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1. ant: have ants in one's pants坐立不安,焦躁不安
2. ass: an ass between two hurdles of hay 优柔寡断的人; an ass in a lion's skin说大话的胆小鬼
3. bat: as blind as a bat; have bats in the belfry异想天开
4. bear: as gruff as a bear粗鲁; like a bear with a sore head脾气暴躁
5. bee: as busy as a bee; have a bee in one's head胡思乱想
6. bird: a bird in the bush未到手的东西; a bird in the hand; birds of a feather一丘之貉; eat like a bird 吃得很少; The bird has flown; The early bird gets/ catches the worm.
7. bull: a bull in a china shop卤莽闯祸的人; milk the bull徒劳; take the bull by the horns不畏艰难
8. butterfly: as light as a butterfly轻浮; break a butterfly on the wheel小题大做; social butterfly交际花; have butterfly in one's stomach卡忑不安;
9. camel: swallow a camel默认难以容忍的事
10. cat: a fat cat大款; a cat in the pan叛徒; as weak as a cat; let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密; rain cats and dogs;
11. chicken: as tame as a chicken; chicken head笨蛋;
12. cock: a cock of the walk/ school称王称霸的人; fighting cock爱闹事的人;
13. crow: as black as a crow; white crow罕见的事物;
14. deer: run like a deer;
15. dog: a dead dog废物; a sly dog暗中寻欢的人; lead a dog's life过穷困潦倒的生活; wake the sleeping dog; die like a dog悲惨的死去; Every dog has his day凡人皆有得意日;
16. donkey: as stubborn as a donkey; as stupid as a donkey;
17. dove: as mild as a dove;
18. duck: like a duck to water如鱼得水; like a duck in a thunderstorm惊慌失措;
19. elephant: as thick thinned as an elephant不听人劝; white elephant;
20. fish: as dumb/ mute as a fish; drink like a fish; like a fish out of water浑身不自在; swim like a fish识水性;
21. flea: with a flea in one's ear做某事后受到责备、批评或羞辱;
22. fly: a fly in the ointment美中不足; a fly on the wheel过分自负的人; die like flies大量死亡;
23. fox: as cunning as a fox; play the fox耍滑头; set a fox to keep one's geese引狼入室;
24. frog: as cold as a frog;
25. goose: as silly as a goose; turn geese into swans言过其实; shoe the goose徒劳无功; cooked goose无可救药的人; kill the goose that lays the golden eggs;
26. hare: as fast as a hare; as mad as a March hare; as timid as a hare; run after two hares徒劳无功;
27. hawk: as watchful as a hawk;
28. hen: like a hen on the hot girdle极不舒服; like a hen with one chicken小题大做; sell one's hens on a rainy day亏本出售;
29. horse: as strong as a horse; eat like a horse; work like a horse;
30. lamb: like a lamb;
31. lion: a lion in the way/ path拦路虎; beard the lion in his den太岁头上动土; lion heart勇士; lion-hearted勇敢的;
32. mare: a grey mare 胜过丈夫的旗子; The grey mare is the better horse母鸡司晨/妻子当家; Monkey makes the mare go;
33. mole: blind as a mole;
34. mouse: as poor as a church mouse; like a drowned mouse狼狈;
35. mule: as stubborn as a mule;
36. parrot: parrot- cry;
37. pig: live like pigs in clover生活优裕;
38. pigeon: set/ put the cat among the pigeons多嘴惹事;
39. rabbit: as thick as rabbits in a swarm挤得水泄不通;
40. rat: a rat leaving a sinking ship不能共患难的人; die like a rat被毒死; like a drowned rat狼狈; like a rat in a hole瓮中之鳖;
41. sheep: a black sheep; make/ cast sheep's eyes at sb对某人抛眉眼; sheep without a shepherd乌合之众; the sheep and the goats好人与坏人;
42. snake: a snake in the grass潜在的敌人; a snake in sb's bosom对某人恩将仇报的人;
43. swan: all one's geese are swans言过其实;
44. tiger: paper tiger; ride the tiger危险;
45. turkey: have a turkey on one's back吸毒成瘾; say turkey to one and buzzard to another厚此薄彼; talk turkey谈正经事; walk turkey船前后左右颠簸;
46. whale: a whale on sports体育迷; a whale of a difference天壤之别; a whale of a story极妙的故事; have a whale of a time玩得很痛快;
47. wolf: a lone wolf不喜欢与人来往的人; a wolf in sheep's clothing; have/ hold a wolf by the ears进退两难; keep the wolf from the door勉强糊口; see a wolf张口结舌; the big bad wolf大坏蛋; wake a sleeping wolf;
48.worm: A worm will turn如被逼太甚,最温顺的也会起来反抗; the worm of conscience折磨人的内疚或悔恨。
