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【摘要】目的:观察silagum硅橡胶软衬材料用于缓解压痛、提高其咀嚼效率、满意度、(牙合)力的效果;方法:用吸光度法法测定患者软衬前及软衬后、衬后1周、1月、3月的咀嚼效率并用T-ScanⅡ咬合力计测量(牙合)力及两侧(牙合)力的平衡状况.通过满意度调查表,了解患者对义齿的固位、稳定、咀嚼功能、舒适度情况的主观评价;结果:衬后患者的咀嚼效率明显改善,(牙合)力明显升高,两侧(牙合)力更趋于平衡,主观评价也较为理想;3个月时各项指标达高峰,3个月后开始下降;结论:硅橡胶软衬材料可明显提高此3例患者义齿的固位、稳定效果,并能显著改善患者的压痛状况,提高患者的咀嚼效能、满意度及(牙合)力,并改善义齿的(牙合)力平衡,提升总义齿配戴者的生活质量.%Objective: Observe the clinical effect when the silagum comfort silicone soft material is used. Methods: The mastication efficiency was set out by absorption photometry of three patients in bad condition of alveolar ridge with conventional complete dentures and occlusal force was set out using T-Scan Ⅱ machine. Relevant indexes was set out in immediately, first week, first month, third month, sixth month. The patients were asked to fill in a form about their satisfaction in facet of retention, stable, mastication function, comfort, food impaction subjectively. Then thc satisfactory rate of the each index was added. Result: After using the silagnm silicone soft lining materials, the mastication
efficiency of the patients improved obviously, the occlusal force was significantly higher, the subjective Assessment was also desirable. Every index reached the Summit at three month after we relined the denture, then they declined as time went. Conclusion: The silagum silicone soft lining materials can significantly improve the retention and the stability, especially for the denture of this three patients whose alveolar ridge condition is poor.
1.义齿咬合痛患者软衬修复效果的临床分析 [J], 曾国春
2.全口义齿软衬治疗的护理及临床观察 [J], 马蕾;赵雯
3.自凝软衬处理对全口义齿咀嚼效率影响的临床观察 [J], 张琳琳;郭天文;李冬梅;李堃
4.软衬在全口义齿修复中的应用 [J], 陈炜;吴纪楠
5.传统方法修复全口义齿与吸附性全口义齿修复在牙槽嵴低平患者中的应用效果比较 [J], 廖雯;王雪
