外贸销售合同中英文[合集五篇]第一篇:外贸销售合同中英文篇一:外贸购销合同实例(中英文对照)购销合同sales & purchase contract 卖方:xx水泥集团有限公司办公地址:邮政地址:(ghana: postal add & office add is different;courier can not be sent to a mail box)电话:传真: seller: office address: postal address: tel.no.: fax no.: 制造商:xx水泥有限公司manufacturer: xxi cement co., ltd.buyer : office address: postal address: tel.no.: fax no.: contract no.: ssg/ /cem/2009-001 place of contract : xxx, china.(important: for claim settlement)date of contract : february 26, 2012双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below: 第一条货物名称由xx水泥有限公司生产的普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary portland cement manufactured by yxx cement co., ltd.(important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries)第二条品质规格符合中国国家标准gb 175-2007的普通硅酸盐水泥52.5级。
clause 2.quality & specification ordinary portland cement conforming to china national cement standard gb 175-2007 grade 52.5.(australia: en 197-1:2000 cem i & cem ii claims)第三条数量3.1,总供货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方决定。

外贸销售合同样本中英文5篇篇1合同编号:XXXXXXXXXX甲方(买方):____________________乙方(卖方):____________________鉴于甲、乙双方本着互惠互利、平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜达成如下协议:一、商品信息(Commodity Information)1. 商品名称(Name of Commodity):____________________2. 型号/规格(Model/Specification):____________________3. 数量(Quantity):____________________4. 单价(Unit Price):____________________5. 总价(Total Price):____________________6. 付款方式(Payment Term):____________________7. 交货期限(Delivery Time):____________________8. 交货地点(Place of Delivery):____________________9. 质量要求(Quality Requirement):严格按照国家标准及双方约定执行。
二、包装标准与要求(Packaging Standards and Requirements)双方同意商品需妥善包装,适应长途海运/空运和陆地运输的要求,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈。
三、付款方式及期限(Payment Terms and Time)1. 合同签订后,甲方需支付乙方总金额的XX%作为预付款。
2. 乙方发货前,甲方支付剩余款项。
3. 所有款项将通过银行转账完成。
四、交货与验收(Delivery and Acceptance)乙方应按照约定的交货期限和地点交货。

对外贸易合同范本中英文对照3篇篇1International Trade Contract TemplateThis International Trade Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into the ____ day of ____, 20__, by and between:Seller: [Seller's Name]Address: [Seller's Address]Phone Number: [Seller's Phone Number]Email: [Seller's Email Address]Buyer: [Buyer's Name]Address: [Buyer's Address]Phone Number: [Buyer's Phone Number]Email: [Buyer's Email Address]WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in the business of selling [Description of Goods or Services] and Buyer desires to purchase the same;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Description of Goods/Services:Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods/services: [Detailed Description ofGoods/Services].2. Price:The total purchase price for the goods/services shall be [Total Amount in Currency], payable as follows: [Payment Schedule].3. Delivery:The goods/services shall be delivered to the following address: [Delivery Address]. Delivery shall be made on or before [Delivery Date].4. Inspection and Acceptance:Buyer shall have [Number of Days] days from the date of delivery to inspect the goods/services and notify Seller in writing of any non-conformities. Failure to notify Seller within this time period shall constitute acceptance of the goods/services.5. Warranty:Seller warrants that the goods/services shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.6. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above.Seller: __________________Buyer: __________________This Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, verbal or written. This Contract may be amended only by a written agreement signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Seller: [Seller's Signature] Date:Buyer: [Buyer's Signature] Date:I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Contract and hereby agree to be bound by them._____________________(Signed by a witness)篇2International Trade Contract SampleContract for the Sale of GoodsThis Contract for the Sale of Goods ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Seller], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address], and [Buyer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address].1. Sale of Goods. Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, the goods described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Goods") in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.2. Price. The purchase price for the Goods shall be [Amount], payable in [Currency], per the terms set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto.3. Delivery. Seller shall deliver the Goods to Buyer at the place designated by Buyer in accordance with the delivery schedule set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto.4. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon delivery, Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Goods and shall have [Number] days from the date of delivery to notify Seller of any nonconforming Goods. Buyer’s failure to give such notice shall constitute acceptance of the Goods.5. Payment. Buyer shall pay Seller the purchase price for the Goods in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto.6. Warranties. Seller warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Number] days from the date of delivery.7. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Seller be liable to Buyer for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from or related to this Contract, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise.8. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].9. Entire Agreement. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the sale and purchase of the Goods and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Seller]By: _______________________________Name: _____________________________Title: ______________________________[Buyer]By: _______________________________Name: _____________________________Title: ______________________________Exhibit A – Description of GoodsExhibit B – Payment TermsExhibit C – Delivery Schedule外贸合同范本货物销售合同本货物销售合同(“合同”)于[日期]由[卖方](一家根据[国家]法律组织和设立,主要营业地位于[地址]的公司)与[买方](一家根据[国家]法律组织和设立,主要营业地位于[地址]的公司)订立和签订。

对外贸易合同范本中英文对照5篇第1篇示例:International Trade Contract对外贸易合同Party A: The Exporter (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)甲方:出口商(以下简称“甲方”)This Contract is made on (date), in (place), between Party A and Party B, for the sale and purchase of the goods as described below.本合同由甲方和乙方于(日期)、(地点)签署,针对以下所述商品的销售和购买事宜。
Article 1 - Description of Goods第一条- 商品描述甲方同意出售,乙方同意购买以下商品:商品名称:(描述)2. Quantity: (Number of units)数量:(单位数量)3. Unit Price: (Price per unit)单价:(每单位价格)总价:(总金额)第二条- 交货条件商品应当通过(交货方式)送达至乙方指定的地址,在约定日期完成交货。
Article 4 - Payment Terms乙方应在收到商品后(数字)天内以(货币)支付给甲方总额为(总价)的金额。
第五条- 不可抗力在不可抗力的情况下,任何一方均不应对未能履行本合同承担责任,包括但不限于天灾、战争、恐怖主义和自然灾害。
第六条- 争议解决任何由本合同引起的争议应通过甲乙双方友好协商解决。

外贸销售合同样本中英文3篇篇1# SALES CONTRACT## Sales ContractThis Sales Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between:- [Buyer’s Company Name], a company incorporated in [Country of Incorporation of Buyer] with its registered office at [Buyer’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer"); and- [Seller’s Company Name], a company incorporated in [Country of Incorporation of Seller] with its registered office at [Seller’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller").The Buyer and the Seller are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party."1. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Contract, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:- "Goods" means the products described in Schedule A.- "Price" means the total amount payable by the Buyer to the Seller for the Goods as specified in Schedule B.- "Delivery Date" means the date by which the Seller is required to deliver the Goods to the Buyer as specified in Schedule C.- "Force Majeure" means any event beyond the reasonable control of a Party, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, lockouts, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, or shortage of fuel, power or raw materials.2. SALE AND PURCHASEThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the Goods on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.3. SPECIFICATIONS AND QUANTITIESThe specifications and quantities of the Goods are detailed in Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof.4. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMSThe Price for the Goods is detailed in Schedule B attached hereto and made a part hereof. Payment shall be made by the Buyer to the Seller as follows:- [Payment Terms: e.g., 30% advance payment upon signing of the Contract, 70% against presentation of shipping documents via Letter of Credit at sight].- The Buyer shall pay all amounts due under this Contract without any deduction or withholding except as required by law and the Buyer shall be responsible for all taxes, duties, and other charges imposed by any governmental authority.5. DELIVERYThe delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Seller to the Buyer on or before the Delivery Date as detailed in Schedule C attached hereto and made a part hereof. The place of delivery shall be [Place of Delivery]. The risk of loss or damage to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.6. WARRANTIESThe Seller warrants that:- The Goods will conform to the specifications set forth in Schedule A.- The Goods will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.- The Seller has good title to the Goods and the right to sell them.7. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEThe Buyer shall inspect the Goods promptly upon receipt and notify the Seller of any non-conformity within [Inspection Period] days after receipt. Failure to notify the Seller within such time shall constitute acceptance of the Goods.8. FORCE MAJEUREIf either Party is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under this Contract due to Force Majeure, such Party shall promptly notify the other Party of the nature and extent of the Force Majeure. The affected Party's obligations shall be suspended during the period of the Force Majeure, provided that the affected Party uses commercially reasonable efforts to overcome the Force Majeure.9. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTIONThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Law]. Any dispute arisingout of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].10. TERMINATIONEither Party may terminate this Contract if the other Party breaches any material term or condition of this Contract and fails to cure such breach within [Cure Period] days after receipt of written notice thereof from the non-breaching Party.11. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.12. AMENDMENTSNo amendment to this Contract shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties.13. ASSIGNMENTNeither Party may assign any of its rights or obligations under this Contract without the prior written consent of the other Party.14. NOTICESAny notice or communication required or permitted to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally, sent by prepaid first-class post, courier, or facsimile transmission to the address of the relevant Party as set forth herein or to such other address as may be notified in writing by one Party to the other.15. SEVERABILITYIf any provision of this Contract is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.16. COUNTERPARTSThis Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the day and year first above written.BUYER:[Buyer’s Company Name]By: __________________________Name: ________________________Title: ________________________SELLER:[Seller’s Company Name]By: __________________________Name: ________________________Title: ________________________SCHEDULE A: SPECIFICATIONS AND QUANTITIES[Insert detailed specifications and quantities of the Goods.] SCHEDULE B: PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS[Insert detailed price and payment terms.]SCHEDULE C: DELIVERY DATE AND PLACE[Insert detailed delivery date and place.]篇2SALES CONTRACT本合同由以下双方于【年月日】签订:This Sales Contract ("the Contract") is entered into as of 【Date】by and between:1. Seller (卖方):- Name (名称): 【Seller's Name】- Address (地址): 【Seller's Address】- Phone (电话): 【Seller's Phone Number】- Email (邮箱): 【Seller's Email】2. Buyer (买方):- Name (名称): 【Buyer's Name】- Address (地址): 【Buyer's Address】- Phone (电话): 【Buyer's Phone Number】- Email (邮箱): 【Buyer's Email】鉴于(WHEREAS):- A. 卖方是【Product Description】的所有权人,并有权出售该产品。

三、甲方的义务1. 按照乙方的要求,为其寻找合适的供应商或销售渠道。
2. 负责商务洽谈、签订合同等对外贸易事务。
3. 负责货物的运输、报关、报检等物流事务。
4. 及时向乙方汇报业务进展和订单情况。
5. 确保代理业务中的商业信息保密。
四、乙方的义务1. 提供合法、真实的经营资质和相关证明文件。
2. 明确代理事项的具体要求和目标。
3. 按照约定支付代理费用及相关费用。
4. 负责货物的品质、数量及交货期限等事项的确认。
5. 确保所提供资料的真实性和合法性。
五、代理费用及支付方式1. 代理费用根据具体代理事项和订单金额进行协商确定。
2. 乙方应在甲方完成代理事项后按照约定支付代理费用及相关费用。
3. 支付方式:___________________(如电汇、信用证等)。
六、合同期限及终止1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。
2. 合同到期后,如双方继续合作,可续签合同。
3. 本合同任何一方如欲终止合同,需提前____个月书面通知对方。
七、违约责任1. 如因甲方原因造成乙方损失,甲方应承担相应赔偿责任。
2. 如因乙方原因造成甲方损失,乙方应承担相应赔偿责任。


五、销售义务1. 乙方应积极推广甲方的产品,拓展市场,提高市场占有率。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的价格政策进行销售,不得擅自调整价格。
3. 乙方应于每月底向甲方提供销售报告,反映销售情况。
4. 乙方应积极配合甲方的市场推广活动,完成甲方制定的销售任务。
六、权利义务1. 甲方有权监督乙方的销售行为,确保乙方按照本协议的规定进行销售。
2. 甲方有义务向乙方提供合格的产品和必要的市场支持。
3. 乙方有权在代理区域内进行销售活动,享有甲方给予的代理政策。
4. 乙方有义务维护甲方的品牌形象,不得进行损害甲方声誉的行为。
七、违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,另一方有权要求违约方承担违约责任。
2. 如因乙方的违约行为导致甲方损失,乙方应负责赔偿甲方的损失。
八、其他条款1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
3. 本协议的修改和解除,必须经双方书面同意。

外贸常见合同(中英版)5篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(甲方公司名):______________乙方(乙方公司名):______________签订日期:______________________一、合同概述与目的本合同旨在对甲、乙双方在对外贸易中的合作关系进行明确规范,保护双方的合法权益,实现共赢。
二、合同双方信息甲方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________乙方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________三、交易商品与规格商品名称:________________________规格型号:________________________数量及单位:______________________单价及总价:______________________交货期限:______________________包装方式及标准:______________________付款方式及期限:______________________付款方式说明:本合同的付款方式为________(如电汇、信用证等)。

外贸销售合同样本中英文3篇篇1销售方(以下简称甲方):____________购买方(以下简称乙方):____________鉴于甲方和乙方经友好协商,就甲方向乙方销售以下商品达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格、数量及价格(Contracted Products, Specifications, Quantity and Price)1. 商品名称(Product Name):_______________________2. 规格型号(Specification & Model):_______________________3. 数量(Quantity):_______________________4. 单价(Unit Price):_______________________5. 总价(Total Price):_______________________二、交货条款(Delivery Terms)1. 交货日期(Delivery Date):双方约定之日期。
2. 交货地点(Delivery Point):乙方指定地点。
3. 运输方式(Transportation):双方协商确定。
4. 运费承担(Freight Charge):由双方协商承担。
三、付款条款(Payment Terms)1. 付款方式和期限(Payment Method & Time Limit):双方约定付款方式和具体付款期限。
2. 付款凭证(Payment Evidence):相关付款凭证的出具与保存。
四、品质保证与售后服务(Quality Assurance & After-sales Service)1. 产品质量标准(Product Quality Standard):符合相关国家或行业标准。
2. 售后服务承诺(After-sales Service Promise):甲方提供一定期限的质保服务。

外贸销售合同英文版7篇篇1Foreign Trade Sales ContractContract Number: [Insert Contract Number]Date of Contract: [Insert Date]Seller:Name of Company: [Insert Seller’s Company Name] Address: [Insert Seller’s Address]Country: [Insert Seller’s Country]Buyer:Name of Company: [Insert Buyer’s Company Name] Address: [Insert Buyer’s Address]Country: [Insert Buyer’s Country]In consideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth below, the Seller and the Buyer agree to enter into this Foreign Trade Sales Contract:Article 1: Product DescriptionThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the following products: [Insert detailed list of products, including product name, specifications, quantity, and unit price].Article 2: DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the products to the Buyer at the following location: [Insert delivery location]. The delivery date shall be no later than [Insert delivery date].Article 3: PaymentThe Buyer shall make payment in full via [Insert agreed payment method (e.g., T/T transfer, L/C, etc.)]. Payment terms shall be as follows: [Insert payment terms (e.g., 30% advance, balance against delivery, etc.)].Article 4: Quality and InspectionThe Seller shall ensure that the products are of the agreed quality. The Buyer shall have the right to conduct inspectionsupon receipt of the products. If any defects are found, the Seller shall be responsible for rectifying or replacing the products.Article 5: Force MajeureArticle 6: WarrantyThe Seller guarantees that the products are free from any defects in material and workmanship and agrees to replace or repair any defective products, at its option, within a period of [Insert warranty period] from the date of delivery to the Buyer.Article 7: ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Contract.Article 8: Liability for Breach of ContractIf any party fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, the non-breaching party may claim compensation for any losses incurred. If such breach is fundamental, thenon-breaching party may terminate this Contract.Article 9: Law and JurisdictionArticle 10: MiscellaneousIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and the Buyer have signed this Contract in [Insert number] counterparts, each party retaining one counterpart.Seller: _____________________ Date: _________________(Signature of Seller) (Date of Signature)Buyer: _____________________ Date: _________________(Signature of Buyer) (Date of Signature)Note: This is a legal document and should be reviewed by legal counsel before execution. The above terms are subject to negotiation and may be modified as per the parties’ agreement.篇2合同编号:__________甲方(卖方):____________________地址:_____________________________乙方(买方):____________________地址:_____________________________鉴于甲方同意向乙方销售以下商品,乙方同意按照本合同规定的条款和条件购买该商品,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品描述1. 商品名称:____________________2. 型号/规格:____________________3. 数量:____________________4. 单价:____________________5. 总价:____________________6. 付款方式:____________________7. 交货期限:____________________8. 交货方式:____________________9. 运输方式:____________________10. 目的地:____________________二、商品质量保证1. 甲方保证所销售的商品均为正品,并符合合同规定的规格和质量要求。

销售方:(卖方名称)地址:(卖方地址)电话:(卖方电话)传真:(卖方传真)邮箱:(卖方邮箱)一、产品明细1. 产品名称:(产品名称)2. 规格型号:(规格型号)3. 数量:(数量)4. 单价:(单价)5. 总价:(总价)二、交货方式1. 交货地点:(交货地点)2. 交货时间:(交货时间)3. 运输方式:(运输方式)三、质量标准1. 产品需符合国家相关标准和规定;2. 如出现质量问题,买方有权在收到货物后的7天内提出异议,卖方应及时处理。
四、付款方式1. 买方应在订单确认后的5个工作日内支付30%的定金;2. 剩余金额应在货物交付前的3个工作日内支付清款。
五、违约责任1. 任何一方未按照合同规定履行义务,应承担违约责任;2. 买方逾期付款的,应支付逾期付款的利息。
六、争议解决1. 双方因本合同引起的争议应友好协商解决;2. 协商不成的,可提交仲裁机构进行仲裁。
七、其他条款1. 本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各持一份,具有同等法律效力;2. 本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。
第2篇示例:外贸销售合同范本合同编号:______________鉴于甲方有意向向乙方出售指定商品,乙方有意购买上述商品,双方经友好协商,达成以下合同:第一条商品信息1.1 甲方同意向乙方出售以下商品:第二条交易方式2.1 乙方应在签订合同后的______天内支付全款给甲方。
第三条发货及验货3.2 乙方应在收到商品后______天内进行验货,若出现质量问题,应立即通知甲方。

thebuyersshalldulymakethepaymentagainstdocumentarydraftmadeouttothebuyer satsightbythesellers.□承兑交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后**天承兑跟单汇票,承兑时交单。

合同Contract合同号Contract No:签字日期Signing Date:约地点Signing Place:买方:The buyers:General Manager:卖方:The sellers:Sales Manager:本合同由买卖双方根据下列条款和条件,经买卖双方共同协商签订,以便共同遵守This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below:1.商品名称和规格(详细见销售报价单Quotation sheet)2.原产国及制造厂商:中国Country of origin & manufacturer: China,装运期限:Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN3.装运口岸:Port of loading:4.到货口岸:Port of destination:付款条件:Terms of payment:5.合同的生效:本合同在双方代表签字后及双方有关当局批准后立即生效。
EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTRACT:This Contract shall come into force immediately after signature by representative of both parties and upon approval by the relevant authority of both parties.6.包装:需用适合长途海运,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运的包装,由包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此产生的一切费用和/或损失。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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合同号Contract No:
签字日期Signing Date:
约地点Signing Place:
The buyers:
General Manager:
The sellers:
Sales Manager:
本合同由买卖双方根据下列条款和条件,经买卖双方共同协商签订,以便共同遵守This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below:
1.商品名称和规格(详细见销售报价单Quotation sheet)
Country of origin & manufacturer: China,装运期限:
Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN
Port of loading:
Port of destination:
付款条件:Terms of payment:
This Contract shall come into force immediately after signature by representative of both parties and upon approval by the relevant authority of both parties.
Packing: The packages should be suitable for long distance freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers.
Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shipment to the port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed without the buyer’s consent.
Shipping advice: The seller shall within 10 working days after the completion of the loading of the goods advise by e-mail the buyers of the contract No., commodity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing.
Insurance: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against Additional Risks and Strike Risks, and insurance fee will be borne by the buyer.
Inspection will be carried out as per buyer's assignment and offer Inspection Report to both parties.
12. 仲裁:凡有关本合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争执,应通过友好协商解决。
Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case under dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to the China Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Beijing in accordance with the provisional rules of procedures promulgated by the said arbitration commission. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.
13. 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,而卖方交货迟延或不能交货时,责任不在卖方,但
Force Majeure: The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. However, the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within 14 days thereafter, the seller shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.
14. 附加条款:本合同采用中文、英文书写,具有同等法律效力。
Supplements and other terms: This contract is made out in English and Chinese, both version being equally authentic. This contract is made in two originals, one original to be held by each party. The original pieces have the same law effect to each party. All the disputes would be solved
by the buyer within the people’s court of Si chuan province according to the Contract Law of PRC.
买方For the Buyer:卖方For the Seller:
__________________________________________________________________ 授权代表Authorized Signature授权代表Authorized Signature。