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月第 19 卷第 15 期 Chinese Remedies & Clinics,August 2019,Vol.19,No.15
黄芪甲苷 总皂苷及总黄酮 对小鼠心肌缺血—再灌注损伤心功能的影响及机制
【摘 要】 目的 了解黄芪甲苷、总皂苷及总黄酮对心肌缺血—再灌注损伤小鼠心功能的影响及相关机 制。方法 将 员圆园 只雄性昆明小鼠经随机数表法分为对照组(猿园 只)、黄芪甲苷组(猿园 只)、总皂苷组(猿园 只)及总 黄酮组(猿园 只)。各组小鼠通过将小鼠左冠状动脉前降支近端结扎建立心肌缺血—再灌注损伤动物模型。各组分 别经静脉注射相应药物(其中对照组注射 0.9%氯化钠注射液)。观察 源 组心电图、血流动力学[左心室内压(蕴灾孕) 及其最大变化速率(酝砸蕴灾孕)]、缺血—再灌注心肌 晕葬垣鄄运垣鄄粤栽孕 酶的活性、环磷酸腺苷(糟粤酝孕)及丙二醛含量的变 化等。结果 各组小鼠行左冠状动脉前降支近端结扎后 杂栽 段较前显著抬高(P约园援园缘)。对照组冠状动脉再灌注后 杂栽 段持续显著抬高(P约园援园缘)。甲苷组、总皂苷组及总黄酮组再灌注后 杂栽 段抬高程度持续降低,但仍较缺血前高 (P约园援园缘)。甲苷组、总皂苷组及总黄酮组再灌注 远园 皂蚤灶 后 杂栽 段抬高程度均较对照组低(P约园援园缘),各组在缺血 猿园 皂蚤灶 时 蕴灾孕 及 酝砸蕴灾孕 均较缺血前明显下降(P约园援园缘)。对照组于再灌注后 蕴灾孕 及 酝砸蕴灾孕 呈进行性下降趋势(P约 园援园缘)。甲苷组、总皂苷组及总黄酮组 蕴灾孕 及 酝砸蕴灾孕 于再灌注后均呈现出明显改善,但仍低于缺血前水平(P约 园援园缘)。甲苷组、总皂苷组及总黄酮组于再灌注 远园 皂蚤灶、怨园 皂蚤灶 及 员圆园 皂蚤灶 时的 蕴灾孕 及 酝砸蕴灾孕 均较高于对照组 (P约园援园缘)。甲苷组、总皂苷组及总黄酮组 晕葬垣鄄运垣鄄粤栽孕 酶含量均低于对照组(P约园援园缘)。总黄酮组 糟粤酝孕 含量低于对 照组(P约园援园缘)。总皂苷组丙二醛含量低于对照组(P约园援园缘)。结论 黄芪甲苷、总皂苷及总黄酮或可通过改善能量 代谢、抑制自由基生成及促进自由基清除等途径对小鼠心肌缺血再灌注所致心功能损伤发挥保护作用。
揖Abstract铱 Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of Astragalus membranaceus, total saponins and total flavonoids on cardiac function in mice with myocardial ischemia鄄reperfusion injury. Methods A total of 120 male Kunming mice were randomly divided into control group (n=30), Astragalus membranaceus group (AM group, n= 30), total saponins group (TS group, n=30) and total flavonoids group (TF group, n=30). The mice in each group re鄄 ceived proximal ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery for animal modeling of myocardial ischemia鄄 reperfusion injury, and then corresponding agents were intravenously injected (normal saline was injected in the con鄄 trol group). The four groups were observed for changes in ECG, hemodynamics [left ventricular pressure (LVP) and maximum rate of change in LVP (MRLVP)], Na+鄄K+鄄ATPase activity, cAMP and malondialdehyde contents in the is鄄 chemia鄄reperfusion myocardium. Results Significant ST segment elevation was observed in each group following lig鄄 ation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (P<0.05). After coronary reperfusion, ST segment elevation per鄄 sistedin the control group (P<0.05), but was relieved in the AM, TS and TF groups although still higher than the pre鄄 ischemic level(P<0.05). At 60 min of reperfusion, the degree of ST segment elevation in AM, TS and TS groups was milder compared with the control group (P<0.05). At 30 min of ischemia, the LVP and MRLVP were significantly de鄄 creased in each group (P<0.05). After reperfusion, the LVP and MRLVP showed a progressive decline in the control group (P<0.05), but were significantly improved in the AM, TS and TF groups although still lower than the pre鄄is鄄 chemic levels (P<0.05). At 60, 90 and 120 min of reperfusion, the LVP and MRLVP in the AM, TS and TF groups were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The Na+鄄K+鄄ATPase contents in the AM, TS and TF groups were lower than thatin the control group (P<0.05). The cAMP content in the TF group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). The malondialdehyde content in the TS group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Astragalusmembranaceus, total saponins and total flavonoids may play a protective role in cardiac func鄄
【关键词】 黄芪甲苷; 皂苷类; 黄酮类; 再灌注损伤; 心功能
Effects and mechanism of Astragalus membranaceus, total saponins and total flavonoids on cardiac function of mice with myocardial ischemia鄄reperfusion injury Jin Liyan. TCM Pharmacy, Hangzhou First People忆s Hospi鄄 tal A ffiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310000, China