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Fra Baidu bibliotek
[3]. Kim Joo-hae. Foreign language listening anxiety: A study of Korean students learning English[M].Unpublished ph. D dissertation Austin: University of Texas, 2000.
anxiety can effect oral expression. However, .most of these studies have focused
on the research of general language anxiety but ignored the language-skill specific anxiety, for example, English listening anxiety and English reading anxiety. What I focus are the facilitating anxiety and debilitating anxiety on listening and reading. B. Domestic studies: Some of the internal scholars hold the idea that English teaching has become increasingly important in schools. It is necessary for English educators to make efforts to work at how to teach child learners the foreign language, especially the effects of anxiety. Based on the theory of facilitating and debilitating anxiety, Yang Jin(2000) used adopted-anxiety scale from Chen’ s (1997) English-major Learners’ Oral Anxiety Test Scale to study the relationship among language anxiety and listening and reading achievements. The results indicated that facilitating anxiety is significantly and positively correlated with listening and reading achievements while debilitating anxiety is negatively correlated with listening and reading achievements. But to the date available, only a few empirical studies have investigated foreign language listening and reading anxiety using specifically designed scale for listening and reading anxiety. Thus, more researches should be done to explore the nature and effect of listening and reading anxiety. Furthermore, it is also significant to find some useful ways to cope with listening anxiety timely.
anxiety” was not yet developed, and anxiety was occasionally mentioned as a
by-product of the multifactor study of foreign language learning (Scovel, 1987).
六、开题报告与指导过程记录是考核导师工作业绩的依据,在学生 论文答辩(二次答辩)结束后由院系根据池州学院本科毕业设计(论文) 的装订要求进行装订和存档。
一、选题依据(包括课题研究的意义、研究的现状、主要参考文献等) I. Significance of the research Foreign language learning is a hard and time-consuming process. A foreign language is quite different from one’s native language in pronunciation, spelling and grammar. It can make students full of anxiety in the process of learning. Too much anxiety can prevent students from learning the foreign language effectively. A certain degree of anxiety can help students concentrate and contribute to their learning. The effects of anxiety can be divided into two facilitating anxiety and the debilitating anxiety. So this thesis aims to study the effects of anxiety on English receptive skills and explore effective ways to overcome anxiety. II. Background of the study
A. Studies abroad:Anxiety is pervasive in language learning. Foreign language
educators and scholars have presumed that anxiety impacts on foreign language
III. Bibliography
[1].Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B.andCope, J.Foreign language classroom anxiety [J].The Modern Language Journal ,1986 (32)
[2].Isen, A.M. Positive affect [J].In Dalgeish, T.& Powerm. Eds. Handbook of cognitition & emotion ,1999 (5).
[5].Oxford, R. Research update on teaching L2 listening [J].System,1993( 21) . [6].Phillips, E.M. The effects of language anxiety on students’ oral test performance and attitudes
Early researches on roles of anxiety in foreign language learning can be traced to
the 1940s. In these studies a term such as “language anxiety” or “foreign language
本科毕业设计(论文) 开题报告与指导过程记录
题 目:The Effects of Anxiety on the Acquisition of English
Receptive Skills 学生姓名: 徐丽华
学号: 080411429
系(部): 外语系
专业: 英语
入学时间: 2008


导师姓名: 李二龙
learning for many years. “Language anxiety is the fear occurring when a learner is
expected to perform in the second or foreign language.” supported by Horwitz .
毕业设计(论文)提交时间:二○ 一二 年 五 月
池州学院教务处 制
一、学生在导师的指导下,根据院系的毕业设计(论文)选题要求 进行选题,必须做到一人一题。
二、选题确定后,学生应在院系规定的时间内向导师提交开题报告, 导师应认真审阅开题报告并在“导师对选题的评价及开题意见”栏内签 署选题评价和是否同意开题的意见。
[4].MacIntyre, P.D. &Gardner, R.C. Methods and results in the study of anxiety and language learning: A review of the literature [J]. Language Learning ,1991 (41).
[J].The Modern Language Journal ,1992 (70). [7]. MacIntyre, P.D. &Gardner, R.C. Methods and results in the study of anxiety and language learning:
A review of the literature [J]. Language Learning ,1991 (41) [8].Theories of Second Language Acquisition [M]. Edward Arnold Ltd,1987. [9].Vogely, A. J. Listening comprehension anxiety [J]. Foreign Language Annals.,1998. (31). [10].Young, D.J. Language anxiety from the foreign language specialist’s perspective: Interviews with
五、“导师评语以及建议成绩”一栏是导师对学生提交的毕业设计(论 文)定稿所作的总体性评价,字数应不少于 150 字,内容应包括:①对 设计(论文)的整体评价;②对设计(论文)的理论意义与实践价值方 面的评价;③对设计(论文)创新性的评价;④对设计(论文)的结构 和写作规范的评价;⑤对设计(论文)中存在的不足和今后进一步提高 的建议。
and studies on language anxiety have developed to a more mature stage In
addition, Scott (1986) and Phillips (1992) shows that the negative influence of
三、“指导过程记录”由导师根据指导过程的实际情况如实填写,同 时要求学生签名确认。
四、“导师对选题的评价及开题意见”的字数应不少于 100 字,内容 应包括以下几方面:①学生的设计(论文)选题是否适当,该选题所具 有的理论意义与实践价值;②设计(论文)写作提纲是否得当,是否符 合逻辑规范;③文献资料的收集是否充分,时间进度安排是否合理;④ 设计(论文)开题方面存在的问题和不足等。
Since the 1980s research concerning language anxiety has experienced a
break-through which was marked by two papers of Horwitz. From then on, the
Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale has been adopted by a lot of studies,