神经网络简介abstract( 英文的)

Abstract:Artificial Neural Network is a math model which is applied to process information of the structure which is similar to Brain synaptic connection in a distributed and parallel way. Artificial Neural Network is a computing model, and it contains of many neurons and the connection of the neurons. Every neuron represents a special output function which is called activation function. The connection of neurons represents a weighted value of the connection’s signal.Neuron is a basic and essential part of Artificial Neural Network, and it includes the sum of weighted value, single-input single-output (SISO) system and nonlinear function mapping. The element of neuron can represent different thing, such as feature, alphabet, conception and some meaningful abstract pattern. In the network, the style of neuron’s element divided into three categories: input element, output element and hidden element. The input element accepts the signal and data of outer world; the output element processes result output for system; the hidden element cannot find by outer world, it between input element and output element. The weighted value represents the strength of connection between neurons.Artificial Neural Network adopted the mechanisms that completely different from traditional artificial intelligence and information processing technology. It conquers the flaw of traditional artificial intelligence in Intuitive handling and unstructured information processing aspect. It is adaptive, self-organized and learning timely, and widely used in schematic identification signal processing.。

The Internet as a ThemeIntroductionHello everyone! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. Today, I would like to talk about the internet as a theme. The internet has become an integral part of our lives and has completely transformed the way we communicate, work, and access information. It is a vast network that connects people worldwide, allowing us to share ideas, collaborate, and explore new frontiers. In this speech, I will discuss the importance of the internet, its impact on various aspects of our daily lives, and the challenges it poses.Body1. The Importance of the InternetThe internet has become an essential tool in today’s digital age. It has revolutionized the way we communicate. Through the internet, we can connect with people from different parts of the world in real-time. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have brought people together, enabling us to share our experiences, thoughts, and ideas. Moreover, the internet has made information easily accessible. With just a few clicks, we can access a wealth of knowledge on any subject. This ease of access has greatly expanded learning opportunities for both formal education and self-study.2. The Impact on WorkThe internet has also drastically transformed the world of work. It has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for remote work and freelancing. Many people now have the flexibility to work from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This has allowed individuals to achieve a better work-life balance and has enabled companies to tap into a global talent pool. Additionally, the internet has facilitated the growth of e-commerce, providing businesses with new avenues for selling products and services. From small startups to multinational corporations, the internet has leveled the playing field, enabling businesses of all sizes to thrive.3. The ChallengesWhile the internet has brought numerous benefits, it also poses significant challenges. One of the biggest concerns is internet security. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and steal personal information. It is crucial for individuals and organizations to be aware of cybersecurity best practices and take necessary precautions to protect themselves. Another challenge is the digital divide. While access to the internet has become more widespread, there are still many regions and communities that lack reliableinternet connectivity. This inequality hinders access to education, job opportunities, and resources, further deepening existing social and economic disparities.ConclusionIn conclusion, the internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. It has revolutionized communication, transformed the world of work, and provided access to information like never before. However, it is essential to address the challenges that come with it. As we rely more on the internet, we must prioritize internet security and work towards bridging the digital divide. By doing so, we can ensure that the internet continues to be a force for positive change and empowerment. Thank you for your attention.。

学生关于人工智能发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,。
Good morning/afternoon/evening! Today, I am honored to stand here and share with you my thoughts on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) from a student's perspective.Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, has become one of the hottest topics in today's world. It refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. As students, we are witnessing the rapid development and integration of AI in various aspects of our lives, which brings both opportunities and challenges.Firstly, let's explore the positive impacts of AI on education. With the help of AI, personalized learning has become more accessible. Intelligent tutoring systems can adapt to individual students' needs, providing tailored learning materials and feedback. This not only enhances students' learning efficiency but also promotes their engagement and motivation. Moreover, AI-powered educational platforms enable students to access a wide range of resources, such as online courses and interactive learning tools, breaking the limitations of traditional classrooms and textbooks.Furthermore, AI has revolutionized the way we gather and process information. Students now have access to vast amounts of data and knowledge through search engines and AI-powered recommendation systems. This enables us to explore diverse perspectives, deepen our understanding, and foster critical thinking skills. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyze large datasets and identify patterns, helping researchers and students make breakthroughs in various fields, such as medicine, climate science, and social sciences.However, we must also be aware of the challenges and ethical concerns that come with the advancement of AI. One major concern is the potential impact on employment. As AI continues to automate routine tasks, there is a fear that many jobs may become obsolete. It is crucial for students to develop skills that are complementary to AI, such ascreativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence, to ensure our future employability.Another ethical concern is the issue of privacy and data security. AI systems rely on vast amounts of data to function effectively. However, the collection and use of personal data raise concerns about privacy infringement. As students, we need to be cautious about sharing personal information online and advocate for transparent and responsible data practices.Moreover, the development of AI also raises questions about its impact on society as a whole. As students, we should actively participate in discussions and debates surrounding AI ethics, fairness, and accountability. It is our responsibility to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in a way that benefits humanity and respects fundamental rights.In conclusion, as students, we are witnessing the transformative power of artificial intelligence in education and beyond. While AI presents immense opportunities for personalized learning, information access, and scientific advancements, we must also address the challenges it brings, such as job displacement and ethical concerns. It is our role to embrace AI, adapt to its changes, and actively shape its development towards a better future. Let us seize the opportunities, overcome the challenges, and work together to create a harmonious coexistence between humans and AI.Thank you for your attention!。

Generative Text Training Data Versatility(多功能) Contextual(语境) Understanding Pre-trained Architecture(架构)
How Does ChatGPT Work?
ChatGPT operates using a transformer architecture, a type of neural network(人工神经网络) designed for natural language processing.
Lack of real-world understanding (GPT-3.5) Potential biases(偏差) in generated content
Tips for Effective Use
Be specific in your questions Experiment with different prompts(提示) Review and edit generated content
Use Cases
Content creation Writing assistance Learning new topics Conversational AI
Time-saving Creative inspiration Learning support
Imagine reading a paragraph and focusing on key words at once, allowing the model to capture intricate relationships and context across the entire text.

神经网络概述外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Neural Network Introduction1.ObjectivesAs you read these words you are using a complex biological neural network. You have a highly interconnected set of some 1011neurons to facilitate your reading, breathing, motion and thinking. Each of your biological neurons,a rich assembly of tissue and chemistry, has the complexity, if not the speed, of a microprocessor. Some of your neural structure was with you at birth. Other parts have been established by experience.Scientists have only just begun to understand how biological neural networks operate. It is generally understood that all biological neural functions, including memory, are stored in the neurons and in the connections between them. Learning is viewed as the establishment of new connections between neurons or the modification of existing connections.This leads to the following question: Although we have only a rudimentary understanding of biological neural networks, is it possible to construct a small set of simple artificial “neurons” and perhaps train them to serve a useful function? The answer is “yes.”This book, then, is about artificial neural networks.The neurons that we consider here are not biological. They are extremely simple abstractions of biological neurons, realized as elements in a program or perhaps as circuits made of silicon. Networks of these artificial neurons do not have a fraction of the power of the human brain, but they can be trained to perform useful functions. This book is about such neurons, the networks that contain them and their training.2.HistoryThe history of artificial neural networks is filled with colorful, creative individuals from many different fields, many of whom struggled for decades todevelop concepts that we now take for granted. This history has been documented by various authors. One particularly interesting book is Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research by John Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld. They have collected and edited a set of some 43 papers of special historical interest. Each paper is preceded by an introduction that puts the paper in historical perspective.Histories of some of the main neural network contributors are included at the beginning of various chapters throughout this text and will not be repeated here. However, it seems appropriate to give a brief overview, a sample of the major developments.At least two ingredients are necessary for the advancement of a technology: concept and implementation. First, one must have a concept, a way of thinking about a topic, some view of it that gives clarity not there before. This may involve a simple idea, or it may be more specific and include a mathematical description. To illustrate this point, consider the history of the heart. It was thought to be, at various times, the center of the soul or a source of heat. In the 17th century medical practitioners finally began to view the heart as a pump, and they designed experiments to study its pumping action. These experiments revolutionized our view of the circulatory system. Without the pump concept, an understanding of the heart was out of grasp.Concepts and their accompanying mathematics are not sufficient for a technology to mature unless there is some way to implement the system. For instance, the mathematics necessary for the reconstruction of images from computer-aided topography (CAT) scans was known many years before the availability of high-speed computers and efficient algorithms finally made it practical to implement a useful CAT system.The history of neural networks has progressed through both conceptual innovations and implementation developments. These advancements, however, seem to have occurred in fits and starts rather than by steady evolution.Some of the background work for the field of neural networks occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This consisted primarily of interdisciplinary work in physics, psychology and neurophysiology by such scientists as Hermann vonHelmholtz, Ernst Much and Ivan Pavlov. This early work emphasized general theories of learning, vision, conditioning, etc.,and did not include specific mathematical models of neuron operation.The modern view of neural networks began in the 1940s with the work of Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts [McPi43], who showed that networks of artificial neurons could, in principle, compute any arithmetic or logical function. Their work is often acknowledged as the origin of theneural network field.McCulloch and Pitts were followed by Donald Hebb [Hebb49], who proposed that classical conditioning (as discovered by Pavlov) is present because of the properties of individual neurons. He proposed a mechanism for learning in biological neurons.The first practical application of artificial neural networks came in the late 1950s, with the invention of the perception network and associated learning rule by Frank Rosenblatt [Rose58]. Rosenblatt and his colleagues built a perception network and demonstrated its ability to perform pattern recognition. This early success generated a great deal of interest in neural network research. Unfortunately, it was later shown that the basic perception network could solve only a limited class of problems. (See Chapter 4 for more on Rosenblatt and the perception learning rule.)At about the same time, Bernard Widrow and Ted Hoff [WiHo60] introduced a new learning algorithm and used it to train adaptive linear neural networks, which were similar in structure and capability to Rosenblatt’s perception. The Widrow Hoff learning rule is still in use today. (See Chapter 10 for more on Widrow-Hoff learning.) Unfortunately, both Rosenblatt's and Widrow's networks suffered from the same inherent limitations, which were widely publicized in a book by Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert [MiPa69]. Rosenblatt and Widrow wereaware of these limitations and proposed new networks that would overcome them. However, they were not able to successfully modify their learning algorithms to train the more complex networks.Many people, influenced by Minsky and Papert, believed that further research onneural networks was a dead end. This, combined with the fact that there were no powerful digital computers on which to experiment,caused many researchers to leave the field. For a decade neural network research was largely suspended. Some important work, however, did continue during the 1970s. In 1972 Teuvo Kohonen [Koho72] and James Anderson [Ande72] independently and separately developed new neural networks that could act as memories. Stephen Grossberg [Gros76] was also very active during this period in the investigation of self-organizing networks.Interest in neural networks had faltered during the late 1960s because of the lack of new ideas and powerful computers with which to experiment. During the 1980s both of these impediments were overcome, and researchin neural networks increased dramatically. New personal computers and workstations, which rapidly grew in capability, became widely available. In addition, important new concepts were introduced.Two new concepts were most responsible for the rebirth of neural net works. The first was the use of statistical mechanics to explain the operation of a certain class of recurrent network, which could be used as an associative memory. This was described in a seminal paper by physicist John Hopfield [Hopf82].The second key development of the 1980s was the backpropagation algo rithm for training multilayer perceptron networks, which was discovered independently by several different researchers. The most influential publication of the backpropagation algorithm was by David Rumelhart and James McClelland [RuMc86]. This algorithm was the answer to the criticisms Minsky and Papert had made in the 1960s. (See Chapters 11 and 12 for a development of the backpropagation algorithm.) These new developments reinvigorated the field of neural networks. In the last ten years, thousands of papers have been written, and neural networks have found many applications. The field is buzzing with new theoretical and practical work. As noted below, it is not clear where all of this will lead US.The brief historical account given above is not intended to identify all of the major contributors, but is simply to give the reader some feel for how knowledge inthe neural network field has progressed. As one might note, the progress has not always been "slow but sure." There have been periods of dramatic progress and periods when relatively little has been accomplished.Many of the advances in neural networks have had to do with new concepts, such as innovative architectures and training. Just as important has been the availability of powerful new computers on which to test these new concepts.Well, so much for the history of neural networks to this date. The real question is, "What will happen in the next ten to twenty years?" Will neural networks take a permanent place as a mathematical/engineering tool, or will they fade away as have so many promising technologies? At present, the answer seems to be that neural networks will not only have their day but will have a permanent place, not as a solution to every problem, but as a tool to be used in appropriate situations. In addition, remember that we still know very little about how the brain works. The most important advances in neural networks almost certainly lie in the future.Although it is difficult to predict the future success of neural networks, the large number and wide variety of applications of this new technology are very encouraging. The next section describes some of these applications.3.ApplicationsA recent newspaper article described the use of neural networks in literature research by Aston University. It stated that "the network can be taught to recognize individual writing styles, and the researchers used it to compare works attributed to Shakespeare and his contemporaries." A popular science television program recently documented the use of neural networks by an Italian research institute to test the purity of olive oil. These examples are indicative of the broad range of applications that can be found for neural networks. The applications are expanding because neural networks are good at solving problems, not just in engineering, science and mathematics, but m medicine, business, finance and literature as well. Their application to a wide variety of problems in many fields makes them very attractive. Also, faster computers and faster algorithms have made it possible to use neuralnetworks to solve complex industrial problems that formerly required too much computation.The following note and Table of Neural Network Applications are reproduced here from the Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB with the permission of the Math Works, Inc.The 1988 DARPA Neural Network Study [DARP88] lists various neural network applications, beginning with the adaptive channel equalizer in about 1984. This device, which is an outstanding commercial success, is a single-neuron network used in long distance telephone systems to stabilize voice signals. The DARPA report goes on to list other commercial applications, including a small word recognizer, a process monitor, a sonar classifier and a risk analysis system.Neural networks have been applied in many fields since the DARPA report was written. A list of some applications mentioned in the literature follows.AerospaceHigh performance aircraft autopilots, flight path simulations, aircraft control systems, autopilot enhancements, aircraft component simulations, aircraft component fault detectorsAutomotiveAutomobile automatic guidance systems, warranty activity analyzersBankingCheck and other document readers, credit application evaluatorsDefenseWeapon steering, target tracking, object discrimination, facial recognition, new kinds of sensors, sonar, radar and image signal processing including data compression, feature extraction and noise suppression, signal/image identification ElectronicsCode sequence prediction, integrated circuit chip layout, process control, chip failure analysis, machine vision, voice synthesis, nonlinear modeling EntertainmentAnimation, special effects, market forecastingFinancialReal estate appraisal, loan advisor, mortgage screening, corporate bond rating, credit line use analysis, portfolio trading program, corporate financial analysis, currency price predictionInsurancePolicy application evaluation, product optimizationManufacturingManufacturing process control, product design and analysis, process and machine diagnosis, real-time particle identification, visual quality inspection systems, beer testing, welding quality analysis, paper quality prediction, computer chip quality analysis, analysis of grinding operations, chemical product design analysis, machine maintenance analysis, project bidding, planning and management, dynamic modeling of chemical process systemsMedicalBreast cancer cell analysis, EEG and ECG analysis, prosthesis design, optimization of transplant times, hospital expense reduction, hospital quality improvement, emergency room test advisement0il and GasExplorationRoboticsTrajectory control, forklift robot, manipulator controllers, vision systems SpeechSpeech recognition, speech compression, vowel classification, text to speech synthesisSecuritiesMarket analysis, automatic bond rating, stock trading advisory systems TelecommunicationsImage and data compression, automated information services,real-time translation of spoken language, customer payment processing systemsTransportationTruck brake diagnosis systems, vehicle scheduling, routing systems ConclusionThe number of neural network applications, the money that has been invested in neural network software and hardware, and the depth and breadth of interest in these devices have been growing rapidly.4.Biological InspirationThe artificial neural networks discussed in this text are only remotely related to their biological counterparts. In this section we will briefly describe those characteristics of brain function that have inspired the development of artificial neural networks.The brain consists of a large number (approximately 1011) of highly connected elements (approximately 104 connections per element) called neurons. For our purposes these neurons have three principal components: the dendrites, the cell body and the axon. The dendrites are tree-like receptive networks of nerve fibers that carry electrical signals into the cell body. The cell body effectively sums and thresholds these incoming signals. The axon is a single long fiber that carries the signal from the cell body out to other neurons. The point of contact between an axon of one cell and a dendrite of another cell is called a synapse. It is the arrangement of neurons and the strengths of the individual synapses, determined by a complex chemical process, that establishes the function of the neural network. Figure 6.1 is a simplified schematic diagram of two biological neurons.Figure 6.1 Schematic Drawing of Biological NeuronsSome of the neural structure is defined at birth. Other parts are developed through learning, as new connections are made and others waste away. This development is most noticeable in the early stages of life. For example, it has been shown that if a young cat is denied use of one eye during a critical window of time, it will never develop normal vision in that eye.Neural structures continue to change throughout life. These later changes tend to consist mainly of strengthening or weakening of synaptic junctions. For instance, it is believed that new memories are formed by modification of these synaptic strengths. Thus, the process of learning a new friend's face consists of altering various synapses.Artificial neural networks do not approach the complexity of the brain. There are, however, two key similarities between biological and artificial neural networks. First, the building blocks of both networks are simple computational devices (although artificial neurons are much simpler than biological neurons) that are highly interconnected. Second, the connections between neurons determine the function of the network. The primary objective of this book will be to determine the appropriate connections to solve particular problems.It is worth noting that even though biological neurons are very slow whencompared to electrical circuits, the brain is able to perform many tasks much faster than any conventional computer. This is in part because of the massively parallel structure of biological neural networks; all of the neurons are operating at the same time. Artificial neural networks share this parallel structure. Even though most artificial neural networks are currently implemented on conventional digital computers, their parallel structure makes them ideally suited to implementation using VLSI, optical devices and parallel processors.In the following chapter we will introduce our basic artificial neuron and will explain how we can combine such neurons to form networks. This will provide a background for Chapter 3, where we take our first look at neural networks in action.译文:神经网络概述1.目的当你现在看这本书的时候,就正在使用一个复杂的生物神经网络。

Thank you for listening !
The end
Reason Ⅰ the harmful and bad influence Ⅱ totally change good people to another person Ⅲ lose humanness Ⅳ lose their sense
>lead people doing crazy things
Tangible Intangible illness Internet addiction if Then
physical illness
psychological illness
illness will affecting the body of people internet addiction will affecting people’s mind and behavior The harmful and bad influence from Internet addiction also serious as illness.
steal money to play computer games father found and forbidr son continued to indulge in the computer games
In order to
Steal money Become thieves
lead children to learn bad thing
get any things without doing anything.

拯救网瘾少年演讲稿英文As we all know, the issue of internet addiction among teenagers has become a growing concern in our society. More and more young people are spending excessive amounts of time online, neglecting their studies, physical health, and social interactions. It is high time for us to take action and help these internet-addicted teenagers.First and foremost, we need to understand the root causes of internet addiction. Many teenagers turn to the internet as a way to escape from the pressures and challenges of their daily lives. Social media, online gaming, and endless scrolling through news feeds provide a temporary relief from stress and anxiety. However, this temporary escape can quickly turn into a harmful addiction if left unchecked.To address this issue, we must provide support and guidance to these internet-addicted teenagers. Instead of simply condemning their behavior, we should seek to understand the underlying reasons for their excessive internet use. By offering counseling, mentorship, and emotional support, we can help these young people develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce their reliance on the internet.Furthermore, it is crucial to educate teenagers about the potential dangers of internet addiction. Many young people are unaware of the negative impact that excessive screen time can have on their mental and physical well-being. By raising awareness about the risks of internet addiction, we can empower teenagers to make more informed choices about their online activities.In addition, we should encourage teenagers to engage in alternative activities that promote personal growth and development. Whether it's participating in sports, pursuing creative hobbies, or volunteering in their communities, there are countless opportunities for young people to enrich their lives outside of the digital world. By promoting a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, we can help teenagers break free from the grip of internet addiction.Ultimately, the task of rescuing internet-addicted teenagers requires a collective effort from parents, educators, and society as a whole. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, we can empower young people to overcome their internet addiction and lead fulfilling lives.In conclusion, the issue of internet addiction among teenagers is a pressing concern that demands our attention and action. By addressing the root causes, providing support and education, and promoting alternative activities, we can work together to rescue these internet-addicted teenagers and guide them towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Let's join hands and make a difference in the lives of these young people. Thank you.。

智能网络学习英语演讲稿高中作文English:As technology continues to advance, the development of intelligent networks has greatly impacted various aspects of our lives, including language learning. With the help of intelligent networks, learning English has become more interactive, personalized, and efficient. Through AI-driven language learning platforms, students can access a wide range of resources such as online tutorials, language exchange forums, and interactive exercises tailored to their individual learning needs. These platforms also utilize machine learning algorithms to track students' progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback to help them improve their English skills. Additionally, intelligent networks enable students to practice speaking and listening skills through virtual language partners or tutors, helping them develop fluency and confidence in using English in real-life situations. Overall, the integration of intelligent networks in English language learning has revolutionized the way students learn and improve their language skills, making the learning process more engaging, effective, and accessible to a wider range of learners.中文翻译:随着技术的不断进步,智能网络的发展对我们生活的各个方面产生了巨大影响,包括语言学习。

戒网瘾英文演讲稿Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,。
Today, I am here to talk about the serious issue of internet addiction, and how we can overcome it. The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with endless information, entertainment, and communication. However, for some people, the internet has become a source of addiction, leading to negative impacts on their physical and mental health, as well as their social and academic lives.First and foremost, it is important to understand what internet addiction is. Internet addiction, also known as problematic internet use, is a behavioral addiction that involves excessive and compulsive use of the internet, leading to negative consequences. This can manifest in various forms, such as excessive use of social media, online gaming, or compulsive web surfing. The addictive nature of the internet can lead to a range of negative effects, including sleep disturbances, social withdrawal, poor academic or work performance, and even physical health issues.So, how can we overcome internet addiction? The first step is to recognize and acknowledge the problem. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of internet addiction, such as spending excessive amounts of time online, feeling irritable or anxious when unable to access the internet, neglecting other responsibilities, and experiencing negative impacts on mental and physical health. Once we recognize the problem, we can take steps to address it.One effective way to overcome internet addiction is to set boundaries and limits on our internet use. This can be achieved by setting specific time limits for internet usage, scheduling regular breaks from the internet, and avoiding the use of electronic devices before bedtime. By establishing these boundaries, we can regain control over our internet usage and prevent it from interfering with other aspects of our lives.In addition to setting boundaries, it is important to find alternative activities to replace excessive internet use. Engaging in physical exercise, hobbies, social activities,and spending time with family and friends can help to fill the void left by excessive internet use. These activities not only provide a healthy distraction from the internet, but also contribute to our overall well-being and social connections.Furthermore, seeking professional help and support can be beneficial for those struggling with internet addiction. Counseling, therapy, and support groups can provide individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to overcome their addiction. It is important to remember that overcoming internet addiction is a process that requires patience, determination, and support from others.In conclusion, internet addiction is a serious issue that can have detrimental effects on our lives. By recognizing the problem, setting boundaries, finding alternative activities, and seeking support, we can overcome internet addiction and regain control over our lives. It is important to remember that a healthy balance between our online and offline activities is essential for our well-being. Thank you for listening.。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon. It is an honor to stand before you today to discuss a topic that is both fascinating and daunting: the world of cybersecurity and the role of hackers in it. In this digital age, where our lives are intertwined with the internet, the importance of understanding the cybersecurity landscape cannot be overstated. Today, I will delve into the world of hackers, their motivations, the challenges they face, and the future of cybersecurity.Firstly, let us define what a hacker is. A hacker is someone who uses their technical skills to access and manipulate digital systems. While many hackers are motivated by malicious intent, there are also ethical hackers, also known as white-hat hackers, who use their skills to improve security and protect against cyber threats.The world of hackers is diverse, and their motivations can range from curiosity to financial gain. Some hackers are driven by the thrill of breaking into secure systems, while others seek to steal sensitive information, such as credit card details or personal data. However, there are also those who use their skills to identify vulnerabilities in software and alert companies before malicious actors can exploit them.One of the most significant challenges facing hackers is the rapid evolution of technology. As new technologies emerge, so do new vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Hackers must continuously update their knowledge and skills to stay ahead of the curve. This constant learning curve is not only a challenge for individual hackers but also for organizations trying to protect their systems.Another challenge is the complexity of modern digital infrastructures. With the rise of cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other interconnected systems, the attack surface has expanded exponentially. This complexity makes it difficult for both hackers and security professionals to identify and protect against threats.Despite these challenges, the role of hackers in cybersecurity is invaluable. Ethical hackers play a crucial role in identifyingvulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. By conducting penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, they help organizations strengthen their defenses and protect their data.Now, let's discuss the future of cybersecurity. As technology continues to advance, so will the threats. Here are a few trends that we should be aware of:1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it will play a significant role in both offensive and defensive cybersecurity strategies. Hackers will use AI to automatetheir attacks, while security professionals will leverage AI to detect and mitigate threats.2. Cybersecurity as a Service (CSaaS): With the growing complexity of cybersecurity, more organizations will opt for managed security services to protect their digital assets. This shift will create newopportunities for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in these services.3. Cyber Warfare: As nations become more dependent on digital infrastructures, the risk of cyber warfare will increase. Hackers will likely be used as proxies in geopolitical conflicts, making the landscape even more volatile.In conclusion, the world of hackers is a complex and dynamic one. While we must remain vigilant against malicious actors, we should also recognize the importance of ethical hackers in improving our cybersecurity defenses. As we navigate the cybersecurity landscape, itis essential to stay informed, adapt to new technologies, and collaborate across the industry to protect our digital lives.Thank you for your attention. I invite you to join the conversation and contribute to the ongoing effort to secure our digital future.。

二、人工神经网络的基本原理人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network,简称ANN)是一种模仿人脑神经元结构和功能的计算模型。
1. 神经元与层人工神经网络由多个神经元组成,每个神经元都是一个简单的计算单元。
- 输入层:接收外部输入信息,如图像、声音等。
- 隐藏层:对输入信息进行加工处理,提取特征。
- 输出层:将处理后的信息输出,如分类、预测等。
2. 激活函数激活函数是神经网络中的关键元素,它决定了神经元的输出是否被激活。
3. 学习与优化人工神经网络通过学习大量的数据,不断调整神经元之间的权重,以达到最佳性能。
三、人工神经网络的应用人工神经网络在各个领域都取得了显著的成果,以下是一些典型的应用场景:1. 图像识别在图像识别领域,人工神经网络已经达到了与人类视觉系统相媲美的水平。
2. 自然语言处理自然语言处理是人工智能领域的另一个重要分支。

拒绝网络沉迷的发言稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon. Today, I would like to talk about an issue that has become increasingly prevalent in our society - internet addiction. With the advent of technology and the internet, we now have access to an unlimited amount of information and entertainment. However, this seemingly limitless world can be a double-edged sword, leading many individuals, especially young people, to become ensnared in the web of internet addiction.Before delving into the serious consequences of internet addiction, let us first define what it entails. Internet addiction refers to excessive and compulsive usage of the internet, resulting in detrimental effects on one's physical and mental well-being, as well as their social life. When individuals spend an excessive amount of time online, it can disrupt their daily activities and overall functioning.One of the main reasons why internet addiction has become so prevalent is the easy accessibility and convenience of the internet. With just a few clicks, we can access a plethora of social media platforms, video sharing websites, and online games. The internet has become a place where people can escape from their reality and create their own virtual world. However, this virtual world can be all-consuming, leading individuals to neglect their responsibilities, relationships, and even their own health.One of the most worrying effects of internet addiction is its impact on mental health. Spending excessive time online can lead tofeelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. This is because individuals become so absorbed in their virtual world that they neglect their real-life social interactions and relationships. They may struggle to form meaningful connections and experience genuine happiness outside of the online realm. Moreover, the pressure to conform and present a perfect image on social media platforms can also take a toll on one's self-esteem and mental well-being.Furthermore, internet addiction can have detrimental effects on physical health. When individuals spend long periods of time sitting in front of a computer or staring at a mobile device, it can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity can result in various health issues, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, excessive screen time can also cause vision problems and disrupt sleep patterns, leading to chronic fatigue and insomnia.In addition to the personal consequences, internet addiction also has a negative impact on society as a whole. The excessive use of the internet can lead to a decrease in productivity and a decline in academic performance. When individuals spend more time online instead of studying or working, their ability to focus and concentrate diminishes. This lack of focus can affect their overall performance in school or at work, deterring them from reaching their full potential.Moreover, internet addiction can also lead to an increase in cyberbullying and online harassment. The anonymity provided by the internet enables individuals to engage in harmful and hurtfulbehaviors without facing immediate consequences. This can result in severe emotional distress and trauma for the victims. Additionally, the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media platforms can contribute to the polarization of society and the erosion of trust in traditional media sources.In light of these detrimental effects, it is crucial for us to take proactive measures to curb internet addiction. Firstly, education and awareness play a key role in preventing and addressing this issue. Parents, educators, and healthcare professionals should work together to raise awareness about the risks and consequences of internet addiction. By educating individuals about healthy internet usage and providing them with the necessary tools to set boundaries, we can empower them to make responsible choices regarding their online activities.Furthermore, it is important for us to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, both online and offline. By encouraging face-to-face social interactions and promoting real-life relationships, we can reduce the appeal of the virtual world. Family and friends should be encouraged to spend quality time together, engage in physical activities, and participate in hobbies or interests outside of the digital realm.Lastly, it is essential for individuals to practice self-discipline and self-regulation when it comes to internet usage. Technology can be a great tool when used in moderation and for the right purposes. By setting specific time limits for internet usage, creating a daily routine that includes physical activity and other offline activities, and prioritizing real-life relationships and responsibilities,individuals can reduce their risk of falling into the trap of internet addiction.In conclusion, internet addiction is a serious issue that we must address urgently. The consequences of excessive internet usage can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental well-being, as well as on society as a whole. By raising awareness, fostering a supportive environment, and practicing self-discipline, we can prevent and overcome internet addiction. Let us work together to build a healthy and balanced relationship with technology and the internet. Thank you.。

• Disadvantages: The randomization range. The type of distribution of the hidden weights.
Cao W, Wang X, Ming Z, et al. A Review on Neural Networks with Random Weights[J]. Neurocomputing, 2017.
1.4 ELM(extreme learning machine)
• Zero • One unified form • generalized
2 Deep NNRWs(neural network with random weights) 2.1 AE(auto-encoder)+NNRWs
• 3-layer • Unsupervised learning
Thank you
神经网络英语演讲ppt englishpresentation title neuralnetworks randomweights. contents shallowfeed-forword neural network randomweights(nnrws). deepneural network randomweights. shallowfeed-forword neural network randomweights 1.1 turing ai(artificial intelligence) turingtest canmachines think? 1.2 perception sensoryunits associationcells responseunits 1.3 rvfl(random vector functional link networks) moorecpenrosepseudo-inverse. 1.4 elm(extreme learning machine) oneunified form deepnnrws(neural network randomweights) 2.1 ae(auto-encoder)+nnrws unsupervisedlearning 2.2 rbm(restricted boltzmann machines)+nnrws twolayers fullyconnected samelayer advantages:faster learning speed improve computingefficiency. randomizationrange. hiddenweights. cao etal. neuralnetworks randomweights[j]. neurocomputing, 2017. thank you 0z6p3h0 分享于 2018-11-06 10:31:6.0 神经网络英语演讲ppt 文档格式: .pptx 文档页数: 14页 文档大小: 1.26m 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 神经网络英语演讲ppt 系统标签: 演讲 神经 weights nnrws rvfl 网络

Good evening! It is my great honor to stand before you today and share with you my insights on the fascinating world of hackers. As we all know, hacking has been a topic of great interest and controversy in recent years. In this speech, I will delve into the world of hackers, exploring their motivations, skills, and the ethical dilemmas they face.Firstly, let's define what a hacker is. A hacker is someone who usestheir technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systemsor networks. While some hackers have malicious intentions, others use their skills for legitimate purposes, such as improving security or discovering vulnerabilities. In this speech, I will focus on both types of hackers.Now, let's talk about the motivations behind hacking. For some hackers, the allure of hacking lies in the thrill of breaking into secure systems and the satisfaction of outsmarting security measures. They may seek recognition, power, or simply the challenge. On the other hand, ethical hackers, also known as white-hat hackers, are driven by a desire to make the internet a safer place. They use their skills to identify and report vulnerabilities to organizations, helping them strengthen their defenses against cyber threats.Hacking skills are crucial in the world of cyber security. A hacker must possess a strong understanding of computer systems, networking, programming, and cryptography. They must be able to think critically and creatively to bypass security measures and uncover hiddenvulnerabilities. In addition, hackers must stay up-to-date with thelatest technologies and threats, as the cyber landscape is constantly evolving.However, the world of hacking is not without its ethical dilemmas. Many hackers face the temptation to use their skills for malicious purposes. This can lead to serious consequences, including financial loss,identity theft, and even loss of life. Ethical hackers must navigate these dilemmas and make responsible decisions when using their skills.In order to become an ethical hacker, one must undergo rigorous training and certification. Organizations such as the EC-Council offercertifications such as the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) that help individuals develop the necessary skills and knowledge to becomeeffective white-hat hackers. By pursuing these certifications,individuals can contribute to the fight against cybercrime and help protect the digital world.Now, let's discuss the impact of hacking on society. On one hand,hacking can cause significant harm, as we have seen in numerous high-profile cyber attacks. These attacks can lead to financial loss, data breaches, and even physical damage. On the other hand, hacking can also have positive impacts. For example, white-hat hackers can help organizations improve their security, protect their customers' data, and prevent cyber attacks from causing further damage.In conclusion, the world of hackers is a complex and fascinating subject. Hacking can be used for both good and evil, and it is up to us to make responsible decisions when using our technical skills. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to educate and train ethical hackers to help protect the digital world from cyber threats.Thank you for your attention, and I hope that this speech has provided you with a better understanding of the world of hackers.。
网络时代The Network Era(演讲稿)

The Network EraFiona Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on the cyber world. For most people, they need to connect to the Internet almost every day. Sometimes we may even feel that once we get out of the network, we can't keep pace with the time. Did you remember your feeling when the shisu-free was broken a few days ago?Yes, as you can see, the network era has really arrived. Our real life is so closely related to the virtual world now that we cannot completely separate the reality from the Internet.The Internet does bring a lot of convenience to our life. From my point of view, It keeps us informed of what is happening at home and abroad even if we stay indoors. We can just experience the different custom and culture of other counties and exchange concepts with the people all over the world by surfing the Internet. Then, with many social mobile platforms like Wechat, we can communicate with our friends and working partners with ease and share our photos and feel wherever we are .What's more, we can find the solutions to the problems on the Internet which we may find hard to solve by ourselves.With the help of network techniques, we can live our life more easily. Yet on the other hand, the Internet is also a rapier to a large extent. When it brings us so much convenience, It does lead many problems in our real life at the same time.One is that more and more people are getting addicted to the Internet. After a while, they need to make their phones and computers connected to the Internet to see if there are messages and news in their friends' circle. Only by getting an Internet connection along with their cellphones would people feel a sense of security. Furthermore, many people are buried in their phones for surfing the net on their way to work, which even sometimes poses a threat to their lives. In addition, the ubiquitous networking tends to cause information leakage.To sum up, since we have stepped into the network era, we should take both sides of the coin into account and try our best to minimize its negative impact and expand its superior.。

Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to address a topic that has become an integral part of our lives: the internet. The internet has transformed the world we live in, reshaping how we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. In this speech, I will discuss the impact of the internet, its benefits, challenges, and the responsibilities that come with it.First and foremost, the internet has revolutionized communication. Ithas brought people from all corners of the globe closer together, allowing us to connect instantaneously and share information like never before. Social media platforms have made it possible for us to stay updated on the lives of our friends and family, regardless of geographical barriers. Moreover, the internet has democratized knowledge, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This has empowered individuals to educate themselves, fostering a culture of lifelong learning.The benefits of the internet are undeniable. It has become a powerfultool for economic growth and job creation. E-commerce has flourished, enabling businesses to reach a global market with ease. Remote work has become more prevalent, allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world. Education has also been transformed, with online courses and virtual classrooms becoming increasingly popular. The internet has opened doors for entrepreneurs and small businesses, giving them the opportunity to compete on a global scale.However, along with its benefits, the internet also presents several challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the spread of misinformation. The ease with which false information can be shared and go viral has led to a decline in trust in traditional media and a risein conspiracy theories. This has significant implications for public discourse and can even influence elections and social movements.Another challenge is privacy and security. The vast amount of personal data we share online makes us vulnerable to cyber-attacks and identity theft. Data breaches have become commonplace, and many of us are unaware of the extent to which our personal information is being monitored and used by corporations.Furthermore, the internet has the potential to exacerbate social divisions. echo chambers and filter bubbles can reinforce our pre-existing beliefs and make it difficult to engage in meaningful dialogue with those who hold different opinions. This can lead to polarization and a breakdown in social cohesion.Despite these challenges, we must recognize that the internet is not inherently good or bad. It is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. Here are a few responsibilities we should all embrace:1. Media literacy: We must be critical consumers of information, verifying the accuracy of the content we encounter online and questioning the sources behind it.2. Privacy and security: We should take steps to protect our personal information and be aware of the privacy policies of the platforms we use.3. Digital citizenship: We have a responsibility to engage in respectful and constructive online discourse, fostering a more inclusive and understanding digital society.4. Ethical use: We must use the internet responsibly, avoidingactivities that may harm others or contribute to the spread of misinformation.In conclusion, the internet has become an indispensable part of our lives, offering numerous benefits while also presenting significant challenges. It is up to us to harness its potential for good, addressing the challenges it poses and ensuring that we use it in a way that promotes a more connected, informed, and compassionate world.Thank you for your attention, and I welcome your thoughts and questions on this important topic.[Your Name]。