23 串行外设接口(SPI)小容量产品是指闪存存储器容量在16K 至32K 字节之间的STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx和STM32F103xx微控制器。
中容量产品是指闪存存储器容量在64K至128K字节之间的STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx 和STM32F103xx微控制器。
23.1 SPI简介在大容量产品和互联型产品上,SPI接口可以配置为支持SPI协议或者支持I2S音频协议。
它支持四种音频标准,包括飞利浦I2S标准,MSB 和LSB对齐标准,以及PCM标准。
警告:由于SPI3/I2S3 的部分引脚与JTAG 引脚共享(SPI3_NSS/I2S3_WS 与JTDI ,SPI3_SCK/I2S3_CK与JTDO),因此这些引脚不受IO控制器控制,他们(在每次复位后) 被默认保留为JTAG用途。
• 为了更好地保证各楼层都有良好的采光,
• 以我国为例,南楼高度为h,该地冬至日
L=h x cot H
• 为了更好地利用太阳能,应不断调整太阳 能热水器与地平面之间的倾角,使太阳光 与集热板成直角
• 集热板与地平面之间的夹角(a)和当天的 正午太阳高度角(H)互余,即a+H= 90° 时集热效果最佳
8.该地纬度可能为( )
,当地正值一年中( )
为节能减排,河北省邯郸市新建区全部安装可以通过电脑调控太阳能板 与水平面夹角的路灯和路口红绿灯。下图为拍摄的邯郸市红绿灯照片。读 图完成10~11题。
阅读材料,完成下列问题。 材料 上图为云南省略图。下图为上图中甲 地与我国某中学正午太阳高度角之差的年变 化示意图。 • 计算该中学的纬度,说出P至Q时段甲地与
该中学直立物正午日影的朝向及长短变化。 • 【答案】4.20°N。 • 甲地:影子朝北,由短变长。 • 该中学:影子朝南,由长变短。
6-Channel Audio Processor IC PT2322Fax: 886-2-29174598URL:DESCRIPTIONPT2322 is a 6-Channel Audio Processor IC utilizing CMOS Technology specially designed for audio applications. 6-channel individual input, 6-channel master volume control, 6-channel individual volume trim control, 3-band tone control (treble, middle, and bass), mute function, 3D effect function, tone defeat function are all built into a single chip having the highest performance and reliability with the least components. Furthermore, the pin assignments and application circuit are optimized for easy PCB Layout and cost saving benefits. Housed in 28 pins, DIP or SO Package, PT2322 is the ultimate answer to your every audio system needs.FEATURES•Very Low Power Consumption (DC=9V)•I 2C Bus Control•6-Channel Individual Input•6-Channel Master Volume Control: 0 to -79 dB (1 dB/step)•6-Channel Individual Output TRIM Volume Control: 0 to -15 dB (1dB/step)•3-Band Tone Control (Treble, Middle, Bass): + 14dB , 2dB/step •Mute Function •3D Effect Function •Tone Defeat Function •Low Noise•High Channel Separation •Low Harmonic Distortion •Least External Components •Easy to Use•Available in 28-pin, DIP or SO PackageAPPLICATIONS•Audio/Video System •Multi-Media Speakers •TV System •PC Audio•AC3 Amplifier System6-Channel Audio Processor ICPT2322Fax: 886-2-29174598URL:APPLICATION CIRCUITF R O N T F R O N T C E N T E S U R R O U N S U R R O U N S U B W O O F E F R O N T L F R O N T RC E N T E RS U B W O O F E RS U R R O U N D LS U R R O U N D R6-Channel Audio Processor IC PT2322Fax: 886-2-29174598URL:ORDER INFORMATIONO r d e r P a r t N u m b e rP a c k a g e T y p eT o p C o d e P T 232228 P i n s , D I P P a c k a g e (600 m i l )P T 2322P T 2322-S28 P i n s , S O P a c k a g e (330 m i l )P T 2322-S。
VISHAY 2322 671 91. Data Sheet
PTC Thermistors, For Temperature Protection2322 671 91...Vishay BCcomponentsFEATURES•Well-defined protection temperature levels•Very fast reaction time•Accurate resistance for ease of circuit design•Excellent long term behavior•Wide range of protection temperatures•No need to reset supply after overtemperature switch•Small size and rugged•Coated leaded and naked devices available.Notes1.Naked chips are packed in a hermetically-sealed alu-plastic bag.2.Resistance at T n +5 °C = 0.570 to 50 kΩ.查询232267191供应商2322 671 91...PTC Thermistors, For Temperature Protection Vishay BCcomponentsFor clamping, reflow or hand soldering. Not intended for either wave or ultrasonic soldering and not for spot welding.All standard solder alloys with low activated halogene-free fluxes are acceptable, for example: 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag.Component outline for 91071 to ponent outline for 91002 to 91017.Component outline for 91102 to 91114.Component outline for 91152 to 91164.DIMENSIONS in millimetersCOMPONENT OUTLINES2322 671 91...Vishay BCcomponentsPTC Thermistors, For Temperature ProtectionAPPLICATION SPECIFIC DATANegative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistors are well known for temperature sensing. What is not well known, however,is that Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistors can be used for thermal protection. Although their operating principles are similar, the applications are very different; whereas NTC thermistors sense and measure temperature over a defined range,PTC thermistors switch at one particular temperature.Just like thermostats they protect such equipment and components as motors, transformers, power transistors and thyristors against overtemperature. A PTC thermistor is less expensive than a thermostat, and its switch temperature can be more accurately specified. It is also smaller and easier to design-in to electronic circuitry.So how does it work? The PTC thermistor is mounted in thermal contact with the equipment to be protected, and connected into the bridge arm of a comparator circuit, such as shown in Fig.1. At normal temperature, the PTC thermistor resistance (R p ) is lower than R s (see Fig.2), so the comparator's output voltage V O will be low. If an equipment overtemperature occurs, the PTC thermistor will quickly heat up to its trigger or nominal reference temperature T n , whereupon its resistance will increase to a value much higher than R s , causing V O to switch to a high level sufficient to activate an alarm, relay or power shutdown circuit.APPLICATION EXAMPLESAs soon as one or more of the windings becomes too hot, the motor is switched off.Fig.3 Temperature protection of electric motorsFig.4 Liquid-level indication.Fig.2 Typical switch characteristic.Fig.1 .Typical comparator circuit.2322 671 91... PTC Thermistors, For Temperature Protection Vishay BCcomponents2322 671 91...Vishay BCcomponentsPTC Thermistors, For Temperature Protection。
MODBUS 协议用户手册Ver: D2010-10-20目录1 数据传输模式 (4)2 寄存器和数据类型 (5)2.1COIL (5)2.2FLOAT (5)2.3INT (5)2.4LONG (5)3 数据帧格式定义 (6)3.1CMD=0X03(读1个或多个寄存器) (6)3.2CMD=0X05(写COIL变量) (7)3.3CMD=0X06(写单个寄存器) (8)3.3CMD=0X10(写多个寄存器) (9)3.4故障返回帧 (10)4 数据帧校验算法 (11)4.1LRC校验 (11)4.2CRC16校验 (12)5 仪表变量地址定义 (14)6 附录1:常数表:故障码 (17)7 附录2:常数表:流量单位 (18)8 附录3:报警定义 (23)1 数据传输模式MODBUS采用RTU和ASCII两种方式进行数据传输。
RTU模式下,采用8bit二进制字符,ASCII模式下采用7bit ASC字符。
比如RTU模式下的数据0x1A,那么ASCII模式下就是0x31 0x41两个字节,所以ASCII模式下的帧长度为RTU模式下的1倍。
下表总结了两种传输模式的区别:2 寄存器和数据类型下表列举了几种寄存器和数据类型2.1 COIL布尔变量0xFF00 -> ON 0x0000 -> OFF2.2 FLOAT使用2个寄存器存储单精度IEEE754格式的浮点数。
每个浮点数包含4个字节,具体定义如下:SEEEEEEE EMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM S:符号位0->正1->负E:阶码M:尾数的小数部分例如:0xC1480000 = -12.52.3 INT使用1个寄存器存储无符号整型数。
例如:0x0025 = 37 0x1234 = 46602.4 LONG使用2个寄存器存储无符号长整型数。
2C80-2CFF:古埃及语 (Coptic)
2C80 2CA0 2CC0 2CE0
2D00-2D2F:格鲁吉亚语补充 (Georgian Supplement)
2D00 2D20
Georgian ⴰⴱⴲⴳⴴⴵⴶⴷⴸⴹⴺⴻⴼⴽⴾⴿ
2D30-2D7F:提非纳文 (Tifinagh)
⧎⧏⧐⧑⧒⧓⧔⧕ ⧫
2A00-2AFF:追加数学运算符 (Supplemental Mathematical Operator)
2A00 ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ 2A20
⨌⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨐ ⨑ ⨒ ⨓ ⨔ ⨕ ⨖ ⨗ ⨘ ⨙ ⨚ ⨛ ⨜ ⨯
2A80 ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗ ⪘ ⪙ ⪚ ⪛ ⪜ ⪝ ⪞ ⪟
⌘⌙ ⌜⌝ ⌞⌟
⍺⍽ ⎛⎜⎝ ⎞⎟
2400-243F:控制图片 (Control Pictures)
2400 2420 ␢ ␣
2440-245F:光学识别符 (Optical Character Recognition)
2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics)
2300-23FF:杂项工业符号 (Miscellaneous Technical)
2300 ⌀ ⌁ ⌂ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌇ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌌ ⌍ ⌎ ⌏ ⌐ ⌑ ⌒
2320 ⌠ ⌡
⌤⌥⌦⌧⌨⟨ ⟩ ⌫⌬
⍳⍴ ⍵
特色•採CMOS製程,DC 9V供電,耗電極低•採I2C控制介面•1組六聲道輸入•六聲道0~-79dB( 1dB Step )主音量控制器+六聲道獨立0~-15dB( 1dB Step )輸出音量微調控制器•高、中、低音三段音調控制器( 每段±14dB,2dB/Step )•含靜音開關及3D音效,音調控制啟動開關( Tone defeat )功能•低失真,低噪訊及高聲道分離度•外部需求元件極少,簡單易用•提供DIP及SO 28 pin包裝方塊圖腳位圖腳位敘述腳位名稱I/O 敘述腳位編號RCMID2_FR — 右聲道中音控制器外接電容2 1 RCMID1_FR — 右聲道中音控制器外接電容1 2右聲道高音控制器外接電容到地 3 CTRE_FR —右前聲道輸入端 4 IN_R1 I右後聲道輸入端 5 IN_SR I副低頻聲道輸入端 6 IN_SUB I1/2VCC參考電位7 VREF O接地端8 GND —中央聲道輸入端9 IN_CT I左後聲道輸入端10 IN_SL I左前聲道輸入端11 IN_FL I左聲道高音控制器外接電容到地12 CTRE_FL —RCMID1_FL — 左聲道中音控制器外接電容1 13 RCMID2_FL — 左聲道中音控制器外接電容2 14 RCBAS1_FL — 左聲道低音控制器外接電容1 15 RCBAS2_FL — 左聲道低音控制器外接電容2 16左前聲道輸出端17 OUT_FL O左後聲道輸出端18 OUT_SL O中央聲道輸出端19 OUT_CT O正電源輸入端20 VCC —副低頻聲道輸出端21 OUT_SUB O右後聲道輸出端22 OUT_SR O右前聲道輸出端23 OUT_FR OI2C控制介面CLOCK 24 SCL II2C控制介面DATA 25 SDA I接地端26 GND —RCBAS2_FR — 右聲道低音控制器外接電容2 27 RCBAS1_FR — 右聲道低音控制器外接電容1 28序列匯流排(I2C BUS)功能敘述序列匯流排介面(I2C BUS INTERFACE)藉由使用SDA和SCL匯流排,可使PT2322與微處理機間做資料的傳輸。
NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line2322 640 3/4/6....Vishay BCcomponents For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 29049FEATURES• Accuracy over a wide temperature range • High stability over a long life • Excellent price/performance ratioAPPLICATIONS• Temperature sensing and controlThese thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient.元器件交易网2322 640 3/4/6....NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line Vishay BCcomponents Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ DERATING AND TEMPERATURE TOLERANCESDIMENSIONS in millimeters PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS FOR RELEVANT TYPEMARKINGThe thermistors are marked with coloured bands; seedimensions drawing and “Electrical data and orderinginformation”.MOUNTINGBy soldering in any position.2322 640 6.338 to 6.474.CODENUMBER2322 640.....B max dH1H2maxL P T maxMIN.MAX.6.338 to6.2215.00.6±0.061.0 4.0 6.024±1.52.54 4.06.331 to6.4743.3±0.50.6±0.06− 2.0±1.06.024±1.52.543.0Notes1.Dependent upon R25-tolerance, the band IV is coloured as follows:a)for R25±2%, band IV is coloured redb)for R25±3%, band IV is coloured orangec)for R25±5%, band IV is coloured goldd)for R25±10%, band IV is coloured silver.20003528 K ±0.5%4202620232022202red black red22003977 K ±0.75%4222622232222222red red red27003977 K ±0.75%4272627232722272red violet red33003977 K ±0.75%4332633233322332orange orange red47003977 K ±0.75%4472647234722472yellow violet red68003977 K ±0.75%4682668236822682blue grey red100003977 K ±0.75%4103610331032103brown black orange120003740 K ±2%4123612331232123brown red orange150003740 K ±2%4153615331532153brown green orange220003740 K ±2%4223622332232223red red orange330004090 K ±1.5%4333633333332333orange orange orange470004090 K ±1.5%4473647334732473yellow violet orange680004190 K ±1.5%4683668336832683blue grey orange1000004190 K ±1.5%4104610431042104brown black yellow1500004370 K ±2.5%4154615431542154brown green yellow2200004370 K ±2.5%4224622432242224red red yellow3300004570 K ±1.5%4334633433342334orange orange yellow4700004570 K ±1.5%4474647434742474yellow violet yellowR25(Ω)B25/85-VALUECATALOG NUMBER 2322 640 6....COLOR CODE(see dimensionsdrawing and note 1)R25 ±2%R25±3%R25 ±5%R25±10%I II III元器件交易网2322 640 3/4/6....Vishay BCcomponentsNTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 29049TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE DEVIATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE.元器件交易网2322 640 3/4/6....NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line Vishay BCcomponents Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ R T VALUE AND TOLERANCEThese thermistors have a narrow tolerance on the B-value,the result of which provides a very small tolerance on thenominal resistance value over a wide temperature range. Forthis reason the usual graphs of R = f(T) are replaced byResistance Values at Intermediate Temperatures Tables,together with a formula to calculate the characteristics with ahigh precision.FORMULAE TO DETERMINE NOMINALRESISTANCE VALUESThe resistance values at intermediate temperatures, or theoperating temperature values, can be calculated using thefollowing interpolation laws(extended “Steinhart and Hart”):(1)(2)where:A, B, C, D, A1, B1, C1 and D1 are constant valuesdepending on the material concerned; see table below.R ref is the resistance value at a reference temperature (inthis event 25 °C).T is the temperature in K.Formulae numbered (1) and (2) are interchangeable with anerror of max. 0.005 °C in the range 25 °C to 125 °C andmax. 0.015 °C in the range−40 °C to +25 °C.DETERMINATION OF THERESISTANCE/TEMPERATURE DEVIATIONFROM NOMINAL VALUEThe total resistance deviation is obtained by combining the‘R25-tolerance’ and the ‘resistance deviation due toB-tolerance’.When:X = R25-toleranceY = resistance deviation due to B-toleranceZ = complete resistance deviation,then: or Z ≈ X + Y.When:TC = temperature coefficient∆T = temperature deviation,then:The temperature tolerances are plotted in the graphs on theprevious page.Example: at 0 °C, assume X = 5%, Y = 0.89% andTC = 5.08%/K (see T able ), then:A NTC with a R25-value of 10 kΩ has a value of 32.56 kΩbetween −1.17 and +1.17 °C.R (T)R=ref e×A B T⁄C T2⁄D T3⁄+++()T (R) = A1B1RR ref---------ln C1ln2RR ref---------D1ln3RR ref---------+++⎝⎠⎛⎞1–Z1X100---------+⎝⎠⎛⎞1Y100---------+⎝⎠⎛⎞1–×= 100×%∆T ZTC-------=Z15100---------+10.89100-----------+1–×⎩⎭⎨⎬⎧⎫100%×=1.05 1.0089 1–×{} 100% 5.9345% 5.93%≈()=×˙=∆T ZTC-------5.935.08----------- 1.167 °C 1.17≈°C)(===Notes1.Temperature < 25 °C.2.Temperature ≥25 °C.2322 640 3/4/6....Vishay BCcomponentsNTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 290492322 640 3/4/6....NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line Vishay BCcomponents Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ 5 2.0128 2.16−3.7120.1310 1.6767 1.59−3.6016.7715 1.4042 1.04−3.5014.0420 1.18210.51−3.3911.8225 1.00000.00−3.3010.00300.85000.50−3.208.50350.72590.98−3.117.26400.6226 1.44−3.03 6.23450.5363 1.89−2.94 5.36500.4639 2.33−2.86 4.64550.4029 2.75−2.78 4.03600.3512 3.16−2.71 3.51650.3073 3.56−2.64 3.07700.2698 3.95−2.57 2.70750.2377 4.32−2.50 2.38800.2101 4.69−2.43 2.10850.1864 5.04−2.37 1.86900.1658 5.38−2.31 1.66950.1479 5.72−2.25 1.481000.1323 6.05−2.20 1.321050.1187 6.36−2.14 1.191100.1068 6.67−2.09 1.071150.0964 6.98−2.040.961200.08717.27−1.990.871250.07907.56−1.940.791300.07177.84−1.900.721350.06538.11−1.850.651400.05968.37−1.810.601450.05458.63−1.770.551500.05008.89−1.730.50T oper(°C)R T/R25∆R DUE TOB-TOLERANCE(%)TC(%/K)R25(Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables6.1092322 640 3/4/6....Vishay BCcomponentsNTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 29049500.4470 2.37−3.00 6.70550.3856 2.80−2.92 5.78600.3339 3.21−2.84 5.01650.2903 3.62−2.76 4.35700.2533 4.01−2.69 3.80750.2218 4.39−2.62 3.33800.1948 4.77−2.56 2.92850.1717 5.13−2.50 2.58900.1518 5.48−2.44 2.28950.1346 5.82−2.38 2.021000.1196 6.15−2.32 1.791050.1067 6.47−2.27 1.601100.0954 6.79−2.22 1.431150.08557.09−2.17 1.281200.07687.39−2.12 1.151250.06917.69−2.07 1.041300.06247.97−2.030.941350.05658.25−1.980.851400.05128.52−1.940.771450.04658.78−1.900.701500.04239.04−.860.63T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables6.1592322 640 3/4/6....NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line Vishay BCcomponents Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ 950.1346 6.00−2.38 2.961000.1196 6.34−2.32 2.631050.1067 6.68−2.27 2.351100.09547.00−2.22 2.101150.08557.32−2.17 1.881200.07687.62−2.12 1.691250.06917.93−2.07 1.521300.06248.22−2.03 1.371350.05658.50−1.98 1.241400.05128.78−1.94 1.131450.01659.06−1.90 1.021500.04239.32−1.860.93T oper(°C)R T/R25∆R DUE TOB-TOLERANCE(%)TC(%/K)R25(Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables6.2292322 640 3/4/6....Vishay BCcomponentsNTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 290491400.04079.49−2.07 1.34 1.91 2.771450.03689.79−2.02 1.21 1.73 2.501500.033310.08−1.981.101.562.26T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables6.339 6.479 6.6892322 640 3/4/6....NTC Thermistors, Accuracy Line Vishay BCcomponents Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 29049−5 4.216 1.08 5.249.27511.3813.9119.8128.6742.160 3.2550.89 5.087.1628.79010.7415.3022.1432.565 2.5340.70 4.92 5.575 6.8428.36211.9117.2325.3410 1.9870.52 4.78 4.372 5.366 6.5589.34013.5119.8715 1.5700.34 4.64 3.454 4.239 5.1817.37810.6715.7020 1.2490.17 4.50 2.747 3.372 4.121 5.8698.49212.4925 1.0000.00 4.37 2.200 2.700 3.300 4.700 6.80010.00300.80590.16 4.25 1.773 2.176 2.660 3.788 5.4808.059350.65350.32 4.13 1.438 1.764 2.156 3.072 4.444 6.535400.53300.47 4.02 1.173 1.439 1.759 2.505 3.624 5.330450.43720.62 3.910.9618 1.180 1.443 2.055 2.972 4.372500.36050.77 3.800.79320.973 1.190 1.694 2.451 3.606550.29890.91 3.700.65750.8070.9863 1.405 2.032 2.989600.2490 1.05 3.600.54780.6720.8217 1.170 1.693 2.490650.2084 1.18 3.510.45860.5620.68790.9797 1.417 2.084700.1753 1.31 3.420.38570.4730.57850.8239 1.192 1.753750.1481 1.44 3.330.32580.3990.48870.6960 1.007 1.481800.1256 1.57 3.250.27640.3390.41460.59050.8544 1.256850.1070 1.69 3.160.23550.2890.35320.50310.7278 1.070900.09154 1.81 3.090.20140.2470.30210.43030.62250.9154950.07860 1.93 3.010.17290.2120.25940.36940.53450.78601000.06773 2.04 2.940.14900.1820.22350.31830.46070.67731050.05858 2.15 2.870.12890.1580.19330.27530.39830.58581100.05083 2.26 2.800.11180.1370.16770.23890.34570.50831150.04426 2.37 2.730.09740.11950.14610.20800.30100.44261200.03866 2.47 2.670.08510.10440.12760.18170.26290.38661250.03387 2.57 2.610.07450.09150.11180.15920.23030.33871300.02977 2.67 2.550.06550.08040.09820.13990.20240.29771350.02624 2.77 2.490.05770.07090.08660.12330.17840.26241400.02319 2.86 2.430.05100.06260.07650.10900.15770.23191450.02055 2.96 2.380.04520.05550.06780.09660.13980.20551500.018263.052.330.04020.04930.06030.08580.12420.1826T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(k Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables 6.222 6.272 6.332 6.472 6.682 6.103Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@350.67120.80 3.888.05410.0714.77400.5543 1.19 3.77 6.6528.31512.20450.4602 1.57 3.67 5.522 6.90310.12500.3839 1.94 3.57 4.607 5.7598.447550.3219 2.30 3.48 3.862 4.8287.081600.2710 2.65 3.39 3.252 4.067 5.963650.2293 2.99 3.30 2.751 3.439 5.044700.1947 3.33 3.22 2.337 2.921 4.284750.1661 3.66 3.14 1.993 2.492 3.654800.1422 3.98 3.06 1.707 2.134 3.129850.1223 4.29 2.99 1.467 1.834 2.690900.1055 4.60 2.92 1.266 1.583 2.321950.09135 4.90 2.85 1.096 1.370 2.0101000.07937 5.19 2.780.9524 1.190 1.7461050.06919 5.48 2.710.8302 1.038 1.5221100.06050 5.76 2.650.72600.9075 1.3311150.05307 6.04 2.590.63690.7961 1.1681200.04670 6.31 2.530.56040.7005 1.0271250.041216.572.470.49450.61810.9065T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(k Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables6.123 6.153 6.223 For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 290491050.05372 4.47 2.98 1.773 2.5251100.04635 4.70 2.92 1.530 2.1791150.04013 4.93 2.85 1.342 1.8861200.03485 5.15 2.79 1.150 1.6381250.03037 5.36 2.73 1.002 1.4271300.02654 5.57 2.670.8757 1.2471350.02326 5.78 2.610.7675 1.0931400.02044 5.98 2.550.67460.96081450.01802 6.18 2.500.59450.84681500.015926.372.440.52540.7483T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(k Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables 6.333 6.473Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@Document Number: 2904925 1.0000.00 4.95330.0470.0300.78250.37 4.82258.2367.8350.61630.74 4.70203.4289.6400.4883 1.09 4.59161.1229.5450.3892 1.44 4.47128.4182.9500.3120 1.77 4.36103.0146.7550.2515 2.10 4.2683.00118.2600.2038 2.43 4.1567.2695.80650.1660 2.74 4.0654.7978.03700.1359 3.05 3.9644.8663.88750.1118 3.35 3.8736.9052.55800.09240 3.64 3.7830.4943.43850.07670 3.93 3.6925.3136.05900.06395 4.21 3.6121.1030.06950.05354 4.48 3.5317.6725.161000.04501 4.75 3.4514.8521.151050.03798 5.01 3.3712.5317.851100.03218 5.27 3.3010.7015.121150.02736 5.52 3.239.02912.861200.02335 5.77 3.167.70410.971250.019996.013.096.5979.396T oper (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(k Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables 6.334 6.474Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@900.08042 3.85 3.28 5.4698.042950.06837 4.10 3.21 4.649 6.8371000.05835 4.35 3.13 3.968 5.8351050.04998 4.59 3.06 3.399 4.9981100.04296 4.82 2.99 2.921 4.2961150.03705 5.05 2.92 2.519 3.7051200.03206 5.28 2.86 2.180 3.2061250.027835.502.801.8922.783T amb (°C)R T /R 25∆R DUE TO B-TOLERANCE(%)TC (%/K)R 25(k Ω)2322 640 .....; see note 1 at end of tables 6.683 6.104Note to Resistance Values At Intermediate Temperature Tables1.Replace dot in last 5 digits of catalog number by a number according to the following details and depending on tolerance onrequired R 25-value: 4 for a tolerance of ±2%; 6 for a tolerance of ±3%; 3 for a tolerance of ±5%; 2 for a tolerance of ±10%.PACKAGINGTAPE SPECIFICATIONSNote1.Taped products with H= 45±1, are available on request.2. D ≤5 max for 6404.338 to 221. For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ Document Number: 29049Note1. D ≤5 max for 640 3. 338 to 640 4. 221.2.T ≤4 max for 6403. 338 to 6404. 221.Document Number: 29049For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ Notes1.For R25≥ 100 kΩ the drift requirement is ∆R/R < 5%.2.For R25 from 2.2 kΩ to 10 kΩ, requirement is ±2% max. For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ Document Number: 29049。
ZX12232G-1 液晶显示器用户手册说明书
中文液晶显示器使用说明书ZX12232G-1ZX12232G (ST7920) 并口演示程序Keil C51// DV12232G 测试程序(并口)//*************************************************************************** //连线表: CPU=89C52 *//RS=P2.0 RW=P2.1 E=/(WR*RD) *//FOSC=12MHz D0-D7=P0.0-P0.7 /RSET=/(CPU RSET) *//*************************************************************************** #include <reg52.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <intrins.h>#include <stdio.h>char xdata LcmWriteCom _at_ 0x0000; //写指令char xdata LcmWriteData _at_ 0x0100; //写数据char xdata LcmReadBF _at_ 0x0200; //读BF&ACchar xdata LcmReadData _at_ 0x0300; //读数据sbit Key=P3^4;unsigned char code AC_TABLE[]={0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87, //第一行汉字位置0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97, //第二行汉字位置};unsigned char code str2[]="欢迎光临dvlcd!!";unsigned char code str1[]="迪威液晶显示技术欢迎您!内含八千汉字库。
C010 – 是相关的驱动系统,传感器或离合器
C260 – 扫描单元相关的,曝光灯,灯控板,电机传感器。
C410 – 定影相关,定影灯,热保险,热敏电阻,辊。
C550 – 信号传输相关,电路板或者接插连线。
C730 – 输稿器相关,电机。
C940 – 电路相关,主CPU,LGC板,DRV板,高压板。
C970 高压传输异常(检查是否有主充高压漏电)
05[210] 主充电压测试
08[805-809,826,864,865,866,867] 主充电压设置
05-356:RADF 传感器和 EEPROM 初始化的自动调整
05-367:RADF 原稿导板最小位置调整
05-368:RADF 原稿导板最大位置调整
08[400] 定影故障计数器
08[407-413,437,438,448,450-453,515-521] 定影温度
05[308] 将灯架复原到初始原位
05[305-340] 扫描器部分调整
08[312-314] 扫描计数器
08-690:HDD 格式化
Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier 1191 -
Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsThe BBM5K8CKT (SKU 1191) is a 2500 to 6000 MHz amplifier which is guaranteed to deliver 100W minimum output power and related RF performance under all specified temperature and environmental conditions. Typical power output is 125W and other typical performance parameters are also listed as a guide for consideration, but not guaranteed. This amplifier is suitable for broadband mobile jamming and band specific high power linear applications in the S and C frequency bands. This compact module utilizes the latest high power RF GaN transistors and also features built in control and monitoring, with protection functions to ensure high availability.▪ Solid-state Class AB linear design ▪ Instantaneous ultra broadband▪ Suitable for CW, AM, and FM (Consult factory for other modulation types) ▪ Small and lightweight▪ 50 ohm input/output impedance ▪ High reliability and ruggedness▪ Built-in control, monitoring and protection circuits ▪ RS485 serial interface for monitoring and control******************************DC , Over Temperature and Environmental Conditions, as specified. Min Typ Max Operating frequency BW MHz 2500 6000 Peak output power P SAT W CW input signal 100 125Gain, small signal G SS dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBmCW. Input power calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.55 6065 Gain flatness small signal ΔG SS dB Test conditions the same as G SS ±5 Gain adjustment range G ADJ dB Test conditions the same as G SS 15 Gain adjustment step size G STEP dB Test conditions the same as G SS 0.5 Maximum input powerwithout damageP IN, Max dBm CW input signal for unlimited duration.20 Input return loss IRL dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBm and 0dBm CW. Input power calibrated / measured at theamplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.-10 Noise figure NF dB Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.20 2nd harmonics 2nddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-10 3rd harmonics 3rddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-20Spurious Spur dBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source of 0dBm at the input to the amplifier. Input power is calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port.Spurious defined as any non-harmonic amplifier output.Spurious measured in a 1kHz resolution bandwidth,10kHz video bandwidth. Specifications apply at offsets of greater than or equal to +/- 10kHz from the RF carrier. Maximum measurement frequency is 6.5GHz.-60Operating voltage V DC V Note: Output power capabilities and gain will vary withvoltage.26 2832 Current consumption I DC A Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement at an output power of 100W with a CW source.22Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-201319812500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsPA enable / Disable time T ON/OFF uSec Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement with 0dBm CW signal presented to theinput of the amplifier. Rise and fall times of amplifieroutput envelope recorded. Rise and fall times at 10% /90% of the output power in linear scale. PA Enable /Disable signal set to 10kHz repetition rate and 50% dutycycle.1PA PROTECTION / RUGGEDNESSThe PA includes protection circuits for:•Over temperature•Over voltage•Reverse polarity•Over currentIn addition to protection circuits, the PA will withstand full reflection at the RF output port at any angle for up to 1 minute at P3dB. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating Case Temperature T C-40 +85 °C Storage Temperature T STG-40 +85 °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing) RH 95 % Altitude (MIL-STD-810F Method 500.4) ALT 30,000 Feet Vibration/ShockMIL-STD-810F Method 514.5/516.5 – Proc 1VI/SH AirborneMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions 8.0 x 6.5 x 1.0 Inch Max Weight 3.5 lb. MaxRF ConnectorsInput: Type-SMA, Female Output: Type-TNC, FemaleDC Interface Connector Hybrid – D-Sub 17-Pin, Male (17W2) Cooling External Heatsink Required (not supplied)2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts DC INTERFACE CONNECTORA1 GND Ground ReturnA2 VDD Supply Voltage: +26.0 – 32.0V DC, 28.0V DC Nominal1 RS485 (-) Serial Communication Bus2 Temperature Reporting Analog Output Voltage @ 10 mV/°C with a 500 mV offset (i.e. 0.75V = 25°C)3 Address 1 Hardware Address 14 Address 3 Hardware Address 35 Attenuator Setting Voltage input in the range of 0.5 – 3.0V DC, 0.5V DC corresponds with minimum attenuation, 3.0V DC is maximum attenuation. Leave pin open or grounded to utilize RS-485 interface. (See RS-485 details below)6 PA Enable 0/3.3V logic levels:Power Amplifier disable is a TTL Logic Low (0V).(Internally Pulled-High 3.3V)Leave pin open or pulled high to utilize RS-485 interface.(See RS-485 details below)7 Alarm Amplifier Alarm indicator: Normally TTL LowA logic High indicates a fault condition, 0/3.3V Logic Levels8 RS485 (+) Serial Communication Bus9 Current Reporting Analog output voltage range of 1V/10 A (i.e. 1.5V = 15A)10 Address 0 Hardware Address 0 – Least significant bit11 Address 2 Hardware Address 212 Address 4 Hardware Address 4 – Most significant bit13 Not Used No Connection14 Not Used No Connection15 Reset Hardware resetLogic 0 to reset PA and clear latched faultsPh. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232 Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsRS-485 User InterfaceThe following settings are used for serial communications:• Baud rate: 115,200 • Start bits: 1 • Data bits: 8 • Stop bits: 1 • Parity: None• Handshake: NoneFrame and Message StructuresFrame structureThe serial link will be asynchronous, and follows a typical RS485 frame structure. The frame structure is defined in the figure below.Each frame is 10 bits in length and will begin with a start bit, followed by 8 data bits and finally a single stop bit.Message structureFigure 1: Serial interface frame structureFigure 2: Serial interface message structure316 W. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301 Ph. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Master AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0X X X X X X X XMaster Address is not evaluatedSlave AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A00 0 0 16 8 4 2 132 Slave addresses are possible (If no address lines are strapped on hardware, unit defaults to address 0)LenLen contains the number of bytes that follow, from Status to Checksum.StatusMaster should load this with zero.Slave will echo back status of the command after it is evaluated.Possible Slave responses:Value Description0x00h Message received and decoded successfully0x13h Checksum error0x2Bh Command not availableThere are 7 supported RS-485 commands, detailed below.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsNullThe null command responds with message status. It is used for a basic test of the communications link.Command frame value (hex) 0x00Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data noneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 17:58:15.3]SEND: 00 00 03 00 00 03 ......[8/30 17:58:15.4]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Soft resetPerforms a restart of the system.Command frame value (hex) 0x04Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:09:39.0]SEND: 00 00 03 00 04 07 ......[8/30 18:09:39.1]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Set power up conditionSets the state of the amplifier bias on application of DC or reset.Command frame value (hex) 0x05Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data 2 bytes:0x0001 sets power up condition to biasenabled.0x0000 sets power up condition to biasdisabled.Slave response Echo with status set2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Example:[8/30 18:13:08.5]SEND: 00 00 05 00 05 00 01 01 ........[8/30 18:13:12.3]RECV: 00 00 03 00 05 06 .......DisableDisables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x06Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:14:36.7]SEND: 00 00 03 00 06 05 ......[8/30 18:14:36.8]RECV: 00 00 03 00 06 05 .......EnableEnables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x07Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:15:35.4]SEND: 00 00 03 00 07 04 ......[8/30 18:15:35.5]RECV: 00 00 03 00 07 04 .......Set input attenuationSets the attenuation level.Notes:•The RS-485 attenuation value overrides voltage control on pin 5.•The value of the attenuation can only be increased from the factory value.•The gain of the amplifier is also a function of temperature compensation.•Variations in gain versus temperature are expected, independent of the user attenuation setting.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Command frame value (hex) 0x11Length frame value (hex) 0x05Command data 2 bytes. The first byte is 0 and the secondbyte is the mixed number attenuationvalue.D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 16 8 4 2 1 . 1/2Examples:30dB is 0x00 0x3C8.5dB is 0x00 0x11Slave response Echo with status setExample for setting 8.5dB user attenuation:[9/4 15:45:49.9]SEND: 00 00 05 00 11 08 05 19 ........[9/4 15:45:49.9]RECV: 00 00 03 00 11 12 .......Get statusReturns current status of amplifierCommand frame value (hex) 0x02Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Input Current (2 bytes)Input Voltage (2 bytes)Temperature (2 bytes)Attenuator Setting (2 bytes)Alarm Register (2 bytes)Example:[8/30 17:59:39.5]SEND: 00 00 03 00 02 01 ......[8/30 17:59:39.5]RECV: 00 00 0D 00 02 00 0A 0A ........0008: C4 00 19 00 11 00 00 C3 ...2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsALARM REGISTER15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Temperature Alarm > 85 C Current Alarm > 25 A Voltage Alarm > 34 V Sequencer AlarmLatched Alarm Current > 29 A Latched Alarm Voltage or Temperature >36 V and/or>90 C00Notes on Alarms• Any alarm condition will pull the Alarm line high (Pin 7)• For Latched Current Alarm, the input power is attenuated by approximately 15 dB. • For Latched Voltage or Temperature, the unit will disable.• A Software or Hardware reset is required to clear Latched Alarm.Voltage 16 bit signed, 1/100th of a Volt +327.67 / -327.66 V Current16 bit unsigned in 1/100th of an Amp0 ~ 65535 in hundredths of an AmpTemperature 16 bit signed inwhole degrees+32767 / -32766 degrees CentigradeStock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-2013。
RTL8305SC EEPROM映射表,中文版
这个寄存器顺延字节31.3~31.0定义VLAN A的IEEE 802.1Q 12位VLAN标识
端口1控制4 & VLAN条目[B]
11 1111
11 1111
CATALOG NUMBER 2322 633 ..... R25 (kΩ) 1 2.2 4.7 10 22 47 100 220 470 1000 Note 1. R25-values, temperature coefficients and catalog numbers. 2. The thermistors have a 12-digit catalog number starting with 2322 633. The subsequent 5 digits indicate the resistance value and tolerance. Document Number: 29063 Revision: 10-Oct-03 For technical questions contact: nlr.europe@ 125 B25/85-VALUE 2075 K ±5% 2285 K ±5% 2485 K ±5% 3750 K ±5% 3560 K ±5% 3750 K ±5% 3900 K ±5% 3860 K ±5% 3950 K ±5% 4100 K ±5% TC (%/K) −2.3 −2.6 −2.8 −4.2 −4.0 −4.2 −4.4 −4.3 −4.5 −4.6 AXIAL LEADS R25 ±5% 03102 03222 03472 03103 03223 03473 03104 03224 03474 03105 R25 ±10% 02102 02222 02472 02103 02223 02473 02104 02224 02474 02105 RADIAL LEADS R25 ±5% 13102 13222 13472 13103 13223 13473 13104 13224 13474 13105 R25 ±10% 12102 12222 12472 12103 12223 12473 12104 12224 12474 12105
IO-Link线性传感器使用手册 NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPE 版本00 20
Gebrauchsanleitung IO-Link für Lineare Sensoren User manual IO-Link for Linear Sensors NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPEContentIO-Link 2 1IODD Files 2 2Device specification 2 3Process data 2 4Parameter Data 34.1Identification data 34.2Device parameter data 34.2.1Device Access Locks 44.2.2Profile Characteristics 44.2.3PD Input Descriptor 44.2.4Application Specific Tag 44.2.5Null point offset 44.2.6Averaging 44.2.7Resolution 44.2.8Mode 44.2.9Error Messages while Parametrization 55Events: Warnings and Errors 5 6Storage of Parameter Data 5 7Factory Reset 5 8Document Changes 5IO-LinkThis document reflects the Novotechnik sensor protocol implementation of the standard IO-Link protocol.A basic knowledge of the IO-link interface is required for a proper understanding of this document.Most of the definitions made are according to the IO-Link Standard specifications.For making use of all the features that these specifications offer, a knowledge about them is absolutely necessary.The linear sensors supports the IO-Link Smart Sensor Profile specifications (Edition 2011) according IEC 61131-9.The IO-Link interface is a point-to-point connection based on a UART protocol with 24 V pulse modulation. Data isexchanged cyclically between the IO-Link Master and the IO-Link device using the IO-Link protocol. The protocol con-tains process data and also requested additional data for state determination or configuration.1 IODD FilesFor integration in a common IO-Link projecting tool, IO Device Description (*.IODD) files are provided. These files canbe downloaded from the Novotechnik Web Site, see Downloads/Operating manuals where also this document can befound.IODD see file Product series_IODD_model. zip2 Device specification3 Process dataThe process data are transmitted cyclically. The sensor outputs a signed integer value via the IO-Link interface, e.g.:32 bits = position or 48 bits = 32 bits position and 16 bits speedThe absolute position relates to the factory default null point.Resolution of position data: 1 or 5 μmResolution of speed data: 0.1 or 0.5 mm/sThe factory default null point can be shifted via the parameter “Null point offset".The validity of the process data 0xF000 FF10 ... 0x7FFF FFF0 is confirmed by a PD Valid Infomation (process data valid).In case of an error, if no position marker or magnet can be detected, the error value 0x7FFF FFFC is put out and the data is labeled as invalid (PD Invalid Bit).Hint: The IO-Link functionality PD Invalid Bit is handled differently by different IO-Link masters (refer to the manual for the respective master).4 Parameter DataDevice parameters are exchanged non-cyclically and on request of the IO-Link master. Parameter values can be written into the sensor (Write) or device states can be read out of the sensor (Read) by means of the "On-Request Data Ob-jects".4.1 Identification data4.2 Device parameter data*) changeable during operation.Only TP1/TH1 series: Process data are invalid until renewed output of valid process data after 10 ms**) changeable during operation but only effective after Power Off / Power On4.2.1 Device Access LocksWith this parameter, it is possible to active or deactivate the function of the parameter manager.In order to lock the parameter manager, bit #1 of the 2 byte value must be set to "1" (locked), to unlock bit #1 is set to "0".4.2.2 Profile CharacteristicsThis parameter indicates which profile is supported by the IO-Link device.The sensor supports the Smart Sensor Profile:Profile Identifier -> DeviceProfileID: 0x0001 "Smart Sensor Profile"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8000 "Device Identification"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8002 "ProcessDataVariable“Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8003 "Sensor Diagnosis"4.2.3 PD Input DescriptorThis parameter describes the composition of the process data variables used. The sensor processes the process data variable as follows:0x000E Subindex 0:0x03 -> Data type = IntegerT 0x20 -> Data size = 32 bits 0x00 -> Offset = 0 bit0x30 -> Data size = 48 bitsOnly TP1/TH1 series:0x40 -> Data size = 64 bits0x60 -> Data size = 96 bits4.2.4 Application Specific TagThis parameter makes it possible to assign the IO-Link device an arbitrary, 32-byte string. This can only be used by the customer for application-specific identification and applied in the parameter manager. The entire object is accessed via subindex Null point offsetSame as process data value, this parameter is a signed 32-bits decimal value.The null point offset can be done without magnet or position marker. The value is added to the factory default null point as a simple offset: maximum value corresponding sensor length.Access takes place via subindex AveragingThe behavior of the output filter can be adjusted for smoothing the signal noise of the output signal. This allows to achieve a better repeatability.0 without moving average1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) moving average across2 (or 4, 8, 16, 32) values4.2.7 ResolutionThe setting of the resolution can be changed (see IODD: 0 = 1 µm, 1 = 5 µm). When changing the resolution of the position signal from 1 to 5 µm, the resolution of the speed signal changes from 0.1 to 0.5 mm/s and vice versa.4.2.8 ModeThe ordered product model can be configured regarding number of position markers and measured variables:mode 0 = 1x positionmode 1 = 1x position + 1x speedOnly TP1/TH1 series:mode 2 = 2x positionmode 3 = 2x position + 2x speedmode 4 = 3x position4.2.9 Error Messages while ParametrizationThe following IO-Link error messages are stored if parametrization fails:5 Events: Warnings and ErrorsWhen an event occurs, the sensor sets the so-called "Event Flag". During an event is read by the master, no parameter data can be exchanged6 Storage of Parameter DataThe device parameters that have been set by the configuration tool and IODD are stored non-volatile.They can be changed and stored again in the sensor any time via the configuration tool or by the PLC.The device acknowledges any change of the parameters to the master.7 Factory ResetResetting to factory default settings is done with command 0x80 in index 0x0002 subindex 00.8 Document Changes。
Sensitive Gate TriacsSilicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors... designed primarily for ac power switching. The gate sensitivity of these triacs permits the use of economical transistorized or integrated circuit control circuits, and it enhances their use in low-power phase control and load-switching applications.•Very High Gate Sensitivity•Low On-State Voltage at High Current Levels •Glass-Passivated Chip for Stability•Small, Rugged Thermopad Construction for Low Thermal Resistance, High Heat Dissipation and DurabilityMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)1.V DRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Blocking voltages shall not be tested with a constant current source such that the voltage ratings of the devices are exceeded.2.Torque rating applies with use of torque washer (Shakeproof WD19523 or equivalent). Mounting Torque in excess of 6 in. lb. does not appreciably lower case-to-sink thermal resistance. Main terminal 2 and heat-sink contact pad are common.For soldering purposes (either terminal connection or device mounting), soldering temperatures shall not exceed +200°C, for 10 seconds.Consult factory for lead bending options.Preferred devices are Motorola recommended choices for future use and best overall value.Order this documentby T2322/DMOTOROLASEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA元器件交易网元器件交易网T2322 T2323 Series。
HS19264-1 液晶模块使用说明书
深圳汉昇实业有限公司SHENZHEN HANSHENG INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD地址:深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村208栋亿莱工业大厦5楼邮编:518055公司主页:联系电话:传真:一、 HS19264-1产品主要特性● 8位并行数据接口,适配M6800系列时序。
● 拥有64×64位(512字节)的显示存储器,其数据直接作为显示驱动信号。
● 简单的操作指令。
● 低功耗(具体参数见各款产品外形文件)二、 产品外形SCALE:A0.4580.4580.050.051.6BALED B/L TYPE 8.2MAX 12.5EL B/L TYPE NO B/L TYPE5.4MAX 10.0B A项 目 标 准 尺 寸 单位 模块体积 130.0×65.0×12.5maxmm 定位尺寸 121.0×53.0 mm 视 域 104.0×39.0 mm 点 阵 192×64 位 点 距 离 0.508×0.508 mm 点 大 小0.458×0.458mm三、 接口顺序序号符号功能说明1 VSS 电源地2 VDD 电源输入(+5V )3 V0 LCD 驱动电压输入端(对比度调节)4 RS 寄存器选择端 H :数据寄存器;L :命令寄存器5 R/W 读/写信号6 E 使能信号 7-14 DB0-DB7 数据总线15 /CS1 片选信号1,低有效,选择左屏16 /RST 复位信号,低有效17 /CS2 片选信号2,低有效,选择中屏 18 /CS3 片选信号3,低有效,选择右屏 19 VOUT 负压输入输出端 20 LEDA 背光正极四、 原理简图VDDV0LEDA LEDKCS1CS2CS319264点阵系列3片选模块原理框图五、 电气特性(测试条件 Ta=25,Vdd=5.0+/-0.25V)1. 逻辑工作电压(Vcc): 4.5~5.5V2. 电源地(GND): 0V3. 输入电压: 0~Vcc4. 输入高电平(Vih): 2.0~Vcc5. 输入低电平(Vil): 0~0.8V6. 输出高电平(Voh): 2.4min7. 输出低电平(Vol): 0~0.4V8. 模块工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 9. 白侧光工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 10. 底黄绿光工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 11. 工作频率: 0.4~5.5MHz六、 工作时序图KS0108的操作时序图D0-D7(WRITE)D0-D7(READ)R/W /CS1 /CS2 CS3 D/IE时序参数表(Vdd=2.7~5.5V ,Vss=0V Ta= -20℃~+75℃)项目符号最小值最大值单位E 周期时间 Tcyc 1000 - nS E 高电平宽度 Pweh 450 - nS E 低电平宽度 Pwel 450 - nS E 上升时间 Tr - 25 nS E 下降时间 Tf - 25 nS 地址建立时间 Tas 140 - nS地址保持时间 Tah 10 - nS 数据建立时间 Tdsw 200 - Ns 数据延时时间 Tddr - 320 Ns 数据保持时间(写) Tdhw 10 - nS 数据保持时间(读) Tdhr 20 - Ns七、 指令说明指令名称 控制状态 指令代码 RS R/W D7D6D5 D4 D3 D2 D1D0显示开关设置 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 D 显示起始行设置 0 0 1 1 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1L0页面地址设置 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 P2 P1P0列地址设置 0 0 0 1 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1C0读取状态字 0 1 BUSY 0ON/OFF RESET0 0 0 0写显示数据 1 0 数 据 读显示数据1 1数 据指令功能详解下面是KS0108指令写入的流程图:1. 读状态字(read status )格式 BUSY 0NO/OFF RESER 0 0 0 01) BUSY=1表示KS0108正在处理计算机发来的指令或数据。
00:00:38,930 --> 00:00:42,370「华盛顿特区1974年」200:01:26,920 -->00:01:27,970爷爷!300:01:28,050 --> 00:01:32,040你不该到这上面来,看这个的400:01:32,590--> 00:01:34,680我只想知道500:01:35,930 --> 00:01:38,330好吧,我想,你现在也不小了600:01:39,230 -->00:01:41,990也应该知道这个故事了700:01:43,670--> 00:01:45,930好,我们就来说说800:01:46,940 --> 00:01:50,000那是1832年900:01:51,080 --> 00:01:54,310在一个和今晚差不多的深夜里1000:01:59,180 -->00:02:00,210驾!1100:02:01,150 --> 00:02:07,460查尔斯·卡莱尔是最後一位健在的《独立宣言》的签署人00:02:08,230 --> 00:02:11,960他也是秘密组织「共济会」的会员1300:02:12,570 --> 00:02:15,530他知道自己时日无多1400:02:16,300 --> 00:02:18,770他在深夜里唤醒了他的马童1500:02:18,870--> 00:02:23,570「安德鲁·杰克逊,美国第七任总统」1600:02:18,870 --> 00:02:23,570让他载著自己去白宫见安德鲁·杰克逊1700:02:23,640 --> 00:02:26,770因为他有紧急事情要告诉总统1800:02:27,780 --> 00:02:29,340总统见他了吗?1900:02:29,720 --> 00:02:32,650没有,他没有机会2000:02:32,720 --> 00:02:35,120总统那夜不在白宫2100:02:36,590--> 00:02:39,750但是查尔斯·卡莱尔有一个秘密2200:02:39,830 --> 00:02:44,060於是他把这个秘密告诉了一个他可以信赖的人00:02:44,130--> 00:02:47,100我祖父的祖父…2400:02:47,900 --> 00:02:49,730汤玛斯·盖茨2500:02:49,840 --> 00:02:52,000那个秘密是什么?2600:02:54,840 -->00:02:55,810一座宝藏2700:02:57,980--> 00:03:01,040一座超出任何人想像的宝藏2800:03:05,120 --> 00:03:08,280一个被暴君、法老、皇帝、军队…2900:03:08,360 --> 00:03:12,760 …争夺了几个世纪的宝藏3000:03:13,060 --> 00:03:16,550每易其主,它便增加一分3100:03:19,540 --> 00:03:22,100但是突然…3200:03:22,470 --> 00:03:24,530它消失了3300:03:26,380 --> 00:03:29,570在超过一千年的时间里它沉睡於世间的某个角落00:03:29,650--> 00:03:31,480直到第一次十字军东征时3500:03:31,550 -->00:03:34,980骑士们在所罗门王的圣殿下面发现了一扇隐蔽的墙3600:03:35,050 --> 00:03:37,580发现了这些宝藏的骑士们3700:03:37,660--> 00:03:42,090认为这些宝藏的价值太大任何一个人都不能独自拥有它3800:03:42,160--> 00:03:44,150甚至国王也不能3900:03:44,230 --> 00:03:50,530他们把财宝带回了欧洲并自称为「圣殿骑士」4000:03:53,040 --> 00:03:56,100在後来的几个世纪里他们从欧洲走私财宝4100:03:56,210 --> 00:03:59,070「共济会-英文原意为自由石匠」4200:03:56,210 --> 00:03:59,070他们创建了一个亲密无间的组织—「共济会」4300:03:59,150 --> 00:04:01,940用以纪念那些建造了神殿的人们4400:04:03,320 --> 00:04:04,780战争接踵而来4500:04:04,880 --> 00:04:08,840到了美国独立战争的时候财宝又被隐藏了起来4600:04:08,920--> 00:04:11,080那时,共济会的成员包括…4700:04:11,160 --> 00:04:15,290「千里传讯,打响了独立战争第一枪的爱国者」4800:04:11,160 --> 00:04:15,290乔治·华盛顿、本杰明·富兰克林和保罗·瑞维尔4900:04:16,330 -->00:04:18,130而他们知道…5000:04:18,200 --> 00:04:21,630…要确保这些财宝不能落到英国人手中5100:04:21,700 --> 00:04:25,830於是他们设计了一系列的线索和地图来显示财宝的所在5200:04:25,910 --> 00:04:28,740随著时间的流逝很多线索都已经遗失或遗忘5300:04:28,840 --> 00:04:31,000直到最後,只剩下一条线索留存於世5400:04:31,110--> 00:04:37,110而那就是查尔斯·卡莱尔交给年轻的汤玛斯·盖茨的东西5500:04:38,910 -->00:04:41,360「秘密与夏洛特同在」5600:04:43,190 -->00:04:44,220夏洛特5700:04:45,090 --> 00:04:48,550「秘密与夏洛特同在」5800:04:49,230 --> 00:04:51,030谁是夏洛特?5900:04:51,100--> 00:04:54,800噢…即使卡莱尔先生也不知道他是谁6000:04:54,870 -->00:04:56,700但是6100:04:56,770 --> 00:05:01,180作为我们国家的创始人—共济会员们6200:05:01,240 --> 00:05:02,710用这种方式留下了他们的线索6300:05:02,810 --> 00:05:06,080未建成的金字塔,全能之眼6400:05:06,620 --> 00:05:10,850宝藏的守护者,圣殿骑士的符号6500:05:11,620 --> 00:05:16,720它们正用这种方式向我们讲述…你是说在嘲笑我们6600:05:16,790 -->00:05:19,630知道一美元钞票蕴涵了什么吗?6700:05:19,700--> 00:05:22,290整个盖茨家族的财富6800:05:22,370 --> 00:05:26,770整整六代追寻虚无飘渺的财宝的傻瓜6900:05:26,840--> 00:05:30,270这不是为了钱,帕特里克我们从来不是为了钱7000:05:30,340 -->00:05:32,500来吧,儿子,该走了7100:05:33,150--> 00:05:35,910你可以向他告别了7200:05:43,420 --> 00:05:45,050爷爷?7300:05:45,120 -->00:05:46,780唔?7400:05:48,230 --> 00:05:50,460我们是骑士吗?7500:05:52,970--> 00:05:55,400你想当吗?76那好吧,呃…跪下7700:06:10,550 --> 00:06:12,450本杰明·富兰克林·盖茨7800:06:12,520 --> 00:06:18,120你愿意一力承担圣殿骑士、共济会…7900:06:18,190--> 00:06:21,130…和盖茨家族的责任8000:06:21,900 --> 00:06:23,920你对此起誓吗?8100:06:24,000 -->00:06:25,990我起誓8200:06:39,210 --> 00:06:42,540片名:国家宝藏8300:06:48,660 -->00:06:51,020「最早到达北极点的美国人」8400:06:48,660 --> 00:06:51,020我想到了汉森和佩里…8500:06:51,090 --> 00:06:55,690凭借狗拉雪橇和徒步穿越这片大陆8600:06:55,770 --> 00:06:58,390你相信吗?真是了不起87「北极圈北部现今」8800:07:04,410 -->00:07:06,400我们接近了吗?8900:07:06,480 --> 00:07:10,470如果本的理论正确而我的追踪模型也是精确的话9000:07:10,550--> 00:07:13,280我们应该很接近了9100:07:13,350 --> 00:07:16,980但是别听我的今天早上我弄断了一根鞋带9200:07:20,260 --> 00:07:23,960那…可是不是好兆头那我们是应该掉头回家?9300:07:24,030 --> 00:07:27,160还是停下来把他扔出去9400:07:29,040 --> 00:07:30,260好了9500:07:30,340--> 00:07:33,970瑞利,你不是想念我们找到你的那个小屋的窗户了吧?9600:07:34,040--> 00:07:36,170不,不,绝对不是9700:07:38,620 --> 00:07:40,030「抵达目标」9800:07:54,330 --> 00:07:57,160我们为什么停下来?我还以为我们要找一艘船呢9900:07:57,230 -->00:08:01,190我没看到什么船她就在那儿10000:08:11,480--> 00:08:14,940 瞧…这是浪费时间10100:08:15,020 --> 00:08:18,040船怎么可能会在这里?10200:08:18,120--> 00:08:21,250 呃…虽然我不是专家,但是…10300:08:21,360 --> 00:08:24,450这个地区的水域温度较高10400:08:24,560 -->00:08:27,150可以造成飓风型的暴风雪10500:08:27,260 --> 00:08:31,320使得海水结冰,溶化後再次结冰10600:08:31,400 --> 00:08:36,060最後形成了一块半固化的漂移陆块10700:08:36,140 --> 00:08:39,800使得船来到了这附近108「波士顿马萨诸塞州」10900:09:24,870 --> 00:09:28,780「夏洛特」11000:09:28,830 --> 00:09:30,590你好啊,美人11100:09:38,870--> 00:09:42,270维克托,去检查一下发动机燃料11200:09:42,740--> 00:09:47,650两年前,如果你没有出现我不会相信宝藏的存在11300:09:47,720 --> 00:09:50,010如果我找不到夏洛特号我都不知道该怎么办11400:09:50,090 --> 00:09:52,880你会找到的,我对你有信心11500:09:52,950 --> 00:09:57,360所以我才不像其他人一样认为这是个疯狂的投资11600:09:57,690--> 00:10:01,890我现在放心了因为我并不像别人说的那么疯狂11700:10:02,360 --> 00:10:06,530我父亲很疯狂我祖父也是,我曾祖父也一样118好了!11900:10:09,010 --> 00:10:11,060 我们走吧!12000:10:11,840 --> 00:10:15,830我们去找点财宝出来吧来大干一场吧12100:10:26,520 -->00:10:27,720 呃12200:10:54,690 --> 00:10:56,920哦,上帝!12300:10:59,790 --> 00:11:01,620你找到了?12400:11:02,700--> 00:11:05,090 就是这里12500:11:05,570--> 00:11:07,470 是货舱12600:11:19,810 --> 00:11:22,580你认为会在桶里吗?12700:11:41,440 --> 00:11:43,030火药12800:11:44,810 --> 00:11:46,800 噢!噢!好吧…129为什么船长守卫著这个桶呢?13000:12:20,810 --> 00:12:22,780我有发现!13100:12:29,390--> 00:12:31,380是什么?13200:12:48,910--> 00:12:51,100你们知道这是什么吗?13300:12:51,610 -->00:12:53,910是个价值十几美元的烟斗吗?13400:12:55,680--> 00:12:59,080是个海泡石古董烟斗,真漂亮啊13500:12:59,150--> 00:13:02,550瞧这烟斗柄那里的螺旋型装饰13600:13:02,620 --> 00:13:06,820这是个值一百万美元的烟斗吗?不,这是个线索13700:13:06,890 --> 00:13:09,660让我看看13800:13:10,670 --> 00:13:12,890不,别弄坏它!13900:13:12,970--> 00:13:15,600我们离宝藏又近了一步,先生们140本,我记得你说过宝藏就在夏洛特号上14100:13:18,370 --> 00:13:20,870不,「秘密与夏洛特同在」14200:13:20,940 --> 00:13:23,040 我说的是那财宝可能会在这里14300:13:39,960 -->00:13:42,590 是圣殿骑士团的符号14400:13:49,070 -->00:13:51,100 「传说业已写就」14500:13:51,170--> 00:13:53,300 「著色的影响亦已产生」14600:13:53,380 --> 00:13:56,470 「沉默中的密码未曾现形」14700:13:57,080--> 00:13:59,980 「五十五人铁笔直书」14800:14:01,090 -->00:14:03,480 「麦洛克先生无法伤害」14900:14:07,090 --> 00:14:09,290这是个谜语15000:14:12,430 --> 00:14:14,160我得想想151「传说业已写就」15200:14:19,770 --> 00:14:21,760「著色的影响亦已产生」15300:14:22,640--> 00:14:24,630什么传说呢?15400:14:25,650 --> 00:14:29,980当然是圣殿财富的传说著色影响了这个传说15500:14:30,080 --> 00:14:32,110怎么影响的?15600:14:32,220--> 00:14:34,650「沉默中的密码未曾现形」15700:14:35,660 --> 00:14:37,620等等15800:14:38,560 -->00:14:42,590传说和密码…这里有玄机15900:14:42,660 --> 00:14:44,130一幅地图16000:14:44,200 --> 00:14:47,000包含了传说和密码的地图16100:14:47,070--> 00:14:49,260是幅地图,一幅不可见的地图,所以 (162)等等,你说的不可见是什么意思?一幅不可见的地图?16300:14:53,110 --> 00:14:57,410著色的影响亦已产生可以被解释为一种染料或者一个试剂16400:14:57,480 -->00:14:59,970用来产生某种效果16500:15:00,080--> 00:15:02,920加上沉默中的密码未曾现形16600:15:03,020 --> 00:15:07,980这就意味著它的效果就是让未曾现形的密码现形16700:15:08,760 -->00:15:12,960除非…沉默中的密码会是…16800:15:13,030 --> 00:15:15,550监狱16900:15:16,370 --> 00:15:18,090「美国新墨西哥州中部大城」17000:15:16,370 -->00:15:18,090爱伯克奇17100:15:18,170 -->00:15:20,760瞧,我也知道,通气管17200:15:20,840 --> 00:15:23,600地图就在那你说的「五十五人铁笔直书」17300:15:23,670 --> 00:15:25,140铁笔就是监狱17400:15:25,210 --> 00:15:30,650或许是那样因为那时候的主要书写方式就是用铁蘸墨17500:15:30,710 --> 00:15:33,650那笔仅仅是…一支笔而已17600:15:33,720 -->00:15:38,180但那为什么不直接说笔呢?为什么…要说铁笔呢?17700:15:39,020--> 00:15:41,050因为那就是监狱17800:15:41,160 --> 00:15:45,290等一下,铁笔铁不是用来修饰那笔和墨的17900:15:46,160 --> 00:15:49,000而是用来修饰写下的东西的18000:15:49,070 -->00:15:52,330它是铁的、结实的、金属的…18100:15:52,400--> 00:15:54,070不对,不对,那样不对18200:15:54,140 -->00:15:59,540它是…结实的、坚定的、决议性的18300:16:01,310 --> 00:16:03,300没错,是决议性的18400:16:04,080 -->00:16:06,070「麦洛克先生无法伤害」18500:16:06,150 --> 00:16:09,820蒂姆西·麦洛克是大陆议会的书记官18600:16:09,920--> 00:16:14,260只负责抄写,不真正写作为了保证他无法伤害这副地图18700:16:14,330 -->00:16:18,130这地图被放在了他抄写的一份决议的背面18800:16:18,200--> 00:16:22,130一份由有五十五人在上面签名的决议18900:16:24,870 --> 00:16:27,740这就是《独立宣言》19000:16:29,910 --> 00:16:31,430噢!19100:16:34,380--> 00:16:38,820得了吧,《独立宣言》背面可没什么不可见的地图啊19200:16:38,890--> 00:16:41,380真聪明,这文件的重要性…19300:16:41,490 --> 00:16:43,680…可以确保它能一直被保存下来19400:16:43,790 --> 00:16:46,590你说有一些共济会员签署了这份决议?19500:16:46,660 -->00:16:49,930是啊,可以确认的就有九个人19600:16:51,300--> 00:16:54,790我们必须得找个办法检查下它了19700:16:54,870--> 00:16:58,100这是历史上最重要的文件之一19800:16:58,170 --> 00:17:02,470他们不会允许我们大摇大摆地走进去在上面做什么化学测试的19900:17:02,580 --> 00:17:05,140那你有什么建议?我不知道!20000:17:08,950 --> 00:17:11,110我们可以把它借出来一下20100:17:12,090--> 00:17:14,080你是说偷?20200:17:15,530 -->00:17:18,460我不同意本…20300:17:18,530 --> 00:17:21,970圣殿骑士的财宝可是财宝中的财宝啊20400:17:22,070 --> 00:17:24,760我怎么不知道,真的吗?20500:17:25,600 --> 00:17:29,970听我说,本…我明白你的苦衷我真的明白20600:17:30,340 --> 00:17:32,430你毕生都在寻找这宗财宝20700:17:32,510 -->00:17:34,710而那些历史协会的家伙们…20800:17:34,780 --> 00:17:38,610…嘲笑、羞辱你和你的家族20900:17:38,680 --> 00:17:41,210你应该当著那些自以为是的家伙的面把这宗财宝拿到手21000:17:41,290 --> 00:17:43,980而现在你有这个机会了21100:17:44,990 --> 00:17:46,510什么机会?21200:17:46,930--> 00:17:49,690术业有专攻嘛21300:17:50,860 --> 00:17:54,320你不会认为我只会写支票吧?21400:17:54,430 -->00:17:56,700我还有另外一种生活…21500:17:57,540 --> 00:18:03,170我安排过一些违法行动21600:18:05,780 --> 00:18:08,150我作证,他没有骗你21700:18:10,080 --> 00:18:14,350所以,别担心我会把一切都安排好的21800:18:16,020 -->00:18:17,120不行21900:18:22,830 --> 00:18:25,530我真的要你的帮助22000:18:25,630 --> 00:18:31,200伊恩…我不会让你去偷《独立宣言》的22100:18:31,270 --> 00:18:33,470好吧22200:18:33,540--> 00:18:36,870我们从此分道扬镳22300:18:39,720 --> 00:18:40,510嗨!22400:18:40,580 --> 00:18:44,520你想干什么?要杀了我吗,肖?22500:18:45,120 --> 00:18:47,920但是你不能这么做还会有更多的谜语22600:18:47,990--> 00:18:51,260我有你不知道的信息22700:18:51,330--> 00:18:54,390你知道,如果没有我你是无法解开的22800:18:54,470 --> 00:18:56,800他是在虚张声势22900:18:56,900 -->00:18:59,460我们在一块打过牌伊恩,你知道我从不虚张声势的23000:18:59,570--> 00:19:01,970告诉我我该知道些什么,本23100:19:02,040 --> 00:19:04,300不然我就干掉你的朋友23200:19:04,380 --> 00:19:05,810嗨!23300:19:05,880 --> 00:19:08,210闭嘴,瑞利!你的任务已经完成了23400:19:12,920 --> 00:19:17,120看看你站在什么上面满地都是火药23500:19:17,190--> 00:19:21,020你要是开枪杀我这个东西落到地上,我们全得完蛋23600:19:22,430 --> 00:19:23,790本…23700:19:25,060 --> 00:19:28,190这对你有什么好处?23800:19:29,800 --> 00:19:32,430告诉我我应该知道的一切,本23900:19:34,440 -->00:19:36,030你要知道…24000:19:36,140 --> 00:19:38,110如果肖能抓住24100:19:43,980--> 00:19:45,640干得不错嘛24200:19:57,030 -->00:19:59,020出去,肖!24300:20:07,710 --> 00:20:09,340笨蛋!24400:20:13,720 -->00:20:15,550瑞利,到这来!24500:20:20,960 --> 00:20:23,520这是什么?走私客的入口,进去!24600:20:29,100 -->00:20:30,500离开!赶快离开,大家快离开!24700:20:30,570 -->00:20:32,230 什么?快点出去!24800:20:33,400 -->00:20:35,390 跟著我24900:20:39,080--> 00:20:40,910 快点,快点!她要爆炸了!25000:20:47,990 --> 00:20:50,150趴下!25100:21:21,090 --> 00:21:24,650 好吧,我们快走趁这烟还没被人发现之前25200:21:55,390 --> 00:21:58,420 离这东边九英里有一座村庄25300:21:58,490--> 00:22:02,450 那可能有导航员好吧25400:22:07,400 -->00:22:11,030 然後我们怎么办?从那回家25500:22:11,110--> 00:22:15,480 不,我是说的伊恩他会去偷《独立宣言》的,本25600:22:16,750 --> 00:22:18,410我们去阻止他!25700:22:30,660 -->00:22:34,930「J·埃德加·胡佛联邦调查局大厦」25800:22:36,500 --> 00:22:37,830要让人相信有人会偷《独立宣言》25900:22:37,900--> 00:22:40,370实在是太难了26000:22:40,440 --> 00:22:42,910联邦调查局一周会收到一万条线报26100:22:42,980 --> 00:22:45,370他们不会担心那些他们认为是绝对安全的东西的26200:22:45,440 -->00:22:48,000能帮上忙的人都认为我们是发疯了26300:22:48,080 --> 00:22:51,210而真正发疯到相信我们的人又不愿帮忙!26400:22:51,320 --> 00:22:56,120我们不要疯狂的人我们离疯狂仅一步之遥,懂吗?26500:22:56,190 --> 00:22:57,850执迷的人26600:22:57,920 --> 00:22:59,550热心的人26700:22:59,820 --> 00:23:02,950「国家档案馆」26800:23:03,370--> 00:23:05,140「国家档案馆周年庆祝」26900:23:07,370 --> 00:23:09,670抱歉27000:23:14,310--> 00:23:16,940布朗先生,切斯博士现在可以见你了谢谢27100:23:17,010--> 00:23:18,270布朗先生?27200:23:18,340 -->00:23:21,710在学术界我的姓不怎么受欢迎27300:23:21,780--> 00:23:23,880嗯,人言可畏27400:23:26,320 --> 00:23:28,250你真狡猾27500:23:28,320 --> 00:23:30,650谢谢27600:23:30,720--> 00:23:32,890下午好,先生们嗨!27700:23:33,460 -->00:23:35,620艾比嘉尔·切斯保罗·布朗27800:23:35,700--> 00:23:38,060很高兴见到你比尔27900:23:38,530--> 00:23:40,660很高兴见到你,比尔28000:23:40,740--> 00:23:44,000有什么要帮助的吗?你的口音,宾夕法尼亚的荷兰人?28100:23:44,070 --> 00:23:47,010是德国萨克森人噢!28200:23:47,080 --> 00:23:49,910你不是美国人?哦,我是美国人28300:23:49,980 --> 00:23:53,070只是不在美国出生,请别碰那个!28400:23:53,150--> 00:23:56,710对不起,不错的收集啊乔治·华盛顿的纪念章28500:23:56,820 --> 00:23:59,380你缺1789年就职典礼的那一枚28600:23:59,490 --> 00:24:02,460我找到过一枚你真幸运28700:24:02,560--> 00:24:05,530你告诉我助手说这是紧急事件28800:24:05,600 --> 00:24:07,760啊,是的,女士28900:24:07,830 --> 00:24:10,600呃,我就开门见山吧29000:24:12,240 --> 00:24:15,570有人会偷《独立宣言》29100:24:18,080 --> 00:24:20,200是真的29200:24:21,780 --> 00:24:23,910我想我最好让你们去和联邦调查局联系29300:24:23,980--> 00:24:25,880我们去过联邦调查局然後呢?29400:24:25,950--> 00:24:29,410他们说《独立宣言》不可能被偷29500:24:29,490--> 00:24:32,010他们是对的我和我的朋友没这么肯定29600:24:32,120 --> 00:24:36,080但是,如果可以给予我们特权让我们对它进行检查…29700:24:36,860 --> 00:24:40,890我们可以告诉你,是否存在这种危险29800:24:40,970--> 00:24:42,990你认为你们能找到什么?29900:24:43,070 --> 00:24:49,530我们认为在它背面有…一组编码30000:24:50,080 --> 00:24:52,980你是说密码?是的,女士30100:24:53,050--> 00:24:55,040关於什么的?30200:24:55,120 --> 00:24:58,110呃…一幅图30300:24:58,180 --> 00:25:00,410地图?是的,女士30400:25:00,890 --> 00:25:03,650关於什么的地图?30500:25:03,760 --> 00:25:06,350埋藏了一些…30600:25:06,460 --> 00:25:14,370…具有历史价值的…东西的…位置30700:25:15,940--> 00:25:19,430一个藏宝图?联邦调查局听到这个就把我们赶走了30800:25:19,510 --> 00:25:22,440你们是寻宝者,对吧?30900:25:22,510--> 00:25:24,880我们更像是宝藏的守护者31000:25:25,480 --> 00:25:30,040布朗先生,我亲眼见过《独立宣言》的背面31100:25:30,120 --> 00:25:34,420我向你保证,那里唯一的字样是…31200:25:34,490 --> 00:25:36,480「《独立宣言》原件,签署於…」31300:25:36,560 --> 00:25:39,460「…签署於1776年7月4日」我知道,女士31400:25:39,530 --> 00:25:41,330但没什么地图31500:25:54,550 --> 00:25:56,810那地图是隐形的31600:25:56,880 --> 00:25:58,680噢!好的31700:25:59,020 --> 00:26:03,110国土安全部听到这个就把我们赶走了31800:26:03,220--> 00:26:06,380你们凭什么相信,那有幅隐形的地图呢?319我们在一个二百年前的烟斗根部发现了一些刻32000:26:09,930 --> 00:26:12,330这烟斗曾经为「共济会」所有32100:26:12,400 -->00:26:16,730我能看看这烟斗吗?那个不在我们这里32200:26:18,770--> 00:26:22,210是大脚怪偷走的吗?很高兴见到你32300:26:22,810 --> 00:26:24,870我也很高兴见到你32400:26:25,610 -->00:26:27,980哦,那套收集确实不错32500:26:28,050 --> 00:26:31,420你一定花了很多时间收集32600:26:35,520 --> 00:26:38,750如果这都是安慰的话你也得让我相信才行32700:26:38,830 --> 00:26:41,290不是32800:26:41,360 --> 00:26:45,160我在想,如果我们把这故事通过互联网传出去,会怎么样?329「《独立宣言》条款」「由托马斯·杰斐逊於1776年6月11至28日起草」33000:26:45,270 --> 00:26:49,630尽管我们的名声也不是很好33100:26:49,700 -->00:26:54,110但我也不认为那能把伊恩吓走33200:26:56,440--> 00:26:59,610180年的搜寻,现在仅三尺之遥了33300:27:00,550 --> 00:27:03,140尽管满篇都是关於自由的宣言33400:27:03,220 -->00:27:07,420但有一句话的地位远比其他重要33500:27:07,490 -->00:27:10,980但是,当大量出现滥用权利、巧取豪夺33600:27:11,060 --> 00:27:13,760始终追求同一目标33700:27:13,830 --> 00:27:17,790表明政府企图把人民置於专制暴政之下时33800:27:17,900 --> 00:27:21,840他们有权利、有义务抛弃这样的政府33900:27:21,910 --> 00:27:25,360为他们以後的安全提供新的守卫34000:27:27,210 --> 00:27:29,470人们再也不会这么说了34100:27:29,550--> 00:27:31,540真美啊,嗯?34200:27:33,120 --> 00:27:36,180不过我不懂它是说,如果有恶行发生34300:27:36,250--> 00:27:40,620那些有能力的人就有责任要采取行动34400:27:45,660 --> 00:27:47,600我要把它偷走34500:27:49,970 --> 00:27:51,700什么?34600:27:52,770 --> 00:27:56,000我要偷《独立宣言》34700:28:00,110 --> 00:28:02,910呃…本?34800:28:03,820 --> 00:28:06,250这可是…大事34900:28:06,850--> 00:28:09,450能进监狱的大事35000:28:09,520 --> 00:28:11,920你会进监狱的,知道吗?35100:28:11,990--> 00:28:14,390嗯,可能吧35200:28:14,460 -->00:28:16,990对大多数人这可是个大问题35300:28:17,660 --> 00:28:22,400伊恩会试著偷它的如果他成功的话,他会毁掉《独立宣言》的35400:28:22,500 --> 00:28:25,870事实上,保护《独立宣言》的唯一方案就是偷到它35500:28:25,940 --> 00:28:28,500反过来也一样35600:28:29,880 --> 00:28:32,310我们别无选择了35700:28:33,050 --> 00:28:35,540本,看在上帝的份上35800:28:35,620 --> 00:28:39,250这就好像偷国家纪念碑一样,好吗?35900:28:39,320 --> 00:28:41,510就好像偷他一样36000:28:41,590 --> 00:28:46,320这是办不到的不是应不应该的问题,是办不到36100:28:47,700 --> 00:28:50,100我来证明给你看00:28:50,200 --> 00:28:52,890本,注意看36300:28:52,970 --> 00:28:55,870我带你来到议会图书馆36400:28:55,970 --> 00:28:59,500为什么?因为这是世界上最大的图书馆36500:28:59,610 --> 00:29:01,740这里有超过两千万本藏书36600:29:01,840 --> 00:29:04,310他们都在说一个声音…36700:29:04,380--> 00:29:06,750听瑞利的36800:29:06,820--> 00:29:11,580我们面前的是国家档案馆的全部资料我的朋友36900:29:11,660 --> 00:29:14,150除了建筑蓝图37000:29:14,220 --> 00:29:18,250你可以找到建造令,电话线的布置37100:29:19,130--> 00:29:22,000地下水管的走线,都在这里37200:29:22,070 --> 00:29:25,160当《独立宣言》被展出时00:29:25,240--> 00:29:28,830它被警卫和各种摄像头重重包围37400:29:28,940--> 00:29:32,880来看它的有从爱荷华州来的家庭还有参加考察旅行的小孩37500:29:32,980 --> 00:29:37,750在一英寸厚的防弹玻璃下面有一大堆的传感器和热监控器37600:29:37,820 --> 00:29:41,120如果有发烧的人靠太近都会响警报37700:29:41,990 -->00:29:44,610而当它不在展出的时候37800:29:45,520 --> 00:29:52,730它会被传送下去,储存在一个…37900:29:53,430 --> 00:29:57,870装有电子密码锁和指纹锁38000:29:57,940 --> 00:30:00,000四尺厚的钢板里38100:30:00,070 --> 00:30:03,800你知道吗汤姆·爱迪生失败了差不多两千次38200:30:03,910 --> 00:30:07,850才发明出适合白炽灯泡使用的碳化棉丝灯丝383爱迪生?38400:30:09,420 --> 00:30:11,510当别人问起的时候,他说,我没有失败38500:30:11,590 -->00:30:14,380我只是找到了两千种造不出灯泡的方法38600:30:14,460 --> 00:30:17,860只是得找到一种方法让它成功38700:30:19,990 --> 00:30:23,160储藏室,好好看著吧38800:30:25,100 --> 00:30:27,900你知道储藏室是干什么用的吗?38900:30:27,970 --> 00:30:30,490保存好吃的果酱和果冻的?39000:30:30,570 -->00:30:33,230不,当文件或文物不展出时候…39100:30:33,310 -->00:30:35,140那里就用来清理、修复和保养…39200:30:35,240 -->00:30:37,470…各种未展出的文件和文物39300:30:37,580 --> 00:30:41,850如果情况要他们会从钢板里取出来,直接穿过大厅394进入储藏室39500:30:43,820--> 00:30:47,760 我们或者伊恩动手的最好机会就是这个周末的庆祝活动39600:30:47,820 -->00:30:50,950 那时警卫们的注意力会被楼上的贵宾们分散39700:30:51,030 --> 00:30:57,130 而那时我们就乘虚而入进到保藏室去39800:30:58,130--> 00:30:59,860 呃39900:30:59,970 --> 00:31:02,340 那,如果伊恩…40000:31:02,370--> 00:31:04,360 呃…40100:31:04,440 --> 00:31:07,070储藏…唔40200:31:07,140 --> 00:31:09,170庆祝活动?40300:31:11,250 --> 00:31:13,610这可能行的通40400:31:14,320 -->00:31:16,150 或许吧40500:31:48,290--> 00:31:49,520 啊…40600:31:49,990 --> 00:31:52,360好啦,我们进去了40700:32:04,170 --> 00:32:06,970 找到了,你好啊40800:32:11,050--> 00:32:13,040 走廊40900:32:19,350 --> 00:32:20,980这就是我要找的41000:32:34,700 -->00:32:36,690 游戏开始41100:33:10,980 -->00:33:12,370 还不错41200:33:17,620--> 00:33:19,110 绘41300:33:51,020 --> 00:33:53,320 这是送给你的41400:33:53,960 --> 00:33:56,450希望不是斯坦送来的41500:33:58,590 --> 00:34:03,050送给拥有其馀一切的女士…谢谢接见我们,保罗·布朗41600:34:47,880--> 00:34:49,510艾比嘉尔·切斯41700:35:05,560 --> 00:35:06,590嗨,迈克41800:35:10,870 --> 00:35:13,570我们从名册开始…41900:35:13,640 --> 00:35:16,010走廊一切正常42000:35:16,810 --> 00:35:17,800你们拿的是什么?42100:35:17,880 --> 00:35:19,850《独立宣言》框里的一个热能传感器已经坏了42200:35:19,910 --> 00:35:23,510我要重新检查替换42300:35:23,580 --> 00:35:26,280我们的计划成功了42400:36:05,930 --> 00:36:07,950本,你肯定我们应该…42500:36:11,470 --> 00:36:12,800瑞利?42600:36:13,370 --> 00:36:15,740能听到我吗?很不幸,能听见。
dc2598a 描述 lt8390a 60v 2mhz 同步降压-升压控制器 示例手册说明书
1UG-1318 Rev ADESCRIPTIONLT8390A60V 2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost ControllerDemonstration circuit 2598A is a 60V 2MHz synchronous buck-boost controller featuring the L T ®8390A . It accepts an input voltage from 4V to 24V (with transient to 60V) and regulates 12V output at up to 4A. DC2598A features high efficiency and 2MHz switching frequency, a high speed for a 4-switch buck-boost controller . It has a PGOOD flag, short-circuit fault protection, ISMON current-monitoring output signal, and spread spectrum frequency modulation (SSFM) or frequency synchronization.The LT8390A has a wide input voltage range from 4V to 60V. It can regulate an output as a boost, a buck, or a 4-switch boost-buck controller . It has adjustable switch-ing frequency between 600kHz and 2MHz. It has an option for external frequency synchronization or spread spec-trum frequency modulation. Its high switching frequency is unique to buck-boost controller ICs. Because of this, it can be used for high power when the input may be above, below, or equal to the output.DC2598A features an option to turn on spread spectrum by simply changing the position of a jumper from “NO SSFM/SYNC” to “SSFM” (or to “SYNC”).All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYSmall ceramic input and output capacitors are used to save space and cost. There is a protection diode from LED+ to GND to prevent negative ringing during a short-circuit with long wires. Optional EMI input, output, and gate resistor component placeholders exist when a low EMI application is needed.Under voltage lockout can be adjusted with a few resistors and output voltage can be changed from 12V with FB resis-tors changes. Please note that higher voltage outputs may require higher voltage MOSFETs and output capacitors.The LT8390A data sheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and applications information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for demonstration circuit 2598A. The LT8390AEUFD is assem-bled in a 28-lead 4mm × 5mm plastic QFN package with a thermally enhanced ground pad. LT8390A is also available in a 28-Lead plastic TSSOP (FE) package. Proper board layout is essential for maximum thermal performance. See the data sheet section “Layout Considerations”. Design files for this circuit board are available at /DC2598ASpecifications are at T A = 25°CPARAMETER CONDITIONMIN TYP MAX Input Voltage RangeOperating4V 60V Full Load (4A) Input Voltage Range Component Temp Rise <60°C with No Airflow 7V23VTypical Efficiency 12V Input, 12V 4A Output, 2MHz 90%Switching Frequency R3 = 59.0k 2MHz Peak Switch Current Limit R1 = 0.005Ω10A (AC) Output Ripple12V Input, 12V 4A Output 70mV P-P Input Under Voltage Lockout (Falling Turn-Off)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 4.0V Input Under Voltage Lockout (Rising Turn-On)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 5.0V V ISMON12V 4A Output 1.0VMaximum Load Current12V Input, 12V Output44.5A2UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 1. Test Procedure Setup Drawing For DC2598ADemonstration circuit 2598A is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the LT8390A Follow the procedure below:1. With the input power supply off, connect the input power supply and output load as shown in the test setup drawing in Figure 1.2. Connect the EN/UVLO terminal to GND.3. Make sure that the SSFM jumper is in the correct posi-tion – either with SSFM turned ON or OFF . Only placethe jumper in the SYNC position if an external SYNCfrequency source is connected to the SYNC pin.4. Turn the input power supply on and make sure the voltage is between 4V and 24V for proper steady state operation.5. Release the EN/UVLO-to-GND connection.6. Observe the 12V output voltage, the load current mea-surement via the ISMON pin voltage and the high effi-ciency of this small converter .QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 2. DC2598A, LT8390A 2MHz Buck-Boost Efficiency 12V OUTFigure 3. Recommended Maximum DC Current with No Airflow (for DC2598A)UG-1318 Rev A3QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 4. DC2598A, LT8390A Output Ripple Measured at C454UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREUG-1318 Rev A56UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREOptimized for Fast T ransient ResponseDC2598A is assembled as a very small 2MHz buck-boost converter with high efficiency. The ceramic output capaci-tors are used for a very small solution size overall. How-ever , for large signal transients on the output, more output capacitance may be useful, and matched with new com-pensation values. The figure below shows an optimizedlarge signal transient response DC2598A with the addi-tion of two aluminum electrolytic output capacitors and updated RC compensation values. Simply add two Sun-con 25HVHZ47M 47µF 25V capacitors to the output and change the compensation to R4 = 82k and C4 = 470pF. When these changes are made, the no load to full load (4A) transient has less than ±5% V OUT change.V IN V OUT R1L17UG-1318 Rev AITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBERRequired Circuit Components11C1CAP ., 1μF, X7S, 100V, 10%, 080521C2CAP ., 4.7μF, X5R, 10V, 10%, 0402TDK, C1005X5R1A475K050BC 31C3CAP ., 0.47μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402TAIYO YUDEN, EMK105ABJ474KV-F 41C4CAP ., 2200pF, X7R, 25V,1 0%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E222KA01D 61C5CAP ., 0.022μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E223KA61D 71C6CAP ., 1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603KEMET , C0603C105K3RACTU 52C7, C8CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A81C10CAP ., 22μF, ALUM, 63V, 20%, SMD 6.3mm × 7.7mm SUN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES CORP , 63CE22FS 92C12, C32CAP ., 4.7μF, X7S, 100V, 20%, 1206AVX, 12061Z475MAT2A103C14, C20, C45CAP ., 22μF, X5R, 25V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31CR61E226KE15L 162D1, D2DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 100V, 250mA, SOD-323F, AEC-Q101NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, BAT46WJ 251L1IND., 1μH, Power Shielded, 20%, 7.3A, 6mm × 5.5mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 74437336010272M1, M2XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 60V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ065N06LS5ATMA1292M3, M4XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 25V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ031NE2LS5ATMA1311R1RES., 0.005Ω, ±1%, 1.5W, 3216, AEC-Q200SUSUMU, KRL3216E-C-R005-F-T1321R2RES., 0.01Ω, 1%, 3/4W, 1206, SENSE SUSUMU, KRL1632E-M-R010-F-T5331R3RES., 59k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW040259K0FKED 342R4, R6RES., 10k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210K0FKED 351R5RES., 110k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402110KFKED 361R7RES., 383k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402383KFKED 371R8RES., 165k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402165KFKED 401R11RES., 100k, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402100KFKED 451U1IC, 2MHz SYN. BUCK-BOOST CONTROLLER, 28-PIN QFNLINEAR TECH., LT8390AEUFD#TRPBF Optional Electrical Components 53C37, C38, C44CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A 110C26, C34, C39CAP ., OPTION, 0402121C27CAP ., 1μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402AVX, 0402YD105KAT2A130C29, C30CAP ., 0805, OPTION 140C33, C40, C41, C42CAP ., OPTION, 1206152C35, C36CAP ., 0.1μF, X5R, 100V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R62A104KE14D 171D3DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 20V, 1A, SOD-323F NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, PMEG2010EJ 180D4, D5DIODE, OPTION, SCHOTTKY, SMD 220FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4, FB5, FB6IND., OPTION, BEAD, FERRITE, 1206260L2IND., OPTION, XAL4020 SERIES 30Q1XSTR., OPTION, PPAK 1212-8PARTS LISTPARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER381R9RES., 124k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402124KFKED391R10RES., 75k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040275K0FKEDRES., OPTION, 0402410R12, R20, R21, R25, R28,R29, R30426R14, R15, R16, R17, R24, R26RES., 0Ω, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW04020000Z0ED432R18, R19RES., 10Ω, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210R0FKED440R22, R23, R27RES., OPTION, 0805Hardware194E1, E2, E9, E10TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.094", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0206E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.064", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2308-2-00-80-00-00-07-0210E11TEST POINT, OPTION231JP1CONN., HDR, MALE, 2mm × 3,2mm, THT, STR WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 62000621121KEYSTONE, 575-4244J1, J2, J3, J4CONN., BANANA JACK, FEMALE, THT, NON-INSULATED, SWAGE284MH1, MH2, MH3, MH4STANDOFF, NYLON, SNAP-ON, 0.375"WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 702933000461XJP1CONN., SHUNT, FEMALE, 2 POS, 2mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 608002134218UG-1318 Rev A9UG-1318 Rev AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM10UG-1318 Rev AUG16906-0-5/18(A)© ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2017-2018ESD CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Legal Terms and ConditionsBy using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer , assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer , their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer . Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT . ADI SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESUL TING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT . Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed.。