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【摘要】采用盆栽砂培法,研究3种不同的土壤pH值(4.2、5.2和6.2)对乌饭树(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.)和兔眼蓝莓(Vaccinium ashei Reade)品种"灿烂"生长及相关生理指标的影响.结果表明:乌饭树和蓝莓的生物量、叶绿素含量及根系活力均在土壤pH 6.2时最低,而其生物量与根系活力分别在pH 5.2和pH 4.2
时最高.乌饭树和蓝莓根和叶部的可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白质含量均在pH 6.2时最高,分别在pH 5.2和pH 4.2时最低.在土壤pH 5.2时,乌饭树的根、茎、叶中P、Fe 和Zn含量较高;当土壤pH 4.2时,蓝莓根部P和Fe含量、茎部Fe含量及叶部Fe 和Zn含量均相对较高.乌饭树和蓝莓根或叶的POD和CAT活性及MDA含量均在pH 6.2时最高,而其最低值分别出现在pH 5.2和pH 4.2时.综上,乌饭树和蓝莓分别在土壤pH 5.2和pH 4.2时生长最好,pH 6.2的土壤环境对二者生长均有抑制作用,尤其以蓝莓较为明显.%Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) is well known for its rich anthocyanins and other bioactive compounds, which contributes to prevent from cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. Thereby, many countries including China have attached great importance to the economic value and development prospect of blueberry. However, the main root of blueberry tree is not obvious but exceedingly slender, intertwined and lack of root hair. Meanwhile, blueberry prefers acidic even strongly acidic soil, and its most suitable pH value of culture is from 3.8 to 5.0. As the soil pH value of cultivating blueberry is generally higher than 5.0, large amounts of sulfur powder are applied to reduce the soil pH value. Wufanshu (Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.), belonging to the same family
and genus with blueberry, is a stock with developed root system, strong barren tolerance and extensively ecological adaptability, which has been cultivated as a kind of economic or landscaping plant species. There are many examples of grafting and improving native blueberry with Wufanshu scion in folk. Grafting blueberry with Wufanshu is well worth popularizing in blueberry cultivation at least in the Yangtze River area of China. However, few studies have been reported on the effects of soil pH values on the growth of different Vaccinium plants. To evaluate the effects of different soil pH values on the growth and relative physiological indices of Wufanshu ( V. bracteatum) and rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) cv. Brightwell plants, three different soil pH values (4.2, 5.2 and 6.2) were applied to the 9-month-old plants of Wufanshu and rabbiteye blueberry under greenhouse conditions. Plants were grown in the medium of V(sand):V(perlite)=1:1 and irrigated every 2 days with half-strength Hoagland's No. 2 nutrient solutions with different pH values (4.2, 5.2, and 6.2). Leaves, stems and roots were separately sampled after 187 days to determine their relative physiological indices. The results showed that the biomass, chlorophyll content and root activity of Wufanshu and blueberry were the lowest at pH 6.2 level, but the maxima of the biomass and root activity in Wufanshu and blueberry were found at pH 5.2 and 4.2 levels, respectively. The soluble sugar and protein contents of Wufanshu and blueberry were the highest at pH 6.2, and the lowest ones were detected at pH 5.2 and 4.2, respectively. The contents of phosphorus (P), ferrum (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in the roots, stems and leaves of Wufanshu were the highest
at pH 5.2 level;however, the contents of P and Fe in the roots, Fe in the stems, and Fe and Zn in the leaves of blueberry were the highest at pH 4.2 level. The activities of peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of Wufanshu and blueberry were the highest at pH 6.2 level, while the minima of them were presented at pH 5.2 and 4.2, respectively. These results indicate that pH 5.2 and pH 4.2 are the optimal soil pH values for the growth of Wufanshu and blueberry plants, respectively;however, soil pH 6.2 will inhibit their growth, especially the blueberry.
SummaryBlueberry(Vaccinium spp.)is well known for its rich anthocyanins and other bioactive compounds,which contributes to prevent from cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.Thereby,many countries including China have attached great importance to the economic value and development prospect of blueberry.However,the main root of blueberry tree is not obvious but exceedingly slender,intertwined and lack of root hair.Meanwhile,blueberry prefers acidic even strongly acidic soil,and its most suitable pH value of culture is from 3.8 to 5.0.As the soil pH value of cultivating blueberry is generally higher than 5.0,large amounts of sulfur powder are applied to reduce the soil pH value. Wufanshu(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.),belonging to the same family and genus with blueberry,is a stock with developed root system,strong barren tolerance and extensively ecological adaptability,which has been cultivated as a kind of economic or landscaping plant species.There are many examples of grafting and improving native blueberry with Wufanshu scion in folk.Grafting blueberry with Wufanshu is well worth popularizing in blueberry cultivation at least in the Yangtze River area of
China.However,few studies have been reported on the effects of soil pH values on the growth of different Vaccinium plants.
To evaluate the effects of different soil pH values on the growth and relative physiological indices of Wufanshu(V. bracteatum)and rabbiteye
blueberry(Vaccinium ashei Reade)cv.Brightwell plants,three different soil pH values(4.2,5.2 and 6.2)were applied to the 9-month-old plants of Wufanshu and rabbiteye blueberry under greenhouse conditions.Plants
w ere grown in the medium of V(sand)∶V(perlite)=1∶1 and irrigated every 2 days with half-strength Hoagland’s No.2 nutrient solutions with different pH values(4.2,5.2,and 6.2).Leaves,stems and roots were separately sampled after 187 days to determine their relative physiological indices. The results showed that the biomass,chlorophyll content and root activity of Wufanshu and blueberry were the lowest at pH 6.2 level,but the maxima of the biomass and root activity in Wufanshu and blueberry were found at pH 5.2 and 4.2 levels,respectively.The soluble sugar and protein contents of Wufanshu and blueberry were the highest at pH 6.2,and the lowest ones were detected at pH 5.2 and 4.2,respectively.The contents of phosphorus(P),ferrum(Fe)and zinc(Zn)in the roots,stems and leaves of Wufanshu were the highest at pH 5.2 level;however,the contents of P and Fe in the roots,Fe in the stems,and Fe and Zn in the leaves of blueberry were the highest at pH 4.2 level.The activities of peroxidase(POD)and catalase(CAT),and malondialdehyde(MDA)content of Wufanshu and blueberry were the highest at pH 6.2 level,while the minima of them were presented at pH 5.2 and 4.2,respectively.
These results indicate that pH 5.2 and pH 4.2 are the optimal soil pH values for the growth of Wufanshu and blueberry plants,respectively;however,soil pH 6.2 will inhibit their growth,especially the blueberry.
乌饭树(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.)为杜鹃花科越橘属灌木或小乔木,耐
瘠薄,较耐寒,为浅根性树种,喜酸性环境,在土壤pH 4.5~6.6的黄红壤或红

蓝莓(Vaccinium spp.)亦为杜鹃花科越橘属灌木,其果实富含










1.1 试验材料
晾干,装入3 L不透光塑料盆中,每盆约3.0 kg。

试验用的兔眼蓝莓(Vaccinium ashei Reade)品种“灿烂”和乌饭树(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.)苗分

1.2 试验设计
2015年4月10日,将大小相对一致的9个月龄的蓝莓苗和乌饭树苗移栽入装有3.0 kg试验基质的塑料盆(盆上口内径22 cm、盆底内径16 cm、盆高18 cm)中,然后放置于温室大棚内,每隔1 d浇1次水(200 mL/盆,pH 5.0)。

株萌发出新叶后,开始浇灌1/4浓度Hoagland营养液(pH 5.0),每隔2 d浇


设置3个pH梯度:pH 4.2、pH 5.2和pH 6.2,分别用1 mol/L盐酸和氢氧化钠在pH检测仪下调配。



1.3 分析方法
植株采收后将部分样品置于105℃烘箱中杀青15 min,之后置于70℃条件下烘至恒量,用称质量法测定单株根和茎的干质量。


氯酸(体积比为4∶1)消煮法消煮,用Optimal 2100 DV电感耦合等离子体发

过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性采用愈创木酚法测定,过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)活性采用紫外吸收法测定,丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量采用硫代巴比妥酸比色法测定[13]。

1.4 数据处理
所获得的数据采用SPSS 20.0及Excel 2007进行统计分析。

其中,利用SPSS 20.0软件的单向方差分析(one-way analysis of variance)进行不同处理间的差异显著性检验,采用邓肯法进行多重比较。

当营养液pH值为4.2和5.2时,乌饭树和蓝莓叶片的叶绿素含量均显著高于pH 6.2时的含量;乌饭树根和茎的干质量以及根系活力在营养液pH 5.2时最高;而
蓝莓的茎干质量及根系活力在pH 4.2时最高,且显著高于pH 5.2和pH 6.2时的对应值,其根干质量在pH 4.2和pH 5.2时的差异无统计学意义,且均高于pH 6.2时的对应值(表1)。

乌饭树根和叶部的可溶性糖与可溶性蛋白质含量均以pH 6.2时最高,pH 4.2次之,pH 5.2时最低;而蓝莓根部可溶性糖与可溶性蛋白质含量均以pH 4.2时最低,
pH 5.2居中,pH 6.2时最高(图1)。

含量均以pH 5.2时最高,且除pH 4.2与pH 5.2时叶部Zn含量在统计学上无显著差异外,其他都呈现显著性差异;而pH 5.2时乌饭树根、茎和叶部Mg含量显著低于pH 4.2和pH 6.2时的含量,且除根部Mg含量在pH 4.2与pH 5.2时无显著差异外,其余都差异显著。

当pH 4.2时,蓝莓根部P和Fe、茎部Fe及叶部Fe和Zn含量均显著高于pH 5.2和pH 6.2时的含量,除pH 4.2和pH 5.2时蓝莓根部Zn含量无显著差异外,其余均显著高于pH 6.2时的含量;而pH 4.2时蓝莓根、茎和叶部Mg含量均显著低于pH 5.2和pH 6.2时的含量;此外,3个不

在pH 5.2时,乌饭树根和叶的CAT和POD活性以及MDA含量均显著低于pH 4.2与pH 6.2时的值,且叶片CAT活性在pH 4.2与pH 5.2时差异不显著,其余均呈现显著差异;在pH 4.2时,蓝莓根部CAT活性及MDA含量均显著低于pH 6.2和pH 5.2时的对应值,而在pH 4.2和pH 5.2时蓝莓根部POD活性均低于pH 6.2时的值;乌饭树和蓝莓根或叶的POD、CAT活性及MDA含量均以pH 6.2时最高(图3)。







本研究结果显示,乌饭树根系活力及根、茎干质量均以pH 5.2时最高,而蓝莓则以pH 4.2时最高,二者叶绿素含量均以pH 6.2时最低。

酸性环境中生长,pH 6.2的土壤环境对二者植株生长均有一定的抑制作用。




本研究表明,乌饭树的根、叶和蓝莓根部的可溶性糖与可溶性蛋白质含量分别在pH 5.2和pH 4.2时最低,并均在pH 6.2时最高。

可见,pH 6.2时二者的渗透调节物质积累明显,说明乌饭树和蓝莓植株已处于一种胁迫


另一方面,pH 5.2和pH 4.2分别是乌饭树和蓝莓较合适的土壤pH值,因而在合适的pH条件下,其渗透调节物质积累较少,这与上述根系活力和生物量结果亦相吻合。

pH 5.2时最高,而蓝莓则在pH 4.2时对P、Fe和Zn的吸收量最多。

这表明pH 5.2和pH 4.2分别是乌饭树和蓝莓较合适的土壤pH条件,在此条件下最有利于


低(pH 4.5)均会抑制蓝莓组培苗对P、K、Zn和Mg等元素的吸收。








本研究结果显示,无论是乌饭树还是蓝莓,其根或叶的POD和CAT活性及MDA含量均在pH 6.2时最高。


可见,pH 6.2的土壤环境对乌饭树和

在pH 5.2时,乌饭树根或叶的CAT、POD活性及MDA含量均达到最低,而蓝莓则在pH 4.2时最低。

这进一步说明土壤pH 5.2对乌饭树生长较为合适,而pH 4.2的土壤条件对蓝莓

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[1]谢远程,徐志豪,周晓琴.乌饭树野生群落生态特征研究.贵州林业科技,2006,34(3):21-24. XIE Y C,XU Z H,ZHOU X Q.Study on the ecological characteristics of wild community of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology,2006,34(3):21-24.(in Chinese)
[2]樊基胜,蒋光月,陶龙.安徽蓝莓适生地蓝莓丰产栽培技术.安徽农业科学,2012,40(8):4509-4511. FAN J S,JIANG G Y,TAO L.The high yield cultivation techniques of blueberry in suitable habitat of Anhui.Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,2012,40(8):4509-4511.(in Chinese with English abstract)
[3]SPIERS J M,BRASWELL J H.Soil-applied sulfur affects elemental leaf content and growth of‘Tifblue’rabbiteye blueberry.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science,1992,117(2):230-233.
[4]VESTRHEIM S,HAFFNER K,GRONNEROD K.Highbrush blueberry production and research in Norway.Acta Horticulturae, 1997(446):177-180.
[5]DRUMMOND F,SMAGULA J M,ANNIS S M,et anic wildblueberryproduction.MaineAgriculturalandForest Experiment Station,2009,852:5-6. [6]吴林.中国蓝莓35年:科学研究与农业发展.吉林农业大学学报,2016,38(1):1-11. WU L.Thirty-five years of research and industry development of blueberry in China.Journal of Jilin
Agricultural University,2016, 38(1):1-11.(in Chinese with English abstract)
[7]方仲相,胡君艳,江波,等.蓝莓研究进展.浙江农林大学学报, 2013,30(4):599-606. FANG Z X,HU J Y,JIANG B,et al.Research progress on blueberry.Journal of Zhejiang A&F
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