Titan Defrag Engine[TM]
Titan Defrag Engine专为迄今创建的最庞大的数据卷研制。Titan Defrag Engine从包含4到5太字节(TB)的卷开始,完成作业的速度甚至比TVE都快,也更彻底。Titan Defrag Engine是能处理10太字节、20太字节甚至更大数据量的唯一碎片整理解决方案。该新引擎是能处理10太字节、20太字节甚至更大数据量的唯一碎片整理解决方案。
I. 所支持操作系统的列表
A. 支持的平台和 WINDOWS[R]版本
D. 本发行版中的更改
1. 已修正Diskeeper与SQL数据库在一致性检查时发生冲突,导致事件日志中出现错误的问题。
2. 已修正碎片整理操作无法开始的问题。
E. 本发行版中的已知问题
启动时对在 Windows 运行时无法安全移动的文件进行碎片整理。
可选择的磁盘和 CPU 优先级
可为"手动碎片整理"作业运行设置磁盘和 CPU 优先级。
请注意,在"自动碎片整理"模式中运行 Diskeeper 时没有必要更改优先级。
DiskGen ius是一款硬盘分区及数据维护软件。
它具有操作直观简便的特点,从最初的DOS 版起就深受用户好评。
建立新分区时可指定详细参数;2、支持IDE、SCSI、SA TA等各种类型的硬盘。
支持U盘、USB硬盘、存储卡(闪存卡);3、支持FAT12、FA T16、FA T32、NTFS文件系统;4、可以快速格式化FAT12、FA T16、FA T32、NTFS分区。
支持在Wind ows运行状态下备份系统盘;10、支持分区复制操作。
同样提供与分区复制相同的三种复制方式;12、支持VMWar e虚拟硬盘文件(“。
打开虚拟硬盘文件后,即可像操作普通硬盘一样操作虚拟硬盘;13、可在不启动VM Ware虚拟机的情况下从虚拟硬盘复制文件、恢复虚拟硬盘内的已删除文件(包括格式化后的文件恢复)等。
硬盘修复工具软件简介DiskGen ius(硬盘修复工具)是一款硬盘分区及数据维护软件。
DiskGen ius(硬盘修复工具)具有操作直观简便的特点,从最初的DOS版起就深受用户好评。
硬盘维修工具及中英文对照表一、HDDREG主要作用:修坏道缺点:依赖主板BIOS、不支持热插拔1、choose disk drive for scan:(1)、系统盘(2)、待修盘Enter choice[ ]2、Enter offset from the beginning:[ ](MB)硬盘总容量显示3、Ctrl+C退出或Ctrl+Break退出4、红色“B”表示坏道,绿色“R”表示已修复坏道二、DM主要作用:分区、格式化、低格、清零特点:不依赖主板BIOS、支持热插拔(最大可支持250GB硬盘)Easy Disk Installation 简易磁盘安装(只能将磁盘安分成一个区)Advanced options高级选项View/print online manual 在线查看或打印Exit Disk Manager退出DMAdvanced options 高级选项Advanced Disk Installation高级磁盘安装Maintenance options高级选项Upgrade Disk manager升级DMReturn to previous menu返回上一级菜单1、Advanced Disk Installation高级磁盘安装(1)、Disk manager found 2 drives is the drive list correct?硬盘列表yesno(2)、Select Drive to Install上、下键选择要分区硬盘--FA T32yes--1整盘一个分区、2整盘三个分区、自定义大小(optionc define your disk)--分别输入分区容量(MB)--save and continue--yes--yes--yes--Alt+C--热启2、Manintenance option 高级选项--Utilities--选择待修硬盘--Zero Fill Drive清零Low Level Format低格Set Drive Size恢复/更改容量Return to previous menu返回上一级菜单(1)、Zero FIll Drive--Alt+C--yes伤盘、影响硬盘使用寿命(2)、Low Level Format--Alt+C--yes同上,速度明显过快表时硬盘不支持低格(3)、Set Drive Size--自动显示硬盘本来总容量三、DISKMAN(DISKGEN)主要作用:分区、格式化、改零磁道、重建分区表特点:依赖主板BIOS、不支持热插拔(最大可支持250G硬盘)1、分区:--主分区(蓝色)--激活--扩展分区(绿色)--逻辑分区(黑)--格式化2、改零磁道:--工具(T)--参数修改(F11)--起始柱面将“0”改为“1”3、工具--重建分区表--交互方式--选择需要的分区信息进行保留四、FINALDAT A主要作用:恢复误分区、误删除、误格式化文件缺点:在FA T32格式下不支持NTFS分区(公支持FA T32格式)1、文件--打开--逻辑驱动下的盘符--确定--误格式化(确定)、误删除(取消)--选中恢复出的文件,以“#”开头--保存在工作正常的分区2、误分区时:文件--打开--物理驱动器--其它同上五、EASY RECOVERY主要作用:恢复误分区、误删除、误格式化文件特点:在FA T32格式下支持NTFS分区、速度慢但效果好1、数据恢复:--(1)、磁盘诊断(2)、数据修复(3)、文件修复(4)、邮件修复(5)、软件更新(6)、救援中心2、Advanced Recovery使用高级选项自定义数据恢复功能Deleted Recovery查找并删除已恢复的文件Format Recovery从一个已格式化的卷中恢复文件RA W Recovery依赖任何文件系统结构信息进行恢复Resume Recovery继续一个以前保存的数据恢复进程Emergency Diskette创建可引导的紧急引导软盘3、Raw Recovery 恢复误格式化、误删除文件--选择盘符--选择文件--全选--保存--确定--“下一步”开始搜索丢失的文件。
怎么使用Disk Genius检测和修复硬盘坏道
怎么使用Disk Genius检测和修复硬盘坏道DiskGenius是一款硬盘分区及数据维护软件,不仅对数据,对硬盘也可以进行某些修复。
那Win7如何使用Disk Genius检测和修复硬盘坏道呢?下载小编就和大家说一下Win7使用Disk Genius 检测和修复硬盘坏道的方法。
双击Disk Genius.exe就可以运行,程序界面图如下。
系统无法启动基于以下四种原因:1. 主引导程序损坏2. 分区表损坏3. 分区有效位错误4. DOS引导文件损坏正确使用方法:一、保持电脑工作环境清洁二、养成正确关机的习惯三、正确移动硬盘,注意防震开机时硬盘无法自举,系统不认硬盘相关阅读:固态硬盘保养技巧一、不要使用碎片整理碎片整理是对付机械硬盘变慢的一个好方法,但对于固态硬盘来说这完全就是一种“折磨”。
Disk-Genius-图文教程Disk Genius 图文教程(重建分区表、逻辑坏道的修复等)DISKGEN 介绍现在可供选用的硬盘分区工具软件很多,但基本上都是“外国货”,只有被誉为分区小超人的DISKMAN是地地道道的国货。
DISKMAN 以其操作直观简便的特点为菜鸟级电脑用户所喜爱,但在近两年的时间里,DISKMAN的版本一直停留在V1.2,总不见作者推出升级版本,不免让人为它担心。
现在,2.0版本的DISKMAN终于出现了,仍然是免费软件,只是名子改成了Disk Genius。
经过近两年的潜心“修炼”,Disk Genius的“功力”确实不可当日而语,它不仅提供了基本的硬盘分区功能(如建立、激活、删除、隐藏分区),还具有强大的分区维护功能(如分区表备份和恢复、分区参数修改、硬盘主引导记录修复、重建分区表等);此外,它还具有分区格式化、分区无损调整、硬盘表面扫描、扇区拷贝、彻底清除扇区数据等实用功能。
虽然Disk Genius功能更强大了,但它的身材依然“苗条”,只有区区143KB。
分区参数表格的第0~3 项分别对应硬盘主分区表的四个表项,而将来新建立的第4、5、6…以后的项分别对应逻辑盘D、E、F…等。
【摘要】@@ 如果硬盘长时间进行删除、拷贝,而没有及时进行磁盘碎片整理,很容易让硬盘的读取因为数据不连贯而变慢.虽然Windows操作系统内置了磁盘碎片整理程序,但这个磁盘碎片整理程序仅仅只是Diskeeper的一个OEM精简版本而已.Diskeeper该软件由Executive Software开发,其最新版本已经升级至
1.专业级硬盘重组软件Diskeeper 6.0 [J],
2.虚拟硬盘为系统提速为系统提速 [J], lyh
3.释放C盘空间,为硬盘提速 [J], 小平
4.增量、提速、更稳定详测东芝MG05系列8TB企业级硬盘 [J], 张臻
5.提速扩容好选择希捷酷玩(FireCuda)120系列固态硬盘 [J], 金角(文/图)
另外,如果你在Windows XP下能检测到磁盘而看不到分区,可以进入“磁盘管理”,对磁盘进行分区和格式化操作。
2、硬盘有坏道怎么办?我们可以用HDD Regenerator Shell(简称为HDD)修复硬盘坏道。
运行程序后单击regeneration—>create dikette按提示插入软盘创建一个启动盘。
MHDD硬盘工具检测修复硬盘图文教程2008-03-20 16:01MHDD工具说明:1、MHDD是俄罗斯Maysoft公司出品的专业硬盘工具软件,具有很多其他硬盘工具软件所无法比拟的强大功能,它分为免费版和收费的完整版,本文介绍的是免费版的详细用法。
MHDD可以不依赖于主板BIOS 直接访问IDE口,可以访问128G的超大容量硬盘(可访问的扇区范围从512到137438953472),即使你用的是286电脑,无需BIOS支持,也无需任何中断支持.热插拔的顺序要记清楚:插的时候,先插数据线,再插电源线。
3、MHDD最好在纯DOS环境下运行;但要注意尽量不要使用原装Intel品牌主板;4、不要在要检测的硬盘中运行MHDD;5、MHDD在运行时需要记录数据,因此不能在被写保护了的存储设备中运行(比如写保护的软盘、光盘等)MHDD软件下载:/2008/0123/down_579.html友情提示:提供了各个版本,请根据喜好自行选择;软件运行:我们在DOS下运行MHDD29:输入命令MHDD29,按回车,出现主界面:MHDD软件应用:主界面列出了MHDD的所有命令,下面我们主要讲解MHDD的几个常用命令:PORT;ID ;SCAN; HPA; RHPA; NHPA; PWD ;UNLOCK ;DISPWD ;ERASE ;AERASE ;STOP友情提示:关于这些命令的使用参阅:/viewthre... &extra=page%3D1首先输入命令PORT(热键是:SHIFT+F3),按回车。
功能强大的磁盘碎片整理工具Diskeeper 2011简体中文专业版 + 有效激活方法
轻松玩转电脑(第五讲):Microsoft Windows的“免费”激活方式、激活机理及其激活预后 轻松玩转电脑(第四讲):三大Windows系统解析、安装注意事项以及“双系统”五大优势 轻松玩转电脑(第三讲):关于全球五大操作系统性能比较、态势分析以及最佳选择的建议 轻松玩转电脑(第二讲):购买品牌机或“攒机”后应进行的“常规”动作和“个性”动作 轻松玩转电脑(第一讲):到电脑城选购品牌机、电脑硬件或“攒机”应当注意哪些问题? 轻松玩转电脑(代绪论):关于《轻松玩转电脑最受欢迎的文章TOP20 浏览数 1084081 1058895 1003699 925460 916859 753762 692991 691323 675842 631799 615062 522328 513203 500524 473857 463801 460884 454498 436651 413212 文章标题 极力推荐使用:Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软官方(MSDN)简体中文版 + 正版密钥 "集三种破解方法于一身"的Vista破解激活工具——成功激活并通过正版验证 Windows XP / Server 2003 / Vista 微软原版光盘镜像(下载)及其主要特征 最新资讯:2008年世界顶级杀毒软件排名(附"金银铜奖"最新版下载) 成功破解:世界杀软"金奖"得主BitDefender 2008(官方中文版 + 注册机下载) VISTA荟萃——最全的 Windows Vista 微软原版光盘镜像ISO下载 卡巴斯基 KAV/KIS 7.0 官方简体中文版和最新(每日更新)可用key下载 最新下载:Windows Vista with SP1 32位 / 64位简体中文正式版(正宗 MSDN ) 微软虚拟机——Microsoft Virtual PC 2007中文版下载 极力推荐:动手打造属于自己的 Windows XP 正版(成功激活并通过正版验证) 推荐下载使用:Windows 7 中 / 英文旗舰版光盘镜像(微软"MSDN"原版)+ 有效激活方法 最新下载:Windows Vista 系统资源和26款国内外破解激活工具(珍存共享) 实践与分享:Microsoft Office 2007 旗舰版,专业版,企业版微软原版 + 有效激活方法 最新下载:WindowsXP系统资源,破解激活,操作技巧大全(珍存共享) 下载:Vista最新破解激活工具(成功激活并通过正版验证) BIOS设置图解教程 推荐下载使用:功能强大的光盘刻录软件NERO 9.0中文版(最新官方原版+有效序列号) 请抓紧安装使用:Microsoft Office 2007 中文专业增强版(微软原版)下载 + 正版密钥 绝对有效:微软XP正版增值计划(WGA)破解补丁——成功通过微软正版验证! 绝对正宗:Windows Vista 32位和64位简体中文正式版(MSDN)下载
diskgenius英文对照DiskGenius is an awesome tool when it comes to disk partitioning and management. You can quickly create, delete, resize, and format partitions on your hard drives. It's super user-friendly, even for beginners.One of the coolest features of DiskGenius is itsability to recover lost data. Accidentally deleted a file? No worries, DiskGenius can help you get it back. It scans your drives thoroughly and finds those hidden files for you.For the advanced users, DiskGenius offers plenty of customization options. You can modify disk properties,clone entire disks, and even backup your partition tables.It's a one-stop shop for all your disk-related needs.I love how lightweight DiskGenius is. It doesn't hog up your system resources, so you can keep working while it's running. Plus, the interface is super intuitive, making it easy to navigate even for those who aren't tech-savvy.And let's not forget about the support. The DiskGenius community is super active and helpful. If you run into any issues, you can always find someone to lend a hand. Whether it's a quick tip or a detailed tutorial, there's always someone ready to assist.So whether you're a newbie or a pro, DiskGenius has something for you. It's a must-have tool for anyone who deals with hard drives and partitions regularly. Give it a try, and you'll see why it's so popular!。
NetApp磁盘阵列安装手册目录目录 (1)一、磁盘阵列的系统安装 (2)1.1初始化磁盘阵列 (2)1.2输入license序列号 (8)1.3配置CIFS (9)1.4在机头中安装阵列操作系统 (11)二、磁盘阵列的SSL安全认证配置 (13)2.1通过浏览器来管理磁盘阵列 (13)2.2配置SSL安全认证 (15)三、磁盘阵列的空间配置和分配 (18)3.1在aggr0中添加新的磁盘 (18)3.2消除磁盘Aggregate的快照预留空间 (22)3.3缩小卷vol0的磁盘空间 (22)3.4创建新的Volume (27)3.5消除Volume的快照预留空间 (31)3.6在新建卷上的参数修改 (33)3.7在IBM主机上安装NetApp磁盘路径管理软件 (34)3.8创建LUN存储单元 (36)3.8.1开启FCP功能 (36)3.8.2创建一个Qtree (38)3.8.3创建一个Lun存储单元 (39)3.8.4在主机上使用LUN来存储数据 (44)一、磁盘阵列的系统安装1.1初始化磁盘阵列NetApp FAS3020C是NetApp产品中一款有双机头的磁盘阵列,需要先在每个机头中安装好操作系统,才能正常使用。
安装步骤如下:1,通过笔记本电脑或其它Windows平台PC机的串口,连接到机头上的串口上;2,通过超级终端,以默认值连接来进行操作;操作过程如下:CFE version 3.0.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.40Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.CPU type 0xF29: 2800MHzTotal memory: 0x80000000 bytes (2048MB)CFE> bye输入bye 后,开始启动;CFE version 3.0.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.40Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.CPU type 0xF29: 2800MHzTotal memory: 0x80000000 bytes (2048MB)Starting AUTOBOOT press any key to abort...Loading: 0x200000/24732624 0x19963d0/33360796 0x3966f70/1995456 Entry at 0x00200000 Starting program at 0x00200000Press CTRL-C for special boot menu提示按CTRL-C后弹出启动菜单;Special boot options menu will be available.Mon Mar 20 07:54:25 GMT [cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: Interconnect link 0 is UPNetApp Release 7.0.3: Fri Dec 2 06:00:21 PST 2005Copyright (c) 1992-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.Starting boot on Mon Mar 20 07:54:14 GMT 2006(1) Normal boot.(2) Boot without /etc/rc.(3) Change password.(4) Initialize all disks.(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.(5) Maintenance mode boot.Selection (1-5)?4a这里选择4a,初始化所有的磁盘,并且创建一个root卷,此卷将用于操作系统的安装;Zero disks and install a new file system? y选择y,确认将所有的磁盘零化,并且安装新的文件系统;This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure? Y选择y,确认将删除磁盘上的所有数据;Zeroing disks takes about 80 minutes. .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................Mon Mar 20 09:15:30 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.23 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR16HQC00007617E7VE] : disk zeroing complete...............Mon Mar 20 09:15:34 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.18 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18YGC000076187JGK] : disk zeroing complete ....................Mon Mar 20 09:15:40 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.20 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18MYR0000761769S1] : disk zeroing complete .............Mon Mar 20 09:15:43 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.22 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18QV900007617LZY3] : disk zeroing complete ..................Mon Mar 20 09:15:48 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.16 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18PE1000076187KXZ] : disk zeroing complete ...............Mon Mar 20 09:15:52 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.21 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR17PT300007617M1P2] : disk zeroing complete .................................................................................................................................................................... ...............Mon Mar 20 09:16:42 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.17 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18Y6700007617695Y] : disk zeroing complete .................................................................................................................................................................... .............Mon Mar 20 09:18:44 GMT [raid.disk.zero.done:notice]: Disk 0a.19 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR1911Z0000761769R8] : disk zeroing completeMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.18 Shelf 1 Bay 2 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18YGC000076187JGK] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.17 Shelf 1 Bay 1 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18Y6700007617695Y] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.16 Shelf 1 Bay 0 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18PE1000076187KXZ] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [wafl.vol.add:notice]: Aggregate aggr0 has been added to the system. Mon Mar 20 09:18:46 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: no mailbox instance on primary sideMon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0a.18 is a primary mailbox disk Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0a.17 is a primary mailbox disk Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: normal mailbox instance on primary side Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.18 is a backup mailbox diskMon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.17 is a backup mailbox diskMon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: normal mailbox instance on backup sideMon Mar 20 09:18:48 GMT [lun.metafile.dirCreateFailed:error]: Couldn't create vdisk metafile directory /vol/vol0/vdisk.DBG: Set filer.serialnum to: 1071155ifconfig e0a mediatype autoConfiguring onboard ethernet e0a.Contacting DHCP server.Ctrl-C to skip DHCP search ...Mon Mar 20 09:18:48 GMT [rc:info]: Contacting DHCP serverMon Mar 20 09:18:52 GMT [rc:info]: DHCP config failedConfiguring e0a using DHCP failed.NetApp Release 7.0.3: Fri Dec 2 06:00:21 PST 2005System ID: 010******* (); partner ID: <unknown> ()System Serial Number: 1071155 ()System Rev: E0slot 0: System BoardProcessors: 1Memory Size: 2048 MBslot 0: Dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller VIe0a MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:13 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)e0c MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:10 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)e0d MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:11 (auto-unknown-cfg_down) slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0a8 Disks: 2176.0GB1 shelf with ESH2slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0b8 Disks: 2176.0GB1 shelf with ESH2slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0cslot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0dslot 0: SCSI Host Adapter 0eslot 0: NetApp ATA/IDE Adapter 0f (0x000001f0)0f.0 245MBslot 3: NVRAMMemory Size: 512 MBPlease enter the new hostname []: headb输入这个机头的主机名,这里举例为headb;Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: y问是否要配置虚拟网卡,如果要创建的话,输入y;Number of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 1输入要配置几块虚拟网卡,如配置1块虚拟网卡,就输入1;Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1输入虚拟网卡的名称,这里举例为vif1;Is vif1 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] s选择虚拟网卡的类型是single还是multi,这里选择s;Number of links for vif1? [0] 2虚拟网卡所包含真实网卡的数量,如果用两块网卡绑定成一块虚拟网卡就输入2;Name of link #1 for vif1 []: e0a输入用于绑定的真实网卡的设备名,可以从阵列设备后面的网络接口上看到;Name of link #2 for vif1 []: e0b输入用于绑定的真实网卡的设备名,可以从阵列设备后面的网络接口上看到;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []:输入虚拟网卡的IP地址;Please enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []:输入虚拟网卡的掩码,默认就直接回车;Should virtual interface vif1 take over a partner virtual interface during failover? [n]: y是否允许虚拟网卡在故障时切换到另一个机头上,输入y;The clustered failover software is not yet licensed. To enablenetwork failover, you should run the 'license' command forclustered failover.会提示说没有输入Clustered failover功能的license,需要输入才能实现网络切换功能;Please enter the partner virtual interface name to be taken over by vif1 []: vif1输入另一个机头上的会被切换过来的虚拟网卡的名字;Please enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]:输入虚拟网卡的类型,一般是自适应,选默认auto;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0c []:输入网卡e0c的IP地址,不设置就直接回车;Should interface e0c take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: n是否允许网卡e0c在故障时切换到另一个机头上,这里不配置就输入n;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0d []:输入网卡e0d的IP地址,不设置就直接回车;Should interface e0d take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: n是否允许网卡e0d在故障时切换到另一个机头上,这里不配置就输入n;Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]: n问是否通过web方式来进行继续的安装,输入n,不需要;Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway:输入默认网关的名字和IP地址,无须输入就直接回车;The administration host is given root access to the filer's/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root accessto all NFS clients enter RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:输入超级管理主机的主机名或IP地址,没有就直接回车;Where is the filer located? []: nanjing问磁盘阵列设备的位置,可以随便写,比如南京,就输入nanjing;Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]:是否配置DNS,输入n,不配置;Do you want to run NIS client? [n]:是否配置NIS,输入n,不配置;This system will send event messages and weekly reports to Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this feature, enter "options autosupport.support.enable off" within 24 hours. Enabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determination and resolution should a problem occur on your system. For further information on Autosupport, please see: /autosupport/ Press the return key to continue.提示说,阵列系统默认的自动发送事件日志和周报告功能是打开的,如果需要关闭,请输入options autosupport.support.enable off。
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BASIC STRUCTURE & FUNCTION OF THE SPINEVERTEBRAL COLUMNThe vertebral column or spine is made up of a series of bones called vertebrae. The spine is a strong and flexible column of bones made up of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions. The cervical or neck region is normally made up of 7 bones, the thoracic or chest region has 12 bones, and the lumbar or low back region is made up of 5 bones. The sacral region consists of 5 fused bones, and the coccygeal region 3 to 5 tiny bones. However variations do occur.The spine is curved and in profile looks like an elongated letter "S" in shape. The cervical and lumbar regions have a forward curve and the thoracic region a backward curve when viewed from the side.It has been suggested that the S shape of the spine:facilitates energy absorption and protects the spinal structures against impact by increasing its strength;helps maintain balance in the upright position; andabsorbs shocks when a person walks.SIDE VIEW OF THE SPINEKEY POINTThe vertebral column or spine is made up of a series of bones called vertebrae. Variation in vertebrae size, shape and detail occur in the different regions of the spine. For example, the lumbar vertebrae are the largest and strongest. In general, however, all vertebrae have the same basic structure.There are three main parts to a vertebra:Vertebral Body (weight bearing structure)Vertebral Arch (protective in function)Vertebral ProcessesVERTEBRAL BODYThe vertebral body is the weight bearing part of a vertebrae.The vertebral body is a thick, disc shaped cylindrical block of bone flattened at the back and with roughened top and bottom surfaces. It is made up of spongy bone on the inside, which enables it to resist compression, and a thin outer covering of compact bone. It is the weight bearing part of a vertebrae.VERTEBRAESide View View From AboveVERTEBRAL ARCHThe vertebral arch surrounds the spinal column and is protective in function.The vertebral arch, or neural arch as it is sometimes called, extends backwards from the vertebral body. It is made up of two short, thick processes called pedicles that stick out backwards from the vertebral body and join the laminae. The laminae are flat and join together to form the back part of the vertebral arch. Together the vertebral arch and vertebral body surround the spinal column. The space occupied by the spinal column is called the vertebral foramen. The vertebral foramen, when stacked on top of each other, forms the vertebral or spinal canal. On each side of the vertebral column there is an opening between each vertebrae called the intervertebral foramen which enables the spinal nerves to pass through.VERTEBRAView From Above Side ViewVERTEBRAL PROCESSESThere are seven different processes that come from the vertebral arch. A transverseprocess extends sideways on each side from the junction of a lamina and pedicle. A single spinous process extends back and downwards from the junction of the laminae. These three processes have spinal muscles attached to them. The other four articular processes form joints with other vertebrae. The two articular processes on top form a joint with the two articular processes on the bottom of the vertebrae above, and the two bottom processes form a joint with the two processes on top of the vertebrae below.VERTEBRAL DISCSAdjacent vertebral bodies are attached to each other by an intervertebral disc. The disc is made up of a central mass of pulpy tissue called the nucleus pulposus and a tough outer covering of fibro-cartilage called the annulous fibrosis. The layers of the annulus are thinner at the back, making this area potentially more prone to damage.INTERVERTEBRAL DISCFront ViewSide ViewView from AboveThe discs are shock absorbers, giving resilience to the spinal column as well as flexibility. When a body is erect, the various parts of the disc are under uniform pressure; but when the spine is flexed, extended or bent to the side, one part of the disc is under increased compression whereas another part is under tension.Vertebral Discs under Various LoadsLIGAMENTSLigaments are strong bands of fibrous tissue that connect structures such as bone to bone. Two long ligaments, one at the front and one at the back (anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament), extend the length of the vertebral column. They are attached to the discs and help prevent excessive movement of the spinal column. An abnormal stress may tear the outer fibres of a disc, causing the jelly like nucleus pulpous to leak out and press on neighbouring spinal nerves.The joints between the vertebral arches are connected by different types of ligamentous tissue:Ligaments are strong bands of fibrous tissue that connect structures such as bone to bone. Articular capsules made up of thin loose ligaments attached to the edges of the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae.Ligamenta flava are elastic sheets connecting the laminae of adjacent vertebrae. Supraspinous ligament: a strong fibrous cord connecting the spinous processes from the seventh cervical vertebrae to the sacrum.Interspinous ligaments are weak bands that connect adjacent spinous processes; and similar bands called intertransverse ligaments are found between transverse processes in the lumbar region.SPINAL LIGAMENTSSpinal Ligaments - Side View Spinal Ligaments - Internal Side ViewMUSCLESThe muscles of the spine are important in maintaining its stability and balance as well as assisting in spinal movement. The superficial back muscles are mainly concerned with movements of the upper limbs. The post-vertebral spinal muscles, or deep back muscles, are numerous and varied in structure and function. Muscles extend from the sacrum to the skull and allow such movements as rotation and extension (backward bending) of the spine.The muscles that are important for the stability of the spine include the:Latissimus Dorsi;Lumbar Paravertebral Muscles; and theMultifidus.The abdominal muscles (found at the front of the spine wrapping around the side of the trunk) form a natural corset with other muscles and play a major role in the maintenance of spinal stability.The abdominal muscles include the:Rectus Abdominus;Internal and External Oblique muscles; and theTransversus Abdominus muscle.SPINAL MUSCLESAbdominal MusclesSuperficial MusclesDeep Back MuclesKEY POINTThe muscles of the spine are important in maintaining its stability and balance as well as assisting in spinal movement.SPINAL CORD & SPINAL NERVESThe spinal cord is cylindrical in shape and starts as an extension of the lower part of the brain stem and finishes at around the second lumbar vertebrae. The cord is made up of some 31 segments that each give rise to a pair of spinal nerves. The spinal cord is protected by the spinal column, the spinal meninges (dense fibrous covering), the cerebrospinal fluid (special fluid surrounding the brain and spine), and the vertebral ligaments. The main function of the spinal cord is to convey motor impulses from the brain to the muscles, and sensory information from the body to the brain.There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves named and numbered according to the level and region of the spine from which they emerge. There are 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar and sacral nerves, and 1 pair of coccygeal nerves. With the exception of the first pair of cervical nerves, all spinal nerves leave the vertebral column from the intervertebral foramen.SPINAL CORD AND NERVES - BACK VIEWFUNCTION OF THE SPINEThe spine has four main functions:support;mobility;housing and protection; andcontrol.SupportIn human beings, the vertebral or spinal column is the principle supporting structure. The spine bears heavy loads, in particular the cervical and lumbar regions, including the weight of the upper body and any loads being lifted, lowered, carried or held.MobilityThe upper and lower limbs are attached through a series of joints to the spine. Muscles, ligaments and tendons connect parts of the spine to each other as well as to the other limbs and allow a diverse range of movements to occur. The cervical and lumbar spine areas are particularly flexible. Forward bending (flexion) and backward bending (extension) of the lumbar spine produce the greatest range of movement in the spine. Twisting (rotation) and side bending (lateral flexion) are common spinal movements during manual handling.Housing & ProtectionThe spinal column protects the spinal cord and nerves as they pass from the brain to the upper and lower limbs.ControlThe movement of each segment of the spine is controlled, actively by muscles and passively by ligaments. Without muscular support, the spine is unstable. Movement of the human body is initiated and controlled by the contraction of muscles. Ligaments and other soft tissue surround joints and prevent unwanted abnormal movements.BASIC SPINAL BIOMECHANICSFOUR TYPES OF FORCESEach spinal segment is subject to a variety of loads and forces. These include loads from the weight of body segments as well as from the weights being handled. The pattern of injury to the spine is a function of the type and size of forces present at time of injury. It is therefore important to understand these forces and the types of tissue deformations and failures that result.There are four types of forces acting on spinal structures:compression;tension;shear; andtorsional.COMPRESSIONA downward force on the vertebrae compresses the discs and causes them to bulge or shorten and widen. This is called a compressive force. As a compressive force increases so does the disc pressure until damage occurs to the disc structures. The lifting of excessively heavy loads may cause injury due to compressive forces.SPINAL COMPRESSIONSide View Front ViewThe pattern of injury to the spine is a function of the type and size of forces present at time of injury. Lifting excessively heavy loads may result in damage to the disc structures.TENSIONTensions pull apart the structures being loaded. In the spine it is the ligaments that are usually under tension, causing lengthening and narrrowing. Overstretching of the ligaments may result in tears to parts of or all of a ligament. Low back pain is usually experienced with these types of sprain injuries.TENSIONSide View Front ViewKEY POINTOverstretching may result in tearing of ligaments and consequently low back pain. SHEARShear forces involve the application of a load parallel to the vertebral surface. On forward bending of the spine there is a tendency for a vertebra to slide forwards on the one below it. Shear forces are most commonly experienced in the lumbo-sacral region and are an important mechanism in disc prolapse or herniation.SHEAR FORCES ACTINGON A VERTEBRAShear forces, as a consequence of forward bending of the spine, may result in disc prolapse or herniation.TORSIONALTwisting movements of the spine cause soft tissue strain through the generation of large muscle forces and loads on the intervertebral discs. These types of movements cause the soft tissues to be exposed to a combination of compression, shear and tension forces. TORSIONAL FORCES ACTINGON A VERTEBRATwisting movements of the spine may cause soft tissue damage.During manual handling a combination of compression, torsional, tension and shear forces occur throughout the activity.Degenerative Diseases of the Spine: Lecture on the Cervical Spine (Clinical Presentation) The cervical spine is particularly susceptible to the degenerative process, in part because of its large range of motion and the five–joint complex making up each spinal motion unit.These five joints are:the intervertebral disc,the two zygoapophyseal joints, andthe two uncovertebral joints.The degenerative process may begin in any of these joints but with time will cause secondary changes in the others. For example, the intervertebral disc may be primarily affected. As the disc narrows, the normal kinematics of that segment is altered, and the other four joints are subjected to abnormal forces leading to degenerative arthritis.Neck pain as a result of spondylosis is common. The pain usually radiates into the shoulder blade or arm. Patients may have an arm complaint, not as the result of nerve root compression. Dysphagia (rarely) can result from large anterior osteophytes.Physical examination may show a spasm of the paravertebral, trapezium, or sternomastoid muscles. This may be secondary to pain. In association with the degenerative process, this can result in a decreased range of motion. Movement of the cervical spine may precipitate or exacerbate symptoms.A thorough neurologic examination must always be done to rule out a deficit. A shoulder examination should also be done to ensure that the symptoms are indeed originating from the neck.Diagnostic Evaluation: X–RAYPlain radiographs of the cervical spine may show narrowing of the intervertebral disc space height, anterior osteophytes, arthrosis of the facet joints, and osteophytes from the uncovertebral joints (see figures below). The most commonly affected level is C5–C6, followed by the C6–C7 level.Diagnostic Evaluation: Computed TomographyComputed tomography (CT) provides good demonstration of the bony changes associated with degenerative spondylosis. Osteophytes can be evaluated both on axial and sagittal cuts. However, CT does not allow optimal evaluation of disc pathology. It can be used to show disc herniations, but these may not always be present, even with advanced degenerative changes.Diagnostic Evaluation: Magnetic Resonance ImagingMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful tool in the assessment of patients with symptomatic cervical spondylosis. Decreased signal intensity on T2–weighted images results from disc desiccation. T1–weighted images can show osteophytes and joint arthrosis. Because MRI is a sensitive imaging modality, pathology may be demonstrable in more than 40% of asymptomatic people over age 40 (see figure).MRI remains a morphometric test, and the clinician must correlate MRI findings with symptoms.Diagnostic Evaluation: DiscographyAs in the lumbar and thoracic spine, cervical discography (see figure) remains controversial. Although the discogram may add to the clinician's knowledge, it should not be used by itself to predicate treatment.Diagnostic Evaluation: Facet BlocksFacet blocks in the cervical spine are subject to the same criticisms as facet blocks used elsewhere. There is little scientific documentation to validate their use. Repeating the test and comparing results at different levels probably gives much more useful information than carrying out facet blocks at one or more levels at one point in time.Treatment: NonoperativeNonoperative treatment of cervical degenerative disease provides good to excellent results in over 75% of patients. A multidisciplinary approach includes:immobilization (can be achieved using a collar or braces; most beneficial during acute exacerbations of pain by reducing motion at the symptomatic levels),physical therapy, (can be useful in decreasing the secondary muscle spasm that can contribute to symptoms; this is where heat, electrical stimulation, and exercise have their maximum benefit), andmedications (include analgesics, nonsteroidal anti–inflammatories, and muscle relaxants, patients must be informed of possible complications and side effects).Patients should be reassured that nonoperative treatment can provide good long–term results.Treatment: OperativeThe surgical procedure proposed for these patients is usually fusion. In almost all instances, the preferred approach is an anterior interbody fusion. Using the anterior approach, a complete discectomy can be done, and with careful sculpting of the graft, normal intervertebral disc space height and normal lordosis can be restored. An Anterior metal plate may be utilized to help restore stability.Until diagnostic testing improves to the point where we can show irrefutably that a specific cervical spinal motion unit is giving rise to symptoms, surgery for neck pain without neurologic involvement should be discouraged.Lumbar Endoscopic Discectomy (LED)The procedure takes about one hour with the patient under local anesthesia. With the help of x-ray guidance, a smallneedle is inserted into the disc. A specially designed dilatorand cannula is inserted through the skin of the back intothe herniated disc space. The disc is visualized with anendoscope. The herniated disc is removed using mechanical instruments, including graspers and forceps. Thermalheat is applied to the disc with a Holmium yag laser andEllman's radiofrequency probe to shrink the disc further and seal it. The rest of the disc is left intact. The incision in the skin is closed with a Band-Aid®.POSTOPERATIVE COURSEMost patients feel reasonable relief of their symptoms following the procedure. Walking is permitted the same day, and the patient is discharged within three hours following the surgery. Following discharge, a physical therapy program is recommended. Postoperative pain medications are prescribed. Normal activity can usually be resumed within one to six weeks following the procedure, depending on the type of job the patient does.ADV ANTAGES OF LEDThe advantage of lumbar endoscopic discectomy is that there is no interference with muscles, joints or manipulations of the nerves in the low back area. Since the insertion of the probe into the muscle is the only wound, there is no scarring in or around the nerves. Because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, it is much safer for the patient than procedures performed under general anesthesia. Most of the complications that may occur with open surgery are eliminated with the LED procedure.CONCLUSIONAbout 80% of all patients worldwide have experienced relief of pain with this procedure. The patients who do not obtain relief within six months of the surgery might be candidates for other surgical procedures. The advantages of LED are:Excellent success rate.Structure of the disc is still maintained.Serious complications are very rare.No hospitalization.Faster return to work and normal activities.Significant cost savings.Back & SpineThe back is the structure that supports your upper trunk, houses and protects the spinal cord, and helps you move. A healthy back is strong and pain free. The low back area bears the most stress of movement and, therefore is usually the site of most problems. The low back is made up of four parts:The discs are the cushiony material between the vertebrae. The center of the disc isjellylike, and the outer part is made up of slightly elastic woven bands. They act as shock absorbers and permit movement between the vertebrae.The vertebrae are the bony segments of the spine. The vertebrae are stacked one upon another, forming three large curves. The low back area curves forward or inward. This is called lumbar lordosis. The purpose of the vertebrae is to house and protect the spinal cord and its nerve roots and give support to the body.The sacrum is the large triangular-shaped bone at the base of the spine.The coccyx is the small bone at the end of the spine. It is also called the tailbone. Though humans are born with 33 separate vertebrae, by adulthood most only have 24. Physicians use a code to identify the vertebrae. The seven in the neck, the cervical vertebrae that support and provide movement for the head, are called C1 to C7. The thoracic vertebrae numbered T1 to T12, join with and are supported by the ribs, which protect the heart and lungs. Because they are fairly rigid, thoracic vertebrae don't permit much movement and consequently, aren't injured as often as the other vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae, below the thoracic vertebrae and above the sacrum, are most frequently involved in back pain because they carry most of the body's stress. They are known as L1 to L5.Sandwiched between each pair of adjacent vertebrae is a spinal disc, 23 discs in all. discs are flat, round structures-about one-quarter of an inch thick-of tough outer rings of tissue that contain a soft, white jelly center. Each disc is connected to the vertebrae above and below it by flat, circular plates of cartilage. The discs not only keep the vertebrae apart, but act as shock absorbers. They compress when weight is put on them, and spring back when the weight is removed.The spinal cord, an extension of the brain, extends as far as L1, where it ends in a sheaf of nerves. Throughout the length of the spine, 31 pairs of nerves branch off from the spinal cord and serve all parts of the body, transmitting sensory messages to the brain, and messages from the brain to the muscles.The 33 vertebrae, 23 discs, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, 140 muscles that hook on to the vertebrae, plus ligaments, tendons, cartilage are all very complicated and are potential sources of back trouble.Common Spine and Disc ProblemsTorn AnnulusA sudden movement may cause a tiny tear in the tough outer ring of your disc. Nearby ligaments may also stretch. Since the annulus and ligaments contain pain fibers, a tear may cause pain.Bulging DiscRepeated movement may cause a disc to dry out and degenerate earlier than normal. As the disc wears out, the inner jelly like center begins to bulge, pressuring the outer ring causing pain.Ruptured DiscAs a disc bulges, its center (nucleus) moves closer to the outer ring (annulus). Sometimesa sudden movement will cause the annulus to rupture and the nucleus squeezes out and irritates the nerve, causing pain.ArthritisBone spurs can form at the joint between your vertebrae as discs wear out over time. Poor posture can contribute to the degeneration of your discs earlier than usual. These problems may cause a narrowing of the space where your nerve runs and cause pain. InstabilityAs a disc stretches and flattens, the vertebrae can slip back and forth, creating an unstable spine which puts pressure on the annulus causing pain.TreatmentsEvery patient is an individual who will be treated in a variety of ways. In general, conservative treatments such as medications, changes in lifestyle, and a physical therapy regimen will be tried before more invasive treatments such as injections or surgery would be considered.Ruptured Disc diseaseClassificationDemographicsClinical SymptomsMedical EvaluationTreatment optionsBack Pain Flow ChartClassificationA herniated disc may be referred to by many adjectives that can be confusing. A rupture, slip, bulge, herniation, or a fragment of the disc material( all meaning the same thing), that separates the vertebrae is displaced. Based upon the pressure this disc is placing on nerves, specific symptoms will occur such as a sharp, severe pain down the entire leg and into the foot. The inner disc nucleus breaks free of the surrounding annulus ( tough ligament surrounding the spongier nucleus) into the spinal canal.Disc anatomy with innersoft nucleus and outertough annulusThe spinal canal has limited space which is inadequate for the spinal nerve and thedisplaced herniated disc fragment. The nerves exiting the confines of the bony spine aswell as the spinal cord maybe affected.With age, injury, poor posture ordiseases such as arthritis there can bedamage to the bone or joints of thespine. As the discs in the neck and lowback wear out sudden movement orinjury such as whiplash may cause thedisc to slip or herniate.Both the lumbar and cervical spine are susceptible to this repetitivedegeneration. Vigorous activity or years of severe strain to these structures predisposes someone to a herniation.MRI scan showing acervical herniated discpushing on the spinalcordDemographicsRuptured discs occur at all ages under various circumstances. The most common years are in the 30 - 50 mage category when initial disc deterioration begins. A person who has sustained one disc herniation is statistically at increased risk for experiencing another. This may have a genetic basis and relate to the ligament strength in thespine. Re-rupture at a disc site occurs 5% of the time following removal of the first herniated fragment.Lifestyles predisposing to repetitive wear and tear on the discs as well as normal aging phenomenon make the soft disc material predisposed to rupture from with the annulus tissue. Factors involved may be related to an individuals level of physical conditioning, work or behavioral habits.Clinical SymptomsCervical herniated discs:Acute herniated or slipped disc in the neck generally causes neck pain and pain with weakness radiating down the arm. The disc causes referred pain in-between the scapula in the upper middle of the back. Headache originating at the base of the neck is common. Pressure on a nerve may cause numbness and burning or weakness in the arm and hand. Pressure on the spinal cord in the neck causing symptoms of weakness in the legs, electric shocks down the spine, numbness or poor coordination and is very concerning indicating spinal cord injury is developing. These symptoms require an urgent call to your physician, or the nurse coordinators with Northern Rockies Brain and Spine Center.Further progression of these symptoms may lead to severe impairment or even paralysis.Lumbar Herniated Discs:Typically low back pain or a long history of intermittent episodes of low back pain is associated with degeneration of the lumbar spinal discs. This predisposes to an actual herniation that compresses the spinal nerve resulting in worsened back pain with severe pain radiating down the leg. The pain may also radiated around into the groin. Sciatica is sharp pain which radiates from the low back area down through the leg, into the foot in a characteristic pattern, depending upon which of the lumbar spinal nerve affected. This pain often is described as sharp, electric shock-like, severe with and movement and worse with sitting. Often, by lying down or utilizing a lumbar support pillow, the pain is somewhat relieved. The direct compression of the nerve may produce weakness in the leg or foot resulting in stumbling and foot drop.With time much of the back pain improves but the radiating leg numbness, weakness and burning sensation persists. This may wax and wane but usually worsens with coughing, sneezing or exertion.Medical EvaluationYour doctor or chiropractor should be able to perform a detailed neurological evaluation on you if your symptoms cause you enough distress you seek out medical attention. Your provider should have expertise in spinal evaluations to assess and document your symptoms and the physical signs. This examination must include assessment of sensation, strength and reflexes in various parts of your body. Not only will this pinpoint which nerves or what parts of your spinal cord are affected, but with abnormality identified, trigger a referral to NRBS. A comprehensive flow chart allows treating providers a guideline as to the evaluation and indications when to refer to NRBS.Your doctor may order a number of studies to image and electrically diagnose the ruptured disc.X rays: A simple x-ray demonstrates bony alignment and may indicated excessive motion of two adjacent bony elements or show areas of spinal arthritis, however thex-rays do not show the disc fragment compressing a nerve. A more sophisticated x-ray such as CAT scan or MRI is needed. X-rays of the spine also rules out other causes of pain such as i.e. tumors, infections, or fractures.Computed Tomography/ Myelogram (CT Myelogram): The myelogram is an x-ray taken after a dye is injected into the spine that outlines the spinal cord and nerves. This dye provides excellent contrast during a CAT scan that will demonstrate and better define the relationship of the disc or bone spurs to the spinal cord and nerves. Herniated disc fragments or bone spurs compressing the nerves will be well visualized.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The MRI uses a powerful magnetic field rather than x-rays to produce a detailed anatomical picture of the spine, the spinal cord, the nerve roots and the disc material. The study is noninvasive (no needles) however claustrophobic patients may have some trouble with this study.Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Studies (EMG/NCS): These tests primarily study how the nerve and muscles are actually working together and weather a nerve compressed is physiologically not working properly. For instance the electrical flow of information might be affected and the muscle the nerve is going to may be weakened. This information allows the specialist to determine how severely the nerves are compressed.UPTreatment optionsThe initial treatment for a herniated disc is based upon the severity of thesymptoms. Studies have shown that prolonged nerve compression by a disc fragment will result in scarring of the nerve. This may result in permanent pain, numbness or weakness in the nerves muscular distribution. Many acute disc ruptures with bulging fragments seen on MRI scan may be managed without surgery. Resting the low back area, maintaining a comfortable posture and a painless level of work or recreational activities for a few days to a few weeks in combination with anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant medication maybe very effective. As the spinal nerve inflammation quiets down, many symptoms will resolve.More potent cortisone medication maybe attempted either orally or via a spinal injection to decrease the inflammation. There are certain risks with steroid medication that you should speak to your doctor about, however short courses of these drugs is usually quite safe.Physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation also may be beneficial. under the direction of a physical therapist. Successful physical therapy treatment。