注:■ 以上选型适用于冷冻水进/出水温度为 12℃/7℃,冷却水进/出水温度为 32℃/37℃,换热器流程数为 2 流程。
40 热泵热水机组
42 末端空调机组
组合式空气处理机组 MDM 洁净室用空气调节机组 MDX 单壁柜式空气处理机组 MSW 双壁柜式空气处理机组 MDW 超薄吊顶式空气处理机组 MHW 卧式暗装风机盘管 MCW 立式暗装风机盘管 MFCW 立式明装风机盘管 MFMW 天花嵌入式风机盘管 MCKW 卧式明装风机盘管 MCMW 吊顶式全热热回收新风机组 HRB
79 轻型商用空调机组
天花嵌入式分体空调器 MCK-T 明装吊顶/座地式分体空调器 MCM-D 暗装吊顶式分体空调机组 MCC-T 风冷冷风/热泵型管道式空调机 MDB“T”系列 风冷冷风/热泵型管道式空调机 MDB“M”系列 风冷冷风/热泵型管道式空调机 MDB“S”系列 “旋风”系列水冷柜机 MWCP 屋顶式空调机组 MRT
320 270
485 630
355 500
43.12 64.20 33.10 8.28 81.87* 92.80 72.60 13.32
380 350
595 740
205 380
45.66 67.60 35.60 8.64 93.46* 103.00 74.50 14.04
机组结构合理,外形美观、性能优异、质量可靠,由于采用先进的数控机床 加工设备,零部件的互换与组合质量得以充分保证,便于现场拆装。
机组 型号
风量 m³/h
BFP2 2000 BFP2I 2000 BFP3 3000 BFP3I 3000 BFP4 4000 BFP4I 4000 BFP5 5000 BFP5I 5000 BFP6 6000 BFP6I 6000 BFP7.5 7500 BFP7.5I 7500 BFP8 8000 BFP8I 8000 BFP9 9000 BFP9I 9000 BFP10 10000 BFP10I 10000 BFP12 12000 BFP12I 12000 BFP15 15000 BFP15I 15000 BFP16 16000 BFP16I 16000 BFP18 18000 BFP18I 18000 BFP22 22000 BFP22I 22000 BFP24 24000 BFP24I 24000 BFP27 27000 BFP27I 27000 BFP30 30000 BFP30I 30000 BFP36 36000 BFP36I 36000 BFP40 40000 BFP45 45000 BFP50 50000
Pro Xp静电空气喷枪零件说明说明书
零件说明Pro Xp™静电空气喷枪332055S ZH 用于I类I区危险场所,使用D组材料。
PROVEN QUALITY.LEADING TECHNOLOGY.Contents型号 (3)认证 (7)相关手册 (7)警告 (8)喷枪概述 (11)静电空气喷枪如何工作 (11)控制器、指示器和组件 (12)智能喷枪 (13)安装 (18)警告标示 (18)喷涂柜要通风 (18)供气管路 (19)流体供应管路 (19)接地 (21)喷枪设置 (25)喷枪设置过程 (25)柔性喷涂喷枪设置过程 (29)HVLP喷枪设置过程 (30)圆形喷涂喷枪设置过程 (32)腐蚀材料喷枪设置过程 (34)检查喷枪电气接地 (35)检查流体的电阻率 (36)检查流体的粘度 (36)使用前冲洗设备 (36)操作 (37)泄压流程 (37)启动 (38)关机 (38)维护 (39)日常维护和清洗检查清单 (39)冲洗 (39)每天清洗喷枪 (41)每天的系统保养 (42)电气测试 (43)测试喷枪的电阻 (43)测试供电电源的电阻 (44)测试电极电阻 (44)故障排除 (45)喷型故障排除 (45)喷枪操作故障排除 (46)电气故障排除 (47)维修 (48)准备要维修的喷枪 (48)空气帽和喷嘴更换 (49)电极更换 (50)流体密封杆拆卸 (51)密封杆修理 (51)枪筒拆卸 (53)枪筒安装 (53)电源拆卸与更换 (54)交流发电机拆卸及更换 (55)流体管拆卸与更换 (57)扇形空气调节阀修理 (58)雾化空气限流阀的修理 (59)ES开合和流体调节阀的修理 (60)空气阀修理 (61)智能模块更换 (62)空气旋转接头和排气阀更换 (63)零件 (64)带标准显示屏的喷枪型号 (64)带智能显示屏的喷枪型号 (67)密封杆组件 (70)交流发电机组件 (71)ES开合和流体调节阀 (72)扇形空气调节阀的修理 (73)快速调节风扇阀组件 (73)雾化空气限流阀的组装 (74)智能模块组件 (75)圆形喷涂组件 (76)高导电率流体管组件:40kV (78)高导电率流体管组件:60和85千伏 (79)液体喷嘴 (80)流体喷嘴选择表 (80)流体喷嘴性能表 (81)空气帽 (83)空气帽选择指南 (83)耗气量表 (88)电极选择图 (89)维修套件和附件 (90)喷枪附件 (90)管路流体过滤器配件包附件 (91)操作员附件 (91)系统附件 (91)标示 (91)测试设备 (92)软管 (93)尺寸 (94)技术参数 (95)美国加州第65号提案 (95)2332055S型号型号常规喷枪型号配备标准电极、喷嘴、空气帽和流体管。
400NEDPV-3 3 孔终端装载洗衣机 萃取机规格说明书
103" [2616mm]
54" [1372mm]
L1 L 2-LL 2-CL 2-R
! DAN GER A m p u t a t i o n hazard. T u r n i n g c y linder can t w i s t o ff ar m s.
Nev er r ea ch i nt o or p ull l i n e n fr o m a turning c yl in de r .
weight imbalance.
Shipping Weight
12,780 lbs [5,797 kg]
Operating Weight
15,630 lbs. [7,090kg]
Static Base Plate Loading
1464.9 lbs/sq.ft. [7,152 kg/m2]
Dynamic Base Plate Loading
D1 & D2 D3
4" [108mm] 23" [597mm]
27" [679mm]
88" [2248mm]
W1 W2 W3 W4
91" [2324mm]
47" [1194mm]
EL 400 – 3 POCKET (400NEDPV-3)
G.A. BRAUN, INC., P.O. BOX 3029, SYRACUSE, NY 13220, 315-475-3123
输送介质温度为-20℃~80℃,流量:4-25m3/h 扬程:7-25m转速2900r/min【FPZ型塑料自吸泵,自吸式污水泵】主要用途:FPZ型塑料自吸泵主要用于输送酸,碱,盐等侵蚀性液体,但不得用于输送若干对ABS工程塑料有显高作用的化学品,如芳烃、脂肪烃的卤素衍生物,酮类及浓酸碱等。
美国Parker-PDF Z8、E4、PZ、EU、PP型汽缸密封圈
美国Parker-PDF Z8、E4、PZ、EU、PP型汽缸密封圈一、DP型DP型缓冲式整体活塞是一种双U形密封和金属骨架硫化粘结的整体气动活塞.功能:密封,导向,缓冲.适用于顶端有缓冲的双作用汽缸.材质:邵氏硬度71度的NBR基橡胶,与金属骨架硫化粘接.工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑)应用范围: 工作压力≤12bar,工作温度-30~+100℃,表面速度≤1m/s.规格尺寸(D*d*H/h) 订货号6*2*3.8/3 DP 0602 Z50518*3*5/4 DP 0803 Z505110*3*5/4 DP 1003 Z505112*4.5*6/4 DP 1203 Z505112*4.5*6/5 DP 1204 Z505116*4.5*6.5/4.5 DP 1603 Z505120*6*7.5/5.5 DP 2005 Z505120*6*7.5/6.3 DP 2006 Z505125*7*8.8/7 DP 2506 Z505132*8*11/8 DP 3208 Z505140*8*11.8/8.8 DP 4008 Z505150*10*14/10 DP 5010 Z505163*12*14/10 DP 6312 Z505180*16*16/12 DP 8016 Z5051100*20*18/14 DP A020 Z5051 E4型活塞密封件是一种专门用于气动设备的唇形密封件.E4型标准系列的尺寸符合ISO 3320,CETOP RP52P,RP43P,RP53P标准的缸径.E4型可以与C2型标准系列互换.标准材质:邵氏硬度A78的NBR基橡胶N3578. 工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑)应用范围: 工作压力≤16bar,工作温度:-30~+80℃,表面速度≤1m/s规格尺寸(D*d*H) 订货号10*5*3 E4 1050 N357812*6*4 E4 1206 N357812*7*4 E4 1207 N357814*8*4 E4 1408 N357816*9*5 E4 1609 N357816*10*4 E4 1610 N357820*12*5.5 E4 2012 N357820*14*4 E4 2014 N357820.5*14*4 E4 2016 N357822*16*5 E4 2216 N357824*16*5.5 E4 2416 N357825*15.5*5.8 E4 2515 N357825*17*4.5 E4 2516 N357825*17*5.5 E4 2517 N357828*18*7 E4 2818 N357832*20*6.5 E4 3220 N357832*22*7 E4 3222 N357832*24*5.5 E4 3224 N3578 34*24*7 E4 3424 N357836*26*7 E4 3666 N357840*30*7 E4 4030 N357842*30*6 E4 4203 N357845*37*7 E4 4537 N357850*40*7 E4 5040 N357860*50*7 E4 6022 N357863*53*7 E4 6353 N357870*58*7 E4 7058 N357875*65*7.5 E4 7065 N3578 80*68*8.5 E4 8068 N3578 84*72*8.5 E4 8072 N3578 100*88*8.5 E4 A008 N3578 110*98*8.5 E4 B002 N3578 120*105*10 E4 C005 N3578 125*110*10 E4 C010 N3578 140*125*10 E4 E040 N3578 150*135*10 E4 F004 N3578 160*140*14 E4 G014 N3578 160*145*10 E4 G022 N3578 200*180*14 E4 L018 N3578 220*199*15 E4 M005 N3578 250*225*18 E4 N525 N3578 250*230*14 E4 N503 N3578 320*295*14 E4 Q205 N3578 320*295*17 E4 Q206 N3578 470*440*21 E4 R720 N3578 PZ型汽缸密封件用于汽缸和阀.标准材质:邵氏硬度A71度的NBR基合成橡胶. 工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑)应用范围: 工作压力≤12bar,工作温度:-20~+100℃,表面速度≤1m/s规格尺寸(D*d*H) 订货号12*7*2 PZ 1207 N3571N16*9*2.1 PZ 1605 N3571N20*13*2.1 PZ 2013 N3571N25*18*2.1 PZ 2518 N3571N28*19*2.1 PZ 2819 N3571N30*21*2.5 PZ 3021 N3571N32*23*2.5 PZ 3210 N3571N40*31*2.5 PZ 4031 N3571N50*41*2.5 PZ 5010 N3571N63*51*3.4 PZ 6051 N3571N80*68*3.4 PZ 8010 N3571N100*88*3.4 PZ A008 N3571N125*110*4.4 PZ C050 N3571NZ8型活塞密封件是汽缸活塞用和阀用的唇形密封件.Z8型标准系列的尺寸符合ISO 3320,CETOP RP52P,RP43P,RP53P标准的缸径.Z8型可以与U型标准系列互换.标准材质:邵氏硬度A80的NBR基合成橡胶N3578.工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑)应用范围: 工作压力≤16bar,工作温度:-30~+80℃,表面速度≤1m/s规格尺寸(D*d*H) 订货号4*1.5*1.5 Z8 0415 N35805*2.5*1.5 Z8 0504 N35806*3*2 Z8 0630 N35808*4*2.55 Z8 0804 N35808*4.8*2.3 Z8 0806 N358010*3*3.5 Z8 1003 N358010*6*2.55 Z8 1006 N358012*7*2.55 Z8 1207 N358013*8*2.55 Z8 1030 N358014*8*2.55 Z8 1421 N358015*9*2.55 Z8 1509 N358016*10*2.55 Z8 1610 N358016*11*2.55 Z8 1611 N358018*12*2.55 Z8 1812 N358020*14*2.55 Z8 2014 N358021*15*2.55 Z8 2115 N358022*16*2.55 Z8 2216 N3580 24*18*3.25 Z8 2418 N3580 25*19*3.25 Z8 2519 N3580 28*22*3.25 Z8 2822 N3580 30*22*3.25 Z8 3022 N3580 30*22.5*4.8 Z8 3023 N3580 32*24*3.25 Z8 3224 N3580 35*27*3.25 Z8 3527 N3580 36*28*3.25 Z8 3628 N3580 37*29*3.25 Z8 3729 N3580 38*30*3.25 Z8 3818 N3580 40*32*3.25 Z8 4032 N3580 42*34*3.25 Z8 4234 N3580 45*37*3.25 Z8 4522 N3580 50*42*3.25 Z8 5042 N3580 52*42*4.25 Z8 5205 N3580 57*50.5*4.25 Z8 5705 N3580 58*48*4.25 Z8 5816 N3580 63*53*4.25 Z8 6353 N3580 80*70*4.25 Z8 8070 N3580 90*80*4.25 Z8 9080 N3580 100*90*4.25 Z8 A090 N3580 125*105*8.25 Z8 C505 N3580 150*130*8.25 Z8 F113 N3580 160*140*8.25 Z8 G014 N3580 200*180*8.25 Z8 L018 N3580PZ型汽缸密封件用于汽缸和阀. 标准材质:邵氏硬度A71度的NBR基合成橡胶. 工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑) 应用范围: 工作压力≤12bar,工作温度:-20~+100℃,表面速度≤1m/s 规格尺寸(D*d*H) 订货号 12*7*2 PZ 1207 N3571N 16*9*2.1 PZ 1605 N3571N 20*13*2.1 PZ 2013 N3571N 25*18*2.1 PZ 2518 N3571N 28*19*2.1 PZ 2819 N3571N 30*21*2.5 PZ 3021 N3571N 32*23*2.5 PZ 3210 N3571N 40*31*2.5 PZ 4031 N3571N 50*41*2.5 PZ 5010 N3571N 63*51*3.4 PZ 6051 N3571N 80*68*3.4 PZ 8010 N3571N 100*88*3.4 PZ A008 N3571N 125*110*4.4 PZ C050 N3571N Z8型活塞密封件是汽缸活塞用和阀用的唇形密封件. Z8型标准系列的尺寸符合ISO 3320,CETOP RP52P,RP43P,RP53P标准的缸径. Z8型可以与U型标准系列互换. 标准材质:邵氏硬度A80的NBR基合成橡胶N3578. 工作介质:含润滑油的空气以及干燥空气和无油空气(装配初始需润滑) 应用范围: 工作压力≤16bar,工作温度:-30~+80℃,表面速度≤1m/s 规格尺寸(D*d*H) 订货号4*1.5*1.5 Z8 0415 N35805*2.5*1.5 Z8 0504 N35806*3*2 Z8 0630 N35808*4*2.55 Z8 0804 N35808*4.8*2.3 Z8 0806 N358010*3*3.5 Z8 1003 N358010*6*2.55 Z8 1006 N358012*7*2.55 Z8 1207 N358013*8*2.55 Z8 1030 N358014*8*2.55 Z8 1421 N358015*9*2.55 Z8 1509 N358016*10*2.55 Z8 1610 N358016*11*2.55 Z8 1611 N358018*12*2.55 Z8 1812 N358020*14*2.55 Z8 2014 N358021*15*2.55 Z8 2115 N358022*16*2.55 Z8 2216 N358024*18*3.25 Z8 2418 N358025*19*3.25 Z8 2519 N358028*22*3.25 Z8 2822 N358030*22*3.25 Z8 3022 N3580 30*22.5*4.8 Z8 3023 N358032*24*3.25 Z8 3224 N358035*27*3.25 Z8 3527 N358036*28*3.25 Z8 3628 N358037*29*3.25 Z8 3729 N358038*30*3.25 Z8 3818 N358040*32*3.25 Z8 4032 N358042*34*3.25 Z8 4234 N358045*37*3.25 Z8 4522 N358050*42*3.25 Z8 5042 N358052*42*4.25 Z8 5205 N358057*50.5*4.25 Z8 5705 N358058*48*4.25 Z8 5816 N358063*53*4.25 Z8 6353 N358080*70*4.25 Z8 8070 N358090*80*4.25 Z8 9080 N3580100*90*4.25 Z8 A090 N3580 125*105*8.25 Z8 C505 N3580 150*130*8.25 Z8 F113 N3580 160*140*8.25 Z8 G014 N3580 200*180*8.25 Z8 L018 N3580。
FHR系列热回收式水冷冷水机组,采用特殊的双水路冷凝 器可回收全部冷凝热量。为用户提供部分生活用水。 PHR部分热回收型(PHR系列,选用功能) PHR系列热回收式水冷冷水机组,可回收部分冷凝热量并 提高机组运行性能,为用户提供部分生活热水,取得非常 可观的节能效果。 低噪音型 所有机型均可选择低噪音型,其噪音比标准型降低10 ~15分贝。 蓄冰功能(选用功能) 机组标准配置双水温设置点,在用户要求的情况下,可 以将出水温度调整至-4℃/-8℃(蓄冰工况)。
出水温度极限报警 当出水温度降低至3℃时,电脑立即停止压缩机工作并启动 蒸发器防冻电加热器。
传感器故障报警 电脑对机组使用的压力及温度传感器进行监测,一旦失效立 即终止其工作并发出报警。
供电电压过高/ 低报警 对供电电压连续进行监测,一旦超出设定范围,立即终止机 组工作并发出相应报警。
特殊功能 短信遥控
独立集中监控系统(IntelliVision2000系统) 由阿尔西公司独立开发的全中文监控系统IntelliVision2000具备 强大的联网监控功能,具备灵活多样的连接形式,并可同时监控 阿尔西公司的全部智能控制空调产品。 IntelliVision2000运行在一台普通个人电脑中,可以通过直联或 借助调制解调器对远端设备进行监控与管理,机组的所有运行参 数、运行状态以及发生的报警可及时而迅速的反映在监控画面 上,通过授权甚至可以远端开停机组、修改运行参数以及复位机 组报警。 Intellivision2000 可连接至阿尔西公司维修中心,或将相关数据 传送至维修中心,由有经验的工程师协助解决出现的问题,达到 缩短维修时间,降低维修费用之目的。
大型商业分割式空调 SSA5-PRC003-EN 产品目录 September 2006 分割式 2
Large Commercial Split SystemSSA5-PRC003-ENProduct CatalogueSeptember 2006Split System 23-55 TonsRAUP/TTV Models 50 HzContentsModel Number Description4 General Data 20-55 Ton Condensing Units6 General Data Blower Coil Units7 System Performance Matrix8 Features Summary8 Outdoor Unit Application Considerations9 Outdoor Unit Selection10 Indoor Unit Fan Performance Data11 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 25013 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 30014 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 40015 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 50016 Dimensional Data Condensing Unit RAUP 60017 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 25018 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 30020 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 40022 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 50024 Dimensional Data DX Air Handling unit TTV 60026 Mechanical Specifications Outdoor Unit28 Mechanical Specifications Indoor Unit29Model Number DescriptionUnit Model Number DescriptionThe product is identified by a multiple-character model number that precisely identifies a particular type of unit. An explanation is shown below. It will enable the owner or Service Engineer to define operation, components and applicable accessories for a specific unit.R A U P 250D1B0A123456789101112Digit No. 1 = Product TypeR = Remote Condensing UnitDigit No. 2 = Product TypeA = Air CooledDigit No. 3 = Product TypeU = Unit Airflow-UpflowDigit No. 4 = Development SequenceDigit No. 5, 6 and No. 7 = Nominal Gross Capacity (MBH)(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 6 or 7, Only the Number “0” is used.) 250=250 MBH300=300 MBH400=400 MBH500=500 MBH600=600 MBHDigit No. 8 = Electrical Rating/Utilization RangeD = 380-415V/3ph/50HzDigit No. 9 = Motor/Compressor Controls(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 9, Only the Number “0” is used.)0 = None1 = DOL ( 3 wire ) StarterDigit No. 10 = Minor Design SequenceDigit No. 11 = Factory Installed/Shipped Options(Note: The Alphabetic Letter “O” is not used in Digit 11, Only the Number “0” is used.)0 = None1 = Blue fin2 = Suction/Liquid shut off valve3 = Crankcase Heater4 = Copper finS = SpecialDigit No. 12 = Service IndicatorModel Number DescriptionT T V250A D01A0A A0D 12345678910111213141516Digit No 1, 2, 3 = Airflow ConfigurationV = Vertical DischargeDigit No 4, 5, 6 = Nominal Gross Capacity (MBH)Digit No 7 = Major Design SequenceDigit No 8 = Electrical Rating / Utilization RangeD = 380-415V/3Ph/50HzDigit No 9 = Motor Control0 = None1 = DOL 4 wireDigit No 10 = Factory Installed Options0 = No Motor and Drive1 = 3.7 Supply Fan Motor kW2 = 5.5 Supply Fan Motor kW3 = 7.5 Supply Fan Motor kW4 = 11 Supply Fan Motor kW5 = 15 Supply Fan Motor kWDigit No 11 = Minor Design SequenceDigit No 120 = No Discharge Plenum1 = With Discharge Plenum (For TTV250&300)Digit No 13A = Internal Filter Rack ; 1" FilterB = External Filter Rack ; 2" FilterC = Internal Filter Rack ; 1" Filter with Decorative Return Air GrilleDigit No 14 = ArrangementA = Arrangement 1B = Arrangement 2C = Arrangement 3D = Arrangement 4Digit No 15 = Future UseDigit No 16 = ServiceGeneral Data 20-55 Ton Condensing UnitsTable 11 MCA - Minimum Circuit Ampacity is 125% of the largest compressor RLA plus 100% of the other compressor RLA plus the sum of the motor RLA.2 At 7 deg C SST and 35 deg C Ambient, Subcooling 8.3 K, Superheat 11.1 K.3 Nominal Airflow is rated wiht standard air-dry coil.General Data Blower Coil UnitsTable 2MCA - Minimum Circuit Ampacity ; calculated as follow : 125% of heater R.L Amps plus the fan motor R.L Amps.CFM is rated with standard air-dry coil.System Performance MatrixTable 3•Scroll Compressors•High compressor EERs.•Less vibration and a Quieter Operation •Durability / Extended LifeBuilt in dirt separator to prevent dirt reaching the bearings High volume oil sump prevents excessive oil loss.•Compressor ProtectionInternal motor temperature sensor.Current overloadsExternal high and low pressure switches •T andem CapabilityAchieves high part load efficiencies and additional part load control.•Sight glass & oil charging valves•DOL Starter, minimizing field installation.•Micro Controller with labled and numbered wiring.•Helps in troubleshooting and reduces service time.•Detailed two digits troubleshooting diagnostics.•Higher Controller reliability than traditional hard wired systems •Robust Casing•Stainless Steel & Corrosion Resistant Coated external screws.•Corrossion resistant coated coils as an option.•High efficiency Trane slit fin coils.•Weather resisant baked matt polyester powder painted GI panels.Heavy gauge welded steel base with mounting holes.•IP 55 condenser fan motors with built in thermal overloads.•Aluminium Blade propeller fans.•Fully factory leak and pressure, tested.•Factory Packaged•DOL Starters, Filter driers, controller •Pre Matched Compact Air Handlers•Small foot print•Multiple fan arrangements. Vertical or horizontal discharge configurations.•Up to 2.5“ (625Pa) ESP•Baked Polyester Powder Painted GI panels•25 mm Aluminium foil faced fiberglass insulation.•Double Inlet Width Forward curved fans •Standard 25 mm washable air filters.•Oversized motor options for higher static operation.*Some items are optional and not standard.Features SummaryCapacities based on ambient temperature of 95O F (35O C) Coil on coil temperature of 80/67O F (26/19O C) EDB/EWB.Capacities are gross and do not include the evaporator fan motor heat deductionCertain application constraints should be considered when sizing, selecting and installing Trane air-cooled condensing units. Unit reliability is dependent upon these considerations. Where your application varies from the guidelines presented, it should be reviewed with the local Trane sales engineer.Unit SizingIntentionally oversizing a unit to assure adequate capacity is not recommended. Erratic system operation and excessive compressor cycling are often a direct result of an oversized condensing unit. In addition, an oversized units usually more expensive to purchase, install and operate. If oversizing is desired, consider using two units.Unit PlacementA base or foundation is not required if the selected unit location is level and strong enough to support the unit’s operating weight.Isolation and Sound Emission The most effective from of isolation is to locate the unit away from any sound sensitive area. Structurally transmitted sound can be reduced by using spring or rubber isolators. The isolators are effective in reducing the low frequency sound generated by compressors and, therefore are recommended for sound sensitive installations. An acoustical engineer should always be consulted on critical applications. For maximum isolation effect, the refrigeration lines and electrical conduct should also be isolated. Use flexible electrical conduit. State and local codes on sound emissions should always be considered. Since the environment in which a sound source is located affects sound pressure, unit placement must be carefully evaluated.Unit LocationUnobstructed flow of condenser air isessential for maintaining condensingunit capacity and operation efficiency.When determining unit placement,careful consideration must be given toassure proper air flow across thecondenser heat transfer surface. Failureto heed these considerations will resultin warm air recirculation and coil air flowstarvation, resulting in a high pressurecompressor cutoff.Warm air recirculation occurs whendischarge air from the condenser fansis recycled back at the condenser coilinlet. Coil starvation occurs when freeair flow to the condenser is restricted.Both warm air recirculation and coilstarvation cause reductions in unitefficiency and capacity. In addition,in more severe cases, nuisance unitshutdowns will result from excessivehead pressures. Accurate estimates ofthe degree of efficiency and capacityreduction are not possible due to theunpredictable effect of varying winds,temperatures and coil conditions.In addition, wind tends to further reducehead pressure. Therefore, it is advisableto protect the air-cooled condensingunit from continuous direct windsexceeding 10 miles per hour.Debris, trash, supplies, etc., should notbe allowed to accumulate in the vicinityof the air-cooled condensing unit. Supplyair movement may draw debris betweencoil fins and cause coil starvation. Specialconsideration should be given to unitsoperating in low ambient temperatures.Condenser coils and fan dischargemust be kept free of snow and otherobstructions to permit adequate air flowfor satisfactory unit operation.Effect of Altitude On CapacityCondensing unit capacities given in theperformance data tables. At elevationssubstantially above sea level, thedecreased air density will decreasecondenser air density will decreasecondenser capacity and efficiency.Ambient ConsiderationsStart up and operation at lowerambients requires sufficient headpressure be maintained for properexpansion valve operation.At higher ambients, excessive headpressure may result. Standard operatingambients are 7-45O C. With a low ambientkit comprising crank case heaters andfrequency inverters, operation below7O C is achievable. Minimum ambientcondition are based on still conditions.Refrigerant PipingSpecial consideration must always begiven to oil retum. Minimum suction gasvelocities must always be maintainedfor proper oil retum. Outdoor Unit Application ConsiderationsOutdoor Unit SelectionSYSTEM PERFORMANCE DATAEWB=Entering Wet Bulb, deg. FTC=Total Capacity, MBHSHC=Sensible Heat Capacity, MBHPI=Power Input, kW CompressorsAll capacities are gross and do not include a deduction for evaporator fan motor heat.Interpolation is allowed. Do not extrapolate.Correction FactorsCooling Capacity Correction Factor for CFM/CMH, other than standard%CFM.CMH Variation From Rated-20-10Rated+10+20 Total Cooling Capacity Multiplier0.960.98 1.00 1.02 1.03 Sensible Heat Multaiplier0.910.96 1.00 1.04 1.08Note : Calculate total and sensible capacities in MBH and multiply by above factors to determine revised capacitiesEvaporator Fan Performance - TTV 250English UnitsIndoor Unit Fan Performance DataNotes: 1.Standard motor is 7.5 hp (5.5 kW), 1st option high static motor is 10 hp (7.5 kW), 2nd option high static motor is 15 hp (11 kW)2.To determine the power of the motor to be installed, the following correction factors to the fan Shaft Absorbed hp.Fan motor hp = Absorbed Fan Shaft hp x Correction FactorCorrection Factor = 1.2 for Absorbed Fan Shaft < 10 kW (13.4 hp)Correction Factor = 1.15 for Absorbed Fan Shaft > 10 kW (13.4 hp)Fan Motor Heat (MBH) = 2.55 x BHP Data Includes wet coil pressure dropIndoor Unit Fan Performance DateEvaporator Fan Performance - TTV 500English UnitsFAN ARRANGEMENT 1SIDE VIEW FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 1FAN ARRANGEMENT 2SIDE VIEWFAN ARRANGEMENT 3FAN ARRANGEMENT 4SIDE VIEWCASINGThe unit shall be designed for outdoor installation with completely factory assembled panels. Unit panels shall be constructed of 0.9 mm galvanized steel held in place by Allen key arrangements for easy removal. Exterior panels shall be cleaned, chemically treated and finished with a weather resistant oven-baked polyester powder paint. The entire unit shall be mounted on a galvanized sheet steel base for ease of shipment and handing. COMPRESSORThe unit shall have hermetic, welded shell Trane designed scroll compressors. Scroll compressors shall be heavy-duty suction gas cooled type complete with suction screen centrifugal oil pump with dirt separator, oil sight glass, protective device for low and high pressure and compressor motor winding thermostat. Two manifold compressors on unit sizes RAUP 150 to RAUP 300, four compressors on two independent manifolded circuits on unit sizes RAUP 400 to RAUP 600.CONDENSING COILOne vertical air-cooled condenser coil for RAUP 150 to RAUP 300, two vertical coils for RAUP 400 to RAUP 600.The coil shall be made of 3/8” seamless copper tubes mechanically bonded to aluminium plate fins. The coils shall be leak and proof tested to 300 and 450 psig respectively, and dehydrated and charged with nitrogen Optional corrosion resistant condenser coils are available for corrosive environments. CONTROLSProtective devices for low pressure, high pressure, motor winding temperature thermostat current overload for compressors and time delay protection shall be provided. DOL starter shall be provided as a standard. Shutoff valves shall be and option. Micro Control Processors shall be standard on a RAUP’s. Micro Controllers shall have diagnostics.FANDirect drive propeller fans shall be provided. Fan motors shall be protected with current overload protection. SHIPMENTAll units shall be shipped on a wooden skid with the compressor oil operating charge and a R22 holding charge.Mechanical Specifications Outdoor UnitUNIT CASINGThe unit framework shall be 3 mm ga.GI steel. Exterior panels shall be fabricated from 1.2 mm ga. galvanized steel. All panels shall be cleaned and coated with a baked polyester powder paint. The base frame shall be welded 3mm galvanized steel.All panels in contact with air stream shall be insulated with 1 inch 2 pound density fibre glass insulation covered with aluminium foils to prevent contact of moving air with insulation. All panels shall be removable to ensure proper access for servicing and maintenance.Removable panels shall be secured with bolts.FOOTPRINTTo save building space all models shall be placed against wall with return air from the front and general service from the sides.COOLING COILThe evaporator coil shall be one-half inch or three-eight inch OD seamless copper tubes mechanically expanded into aluminium fins.Coils shall have at least two independent circuits for good part load capability.Coils shall be proof tested at 375 psig and leak tested at 250 psig. Thermal expansion device shall be of direct expansion type with external equalizers,(Capillary tubes shall not be acceptable).The drain pan shall be fabricated of galvanized steel, insulated to prevent any condensation, and mastic coated to pervert corrosion.REFRIGERANT CIRCUITRefrigerant circuits shall be independent or manifolded and shall include pressure access ports (high and low pressure)filter driers, and charging valves. The circuits shall be lead tested and factory charged with N2.FANSSupply fans shall be of double width double inlet forward curved centrifugal fans statically and dynamically balanced. The drive components shall included fixed pitch drives and multiple V-belts. The drives shall be factory run tested and balanced. The supply fan motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled.STARTERSUnit mounted DOL fan motor starters are available as a standard feature.HI-STATIC MOTOR (OPTIONAL)Optional factory mounted oversized fan motor for high external static pressureapplication.Mechanical Specifications Indoor UnitLiterature Order Number SSA5-PRC 003-EN Supersedes Sep 2006Stocking LocationSoft Copy OnlyTrane Thailand7th Floor, Ploenchit Center Building 2 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110。
380-415V-3-50Hz & 460V-3-60Hz
380-415V-3-50Hz & 460V-3-60Hz
380-415V-3-50Hz & 460V-3-60Hz
380-415V-3-50Hz & 460V-3-60Hz
Parker PPD-350系列移动潮湿式压缩空气干燥器说明书
Compressed air is generated on-site. Consequently, the quality of the compressed air and cost of producing it are the responsibility of the end user. To achievemaximum performance, the best compressed air quality is required.The challenge with compressed air systems is that they inherently suffer from performance and reliability issues. Almost all the problems associated with the compressed air system and subsequent product related quality issues can be directly attributed to compressed air contamination.Compressed air contaminants, derived from theatmospheric air, the air compressor, air storage tanks and the distribution piping, can be categorized intothree main groups: particulates, water and oil. Effectively removing or reducing these contaminants down toacceptable levels requires a combination of compressed air filtration and dehumidification equipment.Parker’s PPD-350 Series of Portable DesiccantCompressed Air Dryers are comprehensive compressed air treatment systems for working pressures up to 350 psi g. Each package is equipped with multiple stages of a filtration and a twin tower adsorption dryer forcompressed air dehumidification. Packaged on portable, heavy-duty skid these highly engineered systemsensure high quality compressed air in accordance with ISO8573-1, the international standard for compressed air quality.Advantages:• Comprehensive system design with two coalescing pre-filters, desiccant dryer and dry particulate after-filter ensures clean, dry air in accordance with ISO8573-1.• Integrated air-cooled aftercooler with water separator package coolscompressed air down to within 15°F of ambient temperature and removes bulk liquids.• Industry leading Allen Bradley® programmable logic controller (PLC) installed in a NEMA 4X enclosure.• Optional Advanced Allen Bradley® PLC includes dewpoint sensor, digital dewpoint display and communication via Modbus RS485 and ethernet.• Heavy duty, draggable skid with lifting lugs and fork holes result in ease of transportation.• Selectable cycle modes deliver a continuous dewpoint of -40°F with Standard Cycle or dewpoints as low as -100°F with Short Cycle.PPD-350 Series PortableDesiccant Compressed Air DryersPPD 1000 - 1600Operating Pressures Up to 350 psigPKR_PIS_PPD-350_052021© 2021 Parker Hannifin CorporationNotes:1. Flow rate for PPD dryers with aftercooler turned ON are based on 250°F inlet, 350 psi g inet and 85°F ambient.2. Flow rate for PPD dryers with aftercooler turned ON are based on 250°F inlet, 100 psi g inet and 85°F ambient.3. Designs for other flow rates, pressure and temperatures are available. Consult factory for additional information.4. Proper freeze protection must be added to equipment operating in temperatures below 40°F. Consult factory for options.5. PPD dryers come factory set for -40°F dewpoint as standard. Adjusting purge pressure and operating in Short Cycle Mode allow for dewpoints as low as -100°F. Consult factory or user manual for details.Notes:1. Weights and dimensions shown for all PPD models are approximate. Parker reserves the right to make changes without notification. Consultfactory for general arrangement drawings.Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division 4087 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086phone 800 343 /igfg。
活塞式无油空压机 Oilfree 0.2kW TFPJ02B-6 CFPJ02B-6 CFPJ04B
使用说明书■活塞式无油空压机Oilfree0.2kWTFPJ02B-6 CFPJ02B-6 CFPJ04B-6TFPJ02B-6S CFPJ02B-6S CFPJ04B-6S※请填写以下表格。
型号MODEL 制造编号SERIAL NO.购买店购买日期开始使用日期年 月 日年 月 日由衷感谢您能购买嘉兴阿耐思特岩田产业机械有限公司的产品。
前言保证在本说明书中所记录的符号和各事项,为此产品的安全使用,以防您和 他人遭受危害和财产的损失。
■图示举例 符号表示[应注意事项]。
■ 如在使用中无视这些警告和注意符号而造成的损坏和损伤,我公司概不负责。
■ 关于此产品的质量保证在本书末页有关其保修,维修服务的说明。
目录安全上的注意事项 ................................................01~03 警告 ...............................................................01~02 注意 (03)警告标牌粘贴位的置 (04)现品确认 (05)型号说明 (05)附属品一览 (05)各部件名称 (06)设置场所 (07)配管 (08)配线 (08)试运转 (09)运转控制盘的确认 (09)日常运转的管理事项 .............................................10~11保养.维修 (12)保养维修一览表 (12)拆分上的注意事项 (13)组装上的注意事项 (13)有关零件购买 (14)性能的检修 (14)控制机器的压力设定和调整 .......................................14~15压力容器的检修记录 (16)出现故障的原因和对策 ....................................... (17)立体拆分图 .........................................................18~20电路图 (21)附表…………………………………………………………22~27保修和维修服务 ……………………………………………末页以下内容为如何安全使用机器的注意事项,所以在使用前,请仔细阅读。
效率(%) (典型值)
74 78 79 74 76 78 77 80 77 78 79 80 77 78 79 80 77 79 80
WRE_P-3W & WRF_P-3W 系列产品是专门针
WRE2405P-3W WRE2409P-3W WRE2412P-3W WRE2415P-3W WRF2405P-3W WRF2409P-3W WRF2412P-3W WRF2415P-3W WRF4805P-3W WRF4812P-3W WRF4815P-3W 48 36-72 80 24 18-36 40
电压 (VDC) 范围
电流 (mA) 最大
±300 ±125 ±100 600 333 250 200 125 ±300 ±167 ±125 ±100 600 333 250 200 600 250 200
±30 ±12 ±10 60 33 25 20 12 ±30 ±16 ±12 ±10 60 33 25 20 60 25 20
额定输出功率 封装形式 输出电压 输入电压 产品系列
项目 绝缘强度 绝缘电阻 工作条件 测试时间 1 分钟, 漏电流小于 1mA 绝缘电压 500VDC
Min. 3000 1000 Typ. Max.
项目 存储湿度 工作条件
Min. Typ. Max. 95 -40 -55 15 85 125 °C
对线路板上分布式电源系统中需要产生一组 与输入电源隔离的单电源的应用场合而设计 的。该产品适用于: 1) 输入电源的电压比较宽(电压变化范围 ≤2:1) ; 2) 输入输出之间要求高隔离(隔离电压≤ 3000VDC) 3) 输出电压稳定度和输出纹波噪声要求较 高。
C20 exp[4.531 1.6562Z 5.5496Z 2 6.4695Z 3 (0.474675
0.079Z 1.39Z 2 1.3212Z 3 ) ln Lv (0.07291 0.088307Z
0.49123Z 2 0.43196Z 3 ) (ln Lv )2 ]
5~ 25
7 以下
7~ 50
7 以下
45 以下
9 以下
9~ 70
9 以下
70 以下
10 以下 70 以下
11 以下 90 以下 90~160
11 以下 110 以下 110~200 200~300
11 以下 110 以下 110~230 230~350
表 1 板间距与塔径关系
塔径 D, m
0.3~0.5 0.5~0.8 0.8~1.6 1.6~2.0
塔板 间 距 HT mm 200~300 250~350 350~450 450~600
2、塔径 D 的初估与圆整
根据流量公式计算塔径,即 D 4V S
式中 Vs —塔内的气相流量, m 3 s
5.注意事项: 写出详细计算步骤,并注明选用数据的来源; 每项设计结束后,列出计算结果明细表; 设计说明书要求字迹工整,装订成册上交。
第一章 综述 1.精馏原理及其在工业生产中的应用 2.精馏操作对塔设备的要求(生产能力、效率、流动阻力、操作 弹性、结构、造价和工艺特性等) 3.常用板式塔类型及本设计的选型 4.本设计所选塔的特性 第二章 工艺条件的确定和说明 1.确定操作压力 2.确定进料状态 3.确定加热剂和加热方式 第三章 流程的确定和说明(附流程简图) 1.流程的说明 2.设置各设备的原因(精馏设备、物料的储存和输送、必要的检 测手段、操作中的调节和重要参数的控制、热能利用)
压力表型号含义 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】YTP代表隔膜压力表,YMF代表法兰式,YML代表螺纹式压力表,型号为Y-100,,级,径向G1/2A。
普通压力表,直径100mm,压力值,(16公斤力/平方厘米),接头方向---径向,接头螺纹---1/ 2"(管螺纹)通用的意义有这些,但具体到不同的厂家还有不同的含意在仪表型号表示中:Y表示压力,Z表示真空或阻尼,B表示防爆或标准,J表示精密或矩形,A表示氨表,X表示信号或电接点,XC表示磁助电接点,P表示膜片,E表示膜盒,F表示防腐,N表示耐震,T表示弹簧管,B表示不锈钢等等.我们常用的有:YTF表示不锈刚压力表,YA表示氨用压力表,YXC表示电接点压力表,YZ表示真空压力表,YY表示乙炔压力表,YO表示耐热压力表,YH表示氢气压力表等等YQ、YQF系列两级压力调节器主要适用于输入压力需要精密控制和调整的分析仪器、环保仪器设备、电力工业、以及其它仪器和设备.还适用于无腐蚀性(YQ系列)或有腐蚀性(Y QF系列)的纯气及标准混合气体,对钢瓶气体的高压气源进行精密调节后,送入仪器设备。
变量柱塞泵PAVC系列样本 2600-101-1/C 2002年 1月轴向柱塞泵 - 变量PAVC 系列3-8- 2Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)样本HY02-8029/C技术资料概述 - PAVC 系列通用........................................................................................................3 - 11PAVC 33/38 系列.............................................................................................................12 - 19性能资料.............................................................................................................................12订货资料.............................................................................................................................13性能数据......................................................................................................................14 -16尺寸 - 后油口和侧油口泵.............................................................................................17 - 18尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................19PAVC 65 系列..................................................................................................................20 - 26性能资料.............................................................................................................................20订货资料.............................................................................................................................21性能数据.....................................................................................................................22 - 23尺寸 - 后油口和顶部油口泵.........................................................................................24 - 25尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................26PAVC 100 系列................................................................................................................28 - 37性能资料.............................................................................................................................28订货资料.............................................................................................................................29性能数据.....................................................................................................................30 - 31尺寸 - 后油口泵...........................................................................................................32 - 33尺寸 - 顶部/顶部油口泵...............................................................................................34 - 35尺寸 - 通轴泵...............................................................................................................35 - 36尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................37控制选项 - PAVC 系列通用..............................................................................................38 - 39安装资料 - PAVC 系列通用..............................................................................................40 - 43目录页码 3-8-轴向柱塞泵 - 变量PAVC 系列3-8- 3Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)3样本HY02-8029/C技术资料速查参考数据表排量泵流量*近似噪声级 dB(A)在1800 RPM ,最大泵型号CM 3/REV @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ 全流量 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)排量和207 bar(IN 3/REV)in LPM (GPM)34 bar 69 bar 138 bar 207 bar (3000 PSI)1200 RPM 1800 RPM (500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)下的输入功率PAVC3333 (2.0)39.4 (10.4)59.0 (15.6)75 (69)76 (72)78 (75)79 (77)21.3 kw (28.5 hp)3000 207 (3000)PAVC3838 (2.3)45.0 (11.9)67.8 (17.9)75 (69)76 (72)78 (75)79 (77)24.6 kw (33.0 hp)3000207 (3000)PAVC6565 (4.0)78.7 (20.8)118.1 (31.2)77 (75)78 (76)80 (78)81 (79)43.1 kw (57.8 hp)3000207 (3000)PAVC100100 (6.1)119.6 (31.6)179.8 (47.5)83 (77)82 (78)82 (79)85 (80)71.2 kw (95.5 hp)2600207 (3000)*由于诸如安装,油箱形式,设备布置等许多不同因素均影响噪声级,不能假定以上读数将等于现场读数,以上数值在选择合适的泵时用作指导。