







理智与情感的读书报告(推荐5篇)第一篇:理智与情感的读书报告ReadingreportSense and sensibilityThe book I have read named Sense and Sensibility, which was written by Jean Austen.Jean, a women writer, was rare at seventeenth century.People knew her from a book, which was written by her nephew fifty years later, about her life.Then her works was gradually highly praised by many people and had a great influence on the following centuries.The novel is about the daughters of Miss Dashwoods.After theur father dies, the family estate passes to their elder brother John and the girls and their mother lead a difficult life.The story happened in the end of nineteenth century.It was a story about Miss Dash woods seeking for love and finally living a happy marriage.The novel follows the sisters to their new home, where the romantic stories happen in two of the girls.And make a evident contrast in their characters.Elinor, who was the sister, was a girl of sense.While her sister—Marianne was a girl of sensibility.Einor understood the world by sense.And her sister understood the world by sensibility or sentimentality.Through the event in the novel, Elinor and Marianne find a balance between sense and sensibility.First I want to talk about the writing skills of this novel---irony.Here is an example in which Austen describes the first impression created by the arrival of the Miss Steels at Barton Park: The young ladies arrived: their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable.Their dress was very smart, their manners very civil, they were delighted with the house, and in raptures with the furniture, and they happened to be so doatinglyfond of children that Lady Middleton’s good opinion was engaged in their favor before they had been an hour at the Park.She declared them to be very agreeable girls indeed, which for her ladyship was enthusiastic admiration.How can we make of Miss Steels? Are we simply thought highly of them as Miss Middleton? They were first thought to be pleasant, clever, well-mannered girl.Yet Austen is in fact using a sharp ironic wit to highlight their shortcomings.It is that first phrase “their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable” that begin to reveal.Why has Austen choose to use double negative here? Why not just say “their appearance was ungentle or unfashionable”.The sameas following the descript able words “delighted” ,“in raptures”, “doatingly fond”.If we were doubt that this was an intended ironically the observations of Elinor assured us that it was so: “Elinor well knew that the sweetest girls in the world were to be meet with in every part of England, under every possible variation of term, face, temper and understanding.Another example He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold-hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected;for he conducted himself with propriety in the discharge of his ordinary duties.Second, I want to talk about the differences and similarities between Elinor and Marianne.The central differences between the two sisters are the ability of control.The differences between these two sisters are seen throughout the novel.They have the same experience.Both of them believe themselves to be engaged to men and both find themselves abandoned by these men in favor of another.This similarity of experience serves only to emphasize the differences their two characters.Actually Austenintended to make differences between in many chapters.For example, chapter 1 stresses t he Elinor’s sense of control: her feeling was strong: but she knew how to govern them.Marianne was shown to be in many ways similar to her sister.But they have one important difference “her sorrow, her joy, could have no moderation.This difference between the two women is most clearly drawn in the way each is shown to deal with the discovery of their lovers’ cheat.When Elinor hears from Lucy that she is engaged to Edward she only turns towards her, “in silent amazement”.The only description of her face is the phrase “her complexion varied”.Her control is remarkable.We are told, “She stood firm in incredulity and felt no danger of an hysterical fit, or a swoon.” Austen emphasizes that it is self-control which distinguishes Elinor’s reaction.Her heroine speaks“cautiously” and “with a calmness of manner, which tolerably well concealed her surprise and solicitude”.Austen tells us that Elinor was shocked, confounded” yet it is not until she is alone that she is “at liberty to think and be wretched”.As readers we can’t see this wretchedness.When we see Elinor again,she is not in wretchedness but rather up on “serious reflection”.Whatever self-control we may image after the author wrote nothing.Marianne’s reaction is totally different from Elinor.For Marianne there is no control.Her face, we are told, “crimsoned over” and she speaks “in a voice of the great emotion”.She cries out“ in the wildest anxiety”.We can see the distress of Elinor after everyone disappearance.But Marianne’s distress is seen by her sister and b y the reader.The extremity of Marianne’s reaction is emphasizing in many ways.First, there is rejection of Willoughby’s letter and Elinor’s condemnation of the writer.Second, Marianne’s “covering her face with herhandkerchief, she almost screamed with ago ny.” Third, the three letters that Marianne write to Willoughby.Her hope becomes weak in the proceeding of the three letters.Having been abandoned, Elinor and Marianne both seek excuse for their lovers’ conduct.Marianne’s “I could rather believe every creature of my acquaintance leagued together to ruin me in his opinion, than believe his nature capable of such cruelty”;Elinor’s “Edward had done nothing to forfeit her esteem”.Marianne’ expression is more emotive than Elinor’s, but their sentiments remain the same.They all become distressed when they knew the thing that their lovers engaged with another girl but not herself.Marianne thought Edward was another Willoughby when she heard Edward engaged with a girl who was almost an illiterate person.But the result is different.Like all Austen novels, Sense and Sensibility ends in the marriage of the heroine.In this novel, marriage does not like a necessarily part.Elinor married the man she loved.And finally Edward got forgiveness from his mother.His fiancé marrie d to her brother, which made his mother angry and cut the relation with his brother and accepted Edward.This made Edward and Elinor’s marriage permission.As for Elinor and Edward, I think it’s especially comforting for Elinor.I can imagine how happy and joyful she must have felt.After all those days of wondering and doubting if Edward really loved her or not, she must felt a sense of relieve now.“They are realistic;they do not imagine that one can live on integrity and no income.But, given a stipend sufficient for moderate comfort, another fact of life is that something is more important to true sense and sensibility that the selfish and ignorant possession of a great deal of money.”Of Elinor’s wedding we are told only that “the ceremony tookplace in Barton Church early in the autumn”.Even Edward’s proposal is exclusive from the narrative:How soon he had walked himself into the proper resolution, however, how soon an opportunity of exercising it occurred, in what manner he expressed himself, and how he was received, need not be particularly told.We know from Willoughby’s words that they loved each other and they were not engaged.He was forced to marry other women he didn’t love, but for life he must marry her.Certainly Marianne married Colonel Brandon, a man who was 20 years older than her.They hardly talked to each other throughout the novel.The novel leaves the reader with a sense that the marriage is a brief ending but not necessarily a convincing one.We are merely told “she found herself at nineteen, submitting to a new attachment, entering on new duties, placed in a new home, a wife, a mistress of the family, and the patroness of a villageWe are asked to believe that the marriages of Elinor and Marianne are happy ones.But the novel:The concluding paragraph brilliantly undoes the requisite romantic resolution, by startlingly giving Elinor’a and Marianne’s attachment to one another pride of place, so to make their second attachments, to their husband, seem merely secondary.Sense and Sensibility, is the story of two sisters searching for love and all the happiness that accompanies it.The difference between the two sisters is that one of them follows society’s rules, while the other follows her heart.Elinor knows her place in society and is in search of a calm tasteful life, while Marianne is outspoken and looking for a life filled with adventure.When it comes to love though, they have something in common, nothing goes as planned.The realm of love is full ofsurprises and disappointments galore, and when the rules of the Regency are imposed upon this realm very little good comes of it.第二篇:理智与情感读书报告The Survey and Analysis of Sense and SensibilityOnce I was not interested in this kind of famous but old works.Perhaps it is because I think the story happened in a time which is very far from me and I can‟t read it calmly.But for an excellent actor named Alan Rickman I would not read this work at all.Sense and Sensibility was screened in 1995.I knew it after I began to worship Alan Rickman.He had a role, Colonel Brandon.Then I decided to watch this movie for him.What surprised me that I totally fell in love with the story and characters in it and I read the work.Sense and Sensibility is Jane Austen…s first work.After reading it I feel it is full of intelligence and emotions, and gives a substantial feeling mind, like Jane Austen‟s other works or herself more.Sense and Sensibility is filled with spice and humor.It twists and turns of two sisters‟complex love story as the main line to express the relationship between sense and sensibility, and in many cases, the reason should be more than emotional claims.In Jane Austen's day, praise of the emotional content was the mainstream literature, and many people think that no restraint of strong feelings is the best character performance, and neglect whether such feelings will bring their owns or their family members pain or not.If you want to restraint or hidden it, that is wrong.But Jane expressed a different opinion through the two sisters‟ stories.It can be seen from the book.She thought sincerity and warmth are important and valuable, but still need to adjust and control with reason.After all, emotion is perceptual;any unreasonabledevelopment may bring much unnecessary suffering to both themselves and their family members.Only if a rational mind and thinking coexist with it, such damage can be reduced to the minimum.And there is no doubt that it is profitable to everyone.Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason.The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne.Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and menting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she “loves him tenderly,” she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr.Willoughby, a new neighbor.So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous.Then Willoughby abandons her;meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart.Jane Austen has often been considered a woman who led a narrow, inhibited life and who rarely traveled.These assertions are far from the truth.Jane Austen traveled more than most women of her time and was quite involved in the lives of her brothers,1 so much that it often interfered with her writing.Like most writers, Jane drew on her experiences and her dreams for the future and incorporated them into her writing.Her characters reflect the people around her;the main characters reflect parts of herself.In Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park,Elinor Dashwood, Elizabeth Bennet, and Fanny Price all reflect aspects of Jane Austen and dreams she had that were never fulfilled.Jane can also be considered the backbone of her family.After she dies, the family is not as close as they were during her lifetime.Jane became very close with two of her nieces, Fanny Austen and Anna Austen.She counseled them on men and marriage when they reached the age of choosing a suitor.She often helped with delivering her sister-in-law's babies.During her thirties, she lived with her brother Frank for several weeks.She cooked the meals for his family and cared for his children while his wife was confined to her bed.After several weeks of such a life, she felt she needed a break and solitude, but she continued to help her brother and his family until her services were no longer needed.Like the character she creates in Elinor, she sticks by her family and helps them when they need her.Austen's life closely parallels that of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice.Austen begins the novel with the line, “It is a truth un iversally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”.This statement reflects the opinion of the time that a woman had to be married or else she had no social standing.Just as Elizabeth and her sisters feel immense pressure to get married and procure a good match, so too did Jane.Until she was twenty-five she still retained a small spark of hope that she would one day marry and have children.In Jane Austen‟s Sense and Sensibility there is a theme that runs along with males in the novel.The first born sons are forced to deal with the promotions and abilities that come along with the laws of primogeniture, yet even with all they get they do not lead an altogether happy life.The men that are first-born are in fact too swayed by the power and obligation that comes with theirestates.In the novel the first sons are viewed in a negative light, yet the second-born sons have less responsibility to be what society wants them to be and are allowed to be his own.Although Edward Ferrars, is a firstborn, his mother disinherits him because of his lack of focus and ability to be all she wants him to be;as John Dashwood remarks Robert will now to all intents and purposes be considered as the eldest son.We know that Colonel Brandon is a second son because he has an older brother who married his old sweetheart, Eliza, many years before the novel's plot begins.And whereas these characters are the heroes of the novel, all the eldest sons are cast in a negative light, including John Dashwood, Robert Ferrars, and Colonel Brandon's older brother.In Austen's day, the eldest sons were the ones who inherited all the family property according to the laws of male primogeniture.However, in spite of these inheritance laws, it is the second sons who ultimately find happiness in the novel;thus they make content lives for themselves despite societal and financial constraints.This conflict starts at the beginning of the novel, but to his son and his son‟s son with John Dashwood‟s acquisition of the Norland estate.After John receives the inheritance and the estate, he is from then on viewed in a negative manner.He is a weak man and isconstantly influenced by his petty, greedy and mean wife.He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather coldhearted and rather selfish to be ill disposed.Had he married a more amiable woman, he might have been more respectable than he was: he might even have been made amiable himself.But Mrs.John Dashwood was a strong caricature of himself: more narrow-minded and selfish.His choice of wife, a systematic marriage for money and social stature affects his ability to beviewed as a decent character and he is viewed as a whole with his wife, which degrades him even more so.As far as the Ferrars Brothers are concerned, Edward is the first-born son who seemed to be a second Willoughby but loses his position when he refuses to marry Lucy Steele a rich heiress and wanting to in turn marry Elinor.Mr.Ferrars has suffered from his family;he has been entirely cast off by them for persevering in his engagement with a very deserving young woman.All of Jane's female characters end up happily married, a state Jane herself never felt.A woman was defined in terms of her husband;if she did not marry, she had nothing.Jane's aunt traveled to India in order to find a husband.Well into her twenties, Jane still had dreams of getting married.When she was twenty-five, Harris Bigg, a brother of her good friends, proposed marriage to Jane.At first she accepted: she would become mistress of a lar ge estate, and “be able to ensure the comfort of her parents to the end of their days”.Most importantly, she would have children and raise a family of her own.The next day, however, Jane reneged the proposal.She did not love him and did not want a “marriag e based on nothing but money”.After this proposal, Jane gave up all hopes of ever having a family of her own.Instead, she fulfilled her dreams through her characters and found “passion” through them.All her characters marry for love.They make Jane's dreams become a reality within her imagination.Sense and Sensibility created a series of characters and each has unique personality.However, most of the readers want to focus on are Dashwood family‟s two sisters.Elinor is Dashwood family's eldest daughter, an affectionate girl who is ever intellectual.From the beginning, the story showed her more thoughtful and rational mind than her mother and sister.Elinor worked carefully, thoughtfully, andintelligently.Either his love, Edward or hate, Lucy, she can treat them with respect.Besides, when people were discussing, whether Elinor like the topic or not, she wouldn‟t show much more curiosities or make others think she was boring.She could always maintain a certain degree of calm and thinking mind.Anything, Elinor always drew the line in anything.In addition, she was a kind girl, good at finding others advantages, and considerate to others.For Mrs.Jennings, though her behavior proved that she is stupid, but Elinor always talked about her enthusiasm, generosity and justice in front of her friends and sister.For Mrs.Jennings having a comfortable time in her home without Marianne‟s sarcasm and indifference and made Marianne not hurt by doing some overacting things, Elinor received the invitation and went with her sister even if she did this unwillingly.In my view, Elinor is so sober and reserved that she refuses to express her emotions even on her face and nearly loses her true love.When she knew the truth of Edward‟s engagement and Edward‟s love, she eventuallycouldn‟t help crying because she oppressed herself so long.All above showed Elinor‟s rational mind, but it doesn‟t mean she is lack of emotion.On the contrary, as her sister, Elinor has an emotional heart, but she is more adept at controlling this emotion.No matter what happened in Edward‟s case have been changed, Elinor didn‟t change her heart.She did not abandon him because of Edward's untalkativity, dull depression, and charges from everyone.She liked his integrity, honesty, loyalty, generosity and felt unfair to his treatment at home and thought about him anytime to try her best to make his situation better.Even if she heard the news of Edward‟s engagement, Elinor was still in love with him.Even after hearing that she was tryingto cover up, it was not difficult to see the news damaged her much.It can be seen that her affection to Edward is strong, faithful, realistic, loyal and eternal.This proves that Elinor is not only rational, but also has an emotional heart.And there is a clear and rational mind to remind her to restrict unnecessary emotional impulse.Sense, kindness, wittiness are her proper paring with Elinor‟s sense, her sister Marianne is much more emotional.She is bright, but overly sentimental.On the contrary, Marianne is too emotional, always follows her feelings and never covers them.This is a kind of innocent but without thought it can make a person naive and ruined like Marianne.She committed suicide.After trying to killing herself, Marianne realized what true love was and learnt to be rational.Marianne always holds a romantic fantasy in treating love and dreamt to marry an “outstanding character, charming manners” man.She always seeks to deal with feelings of sensation, and romance.She is direct and clear in expressing feelings so that many times Mrs.Jennings made fun of her.Different from Elinor, Marian behaved in society is similar to her feelings of view.She treated people she liked warmly but indifferently and rudely to people shi didn‟t like and gave them a cold face.Perhaps this feeling was the feeling of that time's most respected concept, but Jane accounted for its unseemliness fully through Marian.A real contrast can be seen between the two women when Marianne comes to see Elinor in her bedroom one night.It is the same evening in which Edward has read to the family upon Marianne's incistant urging.Edward lacks the emotion that Marianne thrives on while reading to the women and she has no qualms about sharing this with him.When talking to her sister, Marianne states that she finds Edward to be an“amiable” man, but lacking a certain spark.When Elinor says that his disposition suits her just fine, Marianne is appalled.Her immediate reaction is one of question.Would Elinor rather love a dull, amiable man or the kind of man she would choose? Marianne would settle for no less than a prince on a white stallion, ready to rescue her from the confines of her little cottage.Her man must possess “spirit, wit, and feeling.” Marianne was finally abandoned by Willoughby, fell deep in their emotional outlook of the dominant lower into the abyss of suffering, and could not get away.She almost lost her life, and brought pain to her friends and family.This is the disadvantage of overacting emotion.Except for Marianne‟s “more sensibility, less sense”, she is a very great girl.Marianne is wise, fair, loves reading and thoughtful.Marianne loves her mother and sister very much.No matter she was too emotional atfirst, or learnt to be rational at last, Marianne is not willing to hurt her friends and families especially.In addition, she made her effort to make up the damage brought by her sensibility.As the story said, once Marianne realized she was wrong, she would do anything to make up it.She is really an excellent girl, isn‟t she?In the male role, Edward is the ideal type of women but not brave enough.Edward Ferrars, the object of Elinor's affection is quoted as saying Miss Dashwoods friendship the most important of his life.This is a considerable compliment coming from a man as highly esteemed as Mr.Ferrars.Elinor is viewed by her mother and her two sisters as a saving grace, someone to depend on.T o a certain extent this is true, but Elinor also has problems and she doesn't quite know how to let people know about them.Even when Lucy Steele confides in Elinor that she has been secretly engaged to Edward for four years, she tells no one, and bears theburden of a broken heart on her own.At the outset he controlled his affection to Elinor and behaved as a gentleman.He was not rude but always hesitant.It was his attitude that made Elinor blowing hot and cold and didn‟t believe they would be together.I think Colonel Brandon is a complex with both sense and sensibility even though he has also done a choice between reason and emotion.But I still think he is the only one of several main characters who puts the emotion to the first place.Although he exited on his own initiative when he knew the relationship between Marianne and Willoughby, after all his original intention is that he hopes Marianne can be happy.As for Willoughby, a playboy, I only say I‟m sorry.His essence is not bad, and I believe he really loves Marianne, but not enough, in other words, he loves money more, or just himself.The topic of this paper is to distinguish the differences between sense and sensibility.Represented in Jane Austin's novel by two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, the disposition of the two girls can be seen quite vividly.The two girls are accompanied by a mother, and many other well developed characters.One character questionable to the theme of the story is the youngest sister Margaret.Her personality if described would be more like that of her sister Marianne.People can possess rich emotion, but not emotional.Jane thought taking heed in dealing with a matter and inner urge should be ba lanced.She showed respect to “Money can buy an elegant life”, but the feelings between people are much more important.Being and individual and having the ability to do so is a prevalent theme in this novel.It applies the men who do not have to pressure and obligation to laws of primogeniture who can choose their own path.It also applies to the women who are viewed by society as poor but in fact will become rich becausethey do not have to bow down to society‟s rules and systems.Despite the way people dealt with life in that time had to constrict to these rules to feel successful yet, the most successful characters in the novel are the ones who were brave enough to break away from the conformity.How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel.Though Marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider theworld well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired;a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.Experienced the baptism of life and death, Marianne found the balance point of sense and sensibility.After a long period of repression, Elinor‟s emotions burst out and push the fight of sense and sensibility in her heart to the ultimate.Without dreams, without sentiments, what do we have sense for?“Sense prevails sensibility, reality exceeds dream”, this is still an inconclusive war.You and me can find ourselves point according to our characters.As Shakespeare said, the course of true love never did run smooth.Of course, the world can not be without love, but not only love.第三篇:理智与情感读书报告{'elino:]Novel Report of Sense and SensibilitySense and sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was firstpublished in 1811.She was an English novelist whose works of romantic fictions,and earned her a place as one of the mostwidely read writers in English literature, In her short and glorious life, she wrote about dozens of famous novels, such as sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, Mansfield park, Emma and so on.When I was in primary school, I had once read the Chinese version of pride and prejudice, through this novel, I have a first understanding of Jane Austen’s vision of love, and realize the life of British girl in that period, but not deep,after reading more and wathed every movieadapted by herworks, I totally love her.Sense and Sensibility is The story about two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood(Elinor represents the “sense” and Marianne represents the“sensibility”)along with their mother and younger sister Margaret, they are left impoverished after the death of their father, and the family is forced to move to a country cottage.Elinor forms an attachment to the gentle Edward Ferrars, unaware that he is already secretly engaged.Edward is a quiet, unassuming young man who does not aspire to be the “fine figure in the world”which his mother and sis ter wished him to be.Edward's fortune is dependent on the will of his mother.Elinor knows that she would not like her son to marry a woman of as a low rank as she is and does not allow herself to hope for marriage.Mrs.Jennings, a good-humored widow, thinks that Brandon is in love with Marianne and teases them both about it.Marianne dislikes him in fact.in the countryside, Marianne falls and breaks her ankle.Willoughby, a dashing and handsome man, carries her back to Barton Cottage.Willoughby begins to visit Marianne every day and they become very close.Elinor overhears him calling Marianne by her first name and believes that they may be secretly engaged.Willoughby leaves abruptly one day telling the Dashwoods that he must go to London and will not return for a year.His departure greatly upsets Marianne.Edward。







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Reading reportSense and sensibilityThe book I have read named Sense and Sensibility, which was written by Jean Austen. Jean, a women writer, was rare at seventeenth century. People knew her from a book, which was written by her nephew fifty years later, about her life. Then her works was gradually highly praised by many people and had a great influence on the following centuries.The novel is about the daughters of Miss Dashwoods. After theur father dies, the family estate passes to their elder brother John and the girls and their mother lead a difficult life. The story happened in the end of nineteenth century. It was a story about Miss Dash woods seeking for love and finally living a happy marriage. The novel follows the sisters to their new home, where the romantic stories happen in two of the girls. And make a evident contrast in their characters. Elinor, who was the sister, was a girl of sense. While her sister—Marianne was a girl of sensibility. Einor understood the world by sense. And her sister understood the world by sensibility or sentimentality. Through the event in the novel, Elinor and Marianne find a balance between sense and sensibility.First I want to talk about the writing skills of this novel---irony. Here is an example in which Austen describes the first impression created by the arrival of the Miss Steels at Barton Park:The young ladies arrived: their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable. Their dress was very smart, their manners very civil, they were delighted with the house, and in raptures with the furniture, and they happened to be so doatingly fond of children that Lady Middleton’s good opinion was engaged in their favor before they had been an hour at the Park. She declared them to be very agreeable girls indeed, which for her ladyship was enthusiastic admiration.How can we make of Miss Steels? Are we simply thought highly of them as Miss Middleton? They were first thought to be pleasant, clever, well-mannered girl. Yet Austen is in fact using a sharp ironic wit to highlight their shortcomings.It is that first phrase “their appearance was by no means ungentle or unfashionable” that begin to reveal. Why has Austen choose to use double negative here? Why not just say “their appearance was ungentle or unfashionable”. The sameas following the descript able words “delighted” ,“in raptures”, “doatingly fond”. If we were doubt that this was an intended ironically the observations of Elinor assured us that it was so: “Elinor well knew that the sweetest girls in the world were to be meet with in every part of England, under every possible variation of term, face, temper and understanding.Another example He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold-hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he conducted himself with propriety in the discharge of his ordinary duties.Second, I want to talk about the differences and similarities between Elinor and Marianne. The central differences between the two sisters are the ability of control. The differences between these two sisters are seen throughout the novel. They have the same experience. Both of them believe themselves to be engaged to men and both find themselves abandoned by these men in favor of another. This similarity of experience serves only to emphasize the differences their two characters. Actually Austen intended to make differences between in many chapters. For example, chapter 1 stresses the Elinor’s sense of control: her feeling was strong: but she knew how to govern them. Marianne was shown to be in many ways similar to her sister. But they have one important difference “her sorrow, her joy, could have no moderation. This difference between the two women is most clearly drawn in the way each is shown to deal with the discovery of their lovers’ cheat.When Elinor hears from Lucy that she is engaged to Edward she only turns towards her, “in silent amazement”. The only description of her face is the phrase “her complexion varied”. Her control is remarkable.We are told, “She stood firm in incredulity and felt no danger of an hysterical fit, or a swoon.”Austen emphasizes that it is self-control which distinguishes Elinor’s reaction. Her heroine speaks “cautiously”and “with a calmness of manner, which tolerably well concealed her surprise and solicitude”. Austen tells us that Elinor was shocked, confounded” yet it is not until she is alone that she is “at liberty to think and be wretched”. As readers we can’t see this wretchedness. When we see Elinor again,she is not in wretchedness but rather up on “serious reflection”. Whatever self-control we may image after the author wrote nothing.Marianne’s reaction is totally different from Elinor. For Marianne there is no control. Her face, we are told, “crimsoned over”and she speaks “in a voice of the great emotion”. She cries out“in the wildest anxiety”. We can see the distress of Elinor after everyone disappearance. But Marianne’s distress is seen by her sister and by the reader. The extremity of Marianne’s reaction is emphasizing in many ways. First, there is rejection of Willoughby’s letter and Elinor’s condemnation of the writer. Second, Marianne’s “covering her face with her handkerchief, she almost screamed with agony.”Third, the three letters that Marianne write to Willoughby. Her hope becomes weak in the proceeding of the three letters.Having been abandoned, Elinor and Marianne both seek excuse for their lovers’conduct. Marianne’s “I could rather believe every creature of my acquaintance leagued together to ruin me in his opinion, than believe his nature capable of such cruelty”; Elinor’s “Edward had done nothing to forfeit her esteem”. Marianne’expression is more emotive than Elinor’s, but their sentiments remain the same. They all become distressed when they knew the thing that their lovers engaged with another girl but not herself. Marianne thought Edward was another Willoughby when she heard Edward engaged with a girl who was almost an illiterate person.But the result is different.Like all Austen novels, Sense and Sensibility ends in the marriage of the heroine. In this novel, marriage does not like a necessarily part. Elinor married the man she loved. And finally Edward got forgiveness from his mother. His fiancémarried to her brother, which made his mother angry and cut the relation with his brother and accepted Edward. This made Edward and Elinor’s marriage permission. As for Elinor and Edward, I think it’s especially comforting for Elinor. I can imagine how happy and joyful she must have felt. After all those days of wondering and doubting if Edward really loved her or not, she must felt a sense of relieve now. “They are realistic; they do not imagine that one can live on integrity and no income. But, given a stipend sufficient for moderate comfort, another fact of life is that somethingis more important to true sense and sensibility that the selfish and ignorant possession of a great deal of money.”Of Elinor’s wedding we are told only that “the ceremony took place in Barton Church early in the autumn”. Even Edward’s proposal is exclusive from the narrative:How soon he had walked himself into the proper resolution, however, how soon an opportunity of exercising it occurred, in what manner he expressed himself, and how he was received, need not be particularly told.We know from Willoughby’s words that they loved each other and they were not engaged. He was forced to marry other women he didn’t love, but for life he must marry her. Certainly Marianne married Colonel Brandon, a man who was 20 years older than her. They hardly talked to each other throughout the novel. The novel leaves the reader with a sense that the marriage is a brief ending but not necessarily a convincing one. We are merely told “she found herself at nineteen, submitting to a new attachment, entering on new duties, placed in a new home, a wife, a mistress of the family, and the patroness of a villageWe are asked to believe that the marriages of Elinor and Marianne are happy ones. But the novel:The concluding paragraph brilliantly undoes the requisite romantic resolution, by startlingly giving Elinor’a and Marianne’s attachment to one another pride of place, so to make their second attachments, to their husband, seem merely secondary. Sense and Sensibility, is the story of two sisters searching for love and all the happiness that accompanies it. The difference between the two sisters is that one of them follows society’s rules, while the other follows her heart. Elinor knows her pl ace in society and is in search of a calm tasteful life, while Marianne is outspoken and looking for a life filled with adventure. When it comes to love though, they have something in common, nothing goes as planned. The realm of love is full of surprises and disappointments galore, and when the rules of the Regency are imposed upon this realm very little good comes of it.。