



木材专业术语木材专业英语家具英译(3)——家具木材AAbele银白杨Abnormal wood异常(木)材Acoustic acid board吸音纤维板Acoustical board吸(隔)音板Adjustable template可调节的样板Adult wood成年材African blackwood非洲黑木黄檀African ebony非洲乌木African mabogany非洲桃花心木African padauk非洲紫檀Aging老化,陈化Air drying大气干燥Air seasoning天然干燥Alaska fir阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar阿拉斯加柏木Alder赤杨类American ash美国白蜡木American beech美国山毛榉American eim美国榆,白榆American plane美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring年轮Apron望板Armor-plywood金属贴面板Arris棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber人造木材Ash白蜡木Aspen白杨类BBabool阿拉伯胶树Back board背板Back veneer衬板Bald cypress落羽杉Bamboo竹子Basswood椴木,美国椴木Batten board条板心细木工板Beech山毛榉木Beech parquet山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood(弯)曲木Birch白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤CCaul垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑#1common普一级#2common普二级compreg胶压木compressed wood压缩木coniferous species针叶树种continuous layer board多层板cork软木cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)crook弯曲木cross rail拉档cupping翘弯curly birch皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树DDado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood散孔材Dimension规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame鸡翅木Door lining门框Dovetail门衬板Dowel燕尾榫Drawer front圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Dressed timber净材EEastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting截头English plane英国悬铃木Eucalyptus桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash欧洲白蜡木European beech欧洲桦木European birch欧洲桦木European chestnut欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut欧洲七叶树European larch欧洲落叶松European lime欧洲椴木European spruce欧洲云杉European yew欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board木丝板Exotics外来木Exterior plywood室外用胶合板HFace veneer表面单板FAS一级和二级FAX1F单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt乐器用材Figured影木Figured sycomore梧桐影木Fine wood board纤维板Flakeboard碎料板Flakes薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber平切纹板材Flooring地板Flush panel平(光)镶板Formed plywood模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel中空合板From sustainable forests来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片GGap离缝Giant cedar(美国)侧柏Gloss光泽度Grade等级Grade of lumber成材等级Graded分等级Grain纹理HHackberry朴树Band selected手工挑选Hard board硬质纤维板Hard maple硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa(美国)梓树Heat board心板Hickory山核桃木High-density plywood压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR)高强度抗湿Hipboard细木工板Hole drilling打眼Honey-comb core plywood蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood黄花梨木IIdentification of timbers木材识别Imitation wood仿制材Imported timber进口材Impregnated wood(合成树脂)浸渍木Indian camphor印度樟木Indian chestnut印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony印度乌木Indian“laurel”印度“月桂树”Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel装板Install wood strip flooring安装地板条JJapanese beech日本山毛榉Japanese larch日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine日本赤松Japanese thuja罗汉柏Japanese white pine日本五须松Joint flooring企口地板Jointless flooring无缝地板KKarelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width锯路宽度Khaya非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine窑干松木Kiln drying人工窑干燥Kind of timber材种Kirl紫花泡桐Knob节子Knock-down carcass可随时拆卸的框架Knot木节,节疤LLaminate层压Laminated wood层积材,多层胶合木Leg腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood木材水力切割Log原木Log grade原木等级。



木业术语中英文对照木业术语中英文对照木材识别wood identification 又称“木材鉴别”。

横切面cross section transverse section 又称“横截面”。

弦切面tangential section 径切面radial section 树皮bark 韧皮部phloem bast 韧皮纤维phloem fiber bast fiber 形成层cambium 木质部xylem 髓心pith 髓斑pith fleck 节子knot 树胶道gum duct gum canal 树脂道resin duct resin canal 树脂囊pitch pocket 树脂条纹pitch streak 创伤树脂道traumatic resin duct traumatic resin canal 生长轮growth ring 年轮annual ring 散孔材diffuse porous wood 半散孔材semi-diffuse porous wood 环孔材ring-porous wood 半环孔材semi-ring-porous wood 木材的各向异性anisotropy of wood 管孔pore 管胞tracheid 木射线wood ray xylem ray 射线管胞ray tracheid 导管分子vessel member vessel element 导管vessel 薄壁组织parenchyma 薄壁组织细胞parenchyma cell 虫眼pinhole wormhole 分泌细胞epithelial cell 细结构fine texture 粗结构coarse texture 松散纹理loosened grain 斜纹理cross grain 交错纹理interlocked grain 螺旋纹理spiral grain 木材花纹wood figure 细胞腔cell lumen cell cavity 细胞壁cell wall 胞间层middle lamella 纹孔pit 单纹孔对simple pit pair 具缘纹孔对bordered pit pair 半具缘纹孔对half bordered pit pair 纹孔环pit annulus 纹孔口pit aperture orifice 纹孔缘pit border 纹孔道pit canal 纹孔腔pit cavity 纹孔室pit chamber 纹孔闭塞pit aspiration 纹孔塞torus pit torus 自由水free water 吸着水bound water 又称“结合水”。



木材专业术语木材专业英语家具英译(3)——家具木材AAbele银白杨Abnormal wood异常(木)材Acoustic acid board吸音纤维板Acoustical board吸(隔)音板Adjustable template可调节的样板Adult wood成年材African blackwood非洲黑木黄檀African ebony非洲乌木African mabogany非洲桃花心木African padauk非洲紫檀Aging老化,陈化Air drying大气干燥Air seasoning天然干燥Alaska fir阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar阿拉斯加柏木Alder赤杨类American ash美国白蜡木American beech美国山毛榉American eim美国榆,白榆American plane美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring年轮Apron望板Armor-plywood金属贴面板Arris棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber人造木材Ash白蜡木Aspen白杨类BBabool阿拉伯胶树Back board背板Back veneer衬板Bald cypress落羽杉Bamboo竹子Basswood椴木,美国椴木Batten board条板心细木工板Beech山毛榉木Beech parquet山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood(弯)曲木Birch白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤CCaul垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑#1common普一级#2common普二级compreg胶压木compressed wood压缩木coniferous species针叶树种continuous layer board多层板cork软木cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)crook弯曲木cross rail拉档cupping翘弯curly birch皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树DDado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood散孔材Dimension规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame鸡翅木Door lining门框Dovetail门衬板Dowel燕尾榫Drawer front圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Dressed timber净材EEastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting截头English plane英国悬铃木Eucalyptus桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash欧洲白蜡木European beech欧洲桦木European birch欧洲桦木European chestnut欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut欧洲七叶树European larch欧洲落叶松European lime欧洲椴木European spruce欧洲云杉European yew欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board木丝板Exotics外来木Exterior plywood室外用胶合板HFace veneer表面单板FAS一级和二级FAX1F单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt乐器用材Figured影木Figured sycomore梧桐影木Fine wood board纤维板Flakeboard碎料板Flakes薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber平切纹板材Flooring地板Flush panel平(光)镶板Formed plywood模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel中空合板From sustainable forests来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片GGap离缝Giant cedar(美国)侧柏Gloss光泽度Grade等级Grade of lumber成材等级Graded分等级Grain纹理HHackberry朴树Band selected手工挑选Hard board硬质纤维板Hard maple硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa(美国)梓树Heat board心板Hickory山核桃木High-density plywood压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR)高强度抗湿Hipboard细木工板Hole drilling打眼Honey-comb core plywood蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood黄花梨木IIdentification of timbers木材识别Imitation wood仿制材Imported timber进口材Impregnated wood(合成树脂)浸渍木Indian camphor印度樟木Indian chestnut印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony印度乌木Indian“laurel”印度“月桂树”Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel装板Install wood strip flooring安装地板条JJapanese beech日本山毛榉Japanese larch日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine日本赤松Japanese thuja罗汉柏Japanese white pine日本五须松Joint flooring企口地板Jointless flooring无缝地板KKarelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width锯路宽度Khaya非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine窑干松木Kiln drying人工窑干燥Kind of timber材种Kirl紫花泡桐Knob节子Knock-down carcass可随时拆卸的框架Knot木节,节疤LLaminate层压Laminated wood层积材,多层胶合木Leg腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood木材水力切割Log原木Log grade原木等级。



木业术语中英文对照木业术语中英文对照木材识别wood identification 又称“木材鉴别”。

横切面cross section transverse section 又称“横截面”。

弦切面tangential section 径切面radial section 树皮bark 韧皮部phloem bast 韧皮纤维phloem fiber bast fiber 形成层cambium 木质部xylem 髓心pith 髓斑pith fleck 节子knot 树胶道gum duct gum canal 树脂道resin duct resin canal 树脂囊pitch pocket 树脂条纹pitch streak 创伤树脂道traumatic resin duct traumatic resin canal 生长轮growth ring 年轮annual ring 散孔材diffuse porous wood 半散孔材semi-diffuse porous wood 环孔材ring-porous wood 半环孔材semi-ring-porous wood 木材的各向异性anisotropy of wood 管孔pore 管胞tracheid 木射线wood ray xylem ray 射线管胞ray tracheid 导管分子vessel member vessel element 导管vessel 薄壁组织parenchyma 薄壁组织细胞parenchyma cell 虫眼pinhole wormhole 分泌细胞epithelial cell 细结构fine texture 粗结构coarse texture 松散纹理loosened grain 斜纹理cross grain 交错纹理interlocked grain 螺旋纹理spiral grain 木材花纹wood figure 细胞腔cell lumen cell cavity 细胞壁cell wall 胞间层middle lamella 纹孔pit 单纹孔对simple pit pair 具缘纹孔对bordered pit pair 半具缘纹孔对half bordered pit pair 纹孔环pit annulus 纹孔口pit aperture orifice 纹孔缘pit border 纹孔道pit canal 纹孔腔pit cavity 纹孔室pit chamber 纹孔闭塞pit aspiration 纹孔塞torus pit torus 自由水free water 吸着水bound water 又称“结合水”。



木材英汉词汇安全应力safe stress暗色心材dark heart-wood;dark corewood凹凸纹(理)(机械缺陷) raised grain扒钉(蚂蟥钉) double—headed nail白腐white rot白腐材white rotten wood百万板尺MMBF百万立方米Mm3斑腐mottled(rot);pecky板尺检尺法foot board measurement板英尺board foot(b.F.; B.F.or bd.ft)板英尺—考得转换board foot-cord conversion板英尺-立方英尺转换board foot-cubic foot conversion 板英尺材积表board foot volume table板英尺检尺board—foot scaling板英尺量度board-foot measure半成材shop lumber半环孔材semi—ring porous wood半活节partial Intergrown knot半具缘纹孔对semibordered pit-pair半散孔材semi-diffuse porous wood半圆材half-round wood半缘纹孔对haft-bordered pit-pair包复片wrapping foil薄壁组织parenchyma被絮花纹quilted figure比例极限proportional limit;limit of proportionality比例极限应力stress at proportional limit壁孔(纹孔) pit壁孔对(纹孔对) pit pair壁孔口(纹孔口) pit aperture壁孔膜(纹孔膜) pit membrane壁孔腔(纹孔腔) pit cavity;pit chamber边材腐朽sap rot;external decay边材树sapwood tree边腐marginal rot边节edge knot边棱节arris knot;corner knot边缘纹孔marginal pit变色材staining wood变形deformation标尺staff标准节standard knot标准考得apparent cord标准木type tree标准误差mean error;error of mean square表层硬化case hardening表面虫孔surface worm hole表面缺陷;明显缺陷open defect波状纹理wavy figure(or grain);fiddle back grain 不规则纹理irregular grain不合格率failure rate不健全节unsound knot不均匀结构uneven texture不均匀纹理uneven grain部分轻度表层腐朽partial shallow decay部分严重(深层)腐朽partial deep decay材积测定法volume determination材面节(疤) face knot材性wood property材种kind of timber;wood sort;assortment槽纹钉corrugated nail侧面纹理side grain侧翘(边弯) spring测径尺caliper rule测径直角尺(轮尺) caliper square层积材laminate产品种类;产品目录production program长节mule-ear knot沉水材sinker成材lumber成年材mature wood;adult wood成熟材ripe wood承压应力bearing stress赤节red knot冲击剪切强度impact shearing strength冲击强度impact strength;shock resistance;shock strength 冲击应力shock stress冲击硬度impact hardness充脂材resin—soaked wood;lightwood;resinous wood充足原料储备well-stocked supply of raw materials虫孔(虫眼) insect hole;worm grub重纹孔;具缘纹孔bordered pit初腐dozy初期腐朽incipient decay初期红心腐firm red heart rot初生材primary wood初生木质部primary xylem初生韧皮部primary bast;primary phloem穿孔perforation;punching创伤心材wound heart wood垂直剪切强度vertical shearing strength垂直抗拉强度perpendicular tensile strength纯应变pure strain次生木质部secondary xylem次生韧皮部secondary phloem粗材积gross scale粗结构coarse texture粗纹理coarse grain;open grain;rough grain脆心材brittle heart打号员(划线员) marker大板条large strip大虫孔grub hole大兜(干基特大的) butt swelling;swell-butted;root swelling 大径材large timber大幼树large sapling大圆材high pole; large pole带棱健全材square-edge and sound (Sq.E.Sd.)带皮直径diameter outside(over)bark带心材boxed heart timber带状花纹stripe figure;ribbon grain袋腐pocket(rot)单壁孔(单纹孔) simple pit单穿孔simple perforation档木(集材弯道) sheer log导管vessel导管分子vessel element导热性thermal conductivity;heat conductivity倒棱(倒角) chamfers等级类别grade category等级区分grade separation等级应力;应力分类;应力分等grade stress地表直径ground line diameter(GLD)顶腐top rot冻心材frost heart-wood端裂end checking;end shake;end split端面纹理end grain短木段billet;bolt短原木billet timber断面模量modulus of section断纹理;破折纹理broken grain对角纹理diagonal grain钝棱材waney lumber多用途材versatile wood多脂材fatwood伐木废材logging debris法向应力normal stress翻木机log rotator防变色处理anti—stain treatment防裂扒钉anti—checking iron;anti-split iron防裂夹具anti-checking clamp防裂涂料anti-checking coating非规格材off-standard非破坏性试验non-destructive testing废料refuse分叉节;岔节branched knot封闭节;不贯通节blind knot封边条edge banding蜂窝腐honeycomb(rot)蜂窝状纤维(木材缺陷) comb grain;quartered without flakes 腐烂和腐朽decay and rot腐朽节rotten knot:decayed knot复合材composite wood复合成材composite lumber复节;丛节knot cluster复心材double heart-wood;double-summit改良板尺检尺法new F.B.M scale改性木improved wood; modified wood干材stemwood干腐trunk rot;bole rot干基腐朽butt rot干裂crack;seasoning check干容积重dry bulk density干围girth干围级girth class干围界限girth limit干围率girth quotient干燥应力drying stress杆材small pole刚性模量rigidity modules根端butt end根段材first log;butt log根腐root rot根株(木)花纹stump figure工作应力working stress构架材carcassing timber管胞tracheid管孔pore管状腐朽pipe rot规定尺寸dead size规格材dimension stock过熟材overyeared wood;overstocked wood海绵状腐朽sponge rot含晶细胞crystalliferous cell含水率moisture content含水率允许公差moisture tolerances函心材boxed—heart(timber)褐腐brown rot黑节black knot横纹剪切shear perpendicular to the grain横纹抗拉(极限)强度maximum tensile strength perpendicular to(the) grain横纹抗拉强度tensile strength perpendicular to the grain横纹抗压强度compression strength perpendicular to(the) grain横纹抗压试验compression test perpendicular to the grain横纹拉力tension perpendicular to the grain横向翘曲cupping:crosswise concaving; transverse warping;cup 红变red stain宏观构造gross structure后期腐朽advanced decay厚度膨胀thickness swelling弧裂burst check花斑纹mottled figure;mottle figure滑移slipping化学变色chemical stain环钉ring dog环孔材ring-porous wood环裂ring shake;round shake环状腐朽ring rot混生节Intergrown knot活节live knot; tight knot火焰纹flame figure机加工性能machining properties机械磨损abrasion(mechanical)基本应力basic stress极限抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength极限抗弯强度ultimate bending strength极限强度ultimate strength极限应力ultimate stress加工材manufactured lumber夹皮bark pocket假年轮;伪年轮false(annual)ring;false increment假心材;伪心材false heart wood尖节spike knot尖削度taper;fall-off; tapering;taperingness坚实节fixed knot间柱材stud(ding)检尺杖scale stick剪切弹性模量shear modulus剪切拉伸强度shear tensile strength剪切破坏shear failure剪切应力shearing stress剪应变shear strain健全节sound knot降等downgrade;degrade交错纹理cross gram;interlocked grain节材nodal wood节子knot;knag结构特选级selected structure紧密节tight knot浸渍材impregnated wood径级diameter class径裂radial shake;cross shake径切面纹理comb—grain净增率percentage net growth锯齿状年轮indented ring卷曲花纹curly figure卷曲纹理curly grain绝对含水率absolute moisture content均匀结构uniform texture;even texture;even grain 抗白蚁处理termite-resistance treatment抗剪刚度shear stiffness抗剪力shear resistance抗剪强度shearing strength;shear resistance抗拉(极限)强度maximum tensile strength抗拉弹性tensile elasticity抗拉刚度tensile stiffness抗拉强度tensile strength抗磨性abrasive resistance抗扭刚度torsional rigidity抗扭强度torsional strength抗劈力cleavage resistance抗劈性cleavability抗弯刚度bending stiffness抗弯强度bending strength;crossbending strength;cross-breaking strength;flexural strength抗弯阻力buckling resistance抗压极限强度maximum crushing strength抗压强度crushing strength;compression (compressive) strength;bearing strength坑腐pitted sap rot空节;节洞hollow knot枯梢树staghead块状腐朽cubical rot扩基上端干围girth above buttress阔叶材树脂囊(油眼) gum pocket拉力试验机tensile testing machine拉伸试验tensile test拉应力tensile stress蓝斑;蓝变blue stain蓝变材blue lumber梁材stringer两端翘(弓形弯);顺弯bow;bowing劣等材wrack裂环ring crack(shake);round shake檩材beams;stringer绿变green stain乱纹材burly乱纹理wild grain轮生节verticillate or whorle knot螺纹增厚spiral thickening螺旋纹理spiral grain马蹄形防裂扒钉beegle iron毛边材unedged lumber毛刺woolly grain毛刺沟痕torn grain密实木材densified wood磨科abrasive(=grinding material)木薄壁组织xylem parenchyma;wood parenchyma木材变色wood stain木材传声性acoustical conductivity of wood木材脆性brashness of wood;brittleness of wood木材弹性elasticity of wood;elastic property of wood木材的膨胀和收缩swelling and shrinking of wood木材的柔韧性pliability of wood木材电学性质electricity property of wood木材分类wood assortment;wood sorting木材干馏wood distillation木材刚性rigidity of wood木材黑斑black spot(in wood)木材解剖术;木材切片术xylotomy木材抗疲劳性fatigue of wood木材力学性质(木材机械性质) mechanical properties of wood木材流变学rheology of wood木材密度specific gravity of wood木材耐磨性abrasion of wood木材挠性flexibility of wood木材膨胀swelling of wood木材缺陷defect;fault木材韧性toughness of wood木材容重volume weight of wood;weight by volume;volumetric weight 木材声响反射系数acoustic reflection coefficient f wood木材声学性质acoustical properties of wood木材实质比重(真比重) specific weight of wood木材实质密度density of wood substance木材水解wood hydrolysis木材塑性plastic property of wood木材调温调湿设备wood conditioning apparatus木材透声性acoustical permeability of wood木材凸起bulge(of wood)木材凸纹burr figure of wood木材物理性质physical property of wood木材吸音系数acoustic absorption coefficient of wood木射线xylem ray;wood ray木丝excelsior;wood wool木瓦材shingle bolt木纹figure;grain木纹斜度slope of grain木纤维wood fiber木纤维素wood cellulose木质部xylem木质素lignin耐火木材refractory timber耐久性试验endurance test耐磨试验abrasive test耐磨硬度abrasive hardness耐水性moisture resistance囊腐pocket rot挠曲刚度;抗挠刚度flexural rigidity内部腐朽inside rot内含边材inside sapwood;included sapwood;double sapwood 内夹皮close bark-pocket内裂interior cheek;internal check逆表面硬化(应力) reverse case-hardening年轮(生长轮) growth ring;yearly ring increment鸟眼(木材) birds’eye (wood)鸟眼纹bird's figure扭(力)矩torsional moment扭矩torque扭力torsional force;torsional load turning force扭曲distortion扭曲纹twisted grain扭应力torsional stress膨胀压力swelling pressure皮包节encased knot皮孔lenticelle;lenticel疲劳极限fatigue limit疲劳强度fatigue strength(resistance)疲劳试验durability test偏向木sway wood偏心(年)轮eccentric ring偏心(髓心偏离) wandering heart;eccentric pith片(英)尺super feet平衡含水率equilibrium moisture content(EMC)平均干围mean girth平均木;中央木mean sample-tree破坏性试验break-down test骑马钉C-iron千板尺MBF千板尺锯材=2.36m3 1MBF sawn timber = 2.36m3 千板尺原木=5.1m3 1MBF log = 5.1m3千平方尺MSF强度比strength ratio强度试验strength test强度系数strength factor翘曲warp;warping;distortion切削沟纹;碎裂纹chipped grain切削加工性能machinability侵染材affected wood (timber)侵填体tylosis青变;蓝变blue sap-stain曲干材compass-timber屈服应力yield stress去皮材barked wood去皮原木buckskin去皮直径diameter inside bark去脂材bled timber缺陷材defect wood缺陷分级法defect system缺陷原木defective log染料木材dyewood热力学thermodynamics热膨胀thermal expansion热容量thermal capacity韧皮射线phloem ray韧皮束phloem bundle韧型木纤维libriform wood fiber韧性值toughness value容许应力permissible stress;allowable stress 乳汁道latex canal乳汁管latex tube;laticifer;laticiferous tube 乳汁细胞latex cell;laticiferous cell软腐soft rot散孔材diffuse porous wood上等材high grade stock上木upper growth;upper stock深虫孔deep worm hole深加工Intensive processing深裂纹(深1/8英寸以下) heavy torn grain生长应力growth stress生节live knot;sound knot声阻acoustic resistance湿腐wet rot湿心材water-core;wetwood;wet heart十亿立方米MMMm3实木solid wood饰面片finish fails试件;试材testing piece试生产trial production试行experimenting;try out试验程序;试验方法testing procedure试运转break-in;test run;running-in适宜含水率suitable moisture content受压木compression wood疏松节loose knot熟材ripe wood树杈crotch树杈纹crotch grain(figure)树干材stem timber树瘤;树疤burr(burl)树皮;皮层cortex树脂道resin canal;resin duct树脂瘤resinous cancer顺纹along the grain;with the grain;in the grain direction;inthe fiber direction顺纹剪切shear parallel to the grain顺纹抗剪强度shear strength parallel to grain顺纹抗拉(极限)强度maximum tensile strength parallel-to-grain顺纹抗拉强度tensile strength parallel to grain顺纹抗压(极限)强度maximum compression strength parallel to(the) grain 顺纹抗压强度compression strength parallel to grain;endwise tensile strength;crushing strength along the grain丝状腐朽stringy rot撕裂纹torn grain死节dead knot;encased knot;non-adhering knot松散纹理loosened grain塑(性)变(形) plastic deformation髓节pith knot弹性极限应力stress of elasticity limit统材(包括中等以下的阔叶材及一般的针叶材) common(s)桶材tubbing头木basal trunk椭圆节oval knot弯边softforming edge弯矩moment of flexure弯抗强度buckling strength弯曲材crook弯曲杆材curvature弯曲极限buckling limit弯曲木bent wood;compass-timber弯曲应变buckling strain弯曲应力bending stress;buckling stress弯曲折断荷载buckling load晚材(夏材) late wood(summer wood)晚材率late wood percentage;percent of late wood未成熟材immature wood未成熟心材imperfect heart wood纹孔道pit canal纹孔膜pit membrane纹孔内口inner pit aperture纹孔塞pit torus纹孔室;纹孔腔pit chamber纹孔缘pit border纹理方向grain direction涡卷纹swirl grain握钉力nail-holding ability;nail-holding power(capacity);screw holding power无节材clear wood无孔材non—pored timber(wood)无缺陷材clear lumber细(致)纹理smooth grain;fine grain;close grain细胞膜cell membrane细波花纹fiddle back figure(grain)细结构fine texture细结构材fine-texture wood细纹材close-grained wood纤维(状)管胞fiber—tracheid纤维饱和点fiber-saturation point纤维应力fiber stress弦面纹理slash figure(grain)弦切面纹理flat grain显微构造microscopic structure显微解剖micro-dissection相对含水率relative moisture content箱板材case wood;wrack小材小料waste lumber material小虫孔shot hole;pin hole小方材scantlings小规格材small-dimension stock小径木undersized tree小柱材low pole斜边原木bevel-edged log斜纹抗压强度compression strength inclined to(the) grain 斜纹理diagonal grain心材heart wood心材树(种) heart wood tree心裂pith check;rift;heart check;heart shake新伐材freshly-felled timber(wood)形成层cambium (pl.cambia)胸高干围girth breast height(GBH)胸高直径diameter breast-high(D.B.H.)熊抓纹wild grain bear scratches朽节rotten knot压碎应力crushing stress压缩木compact wood;compressed wood压应力compressive stress;crushing stress羊毛状纹理woolly grain一等材first prime quality;first grade timber异形射线(组织) heterogeneous ray(tissue)银光花纹silver grain(figure)引火木材spunk隐节;内含节enclosed knot应变strain应变仪strain gauge;strainometer应拉木tension wood应力(力学) stress (mechanic)应力分级法stress grading应力分析stress analysis应力集中stress concentration应力木reaction wood应力松弛stress relaxation应力应变stress-strain应压木compression-wood硬度hardness硬腐(初期腐朽) hard rot硬化层压木densified laminated wood永久变形permanent deformation;permanent set 优质大原木big blue butt有孔材pored wood幼年材immature wood;juvenile wood愈合材callus wood原木板英尺材积表board foot log rule原木大头段butt block原条tree stem;trunk(=pole)圆节round knot圆棱eased arris(edge)杂木miscellaneous tree;weed tree早材(春材) early (spring) wood造材bucking;dissecting;dissection造材归堆机bucker—buncher造材机bucker造材锯bucking saw站杆(枯立木) snag涨方(胀量) bulk丈尺measuring staff(stick)针节pin knot针叶材树脂囊;油眼resin cyst;resin pocket;gum pocket真菌学试验mycological test正应力normal stress枝节knottiness枝梢材faggot wood;lop and top;lapwood枝条材branchwood;slender-branched枝桠材brushwood直边和弯边的封边材料edgebanding materials for straight and softforming edges中方(材) medium hewn squares中节medium knot中央干围mid girth周皮periderm蛛网心裂spider heart主干高bole height(length)柱材post;pillar wood桩木pile装饰兼结构用材appearance lumber纵裂longitudinal check纵向切削longitudinal cutting纵向树脂道;轴向树脂道vertical resin canal阻力矩moment of resistance最大剪应力maximum shearing stress最大纤维应力extreme fiber stress最大压应力maximum compressive stress美国椴木Basswood。



林业木材词汇一、基本术语木材防腐:wood preservation 木材防腐剂:wood preservative木材防腐处理:wood preservative treatment 木材保管:wood protection in storage原木保管:log protection in storage 锯材保管:sawntimber protection in storage木材防火:wood fire prevention 木材败坏:wood deterioration生物败坏:biodeterioration 物理和化学损害:physical and chemical degradation 真菌:fungus 细菌:bacterium昆虫:insect 海生钻孔动物:marine borer腐朽:decay/rot 变色:stain蛀孔:bore hole 天然耐久性:natural durability天然耐腐性:natural decay resistance 含水率:moisture content自由水:free moisture /free water 结合水:bound moisture/bound water纤维饱和点:fibre saturation point 平衡含水率:equilibrium moisture content木材吸湿性:hydroscopicity of wood 木材吸水性:water-absorbing capacity of wood 木材透水性:water permeability of wood 细胞壁:cell wall纹孔:pit 木材密度:density of wood木材硬度:hardness of wood 木材强度:strength of wood生材:green wood 湿材:wet timber气干材:air-dried timber 裂纹:check干裂:seasoning check 环裂:shake轮裂:ringe shake 弧裂:cup shake劈裂:split 生长轮:growth ring年轮:annual ring 早材:early wood晚材:late wood 边材:sap wood心材:heart wood 熟材:ripe wood针叶树材:coniferous wood/soft wood 阔叶树材:broadleaves wood/hard wood健康材:sound wood 腐朽材:decayed wood/rotted wood变色材:stained wood 素材:untreated wood二、木材败坏菌害:attack by fungi and bacteria 木材腐朽菌:wood destroying fungi担子菌纲:basidiomycetes 子囊菌纲:ascomycetes半知菌类:fungi-imperfecti/deuteromyetes 结合菌类:Zygomycetes多孔菌目:polyprales/polyporaceae 变色菌:stain fungi霉菌:mould 菌丝:hyphae菌丝体:mycelium 子实体:fruit body孢子:spore 酶:enzyme蓝变blue stain 边材变色:sap stain边材腐朽: sap rot 心材腐朽:heart rot干基腐朽:butt rot 白腐:white rot褐腐:brown rot 干腐:dry rot湿腐:wet rot 软腐:soft rot带线:zone line 虫害:attack by insects木材钻孔虫:wood-boring insects 虫孔:insects hole小虫眼:shothole/small insect-hole 大虫眼:grub hole针孔虫眼:pin hole 表面虫眼和虫沟:surface insect holes and galleries蛀屑:frass/bore dust 蛸翅目:Coleoptera天牛科:Cerambycidae 小蠹科:Scolytidae长小蠹科:Platypodidae 窃蠹科:Anobiidae长蠹科:Bostrychidae 粉蠹科:Lyctidae粉蠹甲虫:powder-post beetles 食菌小蠹:ambrosia beetles象鼻虫科:Curculionidae 吉丁虫科:Buprestidae等翅目:Isoptera 家白蚁:Coptotermes formosanus散白蚁:Reticulitermes spp 堆沙白蚁:Cryptotermes spp膜翅目:Hymenoptera 木蚁:carpenter ant木蜂:carpenter bee 树蜂:wood wasp海生钻孔动物的危害:attack by Marine borers 软体钻孔动物:Molluscan borers甲壳钻孔动物:Crustacean borers 船蛆:Teredo navalis木材耐火性:fire resistance of wood 风化:weathering机械磨损:mechanical wear 化学损坏(降解):chemical degradation三、木材防腐剂焦油类防腐剂:tar-oil type preservative木材防腐油:coal-tar-creosote for the preservation of timber乳化煤焦杂酚油:pigment emulsified creosote(PEC)水煤气焦杂酚油:water-gas tar creosote防腐油石油混合液:creosote-petroleum solution石油分馏物:petroleum distillates 蒽油:anthrancene oil有机溶剂型防腐剂:organic solvent type preservative 五氯苯酚:pentachlorphenol环烷酸铜:copper naphthenate 8羟基喹啉酮:copper 8-hydroxyquinolate(Cu-8)有机锡化合物:organotin compounds 林丹:lindane氯丹:chlordane 辛硫磷:phoxim水载型防腐剂:water-borne preservative 酸性铬酸铜:acid copper chromate氨溶砷酸铜:ammonical copper arsenite 铜铬砷防腐剂:CCA preservative专利性防腐剂:proprietary preservative 水载五氯酚制剂:water-borne penta formulations防水防腐剂:water-repellent preservative 乳化防腐浆膏:emulsion paste阻燃剂:fire retardant 阻燃防腐剂:fire-retardant preservative多硼防腐剂:polybor 防霉剂:antimold chemicals防变色剂:antisapstain chemicals 五氯酚钠—硼砂合剂:pentabor烷基胺化合物:alkyl ammonium compounds 试验方法:test methods分馏试验:fractional distillation test 琼脂木块法:agar-block test土壤木块法:soil-block test 呼吸法:fungal respiration method毒性极限:toxic limit 流失试验:leaching test残余毒性:residual toxicity 菌窑试验:fungus cellar test野外试验:field test 致死中量:median lethal dose垛式支架试验:crib test 火管试验:fire-tube test极限氧指数:limiting oxygen index四、木材防腐处理处理的准备:preparation for treatment 剥皮:debarking预加工:prefabrication 刻痕:incising刻痕机:incising machine 预加热:preheating木芯:core 生长锥:increment borer调湿:conditioning 真空油煮法:boiling under vacuum常压处理:non-pressure treatments 浸渍处理:immersion treatment冷浸处理:cold soaking 长时浸渍:steeping瞬时浸渍:dipping 涂刷:brush treatment炙焦喷涂处理:charring and spraying treatment 干基处理:butt treatment套(车内胎)管法:tyre-tube process 喷射处理:spray treatment隧道式喷淋处理:tunnel spraying 树液置换处理:sap displacement扩散处理:diffusion treatment 双扩散处理:double diffusion treatment绷带处理:bandage treatment 钻孔扩散处理:bore-hole treatment钻孔处理器:bolt-hole treater 地际线处理:ground-line treatment枪注法:gun injection 热冷槽法:hot and cold bath process喷蒸和淬冷处理:steam and quench treatment 修补处理:remedial treatment毒化土壤:soil poisoning 熏蒸:fumigation阻燃处理:fire retarding treatment 木材机械保护法:mechanical protection of wood 加压处理:pressure treatment 真空加压法:vacuum/pressure process定量浸注法:empty-cell process 半定量浸注法:lowry process完全浸注法:full-cell process 循环浸注法:cycle vacuum/pressure process复式处理:dural treatment 频压法:alternating-pressure process加压真空交替法:oscillating-pressure process 后期喷蒸处理:final steaming膨胀浴:expansion bath 真空处理法:vacuum process双真空处理法:double vacuum process 溶剂回收法:solvent recovery process干真空法:dry-vacuum process 前真空:initial vacuum后真空:final vacuum 流动木材防腐装置:mobile timber treating plant处理罐:treating cylinder 机动罐:rueping cylinder混合罐:mixing tank 计量罐:measuring tank余液槽:drain tank 跑锅:surging回出量:kick-back 拒受点:refusal point毛吸收量:gross absorption 初吸收量:inicial absorption净吸收量:net absorption 处理压力:treating pressure处理材的性质:properties of treated wood 处理性:treatability浸注性:impregnability 难注性:refractory渗透性:permeability 透入性:penetration固着:fixation 流失:leaching溢油:bleeding 起霜:blooming保持量的测定:retention by assay 净干盐保持量:net dry salt retention飞机播种造林技术规程Technical guidelines for afforestation by aerial seeding封山(沙)育林技术规程Technical guidelines for setting apart hills (sand area)for tree growing 工业糠醇 Technical furfurylalcohol工业糠醇试验方法Technical furfurylalcohol test methods工业糠醛 Technical furfural工业糠醛试验方法Technical furfural test methods罐道木Sawn timber for shaft lifting guide合成樟脑 Synthetic camphor黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts混凝土模板用胶合板Plywood for concrete form集约经营用材林基地造林总体设计规程Forestation overall design regulations for intensively managed timber-forest base胶合板测试胶合板的抽取方法Plywood--Sampling of test plywood panels胶合板分类 Plywood--Classification胶合板含水率的测定Plywood--Determination of moisture content胶合板胶合强度的测定Plywood--Determination of glue bond strength胶合板普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮存Plywood--Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use胶合板普通胶合板尺寸和公差技术条件Plywood--Specification for dimensions and tolerances of plywood for general use胶合板普通胶合板检验规则Plywood--Inspection codes for plywood for general use胶合板普通胶合板通用技术条件 Plywood--General specification for plywood for general use 胶合板普通胶合板外观分等技术条件Plywood--Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use胶合板试件尺寸的测量Plywood--Determination of dimensions of test specimens胶合板试件的锯割Plywood--cutting of test specimens胶合板术语和定义Plywood--Terms and definitions浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins锯材材积表Sawn timber volume table锯材干燥质量Drying quality of sawn timber锯材检验Swan timber inspection锯材缺陷Defects in sawn timber锯切用原木树种、主要用途Ripping logs--Species--Main application军用紫胶片Shellac used for arms颗粒紫胶 Seed lac-Specification阔叶树锯材Broad leaves sawn timber阔叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等Broad leaves ripping logs-Dimensioms--tolerances and grade classification林木良种审定规范The standard of examination and approval of improved varieties of forest tree林木引种Introduction of exotic forest trees林木种质资源保存原则与方法Conservation principle and method of germplasm resources of forest trees林木种子 Forest seed林木种子检验方法Inspection method of tree seeds林木种子贮藏 Tree seed storage林业资源分类与代码林木害虫Classification and codes for forestry resources--Injurioustree-insects林业资源分类与代码森林类型Classification and codes for forestry resources--Forest types 林业资源分类与代码自然保护区Classification and codes for forestry resources--Natural reserves马来松香 Maleated rosin模压刨花制品家具类Molding articles from wood particle for furniture木材PH值测定方法Method for determination of PH of wood木材冲击韧性试验方法Method of testing in toughness of wood木材防腐术语Glossary of terms used in wood preservation木材干缩性测定方法Method for determination of the shrinkage of wood木材干燥术语Terminology in wood drying木材工业胶粘剂用脲醛、酚醛、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂 Woodadhesives--urea-formaldehyde,phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins木材含水率测定方法Method for determination of the moisture content of wood木材横纹抗拉强度试验方法Method of testing in tensile strength perpendicular to grain of wood木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood木材横纹抗压试验方法Method of testing in compression perpendicular to grain of wood木材缓冲容量测定方法Method for determination the buffering capacity of wood木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 pH值测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of pH木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法沉析温度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of precipitation temperature木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法固化时间测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of gelation time木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法固体含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of solid content木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法含水率测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of moisture content木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法碱量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of alkali content木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法聚合时间测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of curing speed木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法可被溴化物测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of brominable ubstance木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法密度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of density木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法木材胶合强度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of wood glue bond strength木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法适用期测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of pot life木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法水混和性测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of miscibility with water木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法外观测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of appearance木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法游离苯酚含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of free phenol content木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法游离甲醛含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of free formaldehyde content木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法粘度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of viscosity木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法贮存稳定性测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of storage stability木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法羟甲基含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of methylol content木材抗劈力试验方法Method of testing in cleavage stregth of wood木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood木材抗弯强度试验方法Method of testing in bending strength of wood木材密度测定方法Method for determination of the density of wood木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood木材湿胀性测定方法Method for determination of the swelling of wood木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法Method of testing in shearing stength parallel to grain of wood木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood木材顺纹抗压弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compressive parallel to grain of wood木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood木材天然耐久性试验方法木材天然耐腐性实验室试验方法Method for laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods木材天然耐久性试验方法木材天然耐久性野外试验方法Method for field test of natural durability of wood木材握钉力试验方法Method of testing nail holding power of wood木材物理力学试材采集方法Method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of wood木材物理力学试验方法总则General requiements for physical and mechnical tests of wood 木材吸水性测定方法Method for determination of the water absorption of wood木材硬度试验方法Method of testing in hardness of wood木炭和木炭试验方法Wood charcoal and test methods of wood charcoal木质净水用活性炭Wooden activated carbon for water purification木质颗粒活性炭对四氯化碳蒸气吸附试验方法Test method of wooden granular activated carbon adsorption to CCl vapor木质味精精制用颗粒活性炭Wooden granular activated carbon for refining of sodium glutamate浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳溶胀度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex--Determination of swelling capacity浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳粘度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex--Determination of viscosity刨花板 Particle board刨切单板 Sliced veneer刨切单板用原木Log of sliced veneer漂白紫胶 Bleached lac漆蜡 Lacquer wax氢化松香 Hydrogenated rosin热带阔叶树材普通胶合板General use plywood of tropical broadleaved species热固性树脂装饰层压板表面耐磨性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to surface wear热固性树脂装饰层压板表面耐污染性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to surface staining热固性树脂装饰层压板尺寸稳定性性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of dimensional stability热固性树脂装饰层压板技术条件Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Specification热固性树脂装饰层压板抗拉强度的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of tension strengths热固性树脂装饰层压板耐冲击性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to impact热固性树脂装饰层压板耐沸水煮性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to immersion boiling water热固性树脂装饰层压板耐干热性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to dry heat热固性树脂装饰层压板耐开裂性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to cracking热固性树脂装饰层压板耐老化性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to weathering热固性树脂装饰层压板耐香烟灼烧性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistane to cigarette burns热固性树脂装饰层压板试件尺寸的规定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of dimensions of test pieces热固性树脂装饰层压板滞燃性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of reaction to fire人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法Test methods of evaluating the properties ofwood-based panels and surface decorated wood-based panels森林抚育规程Regulations for tending of forest杉原条Chinese firtree poles杉原条材积表Volume table of chinese firtree poles生漆 Raw lacquer实木地板块检验及试验方法Solid wood blocks--Examination and test methods for physical and mechanical characteristics实木地板块平接地板块技术条件 Solid wood blocks--Flate join specifications实木地板块竖木地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Vertical paving block specifications实木地板块镶嵌地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Mosaic parquet specifications实木地板块一般规定Solid wood blocks--Greneral rules实木地板块榫接地板块技术条件 Solid wood blocks--Mortise join specifications松节油分析方法Analytical methods of turpentine松香试验方法Test methods of rosin糖液脱色用活性炭Activated carbon for refining of suger特级原木Logs of super grade天然胶乳锰含量的测定(高碘酸钾光度测定法) Natural rubber latex--Determination of manganese content--Potassium periodate photometric method天然胶乳铜含量的测定Natural rubber latex--Determination of copper content天然浓缩胶乳氨保存离心胶乳的规格Natural rubber latex concentrate--Centrifuged ammonia preserved type-Specification天然浓缩胶乳残渣含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of sludge content天然浓缩胶乳干胶含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of dry rubber content天然浓缩胶乳挥发脂肪酸值的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of volatile fatty acid number天然浓缩胶乳机械稳定度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of mechanical stability天然浓缩胶乳碱度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of alkalinity天然浓缩胶乳凝块含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of coagulum content天然浓缩胶乳硼酸含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of boric acid content天然浓缩胶乳氢氧化钾值的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of KOH number天然浓缩胶乳取样Natural rubber latex concentrate--Sampling天然浓缩胶乳总固体含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of total solids content天然生胶白绉胶片和浅色绉胶片Raw natural rubber--White crepes and pale crepes天然生胶标准橡胶包装、标志、贮存和运输Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Packing, marks, storage and transportion天然生胶标准橡胶规格Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Specifications天然生胶标准橡胶取样Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Sampling天然生胶氮含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of nitrogen天然生胶挥发物含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of volatile matter content天然生胶烟胶片Raw natural rubber--Smoked sheets天然生胶颜色指数测定法Raw natural rubber--Colour index test天然生胶样品的制备Raw natural rubber--Sample preparation天然生胶杂质含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of dirt天然生胶术语Terminology of raw natural rubber桐油 Tung oil脱蜡紫胶片, 脱色紫胶片和脱色脱蜡紫胶片Dewaxed shellac, Decolorized shellac and decolorized dewaxed shellac细木工板 Blockboard小径原木Logs of small diameter旋切单板用原木Log of peeled veneer腰状杆螺柱连接副螺母、受力套管Connections with waisted stud--Nuts, extension sleeves 腰状杆螺柱连接副螺柱Connections with waisted stud--Studs硬质纤维板产品的标志、包装、运输和贮存 Hard fibreboard—Marking, packaing, transportation and reservation of the products硬质纤维板含水率的测定Hard fibreboard—Determination of moisture content硬质纤维板技术要求Hard fibreboard—Technical requirement硬质纤维板检验规则 Hard fibreboard—Test code硬质纤维板静曲强度的测定 Hard fibreboard—Defermination of bending strength硬质纤维板密度的测定 Hard fibreboard—Determination of density硬质纤维板试件取样及测量Hard fibreboard—Samping and measurement of test pieces 硬质纤维板术语和分类Hard fibreboard—Terms and classfication硬质纤维板吸水率的测定Hard fibreboard—Determination of water absorption育苗技术规程Technical regulations for cultivation of tree seedlings原木材积表Log volume table原木检验 Log inspection原木检验术语Terms in log inspection原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法第部分:锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法 Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers Part : Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of sawn timbers原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法第部分:原木批量检查抽样、判定方法 Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers Part : Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs原木缺陷Defects in logs原木缺陷术语符号The symbol of the logs defect terms造林技术规程Technical regulations for afforestation造纸木片Wood chips for the pulp造纸用原木 Pulp logs针叶树锯材Coniferous sawn timber针叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等 Coniferous rippinglogs--Dimensions--Tolerancesand-grade classification枕木 Sleeper脂松节油 Gum turpentine脂松香 Gum rosin直接用原木坑木Logs for direct--Pit-props制材工艺术语Terms in lumber technology中国林木种子区白榆种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Ulmuspumila L.中国林木种子区侧柏种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Platycladus orientalis (Linn) Franco.中国林木种子区长白落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix olgensis Henry.中国林木种子区红松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et zucc.中国林木种子区华北落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.中国林木种子区华山松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus armandii Franch.中国林木种子区马尾松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus massoniana Lamb.中国林木种子区杉木种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Cunning hamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.中国林木种子区兴安落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix gmelinii Rupr.中国林木种子区油松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr中国林木种子区云南松种子区seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus yunnanensis Franch.中国林木种子区云杉种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Picea asperata Mast.中国林木种子区樟子松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Litvin.中国主要木材名称Names of Chinese main woods中密度纤维板定义和分类Medium density fiberboard—Defination and classification中密度纤维板含水率的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of moisture content 中密度纤维板技术要求和检验规则Medium density fiberboard—Technical requirement and test code中密度纤维板甲醛释放量的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of formaldehyde released中密度纤维板静曲强度和弹性模量的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of static bending strength and elastic modulus中密度纤维板密度的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of density中密度纤维板平面抗拉强度的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of flush tensile strength中密度纤维板试件的制备Medium density fiberboard—Cutting and measurement of test pieces中密度纤维板握螺钉力的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of screw holding capability中密度纤维板吸水厚度膨胀率的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of thickness swelling rate of water absorption竹编胶合板 Bamboo-mat plywood竹编胶合板试验方法Methods of testing bamboo-mat plywood竹材物理力学性质试验方法Testing methods for physical and mechanical properties of bamboos主要商品木材树种代号Code name of the main commercial timber主要造林阔叶林树种良种选育程序与要求Selection and breeding of procedure and request of the main broadleaf trees improved variety主要造林树种林地化学除草技术规程The state technical standard of chemical weed control in main plantation trees主要造林树种苗木Tree seedlings of major species for afforestation装饰单板贴面人造板Decorative veneered wood-based panel紫胶产品检验方法Methods of testing lac products紫胶产品取样方法Methods of sampling lac products紫胶片 Shellac紫胶原胶 Sticklac阻燃木材燃烧性能试验火传播试验方法The test of burning behaviour for flame retardant treated wood--method of test for fire propagation。



木材英语词汇:掌握这些词汇,轻松应对木材行业交流1. Hardwood(硬木):指阔叶树木材,如橡木、枫木、胡桃木等,通常质地坚硬,纹理美观。

2. Softwood(软木):指针叶树木材,如松木、杉木、柏木等,质地较软,易于加工。

4. Veneer(贴面板):将薄木皮贴在基材上,用于家具、室内装饰等,具有美观的木纹。

5. Lumber(木材):指经过砍伐、加工成一定尺寸的木材,可用于建筑、家具等领域。

6. Timber(原木):指未经加工的树木,通常用于建筑、家具等行业的原材料。

7. Log(圆木):指树木砍伐后,去枝去皮的圆柱形木材。

8. Woodworking(木工):指利用木材进行加工、制作各种产品的技艺。

9. Carpentry(木匠工艺):指建筑行业中,利用木材进行房屋结构、门窗等制作的技艺。

10. Sawmill(锯木厂):指将原木加工成板材、方材等产品的工厂。

11. Kilndried(窑干):指木材在窑内经过高温干燥处理,以降低木材含水率,提高木材稳定性。

12. Green wood(湿材):指刚砍伐下来,含水量较高的木材,未经干燥处理。

13. Seasoning(木材干燥):指通过自然或人工方式,降低木材含水率的过程,以提高木材的物理性能。

14. Grain(木纹):指木材表面的纹理,不同树种的木纹各具特色,影响木材的外观和加工性能。

15. Knot(节疤):指树木生长过程中形成的疙瘩,存在于木材表面,影响木材的美观和强度。

16. Defect(木材缺陷):指木材在生长或加工过程中产生的瑕疵,如裂纹、虫蛀、腐朽等。

17. Dimensional lumber(规格材):指按照一定尺寸、形状和品质标准生产的木材,常用于建筑行业。

18. Engineered wood(工程木):指通过加工重组木纤维制成的产品,如定向刨花板、木塑复合材料等。

19. Wood finish(木器涂料):用于木材表面的涂料,以保护木材并提升其外观。



一、木材的缺陷:节子knot 活节live knot 死节dead knot 夹皮bark pocket 腐朽rot变色stain 木材变色wood stain化学变色chemical stain木材腐朽rot/decay环裂shake裂纹check表面裂纹surface check干裂crack/seasoning check内部干裂inner check缺陷defect边材sap虫眼insect hole/worm hole丹宁tannin侧弯spring两端翘/顺弯bow/bowing翘曲warping扭曲distortion/twist变形deformation二、木材树干trunk树皮bark/cortex年轮growth ring/annual ring假年轮faulse annual ring木材缺陷defect of wood针叶树conifer灌木shrub/bush落叶树deciduous tree长绿树evergreen纹理grain纹理方向grain direction交错纹理cross grain有纹理的grained斜纹理dip grain火焰纹flame figure径切面纹理comb-grain弦切面纹理flat-grain导管vessel木纤维woodfiber外观缺陷open defect心材heart wood边材sapwood/duramen内含边材inside sapwood采伐cutting/felling/logging木浆wood pulp三、木材处理及加工1、变色处理沉泡immersion内应力internal stress变色discoloration漂白剂bleach漂白bleaching灭火装置fire extinguishing device2、干燥处理含水率moisture content自然晾晒natural seasoning/air seasoning 干燥窑dry kiln窑干kiln-seasoning干燥时间drying time最初含水率initial moisture content动态平衡active equilibrium水分平衡water equilibrium化学成分chemical composition采样sampling随机取样random sampling安全措施safety measures偶然误差random error熏蒸fumigation毛刺wooly grain3、胶胶粘性adhesivness固化剂hardener胶粘剂adhesive胶层lacquering line漆膜形成varnish formation调胶glue mixing涂胶glue-spreading单面涂胶single spread gluing涂胶/开胶degumming缺胶层starved glue line4、漆底漆priming paint /primer有机溶剂organic solvent二道底漆interlayer底色bottom color底涂bottom coat/priming paint喷漆spray painting喷涂spray coating表面涂刷external coating初涂initial coatingVarnish清漆清漆varnish paint/varnish水性涂料water paint稀料thinner防潮漆damp-proof paint涂膜paint film透明漆clear finishes树脂resin固体含量solid content浓度consistency防水剂water-proof agent颜料pigment沉淀剂sendimentation agent沉淀sendimentation搅匀homogenize质量要求demand on quality5、板材种类人造板artificial boards复合板材composite wood board芯板材core board装饰板decorative board细木工板blockboard纤维板fiber board中密度纤维板medium-density fiberboard 刨花板chipboard麦秸板straw board软质纤维板non-compressed fiberboard 规格板standard board6、加工工艺横截crosscut方材square废木/残材refuse wood木片/碎料wood chip锯屑saw dust切削成型cut-to-shape筛选screen开榫tenon打榫眼mortise梳齿榫finger joint开槽groove cutting钻孔boring集成材fingerboard压刨thicknessing平刨planing分选selection盘头end trimming/horizontal trimming方边edge trimming/panel sizing在齿上刷胶cementing拼板splicing横拼cross feed splicing检验inspection砂光sanding腻子wood putty/wood flour打磨abrading组装assembly7、设备单面木工刨床single-side woodworking thicknesser木工平刨床surface planer单片锯/速锯single sizer圆锯circular saw齐端截锯机equalizer梳齿榫开榫机finger joint shaper指接机finger jointing machine/finger joint assembler/finger joint clamp 四面刨four-sides planing and moulding machine芯板拼板机lumber core composer裁板锯panel sizing saw截头锯cut-off saw宽带砂光机wide belt sander带锯band saw推台锯sliding table saw万能锯universal saw镂铣机high speed router铣床moulder/shaper/miller单轴多排木工钻床single-head multi-hole boring machine双轴多排木工钻床double-head multi-hole boring machine卧带式砂光机horizontal belt sander立带式砂光机vertical belt sander砂布/砂纸abrasive cloth/sanding paper盘式打磨机impact disk mill8、家具五金件Hinge 合叶脚轮caster滑道chute滑动卡尺slide caliperKnob (门,抽屉等的)球型捏手Dimension 尺寸(任何一种量度)/大小Screen屏幕/帘子/隔板9、家具Buffet 碗橱/餐具架Chest 橱/柜/箱Chest of drawers五斗柜Shelve把…放在架子上Wardrobe衣柜/衣橱Wardrobe case挂衣箱Wardrobe bed衣柜床Rack 行李架/货架Display rack陈列商品的货架10、装饰材料Moulding 线条Base mouldings壁带Casing 门窗框Siding 侧线/外壁板Crowns 花冠Concave 凹的Concavity凹状Strip 条/带、条纹/边框/边条Bevel 斜角/斜面Groove 沟/槽Angle 角度Inclination 倾斜/斜度/斜角Crib 婴儿床/栅栏Profile轮廓/外观/简介Panel (常为矩形的)镶板/护墙板/建筑板材Stool 内窗台/凳子Rabbet (木板等的)槽口,开槽口于Sash 窗扇Ply 使胶合/(木的)板层Sill 门槛/窗台Wainscot 壁板/装饰墙壁的材料Wainscoting 壁板料/壁板Dado 护墙板Closet 壁橱/小房间Cabinet 橱柜Baluster 栏杆的支柱/栏杆Balustrade 栏杆/楼梯栏杆Handrail 栏杆扶手Stock 库存/托盘Lattice 格子窗Trellis 格子棚/凉亭Astragal 半圆线脚Bead 有孔小珠/露珠Shelving 做棚架用的材料Casket 首饰盒/匣子Stile 阶梯/台阶/门边Jamb 旁柱Roofed 有屋顶的Cribbing 做围栏用的材料Paneling 镶板/嵌板。



有关家具木材的词汇Abele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀Alder 赤杨类African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木Aspen 白杨类African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木Annual ring 年轮American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer 衬板Bamboo 竹子Bald cypress 落羽杉Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Birch白桦Board板材Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Block塞角Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Burl树疤,树瘤Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑#1 common普一级#2 common普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species针叶树种crook弯曲木continuous layer board多层板cork 软木cross rail拉档crotch丫权cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)cupping翘弯cypress针叶树curly birch皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板Dado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种D?cor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame鸡翅木Dovetail门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Dressed timber净材Eastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting封边Elm 榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板European beech 欧洲桦木European birch 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板Face veneer 表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flooring 地板Flush panel 平(光)镶板Formed plywood 模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel 中空合板Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片Gap离缝Giant cedar(美国)侧柏Gloss光泽度Grade等级Grade of lumber成材等级Graded分等级Grain纹理Hackberry朴树Band selected手工挑选Hard board硬质纤维板Hard maple硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa(美国)梓树Heat board心板Hickory山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR)高强度抗湿Hipboard细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Indian camphor 印度樟木Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Insect attack虫眼Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条Japanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板Karelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Knot 木节,节疤Laminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级。



木材干燥术语(英文)干燥方法干燥方法drying methods 天然干燥natural drying; natural seasoning 大气干燥air seasoning;air drying 强制气干forced air drying人工干燥artificial drying;artificial seasoning 室干kiln drying;kiln seasoning .常规干燥conventional drying;usual drying 常温干燥normal temperature drying高温干燥high temperature drying 低温干燥low temperature drying过热蒸汽干燥super heated steam drying 炉气干燥furnace gas drying特种干燥special drying 除湿干燥dehumidification drying真空干燥vacuum drying 太阳能干燥solar drying solar-energy drying 高频干燥high frequency drying ; radio frequency drying微波干燥microwave drying 红外线干燥infra-red drying加压干燥pressure drying 化学干燥chemical drying太阳能除湿干燥solar-dehumidification drying高频真空除湿干燥high frequency-vacuum and dehumidification drying高频真空干燥high-frequency- vacuum drying热风干燥hot-air drying 熏烟干燥smoke drying预干predrying 再干re-drying干燥设施木材干燥室wood drying kiln 强制性循环干燥室forced circulation kiln 自然循环干燥室natural circulation (draught) kiln 周期式干燥室compartment kiln周期式强制循环干燥室forced circulation compartment kiln周期式自然循环干燥室natural circulation compartment kiln连续式干燥室progressive kiln连续式强制循环干燥室forced circulation progressive kiln连续式自然循环干燥室natural circulation progressive kiln空气干燥室air kiln 过热蒸汽干燥室superheated steam kiln 炉汽干燥室furnance gas kiln 长(纵)轴型干燥室line-shaft kiln短(横)轴型干燥室cross-shaft kiln 侧风机型干燥室side-fan kiln端风机型干燥室end-fan kiln 喷气型干燥室jet kiln除湿干燥室dehumidification drying kiln 真空干燥室vacuum dryer间歇真空干燥机alternate vacuum dryer 连续真空干燥机continuous vacuum dryer 高频真空干燥机high frequency-vacuum dryer 太阳能干燥室solar drying kiln太阳能除湿干燥室solar-dehumidification drying kiln 微波干燥室microwave dryer红外线干燥室infra-red drying kiln 热风干燥室hot-air kiln烟道干燥室smoke channel kiln 熏烟干燥室smoke drying kiln单轨干燥室single track kiln 双轨干燥室double track kiln砖混凝土体干燥室brick and concrete kiln 金属壳体干燥室all-metal kiln预制组装结构干燥室pre-fabricated modular construction kiln高温干燥室high temperature drying kiln 预干室pre-dry kiln干端dry end 湿端green end进气道inlet air duct; fresh air duct; air inlet flue 排气道exhaust air duct闸门damper 导风板baffle气道vent 检查门inspection door吊门vertical lifting door 折叠门folding door拉门sliding door 平滑管加热器heating coil made with plain pipe 肋形管加热器heat exchanger made with cast iron ribbed pipe翅片管加热器heating coil made with fin pipe 喷蒸管steam spray pipe喷水器water sprayer 疏水器trap供汽主管main feed header 排水主管drain header; discharger header 回水线路water-return lines 单线车single track truck载料车truck 转运车transport truck装堆机stacking machine 卸堆机unstacking machine干湿球温度计wet and dry bulb thermometer(psychrometer)除湿器dehumidifier 含水率电测计electrical moisture content meter 干材库storage for dried timber干燥工艺干燥过程drying process 干燥前期the early stage of drying干燥后期the later stage of drying 干燥基准drying schedule含水率干燥基准moisture content drying schedule 时间干燥基准time drying schedule 波动干燥基准fluctuant drying schedule 半波动干燥基准semi-fluctuant drying schedule 软干燥基准mild drying schedule 硬干燥基准harsh drying schedule 连续升温干燥基准continuously rising temperature drying schedule热湿处理conditioning treatment 初期处理pretreatment中期(间)处理intermediate treatment 终期处理final treatment平衡处理equalization treatment 汽蒸处理steaming冷却cooling 材堆stack; piles; loads材堆区pile area 垫条sticker; stick; crosser垫条间隔sticker spacing 堆基foundation顶盖roof 堆积方法piling method平堆flat stacking 竖(立)堆end stacking; end piling 斜堆slope piling 叠对lap piling层堆open piling 实堆solid piling单元堆package piling 自垫堆积self-crossing堆间距离space between piles 堆内通气道chimneys in pile板间间隙cracks 垂直通气道vertical flue; chimney 装堆stacking; loading 卸堆unstacking; unloading宽材堆wide piles 窄材堆narrow piles干燥缺陷与干燥质量干燥缺陷drying defects 干裂drying checks端裂end check 表裂surface check劈裂split 轮裂ring shake; ring crack内裂internal check; heneycombing 变形distortion翘曲warp 顺弯bow横弯crook 翘弯cup扭曲twist 菱形变形diamonding表面硬化case hardening 逆表面硬化reverse case hardening 变定set 皱缩collapse; crimp变色discoloration 炭化char降等degrade 过干overdrying试材test piece 检验板sample board含水率检验板moisture content sample board 应力检验板stress sample board试验板test board 含水率试片moisture content section 应力试片stress section 叉齿(齿片)prong干燥质量drying quality 干燥成本drying cost能量消耗energy consumption 比能耗(单位能耗)specific energy consumption 热耗量heat consumption 热损失heat loss蒸汽耗量steam consumption 电耗量electrisity consumption; power consumption 加热面radiating surface干燥理论木材干燥wood drying; wood seasoning 干燥机理drying mechanism木材干燥静力学wood drying statics 木材干燥动力学wood drying dynamics 木材干燥运动学wood drying kinematics 干燥速度drying rate干燥曲线drying curve 温度曲线temperature curve干燥速度曲线drying rate curve 干燥梯度drying gradient干燥势drying power 干燥介质drying medium湿空气moist air 过热蒸汽superheated steam炉汽furnace air 新鲜空气fresh air废气exhaust air 绝对含水率absolute moisture content 相对含水率relative moisture content木材平衡含水率wood equilibrium moisture content吸湿稳定含水率adsorption stabilizing moisture content解吸稳定含水率desorption stabilizing moisture content初含水率initial moisture content 终含水率final moisture content分层含水率layer moisture content 平均含水率average moisture content 当时含水率actual moisture content 要求含水率desired moisture content 生材含水率moisture content of green wood 运输含水率transport moisture content 木材含水率梯度moisture content gradient of wood 初重initial weight; original weight 绝干重absolute dry weight ; oven dry weight干燥时间drying time ; drying cycle; drying duration干燥应力drying stress 拉应力tensile stress压应力compressive stress 残余应力residual stress干球温度dry-bulb temperature 湿球温度wet-bulb temperature干湿球温度差hygrometric difference;wet-bulb depression最初温度initial temperature 最终温度final temperature最高温度highest temperature冷却极限温度cooling limit temperature;wet-bulb temperature木材水分移动moisture movement in wood解吸desorption 吸湿adsorption吸湿滞后sorption hysteresis 不均匀干缩restrained shrinkage 等温解湿线desorption isotherm 等温吸附线sorption isotherm 绝热蒸发过程adiabatic evaporation process 稳定蒸发过程steady evaporation process 强制循环forced circulation (draught)自然循环natural circulation (draught) 横向循环cross (transverse)circulation 垂直循环vertical circulation 往复循环recirculation逆行循环reverse circulation 循环速度circulation velocity通气断面free cross section 湿度图psychrometric chart标准木料standard timber。



















木材干燥术语(英文)第一篇:木材干燥术语(英文)干燥方法 drying methods天然干燥natural drying;natural seasoning 大气干燥air seasoning;air drying 强制气干forced air drying 人工干燥artificial drying;artificial seasoning 室干kiln drying;kiln seasoning .常规干燥 conventional drying;usual drying 常温干燥 normal temperature drying 高温干燥 high temperature drying 低温干燥low temperature drying 过热蒸汽干燥 super heated steam drying 炉气干燥 furnace gas drying 特种干燥 special drying除湿干燥 dehumidification drying 真空干燥 vacuum drying太阳能干燥 solar drying solar-energy drying高频干燥 high frequency drying;radio frequency drying 微波干燥microwave drying 红外线干燥infra-red drying 加压干燥pressure drying 化学干燥chemical drying 太阳能除湿干燥solar-dehumidification drying 高频真空除湿干燥high frequency-vacuum and dehumidification drying 高频真空干燥high-frequency-vacuum drying 热风干燥hot-air drying 熏烟干燥smoke drying 预干 predrying 再干 re-drying干燥设施木材干燥室 wood drying kiln强制性循环干燥室forced circulation kiln 自然循环干燥室natural circulation(draught)kiln 周期式干燥室compartment kiln 周期式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation compartment kiln 周期式自然循环干燥室 natural circulation compartment kiln 连续式干燥室progressive kiln连续式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation progressive kiln 连续式自然循环干燥室natural circulation progressive kiln 空气干燥室air kiln过热蒸汽干燥室 superheated steam kiln 炉汽干燥室 furnance gas kiln 长(纵)轴型干燥室line-shaft kiln 短(横)轴型干燥室cross-shaft kiln 侧风机型干燥室 side-fan kiln 端风机型干燥室 end-fan kiln 喷气型干燥室 jet kiln 除湿干燥室 dehumidification drying kiln 真空干燥室vacuum dryer 间歇真空干燥机alternate vacuum dryer 连续真空干燥机continuous vacuum dryer 高频真空干燥机high frequency-vacuum dryer 太阳能干燥室solar drying kiln 太阳能除湿干燥室solar-dehumidification drying kiln 微波干燥室microwave dryer 红外线干燥室infra-red drying kiln 热风干燥室hot-air kiln 烟道干燥室smoke channel kiln 熏烟干燥室smoke drying kiln 单轨干燥室 single track kiln 双轨干燥室 double track kiln 砖混凝土体干燥室 brick and concrete kiln 金属壳体干燥室 all-metal kiln 预制组装结构干燥室pre-fabricated modular construction kiln 高温干燥室 high temperature drying kiln 预干室pre-dry kiln 干端 dry end 湿端 green end 进气道 inlet air duct;fresh air duct;air inlet flue 排气道 exhaust air duct 闸门 damper 导风板baffle 气道 vent检查门inspection door 吊门vertical lifting door 折叠门folding door 拉门 sliding door平滑管加热器 heating coil made with plain pipe 肋形管加热器heat exchanger made with cast iron ribbed pipe 喷蒸管steam spray pipe 翅片管加热器 heating coil made with fin pipe 喷水器water sprayer 疏水器 trap供汽主管 main feed header排水主管drain header;discharger header 回水线路water-return lines 单线车 single track truck 载料车truck转运车transport truck 装堆机stacking machine 卸堆机unstacking machine 干湿球温度计wet and dry bulb thermometer(psychrometer)除湿器 dehumidifier含水率电测计electrical moisture content meter 干材库storage for dried timber干燥工艺干燥过程 drying process干燥前期 the early stage of drying 干燥后期 the later stage of drying 干燥基准 drying schedule 含水率干燥基准 moisture content drying schedule 时间干燥基准 time drying schedule 波动干燥基准fluctuant drying schedule半波动干燥基准semi-fluctuant drying schedule 软干燥基准mild drying schedule 硬干燥基准 harsh drying schedule 连续升温干燥基准 continuously rising temperature drying schedule 热湿处理 conditioning treatment 初期处理 pretreatment 中期(间)处理intermediate treatment 终期处理final treatment平衡处理equalization treatment 汽蒸处理 steaming 冷却 cooling 材堆 stack;piles;loads 材堆区 pile area垫条sticker;stick;crosser 垫条间隔sticker spacing 堆基foundation 顶盖 roof堆积方法 piling method平堆 flat stacking竖(立)堆 end stacking;end piling 斜堆 slope piling 叠对 lap piling 层堆 open piling 实堆solid piling 单元堆 package piling 自垫堆积self-crossing 堆间距离space between piles 堆内通气道chimneys in pile 板间间隙 cracks垂直通气道vertical flue;chimney 装堆stacking;loading 卸堆unstacking;unloading 宽材堆 wide piles 窄材堆 narrow piles 干燥缺陷与干燥质量干燥缺陷 drying defects 干裂 drying checks 端裂 end check 表裂 surface check 劈裂 split轮裂 ring shake;ring crack 内裂 internal check;heneycombing 变形 distortion 翘曲 warp 顺弯 bow 横弯 crook 翘弯 cup 扭曲 twist 菱形变形 diamonding 表面硬化 case hardening逆表面硬化 reverse case hardening 变定 set皱缩 collapse;crimp 变色 discoloration 炭化 char 降等 degrade 过干 overdrying 试材 test piece检验板 sample board 含水率检验板 moisture content sample board 应力检验板 stress sample board 试验板 test board 含水率试片 moisture content section 应力试片 stress section 叉齿(齿片)prong 干燥质量 drying quality 干燥成本 drying cost 能量消耗 energy consumption比能耗(单位能耗)specific energy consumption 热耗量 heat consumption 热损失 heat loss 蒸汽耗量 steam consumption 电耗量electrisity consumption;power consumption 加热面radiating surface干燥理论木材干燥wood drying;wood seasoning 干燥机理drying mechanism 木材干燥静力学wood drying statics 木材干燥动力学wood drying dynamics 木材干燥运动学 wood drying kinematics 干燥速度 drying rate 干燥曲线 drying curve温度曲线temperature curve 干燥速度曲线drying rate curve 干燥梯度drying gradient 干燥势drying power 干燥介质drying medium 湿空气 moist air过热蒸汽 superheated steam 炉汽 furnace air 新鲜空气 fresh air 废气 exhaust air绝对含水率absolute moisture content 相对含水率relative moisture content木材平衡含水率 wood equilibrium moisture content 吸湿稳定含水率adsorption stabilizing moisture content 解吸稳定含水率desorption stabilizing moisture content 初含水率 initial moisture content 终含水率 final moisture content 分层含水率 layer moisture content 平均含水率 average moisture content 当时含水率 actual moisture content 要求含水率 desired moisture content 生材含水率moisture content of green wood 运输含水率transport moisture content 木材含水率梯度moisture content gradient of wood 初重initial weight;original weight 绝干重absolute dry weight;oven dry weight 干燥时间 drying time;drying cycle;drying duration 干燥应力drying stress 拉应力tensile stress 压应力compressive stress 残余应力residual stress 干球温度dry-bulb temperature 湿球温度wet-bulb temperature 干湿球温度差hygrometric difference;wet-bulb depression 最初温度initial temperature 最终温度final temperature 最高温度highest temperature 冷却极限温度cooling limit temperature;wet-bulb temperature 木材水分移动moisture movement in wood 解吸desorption 吸湿 adsorption 吸湿滞后 sorption hysteresis 不均匀干缩 restrained shrinkage 等温解湿线 desorption isotherm 等温吸附线 sorption isotherm 绝热蒸发过程 adiabatic evaporation process 稳定蒸发过程steady evaporation process 强制循环forced circulation(draught)自然循环 natural circulation(draught)横向循环cross(transverse)circulation 垂直循环 vertical circulation 往复循环recirculation逆行循环 reverse circulation 循环速度 circulation velocity 通气断面free cross section 湿度图psychrometric chart 标准木料standard timber第二篇:木材干燥学一实习目的1.了解云南木材加工行业的生产概况2.通过到工厂的参观实习对木材的加工工艺及流程有大概的了解。



家具木材中英互译Abele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer 衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Birch白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑# 1 common普一级#2 common普二级Compreg 胶压木Compressed wood 压缩木Coniferous species针叶树种Continuous layer board多层板Cork 软木Crook弯曲木Cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)Cross rail拉档Crotch丫权Cupping翘弯Curly birch皱纹桦木板Curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材Curved plywood曲型合板Cypress针叶树Dado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail门衬板Dressed timber净材Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Eastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板European birch 欧洲桦木Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木European beech 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板Face veneer 表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flush panel 平(光)镶板Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flooring地板Formed plywood模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片Gap 离缝Giant cedar (美国)侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade 等级Grade of lumber 成材等级Graded分等级Grain 纹理Hackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa (美国)梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Insect attack虫眼Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Indian camphor 印度樟木Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条Japanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板Karelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knot 木节,节疤Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Laminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级。



木材专业英语abnormal wood反常材absinth worm wood苦艾acetylated wood乙? ?acid wood干馏材, 酸性木材agatized wood玛瑙石化木air dried [seasoned] wood风干木材angiospermous wood被子树木aspen wood山杨木axial wood轴材back-woods wood处女林back woods wood处女林bahama white wood白木balsam wood香脂木bamboo wood竹材beef wood硬红木billet wood圆材bird's eye wood鸟眼纹材bituminous wood沥青木black wood黑檀callus wood愈合材cam wood紫木苏木cartwrights' wood车辆材case wood箱材cigar box wood烟香椿; 印度红木chemical wood化学加工用材chinese bandoline wood刨花楠chittagonywood桃花心木close-grainedwood细纹木材coarse grainedwood粗纹理木材cooper's wood桶材cork wood轻木, 软木compregnated wood胶压木材coniferous wood针叶树材, 松柏科木材coppice wood矮林, 萌芽林core wood薪柴cross laminated wood交叉层压材crude wood原木cull (ed) wood废材, 边材curled wood皱纹材cutting wood插条dead wood枯木, 朽木; 毫无价值的材料deciduous wood落叶树木材; 硬木缺陷材delta wood多层木densified wood(浸过树脂的)浸胶木材densified laminated wood强化层积材desiccated wood烘干木材dieotyledonous wood双子叶树材double heart wood复心材drift wood漂木durable wood耐久材dye wood染料木ebony wood (=ebony)黑檀乌木, 乌梅even-aged wood [forest]同龄林extract wood萃取用材faggot wood柴; 薪材figured wood有纹理木材figured porous wood花纹孔材fire proofed [fire-resisting] wood 耐火材, 抗火木材flaming porous wood火焰型孔材formaldehyde-treated wood甲醛处理材fossil wood木化石fuel wood薪材, 燃材fully stocked woodfustic wood黄木giant red wood巨杉glued laminated wood胶合木层板grain wood纹木green wood新材hard wood硬材, 阔叶树材heart wood (=duramen)心材heat-stabilized wood热塑材heat-stabilized compressed wood 加热稳定压缩木材heat-treated wood热处理(木)材heavy wood重材homoxylous wood同型木impregnated wood浸渍材imprenated poplar wood防腐(的)白杨木improved wood压缩木材incomplete wood稀疏的森林intermediate wood心边交界材, 中间材Jamaica wood洋苏木juvenile [core] wood中心木质部; 幼龄材knot wood有节疤木料knotty wood多节木料laminated wood叠层木板, 胶合板leopard wood豹木lima wood赤木live wood原材log wood洋苏木(制作色淀染料的原料)long-cut wood长原木lop wood枝桠材low-pole wood矮干树木manoxylic wood疏木质的木材metal wood金属胶合木, 金属胶合板metal-impregnated wood金属注入材, 金属化木材, 金属处理材modified wood改性(木)材monocotyledonous wood单子叶材mouldered wood朽木multiply wood多层胶合板opalized wood蛋白石化木oven-dried wood绝干材; 全干材packing case wood箱板材paper wood造纸材paraffin-impregnated wood石蜡浸注材peeled wood去皮木材pit wood矿柱, 矿用材plain wood of lacquerwareplastic wood塑化木plasticizing wood塑化木材pored [porous] wood有孔材, 阔叶树材pulp wood造纸木材; 制浆木材quassia wood苦木quebracho wood白雀木radial porous wood辐射孔材reaction wood畸形木red wood水杉; 红木red sandal wood紫檀香木refuse wood残材resonance wood共鸣材, 共振材ring pored [ring-porous] wood 环孔材rose wood花梨木, 青龙木rough wood带皮原木saddler's wood桥桁, 枕梁sandal wood檀香木sanders wood檀香木sandwich wood压制板sap wood边材seasoned wood风干(木)材; 风化材semi-ring-porus woodsham wood模造材short grained wood细纹木材silicified wood化石木, 硅化木small wood小材(径7厘米以下)soft wood软(质)木材soil-protection wood林地?な?solid wood紧密材sound wood坚实木材, 良木southern wood青莴stained wood着色木(浸染木材, 木材防腐) stave wood桶(板)材tallow wood脂木tortoise shell wood龟甲木transmuted wood变性木材tropical wood热带材veined wood花纹材waste wood废木材wet wood湿材wheelwright's wood车辆木材wild wood原始林, 天然林window lintel wood窗楣木window post woodyellow wood黄桑; 黄色桑; 盐肤木wood for pianoforte wood钢琴用材wood for shingles木瓦用材1 GB 449-1984 锯材材积表Sawn timber volume table2 GB/T 1926.1-1988 工业糠醛Technical furfural3 GB/T 1926.2-1988 工业糠醛试验方法Technical furfural test methods4 GB/T 1927-1991 木材物理力学试材采集方法Method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood5 GB/T 1928-1991 木材物理力学试验方法总则General requiements for physical and mechnical tests of wood6 GB/T 1929-1991 木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of wood7 GB/T 1930-1991 木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood8 GB/T 1931-1991 木材含水率测定方法Method for determination of the moisture content of wood9 GB/T 1932-1991 木材干缩性测定方法Method for determination of the shrinkage of wood10 GB/T 1933-1991 木材密度测定方法Method for determination of the density of wood11 GB/T 1934.1-1991 木材吸水性测定方法Method for determination of the water absorption of wood12 GB/T 1934.2-1991 木材湿胀性测定方法Method for determination of the swelling of wood13 GB/T 1935-1991 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood14 GB/T 1936.1-1991 木材抗弯强度试验方法Method of testing in bending strength of wood15 GB/T 1936.2-1991 木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood16 GB/T 1937-1991 木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法Method of testing in shearing stength parallel to grain of wood17 GB/T 1938-1991 木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood18 GB/T 1939-1991 木材横纹抗压试验方法Method of testing in compression perpendicular to grain of wood19 GB/T 1940-1991 木材冲击韧性试验方法Method of testing in toughness of wood20 GB/T 1941-1991 木材硬度试验方法Method of testing in hardness of wood21 GB/T 1942-1991 木材抗劈力试验方法Method of testing in cleavage stregth of wood22 GB/T 1943-1991 木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood23 GB 2772-1981 林木种子检验方法Inspection method of tree seeds24 GB/T 4812-1995 特级原木Logs of super grade25 GB/T 4813-1995 阔叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等Broad leaves ripping logs-Dimensioms--tolerances and grade classification26 GB 4814-1984 原木材积表Log volume table27 GB 4815-1984 杉原条材积表V olume table of chinese firtree poles28 GB/T 4817-1995 阔叶树锯材Broad leaves sawn timber29 GB 4820-1995 罐道木Sawn timber for shaft lifting guide30 GB/T 4823-1995 锯材缺陷Defects in sawn timber31 GB/T 4895-1991 合成樟脑Synthetic camphor32 GB/T 4897-1992 刨花板Particle board33 GB 6000-1985 主要造林树种苗木Tree seedlings of major species for afforestation34 GB/T 6001-1985 育苗技术规程Technical regulations for cultivation of tree seedlings35 GB/T 6491-1986 锯材干燥质量Drying quality of sawn timber36 GB/T 7643-1987 紫胶原胶Sticklac37 GB 7908-1987 林木种子Forest seed38 GB/T 7911.1-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板技术条件Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Specification39 GB/T 7911.2-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板试件尺寸的规定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of dimensions of test pieces40 GB/T 7911.3-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐沸水煮性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to immersion boiling water41 GB/T 7911.4-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐干热性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to dry heat42 GB/T 7911.5-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐冲击性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to impact43 GB/T 7911.6-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板滞燃性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of reaction to fire44 GB/T 7911.7-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板表面耐磨性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to surface wear45 GB/T 7911.8-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板表面耐污染性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to surface staining46 GB/T 7911.9-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板抗拉强度的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of tension strengths47 GB/T 7911.10-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐香烟灼烧性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistane to cigarette burns48 GB/T 7911.11-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐开裂性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to cracking49 GB/T 7911.12-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板尺寸稳定性性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of dimensional stability50 GB/T 7911.13-1987 热固性树脂装饰层压板耐老化性能的测定Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to weathering51 GB/T 8081-1987 天然生胶标准橡胶规格Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Specifications52 GB/T 8082-1987 天然生胶标准橡胶包装、标志、贮存和运输Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Packing, marks, storage and transportion53 GB/T 8083-1987 天然生胶标准橡胶取样Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--Sampling54 GB/T 8084-1987 天然生胶样品的制备Raw natural rubber--Sample preparation55 GB/T 8086-1987 天然生胶杂质含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of dirt56 GB/T 8087-1987 天然生胶挥发物含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of volatile matter content57 GB/T 8088-1987 天然生胶氮含量测定法Raw natural rubber--Determination of nitrogen58 GB/T 8089-1987 天然生胶烟胶片Raw natural rubber--Smoked sheets59 GB/T 8090-1987 天然生胶白绉胶片和浅色绉胶片Raw natural rubber--White crepes and pale crepes60 GB/T 8137-1987 颗粒紫胶Seed lac-Specification61 GB/T 8138-1987 紫胶片Shellac62 GB/T 8139-1987 脱蜡紫胶片, 脱色紫胶片和脱色脱蜡紫胶片Dewaxed shellac, Decolorized shellac and decolorized dewaxed shellac63 GB/T 8140-1987 漂白紫胶Bleached lac64 GB/T 8141-1987 军用紫胶片Shellac used for arms65 GB/T 8142-1987 紫胶产品取样方法Methods of sampling lac products66 GB/T 8143-1987 紫胶产品检验方法Methods of testing lac products67 GB/T 8145-1987 脂松香Gum rosin68 GB/T 8146-1987 松香试验方法Test methods of rosin69 GB/T 8277-1987 桐油Tung oil70 GB/T 8289-1987 天然浓缩胶乳氨保存离心胶乳的规格Natural rubber latex concentrate--Centrifuged ammonia preserved type-Specification71 GB/T 8290-1987 天然浓缩胶乳取样Natural rubber latex concentrate--Sampling72 GB/T 8291-1987 天然浓缩胶乳凝块含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of coagulum content73 GB/T 8292-1987 天然浓缩胶乳挥发脂肪酸值的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of volatile fatty acid number74 GB/T 8293-1987 天然浓缩胶乳残渣含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of sludge content75 GB/T 8294-1987 天然浓缩胶乳硼酸含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of boric acid content76 GB/T 8295-1987 天然胶乳铜含量的测定Natural rubber latex--Determination of copper content77 GB/T 8296-1987 天然胶乳锰含量的测定(高碘酸钾光度测定法) Natural rubber latex--Determination of manganese content--Potassium periodate photometric method78 GB/T 8297-1987 天然浓缩胶乳氢氧化钾值的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of KOH number79 GB/T 8298-1987 天然浓缩胶乳总固体含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of total solids content80 GB/T 8299-1987 天然浓缩胶乳干胶含量的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of dry rubber content81 GB/T 8300-1987 天然浓缩胶乳碱度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of alkalinity82 GB/T 8301-1987 天然浓缩胶乳机械稳定度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of mechanical stability83 GB/T 8822.1-1988 中国林木种子区油松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr84 GB/T 8822.2-1988 中国林木种子区杉木种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Cunning hamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.85 GB/T 8822.3-1988 中国林木种子区红松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et zucc.86 GB/T 8822.4-1988 中国林木种子区华山松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus armandii Franch.87 GB/T 8822.5-1988 中国林木种子区樟子松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Litvin.88 GB/T 8822.6-1988 中国林木种子区马尾松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus massoniana Lamb.89 GB/T 8822.7-1988 中国林木种子区云南松种子区seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus yunnanensis Franch.90 GB/T 8822.8-1988 中国林木种子区兴安落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix gmelinii Rupr.91 GB/T 8822.9-1988 中国林木种子区长白落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix olgensis Henry.92 GB/T 8822.10-1988 中国林木种子区华北落叶松种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.93 GB/T 8822.11-1988 中国林木种子区侧柏种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Platycladus orientalis (Linn) Franco.94 GB/T 8822.12-1988 中国林木种子区云杉种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Picea asperata Mast.95 GB/T 8822.13-1988 中国林木种子区白榆种子区Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Ulmus pumila L.96 GB/T 9846.1-1988 胶合板分类Plywood--Classification97 GB/T 9846.2-1988 胶合板术语和定义Plywood--Terms and definitions98 GB/T 9846.3-1988 胶合板普通胶合板尺寸和公差技术条件Plywood--Specification for dimensions and tolerances of plywood for general use99 GB/T 9846.4-1988 胶合板普通胶合板通用技术条件Plywood--General specification for plywood for general use100 GB/T 9846.5-1988 胶合板普通胶合板外观分等技术条件Plywood--Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use101 GB/T 9846.6-1988 胶合板普通胶合板检验规则Plywood--Inspection codes for plywood for general use 102 GB/T 9846.7-1988 胶合板普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮存Plywood--Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use103 GB/T 9846.8-1988 胶合板测试胶合板的抽取方法Plywood--Sampling of test plywood panels104 GB/T 9846.9-1988 胶合板试件的锯割Plywood--cutting of test specimens105 GB/T 9846.10-1988 胶合板试件尺寸的测量Plywood--Determination of dimensions of test specimens 106 GB/T 9846.11-1988 胶合板含水率的测定Plywood--Determination of moisture content107 GB/T 9846.12-1988 胶合板胶合强度的测定Plywood--Determination of glue bond strength108 GB/T 10016-1988 林木种子贮藏Tree seed storage109 GB/T 11717-1989 造纸用原木Pulp logs110 GB/T 11718.1-1989 中密度纤维板定义和分类Medium density fiberboard—Defination and classification 111 GB/T 11718.2-1989 中密度纤维板技术要求和检验规则Medium density fiberboard—Technical requirement and test code112 GB/T 11718.3-1989 中密度纤维板试件的制备Medium density fiberboard—Cutting and measurement of test pieces113 GB/T 11718.4-1989 中密度纤维板密度的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of density 114 GB/T 11718.5-1989 中密度纤维板含水率的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of moisture content115 GB/T 11718.6-1989 中密度纤维板吸水厚度膨胀率的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of thickness swelling rate of water absorption116 GB/T 11718.7-1989 中密度纤维板平面抗拉强度的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of flush tensile strength117 GB/T 11718.8-1989 中密度纤维板静曲强度和弹性模量的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of static bending strength and elastic modulus118 GB/T 11718.9-1989 中密度纤维板握螺钉力的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of screw holding capability119 GB/T 11718.10-1989 中密度纤维板甲醛释放量的测定Medium density fiberboard—Determination of formaldehyde released120 GB/T 11917-1989 制材工艺术语Terms in lumber technology121 GB/T 12626.1-1990 硬质纤维板术语和分类Hard fibreboard—Terms and classfication122 GB/T 12626.2-1990 硬质纤维板技术要求Hard fibreboard—Technical requirement123 GB/T 12626.3-1990 硬质纤维板试件取样及测量Hard fibreboard—Samping and measurement of test pieces124 GB/T 12626.4-1990 硬质纤维板检验规则Hard fibreboard—Test code125 GB/T 12626.5-1990 硬质纤维板产品的标志、包装、运输和贮存Hard fibreboard—Marking, packaing, transportation and reservation of the products126 GB/T 12626.6-1990 硬质纤维板含水率的测定Hard fibreboard—Determination of moisture content127 GB/T 12626.7-1990 硬质纤维板密度的测定Hard fibreboard—Determination of density128 GB/T 12626.8-1990 硬质纤维板吸水率的测定Hard fibreboard—Determination of water absorption129 GB/T 12626.9-1990 硬质纤维板静曲强度的测定Hard fibreboard—Defermination of bending strength 130 GB/T 12901-1991 脂松节油Gum turpentine131 GB/T 12902-1991 松节油分析方法Analytical methods of turpentine132 GB/T 13009-1991 热带阔叶树材普通胶合板General use plywood of tropical broadleaved species133 GB/T 13010-1991 刨切单板Sliced veneer134 GB/T 13123-1991 竹编胶合板Bamboo-mat plywood135 GB/T 13124-1991 竹编胶合板试验方法Methods of testing bamboo-mat plywood136 GB/T 13803-1992 木质味精精制用颗粒活性炭Wooden granular activated carbon for refining of sodium glutamate137 GB/T 13804-1992 木质净水用活性炭Wooden activated carbon for water purification138 GB/T 13805-1992 糖液脱色用活性炭Activated carbon for refining of suger139 GB/T 13807.2-1992 腰状杆螺柱连接副螺柱Connections with waisted stud--Studs140 GB/T 13807.3-1992 腰状杆螺柱连接副螺母、受力套管Connections with waisted stud--Nuts, extension sleeves141 GB/T 13942.1-1992 木材天然耐久性试验方法木材天然耐腐性实验室试验方法Method for laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods142 GB/T 13942.2-1992 木材天然耐久性试验方法木材天然耐久性野外试验方法Method for field test of natural durability of wood143 GB/T 14017-1992 木材横纹抗拉强度试验方法Method of testing in tensile strength perpendicular to grain of wood144 GB/T 14018-1992 木材握钉力试验方法Method of testing nail holding power of wood145 GB/T 14019-1992 木材防腐术语Glossary of terms used in wood preservation146 GB/T 14020-1992 氢化松香Hydrogenated rosin147 GB/T 14021-1992 马来松香Maleated rosin148 GB/T 14022.1-1992 工业糠醇Technical furfurylalcohol149 GB/T 14022.2-1992 工业糠醇试验方法Technical furfurylalcohol test methods150 GB/T 14071-1993 林木良种审定规范The standard of examination and approval of improved varieties of forest tree151 GB/T 14072-1993 林木种质资源保存原则与方法Conservation principle and method of germplasm resources of forest trees152 GB/T 14073-1993 主要造林阔叶林树种良种选育程序与要求Selection and breeding of procedure and request of the main broadleaf trees improved variety153 GB/T 14074.1-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法外观测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of appearance154 GB/T 14074.2-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法密度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of density155 GB/T 14074.3-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法粘度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of viscosity156 GB/T 14074.4-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法pH值测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of pH157 GB/T 14074.5-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法固体含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of solid content158 GB/T 14074.6-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法水混和性测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of miscibility with water159 GB/T 14074.7-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法固化时间测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of gelation time160 GB/T 14074.8-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法适用期测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of pot life161 GB/T 14074.9-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法贮存稳定性测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of storage stability162 GB/T 14074.10-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法木材胶合强度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of wood glue bond strength163 GB/T 14074.11-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法含水率测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of moisture content164 GB/T 14074.12-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法聚合时间测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of curing speed165 GB/T 14074.13-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法游离苯酚含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of free phenol content166 GB/T 14074.14-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法可被溴化物测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of brominable substance167 GB/T 14074.15-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法碱量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of alkali content168 GB/T 14074.16-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法游离甲醛含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of free formaldehyde content169 GB/T 14074.17-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法羟甲基含量测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of methylol content170 GB/T 14074.18-1993 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法沉析温度测定法Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins--Method for determination of precipitation temperature171 GB/T 14175-1993 林木引种Introduction of exotic forest trees172 GB/T 14703-1993 生漆Raw lacquer173 GB/T 14721.1-1993 林业资源分类与代码森林类型Classification and codes for forestry resources--Forest types174 GB/T 14732-1993 木材工业胶粘剂用脲醛、酚醛、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂Wood adhesives--urea-formaldehyde,phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins175 GB/T 14795-1993 天然生胶术语Terminology of raw natural rubber176 GB/T 14796-1993 天然生胶颜色指数测定法Raw natural rubber--Colour index test177 GB/T 14797.1-1993 浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex 178 GB/T 14797.2-1993 浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳粘度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex--Determination of viscosity179 GB/T 14797.3-1993 浓缩天然胶乳硫化胶乳溶胀度的测定Natural rubber latex concentrate--Prevulcanized rubber latex--Determination of swelling capacity180 GB/T 15035-1994 木材干燥术语Terminology in wood drying181 GB/T 15036.1-1994 实木地板块一般规定Solid wood blocks--Greneral rules182 GB/T 15036.2-1994 实木地板块镶嵌地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Mosaic parquet specifications 183 GB/T 15036.3-1994 实木地板块榫接地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Mortise join specifications 184 GB/T 15036.4-1994 实木地板块平接地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Flate join specifications185 GB/T 15036.5-1994 实木地板块竖木地板块技术条件Solid wood blocks--Vertical paving block specifications186 GB/T 15036.6-1994 实木地板块检验及试验方法Solid wood blocks--Examination and test methods for physical and mechanical characteristics187 GB/T 15102-1994 浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板Surface decorated wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins188 GB/T 15104-1994 装饰单板贴面人造板Decorative veneered wood-based panel189 GB/T 15105.1-1994 模压刨花制品家具类Molding articles from wood particle for furniture190 GB/T 15106-1994 刨切单板用原木Log of sliced veneer191 GB/T 15162-1994 飞机播种造林技术规程Technical guidelines for afforestation by aerial seeding192 GB/T 15163-1994 封山(沙)育林技术规程Technical guidelines for setting apart hills (sand area)for tree growing193 GB/T 15775-1995 林业资源分类与代码林木害虫Classification and codes for forestry resources--Injurious tree-insects194 GB/T 15776-1995 造林技术规程Technical regulations for afforestation195 GB/T 15777-1995 木材顺纹抗压弹性模量测定方法Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compressive parallel to grain of wood196 GB/T 15778-1995 林业资源分类与代码自然保护区Classification and codes for forestry resources--Natural reserves197 GB/T 15779-1995 旋切单板用原木Log of peeled veneer198 GB/T 15780-1995 竹材物理力学性质试验方法Testing methods for physical and mechanical properties of bamboos199 GB/T 15781-1995 森林抚育规程Regulations for tending of forest200 GB/T 15782-1995 集约经营用材林基地造林总体设计规程Forestation overall design regulations for intensively managed timber-forest base201 GB/T 15783-1995 主要造林树种林地化学除草技术规程The state technical standard of chemical weed control in main plantation trees202 GB/T 15787-1995 原木检验术语Terms in log inspection203 GB/T 16734-1997 中国主要木材名称Names of Chinese main woods204 GB 142-1995 直接用原木坑木Logs for direct--Pit-props205 GB/T 143.1-1995 锯切用原木树种、主要用途Ripping logs--Species--Main application206 GB/T 143.2-1995 针叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等Coniferous ripping logs--Dimensions--Tolerancesand-grade classification207 GB/T 144-1995 原木检验Log inspection208 GB/T 153-1995 针叶树锯材Coniferous sawn timber209 GB 154-1984 枕木Sleeper210 GB/T 155-1995 原木缺陷Defects in logs211 GB/T 17526-1998 漆蜡Lacquer wax212 GB/T 5849-1999 细木工板Blockboard213 GB/T 17656-1999 混凝土模板用胶合板Plywood for concrete form214 GB/T 17657-1999 人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels and surface decorated wood-based panels215 GB/T 17658-1999 阻燃木材燃烧性能试验火传播试验方法The test of burning behaviour for flame retardant treated wood--method of test for fire propagation216 GB/T 11716-1999 小径原木Logs of small diameter217 GB/T 17659.1-1999 原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法第1部分:原木批量检查抽样、判定方法Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers Part 1: Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs218 GB/T 17659.2-1999 原木锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法第2部分:锯材批量检查抽样、判定方法Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of logs and sawn timbers Part 2: Sampling and judging methods for lot inspection of sawn timbers219 GB/T 6043-1999 木材PH值测定方法Method for determination of PH of wood220 GB/T 17660-1999 木材缓冲容量测定方法Method for determination the buffering capacity of wood221 GB/T 5039-1999 杉原条Chinese firtree poles222 GB/T 4822-1999 锯材检验Swan timber inspection223 GB/T 17662-1999 原木缺陷术语符号The symbol of the logs defect terms224 GB/T 17663-1999 主要商品木材树种代号Code name of the main commercial timber225 GB/T 7909-1999 造纸木片Wood chips for the pulp226 GB/T 17664-1999 木炭和木炭试验方法Wood charcoal and test methods of wood charcoal227 GB/T 17665-1999 木质颗粒活性炭对四氯化碳蒸气吸附试验方法Test method of wooden granular activated carbon adsorption to CCl4 vapor228 GB/T 17666-1999 黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts。



干燥术语(Drying Terminology)Absolute Humidity: The amount of water vapor present in a unit volume of air, measured in grams per cubic meter (g/m³). Absolute humidity directly relates to the moisture content in the air.Adsorption: The process which molecules of a substance adhere to the surface of another substance. In drying applications, adsorption refers to the water vapor molecules sticking to the surface of a solid material.Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC): The point at whichthe moisture content of a material is in balance with the surrounding environment, with no net gain or loss of moisture.Flash Drying: A hightemperature drying process where a material is exposed to a short duration of intense heat, causing the moisture to evaporate rapidly.Humidity: A general term referring to the amount of water vapor present in the air. Humidity can be expressed as absolute humidity, relative humidity, or specific humidity.Hygroscopic: The property of a substance to attract and hold water molecules from the surrounding environment. Hygroscopic materials can absorb moisture, which can affect drying processes.Moisture Content: The amount of water present in a material, usually expressed as a percentage of the material's dry weight.Relative Humidity: The ratio of the current absolute humidity to the maximum possible absolute humidity at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage. Relative humidity affects the rate of drying and the final moisture content of a material.Specific Humidity: The ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total mass of the airvapor mixture, typically expressed in grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air.Drying Terminology (Continued)Adsorption Isotherm: A curve that represents the relationship between the amount of moisture adsorbed a material and the relative humidity of the surrounding air at a constant temperature. This curve helps in understanding the moisture adsorption behavior of different materials.Critical Moisture Content: The moisture level below which a material is considered dry enough to prevent degradation or spoilage. This is an important threshold in drying processes to ensure product quality.Drying Curve: A graphical representation of the moisture content of a material over time during the drying process.The drying curve helps in analyzing the drying kinetics and optimizing the drying parameters.Heat of Vaporization: The amount of heat energy requiredto convert a unit mass of a liquid into vapor withoutchanging its temperature. This value is essential for calculating the energy requirements for drying processes.Microclimate: A smallscale climate that differs from the surrounding area. In drying, microclimates can develop within the material being dried, affecting the drying rate and uniformity.Migration: The movement of moisture within a material during the drying process. Moisture migration can lead to nonuniform drying and potential quality issues.Shrinkage: The reduction in size or volume of a materialas it loses moisture during drying. Understanding and controlling shrinkage is important to maintain the integrityof the dried product.Thermal Death Time: The minimum time required to expose a material to a specific temperature to kill all microorganisms. This is particularly relevant in the drying of food and pharmaceutical products for safety purposes.Throughput: The amount of material that can be processed a drying system in a given time. Throughput is a measure ofthe drying system's efficiency and capacity.Vacuum Drying: A drying method that uses a vacuum to lower the boiling point of water, allowing for drying at lower temperatures. This is beneficial for heatsensitive materials that could be damaged high temperatures.Drying Terminology (Final Additions)Wet Bulb Temperature: The temperature recorded a thermometer whose bulb is wrapped in a watersaturated wick and exposed to air. It is used to determine the relative humidity and is a key parameter in understanding thepotential for evaporative cooling in drying systems.Convection Drying: A drying method where heat is transferred to the material through the movement of air or another fluid. This type of drying is effective for materials that are not sensitive to air currents and can handle higher temperatures.Dielectric Drying: Also known as radiofrequency or microwave drying, this method uses electromagnetic waves to generate heat within the material, causing moisture to evaporate. It is a rapid and efficient method, particularly for materials with a high dielectric constant.Grain Drying: The process of reducing the moisture content of grains to a level suitable for storage and processing. Grain drying is critical to prevent spoilage and to ensure quality.Molecular Sieves: Porous materials with very small uniform openings that can adsorb molecules based on their size. They are used in drying to remove water and other contaminants from gases and liquids.Porous Media Drying: A drying technique where the material to be dried is placed in contact with a porous medium through which hot air flows. This method is often used for delicate materials that require gentle handling.Rapid Drying: A drying process that is designed toquickly reduce the moisture content of a material to a specified level. Rapid drying is used to minimize product degradation and to increase production rates.Refrigerated Drying: A method that cools the air belowits dew point to remove moisture, followed reheating the air to the desired drying temperature. This process isparticularly useful for materials sensitive to heat.Solar Drying: A drying method that utilizes solar energy as the primary source of heat. Solar drying is an environmentally friendly and costeffective option, especially in regions with abundant sunlight.Thermal Drying: A general term for drying processes that rely on the application of heat to remove moisture from a material. Thermal drying methods can vary widely depending on the type of heat source and the material being dried.。


67 喷枪 Spray gun
68 喷漆柜 Booth
69 空气喷涂雾枪 Air spray gun
70 有气喷涂 Air spray
71 无气喷涂 Airless spray
72 喷均匀 Spray overail
73 敲打破坏处理 "Physical distress/denting"
35 橡木油 Oak oil
36 油性着色剂 Oil stain
37 快干着色剂 Nuglaze
38 吐纳,调色剂 Toner
39 香蕉水,稀释剂 Thinner
40 耐黄剂, 遮光剂 "Sunscreen agent,not yellow agent"
41 添加剂 Additive
48 白花樟 Arch Board
49 柳婴木 Lauan(white/red)
50 山茱萸 Dogwood
51 菩提树 Linden wood
52 白杨木 Poplar
53 胡桃木 Walnut
54 山胡桃木 Hickory
55 落叶松木 Larch
56 黑檀/中非 Ebony
65 艳阳花薄片 Prima Vera
66 向上山形花 Upwards Cathedal
67 漩涡状花纹 Scroll
68 竹节花, 地板花 Butcher block
1 第一道面漆 1st lacquer
2 第二道面漆 2nd lacquer
3 一度底漆 Wood sealer
74 牛尾/马尾痕 Cowtail
75 挫刀 Rasp



英汉木材工业词汇大全(A)abele 银白杨abietic acid 松香酸,冷杉酸abnormarl wood 异常材abrasion 机械磨损abrasion hardness 磨耗硬度abrasion of wood 木材耐磨性abrasion resistance 抗磨性abrasion resistance of wood 木材抗磨性abrasion test磨耗试验abrasion testing machine 磨耗试验机abrasive 磨料abrasive band 沙带abrasive cloth 砂布abrasive disk 砂轮abrasive grain 磨粒abrasive paper 砂纸abrasive planing 磨削abrasive sleeve 研磨套筒abrasive wear磨损absolute dry weight 全干重absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute dried condition 全干状态absolute dry wood 全干材absolute maximum gradient 绝对最大坡度absolute moisture content 绝对含水率absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute water 吸着水absorption 吸收absorption ability 吸收能力absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption-desorpive 吸收-解吸运动学absorption factor 吸收因素absorption period 吸收期absorption rate 吸收速率absorption power 吸收力abutment 桥台acaroid resin 禾木树脂accelerant 促进剂accelerated air drying 加速气干accelerated condition 加速条件accelerated creep 加速蠕变accelerated field test 加速野外试验accelerated test method 加速试验方法accelerated weathering test 加速风化试验accelerating aging 加速老化accelerator 硬化剂acceretion 重度疏伐accessory equipmnet 附属设备accumulated error 累积误差acertannin 槭(叶)单宁acetal resin 缩醛树脂acetic acid 乙酸acetone 丙酮acetylated wood 乙酰化材acetylation 乙酰纤维素acetylcellulose 乙酰化achromatic colours 消色颜料acicular crystal 针状晶体acid wood 干馏木材acoustical absorption coefficient of wood 木材吸音系数acoustical board 吸(隔)板acoustical conductivity of wood 木材的传声性acoustical permeability of wood 木材的透声性acoustical properties of wood 木材声学性质acoustic fibre board 吸音纤维板acoustic reflection coefficient of wood 木材声响反射系数acoustic resistance 声阻acoustic tile 吸音板块acrylic acid resin 丙烯酸树脂acrylic thermoplastic resin 丙烯热塑性树脂acrylonitrile 丙稀晴actinomycetes 放线菌类activated charcoal 活性炭active carbon 活性炭actual stress 实际应力aczol 铜锌氨酚防腐剂adaxial paratracheal parenchyma 近轴傍管薄壁组织additive 添加剂adherend 涂胶体,粘附体adhesion 胶合,粘附,附着力adhesive 胶adhesiveness 胶粘剂adhesive solvent 剂溶剂adiabatic ecaporation 绝热蒸发adjing machine 枕木机adorbed water 吸附水adsorpion 吸附作用adult 成虫adult wood 成年材advance stage 后期adz(e) 手斧,横口斧,刮刀adzing 刮,砍,铲成关面adzing and boring machine 【枕木】铲平穿孔机aerenchyma 通气组织acrial cableway 架空索道aerial logging 空中集材aerial monirail-tramway 架空单轨索道aerial termite 空栖白蚁aerial wireropeway 架空索道aeroplane timber 飞机用材asculin 七叶灵affinity 亲和力A-frame loading boom A型装车架杆African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mahogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀after flaming 复发火焰against grain 逆纹agar block method 琼脂木块法agaric 伞菌agar plate 琼脂平面培养agar plate test 琼脂木片试验agar slant 琼脂斜面培养ageing 老化agglomerate 凝结aggregate 凝聚体aggregate parenchyma 聚合薄壁组织aggregate ray 聚合射线agilawood 呈香aging 老化agricultural timber 农用木材air binding 空气阻塞air brake 空气制动器air circulation 空气循环air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning unit 空气调节器air-conductivity 透气性air-crack 【气】干裂aircraft plywood 航空胶合板aircraft stock 航空用材air-dried condition 气干条件air dry 气干air drying contition 气干条件air-dry lumber 气干材ail felting 气流铺装air heater 空气加热器air inlet flue 进气道airless spraying 无气喷涂air lift logging 空中集材air operated automatic control 气动自动控制air-operated dogs 气动卡木鹰嘴air operated humidity controller 气动湿度控制器air operated recorder regulator 气动自计调节器air operated thermostat 气动恒温器air outlet flue 排气道air pressure 气压air receder 气动卡木桩还原器air seasoning 气干(天然干燥)air seasoning condition 气干条件air tight 气密air tongs 气压卡钩air valve 【空】气阀air velocity 气流速度aisle 林班间小道Alaska fir 阿拉斯加铁杉,【美国】西部铁杉Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木albumen glue 蛋白胶alcohol oil 【木】醇油aleuritic acid 糊粉酸,罂子桐酸algarobilla extract 拉美云实栲胶aliform confluent parenchyma 聚翼状薄壁组织aliform parenchyma 翼状薄壁组织alignment 对准alkail cellulose 碱纤维素alkaili lignin 碱木素alkaline pulp 碱法浆alkaloid 生物碱alkyd resin 醇酸树脂alkyd resin adhesive 醇酸树脂胶粘剂all axle drive 全轴驱动alley 楞间通路alligatoring 漆膜龟裂alligator tree 美国枫木all-in cost 总费用allowable defect 允许缺陷allowable error 允许误差allowable load 允许荷载allowable load capacity 允许承载力allowable pressure 允许压力allowable resistance 允许阻力allowable stress单位应力allowable unit stress 允许单位应力allowance 裕度aloownce for bark 除皮(检尺)allowance for trimming 后备长度all-veneer playwood 普通胶合板all-weather road 全天候道路almond oil 杏仁油aloewood 沉香alpha cellulose a-纤维素alpinone 良姜酮alternate pitting 互列壁空卡alternating forced cross circulation 交变强制横向循环amber wood 硬化层积材ambient pressure 周围压力ambrosia beetle 小蛊虫American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉Amercain chestnut 美国栗木American elm 美国榆,榆木American mahogany 拉丁美洲桃花心木American plane 美国悬铃木American Society for Testing Materials(ASTM) 美国材料试验学会American sweet gum 美国枫香American Turpentine Farmers Association(ATFA) 美国脂农协会American walnut 黑核桃木American whitewood 美国鹅掌秋American Wood Preserving Association(AWPA) 美国木材防腐协会Amino resin adhesive 氨基树脂胶Ammoniacal copper arsenite(ACA)氨化亚砷酸铜ammonium phosphate 磷酸氨ammonium sulphate 硫酸氨amorphous area 非晶区(无定形区)amorphous cellulose 非晶纤维素amorphous fraction 非晶部分amorphous structure 非晶结构amorphous substance 非晶体Amsler universal test machine 爱姆斯拉多项试验机amyrin 香树精analyzer 分析器,检偏振器anatomical structure 解剖构造anatomy of wood 木材解剖学anchor cable 固定钢索anchor log 锚木anemometer 风速表,风力计Angiosperms 被子植物门angle bar 角钢angledozer 侧铲推土机angle of attack 冲角angle of contact 接触角angle of difference 偏移角angle of incidence 如射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of incline 倾斜角angle of repose 休止角angle of traction 牵引角angle post 支柱angular apeture 镜口角angular deflection 角度偏转animal glue 动物胶anisaldehyde 茴香醛,对甲氨基苯甲醛anisometric 不等轴的anisotropic 各向异性annual burden 年度经费annual cut 年伐量annual cutting area 年伐面积annual output 年产量annual ring 年轮annual ring width 年轮宽度annular cell 环纹细胞annular vessel 环纹导管annulus 覃环anomalous structure 异常构造antagonism 对抗作用anthocyanidin 花色素anthocyans 花色素类anthracene oil 蒽油antibiosis 抗生anti-blue stain dip 防蓝变浸渍处理anti-checking iron 防裂扒钉antifoaming agent 防泡剂,除泡剂antifriction property 抗磨性antifungin 防腐剂antigenicity 抗毒性antimicrobic 抗微生物的antisepsis 防腐antiseptic effect 防腐效应antiseptics 防腐剂anti-shrinkage efficiency 抗缩率anti-split iron 防裂铁钉anvil 铁占(修锯用)apartment kiln 周期式干燥窑aperture 壁孔口apical meristem 顶端分身组织apitong 阿必通双翅龙脑香aplanat 消球差镜aplanatic magnifier 消球差放大镜apocarya 美国山核桃apochromatic lens 灭色差镜apotracheal banded parenchya 离管带状薄壁组织apotracheal parenchyma 离管薄壁组织apparent density 容重apparent elastic modulus表观弹性模量apparent expansion 表观膨胀apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent stress 表观应力apparent weight 表观重量apposition 附着作用apron 防冲铺砌apron lining 宽板忖araban 阿拉伯聚糖arabic acid 阿拉伯糖酸arabic gun 阿拉伯树胶arabin 阿拉伯素arabinogalactans 阿拉伯半乳聚糖arabinose 果胶糖arabinoxylan 阿拉国糖基木聚糖arabogalactan 阿拉伯半乳聚糖araucaroid pit 南洋杉型壁孔arbor 圆锯轴arch 【集材】拱架arch-bridge 拱桥arch culvert 拱形涵洞arched axle logging wheels 拱轴运材车arch hook 拱架吊钩architrave 门窗线条板arch logging 拱架集材area momnet 翘矩面积area-momnet method 面积力矩法area of bearing 支撑面积arithmetic mean 【算术】平均数armor-plywood 金属贴面板arm-tie 横档木aromatic alcohol 芳香醇arresting device 制动装置arris rail 三角【断面】横档arsenic concrete 含砷混泥土articles in wood 木制品artificial camphor 合作樟脑artificial drying 人工干燥artificial fibre 人造纤维artificial inoculation 人工接种artificial ventilating dry kiln 人工通风干燥asbestos board 石棉板asceding grade 上升坡度ascocarp 子囊果Ascomycetes 子囊菌asconpore 子囊孢子Ascu 铜、砷、铬防腐剂ascus 子囊ash 白蜡树asphalt 沥青asphaltum 沥青aspirated pit-pair 闭塞壁孔对aspirated pits 闭塞壁孔aspiration 壁孔闭塞assay determination 分析测定assay procedure 分析程讯assembling wood 木材集中,集材assembly 组配、装配assembly adhesive 组合胶assembly glue 组合胶assembly time 陈化时间assorting table 选材台assortment talbe 材种表ASTM specification 美国材料试验协会技术规范ASTM standard 美国材料试验协会标准Astringent 收敛剂asymmetric method 不对称法atmospheric pressure process 常压【防腐】法atomization of liquid 液体雾化attrition test 磨耗试验auger 钻auger bit 麻花钻头Australian eucalyptus 澳洲桉树Austrian pine 南欧黑松autoclave 压热器,高压消毒器automatic band saw sharpener 带锯制动锉锯机automatic carrier 自动跑车automatic clipper 自动剪板机automatic control damper 自动控制气阀automatic fire sprinker 自动灭火器automatic loader and unloader 自动装卸机automatic single daylight press 自动单层压机autoscaler 自动检尺机auxiliary rafter 副梁average diameter 平均直径average height 平均高度average intake 平均吸入量average lenth 平均长度average life 平均寿命average log 中等原木average moisture content 平均含水率average retention 平均保持量axe gauge 斧刃规axe marking 砍号axial compression 轴向压力axial element 轴向分子axial elements storied 轴向分子叠生axial flow fan 轴向通风机axial parenchyma轴向薄壁组织axial rake angle 轴向前角axial wood 轴材azeotropic drying 共沸干燥法英汉木材工业词汇(B)babassu oil 巴西棕油babool 阿拉伯树胶back (1)背板(2)锯背(3)底座(4)机身背部back-blading 倒刮back board 背板(胶合板等的)backbone 船首、龙骨、和船尾部分用材back boxing 内忖,里忖back cut (1)半圆旋刀(2)背锯(3)上锯口back gauge 背缘尺backing board (1)背板,忖板(2)隔板backings (砂带)背忖back line (1)齿背线(2)回空索back of tooth 齿背back rule 背缘尺back-spiker 钉道工back veneer 背【板】单板bactericide 杀菌剂bacteriostatic agent 抑菌剂baffle 挡板bagadde baord 蔗渣板bag boom 袋形排bag moulding 袋模成形baking varnish 清烤漆balance cut-off saw 平衡截断锯balanced construction 平衡结构,对称结构balance maching 平衡配板法,对称配板法balance of raw material utilization 原料利用平衡表balata 巴拉塔树胶bald cypress 落羽杉balk 粗制的方材ballast (1)道渣(2)铺道渣ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball hooting 土滑道集材balloon framing 轻便构架ballooning 气胀现象ballooning logging 气球集材balsa 【西印度】轻木balsam 香脂,香胶balsam fir 【美国】香脂冷杉balsam of copaiva 苦配巴香膏balsam poplar 【美国】香脂树bamboo 竹子bamboo borer 竹虎天牛bandage process 绷带法bandage treatment 绷带处理防腐band-brake 带式制动器band drier 带式【单板】干燥机banded core 封边板芯banded paratracheal parenchyma 傍管带型薄壁组织banded parenchyma 带型薄壁组织banded pores 管孔带型排列band head rig saw 带锯主锯banding 封边【木料】banding method 绷带法banding treatment 固干注药防腐法band mill 剖料大带锯【机】band resaw 剖分带锯机,再分带锯机band-saw 带锯band-saw sharper 带锯磨锯机,带锯锉锯机bangalow 热带伐木工舍bank (1)集标场(2)装车台(3)归楞(4)以补余缺banking (1)归楞(2)筑提(3)填高(4)斜度bank up 归楞(集材场或中楞)bar 横隔baber’s chair 躺椅状劈裂barefaced tenon 裸面榫barge board 挡风板bark (1)树皮(2)厚皮barker of rosser-head type 剥头式剥皮机barker of rotary-ring type 转环式剥皮机bark extract 树皮浸提物bark gauge 树皮厚度计bark hack 割刀,采脂刀barking 剥皮barking drum 鼓式剥皮机barking in period of sap flow 树液流动期剥皮barking in strips 条状剥皮barking iron 剥皮铲barking machine 剥皮机barking saw 原木清扫锯bark injury 皮伤bark mark 边号(原木旁边的木主记号)bark-peepler 剥皮机bark peeling machine 原木剥皮机bark pocket 皮囊bark removal 脱皮bark-scaler 剥皮铲bark ahaver 刮【皮】刀bark shaver face 刮【皮】面bark spud 剥皮铲barlike thickening 条状加厚barndoor gate 侧向【旋转】启闭闸门barometer 气压计barrack (1)木板屋(2)营房barras 毛松香barrel saw 桶形锯barrier 障壁base (1)碱(2)底子(3)底座(4)【路面】基层base log 【圆木】滑道底木basic expenditures 基本费用basic gravity 基本容重,公定容重basic wage 基本工资basidial layer 担子层basidiomycetes 担子菌basidiospore 担孢子basidium 担子basilit 氟-酚【木材】防腐剂basket weave matching 编织纹拼板法bass 椴树内皮basswood (1)椴木(2)美国椴木bast 韧皮部bastard acacia 刺槐bastard cedar 香肖楠bastard face 弦切面bastard grain (1)弦锯面(2)弦面纹理bastard lumber 弦面材bastard sawn 弦锯bast fiber 韧皮纤维bast parechyma 韧皮薄壁组织bast ray 韧皮射线batten (1)小原木,小方材(2)条板batten board 条板芯细木工板batter (1)斜面(2)倾斜度battery of extractor 浸提器组balk 枋材,大方料bay 欧洲桂树baywood 大叶桃花心木beaded ray 念珠状射线bead flush panel 半圆镶边嵌板beading 半圆线脚beam (1)粱(2)光束beam test 粱试验beam with simply supported ends 普通粱,简支粱bearer 承木,垫木bearing (1)轴承(2)支撑bearing friction 轴承摩擦bearing machine 打浆机bearing strain 承压变形bearing strength 抗压强度bearing stress 支撑能力bear trap 悬木制动装置beater 打浆机beating 打浆beating degree 叩解度becket (1)绳端套孔(2)转车钩bed (1)下口平面(2)做床bed a tree 做床bedding wood material 垫木bed moulding 凹饰bed plate (1)座板,基础底板(2)底刀板(打浆机底主要部分)beech (1)欧洲山毛榉(2)美国山毛榉beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板beef-wood 木麻黄bees wax 蜂蜡belt-conveyor 带式传送器belt drier 带式干燥机belt sander 带式砂光机bencn (1)工作台(2)锯台台架bending deflection 弯曲变形bending failure 弯曲破坏bending moment 弯曲力矩bending momnet diagram 弯矩图bending planer 曲面刨光机bending radius 弯曲半径bending stiffness 抗弯刚度bending strength 抗弯强度bending stress 弯曲应力bending vibration strength 弯曲震动强度bent wood 【人工】弯曲木benzoin 安息香bera 愈疮木berangan 马来栲树Berlin blue 亚铁氰化铁beta cellulose β-纤维素betelnut 槟榔bethel process 充细胞法,贝塞法(防腐)betuline 桦木脑bevel 斜面,制成斜面bevel angle 斜角bevelled joint 斜接,搭接bevelled tenon 斜榫bevil edge 斜边bhotan blue pine 乔松,喜马拉雅松bi-cable system 双线架孔索道bigness scale 实际材积big tree 巨杉bilge saw 桶板锯billet (1)短原木段(旋切用)(2)劈制的薪材billhook 砍刀bind 夹锯binder (1)紧链杆(2)粘合剂binding (1)粘合(2)夹锯binding logs 封顶木binocular microsope 双目显微镜biological testing of wood preservatives 木材防腐剂生物试验birch bark 桦皮birch bark tar 桦皮焦油birch conk 桦木多孔菌birdmouth 承接口bird peck 鸟啄痕bird’s eye figure 鸟眼纹理Birminghan Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规biseriate ray 双列射线bis-flavonoid 双黄酮类化合物bisgallic acid 双倍酸bit (1)弦齿锯齿尖(2)每齿切削量(3)刀头,刀刃(4)钻头bitch chain (1)装车短链(2)链接短链bit profile 斧刃断面bits (1)齿片,刃片(2)钻头bitter principles 苦味质bitter wood 苦木bitumen-bonded insulating board 沥青粘合绝缘板bitumen-impregated insulating board 浸注沥青绝缘板bituminous cement 沥青膏bixin 胭脂素black ash 美国黑槿black carpenter ant 黑木工蚁black fly 黑蝇black-heart 黑心【阔叶】材black Italian poplar 意大利晚花杨black knot 黑癌病black liquor 黑液black locust 刺槐blackout position 全黑位置(偏光显微镜)black poplar 黑杨black walnut 黑核桃木black willow【美国】黑柳blade (1)锯条(2)锯片balde staining device 带锯张紧装置blank (1)毛坯(2)缝隙blaze 刻标记bleached shellac 漂白虫胶bleaching 漂白bleeding (1)色素扩散(表面涂饰)(2)透胶blemish 轻微瑕疵,缺点blind drain 盲沟blind holed fibre board 闭孔吸音纤维板blind pit 盲壁孔blister 鼓泡blister figure 泡状花纹blistering 起泡,鼓泡blisters in plywood panel 鼓泡【胶合板】block (1)滑车(2)木块(3)短圆材blockboard 【方条芯】细木工板block brake 闸瓦制动器block floor 拼花地板blocking saw 造材锯block plane 短刨block setter 摇尺工人block tender 解索工blood glue 血胶bloom 黄粉blooming 晶化blower 通风机,鼓风机blower kiln 鼓风式干燥窑blue gum 蓝桉blue lumber 蓝变材blue sapstain 蓝变,青变blue sapstain fungus 青变菌blue stain 青变,蓝变blue vitriol 蓝钒bluing 青变,蓝变board (1)板材(2)纸板board dog 卡木钩,卡木鹰嘴board foot 板尺boarding 面板board joint 平板接合board measure 【英】尺丈量board metre 板米board mill 锯板长board-rule 板尺board splitter 分板契bob 集材框架bobbin square 管胚bobbin spool 纱管,线轴bobbin wood 纱管用材bobtailing 沿地面集材bocking board 鹰嘴板bodhi 印度剖提树bodywood 无枝桠材,主干材boggy 沼泽的bogie 手推车,台车bogie car 转向车boiled oil 熟炼油boiler plant 锅炉间boiling and cooling process 热冷槽法(防腐)boiling test 煮沸试验boiling water test 沸水试验bole 【树】干材,原条Boliden salt 加铬呻酸锌(防腐剂)Bolster 横粱bolster truck 装材车bolt (1)短圆材(2)螺栓bolter (1)纵切圆锯机(2)短材制材厂bolt-hole teater 螺栓孔处理器bond 粘结bonded wheel 胶结砂轮bonding agent 粘结剂bonding 粘结bonding stength 胶合强度bond paper 胶膜纸bond quality 胶合质量bond stress 胶结应力bone dry 烘干bone-dry chellac 干燥白虫胶bone glue 骨胶book matching 正反拼板法boom (1)木栅(2)木浮标boom chain 绠链booming 流送boom pin 漂节撬棍boom stick 绠漂木boom-suspension guy 起重悬臂索borax 硼砂bordered pit 有边壁孔bordered pit-pair 有边壁孔对bored tie 转孔枕木bore dust 蛀屑bore hole 蛀孔bore hole method 钻孔防腐法borer (1)蛀虫(2)钻孔机boric acid (1)硼酸【防火剂】boring cut 插入锯法boring-powder 蛀屑borneol 冰片,龙脑bornyl acetate 醋酸冰片酯boss dogs 上下双动卡木钩bottle-butted 大兜的bottom-board (1)底板(2)地板boucherie process 端部压注法boulton process 减压油煮【防腐】法bound moisture 结合水bow 弓形弯bow chain saw 弓形链锯bowing 翘曲bow-saw 弓形锯bowstring truss 弓弦架box boards 箱板box culvert 箱式涵洞box dolly 单轮运材车box dovetail 箱匣鸩尾榫boxed-heart timber 带心木材boxing (1)折叠百叶窗(2)割取松脂(3)方形髓box kiln 箱式干燥窑,周期式干燥窑box piling 箱式堆积法box shooks 包装箱用材,箱板材box tenon 匣形榫box the heart 抽心下锯brace (1)抗压材(2)支柱(3)曲柄摇钻braced framing 联接构架brachysclereid 石细胞bracing frame 加固构架bracket 托架,丁字构架bracket boom 弧形河绠bracket fungi (一种菌的名称)bracket roll 制动滚轮braided sling 编结吊索brake band 制动刚带brake-block 制动块brake device 制动装置brake distance 制动距离brake drum 制动轮brake gradient 制动坡度brake ratchet wheel 棘轮制动轮brake wheel 制动轮branch (1)枝条(2)分支点branch bundler 捆支机branched knot 分歧点branching 打枝branchline forest road 林道支线branch road 支路,支线branch wood 枝条材branding 打烙印brash 枝梢切断机brashness 脆性brashy wood 脆性木材brasilin 巴西木色素,巴西灵brattice 隔板brazer 接锯机brazilein 氧化巴西木素Brazilian ceder 巴西香椿Brazilian mahogany 巴西桃花心木Brazilian pine 巴西杉Brazilian rosewood 巴西黄檀木Brazilin 巴西木素Brazil wood 巴西苏木bread fruit tree 面包树breakage 折损,折断break a jam 拆垛break a landing 拆楞推河break down (1)锯解原木,剖料(2)事故停锯breaker 破碎机break-even point 盈亏相低点breaking joint 参差接合breaking-load 破坏荷载breaking moment 破坏力矩breaking strength 破坏强度breaking stress 破坏应力breast bench 锯架breast wall 护墙breather drier 呼吸式【单板】干燥机breathing 放气【热压机】breathing veneer drier 呼吸式单板干燥机briar 横解锯briar dress 拨料bridge 留弦,折片,楂bridge crane 桥式起重机bridge-floor 桥板bridge-girder 桥梁bridge pier 桥墩bridge-pile 桥桩bridging joist加斜撑搁栅的bridle joint 齿接brigade guota 工组定额bright 鲜明的,原色的brightning (1)擦亮(2)纯化bright sap 净面板材,无皮边材brindle 斑纹Brinell hardness 柏式硬度Briquette 燃料砖,燃料球British thermal unit 英制热量单位brittleness 脆性broadaxe 宽斧刃broad hatchet 宽口小斧broadleaf 阔叶材,硬材broad-leaved tree 阔叶树broad-leaved wood 阔叶材brood tree 虫害木brood tunnel 小蛊虫孔道brow 集材场brownash 美国黑涔木brown calcium acetate 褐蜡石brown ground pulp 褐色磨木浆brown rot 褐腐brown stain 褐变brow skid 滑车系梁brushing method 涂刷法brush method 药剂涂刷法brush out 清除灌木brush treatment 涂刷法处理brushwood 枝桠材,灌木条B-stage 乙阶段【热固性树脂】Buck (1)造材(2)锯或劈制半圆形枕木Bucker 造材工bucket steam trap 浮桶式疏水器bucking 造材bucking ladder 梯状造材垫木bucking rules 造材规则buckling 扭曲buckling load 扭曲载荷buckling strength 扭曲强度buckling stress 扭曲应力buck saw 造材锯buckwheat 搭挂buckwheater 生手伐木工budget 预算表buffer (1)缓冲层,铺垫层(2)缓冲器(3)抛光器build-in end 插入端building board 匀质纤维板building construction 房屋结构building-rot fungus 建筑材卧孔菌building timber 建筑材bulging of pit membrane 壁孔膜凸出bulkage 涨方bulk conductivity 体积导率bulk density 容重,体积比重bulk elasticity 膨胀bulking 膨胀bulking agent 膨胀剂bulk effect 膨胀效应bulk modulus 体积弹性模量bulk pile 散堆,无忖木堆积bulk treatment 体积【稳定】处理bull chain 传送链bulldozer (1)推土机(2)压弯剂bull edger 多【圆】锯片板条锯bull pine 美国西部黄松bull team logging 牛马套子集材bummer 木轮车bummber skidding 木轮车集材bumper (1)缓冲器【跑车用】(2)保险杆bumper socket 缓冲器承窝buncher 集材机bunching 集材bunch load 捆装bundled stock 成捆材bundle rafting 木捆运输bundle skidding 成捆集材bunk 转向梁bunk hook 挡木钩bunk load 压梁木bunk spike 【车辆】转面梁上的铁齿buoyant force 浮力burl (1)树瘤纹(2)树瘤burls figure 瘤状花纹Burma blackwood 缅甸【黄褐】黄檀Burma mahogany 缅甸桃花心木Burma padauk 缅甸大果黄檀Burma tulipwood 缅甸红色黄檀Burmese rose-wood 缅甸紫檀burned spot 烧斑【锯身】burnettizing 氯化锌注入法burnett process 氯化锌满细胞法burnett process 氯化锌注入法burning point 着火点burning-power 燃力burnish 抛光,擦光burn-out test 烧尽试验burnt-wood 烧损木burr wood 树瘤木burst check 弧裂,半杯形端裂butt (1)原木大头(2)树干基部(3)截头(4)切方butt chain 连接链butt cut 树基材butt-end 树干基端butt end cutting 截根端,靠根端造材butternut 白核桃木【美国】butter of zinc 氯化锌butt feeding 衔接进给【砂光】butt hook 牵引钩,吊钩butting saw 截锯,齐头锯butt joint 对接,端接butt log 树基材butt off 截头,齐头button lac 精制虫胶buttonwood 美国悬铃木buttress 板根butt rigging 连接索具butt rot 根腐butt splice 对接【砂带】butt swelling 根部膨胀by-product 副产品。



木业词汇英汉大全-家具木材AAbele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常〔木〕材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸〔隔〕音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer 衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood 〔弯〕曲木Birch白桦Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi〔中国〕漆树Chip木屑# 1 common普一级#2 common普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species针叶树种continuous layer board多层板cork 软木cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木〔毛白杨类〕crook弯曲木cross rail拉档crotch丫权cupping翘弯curly birch皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树Dado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量〔深度〕Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Dressed timber净材Eastern cottonwood〔美国〕东部杨木Eastern hemlock〔加拿大〕铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine〔美国〕白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树〔类〕Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木European beech 欧洲桦木European birch 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板Face veneer 外表单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背〔板〕Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flooring 地板Flush panel 平〔光〕镶板Formed plywood 模压〔成型〕胶合板Frame core flush panel 中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片Gap 离缝Giant cedar 〔美国〕侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade 等级Grade of lumber 成材等级Graded分等级Grain 纹理HHackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa 〔美国〕梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood 〔合成树脂〕浸渍木Indian camphor 印度樟木Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条JJapanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板Karelian birch克假设利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Knot 木节,节疤LLaminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级。



木材词汇A----Abele银白杨Abnormal wood 异常(木)材Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板Adjustable template 可调节的样板Adult wood 成年材African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀African ebony 非洲乌木African mabogany 非洲桃花心木African padauk 非洲紫檀Aging 老化,陈化Air drying 大气干燥Air seasoning 天然干燥Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木Alder 赤杨类American ash 美国白蜡木American beech 美国山毛榉American eim 美国榆,白榆American plane 美国悬铃木American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪Annual ring 年轮Apron 望板Armor-plywood 金属贴面板Arris 棱Artificial slabs人造板Artificial timber 人造木材Ash 白蜡木Aspen 白杨类B----Babool 阿拉伯胶树Back 背板Back board背板Back veneer衬板Bald cypress 落羽杉Bamboo 竹子Basswood 椴木,美国椴木Batten board 条板心细木工板Beech 山毛榉木Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板Bent wood (弯)曲木Birch白桦,Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板Block塞角Block floor拼花地板Blockboard细工木板Board板材Bottom底板Bowing顺弯Branch wood枝条材Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材Brown ash美国深色白蜡木Burl树疤,树瘤C----Caul 垫板,衬板Cedar雪松,杉木Ceylon ebony乌木Cherry樱桃木Chile pine智利松Chinese chi(中国)漆树Chip木屑# 1 common普一级#2 common普二级compreg 胶压木compressed wood 压缩木coniferous species针叶树种continuous layer board多层板cork 软木cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类)crook弯曲木cross rail拉档crotch丫权cupping翘弯curly birch皱纹桦木板curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材curved plywood曲型合板cypress针叶树D----Dado护墙板,墙裙Damp room panel 防潮镶板Decay初腐Deciduous species阔叶树种Décor panel镶板,装饰板Delta wood多层木Densified wood强化木材Density of wood木材密度Dent啃头Depth of cut切削量(深度)Diffuse porous wood 散孔材Dimension 规格Dimension stock规格材Dimple djohar波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Drawer side屉旁板Dressed timber净材E----Eastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉Eastern larch落叶松Eastern white pine(美国)白松Ebony 乌木Edge cutting封边Elm榆木Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板End cutting 截头English plane 英国悬铃木Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类)Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木European beech 欧洲桦木European birch 欧洲桦木European chestnut 欧洲栗木European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树European larch 欧洲落叶松European lime 欧洲椴木European spruce 欧洲云杉European yew 欧洲紫杉Excelsior-board 木丝板Exotics 外来木Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板F----Face veneer表面单板FAS 一级和二级FAX 1F 单面一级Fibre board纤维板Fiddle back提琴背(板)Fiddle butt 乐器用材Figured 影木Figured sycomore 梧桐影木Fine wood board 纤维板Flakeboard 碎料板Flakes 薄片刨花Flame-retardant fibre building board 耐火纤维板Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材Flooring 地板Flush panel 平(光)镶板Formed plywood 模压(成型)胶合板Frame core flush panel 中空合板From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材Furniture plywood家具胶合板Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片G----Gap 离缝Giant cedar (美国)侧柏Gloss 光泽度Grade 等级Grade of lumber 成材等级Graded分等级Grain 纹理H----Hackberry 朴树Band selected 手工挑选Hard board 硬质纤维板Hard maple 硬枫木,械树Hardy catapa (美国)梓树Heat board 心板Hickory 山核桃木High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板High gloss 超光泽度High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿Hipboard 细木工板Hole drilling 打眼Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木I----Identification of timbers 木材识别Imitation wood 仿制材Imported timber 进口材Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木Indian camphor 印度樟木Indian chestnut 印度栗木Indian cinnamon印度肉桂Indian ebony 印度乌木Ind ian “laurel” 印度“月桂树”Insect attack虫眼Inserting panel 装板Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条J----Japanese beech 日本山毛榉Japanese larch 日本落叶松Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松Japanese thuja 罗汉柏Japanese white pine 日本五须松Joint flooring 企口地板Jointless flooring 无缝地板K----Karelian birch克若利安桦木板Kerf width 锯路宽度Khaya 非洲桃花心木Kiln dried pine 窑干松木Kiln drying 人工窑干燥Kind of timber 材种Kirl 紫花泡桐Knob 节子Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Knot 木节,节疤L----Laminate 层压Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木Leg 腿,脚Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割Log 原木Log grade 原木等级我认为,我们通常所说的直纹是指木材的径切纹理,其对应的英语是: quarter-sawn grain,edge grain,rift grain山纹是指木材弦切纹理,其对应的英语是:flat grain,flat-sawn grain,plain grain,slash figure,slash grain仅供参考!。

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木材干燥术语(汉英对照)干燥理论木材干燥 wood drying; wood seasoning干燥机理 drying mechanism木材干燥静力学 wood drying statics木材干燥动力学 wood drying dynamics木材干燥运动学 wood drying kinematics干燥速度 drying rate干燥曲线 drying curve温度曲线 temperature curve干燥速度曲线 drying rate curve干燥梯度 drying gradient干燥势 drying power干燥介质 drying medium湿空气 moist air过热蒸汽 superheated steam炉汽 furnace air新鲜空气 fresh air废气 exhaust air绝对含水率 absolute moisture content相对含水率 relative moisture content木材平衡含水率 wood equilibrium moisture content吸湿稳定含水率 adsorption stabilizing moisture content 解吸稳定含水率 desorption stabilizing moisture content 初含水率 initial moisture content终含水率 final moisture content分层含水率 layer moisture content平均含水率 average moisture content当时含水率 actual moisture content要求含水率 desired moisture content生材含水率 moisture content of green wood运输含水率 transport moisture content木材含水率梯度 moisture content gradient of wood 初重 initial weight; original weight绝干重 absolute dry weight ; oven dry weight干燥时间 drying time ; drying cycle; drying duration 干燥应力 drying stress拉应力 tensile stress压应力 compressive stress残余应力 residual stress干球温度 dry-bulb temperature湿球温度 wet-bulb temperature干湿球温度差 hygrometric difference;wet-bulb depression 最初温度 initial temperature最终温度 final temperature最高温度 highest temperature冷却极限温cooling limit temperature;wet-bulb temperature 木材水分移动 moisture movement in wood解吸 desorption吸湿 adsorption吸湿滞后 sorption hysteresis不均匀干缩 restrained shrinkage等温解湿线 desorption isotherm等温吸附线 sorption isotherm绝热蒸发过程 adiabatic evaporation process稳定蒸发过程 steady evaporation process强制循环 forced circulation (draught)自然循环 natural circulation (draught)横向循环 cross (transverse)circulation垂直循环 vertical circulation往复循环 recirculation逆行循环 reverse circulation循环速度 circulation velocity通气断面 free cross section湿度图 psychrometric chart标准木料 standard timber干燥设施木材干燥室 wood drying kiln强制性循环干燥室 forced circulation kiln自然循环干燥室 natural circulation (draught) kiln 周期式干燥室 compartment kiln周期式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation compartment kiln 周期式自然循环干燥室 natural circulation compartment kiln连续式干燥室 progressive kiln连续式强制循环干燥室 forced circulation progressive kiln 连续式自然循环干燥室 natural circulation progressive kiln 空气干燥室 air kiln过热蒸汽干燥室 superheated steam kiln炉汽干燥室 furnance gas kiln长(纵)轴型干燥室 line-shaft kiln短(横)轴型干燥室 cross-shaft kiln侧风机型干燥室 side-fan kiln端风机型干燥室 end-fan kiln喷气型干燥室 jet kiln除湿干燥室 dehumidification drying kiln真空干燥室 vacuum dryer间歇真空干燥机 alternate vacuum dryer连续真空干燥机 continuous vacuum dryer高频真空干燥机 high frequency-vacuum dryer太阳能干燥室solar drying kiln太阳能除湿干燥室 solar-dehumidification drying kiln微波干燥室 microwave dryer红外线干燥室 infra-red drying kiln热风干燥室 hot-air kiln烟道干燥室 smoke channel kiln熏烟干燥室 smoke drying kiln单轨干燥室 single track kiln双轨干燥室 double track kiln砖混凝土体干燥室 brick and concrete kiln金属壳体干燥室 all-metal kiln预制组装结构干燥室pre-fabricated modular construction kiln高温干燥室 high temperature drying kiln预干室 pre-dry kiln干端 dry end湿端 green end进气道 inlet air duct; fresh air duct; air inlet flue 排气道 exhaust air duct闸门 damper导风板 baffle气道 vent检查门 inspection door吊门 vertical lifting door折叠门 folding door拉门 sliding door平滑管加热器 heating coil made with plain pipe肋形管加热器 heat exchanger made with cast iron ribbed pipe 翅片管加热器 heating coil made with fin pipe 喷蒸管 steam spray pipe喷水器 water sprayer疏水器 trap供汽主管 main feed header排水主管 drain header; discharger header回水线路 water-return lines单线车 single track truck载料车truck转运车 transport truck装堆机 stacking machine卸堆机 unstacking machine干湿球温度计 wet and dry bulb thermometer(psychrometer) 除湿器 dehumidifier含水率电测计 electrical moisture content meter干材库 storage for dried timber干燥工艺干燥过程 drying process干燥前期 the early stage of drying干燥后期 the later stage of drying干燥基准 drying schedule含水率干燥基准 moisture content drying schedule时间干燥基准 time drying schedule波动干燥基准 fluctuant drying schedule半波动干燥基准 semi-fluctuant drying schedule软干燥基准 mild drying schedule硬干燥基准 harsh drying schedule连续升温干燥基准 continuously rising temperature drying schedule热湿处理 conditioning treatment初期处理 pretreatment中期(间)处理 intermediate treatment终期处理 final treatment平衡处理 equalization treatment汽蒸处理 steaming冷却 cooling材堆 stack; piles; loads材堆区 pile area垫条 sticker; stick; crosser垫条间隔 sticker spacing堆基 foundation顶盖 roof堆积方法 piling method平堆 flat stacking竖(立)堆 end stacking; end piling斜堆 slope piling叠对 lap piling层堆 open piling实堆solid piling单元堆 package piling自垫堆积 self-crossing堆间距离 space between piles板间间隙 cracks堆内通气道 chimneys in pile 垂直通气道 vertical flue; chimney装堆 stacking; loading卸堆 unstacking; unloading宽材堆 wide piles窄材堆 narrow piles干燥方法干燥方法 drying methods天然干燥 natural drying; natural seasoning大气干燥 air seasoning;air drying强制气干 forced air drying人工干燥 artificial drying;artificial seasoning室干 kiln drying;kiln seasoning .常规干燥 conventional drying;usual drying常温干燥 normal temperature drying高温干燥 high temperature drying低温干燥 low temperature drying过热蒸汽干燥 super heated steam drying炉气干燥 furnace gas drying特种干燥 special drying除湿干燥 dehumidification drying真空干燥 vacuum drying太阳能干燥 solar drying solar-energy drying高频干燥 high frequency drying ; radio frequency drying 微波干燥 microwave drying红外线干燥 infra-red drying加压干燥 pressure drying化学干燥 chemical drying太阳能除湿干燥 solar-dehumidification drying高频真空除湿干燥high frequency-vacuum and dehumidification drying高频真空干燥 high-frequency- vacuum drying热风干燥 hot-air drying熏烟干燥 smoke drying预干 predrying再干 re-drying干燥缺陷与干燥质量干燥缺陷 drying defects干裂 drying checks端裂 end check表裂 surface check劈裂 split轮裂 ring shake; ring crack内裂 internal check; heneycombing 变形 distortion翘曲 warp顺弯 bow横弯 crook翘弯 cup扭曲 twist菱形变形 diamonding表面硬化 case hardening逆表面硬化 reverse case hardening变定 set变色 discoloration 皱缩 collapse; crimp炭化 char降等 degrade过干 overdrying试材 test piece检验板 sample board含水率检验板 moisture content sample board 应力检验板 stress sample board试验板 test board含水率试片 moisture content section应力试片 stress section叉齿(齿片) prong干燥质量 drying quality干燥成本 drying cost能量消耗 energy consumption比能耗(单位能耗) specific energy consumption热耗量 heat consumption热损失 heat loss蒸汽耗量 steam consumption电耗量 electrisity consumption; power consumption加热面 radiating surface。
