Analysis of intra-arch and interarchAnalysis of intra-arch and interarch

• introduction • The History and Cultural Background of
Chinese and Western Architecture • The architectural styles and characteristics of
both Eastern and Western cultures • Differences in building materials and
structures between the East and the West
• The spatial layout and functional differences between Chinese and Western architecture
The Integration and Innovation of Eastern and Western Architectural Cultures
The History and Cultural Background of Chinese and Western Architecture
Pursuing personalization and artistry: Modern architectural design pursues the expression of personalization and artistry, showcasing the designer's creativity through unique shapes, colors, and materials.
Modern and Contemporary Architecture

主观⽅法就是通过⼈类对语⾳进⾏打分,⽐如MOS、CMOS和ABX Test。
在语⾳合成领域,研究的⽐较少,论⽂中常常通过展⽰频谱细节,计算MCD(mel cepstral distortion)等⽅法作为客观评价。
主观评价:MOS[1], CMOS, ABX Test客观评价有参考质量评估(intrusive method):ITU-T P.861(MNB), ITU-T P.862(PESQ)[2], ITU-T P.863(POLQA)[3], STOI[4], BSSEval[5]⽆参考质量评估(non-intrusive method)传统⽅法基于信号:ITU-T P.563[6], ANIQUE+[7]基于参数:ITU-T G.107(E-Model)[8]基于深度学习的⽅法:AutoMOS[9], QualityNet[10], NISQA[11], MOSNet[12]此外,有部分的⽅法,其代码已开源::该仓库包括MOSNet, SRMR, BSSEval, PESQ, STOI的开源实现和对应的源仓库地址。
ITU组织已公布⾃⼰实现的P.563: 。
在语⾳合成中会⽤到的计算MCD:此外,有⼀本书⽤来具体叙述评价语⾳质量:Quality of Synthetic Speech: Perceptual Dimensions, Influencing Factors, and Instrumental Assessment (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)[13]。

2001年1月第17卷 第1期四川外语学院学报Journal of S ichuan International S tudies UniversityJan.,2001V ol.17 N o.1《印度之行》:福斯特对人类及世界的探索之旅李新博①(广东商学院外语系,广东广州510320)提 要:通过分析《印度之行》的标题、结构、主要事件、人物塑造和主要意象的象征含义,全方位追踪福斯特对人类世界既立足于错综复杂的现实、又超然于哲学高度的探索之旅,解读小说家对现实存在的两个层面(人类层面和非人类层面)的同步考察,探求人类存在的终极意义。
关键词:意象;秩序;价值体系;超验力量;宇宙统一体中图分类号:I7211074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-3831(2001)01-0029-4A Passage to India:E.M.Forster’s passage to man and his universeLI Xin2bo(Department of F oreign Languages,G uangdong Business C ollege,510320,China)Abstract:By interpreting synthetically the symbolic im plications of the major events and characterization in E.M.F orster’s A Pas2 sage to India,together with its recurrent symbols and images,this study aims at an in2depth analysis on a wider scope to appreciate the novel’s per fect combination of s ocial realism,philos ophic insight and symbolic suggestion,tracing the novelist’s realistic and philos ophical passage to man and his universe.K ey w ords:image;order;values;transcendental forces;cosmic wholeness 福斯特(E.M.F orster,1879-1970)于1924年发表了他的代表作《印度之行》,将人类世界的秩序和价值体系置于一个社会—宇宙的整体背景下进行全方位的反思、批判和探索,并通过对物质世界中的人类活动这一层面和超验力量在非物质世界中的表现这一非人类层面的同步考察,探求人类存在的终极意义。

In the realm of history and culture, the essence of human civilization is deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of diverse traditions and historical events that have shaped our world. As a middle school student, delving into the past can be both enlightening and inspiring. Here are some key aspects to consider when writing an essay on history and culture:1. Historical Events: Choose a significant event that has had a profound impact on the world or your country. For example, the American Revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, or the invention of the printing press.2. Cultural Traditions: Explore the customs, festivals, and rituals that are unique to a particular culture. Discuss their origins, significance, and how they are celebrated today.3. Historical Figures: Write about influential individuals who have contributed to the development of society, science, art, or politics. For instance, figures like Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo da Vinci, or Mahatma Gandhi.4. Cultural Heritage: Discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage sites, such as the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt, or the ancient city of Petra.5. Language and Literature: Reflect on the role of language in shaping culture and the impact of literature on society. Consider the works of Shakespeare, the poetry of Rumi, or the narratives of Chinese folklore.6. Art and Architecture: Analyze the significance of art and architecture in reflecting the values and aesthetics of a culture. Look at the Renaissance paintings, the sculptures of the Sistine Chapel, or the intricate designs of Islamic art.7. Music and Dance: Explore the role of music and dance in cultural expression. Discuss the blues in African American history, the significance of flamenco in Spanish culture, or the traditional dances of Native American tribes.8. Religion and Philosophy: Examine the influence of religious beliefs and philosophical ideas on the development of societies. Discuss the teachings of Buddha, the principles of Confucianism, or the impact of the Enlightenment on Western thought.9. Technological Advancements: Write about how historical inventions and discoveries have shaped our world. Consider the wheel, the steam engine, or the internet.10. Cultural Exchange: Discuss the importance of cultural exchange in fosteringunderstanding and cooperation among different societies. Reflect on the Silk Road, the Age of Exploration, or modernday globalization.When writing your essay, remember to:Research: Gather accurate and relevant information about your chosen topic.Organize: Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.Analyze: Provide insights and interpretations rather than just stating facts.Cite: Use quotes or references to support your arguments.Revise: Edit your work for clarity, coherence, and correctness in grammar and spelling. By engaging with history and culture, you not only learn about the past but also gain a deeper understanding of the present and the potential for the future.。

不能刻意运用各种符号和强加各种元素,避免建筑物的整体外观摘要 近年来,全国各地建筑数量和建筑设计团队数量的增加,给我国各城市的风貌带来了一定的影响,城市建筑缺乏个性、脱离地域性等现象逐渐显现。

妊娠期肾绞痛局部麻醉下输尿管支架置入术的探讨何毛毛1许小兰1雷鸣2李韶辉3何志晖11广州医科大学附属第一医院妇产科510120;2广州医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科510120;3广州医科大学附属第一医院麻醉科510120通信作者:何志晖,Email :【摘要】目的探讨局部麻醉下输尿管支架置入术治疗妊娠期肾绞痛孕妇的安全性及有效性,分析本院局部麻醉下成功置入输尿管支架的经验。
局部麻醉组和静脉全身麻醉组平均手术时间分别为14min 和26min (P =0.00),两组孕妇均无术中并发症,两组孕妇术后先兆早产的发生率比较差异无统计学意义。
【关键词】妊娠;肾绞痛;局部麻醉;输尿管支架置入基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2017ZC0223);广州医科大学附属第一医院项目(2013A03)Ureteral stent placement under local anesthesia for renal colic during pregnancy He Maomao 1,Xu Xiaolan 1,Lei Ming 2,Li Shaohui 3,He Zhihui 11Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,The First Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510120,China;2Department of Urological Surgery,The First Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510120,China;3Anesthesiology,The First Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510120,China Corresponding author:He Zhihui,Email:【Abstract 】Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of ureteral stent placement under local anesthesia for pregnant women with renal colic.Methods The data of the pregnant women with renal colic placed ureteral stents at our hospital from January,2009to December,2019were retrospectively analyzed.The clinical data and surgical outcomes of the patients undergoing ureteral stent placement under general anesthesia and local anesthesia were compared;and the factors of successful ureteral stent placement under local anesthesia were analyzed.Results Eighty-eight pregnant women were included in the study;among which,38underwent local anesthesia,and 50general anesthesia.Their average age was 29.The average operation time of the local anesthesia group was 14min,and that of the general anesthesia group 26min (P <0.01).No intraoperative complications occurred in the two groups.There was no statistical difference in the incidence of postoperative threatened preterm labor between the two groups (P >0.05).ComparedDOI :10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2021.09.005收稿日期2020-11-19本文编辑吴琴娟引用本文:何毛毛,许小兰,雷鸣,等.妊娠期肾绞痛局部麻醉下输尿管支架置入术的探讨[J].国际医药卫生导报,2021,27(9):1287-1290,1360.DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2021.09.005··1287with the pregnant women who were successfully placed ureteral stents,the pregnant women who failed to be placed ureteral stents under local anesthesia were all placed on the right ureters,and had renal colic when they were about24weeks pregnant.Conclusions Ureteral stent placement for pregnant women with renal colic under local anesthesia is safe and effective.The operation can reduce operation time and cost and the adverse reactions of general anesthesia.Onset at late gestation age and stent placement on the right ureter under local anesthesia might cause the failure.【Key words】Pregnancy;Renal colic;Local anesthesia;Ureteral stent placementFund program:Project of Science and Technology Plan in Guangdong Province (2017ZC0223);Project of The First Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University(2013A03)妊娠合并肾绞痛是非产科原因引起的急腹症,主要表现为腰痛、伴或不伴恶心呕吐或发热等。

β-干扰素诱导调控和信号转导动物医学进展.2006,27(1):28—30ProgressinV eterinaryMedicineI3一干扰素诱导调控和信号转导魏宏1,张步伍.,林锋强,熊杰伟.,黎贵群,张运良.,杨维贤.(1.福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所.福州福州35000312.福建省军区副食品生产基地,福建福州350001)成,分泌IFN—p,建立抗病毒状态.IFN—p基于转录起始位点上游,PRDIV含有ATF-2(Activa一强子区域.dsRNA介导多种转录因子的翻A TF_2异源二聚体结合元件aHMGI(Y)-~PRDⅡ苎竺竺:苎特2P参RD与R均结合引口性阳性调节区域.NF.KB结寞.Ds:1_毒录调控主要发生在转录tiV eregulatorydomains)1T区域,转录活化因起始时,'录三作,装配形成茹强子2(ATF-2)结合在PRDIV区域,IFNregu一子小体.主要包括以下4种转录因子. latoryfactor(IRF)家族结合在PRDⅢ和2.1NF-JcB关键词:IFN—p;诱导调控;信号转导GGG.RNNYYCC-3r)结.FN—p的B元件序列IFN—p是特异性免疫防御的重要分子,具有为5一GGGAATTcD3.NF_?正常情况下与广泛的生学作用,包括抗病毒活性,抗细胞增殖活静J分B结合,以活性形在于胞浆中a当性和激活免疫系统,提高机体体液免疫和细胞免疫存在病毒dsRNA时,dsRNA依赖性蛋白激酶R水平¨.IFN—p主要是由成纤维细胞诱导表达,当(PKR)IB的IKKB亚单位磷酸化,使I和病毒感染时诱物是细胞内的dsRNA,来源主要是NF.B解离,NF.B进入细胞核发挥生理功能.1IFN—p基因调控序列GRP模块的3个重复序列,特异性与DNA富含A TIFN-的转录调控区域长度为1oObp,含有多区结合.研究表明HMG(Y)的中央重复序列提供种转录因子的结合位点.根据其结合的转录因子的特异DNA结合的基础,第1和第3个重复序列的存不同分为4个正调控区(positiveregu1atorydo一在使1个HMGI(Y)与PRDIV和PRDIT/NRDImain9PRD)I,IT,Ⅲ,Ⅳ和1个负调控区嘲.其中的一对结合位点高亲和力结合.因此,HMGIPRDI和PRDII[~IRF1,IRF3和IRF7结合位点.(Y)与DNA高亲和力结合需要分子内的相互作用.收稿日期:2005-06—10作者简介:魏宏(1978--),女,内蒙古海拉尔人.实习研究员,主要从事病毒免疫学研究.魏宏等:干扰素诱导调控和信号转导29c-Jun进入增强子小体,并且能够提高NF-~B的DNA结合能力口¨.HMGI(Y)重复序列独特结构说明HMGI(Y)不同区域能与其他活化因子以最优方式参与蛋白一DNA结合[1引.2.3ATF2转录活化因子2又称cAMP反应元件结合蛋白2,属于亮氨酸拉链蛋白家族n.ATF一2通常与c_Jun形成二聚体,并与靶位点8bp反应元件(5一一TGACGTCA-3)结合.这个相互作用伴随共激活因子如p300/CBP导致转录活化[1.p300/CBP活化依赖于ATF2ser121的磷酸化,磷酸化后的ATF2参与和基础转录复合物的相互作用[1引.例如c_ Jun,细胞应激刺激ATF-2转录活性,通过thr69和thr71磷酸化.A TF2N末端磷酸化由应激活化蛋白激酶,包括JNK和p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶介导[16-17].2.4IRFIRF(Interferonregulatoryfactor,IRF)是激活干扰素诱导基因的一类转录因子家族,参与基因的调节.目前研究发现,与IFN—B表达有关的是IRF- 1,IRF-3和IRF-7[18-19].当NF-~B和IRF-1通过物理作用相互接触后,IRF活化NF-~B.NF-~B活化要求细胞浆抑制蛋白MAD3/I即Ser32和Ser36磷酸化,IRF引导磷酸化MAD3/I即的激酶活性.随后通过泛蛋白酶途径降解.IRF还可以促进c_ Jun/ATF-2和NF-IcB的结合[2札].3转录调控分子机制当dsRNA进入机体成纤维细胞后,刺激产生IRF因子,诱导PKR表达,使IB发生磷酸化,被E3泛蛋白连接酶泛蛋白化,随后被蛋白酶体降解. 一旦抑制性IB被降解,与其结合的NF-~B游离进入核内.活化的NF-转位进入细胞核后,结合在DNA的大沟;转录活化因子(ATF_2)与c-Jun形成二聚体,与两个HMG-I/Y分子同时结合于增强子, HMI/Y结合于DNA~B元件中央富含AT片段的小沟.NF-~B和HMI/Y同时结合于DNA.HMG-I/Y改变增强子DNA构型,便于反式作用因子能够相互接触,形成增强子复合体,有利于通用转录因子和RNA聚合酶相互作用,促进起始转录[2引. 4IFN—B应答的信号转导IFN-~合成分泌到细胞外,通过与细胞表面IFN—B受体结合发挥生理功能,使正常情况下表达量极低或几乎不表达的靶基因开始转录,参与机体的非特异性免疫睇.参与此过程的信号转导途径主要是Jtk(Janustyrosinekinases,Jtk)一stat(signal transducerandactivatoroftranscription,stat)途径[2引.靶基因上游调节区域含有一个重复序列[GAAAN(N)GAAA],命名为ISRE[.引.IFN—B受体由两个亚基组成,分别为IFNAR1和IFNAR2.无刺激时,IFNAR1的胞浆区与TYK2(tyrosineki—nases2,TYK2)结合;IFNAR2胞浆区与JAK1和STAT2结合捌.当IFN—B结合到受体上,IFNAR1和IFNAR2结合在一起,导致TYK2和JAK1磷酸化而活化.活化的TYK2使IFNAR1的Tyr466发生磷酸化,引起构象改变;便于STAT2激酶SH2区结合.STAT2使TYK2的Tyr690发生磷酸化,便于sTA T1聚集.当STA T!聚集后,使TYK2的Tyr701发生磷酸化,导致STATI/STAT2异二聚体与受体解离,转移到细胞核引.与DNA结合蛋白IRF家族成员(如IR卜7或IR9)结合,形成异源三聚体,与IFN—B诱导基因的IRSE区结合,启动靶基因的转录口.参考文献:[1]DavidSG.Themolecularperspective'Interferons[J].Stem Ceils,2001,19(5)l467-468.[2]Munir1.EmmaP.StephenG,eta1.RoleforBovineviraldiar—rheavirusE'glyeoproteininthecontrolofactivationofbeta interferonbydouble-strandedRNA[J].JournalofVirology, 2004.78(1)'136-145.[3]WenJL.HuaBC.XiangJW.eta1.Analysisofadaptivems—tationsinKunjinvirusrepliconRNArevealsanovelrolefor theflavivirusnonstructuralproteinNS2Aininhibitionofbeta interferonpromoterdriventranscription[刀.JournalofVirolo—gy.2004.78(Z2)'12225—12235.[4]MurielP.GeorgesH,V6roniqueK.Deadenylationofinterfer—oIl-口mRNAismediatedbyboththeAU-riehdementinthe untranslatedregionandaninstabihtysequenceinthecoding region[J].EurJBioehem,2003,270l1590-1597.[5]SophieL.SoniaBA.FranciscoA-eta1.Aspedficinterferon (IFN)--stimulatedresponseclementofthedistalHLA-Gpro-- moterbindsIFN-regulstoryfactor1andmediatesenhancement ofthisnonclassicalclassIgenebyIFN一口[J].JBiolChem, 2001.276(9)t6133-6139.[6]BenjaminB,DeBinH.FrancesE.eta1.TheX-raycrystal structureoftheNF-~Bp50?p65heterodimerboundtothein—terferonB—KBsite[J].JBiolChem?2002,277(27)l24694—24700.[7]MarionCB.RobertW,E~sabethD.eta1.PKRstimulatesNF- KBirrespectiveofitskinasefunctionbyinteractingwiththeI,Bkinasecomplex[J1.MolecularandCdluhrBiology,2000,20(13):4532-4542.[8]MihailSI,JohnW,JohnCB.eta1.ActivationofNF-~Bby doublestrandedRNA(dsRNA)intheabsenceofproteinki—naseRandRNaseLdemonstratestheexistenceoftwosepa—ratedsRNA—triggeredantiviralprograms[J].Molecularand30动物医学进展2006年第27卷第1期(总第147期) ctl1ularBiology,2001,21(1)?61-72.[9]MaryaraZD.TrineHMtJosephAD,eta1.NF_KBactivation bydoublestranded—RNA_activatedproteinkinase(PKR)is mediatedthroughNF-~B-indudngkinaseandIzBkinase[J]. 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TranscriptionalModulationandSignalingTransductionofIFN-[IWEIHong,ZHANGBu-wu.,LrNFeng~qiang,XIONGJie-wei,LIGui—qun2,ZHANGYun-liang2,Y ANGWei-xian(1.InstituteofAnimalHusbandryandV eterinaryMedicine,FujianAcademyofAgricultureS ciences,Fuzhou,Fujian,350013,ChinaIitaryRegionofFujian.Fuzhou,Ffan,350001,China)Abstract:IFN—paresynthesizedandsecretedbymammaliancellsinresponsetovirusinfectionandthusmediatetheestablishmentofanantiviralstate.InductionofIFN-~genetranscriptiondependson aremarkablycompactenhancerregion,spanningaregionbetween105and5bpupstreamofthestartsiteof mRNAtran—scription.DsRNAmediatedposttranslationalmodificationoftranscriptionfactors,whic hbi ndtospecificpositiveregulatorydomains(PRDs)withintheIFN一日promoter.NF-KBandATF_2bindtoPRDIIandPRDⅣ,respectively.PRD]1IandPRDIarerecognizedbyaproteincomplexcontainingIFNregul atoryfactor(IRF).Twomoleculesofthehigh-mobility-groupproteinI(Y)[-HMGI(Y)']alsorecog nizePRDIIandPRDIV,andbindcooperativelywithNF_B.Sotheenhanceosomewasassembledtoproto metranscrip—tionofIFN-~].WhenIFN-~]wassecretedintothecytoplasm,itcouldbindtoitsreceptorsonth esurface0fcells.ThebiologicalactivitiesofIFN—pwereinitiatedbyJak-statsignalingpathwaystoactivatethetran—scriptionoftargetgenesthatpotentiatednon-specificimmunity.Keywords:IFN—日;transcriptionalmodulation;signalingtransduction。

products1. AddComponentsFromFiles VariantOfBSTR2 , ”All”
...... product1. Update ’装配完成后更新产品图形界面 End Sub ’程序结束 图 8 所示是进行虚拟装配后的 NGW 型行星传动 装配图 。装配图干涉分析表明 ,产品各零件间不存在
图 3 行星轮齿数为偶数时 的初始化位置
图 5 行星轮齿数为奇数时的 齿轮初始化位置
3. 2 3 个行星齿轮的依次装配
a) 第一个行星齿轮的装配 在太阳轮和固定内
齿圈经初始化调整后 , 如图 2 的位置 Ⅰ可装入第一个
行星齿轮 Ⅰ。
b) 第二个行星齿轮的装配 如图 2 所示 , 将第
一个行星齿轮转至位置 Ⅱ, 在位置 Ⅰ可装入第二个行
装入行星轮 Ⅱ时的转角
83 π 15
<O - 1 =
7135 π,
<O -
2π 3
装入行星轮 Ⅲ时的转角
83 π 15
<O - 2 = - 11157π, <O - 2 - g = -
2π 3
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
收稿日期 :20070824 基金项目 :江苏省科技攻关项目 (BE2005365) 资助 作者简介 :王平 (1964 - ) ,男 ,江苏建湖人 ,博士 ,副教授

Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is a methodology that translates into accurate and reliable image-to-surgical space guidance. Neurosurgery is a very complex procedure and the surgeon has to integrate multi-modal data to produce an optimal surgical plan. Often the lesion of interest is surrounded by vital structures, such as the motor cortex, temporal cortex, vision and audio sensors, etc., and has irregular configurations. Slight damage to such eloquent brain structures can severely impair the patient (1,2). CASMIL, an imageguided neurosurgery toolkit, is being developed to produce optimum plans resulting in minimally invasive surgeries. This system has many innovative features needed by neurosurgeons that are not available in other academic and commercial systems. CASMIL is an integration of various vital modules, such as rigid and non-rigid co-registration (image–image, image–atlas and

A定义aesthetic 美观alveolar 牙槽骨anchorage resistance to unwanted tooth movement caused by the reactive component of an orthodontic force; refers also to the intra- and extraoral structures that supply the resistanceAngle's classification of occlusion a definition of malocclusion based on the relationships of the first permanent molarsangulation the tilt of the long axis of a tooth in a mesial or distal direction; see inclination Ankylosed Primary Teeth 乳牙粘连anterior crossbite one or more teeth in the maxillary anterior segment is lingual to one or more of the opposing teeth in the mandibular anterior segment in maximum intercuspationanterior segment all of the canine and incisor teeth in a given dental archarch circumference or arch perimeter the distance from the mesial contact of one first permanent molar to its antimere as measured through the contact points or buccal cusp tips of all of the intervening teeth, ignoring those teeth that are malpositioned or blocked out so that the measurement represents an ideal arch form; see arch lengtharch depth the perpendicular distance from a point between the central incisors to a line connecting the mesial contacts of the first permanent molars; see arch lengtharch length same as arch depth; but note that 'arch length' is often used as a synonym for arch circumference or arch perimeterarch wire a wire applied to two or more teeth through fixed attachments to cause or guide orthodontic tooth movementattached lingual frenum 舌系带过短B术语定义band a circular metal strip that is adapted to fit closely around a tooth; various components of an orthodontic appliance may be welded or soldered to itbase, bracket the part of a bracket that is attached either to a metal band or bonding pad Begg appliance Begg矫治器bimaxillary both the upper and lower jawblocked out a tooth that is positioned away from its proper position in the dental arch due to insufficient spacebodily movement 整体移动Bolton analysis Bolton指数分析bonded lingual retainer 舌侧粘结式保持bonding pad the retentive portion of a fixed orthodontic attachment which locks it mechanically to the bonding material; the pad usually has a fine mesh surfacebrachycephalic a short skull, with a cranial index of 80 or more; see cranial index This term, or a variant "brachyfacial," is sometimes used to describe a short, wide face, properly referred to as euryprosopic .bracket a metal, plastic, or ceramic fixed attachment which holds an arch wire buccal segment all of the premolar and molar teeth in a given quadrantbuccal tube a fixed attachment which is open only at each end. Tubes may be round or rectangular in cross section; round tubes are usually .045 inches in diameter to receive auxiliaries such as a facebow or lip bumper, rectangular tubes areeither .018 x .025 or .022 x .028 inches in order to receive arch wires and generally are placed on the most distal molar tooth in the appliance.C术语定义camouflaged orthodontictreatment掩饰性正畸治疗Cast Analysis modelanalysis模型分析center of resistance 阻抗中心center of rotation 旋转中心Cephalometrics X线头影测量cervical headgear 颈牵引chief complaint 主诉chin-cup 颏兜Cleft jaw and face 颌、面裂Cleft lip and palate 唇、腭裂Clinical Examination 临床检查combination headgear 联合(水平)牵引condylar 髁突Continuous force 持续力corrective orthodontics 一般性矫治craniofacial growth anddevelopment颅面生长发育crowding or spacing 拥挤和间隙curve of Spee Spee曲线D术语定义Delayed Incisor Eruption 切牙迟萌dental age 牙龄dental history 牙科病史dentofacial orthopedic 牙合面矫形Diagnosis and treatment诊断和治疗计划planningdifferential tooth差动牙移动movementE术语定义Ectopic Eruption 异位萌出edgewise appliance 方丝弓矫治器Enamel demineralization 釉质脱矿extraoral orthodontic force 口外正畸力extraoral orthopedic force 口外矫形力extrusion 伸长F术语定义fixed appliance 固定矫治器fixed retaining appliance 固定保持器G术语定义Gingivitis 牙龈炎Growth Modification 生长改良H术语定义Hand wrist x-ray 手腕骨X片harmony 平衡Hawley retainer Hawley保持器Headcap 头帽Heredity and environment 遗传和环境high-pull headgear 高位牵引I术语定义Ideal normal occlusion 理想正常合Idiopathic Root resorption 特发性吸收implant anchorage 种植支抗impression taking 取模Individual normal个别正常合occlusionInterceptive orthodontics 阻断性矫治intermaxillary anchorage 颌间支抗Intermittent force 间歇力intramaxillary anchorage 颌内支抗intrusion 压低Invisalign 无托槽隐形矫治器J术语定义job model 工作模型L术语定义Leeway space 替牙间隙M术语定义malocclusion 错合畸形Mandibular Deficiency 上颌发育不足Maxillary Excess 下颌发育过度Maxillary Midline上中切牙间隙Diastemamechanical retention 机械保持medical history 医学病史Minimal Root resorption 微小性吸收minor tooth小范围牙移动movement(MTM)Mixed Dentition 混合牙列,替牙合molar relationship 磨牙关系N术语定义nature retetion 自然保持O术语定义obstructive sleep apneahypopnea syndrome阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征OSAHSopenbite 开合optimal orthodontic force 最适矫治力oral examination 口腔检查Oral health education 口腔健康教育oral hygiene introduction 口腔卫生指导orthodontic force 正畸力Orthodontics 口腔正畸学Orthognathic Surgery 正颌手术orthopedic force 矫形力overcorrection 过度矫正P术语定义Palatal Expansion 腭开展Pattern of growth 生长型Periodontitis 牙周炎Permanent Dentition 恒牙合permanent tooth 恒牙Plaque 菌斑positioner 正位器Post-operative术后正畸orthodonticsPreoperative orthodontics 术前正畸Preventive orthodontics 预防性矫治Primary Dentition 乳牙合primary tooth 乳牙Primate space 灵长间隙Progressive Root进行性吸收resorptionR术语定义relapse 复发Remodeling and改建和位移translationremovable retaining活动保持器applianceRetetion 保持rotation 旋转S术语定义self-ligation bracket 自锁托槽serial extraction 序列拔牙Six keys to normal正常合六项标准occlusionskeletal age 骨龄skeletal malocclusion 骨性错合畸形Space analysis 间隙分析space available 可用间隙space required 必需间隙stable 稳定straight wire appliance 直丝弓矫治器study model 记存模型、研究模型Supernumerary Teeth 多生牙Surgical orthodontics 正颌外科T术语定义Temporary malocclusion暂时性错合in mixed dentitionTemporomandibular joints 颞下颌关节the incidence of错合畸形的患病率malocclusionthree-dimensionalcomplex of craniofacial颅面三维结构复合体structurethree-dimensional digital三维数字化重建reconstructionthumb sucking 吮指习惯Time and sequence of萌出时间和顺序eruptiontip 轴倾角tipping movement 倾斜移动torque 转矩角Transverse Maxillary上颌横向狭窄ConstrictionW术语定义Wire Bending 弓丝弯制。

More informationNONLINEAR TIME SERIES ANALYSISThis book represents a modern approach to time series analysis which is based onthe theory of dynamical systems.It starts from a sound outline of the underlyingtheory to arrive at very practical issues,which are illustrated using a large number ofempirical data sets taken from variousfields.This book will hence be highly usefulfor scientists and engineers from all disciplines who study time variable signals,including the earth,life and social sciences.The paradigm of deterministic chaos has influenced thinking in manyfields ofscience.Chaotic systems show rich and surprising mathematical structures.In theapplied sciences,deterministic chaos provides a striking explanation for irregulartemporal behaviour and anomalies in systems which do not seem to be inherentlystochastic.The most direct link between chaos theory and the real world is the anal-ysis of time series from real systems in terms of nonlinear dynamics.Experimentaltechnique and data analysis have seen such dramatic progress that,by now,mostfundamental properties of nonlinear dynamical systems have been observed in thelaboratory.Great efforts are being made to exploit ideas from chaos theory where-ver the data display more structure than can be captured by traditional methods.Problems of this kind are typical in biology and physiology but also in geophysics,economics and many other sciences.This revised edition has been significantly rewritten an expanded,includingseveral new chapters.In view of applications,the most relevant novelties will be thetreatment of non-stationary data sets and of nonlinear stochastic processes insidethe framework of a state space reconstruction by the method of delays.Hence,non-linear time series analysis has left the rather narrow niche of strictly deterministicsystems.Moreover,the analysis of multivariate data sets has gained more atten-tion.For a direct application of the methods of this book to the reader’s own datasets,this book closely refers to the publicly available software package TISEAN.The availability of this software will facilitate the solution of the exercises,so thatreaders now can easily gain their own experience with the analysis of data sets.Holger Kantz,born in November1960,received his diploma in physics fromthe University of Wuppertal in January1986with a thesis on transient chaos.InJanuary1989he obtained his theoretical physics from the same place,having worked under the supervision of Peter Grassberger on Hamiltonian many-particle dynamics.During his postdoctoral time,he spent one year on a Marie Curiefellowship of the European Union at the physics department of the University ofMore informationFlorence in Italy.In January1995he took up an appointment at the newly foundedMax Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden,where heestablished the research group‘Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series Analysis’.In1996he received his venia legendi and in2002he became adjunct professorin theoretical physics at Wuppertal University.In addition to time series analysis,he works on low-and high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics and its applications.More recently,he has been trying to bridge the gap between dynamics and statis-tical physics.He has(co-)authored more than75peer-reviewed articles in scien-tific journals and holds two international patents.For up-to-date information see Schreiber,born1963,did his diploma work with Peter Grassberger atWuppertal University on phase transitions and information transport in spatio-temporal chaos.He joined the chaos group of Predrag Cvitanovi´c at the Niels BohrInstitute in Copenhagen to study periodic orbit theory of diffusion and anomaloustransport.There he also developed a strong interest in real-world applications ofchaos theory,leading to his Ph.D.thesis on nonlinear time series analysis(Univer-sity of Wuppertal,1994).As a research assistant at Wuppertal University and duringseveral extended appointments at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Com-plex Systems in Dresden he published numerous research articles on time seriesmethods and applications ranging from physiology to the stock market.His habil-itation thesis(University of Wuppertal)appeared as a review in Physics Reportsin1999.Thomas Schreiber has extensive experience teaching nonlinear dynamicsto students and experts from variousfields and at all levels.Recently,he has leftacademia to undertake industrial research.NONLINEAR TIME SERIES ANALYSIS HOLGER KANTZ AND THOMAS SCHREIBERMax Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems,DresdenMore informationMore informationpublished by the press syndicate of the university of cambridgeThe Pitt Building,Trumpington Street,Cambridge,United Kingdomcambridge university pressThe Edinburgh Building,Cambridge CB22RU,UK40West20th Street,New York,NY10011–4211,USA477Williamstown Road,Port Melbourne,VIC3207,AustraliaRuiz de Alarc´o n13,28014Madrid,SpainDock House,The Waterfront,Cape Town8001,South AfricaC Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber,2000,2003This book is in copyright.Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place withoutthe written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published2000Second edition published2003Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press,CambridgeTypeface Times11/14pt.System L A T E X2ε[tb]A catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloguing in Publication dataKantz,Holger,1960–Nonlinear time series analysis/Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber.–[2nd ed.] bibliographical references and index.ISBN0521821509–ISBN0521529026(paperback)1.Time-series analysis.2.Nonlinear theories.I.Schreiber,Thomas,1963–II.TitleQA280.K3552003519.5 5–dc212003044031ISBN0521821509hardbackISBN0521529026paperbackThe publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for external websites referred to in this bookare correct and active at the time of going to press.However,the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate.More informationContentsPreface to thefirst edition page xiPreface to the second edition xiiiAcknowledgements xvI Basic topics11Introduction:why nonlinear methods?32Linear tools and general considerations132.1Stationarity and sampling132.2Testing for stationarity152.3Linear correlations and the power spectrum182.3.1Stationarity and the low-frequency component in thepower spectrum232.4Linearfilters242.5Linear predictions273Phase space methods303.1Determinism:uniqueness in phase space303.2Delay reconstruction353.3Finding a good embedding363.3.1False neighbours373.3.2The time lag393.4Visual inspection of data393.5Poincar´e surface of section413.6Recurrence plots434Determinism and predictability484.1Sources of predictability484.2Simple nonlinear prediction algorithm504.3Verification of successful prediction534.4Cross-prediction errors:probing stationarity564.5Simple nonlinear noise reduction58vMore informationvi Contents5Instability:Lyapunov exponents655.1Sensitive dependence on initial conditions655.2Exponential divergence665.3Measuring the maximal exponent from data696Self-similarity:dimensions756.1Attractor geometry and fractals756.2Correlation dimension776.3Correlation sum from a time series786.4Interpretation and pitfalls826.5Temporal correlations,non-stationarity,and space timeseparation plots876.6Practical considerations916.7A useful application:determination of the noise level using thecorrelation integral926.8Multi-scale or self-similar signals956.8.1Scaling laws966.8.2Detrendedfluctuation analysis1007Using nonlinear methods when determinism is weak1057.1Testing for nonlinearity with surrogate data1077.1.1The null hypothesis1097.1.2How to make surrogate data sets1107.1.3Which statistics to use1137.1.4What can go wrong1157.1.5What we have learned1177.2Nonlinear statistics for system discrimination1187.3Extracting qualitative information from a time series1218Selected nonlinear phenomena1268.1Robustness and limit cycles1268.2Coexistence of attractors1288.3Transients1288.4Intermittency1298.5Structural stability1338.6Bifurcations1358.7Quasi-periodicity139II Advanced topics1419Advanced embedding methods1439.1Embedding theorems1439.1.1Whitney’s embedding theorem1449.1.2Takens’s delay embedding theorem1469.2The time lag148More informationContents vii9.3Filtered delay embeddings1529.3.1Derivative coordinates1529.3.2Principal component analysis1549.4Fluctuating time intervals1589.5Multichannel measurements1599.5.1Equivalent variables at different positions1609.5.2Variables with different physical meanings1619.5.3Distributed systems1619.6Embedding of interspike intervals1629.7High dimensional chaos and the limitations of the time delayembedding1659.8Embedding for systems with time delayed feedback17110Chaotic data and noise17410.1Measurement noise and dynamical noise17410.2Effects of noise17510.3Nonlinear noise reduction17810.3.1Noise reduction by gradient descent17910.3.2Local projective noise reduction18010.3.3Implementation of locally projective noise reduction18310.3.4How much noise is taken out?18610.3.5Consistency tests19110.4An application:foetal ECG extraction19311More about invariant quantities19711.1Ergodicity and strange attractors19711.2Lyapunov exponents II19911.2.1The spectrum of Lyapunov exponents and invariantmanifolds20011.2.2Flows versus maps20211.2.3Tangent space method20311.2.4Spurious exponents20511.2.5Almost two dimensionalflows21111.3Dimensions II21211.3.1Generalised dimensions,multi-fractals21311.3.2Information dimension from a time series21511.4Entropies21711.4.1Chaos and theflow of information21711.4.2Entropies of a static distribution21811.4.3The Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy22011.4.4The -entropy per unit time22211.4.5Entropies from time series data226More informationviii Contents11.5How things are related22911.5.1Pesin’s identity22911.5.2Kaplan–Yorke conjecture23112Modelling and forecasting23412.1Linear stochastic models andfilters23612.1.1Linearfilters23712.1.2Nonlinearfilters23912.2Deterministic dynamics24012.3Local methods in phase space24112.3.1Almost model free methods24112.3.2Local linearfits24212.4Global nonlinear models24412.4.1Polynomials24412.4.2Radial basis functions24512.4.3Neural networks24612.4.4What to do in practice24812.5Improved cost functions24912.5.1Overfitting and model costs24912.5.2The errors-in-variables problem25112.5.3Modelling versus prediction25312.6Model verification25312.7Nonlinear stochastic processes from data25612.7.1Fokker–Planck equations from data25712.7.2Markov chains in embedding space25912.7.3No embedding theorem for Markov chains26012.7.4Predictions for Markov chain data26112.7.5Modelling Markov chain data26212.7.6Choosing embedding parameters for Markov chains26312.7.7Application:prediction of surface wind velocities26412.8Predicting prediction errors26712.8.1Predictability map26712.8.2Individual error prediction26812.9Multi-step predictions versus iterated one-step predictions27113Non-stationary signals27513.1Detecting non-stationarity27613.1.1Making non-stationary data stationary27913.2Over-embedding28013.2.1Deterministic systems with parameter drift28013.2.2Markov chain with parameter drift28113.2.3Data analysis in over-embedding spaces283More informationContents ix13.2.4Application:noise reduction for human voice28613.3Parameter spaces from data28814Coupling and synchronisation of nonlinear systems29214.1Measures for interdependence29214.2Transfer entropy29714.3Synchronisation29915Chaos control30415.1Unstable periodic orbits and their invariant manifolds30615.1.1Locating periodic orbits30615.1.2Stable/unstable manifolds from data31215.2OGY-control and derivates31315.3Variants of OGY-control31615.4Delayed feedback31715.5Tracking31815.6Related aspects319A Using the TISEAN programs321A.1Information relevant to most of the routines322A.1.1Efficient neighbour searching322A.1.2Re-occurring command options325A.2Second-order statistics and linear models326A.3Phase space tools327A.4Prediction and modelling329A.4.1Locally constant predictor329A.4.2Locally linear prediction329A.4.3Global nonlinear models330A.5Lyapunov exponents331A.6Dimensions and entropies331A.6.1The correlation sum331A.6.2Information dimension,fixed mass algorithm332A.6.3Entropies333A.7Surrogate data and test statistics334A.8Noise reduction335A.9Finding unstable periodic orbits336A.10Multivariate data336B Description of the experimental data sets338B.1Lorenz-like chaos in an NH3laser338B.2Chaos in a periodically modulated NMR laser340B.3Vibrating string342B.4Taylor–Couetteflow342B.5Multichannel physiological data343More informationx ContentsB.6Heart rate during atrialfibrillation343B.7Human electrocardiogram(ECG)344B.8Phonation data345B.9Postural control data345B.10Autonomous CO2laser with feedback345B.11Nonlinear electric resonance circuit346B.12Frequency doubling solid state laser348B.13Surface wind velocities349References350Index365More informationPreface to thefirst editionThe paradigm of deterministic chaos has influenced thinking in manyfields of sci-ence.As mathematical objects,chaotic systems show rich and surprising structures.Most appealing for researchers in the applied sciences is the fact that determinis-tic chaos provides a striking explanation for irregular behaviour and anomalies insystems which do not seem to be inherently stochastic.The most direct link between chaos theory and the real world is the analysis oftime series from real systems in terms of nonlinear dynamics.On the one hand,experimental technique and data analysis have seen such dramatic progress that,by now,most fundamental properties of nonlinear dynamical systems have beenobserved in the laboratory.On the other hand,great efforts are being made to exploitideas from chaos theory in cases where the system is not necessarily deterministicbut the data displays more structure than can be captured by traditional methods.Problems of this kind are typical in biology and physiology but also in geophysics,economics,and many other sciences.In all thesefields,even simple models,be they microscopic or phenomenological,can create extremely complicated dynamics.How can one verify that one’s model isa good counterpart to the equally complicated signal that one receives from nature?Very often,good models are lacking and one has to study the system just from theobservations made in a single time series,which is the case for most non-laboratorysystems in particular.The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems provides new toolsand quantities for the characterisation of irregular time series data.The scope ofthese methods ranges from invariants such as Lyapunov exponents and dimensionswhich yield an accurate description of the structure of a system(provided thedata are of high quality)to statistical techniques which allow for classification anddiagnosis even in situations where determinism is almost lacking.This book provides the experimental researcher in nonlinear dynamics with meth-ods for processing,enhancing,and analysing the measured signals.The theorist willbe offered discussions about the practical applicability of mathematical results.ThexiMore informationxii Preface to thefirst editiontime series analyst in economics,meteorology,and otherfields willfind inspira-tion for the development of new prediction algorithms.Some of the techniquespresented here have also been considered as possible diagnostic tools in clinical re-search.We will adopt a critical but constructive point of view,pointing out ways ofobtaining more meaningful results with limited data.We hope that everybody whohas a time series problem which cannot be solved by traditional,linear methodswillfind inspiring material in this book.Dresden and WuppertalNovember1996More informationPreface to the second editionIn afield as dynamic as nonlinear science,new ideas,methods and experimentsemerge constantly and the focus of interest shifts accordingly.There is a continuousstream of new results,and existing knowledge is seen from a different angle aftervery few years.Five years after thefirst edition of“Nonlinear Time Series Analysis”we feel that thefield has matured in a way that deserves being reflected in a secondedition.The modification that is most immediately visible is that the program listingshave been be replaced by a thorough discussion of the publicly available softwareTISEAN.Already a few months after thefirst edition appeared,it became clearthat most users would need something more convenient to use than the bare libraryroutines printed in the book.Thus,together with Rainer Hegger we prepared stand-alone routines based on the book but with input/output functionality and advancedfeatures.Thefirst public release was made available in1998and subsequent releasesare in widespread use now.Today,TISEAN is a mature piece of software thatcovers much more than the programs we gave in thefirst edition.Now,readerscan immediately apply most methods studied in the book on their own data usingTISEAN programs.By replacing the somewhat terse program listings by minuteinstructions of the proper use of the TISEAN routines,the link between book andsoftware is strengthened,supposedly to the benefit of the readers and users.Hencewe recommend a download and installation of the package,such that the exercisescan be readily done by help of these ready-to-use routines.The current edition has be extended in view of enlarging the class of data sets to betreated.The core idea of phase space reconstruction was inspired by the analysis ofdeterministic chaotic data.In contrast to many expectations,purely deterministicand low-dimensional data are rare,and most data fromfield measurements areevidently of different nature.Hence,it was an effort of our scientific work over thepast years,and it was a guiding concept for the revision of this book,to explore thepossibilities to treat other than purely deterministic data sets.xiiiMore informationxiv Preface to the second editionThere is a whole new chapter on non-stationary time series.While detectingnon-stationarity is still briefly discussed early on in the book,methods to deal withmanifestly non-stationary sequences are described in some detail in the secondpart.As an illustration,a data source of lasting interest,human speech,is used.Also,a new chapter deals with concepts of synchrony between systems,linear andnonlinear correlations,information transfer,and phase synchronisation.Recent attempts on modelling nonlinear stochastic processes are discussed inChapter12.The theoretical framework forfitting Fokker–Planck equations to datawill be reviewed and evaluated.While Chapter9presents some progress that hasbeen made in modelling input–output systems with stochastic but observed inputand on the embedding of time delayed feedback systems,the chapter on mod-elling considers a data driven phase space approach towards Markov chains.Windspeed measurements are used as data which are best considered to be of nonlinearstochastic nature despite the fact that a physically adequate mathematical model isthe deterministic Navier–Stokes equation.In the chapter on invariant quantities,new material on entropy has been included,mainly on the -and continuous entropies.Estimation problems for stochastic ver-sus deterministic data and data with multiple length and time scales are discussed.Since more and more experiments now yield good multivariate data,alternativesto time delay embedding using multiple probe measurements are considered at var-ious places in the text.This new development is also reflected in the functionalityof the TISEAN programs.A new multivariate data set from a nonlinear semicon-ductor electronic circuit is introduced and used in several places.In particular,adifferential equation has been successfully established for this system by analysingthe data set.Among other smaller rearrangements,the material from the former chapter“Other selected topics”,has been relocated to places in the text where a connectioncan be made more naturally.High dimensional and spatio-temporal data is now dis-cussed in the context of embedding.We discuss multi-scale and self-similar signalsnow in a more appropriate way right after fractal sets,and include recent techniquesto analyse power law correlations,for example detrendedfluctuation analysis.Of course,many new publications have appeared since1997which are potentiallyrelevant to the scope of this book.At least two new monographs are concerned withthe same topic and a number of review articles.The bibliography has been updatedbut remains a selection not unaffected by personal preferences.We hope that the extended book will prove its usefulness in many applicationsof the methods and further stimulate thefield of time series analysis.DresdenDecember2002More informationAcknowledgementsIf there is any feature of this book that we are proud of,it is the fact that almost allthe methods are illustrated with real,experimental data.However,this is anythingbut our own achievement–we exploited other people’s work.Thus we are deeplyindebted to the experimental groups who supplied data sets and granted permissionto use them in this book.The production of every one of these data sets requiredskills,experience,and equipment that we ourselves do not have,not forgetting thehours and hours of work spent in the laboratory.We appreciate the generosity ofthe following experimental groups:NMR laser.Our contact persons at the Institute for Physics at Z¨u rich University were Leci Flepp and Joe Simonet;the head of the experimental group is E.Brun.(See AppendixB.2.)Vibrating string.Data were provided by Tim Molteno and Nick Tufillaro,Otago University, Dunedin,New Zealand.(See Appendix B.3.)Taylor–Couetteflow.The experiment was carried out at the Institute for Applied Physics at Kiel University by Thorsten Buzug and Gerd Pfister.(See Appendix B.4.) Atrialfibrillation.This data set is taken from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database,collected by G.B.Moody and R.Mark at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston.(See Appendix B.6.) Human ECG.The ECG recordings we used were taken by Petr Saparin at Saratov State University.(See Appendix B.7.)Foetal ECG.We used noninvasively recorded(human)foetal ECGs taken by John F.Hofmeister as the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,University of Colorado,Denver CO.(See Appendix B.7.)Phonation data.This data set was made available by Hanspeter Herzel at the Technical University in Berlin.(See Appendix B.8.)Human posture data.The time series was provided by Steven Boker and Bennett Bertenthal at the Department of Psychology,University of Virginia,Charlottesville V A.(SeeAppendix B.9.)xvMore informationxvi AcknowledgementsAutonomous CO2laser with feedback.The data were taken by Riccardo Meucci and Marco Ciofini at the INO in Firenze,Italy.(See Appendix B.10.)Nonlinear electric resonance circuit.The experiment was designed and operated by M.Diestelhorst at the University of Halle,Germany.(See Appendix B.11.)Nd:YAG laser.The data we use were recorded in the University of Oldenburg,where we wish to thank Achim Kittel,Falk Lange,Tobias Letz,and J¨u rgen Parisi.(See AppendixB.12.)We used the following data sets published for the Santa Fe Institute Time SeriesContest,which was organised by Neil Gershenfeld and Andreas Weigend in1991:NH3laser.We used data set A and its continuation,which was published after the contest was closed.The data was supplied by U.H¨u bner,N.B.Abraham,and C.O.Weiss.(SeeAppendix B.1.)Human breath rate.The data we used is part of data set B of the contest.It was submitted by Ari Goldberger and coworkers.(See Appendix B.5.)During the composition of the text we asked various people to read all or part of themanuscript.The responses ranged from general encouragement to detailed technicalcomments.In particular we thank Peter Grassberger,James Theiler,Daniel Kaplan,Ulrich Parlitz,and Martin Wiesenfeld for their helpful remarks.Members of ourresearch groups who either contributed by joint work to our experience and knowl-edge or who volunteered to check the correctness of the text are Rainer Hegger,Andreas Schmitz,Marcus Richter,Mario Ragwitz,Frank Schm¨u ser,RathinaswamyBhavanan Govindan,and Sharon Sessions.We have also considerably profited fromcomments and remarks of the readers of thefirst edition of the book.Their effortin writing to us is gratefully appreciated.Last but not least we acknowledge the encouragement and support by SimonCapelin from Cambridge University Press and the excellent help in questions ofstyle and English grammar by Sheila Shepherd.。

【专题名称】世界史【专题号】K5【复印期号】2011年11期【原文出处】《历史研究》(京)2011年4期第136~155页【英文标题】Rejuvenating Rome: Historical Narratives of Polytheistic Intellectualsin the Late Rome Empire【作者简介】吕厚量,英国爱丁堡大学历史、古典与考古学院博士生。
”① 公元420年前后,居住在埃及海港佩鲁修姆的一名基督教修士伊西多尔(Isidore of Pelusium)在致友人的一封信中写下了上面的话。
以前的学者普遍相信,自从392年提奥多西大帝(Theodosius the Great)的敕令发布后,多神教② 文化便走向了最后的灭亡。
20世纪初汤普逊(J. W. Thompson)在《历史著作史》中也接受了这种看法。

第 44卷第4期2023 年7月Vol.44 No.4July 2023中山大学学报(医学科学版)JOURNAL OF SUN YAT⁃SEN UNIVERSITY(MEDICAL SCIENCES)鞘内注射2R, 6R-HNK缓解雌性小鼠的神经病理性疼痛刘安然1,林震嘉2,彭湘格2,李莹2,郑钰凡2,谈智2,周利君2,冯霞1(1. 中山大学附属第一医院麻醉疼痛科,广东广州 510080; 2. 中山大学中山医学院生理教研室//中山大学疼痛研究中心,广东广州 510080)摘要:【目的】 初步探究鞘内注射2R, 6R-羟化去甲氯胺酮(2R, 6R-HNK)对慢性神经病理性疼痛(CNP)的镇痛作用及其机制。
【方法】 采用坐骨神经选择性损伤(SNI)诱导的CNP模型。
将雌性小鼠随机分不同组:假手术或SNI术后3 周或术前30 min/1 d给予溶剂、2R, 6R-HNK、S-ketamine(10 mg/kg腹腔注射或7、21 μmol/L鞘内注射)(每组3 ~ 7只)。
采用机械缩足阈值(PWT)和镇痛效率评估2R, 6R-HNK的治疗或预防效果。
【结果】 鞘内注射2R, 6R-HNK剂量依赖地缓解雌性小鼠SNI建模3 周的双侧机械痛敏;其中21 μmol/L 2R, 6R-HNK的镇痛效率达峰时间为2 d,峰值为(75.32±7.69)%。
预先鞘内2R, 6R-HNK还能延迟SNI诱导双侧机械痛敏产生2 ~ 3 d。
机制上,2R, 6R-HNK预处理不仅显著抑制SNI引起的双侧DRG和脊髓背角浅层神经元异常兴奋,还下调DRG内降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)及脑源性神经生长因子(BDNF)的高表达。
【结论】 鞘内注射2R, 6R-HNK通过抑制上行痛觉通路神经元异常兴奋并下调DRG神经元CGRP和BDNF表达从而对CNP产生镇痛作用。

第 23卷第 1期2024年 1月Vol.23 No.1Jan.2024软件导刊Software Guide基于关节点连接广度矩阵的颈椎康复运动识别朱子豪,何宏,汪焰兵,孙浩(上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院,上海 200093)摘要:为提高颈椎康复动作识别的准确率与实时性,提出一种基于关节点连接广度矩阵的颈椎康复运动识别方法。
在颈椎康复运动数据集CRED和MSR Action 3D公开数据集上对该识别方法进行验证,实验结果表明,基于关节点连接广度矩阵的颈椎康复运动识别方法平均耗时为1.20 s,平均帧率为27,平均识别准确率为92.72%,与现有方法相比有一定优势。
关键词:颈椎康复运动;关节点连接广度矩阵;人体骨架;三角子图;时空特征DOI:10.11907/rjdk.231043开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2024)001-0032-10Cervical Spine Rehabilitation Action Recognition Based on JointConnection Breadth MatrixZHU Zihao, HE Hong, WANG Yanbing, SUN Hao(School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)Abstract:To improve the accuracy and real-time performance of cervical spine rehabilitation motion recognition, a cervical spine rehabilita⁃tion action recognition method based on joint point connection breadth matrix is proposed. In the preprocessing stage, the skeleton is first ex⁃tracted from real-time human video stream data; Then, based on the action characteristics of the human skeleton, the feature information of the human skeleton during action is accurately extracted, and the change information in local space is obtained. The breadth first search algo⁃rithm is used to traverse the relevant nodes in the skeleton graph, establish the joint point connection breadth matrix, divide the triangular sub⁃graph based on the connection breadth information, and assign weights to the joint points to improve the recognition efficiency of the model; Fi⁃nally, the spatiotemporal features of the joint connection breadth matrix are extracted, and recognition is completed through SVM classifiers. The recognition method was validated on the CRED and MSR Action 3D public datasets for cervical rehabilitation movement. The experimental results showed that the average time consumption of the cervical rehabilitation movement recognition method based on the joint point connec⁃tion breadth matrix was 1.20 seconds, the average frame rate was 27, and the average recognition accuracy was 92.72%, which has certain ad⁃vantages compared to existing methods.Key Words:cervical spine rehabilitation exercises; action joint connection breadth matrix; human skeleton; triangle subgraph; spatial tem⁃poral features收稿日期:2023-01-16基金项目:国家科技部项目(G2021013008);上海市科学技术委员会项目(180****3000);国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFC2005802);上海市教育委员会上海高校大学计算机课程教学改革项目(2021);上海理工大学医工交叉重点项目(1020308405,1022308502)作者简介:朱子豪(1996-),男,上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院硕士研究生,研究方向为行为识别与人机交互系统;何宏(1973-),女,博士,上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,研究方向为医学人工智能、医疗大数据挖掘与人机交互系统;汪焰兵(1995-),男,上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院博士研究生,研究方向为医学人工智能;孙浩(1997-),男,上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院硕士研究生,研究方向为行为识别与人机交互系统。

·研究论文·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:东南亚十二节段RNA 病毒属为呼肠孤病毒科中的一个新属,该属包括版纳病毒(BAV )、芒市病毒(MSV )、卡皮罗病毒(KDV )和辽宁病毒(LNV )四种病毒。
为建立上述四种病毒的群特异性核酸检测方法,本研究根据BAV 、MSV 、KDV 和LNV 毒株VP12基因序列的保守区,设计特异性引物和TaqMan 探针,建立了荧光定量qRT-PCR 和常规RT-PCR 检测方法,并分别进行了特异性、灵敏性和重复性的检测。
实验结果表明,两种检测方法分别对四种病毒均有特异性的扩增和荧光信号检出,而对流行性出血病病毒(EHDV )、蓝舌病病毒(BTV )、中山病病毒(CHUV )、广西环状病毒(GXOV )、阿卡斑病毒(AKAV )、云南环状病毒(YUOV )等病毒无扩增和无有效荧光信号检出,具有较好的特异性。
灵敏性实验结果显示,荧光定量qRT-PCR 检测四种病毒核酸的下限可达10 copies/μL ,常规RT-PCR 的检测下限为102 copies/μL ,荧光定量方法灵敏度是常规方法的10倍。
四种病毒荧光定量qRT-PCR 方法的组内和组间重复试验标准差均小于0.8,变异系数均小于3%,表明该方法均具有良好的稳定性。
以上结果表明,本研究建立的BAV 、MSV 、KDV 和LNV 四种病毒的荧光定量qRT-PCR 和常规RT-PCR 方法具有快速、准确、稳定等优点,可为四种病毒的早期诊断、快速检测、流行病学调查和实验研究等提供有效的技术方法。
关键词:版纳病毒;芒市病毒;卡地皮诺病毒;辽宁病毒;RT-PCR ;病毒检测中图分类号:S852.65文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-6422(2023)01-0098-08Development of Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative RT-PCR and ConventionalRT-PCR for Detection of Southeastern Asian Dodeca RNA Viruses收稿日期:2020-09-28基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1200505);国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303035);云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才培养项目(2017HB055)作者简介:杨振兴,男,硕士,副研究员,主要从事牛羊虫媒病毒研究;李占鸿,男,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事牛羊虫媒病毒研究通信作者:廖德芳,E-mail:*******************;杨恒,E-mail:*************************东南亚十二节段RNA 病毒荧光定量qRT-PCR 和常规RT-PCR 检测方法的建立杨振兴,李占鸿,李卓然,李华春,廖德芳,杨 恒(云南省畜牧兽医科学院 热带亚热带动物病毒病重点实验室,昆明650224)2023,31(1):98-105Abstract: Southeastern Asian dodeca RNA viruses (Seadornavirus ) belong to a new genus of the Reoviridae family, which includes Banna virus (BA V), Mangshi virus (MSV), Kadipiro Virus (KDV) and Liaoning virus (LNV). In order to develop a group-specifi c nucleic acid detection method for BA V , MSV , KDV and LNV , specifi c primers and TaqMan probes were designed based on the conserved regions of the VP12 gene sequences of the 4 viruses for development of a real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) and conventional RT-PCR. The results showed that both assays specifi cally amplifi ed the 4 viruses b u t not for epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV), bluetongue Virus (BTV), Chuzan virus (CHUV), Guangxi Orbivirus (GXOV), Akabane virus (AKA V) and Yunnan Orbivirus (YUOV). The detectionYANG Zhenxing, LI Zhanhong, LI Zhuoran, LI Huachun, LIAO Defang, YANG Heng(Yunnan Tropical and Subtropical Animal Virus Disease Laboratory, Yunnan V eterinary and Animal Science Institute, Kunming 650224, China)· 99 ·杨振兴等:东南亚十二节段RNA 病毒荧光定量qRT-PCR 和常规RT-PCR 检测方法的建立第31卷第1期东南亚十二节段RNA病毒属(Seadornavirus )隶属呼肠孤病毒科(Reoviridae),为2005年国际病毒分类委员会(International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses, ICTV)第八次会议新确认的一个病毒属[1]。
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 8

UNIT 8 Principles of Biomedical EthicsTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 8, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:To know the boundaries between medical research and practice To have a clear understanding of the moral principles and behavioral guidelines for the biomedical research and medical practice To understand the boundaries drawn between medical research and practice To know three basic ethical principles of research involving human subjects To learn the requirements when basic principles are properly applied in research To be more prepared for a life-or-death decision in medical practice To get more insights into the ethical justification of dilemmas in medical practice To know some building blocks in medical terminologyTo be familiar with expressions used to define key termsTo further develop awareness of formal and informal language To get familiar with the Cornell note-taking system To know the two approaches to medical decisions: traditional paternalistic mode and more recent collaborative modeTo learn how to develop a strong conclusion To know the format requirements of the reference listTo be able to make a reference list according to style requirements To be aware of the balance between medical authority and patients ’ autonomyProfessionalknowledgeReadingAcademic vocabulary anddiscourseViewingSpeakingWritingResearchingTeaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1. To draw Ss’ attention and to raise their awareness of the importance ofbiomedical ethics, T is advised to relate the discussion of this unit to the real-world happenings.Before starting the class,search the media for the latest news reports,either at home or abroad,about controversial events in medicine community or healthcare settings.2. Start the class by doing Task / Lead-in and relate the content of the video clip toyour findings in the pre-class searching.Key to the task2) Death4) Patient rightsScriptWell,advancements in medical science have afforded us the opportunity to live decades longer than in previous generations.For every new possibility offered, we now face an equal number of challenges and we find ourselves confronting decisions that are unprecedented in human history.When does life begin?When should life end? How do we define death when we have the ability to keep people technically alive,or we should say,technologically alive long after their discrete body parts no longer function? Welcome to “Matter and Beyond . ” I’m your host MaryLynn Schiavi.In this program we’re going to explore issues around medical science that are forcing us to define life, death, quality of life, patient rights, and confront the moral and ethical questions that arise when facing critical healthcare decisions.3. Introduce the topic of Text A as a natural continuum of Lead-in .Text Comprehension1. Make good use of Lead-in video clip as it serves as a perfect introduction to thetopic of this unit. Elaborate on the connection of its content with the latest events in the real world. Naturally, ask Ss how medicine differs from other branches of natural science, especially when human subjects are involved in the research. Here are some hints:2. Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of presentation topics.3. Integrate Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A when a careful definition ofkey terms is covered.4. When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5. If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus 1. … described in a formal protocol that sets forth an objective … (P185, Para.2)set forth 是动词词组,表示用清晰、具体的方式解释或描述,多用于正式的 书面语中。

Aaesthetic 美观alveolar 牙槽骨anchorage resistance to unwanted tooth movement caused by the reactive component of an orthodontic force; refers also to the intra- and extraoral structures that supply the resistanceAngle's classification of occlusion a definition of malocclusion based on the relationships of the first permanent molarsangulation the tilt of the long axis of a tooth in a mesial or distal direction; see inclinationAnkylosed PrimaryTeeth乳牙粘连anterior crossbite one or more teeth in the maxillary anterior segment is lingual to one or more of the opposing teeth in the mandibular anterior segment in maximum intercuspationanterior segment all of the canine and incisor teeth in a given dental archarch circumference or arch perimeter the distance from the mesial contact of one first permanent molar to its antimere as measured through the contact points or buccal cusp tips of all of the intervening teeth, ignoring those teeth that are malpositioned or blocked out so that the measurement represents an ideal arch form; see arch lengtharch depth the perpendicular distance from a point between the central incisors to a line connecting the mesial contacts of the first permanent molars; see arch lengtharch length same as arch depth; but note that 'arch length' is often used as a synonym for arch circumference or arch perimeterarch wire a wire applied to two or more teeth through fixed attachments to cause or guide orthodontic tooth movementattached lingualfrenum舌系带过短Bband a circular metal strip that is adapted to fit closely around a tooth; various components of an orthodontic appliance may be welded or soldered to itbase, bracket the part of a bracket that is attached either to a metal band or bonding padBegg appliance Begg矫治器bimaxillary both the upper and lower jawblocked out a tooth that is positioned away from its proper position in the dental arch due to insufficient spacebodily movement 整体移动Bolton analysis Bolton指数分析bonded lingual 舌侧粘结式保持retainerbonding pad the retentive portion of a fixed orthodontic attachment which locks it mechanically to the bonding material; the pad usually has a fine mesh surfacebrachycephalic a short skull, with a cranial index of 80 or more; see cranial index This term, or a variant "brachyfacial," is sometimes used to describe a short, wide face, properly referred to as euryprosopic .bracket a metal, plastic, or ceramic fixed attachment which holds an arch wire buccal segment all of the premolar and molar teeth in a given quadrantbuccal tube a fixed attachment which is open only at each end. Tubes may be round or rectangular in cross section; round tubes are usually .045 inches in diameter to receive auxiliaries such as a facebow or lip bumper, rectangular tubes are either .018 x .025 or .022 x .028 inches in order to receive arch wires and generally are placed on the most distal molar tooth in the appliance.Ccamouflagedorthodontic treatment掩饰性正畸治疗Cast Analysis modelanalysis模型分析center of resistance 阻抗中心center of rotation 旋转中心Cephalometrics X线头影测量cervical headgear 颈牵引chief complaint 主诉chin-cup 颏兜Cleft jaw and face 颌、面裂Cleft lip and palate 唇、腭裂Clinical Examination 临床检查combination headgear 联合(水平)牵引condylar 髁突Continuous force 持续力correctiveorthodontics一般性矫治craniofacial growthand development颅面生长发育crowding or spacing 拥挤和间隙curve of Spee Spee曲线DDelayed IncisorEruption切牙迟萌dental age 牙龄dental history 牙科病史dentofacial牙合面矫形orthopedicDiagnosis and诊断和治疗计划treatment planningdifferential tooth差动牙移动movementEEctopic Eruption 异位萌出edgewise appliance 方丝弓矫治器Enamel釉质脱矿demineralizationextraoral orthodontic口外正畸力forceextraoral orthopedic口外矫形力forceextrusion 伸长Ffixed appliance 固定矫治器fixed retaining固定保持器applianceGGingivitis 牙龈炎Growth Modification 生长改良HHand wrist x-ray 手腕骨X片harmony 平衡Hawley retainer Hawley保持器Headcap 头帽Heredity and遗传和环境environmenthigh-pull headgear 高位牵引IIdeal normal occlusion 理想正常合Idiopathic Root特发性吸收resorptionimplant anchorage 种植支抗impression taking 取模Individual normal个别正常合occlusionInterceptive阻断性矫治orthodonticsintermaxillary颌间支抗anchorageIntermittent force 间歇力intramaxillary颌内支抗anchorageintrusion 压低Invisalign 无托槽隐形矫治器Jjob model 工作模型LLeeway space 替牙间隙Mmalocclusion 错合畸形Mandibular Deficiency 上颌发育不足Maxillary Excess 下颌发育过度Maxillary Midline上中切牙间隙Diastemamechanical retention 机械保持medical history 医学病史Minimal Root微小性吸收resorptionminor tooth小范围牙移动movement(MTM)Mixed Dentition 混合牙列,替牙合molar relationship 磨牙关系Nnature retetion 自然保持Oobstructive sleepapnea hypopnea阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征syndrome OSAHSopenbite 开合optimal orthodontic最适矫治力forceoral examination 口腔检查Oral health education 口腔健康教育oral hygiene口腔卫生指导introductionorthodontic force 正畸力Orthodontics 口腔正畸学Orthognathic Surgery 正颌手术orthopedic force 矫形力overcorrection 过度矫正PPalatal Expansion 腭开展Pattern of growth 生长型Periodontitis 牙周炎Permanent Dentition 恒牙合permanent tooth 恒牙Plaque 菌斑positioner 正位器Post-operative术后正畸orthodonticsPreoperative术前正畸orthodonticsPreventive预防性矫治orthodonticsPrimary Dentition 乳牙合primary tooth 乳牙Primate space 灵长间隙Progressive Root进行性吸收resorptionRrelapse 复发Remodeling and改建和位移translationremovable retaining活动保持器applianceRetetion 保持rotation 旋转Sself-ligation bracket 自锁托槽serial extraction 序列拔牙Six keys to normal正常合六项标准occlusionskeletal age 骨龄skeletal malocclusion 骨性错合畸形Space analysis 间隙分析space available 可用间隙space required 必需间隙stable 稳定straight wire直丝弓矫治器appliancestudy model 记存模型、研究模型Supernumerary Teeth 多生牙Surgical orthodontics 正颌外科TTemporarymalocclusion in mixed暂时性错合dentitionTemporomandibular颞下颌关节jointsthe incidence of错合畸形的患病率malocclusionthree-dimensionalcomplex of颅面三维结构复合体craniofacialstructurethree-dimensional三维数字化重建digitalreconstructionthumb sucking 吮指习惯Time and sequence of萌出时间和顺序eruptiontip 轴倾角tipping movement 倾斜移动torque 转矩角Transverse Maxillary上颌横向狭窄ConstrictionWWire Bending 弓丝弯制。

沙库巴曲缬沙坦灌胃对糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化的治疗作用及其机制薛成1,陈翠2,帅壮1,刘茂31 川北医学院附属医院心血管内科,四川南充637000;2 川北医学院附属医院遗传与产前诊断中心实验室;3 川北医学院附属医院心血管疾病研究室摘要:目的 观察沙库巴曲缬沙坦(Sac /Val )灌胃治疗糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化的疗效,并探讨其可能的作用机制。
方法 雄性Wistar 大鼠20只,随机分为正常对照组、模型组、实验组、培哚普利组,每组5只。
模型组、实验组、培哚普利组注射链脲佐菌素制作糖尿病模型,模型组造模后给予生理盐水(每天1 mL /100 g )灌胃,实验组造模后给予Sac /Val 60 mg /(kg ·d )灌胃,培哚普利组造模后给予培哚普利2 mg /(kg ·d )灌胃;正常对照组不进行造模,予生理盐水(每天1 mL /100 g )灌胃。
各组大鼠灌胃8周后,测算左心室/体质量指数(LVW /BW ),行Masson 染色观察心肌纤维化情况,采用Western blotting 法检测各组大鼠心肌组织中的转化生长因子β1(TGF -β1)、phos -Smad3、Col Ⅰ、Col Ⅲ蛋白。
结果 与正常对照组相比,模型组心肌细胞排列紊乱,胶原纤维含量增加;与模型组相比,实验组和培哚普利组心肌胶原纤维减少,纤维化程度减轻。
模型组LVW /BW 及心肌组织Col Ⅰ、Col Ⅲ、TGF -β1、phos -Smad3蛋白表达高于正常对照组,实验组、培哚普利组LVW /BW 及心肌组织Col Ⅰ、Col Ⅲ、TGF -β1、phos -Smad3蛋白表达低于模型组(P 均<0.01)。
结论 Sac /Val 可减轻糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化,其机制可能与抑制TGF -β1/Smad3信号通路有关。
关键词:沙库巴曲缬沙坦;心肌纤维化;糖尿病;转化生长因子β1;Smad3蛋白doi :10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.20.009中图分类号:R587.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X (2023)20-0039-04Therapeutic effect and mechanism of Sac /Val on myocardial fibrosis in diabetic rats XUE Cheng 1, CHEN Cui , SHUAI Zhuang , LIU Mao1 Department of Cardiology , Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College , Nanchong 637000, ChinaAbstract : Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of intragastric administration of sacubitril /valsartan (Sac /Val ) on myocardial fibrosis in diabetic rats and to explore its potential mechanism of action. Methods Twenty male Wi‑star rats were randomly divided into the normal control group , model group , experimental group and perindopril group , with 5 rats in each group. Diabetic rat models were induced by injection of streptozotocin in the model group , experimental group and perindopril group. After modeling , the rats in the model group were given normal saline (1 mL /100 g per day )by gavage. Rats in the experimental group were given Sac /Val 60 mg /(kg · d ) by gavage. Rats in the perindopril group were given perindopril 2 mg /(kg · d ) by gavage. Rats in the normal control group did not undergo modeling and were giv‑en normal saline (1 mL /100 g per day ) by gavage. After 8 weeks , the left ventricular weight /body weight (LVW /BW ) ra‑tio was measured. Masson staining was performed to evaluate the myocardial fibrosis. Western blotting was used to detect the expression levels of transforming growth factor -β1 (TGF -β1), phos -Smad3, collagen I and collagen Ⅲ proteins in the myocardial tissues of each group. Results Compared with the normal control group , the myocardial cells were in disor‑der and the content of collagen fibers increased in the model group. Compared with the model group , the myocardial colla‑gen fibers decreased and the myocardial fibrosis was alleviated in the experimental group and perindopril group. The LVW /BW ratio and expression levels of collagen Ⅰ, collagen Ⅲ, TGF -β1 and phos -Smad3 proteins in the model group were higher than those of the normal control group. Compared with the model group , the LVW /BW ratio and expression levels of collagen Ⅰ, collagen Ⅲ, TGF -β1 and phos -Smad3 proteins decreased significantly in the experimental group and perin‑dopril group (all P <0.01). Conclusion Sac /Val can alleviate myocardial fibrosis in diabetic rats and the mechanism基金项目:四川省南充市市校科技战略合作项目(18SXHZ0505);川北医学院校级课题项目(CBY22-QNA51)。

• the jugular foramen is located between the temporal and occipital bones
• sigmoid groove descends along the mastoid and crosses the occipitomastoid suture , turns forward on the upper surface of the jugular process , enters the foramen
• stylomastoid foramen is located lateral and the anterior half of the occipital condyle medial to the jugular foramen
• anterior and backward reveals the shape of the jugular foramen
• from posterior and superior shows the shape of the foramen
• hypoglossal canal passes above the middle third of the occipital condyle and opens laterally into the interval between the jugular foramen and carotid canal
hypoglossal canal and joins the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves below the jugular foramen in the interval between the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein
究生综合英语1课后答案 复旦大学出版社研Unit6-ppt课件

Unit 6 The Media and the Ethics of Cloning
8. Michael Jordon Michael Jordan is a retired American professional basketball player. Widely considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time, he became one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA (National Basketball
Unit 6 The Media and the Ethics of Cloning
2. Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol is an American artist who became a central
figure in the movement known as Pop art. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became famous worldwide for his work as a painter; an avantgarde filmmaker, a record producer, an author and a well-known public figure. He is generally acknowledged as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.
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ONLINE ONLYAnalysis of intra-arch and interarch measurements from digital models with2 impression materials and a modeling process based on cone-beam computed tomographyAaron J.White,Drew W.Fallis,and Kraig S.VandewalleSan Antonio,TexIntroduction:Study models are an essential part of an orthodontic record.Digital models are now available. One option for generating a digital model is cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT)scanning of orthodontic impressions and bite registrations.However,the accu-racy of digital measurements from models generated by this method has yet to be thoroughly evaluated.Methods:A plastic typodont was modified with ref-erence points for standardized intra-arch and interarch measurements,and16sets of maxillary and mandibular vinylpolysiloxane and alginate impressions were made.A copper wax-bite registration was made with the typo-dont in maximum intercuspal position to accompany each set of impressions.The impressions were shipped to OrthoProofUSA(Albuquerque,NM),where digital orthodontic models were generated via CBCT.Intra-arch and interarch measurements were made directly on the typodont with electronic digital calipers and on the digital models by using OrthoProofUSA’s proprie-tary DigiModel software.Results:Percentage differences from the typodont of all intra-arch measurements in the alginate and vinyl-polysiloxane groups were low,from0.1%to0.7%. Statistical analysis of the intra-arch percentage differ-ences from the typodont of the alginate and vinylpolysi-loxane groups had a statistically significant difference between the groups only for maxillary intermolar width. However,because of the small percentage differences, this was not considered clinically significant for ortho-dontic measurements.Percentage differences from the typodont of all interarch measurements in the alginate and vinylpolysiloxane groups were much higher,from 3.3%to10.7%.Statistical analysis of the interarch percentage differences from the typodont of the alginate and vinylpolysiloxane groups showed statistically sig-nificant differences between the groups in both the max-illary right canine to mandibular right canine(alginate with a lower percentage difference than vinylpolysilox-ane)and the maxillary left second molar to mandibular left second molar(alginate with a greater percentage difference than vinylpolysiloxane)segments.This dif-ference,ranging from0.24to0.72mm,is clinically significant.Conclusions:In this study,digital orthodontic models from CBCT scans of alginate and vinylpolysi-loxane impressions provided a dimensionally accurate representation of intra-arch relationships for orthodontic evaluation.However,the use of copper wax-bite registra-tions in this CBCT-based process did not result in an ac-curate digital representation of interarch relationships.Read the full text online at:, pages456.e1-456.e9.EDITOR’S COMMENTOur dependence on stone models for the storage of 3-dimensional information has come under attack on several fronts involving many new technologies.As or-thodontists adjust office procedures to be more efficient, answers to the question of what technology to rely on in the long term require high-level evidence.This article has answers to some of these concerns.Although laser surface scanning of plaster models generated from algi-nate and vinylpolysiloxane impressions has been studied extensively and has demonstrated a comparable level of accuracy to plaster models,the more recent method of CBCT scanning of alginate impressions has not received an extensive examination.Whereas this method is com-parable with the scanning process used by Invisalign for vinylpolysiloxane impressions,because of the costs, most practitioners prefer to use a material with less dimensional stability over time.Therefore,although this process is promising,requiring no intermediate plaster models,the accuracy of the entire process from alginate impression tofinal digital model set has not been thoroughly tested.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop2010;137:456-70889-5406/$36.00CopyrightÓ2010by the American Association of Orthodontists. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2009.12.004456With this in mind,this study was undertaken to an-swer2questions.(1)How do intra-arch measurements of digital models derived from CBCT scanning of 100-hour stable alginate impressions compare with those from vinylpolysiloxane impressions when ship-ped to OrthoProofUSA under the same conditions?(2) Does the use of a copper wax-bite registration result in an accurate reproduction of interarch dimensions, when used to generate digital model sets in this CBCT-based system?This lengthy and complex study makes for an inter-esting read.The conclusions will help clinicians plan ahead.For the generation of digital models,a100-hour dimensionally stable alginate used as the manufac-turer directs and shipped within48hours as directed by OrthoProofUSA has comparable accuracy for intra-arch linear measurements as vinylpolysiloxane in a CBCT-based digital modeling system.The use of a copper wax-bite registration in the CBCT-based modeling sys-tem of OrthoProofUSA does not provide a consistently accurate digital representation of interarch relation-ships.Therefore,use of a Collision Mapping Tool, available in the DigiModel software,is often required to correct inaccuracies in occlusal relationships.Q&ATurpin:Do you believe that outsourcing all impres-sions for CBCT scanning will become economically viable for a typical practitioner?White:Yes.The costs associated with the digital modeling system in this study(OrthoProofUSA) are comparable with those of companies using laser surface scanning.The costs per model set for both digital scanning methods compare favorably with those associated with pouring and trimming plaster models.Therefore,all current digital model systems are a cost-effective alternative for a typical practi-tioner.Additionally,the costs for storage and mainte-nance of plaster models(cabinet orfloor space, model boxes,and so on)would be eliminated and should also be considered when evaluating the expense of a digital model system.Turpin:What other studies of related impression materials do you plan to conduct?White:Even though both alginate and vinylpolysi-loxane impression materials provided clinically ac-curate digital arch dimensions in this study,the wax-bite registration method we used was not suffi-ciently accurate in representing the occlusal relation-ships of the test model set.Therefore,we have designed future studies to evaluate the accuracy of a new material(BluVue HD,Lancer Orthodontics, Vista,Calif)for use in this CBCT-based modeling system and the bite registration methods in other dig-ital modeling systems.Turpin:Is there still a need to study laser-scanning procedures for accuracy or are the published data now sufficient?White:As stated in the introduction to our article, many scientific studies have validated the accuracy of digital models.We believe that their results,sup-plemented by our currentfindings,provide sufficient evidence of intra-arch dimensional accuracy of digi-tal models generated by both laser and CBCT scan-ning.However,future research is needed to evaluate the accuracy of bite registration methods in both laser and CBCT-based scanning systems. Turpin:Are there other digital modeling systems that should be the focus of future studies?White:Yes.Direct intraoral scanning systems would eliminate the need to use both impression and bite registration materials to generate digital models, thereby eliminating the errors associated with them.However,only future research will determine whether there is measurable improvement in accu-racy over laser or CBCT scanning of plaster models, impressions,and their associated bite registrations. Table IV.Expense of alginate compared with vinylpoly-siloxane impressionsImpression material Cost per impression Alginate$1.10* Vinylpolysiloxane$9.13†*Disposable impression tray,impression material,and tray adhesive;†Disposable impression tray,customization putty,impression mate-rial,and tray adhesive.American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics White,Fallis,and Vandewalle457 Volume137,Number4。