Unanticipated integration of development tools using the classification model



The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same flesh and blood.
12. 如果你觉得合适就干,不合适就不干,你自个儿 看着办吧。
Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don’t if not. It’s all up to you to decide.
❖ Combination is to put several different parts of a discourse which are connected logically into one unified word/phrase/sentence in translation so as to make the translated version more readable and concise in the target language system.
is semi-conductor of electricity. 这些用途就是根据硅是半导体这一事实。
7. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.
得寸进尺。 8. 中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇
The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution.
冬天是研究树木生长的最好的季节,虽然树叶落了,树枝光 了,但树木本身却是美丽的。
27. When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.



ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Assessment ChecklistTable of ContentsIntroductionEnvironmental Management System Checklist[Clause # - Title] Page # 4- Context of the organization (4)5- Leadership (6)6- Planning (8)7- Support (10)8- Operation (13)9- Performance evaluation (15)10- Improvement (18)IntroductionThis Environmental Management System Assessment Checklist is a tool for understanding requirements of IS014001:2015 “ Environmentai management systems Requ-ements with guidance for use”. The Checklist covers Clauses 4-10 requirements with probing questions about how an organization has addressed requirements and what objective evidence is avaiiabie in support of impiementation. The resuiting information may be heipfui to identify areas where requirements are being met or where there may be gaps in understanding or the avaiiabiiity of objective evidence. Be aware that the Checkiist couid be a good starting point for understanding the status of impiementation but is not intended to be fuiiy comprehensive in its scope but rather to provide guidance and thought provoking questions.The framework used in the deveiopment of the IS014001:2015 Standard was based on Annex SL of IS0/IEC Directives, Part 1, which defines the basic procedures (inciuding ciause numbering) to be used in the design of new IS0 Standards and aiso when IS0 Standards are revised. As a resuit you wiii see this framework here in IS014001:2015 as weii other management system standards as they uniformiy adopt this new high-ievei structure (HLS).Ciauses 4-10 of the IS014001:2015 Standard contain the requirements that organizations must meet prior to registration. The additionai ciauses in the Standard and the informative Annexes provide expianations, understanding and guidance when impiementing these requirements. IS014001:2015 aiso has an updated iist of terms and definitions which are heipfui in understanding requirements and expectations.Additi onal no tes:Additi onal no tes:Additi onal no tes:Additi onal no tes:Additi onal no tes:9.3'sMan ageme nt reviewHas top man ageme nt reviewed the orga ni zati on en viro nmen tal manageme nt system at pla nned in tervals to en sure its con ti nuingsuitability, adequacy and effective ness?Have man ageme nt reviews con sidered:*The status of acti ons from previous man ageme nt reviews?*Chan ges in:o External and internal issues releva nt to the EMS?o The n eeds and expectati ons ofin terested parties, in clud ing complia neeobligati ons?o Its sig nifica nt en vir onmen tal aspects? o Risksand opportu nities?*The exte nt to which en vir onmen tal objectives have bee nachieved?*In formatio n on the orga ni zati onsen vir onmen tal performa nee, in clud ing tre nds in:o Noncon formities and correctiveacti ons?o Mon itori ng and measureme ntresults?o Fulfillme nt of its complia neeobligati ons?o Audit results?*Adequacy of resources?*Releva nt commu ni cati ons from in terested parties, in cluding compla in ts?*Opportu nities for contin ual improveme nt?Have the outputs of the man ageme nt review process in cluded:*Con clusi ons on the continuing suitability, adequacy andeffective ness of theen vir onmen tal man ageme nt system?*Decisi ons related to contin ual improveme nt opportu nities?*Decisi ons related to any n eed for cha nges to the en viro nmen talman ageme nt system,in cludi ng resources?*Acti on s, if n eeded, whe n en viro nmen tal objectives havenot bee n achieved?*Opportu nities to improve in tegrati on of the en vir onmental man ageme nt system with other bus in ess processes, ifn eeded?*Any implicatio ns for the strategic directi on of the organi zati on?Has the organization retained documented information as evide nee ofthe results of man ageme nt reviews?Additi onal no tes:。



AUTO TIME43AUTOMOBILE EDUCATION | 汽车教育1 引言随着科技的迅速发展,智能网联汽车技术已经成为未来交通领域的重要发展方向。


为了适应市场需求,提高人才培养的针对性和有效性,教育工作者需要在1+X 证书制度下进行“课证融通”人才培养模式的改革,将课程内容和职业资格证书紧密结合,使学生在获得学历的同时,也能够获得与工作岗位相对应的职业技能证书。


2 1+X 证书制度与“课证融通”人才培养模式之间的关系1+X 证书制度是一种教育制度,其中“1”代表学生获得学历证书,“X ”代表学生获得职业资格证书或其他专业证书,旨在提高职业教育的质量和适应性,使学生在获得学历的同时,也能够获得与工作岗位相对应的职业技能证书。


由此可见,1+X 证书制度和“课证融通”人才培养模式在提高学生职苏罗滋莹广西制造工程职业技术学院 广西南宁市 530100摘 要: 随着智能网联汽车技术的快速发展,1+X 证书制度下的“课证融通”人才培养模式改革显得尤为重要,相关改革旨在提高人才培养的质量和效率,更好地适应市场需求,学生可以在学习过程中将理论知识与实际操作相结合,提高学习效果和就业竞争力。

基于此,本文分析1+X 证书制度本文下人才培养模式改革的必要性、策略和未来发展趋势,供广大教育界同仁参考。

关键词:智能网联汽车技术 高等教育 人才培养模式 课程改革 证书制度Reform and Exploration of Talent Cultivation Mode of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Technology under 1+X Certificate SystemSu Luo ZiyingAbstract :W ith the rapid development of intelligent networked automobile technology, 1 + X certificate system under the "class certificate integration" talent training mode reform is particularly important. The relevant reform is aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of talent training, better adapt to the market demand, so that the students can be in the learning process, becoming the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical operation, so as to improve the learning effect and employment competitiveness. Based on this, this paper analyzes the necessity, strategy and future development trend of talent training mode reform under the 1+X certificate system for the reference of colleagues in the education sector.Key words :I ntelligent Networked Vehicle Technology, Higher Education, Talent Cultivation Mode, Curriculum Reform, Certificate System 1+X 证书制度下智能网联汽车技术专业“课证融通”人才培养模式的改革与探索业技能和就业竞争力方面有着共同的目标,它们相互促进、灵活适应市场需求,为职业教育的发展提供了有力的支持[1]。


► 2)通顺易懂 ► 译文的语言符合译语语法结构及表达习惯,容易为读者所理解和接受。
► A. When a person sees, smells, hears or touches something, then he is perceiving.
2. Cramped(狭窄的) conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.
3. All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.
► 科技英语文章特点:(well-knit structure;tight logic;various styles)结构严谨,逻辑严密,文体多样
1. 科技翻译的标准:准确规范,通顺易懂,简洁明晰 1)准确规范
所谓准确,就是忠实地,不折不扣地传达原文的全部信息内容。 所谓规范,就是译文要符合所涉及的科学技或某个专业领域的专业语言表
实验结果等,而不是介绍这是这些结果,理论或现象是由谁发 明或发现的。
► In this section, a process description and a simplified process flowsheet are given for each DR process to illustrate the types of equipment used and to describe the flow of materials through the plant. The discussion does not mention all the variations of the flowsheet which may exist or the current status of particular plants. In the majority of the DR processes described in this section, natural gas is reformed in a catalyst bed with steam or gaseous reduction products from the reduction reactor. Partial oxidation processes which gasify liquid hydrocarbons, heavy residuals and coal are also discussed. The reformer and partial oxidation gasifier are interchangeable for several of the DR processes.



由于百度脑残审核总是无法通过,这里各章节做了乱序处理,具体排序见如下目录↓↓↓↓↓↓目录七、篇章翻译 (2)六、修辞翻译 (6)三、词汇翻译 (15)四、句子翻译 (22)五、段落翻译 (30)七、篇章翻译A green caterpillar was slowly crawling out from under the lettuce. It was huge, fat, and apparently well-fed. It paused in its travels to survey the scene. Purple with fury, Henry could barely find his voice.一条绿虫子正慢吞吞地从生菜底下爬出来。



My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time when he bought this big house, his children had all been at school. Now they had their own homes and jobs.朋友有点不好意思地解释说,买这座房子时,孩子们还上着学,如今都成家立业了。

Yang Zhi thus journeyed on for many days and he went toward the eastern capital and he came into the city and found an inn and there settled himself to rest.杨志取路,不数日,来到东京。


A man is sometimes more generous when he has but a little money than when he has plenty, perhaps through fear of being thought to have but little.人有时囊中羞涩反而比腰缠万贯时显得大方,或许是怕人家笑话自己没钱吧。

my college 英语作文

my college 英语作文

My college experience has been a journey of growth,learning,and selfdiscovery.As I reflect on my time here,I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the opportunities I have been given.1.Academic Pursuits:My college has provided me with a rigorous academic environment that has challenged me to think critically and analytically.The diverse range of courses offered has allowed me to explore various fields of study,from the sciences to the humanities.The professors,with their expertise and passion for their subjects,have been instrumental in shaping my intellectual curiosity.2.Campus Life:The vibrant campus life has been a significant part of my college experience.Participating in clubs and organizations has not only enriched my social life but also helped me develop leadership and teamwork skills.The annual cultural festival, sports events,and guest lectures have been highlights of the year,offering a platform to engage with diverse perspectives and cultures.3.Personal Development:College has been a time of personal growth.Living away from home for the first time,I have learned to manage my time effectively,budget my finances, and take responsibility for my actions.The challenges I faced,such as balancing coursework with parttime work,have taught me resilience and adaptability.working Opportunities:The connections I have made during my college years have been invaluable.From fellow students to faculty members,these relationships have opened doors to internships,research projects,and career advice.The alumni network has also been a great resource,providing mentorship and professional guidance.5.Cultural Exposure:My college has a diverse student body,which has broadened my understanding of different cultures and lifestyles.Engaging with international students has been particularly enlightening,as it has allowed me to appreciate the richness of global perspectives.munity Service:Participating in community service projects has been a rewarding aspect of my college life.Volunteering at local schools,shelters,and nonprofit organizations has instilled in me a sense of social responsibility and the importance of giving back to society.7.Future Prospects:As I approach the end of my college journey,I am excited about the prospects that lie ahead.The skills,knowledge,and experiences I have gained have prepared me for a fulfilling career and a life of continuous learning.In conclusion,my college has been more than just an institution for higher learning it has been a transformative experience that has shaped me into a wellrounded individual.I am proud of the person I have become and look forward to applying the lessons I have learned to future endeavors.。



Diversity and integration are the driving forces of the modern world,fostering innovation and progress.In the global village we inhabit,the exchange of ideas,cultures, and values has never been more prevalent.Embracing these differences can lead to a more dynamic and vibrant society,but it also requires a concerted effort to ensure that all voices are heard and respected.The Power of DiversityDiversity in its many formscultural,linguistic,ethnic,and even ideologicalbrings a richness to our lives that is unmatched.It encourages us to broaden our perspectives, challenge our preconceived notions,and learn from one another.In the workplace,a diverse team can bring together a range of skills and viewpoints,leading to more creative problemsolving and better decisionmaking.In education,exposure to different cultures and languages can enrich a students learning experience and prepare them for a globalized world.The Challenge of IntegrationWhile the benefits of diversity are clear,the process of integration is not without its challenges.It requires a willingness to understand and respect differences,and sometimes, to step out of our comfort zones.It involves creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included,regardless of their background.This can be achieved through inclusive policies,education,and open dialogue that promotes mutual understanding.Strategies for Successful Integration1.Promote Cultural Awareness:Encourage individuals to learn about different cultures, traditions,and histories.This can be done through cultural exchange programs, educational initiatives,and community events.2.Foster Open Communication:Create spaces where people can express their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment.This can help to break down barriers and build trust among diverse groups.3.Implement Inclusive Policies:Develop policies that ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background.This includes fair hiring practices,equitable access to resources,and representation in decisionmaking processes.4.Celebrate Differences:Recognize and celebrate the unique contributions that each individual brings to the community.This can help to build a sense of belonging and pridein ones identity.5.Encourage Empathy and Understanding:Teach the importance of empathy and understanding as a means to bridge cultural and social divides.This can be achieved through educational programs that focus on social and emotional learning.The Future of Diversity and IntegrationAs we move forward,the successful integration of diverse communities will be crucial for the continued growth and development of our societies.It will require ongoing efforts to break down barriers,build bridges,and create a shared sense of identity that respects and values our differences.By harnessing the power of diversity and working towards inclusive integration,we can unlock new potential and create a world that is more innovative,resilient,and harmonious.In conclusion,the journey towards a diverse and integrated society is both rewarding and challenging.It calls for a collective commitment to understanding,respect,and collaboration.By embracing our differences and working together,we can create a world that is not only more vibrant and dynamic but also more equitable and just.。



• Foreign exchange risk
• Political risk
• Market imperfection
• Expanded opportunity set
• Multinational corporation (MNC)
1. What’s multinational finance?
The risk that foreign currency profits may evaporate in dollar terms due to unanticipated unfavorable exchange rate movements.
– Suppose $1 = ¥100 and you buy 10 shares of Toyota at ¥1,000 per share.
– One year later the investment is worth ten percent more in yen: ¥11,000
– But, if the yen has depreciated to $1 = ¥120, your investment has actually lost money in dollar terms.
• Financial management is mainly concerned with how to optimally make various corporate financial decisions, such as those pertaining to investment, financing, dividend policy,and working capital management, with a view to achieving a set of given corporate objectives.



联合国外交发言稿英文翻译Honorable delegates,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is an honor for me to stand before you today as the representative of my country, to discuss the important issue of international diplomacy and the role of the United Nations in promoting peaceful relations among nations. In our increasingly interconnected world, it is crucial that we engage in dialogue and maintain healthy relationships between countries to ensure global stability and prosperity.At the core of the United Nations' mission is the promotion of international peace and security. We believe that diplomacy is the most effective tool to achieve this goal. By engaging in diplomatic relations, countries can peacefully resolve conflicts, build alliances, and foster mutual understanding. The United Nations serves as a forum for meaningful dialogue between nations, facilitating the negotiation of treaties, agreements, and conventions.One of the fundamental principles that guide the United Nations' diplomatic efforts is the principle of sovereignty. Respect for the sovereignty of nations and non-interference in their internal affairs is essential for maintaining harmonious relations. However, sovereignty should not be used as a shield to justify acts of aggression or human rights violations. It is the responsibility of the international community, through the United Nations, to holdcountries accountable for their actions and ensure compliance with international law and human rights standards.Through its various agencies, the United Nations plays a pivotal role in the diplomatic arena. The United Nations Security Council, comprising fifteen member states, has the authority to enforce international peace and security. It has the power to impose sanctions, deploy peacekeeping missions, and authorize the use of force when necessary to protect civilians and maintain peace. The Security Council's decisions are binding on all member states, and it is incumbent on all countries to respect and abide by them.In addition to the Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly provides a platform for all 193 member states to discuss and address global issues. It offers an opportunity for countries to voice their concerns, propose solutions, and seek consensus on important matters. Each member state, regardless of its size or power, has an equal voice and vote, ensuring that no country is marginalized or excluded from the diplomatic processes.Moreover, the United Nations has specialized agencies and programs that focus on specific areas of diplomacy. For instance, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aims to promote sustainable development and eradicate poverty. The World Health Organization (WHO) works to ensure global health security, while the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promotes education, science, and culture to foster mutual understanding and respect.Diplomacy also plays a vital role in the resolution of conflictsaround the world. The United Nations has been instrumental in mediating and finding peaceful solutions to numerous conflicts, such as the conflicts in Rwanda, Yemen, and Sudan. Through the use of diplomatic negotiations, the United Nations helps conflicting parties find common ground, reconcile their differences, and work towards a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties involved.Furthermore, the United Nations promotes diplomatic initiatives to address global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and nuclear disarmament. Through multilateral agreements, such as the Paris Agreement and the Non-Proliferation Treaty, countries come together to find collective solutions to these pressing issues. Diplomacy provides a platform for countries to engage in dialogue, share their experiences, and develop joint strategies to tackle these global challenges.However, diplomacy is not without its limitations and challenges. In today's complex geopolitical landscape, conflicts arise due to a variety of factors, including territorial disputes, religious and ethnic differences, and economic competition. Diplomatic efforts may sometimes be hindered by power imbalances, vested interests, and the reluctance of some countries to engage in meaningful dialogue. It is incumbent upon the United Nations and its member states to address these challenges and redouble their efforts to promote diplomatic solutions.In conclusion, diplomacy is an indispensable tool in building peaceful relations among nations. The United Nations, with its principles of sovereignty, multilateralism, and equality, serves as acrucial platform for diplomatic engagement. Through dialogue, negotiation, and mediation, countries can find common ground, foster understanding, and resolve conflicts peacefully. As representatives of our respective nations, let us work together to strengthen the role of diplomacy in creating a more peaceful and prosperous world.Thank you.(Note: The word count of the translated text is approximately 644 words, which is less than 6000 words. If you need a longer translation, please provide additional content.)。



In the era of globalization,the integration of technology has become a crucial aspect of development for any nation.The following essay will delve into the importance of aligning with international technology standards and practices,the benefits it brings,and the steps that can be taken to achieve this integration.The Importance of International Technology Integration1.Enhanced Competitiveness:By integrating with international technology,countries can enhance their competitiveness in the global market.This is achieved by adopting advanced technologies that improve production efficiency and product quality.2.Knowledge Sharing and Innovation:International technology integration facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas,which is essential for innovation.It allows for the sharing of best practices and the development of new technologies that can solve global challenges.3.Access to Global Markets:With the integration of international technology,businesses can expand their reach to global markets.This is particularly important for small and mediumsized enterprises SMEs that may not have the resources to go global otherwise.4.Economic Growth:The adoption of international technology standards can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.It can also attract foreign investment,which is vital for the development of infrastructure and the creation of jobs.Benefits of International Technology Integration1.Improved Standards:Aligning with international technology standards ensures that products and services meet the expectations of global consumers.This can lead to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.2.Technological Advancement:Integration with international technology can lead to the adoption of cuttingedge technologies that may not be available domestically.This can result in significant advancements in various sectors,such as healthcare,agriculture,and manufacturing.3.Cultural Exchange:Technology integration often goes hand in hand with cultural exchange.This can lead to a better understanding of different cultures and can foster international cooperation.4.Sustainability:International technology often incorporates sustainable practices thatcan help in reducing environmental impact.This is particularly important in the face of climate change and the need for sustainable development.Steps to Achieve International Technology Integration1.Policy Reform:Governments should implement policies that encourage the adoption of international technology standards.This may include incentives for businesses to invest in new technologies and penalties for noncompliance.cation and Training:It is essential to invest in education and training to ensure that the workforce is equipped with the skills needed to work with international technology. This includes both technical skills and an understanding of international business practices.3.Research and Development:Invest in research and development to create homegrown technologies that can compete on the international stage.This can also lead to the creation of intellectual property that can be exported.4.Collaboration:Foster collaboration between domestic and international entities.This can take the form of joint ventures,partnerships,or participation in international research projects.5.Infrastructure Development:Develop the necessary infrastructure to support the integration of international technology.This includes telecommunications,transportation, and energy infrastructure.In conclusion,integrating with international technology is not just a matter of keeping up with the times it is a strategic move that can significantly impact a nations economic and social development.By embracing international standards and practices,countries can ensure that they are part of the global technological landscape,benefiting from the innovations and opportunities that come with it.。



V. 坚固性A.额外控制表4里2SLS(两阶段最小二乘法)结果的有效性依赖于假设:过去移民死亡率对当前经济表现没有直接影响。



La Porta等人(1999)强调了殖民地的起源(主要殖民国的身份)是当前制度的决定因素的重要性。

如David ndes(1998)强调,殖民地国家的身份也有影响,因为这可能在文化上产生了影响。




所以,就如La Porta等人(1998)建议的,英国殖民地看似有更好的制度,但是比起在不控制在制度发展对移民死亡率的影响的样本中,这种影响小的多也弱得多。






Von Hayek(1960)和La Porta等人(1999)也强调了法律渊源的重要性。

在列(5)和列(6),我们控制了legal origin这个变量。



Unit 5TEXT ANew wordsmarathonn.[C] a race that is run over a distance of 42 kilometers or about 26 miles 马拉松(长跑)annuala.happening once a year 一年一度的;每年的The car industry ’s annual production in this city increased from 5.1 million to 7.2 million v ehicles. 这个城市汽车工业的年产量从510 万辆增加到了720 万辆。

routen. [C]1a way from one place to another 路线The climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain. 登山者努力寻找一条登上山顶的新路线。

2a way of doing sth. or achieving a particular result 途径;方法This software was ve ry popular because it offered a quick and efficient route of getting the desired task done. 这款软件非常受欢迎,因为它提供了快捷高效的途径来完成预期任务。

harsha.1severe, cruel, or unkind 严厉的;残酷的;苛刻的She has a tender heart; and she is never harsh to anybody. 她心肠很软,对人从不苛刻。

2harsh co nditions are very difficult to live in and very uncomfortable 恶劣的;艰苦的;严峻的The harsh weather in that area is unbearable. 那个地区恶劣的气候让人难以忍受。



In the era of rapid technological advancements,the concept of Innovation and Wisdom has become a driving force for societal progress and personal development. Embracing this notion,we can set sail for new dreams and aspirations,fostering a future filled with endless possibilities.The Power of InnovationInnovation is the lifeblood of progress.It propels us forward,allowing us to break free from the constraints of the past and explore new horizons.By encouraging creativity and outofthebox thinking,we can develop groundbreaking solutions to the challenges we face. Whether its in technology,education,or the arts,innovation is the key to unlocking a world of potential.The Role of WisdomWisdom,on the other hand,is the compass that guides our journey.It is the accumulation of knowledge,experience,and insight that helps us navigate the complexities of life. With wisdom,we can make informed decisions,learn from our mistakes,and grow in our understanding of the world around us.Integrating Innovation and WisdomWhen innovation and wisdom come together,they create a synergy that is truly powerful. Innovation without wisdom can lead to reckless actions and unanticipated consequences. Conversely,wisdom without innovation can result in stagnation and a resistance to change.It is the fusion of these two elements that allows us to dream big and achieve greatness.Setting Sail for New DreamsWith this integration in mind,we can set sail for new dreams.Whether its starting a business,pursuing a career in a field youre passionate about,or working towards social change,the combination of innovation and wisdom will be your guide.It will help you to envision what is possible,plan your journey,and overcome the obstacles you encounter along the way.The Importance of EducationEducation plays a crucial role in this journey.It is the foundation upon which we build our knowledge and skills.Through education,we learn to think critically,solve problems,and understand the world from multiple perspectives.It is through this process that we cultivate the wisdom necessary to innovate effectively.The Role of TechnologyTechnology is a tool that can greatly enhance our ability to innovate and apply wisdom.It provides us with platforms for collaboration,access to vast amounts of information,and the means to test and implement new ideas.By staying abreast of technological advancements,we can ensure that we are equipped to meet the demands of the future.The Future AwaitsAs we set sail with innovation and wisdom as our compass and sails,the future is ours to shape.It is a future where new dreams become reality,where challenges are met with ingenuity,and where wisdom guides us to make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion,the journey towards new dreams is an exciting one,filled with opportunities for growth and discovery.By embracing the principles of innovation and wisdom,we can navigate the uncharted waters of the future with confidence and optimism,creating a world that is better for all.。



CHAP11. It is through the logistical process that materials flow into the manufacturing capacity of an industrial nation and products are distributed to consumers.通过物流过程,货物进入一个工业国家形成制造能力并且产品得以分销给消费者。

2. The recent growth of global commerce and the introduction of e-commerce have expanded the size of complexity of logistical operations.近来全球商业的增长和电子商务的引入已经扩大了物流运营复杂性的程度。

3. In many situations, working in collaboration with customers and suppliers, corrective action can be taken to prevent operational shutdowns or costly customer service failures.在很多情况下,和顾客和供应商一起合作,可以采取正确的行动来防止操作中的停滞或昂贵的顾客服务失败。

4.In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point.Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc.国家标准物流术语中,物流定义为物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、包装、配送、信息处理等基本功能实现有机结合。



International Relation英译汉:1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War.冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。

2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paral resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council.联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫 痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会 无法正常运作。

3.The West, just as the developing world, h as discovered that i t n eeds the United Nations t o achieve i tsobjectives.西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。

4.In addition, global problems, including t he proliferationof nuclear w eapons, rapidly e xpandinginternational community to pool their populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entireefforts to find solutions.此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性 问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。

外刊经贸知识选读The Development of EU

外刊经贸知识选读The Development of EU
3. The two companies are considering merger as a possibility.
4. 这两家公司在考虑合并的可能性。
2. integration:,inti'greiʃən n. a situation where two or more companies work
Unit 6 The Development of EU
• Vocabulary • Terminology (Technical Expressions) • Language Prger:mə:dʒə 2. n. joining together 并入,兼并
Generally, this work shall be finished before the annual closing of final accounts. 一般这种工作应在年度结算完结前完成。
10. import quota:im'pɔ:t'kwəutə n. limit on the number or type of goods brought
2〕vt. to break the rule or agreement 违约
This agreement shall terminate, if the consignee shall breach any of the terms herein contained.
如果承销人违反合同中之任一条款,本合同自行 终止。
4. soar:sɔ: vt. rise quickly 快速增长
Price soared when war broke out. 战争爆发时,物价飞涨。



全球化社会优点:1 enrich the cultural lives of citizens2 facilitate international communication and accordingly tourism缺点1 Undermine the cultural diversity in the worldIn Chinese metropolis, it is a common sight that teenagers stroll down the billboard-lined sidewalks, sporting Nike sweatshirts and Adidas sneakers, with Nokia cell phones noted in their hand and Apple's Ipod clipped on their belts。

2 Give birth to massive unemploymentThe inundation of foreign products drives local businesses out of the market and renders vast numbers of professionals jobless。

一 .全球化及影响外来人口的增加有利于文化的交流游客或者移民都具备经济利益和价值(commercial interest and economical value)很多当地人因此表现得非常好客和友好,有助于文化的交流(many local people are very friendly and hospitable, which promote the cultural communications.)对其他的文化和人民更为了解(a better understanding of other cultures and other people)改变人们对其他民族和文化的态度(alter one's attitude towards another people or culture)人们因此可以接受不同的文化和价值观(embrace different values and cultures)并促进对多元文化的理解(promote multi-cultural understanding)促进文化的融合(promote integration),消除文化障碍(remove cultural barriers)外来人口的增加导致冲突违反当地的习俗会激怒当地人(breach of local customs can irritate the locals)不同文化的人看待同一事物总有不同的角度(harbor different perceptions)并给予不同的解释(different interpretation)比如对手势,衣服,言行举止有不同的理解:举止不当会引起当地人意想不到的反应(provoke unanticipated responses)外国游客增多会对当地环境造成压力,甚至破坏环境,移民增多可能会导致工作机会减少,致使竞争更加激烈,这些都有可能引起当地人的反感(cause resentment in local communities)旅游业有益文化保护的论点除了自然景观(landscape)之外,文化和历史是吸引游客去一个国家或者一个旅游景点(tourism site)观光的最主要原因(motivator ):旅游业和文化遗产相结合(integrate tourism and cultural heritage)为文化保护提供了经济支持(economical incentives)在文化领域提供了一些旅游选择(introduce the tourism options available with the cultural sectors)如博物馆,历史景点,活动和美食等(museums, historical sites,events and cuisine),游客会深入了解当地传统和习俗(get an insight into local customs and traditions )感受当地传统和艺术(experience local traditions, arts and heritages)从而更加尊重当地社区和周围环境(respect the local community and its environment),促进不同国家之间关于自然和文化资源保护的交流和对话(the dialogue over conservation of natural and cultural resources.)旅游业导致文化破坏的观点(cultural destruction)保护的一般是食物,时尚,节日等一些文化的表面特征(superficial elements of culture),将文化定格成表演者(freeze culture as performers)导致了文化,宗教,传统仪式,物质文化和语言的损失(the loss of culture, religion, rituals, material culture and language):将文化商业化(commercialize the culture ),破坏了文化神圣和独特的本质(erode the sacred and unique nature);垃圾,涂鸦,破坏和噪音不断增加(increasing litter, graffiti, vandalism and noise),游客在没有被允许的情况下进入建筑物,神殿,神圣的土地(enter building,shrines, or sacred lands without permission),这都与当地文化相冲突,是一种文化侮辱(an insult to the local culture)【真题】Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference between countries is disappearing. To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this?Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoyingthe cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity.cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modernintensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to allcountries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinctpsychology of preferring money over ethical values.Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss.In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or acurse(用词生动)has sparked (好词)a heated debate. Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental(好词) effect as well.(两边观点明确提出,并且在下面两段具体分析,最后总结,形成完整的结构)A convincing(有说服力的)argument can bemade about globalization not only playing a pivotal role in the development of technology and economy, but also promoting the cultural exchange between different countries. (这样的观点值得考生借鉴)To start with, it is the globalization that impelled (用词准确)many corporate(这儿忘记是复数,小遗憾) to become an international group, thereby(thereby用的很好,这种连接词平时很容易忽略)making a contribution to the local technology and employment. Specifically, when a multinational group establish a factory in a developing country, the new equipment, the new management skills and the job vacancies are all in the best interest of the local society. Moreover, people worldwide can get to know each other better through globalization. It is easy to see that more and more Hollywood blockbusters(好莱坞大片,这个词组用的很好) show cultures different from American, some recent examples are ‘Kungfu Panda’ and ‘The Mummy’。



英语作文myfuturejobAs I sit here and ponder about the future, one question that frequently crosses my mind is, "What will my future job be like?" This contemplation is not merely a fleeting thought but rather an essential part of my journey towards adulthood and self-discovery.My aspirations are to become an environmental scientist. This career path has always intrigued me, not just because of my love for nature, but also due to the pressing need for sustainable practices and ecological preservation. I envision my future job as one that allows me to contribute to thewell-being of our planet and its diverse ecosystems.In my future job, I see myself working in a dynamic team of researchers, policymakers, and activists. We would collaborate on projects that aim to reduce carbon footprints, protect endangered species, and educate the public about the importance of environmental conservation. My daily tasks might include conducting field research, analyzing data, and developing innovative solutions to combat climate change.One of the most rewarding aspects of my future job would be the opportunity to travel to various parts of the world. I would have the chance to explore different ecosystems, from lush rainforests to arid deserts, and everything in between. Each new environment would present unique challenges and learning opportunities, keeping my work fresh and exciting.Moreover, I am passionate about the idea of making a tangible difference in the world. The work I would do as an environmental scientist would have a direct impact on the health of our planet and the lives of future generations. This sense of purpose and the knowledge that my efforts are contributing to a greater good are what motivate me to pursue this career path.However, I am well aware of the challenges that come withthis profession. The fight for environmental sustainabilityis an uphill battle, with numerous obstacles ranging from political resistance to economic constraints. But these challenges only serve to strengthen my resolve. I am prepared to face them head-on, armed with knowledge, determination, and a deep-seated belief in the importance of my work.In conclusion, my future job as an environmental scientist is not just a career choice; it is a commitment to a cause that I hold dear. It is a path I have chosen with my eyes wide open, ready to embrace the complexities and relish the opportunities it presents. As I continue my education and prepare for this journey, I am filled with anticipation and a sense of duty, knowing that the work I will do in the future has the potential to leave a lasting, positive impact on our world.。



余康,邹俊,袁梦,等. 纳米茶籽油微囊对低脂猪肉糜制品品质影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(4):61−69. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023040044YU Kang, ZOU Jun, YUAN Meng, et al. Effect of Nano Tea Seed Oil Microcapsules on the Quality of Low Fat Minced Pork Products[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(4): 61−69. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023040044· 研究与探讨 ·纳米茶籽油微囊对低脂猪肉糜制品品质影响余 康,邹 俊,袁 梦,季秋雅,梅 林*(安徽农业大学茶与食品科技学院,安徽合肥 230036)摘 要:高脂产品低脂化符合消费者对健康的追求,是未来肉制品发展方向之一。

本文以无茶籽油脂肪替代肉糜为对照组,考察了两种形式的茶籽油(Tea seed oil ,TSO )及纳米微囊化茶籽油(Nano tea seed oil microcapsules ,NTM )代替猪背膘对猪肉糜制品理化性质的影响,对不同脂肪替代肉糜制品保水性、蒸煮得率、水分分布、质构、微观结构、脂肪氧化水平等指标进行了研究。

结果表明,添加50%、70% NTM 可以改善添加TSO 造成的肉糜制品保水能力的下降;NTM 替代组的T 21弛豫时间、占比与无替代对照组组差异不显著(P >0.05),而TSO 替代组不易流动水占比显著下降(P <0.05);NTM 替代组,其L *、b *值较于无茶籽油替代组有所增强,a *降低,且具有明显的脂肪氧化抑制效果,有效延长贮藏期;微观结构结果表明,NTM 替代组油脂分布较TSO 添加组更均匀,与蛋白质结合更紧密;质构特性结果表明,TSO 替代会造成质构的劣化,而NTM 可以改善劣化情况,其中添加70% NTM 的肉糜弹性和粘度优于50%和70%NTM 替代组。



附录AThe Cold Chain and its LogisticsAuthors: Dr. Jean-Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Theo Notteboom1. OverviewWhile Globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality. The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved. Some goods can be damaged by shocks while others can be damaged by undue temperature variations. For a range of goods labeled as perishables, particularly food, their quality degrades with time since they maintain chemical reactions which rate can be mostly mitigated with lower temperatures. It takes time and coordination to efficiently move a shipment and every delay can have negative consequences, notably if this cargo is perishable. To ensure that cargo does not become damaged or compromised throughout this process, businesses in the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries are increasingly relying on the cold chain technology.The cold chain refers to the transportation of temperature sensitive products along a supply chain through thermal and refrigerated packaging methods and the logistical planning to protect the integrity of these shipments.Specialization has led many companies to not only rely on major shipping service providers such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and FEDEX, but also more focused industry specialists that have developed a niche logistical expertise around the shipping of temperature sensitive products. The potential to understand local rules, customs and environmental conditions as well as an estimation of the length and time of a distribution route make them an important factor in global trade. As a result, the logistics industry is experiencing a growing level of specialization and segmentation of cold chain shipping in several potential niche markets within global commodity chains. Whole new segments of the distribution industry have been very active in taking advantage of the dual development of the spatial extension ofsupply chains supported by globalization and the significant variety of goods in circulation. From an economic development perspective, the cold chain enables many developing countries to take part in the global perishable products market. From a geographical perspective, the cold chain has the following impacts:∙Global. Specialization of agricultural functions permitting the transport of temperature sensitive food products to distant markets. Enables the distribution of vaccines and other pharmaceutical or biological products.∙Regional. Can support the specialization of functions and economies of scale, such as specialized laboratories.∙Local. Timely distribution to the final consumer, namely grocery stores and restaurants.2. Emergence of Cold Chain LogisticsWhile global commodity chains are fairly modern expansions in the transportation industry, the refrigerated movement of temperature sensitive goods is a practice that dates back to 1797 when British fishermen used natural ice to preserve their fish stock piles. This process was also seen in the late 1800s for the movement of food from rural areas to urban consumption markets, namely dairy products. Cold storage was also a key component of food trade between colonial powers and their colonies. For example, in the late 1870s and early 1880s, France was starting to receive large shipments of frozen meat and mutton carcasses from South America, while Great Britain imported frozen beef from Australia and pork and other meat from New Zealand. By 1910, 600,000 tons of frozen meat was being brought into Great Britain alone. The first reefer ship for the banana trade was introduced in 1903 by the United Food Company. This enabled the banana to move from an exotic fruit that had a small market because it arrived in markets too ripe, to one of the world's most consumed fruit.The temperature controlled movement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is a much more modern transit option than the shipping of refrigerated or frozen food. Since the 1950s, logistical third party companies began to emerge and institute new methods for successfully transporting these global commodities. Before their emergence, cold chain processes were mostly managed in house by the manufacturer. In the United States, Food and Drug Administration restrictions and accountability measures over the stability of the cold chain incited many of these companies to rely on specialty couriers rather than completelyoverhauling their supply chain facilities. A specialized industry was thus born. The value of the cold chain in the preservation of expensive vaccines and medical supplies was only beginning to be recognized when these logistical providers started to appear. As awareness began to grow, so did the need for efficient management of the cold chain.The reliance on the cold chain continues to gain importance. Within the pharmaceutical industry for instance, the testing, production and movement of drugs relies heavily on controlled and uncompromised transfer of shipments. A large portion of the pharmaceutical products that move along the cold chain are in the experiment or developmental phase. Clinical research and trials is a major part of the industry that costs millions of dollars, but one that also experiences a failure rate of around 80%. According to the Healthcare Distribution Management Association, of the close to 200 billion dollars in pharmaceutical distribution, about 10% are drugs that are temperature sensitive. This makes the cold chain responsible for transporting a near 20 billion dollar investment. If these shipments should experience any unanticipated exposure to variant temperature levels, they run the risk of becoming ineffective or even harmful to patients.Temperature control in the shipment of foodstuffs is a component of the industry that has continued to rise in necessity with international trade. As a growing number of countries focus their export economy around food and produce production, the need to keep these products fresh for extended periods of time has gained in importance. Increasing income levels create a change in diet with amongst others a growing appetite for fresh fruit and higher value foodstuffs such as meat and fish. Persons with higher socioeconomic status and with more economic means are more likely to consume vegetables and fruit, particularly fresh, not only in higher quantities but also in greater variety. Consumers with increasing purchase power have become preoccupied with healthy eating, therefore producers and retailers have responded with an array of exotic fresh fruits originating from around the world.Any major grocery store around the world is likely to carry tangerines from South Africa, apples from New Zealand, bananas from Costa Rica and asparagus from Mexico. Thus, a cold chain industry has emerged to service these commodity chains. In 2002, an estimated 1200 billion dollars' worth of food was transported by a fleet of 400,000 refrigerated containers (Reefers). Alone, the United States imports about 30% of its fruits and vegetables and 20% of its food exports can be considered perishables. The uncompromised quality and safety of thisfood is often taken for granted, despite being the main reason behind the ability to sell the food. The cold chain serves the function of keeping food fresh for extended periods and eliminating doubts over the quality of the food products. In all the supply chains it is concerned with, cold chain logistics favor higher levels of integration since maintaining temperature integrity requires a higher level of control of all the processes involved. It may even incite third party logistics providers to acquire elements of the supply chain where time and other performance factors are the most important, even farming. This may involve the acquisition of produce farms (e.g. oranges) to insure supply reliability.3. Providing Temperature Controlled EnvironmentsThe success of industries that rely on the cold chain comes down to knowing how to ship a product with temperature control adapted to the shipping circumstances. Different products require different temperature level maintenance to ensure their integrity throughout the travel process. For instance, the most common temperature standards are "banana" (13 °C), "chill"(2 °C), "frozen" (-18 °C) and "deep frozen" (-29 °C). Staying within this temperature is vital to the integrity of a shipment along the supply chain and for perishables it enables to insure and optimal shelf life. Any divergence can result in irrevocable and expensive damage; a product can simply lose any market or useful value.Being able to ensure that a shipment will remain within a temperature range for an extended period of time comes down largely to the type of container that is used and the refrigeration method. Factors such as duration of transit, the size of the shipment and the ambient or outside temperatures experienced are important in deciding what type of packaging is required. They can range from small insulated boxes that require dry ice or gel packs, rolling containers, to a 53 footer reefer which has its own powered refrigeration unit. The major cold chain technologies involve:∙Dry ice. Solid carbon dioxide, is about -80°C and is capable of keeping a shipment frozen for an extended period of time. It is particularly used for the shipping ofpharmaceuticals, dangerous goods and foodstuffs. Dry ice does not melt, instead itsublimates when it comes in contact with air.∙Gel packs. Large shares of pharmaceutical and medicinal shipments are classified as chilled products, which means they must be stored in a temperature range between 2 and8°C. The common method to provide this temperature is to use gel packs, or packages that contain phase changing substances that can go from solid to liquid and vice versa tocontrol an environment. Depending on the shipping requirements, these packs can either start off in a frozen or refrigerated state. Along the transit process they melt to liquids, while at the same time capturing escaping energy and maintaining an internal temperature.∙Eutectic plates. The principle is similar to gel packs. Instead, plates are filled with a liquid and can be reused many times.∙Liquid nitrogen. An especially cold substance, of about -196°C, used to keep packages frozen over a long period of time. Mainly used to transport biological cargo such astissues and organs. It is considered as an hazardous substance for the purpose oftransportation.∙Quilts. Insulated pieces that are placed over or around freight to act as buffer intemperature variations and to maintain the temperature relatively constant. Thus, frozen freight will remain frozen for a longer time period, often long enough not to justify the usage of more expensive refrigeration devices. Quilts can also be used to keeptemperature sensitive freight at room temperature while outside conditions cansubstantially vary (e.g. during the summer or the winter).∙Reefers. Generic name for a temperature controlled container, which can be a van, small truck, a semi or a standard ISO container. These containers, which are insulated, are specially designed to allow temperature controlled air circulation maintained by anattached and independent refrigeration plant. The term increasingly apply to refrigerated forty foot ISO containers.Perishable or temperature sensitive items are carried in refrigerated containers (called "reefers"), that account for a growing share of the refrigerated cargo being transported around the world. While in 1980 33% of the refrigerated transport capacity in maritime shipping was containerized, this share rapidly climbed to 47% in 1990, 68% in 2000 and 90% in 2010. About 1.69 million TEUs of reefers were being used by 2009. All reefers are painted white to increase the albedo (share of the incident light being reflected; high albedo implies less solar energy absorbed by the surface) with the dominant size being 40 high-cube footers (45R1 being the size and type code). For instance a low albedo container can have its internal temperature increase to 50 °C when the external temperature reaches 25 °C on a sunny daywhile a high albedo container see its internal temperature increase to only 38 °C under the same conditions.The refrigeration unit of a reefer requires an electric power source during transportation and at a container yard. Regular containerships have 10 to 20% of their slots adapted to carry reefers, with some ships having up to 25% of their slots being dedicated. It is important to underline that the refrigeration units are designed to maintain the temperature within a prefixed range, not to cool it down. This implies that the shipment must be brought to the required temperature before being loaded into a reefer, which requires specialized warehousing and loading / unloading facilities. A new generation of reefers is coming online, which are equipped with an array of sensors monitoring effectively the temperature and shutting the cooling plant when unnecessary. This enables to improve the reliability of temperature control and well as extend the autonomy of the reefer.The growth of the intermodal transportation of reefers has increasingly required transport terminals, namely ports, to dedicate a part of their storage yards to reefers. This accounts between 1% to 5% of the total terminal capacity, but can be higher for transshipment hubs. The stacking requirements simply involve having an adjacent power outlet, but the task is more labor intensive as each container must be plugged and unplugged manually and the temperature to be monitored regularly as it is the responsibility of the terminal operator to insure that the reefers keep their temperature within preset ranges. This may also forbid the usage of an overhead gantry crane implying that the reefer stacking area can be serviced by different equipment. Even if reefers involve higher terminal costs, they are very profitable due to the high value commodities they transport.4. The Setting and Organization of Cold ChainsMoving a shipment across the supply chain without suffering any setbacks or temperature anomalies requires the establishment of a comprehensive logistical process the maintain the shipment integrity. This process concerns several phases ranging from the preparation of the shipments to final verification of the integrity of the shipment at the delivery point: Shipment preparation. When a temperature sensitive product is being moved, it is vital to first assess its characteristics. A key issue concerns the temperature conditioning of the shipment, which should be already at the desired temperature. Cold chain devices arecommonly designed to keep a temperature constant, but not to bring a shipment to this temperature, so they would be unable to perform adequately if a shipment is not prepared and conditioned. Other concerns include the destination of the shipment and the weather conditions for those regions, such as if the shipment will be exposed to extreme cold or heat along the transport route.∙Modal choice. Several key factors play into how the shipment will be moved. Distance between the origin and the final destination (which often includes a set of intermediary locations), the size and weight of the shipment, the required exterior temperatureenvironment and any time restrictions of the product all effect the available transportation options. Short distances can be handled with a van or truck, while a longer trip mayrequire an airplane or a container ship.∙Custom procedures. If the freight crosses boundaries, custom procedures can become very important, since cold chain products tend to be time sensitive and more subject to inspection than regular freight (e.g. pharmaceuticals and biological samples). Thedifficulty of this task differs depending on the nation (or economic bloc) and the gateway since there are variations in procedures and delays.∙The "Last Mile". The last stage is the actual delivery of the shipment to its destination, which in logistics is often known as the “last mile”. Key considerations when arranging a final delivery concern not only the destination, but the timing. Trucks and vans, theprimary modes of transportation for this stage, must meet the specifications necessary to transfer the cold chain shipment. Also important is the final transfer of the shipment into the storage facilities as there is potential for a breach of integrity.∙Integrity and quality assurance. After the shipment has been delivered, anytemperature recording devices or known temperature anomalies must be recorded and made known. This is the step of the logistical process that creates trust and accountability, particularly if liability for a damaged shipment is incurred. If problems or anomalies that compromise a shipment do occur, an effort must be made to identify the source and find corrective actions.Therefore, the setting and operation of cold chains is dependent on the concerned supply chains since each cargo unit to be carried has different requirements in terms of demand, load integrity and transport integrity.5. Food TransportationThere is a variety of methods for the transport of food products with the banana accounting for the world's most significant commodity transported in the food cold chain with 20% of all seaborne reefers trade. Land, sea and air modes all have different structures for keeping food fresh throughout the transport chain. Innovations in packaging, fruit and vegetable coatings, bioengineering (controlled ripening), and other techniques reducing the deterioration of food products have helped shippers extend the reach of perishable products. For food products such as fruits and vegetables, time has a direct impact on their shelf life and therefore on the potential revenue a consignment may generate. Concomitantly, new transport technologies have permitted the shipment of perishable products over longer distances. For instance, improved roads and intermodal connections along the African coast reduced transport time for food to European markets from 10 days to 4 days.Certain domestic or transnational supply chains may only require one transportation mode, but many times ground shipments are one link in a combination of transport modes. This makes intermodal transfer critical for the cold chain. Intermodal shipments typically use either 20 or 40 footers refrigerated containers that are capable of holding up to 26 tons of food. The container makes loading and unloading periods shorter and less susceptible to experiencing damage. The environments in these containers are currently controlled electronically by either plugging into a generator or power source on the ship or truck, but early food shipments would cycle air from stores of wet or dry ice to keep the food refrigerated. The efficiency of cold chain logistics permitted the consolidation of cold storage facilities.Moving away from ice refrigeration has allowed for much greater distances to be traveled and has greatly increased the size of the global food market, enabling many developing countries to capture new opportunities. Another efficient mode for transporting foodstuffs is air travel. While this is a preferred form of travel for highly perishable and valuable goods due to its ability to move much faster over longer distances, it does lack the environment control and transfer ease of the ground and sea transports. Also, during the flight the cargo is stored in a 15°C – 20°C environment, but close to 80% of the time the package is exposed to exterior weather while waiting to be loaded onto the plane or being moved to and from the airfield. This is troubling considering the value of the food and the importance placed behind qualityand freshness. In order for this form of food transport to experience growth among market users, more uncompromising strategies and regulations will have to be embraced and enacted. Food transportation is an industry that has fully adapted to the cold chain and can, despite the problems with air transport, be considered the most resilient, particularly since a large majority of food products have a better tolerance to temporary variations of transport temperatures. As a result, small errors can be compounded without the concern of irreversible damage. For instance, for the transportation of produces, for every hour of delay in the pre-cooling of shipments, an equivalent one day loss of shelf life must be accounted. The usage of refrigerated containers has particularly helped, since they account for more than 50% of all the refrigerated cargo transported in the world. Source loading can be an important factor extending the shelf life of a cold chain product since it is loaded in a reefer directly at the place of production without additional handling. For instance, source loading into a reefer can expand the shelf life of chilled meat by about 25 days (from 30-35 days to 55-60 days) from conventional methods and thus considerably expand the market potential o f the product.The efficiency and reliability of temperature controlled transportation has reached a point which allows the food industry to take advantage of global seasonable variations, meaning that during the winter the southern hemisphere can export perishable goods to the northern hemisphere while an opposite trade, generally of smaller scale, takes place during the summer. Countries such as Chile have substantially benefited from this and have developed an active agricultural and food transformation industry mainly servicing the North American market during the winter, but also with several niche markets such as wine. A similar issue concerns some African countries such as Kenya that have developed a fresh produce and flower industries catering the European market. The fast food industry is also an active user of cold chain logistics as every outlet can be considered as a factory, with dozens of workers with schedules and shifts, inventory management and the supply chain of components (many of which are temperature sensitive), and which are assembly lines producing quality-controlled and high-volume products.附录B冷链及其物流作者:Jean-Paul Rodriguez 博士和Theo Notteboom 博士1.概观虽然全球化使世界小得多的地区之间的相对距离,这些地区的物理分离仍是一个非常重要的现实。

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Unanticipated Integration of Development Tools using the Classification ModelRoel WuytsLab for Software Composition and DecompositionD´e partement d’InformatiqueUniversit´e Libre de Bruxelles,BelgiumSt´e phane DucasseSoftware Composition GroupInstitut f¨u r Informatik und angewandte MathematikUniversit¨a t Bern,SwitzerlandAbstractThe increasing complexity of software development spawns lots of specialised tools to edit code,employ UML schemes,integrate documentation,and so on.The problem is that the tool builders themselves are responsible for making their tools interoper-able with other tools or development environments.Because they cannot anticipate all other tools they can integrate with,a lot of tools cannot co-operate.This paper introduces the classification model,a lightweight integration medium that enables unrelated tools that were not meant to be integrated to cooperate easily.More-over,the tool integration is done by a tool integrator,and not by the tool builder. To validate this claim,we show how to integrate several third-party tools using the classification model,and how it forms the foundation for the StarBrowser,a Smalltalk browser integrating different tools.Key words:Tool Integration,Software Classifications,Development Environments1IntroductionAs software systems get increasingly more complicated,developers need to be able to rely on adequate programming languages and development en-Email addresses:roel.wuyts@ulb.ac.be(Roel Wuyts),ducasse@iam.unibe.ch(St´e phane Ducasse).Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science29August2003vironments.Therefore lots of specialised tools exist that help developers to cope with a certain aspect of software development.For example,develop-ment browsers provide sophisticated ways to edit and navigate source code, while UML tools allow developers to draw class diagrams and sequence dia-grams.There is one problem however:these tools have to be used together in order to implement the systems that need to befinished.Hence they have to cooperate somehow,and this is most of the time problematic,due to the following reasons:•Each tool typically uses its own GUI,and its own conceptual model to store and represent information.It is the tool user who has the responsibility to combine the results from different tools.•It is hard to make the tool work on new kinds of items.Suppose,for example that we have a UML tool in the development environment that knows how to display a class diagram of all classes in a certain package.Adapting this tool to now take as input the results from another tool that does not work with packages is a major undertaking.When tools properly work together,synergy occurs:the output of one tool can be used as input for another.This is what we call integration of tools in the scope of this paper.For example,integrating a UML tool in a development environment makes it possible to show a UML diagram of all the classes in a certain namespace.When integrating a software architecture tool in the same environment afterwards,it is possible to show UML diagrams of the classes in a layer of the architecture of a system.These combinations are endless,and allow a developer to navigate and combine the tools easily to help with the task at hand.To allow the integration of tools some environments(like Microsoft’s Manage-ment Console or the Open Source Applications Foundations’Chandler)have an integration architecture that tools can follow to cooperate with the platform and each-other.We call this form of tool integration anticipated integration: the tool builder has made sure that the tool adheres to a certain integration platform.While this has the advantage that the tool is not stand-alone any-more,it has the drawback that it can be very hard to make it compliant to an integration platform(due to the complexity and to the fact that the code of the tool is needed to make the changes).Moreover,it does not solve the problem that the tool cannot be integrated with other tools that were not built on the integration platform.This paper tackles the problem of unanticipated integration:integrating unre-lated tools that do not adhere to a certain integration platform.As solution we present the classification model,a lightweight grouping mechanism for ob-jects that are acted upon by services.The design of the classification model combines a composite and visitor design pattern[1],which makes it easy to2comprehend and extend.It serves as a lingua franca for tools,and provides a clear separation of concerns between the tools to be integrated,the glue code to do this,and the integration model.This has the important benefit that each of these distinct phases is done by different developers(the tool builder, the tool integrator and the model builder),who are not necessarily aware of each other.We have implemented the classification model in the VisualWorks[2]and the Squeak[3]Smalltalk environments.The most important user of the model is the StarBrowser1that acts as a shell around existing Smalltalk development tools such as the object inspector,development browsers and UML tools, effectively integrating them.The contributions of this paper are:•the presentation of the classification model,•the unanticipated integration of tools by customising the classification model,•the practical application of the integration by building a concrete develop-ment tool,the StarBrowser.The rest of this paper is structured as follows.Section2introduces the classi-fication model in detail.Section3shows how the model can be customised to accommodate for new kinds of items or services.Then Section4shows how the classification model is used to integrate tools that were not designed to cooperate.Section5shows the StarBrowser,a browser that uses the classi-fication model to integrate with the Smalltalk environment and other tools. Section6discusses several aspects of the classification model in more detail, while Section7discusses related work.Finally,Section8concludes the paper. 2The Classification ModelThe classification model allows to group all kinds of entities and to uniformly manipulate these entities and groups.Particular about the model is that the grouping is independent of the manipulations,and that the model can be customised to either support particular groupings or to support particular manipulations or both.The following sections describe the model and discuss its design rationale.32.1OverviewThe classification model is built on the following main concepts,shown in Figure1:•items.An item is anything tangible as an object in the software development environment,such as a class,a namespace,an image,an HTMLfile,...•classifications.A classification is a group into which items are classified, and basically is a container for items.Items do not have to be of the same type,and it provides behaviour for enumerating and managing the items it contains.For example,a classification‘Popular Classes’can contain the most browsed classes or the classification‘My Architecture’can contain the items that make up your software architecture.•services.A service implements an action that can be performed on items. Depending on the kind of item,a service can perform a different action.But it should at least provide a default action that is able to process any kind of item that is passed.Examples of services can be a service that gets the children of an item,a label for an item,or a preferred editor.•service configuration.This is a registry where services can register under a certain name to be retrieved by tools.There are no restrictions on the number of items in a classification and an item may be classified into more than one classification.Since a classification is an item itself,it can be part of other classifications as well.We differentiate between two kinds of classifications:•extensional classifications enumerate items.For example,while browsing the code in a system,a developer can add classes and methods of interest into an extensional‘Favourites’classification.•intentional classifications compute their items according to a description. For example,we can define a classification as consisting of a certain class and all its subclasses.Or we can describe a classification that consists of all the senders of a certain methods in the context of another classification. Classifications support a full range of set operations(unions,subtractions and intersection)to make it easy to recompose their elements.For example,sup-pose that we have two classifications:an extensional classification‘Favourites’containing a collection of classes we are interested in,and an intentional clas-sification‘My classes’that calculates all the classes in my namespace.We can then intersect‘Favourites’and‘My classes’,and obtain a classification’My favourite classes’.1The StarBrowser can be freely downloaded from the StarBrowser Web page at http://www.iam.unibe.ch/∼wuyts/StarBrowser/index.html4Services are registered in a services configuration under a service name they specify.Anybody in need of a service retrieves it from the services configuration by its service name.Different services can register under the same name,in which case one of them becomes the‘active’service.When asking for a certain service,clients do not know exactly which service implementation they get.For example,they can ask for a service returning icons for items.If the services configuration has different services for returning icons,the active one will be returned.Swapping the active one for another will result in the clients using different icons without the need to change a single line of code in the client.Note that the provider of the service has to make sure that services with the same name are compatible.Unit tests are provided that enforce this compatibility between services registered with the same name.2.2Design RationaleWe made two important design decisions for the classification model.The most important one was to split the behaviour of items in two:the behaviour dealing with managing items(adding,removing,enumerating,...)is imple-mented on the items themselves.All other behaviour regarding items(their icons,labels,editors,...)is implemented using the services,using the Visitor design pattern.There were two motivations for choosing a visitor:•Keep the interface small.In the Smalltalk implementation,an Item can be any kind of Smalltalk object.Since we did not want to clutter the interface of the class Object with all kinds of item-specific methods,we only add one method(the method acceptService:)to enable a Visitor to implement the services.•Swap services at runtime.The services can be changed at runtime,which is not possible if the behaviour is directly implemented as methods on the item classes.A second decision was to wrap objects in a wrapper class ObjectAsItemWrap-per,a subclass of class Item that implements the method acceptService:as follows:ObjectAsItemWrapper acceptService:aServiceˆself object acceptService:aServiceTherefore any kind of object can be wrapped as an item provided it implements the method acceptService:,where it determines what method needs to be called on the service to process that item.The result of both these design decisions is a lightweight model.The next section describes how this model can be customised to accommodate for new5kinds of items and services.3Customising the Classification ModelThe classification model described in Section2can be customised in two or-thogonal ways:extra services can be added and new kinds of items can be supported.This section explains both of these customisations.In the next section we then see how this is used by the tool integrator to support unan-ticipated integration of tools.3.1Adding New ServicesServices define the actions that can be performed on items,following the well-known Visitor design pattern.Because they are de-coupled from the items, new services are added by subclassing existing services,in the“classical”Vis-itor scheme.For example,suppose that we are building an application that needs to show items in some GUI,and that wants to show icons for each item. Then this application needs to know which icon to use for each item.This is done by adding a new service as subclass of the existing class Service,and overriding the methods for which icons need to be returned.Figure2shows the implementation needed.3.2Supporting Custom ItemsIn Section3.1we added an icon service to return icons for items.However, it only supports three kinds of items:objects,extensional classifications and intentional classifications.Now suppose that we want to add support for an-other item,say a method,so that we can return a specific icon for it.To do this,we need to do two things:extend the class implementing a method with an acceptService:method and extending the services that want to take advan-tages of methods with a new Visitor method(for example doMethod:).This is shown in Figure3.Note that the implementation of doMethod:on class Service simply calls doOb-ject:.As a result,all services that do not need to support methods explicitly, will process methods as objects.For example,there is a service called Item-Children that returns the’children’of an item.Asking for the children of a method item by sending doMethod:to an instance of class ItemChildren will result in sending doObject:to that instance,hence processing a method as a generic object.64Unanticipated Tool IntegrationSections2and3introduced the classification model and showed how it can be customised to support new kinds of services and items.In this section we show how this is used to integrate the models of tools that were not designed to cooperate together.4.1Integration OverviewAs said in the introduction,we consider tools to be integrated when the out-put of one tool can be used as the input for another tool.To solve the problem of unanticipated integration,somehow a format has to be introduced to in-tegrate tools,but without changing these original tools.The idea is to use the classification model as afirst-class glue format to bridge the tools to be ing the classification model for this purpose has the advantage that items are manipulated uniformly(meaning that making the output of one tool’compatible’with the classification model immediately allows that tool to work with all tools that have compatible input).Another important advantage is the set operations available on classifications,meaning that once a tool is integrated it can be used to calculate unions or differences with results from other tools.While trivial atfirst,this makes it easy to make semantic operations that combine the output of different tools.To integrate tools using the classification model,tool output has to be made tangible as items and a translation has to be provided from items to whatever is needed as input:•Disguise output as items.The output of a tool,some object,has to be tangible as an item.If the classification model already knows about that object,nothing needs to be done.If the classification model has no support for that kind of object,it needs to be customised.For example,suppose that we have a tool(the Smalltalk system itself)that produces classes as output. Since the classification model does not know about classes,we extend it.As described in section3,this boils down to adding the method acceptService: on the class ClassDescription,and adding the method doClass:on the class Service.•Create service for input.To make a tool work with items as input,we create a service that translates items to the input needed by the tool.For example, as we will see when integrating the UML editor Advance,we create a service that maps items to so-called‘subjects’,used internally by Advance.It is important to note that the tools themselves do not need to be changed. It is just the classification model that gets customised.Moreover,the respon-7sibility for integrating the tools does not lie with the tool developer,but with the tool integrator.This is a major difference between the approach allowed by the classification model and an up-front integration architecture that tools should comply with.4.2Example:Integrating Advance and SmallBrotherWe illustrate the unanticipated integration of tools with a concrete example showing how to combine the output of SmallBrother,a coding assistant that tracks browsing behaviour,with Advance,a UML tool developed by IC&C and shipped with the VisualWorks Smalltalk environment[2]. SmallBrother.SmallBrother tracks the methods browsed by a developer while working.Every-time a method is selected,this is intercepted and the class,selector,and a time-stamp are kept in a database.This database can then be queried for information regarding the history and browsing behaviour. We can for example evaluate the following piece of code to get the20most recent methods that were browsed:MethodHistory uniqueInstance recentMethods:20Other things we can ask for are,for example,the number of times a method was browsed,or what classes have been used a lot.The results of these queries are collections of objects.Therefore the mapping is easy in this example:an intentional classification is used that computes its items:IntentionalClassification name:’Recent Methods’description:[MethodHistory uniqueInstance recentMethods:20]Advance.Advance is a UML tool for the VisualWorks Smalltalk environment. To let Advance work with items,we create a new service,class AdvanceEditor, with the methods shown in Figure4.This class implements methods that visit items(doExtensionalClassification:,that calls doClassification:,and doPar-cel:).These methods convert items to an internal Advance representation,the subject.The other two methods,createSubjectForItem:and doForSubject:are auxiliary methods that generate a subject(which is a class)on thefly,and open an Advance diagram tool on the subject.We want to stress that we are not the developers of the Advance tool,and that none of the existing Advance tools had to be changed to make them classification model compatible.As tool integrators we just implemented some glue code to convert items to subjects,and pass these subjects to Advance.85The StarBrowserThe main application of the classification model is the StarBrowser.The Star-Browser is a VisualWorks Smalltalk[2]2development browser.By itself it provides only a toolbar,an interface to display classifications as a tree,a part where editors for these items can be shown,and a mechanism to allow a user to switch services using the ServicesConfiguration.It extends the classifica-tion model to support classes,methods,namespaces,packages,bundles,and parcels.All its other functionality is implemented in a number of services:•editor:The editor service is responsible for adding an editor on the currently selected item in the classifications list.This editor is embedded on the right of the classifications list.It integrates tools to edit all kinds of source code entities with the Refactoring Browser[4]and objects with the Trippy object inspector.The application returned by the editor service is integrated in the StarBrowser using VisualWorks’subcanvas technology.The toolbar of the editor(if there is one)is merged with the toolbar of the StarBrowser.•icon:The icon service is responsible for showing the icon of an item in the classifications tree.•label:The icon service is responsible for showing the label of an item in the classifications tree.•menu:The menu service is responsible for returning the operate menu that users get when they right-click on an item in the classifications list.Figure5shows the StarBrowser in action.The left tree view shows the classi-fications tree that this browser is opened on.Right of the tree is an editor for the currently selected item,as given by the editor service.It currently shows a Refactoring Browser on the selected method item in the tree.Extensional classifications are manipulated using drag’n’drop:items are just dragged from any kind of Smalltalk tool(stand-alone or embedded in the StarBrowser)and dropped at their desired location.That way extensional classifications are used to group items of interest.The extensional classification ‘Favourites’from Figure5,for example,groups items we used while working on the ServicesConfiguration class.It contains the Classifications bundle,the ServicesConfiguration class,two methods we were frequently editing at the time of taking the screenshot,the SUnit class with the unit tests for the class,and an instance of ServicesConfiguration so that we could directly test new implementations.Keeping all these items together helps to reduce the complexity of the development process.2See /scripts/smalltalk.dll//Home.ssp for more informa-tion and downloads.9Besides being used for constructing working views on a system,classifications are also used as working contexts for some widely used commands.For ex-ample,the senders or implementers of a method can be looked for within the context of a classification.5.1Advance and SmallBrother in the StarBrowserAs shown in Section4,we integrated the Advance UML tool in the classifica-tion model.The reason for doing so was that we could show a class diagram for any kind of item that gets selected in the classifications tree.For example, selecting a namespace shows a class diagram for all the classes in this names-pace.Or showing a classification shows all the classes in that classification. We also integrated SmallBrother,so that we could add the history information as classifications in the tree.We decided to use intentional classifications that calculate their items by querying the MethodHistory instance,as shown in Section4.However,we wanted this classification to refresh itself whenever the user browses a method.So we made a subclass(called ObservingClassification) that observes models using the VisualWorks dependency mechanism.Since MethodHistory is a model,it can be observed by an ObservingClassification and it will refresh when needed.Once the service for Advance is selected as the current editor,and we have added one of the classifications that wraps SmallBrother,the tools are effec-tively integrated.Figure6shows an Advance diagram of the Popular Classes classification.Of course this means that Advance can be used to display class diagrams on all kinds of items,and that lots of other tools can take advantage of this.5.2Other ToolsWe showed how we integrated two external tools,Advance and SmallBrother, in the StarBrowser.Besides these tools,other tools were integrated in the StarBrowser(by us or by independent parties):•CodeCrawler[5]is a language independent tool that combines software vi-sualization and software metrics to help with the understanding of software systems.We also integrated a tool that shows class blueprints[6](visualising the internals of classes)whenever items containing classes are edited.•Conan[7]is a tool that supports concept analysis(a technique to group different objects with common relationships)in the context of reengineering10of software systems.The StarBrowser is used to browse the concepts and elements found by Conan.•Intentional Software Views offer a simple,intuitive and lightweight model that facilitates software understanding and maintenance.The model is im-plemented in a logic programming language.To shield the developers from the implementation details or syntactic peculiarities that this implies,an intuitive user interface was developed using the StarBrowser[8].•Soul is a logic programming language living in symbiosis with its imple-mentation language(Smalltalk).The novel way of integrating these two languages from different paradigms allows one to write logic programs that can do full logic reasoning on and using objects[9].The StarBrowser was extended with support for showing the results of Soul queries as classifica-tions,and work is in progress to integrate the Soul predicates browser in the StarBrowser as well.•Pictures.Another extension integrates a picture viewer in the StarBrowser that shows pictures graphically when they are selected.This is useful for keeping graphical information in your work context,or when making pre-sentations.•SUnit is the Unit testing tool in ing the StarBrowser,an ad-vanced GUI for SUnit is being built to ameliorate the built-in platform-independent tool.6DiscussionThis section we discuss the porting of the StarBrowser to a completely different Smalltalk enviroment(the Squeak environment),and then how the Smalltalk mechanism of class extensions is essential in the implementation of the classi-fication model.6.1The Squeak PortThe VisualWorks implementation was ported to a second Smalltalk environ-ment,the open-source Squeak3system[3].After doing an initial port,con-taining the model and a very simple browser,the Squeak version was taken over by another developer,Ned Konz.In a couple of days,Ned had signif-icantly extended our initial crude implementation to a level where it nearly provided the same functionality as the VisualWorks version.Afterwards sup-port was added for Squeak-specific items like Morphs,SqueakMap entries and DVS packages,and tools like an e-mail browser.This is an indication of the 3See /for information and downloads.11ease with which the lightweight classification model can be put to good use even by developers who did not know the model before.6.2Packaging using Method AdditionsAs explained before,we identified three different actors that play a role when integrating tools:the tool builder,the tool integrator and the model builder. In order to support this separation in practice,it is absolutely necessary that each actor can package its own code separately.Hence the tool integration package has to be a separate entity that customises the classification model.However,customisations of the classification model to support new kinds of items depend on adding methods to existing Service classes.For example, Figure3showed that the customisation of the classification model to support methods is done by adding three methods to existing classes.Hence we need a packaging mechanism that allows us to create a package for these methods.Smalltalk has a package mechanism that supports method additions.A method addition is a method that is defined in a package,but that belongs to a class that is not defined in that package4.In other words,it is a method that can be loaded into a system to extend some existing class,and is exactly what we need to support the packaging customisations of the classification model. When a language does not support method additions(such as for example C++or Java),the design of the classification model becomes much more complicated.The visitor pattern used for the services then has to be replaced by a design that allows customisations to be made purely by subclassing or delegation.7Related WorkConceptually,the classification model is a direct descendant of the software classification model[10].The main difference is that the classification model uses a visitor to represent the actions that can be performed on items,which did not exist in the software classification model.As a result,it is easier to add operations,and services can be changed on thefly.A lot of environments offer integration features that tools can use to integrate with the environments and/or each other.For example,the Microsoft Manage-4In VisualWorks we use parcels or bundles and packages.In Squeak we use change-sets.They all support class extensions.12ment Console(MMC)5integrates management tools in Windows.The tools have to be developed as snap-ins,and cannot work as stand-alone applica-tions.Another example is Chandler6,a tool to let users store and organise diverse kinds of information(like e-mails,news,or mp3files).It is set up as an extensible platform,where users can contribute so-called parcels.Parcels are python scripts that can use the facilities of Chandler.The major difference with the approach taken by these environments and our approach is that they support anticipated integration,and that the tool developers have to make their tools compliant to the architecture,not the tool integrators. Regarding unanticipated tool integration,not much work seems to have been done.Apart from the Eclipse IDE[11],we are not aware of another model that supports unanticipated tool integration that does not require the tool developers themselves to make changes.The Eclipse environment follows the same concept as the StarBrowser.It consists of a tiny core(the plug-in loader),with most of the environment con-tributed by plug-ins.For example,the Eclipse IDE and the Java Development Environment together consist of around60large plug-ins.Plug-ins for Eclipse have to conform to certain interfaces,and are glued together through exten-sion points.These extension points are basically observers,and plug-ins are thus integrated using a synchronous message passing model.This differs a bit from the StarBrowser and the classification model,where items and services are used,and class extensions allow for the customisation.While intrinsically there is thus not much difference between the two,in practice it is much easier to customise the classification model than to write a Eclipse plug-in.The rea-son is that much more coding is needed to implement extension points,because the events have to be implemented in such a way that they are not blocked,do not lead to errors,etc.In the classification model,the customisation is much simpler.8ConclusionThis paper tackled the problem of unanticipated integration of tools,where tools that were not designed to cooperate should be integrated.To solve this problem,the paper presented the classification model and showed how this model can be used for unanticipated tool integration.The advantages of the classification model are that it is lightweight,which make it easy to extend, and that the integration does not need to modify the tools themselves.This is 5/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prod-technol/winxppro/proddocs/sag MMCConcepts00.asp6/Chandler Compelling Vision.htm13。
