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方法选取黄冈市中心医院2014年4月—2015年4月收治的 NRDS 患儿61例,按照就诊时间分为对照组30例与观察组31例。

续气道正压通气(NCpAp)治疗,观察组患儿在此基础上给予 HHFNC 治疗。

比较两组患儿治疗前及治疗12 h、24 h、72 h 动脉血氧分压(paO2)、动脉血二

结果两组患儿治疗前及治疗12 h、24 h、72 h paO2和paCO2比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);治疗12 h、24 h、72 h 两组患儿 paO2均高于治疗前,paCO2均低于治疗前(P <0.05)。

两组患儿治疗前 SaO2及氧合指数比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);观察组患儿治疗12 h、24 h、72 h SaO2及氧合指数均高于对照组(P <0.05);治疗
12 h、24 h、72 h 两组患儿 SaO2和氧合指数均高于治疗前(P <0.05)。

组患儿氧疗时间、住院时间及开始母乳喂养时间均短于对照组( P <0.05)。

观察组患儿并发症发生率为9.6%,低于对照组的33.3%(P <0.05)。

治疗 NRDS 患儿的临床疗效确切,能有效改善患儿氧合状态,缩短氧疗时间、住

%Objective To explore the
clinical effect of heating and humidifying high - flow positive pressure ventilation through nasal catheter on neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Methods A total of 61 newborns with neonatal respiratory distress syndrome were selected in the Central Hospital of Huanggang from April 2014 to April 2015,and they were divided into control group( n = 30 ) and observation group( n = 31 ) according to visiting sequence. Based on pig lung phospholipids injection,newborns of control group were given extra nasal continuous positive airway pressure ventilation,while newborns of observation group were given extra heating and humidifying high - flow positive pressure ventilation through nasal catheter.
paO2 ,paCO2 ,SaO2 and paO2 / FiO2 before treatment and after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment,duration of oxygen therapy,hospital stays,time to start breastfeeding and incidence of complications during treatment were compared between the two groups. Results No statistically significant differences of paO2 or paCO2 was found between the two groups before treatment or after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment( P > 0. 05);paO2 of of both groups after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment was statistically significantly higher than that before treatment,respectively,while SaO2 and paCO2 both groups after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment was statistically significantly lower than that before treatment, respectively(P < 0. 05). No statistically significant differences of SaO2 or paO2 / FiO2 was found between the two groups before treatment(P > 0. 05),while paO2 / FiO2 of observation group were statistically significantly higher than those of control group
after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment(P < 0. 05);SaO2 and paO2 / FiO2 of both groups after 12 hours,24 hours,72 hours of treatment were statistically significantly higher than those before treatment( P < 0. 05). Duration of oxygen therapy, hospital stays and time to start breastfeeding of observation group were statistically significantly shorter than those of control group (P < 0. 05). The incidence of complications of observation group was 9. 6% during treatment,was statistically significantly lower than that of control group of 33. 3% ( P < 0. 05). Conclusion Heating and humidifying high - flow positive pressure ventilation through nasal catheter has certain clinical effect in treating neonatal respiratory distress syndrome,can effectively improve the oxygenation state,shorten the duration of oxygen therapy,hospital stays and time to start breastfeeding,reduce the incidence of complications.
【作者单位】438000 湖北省黄冈市中心医院新生儿科;438000 湖北省黄冈市中心医院新生儿科
1.经鼻导管高流量加温湿化正压通气治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征临床研究 [J], 邝绍樑
2.肺表面活性物质联合经鼻导管高流量加温湿化正压通气治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的临床疗效 [J], 李俊燕
3.经鼻导管高流量加温湿化正压通气与经鼻持续正压通气治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征患儿的舒适度比较 [J], 黄玲;敖桢桢
4.鼻导管高流量加温湿化正压通气和经鼻持续正压通气治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效比较 [J], 郑增鑫;吴时光;张建华;谭秀贞;张荣华;刘宇轩
5.加温湿化高流量经鼻导管通气与经鼻持续性气道正压通气治疗早产儿呼吸衰竭的比较 [J], 顾丹凤
