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1. 空军军医大学基础医学院学员三大队九队ꎬ陕西 西安 710032 2. 空军军医大学基础医学院微生物与病原生物学教研室ꎬ陕西 西安 710032
摘要:固有免疫是机体抵御病原微生物入侵的第一道防线ꎮ 巨噬细胞( macrophagesꎬ Mφ) 在机体中分布广泛并具
有十分活跃的生物学功能ꎬ在宿主抗病毒固有免疫应答过程中发挥重要作用ꎮ 既往研究集中于 Mφ 的吞噬功能及
微生物学免疫学进展 2019 年 4 月第 47 卷第 2 期 Prog in Microbiol ImmunolꎬApr. 2019ꎬ Vol.47 No.2
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陈石蕊1 ꎬ赵林莉1 综述ꎻ张芳琳2 审校
关键词: 固有免疫ꎻ巨噬细胞ꎻ极化ꎻ病毒感染ꎻ炎症反应
中图分类号: R392.12
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1005 ̄5673(2019)02 ̄0052 ̄06
DOI: 10.13309 / j.cnki.pmi.2019.02.009
Advances in molecular mechanisms of viral infection induced macrophage polarization
抗原提呈作用ꎬ而近年来研究发现ꎬ不同活化模式的 Mφ 对病毒感染后机体的炎症反应具有双重调控作用ꎬMφ 的
极化状态与病毒感染性疾病的发生和转归关系密切ꎮ 病毒感染急性期ꎬMφ 向 M1 方向极化其过度活化可引起细胞因子风暴ꎬ加重组织的免疫病理损伤ꎻ随着病毒感染相关疾
病的进展ꎬMφ 向 M2 方向极化ꎬM2 型 Mφ 可通过分泌多种抑炎因子发挥免疫调控作用ꎬ参与组织修复ꎬ亦与感染慢
性化密切相关ꎮ 不同种类的病毒感染机体后可以诱导 Mφ 向不同方向极化ꎬ但其具体调控机制目前尚不清楚ꎮ 现
就 Mφ 极化在病毒感染过程中的作用及其调控机制作一概述ꎬ为相关疾病的发病机制研究奠定理论基础ꎬ并为治
自 20 世纪初发现并提出吞噬细胞及相关理论 以来ꎬ巨噬细胞( macrophagesꎬ Mφ) 活化及其功能一
CHEN Shi ̄rui∗ ꎬ ZHAO Lin ̄liꎬ ZHANG Fang ̄lin ∗ School of Basic Medicineꎬ Air Force Military Medical Universityꎬ Xi’ an 710032ꎬ Shaanxi Provinceꎬ China
Corresponding author: ZHANG Fang ̄linꎬ E ̄mail: flzhang@ fmmu.edu.cn Abstract: Innate immunity is the first line of defense against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms. Macrophages (Mφ) ꎬ widely distributed in hosts with active biological functionsꎬ play an important role in the innate immune responses against viral infection. Previous studies mainly focused on the phagocytic and antigen presenting function of macrophagesꎬ while recent researches found that Mφ in different activation modes could modulate the inflammatory responses during viral infection. At the acute stage of viral infectionꎬ macrophages turn to M1ꎬ facilitate host inflammation and promote pathogen clearanceꎬ which would also aggravate tissue immune pathological injury. With the progress of viral infetion associated dis ̄ easesꎬ macrophages turn to M2ꎬ secrete anti ̄inflammatory cytokines and promote tissue repairꎬ which could lead to chronic viral infection. The polarization mode from macrophages is highly involved with the virus speciesꎬ while it still remains am ̄ biguous on how the virus infection shape macrophage activation pattern. Hereꎬ we summarize the function of macrophage po ̄ larization against virus invasion and the involved molecular mechanismsꎬ which would provide a theoretical basis for the pathogenesis and treatment of virus ̄associated diseases. Key words:Innate immunityꎻ Macrophageꎻ Polarizationꎻ Viral infectionꎻ Inflammation