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AI :Auto-Insertion 自动插件
AQL :acceptable quality level 允收水平
ATE :automatic test equipment 自动测试
ATM :atmosphere 气;压
巳GA :ball grid array 球形矩阵
CCD :charge coupled device监视连接组件(摄影机)
CLCC :Ceramic leadless chip carrier 陶瓷引脚载具
COB :chip-on-board芯片直I妾贴附在电路板上
cps :centipoises(黏度单位)百分之一
CSB :chip scale ball grid array 芯片尺寸BGA
CSP :chip scale package 芯A尺寸构装
CTE :coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数
DIP :dual in-line package双A线包装(泛指手插组件)
FPT :fine pitch technology 微间距技术
FR-4 :flame-retardant substrate玻璃纤维胶片(用来制作PCB材质)1C :integrate circuit 集成电路IR :infra-red 红外线Kpa :kilopascals(压力单位)
LCC Headless chip carrier引脚式芯片承载器MCM :multi-chip module 多层芯片模块MELF :metal electrode face 二极管MQFP :metalized QFP金属四方扁平封装NEPCON :National Electronic Package and Production Conference国际电子包装及生产会议PBGA plastic ball grid array 頰料球形矩阵PCB printed circuit board 刷电路板PFC polymer flip chip
PLCC plastic leadless chip carrier塑料式冇引脚芯片承载器Polyurethane聚亚胺酯(刮刀材质)
ppm arts per million指每百万PAD(点)有多少个不良PAD(点)
psi ounds/inch2 磅/英吋2
PWB rinted wiring board 电路板
QFP :quad flat package 四边平担封装
SIP :single in-line package
SIR :surface insulation resistance
SMC :Surface Mount Component 表面黏着组件
SMD :Surface Mount Device 表面黏着组件
SMEMA :Surface Mount Equipment
Manufacturers Association表面黏着设备制造协会
SMT :surface mount technology 表面黏着技术
SOIC :small outline integrated circuit
SOJ :small out-line j-leaded package
SOP :small out-line package 小外型封装
SOT :small outline transistor 晶体管
SPC :statistical process control 统计过程控制
SSOP :shrink small outline package 收缩型小外形封装
TAB :tape automaticed bonding 带状自动结合
TCE :thermal coefficient of expansion 膨胀(因热)系数
Tg :glass transition temperature 玻璃转换温度
THD :Through hole device须穿过洞之组件(贯穿孔)
TQFP :tape quad flat package 带状四方平封装
UV :ultraviolet 紫外线
uBGA :micro BGA微小球型矩阵
cBGA :ceramic BGA陶瓷球型矩阵
PTH :Plated Thru Hole 导通孔
IA Information Appliance 信息家电产品
LGA (Land Grid Arry)封装技术LGA封装不需植球,适合轻薄短小产品应用。
TCP (Tape Carrier Package)
ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 异方性导电胶膜制程
Solder mask 防焊漆
Soldering Iron 烙铁
Solder balls 锡球
Solder Splash 锡渣
Solder Skips 漏焊
Through hole 贯穿孑L
Touch up 补焊
Solder Wires 焊锡线
Solder Bars 锡棒
Green Strength未M化强度(红胶)
Transter Pressure转印压力(印刷)
Screen Printing刮刀式印刷
Solder Powder 锡颗粒
Wetteng ability 润湿能力
Viscosity 黏度
Solderability 焊锡性
Applicability 使用性
Flip chip 覆晶
Depaneling Machine组装电路板切割机
Solder Recovery System锡料回收再使用系统
Wire Welder主机板补线机
X-Ray Multi-layer Inspection System X-Ray 孔偏检查机
BGA Open/Short X-Ray Inspection Machine BGA X-Ray 检测机Prepreg Copper Foil Sheeter P.P.铜消裁切机