物流管理 Logistics Manager
1. 物流管理师证书(logistics manager certificate):该证书主
2. 运输管理师证书(transportation manager certificate):该证
3. 供应链管理师证书(supply chain manager certificate):该
4. 仓储管理师证书(warehouse manager certificate):该证书
5. 物流信息化师证书(logistics informationization engineer certificate):该证书主要针对从事物流信息化相关工作的人员,包括物流信息系统开发、物流数据分析、物流信息安全等方面的知识和技能。
以下是外国贸易商的详细职务说明:1.营销经理(Marketing Manager):负责制定并实施市场营销策略,包括产品推广、渠道开发、价格策略等,以实现销售目标。
2.业务拓展经理(Business Development Manager):负责开拓新市场,并与潜在客户进行洽谈、合作谈判,以达成商务合作。
3.采购经理(Purchasing Manager):负责从国内或国际市场寻找供应商,并与供应商进行谈判,以获取具有竞争力的采购成本。
4.财务经理(Finance Manager):负责公司财务管理,包括预算编制、资金管理、财务报表分析等,以保证公司财务健康。
5.物流经理(Logistics Manager):负责组织和管理产品的运输、仓储和分销,以确保货物按时到达客户,并提供优质的物流服务。
6.客户服务经理(Customer Service Manager):负责处理客户的投诉、咨询、订单管理等事务,以确保客户满意度和客户关系的维护。
7.项目经理(Project Manager):负责管理公司各类国际贸易项目,如产品开发、合作项目、市场调研等,以确保项目目标的实现。
8.国际贸易法律顾问(International Trade Legal Advisor):负责提供法律咨询和意见,确保公司的国际贸易活动合规,并处理相关的法律纠纷。
9.风险管理经理(Risk Management Manager):负责评估与国际贸易相关的风险,并制定风险管理策略,以保护公司的利益和资产。
10.市场研究分析师(Market Research Analyst):负责进行市场调研和数据分析,以了解市场趋势、竞争对手和消费者需求,为决策提供有价值的信息。
11.品牌经理(Brand Manager):负责构建和推广公司的品牌形象,以提升产品的市场认知度和竞争力。
物流管理专用英语 Revised as of 23 November 2020物流管理专用英语这里是物流管理33个专用英语,希望能给大家带来便利!1物品Article经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料。
13物流单证Logistics?document s物流过程中使用的所有单据、票据、凭证的总称。
(错)4.物流在英文中最初为Physical Distribution(PD),最早出现在20世纪20年代的日本。
常见的物流专业术语1. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)2. 物流(Logistics)3. 运输(Transportation)4. 仓储(Warehousing)5. 供应商(Supplier)6. 客户(Customer)7. 配送(Distribution)8. 订货(Ordering)9. 采购(Procurement)10. 货物(Cargo)11. 装运(Shipment)12. 运输成本(Transportation Cost)13. 仓库管理(Warehouse Management)14. 运输方式(Mode of Transportation)15. 运输时间(Transit Time)16. 运输距离(Distance)17. 运输网络(Transportation Network)18. 物流中心(Logistics Center)19. 物料管理(Material Management)20. 资源调配(Resource Allocation)21. 库存管理(Inventory Management)22. 供应链协同(Supply Chain Collaboration)23. 海关(Customs)24. 清关(Customs Clearance)25. 国际贸易(International Trade)26. 出口(Export)27. 进口(Import)28. 海运(Ocean Freight)29. 空运(Air Freight)30. 铁路运输(Rail Transportation)31. 公路运输(Road Transportation)32. 仓储设施(Warehousing Facility)33. 仓储系统(Warehousing System)34. 包装(Packaging)35. 集装箱(Container)36. 货运代理(Freight Forwarder)37. 物流服务商(Logistics Service Provider)38. 运输安全(Transportation Security)39. 危险品运输(Hazardous Materials Transportation)40. 配送中心(Distribution Center)41. 装卸设备(Material Handling Equipment)42. 拣货(Picking)43. 装载(Loading)44. 卸货(Unloading)45. 中转(Transshipment)46. 运输保险(Transportation Insurance)47. 供应链可视化(Supply Chain Visibility)48. 物流效率(Logistics Efficiency)49. 物流成本(Logistics Cost)50. 逆物流(Reverse Logistics)51. 供应链优化(Supply Chain Optimization)52. 库存周转率(Inventory Turnover)53. 入库(Receiving)54. 出库(Shipping)55. 货运费用(Freight Charges)56. 运输路线(Transportation Route)57. 运输计划(Transportation Plan)58. 交付时间(Delivery Time)59. 运输管理系统(Transportation Management System,TMS)60. 仓储管理系统(Warehouse Management System,WMS)61. 托盘(Pallet)62. 货架(Rack)63. 供应商管理(Supplier Management)64. 货主(Shipper)65. 分销中心(Distribution Center)66. 订购点(Order Point)67. 定期订购(Regular Order)68. 经济订购数量(Economic Order Quantity,EOQ)69. 货运成本(Freight Cost)70. 运输效率(Transportation Efficiency)71. 供应链合作伙伴(Supply Chain Partner)72. 物流战略(Logistics Strategy)73. 货物跟踪(Cargo Tracking)74. 物流网络设计(Logistics Network Design)75. 全球物流(Global Logistics)76. 城市物流(Urban Logistics)77. 网络优化(Network Optimization)78. 成本控制(Cost Control)79. 风险管理(Risk Management)80. 总部仓库(Central Warehouse)81. 分布式仓库(Decentralized Warehouse)82. 跨境电商(Cross-border E-commerce)83. 供应商评估(Supplier Evaluation)84. 交货期(Delivery Date)85. 物流流程(Logistics Process)86. 物流组织(Logistics Organization)87. 物流规划(Logistics Planning)88. 跟踪系统(Tracking System)89. 订单处理(Order Processing)90. 门到门服务(Door-to-Door Service)91. 配送路线优化(Route Optimization)92. 冷链物流(Cold Chain Logistics)93. 单一窗口(Single Window)94. 联合运输(Intermodal Transportation)95. 快递(Express Delivery)96. 无人机配送(Drone Delivery)97. 末端配送(Last Mile Delivery)98. 供应链可持续性(Supply Chain Sustainability)99. 供应链风险(Supply Chain Risk)100. 货运容量(Freight Capacity)101. 系统集成(System Integration)102. 自动化仓库(Automated Warehouse)103. 运输需求管理(Transportation Demand Management)104. 配送计划(Distribution Plan)105. 订货周期(Order Cycle)106. 供应商协调(Supplier Coordination)107. 物流监控(Logistics Monitoring)108. 物流协同(Logistics Collaboration)109. 物流效益(Logistics Performance)110. 包装材料(Packaging Material)111. 拖车(Trailer)112. 仓储面积(Warehousing Space)113. 库存周转时间(Inventory Turnaround Time)114. 批次(Batch)115. 供应商评估指标(Supplier Evaluation Metrics)116. 运输分析(Transportation Analysis)117. 订单管理(Order Management)118. 运输优化(Transportation Optimization)119. 分销网络(Distribution Network)120. 多式联运(Multimodal Transportation)121. 物流策略(Logistics Strategy)122. 库存控制(Inventory Control)123. 物流信息系统(Logistics Information System)124. 运输监控(Transportation Monitoring)125. 物流效果评估(Logistics Performance Evaluation)126. 运输管理(Transportation Management)127. 收货确认(Receipt Confirmation)128. 配送时间窗口(Delivery Time Window)129. 物流外包(Logistics Outsourcing)130. 货运合同(Freight Contract)131. 运输文件(Transportation Documents)132. 物流安全(Logistics Security)133. 运输节点(Transportation Node)134. 物流地图(Logistics Map)135. 托运人(Consignor)136. 承运人(Carrier)137. 运输协议(Transportation Agreement)138. 物流审计(Logistics Audit)139. 运输成本分摊(Transportation Cost Allocation)140. 供应链可控性(Supply Chain Controllability)141. 仓储设备(Warehousing Equipment)142. 仓库布局(Warehouse Layout)143. 库位管理(Location Management)144. 入库管理(Receiving Management)145. 出库管理(Shipping Management)146. 发货通知(Shipment Notification)147. 配送费用(Distribution Costs)148. 运输分配(Transportation Allocation)149. 手工作业(Manual Operation)150. 电子商务物流(E-commerce Logistics)151. 航空货运(Air Cargo)152. 陆运(Land Transportation)153. 运输容量(Transportation Capacity)154. 环保物流(Green Logistics)155. 同城配送(Same-day Delivery)156. 订购量(Order Quantity)157. 装载率(Loading Rate)158. 卸载率(Unloading Rate)159. 损耗率(Loss Rate)160. 物流效能(Logistics Effectiveness)161. 供应链可靠性(Supply Chain Reliability)162. 物流合同(Logistics Contract)163. 仓库效率(Warehouse Efficiency)164. 计划运输(Planned Transportation)165. 非计划运输(Unplanned Transportation)166. 运输提单(Transportation Bill of Lading)167. 全程运输(Door-to-Door Transportation)168. 物流优化模型(Logistics Optimization Model)169. 仓储操作(Warehousing Operation)170. 运输过程(Transportation Process)171. 分销商(Distributor)172. 发货人(Consignor)173. 制造商(Manufacturer)174. 销售商(Retailer)175. 中转仓(Transit Warehouse)176. 集配中心(Consolidation and Distribution Center)177. 多渠道物流(Multichannel Logistics)178. 供应链整合(Supply Chain Integration)179. 物流服务水平(Logistics Service Level)180. 交货条件(Delivery Terms)181. 出口商(Exporter)182. 进口商(Importer)183. 港口(Port)184. 集装箱码头(Container Terminal)185. 干线运输(Trunk Transportation)186. 短途运输(Short-haul Transportation)187. 跨境物流(Cross-border Logistics)188. 拼箱(Less than Container Load,LCL)189. 整箱(Full Container Load,FCL)190. 物流外包商(Logistics Outsourcer)191. 物流执行系统(Logistics Execution System,LES)192. 物流规模化(Logistics Scaling)193. 货运管理(Freight Management)194. 物流数据分析(Logistics Data Analysis)195. 供应商协同计划(Supplier Collaboration Planning)196. 仓储容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)197. 配送路线规划(Distribution Route Planning)198. 供应链网络优化(Supply Chain Network Optimization)199. 应急物流(Emergency Logistics)200. 满足率(Fill Rate)201. 物料需求计划(Material Requirements Planning,MRP)202. 运输订单(Transportation Order)203. 运输跟踪(Transportation Tracking)204. 物流成本分析(Logistics Cost Analysis)205. 运输报告(Transportation Report)206. 供应商评估体系(Supplier Evaluation System)207. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)208. 采购管理(Procurement Management)209. 配送点(Delivery Point)210. 订购周期(Ordering Cycle)211. 缺货(Stockout)212. 外包物流(Outsourced Logistics)213. 物流效益评估(Logistics Performance Assessment)214. 境内物流(Domestic Logistics)215. 全球供应链(Global Supply Chain)216. 供应链整合技术(Supply Chain Integration Technology)217. 库存周转率指标(Inventory Turnover Ratio)218. 可追溯性(Traceability)219. 销售预测(Sales Forecast)220. 仓储费用(Warehousing Cost)221. 运输费率(Freight Rate)222. 物流信息共享(Logistics Information Sharing)223. 配送中心管理(Distribution Center Management)224. 入库检验(Receiving Inspection)225. 出库检验(Shipping Inspection)226. 货运监控(Cargo Monitoring)227. 物流执行(Logistics Execution)228. 物流路线规划(Logistics Route Planning)229. 城市配送(Urban Distribution)230. 物流模拟(Logistics Simulation)231. 系统优化(System Optimization)232. 运输效益评估(Transportation Efficiency Assessment)233. 运输需求预测(Transportation Demand Forecasting)234. 物流合作关系(Logistics Cooperation)235. 物流可靠性评估(Logistics Reliability Evaluation)236. 运输成本优化(Transportation Cost Optimization)237. 物流资金流转(Logistics Fund Flow)238. 供应链协同计划(Supply Chain Collaboration Planning)239. 仓库布局优化(Warehouse Layout Optimization)240. 运输容量规划(Transportation Capacity Planning)241. 物料流动(Material Flow)242. 运输效果分析(Transportation Effectiveness Analysis)243. 物流决策支持系统(Logistics Decision Support System)244. 供应链整合管理(Supply Chain Integration Management)245. 仓库操作规范(Warehouse Operation Specification)246. 订单处理时间(Order Processing Time)247. 运输效果评估(Transportation Effectiveness Evaluation)248. 物流网络优化(Logistics Network Optimization)249. 供应链风险管理(Supply Chain Risk Management)250. 货物追踪系统(Cargo Tracking System)251. 仓储容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)252. 配送中心运作(Distribution Center Operation)253. 运输需求管理系统(Transportation Demand Management System)254. 运输过程监控(Transportation Process Monitoring)255. 物流信息共享平台(Logistics Information Sharing Platform)256. 库存周转率分析(Inventory Turnover Analysis)257. 批发物流(Wholesale Logistics)258. 城市配送中心(Urban Distribution Center)259. 货物跟踪技术(Cargo Tracking Technology)260. 物流供应商选择(Logistics Supplier Selection)261. 物流运营管理(Logistics Operations Management)262. 运输效能评估(Transportation Effectiveness Assessment)263. 物流执行管理(Logistics Execution Management)264. 物流路线优化(Logistics Route Optimization)265. 物流成本控制(Logistics Cost Control)266. 物流质量管理(Logistics Quality Management)267. 运输可行性分析(Transportation Feasibility Analysis)268. 物流人力资源管理(Logistics Human Resource Management)269. 物流合作模式(Logistics Cooperation Mode)270. 供应链服务水平(Supply Chain Service Level)271. 仓库容量规划(Warehousing Capacity Planning)272. 配送中心布局优化(Distribution Center Layout Optimization)273. 运输需求预测系统(Transportation Demand Forecasting System)274. 物流过程监控系统(Logistics Process Monitoring System)275. 供应链协同管理平台(Supply Chain Collaboration Management Platform)276. 仓储操作效率评估(Warehouse Operation Efficiency Assessment)277. 订单处理周期(Order Processing Cycle)278. 运输成本效益分析(Transportation Cost Benefit Analysis)279. 物流网络可达性(Logistics Network Accessibility)280. 供应链整合策略(Supply Chain Integration Strategy)281. 物料需求计划系统(Material Requirements Planning System)282. 运输订单管理系统(Transportation Order Management System)283. 运输跟踪技术(Transportation Tracking Technology)284. 物流成本分析系统(Logistics Cost Analysis System)285. 运输报告生成系统(Transportation Report Generation System)286. 供应商评估体系建立(Supplier Evaluation System Establishment)287. 客户满意度调查(Customer Satisfaction Survey)288. 采购管理系统(Procurement Management System)289. 配送点优化(Delivery Point Optimization)290. 订购周期缩短(Ordering Cycle Reduction)291. 运输安全管理(Transportation Security Management)292. 物流执行系统优化(Logistics Execution System Optimization)293. 物流路线规划系统(Logistics Route Planning System)294. 城市配送管理(Urban Distribution Management)295. 物流模拟系统(Logistics Simulation System)296. 系统优化方法(System Optimization Method)297. 运输效益评估指标(Transportation Effectiveness Evaluation Metrics)298. 物流协同计划系统(Logistics Collaboration Planning System)299. 仓库布局规划技术(Warehouse Layout Planning Technology)300. 运输容量规划系统(Transportation Capacity Planning System)这是一个包含常见物流专业术语的列表,覆盖了供应链管理、运输、仓储、供应商管理等多个方面。
物流管理的定义 物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会再⽣产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应⽤管理的基本原理和科学⽅法,对物流活动进⾏计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提⾼物流效率和经济效益。
物流管理主要有4个特点 (1)以实现客户满意为第⼀⽬标; (2)以企业整体为⽬的; (3)以信息为中⼼; (4)重效率更重效果。
实施物流管理的⽬的 实施物流管理的⽬的就是要在尽可能最低的总成本条件下实现既定的客户服务⽔平,即寻求服务优势和成本优势的⼀种动态平衡,并由此创造企业在竞争中的战略优势。
物流管理的发展经历 物流管理的发展经历了配送管理、物流管理和供应链管理3个层次。
公司职位英文及缩写大全公司高层职位的英文缩写:???? CEO?? :?? Chief Executive Officer????? 首席执行官???? CFO?? : Chief Financial?? Officer????? 首席财务官???? COO : Chief Operated?? Officer???? 首席运营官???? CTO?? : Chief Technology Officer??? 首席技术官???? CIO??? : Chief Information Officer??? 首席信息官???? CRO : Chief Risk Officer?? 首席风险官CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时的产物,它的出现在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。
CFO(Chief Financial Officer)意指公司首席财政官或财务总监,是现代公司中最重要、最有价值的顶尖管理职位之一,是掌握着企业的神经系统(财务信息)和血液系统(现金资源)灵魂人物。
物流管理 英语
物流管理英语Logistics ManagementLogistics management is a process of planning, implementing and controlling the movement and storage of goods and services from their origin to their final destination. It is an essential part of supply chain management that plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and effective distribution of products and services.The logistics management process involves several activities, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and material handling. These activities are coordinated to ensure that products are delivered on time, in the right quantity, and at the right cost.TransportationTransportation is a critical component of logistics management. It involves moving products from one location to another through various modes of transportation, including air, land, and sea. Different factors such as distance, time, cost, and product type influence the choice of transportation mode.Air transport is the fastest mode of transportation, and it is usually used for time-sensitive products such as medical supplies, perishable goods, and high-value products. Land transportation, including road and rail, is mostly used for moving products within a specific region or country. On the other hand, sea transportation is mainly used for transporting products across oceans. It is cost-effective but relatively slower than other modes of transportation.WarehousingWarehousing is the storage of products before they are transported to their final destination. Warehouses are used to store products for different reasons, including seasonal demand, economic order quantity, and better delivery efficiency. Efficient warehouse management ensures that products are stored in optimal conditions, and they are easy to locate and retrieve.Inventory ManagementInventory management involves monitoring the quantity, location, and movement of products in the supply chain. It ensures that products are always available when needed, and there are no stockouts. The inventory management process involves forecasting demand, ordering products, receiving and storing products, and managing inventory levels.Material HandlingMaterial handling involves moving products within the warehouse or distribution center. It includes picking products, packing products, and loading and unloading products from transportation vehicles. Efficient material handling is essential in ensuring that products are moved quickly and without damage.ConclusionLogistics management plays a significant role in the success of any business. It involves coordinating different activities, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and material handling, to ensure that products are delivered on time, in the right quantity, and at theright cost. Efficient logistics management leads to improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and increasedprofitability, which are essential for the long-term success of any organization.。
物流管理专用英语 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998物流管理专用英语这里是物流管理33个专用英语,希望能给大家带来便利!1物品Article经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料。
6物流技术Logistics?technology物流活动中所采用的自然科学与社会科学方面的理论、方法,以及设? 施、设备、装置与工艺的总称。
13物流单证Logistics?document s物流过程中使用的所有单据、票据、凭证的总称。
物流管理与工程的英语专业词汇Logistics management is a crucial aspect of many industries, involving the planning, implementing, and controlling the movement and storage of goods. 物流管理是许多行业的重要组成部分,涉及货物的运输、存储的规划、实施和控制。
In order to effectively manage logistics processes, professionals in this field need to be familiar with a range of specialized vocabulary. 为了有效地管理物流流程,这个领域的专业人员需要熟悉各种专业词汇。
Some key terms that are commonly used in logistics and engineering include supply chain management, inventory control, and transportation planning. 一些在物流和工程中常用的关键词包括供应链管理、库存控制和运输规划。
Supply chain management refers to the coordination of processes involved in the production and distribution of goods. 供应链管理是指涉及货物生产和分配的过程的协调。
Inventory control involves maintaining optimal levels of stock to meet customer demand while minimizing costs. 库存控制涉及保持适当水平的库存,以满足客户需求同时最小化成本。
物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会再生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。
warehouse layout 仓库布局
ABC classification ABC 分类管理
safety stock 安全库存
cycle stock 经常库存
inventory management 库存管理
inventory control 库存控制
vendor managed inventory (VMI) 供应商管理库存
fixed-quantity system (FQS) 定量订货制
fixed-interval system (FIS) 定期订货制
economic order quantity (EOQ) 经济订货批量
continuous replenishment program (CRP) 连续补货计划
joint managed inventory (JMI)联合库存管理
lead time 前置期
logistics cost control 物流成本管理
logistics performance management 物流绩效管理
logistics strategy 物流战略
logistics strategy management 物流战略管理
logistics quality management 物流质量管理。
物流管理的理解英语作文Logistics management is the backbone of any successful business. It involves the coordination and control of the movement and storage of goods, from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It is like the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that each instrument plays its part in harmony.In the world of logistics, efficiency is key. Every second counts, and delays can be costly. It's a fast-paced environment, where time is of the essence. From the moment a product is ordered, it is a race against the clock to get it delivered to the customer as quickly as possible.One of the challenges of logistics management is dealing with unexpected obstacles. Whether it's a traffic jam, a delayed flight, or a broken-down truck, there are always unforeseen events that can disrupt the smooth flow of goods. It requires quick thinking and problem-solving skills to find alternative routes and solutions to keepthings on track.Another important aspect of logistics management is inventory control. It's all about finding the right balance between having enough stock to meet customer demand, without having too much excess inventory that ties up valuable resources. It's a delicate dance, and requires careful planning and forecasting to get it right.Communication is also crucial in logistics management. It's like a game of telephone, where information needs to be passed along accurately and efficiently. From the moment an order is placed, to the moment it is delivered, there are many people involved in the process, and they all need to be on the same page. Clear and concise communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone knows what needs to be done.In conclusion, logistics management is a complex and dynamic field that requires a combination of skills and expertise. It's all about keeping things moving smoothly and efficiently, while also being prepared for theunexpected. It's like a well-choreographed dance, where every step is carefully planned and executed. Without effective logistics management, businesses would struggle to meet customer demands and stay competitive in today's fast-paced world.。
物流管理英文作文英文:As a logistics manager, my job is to ensure the smooth and efficient movement of goods from one place to another. This involves coordinating with suppliers, carriers, and customers to ensure that everything is delivered on time and in good condition.One of the biggest challenges in logistics managementis dealing with unexpected delays or disruptions. For example, if a shipment gets held up at customs or a truck breaks down on the way to its destination, it can throw off the entire schedule. In these situations, it's important to have contingency plans in place and to be able to communicate effectively with all parties involved.Another important aspect of logistics management is optimizing the supply chain. This means finding ways to streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.For example, we might look for ways to consolidate shipments or use alternative transportation modes to save money on shipping. We might also work with suppliers to improve lead times or negotiate better pricing.Ultimately, the goal of logistics management is to ensure that goods are delivered on time, in good condition, and at the lowest possible cost. This requires acombination of strategic planning, effective communication, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.中文:作为一名物流经理,我的工作是确保货物从一个地方顺利高效地运输到另一个地方。
软件⾏业的职位英⽂简称写⽂档及报告等时会⽤到的⼀些英⽂简称,⼀个项⽬(Project)⾥⾯,经常⽤到的⾓⾊有:项⽬经理:Project Manager / PM架构分析师:Architecture Analyst / AA系统分析师:System Analyst / SA数据库管理师:Data-Base Administrator / DBA程序员:Programmer / PG测试员:Testor / TT系统⼯程师:System Engineer / SE架构设计师:Framework Designer (FD)其他的软件开发公司的职位英⽂简称:GM(General Manager)总经理VP(Vice President)副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第⼀副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理CEO(Chief Executive Officer)⾸席执⾏官COO(Chief Operations Officer)⾸席运营官CFO(Chief Financial Officer)⾸席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer)⾸席信息官HRD(Human Resource Director)⼈⼒资源总监OD(Operations Director)运营总监MD(Marketing Director)市场总监OM(Operations Manager)运作经理PM(Production Manager)⽣产经理(Product Manager)产品经理CAO: Art 艺术总监CBO: Business 商务总监CCO: Content 内容总监CDO: Development 开发总监CEO: Executive ⾸席执⾏官CFO: Finance 财务总监CGO: Gonverment 政府关系CHO: Human resource ⼈事总监CIO: Information 技术总监CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加⼀个或多个零使公司市值像⽕箭般上升的⼈CKO: Knowledge 知识总监CLO: Labour ⼯会主席CMO: Marketing 市场总监CNO: Negotiation ⾸席谈判代表COO: Operation ⾸席营运官CPO: Public relation 公关总监CQO: Quality control 质控总监CRO: Research 研究总监CSO: Sales 销售总监CTO: Technology ⾸席技术官CUO: User 客户总监CVO: Valuation 评估总监CWO: Women 妇联主席CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长CYO: Yes 什么都点头的⽼好⼈CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太⼦公司职位英语缩写计算机/互联⽹/通讯 Technology/Internet⾸席技术执⾏官 CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理 IT Manager信息技术主管 IT Supervisor信息技术专员 IT Specialist项⽬经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor项⽬执⾏/协调⼈员 Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员 System Analyst⾼级软件⼯程师 Senior Software Engineer软件⼯程师 Software Engineer系统⼯程师 System Engineer⾼级硬件⼯程师 Senior Hardware Engineer硬件⼯程师 Hardware Engineer通信技术⼯程师 Communications Engineer ERP技术/应⽤顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant数据库⼯程师 Database Engineer技术⽀持经理 Technical Support Manager技术⽀持⼯程师 Technical Support Engineer品质经理 QA Manager信息安全⼯程师 Information Security Engineer软件测试⼯程师 Software QA Engineer硬件测试⼯程师 Hardware QA Engineer测试员 Test Engineer⽹站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor⽹络⼯程师 Network Engineer系统管理员/⽹管 System Manager/Webmaster⽹页设计/制作 Web Designer/Production技术⽂员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant其他的⼀些限于篇幅就不排版了.销售 Sales 销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理 Sales Manager 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 客户经理 Sales Account Manager 渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道主管 Channel Supervisor 销售主管 Sales Supervisor 销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive 销售⼯程师 Sales Engineer 医药代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理 Insurance Agent 销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee 商务经理 Business Manager 商务专员/助理 Business Executive/Assistant 销售⾏政经理 Sales Admin. Manager 销售⾏政主管 Sales Admin. Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务经理 Technical Service Manager 售前/售后技术服务主管 Technical Service Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务⼯程师 Technical Service Engineer 售后/客户服务(⾮技术)经理 Customer Service Manager 售后/客户服务(⾮技术)主管 Customer Service Supervisor 售后/客户服务(⾮技术)专员 Customer Service Executive 经销商 Distributor 市场市场市场市场/公关公关公关公关/⼴告⼴告⼴告⼴告 Marketing/PR/Advertising 市场/⼴告总监 Marketing/Advertising Director/VP 市场/营销经理Marketing Manager 市场/营销主管 Marketing Supervisor 市场/营销专员 Marketing Executive/Communication 市场助理 Marketing Assistant / Trainee 产品/品牌经理 Product/Brand Manager 产品/品牌主管 Product/Brand Supervisor 市场通路经理 Trade Marketing Manager 市场通路主管 Trade Marketing Supervisor 促销经理 Promotions Manager 促销主管Promotions Supervisor 促销员 Promotions Specialist 市场分析/调研⼈员 Market Analyst/ Research Analyst 公关/会务经理 Public Relations Manager 公关/会务主管 Public Relations Supervisor 公关/会务专员 Public Relations Executive 媒介经理 Media Manager 媒介⼈员 Media Specialist 企业/业务发展经理 Business Development Manager 企业策划⼈员Corporate Planning ⼴告策划/设计/⽂案 Advertising Creative/Design/Copy writer 财务财务财务财务/审计审计审计审计/统计统计统计统计/⾦融⾦融⾦融⾦融Finance/Accounting/Banking 财务总监 CFO/Finance Director/VP 财务经理 Finance Manager财务主管/总帐主管 Finance Supervisor 会计经理/会计主管 AccountingManager/Supervisor 会计 Accountant / Accounting Trainee 出纳员 Cashier 财务/会计助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant 财务分析经理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor 财务分析员 Financial Analyst 成本经理/成本主管 Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor 成本管理员 Cost Accounting Specialist 审计经理/主管 Audit Manager/Supervisor 审计专员/助理 Audit Executive/Assistant 税务经理/税务主管 Tax Manager/Supervisor 税务专员 Tax Executive 证券经纪⼈ Stock Broker 投资顾问 Investment Advisor 注册分析师 Certified Investment/Financial Analyst 投资/基⾦项⽬经理 Investment Manager 融资经理/融资主管 Treasury Manager/Supervisor 融资专员 Treasury Specialist ⾏长/副⾏长 President/Vice-President/Branch Manager 风险控制 Risk Management 进出⼝/信⽤证结算 Trading / LC Officer 清算⼈员 Settlement Officer 外汇主管 Foreign Exchange Supervisor ⾼级客户经理/客户经理 Senior Relationship Manager 客户主管/专员 Relationship?Supervisor/Executive 信贷/信⽤调查/分析⼈员 Loan/Credit Officer 银⾏柜台出纳 Bank Teller 统计员 Statistician ⽣产⽣产⽣产⽣产/营运营运营运营运/⼯程⼯程⼯程⼯程 Manufacturing/Operations/Engineering ⼯⼚经理/⼚长 Plant/Factory Manager 总⼯程师/副总⼯程师 Chief Engineer 项⽬经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor 项⽬⼯程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor ⽣产经理/车间主任 Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor ⽣产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer ⽣产主管/督导/领班 Production Supervisor/Team Leader 技术/⼯艺设计经理/主管 Technical/Industrial Design Mgr./Spvr. 技术/⼯艺设计⼯程师 Technical/Industrial Design Engineer 实验室负责⼈/⼯程师 Lab Manager/Engineer ⼯程/设备经理 Engineering/Facility Manager ⼯程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor ⼯程/设备⼯程师 Engineering/Facility Engineer 电⽓/电⼦⼯程师 Electrical/Electronics Engineer 机械⼯程师 Mechanical Engineer 机电⼯程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 维修⼯程师 Maintenance Engineer 质量经理 QA Manager 质量主管 QA Supervisor 质量⼯程师 QA Engineer 质量检验员/测试员 QA Inspector 认证⼯程师 Certification Engineer 安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environment Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境⼯程师 Safety/Health/Environment Engineer ⼯程绘图员 Project Drafting Specialist 机械制图员 Drafting Specialist 化验员 Laboratory Technician 技⼯ Technician / Engineer Trainee 电⼯ Electrician 服装打样/制版 Clothing/Apparel Sample Production ⾏政⾏政⾏政⾏政/⼈事⼈事⼈事⼈事/后勤后勤后勤后勤 Admin./HR/Support Services ⾏政/⼈事总监 Admin/Human Resources Director ⼈事经理 Human Resources Manager ⼈事主管 Human Resources Supervisor ⼈事专员 Human Resources Specialist ⼈事助理 Human Resources Assistant 招聘经理/主管 Recruiting Manager/Supervisor 薪资福利经理/主管 Compensation & Benefits Mgr./Supervisor 薪资福利专员/助理 Compensation & Benefits Specialist/Assistant 培训经理/主管 Training Manager/Supervisor 培训专员/助理Training Specialist/Assistant ⾏政经理/主管/办公室主任 Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager ⾏政专员/助理 Admin Staff/Assistant 经理助理/秘书 Executive Assistant/Secretary 前台接待/总机 Receptionist 后勤 Office Support 资料管理员 Information / Data Management Specialist 电脑操作员/打字员 Computer Operator/Typist ⾼级管理⾼级管理⾼级管理⾼级管理 Senior Management ⾸席执⾏官/总经理 CEO/GM/President 副总经理 Deputy GM/VP/Management Trainee 总监 Director 合伙⼈ Partner 总裁/总经理助理 CEO/GM/President Assistant 物流物流物流物流/贸易贸易贸易贸易/采购采购采购采购 Logis./Trading/Merchand./Purch. 物流经理 Logistics Manager 物流主管 Logistics Supervisor 物流专员/助理 Logistics Specialist/Assistant 物料经理 Materials Manager 物料主管 Materials Supervisor 采购经理 Purchasing Manager 采购主管 Purchasing Supervisor 采购员 Purchasing Specialist/Staff 外贸/贸易经理/主管 Trading Manager/Supervisor 外贸/贸易专员/助理 Trading Specialist/Assistant 业务跟单经理 Merchandiser Manager ⾼级业务跟单 Senior Merchandiser 业务跟单Merchandiser 助理业务跟单 Assistant Merchandiser 仓库经理/主管 Warehouse Manager 仓库管理员 Warehouse Specialist 运输经理/主管 Distribution Manager/Supervisor 报关员Customs Specialist 单证员 documentation Specialist 船务⼈员 Shipping Specialist 快递员 Courier 理货员 Warehouse Stock Management ⽂字⽂字⽂字⽂字/艺术艺术艺术艺术/设计设计设计设计 Writer/Editor/Creative Artist/Designer 编辑/作家/撰稿⼈ Editor/Writer 记者 Journalist / Reporter 校对/录⼊ Proofreader/Data Entry Staff 排版设计 Layout Designer 艺术/设计总监 Creative/Design Director⾳效师 Recording / Sounds Specialist 影视策划/制作⼈员 Entertainment Planning / Production 导演 Director 摄影师 Photographer 演员/模特/主持⼈Actor/Actress/Model/MC 平⾯设计/美术设计 Graphic Artist/Designer 纺织/服装设计 Clothing / Apparel Designer ⼯业/产品设计 Industrial Designer ⼯艺品/珠宝设计 Artwork/Jewelry Designer 科研⼈员科研⼈员科研⼈员科研⼈员 Research Specialist Staff 科研管理⼈员 Research Management 科研⼈员 Research Specialist Staff 律师律师律师律师/法务法务法务法务 Legal 律师 Lawyer 法务⼈员 Legal Personnel 律师助理 Paralegal/Legal Assistant 书记员 Court Clerk 教师教师教师教师 Professor/Teacher 教师 ProfessorTeacher 教学/教务管理⼈员 Education/School Administrator 助教 Teaching Assistant 讲师 Lecturer 家教 Tutor 医疗医疗医疗医疗/护理护理护理护理 Medicine / Nursing 医⽣(中、西医) Medical Doctor 医学管理⼈员 Healthcare / Medical Management 医药技术⼈员 Medical Technician 药库主任/药剂师 Pharmacist 护⼠/护理⼈员 Nurse / Nursing Personnel 临床协调员 Clinical Coodinator 临床研究员 Clinical Researcher ⿇醉师 Anesthesiologist ⼼理医⽣ Psychologist/Psychiatrist 医药学检验 Clinical Laboratory 咨询咨询咨询咨询/顾问顾问顾问顾问Consultant 专业顾问 Senior Consultant 咨询总监 Consulting Director / Partner 咨询经理 Consulting Manager 咨询员 Consultant 公务员公务员公务员公务员 Official 公务员 Official 在校学⽣在校学⽣在校学⽣在校学⽣ Student 在校学⽣ Student 应届毕业⽣ Graduating Student 实习⽣ Intern/Trainee 培训⽣培训⽣培训⽣培训⽣ Trainee/Intern 培训⽣ Trainee 服务服务服务服务 Service 美容/健⾝顾问 Exercise Coach/Fitness Trainer 餐饮/娱乐经理 Banquet Services Manager保安 Security 宾馆/酒店经理 Reception Manager 领班 Supervisor 服务员 Service Staff寻呼员/话务员 Paging Operator 营业员/收银员/理货员 Shop Clerk/Salesperson 厨师 Chief/Cook 导游 Tour Guide 司机 Chauffeur/Driver 建筑建筑建筑建筑/房地产房地产房地产房地产 Construction/Real Estate 建筑⼯程师 Architect 结构/⼟建⼯程师 Structural Engineer 电⽓⼯程师 Electrical Engineer 给排⽔/暖通⼯程师 Drainage/HVAC Engineer ⼯程造价师/预结算 Budgeting Specialist 建筑⼯程管理 Construction Management ⼯程监理 Engineering Project Supervisor 室内外装潢设计 Decorator 城市规划与设计 UrbanDesign/Planning 建筑制图 CAD Drafter 施⼯员 Construction Crew 房地产开发/策划 Real Estate Development/Planning 房地产评估 Real Estate Appraisal 房地产中介/交易 Real Estate Agent/Broker 物业管理 Property Management 翻译翻译翻译翻译 Translator 英语翻译 English Translation ⽇语翻译 Japanese Translator 德语翻译 German Translator 法语翻译 French Translator 俄语翻译 Russian Translator 西班⽛语翻译 Spanish Translator 朝鲜语翻译 Korean Translator 其他语种翻译 Other Language Translator 兼职 Part Time。
物流管理英文简历 Logistics Manager
RESUMEStrength·Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.·My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning, logistics system development, warehousing, transportation, etc.·Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business.·based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation.PersonalName: ××××Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th, 1980Martial Status:Married Email Address: ××××Tel:(010) ××××Mobile Phone: ××××Experience07/×××× - 12/××××XXXX China Logistics Manager·Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.·Taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project.·Taking a lead in T&A products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation.·Cooperating with The Third Party Logistics Service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transport efficiency.01/××××- 07/××××XX Shanghai Manager of Logistics·Established purchase, production and sales logistics processes based IT system.·In charge of daily logistics operation.·In charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management.·Struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain.·Cooperated with production dept. to made MRS and BOM.08/×××× - 01/××××XXX Co. Beijing Logistics Supervisor·In charge of import contracts and orders management.·In charge of bonded warehousing management.·Supervised the performance of freight forwarders and carriers based on cost, delivery and service quality.·In charge of international and domestic purchasing and transportation.·Processed all the customs-office-related issues.Education07/××××Beijing University xxx MBA01/09/××××xx Trade Institute International Trade BachelorLanguage: Be able to communicate efficiently with colleagues and customers in fluent English, whatever in Written, Spoken, Reading or Listening.Computer: Computer software expert in Excel and Access. Familiar with systems like BPCS, SCALA and related.。
船舶物流经理职位职责船舶物流经理(Maritime Logistics Manager)是一个非常重要的职位,他们在航运行业中扮演着关键角色。
style/colors in total
What needs to be done in order to make a sale?
Undercarriage France
Body Italian
Wing Japan
Example: The hub of FedEx
Example: The hub of UPS
Example: The hub in Pacific-Asia
Example: The hub in European
• Challenge
– How to make the manufacture more efficiently, how to connect the difference plants more tightly, how to reduce the cost and how to increase the service level?
• What is the basic support to this performance? • One answer is logistics • But, why?
The Immediate Supply Chain for an Individual Firm
• The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining, and transporting material, personnel, and facilities - Dictionary
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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·Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.
·My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning, logistics system development, warehousing, transportation, etc.
·Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business.
·based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation.
Name: ××××Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th, 1980
Martial Status:Married Email Address: ××××
Tel:(010) ××××Mobile Phone: ××××
07/×××× - 12/××××XXXX China Logistics Manager
·Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.
·Taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project.
·Taking a lead in T&A products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation.
·Cooperating with The Third Party Logistics Service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transport efficiency.
01/××××- 07/××××XX Shanghai Manager of Logistics
·Established purchase, production and sales logistics processes based IT system.
·In charge of daily logistics operation.
·In charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management.
·Struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain.
·Cooperated with production dept. to made MRS and BOM.
08/×××× - 01/××××XXX Co. Beijing Logistics Supervisor
·In charge of import contracts and orders management.
·In charge of bonded warehousing management.
·Supervised the performance of freight forwarders and carriers based on cost, delivery and service quality.
·In charge of international and domestic purchasing and transportation.
·Processed all the customs-office-related issues.
07/××××Beijing University xxx MBA
01/09/××××xx Trade Institute International Trade Bachelor
Language: Be able to communicate efficiently with colleagues and customers in fluent English, whatever in Written, Spoken, Reading or Listening.
Computer: Computer software expert in Excel and Access. Familiar with systems like BPCS, SCALA and related.。