Wuthering Height chapter8-11
Wuthering Heights 吴雨辰
凯太贪心,她要克里夫倔强、自尊、野兽一样凶猛的 心(她跟克里夫是一样的),她也想要埃德加的财富、体 面的家室。这是很可怕的,况且她草率的答应了埃德加的 求婚,没有对自己的决定承担责任。精神与物质有时就像 冰冻三尺与烈焰的关系,必择其一,否则玉石具焚。凯瑟 琳就葬送了自己脆弱的灵魂,她无法做到择其一。欲,特 别是无穷的欲望让人变得“雄心壮志”,大胆轻浮,不顾 一切。她与克里夫重逢后,每次约会前会换一套华美的衣 服,两人谈心,随着谈话的深入,她只能狼狈地掩饰自己 将要流露出来的对克里夫的真实情感。想想看一个身着做 工精巧、镶有蕾丝花边宫廷裙的女孩和一个似漂泊他乡的 衣着简单的旅客的男人行走在一起景象。他们之间隔着一 触即破的薄膜,但两人的动机都不再单纯,她要他别介意 自己的爱财,他要她死(在此说明克里夫一直爱着凯,后 来崩溃地亲吻凯的尸体)。凯的死可以说是必然的,他们 之间的悲剧也必将演出,凯的价值观让她矛盾至死。
这部作品不是对猎奇的幻想,它阐述 了复杂的外部因素对小说中人物的人生影 响,比如说种族观念、宗教信仰、爱情观、 价值观等因素。作者用平淡冷静的语言诉 说着一个似乎遥远但能够伤到人心最柔软 处的悲剧。
黑人在本世纪之前严重受歧视,就算当今大部分人的观念还是陈 旧的。希斯克利夫是个吉普赛人,除了女主的父亲对他抱着基督徒应 有的“仁爱”,每个人都唾弃他,凯瑟琳(女主)给她的见面礼就是 一口唾沫,凯的哥哥则鄙夷的称他为nigga(黑鬼),把他当成slave (奴隶),佣人斜眼看他,狗也对着不速之客狂吠。作者把能讽刺黑 人的方式都用到了,但我想可能这还不算些什么。 肤色、语言、瞳色等成为一道道防线,将人种区分得明晰,仿 佛这些特征有高低贵贱之分,本无形的灵魂变得狭隘,灵魂被皮囊扭 曲着,黑浊的心愈加腐烂。人生而有自私的心,都希望以自己为中心, 而白种人的外貌恰好迎合了人类的口味,他们或许就不知不觉得开始 自豪,这暗示着白种人扭曲的观念开始滋生。黑人之间不会因为谁更 黑些产生歧视,人从出生开始都是单纯地观望这个世界,但黑种人因 为一些刺眼的目光而充满警惕的长大、活着,他们不理解,但他们很 快就不屑去理解,并且对一些白痴充满敌意。这是一个牙牙学语就学 会另眼相看别人的白人的可悲,这是对一个刚出生就“沐浴”目光洗 礼的黑人的残酷。人类相爱?其实大部分人类都怀着对周围人的有色 眼光,个子高的与个子矮的,胖的和瘦的,这种感觉很正常,但随它 们之后产生的亲近感或疏远感都不正常,人类之间清晰的界线能带来 什么,我想有孤傲冷漠吧。。
Wuthering Heights: A Tale of Passion and Revenge
Wuthering Heights: A Tale of Passion and RevengeIntroduction"Wuthering Heights" is a novel written by Emily Brontë and published in 1847. It is a classic work of English literature that delves into themes of passion, revenge, and the destructive power of love. Set against the backdrop of the rugged moorlands in Yorkshire, England, this gothic tale follows the intertwined lives of two families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons. In this document, we will explore the key themes and characters in "Wuthering Heights".The Setting: Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross GrangeThe novel is primarily set around two neighboring houses: Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Wuthering Heights symbolizes wildness, passion, and emotional turmoil, while Thrushcross Grange represents refinement and civilization. The contrasting settings reflect the stark differences between characters like Heathcliff and Edgar Linton.CharactersHeathcliffHeathcliff is one of the most enigmatic characters in literature. His origins are mysterious, as he is brought to Wuthering Heights as an orphan. Throughout the novel, his passionate love for Catherine Earnshaw drives him to seek revenge on those who have wronged him. Amidst his brooding demeanor, Heathcliff also displays moments of vulnerability and deep longing.Catherine EarnshawCatherine Earnshaw is a free-spirited young woman with an intense personality. Her passionate nature leads her to develop complex relationships with both Heathcliff and Edgar Linton. Catherine's choice to marry Edgar instead of Heathcliff sets in motion a chain of events that fuel Heathcliff's thirst for revenge.Edgar LintonEdgar Linton represents society's expectations and norms. He comes from a wealthier background than Heathcliff but lacks his intensity. His marriage to Catherine brings prosperity but also tragedy to both families involved.Other CharactersThe novel features an array of supporting characters, each contributing to the unfolding drama. These include Nelly Dean, the narrator and housekeeper of Thrushcross Grange, as well as Hindley Earnshaw, Catherine's brother, who develops a bitter rivalry with Heathcliff. ThemesLove and PassionLove is a central theme in "Wuthering Heights", but it is portrayed as a destructive force. The intense love shared between Catherine and Heathcliff ultimately leads to heartbreak and tragedy. Their passionate relationship consumes them and destroys those around them, illustrating the power and consequences of forbidden love. RevengeRevenge serves as a driving force throughout the novel. Heathcliff's thirst for revenge stems from his deep emotional wounds caused by rejection and mistreatment. He takes vengeance on those who wronged him, seeking a cruel justice that perpetuates the cycle of pain. Nature vs. CivilizationThe wild moorlands surrounding Wuthering Heights contrast with the civilized world represented by Thrushcross Grange. This dichotomyreflects the inner turmoil faced by characters torn between their natural instincts and societal expectations.Conclusion"Wuthering Heights" explores themes of passion, revenge, and the destructive power of love through its complex characters and contrasting settings. Emily Brontë's masterful storytelling leaves readers captivated by her haunting tale of tumultuous relationships set against the backdrop of wild moors. This novel continues to resonate with readers across generations for its exploration of raw human emotions and dark desires.。
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights
外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights第一篇:WutheringHeightsmyfeelingsafterreadingWutheringHeights第二篇:WutheringHeightsoldearnshawadoptsanorphanandnamedhimheathcliffandloveshimverymuch.hindleyisjealousofhimsoheteatedhimbadlyafterthedeathofhisfather.hindley hasasister called catherine ,whogrowsup together with heathcliff andinlovewitheach other.but catherine marries edgar because heathcliff ispoor. heathcliff leavesandbacktothetown3yearslaterasarich man.he marries edgar’sasrevenge.besides,hetakesallthepropertyofhindleyandtreats hindley’ssonharetonasaslave.catherine diedduetoherillnesswhileheathcliffcannotformtheloseof catherine,he makes edgar’s daughter cathy marrieshissicksonlinton,after linton’s deathherealizedthe meaningless ofhisrevengeandallows haretontobeinlovewithcathy.attheendhediesofhungerforhedoesn’teatanything.第三篇:WutheringHeights英文原著阅读报告阅读书目Wuthering Heights专业班级姓名学号指导老师完成时间review onWutheringHeightsi.introductionWutheringheight was written by emily bronte, who wasa famous female writer. emily bronte was bornin 1818. andshe lived mostofherlifeintheyorkshire moorsthatshe immortalized in Wuthering Heights.shewasthefifthinafamilyofsix children, growingupinastone personageinavillagecalledrsdidshe become truly alive.infact, during thebrief timesshespent awayfrom haworth, atschoolin brussels with charlotte asayoungwoman.shebecame homesickandphysically ill.thoughbeing confronted withsuch difficulties, shekeptwriting. when Wuthering Heightswaspublishedin1847,thepennameshechose caused much confusion anditwasoften assumed thatjaneeyreand Wuthering Heights were written bythesame person. emily’s novel wasbadly edited andreceived mixed reviews. nonetheless, emilybegantoworkonhersecond novel.in1848,ayearafterthe publication of Wuthering Heights, emilycaughtacoldata funeral, which, withher typical stoicism, she ignored. thecold steadily developed intoafarmore serious illness, butemily refused all medical advice. atlast,barely capableof breathing without goingintoafitof coughing, she steadfastly attendedtoherusual chores. afteremilyhadbeenillfornearlytwo months,december 19, 1848,shebroke down. shortly after,shedied.andyet,sheis remembered as charlotte once described her: “stronger thanaman, simpler thanchild,hernature stoodalo ne.”chen yafei, class1,2020, foreign languages schoolwhen thenovel began,itwas1801.mr. lockwood, thenarratorofthestory arrivedthrushcross grange,agrand housethathewasrenting from heathcliff, wholivedatnearby Wuthering Heights.hespentanightat Wuthering Heightsandhadterrifying dream. later, lockwood askedthe housekeeper mrs.nellydeantotellthestoryof heathcliff and Wuthering Heights.itwasastorythat flashed backthirty yearsto1771, whenmr. earnshaw broughtastreet orphan home.hecalledhim heathcliff and intended toraisehim alongside hisown children, catherine andhindley. hindleywas intensively jealousofthenewarrivalandsawhimasaninterloper andrival. however, catherine became heathcliff’s inseparable friendandfellinlovewithhim.aftermr. earnshaw’s death, hindley tookoverthe estate.he brutalized heathcliff, forcinghimtoworkasahired hand.andheforbadehissistertobewith heathcliff. later, catherine becameafriendofedgar,whowasamildandrefined youngmanandagreedtomarryhim. heathcliff wasverydepressed andangry,thenheleft Wuthering Heights. sometimelater,hereturnedandhehad mysteriously becomevery wealthy.hebegantotake revengeonthosewho prevented himfrombeingwith catherine. through his efforts, hetook ownership of Wuthering Heights upon hindley’s death. intentonruining edgar, heathcliff married edgar’s sisterisabella, whichplacedhiminapositiontoinherit thrushcross grangeafter edgar’s death. catherine becameveryillafter heathcliff’s returnanddiedafewhoursafterbirthtoadaughter alsonamed catherine. later, heathcliff becamemorebitterand revengeful. hiswifeisabellalefthimand subsequently gavebirthtoaboy,meanwhile, heathcliff succeeded intaking ownership of Wuthering Heights andvowedtoraise hindley’s son, harenton. then,inordertorulethe property ofhis enemy,he persuaded catherine tomarry linton. soonafter, edgarlinton died, followed shortlybylinton heathcliff. thisleft catherineawidowat Wuthering Heights,as heathcliff hadgained compete controlofboth Wuthering Heightsand thrushcross grange. eventhus,hewasnothappyatall.atlast,he committed himselfandhewasburiednearto catherine. thewhole storywasreallya tragedy. mr. lockwood was shockedbythestoryandthestory concluded withmr. lockwood visiting the grave.thedivides into several chapters, andeach chapter seemstosetupalessonforusto learn. wheniwas reading this novel, what impressed mewasthe unhappy marriages. inthisnovelthere existed several unhappy marriages. oneofthe examples wasthe marriage between isabella and heathcliff. isabella didn’t knowheathcliff wellwhenshemarried him.shewasjust attractedbyhis appearance, butlatersherealizedthat heaththcliff wasnotagentlemanatall.asaresult, whatsheonly coulddowastoregretfor herself. another example had happened between catherine and edgar. although shehadbeen happyatthe beginningthe marriage, afterawhile,she became boredandshealso realized thathertruelovewas heathcliff. inmy opinion, her choosingtomarryedgarjustbecauseshewantedtoberichandtobethegreatest womaninthe neighborhood. tillnow,ican remember clearlythat catherine saidtodean:“itwould degrade metomarry heathcliff now.”fromher words,wecanseethatshecared wealthandsocial status morethantrue love,which shouldbe responsible forher unhappy marriage.inourdaily lives, therealsoexistmanypeoplewhosharethesame opinion with catherine. thereisnothattheyalsohave sufferedalotfromtheir unhappy marriages. itismy personal beliefthata successful marriage shouldnotbebasedon wealth,orsocial status. however, thetrue love, respect, knowing abouttheoneyou choose arethe essential factorsin marriage. to everyone, marriage seemstobeoneofthemost important thingsinlife.ithasgreat influenceonourdailylives,ourphysicalandmental health,oursocial relationship andevenourfate.so,weshould takeour marriage seriously and choosetheonewhoisreally rightforus.thus,canwehavea successful marriage andahappylife.after readingthewhole story,iwasshockedby heathcliff’s revengeandlearnedalotfromit.becauseofthe animosities between himselfandothers,heathcliff usedallmeanshecouldtotake revengeonthem.notonlydidhiswicked actionsdolotsofharmto others, butalsothese actionshurt himselfalot.duringtheprocessoftaking revengeonothers,hissenseof superiority hadfaded away.thenhis appearance begantoreflectthestateofhismind.hiswalklacked confidence; helooked disagreeable, andspoke seldom.eventhoughhesucceededintaking possessionofallthewealth,hewasnothappyatall.atlast, hecommitted himself.asitsaysthat “whoever seeks revenge shoulddigtwo graves.”justlike heathcliff, ifhecould recognize this principlefollow it,allthe tragedies couldbe avoided. itiswidely knownthattoforgive andforget offenses enable imperfect peopletogrowand improve. maybe,iseasiersaidthan done. however, thelongeryouwaittoforgive someone, thees.inourdaily lives,itis unavoidable tohurtothersorbehurtby others.ifwearetoo sensitive toitandpaymuch attention onit,we’llbe unhappy alldayandwecannot。
• Her appearance:
• “She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little … small features, very fair; flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck; and eyes…irresistible”
Analysis of the excerpt in terms of setting
• Exterior of the house:
• “the excessive slant of a few stunted firs”
• “a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way”
Emily Bronte (1818-1848)
Emily Bronte
• Born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, on July 30, 1818.
• Educated mostly at home. • She published poems with her sisters under the pen
Wuthering Heights: Summary of the
remaining of the story
• Lockwood knows that Heathcliff is an adopted son of Mr. Earnshaw through his housekeeper, Nelly.
Wuthering Heights
几年后希斯克利夫风度翩翩地回来了,林顿的妹妹伊贝 拉爱上了他,他买下了咆哮山庄,他与伊莎贝拉结婚以后, 希斯克利夫的冷淡无情使伊莎贝拉很快枯萎掉谢,凯西也因 为悲伤过度而濒临死亡。希斯克利夫在凯西弥留之际来到她 身边,把她抱到窗前姚望那方岩石——童年时代那曾是他们 的“城堡”凯西说她等待着,总有一天他们会团圆,然后死 去。 希斯克利夫心神错乱,在哀悼凯、期待死亡中捱过了20 年。他对周围一切人都极端轻蔑、百般折磨,直到凯西的幽 灵在一个严冬的雪夜把他召唤到他们最喜爱的荒原上某个地 方,在死亡中重新聚会……
Published in 1847, the year before Emily Bronte's death at the age of 30, Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the nineteenth century's most popular yet disturbing masterpieces. The windswept moors are the unforgettable setting of this tale of the love between the foundling Heathcliff and his wealthy benefactor's daughter, Catherine. Through Catherine's betrayal of Heathcliff and his bitter vengeance, their mythic passion haunts the next generation even after their deaths. Incorporating elements of many genres - from gothic novels and ghost stories to poetic allegory - and transcending them all, Wuthering Heights is a mystifying and powerful tour de force.
Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄简介)
Wuthering HeightsOpening (chapters 1 to 3)In 1801, Mr Lockwood, a wealthy man from the south of England, rents Thrushcross Grange in the north for peace and recuperation. He visits his landlord, Mr Heathcliff, who lives in a remote moorland farmhouse, "Wuthering Heights", where he finds an odd assemblage: Heathcliff seems to be a gentleman, but his manners are uncouth; the reserved mistress of the house is in her mid-teens; and a young man seems to be a family member yet dresses and speaks like a servant.Snowed in, Lockwood is grudgingly allowed to stay and is shown to a bedchamber where he notices books and graffiti left by a former inhabitant named Catherine. He falls asleep and has a nightmare in which he sees the ghostly Catherine trying to enter through the window. He cries out in fear, rousing Heathcliff who rushes to the room. Lockwood is convinced that what he saw was real. Heathcliff, believing Lockwood to be right, examines the window and opens it hoping to allow Catherine's spirit to enter. When nothing happens, Heathcliff shows Lockwood to his own bedroom and returns to keep watch at the window.At sunrise, Heathcliff escorts Lockwood back to Thrushcross Grange. Lockwood asks the housekeeper, Nelly Dean, about the family at Wuthering Heights, and she tells him the tale.Heathcliff's childhood (chapters 4 to 17)Thirty years earlier, Wuthering Heights is occupied by Mr Earnshaw, his teenage son Hindley and his daughter Catherine. On a trip to Liverpool, Earnshaw encounters a homeless boy described as "dark-skinned gypsy in aspect". He adopts the boy and names him Heathcliff. Hindley feels that Heathcliff has supplanted him in his father's affections and becomes bitterly jealous. Catherine and Heathcliff become friends and spend hours each day playing on the moors. They grow close.Hindley is sent to college. Three years later, Earnshaw dies and Hindley becomes the master of Wuthering Heights. He returns to live there with his new wife, Frances. He allows Heathcliff to stay but only as a servant.A few months after Hindley's return, Heathcliff and Catherine walk to Thrushcross Grange to spy on the Lintons who are living there. After being discovered, they try to run away but are caught. Catherine is injured by the Lintons' dog and taken into the house to recuperate while Heathcliff is sent home. Catherine stays with the Lintons and is influenced by their fine appearance and genteel manners. When she returns to Wuthering Heights, her appearance and manners are more ladylike and she laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance. The next day, knowing that the Lintons would visit, Heathcliff tries to dress up in an effort to impress Catherine, but he and Edgar Linton get into an argument and Hindley humiliates Heathcliff by locking him in the attic. Catherine tries to comfort Heathcliff, but he vows revenge on Hindley.The following year, Frances Earnshaw gives birth to a son, named Hareton, but dies a few months later. Hindley descends into drunkenness. Two more years pass and Catherine and Edgar Linton eventually become friends while she becomes more distant from Heathcliff. While Hindley is away, Edgar visits Catherine, and they declare themselves lovers soon after.Catherine confesses to Nelly that Edgar has proposed and she has accepted, although her love for Edgar is not comparable to her love for Heathcliff, whom she cannot marry because of his low social status and lack of education. She hopes to use her position as Edgar's wife to raise Heathcliff's standing. Heathcliff overhears her say it would 'degrade' her to marry him (but not how much she loves him) and in despair runs away and disappears without a trace. Distraught by Heathcliff's departure, Catherine makes herself ill out of spite. Nelly and Edgar thus begin to pander to her every whim to prevent her from becoming ill again. Three years pass. Edgar and Catherine marry, and live together at Thrushcross Grange.Six months later, Heathcliff returns, now a wealthy gentleman. Catherine is delighted; Edgar is not. Edgar's sister, Isabella, soon falls in love with Heathcliff, who despises her but encourages the infatuation as a means of revenge. One day, he embraces Isabella, leading to an argument with Edgar. Upset, Catherine locks herself in her room, and begins to make herself ill again through spite and jealousy.Heathcliff takes up residence at Wuthering Heights, and spends his time gambling with Hindley and teaching Hareton bad habits. Hindley dissipates his wealth and mortgages the farmhouse to Heathcliff to pay his debts. Heathcliff elopes with Isabella Linton; two months later the couple returns to Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff hears that Catherine is ill and, with Nelly's help, visits her secretly. However, Catherine is pregnant, and the following day she gives birth to a daughter, Cathy, shortly before dying.After Catherine's funeral, Isabella leaves Heathcliff and takes refuge in the south of England. She too is pregnant, and gives birth to a son, Linton. Hindley dies six months after Catherine, and Heathcliff thus finds himself master of Wuthering Heights.Heathcliff's maturity (chapters 18 to 31)After twelve years, Catherine's daughter Cathy grows into a beautiful, high-spirited girl. Edgar learns his sister Isabella is dying, and so he leaves to retrieve her son Linton in order to adopt and educate him. Although Cathy rarely leaves the borders of the Grange, she takes advantage of her father's absence to venture farther afield. She rides over the moors to Wuthering Heights and discovers she has not one, but two cousins: Hareton in addition to Linton. She also lets it be known that her father has gone south to fetch Linton. When Edgar returns with Linton, a weak and sickly boy, Heathcliff insists that he live at Wuthering Heights.Three years pass. Walking on the moors, Nelly and Cathy encounter Heathcliff, who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton. Heathcliff hopes Linton and Cathy will marry, so that Linton becomes the heir to Thrushcross Grange.Linton and Cathy begin a secret friendship, echoing the childhood friendship between their respective parents, Heathcliff and Catherine.The following year, Edgar becomes very ill, taking a turn for the worse while Nelly and Cathy are out on the moors, where Heathcliff and Linton trick them into entering Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff keeps them captive to enable the marriage of Cathy and Linton to take place. After five days Ellen is released and later, with Linton's help, Cathy escapes. She returns to the Grange to see her father shortly before he dies.Now master of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, and Cathy's father-in-law, Heathcliff insists on her returning to live at Wuthering Heights and remaining there after Linton's death. Soon after she arrives, Linton dies. Hareton tries to be kind to Cathy, but she retreats and then withdraws from the world.At this point, Nelly's tale catches up to the present day. Time passes, and after being ill for a period Lockwood grows tired of the moors and informs Heathcliff that he will be leaving Wuthering Heights.Ending (chapters 32 to 34)Eight months later, Lockwood returns to the area by chance. Given that his tenancy at Thrushcross Grange is still valid, he decides to stay there again. He finds Nelly living at Wuthering Heights and enquires what has happened since he left.She explains that she moved to Wuthering Heights to replace the housekeeper, Zillah, who had left. Hareton had an accident and was confined to the farmhouse. During his convalescence, he and Cathy overcame their mutual antipathy and became close. While their friendship developed, Heathcliff began to act strangely and had visions of Catherine. He stopped eating and after four days was found dead in Catherine's old room. He was buried next to Catherine.Lockwood learns that Hareton and Cathy plan to marry on New Year's Day. As he readies to leave, he passes the graves of Catherine, Edgar, and Heathcliff, and pauses to contemplate the quiet of the moors.。
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights),英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的小说,也是她唯一的一部小说,于1847年首度出版。
后来,凯瑟琳受外界影响,改而爱上有钱、成熟的画眉庄园的青年埃德加·林顿(Edgar Linton)。
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)1000字读后感
《咆哮山庄》(Wuthering Heights)1000字读后感《咆哮山庄》是一部深邃而引人深思的文学杰作,Emily Brontë通过她独特的叙事方式和丰富的人物描写,创造了一部令人难以忘怀的小说。
这是一篇《咆哮山庄》1000字的读后感:在《咆哮山庄》中,我沉浸在Emily Brontë的独特叙述风格中,感受到了一场挑战传统爱情观的心灵之旅。
小说以Nelly Dean的口吻展开,她作为叙述者穿越时间,揭示了庄园中发生的种种故事。
呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights
English IV, AP/DC
The Form of the Novel
A tale of revenge, romance, and tragedy It exhibits many characteristics of the Gothic novel which focuses on mysterious events
So, who was Emily Bronte?
There are many legends, biographies, and speculations surrounding the Bronte sisters. Their upbringing on the Yorkshire moors was one marked by isolation and eccentricity. There was an enormous curiosity regarding three sisters who published works almost simultaneously, suggesting an extraordinary concentration of talent in one family. Wuthering Heights initially shocked readers in 1847, but the twentieth century has enjoyed a renewed interest and passion for Bronte’s novel as, like Frankenstein, the novel transcends its literary origin to enjoy an important place in the literary canon.
wuthering heights简介
Story synopsis
• It‘s a story about love and revenge (复仇). Heathcilff was adopted by Mr Earnshaw on the Livepool Street .He lived with Mr Earnshaw ’s son Hindly and his daughter Cathy.Hindley hated Heathcilff but his sister liked Heathcilff.After Earnshaw died ,Hindley become the host of the family ,he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult(侮辱) him .At the same time ,Cathy and Heathcliff loved each other.Linton ,the son of Thrushcross Grange,pay court to Cathy ,and visit her very often .Cathy made up her mind to get married with him,Heathcliff was very angry and went out.Heathcliff came back with a lot of money. He cheated Hindley‘belongings by gambling(赌博).He did the things all for revenge.He married Linton’siston Isabella .Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned(看清) Heathcliff and left him .She procreated little Linton and died .Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered(纠缠) him to love little Catherine.Heathcliff hijacked(劫持) little Catherine and forced her to be married with his son .After this ,he annexed(吞并) all Linton‘belongings and finish his revenge. At the same time , Heathcliff was importuned by Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didn’t have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps.(抑郁的)
Today, Wuthering Heights has a secure position in the canon of world literature, and Emily Brontëis revered as one of the finest writers—male or female—of the nineteenth century. Like Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition of the late eighteenth century, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear. But Wuthering Heights transcends its genre in its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety. The novel has been studied, analyzed, dissected, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective, yet it remains unexhausted. And while the novel’s symbolism, themes, structure, and language may all spark fertile exploration, the bulk of its popularity may rest on its unforgettable characters. As a shattering presentation of the doomed love affair between the fiercely passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.Analysis of Major CharactersHeathcliffWuthering Heights centers around the story of Heathcliff. The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical picture of him, as Lockwood describes how his “black eyes” withdraw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach. Nelly’s story begins with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machinations drive the entire plot, and his death ends the book. The desire to understand him and his motivations has kept countless readers engaged in the novel.Heathcliff, however, defies being understood, and it is difficult for readers to resist seeing what they want or expect to see in him. The novel teases the reader with the possibility that Heathcliff is something other than what he seems—that his cruelty is merely an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine, or that his sinister behaviors serve to conceal the heart of a romantic hero. We expect Heathcliff’s character to c ontain such a hidden virtue because he resembles a hero in a romance novel. Traditionally, romance novel heroes appear dangerous, brooding, and cold at first, only later to emerge as fiercely devoted and loving. One hundred years before Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights, the notion that “a reformed rake makes the best husband” was already a cliché of romantic literature, and romance novels center around the same cliché to this day.However, Heathcliff does not reform, and his malevolence proves so great and long-lasting that it cannot be adequately explained even as a desire for revenge against Hindley, Catherine, Edgar, etc. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still come cringing back for more. Critic Joyce Carol Oates argues that Emily Brontë does the same thing to the reader that Heathcliff does to Isabella, testing to see how many times the reader can be shocked by Heathcliff’s gratuitous violence and still, masochistically, insist on seeing him as a romantic hero.It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool. When Brontë composed her book, in the 1840s, the English economy was severely depressed, and the conditions of the factory workers in industrial areas like Liverpool were so appalling that the upper and middle classes feared violent revolt. Thus, many of the more affluent members of society beheld these workers with a mixture of sympathy and fear. In literature, the smoky, threatening, miserable factory-towns were often represented in religious terms, and compared to hell. The poet William Blake, writing near the turn of the nineteenth century, speaks of England’s “dark Satanic Mills.” Heathcliff, of course, is frequently compared to a demon by the other characters in the book.Considering this histor ical context, Heathcliff seems to embody the anxieties that the book’s upper- and middle-class audience had about the working classes. The reader may easily sympathize with him when he is powerless, as a child tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw, but he becomes a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman. This corresponds with the ambivalence the upper classes felt toward the lower classes—the upper classes had charitable impulses toward lower-class citizens when they were miserable, but feared the prospect of the lower classes trying to escape their miserable circumstances by acquiring political, social, cultural, or economic power.CatherineThe location of Catherine’s coffin symbolizes the confl ict that tears apart her short life. She is not buried in the chapel with the Lintons. Nor is her coffin placed among the tombs of the Earnshaws. Instead, as Nelly describes in Chapter XVI, Catherine is buried “in a corner of thekirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor.” Moreover, she is buried with Edgar on one side and Heathcliff on the other, suggesting her conflicted loyalties. Her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons’, and which eventually compel her to marry Edgar. However, she is also motivated by impulses that prompt her to violate social conventions—to love Heathcliff, throw temper tantrums, and run around on the moor.EdgarJust as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliff’s. Edgar is born and raised a gentleman. He is graceful, well-mannered, and instilled with civilized virtues. These qualities cause Catherine to choose Edgar over Heathcliff and thus to initiate the contention between the men. Nevertheless, Edgar’s gentlemanly qualities ultimately prove useless in his ensuing rivalry with Heathcliff. Edgar is particularly humiliated by his confrontation with Heathcliff in Chapter XI, in which he openly shows his fear of fighting Heathcliff. Catherine, having witnessed the scene, taunts him, saying, “Heathcliff would as soon lift a finger at you as the king would march his army against a colony of mice.” As the reader can see from the earliest descriptions of Edgar as a spoiled child, his refinement is tied to his helplessness and impotence.Charlotte Brontë, in her preface to the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, refers to Edgar as “an example of constancy and tenderness,” and goes on to suggest that her sist er Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true virtues in all human beings, and not just in women, as society tended to believe. However, Charlotte’s reading seems influenced by her own feminist agenda. Edgar’s inability to counter Heathcliff’s vengeance, and his naïve belief on his deathbed in his daughter’s safety and happiness, make him a weak, if sympathetic, characterThemes, MotifsThemesThemes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.Moreover, Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical. Catherine declares, famously, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, wails that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Cather ine. Their love denies difference, and is strangely asexual. The two do not kiss in dark corners or arrange secret trysts, as adulterers do. Given that Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based upon their refusal to change over time or embrace difference in others, it is fitting that the disastrous problems of their generation are overcome not by some climactic reversal, but simply by the inexorable passage of time, and the rise of a new and distinct generation. Ultimately, Wuthering Heights presents a vision of life as a process of change, and celebrates this process over and against the romantic intensity of its principal characters.As members of the gentry, the Earnshaws and the Lintons occupy a somewhat precarious place within the hierarchy of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century British society. At the top of British society was the royalty, followed by the aristocracy, then by the gentry, and then by the lower classes, who made up the vast majority of the population. Although the gentry, or upper middle class, possessed servants and often large estates, they held a nonetheless fragile social position. The social status of aristocrats was a formal and settled matter, because aristocrats had official titles. Members of the gentry, however, held no titles, and their status was thus subject to change. A man might see himself as a gentleman but find, to his embarrassment, that his neighbors did not share this view. A discussion of whether or not a man was really a gentleman would consider such questions as how much land he owned, how many tenants and servants he had, how he spoke, whether he kept horses and a carriage, and whether his money came from land or “trade”—gentlemen scorned banking and commercial activities.Considerations of class status oft en crucially inform the characters’ motivations in Wuthering Heights. Catherine’s decision to marry Edgar so that she will be “the greatest woman of the neighborhood” is only the most obvious example. The Lintons are relatively firm in their gentry status but nonetheless take great pains to prove this status through their behaviors. The Earnshaws, on the other hand, rest on much shakier ground socially. They do not have a carriage, they have less land, and their house, as Lockwood remarks with great puzzlem ent, resembles that of a “homely, northern farmer” and not that of a gentleman. The shifting nature of social status is demonstrated most strikingly in Heathcliff’s trajectory from homeless waif to young gentleman-by-adoption tocommon laborer to gentleman again (although the status-conscious Lockwood remarks that Heathcliff is only a gentleman in “dress and manners”).。
wuthering heights原文摘抄与鉴赏
wuthering heights原文摘抄与鉴赏《Wuthering Heights》是英国作家艾米莉·勃朗特的一部经典小说,以下是原文摘抄与鉴赏:原文摘抄:1. It is true, we have been brought up as strangers, we have never suffered as lovers, yet we love each other like true lovers in a legend. With all the passion of my soul, I swear your life will be as long as mine, and last beyond the grave, or else you'll fail in the promise, and then I'll be a wandering spirit forever.2. Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where my brindled dog found me, and rescued me from the senseless briars and biting wind.3. The Heights was mine, and I was Edgar's, and Hareton Earnshaw's; and though we were not the nearest of kin, you were moreconnected with us than with the house you serve under; and looked like fitter to be a member of our family than of yours.鉴赏:《Wuthering Heights》是一部充满激情和浪漫的小说,作者艾米莉·勃朗特通过描绘主人公凯瑟琳和希思克利夫之间的爱情和复仇,展现了人性的复杂和矛盾。
about the book:
Wuthering Heights published in 1847,the year before Emily Bronte's death at the age of 30,Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the nineteenth century's most popular yet disturbing masterpieces.
the author:
Emily Bronte published only one novel,Wuthering Heights(1847),a story of doomed love and revenge.But that single work has its place among the masterpieces of English literature.That accounts fering Heights. Some of her best lyrics are also rated with the best in English poetry.
希斯克利夫是我的生命,虽然看起来我们很不相同,但 我们有同样的心灵,我的生命,一刻也离不开他。我不 知道心灵诗用什么东西制成的,但是我们俩的心灵是相 通的,他内心的磨难也是我内心的磨难,他的快乐也永 远是我的快乐。
The movie of the book!
Recommended books:
The two books is also about love,but all of them have its own characteristics,These two books are well worth reading!
Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》完整版
Perhaps the most gifted writer of the three Bronte sisters
Born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England on July 30, 1818
Life experience:
This continues into April when Heathcliff begins to act very strangely, seeing visions of Cathy. After not eating for four days, he is found dead in his room. He is buried next to Cathy.
In 1820,her family moved to Haworth
In 1824, the four eldest daughters were sent to Cowan Bridge School In 1838 became a teacher at Law Hill School and governess
Similarities and Differences
• Similarities
• • • • Gothic fiction Autobiographical novel pseudonym (not real name) Expose the contemporary society
• Differences
• Jane Eyre--------Tortuous and Brave • Wuthering Heights---------Desolate and Mournful • Agnes Grey----------------Simple
Wuthing Heights
Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights is an only novel written by the English writter Emily Bronte. It is the name of an old house in the novel and is setted high up on the wild and lonely Y orkshire moors in the real world that Emily knew and loved more than any of her sisters.The book tells us a story at the end of the 18th century.Wuthering Heights was the home to the Earnshaw family and annother family,the Lintons,lived in the vally at the more comfortable Thrushcross Grange.A chain of events begun between these two families after Mr. Earnshaw brought home with him a gypsy child, took him as his son and named him Healthchiff.Nearly everyone in the family hated this little ugly boy except Catherine,the daughter of Mr. Earnshaw.The two people Cathrine and Healthchiff finally fell in love with each other.However,Catherine betrayed Heathcliff and got married with Mr. Linton because of his good-looking and well future.Healthcliff was sad and got angry.He went on his revenge after that.In the end,he not only took over all the wealthy of the two families but also forced Mr.Earnshaw’s grandson to be uneducated and Mr.Linton’s daughter to marry his son,Linton Healthcliff,a man who died quickly after his marriage.When he finally did these,he found that there was no sense in doing all of these because he was still in love with Catherine.In the end, he died unhappily all of a sudden.This story is an imaginative and moving story,though the rough,hard emotions that fire the book are completely different from the gentle touch and politesubject matter of most stories written at that time.In my opinion,I think the writer advocates the feminism in her novel by comparing Catherine and her daughter Cathy.In the story,Catherine, is the role who restricted herself to conventional view of marriage.On the contrary,Cathy is the represent of feminism.Though she disliked Mr.heathcliff ,she didn’t yield to him.Though Both Cathy and Catherine had deep love with their lovers.Catherine died because of her deep sorrow over the difficulties to show her true love with Healthcliff.Unlike Catherine, though Cathy can’t let her father and her nurser knew her relationship with Linton,she dared to escape her warm house and dated with him.Though they can’t live happily together, with her great courage and kindness,Cathy finally found true love with her other cousin Harton Earnshaw.Anyway,this is a beautiful and powerful story with a happy ending and an optimistic attitude towards life.。
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Emily Brontë, Wuthering Height(Ware: W. W. Norton & Company,2003) P50-94
A. Representative Passages
1. In the first place, he had, by that time, lost the benefit of his early education: continual hard work, begun soon and concluded late, had extinguished any curiosity he once possessed in pursuit of knowledge, and any love for books or learning. His childhood's sense of superiority, instilled into him by the favours of old Mr. Earnshaw, was faded away. He struggled long to keep up an equality with Catherine in her studies and yielded with poignant though silent regret: but he yielded completely; and there was no prevailing on him to take a step in the way of moving upward, when he found he must, necessarily, sink beneath his former level. Then personal appearance sympathised with mental deterioration; he acquired a slouching gait, and ignoble look; his naturally reserved disposition was exaggerated into an almost idiotic excess of unsociable moroseness; and he took a grim pleasure, apparently, in exciting the aversion rather than the esteem of his few acquaintance.(52)
2. My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff s miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees—my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath—a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff—he's always, always in my mind— not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself —but, as my own being—so, don't talk of our separation again— it is impracticable; and—"(64)
B. Setting
1.Time: June (50)
2. Location: Wuthering Heights &Thrushcross Grange
C. Main Characters
1.Mr. Earnshaw:‘grew desperate’, ‘reckless dissipation’ (51)
2.Heathcliff: ‘the age of sixteen’, ‘without having bad features or being deficient in
intellect’(51);’ a slouching gait, and ignoble look’(52);’a tall man’, ’with dark face and
hair’, ’foreign in tone’, ‘the cheeks were swallow and half covered with black whiskers ’, ‘the brows lowing ,the eyes deep set and singular’ (73)
3.Miss Cathy: fifteen, ’the queen of the countryside’ (51); naughty, headstrong, infant and arrogant; full of ambition, double character.
4.Isabella Linton: ‘a charming young lady of eighteen; infantile in manners, though possessed of keen wit, keen feelings, and a keen temper, too, if irritated.’ (79)
5.Hereton:an elf-locked, brown-eyed boy, ruddy countenance. (85)
6. Mr. Lockwood: tenant, curious about Mr. Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights
7.Mrs. Dean: maidservant of Wuthering Heights
D. Episode
Mr.Lockwood got sick for about four weeks, as he was too weak to read, he wanted to enjoy something interesting, so he had Mrs. Dean to finish her tale. (71)
E. Imagery
1. Wuthering Heights:‘It was a very dark evening for summer: the clouds appeared inclined to thunder,…’(66) The rainstorm in nature implicates the further trouble of Wuthering Heights.。