利用一些数学原理&比如梯度特征*局部灰度值等&通过 处的高频部分产生平滑效应&使得大量的高频信息产生丢
这 些 参 数 能 够 将 物 体 本 身 的 特 征 信 息 表 达 出 来 % ')( 但 是 & 失的现象&这 是 图 像 重 建 领 域 存 在 的 一 个 难 题& 这 将 直 接
传统的特征检测算法在面对弱纹理图像或者是亮度较暗的 导致最终重建图像的模糊不清%而基于小波变换SX3B!1HP
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
汤博宇&等)基于改进 ]KG9K6V*#的图像特征提取网络
#!%&$ #
传 统 的 特 征 检 测 算 法 有 '$( ADOO4G角 点 检 测 算 法 *>/_8 算 法 *>=]_ 算 法 *.]? 算 法 等 %ADOO4G',(角 点 检 测 法 利
用图像的灰度参数来对图像进行描述&缺点是缺少尺度不 变性&而尺度不变性在图像特征的提取中是不可或缺的一 项 重 要 特 性 $>/_8'*(算 法 最 早 于 %((( 年 被 提 出 & 得 益 于 它的仿射不变性等各种优良特性&在图像特征提取领域被 广泛 使用 &相较 于 ADOO4G角点 检 测 算 法 &图 像 配 准 的 准 确 度 大 大 地 提 升 & 缺 点 是 运 算 速 度 较 慢 $>=]_'&(算 法 是 对 >/_8 算 法的 进一 步 改 进& 优 化 了 计 算 的 方 式& 使 得 算 法 的整 体 运 算 速 度 得 到 了 提 升& 弥 补 了 >/_8 算 法 的 缺 点$ .]?''(算 法 的 最 大 优 点 是 速 度 快 & 是 一 种 快 速 的 对 特 征 点 进行描述以及提取的检测算法&其由两部分组成&分别是 _:>8 算 法和 ?]/f_算 法 &_:>8 算 法 负 责 对 特 征 点 的 提 取&?]/f_算法 负 责对 特征 点 的 描 述% 这 些 传 统 算 法 主 要
t mnl t t mn1 sta , e eil e i , l e i . ow r r a l r a e f e s cl p ay
po cls c otae.sm il ep nil fr rt o {ak sf r, anyrso s e o o t w i b
终 端 软 件 的基 本 需 求 , 实 现 了 一 部 分 的双 模 操 作 , 以既 又 所
p e e t e o 。 i d f r s n s a h k n o
- - - 。
优 化 丁 .p r e1的设 计 ,又 为 下 一 步 Tp 模 终 端 的 实现 v ye2双 奠 定 基 础 。 同 时 , 接 入层 保 证 了 G M G R 在 S / P S部 分 的完 整性
个 里 程碑 ,将 为 用 户 提 供 两种 网络 的 服 务 , I 时 通 过 用 户的 介 入 , 以 自由切 换 到 另一 暮 l 可 种模 式 。终 端 软件 特 别是 协 议栈 软 件 ,主 要 管 理 终 端 的 无 线 资 源 分 配 以 及 与 网 络 的 交 互 工 作 ,是 双 模 终 端 实 现 的核 心 部 件 之 一 。 重 点 介 绍 T S D / S p ST p . 模 D— C MA G R y e 1双 终 端 软 件 的 设 计 与 实现 , 介 绍 所进 行 的各 并
模 式 的软 硬 件 要求 。两 种模 式 之 间 的相 互切 换 , 由用 户根 是
据 自己 的愿 望 , 过 人 机 界 面手 动 选 择 。 通
Tp 1 ye 双模终端的这种特点在软件实现 、 特别是协议栈
基于2 bit超表面的单阶谐波波束扫描
基于2 bit超表面的单阶谐波波束扫描
设计并加工了一种在E面可以达到斜入射60°的角度不敏感2 bit超表面单元并组建32×32阵列。
针对单元谐波状态做出精确的3 bit相位量化。
通过针对不同的初始参考相位,使用多目标遗传算法进行优化,将正一阶谐波的波束副瓣压低在了-15 dB水平,完成了时空编码超表面在E面60°波束扫描,为未来在超表面时空编码谐波波束赋形提供了充分有力的方案。
1.一种基于MQ编码器的图像联合压缩加密算法 [J], 谢凯明;邓家先
2.一种基于JPEG2000标准的数字图像加密算法 [J], 平亮;孙军;周军
3.基于混沌系统的图像联合压缩加密算法 [J], 陈益刚;邓家先;谢凯明
4.一种基于混沌的JPEG2000图像加密算法 [J], 邓绍江;李艳涛;张岱固;杨吉云
5.基于JPEG2000的图像加密算法(英文) [J], 王智娜;曹伯燕
◦ 必须区分清楚 ◦ 见下图说明
二者是截然不同的 可以使用不同的算法 如示例(下一页)
Bob的证书 CA甲签发 „其它信息 Bob的证书 CA甲的签名算法 CA甲的签名结果
Bob的公钥算法是ElGamal 公钥是p, g, y
CA的签名算法是RSA 签名结果是432987543
◦ OCSP服务器在哪里? ◦ CRL到哪里下载?
Certificate Extension 在证书中给出了各种与证书相关的信息
一般叫标准扩展 一般叫私有扩展
◦ 目前,IETF PKIX定义了多种标准的证书扩展和相应的 信息格式
◦ 非权威组织定义的证书扩展和信息格式
◦ sha1RSA
◦ 2048 bit RSA
对于某个特定的CA,它所签发的所有证书的 证书序列号应该是唯一的
◦ “签发者+证书序列号”可以唯一地标识1个证书
用户证书的有效期,不应超过CA证书的有效 期 签发者Issuer(也就是CA )和证书主体 Subject(也就是订户)是使用X.500 DN的方 式表示
证书策略Certificate Policy 认证业务声明Certification Practice Statement
◦ 也翻译:电子认证业务规则
A named set of rules that indicates the applicability of a certificate to a particular community and/or class of applications with common security requirements 一组规则:表明了证书在某特定范围内的、和 (或)某些具有相同安全需求的应用内的适用程 度
现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueMar. 2024Vol. 47 No. 62024年3月15日第47卷第6期0 引 言随着互联网技术的发展,企业的网络资产比重逐渐增大。
知识图谱(Knowledge Graph, KG )通过在特定领域海量数据中抽取的知识构建领域知识图谱,数据规模、特殊语义关系使其实用性变得更强[3]。
知识图谱能够有效地整合这些存在潜在联系的网络安全运维相关知识,将离散的多源异构数据通过基于深度学习的信息提取模DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004‐373x.2024.06.003引用格式:黄智勇,余雅宁,林仁明,等.基于改进BiLSTM‐CRF 模型的网络安全知识图谱构建[J].现代电子技术,2024,47(6):15‐21.基于改进BiLSTM⁃CRF 模型的网络安全知识图谱构建黄智勇1,2, 余雅宁1, 林仁明2, 黄 鑫1, 张凤荔1(1.电子科技大学 信息与软件工程学院, 四川 成都 610054; 2.四川省市场监督管理局数据应用中心, 四川 成都 610066)摘 要: 针对网络安全领域的图谱构建任务,基于BiLSTM‐CRF 模型引入了外部网络安全词典来加强网络安全文本的特征,并结合多头注意力机制提取多层特征,最终在网络安全数据集取得了更优异的结果。
1MB=103 KB =1 000 KB 1GB=106 KB =1 000 000 KB 1TB= 109 KB = 1 000 000 000 KB
实际容量=160,041,885,696 字节
原 因:
符号用最高位表示: “0”表示正号(+),“1”表示负号(-)
(1) 原码表示:
(2) 补码表示:
计算机存储器中用电容器存储二进位信息:当电容的两 极被加上电压,它就被充电,电压去掉后,充电状态仍 可保持一段时间,因而1个电容可用来存储1个比特
存储单元 • 电容C处于充电状态
• 电容C处于放电状态 时,表示0
W ANG B n — h n , S a - e Z i g z e g U Xio k , HAN且 出现 了一些挖掘全部频繁
0 引言
数据 挖掘 提 供 了可 以 分 析 大规 模 数 据 的方 法 , 然而随着数据量的逐渐变大 , 在某些应用 中 又会显得力不从心. 选择更加简洁高效 的数据表示 方法和挖掘方法 , 是解决大数据量挖掘任务的需要.
频繁 模式 的 挖 掘 是 关 联 规 则 、 列 模 式 、 关 序 相 分 析 等许 多重要 数 据 挖 掘 任 务 的 基 础 . 这 方 面 已 在
l t o t n n o cs tms t n lsd r c l . d t n l i a od c n i go g n aa a e r - i l c s d mi e c n i i te a e e esa d r e i t Ad i o a y, v i ss a n n r i a d t b s e u e y i l t i l c ri ey a d a h e e o d p r r a c . x ei n a e u t s o i i n e e t e me h d f r o cs s u sv l n c iv sg o e o f m ne E p r me t l s l h w a f c i t o n ie a - r s ts v o c s c ai n r l n n n a o d s ai i t . o it u e mi i g a d h s g o c l l y o b i Ke r s a s ca in r l g n r t r d t n n e fc ie s a c p c r n n t o s f x t e y wo d : s o i t e; e e ao ; aa mi i g; f t e r h s a e p i g meh d; u i — e o u e v u r
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由立敏P229589Hello madam or sir,Thank you for you love note. You are so sweet by saying so. Yes I am ready to start a loving relationship with you. I need to know you better..I am a happy woman, like harmonious life, I'd like to meet a sweet man who likes happy and harmonious life also, accept me as I am, as I'll accept him as he is, simple, isn't it ?I desire a man who is romantic and affectionate and sensuous.I like Music, Movies, Stage shows, Concerts, and cooking, I would like cooking different kinds of food for my husband and family, including Chinese ones and western ones. I love Traveling, too. Do you travel to Asia often? Welcome to Shenzhen, a big and beautiful city. I like your country and I like your age.I have virtues and traditions of Chinese culture and how devoted the men are, and I know you area special man.Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Hugs,YoursLiMingHello madam or sir,I am so glad to receive your love note today. By reading your profile I think you are the style I am looking for. We need to know each other better.I like Music, Movies, Stage shows, Concerts, and cooking, I would like cooking different kinds of food for my husband and family, including Chinese ones and western ones. I love Traveling, too. Do you travel to Asia often? Welcome to Shenzhen, a big and beautiful city. I like your country and I like your age.I work in bank and I love my job very much. I have virtues and traditions of Chinese culture, and I know you are a special man.I love to kiss and cuddle, hold hands and having a sexy, sensuous massage when I'm tired. I like aman who is naughty at night.I hope you are just the one. Please feel free to contact me.Best wishesYoursLiMingHello madam or sir,Thank you for you cupid note. After reading your profile and getting to know your life style I think we can make friends. We need to know each other better and contact more.I like mature man, big man. I wish you are a little naughty as I am.I will give my all love to you, and I hope my love for you would make you feel that you are the happiest man in the world.Do you know what is called" The Happiest Emperor"? Whether you know the answer or not, it is my honor to hear from you about what you're thinking of!Your words are so sincere and your heart is so true. We all need someone to be with in the journey of our lives. We can share all kinds of good time together.Please feel free to contact me. You have all my blessings.Warmest hugs,YoursLiMing崔莉莉P938353Hello madam or sir,I am glad to receive your love note. You are a very nice man I am looking for. I like your country, and I like your profile. I need to know you better.I'm looking for a man that is caring, loving, romantic and passionate lover and companion. It'simportant that the man has a good heart, sweet and kind.I have virtues and traditions of Chinese culture. I am a family-oriented woman. I know you are a special man dedicated to your work and your family. We share so many same interests. You can be the one for me that's for sure.Please feel free to contact me. I want to know what you are thinking of me.Yours faithfullyLilyHello madam or sir,I t’s great pleasure to receive your love note. I want to know you more, do you like chatting with me or continue wri ting to me? There is an old verb in China, “if you believe, it will happen”. And for us, today marks the beginning of our future, a future full of great possibilities.I don't know why when I saw you at the first sight. I felt that I will not be lonely anymore. I don't know the reason, I think this is the god give me this special feeling and let me meet you here. You are such a good gentleman which I never seen before. And I know, you are the man I'm always looking for.A long time ago, someone told me a story about beautiful love. He said when the angel comes, love will come quietly. I always pray to God not let me wait for too long. I think God must have heard me, so here we meet.Please feel free to contact me.Many hugs and kissesYoursLilyHello madam or sir,Thank you for your cupid note. You are so sweet to say that. I want to hear it again. We need to know one another better.Life is just like a journey and we all need someone to be together. You will never know what you are going to get the next step.I have full love to give you, but I dare not to say, because I’m afraid I will die. I’m not afraid of death. I’m worried that if I died, there’s no one can love you like me.I’m tired. I don’t want my heart gone with the wind. I’m serious, but do you want to take this tired heart? Do you want to spend many days and nights with me?Write me. Take care of yourself. I’m waiting for you.Best wishes and hugsYoursLily刘润之P285301Hello Sir or Madam,Thank you for your love note. You are so sweet by saying that. Thank you. Oh yes I'm ready for a loving relationship with you.How are you doing these days? I have read about your profile and got to know something about you. I think we need to know each other more.I'm enthusiastic, kind and well-educated. I like Chinese medical science and Chinese classical literature, and I love playing the zither, travelling and making friends. As a family-oriented woman I would love to try my best to maintain a harmony relationship with my husband, who has a sense of responsibility with great passion and care, with whom I need no other but him to stay during the days and nights to come.Please feel free the contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.HugsYoursRhenzi LiuHello madam or sir,Thank you for you lovely love note. Yes I am ready for a loving relationship with you. You are so sweet by saying that. Thank you. Tell me more about which dress you like me in the best.Thank you for taking the first step toward me, I like to know you more.Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you. Do you like this metaphor?Please write back to me. Talk to you later!HugsYours,RhenziHello madam or sir,Thank you for sending me such a beautiful love note. I like it very much. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, remember that God has given you a thousand reasons to smile. Do you like smiling?I want to know you more, do you like chat with me or continue writing to me?There is an old verb in China, “if you believe, it will happen”. And for us, today marks the beginning of our future, a future full of great possibilities.Please write back to me!Warmest regardsRhenzi刘静P834833Hello madam or sir,Thank you so much for your love note, how are you today? You are nice man. I like your countryI am glad you love my smile. I will smile for you always. Yes you are that one I am looking for.I have virtues and traditions of Chinese culture and how devoted the men are, and I know you area special man. WE share many of the same interests for sure. You are very good to me that's for sure.I'm looking for a man that is caring, loving, romantic and passionate and be a good devoted person and friend lover and companion. It's important that the man has a good heart, sweet and kind.Please write to me and tell me about you. I am looking forward to hear from you soon.Warmest regardsLinaHello madam or sir,Thank you for you lovely love note. You are so sweet by saying that.Yes I am interest in you very much. I want to know you better.Thank you for taking the first step toward me, I like to know you more.If living on the earth is a mission from the lord, living with you is the award of the lord.In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.Please write back to me. Talk to you later!HugsYours,LinaHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. You are so sweet by saying that.How are you doing these days? I have read about your profile and got to know something aboutyou. I think we can start with friendship first.Life is just like a journey and we all need someone to be together. You will never know what you are going to get the next step. I think we need to know each other more. You can check out my profile and see if I fit into what you are looking for.Write back to me or chat with me if you have something to say. We are friends now.Best wishes,YoursLina董永红P461114Hello madam or sir,Thank you for your lovely love note. You are so sweet by saying so.By checking out your profile I am interested in you very much. Hope we can start a loving relationship from now on. We need to know each other more.Generous, enthusiastic, warm-hearted and well-educated are all my characters. I need a romantic and happy family too. In my opinion, TOLERANCE is the key to maintain a successful marriage because we are human not Gods, and human beings make mistakes. I enjoy every casual time to take a swim or walk to keep myself fit and healthy, taste all the good staffs I like as dumplings or red wine in my spare time. All kinds of music and movies are also my favorites. Why don't we get together and share all the nice parts of our lives see how happy we could be if you want that too.The weather is getting cool and tough. Please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.Write back to me. Talk to you later.Hugs,YoursLindaHello madam or sir,I have checked out your profile and so impressive about your attitude towards marriage. I do agree with you that it shouldn't be a game.I come from Shenzhen, China. I like traveling, music, love of nature, reading and sports too, generous, enthusiasm, warm-hearted and well-educated are all my characters. I want a romantic and happy family. I love swimming and take a walk with my partner usually. If it comes to the weekends, I would like to taste red wine with my husband.I would love to share my husband's dreams and hopes, while respecting each other individuality to the fullest.I have a lot of hobbies, such as music, movies and NBA. I will go for cooking in my spare time, especially dumplings. I love the beginning of summer.Will you please let me know more about you?? I am so interested in you..Look forward to hearing from you soon!!Best regardsSincerelyLindaHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. I'm lucky to receive your attention. My smiles are just for someone decent like you. By reading your profile I get to know you are such a nice serious gentleman. I think we can start a relationship as friends first.Just like you, I am here seeking for my true love and loyal husband. As you can know from my profile, generous, enthusiastic, warm-hearted and well-educated are all my characters. I need a romantic and happy family too.I enjoy every casual time to take a swim or walk to keep myself fit and healthy, taste all the good staffs I like as dumplings or red wine in my spare time. All kinds of music and movies are also my favorites. Why don't we get together and share all the nice parts of our lives see how happy we could be if you want that too.The weather is getting cool and tough. Please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern foryou.Please feel free to contact me. Talk to you later.Best wishesYours,Linda董璎漫P907753Hello madam or sir,Thank you for your lovely love note. You are so glad by saying so. There must be a fate that God make us to encounter each other from such a long distance across the Pacific Ocean.I am a family-dedicated woman once I have found the one to be with for the rest of my life. I want to know you more, do you like chat with me or continue writing to me? There is an old verb in China, “if you believe, it will happen”. And for us, today marks the beginning of our future, a future full of great possibilities.So please write back to me. We need to talk more.Hugsyours,YingmanHello madam or sir,Thank you for sending me a love note. It is very kind of you. Your country is a very nice place. Someday I will make a visit. Yes I like smiling so much. We will smile a lot when we are together.I want to know you more. Do you like chatting with me or continue writing to me? There is an old verb "where there is a will, there is a way!” With our joint perseverance and patience, I do hope someday we can meet each other.I hope my letter can bring you happiness and joy, and I hope reading my letter will always be a big pleasure to you. Wait for your reply soon.I hope everything is smooth for you!!!Sincerely,YoursYingmanHi PaulYour concern is my honor. You should be the one I need.Firstly I need you to know more about me. I love my family very much and it really means almost everything to me. I try my best all those years to make a better life for them.While I have an open-minded character I have always been optimistic and cheerful in my life. As a kind and honest woman my big charming smile is considered to be infecting to everyone else around me.I love travelling, sightseeing along the beach of the sea or in the jungle of the forest. To me , a same honest and responsible man with good habits is fully required.Please feel free to contact me. We need further and deeper communication.HugsYours,Yingman呼延双艳P957219Hello madam or sir,hank you for your love note. You are so sweet by saying that.How are you doing these days? I have read about your profile and got to know something about you. I think we can start with friendship first.Life is just like a journey and we all need someone to be together. You will never know what youare going to get the next step. I think we need to know each other more. You can check out my profile and see if I fit into what you are looking for.Please feel free to contact me.Best wishes,YoursShuangyanHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. Glad that WE might fit into each other.I'm a traditional Chinese lady. I'm 28 years old already, but I didn't fall in love with anyone before, because in my heart, husband is my every thing. I respect him. I want to give all my best things to him.However, I can't find someone who can let me dedicate myself to him in China. It's hard for me to get my man. But I'm eager to marry someone now. I don't know what to do. So I come here to have a try.I noticed that you have a wonderful profile. I like it and I think you would be a very good husband if you feel the same.But I can't marry someone so soon. I need to know him better first. Since marriage is very important. It's not a game. I think you may agree with me, right?If you are interested in me, please feel free to contact me.Wish you well.Hugs,YoursShuangyanHello madam or sir,Thank you for your cupid note and your compliment. I am so flattered.I have been dedicated to my study and research too much that I almost forget to seek my love in my spare time. It is time to say goodbye to being single now. I need someone who can warm my shoulders after work when I get home. As time goes by, marriage is getting more and more important to me every day. Family life, outdoor sports, travelling overseas, nature sightseeing are all my favorites.There are so many options and candidates you can find here but I sincerely hope that I could be the only one for you and I mean it. One loyal husband is enough for me and nothing more. That’s what I want from you and the reason we get along further.Please feel free to contact me. No matter what may come, you have my best wishes in your search.Warmest hugs,YoursShuangyan李林泽P492446Hello madam or sir,Glad to receive your cupid note and hear your sweet words. I think we can start a relationship by mails online first.As you know from my profile, I have been an artist performer during my career time even before I grow up. I am a sunny woman with optimistic attitude towards my life. I keep good habit and health every day. I love nature sightseeing especially along the beach of the sea. Movies and Music are part of me. I just need someone who can hold my hands and shoulders till the end of time, slowly and steady.So please feel free to contact me if I am also the one for you.Hugs,YoursLinzeHello madam or sir,It's a pleasure to receive your love note. Thank you. By reading your profile, I think we can start a relationship as friends first. We need to know each other better.I'm a cheerful, kind, positive woman in my life. I like music. When I was a child, I came into art ensembles to study dancing and singing. I don't have any bad hobbies. No gamble, no smoking. I like sightseeing, walking along the beach. I hope to find someone who can hold my hands for the rest of our lives together. I like music very much. I always listen to music in my spare time. Sometimes, I will go to other cities to meet some friends. Friends and family are very important in my life. Love me, love my family.I hope the one I'm looking for should share the same interests with me for the best.Please write back to me or call me if you think I could be the one for you.Hugs,YoursLinzeHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. I’m glad for your compliment. Just like you I am here to seek for my life long partner with all my sincerity and faith. This is real life, not a game.There are all kinds of people in the world with different personalities and characters. Encountering the right one would be a chance of luck and hope. I’ve been married once and experienced what family life is like with my ex-husband and child. Sharing the same interests and tolerating the different arguments would be wise during the relationship, I think. Life is too short and we deserve a better life when passion and love no longer exist.I love all types of cuisine. Travelling, hiking, dancing, shopping and outdoor activity plays important role in my spare time or during my vacation. It is not what we do but with whom we dothat makes our life different. Are you the right one for me? We need deeper and further contact.Keep in touch if you feel the same way as I do.Hugs,YoursLinze陈秋颜P597502Hello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. It’s very nice of you to say so.Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it. I am so happy that we meet each other here. I must be blessed by God to be found by you.Just like you, I love travelling to different places in my vacation. Cooking, hiking or dance, plays an important role in my casual time too. I think you and I have much more to share once we get together.I'm an honest woman with great compassion and confidence and considered to be enthusiastic and gentle in everyday life as well as in career life. Love trying new things and taking good things as they come, I never pass out any good chances to spend my life much more meaningful. Cooking, travelling and outdoors activities are my favorites. Being family oriented and respectful towards parents, I usually go back my parents' house spending good times in my holidays.Life is too short and we need to seize the days. Tell me more about you and see if we fit each other well.Best wishes,YoursAnnHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. You are so sweet by saying so. Yes I am going to start a loving relationship with you.I am an honest woman with a sense of decency and compassion. Confident, open, intelligent and family-oriented would be my characters. I like trying different new things. I look younger than my age since I never have been married. I would like to share all kinds of interests with my husband if you are the one for me.As an upper class management executive I achieve smooth and excellent in my job. But when I go back home, I need your hands and shoulders to hold me tide. Inside my heart there is a daddy’s daughter who hungers for love and care. Let there be you in my future family.Feel free to contact me. I am waiting for you while time waits for no one.Many hugs and kisses,YoursAnnHello madam or sir,It’s my honor to receive you cupid note of passion and compliment. I am glad we finally get to know each other among thousands of people. Will we come to one another and fall in love? Oh I surely hope so.I come from Guangzhou, the center city of Canton province of China. We have a big family here. I love to stay with my friends and family members to have a good time after work. Things have change during the past decades but never have changed my mind of waiting for my MR-right. I am serious about marriage more than friendship but once you become the one for me, your parents and friends would be mine too. As an Asian woman my background and tradition makes up my virtue and character. You may love it if we accommodate each other well.Job is job and family is family. I need to combine my work and marriage smooth and well. There is you who can help me at least, when I get home late at night, maybe you can hold me tide in your shoulders. In the company I am an upper class management executive but in the house I am your wife.Please feel free to contact me.Hugs and kisses,YoursAnn陈晓莉P479646Hello madam or sir,Glad to receive your lovely cupid note. That’s a compliment for me to say so.I am a gentle woman with a soft and decent heart. I like planting flowers and going to gym in my spare time. I need someone who has a sense of responsibility and tenderness in family life, some one I can share everything with both inside and outside.I work as a technical management executive for living. Divorced with a grownup child I have been single for a period of time. I enjoy my work and love my child. But when I get home late at night I feel something missing. I t’s my man.We need to know each other better. I hope you are here to meet me. Let’s get a date!Feel free to contact me.Sincerely,YoursXiaoliHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note. That encourages me a lot.Few days ago, I was praying the god to let me come across my future husband in my heart, and afte r that, a man appeared in my dream, he said “hello” to me, he was smiling to me, the kind smile, the kind words, really touched me. I will never forget that, I don't’ know who is that man, but I know that the dream must predict something. And the second day, I found this website, so Iregistered here, I want to find my man, I think this is the hints God gave me.Oh, I don’t know how to tell you about my feelings that, I hope you can have the same feeling like me, because I know you have a sincere heart to your wife, just like I have towards my husband.At this time, I believe I have found the feeling deep in my heart, that’s because of you, you are my dream, you are my soul, I will never forget you, do you understand me?Really hope that I can receive your reply!Sincerely,YoursXiaoliHello madam or sir,Glad to hear your voice the first time in your cupid note. Your compliment is my honor. Besides our profile, we need to know each other better and see if we fit into well.I am from Chengdu, Sichuan province of China. All the girls from Sichuan have smooth and white skins with dark and bright eyes. That’s what I am attractive to most men as a mature woman. There is a saying among Chinese people “Whenever you are a young man, do not try to reside in Sichuan” which implies that Ladies in Sichuan are so hot and pretty that young men just can not resist to hang out with girls and forget everything important and totally spoiled. Here I am, in front of you. Can you figure out what I am like when I am young? Are you still interested in the mature me? Do you want to know more about me?Just feel free to contact me if I have something you truly need.Hugs and Kisses,YoursXiaoli黄健P328247Hello madam or sir,I am so happy to receive your cupid note. It seems you show interest in me. It’s my honor to get your attention. Let me introduce myself a bit more.I like sports, swimming, walking, and I like to travel to enjoy the natural scenery. I like food, like embroidery and health. My life is very regular. I do not smoke or drink. I like to eat light food.My character is cheerful and frank. I'm a very simple lady, but the choice of the life partner is very important. I appreciate people with high moral qualities and family responsibility. I think family life should be mutual understanding, tolerant, equal, mutual supportive with honest communication.Please feel free to contact me if you think I fit into what you are looking for.Best wishes,YoursJianHello madam or sir,Thank you for your love note.How are you? It is a nice day here, and I did read your profile many times. Yes, it's time I take some time to write to you, and say "I am very interested in you"I have virtues and traditions of Chinese culture and how devoted the men are, and I know you area special man. WE share so many same interests. You can be the one for me that's for sure.I'm looking for simple happiness, hope an honest, caring, responsible man will walk into my life. I think you are a very honest and sincere man, and I’m totally impressed. Could you please drop me a line if you are interested in me? I will be very happy to hear from you.Many hugs,YoursJianHello madam or sir,I t’s nice to read your cupid note. Maybe you need to know me better. Here is the deal.My character is cheerful and frank. I'm a very simple lady, but the choice of the life partner is very important. I appreciate people with high moral qualities and family responsibility. I think family life should be mutual understanding, tolerant, equal, mutual supportive with honest communication.There should be no deception in a perpetual love. It would be my honor and happiness if I could be the one for you. I hope we could be forever in love.By the way, I am a little naughty at night. Do u like a naughty me?Let’s chat if you show interest in me too.Hugs,YoursJian王翠萍P657081Hello madam or sir,Your love note is the reason I am happy all day long. You are so sweet and gentle. I like your style.I’m looking for a true lover who is gentle, responsible and caring. It seems you are the Mr. Right that I’m looking for; and I believe you will not regret to have someone like me as you see me and get more aware of the inside of me, because I will take very good care of you and do whatever I can to make you happy when we are together.I am outgoing, optimistic, and with a decent look. I like reading, cooking, and going for sports. I work in a Japanese company and engage in financial management. Although the job is filled with some pressure, I can handle it; in fact I see more joys in the work.The site is somewhere we can find true love, so here I am, with my whole sincere heart. I hope to meet someone who can fully support me, make me feel warm and I believe love will lead me to you!Please feel free to contact me.Hugs,YoursCuipingHello madam or sir,Here comes your love note among so many men around you. Would you be the one? I wonder. Maybe we’d better get to know more about each other.I am from Shanxi north of China. After finishing my college I went to Shenzhen in 1997. I have been working as a finance management executive in a Japanese venture. Open-minded and decent look would be my characters. I like walking in the street with friends and cooking in the kitchen when my shift is done. In the weekend, I prefer reading in a book mall or library.Honestly I need a man gentle and sweet with sense of responsibility and care. I hope you will be the one.Feel free to contact me.Hugs,YoursCuipingHello madam or sir,Thank you for your lovely cupid note. You are so sweet to say so.。