Interchangeable lubricants


Parker Hannifin SD 7200喷雾胶结剂喷嘴说明书

Parker Hannifin SD 7200喷雾胶结剂喷嘴说明书

Product Features and Benefits:• Pneumatically powered, no explosion risk, no electricity required, adaptable worldwide • Completely sealed, minimal exposure to fumes• Solvent applied only where you want it, providing accurate consistent bonds with no solvent waste • O.D., I.D. bonding or both simultaneously, for improved operator efficiency • Non-clogging design for minimal downtimeSD 7200Solvent DispenserContact Information:Parker Hannifin CorporationComposite Sealing Systems Division 7664 Panasonic WaySan Diego, CA 92154 USA phone 619 661 7000fax 619 671 3208*******************Solvent Dispensing:A vast number of medical and non-medical products are assembled using plastics joining solvents. Traditionally, these assemblies have been made by dipping the components into a small container of solvent and then blotting away the excess. This method although effective, presents a number of issues:• The operator is exposed to high levels of solvent vapor.• The wetting of the component is inconsistent as the depth of solvent in the container is constantly varying.• The operator is less efficient due to the wasted motion of blotting.• Solvent usage is increased due to blotting.• There is a fire hazard associatedwith solvent in an open container.Solvent DispensingAfter years of using the dip and blot method and struggling with the few commercially available dispensers, we designed the SD7200. Sinceits introduction, the SD7200 has become the product of choice for many of the world’s largest medical device manufacturers. Due to the value engineered design it is also selected by much smaller firms as well. The product is so versatile,it is used by several companies to apply other fluids such as silicone lubricants to components.The Parker SD7200 Solvent Dispenser represents a break though in solvent dispensing technology. From the ground up, this dispenser has been engineered with diverse medical bonding in mind. Designed for the operator, the technician, the manufacturing/ process engineer and the safety manager, the model SD7200 is unsurpassed in performance, reliability and safety. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe SD7200 consists of two primary subsystems: A pump drive module and a fluid delivery module.The pump drive module is100% pneumatically operatedto minimize explosion hazards associated with solvent dispensing. Plant line air is coupled to the dispenser with a standard quick disconnect fitting. A dual actingair cylinder is controlled by an air bearing, pneumatically piloted control valve. This bidirectional valve is speed controlled by a precision integral regulator to allow repeatable metering of solvent. The fluid delivery moduleconsists of a primary reservoir, apositive displacement pump, asecondary reservoir and a solventapplicator. Solvent is transportedfrom the primary reservoir to thesecondary reservoir by a fullysubmerged piston pump. Thispump is actuated by the pumpdrive module described above.The solvent is then gravity fed fromthe secondary reservoir into theapplication area. A solvent film isuniformly applied to the desiredcomponent by transfer fromnon clogging porous materialscontained in the applicator.DESIGN CRITERIAThe Parker SD7200 is designed andmanufactured to provide highlyaccurate uniform dispensingwith a minimum of effort and amaximum of operator safety. Theproduct will perform reliably on awide range of external diameters,internal diameters, and bothsimultaneously.PERFORMANCEAccurate Uniform Wetting:Uniform and consistent wetting isa primary objective in achievingreliable repeatable solvent bonds.Using the integral regulator, theParker SD7200 is adjustableover a broad range of solventdelivery rates. The right amountof solvent is applied to the desiredcomponent without the need forpart rotation. As part diametersvary, solvent delivery can beadjusted to match. The regulator issupplied with an adjustment guardto prevent unauthorized changesonce the optimal setting is made.Uniform wetting is assured byusing porous application materialsin a size and shape specific to yourparts. Porous materials have beenproven to apply highly consistentfilms of solvent when the surfaceis continually fed under slightpositive pressure.I.D. and O.D. Bonding, or BothSimultaneously:Parker suppliesapplicators to apply solvent oninternal surfaces, external surfaces,or both simultaneously. Allapplicators are interchangeablemaking the SD7200 extremelyversatile. The ability to applysolvent to I.D. and O.D. surfacessimultaneously saves theoperator time while facilitatinga more consistent bond thancan be obtained from a two stepapplication process.Anti-Capillary Action:Withtraditional solvent applicationmethods, small inside diametercomponents are prone toundesirable capillary filling.When this happens, the operatormust take extra steps to removethe excess solvent. The removalprocess not only subjects theoperator to additional vapors orsolvent mist, but also increasessolvent consumption by as muchas 80%. The Parker SD7200 can beregulated so that capillary actionis eliminated simply by adjustingthe solvent delivery rate with theintegral precision regulator. Theuse of porous application materialsalso helps assure an optimalvolume of solvent is present at alltimes. The net effect is shortenedassembly time, reduced solventusage and minimized scrap.Drip Stop Applicators: The unique design of the applicator prevents solvent droplets from pooling on the end of the component and then being inadvertently withdrawn into the work area. This feature keeps the work area clean, minimizes solvent waste, and controls vapors. SAFETYVapor Control: The generation of potentially harmful vapors is an undesirable side effect of solvent dispensing. The Parker SD7200 dispenser has been specifically designed to minimize solvent vapor exposure without the use of cumbersome and expensive vapor removal systems. The pump shaft incorporates a PTFE spring loaded seal to prevent solvent in the primary reservoir from entering the pump drive module. The fluid path is integrated into the pump housing to eliminate tubing, connections, and potential leaks. Finally, solvent inert gaskets have been provided at all fluid interfaces, leaving only the immediate application opening in contact with the room atmosphere. 100% Pneumatically Operated: Since many common bonding solvents are flammable, the Parker SD7200 has been engineered to use only pneumatically driven powertrain components. There are no electrical power requirements. Air logic circuitry provides precise dispensing volume controlwhile minimizing the potentialfor explosions.Large Stable Base:The SD7200 has a low center of gravity to prevent accidental tipping. This further protects the operator from accidental solvent exposure and vapors. Safe Refilling: The SD7200 can beeasily and safely refilled at the workstation. The filler cap provides apositive seal and yet is easy to open.The filler hole is level with the top ofthe primary reservoir which assuresthe solvent head height is neverabove the pump drive module. Ahigh quality sight gauge is builtinto the reservoir to providecontinuous indication of the filllevel. The high volume primaryreservoir minimizes the frequencyof refilling and resulting solventand vapor exposure.CONVENIENCENon-Clogging Design:Theporous materials used in theapplicator area are continuouslyflushed by the gravity fed solvent.Unlike porous materials fedby wicking action, clogging isvirtually eliminated. The uniqueporous materials self clean eachtime a component is inserted.Although the use of clean solventsis recommended, a pump inletscreen is provided to preventpossible contaminates fromentering the fluid path.High Capacity Primary Reservoir:The Parker SD7200 holds one literof solvent. This will typically allowuninterrupted bonding for oneweek or more between refills.This minimizes down time andincreases throughput. In addition,many solvents are supplied in oneliter bottles. By using the entirebottle, time is saved in materialtransport and partially filledbottles are eliminated from theproduction floor.Easy Component Insertion:Applicators are available with avariety of tapered lead-ins to makepositioning components into theapplicator easier. This allowsthe operator to perform multipletasks simultaneously.Rugged and Stable:The size of themodel SD7200 provides a stablebase thus preventing it from slidingeven if the operator aggressivelypushes a large component intothe applicator. This allows thedispenser to be located in a varietyof work areas without requiringspecial mounting.Quick Applicator Exchanges: Ifa line changeover is required thedispenser applicator can be quicklyexchanged. The applicators arekeyed to make alignment positiveand easy.Universal Power Requirements:The SD7200 can be used wherevercompressed air is available.A simple change of the quickdisconnect coupling will allowoperation anywhere around theglobe without the concern forvoltage variations associatedwith electrically powereddispensing systems.CONFIGURATIONApplicators are custom made toyour components. Each ParkerModel SD7200 comes withone applicator of your choice.Applicators can also be orderedwith large tapered lead-ins tofacilitate easier componentlocation. All configurationsare interchangeable.SD7200 SpecificationsDELRIN® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.© 2019 Parker Hannifin CorporationCSS 5915 06/19。



模具英语专业术语一、图纸制图用术语英语基准: datum公差: tolerance尺寸:dimension圆角: fillet半径:radius曲线: curve公称直径:nominal diameter正方形:square直线度:straightness平面度:flatness圆度:roundness圆柱度:cylindricity线轮廓度:profile of line面轮廓度:profile of surface平行度:parallelism位置公差:position tolerance垂直度:perpendicularity周围标志:all around symbol倾斜度:angularity同轴度:coaxlality同心度:concentricity对称度: symmetry位置度:position圆跳动:run out全跳动: total run out最大材料状态:maximum material condition (MMC)最小材料状态: least material condition (LMC)不论大小的特征:no symbol regardless of feature size (RFS)投影公差区:projected tolerance zone切平面: tangent plane自由状态的变化:free state variations基本尺寸:basic dimension参考尺寸:reference dimension基准特征:datum feature尺寸源:dimension origin特征控制框:feature control frame圆锥锥度: conical taper斜坡度:slope沉孔或忽孔: counter bore/ spot face埋头孔:countersink深度:depth相同的地方:number of places电弧长度:arc length厚度:thickness球面半径:SR spherical radius均布:EQS球面直径公差值:SØ spherical diameter 控制半径:CR controlled radius45度倒角: 45 chamfer之间-表明:between统计公差:statistical tolerance基准目标:datum target靶点: target point公称厚度:nominal thickness图纸中常用术语:交界面:interface冲压工艺试验:stamping process pilot 防错工艺:POKA YOKE process翻领:collar单向的:unidirectional理论重量:theoretical weight分段区:segment定位孔:pilot hole缺陷:defect氧化:oxidation毛刺:burr税利边缘:sharp edges刀痕:tool marks闪点:flashing褶皱:wrinkles开裂:crack/splitting撕裂:tear老化:aging间隙:gap压伤:crush刮伤:scratch擦伤:scratch拉伤:abrasion划伤:scoring变形:deformation缺料:short shot挤料:extrusion deformation打磨严重:serious grinding尺寸不良:out-of-size锈斑:rust麻点:pit油脂:grease/lubricants/oil模具:tooling / die/ mold/ mould检具:checking fixture/ gauge工装:fixture三坐标测量: coordinate measuring machine简易模:plain die连续模:progressive die传递模:transfer die复合模:gang die型腔母模:mould cavity模芯公模:mould core上模板:下模板:上垫板:下垫板:冲压:stamping冲孔:pierce落料/下料:blank成型:form整型:restrike切边:trim折弯:bend翻边:flange翻孔:extrude卷耳:curling导向:pilot压筋:bead压凸台:emboss空步:idle回折:tip back拉深:draw剪边:shear铆合:rivet印字:stamp marker压印:coin压平: stretch切断:cut off切开:split切舌:lance斜楔:cam模具述语一、入水:gate进入位: gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口: switching runner/gate唧嘴口径: sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴: hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connectorplug/socker四、模具零件: mold components三板模:3-plate mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板: support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针: ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架): mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块): slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cuton B-plate.不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length 稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极):copper electrodeMold & die components 模具单元Mold changing systems 换模系统Mold core 模芯Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair 模具维修Molds 模具Pressing dies 压模Quick die change systems 速换模系统Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统三、模具塑料模具 mould of plastics注塑模具injection mould冲压模具die模架mould base定模座板Top clamping plateTop plateFixed clamp plate水口推板stripper plateA 板A plateB 板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate底针板 ejector plate面针板 ejector retainer plate回针 Return pin导柱 Guide pin有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush直导套 Straight Guide bush动模座板Bottom clamp plateMoving clamp plate基准线datum line基准面datum plan型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mould多腔模具multi-cavity mould多浇口multi-gating浇口gate缺料starving排气breathing光泽gloss合模力mould clamping force锁模力mould locking force挤出extrusion开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw麻点pit嵌件insert活动镶件movable insert起垩chalking浇注系统feed system主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口direct gate , sprue gate轮辐浇口spoke gate , spider gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate , tunnel gate料穴cold-slug well浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排飞槽vent分型线(面)parting line定模stationary mould,Fixed mould动模movable mould, movable half上模upper mould, upper half下模lower mould, lower half型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,cavity block拼块split定位销dowel定位销孔dowel hole型芯core斜销angle pin, finger cam滑块slide滑块导板slide guide strip楔紧块heel block, wedge lock拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring冷却通cooling channel脱模斜度draft滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould熔合纹weld line (flow line)三板式模具 three plate mould脱模ejection换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould 脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure差色剂colorant保压时间holdup time闭模时间closing time定型装置sizing system阴模female mould,cavity block阳模male mould电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine卧式刨床Horizontal planer车床Engine lathe平面磨床Surface grinding machine去磁机Demagnetization machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller立式钻床Vertical driller超声波清洗机Ultrasonic clearing machine compre sion molding 压缩成型flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具cavity 型控母模core 模心公模taper 锥拔leather cloak 仿皮革shiver 饰纹flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert 螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺丝striper plate 脱料板piston 活塞cylinder 汽缸套chip 细碎物handle mold 手持式模具(移转成型用模具)encapsulation molding 低压封装成型(射出成型用模具)two plate 两极式(模具)well type 蓄料井insulated runner 绝缘浇道方式hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate 阀门浇口band heater 环带状的电热器spindle 阀针spear head 刨尖头slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣air vent 排气道welding line 熔合痕eject pin 顶出针knock pin 顶出销return pin 回位销反顶针sleave 套筒stripper plate 脱料板insert core 放置入子runner stripper plate 浇道脱料板guide pin 导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero 深冷处理three plate 三极式模具runner system 浇道系统stress crack 应力电裂orientation 定向sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well 冷料井side gate 侧浇口edge gate 侧缘浇口tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口flash gate 闸门浇口slit gate 缝隙浇口fan gate 扇形浇口dish gate 因盘形浇口diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口ring gate 环形浇口subarine gate 潜入式浇口tunnel gate 隧道式浇口pin gate 针点浇口Runner less 无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式sprue 浇口;溶渣emboss 凸点dome 凸圆semi-shearing 半剪stamp mark 冲记号deburr or coin 压毛边punch riveting 冲压铆合side stretch 侧冲压平reel stretch 卷圆压平groove 压线blanking 下料stamp letter 冲字(料号) shearing 剪断tick-mark nearside 正面压印tick-mark farside 反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg 展开图procedure dwg 工程图die structure dwg 模具结构图material 材质material thickness 料片厚度factor 系数upward 向上downward 向下press specification 冲床规格die height range 适用模高die height 闭模高度burr 毛边gap 间隙weight 重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post 内导柱inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉dowel pin 固定销coil spring 弹簧lifter pin 顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool 等高套筒pin 销lifter guide pin 浮升导料销guide pin 导正销wire spring 圆线弹簧outer guiding post 外导柱stop screw 止付螺丝located pin 定位销outer bush 外导套模板类top plate 上托板(顶板)top block 上垫脚punch set 上模座punch pad 上垫板punch holder 上夹板stripper pad 脱料背板up stripper 上脱料板male die 公模(凸模)feature die 公母模female die 母模(凹模)upper plate 上模板lower plate 下模板die pad 下垫板die holder 下夹板die set 下模座bottom block 下垫脚bottom plate 下托板(底板)stripping plate 内外打(脱料板)outer stripper 外脱料板inner stripper 内脱料板lower stripper 下脱料板零件类punch 冲头insert 入块(嵌入件)deburring punch 压毛边冲子groove punch 压线冲子stamped punch 字模冲子round punch 圆冲子special shape punch 异形冲子bending block 折刀roller 滚轴baffle plate 挡块located block 定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate 气垫板air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆trimming punch 切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch 压筋冲子reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲子guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑块塑料模具专业术语动模 movable mould moving half定模座板 fixed clamp plate, top clamping plate. top plate动模座板 moving clamp plate. bottom clamping plate. bottom plate上模座板 upper clamping plate下模座板 lower clamping plate凹模固定板 cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板 core-retainer plate凸模固定板 punch-retainer plate模套 chase. bolster. frame支承板 backing plate. supprr plate垫块 spacer parallel支架 ejector housing. mould base leg 压力铸造模具 die-casting die压铸模零部件定模 fixed die, cover die定模座板 fixed clamping plate定模套板 bolstor, fixed die动模 moving die,ejector die动模座板 moving clamping plate直流道 sprue横流道 runner内浇口 gatelanded plunger mold||有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die||挤光模landed positive mold||有肩全压式模具button die||镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold||料套式模具center-gated mold||中心浇口式模具loose detail mold||活零件模具chill mold||冷硬用铸模loose mold||活动式模具clod hobbing||冷挤压制模louvering die||百叶窗冲切模composite dies||复合模具manifold die||分歧管模具counter punch||反凸模modular mold||组合式模具double stack mold||双层模具multi-cavity mold||多模穴模具electroformed mold||电铸成形模multi-gate mold||复式浇口模具expander die||扩径模offswt bending die||双折冷弯模具extrusion die||挤出模palletizing die||叠层模family mold||反套制品模具plaster mold||石膏模blank through dies||漏件式落料模porous mold||通气性模具duplicated cavity plate||复板模positive mold||全压式模具fantail die||扇尾形模具pressure die||压紧模fishtail die||鱼尾形模具profile die||轮廓模flash mold||溢料式模具progressive die||顺序模gypsum mold||石膏铸模protable mold||手提式模具hot-runner mold||热流道模具prototype mold||雏形试验模具ingot mold||钢锭模punching die||落料模lancing die||切口模raising(embossing)||压花起伏成形re-entrant mold||倒角式模具sectional die||拼合模runless injection mold||无流道冷料模具sectional die||对合模具segment mold||组合模semi-positive mold||半全压式模具shaper||定型模套single cavity mold||单腔模具solid forging die||整体锻模split forging die||拼合锻模split mold||双并式模具sprueless mold||无注道残料模具squeezing die||挤压模stretch form die||拉伸成形模sweeping mold||平刮铸模swing die||振动模具three plates mold||三片式模具trimming die||切边模unit mold||单元式模具universal mold||通用模具unscrewing mold||退扣式模具yoke type die||轭型模模具钢材 khuôn thépalloy tool steel 合金工具钢aluminium alloy 铝合金钢bearing alloy 轴承合金blister steel 浸碳钢bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢clad sheet 被覆板clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery 金钢砂ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力forging die steel 锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢hot work die steel 热锻模用钢low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢martrix alloy 马特里斯合金meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢meehanite metal 米汉纳铁merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢molybdenum steel 钼钢nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 矽钢板stainless steel 不锈钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板tough pitch copper 韧铜troostite 吐粒散铁tungsten steel 钨钢vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板塑件与模具compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具(移转成型用模具)encapsulation molding低压封装成型(射出成型用模具)two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道welding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口diaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Runner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板) stripping plate内外打(脱料板) outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸) draw hole抽孔bending折弯trim切边emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量连接器connector端子terminal条型连接器bar connector 阴连接器Housing阳连接器wafer 线束wire harness间距space额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current接触电阻contact resistance绝缘电阻insulation resistance超声波焊接ultrasonic welding耐压withstand voltage针pin物料编号part number导线wire基体金属Base metal电缆夹cable clamp倒角chamfer接触面积contact area接触件安装孔contact cavity接触长度contact length接触件电镀层contact plating接触压力contact pressure接触件中心距contact space接触簧片contact spring插孔socket contact法兰、凸缘Flange界面间隙interfacial gap键Key键槽keyway过渡段ramp屏蔽套shielding定位基准Datum reference扁平电缆flat cable ,Ribbon cable柔性印刷电线Flexible printed wiring多层印制电路Multilayer printed circuit焊盘pad图形pattern间距pitch负极Negative pole正极positive pole回流Reflow原理图Schematic diagram单面板single sided board双面板Two-sided board,Double-sided board表面安装surface Mounting翘曲warp, bow波峰焊wave soldering编织层braid同轴电缆coaxial cable电介质dielectric电缆中导线的头数ends外部干扰external interference填充物filler护套jacket比重specific gravity电阻的温度系数Temperature coefficient of resistance模具塑料模具mould of plastics注塑模具injection mould 冲压模具die模架mould base定模座板Top clamping plateTop plateFixed clamp plate水口推板stripper plateA板A plateB板B plate支承板 support plate方铁 spacer plate底针板 ejector plate面针板 ejector retainer plate回针 Return pin导柱 Guide pin有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush直导套 Straight Guide bush动模座板Bottom clamp plateMoving clamp plate基准线datum line基准面datum plan型芯固定板core-retainer plate凸模固定板punch-retainer plate顶针ejector pin单腔模具single cavity mould多腔模具multi-cavity mould多浇口multi-gating浇口gate缺料starving排气breathing光泽gloss合模力mould clamping force锁模力mould locking force挤出extrusion开裂crack循环时间cycle time老化aging螺杆screw麻点pit嵌件insert活动镶件movable insert起垩chalking浇注系统feed system主流道 sprue分流道runner浇口gate直浇口direct gate , sprue gate轮辐浇口spoke gate , spider gate点浇口pin-point gate测浇口edge gate潜伏浇口submarine gate , tunnel gate 料穴cold-slug well浇口套sprue bush流道板runner plate排飞槽vent分型线(面)parting line定模stationary mould,Fixed mould 动模movable mould, movable half 上模upper mould, upper half下模lower mould, lower half型腔cavity凹模cavity plate,cavity block拼块split定位销dowel定位销孔dowel hole型芯core斜销angle pin, finger cam滑块slide滑块导板slide guide strip楔紧块heel block, wedge lock拉料杆sprue puller定位环locating ring冷却通cooling channel脱模斜度draft滑动型芯slide core螺纹型芯threaded core热流道模具hot-runner mould绝热流道模insulated runner mould 熔合纹weld line (flow line)三板式模具three plate mould脱模ejection换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould 脱模剂release agent注射能力shot capacity注射速率injection rate注射压力injection pressure差色剂colorant保压时间holdup time闭模时间closing time定型装置sizing system阴模female mould,cavity block阳模male mould电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center万能铁床Universal milling machine卧式刨床Horizontal planer车床Engine lathe平面磨床Surface grinding machine去磁机Demagnetization machine万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller立式钻床Vertical driller超声波清洗机Ultrasonic clearing machine模具零件Top Plate 上托板(顶板)Top Block 上垫脚Punch Set 上模座Punch Pad 上垫板Punch Holder 上夹板Stripper Pad 脱料背板Up Stripper 上脱料板Male Die 公模(凸模)Feature Die 公母模Female Die 母模(凹模)Upper Mold Plate 上模板Lower Mold Plate 下模板Die Pad 下垫板Die Holder 下夹板Die Set 下模座Bottom Block 下垫脚Bottom Plate下托板(底板)Stripping Plate 内外打(脱料板)Outer Stripper 外脱料板Inner Stripper 内脱料板Lower Stripper 下脱料板Inner Guiding Post 内导柱Inner Hexagon Screw 内六角螺钉Dowel Pin 固定销Mould Coil Spring 模具弹簧Lifter Pin 顶料销Isoheight Sleeve 等高套筒Pin 销Lifter Guide Pin 浮升导料销Guide Pin 导正销Wire Spring 圆线弹簧Outer Guiding Post 外导柱Stop Screw 止付螺丝Located Pin 定位销Outer Bush 外导套Punch 冲头Insert 入块(嵌入件)Deburring Punch 压毛边冲子Groove Punch 压线冲子Stamped Punch 字模冲子Round Punch 圆冲子Special Shape Punch 异形冲子Bending Block 折刀Roller 滚轴Baffle Plate 挡块Located Block 定位块Supporting Block for Location 定位支承块Air Cushion Plate 气垫板Air-Cushion Eject-rod 气垫顶杆Trimming Punch 切边冲子Stiffening Rib Punch Stinger 加强筋冲子Ribbon Punch 压筋冲子Reel-stretch Punch 卷圆压平冲子Guide Plate 定位板Sliding Block 滑块Sliding Dowel Block 滑块固定块Active Plate 活动板Lower Sliding Plate 下滑块板Upper Holder Block 上压块Upper Mid Plate 上中间板Spring Box 弹簧箱Spring-Box Eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆Spring-Box Eject-Plate 弹簧箱顶板Bushing Block Liner Bushing 衬套Cover Plate 盖板Guide Pad 导料块模具技术用语各种常用模具成形方式Accurate Die Casting 精密压铸Powder Forming 粉末成形Calendaring Molding 压延成形Powder Metal Forging 粉末锻造Cold Chamber Die Casting 冷式压铸Precision Forging 精密锻造Cold Forging 冷锻Press Forging 冲锻Compacting Molding 粉末压出成形Rocking Die Forging 摇动锻造Compound Molding 复合成形Rotary Forging 回转锻造Compression Molding 压缩成形Rotational Molding 离心成形Dip Mold 浸渍成形Rubber Molding 橡胶成形Encapsulation Molding 注入成形Sand Mold Casting 砂模铸造Extrusion Molding 挤出成形Shell Casting 壳模铸造Foam Forming 发泡成形Sinter Forging 烧结锻造Forging Roll 轧锻Six Sides Forging 六面锻造Gravity Casting 重力铸造Slush Molding 凝塑成形Hollow Blow Molding 中空(吹出)成形Squeeze Casting 高压铸造Hot Chamber Die Casting 热室压铸Swaging 挤锻Hot Forging 热锻Transfer Molding 转送成形Injection Molding 射出成形Warm Forging 温锻Investment Casting 精密铸造Matched Die Method 对模成形法Laminating Method 被覆淋膜成形Low Pressure Casting 低压铸造Lost Wax Casting 脱蜡铸造Matched Mould Thermal Forming 对模热成形模Close Mold 合模Demould 脱模脱模剂Mould Unloading 开模Eject 顶出Tool Change Retooling Die Changing 换模Mould Clamping 锁模各式模具分类用语Bismuth Mold 铋铸模Landed Plunger Mold 有肩柱塞式模具Burnishing Die 挤光模Landed Positive Mold 有肩全压式模具Button Die 镶入式圆形凹模Loading Shoe Mold 料套式模具Center-Gated Mold 中心浇口式模具Loose Detail Mold 活零件模具Chill Mold 冷硬用铸模Loose Mold 活动式模具Cold Hobbing 冷挤压制模法Louvering Die 百叶窗冲切模Composite Dies 复合模具Manifold Die 分歧管模具Counter Punch 反凸模Modular Mold 组合模具Double Stack Mold 双层模具Multi-Cavity Mold 多模穴模具Electroformed Mold 电铸成形模Multi-Gate Mold 复式浇口模具Expander Die 扩径模Offset Cold Bending Die 双折冷弯模具Extrusion Die 挤出模Stack Mold, Stack Injection Mould 叠层模Family Mold 反套制品模具Plaster Mold 石膏模Blank Through Dies 漏件式落料模Porous Mold 通气性模具Duplicated Cavity Plate 复板模Positive Mold 全压式模具Fantail Die 扇尾形模具Pressure Die 压紧模Fishtail Die 鱼尾形模具Profile Die 轮廓模Flash Mold 溢料式模具Progressive Die 顺序模Gypsum Mold 石膏铸模Portable Mold 手提式模具Hot-Runner Mold 热流道模具Prototype Mold 雏形试验模具原型模具Ingot Mold 钢锭模Punching Die 落料模Lancing Die 切口模切缝模Raising(Embossing)压花起伏成形Re-entrant Mold 倒角式模具Sectional Die 拼合模Runless Injection Mold 无流道冷料模具Sectional Die 对合模具Segment Mold 组合模Semi-Positive Mold 半全压式模具Shaper 定型模套Single Cavity Mold 单腔模具Solid Forging Die 整体锻模Split Forging Die 拼合锻模Split Mold 双并式模具Sprueless Mold 无注道残料模具Squeezing Die 挤压模Stretch Form Die 拉伸成形模Sweeping Mold 平刮铸模Swing Die 振动模具Three Plates Mold 三片式模具Trimming Die 切边模Unit Mold 单元式模具Universal Mold 通用模具Unscrewing Mold 退扣式模具Yoke Type Die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件Air Vent Valve 通气阀Anchor Pin 锚梢Angular Pin 角梢Baffle 调节阻板Angular Pin 倾斜梢Baffle Plate 折流档板Ball Button 球塞套Ball Plunger 定位球塞Ball Slider 球塞滑块Binder Plate 压板Blank Holder 防皱压板Blanking Die 落料冲头Bolster 上下模板Bottom board 浇注底板Bolster 垫板Bottom Plate 下固定板Bracket 托架Bumper Block 缓冲块Buster 堵口Casting Ladle 浇注包Casting lug 铸耳Cavity 模穴(模仁)Cavity Retainer Plate 模穴托板Center Pin 中心梢Clamping Block 锁定块Coil Spring 螺旋弹簧Cold Punched Nut 冷冲螺母Cooling Spiral 螺旋冷却栓Core 心型Core Pin 心型梢Cotter 开口梢Cross 十字接头Cushion Pin 缓冲梢Diaphragm Gate 盘形浇口Die Approach 模头料道Die Bed 型底Die Block 块形模体Die Body 铸模座Die Bush 合模衬套Die Button 冲模母模Die Clamper 夹模器Die Fastener 模具固定用零件Die Holder 母模固定板Die Lip 模唇Die Plate 冲模板Die Set 冲压模座Direct Gate 直接浇口Dog Chuck 爪牙夹头Dowel 定位梢Dowel Hole 导套孔Dowel Pin 合模梢Dozzle 辅助浇口Dowel Pin 定位梢Draft 拔模锥度Draw Bead 张力调整杆Drive Bearing 传动轴承Ejection Pad 顶出衬垫Ejector 脱模器Ejector Guide Pin 顶出导梢Ejector Leader Bush 顶出导梢衬套Ejector Pad 顶出垫Ejector Pin 顶出梢Ejector Plate 顶出板Ejector Rod 顶出杆Ejector Sleeve 顶出衬套Ejector Valve 顶出阀Eye Bolt 环首螺栓Filling Core 填充型芯椿入蕊Film Gate 薄膜形浇口Finger Pin 指形梢Finish Machined Plate 角形模板Finish Machined Round Plate 圆形模板Fixed Bolster Plate 固定侧模板Flanged Pin 带凸缘针Flash Gate 毛边形浇口Flask 上箱Floating Punch 浮动冲头Gate 浇口Gate Land 浇口面Gib 凹形拉紧楔Goose Neck 鹅颈管Guide Bushing 引导衬套Guide Pin 导梢Guide Post 引导柱Guide Plate 导板Guide Rail 导轨Head Punch 顶头冲孔Headless Punch 直柄冲头Heavily Tapered Solid 整体模蕊盒Hose Nippler 管接头Impact Damper 缓冲器Injection Ram 压射柱塞Inlay Bush 嵌入衬套Inner Plunger 内柱塞Inner Punch 内冲头Insert 嵌件Insert Pin 嵌件梢King Pin 转向梢King Pin Bush 主梢衬套Knockout Bar 脱模杵Land 合模平坦面Land Area 合模面Leader Bush 导梢衬套Lifting Pin 起模顶针起模杆Lining 内衬Locating Center Punch 定位中心冲头Locating Pilot Pin 定位导梢Locating Ring 定位环Lock Block 压块Locking Block 定位块Locking Plate 定位板Loose Bush 活动衬套Making Die 打印冲子Manifold Block 歧管档块Master Plate 靠模样板Match Plate 分型板Mold Base 塑胶模座Mold Clamp 铸模紧固夹Mold Platen 模用板Moving Bolster 换模保持装置Moving Bolster Plate 可动侧模板One Piece Casting 整体铸件Parallel Block 平行垫块Parting Line 分模线Parting Lock Set 合模定位器Pass Guide 穴型导板Peened Head Punch 镶入式冲头锤击强化冲头钻杆凸模Pilot Pin 定位销导向销子Pin Gate 针尖浇口Plate 衬板Pre Extrusion Punch 顶挤冲头Punch 冲头Puncher 推杆Pusher Pin 衬套梢Rack 机架Rapping Rod 起模杆Re-entrant Mold 凹入模Retainer Pin 嵌件梢Retainer Plate 托料板Return Pin 回位梢Riding Stripper 浮动脱模器Ring Gate 环型浇口Roller 滚筒Runner 流道Runner Ejector Set 流道顶出器Runner Lock Pin 流道拉梢Screw Plug 头塞Set Screw 固定螺丝Shedder 脱模装置Shim 分隔片Shoe 模座之上下模板Shoot 流道Shoulder Bolt 肩部螺丝Skeleton 骨架Slag Riser 冒渣口Slide(Slide Core)滑块Slip Joint 滑配接头Spacer Block 间隔块Spacer Ring 间隔环Spider 模蕊支架Spindle 主轴Sprue 注道Sprue Bushing 注道衬套Sprue Bushing Guide 注道导套Sprue Lock Bushing 注道定位衬套Sprue Puller 注道拉料浇道推出杆注道残料顶销Spew Line 合模线Square Key 方键Square Nut 方螺帽Square Thread 方螺纹Limit Stop Collar 限位套Stop Pin 止动梢Stop Ring 止动环Stopper 定位停止梢Straight Pin 圆柱销Stripper Bolt 脱料螺栓Stripper Bushing 脱模衬套Stripper Plate 剥料板Stroke End Block 行程止梢Submarine Gate 潜入式浇口Support Pillar 支撑支柱顶出支柱Support Pin 支撑梢Supporting Plate 托板Sweep Template 造模刮板Tab Gate 辅助浇口Taper Key 推拔键Taper Pin 拔锥梢锥形梢Teeming Pouring 浇注Three Start Screw 三条螺纹Thrust Pin 推力销Tie Bar 拉杵Tunnel Gate 隧道形浇口Vent 通气孔Wortle Plate 拉丝模板模具术语翻译动模 Movable Mould Moving Half定模座板 Fixed Clamp Plate Top Clamping Plate Top Plate动模座板 Moving Clamp Plate Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom Plate上模座板 Upper Clamping Plate下模座板 Lower Clamping Plate凹模固定板 Cavity-retainer Plate型芯固定板 Mould Core-retainer Plate凸模固定板 Punch-retainer Plate模套 Die Body Die Sleeve Die Blank支承板 Backing Plate Support Plate垫块 Spacer Parallel支架 Ejector Housing Mould Base Leg模头 Die Head根据国家标准,以下为部分压铸模具标准翻译。


METHOD OF OPERATION The resilience of the O-ring acts in a number of ways: • it exerts an axial load on the metallic sealing faces • transmits the frictional torque to the housing components • and provides a static seal between each seal ring and its housing bore. The seal faces of the metallic rings are lapped to a radial width of about 2.5 mm and are therefore finely tuned to one another from early life. The rings are designed in such a way that they open out from the seal faces towards the centre axis, forming a wedge-shaped gap which has the following benefits: • the lubricant is readily admitted to the seal faces by capillary action and centrifugal force • adequate lubrication and cooling are assured and potential cold welding of the seal faces is avoided • as wear increases, the sealing face graduates towards the centre axis; the seal therefore has large wear



英文资料Limits and TolerancesThe breakage of the machine spare parts ,generally always from the surface layer beginning of .The function of the product ,particularly its credibility and durable ,be decided by the quantity of spare parts surface layer to a large extent. Purpose that studies the machine to process the surface quantity be for control the machine process medium various craft factor to process the surface quantity influence of regulation, in order to make use of these regulations to control to process the process, end attain to improve the surface quantity, the exaltation product use the function of purpose .The machine processes the surface quantity to use the influence of the function to the machine(A) The surface quantity to bear to whet the sexual influence1.Rough degree of surface to bear to whet the sexual influenceA just process vice-of two contact surfaces of good friction, the first stage is rough only in the surface of the peak department contact ,the actual contact area is much smaller than theoretical contact area, in contact with each other the peak of the units have very great stress, to produce actual contact with the surface area of plastic deformation, deformation and peak between the Department of shear failure, causing serious wear.Parts wear may generally be divided into three stages, the initial stage of wear and tear, normal wear and tear all of a sudden intense phase of stage wear.Parts of the surface roughness of the surface wear big impact. In general the smaller the value of surface roughness, wear better. However, surface roughness value is too small, lubricants difficult to store, contact between the adhesive-prone elements, wear it to increase. Therefore, the surface roughness of a best value, the value and parts of the work related to increased work load, the initial wear increased, the best rough surface is also increased.2.Cold Working hardening the surface of the wear resistanceProcessing the Cold Work hardening the surface of the friction surface layer of metal microhardness increase, it will generally improve the wear resistance. Cold Working but not a higher degree of hardening, wear resistance for the better, because too much will lead to hardening of the Cold Working excessive loose organization ofmetal, even a crack and peeling off the surface of the metal, declined to wear resistance.(B)The surface quality of the impact of fatigue strengthMetal hand alternating loads of fatigue after the damage occurred in parts often Chilled layer below the surface and, therefore parts of the surface quality of fatigue very influential.1.Surface roughness on the impact of fatigue strengthIn alternating load, the surface roughness of the Au-site easily lead to stress concentration, a fatigue crack, the higher the value of surface roughness, surface traces of Yu Shen Wen, Wen at the end of the radius smaller, anti-fatigue damage at the end of the more capacity Worse.2.Residual stress, fatigue Cold Work hardening of the impactResidual stress on the impact of large parts fatigue. Surface layer of residual stress fatigue crack will expand and accelerate the fatigue damage the surface layer and the residual stress can prevent fatigue crack growth, delaying the formation of fatigue damage.(C)The surface quality of the corrosion resistance of the impactParts of the corrosion resistance to a large extent depends on the surface roughness. The higher the value of surface roughness, Au Valley accumulate on the more corrosive substances. Corrosion resistance of the more worse.Surface layer of residual stress will produce stress corrosion cracking, lower parts of the wear-resistance, and the residual stress is to prevent stress corrosion cracking.(D) The surface quality with qualityRough surface will affect the value of the size of the co-ordination with the surface quality. The gap with rough value will increase wear and tear, increased space, with the requirements of the destruction of nature. For Fit, the assembly part of the process of convex surface-crowded peak times, the actual reduction of the surplus and reduce the support of the connection between the strength.DimensioningThe design of a machine includes many factors other than those of determining the loads and stresses and selecting the proper materials. Before construction or manufacture can begin, it is necessary to have complete assembly and detail drawings to convey all necessary information to the shop men. The designer frequently is called upon to check the drawings before they are sent to the shop. Much experience andfamiliarity with manufacturing processes are needed before one can become conversant with all phases of production drawings.Drawings should be carefully checked to see that the dimensioning is done in a manner that will be most convenient and understandable to the production departments. It is obvious that a drawing should be made in such a way that it has one and only one interpretation. In particular, shop personnel should not be required to make trigonometric or other involved calculations before the production machines can be set up.Dimensioning is an involved subject and long experience is required for its mastery.Tolerances must be placed on the dimensions of a drawing to limit the permissible variations in size because it is impossible to manufacture a part exactly to a given dimension. Although small tolerances give higher quality work and a better operating mechanism, the cost of manufacture increases rapidly as the tolerances are reduced, as indicated by the typical curve of Fig 14.1. It is therefore important that the tolerances be specified at the largest values that the operating or functional considerations permit.Tolerances may be either unilateral or bilateral. In unilateral dimensioning, one tolerance is zero, and all the variations are given by the other tolerance. In bilateral dimensioning, a mean dimension is used which extends to the midpoint of the tolerance zone with equal plus and minus variations extending each way from this dimension.The development of production processes for large-volume manufacture at low cost has been largely dependent upon interchangeability of component parts. Thus the designer must determine both the proper tolerances for the individual parts, The manner of placing tolerances on drawings depends somewhat on the kind of product or type of manufacturing process. If the tolerance on a dimension is not specifically stated, the drawing should contain a blanket note which gives the value of the tolerance for such dimensions. However, some companies do not use blanket notes on the supposition that if each dimension is considered individually, wider tolerance than those called for in the note could probably be specified. In any event it is very important that a drawing be free from ambiguities and be subject only to a single interpretation.Dimension and ToleranceIn dimensioning a drawing, the numbers placed in the dimension lines represent dimension that are only approximate and do not represent any degree of accuracy unless so stated by the designer.To specify a degree of accuracy, it is necessary to add tolerance figures to the dimension. Tolerance is the amount of variation permitted in the part or the total variation allowed in a given dimension. A shaft might have a nominal size of 2.5 in. (63.5mm), but for practical reasons this figure could not be maintained in manufacturing without great cost. Hence, a certain tolerance would be added and , if a variation of ±0.003 in.(±0.08mm) could be permitted, the dimension would be stated 2.500±0.003(63.5±0.008mm).Dimensions given close tolerances mean that the part must fit properly with some other part. Both must be given tolerances in keeping with the allowance desired, the manufacturing processes available, and the minimum cost of production and assembly that will maximize profit. Generally speaking, the cost of a part goes up as the tolerance is decreased. If a part has several or more surfaces to be machined, the cost can be excessive when little deviation is allowed from the nominal size.Allowance, which is sometimes confused with tolerance, has an altogether different meaning.It is the minimum clearance space intended between mating parts and representsthe condition of tightest permissible fit. If a shaft, size 1.4980.0000.003+-, is to fit a hole ofsize 1.5000.0030.000+-, the minimum size hole is 1.500 and the maximum size shaft is 1.498.Thus the allowance is 0.002 and the maximum clearance is 0.008 as based on the minimum shaft size and maximum hole dimension.Tolerances may be either unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral tolerance means that any variation is made in only one direction from the nominal or basic dimension.Referring to the previous example, the hole is dimensioned 1.5000.0030.000+-, whichrepresents a unilateral tolerance. If the dimensions were given as 1.500±0.003, the tolerance would be bilateral; that is , it would vary both over and under the nominal dimension. The unilateral system permits changing the tolerance while still retaining the same allowance or type of fit. With the bilateral system, this is not possible without also changing the nominal size dimension of one or both of the two mating parts. In mass production, where mating parts must be interchangeable, unilateral tolerances are customary. To have an interference or fore fit between mating parts, the tolerances must be such as to create a zero or negative allowance.Tolerances Limits and FitsThe drawing must be a true and complete statement of the designer’s expr essed in such a way that the part is convenient to manufacture. Every dimension necessary to define the product must be stated once and repeated in different views. Dimensions relating to one particular feature, such as the position and size of hole, where possible, appear on the same view.There should be no more dimensions than are absolutely necessary, and no feature should be located by more than one dimension in any direction. It may be necessary occasionally to give an auxiliary dimension for reference, possibly for inspection. When this is so, the dimension should be enclosed in a bracket and marked for reference. Such dimensions are not governed by general tolerances.Dimensions that affect the function of the part should always be specified and not left as the sum or other dimensions. If this is not done, the total permissible variation on that dimension will form the sum or difference of the other dimensions and their tolerance, and this with result in these tolerances having to be made unnecessarily tight. The overall dimension should always appear.All dimensions must be governed by the general tolerance on the drawing unless otherwise stated. Usually, such a tolerance will be governed by the magnitude of the dimension. Specific tolerances must always be stated on dimensions affecting or interchangeability.A system of tolerances is necessary to allow for the variations in accuracy that are bound to occur during manufacture, and still provide for interchangeability and correct function of the part.A tolerance is the difference in a dimension in order to allow for unavoidable imperfections in workmanship. The tolerance range will depend on the accuracy of the manufacturing organization, the machining process and the magnitude of the dimension. The greater the tolerance range is disposed on both sides of the nominal dimension. A unilateral tolerance is one where the tolerance zone is on one side only of the nominal dimension, in which case the nominal dimension may from one of the limits.Limits are the extreme dimensions of the tolerance zone. For example, nominal dimension30mm tolerance 30.0230.000++ limits 30.02530.000Fits depend on the relationship between the tolerance zones of two mating parts,and may be broadly classified into a clearance fit with positive allowance, a transition fit where the allowance may be either positive or negative (clearance or interference) , an interference fit where the allowance is always negative.Type of Limits and FitsThe ISO system of Limits and Fits, widely used in a number of leading metric countries, is considerably more complex than the ANSI system.In this system, each part has a basic size. Each limit of part, high and sign being obtained by subtracting the basic size form the limit in question. The difference between the two limits of size of a part is called the tolerance, an absolute without sign.There are three classes of fits: 1) clearance fits, 2) transition fits ( the assembly may have either clearance or interference ), and 3) interference fits .Either a shaft-basis system or a hole-basis system may be used. For any given basic size, a range of tolerance and deviations may be specified with respect to be line of zero deviation, called the zero line. The tolerance is a function of the basic size and is designated by a number symbol, called the grade-thus the tolerance grade. The position of the tolerance with respect to the zero line also a function of the basic size-is indicated by a letter symbol(or two letter), a capital letter for holes and a lowercase letter for shafts. Thus the specification for a hole and shaft having a basic size of 45mm might be45H8/g7.Twenty standard grades of tolerance are provided, called IT 01,IT 0 ,IT 1-18, providing numerical values for each nominal diameter, in arbitrary steps up to 500mm (for example 0-3,3-6,6-10…, 400-500mm). The value of the tolerance unit, I, for grades 5-16 is=+0.0.001i DWhere i is in microns and D in millimeters.Standard shaft and hole deviations similarly are provided by sets of formulas, However, for practical, both tolerances and deviations are provided in three sets of rather complex tables. Additional tables gives the values for basic sizes above 500mm and for “Commonly Used Shafts and Holes” in two categories ---“General Purpose” and “Fine Mecbanisms and Horology”.中文翻译极限与误差机械零件的破坏,一般总是从表层开始的。



船舶技术规格书常用条款描述汇总一、总则GeneralList to accompany and form an1. General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and Makers’ integral part of the Specification. The Specification and attached plans to be complementary toeach other.2. The terms of the shipbuilding contract to prevail and govern in the event of disagreement,contradiction or any inconsistency between the shipbuilding contract and the Specification.In addition, in the event of disagreement, contradiction or any inconsistency between theSpecification and the drawings, the Specification to prevail unless specifically agreed mutually bythe Owner and the Builder.In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the parts of the Specifications, thehull part shall prevail in respect of hull items, the machinery part in respect of machinery items,and the electric part in respect of electric items.3. The description in Part I General Provision to be applied to all parts of the Specification, whereas the descriptions in the other parts to be applied to the respective parts, if not describedotherwise.4. The Builder to furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with thespecification except items specifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the Owner.5. Anything not mentioned in or covered by the Specification and the attached plans but requiredfor normal operation of this type of vessel to be provided by Builder according to the shipbuildingpractice..It should be understood that anything not mentioned in these Specifications but required by theClassification Society or Regulatory Bodies listed herein shall be supplied and equipped by thebuilder without any charge to the Owner.6. Anything twice or more mentioned in the Specifications to be only once supplied or executedunless otherwise specifically indicated..7. Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules andRegulations listed herein and/or the content of this specification, to be subject to agreement andpossible adjustment to the contract price, deadweight, service speed, construction schedule etc.which may be affected.8. Amendments and changes to the Specification, plans or other written documents to be signed byan authorized representative of the Builder and Owner. These documents to be the supplement tothe contract.10. The Vessel shall be built in accordance with the Specifications and any modifications and/orchanges to the Specifications shall be agreed mutually by the Owner and the Builder, subject toadjustment of price, delivery, guaranteed figures and any other terms in the Contract and in theSpecifications and those shall be confirmed by memorandum of discussions, letters, plans, E-mail,fax and/or available documents by both parties.practice and the classification11. The Vessel shall be built in accordance with the Builder’ssociety rule's requirements with regard to work other than specified by the Specifications. Whereever Builder's practice is referred to in this specification, the standard achieved shall be equal to orexceed the standard set out in IACS requirement of shipbuilding and repair quality standard.212. Any amendments or changes in Rules and Regulations as described in Article “SECTION CLASS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND CE RTIFICATES”, and coming into effect after signingthe Contract, is to be treated as a modification to the Contract and to be subject to separatenegotiations between the Owner and the Builder.13. During approval of plans, both parties agree to a design which differs from the specifications,it is understood that terms in the specifications concerning these alterations would be no longerapplicable. Consequently in theses cases, the drawings shall be approved by the owner and theapproved drawings shall supplement to the specifications.14. Spare parts shall be supplied by the Builder according to the Specifications to meet therequirements of the specified Classification Society, the regulatory bodies and manufacturer’sstandard.15. Parts and components of equipment made under license to be interchangeable withparts/components produced/installed as per original maker’s standard.16. Builder’s practice shall be submitted to Buyer for reference.17. When words such as “or”, “and/or”, “if necessary”, “if any”, “similar”, “may”Specifications, they shall be to indicate that the use of alternatives is permitted at the Builder’soption.18. During the tests and trials, the Builder may use some of the supplied spare parts, tools, andaccessories to the vessel if necessary, and the Builder shall furnish them from the originalmanufacture before delivery.19. All necessary documents and drawings for construction of the vessel shall be prepared inEnglish or in English and other language for approval by the Buyer, classification society the Contract or “the Owner” i n the Specification shall be20. The meaning of “the Buyer” understood to be the same.21. All figures given in the Specification shall be understood as approximate ones and determinedin accordance with the design development except those which are of countable nature, unlessotherwise specifically described in the Specification.二、材料Materials1. If any specified article or material cannot be obtained or supplied, the Builder to have the rightto select suitable substitutes with Owner’s approval.2. Materials, machinery and equipment, etc. to be of Chinese maker unless specifically agreedand/or described in the Specifications and the Makers’ List.3. All structural steel used for the construction of the vessel and machinery including forgings andcastings to be of the shipbuilding and marine engineering quality, tested, inspected and certified asand when required by the Classification Society.4. Minimizing the use of materials known to be potentially hazardous to health and theenvironment, especially asbestos, refrigerants (R12/ R22), HALON. Lead-based paint andTin-based anti-fouling paint to be not used.5. Stainless steel without grade notation in the Specification shall be understood as marine typeminimum grade SUS 304.6. If any of the specific description for the machinery or equipment in the Specification is notconsistent with the finally selected manufacturer's standard Specification, such description shall bereadily corrected to follow the manufacturer's standard Specification with prior notice to theOwner; however in no case these shall be less in performance than described in the Specification.7. New, first class materials etc. shall be used, with a quality suitable for this type and size of Vessel, adapted to world-wide operation.三、工艺及标准Workmanship & Standards1. All workmanship entering into the construction of the vessel to be in accordance with the Chinese ship building standards and/or Builder's standard practice, applicable to this kind of vessel, subject to the approval of the Classification Society where necessary. The standards of Builder's practice to be submitted to the Owner for reference.2. The following standards to be applied to the construction of the vessel, as far as practicable except the fittings specially described hereinafter.a) ISO standardb) Chinese industrial standards (GB, CSQS, CB, YB, etc.)c) Builder's standards, and Builder's standard practiced) IECe) IACS 47, part A: shipbuilding and repair quality standard for new construciton3. International System of Units (SI) to be adopted for designing and constructing of hull, machinery and equipment unless specifically stated in this Specification.四、船东供品(Owner’s supply)1. Following items to be furnished and supplied by the Owner at their own expense, and installedon the vessel by the Builder. The Builder to provide sheltered and secure storage, handling in storage and handling on-board.- Mooring ropes in excess of the Specification- All air tools, hoses, steel wires, etc. other than those mentioned in the Specification- All charts, nautical and radio station books, house flag and national flag- All consumable stores- All medicine , medical equipment and oxygen bottle for hospital except those for life boat- Recreation equipment such as Stereophony, Video tape recorder and TV etc and stationery other than mentioned in the Specification- Painting and pictures- Boatswain's and carpenter's tools over and above the Builder’s standard- All bedding and linen (blankets, sheets, covers, etc.) but excluding mattress.- All napery (serviettes, table clothes, etc.)- All cook's and steward's utensils (crockery, cutlery, silverware, earthenware, glasses, pots, pans, etc.- Typewriters, copy machine- Loose lashing/securing fittings for cargoes- Suez Canal searchlight, but socket and davit to be supplied by builder- Navigation equipment in excess of those required by the authorities and/or those specified in this Specification- Cargo handling equipment such as grabs (including the control devices) etc.- Personal computer- All bunkers, lubricants, grease/hydraulic oil, working oil and other consumable liquid except those consumed during construction and test/trials before delivery. The Owner to supply lub. oilfor sea trials and the Builder to pay the cost for the quantities of lub. oil consumed during thetrials.- All other spare, store and equipment in excess of Rule and Specification requirements andmaker's standard, unless maker agrees to supply additional spares free of charge after agreementwith Owner/Builder.- Gas sampling device and temperature measuring device for cargo hold- Gymnastic and Sport apparatus/equipment, except specified in other parts of this specification- Chemistry deposit- The hazardous gas detection equipment and personal protection for carriage of dangerous cargo.- Portable wash cleaning machine for cargo hold- Garbage cans- Necessary number of operating tools for helicopter winching if required- Cable for shore connection- Fire ropes for Suez Canal- Articles specified as "Owner's supply" in other parts of this specification- Lifting Beams 对多用途船2. The Owner shall furnish the Builder with necessary specifications, plans, drawings, instructionbooks, manuals, test reports, certificates, the manufacturer's service engineer(s), etc. as requiredby the Builder, which shall form an integral part of the Owner?s supplies.3. Commissioning for good working order of the Owner?s supplied equipment during and afterinstallation on board shall be carried out by the Owner or person(s) designated by the Owner inaccordance with the construction schedule of the Vessel.The expenses related with commissioning shall be the Owner?s account.4. All Owner's supplies to be sent to the Builder?s shipyard by Owner at Owner?s costs at the timedesignated by the Builder in a condition ready for installation costs such as transportation,customs inspection fees, etc. shall be borne by the Owner.五、规范及规则Rules and Regulations1. The latest Rules with amendments and Regulations listed as following including any circular,amendments which are in force before and at the date of the signing of the ship’s contract s applied.2. The rules and requirements shall be understood to include all amendments, supplements andchanges thereto which shall have been published by the date of contract for construction of thevessel and which shall have become compulsorily applicable to the vessel by reason of the date ofcontract.1) Rules and Regulations of Classification Society2) Maritime laws and regulations of flag authority3) International rules and regulations- International Convention on Load Lines (1966) including all and latest amendments- International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974) including all and latestamendments- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL 1973)with protocol 1978 and all amendments, including Annexes I, IV, V, VI,and including IMOResolution MEPC.203(62) regulation on EEDI and SEEMP.- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (London 1972) including latest revision- International Tele-communication convention with amendments including watch keeping receiver (Geneva 1976) and radio regulation- International Regulation on Tonnage Measurement of ships, 1969- MLC Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 , Regulation 3.1 mandatory requirements- 2008 IS Code – International Code on Intact Stability, 2008- IMO Resolution MSC. 23 (59) (International Grain Code)- IMO Resolution MSC. 137 (76) “Standards for Ship Maneuverability “- IMO Resolution MSC. 215 (82) (PSPC)ballast - IMO Resolution A. 868 (20) “Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ water to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens “- IMSBC Code – International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 散货船- All IACS Unified Requirements for strength applicable to New Building of Bulk Carrier which has been formal published at the date of signing contract including UR S1A, S21, S24,S25, S26, S27, S28, etc. (散货船)- SOLAS resolution II-1/3-6 regarding PMA. (散货船)- International marine pilots association requirements for pilot ladder- Guidelines for Construction, Installation, Maintenance and Inspection/ Survey of Means of Embarkation and Disembarkation, MSC.1/ Circ.1331.- IMO resolution A468 (XII) code of noise level on board ships- ISO 6954 guidelines for vibrations on board ships- AFS - International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001- ISPS code only fixed equipment- Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.(未生效)4) Special rules and regulations- Rules and Regulations governing navigation of Suez Canal, including tonnage measurement- Rules and Regulation governing navigation of the Panama Canal including tonnage measurement- U.S. Coast Guard Regulations applying to foreign flag vessel trading in U.S. waters concerning pollution prevention (CFR Title 33-Part 155, 159 for pollution and 164 for safetyof navigation without certificate)- Australian Maritime Safety Authority MARINE ORDERS Part 32 “Cargo H andl ingon 29 November 2011 (for ladders in cargo hold/deck)Equipment” prepared- European Union Council directive 2005/33/EC amending 1999/32/EC of 26 April 1999 and, in relating to introduce 0.1% sulfur limit for marine fuel.- U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA ) rules, Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring (espec. CFR, Title 29) (集装箱船) - Kiel Canal Regulations- Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway Regulations- Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2011/75/EU of 2 September 2011, amending CouncilDirective 96/98/EC on marine equipment六、证书Cerfificates1. The Builder to obtain following certificates and deliver to the Owner at the time of Vessel's delivery. Each certificate to be delivered in triplicate, one (1) as original and two (2) as counterparts at delivery of the Vessel.Certificates Issued by Classification Certificate 入级证书Classification Society ICLL 1966 International Load Line Certificate Classification Society Approval of Stability on behalf of flag (declaration will be issued) Classification SocietySOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate Classification Society Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Classification Society Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Classification Society Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Classification Society Grain Loading Declaration (Certificate) Classification SocietyMARPOL 73/78 IOPP-B--- International Oil Pollution Prevention Certifidate(Annex I) – B (Oil Tanker)Classification SocietyIOPP-A--- International Oil Pollution Prevention Certifidate(Annex I) – A (other ship)Classification SocietyNLS-07--- International Certificate for the Carriage of NoxiousLiquid Substances in BulkClassification Society ISPP---International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (IV) Classification Society GPP---Statement of Garbage Pollution Prevention from ships(V) Classification Society IAPP---International Air Pollution Prevention (VI) Classification Society EIAPP---International Air Pollution Prevention (VI) – for ME/GEand incineratorClassification SocietyTonnage International tonnage certificate (1969) Classification Society Panama Canal PC/UMS documentation Classification Society Suez Canal tonnage Classification SocietyBWM---Certificate of Compliance with the international Ballast Water ManagementConventionClassification SocietyIBC Code---International Certificate of Fitness for carriage of dangerous chemicalsin bulk 国际散装运输危险化学品适装证书Classification SocietyIGC Code--- International certificate of Fitness for carriage of liquefied gases in bulk国际散装运输液化气体适装证书Classification SocietyIMSBC Code—Certificate of compliance for the carriage of IMSBC Code appendexA,B,C Cargoes as per ship designClassification Society MODU---IMO MODU Code certificate Classification Society ILO152--- Certificate for Cargo Gear 起货设备证书Classification Society ILO92/133---Certificate of inspection of crew accommodation 船员舱室设备检验Classification SocietyMLC 2006 Certificate Classification Society IAFS ---international Anti-fouling Systems Certificate 国际防污底系统符合证书AFS -- Anti-fouling Systems Statement of Compliance防污底系统符合证明Classification Society SPS Code---Special purpose ship safety certificate 特种用途船安全证书Classification Society USVCS---Certificate of Compliance Marine Vapour Control System- U.S.RegulationClassification Society USCG---Declaration concerning compliance with USCG Navigation Regulations(Title 33, Part 164)Classification SocietyUSCG---Declaration concerning USCG Pollution and Sanitation Regulations (Title33, Part 155 and /or 159)Classification Society Declaration of Survey regarding compliance with Panama Canal regulations Classification Society Declaration of Survey regarding compliance with St. Lawrence Seaway Regulation Classification Society Declaration of Survey regarding compliance with Sues Canal Authority Regulation Classification Society Arctic Pollution Prevention Certificate Classification Society IDG-B---Document of Compliance Special requirements for ships carryingdangerous goods- Bulk cargoClassification SocietyIDG-P---Document of Compliance Special requirements for ships carryingdangerous goods- Packaged cargoClassification Society PCL-Personal and Cargo Lift Certificate Classification Society Inventory of Hazardous Material (Green passport) Statement of Compliance Classification SocietyDocuments (Builder) Approved Documents for intact stability Classification Society Approved Documents for Damage Stability Classification Society Approved Inclining test report / or deadweight measurement report Classification Society Approved Loading Manual Classification Society Approved Grain Loading Manual Classification Society Approved Ballast Water Management Plans Classification Society Approve Damage Control Plan Classification Society Approved Fire Control and Safety Plan Classification SocietyDocuments (Owner) Approved SOPEP Classification Society Approved Cargo Securing Manual Classification Society Approved Training Manual Classification Society Approved Garbage Plan Classification Society Approved ISPS Manual Classification SocietyClassification Certificate for all equipments, to extend required by ClassificationSociety or AuthoritiesClassification Society Deratization Exemption Certificate 灭鼠免除证书Assigned Authority Magnetic Compass adjustment Certificate Classification Societyor authorized body Report on chemical examination for cargo hold paint Authorize party Potable Water Certificate Authorize partyAMSA--- Drawings approved by AMSA to certify compliance with AMSArequirementAuthorityBuilder’s Certificate BuilderDeadweight Certificate Builder Asbestos absence certificate 无石棉证书Builder PCB free certificate 无多氯联笨证书Builder TBT free certificateOwner Supply Certificate of nationality 国籍证书Flag Authority Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 最低安全配员证书Flag Authority Ship Radio Communication License 船舶无线电通信许可Flag Authority Certificates for Masters, Officers or Ratings 船员证书Authorize party Safety Management Certificate2. However if formal certificate(s) cannot be obtained at the ship’sdelivery, Builder to furnishprovisional certificate(s) to the Owner which substitutes the formal certificate(s). In such case,Builder to deliver formal c ertificate(s) to Owner as soon as practicable after the ship’s delivery but in any case prior to the expiration of the validity of the provisional certificate(s).七、监造、检验、试验及试航Supervision,Inspections, Tests and Trials1. Tests and trials to be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the classification societyand according to the Builder's usual standard practice in the presence of the surveyor of theClassification Society and the Owner's and the Builder's representatives.The Owner has the right to appoint one or more Supervisors for the supervision duringconstruction and execution of works in accordance with the Shipbuilding Contract. During thebuilding period, the Builder shall allow Owner's Supervisor to enter the yard during working hoursfor the purpose of supervision and the Builder also shall negotiate with his sub-Contractors thatthe Supervisor may attend during construction and testing of major equipment at subContractors'sites.The supervisor to have access to all places and offices which are related to the design andconstruction of the Vessel.The Builder shall give necessary information such as schedule of building, tests and workingdrawings as well as assistance including two suitably furnished offices with writing desks, chairs,refrigerators, heaters and air conditioning, lamps, cupboards, shelves and including internaltelephone and a direct international telephone line with fax- and e-mail connection to enableOwner's representatives to effect the supervision. The costs for telecommunication will be toOwner?s account.2. The Builder will inform the supervision about the building schedules, test and workingdrawings. Schedules for daily inspections will be handed over to the supervision one day inadvance except the inspection for painting work in emergency condition. Information about testsof equipment (date and program) will be handed over to the supervision three days before testswill take place. If the Owner can not attend inspections for reasons of their own after being givenreasonable notice, the inspection and test would be entrusted to surveyor of the ClassificationSociety and/ or the Builder’s inspector or the paint manufacturer or the equipment maker’srepresentative, and the results to be accepted by the Owner.3. Inspection of hull structureAll steel structures to be inspected and tightness to be tested for tanks, bulkheads, superstructures,decks and other wet spaces as required by the Rules.Tanks to be tested hydrostatically or by air as required by the Rules.X-ray photographs or ultrasonic to be taken mainly from cross-points of seams and butts of blockassemblies of bottom shell, bilge strake, main deck and sheer strake as required by the Rule.Additional 10% X-ray photographs to be appointed and checked by the Owner’s supervisor.Castings of stern frame and rudder to be tested by magnaflux or equivalent.Temporary pieces such as staging pieces, lifting lugs and their reinforcements located in thefatigue sensitive area, high stressed area or passage way shall be treated without leaving notchesaccording to the Builder?s practice. However those pieces considered not inconvenient for thefuture service may remain as the Builder?s practice.4. Block inspectionThe block inspection to be carried out after completion of hull block steel works. Even if fittingsare fitted wholly or partially to the hull blocks, the inspection for the hull blocks to be carried outwithout dismantling such fittings unless the block inspection is obstructed by such fittings.The internal inspection for hull construction works of tanks, engine room, etc. to be carried outeven if outfitting works in such spaces have not been finished yet but any works in connectionwith strength and tightness of the hull construction to be completed before the said inspection, inwhich case, after completion of the outfitting works, final inspection of such parts to be made inaccordance with the “Item of inspection and testing“ mutually agreed between the Owner and the Builder.5. Shop testsShop tests for main engine, auxiliary machinery, deck machinery, motors etc. to be performed inaccordance with the Rule requirements and/or the standard of the makers by the manufacturers attheir shops.Test results of major machinery and equipment shall be furnished to the Owner in triplicate.The Owner shall be informed of the shop test schedule at least fourteen(14) days for foreignMaker (outside China) and seven(7) days for domestic Maker in advance of the expected date ofthe shop tests and the Owner's attendance shall be confirmed to the Builder four(4) days inadvance of the expected date of the shop test.The Owner’s representatives will join the shop tests of main equipment. The travel cost and hotelcost outside China for Owner’s representatives will be born by Owner.6. Installation and equipmentInstallation and equipment to be tested on board the vessel in accordance with the requirements ofthe Classification Society and/or Regulatory Bodies and the standard protocol of the Builder.Test protocol to be approved by the Owner.The structure, fittings, machinery and electrical installations to be tested after installation on boardto demonstrate satisfactory workmanship, proper working, alignment of moving parts, suitabilityfor the purpose intended and in compliance with rules and regulations.7. Piping testsWorking tests to be carried out after completion of the piping system. Pressure tests of pipingsystems to be conducted as per requirement of the Classification Society and normal shipbuildingpractice.8. Light Ship weight measurement and Inclining testWhen the vessel is substantially completed except minor items of work, inclining test ordeadweight measurement of the vessel to be carried out by the Builder near the pier. The incliningtest scheme to be submitted to the Owner for approval. The inclining test to be conducted in calmwater without strong current and strong winds.The light ship weight measurement to be carried out by reading the draught of the vessel, bymeasuring specific gravity of water and by an investigation of weights to be added or to bededucted in the presence of the Owner’s representatives or the person authorized by the Owner.The draught of the vessel to be measured at both sides of stem, stern and midship draught marks.Displacement of the vessel to be measured from the hydrostatic curves. All measurements andcorrection to be made as per international standard.If any superfluous weight is on board the vessel or any item belonging to the light ship weight isnot on board the vessel at the time of the light ship weight measurement, such a weight to beadjusted later.The calculation of the light ship weight and deadweight to be made by the Builder and verified byandthe Owner’s and Classification representatives in order to determine “light s hip weight“ “deadweight“.The incl ining test to be carried out in the presence of the Owner’s representatives or the personsurveyor, and then the position of theauthorized by the Owner and the Classification Society’scentre of gravity of the vessel in lightship condition to be determined by the calculation based onthe results of the inclining experiment.The results of the experiment shall be submitted to the Classification Society or other assignedAuthority for approval.The inclining test to be done for first ship of the series only.For subsequent Vessels of a series, the inclining experiment may be deleted in agreement with theClassification Society. In this case, the results of the first Vessel shall be referred to.9. Mooring trialsMooring tests to be conducted after vessel is substantially complete and prior to the sea trial.Procedure for mooring test of the vessel to be as per Builder’s standard.After the mooring trial of main engine the crankcase shall be inspected and crankshaft deflectionmeasured. All main bearing top/bottom clearance shall be checked and all records to be submittedto Owner’s representative.10. Sea TrialsWhen the vessel is substantially completed, i.e. major mooring trials finished except minor itemswhich can be carried out on or after sea trial, defects remedied, all equipment and outfitting insailing condition and painting work almost completed, sea trial to be performed by the Builder.Only HFO and MDO will be used during sea trial.Main engine to use heavy fuel oil abt. 380 cSt/50℃during sea trial except otherwise specified.All H.F.O., D.O., L.O. for commissioning and testing and L.O. in system to be paid by yard.Detailed scheme for sea trials to be submitted to the Owner for approval at least two weeks priorto sea trials.Reports of sea trial to be submitted to the Owner.。



EU Sulphur Directive 2005/33/ECFrequently Asked Questions on the ‘At berth’ requirements⁖Ⰾ Г2005/33/ECνĆ 䲏ć㺰ⅱ⮳ 㻰䬝䷇EU Directive 2005/33/EC⁖Ⰾ Г2005/33/ECEU Directive 2005/33/EC amends an earlier Directive, 1999/32/EC, relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels which itself amended Directive 93/12/EEC.⁖Ⰾ Г2005/33/EC䦷 㝨⩗⛲⇨䰯㺰䭼ѽ ⶚䛾ҋ ε 㻳 ȡOne aspect of the 2005/33/EC amendments is Article 4b which requires that, from 1 January 2010, the fuel oil used by ships while ‘at berth’ in EU ports is to be limited to 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur content.Г2005/33/EC⮳』㞱4b͜㺰ⅱ喌Ͻ2010 1 1 䊦喌 ⇹ν⁖Ⰾ⍞ ⮳㝨㝥喌 Ү⩗⮳⛲⇨ͺ ⶚䛾̼ 倇ν0.1% m/mȡArticle 4b requires:』㞱4b͜㺰ⅱ䖂喚The change-over to this sulphur limited fuel oil is to be undertaken as soon as possible after arrival and from it as late as possible prior to departure.㝨㝥 ⍞ Ү⩗ѽ⶚⇨喌 㝙 Ү⩗ 䛾䪮⮳ 䬣ȡThe times of these change-overs are to be recorded in the ship’s logbook.⛲⇨ ⮳ 䬣 䄔䃟 㝨㝥 ȡThese ‘at berth’ requirements to not apply to:䄔Ć 䲏ć㺰ⅱ̼䔱⩗ν喚(a)ships which are, according to published timetables, due to be at berthfor less than 2 hours;䬣㶗喌㝨㝥䲏⍞ 䬣̼䊴䓶2(b)certain named vessels as given in the Directive; andГ͜ ⮳͙ 㝨㝥喌(c)ships which switch off all engines and use shore-side electricity whileat berth in ports.㝨㝥䲏⍞ 喌 䬜 喌Ү⩗ ⩤䔊㵻 ҋȡFrequently Asked Questions Regarding the ‘At Berth’ RequirementsνĆ 䲏ć㺰ⅱ⮳ 㻰䬝䷇As is standard practice with all Directives the given requirements are being implemented directly by the individual Member States in respect of their respectiveterritories with any definitive interpretations to be given by the European Court of Justice.䕉 喌 Г͜⮳㻳 䘬⩠ 䦷 㜙䶵 㼒䛹 㵻ȡNevertheless the FOBAS service receives many questions on this topic. Consequently, in order to assist shipowners and others we have collated these questions and our responses into this publication.♥㔻喌 ℾ㝨㏖⹭⮳⛲⇨ ≺ 䘗䬗(FOBAS)ϼ♥ ε䲍 ν䄔㻳 ⮳䄑䬝ȡͩ 㝨͋ ЅⰧ 喌 Л➨ₓ ⤵ε̯ϊ 㻰䬝䷇ ₓ 㶗ȡIn providing these responses it must however be understood that FOBAS is operating only as an ‘informed observer’ and that actual implementation will be by the appropriate department of the Administration of the Member State(s) within whose waters the ship(s) affected operate and which may itself be guided or directed by advice from the European Maritime Safety Agency, the European Commission or other relevant authorities.䄦∗ FOBASϴҋͩĆ㻱 㔴ć ₓゃ⫀㼒 喌∄㻳⮳ 䭴 㵻ϼ⩠Ⱗ 䘗䬗䔊㵻ȡFurther questions䬝䷇FOBAS hopes that we have addressed most of the possible questions however if there are further questions please contact on fobas@Л ⮳ ⻼⫀䬝㘬 䔈Ь Х͜ 㼒ゃȡ ⫀䬝喌䄦㖃㈪fobas@Frequently Asked Questions㻰䬝䷇1.Do these requirements apply to all ships?㻳 䔱⩗ν 㝨㝥 喟Yes, the requirements apply to all ships irrespective of flag (EU or non-EU), ship type, date of construction or tonnage.⮳喌䔈ϊ㻳 䔱⩗ν 㝨㝥喌̼䃩 喈⁖Ⰾ 䲍⁖Ⰾ 喉喌㝨喌 䕏 㔴 Ѽȡ2.‘At berth’ – what is meant by this term?Ć 䲏ć̯䃼 ϯͷ 喟This covers ships in EU ports which are secured at anchor, on moorings (including single buoy moorings) or alongside irrespective of whether they are working cargo or not.Ć 䲏ć̯䃼 㝨㝥 ⁖Ⰾ⍞ ͜ ν 䩉Ƞ㈪⇹喈 ⊝め㈪⇹喉䓨䲏⇹喌 䃩 䔊㵻䉖➘㷴 ȡ3.Does this requirement apply to all ports in EU countries?㻳 䔱⩗ν⁖Ⰾ ⮳ ⍞ 喟The requirement does not apply to ports in the ‘outermost regions’. The ‘outermost regions’ are the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands provided, in each case, local air quality standards are maintained.㻳 ̼䔱⩗ν νĆվ䔋 ć⮳⍞ ȡĆվ䔋 ć ∄ ⊦ ⰰȠω䕎 㓓 Ƞ供 㓓 ̽ 䗒 㓓 喈 ⾩⅃䉗䛾Ⅳ ̼䭼ѽ喉ȡ4.Does this requirement apply whenever a ship is anchored in EU waters?䃩҄ 㝨㝥 ⁖ⰎⅣ ͜ 䩉 喌䄔㻳 䘬䔱⩗ 喟Since the requirement is given as ‘…ships at berth in EU ports…’ it would be considered that if a ship anchors within EU waters but outside a zone controlled by a particular port or navigation authority (i.e. to effect repairs or awaiting orders) then the requirement does not apply.㻳 ͜⮳ 䔟ͩĆ….. 㝨㝥 ⁖Ⰾ⍞ 䲏 .....ć喌䗒ͷ Д䃓ͩ喌㝨㝥 ⁖ⰎⅣ ͜ 䩉㔻䲍 ⍞ 㝙⊦ バ䓅 ⮳ 喈 喌ԝ⤵へ Г喉喌䗒ͷ㻳 ̼䔱⩗ȡ5.Are shipyards or ship repair facilities considered to be ‘ports’?㝨 㔴㝨㝥ԝ⤵䃭 㷚㻵ҋͩĆ⍞ ć 喟The Directive does not define the term ‘port’ however since the overall objective is to restrict the sulphur emissions from stationary ships then such facilities should be considered as included as ‘ports’.Г͜ ⇐ Ć⍞ ć䔊㵻 ͸ȡ♥㔻喌 ♥䄔 Г⮳Ⱍ⮳ ͩε䭿 䲈ₑ㝨㝥⮳⶚ 喌䗒ͷ㝨 㝨㝥ԝ⤵䃭 䄔㷚㻵ҋĆ⍞ ćȡ6.Why is it that ‘at berth’ is the part of a ship’s operations which is beingcontrolled by these requirements?ͩ҄Ć 䲏ć㷚ҋͩ㝨㝥㥔䓿⮳̯䘗 㔻 䄔㻳 ⮳バ⤵喟Studies, including Lloyd’s Register’s Marine Exhaust Emission ResearchProgramme, have identified stationary ships as being particular point sources of air pollution and hence, by controlling the maximum sulphur content of the fuels used ‘at berth’, this will directly reduce the sulphur oxides (SO x) and related particulate matter emissions.ℾ㝨㏖⹭⊦κ ⅃ ⵃ⾥䶨Ⱍ ⮳ⵃ⾥㶗 喌䲈ₑ㝨㝥⮳ ⾩⅃← 䕏 ⮳ ℃䒲 ȡ ₓ喌 䭿 Ć 䲏ć㝨㝥 Ү⩗⛲⇨⮳⶚ 䛾㘬 Ⱓ 䭼ѽ⶚⅖ ➘(SOx)Д Ⱗ ䷆㇁➘䉗 ȡ7.Could a residual fuel oil be used ‘at berth’?Ć䲏 ć ДҮ⩗₺҈⛲ ⇨ 喟In theory yes since it is only the maximum sulphur content which is stipulated, not the fuel type. However, in practice it must be expected that generally only distillate grade fuels will be produced which meet the 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur limit. Consequently, throughout this review wherever the term ‘residual fuel oil’ is used it implies a fuel with sulphur content above0.1% m/m.⤵䃩̹ ДҮ⩗喌 ͩ㻳 ͜ 倇⶚ 䛾 ε㺰ⅱ喌㔻䲍⛲⇨ㆪ ȡѵκ ̹ 亾 ⛲⇨ 㘬䓭 0.1% m/m⮳ 倇⶚ 䛾䭿 ȡ ₓ喌 Х͜喌 Ć₺҈⛲ ⇨ć ⮳ ⶚ 䛾䊴䓶0.1% m/m⮳⛲⇨ȡ8.Is it required that only gas oil is used ‘at berth’?Ć 䲏ć 㘬Ү⩗㝨⩗↬⇨ 喟No, it is only the maximum sulphur content which is stipulated. However, in practice it must be expected that generally only distillate grade fuels will be produced which meet the 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur limit.̼ 喌㻳 ͜ 倇⶚ 䛾 ε㺰ⅱȡ♥㔻喌κ ̹ 亾 ⛲⇨ 㘬䓭 0.1% m/m⮳ 倇⶚ 䛾䭿 ȡ9.What ISO 8217 DM grade fuels would be acceptable for use while ‘atberth’?Ć 䲏ć 㘬 Ү⩗҄⻼ISO 8217 DM㏖ ⛲⇨喟In the ISO 8217:2005 specification the DMA grade is limited to 1.50% m/m maximum sulphur content and the DMB and DMC grades to 2.00% m/m.Hence, to be compliant any of these fuel grades must be ordered with a tighter sulphur specification, 0.1% m/m maximum, than that given in the 2005 version of the specification.ISO 8217:2005͜喌DMA⮳ 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ1.50% m/m喌DMB DMC⮳ 倇⶚ 䛾 ͩ2.00% m/mȡ ₓ喌㠔㺰さ ⁖Ⰾ⮳㻳 喌 䉜⇨ 䶪∗ 喌 䔈ϊ㏖ ⮳⛲⇨䘬䰯 ͔ ⮳⶚ 䛾 喌 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1% m/mȡ10.What is meant by ‘m/m’ after the figure of 0.1%?0.1% 䲑⮳Ćm/mć ϯͷ 喟The ‘m/m’ term indicates the percentage on a mass basis - % mass. This is the standard means of stating the sulphur test result. Previously this may alternatively have been given in terms of % weight.Ćm/mć ⮳ 䉗䛾 ̹⮳⮭ ℃ - 䉗䛾⮭Ь℃喌 ⹩⶚ 䛾⮳ 喌㔻ͺ ⩗ 㶗⹩⶚ 䛾⮳ Ѽ 䛼䛾⮭ ℃ȡ11.What sulphur test method is applicable?ДҮ⩗ ⻼⶚ 䛾≺䄄 ∄喟For marine fuels – ISO 8754:1992 is the given method however this method has been subsequently revised to ISO 8754:2003. The differences between the two methods are not expected to be significant in terms of the resultobtained.㝨⩗⛲⇨ 䄣喌ISO 8754:1992 㻳 ⮳≺䄄 ∄喌䔈⻼ ∄⣟ 㷚ԝ ͩISO 8754:2003ȡϽ≺䄄㐂 ⮳㼁 ⰺ喌͓⻼ ∄⮳ ̼ ȡ12.What margin would be expected between the sulphur content of fuel oils asdelivered and the limit of 0.1% m/m maximum?⛲⇨ 䭴⮳⶚ 䛾̽0.1% m/m⮳ 倇䭿 㘬щ 䄞 ҈ 喟In many instances this 0.1% m/m sulphur limit will be the production driver of these fuels limiting what source streams can be used and the respective proportions. The possible exception to this will be where gas oil grade fuels originally intended for automotive applications (EU limit 10 mg/kg – 0.001%) are supplied to ships. This may be as a result of supplier convenience –particularly ships (such as yachts) which bunker by road tanker remote from the main bunker ports.䕉 ̺喌0.1% m/m⮳⶚ 䛾䭿 щҮ⩎ϖ䄔ㆪ⛲⇨ 㘬Ү⩗⮳ Д ℃Һ 䭿 ȡ 㘬⮳Һ ↬䒕⩗⇨㏖ ⮳⛲⇨㷚ӊ 㝨̹喈⁖Ⰾ䭿 ͩ10 mg/kg – 0.001%喉喌䔈Ύ 㘬 ν Ӯ㔻 㜣⮳㐂 – ➨ ㆪѫ 㝶ͺㆪ⮳㝨㝥喌⩠ν⻪ͪ㺰 ⇨⍞ ℃䒲䔋䕉 䘬⩠⇨Ἤ↬䒕 ⇨ȡ13.What issues are there in view of the expected narrow margin between asloaded and limit sulphur values?⩠ν 䭴 㷴⮳⛲⇨⶚ 䛾 倇䭿 䶳 ⮳䄞 ҈ 喌щ ϊϯͷ䬝䷇喟Ideally any fuel oil stem, including gas oils, would be stored onboardseparate from other deliveries so that if problems are encountered with aparticular fuel the issue can be contained and other, known performancefuel oils, are not degraded as a result of mixing. However with the gas oil grades this is often not possible with current ship designs and in any case there are not the same potential incompatibility problems as there are with the residual fuel oils. Nevertheless, with the 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oils as the actual value will normally only be marginally below that limit there will be very little, or no, tolerance to mixing with other higher sulphur content fuel oils and still remaining compliant. Consequently, particular care will be required during the loading, storage, transfer or treatment of these0.1% m/m maximum fuel oils to ensure that they are not mixed with other,higher sulphur content, fuel oils – either by intent or due to remainingquantities in tanks or pipes.⤵ ⟥ ̺喌 㝨⩗↬⇨ ⮳⛲⇨ 䘬 䄔̽ ̯⻼⛲⇨ 喌䔈 喌 ̯⻼⛲⇨ ⣟䬝䷇ Д⌴ẉ䓗 喌 ̓ ⛲⇨⮳䉗䛾̼щ ͩ̽ ⌦ 㔻䭼ѽȡ♥㔻喌⩠νⰝ 㝨㝥⮳䃭䃐 喌䔈⻼ ҋ ̼ 㵻喌㔻̓喌㝨⩗↬⇨ 㘬 ⣟⮳⒋ ̼Ⱗ 䬝䷇̽₺҈⛲ ⇨ 㘬 ⣟⮳䬝䷇ ̼Ⱗ ȡѵ 倇⶚ 䛾0.1% m/m⮳⛲⇨ 䄣喌 䭴⶚ 䛾䕉 щ ͽ⇐ ҈ 䌎 倇⶚⇨⌦ 㔻ϼ♥ Дさ ȡ ₓ喌 㷴Ƞ Ƞ䒛⼪ ⤵ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1% m/m⮳⛲⇨ 䰯㺰➨ ∗ 喌⶝Ԍ ̼щ ν ⇨㝠 バ䌞͜⮳₺⇨㔻̽ Ѕ倇⶚⇨⌦ ȡ14.What if a ship which also operates outside the EU does not have thecapability to handle two different grades of gas oil?̯㞇 㝙㵻ν䲍⁖Ⰾ ⮳㝨㝥⇐ 㘬 Ү⩗͓⻼㏖ ⮳⛲⇨喌䄔 ҄ ⤵喟Under this circumstance it would probably be necessary that the ship only uses gas oil with a maximum sulphur content of 0.1% m/m even at sea and at ports outside the EU.䔈⻼ ̺喌㝨㝥 㘬 䲍⁖Ⰾ⮳Ⅳ ⍞ ͜Ύ 䶪Ү⩗ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1% m/mД̺⮳㝨⩗↬⇨ȡ15.What onboard inspection of a ship may be undertaken to verify that 0.1%maximum sulphur fuel oil is being used?㝨̹㘬Ү⩗ϯͷ 䞣 Ү⩗⮳⛲⇨ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%喟In the first instance the relevant Bunker Delivery Notes (BDN), which under MARPOL Annex VI reg. 18 are required to be retained onboard for a minimum of 3 years from the date of delivery, would be inspected together with the Oil Record Book detailing into which tanks that fuel was loaded.However the BDN only shows the sulphur content of the fuel as received. It is necessary that during loading, storage, transfer, treatment and use that the fuel has not been mixed with other, higher sulphur content, fuel oils.Consequently the inspector may require a sample of the fuel oil being used to be drawn which would then be analysed to verify that the fuel was compliant.仅 喌 MARPOL䭳 せ18 㻳 喌 ⇨ 䶪Ͻ ⇨䗒 䊦 㝨̹Ԍ⪈㜢 3 喌 ⇨ㆪ䃟 ㅮ͜䰯㺰 ⶝䃟 䄔⛲⇨㷚㷴ν ͙⇨ム喌 ⇨ ⇨ㆪ䃟 ㅮ䘬 䰯㺰 Ⱗ ⮳ 侻ȡ♥㔻喌 ⇨ ̹ ⹩⮳ϴϴ ⛲⇨ ⮳⶚ 䛾ȡ㝨 䶪∗ ⛲⇨⮳㷴⇨Ƞ Ƞ䒛⼪Ƞ ⤵ Ү⩗䓶⼺͜喌ѽ⶚⇨̼㘬̽ Ѕ倇⶚⇨⌦ ȡ 㘬щ㺰ⅱ ̯͙⇨ 喌䮾 䔊㵻 侻Д䃰 ⛲⇨ さ Ⱗ 㻳 ȡ16.Article 6 of the Directive gives that ‘…sampling shall commence within sixmonths of the date on which the relevant limit for maximum sulphur content in the fuel comes into force.’ Does this mean that there will be a six month period until July 2010 over which the ‘at berth’ requirements will not be enforced?Г͜』㞱6͜ Ć 䄔⩠ 倇⶚ 䛾ͺ㻳 ⩎ 䊦 ͙ ć喌䔈 ⱯĆ 䲏ć㻳 䭴̹Ͻ2010 7 ⩎ 喟This clause relates to Articles 3 and 4 of the Directive and in any case gives ‘…within..’ not a full six month exclusion. The ‘at berth’ requirements are given under Article 4b and hence the inspection regime given under Article 6(1a) would apply which gives no such period of grace before the requirements will be enforced.䄔 ̽ Г⮳』㞱3 4 喌 ͜ ⇐ 㐈 ͙ ⮳Һ 䬣ȡĆ 䲏ć㻳 䭴̹ 』㞱4b͜ ⮳喌 ₓ 』㞱6(1a)͜⮳ 侻㠲 ̼㶗⹩ 䔈⃤䕉㲼 䬣ȡ17.Is it possible to detect the level of sulphur content in the fuel being usedwithout boarding a ship?⇐ 㘬 ⇐ ⮪㝨⮳ ̺ 侻 ⛲⇨⶚ 䛾喟There are certain air quality measurement techniques which can be applied which, by focusing a beam across the gas plume issuing from the funnel, would detect the sulphur oxide concentration levels. This data may then be used to target onboard inspections of ships where it was suspected that fuel oil with higher sulphur content than that required was being used.ДҮ⩗ ϊ⾩⅃䉗䛾≺䄄 䔊㵻 ≺喌䕉䓶㖉♕ ☎ ⮳⅃☎喌 Д ≺ ⶚ ➘⮳⊂ ȡ䄔 Д ⫀⛲⇨ 䒲倇⶚ 䛾⮳ Ո㷚⩗ ⶝ ϊ㝨㝥䰯㺰⮪㝨 侻ȡ18.What technical concerns are there in respect of the use of 0.1% m/mmaximum sulphur distillates?倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%Д̺⮳⛲⇨ 㘬щ ϊ ̹⮳䬝䷇喟There are a number of possible technical issues to be aware of:a)low viscosity叾 䒲ѽb)poor lubricity⋕␀ 䒲c)unacceptable or undesirable blend components̼㘬 ̼ ⮳⌦d)potential power shortfall⒋ ⮳ ̼䋢e)engine starting problemsͪ 䬝䷇f)cleaning action⌴≆ҋ⩗g)attention to pre-heating control䶳☜h)correct settings for boiler safety and combustion control systems䨴▸ ⛲☖ ㈪㐎⮳ₒ⶝䃭i)These are covered in greater detail in FOBAS Bulletin 05/2009FOBAS 05/2009͜ 䄕㏵19.What specific concerns are there with regard to the supply of automotivetype fuels to ships?㝨̹Ү⩗↬䒕⩗⇨喌щ ϯͷ䬝䷇喟The concerns identified relating to the use of 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oils will tend to be intensified in those instances where automotive fuels have been supplied. Furthermore, automotive gas oils are often found tohave flash point values below the statutory minimum of 60o C for marine fuel oils used in machinery spaces and hence are unfit for such service. Anadditional concern would be in those instances where such fuels are supplied as a result of not having met one or other of the quality specification forautomotive use and the implications of that on their usability in marineengines or other combustion machinery.㠔㝨㝥 Ү⩗䒕䒵⩗⇨喌䗒ͷҮ⩗ 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1% m/m⮳⛲⇨㔻 ⮳ ⻼䬝䷇ щ ȡ ̓喌䒕⩗↬⇨⮳䬙◨䕉 䘬ѽν㝨⩗⛲⇨⮳∄ ѽ䬙◨60o C喌 ₓ ̼䔱 ⩗ν㝨㝥 ͜ȡ ̯͙ 㘬 ⣟⮳䬝䷇ 喌 䒕⩗⛲⇨ӊ 㝨̹喌 㘬 ⩠ν 䉗䛾䬝䷇ ̼䔱 ⩗ 䒕䒵̹喌䔈 ⮳䄌喌䔈⻼⛲⇨ 㝨⩗ͪ Ѕ⛲☖ ͜⮳ Ү⩗ ի ⫀εȡ20.The change-over requirement does not apply to ships which are ‘at berth’ forless than two hours?⛲⇨䒛 ⮳㺰ⅱ̼䔱⩗νĆ 䲏ć͓ Д̺⮳㝨㝥 喟No, the ‘two hours’ given in the Directive only applies where there is a published timetable (i.e. in the case of ferries on scheduled services) which gives that the time ‘at berth’ is less than two hours. There is not a general exemption for ships which will be ‘at berth’ for less than two hours.Г͜⮳Ć͓ ćϴ䔱⩗ν㝨㝥 ⮳ 䬣㶗 䲏 䬣 ͓ Д̺⮳ ̺喈 喌 ⮳⍐䒝喉ȡ䦷 Ć 䲏ć 䬣 ν͓ ⮳㝨㝥 ⇐ 䕉⩗⮳ 䮓㻳 ȡ21.What engines or other combustion devices need to be changed-over to a0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oil?ϊ ⛲☖㷴㒝䰯㺰䒛 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1%⮳⛲⇨喟Only those engines, boilers, incinerators or other combustion devices which are to be used while the ship is ‘at berth’ need to be changed-over to a0.1% maximum sulphur fuel oil. Attention is necessary to intermittentlyoperated combustion machinery with separate, stand-alone, ready use tanks, such as incinerators, to ensure that the fuel in those tanks is compliant.䗒ϊ 㝨㝥Ć 䲏ć ϼ♥䰯㺰Ү⩗⮳ Ƞ䨴▸Ƞ♉☖▸ Ѕ⛲☖㷴㒝 䰯㺰䒛 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1%⮳⛲⇨ȡ䰯㺰∗ 䗒ϊ ⠛⿺⛲⇨㝠⮳䬣⁶ ҋ⮳⛲☖䃭 喌 ♉☖▸喌⶝Ԍ 䗒ϊ⇨㝠͜⮳⛲⇨Ύさ 㻳 ȡ22.Do the ‘at berth’ requirements apply to main engines?䄔㻳 䔱⩗νͪ 喟Only in machinery arrangements where the engines used for propulsion are also used to supply power for other purposes while the ship is ‘at berth’. This would include:㝨㝥 Ć 䲏ć 喌 ̼ѵ⩗ν 䔊㔻̓⩗ν ӊ⩤ ⮳ ̺喌䄔㻳 䔱⩗ȡ䔈⻼ 喚a)diesel-electric systems where the engines also provide power for ship, engine room or cargo services; or⇨ ⩤ ㈪㐎喌ͪ ⩗νͩ㝨㝥Ƞ 䉖➘㷴㒝 ӊ⩤ 喌b)where a propulsion engine is declutched from the propeller and either idles or provides power to a generator, pump or other devices.ͪ 㳩 ⻪喌 ν⾩䒛⟥ 㔴 ӊ⩤ 㐈 ⩤ Ƞ∤ Ѕ㷴㒝ȡ23.Is the circulation of heated residual fuel oil through an engine allowed while ‘at berth’?㝨㝥Ć 䲏ć 喌 䃧 ☜⮳₺҈⛲ ⇨ ͜≰䕉 喟The circulation of heated residual fuel oil through an engine (main or auxiliary) in order to maintain readiness would be permitted as that does not constitute ‘use’ within the meaning of the Directive as the fuel oil is not being combusted.䃧 ☜⮳₺҈⛲ ⇨ ͪ 䒴 ͜≰䕉Д㐣 ⟥ 喌 ͩ⛲⇨ ⇐ 㷚⛲☖喌 Д ̼ Г͜⮳ĆҮ⩗ćͺ ȡ24.If an engine, which is normally operated on residual fuel oil, is subject to repair is it allowed to test that engine on that grade of fuel oil while ‘at berth’ for the purpose of verifying engine is ready for service?̯ 䕉 ☖₺҈⛲ ⇨⮳ 䰯㺰ԝ⤵喌䗒ͷ 㝨㝥Ć 䲏ć⮳ Ո Ү⩗₺҈⛲ ⇨ ⮳≺䄄Д 侻 㘬さ ₒ ҋ⟥ 喟While Article 1 (2)(a) gives that the requirements would not apply to fuels used for ‘…purposes of research and testing’ it would be understood that ‘ ..testing’ as given would not cover the subject scenario.㮬♥ 』㞱1(2)(a)͜ 䄔㻳 ̼䔱⩗νĆ⩗νⵃ⾥ ≺䄄ć⮳⛲⇨喌ѵ Ć≺䄄ć̯䃼 ̼ ̹䔟 ȡ25.Do the ‘at berth’ requirements apply to main boilers as installed, for example, on LNG tankers?䄔㻳 䔱⩗ν 㷴 ㆪѫνLNG ⇨䒝㝨㝥̹⮳ͪ䨴▸ 喟The requirements apply to any fuel oil used by such boilers. Since there can be significant issues associated with the ‘on load’ use of gas oil type fuel oils in such boilers reference should be made to manufacturers recommendations, relevant statutory and classification society rule requirements together with various other publications which have been produced on this topic, for example those from L loyd’s Register: Classification News 35/2009 and ‘Guidance Notes for Design Appraisal of Main and Auxiliary Boilers Operating on Low Sulphur Distillate Oil, October 2009’.㻳 䔱⩗ν䄔ㆪ䨴▸ Ү⩗⮳ ⛲⇨ȡ⩠ν 㝨̹䄔ㆪ䨴▸͜Ү⩗㝨⩗↬⇨ ⛲⇨ 㘬 䄧 䬝䷇喌 Д㝨̹ Ү⩗ 䰯㺰 㔲䨴▸⩎ϖ ⮳ 㻰喌Ύ䰯 䬴Ⱗ ∄ 㝨㏖⹭㻳㠲 Ѕ⮳ ❷➘喌Һ ℾ㝨㏖⹭2009 10 ❷⮳せ35 㝨㏖⹭ 䬪Ԑ ĆҮ⩗ѽ⶚⇨⮳ͪ䨴▸ 䒴䨴▸⮳ ćȡ26.Do the ‘at berth’ requirements apply to auxiliary boilers?䄔㻳 䔱⩗ν䒴䨴▸ 喟The requirements apply to any fuel oil used by all sizes of auxiliary boiler from the relatively large water tube boilers installed on some motor tankers through to those which are essentially simply hot water heaters. As with main boilers, there can be significant issues associated with the ‘on load’ use of gas oil type fuel oils in such boilers consequently reference should be made to manufacturers recommendations, relevant statutory and classification society rule requirements together with various other publications which have been produced on this topic, for example those from Lloyd’s Register: Classification News 35/2009 and ‘Guidance Notes for Design Appraisal of Main and Auxiliary Boilers Operating on L ow Sulphur Distillate Oil, October 2009’.䄔㻳 䔱⩗ν 䒴䨴▸ Ү⩗⮳⛲⇨喌 㷴ν ϊ ⛲ ⇨䒝⮳ Ⅳバ䨴▸喌 ク ⮳☜Ⅳ ☜ ȡ⩠ν 㝨̹ͪ䨴▸͜Ү⩗㝨⩗↬⇨ ⛲⇨ 㘬 䄧 䬝䷇喌 Д㝨̹ Ү⩗ 䰯㺰 㔲䨴▸⩎ϖ ⮳ 㻰喌Ύ䰯 䬴Ⱗ ∄ 㝨㏖⹭㻳㠲 Ѕ⮳ ❷➘喌Һ ℾ㝨㏖⹭2009 10 ❷⮳せ35 㝨㏖⹭ 䬪Ԑ ĆҮ⩗ѽ⶚⇨⮳ͪ䨴▸ 䒴䨴▸⮳ ćȡ27.The Directive mentions that the ‘at berth’ requirements to not apply to shipswhich ‘…switch off all engines and use shore-side electricity while at berth …’ hence would it be possible in such circumstances to still use a fuel oil with a sulphur content above 0.1% m/m in boilers which provide steam to, for example, cargo pump turbines?Г͜ 䄔㻳 ̼䔱⩗νĆ 䲏 䬜 Ү⩗ ⩤ć⮳㝨㝥喌䗒ͷ 䨴▸͜Ү⩗⶚ 䛾倇ν0.1%⮳⛲⇨⩗ ͩㆪѫ䉖∤⋐䒝 ⮳ ӊ㧧↬喟It is probable that this would not be accepted by the authorities as being in compliance with the Directive since the key requirement is that ‘…ships shall not use….’ rather than only some types of combustion devices being controlled.䄔 ҋ 㘬̼щ㷚バ⤵ ȡ ͩ Г͜⮳ 䩝㺰ⅱ Ć…..㝨㝥̼㘬Ү⩗…..ć喌㔻䲍ϴϴ䦷 ⛲☖㷴㒝⮳バ ȡ28.If a ship, which uses shore-side electricity when alongside, is required toanchor in an EU port is it allowed to use a fuel with a sulphur content above0.1% m/m while at anchor?䲏 Ү⩗ ⩤⮳㝨㝥喌 䰯㺰 ⁖Ⰾ⍞ 䩉喌䗒ͷ 䩉 ДҮ⩗⶚ 䛾倇ν0.1%⮳⛲⇨ 喟No since to be covered by this exemption it would be necessary that there is the necessary infrastructure for shore-side electricity to be supplied also to ships which are anchored.̼ Дȡ ͩ 㺰さ 䄔 䉒 Х喌 䩉㝨㝥 Ү⩗⮳ ⩤Ύ䰯㺰 㺰⮳ ⵯ䃭 ȡ29.Do the requirements apply to fuel oil fired inert gas generators?䄔㺰ⅱ䔱⩗ν⩗ ⅃҂ ⩎ ̹⮳⛲⇨ 喟Although such units typically incorporate a water wash stage and do not directly vent the gases produced to the atmosphere, except when in purge mode, there is no specific exemption for this type of combustion device given within the Directive. Consequently it should be concluded that the requirements do apply to these devices.バ䔈 ⮳㷴㒝㷴 Ⅳ≆䃭 ̼̓щⰣ ϖ⩎⮳⅃҂ ⅃喌䮓䲍 ⌴≆ὐ ̺喌ѵ Г͜ ⇐ 䦷 䔈⻼⛲☖䃭 ⮳➨ 䉒 Һȡ Д喌䄔㻳 䄔 䔱⩗ν䔈ϊ䃭 ȡ30.When is a ship considered to have ‘arrived’?҄⩻ 㝨㝥Ć 䓭ć喟Since the requirement applies to ships which are secured, the point at whicha ship is considered to have ‘arrived’ would be when Finished With Engines isgiven. Alternatively, for a ship at anchor, it could be when the anchoring crew are stood down.♥㻳 䔱⩗ν ⽢⮳㝨㝥喌䗒ͷ㝨㝥⮳Ć 䓭ć 䬜ȡ 㔴喌 䩉⮳㝨㝥Ć 䓭ć 䩉㝨 ̯㝛 ҋ⟥ ȡ31.How long is allowed for the change-over to 0.1% m/m maximum sulphurfuel oil?䃧Ү⩗ 䪮 䬣 ⛲⇨䒛 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1%⮳⛲⇨喟No time is stipulated in the Directive since this will differ for different fuel mixes, the particular machinery arrangements and change-over procedures.Whatever procedures are to be followed these should commence as soon as is reasonably possible after arrival. The ship-owner has the option to either:a)change-over the grade of fuel oil in the system; orb)change-over the machinery in use (where there is duplicatedprovision)Scenario (a) in this case the rate of change-over from a heated residual fuel oil to a compliant gas oil will need to be managed in accordance with engine builders guidance. Typically this will give that the rate of change of temperature should not exceed 2o C per minute to avoid undue thermal loading and differential expansion of heated components. However if change-over was to be from a non-compliant gas oil to a compliant gas oil then the change-over time would only be that required for the latter to be the only fuel in the supply system. The FOBAS fuel oil change-over calculator may be of assistance in estimating the time required for the fuels in the system to change from one to other.Scenario (b) could, for example, apply to generator engines. The ship manoeuvres with two generators running on residual fuel oil. On Finished With Engines being given the third (or additional) generator(s), which haspreviously be set up to operate on a compliant fuel oil, is started and loadtransferred thereby enabling the previously running engines to be shut down.Г͜ ⇐ ⶝㻳 ⛲⇨䒛 䬣喌 ͩ䒛 䬣щ⩠ν̼ ⛲⇨ㆪ Ƞ Д 䒛 ⼺ 㔻 ̼ ȡѵ 喌 䃩 Ү⩗⮳ ⻼⼺ 喌䘬 䶪 㝨㝥 䓭Д 䒛 ⼺ ȡ㝨͋ Д䔸 喚a)䒛 ㈪㐎͜⮳⛲⇨b)䒛 Ү⩗⮳a)͜喌҄ ☜⮳₺҈⛲ ⇨䒛 さ 㻳 ⮳㝨⩗↬⇨䰯㺰㻵䕏 ⮳ 㔻 ȡ➨ 䰯㺰∗ ⮳ 喌⛲⇨䒛 ⮳⍘ 䕎 ̼㘬䊴䓶⃾ 䧎2o C喌Д䖮 䓶 ⮳☜䉎㢦Д ☜䘗Х⮳̼ 㛗㗯ȡѵ 喌 䒛 Ͻ̼さ 㻳 ⮳㝨⩗↬⇨ さ 㻳 ⮳㝨⩗↬⇨喌䗒ͷ喌䒛 ⮳ 䬣 Ү㈪㐎͜ さ 㻳 ⮳⛲⇨ 䰯㺰⮳ 䬣ȡFOBAS⮳⛲⇨䒛 䃐テ Д џテϽ̯⻼⛲⇨ ̯⻼⛲⇨ 䰯㺰⮳ 䬣ȡb)͜喌 Л ₓД ⩤ ͭҺȡ㝨㝥Д͓ ⛲☖₺҈⛲ ⇨⮳ ⩤䔊㵻Ѽ⼪ȡ ͓ 䬜 喌䃭 Ү⩗⶚ 䛾0.1% m/m⛲⇨䓿ҋ⮳せ̸ ⩤ ҋ喌 䉎㢦䒛 䔈 ̹ȡ32.Is it required to have approved change-over procedures?䰯㺰 ㏾䃓 ⮳䒛 ⼺ 喟There should be established change-over procedures in order to meet ISM requirements. These would ensure that the correct sequence of operations is undertaken and would provide guidance as to the time required for the procedure to be undertaken, the latter would prove of assistance if the local authorities questioned the length of time taken. These procedures however do not need to be specifically approved.䄔 ⶝ ⮳䒛 ⼺ Дさ ISM⮳ ȡ䄔⼺ ⶝Ԍ ҋ≰⼺⮳ ⶝ 喌 䦷 ҋ 䰯 䬣 ӊ 喌 㔴 Д 䉗⫀䒛 ҋ 䬣⮳ Ո ӊ 䃰 ȡ♥㔻喌䄔⼺ ̼䰯㺰㏾䓶➨ ⮳䃓 ȡ33.With regard to arrival, what times should be recorded in the ship’s logbook?ν 䓭喌 ϊ 䬣䰯㺰㷚䃟 㝨㝥 ͜喟It would be recommended that three specific entries are made as part of a block of data:a)the time at which the when the ship is considered to be ‘secured atberth’ – this may be when Finished With Engines or equivalent (i.e.anchor crew stood down) is given.b)the time at which the first action (as given in the relevant procedures)is taken to commence the change-over of a particular combustionsystem or machinery group (i.e. auxiliary engines). Where there ismore than one system or group there will be a corresponding numberof start times.c)the time at which it is considered that a particular combustion systemor machinery group is operating only on 0.1% m/m maximum fuel oil.Where there is more than one system or group there will be acorresponding number of end times.䃝䃟 Д̸̺͙ 䬣喚a)㝨㝥 䓨 ⽢⮳ 䬣 – ➨ 䬜喌喈 㝨㝥 䩉 䩉㝨䩉 ҋ Ѕ̯㝛 ҋ⟥ 喉ȡb) ⛲☖㈪㐎 ㏳喈 䒴 喉⮳䒛 ҋ⮳せ̯͙ͭ 喈 㔲Ⱗ ⮳⼺ 喉⮳ 䬣ȡ 㝨̹ 䊴䓶̯͙㈪㐎 ㏳喌䗒ͷ 䄔䃟̯㈪ ⮳ 䬣ȡc) ⛲☖㈪㐎 ㏳ ϴД 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1% m/m⛲⇨䔊㵻䓿ҋ⮳ 䬣ȡ 㝨̹ 䊴䓶̯͙㈪㐎 ㏳喌䗒ͷ 䄔䃟 ̯㈪ ⮳㐂䬣ȡ34.In which ship’s logbook should the entries be made?䄔 䬣 䄔䃟 㝨㝥 ͜喟The Directive is not specific hence whichever logbook is specified in the relevant procedures. This should however be one of the logbooks which is countersigned by either the master or chief engineer.Г͜⇐ ₓ➨ 㻳 喌ͩₓ喌 䰯 Ⱗ ≰⼺͜ ⮳㝨㝥 ͜ 䃟 ȡѵ ∗ 喌䄔 䶪⩠㝨䪮 㔴䒝 䪮キ㒡ȡ35.What change-over arrangements apply to engines or other combustiondevices which are not operating when the ship arrives but are subsequently used while the ship is ‘at berth’?ν䗒ϊ㝨㝥 䓭 ̼䓿ҋѵ Ć 䲏ć щҮ⩗⮳ ̽ Ѕ⛲☖㷴㒝喌 䄔䛶⩗҄⻼䒛 喟The temporary allowance for non-compliance during the change-over from a non-compliant fuel oil to a 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oil is only for those engines or other devices which are running on arrival. Any other machinery should have been duly prepared before arrival to operate on a0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oil and hence, when started while ‘atberth’, is compliant from the outset.䦷 䗒ϊ 㝨㝥 䓭 䓿ҋ⮳ 䃭 喌㘬 䃧 Ͻ倇⶚⇨䒛 ѽ⶚⇨⮳䓶⍐ 䬣ȡЪ҄ Ѕ 䃭 䘬䰯㺰 ⍞ ⛲☖ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%⛲⇨⮳ 喌 ₓ喌㝨㝥̯ Ć 䲏ć喌 㺰 喌 䶪さ 㻳 ȡ36.On arrival at an EU port if a ship first goes to anchor and then later moves toa berth alongside is it required to use a 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oilduring that passage from anchorage to berth?䓭⁖Ⰾ⍞ ⮳㝨㝥喌 䩉喌䮾 ⼪ 䓨喌䗒ͷₓ㝨㝥 䩉 ⇹Ѽ⮳䔈⃤䌌⻪͜喌 䰯㺰Ү⩗ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%⮳⛲⇨喟It is not required to use a 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oil during that passage. As a matter of convenience however the ship may decide to continue the usage of that fuel oil in the auxiliary engines and boilers (in order to avoid additional change-overs) while using a residual fuel oil for the main (propulsion) engine(s).䔈⃤䌌⻪͜ ̼㺰ⅱҮ⩗ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%⮳⛲⇨ȡ♥㔻 ν Ӯ㔲㮀喌㝨㝥 㘬щ㔲㮀 ͪ ͜Ү⩗₺҈⛲ ⇨⮳ 喌 䒴 䒴䨴▸͜Ү⩗Ү⩗ 倇⶚ 䛾 0.1%⮳⛲⇨喈ͩ䖮 ䷌ ⮳䒛 ⼺ 喉ȡ37.Does being secured in a lock during passage into or out of a port count asbeing ‘at berth’?㝨㝥 䔊⍞ ⻪⍞⮳Ⅳ䬧͜ ⪈喌テҋ Ć 䲏ć 喟No since this is only an interim stage in the overall manoeuvring process.̼ 喌 ͩ䔈 ͙䓶⼺͜⮳ͣ ⟥ ȡ38.What defines ‘departure’ time?ϯͷ Ć ć 䬣Departure time should be set on the basis of the when engines are required for. In this it is recognised that the actual departure from ‘at berth’ may be later due any one of any number of factors which impact on a ship’s schedule.㝨㝥 䬣 ⤵㼒ͩ ⮳䃭 䬣ȡ ₓ喌㝨㝥⻪ ⮳ 䭴 䬣 㘬⩠ν ⻼ ⮳ 㔻℃䶳 ⮳ ȡ39.When should the change-over from a 0.1% m/m maximum sulphur fuel oilto another fuel oil (i.e. residual fuel oil) commence?ϯͷ 䬣 䔱 Ͻ 倇⶚ 䛾ͩ0.1%⮳⛲⇨ ̯⻼⛲⇨喈 ₺҈⛲ ⇨喉⮳䒛 喟In order to comply with the ‘…as late as possible before departure …’ requirement this should be in advance of the given ‘departure’ time by the expected duration of the change-over as given in the ship’s change-over procedures (which itself should include some reasonable margin to cover usual eventualities). This should be such that the engines (and other combustion devices) are fully established on the fuel oil to be used during departure passage prior to the first actions being taken to ‘unsecure’ the ship.ͩεさ Ć….. ⻪⍞ 㘬 …..ć⮳㺰ⅱ喌 䄔 䃐 ⻪⍞ 䬣 ⮳⛲⇨䒛 䶳䃐 䰯 䬣 䒛 ⛲⇨喈 䰯㺰㔲㮀 㘬 ⩎⮳ ♥κХ 㜣⮳䷌ 䬣喉ȡ䔈 䄔 㝨⮳せ̯͙ͭ 䃘 喈 Ѕ⛲☖㷴㒝喉䘬 Д⩗䔱 ⮳⛲⇨䓿ҋ ȡ40.With regard to departure, what times should be recorded in the ship’slogbook?ν 喌 ϊ 䬣䰯㺰㷚䃟 㝨㝥 ͜喟It would be recommended that three specific entries are made as part of a block of data:a)the time given for ‘engines required for’.b)the time at which the first action (as given in the relevant procedures)is taken to commence the change-over of a particular combustionsystem or machinery group (i.e. auxiliary engines). Where there ismore than one system or group there will be a corresponding numberof start times.c)the time at which it is considered that a particular combustion systemor machinery group is fully operating on the fuel to be usedsubsequently. Where there is more than one system or group therewill be a corresponding number of end times.䃝䃟 Д̸̺͙ 䬣喚。





针对P油藏精细开发过程中的难点和风险,详细阐述PeriScope Edge超高清随钻油藏描绘技术在该油藏调整井项目中精细开发的作用,并将通过实例展示该技术的应用效果,为南海东部深度开发的底水油藏的可持续开发提供有效的技术保障。

1 底水油藏开发目标及难点P油藏储层沉积环境为三角洲平原—三角洲前缘沉积,储层岩性主要为细—粗粒长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,平均孔隙度28.5%,油层平均渗透率3644mD,总体上属于高孔、特高渗储层。







2 基于超高清油藏描绘技术的地质导向技术针对P油藏水平井地质导向目标和难点,必须在实时油藏描述的精度和轨迹控制的准度两个方面取得突破。

当前业界常用的技术为随钻地层边底水油藏开发中超高清随钻油藏描绘技术分析孙琳钧中海石油 ( 中国 ) 有限公司深圳分公司 广东 深圳 518000摘要:底水油藏开发过程中地质导向效率主要受到储层非均质性、油水分布的复杂性以及构造预测的不确定性的影响。

Sun Hydraulics 产品说明书:FPFK 电子比例阀

Sun Hydraulics 产品说明书:FPFK 电子比例阀

c 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 1of 3MODEL FPFK Pilot operated, normally closed, electro-proportional throttle with reverse flowcheck SERIES 2 / CAPACITY: 20 gpm /CAVITY: T-5A X-ControlE-ControlM-ControlNOTE: DATA MAY VARY BY CONFIGURATION. SEE CONFIGURATION SECTION.This valve is a pilot-operated, normally closed, electro-proportional throttle with reverse free-flow check. Energizing the coil generates an opening force on the pilot stage which vents the main stage poppet to open proportionally.Metered flow is from port 1 to port 2 with reverse free flow from port 2 to port 1.TECHNICAL DATA Cavity T-5A Series 2Capacity 20 gpm Recommended dither frequency 100 Hz Maximum Valve Leakage at 110 SUS (24 cSt)20 drops/min.@5000 psi Manual Override Force Requirement 5 lbs/1000 psi @ Port 1Deadband, nominal (as a percentage of input)25%Manual Override Stroke .06 in.Solenoid Tube Diameter .75 in.Valve Hex Size 1 1/8 in.Valve Installation Torque 45 - 50 lbf ft Model Weight (with coil) 1.20 lb Seal kit - Cartridge Buna: 990203007Seal kit - Cartridge EPDM: 990203014Seal kit - Cartridge Viton: 990203006Seal and nut kit - Coil Viton: 990770006Model Weight 0.89 /FPFK C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mc 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 2of 3(X)CONTROL E Twist (Extended) Manual Override M Manual Override (D)FLOW RATE B Nominal 10 gpm @ 200 psi (14 bar)differential (40 L/min.)(N)SEAL MATERIAL E EPDM V Viton COIL *212DIN 43650-Form A, 12 VDC 224DIN 43650-Form A, 24 VDC 712Twin Lead, 12 VDC 724Twin Lead, 24 VDC 912Deutsch DT04-2P, 12 VDC 924Deutsch DT04-2P, 24 VDC * Additional coil options are available TECHNICAL FEATURES Capable of operating with pressures up to 5000 psi (350 bar).Coils are interchangeable with Sun's other full flow, solenoid-operated valves and can be mounted on the tube in either direction.This cartridge has several manual override choices, including no manual override. See Option Configuration.For optimum performance, an amplifier with current sensing and adjustable dither should be used. Dither should be adjustable between 100 - 250 Hz.The momentary/twist override option "E" allows the operator to shift the valve by twisting the manual override clockwise 90 degrees.Cartridges configured with EPDM seals are for use in systems with phosphate ester fluids. Exposure to petroleum based fluids, greases and lubricants will damage the seals.Spool capacities rated at 200 psi (14 bar) differential and maximum rated coil current.Maximum Deadband (as a percentage of command) B Flow Rate = 28% D Flow Rate = 32%Maximum Hysteresis at 200 psid (14 bar) B Flow Rate = 2.2 gpm (9 L/min.) D Flow Rate = 5.2 gpm (20 L/min.)Minimum Capacity at 1000 psid (70 bar) B Flow Rate = 25 gpm (94 L/min.) D Flow Rate = 49 gpm (185 L/min.)Depending on circuit requirements, a reverse free flow check bypassing the compensator may be needed when using the FPFK with an external compensator.Incorporates the Sun floating style construction to minimize the possibility of internal parts binding due to excessive installation torque and/or cavity/cartridge machining variations.PERFORMANCE CURVESModel Code Example: FPFKXDN CONFIGURATION OPTIONS C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mc 2017Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 3of 3C o u r te s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。



名词总图general plan安装图erection drawing\installation ~ 技术要求technical requirements\specification 复用multiplexing\excerpt部件assembly\component子部件\组合件subassembly零件part\feature焊接件weldment\weld assembly主机principal equipment辅机accessory equipment\accessory主传main drive辅传maintenance drive\auxiliary drive产量capacity\production rate\output细度fineness比表面积blaine fineness\blaine减速机reducer齿轮箱gear box速比speed ratio\ratio使用系数service factor安全系数safety factor取样管sampling pipe\probe tube取样器sampler振动vibration温度temperature压力pressure流量flow探头probe传感器sensor变送器transmitter温度计thermometer压力计manometer流量计flowmeter测管measuring tube环形采压管circle pressure sampling tube电磁阀solenoid valve环氧树脂epoxy 耐火材料refractory material\corhart 喷煤管burner壳体casing\carcase机架housing叶轮impeller料管\溜槽chute均化库homogenization silo均化仓homogenization bin缓冲仓buffer bin\surge bin\hopper 料斗hopper三次风管tertiary air duct膨胀节expansion joint篦冷机grate cooler篦板grate plate\grate\grid plate 衬板liner预热器preheater预分解炉precalciner旋风筒cyclone内筒(预热器)dip tube平台platform人孔门manhole door检修门access door观察门inspection door观察孔inspection hole\sighthole 清灰门soot door捅料孔poking hole滚子\滚筒roller托辊idler挡轮thrust roller轮带(回转窑)tyre托轮(回转窑)roller station筒体(回转窑)shell大齿圈girth gear鳞片squama锥体cone锥度taper圆度circularity圆柱度cylindricity同轴度axiality垂直度verticality平行度parallelism平面度planeness直线度linearity粗糙度roughness锁紧盘shrinkage disk联轴器coupling液压缸hydraulic cylinder\cylinder气缸air cylinder\cylinder软管hose pipe\hosepipe\hose拧紧力矩tightening torque安全帽safety helmet\helmet基础平面图foundation plan预埋钢板preembedded steel plate预埋螺栓preembedded anchor bolt地脚螺栓foundation bolt\anchor screw 膨胀螺栓expansion bolt灰载ash load动载荷dynamic load绝对标高absolute elevation相对标高relative elevation扩散管diverging tube扩口管flared tube渐缩管\缩口管converging tube异径管tapered pipe\template pipe热风炉hot gas generator\air furnace循环风recirculated air风机fan风机(鼓风机)blower罗茨风机roots blower高温风机ID fan\hot fan循环风机recirculating fan废气风机EP fan\exhaust fan电收尘器electrostatic precipitator (EP)含尘量dust content\dust load润滑油lubricating oil\oil润滑脂lubricating grease\grease气囊式蓄能器bladder accumulator棒闸needle gate\rod gate\pin gate风阀damper百页阀shutter damper闸板阀slide gate形容词上部的upper下部的lower外部的outer内部的inner中部的mid中心的central最大的\最大值maximum最小的\最小值minimum平均的\平均值average额定的nominal\rated机械加工及机修机修车间mechanical repair shop大修major repair, heavy repair中修semi-heavy repair 小修current repair日常维修routing (daily) maintenance抢修first-aid repair预防性检修preventive maintenance备品备件spare parts耗材consumable materials, expendables易损件wearable parts零配件accessories部件subassembly辅助构件auxiliary components正常磨损normal wear and tear (abrasion)压力容器pressurized vessels储气罐compressed air container 金工、机加工metal working钳工bench work铆接riveting焊工welding铸造、翻砂casting, foundry锻造forging制模pattern装配车间assembling workshop工段section标牌、铭牌rating plate驱动装置driving unit负荷率loading percentage 输出轴功率output shaft horsepower普通车床lathe万能车床universal lathe铣床milling machine牛头刨床shaping machine 摇臂钻床radial drill锯床sawing machine冲床punching machine 镗床、镗缸机boring machine气门座修磨机valve seat thinning machine磨气门机valve grinder总成assembly剪板机cutting machine, scissoring machine卷板机plate bending roller 直流电弧焊机DC arc welding machine台式bench, table立式vertical卧式horizontal砂轮机wheel grinder砂轮切割机wheel cutter台虎钳table vise夹具、卡具clamp, jig手电钻handy drill, mobile electric drill活动扳手adjustable wrench 套筒扳手socket wrench钳子pliers尖咀钳pointed plier油压千斤顶oil jack手动葫芦chain hoist电动葫芦motorized hoist故障现象malfunction, disturbance造成原因causes, reasons排除方法remedy 工件workpiece标准件modular element热处理heat treatment退火annealing淬火quenching回火tempering调质hardening and tempering渗碳carbon penetration (infiltration)酸洗acid pickling (pickle v.)钝化passivation (passivate v.)打毛刺burring倒棱边chamfering抛光polishing管网吹(清)洗pipe circuit purging 电焊条welding electrode 点焊spot weld, dot weld 定位焊tack welding对缝焊butt welding搭接焊overlapped joint weld堆焊bead welding角焊fillet welding焊缝weld seam电焊面罩face shield允许误差allowance配合公差tolerance公差范围margin tolerance, tolerance limit间隙配合(活动配合)clearance fit误差error相对误差relative error总精度overall accuracy加工精度machining precision精密铸造precision casting表面粗糙度surface roughness 表面光洁度surface smoothness不平整度unevenness公称直径nominal diameter型钢sectional steel异型钢profiled steel低碳钢mild steel耐热钢heat-resistant steel, refractory steel镀锌钢板galvanized sheet波纹钢板corrugated sheet铸铁cast iron 铸钢cast steel轴承shaft bearing滚珠轴承ball bearing滚柱轴承roller bearing滑动轴承plain bearing滑履轴承sliding shoe bearing调心轴承self-aligning bearing止推轴承thrust bearing轴承座bearing socket轴瓦、轴承套bush, bearing shell 刮瓦bush scraping检修门manhole, inspection door观察孔observation window有机玻璃盖Perspex cover滑动门sliding door推拉门swing door平台platform梯子ladder爬梯monkey ladder楼梯stairs, staircase扶手、铁栏杆hand rail楼梯(中间)平台stair landing预制的、预装的prefabricated可拆卸的demountable可移动的movable便携式的portable可互换的interchangeable, exchangeable可连接的connectable可伸缩的telescopic可匹配的adaptable可逆的reversible不可逆的non-reversing迷宫式的labyrinth组合式的composite悬臂的cantilever联轴节shaft couple, motor coupling弹性联轴节flexible coupling 万向接头gimbal键槽key slot齿条notched bar导向槽groove导向板、转向导板deflector定位切口、刻痕notch防护板、挡板fender, shield防护罩housing, shielding case 隔板、挡板baffle plate套管jacket,sleeve衬套、衬圈bushing垫圈(片)gasket, washer, pad 垫块spacer, shim密封垫gasket seal石棉盘根asbestos rope橡胶圈rubber ring支架support, bracket托架、支座bearer, bracket撑脚arm-brace连接件fittings, mountings, joints紧固件fixings, fasteners 紧固、定位装置clamping device管接头pipe nipple直角弯头right angle bend, elbow三通tee connector管塞pipe plug, pipe closer堵头screw plug, end sealing法兰flange销钉pin定位销dowel pin,cottered pin挡块retaining block, stopper, thrust block楔块wedge螺钉screw nail螺母screw nut锁定螺帽lock nut, jam nut 螺杆bolt, anchor bolts 螺距tread pitch正反丝right-left thread弹簧垫圈spring washer弹簧片spring lamination 开口销split cotter, cotter pin加强筋stiffening rib, rib stiffener, intercostals, armature滑环slide ring滑轮pulley滚轮gyro wheel滚圈rolling ring涡轮worm gear涡杆worm棘轮ratchet wheel, click pulley棘爪detent, check pawl 底盘chassis, carrier底座support assembly 活塞piston行程stroke气缸pneumatic cylinder油缸hydraulic cylinder 软管hose卡箍hoop活接头movable connector锯缝、割缝kerf齿轮gear齿全高tooth full depth齿高系数tooth head factor 啮合meshing, gearing 接触精度contact quality节园pitch circle点蚀、蚀斑pitting正齿轮spur-gear(直齿圆柱齿轮)斜齿轮oblique gear斜齿螺旋角helix angle, spiral angle人字齿轮chevron gear小齿轮pinion稀油站lubrication station 润滑点lubricant manifold 润滑剂lubricants石墨润滑装置graphite lubricator 油脂grease油标、油位标记oil mark油封oil seal油杯oil cup活塞泵reciprocating pump刮油器oil scrape device 挡油盘oil retainer tray非破坏性检查non-destructive testing目测检查visual checking化学分析chemical analysis 机械试验mechanical test超声波探伤检查ultrasonic testX光探伤检查radiography test 同心度concentricity同轴度coaxality。

MTL TP范围的过流保护器说明书

MTL TP范围的过流保护器说明书

MTL TP rangeTransmitter mounting surge protector1Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, LutonBeds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283 E-mail:********************© 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. INS 801-640 Rev EMarch 2022IntroductionThe TP range of surge protectors provides surge protection for field mounted process transmitters and is available for 1/2’’NPT, 20mm ISO and G1/2” threaded conduit entries. The TP range is certified and approved for use in hazardous areas. More details of this are shown throughout this installation guide.Important safety informationInstallationSelect conduit entry to be used for installation, and remove any blanking plug.NOTEIf direct installation onto the apparatus itself is impossible e.g. because all conduit entries are in use already, an external junction box or conduit hub can be used. The TP range is supplied with 300mm leads, which should be sufficient for them to reach the transmitter terminals from a junction box. If these leads are not long enough then use supplementary terminals and wiring. Installation should be within 1m of, and bonded to, thetransmitter.Ensure that the TP body thread matches the conduit entry. Thread types are not interchangeable, but adapters may be used where necessary. For explosionproof (Ex d) installations, only certified or approved adapters are permitted.Remove apparatus terminal housing cover.Insert connecting wires into apparatus body and start threading unit into conduit entry using moderate hand-force, with lubricants as necessary.Tighten fully (hand-tight plus 1/2 turn of 23mm A/F spanner). The steel body of the TP48 is not used as part of the electrical circuit, therefore sealing of the thread with PTFE tape or other sealing compounds will not affect the performance of the TP48.For effective protection, the leads of the TP should be as short as possible. Before wiring to the transmitter terminals, cut the leads to the appropriate length and strip back 10mm of insulation.Do not try to coil excess lengths of cable into the transmitter housing as this will degrade the protection given by the surge protector.Connect the flying leads to the terminals as indicated in Figure 1.2INS 801-640 Rev E3INS 801-640 Rev ENOTEThe protection circuit needs to be connected in parallel with the transmitter 4-20mA current loop, not in series. Many transmitters offer linked terminals to avoid installation with multiple wires in each terminal. If your transmitter does not, then use an appropriate termination method e.g. ring-tag, piggy-back Fastontab, split ferrule etc. to complete the connection satisfactorily.Ensure that all connections are tight, particularly the earth bonding connection, which is likely to be via a stud within the apparatus terminal housing. Refit apparatus terminal housing cover.Reconnect circuit if it was previously isolated.TP32-T only: The TP32-T is a FISCO/Fieldbus terminator. It can be used as a spur terminator and surge protective device. Make sure no other terminating blocks are in use for the spur.Earthing / groundingThe TP earth wire (Green/Yellow) should be connected to the earth terminal or stud usually provided inside the transmitter housing. In the unlikely event that no such stud exists, make the connection to a structural mounting part, such as a terminal block fixing screw.MaintenanceAt intervals of not more than one year (more frequently for particularly harsh environments) visually check the installation and ensure that: i) Device and/or enclosure is firmly attached to mounting ii) There are no signs of external damage or corrosioniii) Interconnecting cables are not frayed or otherwise damagediv) All connections are properly made with clear labellingIf this unit suffers damage send back to Eaton for evaluation which should only be carried out by MTL product line. This product is not field repairable.ApprovalsIn hazardous locations check the marking on the device to ensure that it is appropriate for the application. Mark either the top group of three check boxes to indicate Ex ia use, or the bottom group of two to indicate Ex d use. For marking use a punch mark.Special conditions for Safe Use:Ex ia protection concept (IECEx BAS 07.0045X, Baseefa04ATEX0251X, BAS21UKEX0560X)1. The apparatus is to be installed such that the flying leads are afforded a degree of protection of at least IP54.2. Although all the TP**-*-* Series Surge Protection Devices covered by this certificate will meet the 500V test to the metal case, the electrical circuits within the Series Surge Protection Devices are not capable of withstanding the 500V test to the Green/Y ellow wire for one minute without breakdown. This must be taken into consideration in any installation.3. These devices are not provided with an external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductor. Adequate earth continuity via the mounting arrangement must be ensured.For entity parameters see certificates shown below.Figure 2 IECEx certification detailsEaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. INS 801-640 Rev E 160322March 2022EUROPE (EMEA): +44 (0)1582 723633 ********************THE AMERICAS: +1 800 835 7075 *********************ASIA-PACIFIC: +65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a productdescription and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.44. This apparatus is also afforded Flameproof Certification to Baseefa04ATEX0053X, IECEx BAS 15.0056X BAS21UKEX0559X and is dual marked. On installation the relevant protection concept must be permanently marked on the apparatus in the space provided.Ex db protection concept (IECEx BAS 15.0056X, Baseefa04ATEX0053X, BAS21UKEX0559X)1. The permanently attached cables shall be suitably protected against pulling, mechanical damage and terminated within a terminal or junction facility suitable for the conditions of use.2. These devices are not provided with an external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductor. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure adequate earth continuity via the mounting arrangements.3 . This equipment is also afforded Intrinsically Safe Certification to Baseefa04ATEX0251X, IECEx BAS 07.0045X and BAS21UKEX0560X and hence the equipment is dual marked. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the protection concept to be applied and permanently mark the equipment in the space provided for guidance in installation and maintenance.4. If attached to a flameproof enclosure the surge protectors shall be provided with a high strength locking compound on the mounting thread.For U.S./CAN installations, the TP Surge Protectors are Approved for Class I, Zone 0 applications. If connectingAEx [ib]/Ex [ib] Associated Apparatus or AEx ib/Ex ib I.S. Apparatus to the TP Surge Protectors the I.S. circuit is only suitable for Class I, Zone 1, or Class I, Zone 2,vices with entity parameters not specifically examined in combination as a system when: V oc or U o or V t < Vmax, I sc or I o or I t < I max , C a or C o , C i + C cable , L a or L o , L i + L cable , and for FM only: P o < P i .b) Dust-tight conduit seal must be used when installed in Class II and Class III environments.c) Control equipment connected to the Associated Apparatus must not use or generate more than 250Vrms or Vdc.d) Installation in the U.S./CAN should be in accordance with ANSI/ISA RP12.6 “Installation of Intrinsically Safe Systemsfor Hazardous (Classified) Locations” and the National Electrical Code® (ANSI/NFPA 70) Sections 504 and 505, Canadian Electrical Code, CE code or CSA C22.1e) The configuration of associated Apparatus must be Factory Mutual Research Approved under Entity Concept.f) Associated Apparatus manufacturer’s installation drawing must be followed when installing this equipment.g) For U.S./CAN installations, the TP Surge Protectors is Approved for Class I, Zone 0 applications. If connect ing AEx [ib]/Ex [ib] Associated Apparatus or AEx ib/Ex ib I.S. Apparatus to the TP Surge Protectors the I.S. circuit is only suitable for Class I, Zone 1, or Class I, Zone 2, and is not suitable for Class I, Zone 0 or Class I, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Location.。



机电工程专业英语答案【篇一:机电工程专业英语】r (rotating member) in an electric motor has rotational inertia,and a torque is required to bring it up to speed when the motoris started. if the motor shaft is rigidly connected to a load witha large rotational inertia, and the motor is started suddenly by closing a switch, the motor may not have sufficient torquecapacity to bring the motor shaft up to speed before thewindings in the motor are burned out by the excessive current demands . a clutch between the motor and the load shafts will restrict the starting torque on the motor to that required to accelerate the rotor and parts of the clutch only.电机的转子(转动元件之一)是有惯性的。






Rtec-Instruments MFT-5000 多功能摩擦学和力学测试仪与集成3D轮廓仪说明书

Rtec-Instruments MFT-5000 多功能摩擦学和力学测试仪与集成3D轮廓仪说明书

Multi Function TribometerTribology and Mechanical Tester withIntegrated 3D ProfilometerMultiple ASTM, DIN, ISO Standards CompliantMFT-50003D Imaging Mechanical Tests Industry Standard PlatformHigh precision multiple Z stages tomove load cell, profilometer, etc., each independently in Z axis.Tribometer ConfigurationInterchangeable load cell across a wide range from mN to 12,000N Interchangeable test modules to perform several tests on the same platform (rotary, reciprocating,block on ring, fretting, scratch, etc.). The modules are mounted using fast-exchange with automatic recog-nition on top of the xy stage.Closed-loop multi-channel tempera-ture and humidity controller. For -120 to 1200°C temperature control.Enclosure to reduce acousticinterference and fumes. Acts as an additional safety guard during test.In-line universal 3D Profilometer to image test area automatically with nm resolution. The Lambda pro-filometer has four imaging modes on same head (confocal + interfer-ometer + dark field + bright field).The 130 x 270mm high precision XY stage moves test modules between test and image positions. The stage can also be used for slow speed reciprocating tests, scratch test, custom motion test, etc.Advanced high speed, low noise, fast feedback, high data acquisi-tion rate controllers up to 200 kHz, and up to 64 channel expandable capabilities.Upper Z StageForce SensorInterchangeable Test ModulesOn top of XY StageTemperature,Humidity ControllerEnvironmental IsolationIn-line ProfilometerXY StageData Acquisition,Motion ControllerA B C DEFG HHDGCF BAETribology And Mechanical Tester With Integrated Profilometer 05Open Platform U channel design, high Zaccess provides large working area.Tribology And Mechanical TesterWith Integrated 3D Profilometer04Steep SlopesPatented In-line Profilometer With Automatic Stitching Technology Optimized for Tribology Testing(US 20180024035 A1)Auto Stitch Entire SamplesRough, Dark, Smooth SurfacesImage with LiquidsUniversal profilometer capable of imaging wear tracks with steep slopesHigh precision XY stage that allows to scan and stitch entire wear track automatically.The universal profilometer can scan any mate-rial (transparent, dark, corroded, flat, curved).Confocal microscopy can image samples under liquid media.Sub nm 3D Image of Wear Mark Progression During TestTest Results100 Cycle120 Cycle300 Cycle400 CycleTribology And Mechanical Tester With Integrated Profilometer 070 Minutes10 Minutes20 Minutes30 Minutes40 Minutes50 Minutes60 Minutes70 Minutes80 Minutes90 Minutes100 Minutes110 Minutes120 Minutes 130 Minutes 140 Minutes 150 MinutesA Tribometer ThatComprehensively Characterizes Surface Change vs Time Interferometer Bright Field Dark Field 06Rtec instruments Universal Tribometer + In-line ImagingWide Range Of Sensors With Patented TechnologyThe tester can mount various interchange force sensors easily. Each sensor has an automatic recognition feature, calibration file to maintain optimized performance on testing parameters.• Low Floor Noise• Highest Resolution • Fast Exchange • Automatic Recognition Based on the application, a sensor from various types of load cells can be selected.• Capacitive Load Cells - Highest resolution load cells with negligible thermal drift.• Piezo Load Cells - Sensors to measure data at highest frequency.• Strain Gauge Load Cells - Sensors with widest load range - mN to 12,000N.Choice Depends On ApplicationCapacitive Sensor Strain Gauge Sensor Piezo SensorTorque Sensors / 1D, 2D, 6D Sensors / In-line Dynamic Torque Sensors Patent # 1017938GB2Other TypesTribology And Mechanical Tester With Integrated Profilometer09The tester comes with several environmental chambers op-tions. The chambers are typically mounted on top of room temperature drives. Using interchangeable chambers, a wide range of -120 to 1200°C, controlled humidity, and vacuum up to 10-7 torr are achievable. Some setups also allow the MFT-5000 to heat both upper and lower sample separately to simulate real life situations.The advanced control system allows temperature measure-ment at multiple points simultaneously. All the chambers are closed-loop controlled, and the requested conditions are con-trolled using the software automatically. The PID for different ranges of chambers are automatically loaded once an options is mounted.Environmental Chambers-120°C to 1200°C Tribo-Corrosion,Vacuum,High Pressure,and More• Automatic Recognition • Ease of Use • Same Software • Future Field Add-ons •Cost EffectiveMFT-5000 runs tests across a wide range of forces and applications using its modular concept. Various interchangeable modules can be added on the same platform based on the intended application. The modular na-ture of this tester allows it to test coatings, bulk materials, lubricants, real components, etc.Modular Drives With Fast ExchangeThe test modules are quickly swapped. The testing modules, load cells, and lower test drives come with a fast exchange mechanism that allows the user to easily change test configurations.The software and hardware automatically recognize the test module and runs each test with ease.Modular DesignFor MaximumVersatilitySturdy Design• Lubricant Recirculation • High Speed Containers• Temperature Control • All Regimes • Automatic Stribeck• Up to 12,000 N Force • Real Components• Low FrictionMeasurement at High Loads • Ultra High Torque Motors• Certified Reference Calibration Oil, SamplesThe Universal Tribometer is ideally suited for Industrial Tribology involving lubricants, additives, oils, metal working fluids, and many more. The sturdy design includes various lubricant dispensing systems, speeds rang-ing from 0.001 RPM to 30,000 RPM, and temperature control. This allows the MFT-5000 to precisely develop, characterise, and quality control. Few of the common tribology tests and features are described below.The High Frequency Reciprocating module HFRR is used for evaluating diesel fuel lubricity. The ball slides against a disk with a 1mm stroke at a frequency of 50 Hz. ASTM D6079, D7688, CEC F-06-A-96, ISO 12156-1, IP450, BS-EC590HFRRThe standard test determines extreme pressure, friction wear properties of greases, solid bonded films, gear/hydraulic fluids, and lubricant oils. All tests are done in oscillation mode under controlled environmental conditions. ASTM G119, G174, G133, G203, G204, G206, D5706, D5707, D6425,D7217, D7420, D7594, D7421, DIN 51834 and more.Linear Oscillating/Fast Reciprocating Test, SRV TestThe block on ring module istypically used to evaluate friction, wear of materials or lubricant/grease where a ring/bearing/shaft is rotated under axialload. ASTM G77, D2509, D2714, D2782, D2981, D3704 and more.Block on Ring, Timken EP4 ball wear module is used to mea-sure wear-preventing properties of lubricants and greases in sliding and rolling applications; 4 Ball EP is to measure lubricant extreme pres-sure properties. The test involves rotating one ball on three station-ary balls at controlled environmen-tal conditions. ASTM D-2266,D-4172,D-5183D-2596, D-2783 and DIN 51350, IP 239,300.4 Ball Wear, 4 Ball EP, KRL Shear TestTapping Torque, Twist CompressionTapping torque module characterizes friction, wear, torque, etc., during form-ing and machining. The test involves tapping/drilling using taps of various standard sizes on materials of choice. Twist compression is designed to measure friction and adhesion in metal forming. Test involves slowly rotating a ring on top of material of choice.Piston Ring/Cylinder LinerThis test evaluates friction and wear parameters of piston ring and cylinder liner mate-rial in presence of engine oils. ASTM G181, G206 etc.Thrust WasherThis test assess friction and wear parameters of self-lubricated materials in thrust washers, ASTM D3702 etc.Pin, Ball on DiskThe module measures fric-tion during sliding using pin/ball on disk setup. ASTM G99, G132, DIN 50324 and more.Stribeck CurveStribeck curve displays the evolution of the coefficient of friction as a function of load, velocity and viscosity, users can change the load and velocity to automatically plot Stribeck Curves with ease in all modulesOil, Lubricant Tests, and More• Multiple ASTM, DIN, ISO •Stribeck CurvesIndustrial TribologyHFRRCryogenicBlock on RingRotary Torque Tapping TorquePiston Ring Cylinder Liner Bearings 4 BallBrake Testing Timken, Ok, Grease Tribo CorrosionSRV Low COF, Superlubricity Variable Rolling SlidingReciprocating Scratch Test High TemperatureCutting Tools Fretting 1200°C Hot HardnessScratch, Hot Hardness, Adhesion• ASTM• ISO• DIN Compliant The tribometer measures and monitors forces and displacement in all axis. The multi-axis force measurement allows it to run several standard mechanical tests such as hardness, 3-4 point bending, tensile, compres-sion, fatigue, torsion, fretting, etc., tests with ease. All these tests can be done using any of the environmental chambers.Mechanical Tests - Hot Hardness, 3-4 Point BendingThe scratch test requires applying a load on the sample that needs to be tested with a spherical or custom tip. During the process of applying the load the sample is moved at a constant velocity and several parameters such as Friction (Fx), Down force (Fz), Coefficient of friction (COF), dis-placement (Z), acoustic emission (AE), temperature, etc., are measuredin-situ.Scratch Module Spherical Indents Vicker’s IndentWear Mark Hydrogels - Contact AreaChange vs ForceThe scratch test quantifies adhesion and scratch hardness of coatings. With the advent of new deposition methods and technologies, thinner coatings are finding their way in every aspect of our life. Coatings are present on LCD displays, phones, cutting tools, gems, glass, automobiles, medical devices, etc. The quantitative coating adhesion scratch test is a simple practical test that has been around for a long time. But reliable, reproducible, and comprehensive tests require precise control of the test system configuration and its testing parameters.Coatings Adhesion, Scratch, and Mar ResistanceScratch nm to mmThick CoatingsHigh Temperature• Hard Coatings• Polymer Coatings• Paints• Soft Coatings• Optical Lenses• Decorative Coatings• Real Components• 2D Materials•Thermal Spray CoatingsCoatings and MaterialsFrettingUnmatched PerformancePrecision At BestThe tribometer uses decoupled capacitive load cells to measure friction at a COF 0.001 level even at high down forces (1N, 10N etc.). The unique design, controlled en-vironmental condition, and high resolution sensors measure friction for 2D materials, and superlubricity with ease.SuperlubricityIn-situ Confocal Raman SpectroscopyTouch Screen, Display, and GlassContact Area vs ForceIn-line confocal Raman spectrosco-py can be added to the tribometer. The confocal mode allows to image the chemical property of locations within the wear mark with high resolutions. The XY stage allows stitching of the Raman maps across the entire wear track. The test can be performed in air, inert gas, or in a vacuum chamber.The tribometer uses a 6D sensor and closed-loop XY stage to cre-ate customized motions, such as butterfly, circular, and zig-zag that simulate any kind of profile. The test is used to simulate finger mo-tion on touch screens accurately to quantify perception.The surface adhesion module can be added to the tribometer to ana-lyze real time contact area vs force using and imaging system that is placed under the sample. This cal-culates surface adhesion and alsoobserves the interface in real time.Ball on disk setup for nano tribology agglomerated particles on a coating.Vacuum chamber with in-line Raman and profiler Raman spectrometer data on a wear mark.A test showing hydrogel against a coated glass slide. Real time contact area analysis vs force.Nano Tribology• 2D Materials • Polymers • Soft Coatings • Paints • Lens• Optical Coatings • DisplaysThe nano tribometer modules allows for a comprehensive friction, wear, adhesion, etc. characterization over nano to micro scale. Ultra sensitive capacitive load cells, combined with low floor noise, and a robust design provide quantita-tive tribology characterization of interfaces, thin films, 2D materials, superlubricity, and much more. The tests can be done in air, vacuum chamber, or in a controlled inert gas atmosphere. The wear mark can be easily imaged using in-line profilometer and Raman spectrometer to characterise roughness, wear and chemical property across the track au-tomatically.Ultra Low Friction,nm to Micron Films, CoatingsSoftwareThe tester comes with a powerful operation, statistical and image analysis software. All software is Win-dows based and is very easy to learn and operate. The software runs the tool in advanced mode for ex-perienced users, or simple mode for new users or operators. The data can be saved in proprietary format or in ASCII format.XY Stage• Floor standing- Micro, Macro • Bench top- Nano, Micro • Data Acquisition 200 kHz• Range: 130x270mm• Motion resolution: 0.1µm • Maximum speed: 50mm/sMultiple Z StagesComputer ConsoleFacilities RequirementEnvironmental Chambers (Optional)Various Imaging ModulesAdditional SensorsVarious Mechanical HeadsLower DrivesRotary DriveFast Reciprocating DriveLong StrokeFast ReciprocatingFretting DriveBlock On Ring Drive• Max speed: 10mm/s, 500um/s• Motion resolution: 0.25um, 10nm• Latest Windows OS • LCD monitor• Power Requirements:110 VAC/ 240 VAC /480VAC• -120°C up to 1200°C • 5 to 90% RH • Vacuum • Liquid • Inert gas • Corrosion • Salt Spray •High Pressure• White light interferometer • 3D Confocal microscope • Variable Focus• Raman spectrometer • High mag. microscope •Atomic force microscope• Potentiostats • Acoustic emission • Electrical resistance •pH probes• Tribometer • Indentation • Scratch •MechanicalAll drives are in addition to drives mentioned in platform specification• Range 360°• Max speed up to 30000 RPM • Min speed 0.001 RPM (low speed drive)• Speed up to 80Hz• Stroke 0.1mm to 30mm• Speed 35Hz• Stroke 40mm at 40Hz• Speed up to 500Hz • Stroke 5 µm to 4mm • Range 360°• Speed up to 7000 RPMPlatform SpecificationSurface InspectionTest ModulesWide ApplicationsThe versatility of tester allows the tribometer to play an important role for several applications. It canbe used for thin or thick films, lubricants, materials, soft materials, hydrogels, bio materials, smooth or rough surfaces, flat or rough surfaces, transparent or opaque surfaces, nano or macro scale, coating or bulk materials, and more.High Temperature• Hot hardness Tester (up to 1200°C)• High Temperature Tribology (up to 1200°C)Lubricants, Grease• Block on Ring, Timken OK • 4-Ball EP and Wear • HFRR• Twist Compression • SRV• Tapping Torque, Cutting, Drilling •Piston Ring Cylinder LinerMechanical• Hot Hardness • 3, 4 Point Bending • AdhesionCryogenic• Low temperature Tribology (from -120°C)Corrosion Testing• Tribo Corrosion • Salt SprayFriction Wear• Rotary Pin on Disk Tribometer, Ball on Disk • Reciprocating• Brake Materials Tribology • Fretting• Low Friction, Nano Tribology •Bio TribologyCoatings• Scratch Test, Adhesion, Hardness • 2D Materials, Low Friction Coatings • Fretting• Pin on Disk, Ball on Disk • Reciprocating• Fracture Toughness• High Temperature Tribology up to 1200°C •Scratch and Mar ResistanceIndustrial• Brake Materials Screening • Optical lens• Cutting Tools, Hard Coatings • Piston Ring Cylinder Liner • High Pressure Chamber • Aerospace Tribology • Textile • Bearings•Additive ManufacturingHigh Pressure• CompressorAbout usRtec-Instruments develops and manufactures advanced imaging and surface mechanical property measurement solutions for research and industrial applications. Based in Silicon Valley, we are the leading provider of testing instrumentation such as tribometer, optical profilometer, 3D scratch tester and micro/nano hardness tester.We share a philosophy that embraces collaboration and partnership with customers, leaders in academia and industry, to ensure that our prod u cts answer real needs with innovative solutions.2020 Rtec Instruments Product Catalogue. All rights reserved.All specifications are typical and subject to change without notice.Rtec Instruments, US1810 Oakland Road, Ste B San Jose, CA, 95131, USA Phone: +1 408 708 9226Rtec Instruments, SA Rue Galilée 6,1400 Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland Phone: +41 24 552 0260Rtec Instruments, CNRoom 1002-2, Building 1, #69 Olympic St Jianye District, Nanjing, China, 210019Phone:+862583210072,+86180****2749。


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1. 内燃机润滑剂是为了保护发动机部件和提高运转平稳性而所用的。

The lubricant for internal combustion engine is used to protect engine components and improve the running smoothness.2. 橡胶产品在制作过程中,常常需要润滑剂来保护它们免受磨损。

Lubricants are often needed in the manufacture of rubber products to protect them from wear.3. 润滑剂可以被喷射在这些零件上,以保持表面的光滑性和防止摩擦的发生。

Lubricants can be sprayed on these parts to maintain the smoothness of the surface and prevent friction from occurring.4. 润滑剂能够提高部件的耐久性,并降低磨损和损坏。

Lubricants can increase the durability of components and reduce wear and damage.5. 密封剂和润滑剂一起可以有效的防止水的渗入。

Sealants and lubricants can be used together toeffectively prevent water infiltration.6. 润滑剂可以有效的降低摩擦,从而减少部件之间的磨损。

Lubricants can effectively reduce friction, thus reducing wear between components.7. 我们也可以使用润滑剂来减少冲击,并均匀地扩散热量。

DryLin T 线性滑梁系统说明书

DryLin T 线性滑梁系统说明书

TW-01-15DryLin®T Linear Guide System –Maintenance-Free, Adjustable and QuietCorrosion resistantWear resistantLow coefficient of frictionExtremely quiet operationNo lubrication necessaryValve machining producesan extreme environmentDryLin®linear guide systemin a treatment machineDryLin®T linear guide sys-tem in pneumatic doors oftool changersDryLin®T – Linear Guide SystemDryLin®T linear guide systems were originally developed for applications in both automation andmaterials handling. The goal was to create a high performance, maintenance-free linear guide foruse in the most diverse, even extreme environments.Technical DataSliding elements:Maintenance-freeMaterial:iglidur®J*Max. surface speed:15 m/sTemperature range:-40 °C to +90 °C* Other materials upon requestProfile rails and base structures of the carriagesmanufactured from aluminium Al Mg Si 0.5The rail is hard anodized, the aluminium housing of thecarriage is clear anodized6 sliding iglidur®J/J200 elements act as guide bear-ings, which are set in pairs opposite each other andact as three guide bearings altogetherEach of the three guide bearings can be adjustedmanually or automaticallyAll steel parts are galvanized or of stainless steelThe end plate is solid plasticTechnical DataGuide railsMaterial Aluminium, extruded sectionSubstance Al Mg Si 0,5Coating Hard anodized aluminium, 50 μmHardness500 HVSliding carriageBase structure Aluminium, extruded sectionMaterial Al Mg Si 0,5Coating Anodized aluminiumSliding elements Maintenance-free plain bearing iglidur®JBolts, springs Stainless steel, galvanized steelCover PlasticMax. surface speed15 m/sTemperature range-40 °C to +90 °CLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support,1 1 1004-090,480,480,243,41,81,804-120,960,960,489,24,44,404-151,41,40,7178801-1544232252501-207,47,43,785454501-2510105125656501-3014147200100100TK-01-15TK-01-20TK-01-25TK-01-30TK-04-15TK-04-12TK-04-09y-directionz-directionLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support 0Y C 0(-Y)C 0Z M 0X M 0Y M 0Z [kN][kN][kN][Nm][Nm][Nm]Table 3.2: DryLin ®T -01 – Permissible static load capacity Graph 3.3: Designation of load directionsDryLin ®T in demanding use in the packaging industrySpeed v [m/s]Graph 3.2: DryLin ®T – Permissible dynamic loadSpecial propertiesWith a low rate of inertia, high accelerations and short term extreme speeds up to 30 m/s are possibleDryLin ®T linear guide systems run dry. Dirt cannot settle in lubricantsRecommended for use in food, medical, and clean room technolo-gies, since no lubricants are presentDryLin ®T linear guide systems are also suited for underwater use due to corrosion resistanceHigh pressure washdown does not damage the system Vibration dampening and extremely quiet operationThe aluminium rail provides good thermal dissipation. The aluminium only retains heat at continuously high speedsThe combination of aluminium and iglidur ®J results in a low initial breakaway forceDryLin ®T is dimensionally interchangeable with the standard ball bearing systemsDryLin ®T – Technical InformationLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support®T– Guide RailsDryLin®T– VariationsThe DryLin®T system can be delivered with extended manualclearance adjustment, automatic version or in the miniature-profile design.DryLin®T– Adjustable clearanceDryLin®T is delivered preset. The user can adjust the clearancemanually. Therefore, it is possible to compensate for height differencesin the position of the mating surfaces.DryLin®T– AutomaticAfter mounting, DryLin®T Automatic carriages are self-adjusting. Inoperation, the clearance of this type of carriage can be automaticallyreduced again, when the applied load is relieved.DryLin®T– Manual clampingThe DryLin®T series with manual clamping was developed for simplefunctions. A clamped polymer has a tendency to creep which causesa decrease in clamping force over time (up to 70%). Therefore, appli-cations for DryLin®T with a clamp are restricted. Please contact ourtechnical experts if you need other alternatives for clamping DryLin®linear systems.DryLin®T– Heavy DutyThe Heavy Duty series is used with most extreme conditions like dirt,sticking arrears, splinters, mud etc. The Polymer sliding elements ofiglidur®J are fixed by the metal end caps and cannot be lost.This system is compatible with many standard ball bearing systemsand is available in the following sizes: TW-01-20, TW-01-25, andTW-01-30.DryLin®T– MiniatureThe clearance of DryLin®T miniature systems is not adjustable. Thesliding elements are mounted with positive locking (form-fitted) intothe chromated zinc slide carriages. This simple, effective design makesthe rails robust and at the same time cost-effective.Installation noteserrors between the rails.elements.the mountedthe adjacent drawings.The clearance adjustment is only effective without load. engineering design and/or installation.Floating bearings for linear slide guides be configured with floating bearings.dom on one side.related chapters.lyin the system.Eccentric ForcesTo ensure successful use of maintenance-free DryLin®applies regardless of the value of the load or drive force. higher the degree of wear and required drive force.often be remedied with relatively simple modifications.our application engineers.12341234Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more supportDryLin ®T – Adjusting and InstallationAdjusting the clearance: DryLin ®T AutomaticThe DryLin ®T Automatic series offers you an automatic adjustment of the clearance. A readjustment can take place automatically in steps of 0.1 mm. Springs tighten the regulating wedge immediately as soon as the clearance is bigger than 0.1 mm and the system is unloaded.1The system will be delivered with 3 spanners which are already plugged in. They are necessary for mounting the carriage onto the rail. In case these spanners are removed they need to be replugged into the openings and turned right by 90°.2When the carriage is on the rail, loosen the spanners by turning them left 90°and remove them. The clearance will be adjusted automatically.3Check the clearance of the carriage. A fine adjusting can be done at this point.4You can remove the carriage at any time. In order to do so, simply plug the spanners back into the openings (see step 1).Adjusting the clearance: DryLin ®TDryLin ®T is delivered ready for installation. Clearance of the carriage is adjusted at the factory. The preadjustment is determined by the acting forces on each individual system. If you have special require-ments, please indicate in your order whether particularly limited or extended bearing clearance is required. If necessary, clearance of the DryLin ®T linear guide system can be readjusted. This should always take place when there is no load on the carriage.1After removing the protective cover, loosen the locknuts – Width across flats:SW 5 for TW-01-15 and TW-01-20SW 7 for TW-01-25 and TW-01-302Adjust the bearing clearance for the 3 guide points with an Allen key – Allen key size:1.5 mm for TW-01-15 and TW-01-202.0 mm for TW-01-25 and TW-01-303Check the clearance of the carriage after adjusting the 3 levels.If it is sufficient, tighten the locknuts and put on the cover.4There is a danger that excessive reduction of the clearances can seize the gliding elements and that the clearance cannot be reset simply by loosening the adjustment screws. The gliding elements are then released by pressing the reset button on the opposite side. Press hard against the readjusting spring.You must have already loosened the respective adjustment screws. Use the correct size pin for this purpose:2.5 mm for TW-01-20 and TW-01-153.0 mm for TW-01-253.0 mm for TW-01-30TW-01-15291611,5TW-01-20352315,0TW-01-25412519,0TW-01-30492921,5K 1|(ay+Y 0)/L x ||(ay+Y 0)/W x ||(ay+Y 0)/W x |K 2(sy+Y 0)/L x (sy+Y 0)/W x (sy+Y 0)/W x K 3|az/L x ||az/W x ||az/W x |K 4|sx/L x ||sx/W x ||sx/W x |K 5sz/L x |sz/W x ||sz/W x |K 6|(sy+Y 0)/Z m ||(sy+Y 0)/Z m ||(sy+Y 0)/b|K 7|sz/Z m ||sz/Z m ||(sz/b)-0,5|1 rail, 1 rail,2 rails,1 carriage 2 carriages 3–4 carriages Part No.L X Z M Y 0[mm][mm][mm]The constant values:Coefficients:DryLin ®T – System DesignRecommended procedure:1st step:Select the mounting version z horizontal 1 rail and 1 carriage Page 61.141 rail and 2 carriages Page 61.142 rails and 4 carriages Page 61.14z lateral1 rail and 1 carriagePage 61.151 rail and 2 carriagesPage 61.152 rails and 4 carriages Page 61.15z vertical1 rail and 1 carriagePage 61.161 rail and 2 carriagesPage 61.162 rails and 4 carriagesPage 61.162nd step:Check to see whether the offset distances of theapplied forces are within the permissible valuesPages 61.14to 61.163nd step:Calculate the necessary drive forcePage 61.14to 61.164nd step:Calculate the maximum bearing load in y- and z-directionsPage 61.14to 61.165nd step:Check calculated load for both y and z with the table on page 37.11 - Maximum permissible load for Fymax & FzmaxPage 61.13, table 61.26nd step:Check calculated mean speed for the load from step 5 with the graph on page 37.11Page 61.13, Graph. 61.4For the exact calculation of the DryLin ®T Linear Guide System it is essential to find out whether the position of the forces iswithin the allowable limits, and if the gliding element where the highest forces occur is not overloaded.The calculation of the necessary driving force and the maximum speed allowed is important. Each mounting version requires a different formula for calculation. Factors concerning shocks and acce-leration forces are not included in the calculation,therefore the maximum load and allowable load must be monitored.Variables in the calculations:Fa :Drive Force [N]Fs :Applied Mass [N]Fy, Fz:Bearing Load [N]in y- or z-direction[mm]sx, sy, sz :Distance of the mass forcein x-,y- or z-direction[mm]ay, az :Distance of the mass force in y- or z-direction[mm]wx :Distance between carriages on a rail[mm]LX :Constant from table below [mm]Zm :Constant from table below [mm]Y0:Constant from table below [mm]b :Distance between guide rails[mm]μ:Coefficient of friction,μ= 0 for static loads,μ= 0.2 for dynamic loadsZW:Number of carriages per railLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support No.Fy max,Fz max[N]Bearing load (centre) [N]Graph 61.4: Diagram for determining the maximum permissible speed for the calculated bearing loadTable 61.2: Maximum permissible loadLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support + sz< 2 wx - Y0ay + az< 2 wx - Y0sy + sz< 2 Lx - Y0ay + az< 2 Lx - Y0sy< 5 Z msz< 5 Z mVariation: 1 rail, 1 carriage4.2Maximum bearing loadin z-direction4nd step:Calculate the maximum bearing load4.1Maximum bearing loadin y-directionVariation: 1 rail, 2 carriagesVariation: 2 rails, 4 carriagesMaximum permissible distancesbetween applied forces:Maximum permissible distancesbetween applied forces:2nd step:Check to see whether the maximum distances ofthe applied forces are within the permissible values.(See maximum permissible distances)3nd step:Calculate the necessary drive force3.1Centre of gravityin x-and z-directioninside the carriage(s)3.2Centre of gravityin z-directionoutside of the carriage(s)3.3Centre of gravityin x-directionoutside of the carriage(s)If the position of the centre of gravity is notspecified:DryLin®T– Mounting Version HorizontalLifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support + sz < 2 Lx - Y 0ay + az< 2 Lx - Y 0sy < 5 Z m sz<5 Z msy + sz < 2 wx - Y 0ay + az<2 wx - Y 04nd step:Calculate the maximum bearing load 4.1Maximum bearing loadin y-directionVariation: 1 rail, 2 carriages Variation: 2 rail, 4 carriagesbetween applied forces:The drive force Fa corresponds to the calculated maximum valueVariation: 1 rail, 1 carriageMaximum permissible distances between applied forces:3nd step:Calculate the necessary drive force First two calculations must be made:2nd step:Check to see whether the maximum distances of the applied forces are within the permissible values.(See maximum permissible distances)DryLin ®T – Mounting Version Lateralsy + sz< 2 wx - Y0ay + az< 2 wx - Y0sy + sz< 2 Lx - Yay + az< 2 Lx - Y0sy< 5 Z msz< 5 ZmFloatingbearing4nd step:Calculate the maximum bearing load4.1Maximum bearing loadin y-directionThe drive force Fa corresponds to the calculatedmaximum valueMaximum permissible offsetdistances between applied forces:Variation: 1 rail, 2 carriagesVariation: 2 rails, 4 carriages3nd step:Calculate the necessary drive forceFirst, four calculations must be made: Variation: 1 rail, 1 carriage2nd step:Check to see whether the maximum distances ofthe applied forces are within the permissible values.(See maximum permissible distances) DryLin®T– Mountig Version – VerticalMaximum permissible distancesbetween applied forces:TW-01-15。



General PrinciplesThe Spartan Scientific Model CRDV is a unique and efficient way to remove unwanted water from modern industrial pneumatic systems. The age old problem of condensation in compressed air systems has plagued those using tools and machinery since the invention of the first compressors in 1650. Compressors which convert mechanical power into fluid power, by nature, efficiently saturate air and water as a mix during the com p ression cycle. Outside air is drawn through the compressor inlet filters. As the air is heated during compression, its ability to hold water in the form of vapor and mist is increased. This water filled air is normally held in a tank placed at the outlet of the compressor. Water begins to precipitate out of the compressed air anytime it travels from a warmer area to a colder area. This is the reason compressor manufacturers recommend regular drainage of compressor tanks. Dependent on the humidity outside, the amount of load placed on the compressor, and taking into account what air is being used for, your decision of just how much is too much becomes important. A jack hammer has a much higher tolerance to water in the air than does a paint sprayer, for example.In defining the problem of how much water is too much for your system, take into account the requirements and jobs you plan to accomplish. There are two forms of water in air systems, mist and vapor. Ninety-five percent of water in mist form can be removed by specially designed filters. Water in vapor form is a gas and as such can travel unimpeded throughout your compressed air system. Air dryers are needed to remove water in vapor form. Air dryers are placed somewhere after the air is compressed, between the compressor and the application. Water drip legs placed strategically through the air system also help remove unwanted condensation from your system.The versatile Spartan Scientific Model CRDV (Condensation Re-moval Drain Valve) can help remove water from any one of the points along your air system. The Model CRDV is made up of two main components, timer and valve. The timers use electricity to accurately delay and recycle an electrical impulse. The solenoid valve converts the elec t rical impulse into mechanical motion to control the flow of air and condensate out of the air system. To best describe the concept, Spartan surveyed hundreds of customers that were currently us i ng one piece, one-for-all type condensate drains. We learned that in many cases, customers made do with those one-for-all drains, and when they didn’t perform as well as hoped, the customer just moved on to something else. Spartan’s solution allows a choice of standardized components that are 100% interchangeable between timer and valve. We offer just the right fit for your particular application.The first component, the Sandwich CRT timer, features an all solid state design, CSA approval and quick disconnect electrical con-nections. Our timers are specifically engineered for condensation removal, and have standard time ranges of 0.5 - 25 seconds "ON and 1 - 45 minutes “OFF’. We can also make special “custom” time ranges to meet your needs. The Sandwich CRT is a compact, modu-lar, plug design, and lives up to its name by “sandwiching” between a DIN 43650 cord set and the Spartan solenoid valve. Advantages to this type of design include retrofit with a screwdriver in less than one minute without disconnec t ion from the power source. This water resistant, nylon shell timer has easily adjustable knobs placed and marked strategically for user friendly results. Two status indicator lights depict the timer states; one LED indicates when power is at-tached or removed from the timer, the other LED when the valve is draining. The industry’s first membrane electrical override is within easy touch of the adjustments for troubleshooting and testing. The second variable in the drain valve equation is the valve itself. Starting with the proven Series 3000 solenoid operator, Spartan Scientific valves use quality materials and workmanship. The stain-less/brass operator uses Viton elastomer sealing materials and is impervious to synthetic compressor lubricants. Our solenoid opera-tors offer high cycle life and low maintenance, and are used at the heart of all our drain valves.The valve used in the Model CRDV is offered in port sizes dependent on your application. The 2-way, 2-position, normally closed valve features a zero minimum pressure differential while boasting a full flow 1/2” orifice. Low cost competitors offer only miniscule orifices that need strainers in order to function in these environments. Avail-able in 1/4”, 3/8”, and 1/2” NPT, the Model CRDV valve can handle pressures to 300 PSI. The encapsulated coil construction ensures that the valve functions properly under long periods of energization (100% duty) as well as providing a high degree of environmental protection (NEMA4). The inner valve functions as a direct assist using a flat diaphragm and orifice plate. Pressure differentials shift the valve to full open or full closed. A push, non-locking manual override is standard. Flow rates in excess of 11 gallon per minute are possible in 1/2” NPT version.The basic premises of Spartan’s Model CRDV, is its modularity. We are able to offer the user a higher degree of customization as well as serviceabil i ty with our separate, but interchangeable components. The Model CRDV offers its users the most versatile combina t ion of timing and flow capacities in the industry today, and is proudly made by Americans in the USA.The Model CRDV (Condensation Removal Drain Valve) is a compact, modular combination specifically designed for air line con-densation removal. With two timer / connection options and three valve sizes to choose from, an optimal system can be attained for most condensation problems.• NEMA 4 construction• All solid state timer• Three valve sizes: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" NPT• Orifice size: 1/2" (12.5mm)• Time ranges: 0.5 - 25 seconds "ON"1 - 45 minutes "OFF"• Environment resistant package• Modular - All valves and timers are inter-changeable to improve serviceability• Indicator lights show valve and power status• 1 Year warranty• Easy installation: Plug into wall socket andconnect to air line• Electrical & Manual overridesFunction:2-way, 2-positionnormally closed or normally openpiloted diaphragmPort Sizes:1/4", 3/8", 1/2" NPTOrifice Size:1/2" NPT (12.5mm)Pressure Range:0-230 psiFlow Factors:1/4" NPT 1.55 Cv (8.2 gpm)3/8" NPT 1.95 Cv (9.3 gpm)1/2" NPT 2.45 Cv (11.2 gpm)Temp. Range:(Fluid 60°C max.) Ambient +10° to 50°C Response Time:20 to 80ms complete cycleMaterials:Operator: A ISI 400 and 300 SeriesStainless Steel or BrassShading Ring: CopperSeals: Viton, Nitrile, EPDMValve Body: Forged Brass and Nylon Manual Override:Push non-lockingMedia:Air, Oil, Gas, Water, Emulsion, Inert Gases Mounting:In-line Coil Data:Glass filled nylon encapsulation(Class F, continuous duty)8 wattVoltages: 120, 220, 240 VAC / 50/60 HzVoltage tolerance: +/- 10%AmbientTemperature Range: +10° to 50°CISO DIN Interface:DIN 43650 / ISO 4400Electrical Connection:120 V CRDV’s get 6 ft. cord set with groundwall plug. All other voltage options receive6 ft. cord with wire leads (no plug)ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDValve and Sandwich Timer Combination180° ROTATABLEFilter StopMATERIALSCHROME PLATED BRASS BODY STAINLESS STEEL STRAINER1/2" NPT INLET PORT1/2" 2/2 WAY BALL VALVE3/8" NPT OUTLET PORTREMOVABLE FILTER3.572.14Order Example: CRDV - 1270Model CRDV, 1/4" NPT port size, 8mm, 300 psi, Brass (4500), sandwich timer and powercord with wall plug, 120 VAC 50/60.For more coil options see page 7.。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:奇思妙想变大手电筒的想象英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Brilliant Brainwave: Transforming Crazy Concepts into an Incredible IlluminatorHave you ever had one of those random thoughts that pops into your head out of nowhere? You know, those scatteredbrainwaves that make you go "Huh? Where did THAT come from??" Well, I must have been born under some kind of weird creative constellation because those sorts of unconventional ideas are constantly ricocheting around my mind like a packof caffeinated pinballs.Don't get me wrong, a lot of the time the notions that materialize in my meandering musings are just flat out bizarre and impractical. Like what if somebody invented a toaster that could also curl your hair while making breakfast? Or emergency deodorizing underpants with a built-in air freshener for those oopsie moments? Those kinds of goofy concepts are best discarded into the recycle bin of ridiculous thoughts.But every once in a while, one of my unusual brainchilds actually has some sort of clever ingenuity or functional value behind it. That's when the real magic starts bubbling up in my overactive imagination. Taking a weird initial idea and actively visualizing how it could potentially translate into something amazing is one of my favorite creative exercises. Formulating rough blueprints in my head, considering potential materials and components, troubleshooting potential pitfalls or design flaws. It's like a fun free exercise for strengthening my problem-solving skills and innovative muscles.Which brings me to my latest loopy brainwave that I've been tinkering with improving and optimizing into something uniquely handy and powerful. It all started when I was outside at night trying to find something I had dropped in the yard, ineffectually sweeping a weak penlight around in the darkness. In that moment, a silly notion materialized in my mind - what if someone made a flashlight that was absolutely blinding and could illuminate an entire neighborhood like the sun?Most people's common sense would have immediately dismissed that fleeting thought as an absurd impossibility not worthy of any further contemplation. But not my noggin. Once one of those scattered sparks of inspiration strikes my restless brain, it's like a heating coil that just keeps gaining intensity and glowing hotter with more daydreaming and development.So my overactive gray matter immediately started pondering how I could actually design and construct some sort of ultra-powerful portable lighting system. At first the ideas were pretty laughable and idiotic: What if I took a bunch of regular flashlights and taped them all together in a big circle? Or filled an enormous waterproof container with horrifyingly bright glow sticks? Maybe I could hollow out a big beach ball and install a gigantic blazing spotlight inside it?But just letting my mind riff and keeping the inventive dream alive eventually kicked my creative synapses into a more practical and viable solutions headspace. I posed the hypothetical challenge to myself - if I was given an unlimited budget and the latest in cutting-edge innovations, how could I construct the most unimaginably brilliant and blindingly bright oversized illumination device possible? Something that could turn night into day at the push of a button? A true lighting revolution that would make conventional flashlights look like punny pocket toys by comparison?That's when the real ideas started firing off like a million brilliant bulbs blinking on all at once. What if I made some sort of gigantic heavy-duty housing unit, but focused on minimizing overall weight and maximizing portability through smart material selection and ergonomic design? A sturdy skeleton crafted from advanced lightweight alloys and polymers with rubberized insulation and weatherproofing so it could withstand extreme conditions. A comfortable curved body balanced for easy carrying with adjustable padded straps for prolonged hands-free use.Then at the heart of this mobile lighting beast, I could install multiple clusters of military-grade searchlights - like the blindingxenon bulb variety used to illuminate entire stadiums! With some sort of high-efficiency power core to supply tremendous electrical output for extreme brightness and significant runtimes. Maybe some form of self-contained advanced battery storage system. Or even better, a cutting edge hydrogen or solar energy solution to eliminate power limitations!Once I get going building up an invention in my head like this, I start getting carried away with taking things to most technologically awesome and tricked-out extremes. Why settle for hot, energy-sapping lightbulbs when I could design some sort of brilliant ultra-intense LED cluster system that would be even more efficient with superior illumination output? Or maybe some incredible new form of light generation that hasn't even been invented yet! I could make this the flashlight of the future, equipped with its own artificial intelligence operating system to provide optimal custom light settings and user interfaces based on conditions and activities.Just imagine the possibilities - having a ultra-rugged, featherweight, self-powered illumination arsenal that could outshine the sun! Controlled by intelligent software for painting entire landscapes with perfectly calibrated lighting effects. Able to switch between smooth wide floodlight dispersion or lasertight spotlight beams able to visually carve through any darkness with nightmarming incandescence. An interchangeable lens setup for all sorts of specialty beam configurations likehigh-intensity headlamps, sharp task lighting, atmospheric effects, and more. All that brilliant potential power and versatility contained in one single ergonomic handheld package. I'm getting giddy just thinking about the possibilities!Of course, in these early theoretical planning stages, there are still plenty of practical limitations and technical details to figure out. Like how to perfectly balance light intensity and focus with manageable operating temperatures to prevent overheating or fire hazards. Fine-tuning theportability-to-brightness maximization ratio calculations. Selecting the ideal alternative energy solution with sufficient resource availability and sustainable regeneration. Safety features, weather sealing, lens maintenance, beam purity, and a million other aspects I'd have to meticulously calculate and test.But that's all just part of the fun for a hyperactive dreamer and inventive tinkerer like me! I relish the challenge of taking these wildly ambitious mental blueprints and figuring out how to ingeniously troubleshoot them into an actual functioning badass super-device. Researching state-of-the-art innovations, reachingout to scientists and engineers for technical insights, drafting prototypes and userflow modeling. That's how a crazy idea hopefully transforms from some random thought blip into something truly revolutionary andgamechanging.So while most people would have instantly written off the silly notion of a neighborhood-illuminating supremeultra-flashlight as an utterly ridiculous pursuit not worth any serious brainpower, I'm diving head-first into developing it further. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one to revolutionize portable high-intensity lighting forever and finally bring affordable handheld brilliance to blindly lead the way through the night! The only limitations are those we place on the boundaries of our own imaginations. Or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself as I draft my next lighting-related crazy concept - a wearable pyrotechnic display jetpack that lets you become a human fireworks rocket! Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?篇2The Mega Illuminator 3000 - A Student's Dream for Nighttime StudyingHave you ever been up late at night, straining your eyes under the feeble glow of a desk lamp, trying to cram for a big test or finish a paper? We've all been there - squinting at textbook pages, rubbing our tired eyes, desperately wishing for more light to illuminate our studies. Well, my friends, I have a solution that will banish those dim, eye-straining nights forever - the Mega Illuminator 3000!This isn't just any ordinary flashlight. The Mega Illuminator 3000 is a groundbreaking portable lighting system designed by yours truly, a stressed student looking to make nighttime studying more brilliant, literally. Just imagine the power of a million twinkling fireflies or the radiance of a small sun, but contained in a handheld device that's as easy to operate as clicking a button.The sleek, compact design conceals a series of ultra-bright LED bulbs and a revolutionary new light-intensifying lens crafted from an exotic material I've dubbed "illuminium" (which may or may not be the stuff that makes up stars). When activated, the Mega Illuminator 3000 releases a blinding beam that could easily light up a football stadium or signal alien life on faraway planets.But don't worry, there are smart safety features to prevent eye injury or accidentally burning holes through your calculushomework. The high-intensity light can be dialed down for normal use with a simple twist of the luminosity dial. This allows you to control the output anywhere from a gentle reading light to the simulated brightness of nestling inside an active volcano.Now, I know what you're thinking - "But won't a crazy powerful light like that drain batteries every few minutes?" Well, think again! The Mega Illuminator's power core is a revolutionary new perpetual motion battery that I've invented. Usingbuttery-smooth silicon lubricants and a pollution-free propulsion source (two gerbils running on a tiny exercise wheel), it generates itself an infinite supply of electricity. You'll never need to worry about replacing batteries or finding an outlet thanks to the self-sustaining kinetic energy cycle.Okay, okay, I may have gotten a little carried away with that perpetual motion part (I've had my brainwaves unscrambled since then). The Mega Illuminator 3000 will actually draw its power from a fuel source both sustainable and readily available to any student - pilfered cereal boxes! That's right, the device will run for days on an easy-to-replace cartridge filled with lightly compacted cereal flakes. The flakes' natural sugar content allows them to be an efficient biofuel for the ultra-efficient engine I'vedesigned. Just pop in a fresh cartridge of Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms and you'll be illuminated for weeks!With the Mega Illuminator's brilliant glow, you'll be able to study anywhere - in a cave, in a basement, under your covers after bedtime, you name it. No longer will you be limited to hunching over a dim desk. Now you can spread out your books and papers over every square inch of your floor, bathing your study area in a warm, even radiance approximating the butt-end of a supernova.Studying aside, just think of the other fun possibilities - finding your way through a blackout, exploring the outdoors at night without getting lost, disorienting a mugger withretina-scorching bright flashes, jump-starting a tanning business in your dorm room. The opportunities are endless!But perhaps the Mega Illuminator 3000's most impressive capability is its strobing party mode, which fires rapid bursts of high-intensity light in sync with the beat of music played through your phone. Whether you're pulling an all-nighter or throwing an impromptu rave in a underground tunnel, the hypnotic pulsating light show will dazzle and delight. Just don't look directly at it while strobing, and maybe wear sunglasses to minimize the risk of accidentally burning retina holes.In conclusion, every student's life will be brighter with the Mega Illuminator 3000. No longer will we be shackled by feeble lamps and candles. With this revolutionary hand-held dynamo, learning can be accomplished anywhere, anytime, under a virtually infinite high-beam. The future of well-lit, productive study sessions is here, and I hope to have a fully operational Mega Illuminator 3000 completed as soon as I locate a steady supply of lightly compacted cereal flakes. The days of eye strain, headaches, and shadowy studying conditions will soon be over! Onward to an enlightened new era of academic achievement!篇3A Bright Idea: How My Wild Imagination Conceived a Ginormous FlashlightAs a kid, I was always getting carried away with outrageous ideas and fanciful daydreams. While other children were busy playing video games or watching TV, my mind would wander into strange realms of pure creativity and imagination. Sure, most of my ideas were pretty far-fetched and impractical, but every once in a while, a concept would pop into my head that was just crazy enough to be brilliant. That's exactly what happened when I started pondering ways to build the biggest, most powerful flashlight the world has ever seen.It all began one night last summer when a vicious thunderstorm knocked out the power grid in my neighborhood. With the harsh winds howling and torrential rain pounding on the roof, my house was plunged into total darkness. Dad managed to locate an old kerosene lantern in the basement to provide some faint illumination, but it did little to banish the murky shadows cast by the flickering flame. That's when the lightbulb went off in my head - what if we had an ultra-bright, gargantuan flashlight that could turn night into day?At first, the notion seemed too implausible and grandiose. How could anyone possibly construct a flashlight larger than a city block? Where would we even begin to find components on such a massive scale? But as is so often the case with my wild ideas, the more I dwelled on the concept, the more realistic and achievable it started to seem. Before long, my mind was racing with potential plans and schematics for making this dream a reality.The biggest hurdle, I realized, would be finding a light source powerful enough to illuminate an entire town, let alone cast a beam visible from outer space. Standard lightbulbs and LEDs just wouldn't cut it - we needed the luminosity of the sun itself. That's when I hit upon the brilliant solution of harnessingthe incredible energies released during nuclear fusion. By creating a controlled fusion reactor, we could generate temperatures hotter than the core of a star and channel that searing radiance into a perfectly focused beam of light. Of course, we'd need advanced shielding and cooling systems to prevent the entire flashlight from melting into a radioactive puddle, but nothing a few tweaks to my schematics couldn't fix.With the power source designed, I then turned my attention to the housing and lens required to manipulate that blinding fusion glare into a concentrated ray. Diamond, being the most refractive solid on Earth, seemed like the perfect choice to sculpt the primary lens and reflector cones. But given the sheer magnitude of the flashlight, even mining every diamond deposit on the planet wouldn't provide enough raw materials. That's when I decided to look beyond the confines of Earth itself and aim for the stars - literally. By sending robotic harvesters to mine the carbon-rich asteroid belts, we could acquire sufficient quantities of diamonds to construct lenses larger than office buildings.Of course, no giant flashlight would be complete without an equally massive set of batteries to power the whole contraption when not operating on nuclear fusion energy. After crunchingthe numbers, I calculated that a few thousand industrial lithium ion cells should provide enough electrical storage capacity to keep the fusion reactor running for weeks at a time between charges. I even factored in banks of solar panels, wind turbines, and a cutting-edge wireless energy transmission system to enable the batteries to recharge themselves autonomously from the endless supplies of renewable power sources.With the basic components conceptualized and quantities calculated, I proceeded to map out the physical dimensions and architecture for the colossal flashlight itself. The main barrel would need to be composed of a rigid, heat-resistant alloy capable of withstanding the intense energies involved. I decided on a specialized titanium-tungsten-carbide mix arranged in a segmented, telescoping design to accommodate the massive size while still allowing for portability and adjustments to the beam's direction and focus. As for the dimensions themselves, I targeted an initial compact length of around 500 feet to avoid zoning restrictions, but with full telescopic extension potential surpassing 3 miles in case we really wanted to shine our light across vast distances.Naturally, a light source this brilliant and focused would require specialized safety precautions and regulations to preventaccidental blindings or the inadvertent burning of holes clear through the planet's crust. My plan called for embedded laser rangefinders, automated tracking systems, and a redundant network of emergency shutoffs to guarantee the fusion beam only activates when properly targeted at an approved distance with all safety protocols satisfied. I even included voice command authentication and biometric safeguards to keep the flashlight from falling into the wrong hands and being weaponized.As I put the finishing touches on my grand unified schematics, I couldn't help but feel an immense sense of accomplishment and pride. Here was a design for the largest, most powerful man-made illumination source in history - one capable of turning the blackest night into brilliant daylight over a multi-state radius. Sure, it would require unprecedented levels of engineering and unbridled ambition to actually construct this behemoth of brilliant radiance. But that's precisely the kind of challenge a wild-eyed dreamer like myself relishes.Who knows, perhaps my unrealistic little thought experiment will inspire others to shoot for the stars and push the boundaries of imagination and possibility. If nothing else, I now have an amazing science fair project to show the class this year. Ican't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when I fire up my miniature proof-of-concept prototype and the whole school is instantly bathed in light brighter than a million suns. That'll teach them for dismissing my ideas as silly and unworkable. Sometimes the most brilliant innovations start with the most outlandish dreams. And this giant nuclear fusion flashlight is just a taste of the bright future yet to come from the wild, undiscovered frontiers of my fertile imagination.。



TIMKEN® ADAPT TM BEARING INSTALLATION GUIDE2WARNING: Failure to observe the following warnings could lead to a risk of death or serious bodily harm. This bearing features a separable inner and outer ring. Care must be taken when handling or installing a fully assembled bearing to prevent the inner ring and roller-retainer assembly from accidentally sliding out of the assembly. When using this bearing to replace a unitized bearing in a roll end position, ensure that the shaft end plate design retains the bearingand housing assembly on the shaft during installation.Proper maintenance and handling practices are critical.Always follow installation instructions and maintain proper lubrication.Never spin a bearing with compressed air. The roller set may be forcefully expelled.This manual is not intended to substitute for the specific recommendations of your equipment supplier. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this writing, but no liability is accepted for errors,omissions or for any other reason.3TABLE OF CONTENTSThe ADAPT TM Bearing Design 4 Storing and Unpacking ADAPT Bearings 6 Preparing for Installation 6 Tools Required 6 Roll and Housing Preparation 6 Assembly Notes 8 Installation: End of Roll Position 8 Short Roll Sections Combined to Form Support Roll 10 Installation: Center of Roll Position 11 ADAPT Bearing Parts List 14 Bearing Tolerances and Radial Internal Clearances 14 Recommended End Plate Dimensions 15 Suggested Fitting Practice 15giving you more flexibility during installation and5 The ADAPT TM bearingconsists of theinner ringroller-retainerassemblyand outer ringA snap ring version of the ADAPTbearing is also available for usein applications where the endcover does not restrain the rollerassembly. The snap ring retainsthe roller assembly in one directionand when the roller assembly isretained the whole outer assemblyis also retained.STORING AND UNPACKING ADAPT BEARINGSStore all Timken bearings in a dry and clean area to minimize the possibility of corrosion, contamination or other damage.The inner ring and outer ring assembly with rollers are packed separately in a one-high shipping container. Keep the bearings in their shipping container until you are ready to install them.The bearing components are treated with preservative oil. It is compatible with most commonly used oils and other lubricants, so the bearing does not have to be cleaned or washed before mounting. Leaving the preservative oil in place will protect the bearing from corrosion prior to installation.If the bearing was removed from its original packaging and not installed immediately, we recommend washing the bearing to remove contaminants before lubricating and installing it. The roller-retainer assembly is a self-contained unit. The rollers are retained, eliminating the possibility of losing one or more rollers during installation.Inner rings are interchangeable with outer assemblies [outer ring and roller-retainer set]. Inner rings are not matched to outer assemblies.PREPARING FOR INSTALLATIONBefore beginning the installation, plan your work. Be certain that you have the correct bearing components. Also determine what tools will be required and have them on hand.Bearings should be installed in a clean environment, free from dust, debris, moisture and othercontaminants. Because of the risk of contamination from dirt, abrasives, etc., that may be present in the maintenance area, keep the outer ring assembly in its protective plastic wrap or cover it with a clean shop rag during the installation process until the bearing is ready to place in the housing.To ensure safety during installation, while removingor installing bearings, lock or secure the rolls to avoid the risk of them rolling unexpectedly.TOOLS REQUIREDWhile not required, an induction heater can be very helpful when installing components with a tight fit. The heater can be used to warm the components, creating ROLL AND HOUSING PREPARATIONAfter removing the old bearing from the roll, inspect the spacers (sleeves), shaft and the interior of the housing to ensure that there are no sharp edges, burrs, gouges or score marks. Any of these types of damage can make it difficult to install the new bearing, and may shorten its life. Do not installbearings on a damaged or worn shaft or in a damaged or worn housing.If there are any burrs, nicks, score marks or other raised metal areas, use the appropriate tools toremove the raised metal and create a smooth surface before installing the bearing.1. To provide a good mounting surface for the bearing, wipe the roll end clean of grease and dirt. Then use 180-grit emery cloth to remove small imperfections in the metal, lightly polishing the shaft where the bearing inner ring will be seated, and the interior of the housing where the outer ring will be mounted.6Practice Table on page 15.ASSEMBLY NOTESThe ADAPT bearing is designed to be used in a float position on a caster roll, and can be mounted at either the roll’s center or end support position, depending on the caster and roll configuration.The ADAPT bearing boundary dimensions conform to standard ISO dimensions, but the internal geometry and separable inner ring concepts are unique. Therefore, each application, including the mounting and installation procedures, should be reviewed prior to installing the ADAPT bearing. Contact your Timken representative for assistance.The following installation procedures describe the basic process used in typical installations on slab support rolls. You may need to alter or adjust these procedures to address the specific configuration or design of your rolls.Note: If metal sealing rings are used in eitherthe end or center position, be careful when removing or installing them to avoid damageto shaft, housing or bearing components.There are two styles of an ADAPT bearing, with and without a snap ring on the inner ring. This procedure describes the bearing equipped WITHOUT the snap ring. If you are interested in learning about the snap ring version, contact your Timken representative. For applications where the shaft end plate does not capture the bearing outer assembly and housingon the roll end, Timken also offers a version of the ADAPT bearing that includes an inner-ring snap ring. The snap ring secures the bearing outer assembly and housing in place, on the roll end, preventing the assembly from accidentally falling from the roll during assembly and handling.INSTALLATION:END OF ROLL POSITION1. Check the inboard roll spacers for any damage. Remove any raised metal or other physical damage with the appropriate tools.2. Apply anti-seize lubricant or a thin layer of grease to the end of the roll/shaft where the spacer and bearing inner ring will be located.3. Install the spacer on the end of the roll. For tight fitted spacers use an induction heater to heat the spacer to 100ºC [212ºF], or use an impact sleeve to press the spacer into position. The spacer must be firmly seated against the roll face or shaft shoulder.Housing CoverSpacer SleeveMain ShaftRoller SleeveEnd PlateHousing38a soft-faced mallet to tap the ring into position or an induction heater to warm the housing to 100ºC [212ºF].7. Use a feeler gauge to ensure that the contact face of the bearing outer ring is in contact with the housing shoulder or inboard cover.8. Insert the matched roller-retainer assembly into the outer ring. Guide the rollers into the outer ring so they do not catch on the outer ring corner.Note: Take care when feeding the rollers into the outer ring to avoid scratching the bearing components. Rotate the roller assembly as it is lowered into the outer ring.4. Install the bearing inner ring on the end of theroll using the same technique and temperature used for the spacer. The inner ring must be firmly seated against the spacer.5. Apply a thin coat of oil or grease to the inside of the housing to make the outer ring easier to insert.6. Remove the roller assembly from the outer ring prior to assembling the outer ring in the housing. The roller-retainer assembly and outer ring are matched and the roller-retainer must be kept together during mounting process. Place the bearing outer ring (without the roller assembly) into the housing and slide it into place. The outer ring is typically a loose fit and easily mounts in the housing. If needed, use456899. Lubricate the rollers using the same oil or grease used on your caster. There is no need to remove the anti-rust coating on the bearing. Rotate the roller assembly one revolution to distribute the lubricant. Center the cage and roller assembly in the outer ring. Note: At this point, the bearing components are constrained in the housing in only one direction.As you install the housing assembly on the roll end, be careful to avoid having the rollers and inner ring fall out of the front of the housing.10. Install the housing assembly, including the bearing outer ring and roller assembly, on the bearing inner ring that’s already mounted on the roll end. Take care to align the outer assembly with the roll end. Also be careful to avoid damage to the housing end plate using the appropriate fasteners, further secure with a locking fluid (e.g. Loctite 243). Torque the fasteners as specified by the roll manufacturer. Note: If the diameter of the end plate is large enough to cover/constrain the bearing’s roller and retainer assembly, then the housing assembly cannot falloff the end of the roll. If the end plate covers only the bearing inner ring, then the housing assembly can fall off the end of the roll, possibly causing injury. In this case, the end plate must be replaced or the snap ring version of the bearing installed. If you are interested in learning about the snap ring version, contact your Timken representative.12. Once in place, rotate the housing back and forth to check for bearing freedom of motion. If the bearing binds or cannot move freely, remove the bearing and diagnose the problem. Before being put back into service, the bearing must rotate freely on the roll. combined to make up the total roll width. Each separate roll section has a bearing and housing at101310each end, with the housings mounted back-to-backin the intermediate support positions. Driven rolls incorporate a coupling arrangement between the roll ends in these intermediate support positions. ADAPT bearing installation in these positions can be treated as an end of roll position and the above procedures used. Note, however, that adjustments to the procedure may be necessary to accommodate the specific design of the equipment. One example of a variation may be that the end plate also functions as one half of a coupling between the adjacent roll ends. Another example is the elimination of the housing covers because the housings are mounted with their faces in contact with each other.INSTALLATION:CENTER OF ROLL POSITION1. Check the inboard roll spacers for any damage. Remove any raised metal or other physical damage with the appropriate tools.2. Apply an anti-seize lubricant or a thin layer of grease to the area on the roll where the bearing inner ring will be located.3. If the bearing housing has removable covers on both sides, install one of the covers on the housing and bolt it in place according to manufacturer’s specification. If the end cover has a lubrication groove, ensure it is in the right position.4. Apply a thin coat of oil or grease to the inside of the housing to make it easier to insert the bearing outer ring.5. Remove the roller assembly from the outer ring prior to assembling the outer ring in the housing. The roller-retainer assembly and outer ring are matched and the roller-retainer must be kept together during the mounting process. Place the bearing outer ring (without the roller assembly) into the housing and press it into place. The outer ring should be a loose fit and easily mount in the housing. If it is a tight fit, you can use an induction heater to warm the housing to 100ºC [212ºF]. If needed, you can also use a soft-faced mallet to tap the ring into position.Housing Cover Spacer Sleeve Main Shaft Roller Sleeve Housing4511the seals. If the spacers are a tight fit on the roll, you can use an induction heater to heat them to 100ºC [212ºF] to ease installation. After installing the spacer on one side, flip the housing to repeat the procedure on the other side. Be careful when flipping the housing to not dislodge the first spacer.Note: At this point, the spacers are only held in place by friction with the seals. Be careful as you handle and install the housing assembly on the roll to avoid having one or both fall out of the assembly.13. Install the complete assembly on the roll, ensuring that the inboard spacer seats firmly against thethe bearing binds or cannot move freely, remove the bearing and diagnose the problem. Do not put the roll in service until you can verify that the bearing rotates freely on the roll.Note: In some cases, it may be easier not toinstall the inner ring and sleeves into the housing assembly, but instead to install them directlyonto the shaft. You can heat the spacers andinner ring to ease installation on the shaft.The inboard spacer is installed onto the shaft first, followed by the inner ring. The housing assembly is then installed, followed by the outboard sleeve. Take great care threading the covers and seals over the spacers and inner ring to avoid damaging the seals.1313ADAPT BEARING PARTS LISTPlease contact your Timken sales representative for additional sizes and designs.Note 1: Maximum shaft or housing fillet radius to clear corners of bearing All bearings have a misalignmentcapability of ±0.5 degrees [8.7 millirads]Timken Part NumberBore Diameter Outside Diameter Ring WidthRadial Internal ClearanceVariation from NominalVariation from NominalVariation from Nominalmicron [µm]micron [µm]micron [µm]micron [µm]+00+00+00C3 Min C3 Max C4 Min C4 Max TA4020V -20-18-20075130105160TA4022V -20-25-20085145125185TA4024V -20-25-20085145125185TA4026V -25-30-250100165145210TA4028V -25-30-250100165145210TA4030V -25-30-250115185165235TA4032V -25-30-250115185165235TA4034V-25-35-250120190170240BEARING TOLERANCES AND RADIAL INTERNAL CLEARANCEST i m k e n P a r t N u m b e rdDCDUR (Diameter Under Roller)CoFr (Note 1)d sD scBore O.D.Width Static Capacity Float Fillet Shoulder Shoulder Retainer Clearance Weight mmmm mm mm kN ±mm mm mm max mm min mm min Kg TA4020V 10015050112.8580 6.0 1.3111.0139.5 3.5 3.0TA4022V 11017060125.4810 6.0 1.8123.5157.0 4.0 4.9TA4024V 12018060135.5880 6.0 1.8133.5167.0 4.0 5.4TA4026V 130********.81140 6.0 1.8146.0185.0 4.57.8TA4028V 14021069158.01220 6.0 1.8156.0195.0 4.08.4TA4030V 150********.31430 6.4 1.9167.0209.0 4.010.4TA4032V 16024080180.61680 6.0 1.9178.5223.0 5.212.9TA4034V17026090193.419807.41.9191.5240.54.817.3C crrdDUR D d s D sF14Timken Part Numberd s C E s TA4020V 111.0 3.5131TA4022V 123.5 4.0148TA4024V 133.5 4.0158TA4026V 146.0 4.5174TA4028V 156.0 4.0183TA4030V 167.0 4.0196TA4032V 178.5 5.2210TA4034V191.54.8225Timken Part Number Shaft Dia Shaft Fit Housing Bore Housing Fit g6 mm mm G6 mm mm TA4020V 99.966 - 99.988.008T - .034L 150.014 - 150.039.014L - .057L TA4022V 109.966 - 109.988.008T - .034L 170.014 - 170.039.014L - .064L TA4024V 119.966 - 119.988.008T - .034L 180.014 - 180.039.014L - .064L TA4026V 129.961 - 129.986.011T - .039L 200.015 - 200.044.015L - .074L TA4028V 139.961 - 139.986.011T - .039L 210.015 - 210.044.015L - .074L TA4030V 149.961 - 149.986.011T - .039L 225.015 - 225.044.015L - .074L TA4032V 159.961 - 159.986.011T - .039L 240.015 - 240.044.015L - .074L TA4034V169.961 - 169.986.011T - .039L260.017 - 260.049.017L - .084LRECOMMENDED END PLATE DIMENSIONSSUGGESTED FITTING PRACTICE T=Tight, L=Loosed s E sCNote: An f7 shaft and an H7 housing are also acceptable.15Bearings • Steel •Power Transmission Systems • Precision Components • Seals •Lubrication • Industrial Services • Remanufacture and Repair2.5M 1-12: 29 Order No. 10477T i m k e n ® a n d W h e r e Y o u T u r n ® a r e r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f T h e T i m k e n C o m p a n y . • © 2012 T h e T i m k e n C o m p a n y • P r i n t e d i n U .S .A .。

LT-S-(L) 技术手册说明书

LT-S-(L) 技术手册说明书

Contents1.Overview (3)2.Product Specification (4)2.1Nomenclature (4)2.2Product Line (4)2.3Compressor specification table (4)2.4Operating range graph (6)3.Construction & Functions (8)3.1Design Features (8)3.2Capacity modulation system (8)3.2.1Step type capacity modulation system (10)3.2.2Stepless type capacity modulation system (14)3.2.3The Location of the Solenoid Valves (19)4.Lubricant (21)4.1Lubricant Specification (21)4.2The Replacement of Lubricant (22)4.3.1Oil Change Schedule (22)4.3.2Pre-cautions for changing oil (22)5.System Application (24)5.1Piping Design (24)5.1.1Suction and Discharge Piping Layout (24)5.1.2Economizer Piping Layout (26)5.1.3Minimum pressure valve (26)5.1.4Liquid Line Filter Dryer (27)5.1.5Sight Glass with Moisture Indicator (27)5.2Oil Line (28)5.2.1Oil Supply (28)5.2.2Lubrication and Capacity Control Modulation (28)5.2.3Compressor chamber injection system (28)5.2.4Protection in Oil Circuit (29)1)Oil temperature (29)2)Oil filter (30)3)Oil pressure differential (31)4)Oil level protection (31)5.2.5Oil cooling system (31)1)Air cooling type (33)2)Water cooling type (33)3)Refrigerant oil cooling (34)5.3Motor Liquid Injection Cooling (34)5.4Economizer System (35)5.4.1Economizer System with Sub Cooler (35)5.4.2Economizer System with Flash Type Subcooler (36)5.5Recommended System Layout (38)Figure 5-14. High Temperature Heat Pump Recommend System Layout (38)6.Electrical Design (39)6.1Electrical parameters and design (39)6.1.1Y-Δ Start (39)6.1.2Power requirements (40)6.1.3MCC&LRA (41)pressor Installation (45)7.1Open compressor wooden crate (45)7.2Compressor Lifting (45)7.3Compressor installation (46)8.Operation and Maintenance (48)8.1Compressor commissioning check (48)1.1.1Check list before Start (48)8.1.2Check list during operation (49)8.2rouble shooting table (50)9.Dimensions (53)10.Accessories (60)10.1Accessory List (60)10.2Accessory for gas refrigerant line (61)10.2.1Shut-off valve (61)10.2.2Tube (62)10.2.3Check valve (64)10.2.4Minimum pressure valve (66)10.3Oil line accessory (68)10.3.1Oil flow switch (68)10.3.2Oil Line Solenoid Valve (70)10.3.3Oil Pressure Differential Switch (70)10.4Electrical Accessory (71)10.4.1INT69 HBY Diagnose Protection module (71)10.4.2300Woil heater (74)10.5Other accessories (77)10.5.1Cushion (77)1.OverviewFor conventional single-stage screw compressors, Its evaporation temperature can only reach -40~-50°C during freezing application. If you want to break this application limitation, it is required to use two-stage compressor or cascade system. Meanwhile, the working condition of high pressure ratio brings problems to the traditional single-stage compressors during compression process, such as excessive gas leakage and high exhaust temperature etc., which leads to low efficiency and poor reliability when it is working is such harsh conditions.The compound two-stage compressor well solves above problems. Compared with the two-stage compressors or cascade system, the compund two-stage compressors occupy less space and the system is easy to control, so it's more efficiency and reliable.LT Series compound two-stage compressor’s evaporation temperature can be as low as -60~-65°C , Its full load evaporating temperature can be -25°C, LT-S-L Series compound two-stage low temperature compressor is based on the LT-S series which modified the internal structure and optimized the motor matching to increase the compressor full-load evaporation temperature to -10 °C, So that LT-S-L series can meet the requirements of industrial refrigeration、quick freezing tunnel and freezing library without pre-coolingFor above reasons, Therefore The Shanghai Hanbell Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. developed the LT series high temperature compressors. High efficiency and reliability under big pressure differential and compression ratio working condition is the main demand in designing. It is a elitist product which accumulates Shanghai Hanbell's rich technology and extensive application experience. It can be widely used in many industries such as high temperature hot water, central heating and so on.2. Product Specification2.1 NomenclatureTable 2-1.LT series low temperature compressor nomenclature 2.2 Product LineTable 2-2.LT low temperature series product specification★2.3 Compressor specification tableTable 2-3.LT series compressor specification2.4Operating range graph图2-1. R22运行范围图图2-2.R404A运行范围图3.Construction & Functions3.1Design Features1)Starting loadStarting with light load; its starting load is similar to ordinary single stage compressor, so as to avoid greater impact on power grid.2)Motor cooling channelExcellent motor cooling channel design which ensures the high efficiency of the compressor, while realizing the reliable cooling of the motor, so that the compressor can operate in a very wide range, and a more extensive scope of application.3)integrated design of system partsPre-installed medium pressure check valves, shut off valves and economizer filters that ensure reliable protection of compressors and simplify customer system configuration.4)Motor temperature visualizationThe embedded temperature sensor of motor, PT100, PT1000 and NTC, are optional, which can directly read the motor temperature to control the motor temperature.3.2Capacity modulation systemLT series screw compressor is equipped with 3/4 step capacity modulation system or continuous (stepless) capacity modulation system.Both of the two capacity modulation systems are composed of slide valve, piston rod, piston cylinder and piston. As shown in Figure 3-1 below.When the spool is fully in contact with the suction side, the screw rotor is in full-load suction state, at which time the working volume of the compressor is maximized. As the spool is separated from the suction side, it moves toward the exhaust side. A bypass cavity is formed between the slider and the suction side.Its presence causes the compressed gas in this range to be bypassed directly to the low pressure, and the actual suction volume of the screw rotor is reduced.The more the slide valve moves toward the exhaust side, the smaller the actual suction volume of the compressor will be.And the system cooling capacity will also reduce The slide valve is driven by the pressure differential among the internal capacity modulation system.The lubricant comes from the external oil separator and passes through the oil filter then enters into the oil inlet port of the compressor, and at last divided to bothsides of the piston. As a result, the piston can be controlled by discharging the high pressure lubricant at one side to low pressure, letting it flow to the low pressure side so that the slide valve will move with the piston to realize the loading and unloading of the compressor.The purpose of the piston spring is to push the piston to its initial position (min. load position), so as to realize the automatic unloading start. It not only reduces the mechanical impact on the compressor's moving parts, but also reduces the electrical current during compressor start up.Stepless capacity control, solenoid valve(SV1:unloading, SV3:50%, SV5:100%) is controlled by a micro controller or a thermal switch to adjust the piston smoothly to stably control cold output. If the oil filter capillary or solenoid valve of the capacity modulation system don't work properly, it will cause the capacity modulation system to be abnormal and fail.Figure 3-1.Capacity Modulation System3.2.1 Step type capacity modulation system1) Step type control logicY: Energize the solenoid valve N: Do not energize the solenoid valveTable 3-1. Step Type Capacity Modulation Control Logic2) Step type capacity modulation graphFigure 3-2. Step Type Capacity Modulation3)Step type control logic description10% loadFigure 3-3. 10% LoadWhen starting up thecompressor, SV1(unload) &SV2 (10%) need to beenergized to make the pistonkeep at the 10% position(leftside)In this state, the highpressure oil passes throughSV1(unload) then goes to theright side of the piston. At thesame time, the oil from left side of the piston passes through SV2 (10%) then discharge to the low pressure side. By doing so, the piston can be held at the 10% load position.★ Note: 10% load is for start up only. Running the compressor at 10% load for a long time is not recommended.50% loadAt this time, the capacity adjustment solenoid valves SV1 (unload) and SV3 (50%) are active.Under 50% load, SV1(unload) &SV3 (50%) are energized.In this state, the high pressure oil passes to the left side of the piston continuously. At the same time, the oil passes through SV1 (unload) then goes to the right side of the piston.If the piston is at the left side of the 50% hole (the loading is less than 50%), the oil at the right side of the piston will pass through SV3 (50%) and discharge to the low pressure side then the piston will move to right side until the position blocks the 50% hole. Thus the compressor is loaded to 50% smoothly.Vice versa, if the piston is at the right side of the 50% hole (the loading is more than 50%), the oil in the left side of the piston will pass through SV3 (50%) and go out to the low pressure side then the piston will move to left until the position blocks the 50% hole. Thus the compressor is loaded to 50% smoothly.75% LoadUnder 75% load, SV1(unload)&SV4 (75%)are energized.The logic of 75% load issimilar to that of 50%. Thepiston can be held around75% position by 75% holeto make the compressorrun under 75% load.Figure 3-5.75% Load100%LoadUnder 100% load, SV5(100%) is energized. In this state,the high pressure oil passes to theleft side of the piston continuously.At the same time, the oil in theright side of the piston passesthrough SV5 (100%) then goes tothe low pressure side to make thepiston be held at 100% position.fig3-6.100% Load4) Step type capacity modulation and water temperature controlFigure 3-7.Step type capacity modulation and water temperature control★Note: T & T' should be adjusted by system designer’s experience and practical application.Time启动Set point + 2TSet point + TSet pointSet point – T'Storage temperaturet1 t21~3min 60~90 sec3.2.2Stepless type capacity modulation systemStepless type is suitable when the refrigeration system needs to achieve precise control of cooling capacity.1)Stepless type control logicTable 3-2. Stepless Type Capacity Modulation Control Logic 50%~100%2)Stepless type capacity modulation graphFigure 3-8.Stepless Type Capacity Modulation3)Stepless type control logic descriptionIn stepless type capacity modulation system, the oil keeps going to the left side of the piston. The oil bypass in the left side of the piston is controlled by SV3 (50%). The oil inlet in the right side of the piston is controlled by SV1 (unload) and oil bypass in the right side of the piston is controlled by SV5 (100%). These three solenoid valves are controlled by temperature controller or PLC.Through the three solenoid valves, the cooling capacity can be controlled at any position from 50%~100%, so through periodical adjustment of SV1、SV3、SV5, the energy output can controlled stably.★Note: SV2(10%) can only be used for machine start and stop. Don't run the machine at 10% load for long time once the machine is started. It shall be switched to load model directly.The stepless type capacity modulation system shall be connected to the micro controller(optional), eg. PLC etc. in order to control the system at the target working condition.LoadDuring load process, the SV5 (100%) adopts pulse activating, and the rest solenoid valve are not energized.In this kind ofsituation, the highpressure oil goes into theleft side of the pistoncontinuously and the oilin the right side of thepiston bypasses throughSV5 (100%) to the lowpressure side.The piston willcontinue to move to theright side and thecompressor completeload process.Figure 3-9. LoadUnloadDuring unload process,the SV2(50%) stays active,and SV1 (unload) adopts pulseactivating, and the restsolenoid valve are notenergized.The high pressure oilcontinues to go to the left sideof the piston and goes into theright side of the piston passingthrough SV1(unload).Through SV3(50%), it Figure 3-10. Unload bypasses to the low pressure side, so that the piston continues to move to the left side, and the compressor will load to 50% piston.Keep load stateFigure 3-11. Keep Load StateDuring this process, all S/V are not energized. The high pressure oil coming continues to go to the left side of the piston. The left side oil inlet of the piston SV1(unload) and SV5(100%) are closed to keep the oil amount in the right side of the piston. The piston will not be able to move and stay at its original position, so that the compressor capacity will not change as well.Stepless type capacity modulation and water temperature controlBelow picture shows the load control of single compressor in the application of stepless type capacity modulation.Figure 3-12. Stepless Type Capacity Modulation★Note :X ′Upper Limit ;X 〞Lower Limit ;X Set Point ;H Control Range ;Y Actual valve❆ Description:● The actual water temperature exceeds the upper limit between A & B. Itmeans the compressor ought to unload until the actual value is within the control range.● The real value is smaller than the bottom line between C & D. It means therequired cooling capacity is decreasing and the compressor needs to be unloaded until the real value returns to the control range.Figure 3-13. Solenoid Valve Action Intervals-Stepless Type★Note :For detail stepless type capacity modulation control logic, please refer toTable 3-2Load/Unload functions between A and B, C and D.Energized :Solenoid valve is powered and energized Close : Solenoid valve is not energized T1,T3:Pulse time 0.5~1.5 seconds T2,T4:Pause time 10~20 secondsTime3.2.3The Location of the Solenoid Valves1)LT-83/41&LT-65/32Figure 3-14.LT-83/41&LT-65/32 solenoid valve location2)LT-20/10&LT-30/12&LT-45/20&LT-55/25Figure 3-15.LT-20/10&LT-30/12&LT-45/20&LT-55/25 Solenoid Valve Location3)Compressor unloading for startup, and stopTo decrease the mechanical loading to compressor’s parts and decrease the starting current during start up. Hanbell designs for LT compressor the function of unloading startup. To ensure compressor loads steadily, please follow Figure 3-16 to load step by step during the whole loading process.When compressor is about to shut down, it is also required to unload to ensure that the slide valve is at lowest loading position during next startup and compressor could have an unloading startup. Thus Hanbell requires no matter what load condition of the compressor is, it should be unloaded step by step till minimum load before stop according to below Figure 3-16.Figure 3-16. Compressor Startup and Stop ProcessCaution:1)A fter startup, keep the minimum load for 10 seconds. Before shut down, keep the minimum load for 30 seconds(Time can be set to 10~60seconds).2)A fter startup, when the pressure difference between high pressure and middle pressure is less than 3.5bar, the compressor shall be run at 10% load at low pressure stage. Don't load and open ECO.3)t=30 seconds(Time can be set to 30~60seconds).4)A fter the compressor shut down, the SV1 (unload) & SV2(10%) need to be still energized for 3 minutes, so as to ensure the compressor can still at min load position at next startup.5)H anbell strongly recommends that the compressor start-up and shutdown control logic shall refer to above graph. For detail informationplease refer to the regulations written in LT-S Control Requirements.4.LubricantTable 4-1. Lubricant SpecificationCaution:1)P lease refer to the table above to select the suitable lubricant and refrigerant and its operation range need to be taken into consideration as well.2)H anbell strongly recommends do not use the lubricant which isn’t certified by Hanbell since it may damage the compressor seriously.3)T his specification table is for LT series compressors only.4)T he oil temperature at the point when the compressor starts is suggested to be 5K higher than the corresponding saturation temperature of the oil separator in order to avoid too much oil containing in the refrigerant which may affect the lubricant. 5)A fter compressor stops, please turn on the oil heater of the external oil separator.If the compressor shuts down for a long time, please turn off the oil heater. Please heat the lubricant for more than 2 hours before next start up.1)B e sure to make the system clean and no welding spatter and other impurities before lubricant filling2)I n order to ensure that the system is dry enough, it should be dehumidified before filling. It is advisable to fill the system with dry nitrogen first and then vacuum the system. The vacuum time should be as long as possible. It is strongly recommended to repeat the above steps several times to minimize the water contained in the system.Caution1)D o not use the lubricant which is not approved by Hanbell, otherwise it may causeserious damage to the compressor2)D o not mix different brands of lubricants, otherwise they may cause serious damage to the compressor. Pay attention to it when replacing lubricating oil for the system.4.2The Replacement of Lubricant4.3.1Oil Change Schedule1)C heck lubricant every 10,000 hours after continuous running. For the first operation of the compressor, it is recommended to change the oil and clean the external oil filter after running 2,000 hours. Check the system whether clean or not and then change oil every 20,000 hours or after 4 years continuous running if the system operates in good condition.2)T he oil will deteriorate if the compressor runs at high discharging temperature (above 95℃) in the long term. Please avoid this situation, but if it’s necessary to run in this condition, please shorten the intervals of oil changing.4.3.2Pre-cautions for changing oil1)I t is recommended to check the quality of oil periodically in order to maintain the lubrication performance.2)T he lubricant absorbs moisture in the air. Avoid to expose it to the air for a long timeIf the compressor motor is burned, the acid and harmful substances and burned debris will be brought into the system. Therefore, the oil filters and lubricants must be replaced repeatedly. It is suggested to replace the lubricating oil again after 72 hours of operation until the quality of the lubricating oil in the system returns to standard valve.3)T he foreign body in the oil will block the oil line, so it is necessary to install an oil filter in the external oil line. Also, the pressure differential sensor need to be installed before and after the oil filter. If the pressure differential valve between these two sensors reaches 1.5 bar, the oil filter need to be changed.4)T he acidity of oil will directly affect the life of the motor, and it is recommended to change the oil when PH≤6. (Please also change the filter drier at the same time to make sure the system is dry.)5)I t is important to replace the oil, especially when the motor is burnt because the acidity remains in the system. By replacing the oil can help check the status of thesystem. Check the acidity of the lubricant, and re-change the oil after the system runs for 72 hours until the acidity of the lubricant reaches the standard valve.6)I n case of motor burned out, please not only change the compressor, but also change the oil and check the condition of the oil periodically. If the acidity excesses the standard, please change it immediately and always be aware of the cleanliness and moisture contained in the system.5. System Application★Note :Please consult Hanbell for parallel application and heat pump application.5.1 Piping Design5.1.1 Suction and Discharge Piping Layout1)Material and structure of suction and discharge pipeThe vibration of the compressor is small in normal operation, so it is not necessary to use flexible joints for suction and discharge tubes, but the pipes need to have enough flexible length to ensure the suction and discharge pipes won't cause any stress to the compressor. It is recommended to use copper tube for the suction and discharge piping in order to decrease the piping vibration when the compressor is in operation.2)The dimensions of suction and discharge piping:It is suggested to design the dimension of suction and discharge piping according to Hanbell recommendation (refer to 10.2.2).3)Piping for parallel systemTo improve the system operation efficiency, it’s necessary to reduce the gas -flow resistance and consider the oil return of suction piping. The recommended piping of suction and discharge side for parallel system is shown below:Be aware of the area of the main pipe should not be less than the area of the other pipes to make sure the pressure drops could be controlled in reasonable range. ❆ Piping at discharge side❆ x x xFigure 5-2 Suction Piping for Parallel SystemDetail Drawing 2 4) Suction filterThis model of compressor has a built-in suction filter, but it is only used as a final protection. It should not be used as an suction filter that needs to be cleaned regularly.So It is necessary to install a suction filter (25μm) which is easy to remove and clean it regularly.When the system is first used, it may need to be cleaned up frequently. If the pressure drop is bigger than 0.5 bar, the filter element should be replaced or cleaned until the system is clean. When the filter is disassembled, if the filter is found to be damaged, it needs to be replaced in time, and the impurities in the pipeline should be cleaned up. Ensure that the filter is oriented correctly during installation and it is recommended to add a shut-off valve at the inlet and outlet for easy maintenance.Hanbell The recommended suction filter design is shown in Figure 5-3 below.Figure 5-3.suction filterx xx Detail Drawing 2★Note:External suction filter should be used for cryogenic refrigeration systems。



AB & MIN POE-32 & MIN POE-32
AB & MIN POE-32 & MIN POE-32 & MIN POE-32
AB & MIN POE-32 & MIN POE-32
AB & MIN POE-32 & MIN POE-32
R-422A/D, R-427A, R-438A, R-448A, R-449A Demand Cooling™ or auxiliary
CPI 4708-32, ALP 360A-22 used in compressors produced in Brazil Compressors produced in Mexico
Polyalkylene Glycol Oil (Lubrizol RPAG 62, UCON LB300X)
R-290 For use with specific Copeland compressors designed for R-290, excluding models
manufactured in India For use with specific Copeland compressors manufactured in India for R-290
Lubricant choices
Preferred Alternate #1 Alternate #2
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Viscosity/grade comparison chart
ISO viscosity grade
Kinematic viscosity Saybolt viscosity
Cst @ 40 C
SUS @ 100 F
Gear lubricant specification
EP gear lubricant
Regular laboratory analysis indicates the health of both lubricant and machine. Viscosity, contamination, oxidation, acidity, and metals content are examples of parameters analyzed.
Viscosity a key factor
Viscosity is the property most widely accepted for identifying lubricants within a category. This characteristic serves as the basis for PLANT ENGINEERING magazine's product listings. Viscosity can be specified in several ways. The Viscosity/grade comparison chart compares commonly used systems. In this guide, lubricants within each category are arranged according to ISO viscosity grade, with the corresponding Saybolt viscosity shown for reference.
R&O Turbine 32 R&O Turbine 46 R&O Turbine 68 R&O Turbine 150 R&O Turbine 220 R&O Turbine 460
32 46 68
Spindle oil
135-165 194-236 284-346
AW Hyd. Oil Light AW Hyd. Oil Medium AW Hyd. Oil Medium-Heavy
of lubricant and the point of application. Captive plastic dirt caps for zerk fittings are available in a variety of colors. Color-coding is often carried over to lube diagrams, which are laminated and attached to equipment or carried on lube routes.
The “where” and “how much” concerns are good candidates for the visual approach to total productive maintenance. For example, lube fittings, filler caps, oil cans, and grease guns can be color-coded for the type
EP 2
EP 3
EP 4
EP 5
EP 6
American Agip Co., Inc. Cabot, PA

Antiwear hydraulic oil
Machine Oil ISO 32 Machine Oil ISO 46 Machine Oil ISO 68 Machine Oil ISO 150 Machine Oil ISO 220 Machine Oil ISO 460
Spindle Light Spindle 60 Spindle 100
Way 32 Way 68 Way 220
AW 32 Hydraulic AW 46 Hydraulic AW 68 Hydraulic
2 10 22
Way oil
29-35 54-66 95-115
Spindle Oil 30 Spindle Oil 60 Spindle Oil 100
— Spindle 10 Spindle 22
However, maintenance personnel must sometimes address the “with what” question when finding substitutes for previously used lubricants. This exclusive guide, published at 3-yr intervals, provides quick identification of major lubricant sources and cross referencing of products.
EP 7
Comp 7
Note that this guide covers only mineral oil-based products. A similar triennial guide is published for synthetic lubricants (PE, July 2003, p 30, File 8010). The guide is available on our web site at . Enter the archives, and then select the July 2003 issue.
The ideal lubricant would last forever and retain all of its properties. In reality, leaks, evaporation, heat, oxidation, and contamination combine to limit its service life. Properly answering the “when” question requires monitoring, by means of oil analysis, which is a fundamental component of modern lubrication and preventive/predictive maintenance programs.

712 EP Grease Moly
Lithium Moly EP-2
American Lubricants, Inc.
Buffalo, NY
American Refining Group, Inc. Brad Penn Lubricants Bradford, PA
PLANT ENGINEERING September 2004 • 43
2004 Interchangeable lubricants
100 F
General purpose lubricants
Acme Refining Cleveland, OH
Worm gear lubricant
Cylinder 460

Cling Gear Oil
Open Gear
General purpose extreme pressure lithium based grease

712 EP Grease
Lithium EP-2
Molybdenum disulfide extereme pressure grease
Extreme pressure gear oil
Waylube ISO 32 225 Waylube 950 Waylube
Waylube 32 Waylube 68 Waylube 220