
eslpod daily english 文本

eslpod daily english 文本

eslpod daily english 文本


而eslpod daily english 是一个很好的资源,可以帮助我们提高听力水平。


eslpod daily english 每天都有新的英语节目,内容涵盖各种各样的话题,包括生活、文化、旅游等。



eslpod daily english 提供了各种各样的听力练习,比如听写、听力填空、听力理解等。



eslpod daily english 有很多外教老师,他们的口音地道,语速适中,非常适合我们练习听力。



eslpod daily english 有很多关于文化和娱乐的节目,通过这些节目,我们可以更好地了解英语国家的文化和生活,提高自己的跨文化交流能力。

总的来说,eslpod daily english 是一个很好的资源,可以帮助我们提高英语听力水平。





备注: 1、自我学习进度管理表格。 2、操作方法如下,假设你在12月3பைடு நூலகம்晚上9点学习了第一期,那么你在24小时之内,也就是10月 1日晚上9点内复习一次,然后第五天10月4日要复习一次,第七天10月6日要复习一次,第十五 天10月14日要复习一次,依次类推。 3、每次学习一期,都要把要复习的日期都写上去,等自己完成了一次复习任务,就画上勾。 4、复习是只填写Cloze,填一次或者几次都可以,但是最好不要五次以内。 5、你不必每天都学习新的内容,但是要保证每天都有一定的复习量。 6、这个表格还可以用来背单词,使用艾宾浩斯曲线记忆法,效果不错,你懂得。
A Day in the Life of Jeff
第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 第五期 第六期 第七期 第八期 第九期 第十期 当日 24时 5天 7天 15天 30天
Interview Questions Answered
当日 24时
第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 第五期 第六期 第七期 第八期 第九期 第十期
5天 7天
15天 30天
Using English at Work
第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 第五期 第六期 第七期 第八期 第九期 第十期 当日 24时 5天 7天 15天 30天
English for Business Meetings
第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 第五期 第六期 第七期 第八期 第九期 第十期 当日 24时 5天 7天 15天 30天

eslpod 听力文本

eslpod 听力文本

eslpod 听力文本ESL Podcast(英语作为第二语言播客)是一个专门为英语学习者设计的听力练习资源。

以下是一个虚构的、符合ESL Podcast风格的500字左右的听力文本示例:ESL Podcast 听力文本示例主题:健康饮食Narrator: Today, we're going to talk about healthy eating habits. Staying healthy is important, and what you eat plays a big role.Dr. Smith: That's right. A balanced diet is key. You should try to eat a variety of foods every day.Narrator: What are some good foods to include in a balanced diet?Dr. Smith: Well, fruits and vegetables are essential. They provide vitamins and minerals your body needs. Whole grains are also important for energy. And don't forget protein. Lean meats, fish, beans, and tofu are all good sources.Narrator: What about fats and sugars? Should we avoid them?Dr. Smith: Not necessarily. Your body does need some fat and sugar, but in moderation. It's best to limit processed foods and choose healthier options like nuts, seeds, and avocado for fats, and fresh fruits for sugar.Narrator: What about drinking? Is water the only thing we should drink?Dr. Smith: Water is definitely the best choice, but you can also include unsweetened tea, coffee in moderation, and low-fat milk or plant-based milks. Just try to avoid sugary drinks like soda and fruit juices with added sugar.Narrator: That's great advice, Dr. Smith. Remember, a balanced diet is the foundation of good health. Make sure to include a variety of nutritious foods in your meals, and limit unhealthy options.这个文本围绕“健康饮食”这一主题展开,包含了对话中常见的问答形式,适合英语学习者进行听力练习和理解。

eslpod daily english 文本

eslpod daily english 文本

eslpod daily english 文本
以下是eslpod daily english的文本及翻译:
Hello, listeners! Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of learning English. English is the language of international business, science, and technology. It’s also the language most commonly used on the internet. So, learning English can open up a whole new world of opportunities for you. It can help you communicate with people from all over the world, learn new ideas and cultures, and improve your career prospects. So, why wait? Start learning English today!

















2.2、慢速美语:ESLPod2.2.1 什么是ESLPod的英语学习播客(Podcast)一直在Apple iTunes商店的英语语言类播客中排名第一,深受世界各国英语学习者的喜爱,也广受英语教育机构赞扬。


这个播讲类材料由南加州大学Dr.Jeff McQuillan带领团队编辑制作,11年来,面向全世界提供英文教学广播——Jeff博士本人既是团队领导,也是节目的首席主播。

每期的播客自成一课,每一课全长大约20分钟,一般每课的模式是:· 一开始先是简单介绍这一课的内容主题。

eslpod daily english 文本 (2)

eslpod daily english 文本 (2)

eslpod daily english 文本标题:ESLPod Daily English 文本引言概述:ESLPod Daily English 是一种学习英语的资源,通过提供每日英语文本,帮助学习者提高听力和阅读能力。

本文将从五个大点来阐述ESLPod Daily English文本的特点和优势。

正文内容:1. 文本内容的多样性1.1 提供各种主题的文章ESLPod Daily English 文本涵盖了广泛的主题,包括旅行、科技、文化、历史等。


1.2 文本长度适中ESLPod Daily English 文本的长度适中,不会过长或过短。


1.3 文本的语言水平可调整ESLPod Daily English 文本的语言水平可以根据学习者的需求进行调整。


2. 文本的学习资源2.1 提供音频文件ESLPod Daily English 文本不仅提供了文字内容,还附带了音频文件。


2.2 提供翻译和注释ESLPod Daily English 文本还提供了翻译和注释,帮助学习者理解文章中的生词和难点。


2.3 提供词汇和语法练习ESLPod Daily English 文本附带了相关的词汇和语法练习,学习者可以通过这些练习来巩固所学的知识,并提高语言运用能力。

3. 文本的灵活性和便捷性3.1 适用于各种学习环境ESLPod Daily English 文本可以在各种学习环境中使用,包括课堂学习、自学和在线学习等。


3.2 可随时随地学习ESLPod Daily English 文本可以通过电子设备随时随地进行学习。



ESLPOD每一期都提供极其地道,我们在课本上学不到的英文表达,因为它独特的课程设置风格(慢速朗读,慢速讲解,快速朗读),给大家提供了一个从慢速英语向快速英语过过渡的完美平台,个人感觉比VOA Special English要好用很多,而且它的词汇量也非常丰富,大约是使用6000个左右的常用英文,比VOA慢速英语始终局限在3000以内的词汇量要丰富的多。



登陆它的官网,你很容易就能找到他们的收费教材,其中对我们比较有用的是这几本,1,Introduction to the United States(美国简介)2, A Day in the Life of Jeff(Jeff的一天)3, A Day in the Life of Lucy(Lucy的一天)4, Interview Questions Answered(面试问题回答)5, Using English at Work(英文会议)6, English for Business Meetings(工作常用英文)看名字就知道每本书相对应的主题1,ESLPOD六本教材简介本教材按照种类类分,可以分成3大类,下面我们来每本教材稍微详细的介绍下:第一类:学术类Introduction to the United States(美国简介)本书共100个音频,每个音频8分钟左右,由Jeff和Lucy两位老师穿插播报,播报模式很统一,前六分钟是慢速内容,后两分钟是常速的内容,两部分内容一模一样——虽然名为常速,但其实也是很容易的,只比慢速的快一点点。





ESLPod的核心理念是“To pick up, or to acquire a language, to really know the language, you have to understand the language”,即只有听和读那些能够理解大部分的材料,才能吸收和提高英语水平。






eslpod完整讲解文本【最新版】目录1.ESLPOD 的简介2.ESLPOD 的课程内容3.ESLPOD 的教学方式4.ESLPOD 的优点和缺点正文ESLPOD 是一个提供英语学习资源的网站,主要针对英语学习者提供各种课程资源,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面的训练。


ESLPOD 的课程内容非常丰富,包括各种英语语法课程、词汇课程、听力训练课程、口语训练课程和阅读写作课程等。


此外,ESLPOD 还提供了一些英语学习工具,如在线词典、语法参考书等,帮助学习者更好地学习英语。

ESLPOD 的教学方式主要是通过音频课程和文本课程来进行的。




ESLPOD 的优点在于提供了丰富、系统的英语学习资源,适合各种英语学习者。

此外,ESLPOD 的课程资源都是由专业的英语教师编写和录制的,质量有保障。

而且,ESLPOD 的教学方式灵活多样,学习者可以根据自己的需求和喜好选择不同的课程资源进行学习。

当然,ESLPOD 也存在一些缺点。

首先,ESLPOD 的课程资源虽然丰富,但大部分课程都需要付费才能解锁。


其次,ESLPOD 的课程资源主要针对英语学习者,对于一些非英语国家的学习者来说,可能不太适用。

总的来说,ESLPOD 是一个非常优秀的英语学习网站,提供了丰富、系统的英语学习资源,适合各种英语学习者。









误区四:口音纯正标准论在入门时期应该以美音为主,接触大量的优秀ESL (外语教学)教材,彻底突破听力和口语关。


一般意义上的英文“口音”主要由pronunciation(发音)、intonation/speech music(语调)和liaison/word connection(连读)三大重要部分组成,pronunciation 是最容易学到的,但对中国人来说,intonation/speech music和liaison /word connection 基本穷极一生也难以学得地道(汉语的语音结构和英文差异实在太大)。

esl prodcast 教材

esl prodcast 教材

esl prodcast 教材
以下是一些ESL (英语作为第二语言) Podcast所使用的教材:
1. EnglishClass101: 使用他们的"Absolute Beginner"系列,教授

2. British Council: 他们的"LearnEnglish Elementary Podcast"系

3. ESLPod: 提供大量的ESL Podcast,以便学习者可以选择适


4. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab: 这个网站提供了大量的ESL Podcast和听力练习,可供学习者在不同主题上提高他们


5. Breaking News English: 这个网站提供了专门针对ESL学习






ESLPOD每一期都提供极其地道,我们在课本上学不到的英文表达,因为它独特的课程设置风格(慢速朗读,慢速讲解,快速朗读),给大家提供了一个从慢速英语向快速英语过过渡的完美平台,个人感觉比VOA Special English要好用很多,而且它的词汇量也非常丰富,大约是使用6000个左右的常用英文,比VOA慢速英语始终局限在3000以内的词汇量要丰富的多。



登陆它的官网,你很容易就能找到他们的收费教材,其中对我们比较有用的是这几本,1,Introduction to the United States(美国简介)2, A Day in the Life of Jeff(Jeff的一天)3, A Day in the Life of Lucy(Lucy的一天)4, Interview Questions Answered(面试问题回答)5, Using English at Work(英文会议)6, English for Business Meetings(工作常用英文)看名字就知道每本书相对应的主题1,ESLPOD六本教材简介本教材按照种类类分,可以分成3大类,下面我们来每本教材稍微详细的介绍下:第一类:学术类Introduction to the United States(美国简介)本书共100个音频,每个音频8分钟左右,由Jeff和Lucy两位老师穿插播报,播报模式很统一,前六分钟是慢速内容,后两分钟是常速的内容,两部分内容一模一样——虽然名为常速,但其实也是很容易的,只比慢速的快一点点。



1. Introduction to the United States:这本书涵盖了美国政治制度、法律、经济、地理、日常生活等方面,全书200多页,分为100课,相当于美国常识100问。

2. A Day in the Life of Jeff和A Day in the Life of Lucy:这两本书以第一视角记述了Jeff 和Lucy从早晨起床开始一整天的工作生活经历和一些小心思、小情绪。

3. Using English at Work:这本书是典型的商务英语教材,讨论了办公室中的各种英文工作场景,内容包含每日工作中要用到的单词、短语和句型。

此外,ESLPOD还有Interview Questions Answered、English for Business Meetings等教材。





ESLPOD每一期都提供极其地道,我们在课本上学不到的英文表达,因为它独特的课程设置风格(慢速朗读,慢速讲解,快速朗读),给大家提供了一个从慢速英语向快速英语过过渡的完美平台,个人感觉比VOA Special English要好用很多,而且它的词汇量也非常丰富,大约是使用6000个左右的常用英文,比VOA慢速英语始终局限在3000以内的词汇量要丰富的多。



登陆它的官网,你很容易就能找到他们的收费教材,其中对我们比较有用的是这几本,1,Introduction to the United States(美国简介)2, A Day in the Life of Jeff(Jeff的一天)3, A Day in the Life of Lucy(Lucy的一天)4, Interview Questions Answered(面试问题回答)5, Using English at Work(英文会议)6, English for Business Meetings(工作常用英文)看名字就知道每本书相对应的主题1,ESLPOD六本教材简介本教材按照种类类分,可以分成3大类,下面我们来每本教材稍微详细的介绍下:第一类:学术类Introduction to the United States(美国简介)本书共100个音频,每个音频8分钟左右,由Jeff和Lucy两位老师穿插播报,播报模式很统一,前六分钟是慢速内容,后两分钟是常速的内容,两部分内容一模一样——虽然名为常速,但其实也是很容易的,只比慢速的快一点点。





比如,你会说chat而不会说shoot the breeze,你可能会说challenge the current situation而不会说challenge the status quo,没钱的时候你会不会poor-mouth?和新女友逛街时,you met your old flame out of the blue,新女友问你:“Are the two of you still an item?”你能马上beat around the bush吗?我相信你很少能说出这么地道的话。


有的同学可以把英语说得很快,blah blah 10秒念完500字,但听起来就是没有味道;有的同学看着书说得很好,甚至你是BBC听力高手,但是自己平时连个整段的话都说不明白,说出来的总是chinglish,或者说句话要想半天要用什么时态,加不加s,……怎么办呢?跟着Jeff 一起说,Jeff在前半段解释时的速度足以让你同步跟读。









ESLPod (English as a Second Language Podcast)是一款针对初级和进阶英语学习者使用的播客材料,两位播讲主持人分别是Dr. Jeff McQuillan和Dr. Lucy Tse。

ESLPod分为Daily English和English Cafe,前者主要针对地道表达和习语(针对听力和口语的提高),后者主要针对英语国家文化。

下面说到的ESLPod,默认指的是Daily English。




【ESPod学习原理】关于学习原理,Dr. Jeff在ESLPod专门拿出第0集来讲解学习和提升英语的原理,我个人强烈建议初学者听一下第0期。

这个材料的核心理念是“T o pick up, or to acquire a language, to really know the language, you have to understand the language”,也就是说,只有听和读那些你能够理解大部分(大概是85%或90%)的材料,你才能吸收,你才能提高你的英语。






1. 《ESLPod初级美语课程》:适合初级学习者,共有36个单元,以日常生活为主题,涵盖了问候、介绍、购物、餐厅、学校等多个场景。

2. 《ESLPod中级美语课程》:适合中级学习者,共有36个单元,以学术和商务为主题,涵盖了图书馆、银行、办公室、会议等多个场景。

3. 《ESLPod高级美语课程》:适合高级学习者,共有36个单元,以旅游为主题,涵盖了酒店、餐厅、景点等多个场景。



ESL pod英语面试

ESL pod英语面试

Interview Questions Answered – 1“Tell me about yourself.”Sample Answer 1:I have always enjoyed working with computers, so it was an easy decision to major in computer science at California University with a plan to enter the IT field. In school, I excelled in my computer­related classes and during my college years, I became particularly interested in software development, especially software that would help consumers. That’s why I applied for and completed a one­year internship with Lotadoe Industries. At Lotadoe, I learned how to formulate new ideas for software and how to communicate those ideas effectively to the rest of the development team.I am a very focused person and I tend to be product­oriented. At Lotadoe, I made sure that whatever projects I worked on, I saw to completion. For instance, I worked with a team that was developing a new version of a piece of popular software called Rototype. I asked to be part of every step of software development and at the end of the project, I was given the responsibility of getting final technical approval. I made sure that I followed through with the right departments, keeping my team informed of the progress. This is the type of work I enjoy and that’s why I applied for a position with your company.Your company is a leader in software development and is in the forefront of new ideas in the field. I think that the products your company has developed in the past several years have been outstanding and are the best on the market. I want to work in a company where I can be challenged and where I can make a contribution. I would very much enjoy working in your company to develop new software and to improve existing ones.Sample Answer 2:I have worked successfully in sales for over 10 years. One of my first sales jobs was in college, where I majored in business. I worked for the college newspaper selling advertising space, and as an extrovert who likes interacting with people, I was very successful in the job. What also helped me sell more than any other salesperson was my persistence. I was willing to follow up with a potential client over weeks and even months, developing a relationship with them until they were ready to make a deal with us.I’m currently working as a sales rep for the Michmuney Company. I have been their top salesperson for the past two years. Last year, I sold over $3 million worth of products.Now, I’m ready for a new challenge. I want to work in public relations because it is an area where I can use my creativity together with my knowledge of advertising and sales. I have a proven ability to work well with people and I can develop good long­term relationships with clients. I want to work for your company in particular because you work primarily with Internet­based companies, which is an area that is growing at the rate of 40% a year. This makes your company a leader in the industry and I’d like to be part of that.Interview Questions Answered – 2“Why did you leave your last job?” /“Why are you looking for a new job?”Sample Answer 1:I’ve been with Lotadoe for over five years and I’ve enjoyed working there. I learned a lot about software development and how to work effectively with my colleagues.About two years ago, I began getting interested in other aspects of design and started learning about new ways that the field is creating and developing new designs. I completed training that qualifies me to oversee other types of projects than the ones I work on now at Lotadoe. That’s why I’m now looking for a company that will allow me to more fully utilize my new skills and where I can take on new challenges. What I see in this position is also the opportunity for growth and advancement. I think that my current skills and abilities are a good match with the current needs of this company.Sample Answer 2:The primary reason I left Michmuney Company was because the company went through a restructuring and my position was eliminated. Up to that point, however, I had a very good track record and received positive employee evaluations each of the three years I worked there.Leaving Michmuney actually allowed me to make a career change that I had been thinking about for some time and that is more aligned with my career goals. Although I’ve worked successfully in sales for the past several years, my education and my interests are more closely related to marketing. I’d like to find a position that would allow me to use my knowledge and skills to do challenging work. This position would also give me more responsibility than I had at my last company and more promotion opportunities. I think that my skills and abilities are a good match for this job.Interview Questions Answered – 3““Why do you want to work here?”Sample Answer 1:This company is an industry leader and is at the forefront of exciting new developments in this field. Its mission to change the way consumers getand send information is, I believe, where the biggest areas of growth are in the industry. Based on the company’s financials and its general performance in the past year, Lotadoe is poised to take over as one of the top suppliers of online service in the world. I have read about the company’s many future projects that are designed to move the company forward toward achieving its mission. I want to be part of this company because I believe I can be part of that growth.In the past several years, I have led a number of innovative projects along the same lines as the current direction of this company. By doing this, I was able to help my current company get a foothold in the market. I’m confident that I can bring my proven skills in management, development, and technology to succeed in your organization.Sample Answer 2:There are several reasons why I want to work for this company. First, I was impressed with the backgrounds of the founders and their vision for this company. Their innovative thinking is, I believe, in line with the best thinking in the field right now. Your company also has one of the best reputations in the industry for innovative thinking and taking serious corporate responsibility for making a difference in the local communities.As I learned more about the company and its growth potential, it became clear to me that I may be able to make a significant contribution to its goals. Since I have been working for the past five years as a successful marketing strategist, I believe I can bring those skills and the knowledge I’ve gained to help the organization reach its mission to become an industry leader.I am now looking for a new challenge where I can take my proven skills and apply them to new situations, as well as learning new techniques to continue my own development. This is the company I've been looking for,a place where my background, experience, and skills can be put to use to make things happen.Interview Questions Answered – 4“Where do you see yourself in five years?”Sample Answer 1:My goal is that in five years, I will be working in a managerial position in this company. I see the next few years here at Lotadoe as an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge to run one of the departments in this company. One of the reasons I am applying for this position is that this is a large company with a lot of opportunities for advancement. If I continue working in the department where this position is, I hope to be a senior manager with a hand in shaping the strategic plans for development in this area of technology. Another possibility in five years is to transfer to one of the regional offices, where I would oversee local operations.Ultimately, the direction I would take in this company depends on many factors, such as the changing priorities of the market, the expertise I will have gained at the end of the five years, and the changing needs of the company. I have worn different hats in the company I’m working for now, and my flexibility has allowed me fill the needs of that company. I hope to have even more opportunities to learn and advance here at Lotadoe, and to contribute to its future growth.Sample Answer 2:At the end of five years, I intend to be a leading expert in the field of marketing, working with some of the largest accounts in the country. That’s why I want to work for Michmuney. As a leader in the industry,Michmuney has the resources, talent, and the vision to be the best in the business.Working for this company is an ambition for many people in this field, and I’m no different. If I’m hired, I plan to cultivate new accounts in industries that Michmuney has not yet explored, including the automotive and healthcare fields. By doing this, I hope to break new ground for this company and to expand its influence in the marketplace.I see being here at this company long term, not only to continue to build my expertise, but to influence the direction that this company will take in the next ten years. I could do this in any number of official roles in the company, such as managing a region or heading one of the main offices.I’ve had the opportunity to work all over the country, but I consider this city my home. Working with Michmuney would allow me to come back to my hometown, where I’d plan to stay for a long time. I can’t think of a better place to call my new professional home than Michmuney.Interview Questions Answered – 5“What are your strengths?”Sample Answer 1:As you can see from my resume, I’ve taken advantage of every opportunity to complete training to develop technical knowledge in this field. Now I’m considered an expert in the technologies that my current company is working on. Last year, when the company decided to expand in this area, the management selected me to head the new project.To head this team effectively, I used my planning skills to make sure that the team was on task and on time, at all times. My management skills came in handy to get the most out of each person on the team. Forinstance, two of the team members came from competing departments. I work with both of them closely and entrusted them with the most important part of the project. This way, I was able to develop trust between these two team members. This resulted in producing excellent work, while forming one of the most sought­after partnerships in the company.Because this was a new initiative, the nature of the job changed as the project developed. Another one of my strengths is that I’m flexible and I’m able to handle change in the company or in my job responsibilities. When I started on this project, we had four team members. By the end, we had 16. That means that I needed to go from working one­on­one with each team member to having to delegate responsibility as the project grew. This was possible because of the trust I had built up within the team and my ability to shift gears when the project changed over time.Sample Answer 2:One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills. In my current job, I work with people from all over the world and many different backgrounds. I’m able to understand that everyone has different perspectives about projects and work tasks.One of our most recent hires comes from a developing country. It’s very tempting when talking about the latest technological developments to dismiss or at least ignore her perspective. However, as the head of the department, it was clear to me that this new employee brought a fresh perspective on why we needed to consider different options when deciding on the type of technology to adopt. Through hard work and determination, I was able to get the rest of the department to make important changes that moved us in the same direction as the project.I was fortunate that I was able to develop these analytical skills when I was an undergraduate student at McQuillan University. The program I was in used case­based teaching so that we worked on solving real­life problems under real­life conditions. I graduated at the top of my class, and now, I make use of the skills I learned there everyday.Interview Questions Answered – 6“What are your weaknesses?”Sample Answer 1:A weakness that I have is that I don’t like to do public speaking and I get nervous when I have to give a presentation or a speech in front of other people. I realize that I won’t need to do any public speaking in this job right now, but I want to overcome this fear so that when the time comes, I’ll be prepared. It’s important to me to identify any shortcomings that may affect my job performance or career advancement opportunities, and to do something about them.To combat my fear of public speaking, I took a public speaking class at Litton College a few months ago, and after I finished the course, I joined a Toastmaster club. I have been going to the club meetings regularly where I give speeches in front of other members and I get constructive criticism about my performance.I can say that in the past five months, I have become a better and more confident speaker. I think, however, I can be even better, and that’s why I’ve continued to attend meetings and to look for opportunities to put into practice what I’ve learned. I’m confident that in a very short time, I’ll be an even better and more effective speaker and presenter.Sample Answer 2:When I started my first job, I had trouble with procrastination. Even though I never missed a deadline, I found that procrastinating put me under unnecessary stress, and this hurt my enjoyment of the job.Fortunately, I realized the problem fairly quickly and did something about it.The first thing I did was to talk to my colleagues about how they managed their time effectively. I learned that many of them used project management software, which I also began to use. This type of program allowed me to set deadlines and benchmarks for the different tasks I had to do, and gave me reminders about how far along I should be on a given task. This helped with my planning and has made me more organized overall. Now, I use this type of planning for all of my major job tasks, and procrastination is no longer a problem for me.。



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ESLPod六本补充教材英语播客推荐ESLPod 除了包含昨天文中给出的超过 1000 期的 ESL Podcast 和超过 600 期的 English Cafe 之外(点击查看昨日文章),还有六本广受欢迎的独立教材。

1. Introduction to the United States《Introduction to the United States》是 ESLPod 系列教材的重头戏。




前几课都是围绕着美国宪法:第一课Question:What is the supreme law of the land?Answer:The ConstitutionExplanation:第二课Question:What does the Constitution do?Answer:· It sets up the government· It defines the government· It protects the basic rights of AmericansExplanation:第三课Question:The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?Answer:We the PeopleExplanation:《Introduction to the United States》除了介绍了美国的法律制度外,还包含美国地理、历史、经济等方方面面的内容。


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Hank: What's that for?
Svetlana: This costume? I'm planning a publicity stunt to get our store more business. 斯维特拉娜:这套装束吗?我计划做一场秀来吸引更多顾客光临我们店。

Hank: You think that dressing up as a giant banana will get our store more business? 汉克:你认为打扮成一只巨大的香蕉会招来更多顾客吗?
Svetlana: We need to get media coverage for the grand opening of our store and attract as much attention as possible. I'll be on hand to give sound bites and organize photo ops.


Hank: How does a giant banana tie into our store?
Svetlana: It doesn't directly, but trust me, it'll get noticed.

Hank: I was thinking of a traditional marketing campaign, more along the lines of holding a contest or a giveaway赠品. And I don't see how a giant banana is going to get media attention.


Svetlana: The person in the giant banana costume will skydive into the parking lot of the store.

Hank: What idiot have you convinced to do that?
Svetlana: Well, that's actually why I'm here...
Anastasia: This is the best club in the city. Grace brought me here last month.
You're going to love it.



Joshua: What?!
Anastasia: You're going to love this club. It has the best DJ in town. She spins the best mixes.



Joshua: Did you say you're going to get us some mixed drinks?
Anastasia: No, I said that this DJ is great. She plays music that gets people pumped up. Oh, I love this song. It samples from two of my favorite songs and it's my favorite track on this CD.




Joshua: Did you say that you want to buy this CD?
Anastasia: No, I said I like this song. It's got a pounding beat and I can really feel the music. I love dancing to it. Do you want to get out onto the dance floor舞池?



Joshua: Let's wait until she segues into something mellower. I don't really like dancing to this kind of club music.
segue 'seɡweɪ


Anastasia: What?! You love club music? That's great. Let's go dance!

Joshua: I think I'll sit this one out. Don't you think that the volume is a little loud in here?
Sit out 不参加某种活动I think I'll sit out the next dance;I'm tired.下一个舞我不想跳了,我很累。


你不觉得这里的音响声太吵了吗?Anastasia: What?! You want the music to be louder? I'll go ask the DJ to turn it up. 安娜塔西雅:什么?!你觉得声音还不够大?我会去让DJ把声音调大。

Topics: Ask an American – Undocumented students and college tuition; stop thinking negatively; very; smoking hot Words: tough deserving to play by the rules in-state law-breaking fundamentally unfair incentive tuition to get a return on (one’s) investment illegal alien eligible permanently to think negatively smoking hot
本州学生(In-state tuition) 外州及国际学生(Out-of-state tuition)
play by the rules
