会说话的河马会说话的河马(Talking Baby Hippo)是继汤姆猫之后登场的第二位会说话的朋友,虽然这位老兄刚刚出生,还没脱离奶嘴,但说话已经很溜了。
应用名称会说话的河马(Talking Baby Hippo)更新发布日期2011年2月9日软件作者厂商OutFit7软件大小 6.4MB热门机型推荐摩托罗拉XT917会说话的小鸟仅仅会说话有什么意思呢?没事哼一曲唱支歌会更有意思,会说话的小鸟(Talking Larrythe Bird)不仅仅会说话,同时也会唱歌。
DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip TransceiverFinal1Version: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20021. General DescriptionThe DM9161 is a physical layer, single-chip, and low power transceiver for 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T operations. On the media side, it provides a direct interface either to Unshielded Twisted Pair Category 5Cable (UTP5) for 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet, or UTP5/UTP3 Cable for 10BASE-T Ethernet. Through the Media Independent Interface (MII), the DM9161connects to the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer,ensuring a high inter operability from different vendors.The DM9161 uses a low power and high performance CMOS process. It contains the entire physical layerfunctions of 100BASE-TX as defined by IEEE802.3u,including the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS),Physical Medium Attachment (PMA), Twisted Pair Physical Medium Dependent Sublayer (TP-PMD),10BASE-TX Encoder/Decoder (ENC/DEC), and Twisted Pair Media Access Unit (TPMAU). The DM9161 provides a strong support for the auto-negotiation function, utilizing automatic media speed and protocol selection. Furthermore, due to the built-in wave shaping filter, the DM9161 needs no external filter to transport signals to the media in 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T Ethernet operation.2. Block DiagramMIIManagement ControlBiasing/Power BlockClock Circuit Block 100Base-TX TransceiverLED DriverMII InterfaceMII Register100Base-TXPCS10Base-T TX/RX ModuleAuto-NegotiationDM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver2FinalVersion: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,2002Table of Contents1. General Description..............................................32. Block Diagram ......................................................33. Features................................................................44. Pin Configuration: DM9161 LQFP........................55. Pin Description......................................................65.1 Normal MII Interface, 21 pins..............................65.2 Media Interface, 4 pins........................................85.3 LED Interface, 3 pins..........................................85.4 Mode, 2 pins .......................................................85.5 Bias and Clock, 4 pins........................................95.6 Power, 13 pins....................................................95.7 Table A................................................................95.8 Pin Maps of Normal MII, Reduced MII, and10Base-T GPSI (7-Wired) Mode..................... 106. LED Configuration...............................................117. Functional Description........................................127.1 MII interface......................................................127.2 100Base-TX Operation.....................................147.2.1 100Base-TX Transmit.................................... 4B5B Encoder............................................. Scrambler ................................................... Parallel to Serial Converter......................... NRZ to NRZI Encoder................................. MLT-3 Converter......................................... MLT-3 Driver............................................... 4B5B Code Group.......................................167.2.2 100Base-TX Receiver.................................... Signal Detect............................................... Adaptive Equalizer...................................... MLT-3 to NRZI Decoder ............................. Clock Recovery Module.............................. NRZI to NRZ............................................... Serial to Parallel.......................................... Descrambler ............................................... Code Group Alignment............................... 4B5B Decoder.............................................187.2.3 10Base-T Operation ......................................187.2.4 Collision Detection.........................................187.2.5 Carrier Sense.................................................187.2.6 Auto-Negotiation............................................187.2.7 MII Serial Management..................................197.2.8 Serial Management Interface.........................197.2.9 Management Interface – Read FrameStructure.........................................................197.2.10 Management Interface – Write FrameStructure........................................................197.2.11 Power Reduced Mode.................................207.2.12 Power Down Mode.......................................207.2.13 Reduced Transmit Power Mode..................208. MII Register Description......................................218.1 Basic Mode Control Register (BMCR) - 00.......228.2 Basic Mode Status Register (BMSR) - 01........238.3 PHY ID Identifier Register #1 (PHYIDR1) - 02..248.4 PHY ID Identifier Register #2 (PHYIDR2) - 03..248.5 Auto-negotiation Advertisement Register (ANAR)- 04...................................................................258.6 Auto-negotiation Link Partner Ability Register(ANLPAR) - 05.................................................268.7 Auto-negotiation Expansion Register (ANER)- 06...................................................................278.8 DAVICOM Specified Configuration Register(DSCR) –16.......................................................278.9 DAVICOM Specified Configuration and StatusRegister (DSCSR) - 17.....................................298.10 10Base-T Configuration / Status (10BTCSR) - 18.........................................................................308.11 DAVICOM Specified Interrupt Register - 21...308.12 DAVICOM Specified Receive Error CounterRegister (RECR) - 22.......................................318.13 DAVICOM Specified Disconnect CounterRegister (DISCR) - 23......................................318.14 DAVICOM Hardware Reset Latch StateRegister (RLSR) - 24.......................................319. DC and AC Electrical Characteristics9.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ( 25°C )...................329.2 Operating Conditions........................................329.3 DC Electrical Characteristics............................339.4 AC Electrical Characteristics & TimingWaveform..........................................................339.4.1 TP Interface...................................................339.4.2 Oscillator/Crystal Timing................................339.4.3 MDC/MDIO Timing ........................................349.4.4 MDIO Timing when OUTPUT by STA...........349.4.5 MDIO Timing when OUTPUT by DM9161.....349.4.6 100Base-TX Transmit Timing Parameters....359.4.7 100Base-TX Transmit Timing Diagram.........359.4.8 100Base-TX Receive Timing Parameters.....359.4.9 MII 100Base-TX Receive Timing Diagram. (36)DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip TransceiverFinal 3Version: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20029.4.10 MII 10Base-T Nibble Transmit TimingParameters (36)9.4.11 MII 10Base-T Nibble Transmit TimingDiagram (36)9.4.12 MII 10Base-T Receive Nibble TimingParameters (37)9.4.13 MII 10Base-T Receive Nibble TimingDiagram (37)9.4.14 Auto-negotiation and Fast Link Pulse TimingParameters (37)9.4.15 Auto-negotiation and Fast Link Pulse TimingDiagram (38)9.4.16 RMII Receive Timing Diagram.....................389.4.17 RMII Transmit Timing Diagram....................389.4.18 RMII Timing Diagram.. (39)9.4.19 RMII Timing Parameter................................3910. Application Notes..............................................4010.1 Network Interface Signal Routing....................4010.2 10Base-T/100Base-TX Application.................4010.3 10Base-T (Power Reduction Application).......4110.4 Power Decoupling Capacitors.........................4210.5 Ground Plane Layout......................................4310.6 Power Plane Partitioning.................................4410.7 Magnetics Selection Guide.............................4510.8 Crystal Selection Guide...................................4511. Package Information.........................................4612.Order Information.. (47)DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver4FinalVersion: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20023. FeaturesFully complies with IEEE 802.3u 10Base-T/100Base-TXComply with ANSI X3T12 TP-PMD 1995 standard Support Auto-Negotiation function, compliant with IEEE 802.3uFully integrated Physical layer single chip with direct interface to magneticIntegrated 10Base-T and 100Base-TX transceiver On-chip filtering, no need for external filters Selectable repeater or node modeSelectable MII or RMII (Reduced MII) interface.Selectable GPSI (7-Wired) or MII mode at the 10Base-T.Selectable full-duplex or half-duplex operationMII management interface with maskable interruptoutput capabilityProvide Loopback mode for easy system diagnosticsLED status outputs indicate Link/ Activity, Speed10/100and Full-duplex/Collision.Single low power Supply of 3.3V with 0.35µm CMOS technologyVery Low Power consumption modes:● Power Reduced mode (cable detection)● Power Down mode● Selectable TX drivers for 1:1 or 1.25:1 transformers for additional power reduction.Compatible with 3.3V and 5.0V tolerant I/Os48-pin LQFP small package (1x1 cm)DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip TransceiverFinal 5Version: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20024. Pin Configuration: DM9161 LQFPA V D DA V D DR X +T X -R X -A G N DA G N DT X +A V D DP W R D W NF D X /C O L L E D #/O P 0S P E E D L E D #/O P 1RXDV/TESTMODE RXER/RXD[4]/RPTRDVDD DVDD RESET#XT2XT1DGND NC AGND BGRESG BGRESTXD[1]LINK/ACTLED#/OP2CABLESTS/LINKSTS DGNDTXER/TXD[4]TXD[3]TXD[2]TXEN TXCLK/ISOLATE DVDDTXD[0]MDC M D I OR X D [0]/P H Y A D [0]R X D [2]/P H Y A D [2]R X D [3]/P H Y A D [3]R X D [1]/P H Y A D [1]D V D DR X E NM D I N T R #R X C L K /S C R A M E N /10B T S E RD G N DC R S /P H Y AD [4]C O L /R M I IDM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver6FinalVersion: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20025. Pin DescriptionI: Input, O: Output, LI: Latch input when power-up/reset, Z: Tri-State output, U: Pulled up D: Pulled down5.1 Normal MII Interface, 21 pinsPin No.Pin Name I/O Description 16TXER/TXD [4]I Transmit Error/The Fifth TXD Data BitIn 100Mbps mode, when the signal indicates active high and TXEN is active, the HALT symbol substitutes the actual data nibble. In 10Mbps, the input is ignoredIn bypass mode (bypass BP4B5B), TXER becomes the TXD [4] pin, the fifth TXD data bit of the 5B symbol20,19,18,17TXD [0:3]I Transmit Data4-bit nibble data inputs (synchronous to the TXCLK) when in 10/100Mbps nibble mode.In 10Mbps GPSI (7-Wired) mode, the TXD [0] pin is used as the serial data input pin, and TXD [1:3] are ignored.21TXENITransmit EnableActive high indicates the presence of valid nibble data on the TXD [0:3] for both 100Mbps and 10Mbps nibble modes.In 10Mbps GPSI (7-Wired) mode, active high indicates the presence of valid 10Mbps data on TXD [0].22TXCLK/ISOLATEO,Z,LI (D)Transmit ClockThe transmitting clock provides the timing reference for the transfer of the TXEN, TXD, and TXER. TXCLK is provided by the PHY25MHz in 100Mbps nibble mode, 2.5MHz in 10Mbps nibble mode, 10MHz in 10Mbps GPSI (7-Wired) mode ISOLATE Setting:0: Reg 0.10 will be initialized to “0”.1: Reg 0.10 will be initialized to “1”.24MDC I Management Data ClockSynchronous clock for the MDIO management data. This clock is provided by management entity, and it is up to 2.5MHz 25MDIO I/O Management Data I/OBi-directional management data which may be provided by the station management entity or the PHY 29,28,27,26RXD[0:3] /PHYAD[0:3]O,Z,LI (D)Receive Data Output4-bit nibble data outputs (synchronous to RXCLK) when in 10/100Mbps MII modeIn 10Mbps GPSI (7-Wired) mode, the RXD [0] pin is used as the serial data output pin, and the RXD [1:3] are ignored PHY address [0:3] (power up reset latch input)PHY address sensing input pins 32MDINTR#O,ZStatus Interrupt Output:Asserted low whenever there is a status change (link, speed, duplex)The MDINTR# pin has a high impedance output, a 2.2K Ω pulled high resistor is neededDM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip TransceiverFinal 7Version: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,200234RXCLK /SCRAMEN /10BTSERO,Z,LI (U)Receive ClockThe received clock provides the timing reference for the transfer of the RXDV, RXD, and RXER. RXCLK is provided by PHY. The PHY may recover the RXCLK reference from the received data or it may derive the RXCLK reference from a nominal clock25MHz in 100Mbps MII mode, 2.5MHz in 10Mbps MII mode, 10MHz in 10Mbps GPSI (7-Wired) modeSCRAMEN 10BTSER only support for forced 100M mode or 10M mode;not support for auto-negotiation mode (power up reset latch input)0 = Bypass scramble in 100M mode, GPSI (7-Wired) mode in 10M mode 1 = Enable scramble (default) in 100M mode, MII mode in 10M mode 35CRS/PHYAD[4]O,Z,LI (D)Carrier Sense Detect/ PHYAD[4]Asserted high to indicate the presence of carrier due to receive or transmit activities in half-duplex mode of 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX. In repeater mode or full-duplex mode, this signal is asserted high to indicate the presence of carrier due to receive activity onlyThis pin is also used as PHYAD [4] (power up reset latch input)PHY address sensing input pin 36COL /RMIIO,Z,LI (D)Collision DetectionAsserted high to indicate the detection of the collision conditions in half-duplex mode of 10Mbps and 100Mbps. In full-duplex mode, this signal is always logical 0Reduced MII enable:This pin is also used to select Normal MII or Reduced MII. (power up reset latch input)0= Normal MII (default)1= Reduced MIIThis pin is always pulled low except used as reduced MII 37RXDV /TESTMODEO,Z,LI (D)Receive Data ValidAsserted high to indicate that the valid data is presented on the RXD [0:3]Test mode control pin (power up reset latch input)0 = normal operation (default)1 = enable test mode38RXER/RXD[4] /RPTRO,Z,LI (D)Receive Data Error/The Fifth RXD Data Bit of the 5B SymbolAsserted high to indicate that an invalid symbol has been detectedIn decoder bypass mode (bypass BP4B5B), RXER becomes RXD [4], the fifth RXD data bit of the 5B symbolThis pin is also used to select Repeater or Node mode. (power up reset latch input)0 = Node Mode (default)1 = Repeater Mode 31RXEN IReceive EnableActive high enables receive signals RXD [0:3], RXCLK, RXDV and RXCLK.Active low on this input tri-states these output pins. In node application, this pin should be pulled high. In repeater application, this pin may be connected to a repeater controller 40RESET#IResetActive low input that initializes the DM9161.DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver8FinalVersion: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20025.2 Media Interface, 4 pinsPin No.Pin Name I/O Description 3,4RX+RX-I Differential Receive PairDifferential data is received from the media 7,8TX+TX-O Differential Transmit Pair/PECL Transmit PairDifferential data is transmitted to the media in TP mode5.3 LED Interface, 3 pinsPin No.Pin Name I/O Description 11FDX/COL LED#/OP0O,LI (U)Full/Half Duplex LEDActive states indicate the full-duplex mode. Active states see LED configurationFull-Duplex/Collision LED: when bit 5 of register 16 is set highActive states indicate the full-duplex mode or activity Collision LED when in the half-duplex mode. Active states see LED configuration OP0: (power up reset latch input)This pin is used to control the forced or advertised operating mode of the DM9161 according to the Table A. The value is latched into the DM9161registers at power-up/reset12SPEED LED# /OP1O,LI (U)Speed LEDActive states indicate the 100Mbps mode. Active states see LEDconfigurationWhen bit 6 of Register 16 is set high, it controls the SPEED LED as 100Base-TX SD signal output. For debug only OP1: (power up reset latch input)This pin is used to control the forced or advertised operating mode of the DM9161 according to the Table A. The value is latched into the DM9161registers at power-up/reset13LINK /ACT LED#/OP2O,LI (U)Link LED & Activity LED:Active states indicate the good link for 10Mbps and 100Mbps operations.It is also an active LED function when transmitting or receiving data.Active states see LED configuration OP2: (power up reset latch input)This pin is used to control the forced or advertised operating mode of the DM9161 according to the Table A. The value is latched into the DM9161registers at power-up/reset5.4 Mode, 2 pinsPin No.Pin Name I/O Description 10PWRDWNI Power Down ControlAsserted high to force the DM9161 into power down mode. When in power down mode, most of the DM9161 circuit block’s power is turned off, only the MII management interface (MDC, MDIO) logic is available (the PHY should respond to management transactions and should not generate spurious signals on the MII)). To leave power down mode, the DM9161 needs the hardware or software reset with the PWRDWN pin lowDM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip TransceiverFinal 9Version: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,200214CABLESTS /LINKSTSO,LI (D)Cable Status or Link StatusThis pin is used to indicate the status of the cable connection when power up reset latch low (Default)0 = Without cable connection 1 = With cable connectionThis pin is used to indicate the status of the Link connection when power up reset latch high 0 = Without link 1 = With link5.5 Bias and Clock, 4 pinsPin No.Pin Name I/O Description47BGRESG P Bandgap Ground48BGRES O Bandgap Voltage Reference Resistor 6.8K ohm 42XT2I/O Crystal Output; REF_CLK input for RMII mode 43XT1ICrystal Input5.6 Power, 13 pins Pin No.Pin Name I/O Description1,2AVDD P Analog Receive Power 9AVDD P Analog Transmit Power 5AGND P Analog Receive Ground 6AGND P Analog Transmit Ground 46AGND P Analog Substrate Ground 23,30,39,41DVDD P Digital Power 15,33,44DGND PDigital Ground5.7 Table AOP2OP1OP0Function000Dual Speed 100/10 HDX 001Reserved 010Reserved011Manually Select 10TX HDX 100 Manually Select 10TX FDX 101Manually Select 100TX HDX 110 Manually Select 100TX FDX111Auto-negotiation Enables All CapabilitiesDM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver10FinalVersion: DM9161-DS-F02May 10,20025.8 Pin Maps of Normal MII, Reduced MII, and 10Base-T GPSI (7-Wired) Mode Normal MII Mode Reduced MII Mode 10Base-T GPSI (7-Wired) Mode TXD [0:1]TXD [0:1]TXD [0] ; TXD [1] = NC TXD [2:3]NC NC TXEN TXEN TXEN TXER/TXD [4]NC NC TXCLK NC TXCLKRXD [0:1]RXD [0:1]RXD [0] ; RXD [1] = NC RXD[2:3]NC NC RXENDVDD DVDD RXER/RXD[4]/RPTR/NODE RPTR/NODE RPTR/NODE RXDV CRS DV NC RXCLK NC RXCLK COL NC COL CRS(PHYADR [2:4])(BP4B5B)NCCRSMDC MDC MDC MDIO MDIO MDIO RESET#RESET#RESET#XT1 (25 MHz)XT2 (REF_CLK 50MHz)XT1 (25 MHz)6.LED ConfigurationLEDs flash once per 500ms after power-on reset or software reset by writing PHY register. All LED pins are dual function pins, which can be configured as either active high or low by pulling them low or high accordingly. If the pin is pulled high, the LED is active low after reset. Likewise, if the pin is pulled low, the LED is active high.DM916110/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver7. Functional DescriptionThe DM9161 Fast Ethernet single chip transceiver, providing the functionality as specified in IEEE 802.3u, integrates a complete 100Base-TX module and a complete 10Base-T module. The DM9161 provides a Media Independent Interface (MII) as defined in the IEEE 802.3u standard (Clause 22).The DM9161 performs all PCS (Physical Coding Sublayer), PMA (Physical Media Access), TP-PMD (Twisted Pair Physical Medium Dependent) sublayer, 10Base-T Encoder/Decoder, and Twisted Pair Media Access Unit (TPMAU) functions. Figure 1 shows the major functional blocks implemented in the DM9161.Figure 7-1 7.1 MII InterfaceThe DM 9161 provides a Media Independent Interface (MII) as defined in the IEEE 802.3u standard (Clause 22).The purpose of the MII interface is to provide a simple, easy to implement connection between the MAC Reconciliation layer and the PHY. The MII is designed to make the differences between various media transparent to the MAC sublayer.The MII consists of a nibble wide receive data bus, a nibble wide transmit data bus, and control signals to facilitate data transfers between the PHY and the Reconciliation layer.•TXD (transmit data) is a nibble (4 bits) of data that are driven by the reconciliation sublayer synchronously withrespect to TXCLK. For each TXCLK period, which TXEN is asserted, TXD (3:0) are accepted for transmission by the PHY.•TXCLK (transmit clock) output to the MAC reconciliation sublayer is a continuous clock that provides the timing reference for the transfer of the TXEN, TXD, and TXER signals.•TXEN (transmit enable) input from the MAC reconciliation sublayer indicates that nibbles are being presented on the MII for transmission on the physical medium.MII Interface (continued)• TXER (transmit coding error) transitions aresynchronously with respect to TXCLK. If TXER is asserted for one or more clock periods, and TXEN is asserted, the PHY will emit one or more symbols that are not part of the valid data delimiter set somewhere in the frame being transmitted.•RXD (receive data) is a nibble (4 bits) of data that are sampled by the reconciliation sublayer synchronously with respect to RXCLK. For each RXCLK period which RXDV is asserted, RXD (3:0) are transferred from the PHY to the MAC reconciliation sublayer.•RXCLK (receive clock) output to the MAC reconciliation sublayer is a continuous clock that provides the timing reference for the transfer of the RXDV, RXD, and RXER signals.•RXDV (receive data valid) input from the PHY indicates that the PHY is presenting recovered and decoded nibbles to the MAC reconciliation sublayer. To interpret a receive frame correctly by the reconciliation sublayer,RXDV must encompass the frame, starting no later than the Start-of-Frame delimiter and excluding any End-Stream delimiter.•RXER (receive error) transitions are synchronously with respect to RXCLK. RXER will be asserted for 1 or more clock periods to indicate to the reconciliation sublayer that an error was detected somewhere in the frame being transmitted from the PHY to the reconciliation sublayer.•CRS (carrier sense) is asserted by the PHY when either the transmit or receive medium is non-idle, and de-asserted by the PHY when the transmit and receive medium are idle. Figure 7-2 depicts the behavior of CRS during 10Base-T and 100Base-TX transmission.TXDPreamble SFD Data EFDPreamble SFDDataESD J/KSSD T/R10Base-T100Base-TXTXDCRSCRSIDLEIDLEFigure 7-210/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer Single Chip Transceiver7.2 100Base-TX OperationThe 100Base-TX transmitter receives 4-bit nibble data clocked in at 25MHz at the MII, and outputs a scrambled 5-bit encoded MLT-3 signal to the media at 100Mbps. The on-chip clock circuit converts the 25MHz clock into a 125MHz clock for internal use.The IEEE 802.3u specification defines the Media Independent Interface. The interface specification defines a dedicated receive data bus and a dedicated transmit data bus.These two busses include various controls and signal indications that facilitate data transfers between the DM9161 and the Reconciliation layer.7.2.1 100Base-TX TransmitThe 100Base-TX transmitter consists of the functional blocks shown in figure 7-3. The 100Base-TX transmit section converts 4-bit synchronous data provided by the MII to a scrambled MLT-3 125, a million symbols per second serial data stream.Figure 7-3The block diagram in figure 7-3 provides an overview of the functional blocks contained in the transmit section.The transmitter section contains the following functional blocks:- 4B5B Encoder- Scrambler- Parallel to Serial Converter- NRZ to NRZI Encoder- NRZI to MLT-3- MLT-3 Driver7.2.1.1 4B5B EncoderThe 4B5B encoder converts 4-bit (4B) nibble data generated by the MAC Reconciliation Layer into a 5-bit (5B) code group for transmission, see reference Table 7-1. This conversion is required for control and packet data to be combined in code groups. The 4B5B encoder substitutes the first 8 bits of the MAC preamble with a J/K code group pair (11000 10001) upon transmit. The 4B5B encoder continues to replace subsequent 4B preamble and data nibbles with corresponding 5B code-groups. At the end of the transmit packet, upon the deassertion of the Transmit Enable signal from the MAC Reconciliation layer, the 4B5B encoder injects the T/R code group pair (01101 00111) indicating end of frame. After the T/R code group pair, the 4B5B encoder continuously injects IDLEs into the transmit data stream until Transmit Enable is asserted and the next transmit packet is detected.The DM9161 includes a Bypass 4B5B conversion option within the 100Base-TX Transmitter for support of applications like 100 Mbps repeaters, which do not require 4B5B conversion. ScramblerThe scrambler is required to control the radiated emissions (EMI) by spreading the transmit energy across the frequency spectrum at the media connector and on the twisted pair cable in 100Base-TX operation.By scrambling the data, the total energy presented to the cable is randomly distributed over a wide frequency range. Without the scrambler, energy levels on the cable could peak beyond FCC limitations at frequencies related to repeated 5B sequences like continuous transmission of IDLE symbols. The scrambler output is combined with the NRZ 5B data from the code group encoder via an XOR logic function. The result is a scrambled data stream with sufficient randomization to decrease radiated emissions at critical frequencies. Parallel to Serial ConverterThe Parallel to Serial Converter receives parallel 5B scrambled data from the scrambler and serializes it (converts it from a parallel to a serial data stream). The serialized data stream is then presented to the NRZ to NRZI encoder block7.2.1.4 NRZ to NRZI EncoderSince the transmit data stream has been scrambled and serialized, the data must be NRZI encoded for compatibility with the TP-PMD standard for 100Base-TX transmission over Category-5 unshielded twisted pair cable. MLT-3 ConverterThe MLT-3 conversion is accomplished by converting the data stream output from the NRZI encoder into two binary data streams with alternately phased logic one events. MLT-3 DriverThe two binary data streams, created at the MLT-3 converter, are fed to the twisted pair output driver, which converts these streams to current sources and alternately drives either side of the transmit transformer’s primary winding, resulting in a minimal current MLT-3 signal. Refer to figure 7-4 for the block diagram of the MLT-3 converter.。
第二单元欢乐嘉年华第四课“纸牌”游戏:鼠标的模样—鼠标的操作—用“纸牌”游戏练习鼠标操作第五课Windows XP窗口操作:了解Windows“桌面”—启动程序Windows XP窗口—Windows XP窗口的操作—“桌面”上多个窗口的操作。
简介MII是英文Medium Independent Interface的缩写,翻译成中文是“介质独立接口”,该接口一般应用于以太网硬件平台的MAC层和PHY层之间,MII接口的类型有很多,常用的有MII、RMII、SMII、SSMII、SSSMII、GMII、RGMII、SGMII、TBI、RTBI、XGMII、XAUI、XLAUI等。
MII接口:T XD(Transmit Data)[3:0]:数据发送信号,共4根信号线;RXD(Receive Data)[3:0]:数据接收信号,共4根信号线;TX_ER(Transmit Error):发送数据错误提示信号,同步于TX_CLK,高电平有效,表示TX_ER有效期内传输的数据无效。
对于10Mbps速率下,TX_ER不起作用;RX_ER(Receive Error):接收数据错误提示信号,同步于RX_CLK,高电平有效,表示RX_ER有效期内传输的数据无效。
对于10Mbps速率下,RX_ER不起作用;TX_EN(Transmit Enable):发送使能信号,只有在TX_EN有效期内传的数据才有效;RX_DV(Reveive Data Valid):接收数据有效信号,作用类型于发送通道的TX_EN;TX_CLK:发送参考时钟,100Mbps速率下,时钟频率为25MHz,10Mbps速率下,时钟频率为 2.5MHz。
RX_CLK:接收数据参考时钟,100Mbps速率下,时钟频率为25MHz,10Mbps速率下,时钟频率为 2.5MHz。
CRS:Carrier Sense,载波侦测信号,不需要同步于参考时钟,只要有数据传输,CRS就有效,另外,CRS只有PHY在半双工模式下有效;COL:Collision Detectd,冲突检测信号,不需要同步于参考时钟,只有PHY在半双工模式下有效。
二、游戏玩法与特点1. 独特的角色设计:Miiow中的主角是一只可爱的猫咪,用户可以通过AR技术将其放置在家中的不同角落,与之互动。
2. 自由游戏空间:无论是客厅、卧室还是厨房,只要是用户指定合适的区域,就可以与Miiow进行互动游戏。
3. 多样化的挑战任务:Miiow提供了各种各样的挑战任务,例如找到隐藏的宝箱、收集食物等,每个任务都有不同的难度和奖励。
4. 社交互动:用户可以与朋友分享自己的游戏成果,还可以与其他Miiow用户组成团队合作,共同完成任务。
三、为什么选择Miiow?1. 全新的游戏体验:Miiow将虚拟世界与现实世界相结合,使游戏更加互动、逼真,让用户身临其境。
2. 与家人朋友的互动:Miiow可以成为家庭成员之间的共同娱乐,增进亲密感。
3. 促进户外活动:Miiow的游戏任务激励玩家外出探索,有助于减少宅在家里的时间,促进户外活动和锻炼身体。
4. 激发创造力和想象力:通过与虚拟猫咪互动,用户可以激发自己的创造力和想象力,创造出属于自己的游戏场景。
5. 拓宽社交圈子:通过与其他Miiow用户的互动,可以结识新朋友,扩大社交圈子。
以太网接口MII,RMII,SMII,GMII总线接口简介<i>以太网接口MII,RMII,SMII,GMII总线接口简介</i>以太网接口MII,RMII,SMII,GMII总线接口简介所有的这些接口都从MII而来,MII是(Medium Independent Interface)的意思,是指不用考虑媒体是铜轴、光纤、电缆等,因为这些媒体处理的相关工作都有PHY或者叫做MAC的芯片完成。
同理,所有端口的数据收发都公用同一个外部的125M 时钟。
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88E6122_88E6121-Datasheet-Part 1
Link Street™ 88E6122/88E6121 Datasheet Part 1 of 3: Overview, Pinout, Applications, Mechanical and Electrical Specifications
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Copyright © 2006 Marvell April 14, 2006, Draft
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This document contains design specifications for initial product development. Specifications may
Information change without notice. Contact Marvell Field Application Engineers for more information.
2021学年沪教版(牛津深圳版)三年级(上)期中英语试卷一、 Copy the sentences. (正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号))1. 正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号What's your name? My name is Paul.________2. who is (缩写)________3. fat________.4. father________(相对词)5. boy (复数)________6. to(同音词)________7. isn't(完整形式)________.8. open (反义词)________9. ten________10. 汉译英王小姐________11. 汉译英坐下________12. 汉译英我的尾巴________13. 汉译英进来________14. 汉译英又矮又瘦________15. 汉译英十支红钢笔________16. 英译汉in the classroom________17. 英译汉count to three________18. 英译汉very small________19. 英译汉a picture of my family________四、Read and choose. (读一读,选择最恰当的答案))20. ﹣﹣________, boys and girls.﹣Goodbye.()A.Good afternoon.B.Goodbye.C.Good evening.21. My eyes ________ big.()A.amB.isC.are22. We _______ a new classmate, Tom.()A.areB.likeC.have23. ﹣______are you?﹣I'm fine.()A.How old B.How24. ﹣Are you Sally? _________ , I'm Mary.()A.NoB.YesC.OK25. Look ______ the boy. He is so tall.()A.atB.inC.to26. My little brother likes _______ with the yellow ball.()A.playB.playingC.plays27. ﹣Here you are.﹣__________.()A.OKB.YesC.Thanks28. She is only one. She _______ draw a tree.()A.isB.can'tC.can29. I _______ a friend. She ______ tall.()A.has isB.have isC.have has五、 Fill in the blanks. (填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整))30. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整How old are you? I'm________.31. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整Who's he? He is my________.32. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整Look at me. My________ are big.33. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整We have a new teacher,________ Li.34. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整Tom, clean the________, please. OK.35. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整This is my mother. She's________.36. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整Hi, I'm a boy. My name is________.37. 填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整My sister is only four. She can't________.六、 Look and complete. (看图完成句子,每空一词))38. 看图完成句子,每空一词This is a picture of my family.This is my________.She's________.This is my________.He can________.We are happy.39. 看图完成句子,每空一词Hello, I'm an elephant.I'm________.My________ is________.I like eating bananas.十一、阅读理解阅读短文判断,正确的用T表示,不正确的用F表示(共1小题,每小题3分,满分3分))40. 阅读短文判断,正确的用T表示,不正确的用F表示David is six years old. It is the first day of school. The teacher is asking students about their families." David, what's your mother's name? " the teacher asks."She has three or four names. I can call her mum. My father calls her darling. My grandmother calls her Jane. The postman calls her Mrs Brown," Answers David.________(1)David is five.________(2)The teacher wants to know David's mother's names.________(3)David's mother has three or four names.________(4)David calls his mother darling.________(5)David's mother is Mrs Brown.十、选择题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分))41. 想知道你同学几岁了,你会问()A.How are you?B.How old are you?C.Are you eight?42. 你要睡觉了,和父母说()A.Good evening.B.Good night.C.Good morning.43. 告诉别人你是Kitty,你说()A.I'm Kitty.B.She's Kitty.C.You're Kitty.44. 告诉同学,你身边的男孩是你的朋友,你说()A.He is my friend. B.She is my friend.45. 今天是你朋友的生日,你跟他说()A.Who are you?B.Thank you.C.Happy birthday.46. 请你的同学写上名字,你说()A.What's your name?B.My name is Ben.C.Write your name.参考答案与试题解析2021学年沪教版(牛津深圳版)三年级(上)期中英语试卷一、 Copy the sentences. (正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号)1.【答案】What's your name? My name is Paul.【考点】句子拼写【解析】你的名字是什么?我的名字是保尔.【解答】考查句子书写.大写字母W,M,P占中上格;小写字母a,o,u,r,n,e,m,s占中格,h,t,i,l占中上格,y占中下格.故答案为:2.【答案】who's【考点】全写和缩写【解析】who is是谁【解答】考查全写和缩写.who is的缩写形式为去掉i并且加缩写符号,即who's.故答案为:who's.3.【答案】胖的【考点】单词、词组【解析】fat胖的.【解答】答案:胖的.该题考查单词翻译."fat"译为:胖的.故填:胖的.4.【答案】mother【考点】反义词、对应词【解析】爸爸考查对应词.father,爸爸,对应词是;mother,妈妈.5.【答案】boys【考点】可数名词及其单复数【解析】boy男孩【解答】考查可数名词及其单复数.boy变复数为规则变化,为元音字母o加y结尾,直接加s,即boys.故答案为:boys.6.【答案】too【考点】同音词【解析】to向,到;too太,也.【解答】考查同音词.根据to[tuː],too[tuː]的发音可知,他们的发音是相同的,互为同音词.故填:too.7.【答案】is not【考点】全写和缩写【解析】isn't不是.【解答】答案:is not.考查全写和缩写.is not的缩写形式是isn't.因此答案为:is not.8.【答案】close【考点】反义词、对应词【解析】open打开【解答】考查反义词.由题,open作动词,表示"打开",其反义词"关闭"可以用close表示.故填:close.9.10【考点】单词、词组【解析】(10)【解答】该题考查单词翻译.ten(10)故答案为:(10)10.【答案】Miss Wang【考点】翻译能力【解析】Miss Wang【解答】考查短语翻译.小姐Miss,王Wang.故答案为:Miss Wang.11.【答案】sit down【考点】翻译能力【解析】sit down【解答】考查短语翻译.坐下译为:sit down.故答案为:sit down.12.【答案】my tail【考点】翻译能力【解析】my tail【解答】考查短语翻译.我的my,尾巴tail.故答案为:my tail.13.【答案】come in【考点】翻译能力come in【解答】考查短语翻译.进来译为:come in.故答案为:come in.14.【答案】short and thin【考点】翻译能力【解析】short and thin.【解答】考查短语翻译."又矮又瘦"译为:short and thin.故答案为:short and thin.15.【答案】ten red pens【考点】翻译能力【解析】ten red pens【解答】考查短语翻译.十支ten,红色red,钢笔pen,这里用复数pens.故答案为:ten red pens.16.【答案】在教室里【考点】翻译能力【解析】在教室里【解答】考查短语翻译.in the classroom译为:在教室里.故答案为:在教室里.17.【答案】数到三【考点】翻译能力【解析】数到三【解答】考查短语翻译.count to three译为:数到三.故答案为:数到三.18.【答案】非常小【考点】翻译能力【解析】非常小.【解答】该题考查短语翻译.very small非常小.故答案为:非常小.19.【答案】我家人的照片【考点】翻译能力【解析】我家人的照片.【解答】考查短语翻译.a picture of my family译为:我家人的照片.故答案为:我家人的照片.四、Read and choose. (读一读,选择最恰当的答案)20.【答案】B【考点】情景交际【解析】再见,孩子们.﹣﹣再见.【解答】本题考查情景交际.A.Good afternoon下午好;B.Goodbye再见;C.Good evening 晚上好;因此,当别人答语为"再见"时,你应该说:Goodbye,boys and girls.故选:B.21.【答案】C【考点】系动词【解析】我的眼睛很大.【解答】考查系动词使用.be动词的选择要根据主语决定.由题,此处主语my eyes为复数形式,be动词要用are.故选:C.22.【答案】C【考点】系动词【解析】我们有一个新的同学,汤姆.【解答】考查常用动词的辨析.are是,be动词;like喜欢,实意动词;have有,实意动词.根据句意:我们___一个新的同学,汤姆.可知,这里应该是"有",用have合适.故选:C.23.【答案】该题考查交际用语.How old are you,你多大了?How are you你好吗?根据答语I'm fine可知问句应为How are you.故选:B.【考点】年龄【解析】﹣你好吗?﹣我很好.【解答】该题考查交际用语.How old are you,你多大了?How are you你好吗?根据答语I'm fine可知问句应为How are you.故选:B.24.【答案】A【考点】一般疑问句【解析】﹣﹣你是莎莉吗?﹣﹣不,我是玛丽.【解答】考查一般疑问句.A.No不.B.Yes是的.C.OK好的.根据Are you Sally?"你是莎莉吗?"及I'm Mary."我是玛丽"可知,应该回答"不"No.故选:A.25.【答案】A【考点】介词短语【解析】看那个男孩.他如此高.【解答】考查介词搭配.look at为固定搭配,表示看具体的人或物.由题,句意为"看那个男孩.他如此高.",使用look at看着.故选:A.26.【答案】B【考点】动名词【解析】我的小弟弟喜欢玩这个黄色的球.【解答】本题考查动名词.play玩,动词原形;playing玩,动名词;plays玩,动词的第三人称单数;题目中动词like(喜欢)后接动名词,意为"喜欢做某事",题意为"我的小弟弟喜欢玩这个黄色的球.".故选:B.27.【答案】C【考点】情景交际【解析】﹣给你.﹣谢谢.【解答】考查情景交际.A.OK好的.B.Yes是的.C.Thanks谢谢.根据Here you are."给你."可知,应该回答"谢谢.".故选:C.28.【答案】B【考点】情态动词【解析】她只有一岁.她不会画一棵树.【解答】考查情态动词."only one"表示"仅仅一岁",根据生活常识,肯定不会画一棵树,A.is 系动词,不符合语法;B.can't不能,情态动词否定形式,符合题意,C.can能,情态动词肯定形式,不符合题意.故选:B.29.【答案】B【考点】动词原形系动词【解析】我有一个朋友.她很高.【解答】考查动词原形及系动词.have有,动词原形.has第三人称单数.is是.第一个空,应该是"我有一个朋友",主语I"我"第一人称,谓语动词不能用第三人称单数has,用原形have.A不正确.第二个空,tall"高的"形容词,系表结构,主语是第三人称单数she,用系动词is"是".C不正确.故选:B.五、 Fill in the blanks. (填入所缺的内容,每空一词,使句子完整)30.【答案】ten【考点】完成句子【解析】你多大了?我十岁了.【解答】本题考查完成句子.由题How old are you?可知这里询问年龄,后面可以填一个基数词,可能的答案是ten,表示十岁.故答案为:ten.31.【答案】father【考点】完成句子【解析】他是谁?他是我的父亲.【解答】本题考查完成句子.问句译为"他是谁?"答语"他是我的…",故空白处可填father,译为"他是我的父亲."故填:father.32.【答案】eyes【考点】完成句子【解析】看我.我的眼睛很大.【解答】本题考查完成句子.问句译为"看我.我的…很大."故空白处可填复数名词eyes,句子译为"我的眼睛很大."故填:eyes.33.【答案】Miss【考点】完成句子【解析】我们有一位新老师,李老师.【解答】本题考查完成句子.问句译为"我们有一个新老师,李…",故空白处可填MIiss,译为"小姐、老师."故填:Miss.34.【答案】classroom【考点】完成句子【解析】汤姆,请打扫教室.好的.【解答】本题考查完成句子.题干译为"汤姆,请打扫…",故空白处可填classroom,译为"请打扫教室."故填:classroom.35.【答案】Alice【考点】完成句子【解析】这是我的妈妈.她是爱丽丝.【解答】本题考查完成句子.题干译为"这是我的妈妈.她是…",故空白处可填Alice,译为"她是爱丽丝.",表示妈妈的姓名.故填:Alice.36.【答案】Mike【考点】完成句子【解析】你好.我是一个男孩.我的名字是迈克.【解答】本题考查完成句子.题干译为"你好.我是一个男孩.我的名字是…",故空白处可填男生名字Mike,译为"我的名字是迈克."故填:Mike.37.【答案】ride【考点】完成句子【解析】我妹妹才四岁.她不会骑车.【解答】本题考查完成句子.由题知,句子译为我妹妹才四岁.她不会___.空格填写她不会的动作,如ride骑.故答案为:ride.六、 Look and complete. (看图完成句子,每空一词)38.【答案】mother,beautiful,father,sing【考点】看图作答【解析】这是我的全家福.这是我的妈妈.她很漂亮.这是我的爸爸.他会唱歌.我们很开心.【解答】考查看图作答.第一个空,根据She可知,应该填写一名女性,年轻的女性应该是"妈妈"mother;第二个空,She's后面填写妈妈的特征,图示可知,妈妈是"漂亮的",即beautiful;第三个空,根据He可知,应该填写一名男性,年轻的男性应该是"爸爸"father;第四个空,根据can可知,后面用动词原形,可以填写"唱歌"sing.故答案为:mother,beautiful,father,sing.39.【答案】tall,nose,long【考点】看图完成句子【解析】你好,我是大象.我很高.我的鼻子长.我喜欢吃香蕉.【解答】考查看图完成句子.对话内容:你好,我是大象.我是….我的…是….我喜欢吃香蕉.根据图示:是头高大的大象.可知空缺处分别为:高的tall,鼻子nose,长的long.故答案为:tall,nose,long.十一、阅读理解阅读短文判断,正确的用T表示,不正确的用F表示(共1小题,每小题3分,满分3分)40.【答案】F,T,T,F,T【考点】判断正误【解析】David六岁了.今天是开学第一天.老师正在询问学生关于他们的家庭的问题."David,你的妈妈叫什么名字?"老师问道."她有三个或者四个名字.我可以叫她妈妈.我爸爸叫她亲爱的.我奶奶叫她Jane.邮递员叫她Brown女士."David回答.【解答】本题主要考查判断正误.(1)F.由文中关键句David is six years old可知,David六岁了,而不是五岁了,所以说法错误.故答案为:F.(2)T.由文中关键句"David,what's your mother's name?"the teacher asks.可知,老师想要知道David妈妈的名字,说法正确.故答案为:T.(3)T.由文中关键句She has three or four names.可知,David说他妈妈有三个或者四个名字.说法正确.故答案为:T.(4)F.由文中关键句I can call her mum可知,David可以叫他妈妈为妈妈,而不是叫妈妈亲爱的.说法错误.故答案为:F.(5)T.由文中关键句The postman calls her Mrs Brown可知,David妈妈叫Mrs Brown,说法正确.故答案为:T.十、选择题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分)41.【答案】B【考点】情景交际【解析】How old are you?你多大了?【解答】本题考查情景询问.A.How are you?你好吗?B.How old are you?你多大了?C.Are you eight?你八岁了吗?因此,当你想知道你同学几岁了,你会问:How old are you?故选:B.42.【答案】B【考点】情景交际Good night.晚安.【解答】本题考查情景交际.A.Good evening晚上好;B.Good night晚安;C.Good morning 早上好;因此,要睡觉了,和父母说:Good night晚安.故选:B.43.【答案】A【考点】情景交际【解析】我是Kitty.【解答】本题考查情景交际.A.I'm Kitty我是Kitty;B.She's Kitty她是Kitty;C.You're Kitty你是Kitty;因此,告诉别人你是Kitty,回答应该是"我"用I,说:I'm Kitty.故选:A.44.【答案】考查情景交际.A.He is my friend.他是我朋友.B.She is my friend.她是我朋友.结合语境"告诉同学,你身边的男孩是你的朋友,你说__"可知,关键词是"男孩",用He"他"代替,应该是He is my friend.故选:A.【考点】情景交际【解析】他是我的朋友.【解答】考查情景交际.A.He is my friend.他是我朋友.B.She is my friend.她是我朋友.结合语境"告诉同学,你身边的男孩是你的朋友,你说__"可知,关键词是"男孩",用He"他"代替,应该是He is my friend.故选:A.45.【答案】C【考点】情景交际【解析】Happy birthday.生日快乐.【解答】本题考查情景交际.A.Who are you?你是谁?B.Thank you.谢谢你.C.Happy birthday.生日快乐.因此,今天是你朋友的生日,你跟他说:Happy birthday.故选:C.46.C【考点】情景交际【解析】Write your name.写下你的名字.【解答】本题考查情景交际.A.What's your name你叫什么名字?B.My name is Ben我叫本.C.Write your name写下你的名字;因此,请你的同学写上名字,你说:Write your name.故选:C.。
■ Supports auto-negotiation and parallel detection.
■ MII interface with extended register capability.
Rev. Date: August 7, 2002
LXT971A 3.3 V Dual-Speed Fast Ethernet Transceiver
Pin Assignments ..............................................................................................................................12
The LXT971A is fabricated with an advanced CMOS process and requires only a single 3.3V power supply.
■ Combination 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX or ■ 10/100 PCMCIA Cards
Intel® LXT971A
3.3V Dual-Speed Fast Ethernet PHY Transceiver
The LXT971A is an IEEE compliant Fast Ethernet PHY Transceiver that directly supports both 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T applications. It provides a Media Independent Interface (MII) for easy attachment to 10/100 Media Access Controllers (MACs). The LXT971A also provides a Low Voltage PECL (LVPECL) interface for use with 100BASE-FX fiber networks.
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• 曾获世界旅游小姐大赛 最佳表现奖、亚洲品牌 小姐大赛十强、 2010“阳光杯”舞蹈比 赛金奖、 时尚先生年度内地风尚 女艺人、 《男人装》梦想秀最佳 上镜女星、 《瑞丽》时尚之夜最具 女性魅力的艺人、 2011《健康之友》健康 爱美丽形象宝贝。 曾拍摄Kappa运动装广 告及三星S3广告, 并出演电视剧《燃情密 码》。
姓名:许晓萌 英文名:Barbie 生日:1991-2-14 祖籍:吉林 现居地:北京 身高:173cm 体重:48kg 血型:B型 三围:86,64,92 鞋码:38 院校:东北师范大学 语言:普通话、英语 最亲近的人:妈妈 兴趣爱好:购物,电影,旅游 职业:平面模特,演员 最喜欢的颜色:白色、粉色 最喜欢的电影:《红磨坊》《公主日记》 最喜欢的运动:踢球 最喜欢的城市:海滨城市威尼斯 最喜欢的季节:春天 最喜欢的明星:范冰冰、杰克逊、碧昂斯 最喜欢的饮料:苏打水、奶茶 最想去的地方:巴黎 最喜欢的音乐:轻音乐 最喜欢的宠物:金毛
O.1(网络红人残舞)他一个网络界的网络神话红人,他的长相备受争议,他有着与众不同的生活状态,他自信的外表给他增添了很多的乐趣,在成为MCC红人之后,生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,大家或许都应该认识他,一个生活在争议中的男生,美男加油!残舞一手创建的网络红人联盟以及残氏网络神话已经被网络界人尽皆知!!莫小熊网络红人残舞唯一弟弟,如今残舞打算把莫小熊一手捧红!残舞永久QQ416864151 莫小熊190655486NO.1(网络红人残舞)上榜理由:他一个网络界的网络红人,他的长相备受争议,他有着与众不同的生活状态,他自信的外表给他增添了很多的乐趣,在成为MCC红人之后,生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,大家或许都应该认识他,一个生活在争议中的男生,美男加油!残舞,2010年初出来的红人,百度搜索下网络红人残舞就知道了,目前人气每天达到十万左右。
KJP手链 闺蜜照就是要美一起美 要崩一起崩
闺蜜照就是要美一起美,要崩一起崩| KJP手链听说陈晓陈妍希大婚的伴娘团又美出新高度,对于娱乐圈的这等盛世,倒是没怎么关注。
还有“旋转跳跃我闭著眼”,跳起来的动作,真的是屡试不爽,一个大写的美,赶紧脑补下……2场景+衣服怎么搭出feel 闺蜜彼此之间最好身着同一色系,或同一个风格的衣服,而且和环境的调性有所配合。
OPhone俏佳人:戴尔mini 3i
的纤 薄 机 身 宽
12 2
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周 延 伸 至 背 部 的 银 色 金 属条恰 如 其 分地 点缀着
深 棕 色 的背 部
但 是 随 着 O P h o n e 机 型 的增 多 以
握 在 手 里不 会有 丝 毫 厚 重 感
反而 因 为
明 显 的戴 尔 L o g o
在 它 的机 身 正
但 是在 3
5 英寸的显 示 屏 上
这 种 美感还是
枚 3 0 0 万 像素 摄 像头 虽 不 算 主 流
但 支持 自
在机 身 左 侧 电 源
让 人赞叹
菜单最 多可 设 置 9 个 分页
屏 幕之 间
动对 焦
白平 衡
时功 能
、 L E D ~I 光 灯功 能
以 及 E l 常拍摄 中的
够 我 们 日 常使 用
深 度定制 内容
页 主 屏 主要 为 中国 移 动
飞 信 以及 搜索功 能位 于
支持 在 线下 载音 乐
m in
i 3i
些追 求高 音质 享 受 的用 户
并不 支 持3 G
所 以 在 下 载 你喜 欢 的 音 乐 时 可
也为 其 配 备 了 m in iUS B 转接 接 口
平放在桌面 上时
⽹卡速率和双⼯模式的配置1、mii-tool 配置⽹络设备协商⽅式的⼯具;1.1 mii-tool 介绍;mii-tool - view, manipulate media-independent interface status (mii-tool 是查看,管理介质的⽹络接⼝的状态)有时⽹卡需要配置协商⽅式,⽐如10/100/1000M的⽹卡半双⼯、全双⼯、⾃动协商的配置。
mii-tool 就是能指定⽹卡的协商⽅式。
下⾯我们说⼀说mii-tool的⽤法;1.2 mii-tool 的⽤法;mii-tool 在更改⽹络设备通信协商⽅式的⽅法⽐较简单,⽤ -v 参数来查看⽹络接⼝的状态;看下⾯的例⼦;mii-tool 更改⽹络接⼝协商的⽅法;[root@localhost ~]# mii-tool --helpusage: mii-tool [-VvRrwl] [-A media,... | -F media] [interface ...] -V, --version display version information-v, --verbose more verbose output 注:显⽰⽹络接⼝的信息;-R, --reset reset MII to poweron state 注:重设MII到开启状态;-r, --restart restart autonegotiation 注:重启⾃动协商模式;-w, --watch monitor for link status changes 注:查看⽹络接⼝连接的状态变化;-l, --log with -w, write events to syslog 注:写⼊事件到系统⽇志;-A, --advertise=media,... advertise only specified media 注:指令特定的⽹络接⼝;-F, --force=media force specified media technology 注:更改⽹络接⼝协商⽅式;media: 100baseT4, 100baseTx-FD, 100baseTx-HD, 10baseT-FD,10baseT-HD,(to advertise both HD and FD) 100baseTx, 10baseT*实例⼀:查看⽹络接⼝的协商状态;[root@localhost ~]# mii-tool -v eth0eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link okproduct info: vendor 00:00:00, model 0 rev 0basic mode: autonegotiation enabledbasic status: autonegotiation complete, link okcapabilities: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD advertising: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD link partner: 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD flow-control注:上⾯的例⼦,我们可以看得到是⾃动协商。
星座:天蝎座 身高:170cm
联系:扣扣 780129976
喜欢的歌手:成龙 刘德华 武艺 陈翔 杨幂
圈内好友:冷血、 温小杰、爱多多、尹小浩、杨小赞、唐小杰、兔小鑫、官志勇等等大量网络家族首领以及网络技术精英。
90后网络红人,网络推手,网络歌手,网站设计师,腾讯名博,网络顶级人气高手,2013年1月以超实力把好友唐钰空间从0人气3天内访问破十万!现在稳定空间日访问后原创日志,短时间内遍部整个互联网,大批90后同龄人疯狂转载。12年接受知青杂志采访,其事迹影响了网络一部分90后,并被登上搜搜百科。与其现实好友90后孤独南、温小杰、杨小赞、尹小浩、唐小杰、爱多多等等属于网络传奇人气人物,2012年 9月 网络商业精英团队首领,诚信全职网络红人!
职业:网络红人 歌手 文字控
家人:爸爸、妈妈 、爷爷、奶奶
喜欢的水果:苹果、西瓜、哈密瓜等等 基本没有不喜欢的东西
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RGMII 即 Reduced GMII,是 GMII 的简化版本,将接口信号线数量从 24 根减少到 14 根(COL/CRS 端口状态指示信号,这里没有画出),时钟频率仍旧为 125MHz,TX/RX 数据宽度从 8 为变为 4 位, 为了保持 1000Mbps 的传输速率不变,RGMII 接口在时钟的上升沿和下降沿都采样数据。在参考 时钟的上升沿发送 GMII 接口中的 TXD[3:0]/RXD[3:0],在参考时钟的下降沿发送 GMII 接口中的 TXD[7:4]/RXD[7:4]。RGMI 同时也兼容 100Mbps 和 10Mbps 两种速率,此时参考时钟速率分别为 25MHz 和 2.5MHz。
简介 : MII 是英文 Medium Independent Interface 的缩写,翻译成中文是“介质独立接口”,该
接口一般应用于 MAC 层和 PHY 层之间的以太网数据传输,也可叫数据接口。(MAC 与 PHY 间的管 理接口一般是 MDIO)
RTBI 即 Reduced TBI,简化版 TBI,接口数据位宽为 5bit,时钟频率为 125MHz,在时钟的上升 沿和下降沿都采样数据,同 RGMII 接口一样,TX_EN 线上会传送 TX_EN 和 TX_ER 两种信息,在时 钟的上升沿传 TX_EN,下降沿传 TX_ER;RX_DV 线上传送 RX_DV 和 RX_ER 两种信息,在 RX_CLK 上 升沿传 RX_DV,下降沿传 RX_ER。
MII 接口
TXD(Transmit Data)[3:0]:数据发送信号,共 4 根信号线; RXD(Receive Data)[3:0]:数据接收信号,共 4 根信号线; TX_ER(Transmit Error): 发送数据错误提示信号,同步于 TX_CLK,高电平有效,表示 TX_ER 有效期内传输的数据无效。对于 10Mbps 速率下,TX_ER 不起作用; RX_ER(Receive Error): 接收数据错误提示信号,同步于 RX_CLK,高电平有效,表示 RX_ER 有效期内传输的数据无效。对于 10Mbps 速率下,RX_ER 不起作用; TX_EN(Transmit Enable): 发送使能信号,只有在 TX_EN 有效期内传的数据才有效; RX_DV(Reveive Data Valid): 接收数据有效信号,作用类型于发送通道的 TX_EN; TX_CLK:发送参考时钟,100Mbps 速率下,时钟频率为 25MHz,10Mbps 速率下,时钟频率为 2.5MHz。 注意,TX_CLK 时钟的方向是从 PHY 侧指向 MAC 侧的,因此此时钟是由 PHY 提供的。 RX_CLK:接收数据参考时钟,100Mbps 速率下,时钟频率为 25MHz,10Mbps 速率下,时钟频率为 2.5MHz。RX_CLK 也是由 PHY 侧提供的。 CRS:Carrier Sense,载波侦测信号,不需要同步于参考时钟,只要有数据传输,CRS 就有效, 另外,CRS 只有 PHY 在半双工模式下有效; COL:Collision Detectd,冲突检测信号,不需要同步于参考时钟,只有 PHY 在半双工模式下有
与 MII 接口相比,GMII 的数据宽度由 4 位变为 8 位,GMII 接口中的控制信号如 TX_ER、TX_EN、 RX_ER、RX_DV、CRS 和 COL 的作用同 MII 接口中的一样,发送参考时钟 GTX_CLK 和接收参考时钟 RX_CLK 的频率均为 125MHz(1000Mbps/8=125MHz)。 在这里有一点需要特别说明下,那就是发送参考时钟 GTX_CLK,它和 MII 接口中的 TX_CLK 是不 同的,MII 接口中的 TX_CLK 是由 PHY 芯片提供给 MAC 芯片的,而 GMII 接口中的 GTX_CLK 是由 MAC 芯片提供给 PHY 芯片的。两者方向不一样。 在实际应用中,绝大多数 GMII 接口都是兼容 MII 接口的,所以,一般的 GMII 接口都有两个发送 参考时钟:TX_CLK 和 GTX_CLK(两者的方向是不一样的,前面已经说过了),在用作 MII 模式时, 使用 TX_CLK 和 8 根数据线中的 4 根。
当外部载波信号消失后,CRS_DV 会变为无效,但如果 FIFO 中还有数据要发送时,CRS_DV 在下一 周期又会变为有效,然后再无效再有效,直到 FIFO 中数据发送完为止。在接收过程中如果出现 无效的载波信号或者无效的数据编码,则 RX_ER 会变为有效,表示物理层芯片接收出错。 SMII 接口
TX_EN 信号线上传送 TX_EN 和 TX_ER 两种信息,在 TX_CLK 的上升沿发送 TX_EN,下降沿发送 TX_ER; 同样的,RX_DV 信号线上也传送 RX_DV 和 RX_ER 两种信息,在 RX_CLK 的上升沿发送 RX_DV,下降 沿发送 RX_ER。
SGMII 即 Serial GMII,串行 GMII,收发各一对差分信号线,时钟频率 625MHz,在时钟信号的上 升沿和下降沿均采样,参考时钟 RX_CLK 由 PHY 提供,是可选的,主要用于 MAC 侧没有时钟的情 况,一般情况下,RX_CLK 不使用。收发都可以从数据中恢复出时钟。 在 TXD 发送的串行数据中,每 8 比特数据会插入 TX_EN/TX_ER 两比特控制信息,同样,在 RXD 接收数据中,每 8 比特数据会插入 RX_DV/RX_ER 两比特控制信息,所以 总的数据速率为 1.25Gbps=625Mbps*2. 其实,大多数 MAC 芯片的 SGMII 接口都可以配置成 SerDes 接口(在物理上完全兼容,只需配置寄 存器即可),直接外接光模块,而不需要 PHY 层芯片,此时时钟速率仍旧是 625MHz,不过此时跟 SGMII 接口不同,SGMII 接口速率被提高到 1.25Gbps 是因为插入了控制信息,而 SerDes 端口速 率被提高是因为进行了 8B/10B 变换,本来 8B/10B 变换是 PHY 芯片的工作,在 SerDes 接口中,
效。 MII 接口一共有 16 根线。
RMII 接口Βιβλιοθήκη RMII 即 Reduced MII,是 MII 的简化板,连线数量由 MII 的 16 根减少为 8 根。 TXD[1:0]:数据发送信号线,数据位宽为 2,是 MII 接口的一半; RXD[1:0]:数据接收信号线,数据位宽为 2,是 MII 接口的一半; TX_EN(Transmit Enable):数据发送使能信号,与 MII 接口中的该信号线功能一样; RX_ER(Receive Error):数据接收错误提示信号,与 MII 接口中的该信号线功能一样; CLK_REF:是由外部时钟源提供的 50MHz 参考时钟,与 MII 接口不同,MII 接口中的接收时钟和 发送时钟是分开的,而且都是由 PHY 芯片提供给 MAC 芯片的。这里需要注意的是,由于数据接收 时钟是由外部晶振提供而不是由载波信号提取的,所以在 PHY 层芯片内的数据接收部分需要设计 一个 FIFO,用来协调两个不同的时钟,在发送接收的数据时提供缓冲。PHY 层芯片的发送部分则 不需要 FIFO,它直接将接收到的数据发送到 MAC 就可以了。 CRS_DV:此信号是由 MII 接口中的 RX_DV 和 CRS 两个信号合并而成。当介质不空闲时,CRS_DV 和 RE_CLK 相异步的方式给出。当 CRS 比 RX_DV 早结束时(即载波消失而队列中还有数据要传输时), 就会出现 CRS_DV 在半位元组的边界以 25MHz/2.5MHz 的频率在 0、1 之间的来回切换。因此,MAC 能够从 CRS_DV 中精确的恢复出 RX_DV 和 CRS。 在 100Mbps 速率时,TX/RX 每个时钟周期采样一个数据;在 10Mbps 速率时,TX/RX 每隔 10 个周 期采样一个数据,因而 TX/RX 数据需要在数据线上保留 10 个周期,相当于一个数据发送 10 次。 当 PHY 层芯片收到有效的载波信号后,CRS_DV 信号变为有效,此时如果 FIFO 中还没有数据,则 它会发送出全 0 的数据给 MAC,然后当 FIFO 中填入有效的数据帧,数据帧的开头是“101010---” 交叉的前导码,当数据中出现“01”的比特时,代表正式数据传输开始,MAC 芯片检测到这一变 化, 从而开始接收数据。
因为外面不接 PHY 芯片,此时 8B/10B 变换在 MAC 芯片中完成了。8B/10B 变换的主要作用是扰码, 让信号中不出现过长的连“0”和连“1”情况,影响时钟信息的提取,关于 8B/10B 变换知识, 我后 续会单独介绍。 TBI 接口
TBI 即 Ten Bit Interface 的意思,接口数据位宽由 GMII 接口的 8 位增加到 10 位,其实,TBI 接口跟 GMII 接口的差别不是很大,多出来的 2 位数据主要是因为在 TBI 接口下,MAC 芯片在将 数据发给 PHY 芯片之前进行了 8B/10B 变换(8B/10B 变换本是在 PHY 芯片中完成的,前面已经说 过了),另外,RX_CLK+/-是从接收数据中恢复出来的半频时钟,频率为 62.5MHz,RX_CLK+/-不 是差分信号,而是两个独立的信号,两者之间有 180 度的相位差,在这两个时钟的上升沿都采样 数据。RX_CLK+/-也叫伪差分信号。除掉上面说到的之外,剩下的信号都跟 GMII 接口中的相同。 大多数芯片的 TBI 接口和 GMII 接口兼容。在用作 TBI 接口时,CRS 和 COL 一般不用。 RTBI 接口