



杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit1)Unit1一、词汇短语Text Acrisis[]n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻adj.危机的;用于处理危机的【例句】Affair have reached a crisis.事情已经发展到了紧要关头。

endeavor[]n.&v.努力,尽力,力图【例句】We must always endeavour to improve our work.我们任何时候都要努力改进自己的工作。

【词组】make one’s(best)endeavor(s)尽全力,竭力【助记】end(最后)+eavor(联想favor)→最后,缘分使努力成为现实。

perceive[]v.感知,察觉;理解,领悟,意识到【例句】Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?【词组】perceive sth.as sth.理解或领悟某事物;认为【助记】per(透过)+ceive(取)→透过感觉来拿→察觉。

【派生】perception n.知觉;[生理]感觉;看法;洞察力;获取encyclopedia/encyclopaedia[]n.百科全书【例句】A dictionary deals with words and an encyclopedia deals with facts.词典讲解单词,而百科全书讲解事实。

genetic[]adj.遗传的,起源的【例句】Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。

【词组】genetic material遗传物质;基因材料genetic information遗传信息【派生】genetical adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的genetics n.遗传学【助记】gene(基因)+ticendow[]v.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予【例句】Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉。




Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客⼈对那个美国⼈威严的语⽓感到有点意外。

The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. 约翰尼已长⼤成熟,不再害怕独⾃呆在家⾥了。

Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出⼝处 (exit) ⾛去时,他却独⾃留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。

While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博⼠本⼈。



现代大学英语第二版精读三杨立民、徐克容版课后习题答案Unit1Vocabulary:1、into English1、define this word2、resent this treatment3、frustrate students4、declare war5、evaluate the result6、perform the duty7、narrow the gap 8、expand the business9、present the facts2、1、occurrence occur2、apply applicants pursuits occurry3、involves handled handling pursue4、observant occurrence5、observation observed occur6、handle occur7、observed application8、occurred involvement9、observers handled10、observation3、1、he is so devoted to his research that it never occurs tohim that he will soon have to retire.2、many people have observed that without effectivechecks we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3、some countries refuse to get involved in this disputeand they resent any foreign interference.4、the control of sandstorms will involve a tremendousamount of work money.5、you must take the local conditions into considerationwhen you apply these technologies.6、all applicants will have to fill out these forms, andmail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7、he concluded that learning is a natural pleasure,which based on the observation of children’s behavior.8、in a multi-ethnic country, ethnic harmony requiresvery careful handling.9、the government decided to punish all the corruptofficials involved.10、cheating on exams does not often occur, but when itdoes, the school will take a tough position.4、CBCAC DABDA5、6、1、obejective; object1、2、object 2、objectives3、objective4、objective5、objects3、acquire; inquire; require1、2、requires 2、requires3、acquire4、acquire5、inquuire/enquire4、entrust; trust; believe1、entrust2、entrust3、trust4、believe believe5、trust4、pay;repay;place;replace1、repay2、pay repay3、place4、repay5、placedreplaced5、anxious(ly);eager(ly)1、anxious2、anxiously3、eager4、anxious/eager5、anxious/eagerGrammar1、bdacd acabd2、1、price 2、ignorant3、problems4、the harvest5、leap 6、means 7、for ourselves 8、forgetting 9、hope10、pessimist3、。

大学英语精读第3册 第1课 课文及课后答案

大学英语精读第3册 第1课 课文及课后答案

大学英语精读第3册第1课课文及课后答案UNIT 11.课文翻译一位青年男子发现,漫无目的的逛街也会惹官司。







































VIII (50’s and beyond) integrity vs. despair old adult
Your College Years
Unit 1
Detailed Analysis
Text Analysis
Text Analysis
1. What does the author mean by developmental changes? Why is it important for college students to be aware of them? 2. Do you agree with the author that young adults are bound to go through an identity crisis? Is it necessarily a “dangerous” or “negative” incident in our life? 3. Why does the author emphasize the change in the way of dealing with knowledge as an important aspect of our growth?
Erik Erickson
Eight Developmental Stages
Stage (age) I (0-1) infant II (2-3) toddler III (3-6) preschooler
Psychosocial crisis
Significant relations
Warming up



Unit OneKey to Exercise Vocabularyplete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1.differ2. differently, different3. difference4.serious, serious,seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6.Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution,seriously, pollute7.attention 8. attentively, attentive3Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.1. on their own 6. to resort to2. show off 7. clinging to3. burst into 8. give rise to4. given rise to 9. took advantage of5. brought about 10. in vain,make,out of4Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text1.他们利用我们求助无门的W境把我们公习接管了。

They took advantage ?f our helpless situation and took over our company.2.M然我们面前仍有网难,似我u定我们屮国人有智慧S&己实现围家的和平统-。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that wc Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3.只强调闽内牛.产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。



范文范例参考范文范例参考完美Word 格式整理版格式整理版 现代大学英语精读三课后翻译答案Unit 1Your collage years1. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。

He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soonhave to retire never occurs to him.2. 很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。

Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power.3. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。

Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4. 控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和资金。

The control of the sand storms will involve a tremendous amountof work and money.5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。

You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies.6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。

All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars. 7.他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。


)1994-1902( Erik Erickson: ‫ޜ‬
“father of Freudian ego-psychologist, psychosocial development” and “the architect of identity.”
According to Erickson, the identity crisis is the most important conflict human beings encounter when they go in through eight developmental stages life.
overextension → rejectivity
VIII (50’s and beyond) integrity vs.
old adult
mankind or “my kind”
presumption → despair
Your College Years
Warming up Check-on Preview
1. Give three translations of “意识到”. 2. Offer at least three examples of quotation that you can find in
the text. 3. Define the following words: heightened (para. 3); observe
neighborhood and school
Maladaptations & Malignancies
sensory distortion → withdrawal



现代大学英语第二版精读三杨立民、徐克容版课后习题答案Unit1Vocabulary:1、into English1、define this word2、resent this treatment3、frustrate students4、declare war5、evaluate the result6、perform the duty7、narrow the gap 8、expand the business 9、present the facts2、1、occurrence occur2、apply applicants pursuits occurry3、involves handled handling pursue4、observant occurrence5、observation observed occur6、handle occur7、observed application8、occurred involvement9、observers handled10、observation3、1、he is so devoted to his research that it neveroccurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2、many people have observed that withouteffective checks we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3、some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4、the control of sandstorms will involve a tremendous amount of work money.5、you must take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6、all applicants will have to fill out these forms, and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7、he concluded that learning is a natural pleasure, which based on the observation of children’s behavior.8、in a multi-ethnic country, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9、the government decided to punish all the corrupt officials involved.10、cheating on exams does not often occur, but when it does, the school will take a toughposition.4、CBCAC DABDA5、1、obejective; object1、object2、objectives3、objective4、objective 5、objects2、acquire; inquire; require1、requires2、requires3、acquire4、acquire5、inquuire/enquire3、entrust; trust; believe1、entrust2、entrust3、trust4、believebelieve 5、trust4、pay;repay;place;replace1、repay2、pay repay3、place4、repay5、placed replaced5、anxious(ly);eager(ly)1、anxious2、anxiously3、eager4、anxious/eager 5、anxious/eagerGrammar1、bdacd acabd2、1、price 2、ignorant3、problems4、the harvest5、leap6、means7、for ourselves8、forgetting9、hope 10、pessimist。

杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 1)

杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 1)

Unit1一、词汇短语Text Acrisis[]n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻adj.危机的;用于处理危机的【例句】Affair have reached a crisis.事情已经发展到了紧要关头。

endeavor[]n.&v.努力,尽力,力图【例句】We must always endeavour to improve our work.我们任何时候都要努力改进自己的工作。

【词组】make one’s(best)endeavor(s)尽全力,竭力【助记】end(最后)+eavor(联想favor)→最后,缘分使努力成为现实。

perceive[]v.感知,察觉;理解,领悟,意识到【例句】Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?【词组】perceive sth.as sth.理解或领悟某事物;认为【助记】per(透过)+ceive(取)→透过感觉来拿→察觉。

【派生】perception n.知觉;[生理]感觉;看法;洞察力;获取encyclopedia/encyclopaedia[]n.百科全书【例句】A dictionary deals with words and an encyclopedia deals with facts.词典讲解单词,而百科全书讲解事实。

genetic[]adj.遗传的,起源的【例句】Genetic engineering will have revolutionary consequences for mankind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。

【词组】genetic material遗传物质;基因材料genetic information遗传信息【派生】genetical adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的genetics n.遗传学【助记】gene(基因)+ticendow[]v.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予【例句】Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉。



Unit OneKey to ExerciseVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



现代大学英语第二版精读三杨立民、徐克容版课后习题答案Unit1Vocabulary:1、into English1、define this word2、resent this treatment3、frustrate students4、declare war5、evaluate the result6、perform the duty7、narrow the gap 8、expand the business9、present the facts2、1、occurrence occur2、apply applicants pursuits occurry3、involves handled handling pursue4、observant occurrence5、observation observed occur6、handle occur7、observed application8、occurred involvement9、observers handled10、observation3、1、he is so devoted to his research that it never occurs tohim that he will soon have to retire.2、many people have observed that without effectivechecks we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3、some countries refuse to get involved in this disputeand they resent any foreign interference.4、the control of sandstorms will involve a tremendousamount of work money.5、you must take the local conditions into considerationwhen you apply these technologies.6、all applicants will have to fill out these forms, andmail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7、he concluded that learning is a natural pleasure,which based on the observation of children’s behavior.8、in a multi-ethnic country, ethnic harmony requiresvery careful handling.9、the government decided to punish all the corruptofficials involved.10、cheating on exams does not often occur, but when itdoes, the school will take a tough position.4、CBCAC DABDA5、1、obejective; object1、object2、objectives3、objective4、objective5、objects2、acquire; inquire; require1、requires2、requires3、acquire4、acquire5、inquuire/enquire3、entrust; trust; believe1、entrust2、entrust3、trust4、believe believe5、trust4、pay;repay;place;replace1、repay2、pay repay3、place4、repay5、placedreplaced5、anxious(ly);eager(ly)1、anxious2、anxiously3、eager4、anxious/eager5、anxious/eagerGrammar1、bdacd acabd1、price2、ignorant3、problems4、the harvest5、leap6、means7、for ourselves8、forgetting9、hope 10、pessimist 第一课时一、情景选择。



1. He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire. 2. Many people have observed that without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power. 3. Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference. 4. The control of sandstorms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money. 5. ou Y ou have have have to to to take take take the the the local local local conditions conditions conditions into into into consideration consideration consideration when when when you you you apply apply apply these these technologies. 6. All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars. 7. Based on his careful observation of children ’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure. 8. In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling. 9. The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved. 10. Cheating Cheating at/on at/on at/on exams exams exams does does does not not not occur occur occur very very very often. often. often. But But But when when when it it it does, does, does, the the the school school takes a very tough position. LESSON 41. Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior. 2. She claims to possess a magic power —the power to cure disease simply by the touch of her hand. 3. He appointed five people to handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for. 4. In the story, the evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady. 5. He rolled up the painting, and said that he would not part with it for less than a million dollars. 6. Of all the qualified judges, I don ’t know why she was appointed to the Supreme Court. 7. I don ’t know enough to form an elaborate theory, but I’I’m sure that poverty alone m sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate. 8. A A big big big stone stone stone suddenly suddenly suddenly rolled rolled rolled down down down the the the hill, hill, hill, so so so big big big that that that it it it smashed smashed smashed the the the truck truck truck to to pieces. 9. I said we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled. 10. In In ancient ancient ancient times, times, times, our our our philosophers philosophers philosophers believed believed believed that that that a a a good good good king king king should should should be be be to to to the the people as a good father is to his children —he must never treat them cruelly on any account. 1. A peasant woman found him lying unconscious in the grass. She carried him home, dressed his wound after a fashion, and hid him in the attic. 2. Had it not been for the shift of focus in our development policy from the coastal areas areas to to to the the the central central central and and and western western western regions, regions, regions, the the the lives lives lives of of of our our our national national national ethnic ethnic ethnic groups groups would not have improved so rapidly. 3. The defense lawyer claimed that the photo was completely out of focus and thus could not be used as evidence. 4. Visibility Visibility was was was exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly poor poor poor and and and no no no matter matter matter how how how I I I strained strained strained my my my eyes, eyes, eyes, I I I still still couldn couldn’’t t see see see far far far ahead. ahead. ahead. I I I decided decided decided that that that if if if I I I wanted wanted wanted to to to save save save my my my neck, neck, neck, it it it would would would be be foolish to blunder on. 5. The mental strain was too much and she began to lose sleep and could not focus her attention on anything. Finally she had to go to see the doctor who claimed to be some sort of expert. The stupid man declared that her life was at sake and that she needed an immediate brain operation. 6. It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor. People were wild with joy because we had been defeated by their team so many times. For the first time we were able to settle an old score with them. 7. Both Both sides sides sides claimed claimed claimed to to to have have have scored scored scored a a a point point point in in in this this this confrontation. confrontation. confrontation. Neither Neither Neither side side wanted to acknowledge defeat. But from the point of view of an outsider, actually neither side had scored. In this conflict, there was no winner. 8. The customer told the waitress that he would like to have some “concubines concubines”—”—”—he he meant to say cucumbers, but his vocabulary was limited. The waitress, however, seemed seemed to to to know know know what what what he he he meant, meant, meant, for for for she she she asked, asked, asked, ““Dressed Dressed or or or undressed?undressed?undressed?”” (In English, “dress dress”” can mean either “put on clothes ” or “add some sauce to food for additional flavor ”.) LESSON 151. Import of that country ’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare. 2. Robert Robert was was was suspended suspended suspended from from from school school school for for for two two two weeks weeks weeks for for for drug drug drug abuse abuse abuse whereas whereas whereas Sam Sam was expelled from selling drugs, which is a much more serious offence. 3. This is perhaps the longest and the most beautiful suspension bridge ever built. It is the envy of the world. 4. She was embarrassed when she received the award and averted her head so that people would not see her blush. 5. Many countries envy us for our success in averting a serious economic recession. 6. Michael Jordan is the envy of many black youngsters. He exhibited his talent very early in life. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball. 7. Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people nationwide are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods. 8. The The city city city of of of Xicheng Xicheng Xicheng was was was practically practically practically unguarded, unguarded, unguarded, and and and Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge Liang Liang Liang narrowly narrowly escaped being captured. 9. They took the Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday. 10. She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures and when the exhibition is over, all the exhibits will be given to the National Art Gallery. 1. We owe too much to our new manager. Our company was heavily in debt when he took it over. We owed the bank more than 50 million. 2. I owe you an apology. I shouldn ’t have acted the way I did the other day. I was a real fool. 3. Socrates, who was perhaps the most virtuous man of his time, was charged with corrupting youth. It bears out the truth that people are often blind to plain truth. 4. This otherwise popular man is now in a terrible fix. He has been accused of raping a black woman. He will be put on trial soon. If the verdict is guilty, he will have to serve a long prison term. 5. The The Congress Congress Congress will will will vote vote vote on on on this this this new new new tax tax tax law law law next next next week. week. week. The The The Republicans Republicans Republicans are are expected to vote against it. They seldom vote otherwise. 6. Kennedy was the first Catholic in US history to be voted into the White House. This was the clear evidence that people were more tolerant about their religious differences. 7. More More and and and more more more people people people now now now favor favor favor the the the idea idea idea of of of making making making it it it a a a legal legal legal obligation obligation obligation for for government officials to disclose their assets. 8. He knew that he would risk being isolated if he stuck to his view although he was entitled to it. 9. One One of of of the the the issues issues issues that that that remain remain remain in in in question question question in in in the the the conflict conflict conflict between between between Israel Israel Israel and and Palestine Palestine is is is the the the future future future of of of Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. There There There doesn doesn doesn’’t t seem seem seem to to to be be be any any any room room room for for compromise. 10. It reminds me of how we all tired to “cook cook”” steel in our backyard stoves in 1958. In hindsight we seemed to be completely out of our minds. Please remind me to tell you this story in our class tomorrow. 。



大学英语精读第3册第1课课文及课后答案UNIT 1TEXTA young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial.A Brush with the LawI have only once been in trouble with the law. The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court.It happened in February about twelve years ago. I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go to university until the following October. I was still living at home at the time.Once morning I was in Richmond, a suburb of London near where I lived. I was looking for a temporary job so that I could save up some money to go traveling. As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall.It was about half past eleven when it happened. I was just walking out of the local library, having unsuccessfully sought employment there, when I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me. I thought he wasgoing to ask me the time. Instead, he said he was a police officer and he was arresting me. At first I thought it was some kind of joke. But them another policeman appeared, this time in uniform, and I was left in no doubt.'But what for?' I asked.'Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,' he said.'What offence?' I asked.'Theft,' he said.'Theft of what?' I asked.'Milk bottles,' he said, and with a perfectly straight face too!'Oh,' I said.It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps.Then I made my big mistake. At the time I was nineteen, had long untidy hair, and regarded myself as part of the sixties' 'youth counterculture'. As a result, I wanted to appear cool and unconcerned with the incident, so I said, 'How long have you been following me?' in the most casual and conversational tone I could manage. I thus appeared to them to be quite familiar with this sort of situation, and it confirmed them in their belief that I was a thoroughly disreputable character.A few minutes later a police car arrived.'Get in the back,' they said. 'Put your hands on the back of the front seat and don't move them.'They got in on either side of me. It wasn't funny any more.At the police station they questioned me for several hours. I continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. When they asked me what I had been doing, I told them I'd been looking for a job. 'Aha,' I could see them thinking, 'unemployed.'Eventually, I was officially charged and told to report to Richmond Magistrates'Court the following Monday. Then they let me go.I wanted to conduct my own defence in court, but as soon as my father found out what had happened, he hired a very good solicitor. We went along that Monday armed with all kinds of witnesses, including my English teacher from school as a character witness. But he was never called on to give evidence. My 'trial' didn't get that far. The magistrate dismissed the case after fifteen minutes. I was free. The poor police had never stood a chance. The solicitor even succeeded in getting costs awarded against the police.And so I do not have a criminal record. But what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the charge so clearly depended on. I had the 'right' accent, respectable middle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and I could obviously afford a very good solicitor. Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that it I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty. While asking for costs to be awarded, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a 'brilliant academic record'.Meanwhile, just outside the courtroom, one of the policemen who had arrested me was gloomily complaining to my mother that another youngster had been turned against the police. 'You could have been a bit more helpful when we arrested you,' he said to me reproachfully.What did he mean? Presumably that I should have looked outraged and said something like, 'Look here, do you know who you're talking to? I am a highly successful student with a brilliantacademic record. How dare you arrest me!' Then they, presumably, would have apologized, perhaps even taken off their caps, and let me on my way.课文翻译一位青年男子发现,漫无目的的逛街也会惹官司。



• parallelism, e.g.
✓ words (para. 2): strengths and weaknesses ✓ phrases (para. 2): determined by genetic endowment;
shaped by environment; influenced by chance events ✓ sentences (para. 1): 3 consecutive questions
Erik Erickson
Eight Developmental Stages
Stage (nificant Psychosocial Maladaptations
relations virtues
& Malignancies
Para. 1
Key developmental changes occur during college years.
Paras. 2-9
Detailed discussion:
hope, faith
II (2-3) toddler
autonomy vs. shame and doubt
will, determination
III (3-6) preschooler
initiative vs. guilt family
purpose, courage
IV (7-12 or so) industry vs. school-age child inferiority
2. Diction: big, complicated, formal words, technical jargon, e.g. personnel, occur, adolescence, adulthood


Your College Years
Unit 1
Sigmund Freud
Erik Erickson
Sigmund Freud
)1939-1856( Sigmund Freud: ‫ޜ‬
Father of psychoanalysis, author of The Interpretation of Dreams, famous for his conception of the unconscious, libido, death instinct, the Oedipus/Electra complex, and structural model of human psyche.
Warming up Check-on Preview
1. Give three translations of “意识到”. 2. Offer at least three examples of quotation that you can find in
the text. 3. Define the following words: heightened (para. 3); observe
V (12-18 or so) adolescence
ego-identity vs. peer groups, fidelity, role-confusion role models loyalty
fanaticism → repudiation
VI (the 20’s) young adult
Erik Erickson
Eight Developmental Stages
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