the fault condition.An LED indicates normal and tripped conditions.The per-cent phase unbalance is adjustable from 2-10%, and the undervoltage drop-out can be set at 75-95% of operating voltage.The adjustable time delay dropout on undervoltage (0.1-20 sec-onds) eliminates nuisance tripping caused by momentary voltage fluctuations.Output :10A SPDT (PMP) or DPDT (PMD) @ 240VAC/30VDC.Dimensions :PMP-1.7”x 2.4”x 3.5”.PMD-1.8”x 2.75”x 4.4”.PMP Plug-in PMD Surface-Mount File LR45565File LR45565File E109461Provides protection to equipment where an over or under voltage condition is potentially damaging.They monitor either AC single phase (50-400hz) or DC (independent of polarity) voltages.No supply (input) voltage is required.The pick-up voltage setting is user-adjustable from 85-115% of the nominal voltage rating.The drop-out voltage setting is fixed at 3% below the pick-up voltage setting.The relay energizes when the monitored voltage is above the pick-up setting.The relay de-energizes when the monitored voltage is below the drop-out setting.The time delay on drop-out is fixed at 50ms.Output :10A DPDT @ 240VAC/30VDC.Dimensions :1.7”x 2.4”x 2.9”.ALTERNATING R ELAYSUsed in special applications where the optimization of load usage is required by equalizing the run time of two loads.They are also used where additional capacity is required in case of excess load requirements.This alternating action is initiated by a control switch, such as a float switch, manual switch, timing relay, pressure switch, or other isolated contact.Each time the initiating switch is opened, the output relay contacts will change state, thus alternating the two loads.Tw o LED indicators show the status of the output relay.As listed, these units come with a three position selector switch.This allows the unit to alternate the two loads as normal, or lock the relay to one load or the other.By locking the Alternating Relay to one load, the other load can be removed for service without rewiring the first load for continuous operation.The selector switch has a low profile to prevent any accidental changes in status.Output :10A SPDT or DPDT Cross-Wired @ 240VAC/30VDC.Dimensions :1.7”x2.4”x 2.9”.Product NumberControlSPDT DPDT Cross-Voltage Contacts Wired Contacts Socket File E109461SPDT DPDT Cross-WiredNominalPick-up Drop-Out Product VoltageVoltage Range Voltage Range Number Socket 24V AC21-27V AC 20-26V AC VMP024A 120V AC102-138V AC 99-134V AC VMP120A 240V AC204-276V AC 198-267V AC VMP240A 12V DC10-14V DC 9-13V DC VMPO12D 24V DC 21-27V DC 20-26V DC VMP024D 8 PIN OCTAL 70169-D File E109461File LR45565**Requires 600V-rated socket* No socket required for PMD240 or PMD4801 1C O N T R O L S &S E N S OR S。

亚特兰蒂斯(Atlas Copco)电池驱动工具产品说明书

亚特兰蒂斯(Atlas Copco)电池驱动工具产品说明书

23Atlas Copco battery tools come in three functionality levels to fit your specific requirements:SRB HAImprove your operations with a high-productivity battery tool for all your critical applications.Battery, Drive & Performance• 36 V smart battery • High performance motor• Built in torque transducer and angle sensorFeature / ModelDigitalSmartConnectedDual Trigger ✔✔✔Socket Release ✔✔✔Guiding LED Feedback ✔✔✔Torque Transducer ✔✔✔Permanent Magnet Motor ✔✔✔HMI Display✔✔✔Internal wifi Server for Data Collection✔✔Presets (10)✔✔Batch Mode (10)✔✔Angle Monitoring ✔✔Torque + Angle Strategy ✔✔Torque Tolerances ✔✔Live Data Collection ✔Operator guidance ✔SQS Configuration ✔PF6000 Configuration✔Function Button• Customisable button / ReverseOperator Control & Feedback• Display with 3 buttons • Pset Selection / Quick Torqe • Easy interface for the operatorTorque Range• Four models :1300/2400/3400/4000 NmIP41 Protection• Ingress ProtectionErgonomics• Well balanced • D handle forrobustness and safetyDual Trigger• Both triggers need to be pressed • Minimize risk of injuryConnects direct to any mobile device• No app• No additional software • No wifi network neededMulti-functional LED• White spotlight for dark areas • OK/NOK feedback for operatorAtlas Copco has been a preferred supplier to the global manufacturing industry for decades. We were the first company to develop and introduce smart electric tools into the factories more than 30 years ago. With our new high torque battery nutrunner range, we are applying our knowledge and experience to take the smart factory to the field.Atlas Copco’s new battery range is equipped with a torque transducer for maximum reliability. All tools have a powerful motor and a new dual trigger design, minimizing the risk of injuries to operators. We are committed to make the operation process for our customers quicker, safer and smarter.+PF6000Smart Connected Bolting,taking smart factory to the field.Tensor ST Revo HAHFGC l e a r f e e d b a c k f o ru se r sSmaller, lighter, fasterConventional pneumatic or hydraulic tools face problems in terms of noise, vibration and productivity. Most of these assembly tools do not give users any feedback concerning the results of the tightening operation. As a result, these tools can lead to – unnecessary – additional investment in further tools and reworking.Better accessThe Tensor Revo HA was designed to facilitate assembly work and reworking in confined spaces. It features a slimmer gearbox andlightweight, compact reaction bars. In addition, the Revo HA is equipped with a socket release function for rapidly releasing the tool and the reaction bar from the joint following the completion of tightening.Higher process qualityThe Revo HA is a high-torque nutrunner with integrated torque and angle transducers. With full traceability of tightening results as well as angle control and monitoring, the high-torque Tensor system guarantees perfect assembly results and bolted joints of the highest quality.A The 360° swivel reaction bar offersmaximum flexibility for working in a variety of applications. A wide range of lightweight reaction bars are available.B The slim gear units ensure easy access tothe joints to be tightened. Five modelsfor torque values from 390 to 8,000 Nm are available.C Quality: This unique nutrunner combinesan assembly tool and a measurementsystem in a single unit. The Tensor Revo HA, which is designed for free swiveling at all times, ensures full traceability and high-quality tightening results.D Two-hand starter. The Revo HA focuseson the operator. Two-hand starting ensures greater safety and betterergonomics. Good weight distribution and the freely adjustable support handle also make for easier handling.E The angle of the handle can beindividually adjusted.F Operator feedback and parameter setselection: the Revo HA provides directtorque and angle feedback to the user. With free parameter set selection, it is ideal for a variety of applications.G LED lamps give the operatorinstantfeedback.H The Power Focus 6000 controllerfeatures a touch screen and is a universal controller for all Tensor tools.FunctionsBCEDAFaster tighteningOur high-torque tools make tightening operations not only safer but also faster. Torque values can be set easily at the touch of a button and the display provides clear information for users, making work easier. In addition, freely programmable speeds make assembly processes significantly faster.Safety and ergonomics The two-hand starter makes for safe operation of the Revo HA. The outstanding distribution of weight between two hands also helps prevent fatigue. Comfortable handling and low vibration and noise levels ensure healthier working. In addition, the convenient carrying case makes it easier to carry the tool to the point of use.HRTPpneumatic nutrunnerLight weight High precisionOutstanding accessibilitySlim and powerfulIt doesn’t matter which sector you work in – if you need to loosen or tighten bolted joints with high torque values, the slim, lightweight RTP pneumatic nutrunner from Atlas Copco can help improve your productivity.Easy on the operatorYou will be surprised at the light weight of the RTP nutrunner. Never-theless, its high-speed motor delivers the power you need to tighten large bolts. The reactive torque is absor-bed by a sturdy, lightweight reaction bar. Noise and vibration levels are lower than with conventional impact wrenches.Outstanding accessibility and high precisionThe slim gear unit of the RTP is one of the smallest on the market, ensu-ring easy access to bolts in cramped conditions. RTP nutrunners feature impressively high tightening accura-cy and repeatability.Flexible and safePlug & play! Just connect the RTP to your air line and you can start work. It is easy to adjust the torque of an RTP nutrunner using the FRL air pressure unit, which also improves the durability and torque precision of the tool. The replaceable square drive makes maintenance easy and reduces repair costs.The optional two-hand starter makes this tool even safer for the operator.A reliable partner for your operations teamThe RTP is a practical tool, not only for flange tightening. It is well-suited for a wide variety of tasks in a large number of different sectors: oil, gas and chemicals industry, raw material extraction and processing, energy industry, etc. RTP nutrunners are also used very effectively for maintaining, repairing and overhauling cons-truction machinery and agricultural equipment.Compact design Lightweight Haptic feedback High accuracyFeaturesErgonomic handleAdjustment ring with double scale Ratchet head with socket change mechanismAtlas Copco torque wrenches can be used either individually or as the perfect addition to impact wrenches to ensure that the correct torque value is reached.LMS impact wrench and ACTW torque wrenchPerformance you can rely onAtlas Copco impact wrenches are designed for reliable operation and long, trouble-free service lives under the most difficult conditions. As regards flexibility, power-to-weight ratio and reliability, Atlas Copco impact wrenches are the tools of choice.These click-type wrenches feature high-quality ratchets which give an audible click. With five models, the series covers a torque range from 5 to 1,000 Nm. The torque wrenches reach a repeatabi-lity of +/-4% in accordance with EN ISO 6789-1:2017.RT hydraulic wrench with square drive9 models for torque values from 75 to 71,169 Nm 12345RTX direct-drive hydraulic wrench6 models for torque values from 346 to 43,108 Nm1234512345RT and RTX hydraulic torque wrenchesHands-free, vibration-free tool, safe for use by a single worker, even if several bolts are tight-ened simultaneously, thanks to integrated reverse lock:this acts like a winch and is a safe solution for hands-free assembly even under the most difficult conditions. These tools save time and reduce capacity requirements and cost at the same time as ensuring the highest safety levels.Sturdy design and high-quality materials: aluminum and steel minimize wear and repair requirements, ensuring a long service life.Mobility, speed and flexibility for tightening even in confined spaces thanks to the slim shape, lightweight and swiveling hydraulic connections combined in a single component.Sturdy monobloc tool bodySwiveling hydraulic connectionsQuick, easy release thanks to external disengagement lever Splined reaction arm for maximum safety as standard equipment, with special reaction arms available as optionsStandard square drive with direct drive available as option Quick change system: links can be changed in a matter of seconds without additional tools – simply by pulling out the retaining pinAutomatic connection of link – locked in place immediatelyIntegrated reaction pad for all standard applications; adapted reaction arms for special applications available as accessories Hydraulic connections designed for 360° rotation and swiveling Extremely low-profile design with integrated drive2 34 51Hydraulic bolt tensionersTopside tensionersOur range of patented Airbac topside tensioners consist of six series for bolts with thread sizes from ¾” to 4”and M 20 to M 100. The tools have been designed to be compatible with most flanges (ANSI B 16.5, ANSI B 16.47 series 1, MSS SP 44, API-6A and API-17 D).Also available forcustomer-specific solutionsThe patented Airbac piston return system can also be integrated into our tensioning systems produced to order for specific customers, allowing customers with individual applications to benefit from considerable time savings.We also produce individual tensioning systems tailor-made to order.Safe, durable hydraulic bolt tensioners: series WTB(wind turbine)Our WTB tensioners were developed in close cooperation withusers to meet the requirements for the installation, maintenanceand repair of wind turbines. The requirements included; use indifficult conditions, the tightening of various sizes of bolt usingas few tools as possible, ergonomics, safety and time factors – formore than 15 years, our individually adapted tensioning solutionshave helped customers improve their productivity.y Single-stage (for bolt sizes M36 and M42) and two-stage(for bolt sizes M30 to M64) units for optimum positioning.y Connections designed for 360° swiveling for the positioningof tools in confined spaces – also under loady Integrated gear unit, high-quality materials for durability inextremely difficult conditions Flange spreadersNut splittersOur powerful mechanical and hydraulic flange spreaders makemaintenance work such as the removal of flange gaskets easy.Both models allow easy transportation, feature ergonomicdesign and are designed for safe use.Resistance is futile …… with the safe new nut splitters from Atlas Copco Tools. The combina-tion of a sharp cutting tip with an opposed convex reaction point ma-kes for more effective splitting by controlled spreading of the nut.They open up the nut on the bolt instead of squeezing it. Thismakes it easier to turn the nut for the second separation step.The nut splitters are equipped with a cover over the blade,which can be replaced quickly and easily. The covermakes for safer working as it prevents any fragmentsof the nut from flying away from the bolt.To view the Atlas Copco nut splitter video,just scan the QR code or visit us at theAtlas Copco YouTube channel.ACMS08T – contents of kit:• Mechanical wedge head• 203 Nm torque wrench with22 mm socket• Safety block• 2 x step blocks• 2 x screws for step block• Allen key• Construction manual• Sturdy caseACHS14T – contents of kit:• Hydraulic wedge head• Safety block• 2 x step blocks• 2 x screws for step block• Allen key• Construction manual• Sturdy caseACHS14T8434 2058 06ACMS08T8434 2058 05SP700Designed and tested to meet toughhydraulic bolting demands in Wind and Oil & Gas construction and maintenance projects. A reliable choice for continuous operations.SP-700 pump is ideal for all hydraulic torque wrench operations which require high productivity and operator comfort.Autocycle mode is capable of removing manual reaction time losses from each cycle with any hydraulic torque wrench.Saves energy in each cycle of hydraulic wrench operation. This is normally lost due to manual operations.All operations can be carried out with the remote pendant. safety alarms for low oil level, hightemperatures and faulty electric supply for increased safety.ABDELGHIC KSP1500SP-1500 tensioning pump is a smart choice for tensioningoperations with a perfect balance of speed and durability even in extreme weather conditions.A combination of high flow gear pump and high flow intensifier delivers a uniform speed over the entire pressure range, speeding up the process.Remote pendant operation for pressure build up and pressure release, enables operator to stay away from high pressure areas.High performance intensifier gives a smooth energy and efficient operation, with these features in place it achieves minimum wear and tear on all components.Suitable for working in extreme hot and coldweather conditions. Using the recommended oil as per ambient temperatures will give you uninterrupted uptime to operators, speeding the overall process.A BDEG HICF Smart hydraulic pumps for torque and tensionACircuit breaker for safety of PLC and other components. B On off control on pump for safety. C PLC based control box with LCD display. D Class 1 guage with large dial for easy read. E Gear pump & intensifier for energy saving. G Automatic/Manualmode. H Emergency stop switch. I Stop and pressure release. K Start and pressure rise. L Carrying handle.ACircuit breaker for safety of PLC and other components.B On off control on pump for safety.C PLC based control box with LCD display. D Class 1 guage with large dial for easy read.E Gear pump & intensifier for energy saving.F Safe quick couplers with locking ring to prevent accidental disengagement.G Start/Pressurise.H Emergency stop switch.I Stop and pressure release.ModelSquare drive Torque range,NmSpeed, rpmWeight, kg*Length, mmBolt center spacing,mm*ETP SRB81-1300-29-HA ¾”390-1300 23 5.537832ETP SRB81-2400-25-HA 1” 720-240011 6.842835.5ETP SRB81-3400-25-HA 1” 1020-340078.544155.5ETP SRB81-4000-25-HA1”1200-400058.544155.5*With battery and S-shaped reaction barHA – smart version/smart connected versionThe set includes tool, case, charger, two batteries and S-shaped reaction bar.Battery/charger Ordering no.Lithium-ion battery, 36 V, 3.6 Ah 4211 6030 86Multi-charger, 18-36 V 4211 6083 84Cover, 36 V4211 6090 36Tool protection Length cover (included in set with tool)4216 4271 02Accessories Ordering no.Tool modelA. Straight reaction barB. S-shaped reaction barC. Adjustable reaction barD. Mounting plate,rectangularSRB HA 1300 4210 4757 90 4210 4480 90 4210 4752 90 4210 4758 90 SRB HA 2400 4210 4757 934210 4480 94 4210 4752 934210 4758 93SRB HA 3400/40004210 4757 854210 4480 854210 4752 85 4210 4758 85C Tensor modelSquare driveTorque rangeSpeed Weight Length Ordering no.Nmrpm kgmm ETP ST101-1300-20-F-HA ¾” 390 - 130065 6.43488433 2313 03ETP ST101-2400-25-F-HA 1”720 - 2400317.54008433 2326 03ETP ST101-4000-25-F-HA 1”1200 - 400016114618433 2324 03ETP ST101-5500-38-F-HA 1½”1650 - 55001713.24528433 2325 03ETP ST101-6500-38-F-HA 1½”1950 - 65001213.24528433 2327 03ETP ST101-8000-38-F-HA*1½”2400 - 80001013.24528433 2328 03Tensor ST Revo HALMS impact wrenches with pistol gripRTP nutrunner kitsModelBolt size Square drive Min. torque at 1.5 bar Max. torque at 1.5 bar Idle speed Weight*LengthCenterspacingAirconsumption at idle Hose diameter Air inletthread Ordering no.mmInch NmNmrpm kgmm Inch mm Inch l/s cfmmm Inch RTP1300-HR2020-273/4320130020 3.72489.832 1.262348.7133/88431 1013 10RTP2600-HR2520-361700260010530011.834 1.342348.7133/88431 1026 10RTP4100C-HR2530-45110004100107.131812.541 1.613165.5133/88431 1041 10RTP8100-GIR3833-521 1/2220081001013.544417.551 2.0150105131/28431 1081 10NOTE: declared sound and vibration emissions for all models in the table in accordance with ISO 28927-2 and ISO 15744. The sound pressure level for the RTP1300HR20 is 90 dB(A), RTP2600-HR25 90 dB(A), RTP4100C-HR25 90 dB(A), RTP8100-GIR38 99 dB(A) and the vibration value for all models is <2.5 m/s².ModelBolt size Torque range Min. torque Max. torque Idle speed Weight*Lengthwit-hout drive Air con-sump-tion Hose diameter Air inletthread Socket mountingOrdering no..mmInch Nm Nmrpm kg mm l/s mm Inch Pin RingPin &O-RingLMS08 HR10M6-83/87-4565140000.9185 2.56,31/4•--8434 1080 00LMS08 HR42M6-81/4*7-3560140000.9186 2.56,31/4---8434 1080 05LMS18 HR13M101/210-1101508100 1.451448.5101/4•--8434 1180 00LMS18 HR10M103/810-901208100 1.45148 6.5101/4•--8434 1180 01LMS18 HR13/F M101/210-1101508100 1.451448.5101/4-•-8434 1180 02LMS18 HR10/F M103/810-901208100 1.45148 6.5101/4-•-8434 1180 03LMS28 HR13M121/230-2103909500 1.851468.510 3.8•--8434 1280 00LMS28 HR13/F M121/230-2103909500 1.851468.510 3.8-•-8434 1280 01LMS38 HR13M14-161/240-3758508000 2.61671010 3.8•--8434 1380 00LMS38 HR13/F M14-161/240-3758508000 2.61671010 3.8-•-8434 1380 01LMS48 HR20M16-183/4100-55013756500 3.31731212.5 3.8--•8434 1480 00LMS58 HR25M20-221300-80019005500 4.821014.512.5 3.8--•8434 1580 00LMS58 HR20M18-203/4300-80019005500 4.821014.512.5 3.8--•8434 1580 01LMS68 HR25M22-301600-1800445050009.825228161/2--•8434 1680 01RT/RTX hydraulic torque wrenchesModel Squaredrive Torque range Weight Ordering no. Inch Nm kgRT-0.51⁄2’’75-5380.48434 2010 00 RT-013⁄4’’271-1817 1.98434 2010 02 RT-031’’651-4379 3.98434 2010 05 RT-051-1⁄2’’1132-75787.58434 2010 09 RT-081-1⁄2’’1627-10.84511.58434 2010 13 RT-101-1⁄2’’2379-15.61713.48434 2010 16 RT-202-1⁄2’’4013-26.78718.08434 2010 20 RT-252-1⁄2’’5368-35.09631.08434 2010 25 RT-502-1⁄2’’10.675-71.16948.08434 2010 29ModelSocket wrenchsize Torque range Weight Ordering no.mm Nm kgRTX-0219-65346-2318 2.08434 2021 90 RTX-0425-85786-5226 4.48434 2021 95 RTX-0846-1051549-11.0499.08434 2022 00 RTX-1460-1352725-18.16515.08434 2116 58 RTX-1875-1403628-24.19123.08434 2022 05 RTX-3090-1656466-43.10835.58434 2022 10ACTW torque wrenchesModel Square drive Torque Precision*Length Weight Ordering no.Inch Nm mm kgACTW051/4 5-25± 4 %2480.48434 0300 01 ACTW203/8 20-100± 4 %408 1.28434 0300 02 ACTW401/2 40-200± 4 %519 1.68434 0300 03 ACTW1503/4 150-750± 4 %1124 5.78434 0300 04 ACTW2001200-1000± 4 %1224 6.58434 0300 05Description Ordering no.1 11⁄16˝ BK-1118434 2129 571 5⁄16˝ BK-1058434 2056 312 7⁄16˝ BK-2078434 2128 95BK-014 7⁄8˝8434 2056 27BK-100MM8434 2056 24BK-101 1 1⁄16˝8434 2056 29BK-104=32MM8434 2128 90BK-105MM8434 2128 93BK-1078434 2056 26BK-1088434 2128 96BK-1108434 2056 28BK-110MM8434 2128 99BK-1128434 2129 02BK-1138434 2056 30Reaction barDescription Ordering no.BK-1148434 2129 05BK-120MM8434 2129 08BK-2008434 2056 32BK-2018434 2129 11BK-2028434 2129 14BK-2038434 2056 34BK-2048434 2129 17BK-2068434 2056 36BK-2098434 2056 38BK-2108434 2056 40BK-2128434 2056 42BK-2158434 2056 44BK-24MM8434 2056 23BK-3008434 2129 23BK-3028434 2056 46BK-302=80MM 8434 2056 53Description Ordering no.BK-308=90MM8434 2056 48BK-30MM8434 2129 26BK-3128434 2129 29BK-3148434 2056 50BK-34MM8434 2128 91BK-36MM8434 2129 32BK-4028434 2129 35BK-4048434 2129 38BK-4108434 2056 52BK-43MM8434 2129 33BK-5008434 2056 54BK-5068434 2056 56BK-55MM8434 2128 92BK-70MM8434 2129 41BK-75MM8434 2056 55BK-85MM8434 2129 44Description Ordering no.RT-01 STD8434 2150 95RT-01 EXT8434 2057 33RT-03 STD8434 2150 30RT-03 EXT8434 2150 37RT-05 STD8434 2150 35RT-05 EXT8434 2150 36RT-08 STD8434 2150 31RT-08 EXT8434 2150 32RT-10 STD8434 2150 33RT-10 EXT8434 2150 34RT-20 STD8434 2150 89RT-20 EXT8434 2150 90RT-25 STD8434 2150 91RT-25 EXT8434 2150 92RT-50 STD8434 2150 93RT-50 EXT8434 2150 94Adjustablereaction barEXT = ExtendedDescription Ordering no.RTX02-144222 2107 14RTX04-144222 2109 27RTX08-144222 2110 44RTX14-144222 2141 22RTX18-144222 2141 23RTX30-144222 2144 43Side reactionbarDescription Ordering no.HANDLE KIT RT0.5, RT18434 2170 34HANDLE KIT RT3, RT58434 2170 33HANDLE KIT RT8, RT108434 2170 32HANDLE KIT RL-028434 2170 35HANDLE KIT RL-048434 2170 36HANDLE KIT RL-088434 2170 37HANDLE KIT RL-148434 2170 38HANDLE KIT RL-188434 2170 39HANDLE KIT RL-308434 2170 40HandleGOR = external starter.Model DescriptionOrdering no.ACMS08T*Manual flange spreader with manual torque wrench 8434 2058 05ACHS14T*Hydraulic flange spreader8434 2058 06Flange spreadersModel DescriptionOrdering no.ACMP700Manual hydraulic pump8434 2058 04Hose Kit Single line hydraulic hose incl. couplings, 700 bar, 4 m 8434 2058 07Manifold 3 port manifold8434 2283 19ModelPower supplyOil flow, 120 bar Oil flow, max. pres-sure Usable oil capacity Max. pres-sure Weight with oil Height Width Length Ordering no.VoltageFrequency Current kg Lb mm in mm in mm in l Gal SP1500-230230 V 50 Hz 10 A 4.540.45 1.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 68SP1500-230-60230 V 60 Hz 10 A 4.090.45 1.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 67SP1500-110110 V60 Hz18 A2.730.451.70.4515004088.241016.127510.859023.28434 2203 66SP 1500 Bolt tensioner pumps+50+122Maximizer 32SP700 hydraulic torque wrench pumpsPumps1 x Flange Spreader 1 x Allen key 1 x Safety block2 x Step block2 x Screws for step blocks 1 x Instruction manual1 x Polycarbonate carrying caseOilAccessoriesBestellnummer 4 port manifold kit 4 port manifold kit (SP700)8434 2040 50Maximizer 15 Oil 8434 2040 51Maximizer 32 Oil 8434 2200 02Maximizer 68 Oil8434 2200 01Flange spreadersHow we can help youWe would be very pleased to be your strategic partner . We cooperate with customers in all areas from preventive maintenance and repairs to entire production systems, process optimization, training andcalibration. Throughout the world, more than 1,500 service technicians are at work round-the-clock in ourIndustrial Technique Business Area alone.We repair all pneumatic, electric and hydraulic tools in our central workshop and at ourcustomers’ facilities. We can carry out preventive maintenance work on tools of all types and your entire production system, if you so wish. We can also carry out check measurements on your tightening tools or supply equipment so that you can carry out this work yourselves.Atlas Copco is a competent, experienced specialist in the fields of testing and calibration.Our core competence is in the areas of torque, angle and force measurements. Our range of services also includes the calibration of hydraulic torque wrenches with a measurement range up to 71,000 Newton-meters. With our calibration laboratories in Essen andDingolfing, which are certified by the German accreditation body, we always guarantee the highest levels of quality and precision.We train employees in the appropriate handling of tools, technical and physical principles, ergonomic workplace design and current codes and standards. This way, you can make your processes more secure at the same time as becoming more productive and efficient. Our seminars and workshops on tightening and fastening systems are especially popular. Just contact us with your individual wishes. We can also develop tailor-made training to meet your requirements.For all eventualities or just good to know!Up to 70,000 Nm and more than 4,000 kNSimply uniqueOn-site calibration up to 70,000 Nm: We are one of the first companiesworldwide to receive DAkkS accreditation for the calibration of hydraulic torque wrenches in accordance with accredited test procedures. We can also carry out calibration work on site up to 70,000 Nm. You can thereforeobtain all the services you need for tightening from a single source.Outstandingly specializedAs a single-source supplier, we offer an extremely wide range of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric tools as well as hydraulic bolt tensioners and accessories optimized for use in practice.With our high-torque tightening systems, you can solve any challenge faced in assembly with high torque values up to70,000 Nm and tensioning forces up to 4,000 kN. We can alsosupply individual tailor-made solutions to meet yourrequirements to order. We are specialized in this approach.For your productivityAtlas Copco Tools Central Europe GmbH Langemarckstraße 3545141 Essen, Germany*********************** 9 8 3 3 2 1 9 7 0 1–E N ©A t l a s C o p c o T o o l s C e n t r a l E u r o 1 2 2 0 2 1。



Technical Data1768 CompactLogix Integrated Motion SpecificationsSERCOS Motion Catalog Number 1768-M04SEThe Logix architecture supports motion control components that work in awide variety of machine architectures.•The Kinetix integrated-motion solution uses a SERCOS interfacemodule to perform complex, multi-axis, synchronized motion. With aKinetix system, you reap the full benefit of the Integrated Architectureplatform because the integration does not stop at the controller. Thissystem integrates the drive, the motor, and even the actuator at a lowercost per axis of motion. Use the same RSLogix 5000 programmingsoftware to configure, program, and commission your application.•Logix integrated motion supports the analog family of servo modulesfor controlling drives/actuators. This solution is separate from theSERCOS interface. The analog family of servo modules provide a ±10voltage analog output and can interface with a variety of feedback devicetypes including rotary/linear absolute and incremental.•Networked motion provides the ability to connect via the DeviceNetnetwork to a single axis drive to perform simple, point-to-pointindexing. You need Ultraware software for drive and indexingconfiguration.For more information, see the:•Motion Analyzer CD to size your motion application and to make finalcomponent selection. Download the software from /motion/software/analyzer.html .•Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide, publication GMC-SG001, toverify drive, motor, and accessory specifications.TopicPage Integrated Motion Interface3SERCOS Interface Module 41768 CompactLogix Integrated Motion SpecificationsImportant User InformationSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at /literature/) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, Allen-Bradley, CompactLogix, Kinetix, Integrated Motion, RSLogix 5000, Ultraware, Ultra3000, and Ultra5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage,or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage maybe present.Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.1768 CompactLogix Integrated Motion SpecificationsIntegrated Motion Interface The 1768-L4x controller supports integrated motion. You can communicatedirectly to a servo drive by using a motion interface or over a network.The controller can control servo drives through the 1768-M04SE SERCOSinterface.Some servo drives are supported through communication interface modules.The controller can communicate with these servo drives over these networks.With this controllerYou can have 1768-L43•Four axis•Two feedback axis•Six virtual axis1768-L45•Eight axis•Four feedback axis•Six virtual axis Drives (1)EtherNet/IP Network ControlNet Network DeviceNet Network RS-232 Serial Network DH-485 Network 2098 Ultra3000 DeviceNet servo driveNo No Yes No No 2098 Ultra5000 intelligent positioningNo No Yes Yes No (1)Each drive has different options you order for its supported communication networks. See the appropriate catalog or selection information for a drive to make sure you select the appropriate option when specifying a drive for a specific network.Environmental Specifications - 1768 Motion ModuleAttribute1768-M04SE Temperature, operating IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)0…60 °C (32…140 °F) Temperature, storage IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)-40…85 °C (-40…185 °F) Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat)5…95% noncondensing Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)5 g @ 10…500 Hz Shock, operating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)30 g Shock, nonoperating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 50 g1768 CompactLogix Integrated Motion SpecificationsSERCOS Interface ModuleThe SERCOS interface module can connect to these servo drives:•2093 Kinetix 2000 servo drive •2094 Kinetix 6000 servo drive •2099 Kinetix 7000 high-power servo drive •2098 Ultra3000 SERCOS servo drive Technical Specifications - 1768 SERCOS Interface Module Attribute 1768-M04SE Number of modules per controller 1768-L43: 1 module 1768-L45: 2 modules Number of axes per module 4 axes 2 auxiliary feedback axes SERCOS data rate 4 Mbps 8 Mbps SERCOS cycle time @ 4 Mbps 0.5 ms, up to 2 drives (1)1 ms, up to 4 drives (1)Kinetix 6000 drives let you use a 0.5 ms cycle time.SERCOS cycle time @ 8 Mbps 0.5 ms, up to 4 drives (1) Drive control modes Position or velocity ******************969 mA Current draw @ 24V DC 0 mA Power dissipation 5.04 W Weight, approx.0.20 kg (7.11 oz)Dimensions (HxWxD), approx.132.015 x 56.68 x 105.1 mm (5.2 x 2.23 x 4.14 in.)Slot width 1Module location DIN rail or panel mount Mounting screw torque 1.16 N z m (10 lb z in) - use M4 or #8 screws Plastic fiber-optic cables 2090-SCEP xx -0 non-jacketed, chlorinated polyethylene 2090-SCVP xx -0 standard jacket, polyvinyl chloride 2090-SCNPxx-0 nylon jacket Glass fiber-optic cables 2090-SCVG xx -0 standard jacket, polyvinyl chloride North American temperature code T4A Enclosure type rating None (open-style)1768 CompactLogix Integrated Motion SpecificationsCertifications - 1768 SERCOS Interface ModuleCertification(1)1768-M04SEc-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL FileE194810.CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 50082-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements•EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Publication 1768-TD001A-EN-P - January 2010 Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At /support/, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /support/.Installation AssistanceIf you experience an anomoly within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual.You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackYour comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada 1.440.646.3434Outside United States or Canada Use the Worldwide Locator at /support/americas/phone_en.html , or contact your local Rockwell Automation representative.United StatesContact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.。

Turck CoDeSys 3软件与程序可编程控制器应用指南说明书

Turck CoDeSys 3软件与程序可编程控制器应用指南说明书

Your Global Automation Partner Application Guide2 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | Create a control system without a panelThe CoDeSys 3 (IEC 61131-3) software provides a powerful control environment supporting multiple common programming languages including ladder, structured text, function block diagram, and sequential function chart. This software can be downloaded for free at .A small button podium may be used to house items that must be enclosed in the panel.Turck programmable controllers provide up to IP68/IP69k protection, ideal for complete control of a system without the need for an enclosed control cabinet. These devices can function as a network master for remote I/O, additionally the flexible BL67 modular system allows for a variety of local I/O modules.3These devices can function as a network master or remoteI/O over multiple industrial fieldbus protocols including:*Indicates length in meters.BL67-PG-EN-V3TBEN-Lx-PLC-01■-40...+70 °C operating temperature ■IP67 Protection■Up to 32 local I/O modules(Discrete, analog, IO-Link, RFID, serial, etc.)■-40...+70 °C operating temperature ■IP68/IP69K Protection ■Onboard serial andconfigurable discrete I/O4 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | Connect BL Ident RFID to any PLC5BL Ident Tags■Read/write times up to 2000 bytes/sec possiblewith FRAM Technology■Standard tags include 128 byteEEPROM and 2 kbyte FRAM tags■Available in high temperature packages, capable of up to 210 °C■Variety of tags available: bolts, ID-cards, adhesivelabels, autoclave, laundry, FDA approved■Data storage for 10 years at ambient temperatures■Flexible assembly lines: for custom build operations the required BOM could be stored into the tag and read out at each station ■Replace existing barcode system:barcode is reapplied due to paint or heat treatment where RFID can survivePLC6 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | Connect fieldbus techology products to analog input devicesBL remote is a feature available on some gateway products. This feature allows bridging of device level networks to Ethernet. In this example, BL67 is operating on EtherNet/IP and drops down to the BL compact station using BL remote.Rod Style Series: ■Rugged rod style housing toallow operation in high shock and vibration environments ■Hydraulic cylinder applications where rod can withstand up to 5000 PSI continuously■Various analog output options ■16-bit resolution■Stroke length up to 168 inchesQ-track™ Series:■■ ■ ■ ■ ■Level Probe Series: ■Ideal for continuous level monitoring ■Uses magnetostrictive technologyto monitor float location■Analog output■Programmable monitoring span ■Stroke length up to 288 inches ■FM approved7Analog Sensors:■Pressure, temperature, sensors and transmittersfor use in pneumatic and hydraulic applications■Programmable digital read out flow sensors ■Highly reliable and precise temperature sensors ■Ultrasonic sensors■Linear analog sensors with wide range ofhousing styles and output options8 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 |BL67 I/O System can include digital, analog, IO-Link and RFID.2Parker Valve ManifoldsParker supplies a BL67 valve adapter base to directly connect Isys ISO and Micro valve banks to the Turck BL67 modular I/O system. Standard TurckBL67-16DO-0,1A-P output modules insert into the adapter base to provide direct control of up to 32 valve solenoids.Contact a local Parker distributor to order BL67 valve adapter and Parker valve banks.1Connect BL67 to valve banks with molded cables and discrete outputs, IO-Link, or direct connection9Possible Valve Bank Combinations■Channel-relatedshort-circuit monitoring■Wire-break detection■Configurable current monitoring ■Connection of multiple valve banksfrom different manufacturers■Integration of valve banks with digital output modules with 4, 8 or 16 channelsStandard and custom cordset lengthsThe 16-channel specially developed for switching valve banks. It features:10 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | Hoist and hoist control systems for stage rigging systems move lights, sets and people using gear motors, brakes and winches.Amusement Machine groups product into case quantities and applies shrink film. Encoder tracks length of product ensuring the bar carrying film does not touch product.Packaging Encoder tracks rotations of a drum used to store cable.Cable ManagementVia SSIVia High Speed CounterConnect BL67 to rotary position sensorsAutomotive A shaft encoder is mounted to the drive rollers of a dynamometer to provide velocity feedback.11Features of QR24Rotary Position Sensors: ■Non-contact position measurement ■SSI communication interface ■Bus interface to CANopen ■Rugged IP68/IP69K rating■Highly resistant to noise interference ■Extremely fast (up to 12,000 RPM) andprecise (up to 29 bit resolution) ■Easy setup: IO-Linkparameterization via Pactware ■Available with analog andincremental outputsFeatures ofIncremental Encoders:■Optical technology■Solid and hollow shaft models ■Differential and single-endedmodes of operation■High noise immunity and precision ■Extremely fast (up to 12,000 RPM) ■Standard M12 and M23 connection12 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | BL 67 I/O System■Rugged IP 67 construction allowsfor mounting directly on a machine without the use of an enclosure ■Modular design allows for variousI/O connections: up to 32 electronic modules, 256 digital or 64 analog■Support current and voltage I/O, RTDs, thermocouples, CAN Valve interface, RS232, RS422/485 and serial synchronous interfaces■Support of PROFIBUS, DeviceNet,CANopen, EtherNet/IP , Modbus TCP/IP , and PROFINET fieldbus■System diagnostic and per point diagnostic ■Fast and easy connectorization using7/8-16 UN Minifast ®, M12 Eurofast ®, M8 Picofast ® or M23 Multifast ® ■Configuration using free I/O-Assistantsoftware or rotary switchesEncoders BL ident (RFID)Sensors Solenoids Motor StartersTCP/IP13Possible CombinationsColor VisionBar Code VisionMachine Vision■Gray scale pattern and colorspectrum analysis■Two convenient form factors: one-piece PresencePLUS P4or compact PresencePLUS Pro sensor with a separate DIN-mountable controller ■Rugged IP 68-rated models suitablefor washdown applications* Indicates length in meters.Features of PresencePLUS ® Systems:■All PresencePLUS vision sensorsinclude built-in serial, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP drivers with 4 (P4) or 6 (PROII) programmable I/O. A PresencePLUS sensor, with the Turck BL67 delivers expanded I/O, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS or PROFINET connectivity ■General-purpose or dedicated-function vision sensors■Discrete I/O on-board ■Wide range of mountingbrackets, lighting and lenses remote TEACH functionality to adjust image without PC ■Simple and intuitive userinterface with three-step, point-and-click operation■Rugged IP67 construction allows for mounting directly on a machine without the use of an enclosure ■Modular design allows for various I/O connections: up to 32 electronic modules, 256 digital or 64 analog ■Support current and voltage I/O, RTDs, thermocouples, CAN Valve interface, RS232, RS422/485 and serial synchronous interfaces ■System diagnostic andper point diagnostic■Fast and easy connectorization using7/8-16 UN Minifast®, M12 Eurofast®,M8 Picofast® or M23 Multifast®■Configuration using free I/O-Assistantsoftware or rotary switches■Support a wide variety offieldbuses including:»EtherNet/IP™»Modbus TCP/IP»PROFINET»DeviceNet™»PROFIBUS®-DP»CANopenBL67 I/O SystemInput/Output DevicesEncoders BL ident (RFID)Sensors SolenoidsConnect BL67 to wireless networkswith DX80 wireless gatewaysTCP/IP214 Turck Inc.|3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441|T +1 763 553-7300|F +1 763 509-7709|15Possible Wireless Combinations* Indicates length in meters.Factory AutomationAgriculture and WaterTraffic ManagementCommercial andConsumer Monitoring16 Turck Inc. | 3000 Campus Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55441 | T +1 763 553-7300 | F +1 763 509-7709 | Stand alone I/O solutions powered by ARGEEWhen the door is closed the input sensor is on.No ARGEE actions take place in this condition.When the freezer door is open for more than 10seconds a warning light is turned on.With the freezer door open for more than 20seconds an audible alarm is turned on as well.When the door is closed at any time, the light and alarm are turned off and the timers are reset to zero.Door ClosedDoor OpenedDoor Opened for 20 Secs or MoreProgramming with an FLC (field logic controller) powered by ARGEE for a stand alone application could not be simpler. In the ARGEE Flow editor, a ladder like diagram editor, users use a drop down menu to select inputs, operations and outputs. When the program is running, the FLC carries out the program logic. Take the following stand alone freezer door application for example:17• This step in the program will monitor the door.• When the door is closed, our input value is on.• With this condition , we utilize the Boolean NOT operation to prevent Timer 1 and Timer 2 from starting.•With this logic, when the door opens, the action of starting Timer 1 and Timer 2 will begin.•When Timer 1 is expired, turn on Output 3 and illuminate our warning light.•When Timer 2 is expired, turn on Output 7 and sound our audible alarm.Slot 2. Input_value_0Time 1 ExpiredTime 2 ExpiredNOT Pass ThroughPass Through Pass Through Pass ThroughPass ThroughTON Timer 1No ActionSlot 2. Output_value_7TON Timer 2Slot 2. Output_value_3No ActionNo Action28 subsidiaries and over 60 representations worldwide!B3106 B 03/16©2016 by Turck Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without written permission.Printed in USA。



7867RWF55...Compact universalcontrollersThe RWF55 is used mainly for controlling the temperature or pressure in oil- orgas-fired heating plants.If the relevant parameters are set, the RWF55 can be switched to cooling modeand then controls in reverse operation.The RWF55 and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integrate thecontrollers in their products!UseThe RWF55 is used either as a 3-position controller without angular positioningfeedback or a continuous controller with analog output depending on the setting. Anexternal switch can be used to change to a 2-position controller for controlling 2-stageburners. The integrated thermostat function switches the burner on and off.LED symbols on the front indicate the following operating states:- Burner release- Control pulses OPEN or CLOSED for driving the burner’s air damper when using amodulating burner control, or stage I / stage II when using 2-stage burner control- 2-stage operation- Position of programmable contact «K6»- Activation of a ramp function- Communication via USB, Modbus or ProfibusDuring operation, the digital displays above the keys shows the setpoint (green), theactual value (red) and – when making parameter settings – the relevant parameters.Building Technologies Division CC1N7867en2/14Supplementary documentationUser Manual RWF55 ............................................................................................. U 7867 Environmental Declaration RWF55 ........................................................................ E7867Warning notesTo avoid injury to persons, damage to property or the environment, the following warning notes must be observed!Do not open, interfere with or modify the unit!∙ All activities (mounting, installation and service work, etc.) must be performed byqualified staff∙ Before making any wiring changes in the connection area, completely isolate theplant from mains supply (all-polar disconnection). Ensure that the plant cannot be inadvertently switched on again and that it is indeed dead. If not observed, there is a risk of electric shock hazard∙ Ensure protection against electric shock hazard by providing adequate protectionfor the connection terminals∙ When selecting the cable material, during installation and when creating theelectrical connections, observe the regulations of VDE 0100 Erection of power installations with rated voltages below AC 1000 V and the relevant national regulations∙ Disconnect the device from the mains supply if there is a risk of touching live partswhile work is carried out∙ Each time work has been carried out (mounting, installation, service work, etc.),check to ensure that wiring is in an orderly state∙ Fall or shock can adversely affect the safety functions. Such units must not be putinto operation, even if they do not exhibit any damage.Caution!The safety, warning and technical notes given in the User Manual on the RWF55 (U7867) apply fully to the present document also!Mounting notesEnsure that the relevant national safety regulations are complied with.Standards and certificatesConformity to EEC directives- Electromagnetic compatibility EMC (immunity)- Low-voltage directive, to DIN EN 60730-12004/108/EC2006/95/ECISO 9001: 2008 Cert. 00739 ISO 14001: 2004 Cert. 38233∙For service purposes, the controller can be slid out of its housing. This canhowever lead to damage of the housing∙The electrical connections are made via the fixing terminals on the rear of thehousingDisposal notesThe unit contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of Array together with domestic waste.Local and currently valid legislation must be observed.Type summaryCompact universal controller RWF55.50A9- Fullversionoutput- 3-position- Analogoutput- RS-485- Housing-Fixing material and seal- UserManual- SinglepackCompact universal controller RWF55.60A9- Fullversionoutput- 3-position- Analogoutput- RS-485- Profibus-DP- Housing-Fixing material and sealManual- User- SinglepackPackaging variants (20 pieces, without User Manual) RWF55.51A9RWF55.61A9PC software ACS4113/144/14For resistance thermometers, thermal elements or standard signals with 2nd order digital filters (configurable).Sampling time 250 msType Measuring range Measuringaccuracy aImpact of ambient temperature Pt100 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F)≤0,05% 50 ppm/KPt1000 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F)≤0,05% 50 ppm/KLG-Ni1000 -50...+160 °C (-58...+320 °F)≤0,05% 50 ppm/K0...135 Ω ≤0,05% 50 ppm/K a Accuracies relate to the maximum measuring range.Line resistance Max. 30 Ω per line with 3-wire circuit Line balancing Not required with 3-wire circuits.With 2-wire circuits, line balancing can be performed by making an actual value correctionTypeMeasuring rangeMeasuring accuracy a Impact of ambient temperature Fe-CuNi J DIN EN 60584 -200...+1200 °C (-328...+2192 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K NiCr-Ni KDIN EN 60584 -200...+1372 °C (-328...+2502 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K Cu-CuNi T DIN EN 60584 -200...+400 °C (-328...+752 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K NiCrSi-NiSi N DIN EN 60584 -100...+1300 °C (-148...+2372 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K Pt-RhPt SDIN EN 60584 -50...+1768 °C (-58...+3214 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K Pt-RhPt R DIN EN 60584 -50...+1768 °C (-58...+3214 °F) ≤0,25% ≤100 ppm/K Pt-RhPt B DIN EN 60584 0...1820 °C (32...3308 °F)≤0,25%≤100 ppm/Ka Accuracies relate to the maximum measuring range.Cold-function temperature InternalAnalog input InP1 (actual value)Resistance thermometerThermal elements5/14Measuring rangeMeasuring accuracy a Impact of ambient temperatureVoltage DC 0...5 V ≤0,2% 200 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Voltage DC 0...10 V ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Voltage DC 1...5 V ≤0,2% 200 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Current 0...20 mA ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Voltage drop ≤2 V Current 4...20 mA ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Voltage drop ≤2 V a Accuracies relate to the maximum measuring range.Resistance measurement 0...1 k Ω or standard signals without linearization.Sampling time 750 msResistance (2-wire circuit) 0...1 k Ω linear≤0.05% 50 ppm/KMeasuring range Measuring accuracy aImpact of ambienttemperature Voltage DC 0...5 V ≤0,2% 200 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Voltage DC 0...10 V ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Voltage DC 1...5 V ≤0,2%200 ppm/K Input resistance R E >2 M Ω Current 0...20 mA ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Voltage drop ≤2 V Current 4...20 mA ≤0,1% 100 ppm/K Voltage drop ≤2 V a Accuracies relate to the maximum measuring range.For resistance thermometers in 2-wire circuit, with fixed filter time constant.Sampling time 6 sType Measuring range Measuring accuracy aImpact of ambienttemperature Pt1000 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F)≤0,05% 50 ppm/KLG-Ni1000 -50...+160 °C (-58...+320 °F)≤0,05% 50 ppm/Ka Accuracies relate to the maximum measuring range. Standard signalsAnalog input InP2 (external setpoint, setpoint shifting) Resistance thermometerStandard signalsAnalog input InP3 (outside temperature)Resistance thermometer6/14Potentialfree contact for the following functions, depending on the configuration: ‐ No function ‐ Setpoint shifting ‐ Setpoint changeover ‐ Alarm inputPotentialfree contact for operating mode changeover:Burner modulating, if contacts D2 and DG are open LED operating mode, 2-stage, does not light up on the frontBurner 2-stage, if contacts D2 and DGare closed LED operating mode, 2-stage, lights up on the frontIn the event of error, the outputs assume defined states (configurable).Measuring transducer Measured value crossed limit Sensor/line has short-circuit Sensor/line interrupted Resistance thermometer● ● ● Thermal elements ● --- ● Voltage DC 1...5 V ● ● ● DC 0...5 V (●) --- --- DC 0...10 V (●) --- --- CurrentDC 4...20 mA ● ● ●DC 0...20 mA(●) --- ---● = detected(●) = detected only if measuring range is exceeded --- = not detectedBinary input D1Binary input D2Monitoring the measuring circuit7/14Galvanic separation between supply voltage, analog inputs, and controller outputs.Relay K1 (NO contact) 1P, 1N (burner release) Contact rating Max. 2 A at AC 240 V at cos φ >0.6 Contact life 250,000 switching cycles at high-fire Contact protection Varistor Power supply for transducer G+, G- DC 24 V ±10%/max. 30 mA, short-circuit-proofThe following relay data are those specified by the supplier.Relay K2, KQ (controlling element OPEN) Contact rating Max. 2 A at AC 450 V and cos φ >0.6 Contact life 200.000 switching cycles at high-fire Contact protection RC combination Relay K3, KQ (controlling element CLOSE) Contact rating Max. 2 A at AC 240 V at cos φ >0.6 Contact life 200.000 switching cycles at high-fire Contact protection RC unit Relay K6 (NO contact), 6P, 6N (multifunctional relay) Contact rating Max. 2 A at AC 240 V at cos φ >0.6 Contact life 200.000 switching cycles at high-fireContact protectionVaristorRelay data are those specified by the supplier.Analog output A+, A- Voltage DC 0...10 V short-circuit-proof Load resistance R Load ≥500 Ω Accuracy ≤0.25%, ±50 ppm/K Current 0...20 mA/4...20 mA Load resistance R Last ≤500 Ω Accuracy ≤0.25%, ±50 ppm/KBaudrate 4800 Baud9600 Baud 19200 Baud 38400 BaudProtocol Modbus Unit address 1 (99)Only present with RWF55.6!Controller outputs OutPInterface RS-485Profibus interface8/14Type of controller3-position controller and continuous controller Controller structure P/PI/PD/PID Sampling time 250 msPower supply (switching network section) AC 110...240 V +10/-15% 48...63 HzElectrical safetyTo DIN EN 60730, part 1 Overvoltage category III Degree of contamination 2Safety class I With internal separation from SELV electrical circuits SELV voltage Max. 30 V Power consumption Max. 20 VA Data backupEEPROMElectrical connection At the rear via screw terminals - Cross-sectional area 0.25...1.5 mm² fine-wired - Stranded wire with- Ferrules to DIN 46228- Pin-type cable socket to DIN 46231 - Crimp-type cable socket in fork-form for M3 thread (dimensions to DIN 46237) With UL applications Use of the cable lug or ferrules to UL486A-B (UL listed or recognized) Tightening torque0.5 NmElectromagnetic compatibility DIN EN 61326-1 Emitted interference Class BImmunity Meeting industrial requirementsType of housingMade of Makrolon for control panel mounting to DIN IEC 61554 (use in indoor)Color Light-grey RAL7035 Mounting depth 122 mm Mounting position Optional Degree of protection To DIN EN 60529Front side IP66 Rear IP20Weight (Fully equipped) - RWF55.5 Approx. 329 g - RWF55.6 Approx. 342 gControllerElectrical dataHousing9/14Storage DIN IEC 60721-3-1 Climatic conditions Class 1K3 Mechanical conditions Class 1M2 Temperature range -40...70 °CHumidity <95% r.h. Transport DIN IEC 60721-3-2 Climatic conditions Class 2K2Mechanical conditions Class 2M2 Temperature range -40...70 °CHumidity <95% r.h.Operation DIN IEC 60721-3-3 Climatic conditions Class 3K3 Mechanical conditions Class 3M3 Temperature range -20...50°CHumidity <95% r.h. Installation altitude Max. 2000 m above sea levelAttention!Condensation, formation of ice and ingress of water are not permitted!Height of numerals- Upper display 10 mm - Lower display 7 mmColor- Upper display Red - Lower display GreenDigits4 (including 0, 1 or 2 decimal places, configurable) Range of display -1999 (9999)Environmental conditionsSegment displayFunctionThe following functions are included in the RWF55:- Digital PID controller with a 3-position and analog output of the calculated outputlevel- The controller can be switched to a 2-position controller for controlling 2-stageburners- Automatic thermostat (or pressure controller) function in low-fire operation- Shift controller for weather-dependent setpoint shifting- Minimum limiter and maximum limiter for the boiler temperature or boiler pressure- Temperature controller to DIN EN 14597- Potential-free configurable contact- Manual operating mode- Self-setting function- Parameterization and visualization via USB interface and PC software ACS411- Communication via serial Modbus interface or optional Profibus interface- Ramp functions (cold start/thermal shock protection)- Heating/coolingBlock structure10/1411/14Function of the controller when used for burner control Low-fire operation means that only small amounts of energy are drawn from the boiler. With the relay 1 burner release, the 2-position controller controls the set setpoint by switching the burner on and off like a thermostat. An adjustable switching differential ensures that the burner’s switching frequency can be selected to help protect the material.High-fire operation means that large amounts of energy are drawn from the boiler with the burner running continuously. The RWF55 controls the required output using the 3-position or analog output.Using a potential-free contact, the RWF55 can be switched from the modulating mode to 2-stage operation.In the case setpoint shifting is configured, the current setpoint is shifted by anadjustable amount. Configuration of setpoint changeover provides changeover between 2 setpoints adjusted on the RWF55. If analog input 2 is configured for an externalsetpoint , changeover is provided between the setpoint adjusted on the RWF55 and an external setpoint.Potential-free contact K6 can be assigned a number of functions.Example: Limit value supervisionThe RWF55 is operated and programmed with 4 buttons on the front of the unit. During operation and programming, the 7-segment displays show the parameter value and parameter name.The RWF55 can be configured so that weather-compensated setpoint shifting is activated when an LG-Ni1000 outside sensor or a Pt1000 is connected.Attention!Each RWF55 must have its own separate outside sensor (no parallel connection).Low-fire operationHigh-fire operationBinary input 1 (changeover of operating mode) Binary input 2 (setpoint shifting or setpoint changeover)Multifunctional relayOperationWeather-compensated setpoint shifting12/14Function of the controller when used for burner control (cont’d)To acquire the actual value, the following sensors can be connected to the RWF55:Measuring range Resistance thermometerPt100 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F) in 2-wire or Pt1000 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F) 3-wire technology LG-Ni1000-50...+160 °C (-58...+320 °F)0...135 ΩThermal element Fe-CuNi J DIN EN 60584 -200...+1200 °C (-328...+2192 °F) NiCr-Ni K DIN EN 60584 -200...+1372 °C (-328...+2502 °F) Cu-CuNi T DIN EN 60584 -200...+400 °C (-328...+752 °F) NiCrSi-NiSi N DIN EN 60584 -100...+1300 °C (-148...+2372 °F) Pt-RhPt S DIN EN 60584 -50...+1768 °C (-58...+3214 °F) Pt-RhPt R DIN EN 60584 -50...+1768 °C (-58...+3214 °F)Pt-RhPt B DIN EN 60584 0...1820 °C (32...3308 °F) Linearized standard signals DC 0...5 V ≤0,2% DC 0...10 V ≤0,1% DC 1...5 V ≤0,2% 0...20 mA ≤0,1%4...20 mA≤0,1%The power provided for the measuring transducers is DC 24 V ±10% / max. 30 mA.The setpoint of the controller can be influenced by a signal at analog input 2. The influence can be scaled.Alternatively, the input can be used as a feedback input of the actuator position and this feedback of position can be read via RS-485 interface.The following detectors are used as signal:Measuring range Resistance thermometer 0...1 k Ω linear in 2-wire technologyLinearized standard signals DC 0...5 V ≤0,2% DC 0...10 V ≤0,1% DC 1...5 V ≤0,2% 0...20 mA ≤0,1%4...20 mA≤0,1%For detection of the outside temperature, the following detectors can be connected to the RWF55:Measuring range Resistance thermometer Pt1000 DIN EN 60751 -200...+850 °C (-328...+1562 °F) in 2-wire technologyLG-Ni1000-50...+160 °C (-58...+320 °F)Analog input 1Analog input 2 (external setpoint, setpoint shifting)Analog input 3 (outsidetemperature)13/14Connection diagram A n a l o gA n a l o g i n p u t 2A n a l o g i n p u t 3a l 7867a 24e /0513The RWF55 contains these components 1N Relay K1: NO-contact 1P Relay K1: Pole 6N Relay K6: NO-contact 6PRelay K6: PoleDGND Functional earth Ix Current input K2 Relay: Controlling element OPEN K3Relay: Controlling element CLOSEDKQ Common pole P Pole RxD/TxD-P (B) Receive / Send data - Plus, B-lead RxD/TxD-N (A) Receive / Send data - N, A-lead RxD/TxD + Receive / Send data - PlusRxD/TxD - Receive / Send data - Minus S NO-contactUx Power supply input VP (+5V)Supply voltage - PlusRWF55Legend14/14DimensionsDimensions in mm2013 Siemens AG Infrastructure & Cities Sector Building Technologies Division Subject to change!。

世纪天成 CROSU3 用户手册说明书

世纪天成 CROSU3 用户手册说明书

CROSU3 使用説明書■尺寸【产品规格】■型号 ■产品名称:CROSU3:裸族の硬盘座 USB3.0■界面 :USB3.0 ■ USB 连接器 :Standard B ■重量■适用温度、湿度范围 :546g (不包含硬盤):長 134mm × 高さ 68mm × 寬 94mm (突起部位除外):温度 5 〜 35 度 湿度 20 〜 80%■电源规格 :AC 输入 100–240V 、DC 输出 12V 2.5A ※本产品不包含硬盘。

【包装内容对象】・CROSU3 本体 ・専用 AC 电源 × 1 ・専用 AC 电源线 × 1 ・USB3.0 连接线 × 1専用 AC 电源 専用 AC 电源线・使用说明书 / 保证书(本手册) ※请自行准备一个内接式硬盘。

CROSU3 本体専用 USB3.0 连接线使用说明书 / 保证书【各部位名称】・Power LED (电源/蓝色闪烁)・Access LED (讯息读写 / 红色闪烁)【对应 HDD/SSD 型式】< HDD >■ 适用2.5吋/3.5吋 Serial ATA (SATA Ⅰ/Ⅱ) HDD※ 不适用IDE(PATA) 型式的 HDD/SSD 。

< SSD >■ 适用MLC 型式 5V 驱动 2.5吋 SATA SSD※ 不适用 ZIF 连接器、3.3V 驱动 特殊形状(ASUS EeePC 内建 SSD 等)的 SSD 。

另、不建议使用SLC 型式的 SSD 。

■本公司确认运作良好的 SSD・CFD CSSD-SM64NP (PHISON 制 控制芯片 MLC ) ・OCZ OCZSSD - VTXT30G (INDILINX 制 控制芯片 MLC ) ・创见 TS32GSSD25S-M (Jmicron 制 控制芯片 MLC )【对应计算机型式】< Windows >・USB3.0 接口接口的 PC/AT 兼容计算机(USB3.0模式) ・USB 2 .0接口接口的 PC/AT 兼容计算机(USB3.0模式) ・CPU 运算速度 2GHz / 内存容量 1GB 以上※ 推荐使用Intel 芯片型式※ 使用SIS7000/7001/7002. PCI to USB Host Controller 的计算机、 USB Host Controller 有无法正常运作的可能性。



F-57The FTB-100 Series of turbine meters have a shielded ballbearing d esi gn for high-accuracy performance (±0.5% of reading, not full scale) at an economical cost. The non-metallic bearing retainers minimize friction, thereby allowing these meters to be used with clean fluids that have poor lubricatingproperties (i.e., water). Ball bearings also give the widest linear flowrange, particularly in larger turbines. Bearing replacement and clean-up are fast and easy, since all internal parts are easily accessible by removing a single nut.These turbine flowmeters have a low mass rotor design which allows rapid dynamic response, so they can be used in pulsating flow applications.TURBINE FLOWMETERStand Alone or Complete Systems with Signal ConditioningUnion fittingEnclosure with signal conditionerSYS/FTB-107/FLSC-28, turbine flowmeter system, shownwith optional signal conditioner, shownsmaller than actual size.U ±0.5% of Reading Accuracy U B all Bearing Design for Economy U N on-Metallic Bearing Retainers for Long Life U R eplacement Bearings Field Installable Without Loss of Calibration U D isassembles Quickly for Easy Maintenance U D eflector Cones Stabilize Low Mass Rotor for Increased Bearing Life U 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5V, and Scaled Frequency Outputs AvailableFTB-101 SeriesSPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: ±0.5% of reading Repeatability: ±0.1% of reading Maximum Temperature Range: -268 to 232°C (-450 to 450°F)Maximum Intermittent Overrange: 150% of maximum rangeMinimum Output Amplitude: 30 mV Peak-to-Peak Unscaled Pulse Materials of Construction: Body: 304 stainless steel Rotor: 17-4 PH steelBearings: 440C stainless steel Silver Solder on 1⁄2 NPT unitsMinimum straight pipe requirements: 10 pipe diameters upstream, 5 downstreamsignal conditioner as a system Example: SYS/FTB-107/FLSC-28, includes FTB-107 turbine flowmeter NPT fittings, FLSC-28 signal conditioner with 0 to 5 Vdc analog output and enclosure and fitting.Signal conditioner(FLSC-28)Deflector cones eliminatedownstream thrust on the rotor and allow hydrodynamic positioning of the rotor between the cones. This provides wider rangeability andlonger bearing life than conventional turbine flowmeters. Integral flow-straightening tubes minimize the effects of upstream turbulence.FTB-100 Turbine Meters are available with integral signal conditioners which providescaled and unscaled frequencies, 4 to 20 mA, or 0 to 5 volt outputs Units without integral signal conditioners are supplied with mating connector for two-wire hook-up.F-58FEconomical Ball Bearing Design with NPT End FittingsComes complete with operator’s manual and 10-point NIST calibration certificate for water.Ordering Examples: FTB-101, 1⁄2 NPT turbine meter with standard NIST calibration for 1 cSt viscosity. FTB-106, 1 NPT turbine meter with NIST calibration for 5 cSt viscosity liquid.† Complete systems with signal conditioneravailable, consult sales.F-59OMEGA ® high accuracy integral signal conditioners are designed for direct mounting onto OMEGA FTB-100 and 200 Series turbine meters. The input circuitry of the signal conditioners has beendesigned to receive and condition low level turbine meter signalswhile rejecting unwanted noise and spurious signals. A signal threshold control is provided which allows the user to set the input sensitivity above the ambient noise level, thereby eliminating any false signal on the output. Signalconditioners are available that can provide 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5V, and scaled frequency pulse outputs that run on unregulated power supplies. Other units which run off 115 Vac provide both an unscaled pulse output and a 0 to 5V or 4 to 20 mA output. A zero and a span potentiometer allow for simple field adjustment of the analog outputs from the signal conditioners.Maximum Input: 120V RMS Electrical Connections: Screw terminalsMaximum Lead Length: 305 m (1000') of 24 gage copper wire for pulse or mA; 30 m (100') for 0 to 5V output. Weight: 2.3 kg (5 lb)SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: See “To Order” box Temperature Range: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)Pulse Output: TTL/CMOS; open collector for FLSC-51BInput Frequency: 10-1000 Hz, 28 mV P-P; 1000-2500 Hz, 70 mV P-P. Can be used with any OMEGA ® Turbine MeterSignal conditioners are installed at no charge when purchased with turbine meter.Note: The use of explosion-proof heads does not imply that complete assembly is either explosion-proof or intrinsically safe. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of materials for a given installation.Comes complete with operator’s manual.Ordering Examples: SYS/FTB-101/FLSC-18B , turbine and signal conditioner system, SYS/FTB-201/FLSC-34, turbine and signal conditioner.INTEGRAL SIGNAL CONDITIONERSFor Frequency, Voltage, or Current OutputSignal Conditioner (Enclosure Mounted) OnlyU Up to 0.05% Accuracy U C hoose from Six Output TypesU CMOS/TTL Compatible U A djustable Low Level Signal Filter for Noise RejectionU E xplosion-Resistant Heads U F or FTB-100 and FTB-200 Turbine Flowmeters U I ntegral SignalConditioners Available for 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5V, and Factored Pulse OutputsFLSC-18B SeriesFLSC-18B shown actual size.。



Fire Safety西门子西伯乐斯公司应用文件——操作说明S11系统控制器操作说明(EP5) No.3601a控制器操作说明Opereting instruction(for EP5)FI 报警控制器FT操作盘FC报警控制器的操作显示面板CS11 fire detection system control unitwith control console目录一系统概述 (3)二操作盘概貌 (6)三操作级别 (7)四信息种类 (8)五“地区”“区域”和“分区” (9)六正常运行 (10)七《有人》与《无人》运行状态 (10)八报警 (12)九探测分区的暂时隔离与开放 (15)十单个探测器的脱离与接通 (17)十一故障 (18)十二《探测器测试》功能 (20)三《安装测试》模式 (24)十四《装修》模式 (26)十五远程传输关闭/开通 (28)十六报警设备的关闭与开通 (29)十七打印机的关闭与开通 (30)十八 CP7201打印机 (31)十九指示灯测试 (33)二十查询报警数 (34)二十一事件记录 (35)二十二设定时钟和日期 (36)二十三输出模块的启动和停止 (38)附2 菜单操作一览表(Overview of operating menus) (41)附3 菜单操作一览表(Overview of operating menus) (42)附4 菜单操作一览表(Overview of operating menus) (43)附5 菜单操作一览表(Overview of operating menus) (44)附6 菜单操作一览表(Overview of operating menus) (44)附7 操作盘面板(Operating panel) (45)一系统概述S11系统控制器完全采用瑞士西伯乐斯技术,整机采用组合式结构,软件和硬件都可以根据工程需要进行组合。




Explosion proof Thermocouple Assembly T55Compact InstructionsKA245R/24/ae/05.0771041055Measuring SystemExplosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 with spring loaded insert and enclosure for process industry.The sensor is made up of a MgO insulated ther-mocouple as a measurement probe. The thermo-couple sensor complies with the ASTM E-230 and IEC60584 specifications. The sensor is designed toensure highest accuracy and long term stability.Important Notice# Warning!Electrical shock could cause death or serious injury. If the sensor is installed in a high voltage environment and a fault or installation error occurs, high voltage may be present on the connection terminals or the probe itself.Safe and secure operation of the temperature sensor can only be guaranteed if the operating instructions of the used transmitters and all included safety notes are read, understood and followed. For Endress+Hauser temperature transmitters see enclosed CD–ROM.Correct useThe manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damage caused by misuse of the unit. The installation conditions and connection values indicated in the operating instructions must be followed!# Warning!The Thermocouple assembly (T55) is designed to be used in conjunction with a thermowell. It is not meant to be used directly in pressurized applications; Maximum working pressure = P atm. (Atmospheric pressure)Installation Guidelines and Safety instructions1. Install the unit according to the relevant NEC Code and local regulations.2. Avoid any spark due to impact, friction and installation. Anti-sparkingwrenches should be utilized.3. Approved apparatus must be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, see corresponding Control Drawing:Approval Drawing codeXP DIP Class I, II, III Div. 1+2CSA ZD052R/09/enXP NI DIP Class I, II, III Div. 1+2CSA ZD054R/09/enXP DIP Class I, II, III Div. 1+2FM ZD056R/09/enXP NI DIP Class I, II, III Div. 1+2FM ZD063R/09/enThe accessories for pipe connections and the appropriate gaskets and sealing rings are not supplied with the sensors. These are the customer’s responsibility.For further information regarding connections, please refer to the corresponding Standards.Installation and operationThe unit is constructed using the most up to date production equipment and complies with the safety requirements of the local guidelines. However, if it is installed incorrectly or misused, certain application dangers can occur. Installation, wiring and maintenance of the unit must only be completed by trained, skilled personnel who are authorized to do so by the plant operator. The plant operator must make sure that the measurement system has been correctly wired to the connection schematics. Procedures indicated in these instructions must be followed.ReturnsPlease follow the Return Authorization Policy which is attached with this manual. Safety pictograms and symbols!Note!Notes draw attention to activities or procedures that can have a direct influence on operation or trigger an unforeseen device reaction if they are not carried out properly.Caution!Cautions draw attention to activities or procedures that can lead to persons being injured or to incorrect device operation if they are not carried out properly.# Warning!Warnings draw attention to activities or procedures that can lead to persons being seriously injured, to safety risks or to the destruction of the device if they are not carried out properly.Though the information provided herein is believed to be accurate, be advised that the information contained herein is NOT a guaranteeof satisfactory results. Specifically, this information is neither a warranty nor guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding performance; merchantability, fitness, or other matter with respect to the products; and recommendation for the use of the product/process information in conflict with any patent. Please note that Endress+Hauser reserves the right to change and/or improve the product design and specifications without notice.InstallationExamples of spring loaded insert installation.A: Explosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 installed within a socket weld thermowellB: Explosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 installed within a tilted installed threaded thermowellC: Explosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 installed within a flanged thermowell For installation proceed as follows:1. Seal the extension nipples with TFE tape before screwing in the device.2. Screw the explosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 only into an alreadyprepared thermowell.# Warning!Do not install the Explosion proof Thermocouple assembly T55 directly to the process pipe or process container wall. Otherwise it could cause death or serious injury!Electrical connection-wiring diagramsTerminal block mountedWire specifications Thermocouple grade, TFE insulated 20AWG, 7 strands with stripped ends Flying leads, standard 3” for wiring in connection head, head transmitter mounted or terminal block mountedFlying leads, 5½” for wiring with TMT162 or TMT142 assembly! Note!The blocks and transmitters are shown as they will sit inside the heads in reference to the conduit opening. ALWAYS terminate leads to the outside screw!DimensionsLN = Lamination nipple (flamepath nipple)XA1 = Insert immersion length (see table)X A2 = Spring loaded insert immersion length TU221 as spare part with lamination nipple! Note: For spare part spring loaded insert, TU221, please contact Endress+Hauser!Recommended minimum immersion 2.5 inches for the ¼” OD thermocouplesheath, nominalAmbient temperature limitsHousing without head-mounted transmitte rAluminium pressure die-cast housing-58 to 212 °F (-50 to 100 °C)Stainless steel housing-58 to 212 °F (-50 to 100 °C)Housing with head-mounted transmitterAll types of housing-40 to 185 °F (-40 to 85 °C)Field transmitterwith display-40 to 158 °F (-40 to 70 °C)without display-40 to 185 °F (-40 to 85 °C)CanadaUSAEndress+Hauser Canada 1075 Sutton DriveBurlington, ON L7L 5Z8 CanadaTel.905-681-9292800-668-3199Fax Endress+Hauser, Inc.2350 Endress Place Greenwood, IN 46143USATel.317-535-7138Fax 317-535-8498Sales 888-ENDRESS Service 800-642-8737******************.com MéxicoEndress+Hauser México S.A. de C.V.Fernando Montes de Oca 21 Edificio A Piso 3Fracc.Industrial San Nicolás 54030 Tlalnepantla de Baz Estado de México MéxicoTel.+52 555321 2080Fax +52 555321 2099mailto: www.mx Instruments InternationalEndress+HauserInstruments International AG Kaegenstrasse 24153 Reinach SwitzerlandTel.+41 61 715 81 00Fax +41 61 715 25 ***************.comPerformance Characteristics Maximum measured errorType Temperature range Standard Tolerance in % and °C* (whichever is greater)°C °F IEC class 1IEC class 2E 0 to 87032 to 1600± 1 or ± 0.4%± 1.7 or ± 0.5%J 0 to 76032 to 1400± 1.1 or ± 0.4%± 2.2 or ± 0.75%K 0 to 126032 to 2300± 1.1 or ± 0.4%± 2.2 or ± 0.75%T 0 to 37032 to 700± 0.5 or ± 0.4%± 1 or ± 0.75%N0 to 126032 to 2300± 1.1 or ± 0.4%± 2.2 or ± 0.4%* For measurement errors in °F , calculate using equation above in °C, then multiply the outcome by 1.8.Dielectrical strength The units are factory tested with 850 V DC for one second between live parts (leads/terminals) and exposed non-current-carrying metal parts (e.g. insert sheath)Supplementary documentationAll important Temperature Operating Instructions, particularly with regard to head and field transmitters are available on CD–ROM, find enclosed or order by order number: SONDTT-AG .KA245R/24/ae/05.0771041055INDD CS2。

诺希尔Xitanium LED驱动器数据手册说明书

诺希尔Xitanium LED驱动器数据手册说明书

XitaniumLED DriverDatasheetXitanium Dim 150W 1.05A 1-10V 230V YLED-based light sources are an excellent solution for outdoor environment. They are long-lasting and require low maintenance. However, to get the best out of the LEDs, these light sources require highly reliable and efficient LED Drivers. The new Philips Xitanium Fixed Output and Dimmable (1-10V) LED Outdoor Drivers are specifically designed to deliver reliable performance and protection while meeting the strict performance, approbation and application requirements.BenefitsReliability•Robust design; capable ofwithstanding harsh outdoorconditions.•Long lifetime and high survival rate.•Superior thermal managementsuitable for outdoor application.•Backed by 5 year warranty from a company you can trust. Affordable•Component integration in advanced IC enables cost effective design.•Proven robustness & reliability secure the lowest luminaire maintenanceover time.Easy to use•Extreme compact size. fitting with varied luminaires.•Easy to design-in based on the good thermal management and extra EMImargin Features•Proven robustness and reliableelectronic driver design.•Achieving highest efficiencies basedon advance technology.•Long lifetime; 50k hrs@Tc max.•Extreme compact size, fitting withvaried and critical luminaires.•Suitable for Class I isolated luminaires.•Authorized certificate: ENEC, CB, CEand CCC.Applications•Road and street lighting•Area and flood lighting•Tunnel lighting•High-bay lightingElectrical Input DataSpecification item Value Unit ConditionNominal Input Voltage220…240VacInput Voltage AC202…254Vac Performance rangeNominal Input Frequency50…60HzInput Frequency AC47…63Hz Maximum permissible rangeNominal Input Current0.76…0.69A220V…240V at full loadMaximum Input Current0.83A At202VNominal Input Power165W At 230V at full loadPower Factor≥0.95At 230V at full loadTotal Harmonic Distortion≤10%At 230V at full loadEfficiency92%At 230V at full loadElectrical Output DataSpecification item Value Unit ConditionRegulation Method Constant CurrentOutput Voltage62…142VdcOutput Voltage Max220Vdc Peak voltage at open circuitOutput Current1050…105mA Performance rangeOutput Current Tolerance±5%At max. output currentOutput Current Ripple LF5%Ripple = peak / average, at<1kHzOutput Power150W At full loadGalvanic Isolation Yes Basic; 2U+1000VElectrical Data Control InputSpecification item Value Unit ConditionControl Method1-10VDigital Interface N/A According 2.0 specificationsMains Control N/A Can be configured via MultiOneTime-based Integrated Control N/A Can be configured via MultiOne Dimming Range10-100%Wiring & ConnectionsSpecification item Value Unit ConditionInput Wire Size0.75mm²2-wire18AWG; 600V/105C rating or higher Output Wire Size0.75mm²2-wire 18AWG; 600V/105C rating or higher Input& Output Wire Length270 ±30mm Out of enclosureControl Wire Size N/A mm N/AControl Wire Length N/A mm N/ACE IsolationBasic Isolation: 2U+1000 V Input Wires Output Wires ChassisInput Wires N/A Basic BasicOutput Wires Basic N/A BasicChassis Basic Basic N/AOperational Temperature and HumiditySpecification item Value Unit ConditionAmbient Temperature-40…+55°CTcase Maximum80°C Measured at Tc-pointTcase Life70°C Measured at Tc-pointTcase Cut-Off85°C Power to LEDs is reducedStorage Temperature and HumiditySpecification item Value Unit ConditionAmbient Temperature-40…+55°CLifetimeSpecification item Value Unit ConditionLifetime100,000Hours At Tcase Life; Survival rate = 90% Programmable FeaturesSpecification item Value Remark ConditionAdjustable Output Current (AOC)N/A Default Output Current = xxx mA See Design-In GuideLED Module Temperature Derating(MTP)N/AConstant Lumen Output (CLO)N/ADC Emergency Dimming (DCEmDIM)N/ACorridor Mode N/AEnergy Metering N/ADiagnostics N/AFeaturesSpecification item Value Remark ConditionOpen Circuit Protection YesShort Circuit Protection Yes Automatic RecoveryOver Power Protection Yes Automatic RecoveryHot Wiring N/ASuitable for fixtures with Protection Class Class ICertificates and StandardsSpecification item ValueApproval Marks CE / CCC / ENEC/ CBIngress Protection Rating NAInrush CurrentSpecification item Value Unit ConditionInrush Current Ipeak46A At 230VacInrush Current Twidth440µs At 230Vac, measured at 50% Ipeak Drivers per MCB 16A Type B≤11pcsEarth Leakage CurrentSpecification item Value Unit ConditionTypical Leakage Current≤0.7mApk Meets IEC60598; LED module not included Surge CapabilitySpecification item Value Unit ConditionMains Surge Capability Differential Mode4KV L-N,2OhmMains Surge Capability Common Mode4KV L/N-GND,2OhmDimensionsSpecification item Value Unit ConditionLength overall168mmWidth overall60mmHeight overall38mmMounting Holes Distance153mmMounting Holes Width43mmMounting Holes Size5mm For M4 with max head diameter of 10mm Weight586gDimensions(in mm unless, otherwise specified)Logistical DataSpecification item ValueProduct Name Xitanium Dim 150W 1.05A 1-10V 230V Y Logistics Code 12NC9290 014 01780Pieces per Box12Operating windowEfficiency (Tcase = 70°C)GraphsPower Factor (Tcase = 70°C)8081828384858687888990919293946080100120140160180200220E f f i c i e n c yOutput Voltage202Vac230Vac 254VacEfficiency VS output voltage0.80.820.840.860.880.90.920.940.960.981406080100120140160P FOutput PowerPower Factor VS Output PowerTotal Harmonic Distortion (Tcase = 70°C)Output Current vs TcaseLifetime vs Tcase•Failure rate information based upon MTTF modeling: 90% survival at end of life @ Tcase <=80°C•Failure rate information based upon field call rate data: <0.01% per 1K hour @ Tcase <=80°C©2015 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.Y.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The informationpresented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent-or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Data subject to change.Date of release: April 30, 20151-10V dimming Curve1-10V dimming Curve。

Force transducer U3 安装说明书

Force transducer U3 安装说明书

Force transducerU3Mounting InstructionsB 20.U3.20 enSUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************3U3HBM 11.12.2000Contents Page Safety instructions 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Scope of supply 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Application information 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Structure and mode of operation 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1Measuring element 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2Housing 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Conditions on site 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.1Ambient temperature 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.2Moisture 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3Deposits 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Mechanical installation 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.1Important measures for installation 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2General installation guidelines 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3Installation for tensile loading/compressive loading 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3.1 Installation without adapter 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3.2 Installation with adapter and knuckle eye 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3.3 Installation with two knuckle eyes 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Electrical connection 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.1Instructions for cabling 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Specifications (VDI/VDE2638)17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Dimensions 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Declaration of conformity 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************4U3HBM 11.12.2000Use in accordance with the regulationsForce transducers in the U3 range are designed for force measurements on test benches/in press–fit devices/test devices/pressing. Use for any additional purpose shall be deemed to be not in accordance with the regulations.In the interests of safety, the transducer should only be operated as described in the Mounting Instructions. It is also essential to observe the appropriate legal and safety regulations for the application concerned during use. The same applies to the use of accessories.The transducer is not a safety element within the meaning of its use as intended. Proper and safe operation of this transducer requires propertransportation, correct storage, assembly and mounting and careful operation and maintenance.General dangers due to non–observance of the safety instructions The U3 force transducer corresponds to the state of the art and is fail–safe.The transducers can give rise to residual dangers if they are inappropriately installed and operated by untrained personnel.Everyone involved with the installation, commissioning, maintenance or repair of a force transducer must have read and understood the MountingInstructions and in particular the technical safety instructions.Residual dangersThe scope of supply and performance of the transducer covers only a small area of force measurement technique. In addition, equipment planners,installers and operators should plan, implement and respond to the safety engineering considerations of force measurement technique in such a way as to minimise residual dangers. Prevailing regulations must be complied with at all times. There must be reference to the residual dangers connected with force measurement technique.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************5U3HBM 11.12.2000In these mounting instructions residual dangers are pointed out using the following symbols:Symbol:WARNINGMeaning: Dangerous situationWarns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements can lead to death or serious physical injury.Symbol:ATTENTIONMeaning: Possibly dangerous situationWarns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements could lead to damage to property, slight or moderate physical injury.Symbol:NOTERefers to the fact that important information is being given about the product or its use.Symbol:Meaning:CE markThe CE mark signals a guarantee by the manufacturer that his product meets the requirements of the relevant EC directives (see Declaration of conformity at the end of this Mounting Instructions).SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************6U3HBM 11.12.2000Conversions and modificationsThe transducer must not be modified from the design or safety engineering point of view except with our express agreement. Any modification shallexclude all liability on our part for any damage resulting therefrom. Mounting and removing the adapter in accordance with Chapter 5 excluded.Qualified personnelThis instrument is only to be installed by qualified personnel strictly inaccordance with the technical data and with the safety rules and regulations which follow. It is also essential to observe the appropriate legal and safety regulations for the application concerned. The same applies to the use of accessories.Qualified personnel means persons entrusted with the installation, fitting,commissioning and operation of the product who possess the appropriate qualifications for their function.Conditions on siteProtect the transducer from damp and weather influences such as rain, snow,etc.MaintenanceThe U3 force transducer is maintenance free.Accident preventionAlthough the specified nominal force in the destructive range is several times the full scale value, the relevant accident prevention regulations from the trade associations must be taken into consideration.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************7U3HBM 11.12.2000• 1 U3 force transducer• 1 U3 Operating ManualAccessories (not included in the scope of supply):•’complete adapter ’ for knuckle eye mounting0.5–10kN:Adapter with four M5x12 and four M5x16 screwsOrder no. 2–9289.195620kN:Adapter with four M10x25 and four M10x30 screwsOrder no. 2–9289.195750kN:Adapter with eight M10x25 and eight M10x30 screwsOrder no. 2–9289.1958100kN:Adapter with eight M10x25 and eight M10x30 screws eachProperty class 12.9. galvanized Order no. 2–9289.2280•Knuckle eye ZGUW for 0.5–10kNOrder no. 1–U2A/1t/ZGUW 20 kNOrder no. 1–U2A/2t/ZGUW 50 kNOrder no. 1–U2A/5t/ZGUW 100kN Order no. 1–Z4/100kN/ZGUWForce transducers of the U3 type series are suitable for measuring tensile and compressive forces. They measure static and dynamic forces extremely accurately and therefore require careful handling. You must take particular care when transporting and installing the devices. If you knock or drop the transducers, this could permanently damage them.The housing provides an elaborate seal to protect the sensitive strain gauge applications and it is essential that this is preserved. You must be particularly careful with the base of the housing, as this is extremely thin.The limits for the permissible mechanical thermal and electrical stresses are stated in the Specifications. It is essential that these are taken intoconsideration in planning the measuring set –up, during installation and finally,during operation.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************8U3HBM 11.12.2000The measuring element is a measuring spring made from stainless steel, to which strain gauges (S/G) are applied. The S/Gs are arranged so that four of them can be strained and the other four compressed when the transducer reacts to a force.The housing with the integrated measuring spring is completed underneath by an attached base. This base is extremely thin and must not be loaded centrally (see Page 11). It should be protected against mechanical damage.Pressure compensation holeFig. 3.1Position of housing baseSUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************9U3HBM 11.12.2000The effects of temperature on the zero signal and on the sensitivity are compensated. To achieve optimal measurement results the nominaltemperature range must be maintained. Temperature –induced measurement errors are caused by heating (e.g. radiant heat) or cooling on one side. A radiation barrier and all –round thermal insulation will produce a marked improvement, but should not form a force shunt.Extreme humidity or a tropical climate should be avoided if this means that the classified limit values are exceeded (degree of protection IP65 under DIN EN 60529).NOTE:Moisture must not be allowed to penetrate the free end of theconnection cable or get into the pressure compensation hole.Dust, dirt and other foreign bodies must not be allowed to accumulate such that they divert part of the measured force onto the housing and so falsify themeasured value (force shunt).NOTE:Foreign bodies must not be allowed to clog the gap beneath theflange surface.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************10U3HBM 11.12.2000•Treat the transducer gently.•Do not overload the transducer.•Either during installation or immediately afterwards, the transducer should be bridged by a 50mm 2 stranded copper wire (highly flexible signal ground cable EEK from the HBM line). The cable is attached by screws both above and below the transducer. This prevents welding current flowing over the transducer and welding the force introduction point.WARNINGIf there is a risk of breakage through overload on the transducerand thus a risk to persons, additional safety measures are to betaken.The direction of measurement in which the forces work should be as much towards the transducer as possible. Torsion and bending moments, eccentric loading and transverse forces may result in measurement errors and if the limit values are exceeded, could destroy the transducer.The transducer can take up 100% (80% at 50kN, 50% at 100kN) of itsnominal force as transverse force by reference to a force introduction point on the force –introduction surface (see diagram Fig. 5.1), without losing its mechanical competence.Fig. 5.1Transverse force introductionSUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************NOTE:In the case of transducers of nominal forces 20kN, 50kN and100kN, the base area is not flat.Fig. 5.2Base of the U35.3.1 Installation without adapterThe transducer is screwed directly (by flange or base) on to an existing structural element (e.g. profile, cover, plate). This type of installation enables the transducers to measure axial forces in the tensile force and compressive force directions. Alternating loads can also be recorded perfectly. The transducer must be installed without axial play for this. For dynamic sustained loading, the top and bottom threaded connectors must be prestressed by lock nuts to above the maximum load.drawing offset by45o or 22.5oM AM Aprovided by customerprovided by customer FlangebaseFig. 5.3Installation for compressive loading1)Take note of the thread depth (see Dimensions, Page 18)2)12.9 DIN912 galvanizedHBM supplies knuckle eyes as mounting accessories for transducers of theU3 type series. Knuckle eyes are suitable for use during quasi–static loading (10Hz alternating loads). In the case of dynamic loading at a higher frequency, you should use flexible tension bars. Knuckle eyes prevent the introduction of torsional moments and when 2 knuckle eyes are used, stop bending moments and transverse and angular loading being introduced in the transducers.5.3.2 Installation with adapter and knuckle eyeIf the transducer is to be tensile force loaded, it can be mounted with anadapter (HBM accessory) and a knuckle eye. There is a centre hole (34H8mm or 55H8mm, effective depth approx. 1mm) on both sides of the transducer.Fig. 5.4Installation for tensile loadingAttaching the knuckle eye:•Screw the correct adapter (dependent on nominal force!) to the U3 (please note screw length, screw quality A2–70, at 100kN. 12.9 DIN912,galvanized)•Turn the lock nut back as far as the eyeATTENTIONDo not apply force to the transducer flange.•Unscrew knuckle eye 1 to 2 turns and align •Load eye with nominal loadB , lock using the flat of the adapter)ATTENTIONWhen locking with the lock nut, under no circumstances let the torque be transmitted through the transducer.5.3.3 Installation with two knuckle eyesFig. 5.5Installation for tensile loading with two knuckle eyesAttaching the knuckle eye:•Screw the correct adapter (dependent on nominal force!) to the U3 (please note screw length)•Turn the lock nut back as far as the eye•Screw the knuckle eye into the adapter as far as the stopATTENTIONDo not apply force to the transducer flange.•Unscrew knuckle eye 1 to 2 turns and align •Load eye with nominal load•Tighten lock nut (M B , lock using the flat of the adapter)ATTENTIONWhen locking with the lock nut, under no circumstances let the torque be transmitted through the transducer.The transducers come complete with a 3m long cable with free ends. The cable shielding is connected in accordance with the Greenline concept. This means that the measurement system is surrounded by a Faraday cage and is not affected by electromagnetic interference.Connectors to CE standard are to be fitted at the free cable end of the transducer. The shielding is here to be laid over the whole area. If a different connection technique is used then good EMC shielding is to be provided in the wiring loom, the shielding again being laid over the full area (see also HBM Greenline Information, document G36.35.0).•Always use shielded, low–capacity measurement cable, available from HBM.•Do not lay measurement cable parallel to high–voltage power lines or control circuits. If this is not possible (e.g. in cable ducts) protect themeasurement cable, e.g. with armoured steel tube and maintain a minimum distance of 50 cm from the other cables. High voltage power lines andcontrol lines should be twisted (15 turns per metre).•Avoid stray fields of transformers, motors and contactors.•Do not earth transducer, amplifier and display device more than once. All the devices in the measuring chain are to be connected to the sameearthed conductor.•The screen of the connection cable is connected to the transducer housing.Connecting to terminals:1.You can get to the screen through a slit in the cable sheath (see Fig. 6.1)y the screen flat on the housing frame.Attaching to a connector:Lay the cable shield flat on the connector housing.Fig. 6.1:Slit cable sheathFig. 6.2:Pin assignment for the U3Mounting accessoriesMaterial: tempering steel, galvanised; rolled steel and PTFE/bronze fabric foilB ∅H 7HDGFGAa.f.Knuckle eyeNominal force (kN)A∅B H7DFG0,5...1033.5123254.570.5122047205079.8104.8185057256094.5124.5221006630H77011014525AdapterNomi-nal force (kN)∅A∅C ∅D f8M∅K∅L0.5...10504234M1214221)including screws21 U3SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************22U3 SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************HBM 11.12.200023 U3SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************HBM 11.12.2000SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************IM–C 12.00–POD。



SOLAR TRACKER III CONTROLLEROWNER'S MANUALModels: RC-10-12/24 RC-20-12/24 RC-30-12/24RC-40-12/24 RC-60-12/24 RC-80-12/24Read First Before Operating ControllerRenaissance Charge, LLC10183 Aero Dr. Suite #3Hayden, ID 83835Copyright © 2011 Renaissance Charge, LLCAbout This ManualThank you for selecting the Solar Tracker III solar controller. This third generation Solar Tracker III adds new features and protections using highly advanced technology. Energenx’s patented charging algorithm has also been further optimized for longer battery life and improved system performance.Many functions of the Solar Tracker III are unique. Although the Solar Tracker III is very simple to use, please take the time to read this operator’s manual and become familiar with the controller.”Always Put Safety First“• Be very careful when working with batteries. Wear eye protection and have fresh water available to wash and clean any contact with battery acid.• Charge only lead-acid batteries that are properly sized for the system.• Explosive battery gasses can be present during charging. Be certain there is enough ventilation to release the gasses.• Use insulated tools and avoid metal objects near the batteries.• Carefully read the battery manuals and other equipment manuals before installing the solar system. Observe ALL precautions when working with batteries and power electronics.• Fuses or DC disconnects may be required in the system. These protective devices are not part of the Solar Tracker III controller.• Avoid large voltage drops in the battery wires. Use the Battery Sense connection forbest battery charging and system performance.• Do not allow water to enter the controller.• Avoid touching the controller heat sink. Under certain operating conditions, the heatsink can become hot.• Install the controller in a vertical position with adequate space for ventilation.• Ensure that the system is properly grounded.• SAVE these instructions for future reference.This manual contains specific directions for unpacking and setting up the unit, charging a battery, and interpreting the behavior of the indicator lights. It also gives specific recommendations for use, and a review of risks and hazards.Please keep this manual with your Solar Tracker III at all times, for use as a handy reference.Table of Contents1)Quick Start Instructions 22)LED Indications 23) General Installation Notes 24)Charging Method 35)Troubleshooting 36)Servicing Your Solar Controller 31.0 QUICK START INSTRUCTIONS:This section provides a brief overview of how to get started using the Solar Tracker III controller. However, please review the entire manual to ensure best performance and years of trouble-free service.1. Mount the Solar Tracker III to a horizontal surface. Allow space above and below the controller for air flow.2. Make sure the Solar and Load currents will not exceed the ratings of the Solar Tracker III version being installed.3. Before connecting your batteries or solar panel be sure that all circuit breakers or switches on the Solar Tracker III are in the OFF position.4. Connect the Battery first. Torque all the Solar Trackers terminals tightly, but do not exceed 35 in-ib.5. Connect the Solar. With sunlight, the BLUE charging LED will light.6. For 12 or 24 volt systems only.7. Observe the LEDs to confirm normal operation.8. It is recommended that the system be properly grounded.1.1 LED INDICATORSThe 3 LEDs in the upper label indicate system status and various functions. These functions are described below.SOLAR TRACKING (LED 2 – BLUE)ON: battery charging during sunlight (always on during sunlight).OFF: normal during night.CHARGING (LED 1 – RED)ON: battery charging during sunlight (always on during sunlight).OFF: normal during night.BATTERY STATUS (LED 3 – GREEN)GREEN: ON indicates battery is at or near full chargeand in a desulfating mode (self regulating).1.2 GENERAL INSTALLATION NOTES• The Solar Tracker III uses only the finest materials and fasteners, a durable powdercoating to protect from harsh conditions. However, for acceptable service life extreme temperatures and marine environments should be avoided.• The Solar Tracker III prevents reverse current leakage at night, so a blocking diode is not required in the system.• The Solar Tracker III is designed to regulate ONLY solar (photovoltaic) power. Do not connect it to any other type of power generator. Do not attempt to regulate a wind turbine. However, other power sources can be connected directly to the battery.• The connector terminals will accept a maximum wire size of AWG #6 /16 mm2(solid/multistrand) or AWG #8 / 10 mm2 (fine strand). Use a 7/16” insulated wrench, and torque tightly up to 35 in-lb.•RatingsConfirm that the solar array and loads will not exceed the current rating of the Solar Tracker III version being installed.21.3 Solar Tracker III CHARGING METHODThe Solar Tracker III uses 4 stages of charging for rapid, efficient and safe battery charging. These are listed below:1. Recharging with 100% of available solar energy.2. Constant-voltage regulation to prevent heating and excessive battery gassing.3. Patented pulse charging to restore full battery capacity.4. Float: After battery is fully recharged, Solar Tracker III reduces to a float or desulfating charge as indicated by the GREEN LED, this brings uneven cells into balance and extends the battery life.1.4 TROUBLESHOOTINGThe Solar Tracker III is assembled with automated equipment, tested with computers, and is protected from faults. It is usually worthwhile to troubleshoot the entire solar system for faults, since the Solar Tracker III will generally not be the cause of a problem. Most problems will be caused by wiring connections, batteries unable to hold a charge, or faulty loads.CAUTIONS:1. Troubleshooting should be done by qualified personnel.2. A battery can cause serious damage if shorted.3. There are no user serviceable parts, fuses or circuit breakers inside the Solar Tracker III.4. Observe all normal precautions when working with energized circuitry.BATTERY IS NOT CHARGING•Check the BLUE charging LED above the Solar input. With sunlight on the solar array, this LED should be on.• Check that all wire connections in the system are correct and tight. Check the polarity (+/–) of the connections.• Measure the solar array open-circuit voltage (disconnected from the controller) and confirm it is normal. If the array voltage is low or zero, repair the fault in the array.• Confirm that the load is not drawing more energy than the solar array can provide.• If the BATTERY terminals are corroded, there may be excessive voltage drops between the Solar Tracker III and the battery. This is a common cause of undercharging batteries.• Check the condition of the battery. Determine if the battery voltage falls at night with no load. If the battery is unable to maintain its voltage, it may be failing.• Measure the solar input voltage (during daytime) and battery voltage at the Solar Tracker III terminals. If the voltages at the terminals are the same (within about 0.5 volts), the solar array is charging the battery.If the solar voltage is close to open-circuit (about 20V), and the battery voltage is low, the controller is not charging the battery and may be defective.• Check that the load is connected and turned on. Confirm that no fuses or circuit breakers in the system are tripped (there are fuses or circuit breakers in the front or back of theSolar Tracker III.• Check all connections to the load, and battery connections. Make sure voltage drops in the system are not too high (a voltage drop to the load will reduce the voltage at the load).• Check the LED indications on the Solar Tracker III. If no status LED is on, the solar array may have been disconnected.SERVICING your Solar Tracker IIIIf for any reason this equipment stops working properly, contact the manufacturer immediately at:Renaissance Charge, LLCPhone: 208 772-4514Email:******************There are NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS inside your Solar Tracker III. Any attempt to open the unit, repair it yourself, or have it repaired by a third party, voids the Limited Warranty and offer of Free Service and repair by the manufacturer.1 Year Limited Warranty on all parts and service.3。

Turck 磁场传感器类型代码BIM-UNT-AP6X-0.3-PSG3S 3GD的说明书

Turck 磁场传感器类型代码BIM-UNT-AP6X-0.3-PSG3S 3GD的说明书

T 05:56:26+02:00Type code BIM-UNT-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S/3GD Ident no.4685865Repeatability ï ± 0.1 mm Temperature drift ð 0.1 mm Hysteresisð 1 mmAmbient temperature-25…+70 °Cin the explosion hazardous area see instruction leafletOperating voltage 10…30VDC Residual rippleð 10 % U DC rated operational current ð 150 mA No-load current I 0ð 15 mA Residual currentð 0.1 mA Rated insulation voltage ð 0.5 kV Short-circuit protection yes/ cyclic Voltage drop at I ð 1.8 VWire breakage / Reverse polarity protection yes/ completeOutput function 3-wire, NO contact, PNPApproval acc. to ATEX declaration of conformity 3116-4MDevice designation É II 3 G Ex nA II T4 X / II3 D Ex tD A22 IP67T110°CWarningdo not disconnect connector when energized Design rectangular, UNT Dimensions28 x 5 x 6 mm Housing material plastic, PP Material active areaPlastic, PP Tightening torque fixing screw 0.4 NmConnection cable with connector, M8 x 1Cable quality3 mm, grey, Lif9Y-11Y , PUR, 0.3 mSuited for E-ChainSystems® acc. to manufacturers declaration H1063MCable cross section3 x 0.14 mm Vibration resistance 55 Hz (1 mm)Shock resistance 30 g (11 ms)Protection class IP67MTTF2283 years acc. to SN 29500 (Ed. 99) 40 °C Mounting on the following profiles .Cylindrical designE N KF Switching stateLED yellowIncluded in scope of supplycable clip, SC-M8/3GDs ATEX category II 3 G, Ex Zone 2s ATEX category II 3 D, Ex Zone 22sFor T-groove cylinders without mount-ing accessoriessOptional accessories for mounting on other cylindrical housings.s One-hand mounting possiblesFine adjustment tool and stopper direct-ly mountable on the sensor s Stable mountings Magneto-resistive sensor s DC 3-wire, 10…30 VDC s NO contact, PNP output sPigtail with male end, Ø 8 mmWiring diagramFunctional principleMagnetic field sensors are activated by mag-netic fields. They are applied to detect the po-sition of pneumatic cylinders. Magnetic fields can permeate non-magnetizable metals. A permanent magnet attached to the piston is thus detected through the aluminium wall of the cylinder.T 05:56:26+02:00Mounting instructions / Descriptionmounting instructionsInsert the sensor in the groove from above. Mount the sensors as follows using the patented wing screw: The wing screw features a left-hand female thread. Two small plastic lips keep the screw in position, ready-to-install. Turn the screw clockwise. The screw moves out of the thread and hits the upper grooves with the wings. The sensor is thus pressed down and e a standard screw driver or a 2.5 mm Allen key to fasten the screw with a quarter turn. A fixing torque of 0.4 Nm is sufficient for safe mounting without damaging the cylinder. The sensor now withstands axial and radi-al tensile load of F=100N applied on the cable. Cable clips are included in the scope of delivery. They enable smooth cable routing in the groove. Mounting acces-sories for other cylinder sizes have to be ordered sepa-rately.T 05:56:26+02:00AccessoriesType codeIdent no.DescriptionDimension drawingKLZ1-INT6970410Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on round cylinders; diameter: 32…40 mm; material: Aluminium; further mounting accessories for other cylinder diameters on requestKLZ2-INT 6970411Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on F tie-rod cylinders; diameter: 50…63 mm; material: Aluminium; further mounting accessories for other cylinder diameters on requestUNT-Stopper 4685751Accessories for finetuning the switchpoint on N T-groove cylinders; snap-locked in the BIM-UNT fixture; suited for mul-tiple use; material: plasticUNT-Justage 4685750Accessories for finetuning the switchpoint on N T-groove cylinders; snap-locked in the BIM-UNT fixture; suited for mul-tiple use; material: metal/plasticKLRC-UNT16970626Accessories for mounting on E cylinders; diameter: 8…25mm; material: PA 6I/6T / nickel silver; Fire-hazard classifica-tion acc. to UL94 - V2T 05:56:26+02:00AccessoriesType code Ident no.DescriptionDimension drawingKLRC-UNT26970627Accessories for mounting on E cylinders; diameter: 25…63mm; material: PA 6I/6T / nickel silver; Fire-hazard classifica-tion acc. to UL94 - V2KLRC-UNT36970628Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on E round cylinders; diameter: 63…130 mm; material: PA 6I/6T / nickel silver; Fire-hazard classification acc. to UL94 - V2KLRC-UNT46970629Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on E round cylinders; diameter: 130…250 mm; material: PA 6I/6T / nickel silver; Fire-hazard classification acc. to UL94 - V2KLDT-UNT26913351Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on dovetail cylinders; groove width: 7 mm; material: PPSKLDT-UNT36913352Accessories for mounting the BIM-UNT sensor on K dove-tail groove cylinders; groove width: 9.4 mm; material: PPST 05:56:26+02:00AccessoriesType codeIdent no.DescriptionDimension drawingKLDT-UNT66913355Accessories for mounting on K dovetail groove cylinders;groove width: 7.35 mm; material: PPST 05:56:26+02:00Operating manual Intended useThis device fulfills the directive 94/9/EC and is suited for use in explosion hazardous areas according to EN60079-0:2009, EN60079-15:2005and EN61241-1:2004.In order to ensure correct operation to the intended purpose it is required to observe the national regulations and directives.For use in explosion hazardous areas conform to classificationII 3 G and II 3 D (Group II, Category 3 G, electrical equipment for gaseous atmospheres and category 3 D, electrical equipment for dust atmo-spheres).Marking (see device or technical data sheet)É II 3 G und Ex nA II T4 X acc. to EN 60079-0:2009 and EN 60079-15:2005 and É II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP67 T 110°C acc. to EN60079-0:2009and EN 61241-1:2004Local admissible ambient temperature -25…+55 °CInstallation / CommissioningThese devices may only be installed, connected and operated by trained and qualified staff. Qualified staff must have knowledge of protection classes, directives and regulations concerning electrical equipment designed for use in explosion hazardous areas.Please verify that the classification and the marking on the device comply with the actual application conditions.Installation and mounting instructionsAvoid static charging of cables and plastic devices. Please only clean the device with a damp cloth. Do not install the device in a dust flow and avoid build-up of dust deposits on the device.If the devices and the cable could be subject to mechanical damage, they must be protected accordingly. They must also be shielded against strong electro-magnetic fields.The pin configuration and the electrical specifications can be taken from the device marking or the technical data sheet.In order to avoid contamination of the device, please remove possible blanking plugs of the cable glands or connectors only shortly before in-serting the cable or opening the cable socket.Special conditions for safe operationDevices with terminal chamber (cable glands) have a weaker strain relief. Sufficient strain relief must be ensured or the cable must be station-ary-mounted.For devices with M8 connectors please use the supplied safety clip SC-M8/3GD.Do not disconnect the plug-in connection or cable when energised.Please attach a warning label permanently in an appropriate fashion in close proximity to the plug-in connection with the following inscription:Nicht unter Spannung trennen / Do not separate when energized.The device must be protected against any kind of mechanical damage and degrading UV-radiation. This is achieved through mounting in a stan-dard T groove of a pneumatic cylinder.Load voltage and operating voltage of this equipment must be provided by power supplies featuring safe isolation (IEC 60 364/ UL 508), which ensures that the rated voltage (24 VDC +20% = 28.8 VDC) of the equipment is not exceeded by more than 40%.service / maintenanceRepairs are not possible. The approval expires if the device is repaired or modified by a person other than the manufacturer. The most important data from the approval are listed.。


None Calibration certificate 2 points None Tag No. stainless steel plate (1 line; 12 characters)
Extension 945 mm (37.20 inch)
Extension 1050 mm (41.34 inch)
Flange plate protection DN80, DN100, 3", 4", 80A, 100A for Drop PP DN 80
Flange plate protection DN150, 6", 8" for Drop PP DN 80 or DN 150
Standard / -50°C…+150°C / EPDM for Non-Ex Drop antennas
Availability Selection
0____ h 2____ a 3____ b 6____ c 7____ d E____ a F____ b H____ c K____ d M____ e N____ b
Instructions Select the desired key number. The arrow to the right marks the selection available. Make the desired selections from Tables I through V using the column below the proper arrow. A dot ( ) denotes availability.
Standard: -50°C...+150°C / EPDM

Omega OS1561 OS1571 高温红外线性传感器说明书

Omega OS1561 OS1571 高温红外线性传感器说明书

(OS1561 Models – No Add’l Cost)
Ambient Temperature: 10 to 50°C (50 to 122°F)
Accuracy: ±1.0% rdg
Repeatability: ±0.5% rdg
Emissivity: 0.05 to 1.00, adjustable in 0.01 steps
Lead selenide
2.35" @ 120"
1000 to 3000°C (1832 to 5432°F)
4.5 to 5.15 microns
Lead selenide
0.17" @ 12.0"
1235 to 3700°C (2255 to 6692°F)
4.5 to 5.15 microns
Come with operator’s manual.
Model OS1561 can use range codes R1 thru R4. Model OS1571 can use range codes R1 thru R8.
Ordering Example: OS1571F-R6-MA, fixed distance pyrometer with 1112 to 4352°F range, 1 mV/°F output, optional 4 to 20 mA second output and signal averaging, $3915 + 1000 + 125 = $5040. OCW-3, OMEGACARESM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($350), $3915 + 350 = $4265.
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#3索拉机组控制器模拟故障编写:王江审核:2006年12月27日在任何情况下,设置控制器logix5563故障,都应将laptop (笔记本)中工程logix5000 PD75891_AF 文件夹REV备份。

将laptop 状态栏和控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况记录下来,以便与故障前控制器logix5563状态指示做比较。


1、将控制器logix5563与laptop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF可以直接点击Go Online连接,现在需要设置控制器logix5563故障,点击UpLoad, 控制器logix5563会执行上传操作,这时将DH+ communctions端子人为松动,通讯中断。



2、将控制器logix5563与laptop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF点击UpLoad,在执行上传过程中laptop出现死机,通讯中断。



3、将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF点击DownLoad,在执行DownLoad(下装)过程中,一人负责监视控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况,另一人监视laptop上RS logix5000-PD75891_AF 状态栏。

下装到一半时,弹出project logix5000 takeoff(离线)对话框,laptop I/O LED灭,控制器logix5563 I/O通讯LED灭,OK LED闪烁(下图为:控制器logix5563),机组控制屏后备启动灯高亮。

根据controllerlogix5555说明书上提示,点击logix5000 PD75891_AF控制器属性,可以查看控制器主要故障和次要故障。


点击logix5000 PD75891_AF I/O属性,查看主要信息。







首先恢复:Rslink gateway------>configure Drivers------>Available Drivers Types------>1784-FT/KTX(D)/PKTX(D)/PCMK for DH+/DH- 485 Drivers------>Add new------>AB_KT-2------> configure 1784-KTX/ KTXD----->Property-----> Drivers Types KTX(D) ------>value(PCMK) ------>network------> DH+ communctions RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563laptop中工程logix5000 PD75891_AF 文件夹REV备份,再次重复执行logix5000 PD75891_AF download操作, 检查laptop状态栏和控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况。



恢复送电,通过DH+端口download project,若下装到一半时还会弹出project logix5000离线对话框时,laptop上会再次出现I/O LED中断,控制器logix5563 I/O通讯中断,OK LED闪烁,机组控制屏上后备启动灯会高亮。




恢复送电,通讯正常,将事先备份的project download到控制器logix5563上。


检查控制屏上的各项参数,如:发动机启动次数、点火次数、当前时间(可以设置一个告警信息:如发电机A 相绕组温度高,查看TT4000界面上显示报警信息的时间与程序中是否相一致)。

4、将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF点击DownLoad,在执行DownLoad(下装)过程中,一人负责监视控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况,另一人监视laptop上RS logix5000-PD75891_AF 状态栏,下装成功后,再次执行UpLoad操作。



5、将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF点击UpLoad,在执行UpLoad过程中,一人负责监视控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况,另一人监视laptop上RS logix5000-PD75891_AF状态栏。




再次连机时,执行UpLoad操作时,可能会弹出logix5000 PD75891_AF loss(丢失)对话框。


将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF待机组正常启动10分钟后,人为的将控制器logix5563电源线拔下或控制器logix5563松动。



正常情况下,机组会报警停机,控制屏内的所I/O module LED会闪烁不停。


将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF,调用TT4000界面上条形图(更加形象直观的观察机组参数曲线变化)。


检查laptop 状态栏和控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况。


正常情况下,机组断路器会跳开、甩负荷,控制屏内的所I/O module LED 会闪烁不停。


8、将控制器logix5563与ladtop正常通讯RSWho------>双击00,1756-DHRIO/B,1756-DHRIO/C------>Backplane 1756-A7/A------>00,1756,L03 logix5563,PD75891_AF点击DownLoad,在执行DownLoad(下装)过程中,一人负责监视控制器logix5563各个LED指示情况,另一人监视laptop上RS logix5000-PD75891_AF 状态栏。

下装到一半时,弹出project logix5000 takeoff(离线)对话框,laptop I/O LED灭,控制器logix5563 I/O通讯LED灭,OK LED闪烁(下图为:控制器logix5563),机组控制屏后备启动灯高亮。

检查laptop状态栏和控制器logix5563 各个LED指示情况。


根据controller logix5555说明书提示:控制器硬件产生故障,控制器将关闭,用户必须修理或更换控制器。

表现状态:在故障模式期间,将根据它们的输出状态设置相应的输出控制器的OK LED指示灯将持续变红。

