Introduction to Operations Management




O PERATIONS M ANAGEMENTOperations management goes by many names: Production, Production Management, or s imply Operations. For our purposes we will define it as the production and delivery of goods and services. It encompasses d esigning the product and its accompanying production process, acquiring and organizing the necessary resources, and planning and executing production. With such a broad scope, the operations function plays an integral role in the ability of an organization to achieve its goals. A well-trained manager m ust be familiar and conversant with the many issues and concepts that arise within this functional area.In this course we study the management of the operations function. We focus on both understanding how the provision of goods is organized and managed as well as recognizing potential areas of improvement. The course has several objectives:Introducing the functional area of operations management and demonstrating how it interfaces with an organization’s other functional areas.Highlighting the various issues and problems that traditionally arise in the management o f operations within both manufacturing and service organizations.Building a familiarity with the terminology, modeling, and methodology often employed in the operations function.Training students to think critically and use analytical tools in making business decisions and problem solving.R EQUIRED M ATERIALMatching Supply With Demand by Cachon and TerwieschCourse PackThe Goal (2nd Edition) by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff CoxS UPPLEMENTAL M ATERIALOperations Management For Competitive Advantage by Chase, Jacobs, and Acquiano Virtually all readings or cases listed on the course outline are included in the text or the course pack. Additional materials will be passed out in class.G RADINGEvaluations will be based upon the following components weighted by the given percentages.Class Participation 20%Case Write-up 5%3 Exams (each) 20%Final Project 15%The stated weights will apply for students who perform adequately along each dimension. Thatis, acceptable performance in e ach area is a necessary condition for successfully completing thecourse. Over the term, we will study a large number of cases. A successful case discussionrequires that all students be well prepared. Consequently, class participation will be based onregular attendance, quiz scores, and positive contributions to case and class discussions.Final course grades are determined using the total points accumulated. There will be noadjustments applied to the exams. For final grades, the raw scores will be analyzed to determineif an adjustment is appropriate. If the instructor determines an adjustment is warranted, thenindividual scores will be normalized into the target ranges outlined above.E XAMSAll exams are non-comprehensive closed book, individual efforts. Students may bring one (8? x 11 inches) original hand-written formula sheet (writing allowed on one side only). Tohelp students understand t he material and prepare the exams, homework problems will beassigned. Students are expected to do the homework problems but they will not be collectedand graded. Some problems in the exams and quizzes will very likely be closely related tothe homework assignment. Hence, you should spend time solving them before solutions areprovided. Makeup exams will not be given. Excused absences (for health reasons, etc.)must be documented, and the grade missed will be the average of the other Exam scores. Allother cases will receive a grade of zero for the missed exam. Test review sessions will beoffered before each test. N OTE: Students are expected to have their own calculator foreach exam!!C LASS P ARTICIPATION AND A TTENDANCEClass participation refers to regular class attendance; contributing positively, regularly, andsignificantly to class discussion; and being courteous and professional to both your instructor andyour fellow classmates. Contribution to class discussion will require that you prepare for theclass lesson ahead of time by both reading the material to be covered and working out anyproblems that are suggested in the syllabus. Bring your n ame tent with you to every class. Aswe get into the term, you may find that you have a conflict with attending class. How youresolve that conflict is your choice. Although I will not take attendance in class, you should beaware that missing a session impacts your class participation grade.Practice Problems: The course pack contains some practice problems for many of the topicscovered. These do not have to be handed in and no written requirement exists, but it is stronglysuggested that they be done on a regular basis. Some of the problems may be covered in class,and the learning that takes place will be much greater if you have first tried the problem on yourown. Generally, people who approach the practice problems seriously find both the quizzes andthe exams much easier to prepare for and to successfully complete.Quizzes: Throughout the semester numerous pop quizzes will be assigned. These serve multipleuses. Their primary purpose is to ensure that people are “keeping up” with the course m2。

Introduction to Operations Management

Introduction to Operations Management

•Goods •Services
Measurement and Feedback
Measurement and Feedback
Measurement and Feedback
Feedback = measurements taken at various points in the transformation process Control = The comparison of feedback against previously established standards to determine if corrective action is needed. 1-8
What is operations?
The part of a business organization that is responsible
for producing goods or services
How can we define operations management?
Introduction to Operations Management
You should be able to:
1. 2.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Define the term operations management Identify the three major functional areas of organizations and describe how they interrelate Identify similarities and differences between production and service operations Describe the operations function and the nature of the operations manager’s job Summarize the two major aspects of process management Explain the key aspects of operations management decision making Briefly describe the historical evolution of operations management Characterize current trends in business that impact operations management


Measuring Supply Chain Performance
© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.
11 – 7
Learning Objectives
When you complete this chapter you should be able to:
1. Explain the strategic importance of the supply chain
2. Identify five supply chain strategies 3. Explain issues and opportunities in
the supply chain 4. Describe approaches to supply
chain negotiations
© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.
操作管理 OperationManagementHeizer9ch11f
单击此处输入你的正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终演示 发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点。
Operations Management
Chapter 11 – Supply Chain Management
PowerPoint presentation to accompany Heizer/Render Principles of Operations Management, 7e Operations Management, 9e
© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.
11 – 2
Online Catalogs

介绍 operation management 项目管理8

介绍 operation management 项目管理8
Small scale
Moderate volume
Repetitive/assembly line
High volumes of standardized goods or services
Very high volumes of non-discrete goods
– Design – Volume – Technology
Technology: The application of scientific discoveries to the development and improvement of products and services and operations processes.
Product layouts Process layouts Fixed-position layout Combination layouts
Basic Layout Types
Product layout
Layout that uses standardized processing operations to achieve smooth, rapid, highvolume flow
Computer-aided design and manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM)
Numerically controlled (NC) machines Robot Manufacturing cell Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)



Operahtions Management by Dr. Ma Fengcai
Chapter 01 Introduction to Operations Management
What is OM?
Food Processor
Processing Outputs
Raw Vegetables Metal Sheets Water Energy Labor Building Equipment
Chapter 01 Introduction to Operations Management
Chapter 01: Introduction to OM
What is OM? Course Contents (Plan of This Book) Historical Evolution of OM
What is OM?
Inputs: Land Labor Capital
Value added
Transformation/ Conversion process
Outputs: Goods Services
USTB MBA Program
Healthy patients
USTB MBA Program
Operahtions Management by Dr. Ma Fengcai
Chapter 01 Introduction to Operations Management
Course Contents (Plan of This Book)

operations management 第七版著作引用

operations management 第七版著作引用

operations management 第七版著作引用Operations management(第七版)是一本主要讲述企业经营过程中运营管理方面知识的书籍。













总体来说,Operations management(第七版)是一本信息丰富、深入浅出的书籍,提供了丰富的实例和重要理论,涵盖了所有与企业运营相关的主题。



operation management概述

operation management概述

Session 1运营管理就是对运营过程的计划、组织、实施和控制,是与产品生产和服务创造密切相关的各项管理工作的总称。


















现代生产管理的新问题和新方式(New Problems and Modes of Modern Production Management)
l 80年代初开发的最新技术,是一种高 效益和高智能的智能生产系统
l 由3大部分组成
现代生产管理的新问题和新方式(New Problems and Modes of Modern Production Management)
制造系统(Manufacturing System)的性能及系统目标 的变化和发展
化制 造系 统
计算 机集 成制 造系 统
柔性 制造 系统 刚性
Flexible 20世纪60-80年代 Manufacturing 柔性制造系统 System
计算机集成 制造系统
Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
Rigid Manufacturing System
l 美国人对日本精益工厂中的产品设计与开发 工作模式的总结:

Operations Management 运营管理英文版

Operations Management  运营管理英文版

Operations ManagementCOURSE DESCRIPTIONIntroduction to the production/operations management function. Quantitative and qualitative methods and models to support decision making in production, operations, logistics, and other functional areas.COURSE OUTCOMES:By the end of the course, the student should be able to:∙Identify and describe the elements of the production/operations management (P/OM) function in both manufacturing and service organizations and show how P/OM interacts with other functions of the firm.∙Identify the factors of production and show how they are integrated into productive systems.∙Identify, describe, and apply appropriate models and methods for the management of the production/operations function, including both qualitative and quantitative techniques for analysis, decision making, and control.∙Identify current issues and problems (such as global production, operations strategy, automation, the environment, diversity, etc.) which affect the productive segment of the firm, and suggest ways in which such issues and problems may be addressed.∙Recognize when it is appropriate to apply various analytic models for production systems and system elements. These are the decision making models of production and operations management.TextbookKrajewski, Ritzman, & Malhotra, Operations Management: Processes and Value Chains,Prentice-Hall, 8th Edition, 2007.ExamsExams will be weighted as noted below and will be given as listed in the course schedule. Exams generally may consist of fill-in-blank questions, multiple choice, problems, cases, short answer, and/or essay questions.Exams (18% each) 54% Final grade allocationIn-class quizzes (1% each) 10% 93% - A (4.0)/ 90% - A- (3.7)Homework Assignments 15% 87% - B+ (3.3)/ 83% - B (3.0)/ 80% - B- (2.7)Class project 17% 77% - C+ (2.3)/ 73% - C (2.0)/ 70% - C- (1.7)Participation + Attendance 4% 67% - D+ (1.3)/ 63% - D (1.0)/ 60% - D- (0.7)/ 60% - F (0.0)Students are expected to take the exam on the scheduled date. If a student is unable to be present in class when an exam is scheduled because of an emergency situation, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor in advance. Otherwise no makeup tests.Student ResponsibilitiesThe student is responsible for all assigned readings and internalizing all the material presented in class, which may or may not originate from the textbook. The student is responsible for the material covered in the lectures, assigned textbook readings, and case studies examined in class.Participation and AttendanceStudents who do not attend lectures cannot get participation points (and attendance credit as appropriate) during that class period. All requests for excused absence must be in advance. The instructor may deduct up to 25 percent from the attendance and participation portion of a grade for each incident. There will be also strong correlation between the problems done in class and the problems used on the assignments and exams. AssignmentsThe student is responsible for submitting the individual/group assignments when scheduled by the instructor. There will be in-class and off-class assignments. Absence from class does not excuse the student from any in-class quizzes or any assignments made during the class period. A student who misses the class should check with the instructor and/or class website to determine if an assignment was made during the class was missed. All homework assignments must be typed and the student/group name, submission date, and title of the homework subject should be included. When a group project is assigned, each group is required to return one written report to the instructor. All late assignments within one week of the due date will be graded out of 5 instead of 10. All homework assignments grading is done by 1-10 scale as following:10 Excellent9 Very good8 Good7 and below Poor/unsatisfactoryClass ProjectThe students are expected to form a group with 3-4 persons and then to complete a class project. The objective of this assignment is to have your group visit a product or service organization, analyze it from an operations point of view, and report your results. Youwill be responsible for submitting a 5-8 page written analysis of your results (Due August 12th ). You are also expected to make a short oral presentation (10-15 minutes) of your results (Presentations: August 12th). Grading for Class Project will be based on the following: Written analysis (80%) and presentation (20%).Project DetailsVisit a product or service organization as a group. Interview with the operations and/or production manager to compile information about the company's operations strategy, quality control methods, processes, inventory planning methods, forecasting techniques, location decisions, layout formats, etc.Your report should include the following:-Company background (when it started, how many employees it has, which industry it is in, etc.).-Your report should also address at least five of the following issues (You might choose to concentrate on just one topic in greater detail):o Operations strategy/competitive basis (company's competitive priorities, how company do compete with its competitors, what the company's strengths and weaknesses are over its competitors, etc.)o Products/services (features, classification, design)o Processes which create/deliver the products/services (classification, features, design) o Capacity planningo Facility Location (what the factors affecting the company's location decisions are , how the company plans its location for a new facility, etc.)o Facility Layouto Inventory planning/managemento Supply chain management (how the company works with its suppliers, whether they do have an integrated supply chain management approach, etc.)o Quality management/control (Whether they do implement TQM philosophy, how they do control and maintain quality within the organization, which quality tools they do use (Pareto, checklists, cause-effect diagrams, flowcharts, etc.), whether they do implement Six-sigma philosophy, whether they do use statistical control charts (R charts, X-bar charts, etc.)o Operations planning and control (JIT implementation, etc.)o ForecastingServices Available for Physically Challenged Students: If you are physically challenged, please notify the instructor. The instructor and CWU will do their best to provide such services.COB Policy on retake courses:Please note that only one retake of all Bus. Admin. courses.。

运营管理制度 英文

运营管理制度 英文

运营管理制度英文1. IntroductionOperations Management is the process of managing activities related to the production of goods and services within an organization. It involves the design, planning, control, and improvement of the production process to ensure efficient and effective use of resources and meet customer demand. In this document, we will outline the key elements of the operations management system and the procedures and policies that govern the operations of our organization.2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of the operations management system are to:- Ensure efficient use of resources such as manpower, materials, and equipment- Meet customer demand in a timely and cost-effective manner- Ensure quality and consistency in the production process- Improve productivity and reduce waste- Ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations3. Organizational StructureThe operations management system is overseen by the Operations Manager, who is responsible for the overall planning, coordination, and control of production activities within the organization. The operations manager works closely with other departments such as sales, marketing, finance, and human resources to ensure that production meets the needs of the organization and its customers.4. Production PlanningProduction planning is a key component of the operations management system. It involves forecasting customer demand, scheduling production, and determining the resources required to meet production targets. The production planning process includes the following steps:- Demand Forecasting: This involves analyzing historical sales data, market trends, and other relevant factors to forecast customer demand for the organization's products or services.- Capacity Planning: This involves assessing the organization's production capacity and determining whether it is sufficient to meet the forecasted demand. If necessary, steps are taken to increase capacity through investment in new equipment or facilities.- Master Production Scheduling: This involves creating a detailed plan that specifies the quantity and timing of production for each product or service. The master production schedule takes into account factors such as the availability of raw materials, production lead times, and production costs.- Material Requirements Planning: This involves determining the material requirements for production based on the master production schedule. It includes identifying the quantity of raw materials needed, scheduling deliveries, and maintaining inventory levels to meet production requirements.5. Quality ManagementQuality management is an essential aspect of the operations management system. It involves the identification, measurement, and improvement of quality in the production process to meet customer expectations. The quality management process includes the following steps:- Quality Control: This involves monitoring and inspecting production processes and products to ensure that they meet quality standards. Quality control measures may include the use of statistical process control, inspection of raw materials, and testing of finished products.- Quality Assurance: This involves the development and implementation of policies and procedures to ensure that products or services meet quality requirements. Quality assurance measures may include the establishment of quality standards, supplier audits, and employee training.- Continuous Improvement: This involves identifying opportunities for improvement in the production process and implementing measures to enhance quality, reduce waste, and improve productivity. Continuous improvement measures may include the use of lean manufacturing principles, total quality management, and employee involvement in problem-solving.6. Performance MeasurementPerformance measurement is an important aspect of the operations management system. It involves the establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and evaluate the performance of production activities. The performance measurement process includes the following steps:- KPI Selection: This involves identifying the critical success factors for production and selecting KPIs that measure performance in areas such as productivity, quality, cost, and customer satisfaction.- Data Collection: This involves collecting data on production activities, such as production output, defect rates, and production costs.- Performance Analysis: This involves analyzing performance data to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in the production process.- Performance Improvement: This involves using the analysis of performance data to implement measures to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve quality in the production process.7. Inventory ManagementInventory management is a critical component of the operations management system. It involves the control and optimization of inventory levels to meet production requirements while minimizing costs and waste. The inventory management process includes the following steps:- Inventory Planning: This involves determining the optimal inventory levels for raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods to meet production needs while minimizing carrying costs and obsolescence.- Inventory Control: This involves implementing policies and procedures to monitor and control inventory levels, such as reorder points, safety stock levels, and inventory turnover ratios.- Inventory Tracking: This involves the use of inventory management software and systems to track the movement of inventory, monitor stock levels, and optimize inventory replenishment.8. Health and SafetyHealth and safety are paramount in the operations management system. The organization is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for employees, contractors, and visitors. The health and safety management process includes the following steps:- Risk Assessment: This involves identifying and assessing potential health and safety hazards in the workplace, such as machinery, chemicals, and working conditions.- Hazard Control: This involves implementing measures to control and mitigate health and safety risks, such as the use of personal protective equipment, safety procedures, and safety training.- Accident Investigation: This involves investigating accidents, incidents, and near misses to identify the root causes and take corrective action to prevent recurrence.9. Environmental ManagementEnvironmental management is an essential aspect of the operations management system. The organization is committed to minimizing its environmental impact through the efficient use of resources, waste reduction, and compliance with environmental regulations. The environmental management process includes the following steps:- Environmental Planning: This involves identifying the organization's environmental impacts and developing a plan to minimize those impacts, such as reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste generation, and adopting environmentally friendly technologies.- Environmental Monitoring: This involves monitoring and measuring environmental performance, such as energy usage, water consumption, and waste generation, to identify areas for improvement.- Environmental Compliance: This involves ensuring that the organization complies with environmental laws and regulations, such as permits, reporting requirements, and waste disposal.10. ConclusionThe operations management system is a critical component of the organization's overall success. By implementing effective production planning, quality management, performance measurement, inventory management, health and safety, and environmental management, the organization can achieve its goals of meeting customer demand, improving productivity, and reducing waste while ensuring a safe and healthy working environment and minimizing its environmental impact. This document outlines the key elements of the operations management system and the procedures and policies that govern the operations of our organization. By adhering to these policies and procedures, we can maximize our operational efficiency and effectiveness.。



Introduction:Effective operations management and a well-crafted work plan are essential for the success of any organization. This document outlines the key aspects of operations management and provides a detailed work plan to ensure smooth execution of tasks and projects.I. Operations Management1. Definition:Operations management refers to the activities and processes that transform inputs into outputs, creating value for customers and stakeholders. It encompasses various functions such as production, supply chain management, quality control, and human resources.2. Objectives:- To optimize the use of resources- To meet customer demand- To ensure efficient and effective operations- To enhance the overall performance of the organization3. Key Components:- Production Planning: Establishing production schedules, allocating resources, and managing production capacity.- Supply Chain Management: Managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers.- Quality Control: Ensuring that products and services meet the required standards.- Human Resources Management: Recruiting, training, and managing employees to achieve organizational goals.II. Work Plan1. Introduction:This work plan outlines the activities and tasks to be performed over a specified period, ensuring the successful implementation of operations management practices.2. Objectives:- To improve operational efficiency- To enhance customer satisfaction- To achieve organizational goals- To foster a culture of continuous improvement3. Work Plan Details:A. Month 1:- Conduct a comprehensive review of existing operations processes- Identify areas for improvement- Develop an action plan to implement changesB. Month 2:- Implement process improvements- Train employees on new processes- Monitor progress and gather feedbackC. Month 3:- Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented changes- Adjust the action plan as needed- Communicate results to stakeholdersD. Month 4:- Continuously monitor operations performance- Identify new opportunities for improvement- Develop and implement strategies to address challengesE. Month 5 and Beyond:- Regularly review and update the work plan- Ensure alignment with organizational goals- Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvementConclusion:Operations management and a well-crafted work plan are crucial for the success of any organization. By focusing on optimizing resources, meeting customer demand, and enhancing overall performance, organizations can achieve their goals and maintain a competitive edge in the market. This document serves as a guide to ensure that operations management practices are effectively implemented and that work plans are well-defined and executed.。



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Chapter Overview本章概述This chapter introduces and defines operations management. Specifically, customers are demanding more today than they have in the past due to globalization of the world's economy, and the growth of e-commerce. Consequently, operations managers are faced with providing continually higher quality products with shorter delivery times and better customer service, yet reducing labor and material cost, and increasing the utilization of facilities. The chapter begins by defining operations management. It then discusses operations management's contribution to society, which includes a higher standard of living, better quality goods and services, concern for the environment, and improved working conditions. Next, this chapter discusses the emergence of operations management, including service operations, expanded definition of quality, and application of OM concepts in other functional areas. Finally, it ends with an overview of its historical development.本章介绍了运营管理的基本概念。

operation management 书

operation management 书

一、介绍1.1 Operation Management 的定义 1.2 Operation Management 的重要性 1.3 这本书的主题和内容简介二、 Operation Management 的理论基础2.1 大生产原理2.2 优化理论2.3 运作管理模型三、 Operation Management 的关键概念3.1 生产计划和控制3.2 添加值3.3 质量管理3.4 供应链管理四、 Operation Management 的实践应用4.1 生产流程优化4.2 资源配置4.3 成本控制4.4 在全球化环境中的运作管理五、 Operation Management 的案例研究5.1 著名企业的运作管理案例5.2 成功的运作管理实践经验共享5.3 失败的案例分析和教训六、 Operation Management 的挑战与未来发展6.1 技术变革对运作管理的影响6.2 全球化挑战6.3 环境可持续性与运作管理6.4 数据驱动的运作管理七、结语7.1 总结7.2 对未来运作管理的展望---Operation Management 是企业管理中非常重要的一环。





Operation Management 的关键概念包括生产计划和控制、添加值、质量管理和供应链管理。


Operation Management 在实践中的应用涉及生产流程优化、资源配置、成本控制以及在全球化环境中的运作管理。


Operation Management 的案例研究部分介绍了一些著名企业的运作管理案例,共享了成功的实践经验,分析了失败案例并总结了教训。

operation management 专业对应工作

operation management 专业对应工作

operation management 专业对应工作
operation management 专业对应的工作包括但不限于以下几类:
1. 运营经理:负责监督组织内的日常运营活动,包括生产、供应链、采购、物流等,以确保高效的运行。

2. 供应链经理:负责管理和协调供应链流程,包括供应商选择、采购和物流等,以满足组织的需求并降低成本。

3. 生产经理:负责规划、组织和监督产品的生产活动,以确保按时交付和质量合格。

4. 质量经理:负责管理和监督质量控制流程,以确保产品和服务的质量达到标准和客户的期望。

5. 项目经理:负责规划、执行和监督各种项目,包括资源分配、时间管理和风险控制等,以确保项目的成功完成。

6. 物流经理:负责规划、组织和监督物流活动,包括货物运输、仓储和库存管理等,以确保供应链的顺畅运作。

7. 运营分析师:负责收集、分析和解释数据,以提供运营决策的支持和改进运营效率。

8. 运营顾问:为组织提供专业的运营管理咨询服务,包括流程改进、效率提升等,以提高组织的运营效果。

以上是一些与operation management专业相关的典型工作,具体还会因具体行业和公司而有所不同。

介绍 operation management 项目管理16

介绍 operation management 项目管理16
Benefits of Supply Chain Management
Campbell Soup Hewlett-Packard Samsung Wal-Mart
Doubled inventory turnover rate Cut supply costs 75% Reduce inventory buffer from 21 to 15 days Largest and most profitable retailer in the world

Have a global presence Improve competitiveness and quality Analyze customer interests Collect detailed information Shorten supply chain response times Realize substantial cost savings Create virtual companies Level the playing field for small companies
Determining location of facilities
Deciding how to best move and store materials
Strategic or Operational
Two types of decisions in supply chain management
Disadvantages of e-Business
Functions and Activities
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Outputs Goods Services
Feedback Feedback
Value-Added and Product Packages
Value-added elements make the difference between the cost of inputs and the value or price of outputs. Product packages are a combination of goods and services. Product packages can make a company more competitive.
Treated patients

Manufacturing or Service?
Production of Goods vs. Delivery of Services
Production of goods – tangible output Delivery of services – an act Service job categories
Operations Management
Operations Management is: The management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services Operations Management affects:

Government Wholesale/retail Financial services Healthcare Personal services Business services Education
Key Differences
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Customer contact Uniformity of input Labor content of jobs Uniformity of output Measurement of productivity
The Goods–Service Continuum
Figure 1.3
Service Surgery, teaching
Song writing, software development
Computer repair, restaurant meal Automobile repair, fast food Home remodeling, retail sales Automobile assembly, steel making
Canned vegetables
Table 1.2
Doctors, nurses Hospital Medical supplies Equipment Laboratories
Examination Surgery Monitoring Medication Therapy
Value-Added Process
Figure 1.2
The operations function involves the conversion of inputs into outputs
Value added
Inputs Land Labor Capital Transformation/ Conversion process

Companies’ ability to compete Nation’s ability to compete internationally
The Organization
Figure 1.1
The Three Basic Functions
Introduction to Operations Management
Learning Objectives
Define the term operations management Identify the three major functional areas of organizations and describe how they interrelate Compare and contrast service and manufacturing operations Describe the operations function and the nature of the operations manager’s job
Key Differences
6. Production and delivery 7. Quality assurance 8. Amount of inventory 9. Evaluation of work 10. Ability to patent design
Food Processor
Table 1.2
Raw vegetables Metal sheets Water Energy Labor Building Equipment
Cleaning Making cans Cutting Cooking Packing Labeling

Learning Objectives
Differentiate between design and operation of production systems Describe the key aspects of operations management decision making Briefly describe the historical evolution of operations management Identify current trends that impact operations management