IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions.
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered by one or moreof the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,850,072 4,881,106 4,931,844 5,017,508 5,034,796 5,049,961 5,063,307 5,187,117 5,237,481 5,381,025 5,486,715 6,162,665 6,259,123 B1 6,306,728 B1 6,404,065 B1 6,534,343 6,583,505 6,683,344 6,710,405B2 6,710,463 6,727,585
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) Min. Typ. Max. 35 45 3500 VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz 1000 280 30 VGS = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 60 A RG = 4 Ω (External) 33 66 18 110 VGS= 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 0.5 ID25 26 59 S pF pF pF ns ns ns ns nC nC nC 0.31 K/W (TO-3P) 0.21 K/W TO-3P (IXTQ) Outline
产品代码 89020961 89020962 89020963 89020964
水平安装孔距长 D
水平安装孔距宽 d
● 高效率低温升长使用寿命 300000 小时 ● 启动过程快 ● 灯开路短路及寿命终结保护 ● 内置过热自动关闭 ● 高至 2.5mm²的接线端子 ● 功率因素高,功率因素大于 0.98
● 外置可选简易的自动应急模式和手控应急模式 ● 手控模式外置开关兼容普通墙壁照明开关
● 可选应急时简易的降功率运行延长应急照明时间 ● 内置优秀的电池管理系统 ● 电池过充电过放电保护 ● 电池故障监测 ● 外置应急系统管理状态指示灯
Data 13/09/16 INL-96X_SPEC V1.0_CN 如有更改恕不另行通知
使用单芯线或多股绞合线,截面 0.75mm²-2.5mm²的铜
芯线布线。线端剥开 6-8mm
的裸线(图示 2),确保完好 的接入本控制装置的接线端
图示 4
图示 2
W W W V V A Hz λ % V V V V V Hz
kVp m/pF m/mH
℃ ℃ ℃ ℃
W V S h min
INL-961 89020961 MH/CDM/HQI/HPS
20 24 27 / 39 220—240 160—264 0.18 50 / 60 > 0.95 < 10 > 275 11.1/12 9.6—14.5 250 70—130 160—174 <1.4 <4.5 5 / 150 80 / 35 -25 55 80 -25—80 有 有 有 有 有 有 12 150-170 <0.022 ≤24 ≥90 有 有 2 / 60 秒 Ni-Cd/Ni-Mh/Li-ion 11.1V/12V 3.5AH CE / RoHS
WIFI、 WLAN,随时随地无线上网
一、外观 二、卖点
四、参数 五、竞品 六、问题
项 目
硬件平台 Nvidia Tegra2
配 置
ARM CORTEX A9内核,主频高达1GHz, GeForce GPU,支持1080P编解码和硬件3D 加速,40nm工艺功耗更低,MP3播放时候的 系统功耗低于10mW。大量高性能平板电脑在 使用该CPU。
1630mAh 大容量电池
一、外观 二、卖点
四、参数 五、竞品 六、问题
一、外观 二、卖点
四、参数 五、竞品 六、问题
T96拍摄的照片,存储在哪里?我想把照片导入电 脑该怎么办?
早期的软件版本,T96拍摄的照片默认存储位置在文件管理 器—DCIM—Camera。
独立的8核Geforce GPU处理器,拥有相当强大的3D图像处理能力;结合 极致 高清视频解码器、音频解码器、图像处理器和ARM7控制核心,使机器无 论在音视频播放、图像处理器以及3D游戏的Flash加速方面都能得心应手。 纤薄
双 核 Tegra 2 / 2
极致 纤薄
NVIDIA Tegra2双核处理器
全球首款双核 CPU
采用两颗ARM Cortex-A9处理器,ARM
Cortex-A9 是全球首款具备乱序执行 功能的移动 CPU; 该功能可以更加高效地完成处理,可 实现更快的网上冲浪和更灵敏的响应 速度,从而可提升整体体验。
EPM240T100I5N中文资料(Altera)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
256-Pin FineLine
324-Pin FineLine
11 × 11 17 × 17 19 × 19
MAX II器件具有内部线性稳压器,它支持3.3 V或2.5 V外接电源电压,调节 供给下降到1.8 V MAX IIG和MAX IIZ器件内部工作电压只接受1.8 V外部电源. MAX IIZ器件引脚兼容100针微型FineLine BGA和256引脚微型FineLine BGA封装 MAX IIG设备.除外部电源电压要求,MAX II和MAX II G设备具有相同引脚 输出和时序规范.
MAX II逻辑元素
MAX II和MAX IIG器件有三种速度等级:-3,-4,-5,与
-3是最快.同样,MAX IIZ器件有三种速度等级可供选择:-6,
由MAX II系列支持.
表1-5 显示外部电源电压
表 1-5. MAX II外接电源电压
多电压内核外部电源电压(V 多电压I / O接口电压电平(V 须知 表 1-5: (1)MAX IIG和MAX IIZ器件只接受1.8 V他们 (2)MAX II器件在1.8 V内部操作
) (2) )
EPM 240 EPM 570 EPM 1270 EPM 2210
3.3 V / 2.5 V或1.8 V ■ 多电压I / O接口,支持3.3 V,2.5 V,1.8 V和1.5 V逻辑电平 ■ 总线型架构,包括可编程摆率,驱动能力,
海信 T96手机 纸质版 使用说明书 用户指南 官方
海信手机HS-T96使用说明书2012年9月25日目录第一部分开始使用 (1)各部分名称及功能 (1)固定图标显示区说明 (2)第二部分基本功能介绍 (7)开机和关机 (7)桌面管理 (7)拨打电话 (10)特色功能 (10)第三部分主要功能 (14)浏览器 (14)移动梦网 (14)信息 (14)通讯录 (15)电子邮件 (17)设置 (19)中国移动服务 (24)计算器 (25)记事本 (25)录音机 (25)文件管理器 (26)音乐 (26)视频 (27)日历 (28)相机 (28)搜索 (29)归属地查询 (29)移动门户 (29)备份 (30)拨号盘 (30)防火墙 (30)号簿管家 (30)快速呼叫 (31)情景模式 (31)时钟 (31)收音机 (33)手机电视 (33)通话记录 (34)图库 (34)下载内容 (35)如何安装卸载软件 (35)第三方软件版权声明 (36)安全警告和注意事项 (37)信息安全要求 (40)使用与维护 (41)简单故障排除 (42)环保使用说明....................... 错误!未定义书签。
手机真伪鉴别提示卡. (46)第一部分开始使用各部分名称及功能菜单键(MENU)在主屏界面及各应用程序界面下,按此键弹出操作菜单。
外部回路 当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压,以防止所连接的回
路过热。 连接电缆
版权声明 © 2015 NR. 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司版权所有
为增强或修改现有功能,装置的软硬件均可能升级,请确认此版本使用手册和您购买的产品相 兼容。
电气设备在运行时,这些装置的某些部件可能带有高压。不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤 害或设备损坏。
只有具备资质的合格专业工作人员才允许对装置或在装置临近工作。工作人员需熟知本手册中 所提到的注意事项和工作流程,以及安全规定。
1.1 应用范围 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 功能配置 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 性能特征 ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 订货须知 ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 产品执行标准...................................................................................................................... 3 第 2 章 技术参数 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 电气参数 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 机械结构 ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 环境条件参数...................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 通信端口 ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 型式试验 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 认证 .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 管理功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 第 3 章 工作原理 .............................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................11 3.2 装置启动元件.....................................................................................................................11 3.3 (短充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 12 3.4 (长充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 13 3.5 同期功能(可选) ............................................................................................................ 14 3.6 异常告警 ........................................................................................................................... 15 3.7 采样数据异常的处理......................................................................................................... 16 3.8 遥控、遥测、遥信功能 ..................................................................................................... 16 3.9 时间管理 ........................................................................................................................... 16 第 4 章 硬件描述 ............................................................................................................................ 19
Overcurrent Protection Elements Rev.A 1/5Circuit protection elementsz Circuit protection elementsRohm’s circuit protectors have a very reliable current cut-off capability that protects ICs and their circuits from accidental short circuit loads. Whether operated in AC or DC circuits, these circuit protectors have a very low internal resistance in normal operation, but safely and rapidly break the circuit when the current cutoff level is exceeded.z Features1) Cutoff is sharp and repeatable.2) Low internal resistance and minimal voltage drop. 3) Incombustible. 4) Compact.5) Rated for continuous use.6) Good temperature characteristics. 7) Withstands surges well.8) UL certified (UL certification number E107856).z ApplicationCurrent surge protectionz Operation notesDo not use this product on the primary side of commercial power supplies. Arcs that result after cutoff may damage the molding.Surface mounting Typez ICP-S seriesICP-S0.5ICP-S0.7ICP-S1.0ICP-S1.−55 to +125−55 to +1250.048Fig.1Fig.2Fig.3Fig.4Product name Rated current (A)Internal resistance Typ.(Ω)Cutoff characteristics Rated voltage (V)Operating temperature (°C)Storage temperature (°C)Overcurrent Protection Elements Rev.A 2/5z Cutoff characteristicsFig.1 ICP-S0.5C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.2 ICP-S0.7C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.3 ICP-S1.0C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.4 ICP-S1.2C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)The cutoff characteristics shown are typical. For further details of how to use these protectors, please request the technical documentation from your Rohm representative.z External dimensions (Unit : mm)Overcurrent Protection Elements Rev.A 3/5z Packaging specificationsPackage typeTaping Symbol TN ICP-S2000Type ICP-S0.5ICP-S0.7ICP-S1.0ICP-S1.2Basic ordering unit (pieces)z Taping specifications (Unit : mm)Overcurrent Protection Elements Rev.A 4/5Leaded typeICP-N seriesICP-N10ICP-N15ICP-N20ICP-N25ICP-N38ICP-N500.−55 to +125−55 to +1250.0700.0420.035Fig.1Fig.2Fig.3Fig.4Fig.5Fig.6ICP-N702.50.023Fig.7Product nameRated current (A)Internal resistance Typ.(Ω)Cutoff characteristics Rated voltage (V)Operating temperature (°C)Storage temperature(°C)z Cutoff characteristicsFig.1 ICP-N10C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.2 ICP-N15C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.3 ICP-N20C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.4 ICP-N25C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.5 ICP-N38C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Fig.6 ICP-N50C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)Overcurrent Protection Elements Rev.A 5/5Fig.7 ICP-N70C U T O F F T I M E : (S )CUTOFF CURRENT : (A)The cutoff characteristics given represent typical values. T echnical documentation regarding ways of using circuit protectors is available from your Rohm representative.z External dimensions (Unit : mm)z Packaging specificationsPackaging type Taping Symbol T104ICP-N3000TypeICP-N10/N15/N20/N25/N38/N50/N70Basic orderingunit (pieces)z Taping specifications (Unit : mm)AppendixAbout Export Control Order in JapanProducts described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export T rade ControlOrder in Japan.In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause)on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.Appendix1-Rev1.1。
Test conditions TJ = 25°C to 150°C TJ = 25°C to 150°C; RGS = 1.0 MΩ Continuous Transient TC = 25°C TC = 25°C, pulse width limited by TJM TC = 25°C TC = 25°C TC = 25°C IS ≤ IDM, di/dt ≤ 100 A/µs, VDD ≤ VDSS TJ ≤ 150°C, RG = 2 Ω TC = 25°C
G = Gate S = Source
D = Drain Tab = Drain
1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10 s Mounting torque TO-264
300 0.7/6 10
• Low RDS (on) HDMOSTM process • Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure • International standard package • Fast switching times
Advance Technical Information
High Current MegaMOSTMFET
N-Channel Enhancement Mode
IXTK 62N25
= 250 V = 62 A Ω = 35 mΩ
Symbol Test Conditions (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise specified) VDSS VGS(th) IGSS IDSS RDS(on) V GS = 0 V, ID = 1 mA V DS = VGS, ID = 250 µA V GS = ±20 V DC, VDS = 0 V DS = VDSS V GS = 0 V TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C
凤凰联系产品- PTFIX 18X4-NS35 BU - 3273572说明书
Technical data
Environmental Product Compliance
China RoHS
Environmentally friendly use period: unlimited = EFUP-e No hazardous substances above threshold values
Distribution block, Block with vertical alignment, nom. voltage: 800 V, nominal current: 32 A, connection method: Push-in connection, number of connections: 18, cross section: 0.2 mm² - 6 mm², AWG: 24 - 10, width: 28.6 mm, color: blue, mounting type: NS 35/7,5, NS 35/15
Conductor cross section flexible min. Conductor cross section flexible max.
0.2 mm² 4 mm²
Min. AWG conductor cross section, flexible
Max. AWG conductor cross section, flexible
0.5 mm² 1 mm²
Stripping length Internal cylindrical gage
10 mm ... 12 mm A4
Standards and Regulations
Connection in acc. with standard Flammability rating according to UL 94
英特利克 INT-HDXL100 扩展器说明书
INT-HDXL100 Installation GuideThe Intelix INT-HDXL100 extends HDMI over a single solid core shielded Category 5e or greater cable using the Valens VS100 HDBaseT chipset. The INT-HDXL100 supports 1080p video signals up to 150 meters (492 feet) including multichannel audio and HDCP 1.4/2.2. Built-in surge protection and diagnostic LEDs ensure hassle-free and robust installations. Key features of the new extender series include power over HDBaseT (PoH), bidirectional IR, bidirectional RS232, and Ethernet pass-through with a 2-port network switch.Flexible power design allows the INT-HDXL100 series extenders to be powered at either the TX or RX end, and only one power supply is required. The power supply is included with the extender. The bidirectional wideband IR, bidirectional RS232, and Ethernet pass-through capabilities make the INT-HDXL100 compatible with most control systems. The IR emitter (DIGIB-EMT) and IR receiver (DIGIB-EYE) are sold separately. The two-port network switch on the INT-HDXL100 allows a second device to share the 100BaseT Ethernet pass-through connection without adding additional hardware to the installation.The INT-HDXL100 series extenders are only compatible with other HDBaseT devices that operate in Long Reach mode, such as INT-HDXL100 and DIGI-HDXL series products by Intelix.Important notice:• Do not attempt to disassemble or alter the extender housing. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the unit. Doing so will void your warranty. • To minimize the possibil ity of equipment damage from el ectrostatic discharge (ESD), al source and destination equipment must be powered off during installation. • Do not connect the extender to a telecommunication outlet wired to unrelated equipment. Doing so may damage the unit or any connected equipment. Ensure all connected twisted pair cabling is straight-through (point-to-point).• Allow proper ventilation to reduce the risk of thermal failure.Installation InstructionsThe following instructions describe the installation process for a point-to-point installation. The procedure is similar for compatible HDBaseT components.1. Verify all components included with the INT-HDXL100 extender are present before installation.2. If the INT-HDXL100 extender will be permanently mounted to a surface, attach the included mounting brackets with the supplied screws.3. Turn off power and disconnect the audio/video equipment by following the manufacturer’s instructions.4. Connect shielded, solid core Category 5e or greater twisted pair cable with RJ45 connectors between the INT-HDXL100-TX and the INT-HDXL100-RX HDBaseT ports. TIA/EIA-568B straight-through wiring connections must be used with all HDBaseT extenders.5. Connect an HDMI cable and any desired control accessories between the source and the transmitter.6. Connect an HDMI cable and any desired control accessories between the display and the receiver.7. Connect a Category 5e patch cable between one of the ETHERNET ports and any device that requires an Ethernet connection from the transmitter.8. Connect the power supply to either the INT-HDXL100-TX or the INT-HDXL100-RX and lock the power supply to the power connector by twisting the locking collar clockwise.9. Power on attached audio/video devices.RX TXDTX RXD GND INT-HDXL100-TX or INT-HDXL100-RX Controller or Device RS232 Wiring Connect the controller or device RXD signal to TX on the INT-HDXL100 extender. Connect the controller or device TXD signal to RX on the INT-HDXL100 extender.Included Accessories•Extender •Locking Power Supply with Power Adapters •Two Mounting Rails with Screws •3-pole Removable Terminal Block • Installation GuideExtender Front1. HDBaseT Link Indicator2. HDCP Activity Indicator3. Power IndicatorExtender RearA. RS232 PortB. IR InputC. IR OutputD. HDMI port: Input on TX; Output on RXE. HDBaseT port: Output on TX; Input on RXF. Ethernet PortsG. 24V DC Power InputSupported Audio, Video, and ControlVideo Resolutions SMPTE: 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, VESA: Resolutions up to 1920x1200 Color Depth: 24, 30, 36 bitMaximum Video Compatibility at 150 m Deep Color 36/30/24 Bit at 1080pVideo Compliance HDMI 1.4 and HDCP 1.4/2.2Embedded Audio Up to PCM 8 channel, Dolby Digital TrueHD, and DTS-HD Master AudioCEC (Consumer Electronics Control)Yes (Pass-through Only)Supported Baud Rates 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200Supported IR Carrier Frequencies 33 to 55 kHzEthernet 100BaseTHDBaseT Signal Characteristics Maximum Distance 150 m (492 ft)Cable Requirements Continuous shielded solid core Cat 5e or greater with TIA/EIA-568B crimp pattern (no couplers in-line)HDBaseT Chipset VS100 with Long Reach Mode enabledChassis and Environmental Dimensions (H x W x D)16.2 mm x 152 mm x 104 mm (0.64 in x 5.98 in x 4.09 in)Operating Temperature 0° to +40° C (+32° to +104° F)Power, ESD and Regulatory Power Input 24V DC 1.25A or 48V DC PoH (Power over HDBaseT)Power Output 48V DC PoH (Power over HDBaseT)Power over Ethernet (PoE) Compatibility 802.3af Alternative AESD Protection 15kV air, 8kV contactRegulatory FCC, CE, RoHSOther Warranty 2 yearsDiagnostic Indicators HDCP , Link, and PowerIncluded AccessoriesInstallation Guide, power pupply, 3-pin removable screw terminal, mounting brackets with screwsrev 16062411675 Ridgeline Dr.Colorado Springs, CO 80921Toll-Free: 800-530-8998Fax: 719-260-0075 Intelix is a brand of Liberty AV Solutions.。
GigaSPEED XL 3071 ETL Verified Category 6 U UTP 蓝色
GigaSPEED XL® 3071 ETL Verified Category 6 U/UTP Cable, low smokezero halogen, blue jacket, 4 pair count, 1000 ft (305 m) length, WETOTE® boxProduct ClassificationRegional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin AmericaPortfolio SYSTIMAX®Product Type Twisted pair cableProduct Brand GigaSPEED XL®General SpecificationsProduct Number3071EANSI/TIA Category6Cable Component Type HorizontalCable Type U/UTP (unshielded)Conductor Type, singles SolidConductors, quantity8Jacket Color BluePairs, quantity4Separator Type BisectorTransmission Standards ANSI/TIA-568.2-D | CENELEC EN 50288-6-1 | ISO/IEC 11801 Class E DimensionsCable Length304.8 m | 1000 ftDiameter Over Insulated Conductor 1.041 mm | 0.041 inDiameter Over Jacket, nominal 5.918 mm | 0.233 inJacket Thickness0.508 mm | 0.02 inConductor Gauge, singles23 AWG13Page ofCross Section DrawingElectrical Specificationsdc Resistance Unbalance, maximum 5 %dc Resistance, maximum7.61 ohms/100 m | 2.32 ohms/100 ftDielectric Strength, minimum2500 VdcMutual Capacitance at Frequency 5.6 nF/100 m @ 1 kHzNominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP)70 %Operating Frequency, maximum300 MHzOperating Voltage, maximum80 VRemote Powering Fully complies with the recommendations set forth by IEEE 802.3bt (Type4) for the safe delivery of power over LAN cable when installed accordingto ISO/IEC 14763-2, CENELEC EN 50174-1, CENELEC EN 50174-2 or TIATSB-184-ASegregation Class cMaterial SpecificationsConductor Material Bare copperInsulation Material PolyolefinJacket Material Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH)Separator Material PolyolefinPage of23Mechanical SpecificationsPulling Tension, maximum11.34 kg | 25 lbEnvironmental SpecificationsInstallation temperature0 °C to +60 °C (+32 °F to +140 °F)Operating Temperature-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Acid Gas Test Method IEC 60754-2EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Fire Performance DcaEN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Smoke Rating s2EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Droplets Rating d2EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Acidity Rating a1Environmental Space Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH)Flame Test Method IEC 60332-3-22Smoke Test Method IEC 61034-2Packaging and WeightsCable weight37.204 kg/km | 25 lb/kftPackaging Type WE TOTE® boxRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCENELEC EN 50575 compliant, Declaration of Performance (DoP) availableCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHSCompliantPage of33。
朴素联系器(India)私有有限公司产品说明书:PT 5-HF-12 DC-ST保护插头
Extract from the onlinecatalogPT 5-HF-12 DC-ST Order No.: 2838775Protective plug PT with HF protective circuit for 4 signal wires. Nominal voltage: 12 V DChttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataGeneralHousing material PAInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0Color blackStandards for air and creepage distances DIN VDE 0110-1IEC 60664-1: 1992-10Surge voltage category IIIPollution degree2Total surge current (8/20) µs20 kAAmbient temperature (operation)-40 °C ... 85 °CMounting type On base elementDesign DIN rail module, two-section, divisibleNumber of positions5Degree of protection IP20Direction of action Line-Line & Line-Signal Ground/Shield & optional Signal Ground/Shield-Earth GroundFrom SW rev. 1.00Arrester can be tested with CHECKMASTER fromsoftware version:Width17.70 mmHeight52.00 mmLength45.00 mmPitch unit 1 Div.Protective circuitIEC category C1C2C3D1VDE requirement class C1C2C3D1Nominal voltage U N12 V DCMax. operating voltage U max14 V DCArrester rated voltage U C14 V DC9.8 V ACArrester rated voltage U C (Core-Core)14 V DC9.8 V ACArrester rated voltage U C (Core-Earth)14 V DC (with PT 2x2-BE)Nominal current I N450 mA (45°C)Operating effective current I C at U C≤ 5 µADischarge current to PE at U C≤ 5 µA (with PT 2x2-BE)≤ 1 µA (with PT 2x2+F-BE)Nominal discharge surge current In (8/20) µs10 kA(Core-Core)10 kANominal discharge surge current I n (8/20) µs(Core-Earth)Total surge current (8/20) µs20 kA10 kAMax. discharge surge current Imax (8/20) µsmaximum (Core-Core)10 kAMax. discharge surge current Imax (8/20) µsmaximum (Core-Earth)Nominal pulse current Ian (10/1000) µs (Core-67 ACore)Lightning test current (10/350) µs, peak value l imp 2.5 kA≤ 25 VOutput voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs (Core-Core)spikeOutput voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs (Core-Earth)≤ 25 Vspike≤ 700 V (with PT 2x2+F-BE)≤ 25 VOutput voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs (Core-Core)static≤ 25 VOutput voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs (Core-Earth)static≤ 40 V (with PT 2x2+F-BE)Output voltage limitation at 1 kV/µs (Core-GND)staticResidual voltage at I n, (conductor-conductor)≤ 25 VResidual voltage at In, (conductor-ground)≤ 40 VResidual voltage at In, (conductor-GND)≤ 25 V (with PT 2x2-BE)≤ 25 VResidual voltage with Ian (10/1000)µs (conductor-conductor)Residual voltage with Ian (10/1000)µs (conductor-≤ 25 VGND)Response time tA (Core-Core)≤ 500 nsResponse time tA (Core-Earth)≤ 500 nsInput attenuation aE, sym.0.2 dB (≤ 5 MHz)Cut-off frequency fg (3 dB), sym. in 100 OhmTyp. 70 MHzsystemCapacity (Core-Core)Typ. 30 pFResistance in series 2.2 ΩMax. required back-up fuse500 mA (e.g. T in acc. with IEC 127-2/III) Connection dataType of connection Screw connection (in connection with the base element)Connection type IN PLUGTRAB plug-in systemConnection type OUT PLUGTRAB plug-in systemConductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm²Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm²Conductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm²Conductor cross section solid max. 4 mm²Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max12Connection, protective circuitStandards/regulations IEC 61643-21Certificates / ApprovalsCertification GOST, UL ListedCertification Ex:CUL-EX LIS, UL-EX LISAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionMarking0811228X-PEN 0,35Marker pen without ink cartridge, for manual labeling of markers,labeling extremely wipe-proof, line thickness 0.35 mm0811228X-PEN 0,35Marker pen without ink cartridge, for manual labeling of markers,labeling extremely wipe-proof, line thickness 0.35 mm0811228X-PEN 0,35Marker pen without ink cartridge, for manual labeling of markers,labeling extremely wipe-proof, line thickness 0.35 mm0814717ZBF 15:SO/CMS Zack strip, flat, 10-section, divisible, special printing, markingaccording to customer requirements0808671ZBF 5,LGS:FORTL.ZAHLEN Zack strip, flat, printed horizontally: 10-section, with the numbers,1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 991-1000, color: White0810821ZBF 5,LGS:GERADE ZAHLEN Zack marker strip, flat, printed horizontally: 10-section, with evennumbers, printed with the numbers: 2-20, 22-40, etc. up to 82-1000810863ZBF 5,LGS:UNGERADEZAHLEN Zack strip, flat, printed horizontally: 10-section, with odd numbers, printed with the numbers: 1-19, 21-39 etc. up to 81-99Dimensioned drawingThe figure shows the complete module consisting of a baseelement and connectorCircuit diagramApproval logo (Ex area)。
GARMIN nuvi 255W 说明书
n 255W üvi1特 別 聲 明本中文操作說明書版權屬台灣國際航電股份有限公司所有,任何人(及單位)未經其正式之書面授權允許,不得私自將本說明書內容,以全部或分割部份方式(包含文字與圖片),進行轉載、轉印、影印拷貝、更改內容、掃描儲存等行為,供他人使用或銷售。
台灣國際航電股份有限公司(Garmin Corporation )擁有更改或提升本產品功能的所有權利,且不需額外特別通知任何人及單位(包含已購買及尚未購買者),若有任何功能上的問題,可以注意本公司的文宣資訊或上網查詢(中文網站: )。
Garmin®、AutoLocate®、MapSource®、nüvi® 均經商標註冊登記,未經台灣國際航電股份有限公司(Garmin Corporation )正式授權許可,任何人(及單位)均不得私自使用。
台灣國際航電股份有限公司臺北縣221汐止市樟樹二路68號電話:02-26429199 傳真:02-26429099 網站: 2008年06月 190-00909-21 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan注意事項全球衛星定位系統(Global Positioning System,GPS),是由美國國防部發展及管理,並負責該系統的正常運作及定位精度的控制,基於美國本身的政策考量或國防安全,美國有權在不預先通知或公告的狀況下,影響整個系統的功能或定位精度(Accuracy),另外在使用本產品時,由於使用的場合、環境及應用方式不同,使用者必須特別注意下列事項或說明:雖然已是一個精密的電子導航輔助儀器,但是仍然可能因為使用者錯誤的操z nüvi255W作方式、外在干擾或故障因素等,而變得不安全,因此使用者需自行承擔風險。
8 力新仪器(上海)有限公司
将提手向 上扳起
将模块部 件取出
图 2-3
图 2-4
第一步:将提手拉起至与壳体垂直状态,使模块部件与壳体解 除自锁。(如图 2-3 所示)
第二步:将模块部件轻轻向上提出,待模块部件完全脱离壳体 后将其放于安全地方。(如图 2-4 所示)
选择所需要的模块 部件安装到壳体
y 如果发现电源线破损,必须立刻更换相同型号、规格的电源线。
电源线上严禁放置任何东西,且不要将其摆放在人员经常活动的 范围内。插拔电源线时一定要握紧插头,禁止直接拉扯电源线。
y 仪器在运行过程中,金属模块和热盖都会产生高温,所以严禁身
2 力新仪器(上海)有限公司
24 第四章 下位机编写程序
28 第五章 上位机编写程序
32 附录 A 仪器维护和故障诊断
18 力新仪器(上海)有限公司
在“主菜单”界面里选择“文件”,进入“文件”界面可以点触选 择所需要的文件或者“创建文件”。(如图 3-17)
Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 商品介绍说明书
Capture today. Advance tomorrow.All your documents in one placeEnhanced usability and functionalityScanSnap HomeThe iX1500 comes equipped with a user-friendly touch screen,providing an easy to use interface with simple icons andan intuitive user experience.ScanSnap’s first 4.3 inch touch screen interfaceReceive notifications on the touch screen and from ScanSnap Home whenever Dust Detection spots dust that may result in streaked images. Maintenance notification beforehand enables you to reduce the hassle of time-consuming rescans.Time saving maintenance notifications The iX1500 comes with software *1 licenses *2 for multiple accounts,enabling shared use of a single unit with family members and company colleagues.*1 The ScanSnap iX1500 comes with multiple licenses: 4 for ScanSnap H ome, 4 for ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™, and 1 for Kofax Power PDF Standard. *2 Additional licenses may be purchased for ScanSnap Home.Share your ScanSnap for everyone to useDocumentsQuickly find that recipe ormeeting agenda that you stored last week with easy access tags.Receipts Keep track of your spending habits each month so that you can check backwhenever you desire.*Can be used in conjunction with ScanSnap Manager software.ScanSnap Home uses the text, such as shop and company names, found on your scanned documents to recommend file names. Not only does accuracy of information extraction increase the more you scan, but edits made to file names are learned for later naming files faster ScanSnap Home offers simple yet powerful functions to organize and search all of your document types using folders, tags, and keywords. Now you can find information easier than ever before.Find files easilyScanSnap iX1500’s all-new ScanSnap Home combines all your favorite functions into one interface. Easily manage, edit, and utilize scanned data from documents, receipts, business cards, photos and more all in one application. Documents are automatically recognized and grouped according to document type (receipts, photographs, business cards etc.).Refined and advanced software for total document management Business Cards ScanSnap Home’s intelligent auto correction makesmanaging business card contacts a simple and seamless process with less manual work for you. Contact whoever you need right away with the software organizing captured data according to company name and much more.Simple stress-free scanning Simply open the document chute and ScanSnap is ready to go. Scan single and double sided documents with ease at a speedy 30 sheets per minute.*Image quality: "Best mode" (color / grayscale at 300dpi; B&W at 600dpi)Create files quicklyPerfect for your needs Scan anywhere you want whenever you want Scan any documentScan documents larger than the typical A4 size that need to be folded in half, envelopes and much more with Manual Scan Mode. Documents that are difficult to scan in Normal Scan Mode can now be captured without any issues.Connect the iX1500 to your computer or smart device *3 (both iOS and Android) at home and in your office, using existing Wi-Fi environments with Access Point Connect Mode. Connecting is also possible in environments without Wi-Fi using Direct Connect Mode, as the scanner itself functions as an access point.* 3 When using smart devices, ScanSnap Connect Application is required.Access Point Connect Mode Scan large volumeswith easeScan large volumes of various types of documents from color photos to double-sided landscape documents with a host of intelligent automatic image processing functions.Together, these features enable you to scan confidently without adjusting any settings. •Automatic Color Detection •Automatic Size Detection•Blank Page Removal•Automatic Rotation •De-Skew Receipts and business cards are no longer a hassleEffortlessly scan small documents with the all new Receipt Guide. Noneed to be concerned about fixingreceipts and business cards thattend to curl or skew. Designed to be a comfortable fit even when the cover is closed, it dramaticallyreduces the handling of documents before hitting the scan button.Versatile paper handling With professional grade feeding technology andultrasonic sensors, ScanSnaphandles multi-pagedocuments with ease andcan additionally detect andalert the user ofmulti-feeding errors.Brake Roller Color Gray B&WDirect Connect ModeSimple stress-free scanningSimply open the document chute and ScanSnap is ready to go. Scan single and double sided documents with ease at a speedy 30 sheets per minute.*Image quality: "Best mode" (color / grayscale at 300dpi; B&W at 600dpi)Create files quicklyPerfect for your needsScan anywhere you want whenever you wantScan any documentScan documents larger than the typical A4 size that need to be folded in half, envelopes and much more with Manual Scan Mode. Documents that are difficult to scan in Normal Scan Mode can now be captured without any issues.Connect the iX1500 to your computer or smart device *3 (both iOS and Android) at home and in your office, using existing Wi-Fi environments withAccess Point Connect Mode. Connecting is also possible in environments without Wi-Fi using Direct Connect Mode, as the scanner itself functions as an access point.* 3 When using smart devices, ScanSnap Connect Application is required.Access Point Connect ModeScan large volumes with easeScan large volumes of various types of documents from color photos to double-sided landscape documents with a host of intelligent automatic image processing functions.Together, these features enable you to scan confidently without adjusting any settings.•Automatic Color Detection •Automatic Size Detection•Blank Page Removal•Automatic Rotation •De-Skew Receipts and business cards are no longer a hassleEffortlessly scan small documents with the all new Receipt Guide. No need to be concerned about fixing receipts and business cards that tend to curl or skew. Designed to be a comfortable fit even when the cover is closed, it dramaticallyreduces the handling of documents before hitting the scan button.Versatile paper handlingWith professional grade feeding technology andultrasonic sensors, ScanSnap handles multi-pagedocuments with ease and can additionally detect and alert the user ofmulti-feeding errors.Brake RollerColor GrayB&WDirect Connect ModeSpecifications are subject to change without notice.Be sure to carefully read all safety precautions prior to using this product and use this device as instructed.For more ScanSnap related information, visit our website at : Do not place this device in wet, moist, steamy, dusty or oily areas. Using this product under such conditions may result in electrical shock, fire or damage to this product.Safety PrecautionsThis scanner is designed to digitize materials that can be reproduced lawfully, in accordance with applicable copyright regulations and other laws. ScanSnap users are responsible for how they use this scanner. It is imperative that ScanSnap users comply with all applicable local r ules and laws, including, without limitation, copyright laws when using this scanner.*ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine © ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY. ABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY Software, Ltd. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. *Intel, Pentium, and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. *ISIS™ is a trademark of Open Text. *Mac, macOS, and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. *Kofax and Power PDF are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax Limited in the United States and other countries. *ScanSnap, the ScanSnap logo and ScanSnap Home are registered trademarks or trademarks of PFU Limited in Japan. *Other company names and product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.*1 Available only when connecting to a computer. *2 Scanning speeds may vary due to the system environment used.*3 Scans will be made in "Best mode" if shorter sides are less than 105 mm and in "Better mode" if not. *4 Available in all modes except for "Excellent mode". *5 Maximum capacity varies, depending upon paper weight. *6 Some computers do not recognize the ScanSnap when it is connected to a USB 3.1 Gen1/3.0 port. In this case, please use a USB 2.0 port. *7 Access Point Connect Mode requires a Wi-Fi access point or router. *8 Excluding the stacker and other external attachments.*1 The ScanSnap device may not work if the connected computer does not meet these requirements. *2 Scanning speeds may drop if the recommended CPU, memory capacity and USB 1.1 requirements are not met.*Please refer to the ScanSnap website for the latest support information of the driver and applications. Compatibility may differ depending on the software's version *The system requirements may change depending on the duration of support and the support policy of the companies that make the software.*1 ScanSnap scanners do not run with Windows® 10 ARM-based PCs. *2 Operate Windows in desktop mode. *3 TheScanSnap device may not work if the connected computer does not meet these requirements. *4 Scanning speeds may drop if the recommended CPU, memory capacity and USB 1.1 requirements are not met. *5 Indicated disk capacity requirements apply when downloading ScanSnap Home.*6 .NET Framework 4.7 or later must be installed. If it is not installed, it is installed with ScanSnap Home. Up to 4.5 GB of disk space is required for the installation.*Please refer to the ScanSnap website for the latest support information of the driver and applications. Compatibility may differ depending on the software's version.*The system requirements may change depending on the duration of support and the support policy of the companies that make the software.ScanSnap iX1500Product name Scanner type Scanning color modeScanning speed *(A4 portrait)Document sizeADF (Automatic Document Feeder)/Manual Feed, Duplex Color, Grayscale, Monochrome,Automatic (Color/Grayscale/Monochrome * detection)Color CIS x 2 (Front x 1, Back x 1)3 Color LED (Red/Green/Blue)Image sensor Light source600 dpiOptical resolutionSimplex/Duplex: 30 ppmSimplex/Duplex: 30 ppm(Color/Grayscale: 150 dpi, Monochrome: 300 dpi)Simplex/Duplex: 30 ppm(Color/Grayscale: 200 dpi, Monochrome: 400 dpi)Simplex/Duplex: 30 ppm(Color/Grayscale: 300 dpi, Monochrome: 600 dpi)Simplex/Duplex: 8 ppm(Color/Grayscale: 600 dpi, Monochrome: 1,200 dpi)Auto mode (Default)*Normal modeBetter mode Best mode Operating systemsWindows 11 (64-bit)Windows 10 (32-bit / 64-bit)**Windows 8.1 (32-bit / 64-bit)*Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit)Hardware requirements *Intel Celeron 1.8 GHz (2core) or higher(Recommended: Intel Core™ i5 2.5 GHz or higher)2 GB or more (Recommended: 4 GB or more)1,024 x 768 pixels or more3.8 GB or more of free hard disk spaceCPU *Memory capacity *Display resolution Disk capacity **Excellent mode *Minimum: 50.8 x 50.8 mm (2 x 2 in.)Maximum: 216 x 360 mm (8.5 x 14.17 in.) A3, B4, 279 x 432 mm (11 x 17 in.)3,000 mm (863 mm in 32-bit)Smart Device: 863 mm (Duplex), 1,726 mm (Simplex)40 to 209 g/m (11 to 56 lb)A8 size or less: 128 to 209 g/m (34 to 56 lb)Cards: 0.76 mm or less (Compliant with the ISO7810 ID-1 type)(Includes embossed cards in landscape orientation)Normal scanManual scan Long paper scanning *Paper weight (Thickness)50 sheets (A4, 80 g/m or 20 lb)ADF capacity *InterfaceWi-Fi InterfaceUSB 3.1 Gen1 / USB 3.0 / USB 2.0 / USB 1.1(Connector Type: Type-B)*IEEE802.11a/b/g/nFrequency band: 2.4 GHzUSBWi-FiAccess Point Connect Mode (Infrastructure mode)*Direct Connect Mode (Ad-hoc mode)4.3 in. color TFT touch screen AC 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz 17 W or less 1.5 W or less 1.6 W or lessOperatingSleep mode(USB connected)Sleep mode(Wi-Fi connected)LCDPower requirementPowerconsumptionOverlap detection (Ultrasonic sensor), Length detection ScanSnap Home (ScanSnap specific driver) •Windows : Does not support TWAIN/ISIS™ •macOS: Does not support TWAINMultifeed detection DriverT emperature: 5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F)Relative humidity: 20 to 80% (Non-condensing) Operation environment 292 x 161 x 152 mm (11.5 x 6.3 x 6.0 in.) 3.4 kg (7.5 lb)Dimensions (W x D x H)*Device weightENERGY STAR /RoHSEnvironmental compliance General SpecificationsScanSnap iX1500 System Requirements•Windows®Operating systemsmacOS High Sierra 10.13 or later Hardwarerequirements *Intel Core i5 1.4 GHz or higher(Recommended: Core i5 2.5 GHz or higher)2 GB or more (Recommended: 8 GB or more)1,024 x 768 pixels or more2.0 GB or more of free hard disk spaceCPU *Memory capacity * Display resolution Disk capacity•Mac*1 ScanSnap Home installation requires a computer and Internet. Activation is also necessary for software use. Please visit the company website for download information. https:///g-support/en. *2 ScanSnap Manager V7 and later is required. *3 Please refer to the included license certificate to download the software.Kofax Power PDF Standard *Kofax Power PDF Standard for Mac *ScanSnap Home * ScanSnap Manager *Windows MacABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™•SoftwareAccessories*1 Although ScanSnap Carrier Sheets have a listed lifespan of 500 scans, the lifespan may vary with usage. ScanSnap Carrier sheets are intended to scan paper documents with weights of 127 g/m or less. They also support the scanning of folded documents that are as large as 216 x 297 mm.Carrier Sheet *DescriptionPhoto Carrier SheetScanSnap BagPart number RemarksPA03360-0013 PA03770-0015PA03951-0651Contains 5 sheets supporting photographs and various document sizesFor ScanSnap iX1500, iX500, iX100, S1100iScanSnap Home Additional License (1 License)PA43404-B0431 additional license for ScanSnap Home Contains 5 sheets supporting photographs(E-size, L-size, King-size), postcards, and business cards Stores the ScanSnap iX1500/iX500 and accessoriesOptions*1 These recommended lifetimes are for 80 g/m (20 lb) A4 sized documents. Therefore, appropriate replacement lifetimes may vary for other document types.Roller Set Description Cleaner F1Cleaning Wipe Part number RemarksPA03656-0001PA03950-0352PA03950-0419Lifetime: Every 200,000 sheets or one year *(For ScanSnap iX1500 or iX500)100 ml bottleFor use on the Brake roller and Pick roller 24 packetsFor use on the Brake roller and Pick roller Cleaning PaperCA99501-001210 sheetsUse this non-woven sheet with Cleaner F1Consumables•ScanSnap •Safety Precautions •AC Cable •AC Adapter •USB Cable •Receipt Guide* We recommend the use of our genuine products for the consumables. Failures, trouble, and damage of this product resulting from the use of consumables other than our genuine products are subject to repair fees even within the warranty period.©2021 PFU Limited Printed in some country 2021.12 U-207 SZX 50SPFU Limited, a Fujitsu company, has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR ® guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR ® is a registered trademark of the United States.。
便携式阀门执行机构Green Power Line系列说明书
GREEN POWER LINE includes the full set of Portable Actuation devices for valves, penstocks and sluice gates equipped with a Li-ion battery engine, offered in two versions: APB120N and APB160N. The output torque (in Nm) and the related output speed (in RPM) of the APB devices are adjustable according to the finger pressure on the accelerator button: when fully pressed, the units operate at their continuous torque value, further reaching their maximum torque when facing resistance during the operation; above these values, a thermal circuit breaker will stop the engine until the next manual ‘reset’. Very simple and easy to use, these devices are the ultimate tool for water operators looking for power on particular sites, such as underground chambers, or in cas e of multiple ‘short’ daily i nterventions on valves and gates, as well as representing a valuable alternative to the ‘classic’ electrified fixed actuation systems.APB120N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 137 Nm / 101,05 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 95 Nm / 70,06 Ft/lbOutput speed : 114 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+50/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB160N – Hikoki 36V Brushless engineTechnical dataMax torque : 176 Nm / 129,81 Ft/lbContinuous torque : 168 Nm / 123,91 Ft/lbOutput speed : 78 RPMEngine speed : 25000 RPMReduction ratio : 4,8/1+70/1Engine power : 1000 WBattery : Hikoki 18-36V 4,0 AhDimensions : 340x220x(h)360 mmWeight : 7,2 KgConnection : Q24x24x(h)5 mmAPB120N / APB160N features:(1) Hikoki 36V engine: based on ‘Brushless’ technology, it offers maximum efficiency, power and reliability in an 'eco-friendly' way, guaranteeing a very reduced energy consumption.(2) Gear case: composed by a primary bevel gear in Ergal alloy coupled in axis to a secondary micro-reducer, with the goal to ensure the APB device with sturdiness and high reliability over time.(3) Control Handle: with a practical and soft-grip anatomical shape, it includes the accelerator button and the selectable lever for the rotation on Left/Block/Right positions.(4) Hikoki 36V Battery connection: with a renewed design that makes everything very compact, ergonomic and balanced, it includes also an automatic LED light for night work.(5) Protection cover: made of painted stainless steel, it ensures strength and solidity to the APB device; at the same time, it guarantees the correct ventilation of all the internal electrical parts.(6) Side Handle: mountable on both left/right side of the tool, it facilitates the use of the APB tool to both left and right-handed operators.(7) Thermal circuit breaker: it’s the electrical protection of the tool against any overloads. In case of absorption higher than 16A, the breaker turns off the APB device (un til the manual ‘reset’ of the operator)(8) Anti-rotation Pin:adjustable in its plate, it guarantees a quick, safe and stable fixing of the pin itself during the connection between the APB actuator and the gate/valve.(8) Safety Split:galvanized and with its steel cable, it allows and easy and safe coupling between the APB device and the gate/valve to be moved.(9) Spindle: made of steel, it’s the point where the operator must install the proper bushing in order to transmit the rotation movement from the Portable Actuator to the bevel gear on the gate/valve.APB120N / APB160N Standard supply:(A) Plastic case : with internal shockproof foam padding on the inside, for an easy and safe transport of the APB device to the sites of the daily interventions.(B) N. 02 Hikoki Multivolt 18-36V li-ion batteries : from the latest generation series, they include triple power output (if compared to the previous models) and the convenient LED charge status indicator.The batteries are supplied along with the Hikoki Charger, including features as: fast charging system, USB connection, cooling fan and LED system indicating charging and/or any failure.(C) Shoulder Belt : it must be connected at the support bracket and it allows the operator to easily transport and handle the APB unit during the various stages on the intervention sites.(D) Anti-rotation Pin Set : in three different sizes and interchangeable, they always guarantee the correct and safe ‘block’ of the Portable Actuator to the gate/valve.Usage of the APB/APS Portable Valve Actuators on gates/valvesIn order to transfer the ‘rotation ’ from the Portable Actuator to a bevel gear installed on a gate/valve, it is necessary to install a Bushing (photo 1) on the actuator ’s spindle using the four screws supplied.After that, in consideration of the fact that the APB/APS devices produce a huge Nm output force, it is also necessary to install an Anti-Rotation Flange (photo 2) on the bevel gear of the gate/valve. This avoids the ‘snatch’ rot ation of the APB/APS tool while in operation and prevents any potential injuries to the operator.The safety system is completed by the Anti-Rotation pin and its Safety Split that allow to keep the actuator ‘locked in position’ whil e operating. This is a safety mechanism required by law. The manufacturing company is not responsible for any damage to people (o properties) resulting from its failure or incorrect use.Therefore, once the correct bushing has been installed on the APB/APS and the proper A-R flange on the bevel gear, all that’s left to do is to connect the bushing to the reducer’s shaft, make sure that the A-R pin enters the A-R flange, then close it using its safety split. Now, you are 100% ready to operate.Photo 3 shows this connection phase (this procedure is the same for both sluice gates/penstocks/valves)1. Bushings (to mount on the APB/APS)2. A-R Flanges (to mount on the bevel gear)3. Connection of the APB/APS to the gearbox shaftAbout interventions on multiple series of gates/valvesWhen planning to operate on several gates/valves with bevel gear shafts of different diameters, it is necessary to standardize them all by installing a series of Adaptors with male square 24x24mm that fits the ‘standard’ square 24x24mm female bushing on the APB/APS tool.All the Adaptors (photo 4) have a 24x24mm square male connection and a cylindrical female part of different sizes. It is therefore necessary to identify in advance which types are necessary, and then proceed with their installation along with the corresponding anti-rotation flange; after this installation work, it will be possible to operate on all gates/valves without continuous changes of bushing (photo 5). However, at this point it will no longer be possible to use the original hand-wheels. So, in order to perform manual interventions again, it will be necessary to use the Square 24mm Hand Crank , that combined with the Padlocking Kit allows also to lock the bevel gear on the gate/valve (photo 6) in order to avoid unauthorized movements.4. Q24x24 adaptor mounted on the bevel gear5. Connection of APB/APS to A-RFlange+Q24 adaptor6. Q24 hand crack + locking system on bevel gearManual emergency interventions on electric actuators‘Emergency operations’ are all those manual interventions, performed on Electrified Actuators in absence of electricity, using the small manual hand-wheel on the body of the actuator itself.With the aim of providing a full service to its Customers, Scapin has designed and created a series of custom kits to install on the emergency of the most common models of AUMA / BIFFI / DREHMO / ROTORK electrical actuators.The installation of these Emergency Kits is very simple: once the hand-wheel has been removed from the electric actuator, it will be sufficient to mount the adaptor and the anti-rotation flange using the supplied screws. After that, the emergency can be performed using an APB/APS device.Once the intervention has been completed and the Portable Actuator disconnected, it is possible to both remove the Emergency Kit, or leave it installed. On this last situation, it is possible to restore the manual hand-wheel as it was originally by mounting an appropriate Q24 adaptor (supplied with the kit) on it and then, if necessary, lock it using a removable padlock (see the photos below).The usage of the APB devices is highly recommended on Drehmo electric actuators, in order to not burden its emergency output shaft with excessive weight. On the other hand, Auma and Biffi actuators can be easily handled with all the APS devices.Emergency Kit on AUMA Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on BIFFI Electrict Actuator Emergency Kit on DREHMO Electric ActuatorAPB/APS tool on AUMA Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on BIFFI Electrict Actuator APB/APS tool on DREHMO Electric ActuatorVisit our YouTube Channel to see our HD videos showing the APB/APS devices at work。
Teledyne Optech Optech ILRIS-360-M1-DIN-EN 产品说明书
Mounting Cont'd.To install the DIN Rail Mounting Bracket accessory (UWM-DINRAIL) you must first remove the one screw located on the lid of the enclosure. This will allow you access to the mounting holes.Place all four #4-40 screws with threaded standoffs into each mounting hole. Screw on the DIN Rail Mounting Bracket sub assembly including the DIN Rail Adaptors to the bottom of the enclosure using the #4-40 screws.Close the unit by threading the one screw located on the lid of the enclosure to the bottom enclosure. Input ConnectionsFor input connections, refer to the Main Transmitter Board/ Input Connections diagram.Battery ReplacementTo install or replace the battery in your device you must first loosen the one screw located on the lid of the enclosure. This will allow you to access the battery compartment.Your device is equipped with a “C” size lithium power cell assembly. To install a replacement battery assembly follow steps outlined here.A. Remove the old power cell from the battery holder.B. I nstall your new battery assembly into the housing in the same position as the old battery was located.C. Installation complete.System OperationA basic wireless TC system is comprised of only two main components; a signal conditioner with a built-in battery powered 2.4 GHz radio transmitter (End Device), and a USB powered 2.4 GHz radio receiver.End Device/ReceiverWGS/START HERE ARRO 5WGS/START HERE ARRO6UWTC-2A-NEMAWeather Resistant Temperature-To-Wireless Transmitter for ThermocouplesMQS5044A-TC/0913Transmit Rate vs. Battery LifeMany factors such as ambient temperature conditions and transmitting rate can have a large effect on the life of the battery used in your end device. Transmitting data places a large demand on the battery in your unit. The transmit rate is the single most contributing factor in the life of your battery. The slower the transmit rate you set, the longer the battery in your device will last. The table below gives some estimates on how long the battery should last vs. the transmit rate you selected when you setup your end device and under normal operating conditions. Transmission Interval Battery Life (Months)2 Seconds 4 10 Seconds 7.5 30 Seconds 16.560 Seconds30SpecificationsAvailable Thermocouple Input Types: J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C or NThermocouple Measurement Range:J: -100 to 760°C (-148 to 1400°F)K: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)T: -200 to 400°C (-328 to 752°F)E: -200 to 1000°C (-328 to 1832°F)R: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)S: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)B: 870 to 1820°C (1598 to 3308°F)C: 0 to 2315°C (32 to 4200°F)N: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)/manuals/manualpdf/M5044-TC.pdf***********************®Servicing North America:U.S.A.:OMEGA Engineering, Inc., One Omega Dr. P.O. Box 4047, Stamford, CT 06907-0047 USAT oll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada Only) Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada Only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada Only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safetyand EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Device ConfigurationFirst, connect the provided USB cable to yourconnector/transmitter unit and also to an available USB port on your computer.Now that you have connected your USB cable to your PC and transmitter you will complete the following steps to configure your device beforeplacing the unit into operation. You will be using the configuration software utility (TC Central>>End Device Configuration Wizard) that you installed onto your PC in the previous section. If you have not installed the configuration software utility you should do so now. During this procedure you will be setting the following parameters in your transmitter.Button Operation 1. “ON/OFF”The “ON/OFF” button on the front of your connector/transmitter is used to turn your unit “ON” or “OFF”.2. “SETUP”The “SETUP” button on the front of your connector/transmitter is only used during the setup and configuration of your unit.Indicator Lights1. Transmit (TX) Green Indicator LightThe green indicator light marked “TX” on the front of your connector/transmitter will blink every time the unit sends data to the receiving unit. Example: If you selected a 5 second sample rate the green TX LED will blink one time every 5 seconds.2. Low Battery (Low Bat) Red Indicator LightThe red indicator light marked “Low Bat” on the front of the connector/transmitter will turn on when the battery reaches a level at or below the power level required for normal operation. When this indicator turns on it’s time to install a fresh battery in your unit. For procedures on how to change your battery see the later section Battery ReplacementChannel NumberThis sets a unique address number into yourtransmitter. Later, when you set up your measurement software you will again set channel numbers to receive readings from the corresponding unit(s). Each unit must be set for a different channel number for your system to operate correctly.Sample Rate:This will program your device to transmit 1 data reading to your receiver at a specified time interval.Available settings are 2, 3, 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 or 90.WGS/START HERE ARROWGS/START HERE ARRO 2WGS/START HERE ARRO34Using This Quick Start ManualUse this Quick Start Manual with yourUWTC-2A-NEMA Temperature-to-Wireless Transmitter for easy installation and basic operation. For detailed information, refer to the User’s Guide (Manual # M5044).General DescriptionThe UWTC-2A-NEMA Temperature-to-Wireless Transmitters features a stand-alone, compact, battery powered NEMA rated design thattransmits measurements back to a host receiver up to 120m (400’) away. When activated the wireless transmitter will transmit readings continuously at a pre-set time interval that was programmed by the user during the initial setup. Each unit measures and transmits: Measured Temperature, Ambient Temperature, RF Signal Strength and Battery Condition to the receiver and is displayed on your PC screen in real time.Main Transmitter Board/Input ConnectionsSoftware InstallationSystem Minimum Requirements:• Pentium Class processor • Hard Drive Space: 210 MB • RAM: 256 MB• 1 Available USB Port • 1 CD-ROM Drive• Windows 2000, XP , Vista, 7Insert the TC-Central User CD that was included with your receiver unit into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. Your system should begin the installation process automatically.The “Welcome to the TC Central Setup Wizard ” screen should be visible on your computer screen. The installer will guide you through the steps required to install TC Central on your computer.STEP 1. Enter the “SETUP” mode.To place your transmitter into the “SETUP” mode for programming follow this procedure:Press and hold the “ON/OFF” button. While the “ON/OFF” button is being held, press the “SETUP” button one time and then release the “ON/OFF” button. The green (TX) indicator on the front of your device should be blinking at a steady rate. This indicates that your device is ready to run the configuration utility software.(Refer to Main Transmitter Board/Input Connections diagram for button locations)STEP 2. Launch Setup Utility Program.To launch the End Device Configuration Wizard , begin by accessing the “Programs” list under your “Start Menu”.Scroll through the list to find the Omega “TC-Central ” folder, and then select the End Device Configuration Wizard .STEP 3. Programming the device settings .After starting the setup utility program, the ”Welcome to the Universal Wireless End Device Configuration Wizard ” screen should be visible on your screen. The software will guide you through the steps required to program your device settings.Device InstallationWhen installing your device it is important to position your device in such a way as to optimize the antenna location within what is known as the “Fresnel Zone”.The Fresnel Zone can be thought of as a football-shaped invisible tunnel between two locations that provides a path for RF signals between your deviceFresnel ZoneIn order to achieve maximum range, the football-shaped path in which radio waves travel must be free of all obstructions. Obstacles in the path (especially metal) will decrease the communication range between your device and your receiver. Also, if the antennas are mounted just barely off the ground, over half of the Fresnel zone ends up being obstructed by the earthresulting in significant reduction in range. To avoid this problem, the antennas should bemounted high enough off of the ground so that the earth does not interfere with the central diameter is allowed. By definition co-location is when another radio device or the device's antenna is located within 20 cm of your connector/transmitter and can transmit simultaneously with your unit.MountingWhen mounting your end device, care should be taken to make sure it is as far away from any metal objects. If nearby metal gets too close to your unit, it has the potential to interfere with the way the unit radiates and may cause signal loss or possibly even the inability to communicate at all with your receiver.Mounting DimensionsDIN Rail Mounting Bracket Installation+ TC INPUT NOT USED - TC INPUT。
艾顿9PX UPS 9PX1000IRTN 商品说明说明书
Eaton 9PX1000IRTNEaton 9PX UPS Netpack, 1000 VA, 1000 W, Input: C14, Outputs: (8) C13, Rack/tower, 2U, Network card includedGeneral specificationsEaton 9PX UPS 9PX1000IRTN 74317208147645 cm 8.65 cm 44 cm 17.4 kg 2 year CISPR22 Class B CSA 22.2 CE Marked TUV cULus Listed FCC part 15 Class B EAC CEENERGY STAR certified UL 1778 IEC/EN 62040-1 IEC/EN 62040-2Eaton 9PX 1000i RT2U NetpackProduct Name Catalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances Certifications Model CodeView runtime graph Hot-swappable internal batteries and extended battery modules (EBMs)412 V / 7 Ah Sealed, lead-acidYes(8) C13Online/Double-conversion 1000 W 1000 VA Sine wave 230V1230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)200/208/220/230/240 V +/- 1%350/60 Hz 1C14 4230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)176-276 V (100-276 V with derating)50/60 HzRuntime graph Battery management Battery replacementBattery quantity Battery rating Battery type Extended battery capability Receptacle TopologyWattage VA rating Output waveform Voltage Output power factor Output nominal voltageOutput voltage rangeVoltage distortion output (linear load) - max Output frequency Feed type Input connection Input nominal voltageInput voltage rangeNominal frequency CommunicationABM & Temperature compensated charging method (user selectable)Automatic battery test Deep discharge protection Automatic recognition of external battery units USB port (HID compliant)Serial port (RS232)Mini terminal block for remote On/Off Mini-terminal block for remote power off Mini-terminal block for output relayDry contacts (3 outputs, 140-70 Hz >.99One slot, network card included YesYesEaton Intelligent Power Manager, Eaton Intelligent Power Protector Multilingual graphical LCD display OtherYes3000 m Online: 290<35 dB at 1 meter 0-96% non-condensing 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)Input frequency range Input power factor Expansion slotsEthernet interface Includes network card Software compatibilityUser interfaceType of interface Potential free switch contact Altitude BTU Rating Noise level Relative humidity Temperature range Special featuresinput, optocoupler, DB9)Network Card Double conversion topology Constantly monitors power conditions and regulates voltage and frequency First UPS in its class to provide Unity power factor (VA=W)Energy Star qualified, provides the highest efficiency level to reduce energy and cooling costs Internal bypass allows service continuity in case of UPS faultNext-generation graphical LCD display Network card and rackmounting kit delivered as standardCompatible with VirtualRack/tower2U482.6 mm (19 inch) device Yes91.511YesNo Eaton UPS Services Quick Guide 2021Eaton UPS and battery servicesEaton 9PX 1-3 kVA UPS and 9PX EBM 48V and 72V - Installation and user manualEaton Bypass Power Module (BPM) user guideEaton 9PX 1-3 kVA UPS - Quick Start GuideEaton Specification Sheet - 9PX1000IRTNEaton 9PX 1000-3000W UPS - DatasheetForm factorRack size Construction type Rack mounting kit Efficiency Package contentsPhase (input) Phase (output) Internal bypass Hot swap power BrochuresManuals and user guidesSpecifications and datasheets Technical data sheetsenvironments (VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix Xen, Redhat) Meter energy consumption (down to the managed outlet groups)Hot swappable batteries Advanced Battery Management (ABM) technology to increase battery lifetimeUPSNetwork Management Card (2) IEC-IEC output cables USB cableSerial cable(2) brackets for 19’ mounting (2) Rack-mounting kit(2) Supports for tower mountingCable locking systemSafety instructions Quickstart guideEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaYesAuto shutdown function。
1.NT96675 技术手册概述
2.NT96675 技术手册的主要内容
3.NT96675 技术手册的适用对象
4.NT96675 技术手册的价值和意义
T96675 技术手册是一本关于 NT96675 技术的详尽指南,它包含了NT96675 技术的各个方面,从基础理论到实际应用,从技术细节到操作步骤,为广大技术工作者提供了宝贵的参考资料。
T96675 技术手册的主要内容包括:NT96675 技术的发展历程、基本原理、技术特点、应用领域等。
其中,NT96675 技术的发展历程部分详细介绍了 NT96675 技术从诞生到发展的整个过程,基本原理部分则深入浅出地解释了 NT96675 技术的工作原理,技术特点部分则从各个角度全面地描述了 NT96675 技术的优势和特点,应用领域部分则列举了 NT96675 技术在各个行业的具体应用。
T96675 技术手册的适用对象主要是技术工作者,包括科研人员、工程师、技术人员等。
NT96675 技术,从而更好地应用到实际工作中。
T96675 技术手册的价值和意义在于,它不仅提供了 NT96675 技术的全面知识,而且以实际应用为例,让学习者能够更好地理解和应用
NT96675 技术。
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V G S - Volts Fig. 9. Source Current vs. Source-To-Drain Voltage
300 10 9 250 8 7 VDS = 75V I D = 48A I G = 10mA
I D - Amperes Fig. 10. Gate Charge
I S - Amperes
Pu ls e W id th - m illis e c o n d s
© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved
Test Conditions TJ = 25°C to 175°C TJ = 25°C to 175°C; RGS = 1 MΩ
Maximum Ratings 150 150 ±20 V V V A A A A mJ J V/ns W °C °C °C °C
I D - Amperes
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 7V 6V 5V 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 8V
2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 I D = 96A I D = 48A
V D S - Volts
Fig . 1 3 . M a x im u m T r a n s ie n t T h e r m a l Re s is t a n c e
R( t h ) J C - ºC / W
0.01 1 10 100 1000
180 160 140 60 50 TJ = -40ºC 25ºC 150ºC
Fig. 8. Transconductance
g f s - Siemens
TJ = 150ºC 25ºC -40ºC 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
I D - Amperes
120 100 80 60 40 20 0
40 30 20 10 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions.
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered by one or moreof the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,850,072 4,881,106 4,931,844 5,017,508 5,034,796 5,049,961 5,063,307 5,187,117 5,237,481 5,381,025 5,486,715 6,162,665 6,259,123 B1 6,306,728 B1 6,404,065 B1 6,534,343 6,583,505 6,683,344 6,710,405B2 6,710,463 6,727,585
96 75 250 60 40 1.0 10 480 -55 ... +175 175 -55 ... +150
TO-268 (IXTT)
G G = Gate S = Source
S D = Drain TAB = Drain
1.6 mm (0.062 in.) from case for 10 s Mounting torque TO-3P TO-268 (TO-3P)
90 100 110
Fig. 12. Forw ard-Bias Safe Operating Area
Capacitance - picoFarads
R DS(on) Limit
I D - Amperes
C iss
25µs 100µs 1ms 10ms
1000 C oss
100 90 80 VGS = 10V 9V 2.8 2.6 2.4 VGS = 10V
V D S - Volts
Fig. 4. RDS(on) Norm alized to 0.5 ID25 Value vs. Junction Tem perature
R D S ( o n ) - Normalized
Characteristic Values Min. Typ. Max. 150 2.5 5.0 ±100 25 250 24 V V nA µA µA mΩ
Easy to mount Space savings High power density
VGS = 10 V, ID = 0.5 ID25 Pulse test, t ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle d ≤ 2 %
TC - Degrees Centigrade
© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved
Fig. 7. Input Adm ittance
1.13/10 Nm/lb.in. 5.5 5.0 g g
Symbol Test Conditions (TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) VDSS VGS(th) IGSS IDSS RDS(on) VGS = 0 V, ID = 250 µA VDS = VGS, ID = 250µA VGS = ±20 VDC, VDS = 0 VDS = VDSS VGS = 0 V TJ = 150°C
3.8 3.4
0.5 ID25 Value vs. ID
R D S ( o n ) - Normalized
3 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.4 1 0.6 0 50 VGS = 15V
I D - Amperes
50 40 30 20 10 0
VGS = 10V
TJ = 25ºC
I D - Amperes
VG S - Volts
TJ = 150ºC TJ = 25ºC 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
150 100
V S D - Volts Fig. 11. Capacitance
10000 f = 1MHz 1000
Q G - nanoCoulombs
Fig. 1. Output Characteristics @ 25ºC
100 90 80 70 VGS = 10V 9V 200 175 150 VGS = 10V
Fig. 2. Extended Output Characteristics @ 25ºC
PolarHTTM DMOS transistors utilize proprietary designs and process. US patent is pending.
© 2004 IXYS All rights reserved
TJ - Degrees Centigrade Fig. 6. Drain Current vs. Case Tem perature
80 70 TJ = 175ºC 60 External Lead Current Limit
Fig. 5. RDS(on) Norm alized to
gfs Ciss Coss C rss td(on) tr td(off) tf Qg(on) Qgs Qgd RthJC RthCK
VDS= 10 V; ID = 0.5 ID25, pulse test
Source-Drain Diode Symbol IS ISM VSD t rr QRM Test Conditions VGS = 0 V Repetitive
TC = 25°C External lead current limit TC = 25°C, pulse width limited by TJM TC = 25°C TC = 25°C TC = 25°C IS ≤ IDM, di/dt ≤ 100 A/µs, VDD ≤ VDSS, TJ ≤ 150°C, RG = 4 Ω TC = 25°C
Features International standard packages Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) rated Low package inductance - easy to drive and to protect Advantages
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) Min. Typ. Max. 35 45 3500 VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz 1000 280 30 VGS = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 60 A RG = 4 Ω (External) 33 66 18 110 VGS= 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 0.5 ID25 26 59 S pF pF pF ns ns ns ns nC nC nC 0.31 K/W (TO-3P) 0.21 K/W TO-3P (IXTQ) Outline