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about nature. Additionally, well-designed works chosen from keen students cover various aspects relevant to protection
issues. You can have access to posters that are a combination of art and education.
W:He is not short of money.
M:Then we can buy him an air-conditioner, for it is so hot these days.
W:But he doesn ’ t like that.
Li Hua
Text 1
W:Dad, I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation.
M:That ’ s a good ideaY! ou’ d better hurry up before they
’ ve filled aMllacnlayspseos.ple are learning how to drive
M:Mary,you are American, right? Can you teach me the rules of American football?
W:I ’ m sorryD, avid. I don ’ t know much about them. But I can ask my brother Frank to help you. M:It ’ s very kind of you.
Were you present, you would be treated to an instructive and touching feast conveying love and concern to our
mother Earth. Time permitting, I sincerely hope that you can make it. Looking forward to your coming!
2020 年三校联考一模英语参考答案
01— 05 CACCC 阅读理解 :
06— 10ACBAA
11— 15BBBAB 16— 20 CBCCA
21. BAC 完形填空 :
24. CDDC
28. BDBD
32. BCDC 36. AGEBF
41. CDBAD CDBAC 语法填空 :
61. included
62. an
63. who
64. However
65. surviving
66. relatively 短文改错:
67. Worse
68. permission
69. with
70. have been left
1. 删除 the; 2. arrived 后加 at; 3. has 改成 had; 4. needing 改成 needed; 5. late 改成 later; 6. told 改成 telling ; 7. where 改成 how; 8. which 改成 whose; 9. his 改成 her; 10. thank 改成 thanks 写作参考范文:
Dear Mary,
How’ s everything going? With the fiftieth Earth Day approaching, our school is going to hold a poster exhibition
related to it. I
’ m writing to inviteayttoeundtothe meaningful display.
Text 5
W:I ’mwriting a story for the high school newspaper. It is an article on people M:I ’ m so excited about it. How about you?
’ s feelings about graduat
Text 4
M:Did you receive my application?
W:I did, but I have not had a chance to look it over yet.
M:Not yet? It ’ s been over a week and I was hoping to get an answer today.
W:OK, I will.
Text 2
M:I ’ m leaving nowW. hat would you like me to bring you?
W:Please get me some apples.Oh, I almost forgot! Buy me a notebook.
Text 3
Scheduled on 22 April, 2020, the exhibition will be held in the school hall. With the aim of drawing attention to
critical environmental protection, the activity provides a platform for participants to remind people that we should care
W:Me? In fact, I feel a little scared.
Text 6
W:What shall we get for Daddy? You see, it is Christmas Day the day after tomorrow.
M:We can give him some money and he can buy whatever he likes.