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1. As Kara happily flipped through her college catalogues, her parents looked on in dismay, mentally calculating the total_costs.

A. faire

B. wage

C. tuition

D. fee

2. 1 attribute her success in science_the encouragement she received from

her parents.

A. on

B. to

C. with

D. into

3. Even when it was_for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always

ready with a retort.

A. advised

B. advisable

C. advisory

D. advising

4. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the dots because of the way some reporters distort and_the actual events.

A. exaggerate

B. enlarge

C. widen

D. overtake

5. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular_for 30

million participants of all ages.

A. fantasy B.pastime C. symposium D. penalty

6. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small_,but after she moved·

to New York, she was just only one among many millions.

A. pond

B. sea

C. ocean

D. lake

7. Although he thought he was helping us with the job, he was only_.

A. in a way

B. in the way

C. on the way

D. by the way

8. Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not_the message

the author intended.

A. convert

B. transfer

C. exchange

D. convey

9. Inability to relax, to_a problem, often prevents its solution.

A. let off on

B. let up on

C. let go of

D. let down in

10. Try to be_in your eating this holiday season; if you control your

appetite, you won't gain too much weight.

A. temperate

B. terminal

C. tranquil

D. tender

11. Spanish women_just 4.1%of corporate boards, according to a study

by the European Professional Women's Network.

A. make off

B. make for

C. make out

D. make up

12. If you don't eat a more_dinner, you'll be hungry later on.

A. vast

B. considerable

C. resourceful

D. substantial

13. On our vacation we_an interesting antique store.

A. chanced upon

B. concentrated upon

C. counted upon

D. congratulated upon

14. Now, there's absolutely no question in any objective observer's mind that

entry to Oxford and Cambridge is_competitive.

A. finely

B. firmly

C. fiercely C. flexibly

15. The new Lenovo laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in FAX

modem is a pretty _____machine.

A. profound

B. significant

C. fundamental

D. sophisticated
