References Books and edited proceedings


APA format

APA format

一.Reference的三种类型: 从书上引用,从杂志里的文章中引用,从网站引用1, 从书上引用的ref,格式:作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).出版社地址: 出版社名Example:Davidson, M. and Cooper, C. (1992). Shattering The Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manger. London: Paul Chapman.Krishnamurti, J.(1981). Education and the significance of life. San Francisco : Harper & Row2, 从杂志里的文章中引用的ref,格式:作者名字.年代.文章名. 杂志名(斜体): 第几期, 页数Example:Pringle, J. (2004). Women Senior Managers: Successful Individuals Or Markers Of Collective Change. Women’s Studies Journal, 18, (2), 79-963,从网站引用的ref, 格式作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).Retrieved on年月日. from:网站Example:Adler, M. (2005). Women's Employment Concentrated In Service Industries. Retrieved on 20th September, 2005 from:.(注意: 网站另起一行)二, reference 的注意事项:1, 如果reference有两行或两行以上, 从第二行起,向内缩进五到七个字符Example:Rosener, J. (1995). America’s competitive secret: Utilizing women as a management str ategy.USA: Oxford University Press.2, reference与reference中间要隔一行3文章名和杂志名:每个单词的首字母大写,虚词除外4,文章后面列出的所有reference必须与加进文章中的reference一一对应5, reference做完以后,以作者的首字为准,按字母顺序进行排列6,一般情况下,1000字,四个reference.这里需要强调一点:国外治学严谨,reference一定要做好!!我们的作业严禁直接抄书或从网上直接复制粘贴(这在国外被界定为抄袭)国外的学校有强大的数据库,抄袭的地方,数据库一搜就发现了一旦发现抄袭,客户轻则挂科,重则拿不到学位,诚信记录还要被写上一笔同时写手不但拿不到稿费,而且还要双倍赔款,终止合作所以在成为我们的写手之前我要把抄袭的问题先说清楚这也是我们这一行的行规你可以翻译中文也可以用自己的话把句子转述一遍但是直接引用和一个句子只改2、3个单词是一样会被判抄袭的!To develop a community profile (社区分布)for one Australian Local Government Area (LGA) of your choice, (excluding the City of Boroondara) using data from the 2001 and 2006 Census available from the ABS website. The focus of the demographic profile will be to describe up to three cultural characteristics of the population within your chosen LGA, and look at changes that have occurred from 2001 to 2006.Examples of cultural characteristics are ancestry, birthplace, language spoken, year of arrival in Australia, religious affiliation, English proficiency, and indigenous status. You are expected to synthesise (综合)the information available, not just replicate (折叠,复制)the tables that you can download. For example, you may choose to group a Census table detailing individual birthplaces into categories, and then show the proportional distribution - not just the number by birthplace; or from Year of Arrival in Australia you may derive the number of years living in Australia. In other words, you are required to analyse and summarise the information you find into your own summary tables and charts. In your demographic profile you should include summary tables, charts and commentary to support the graphs and tables. You should make use of data from both the 2001 Census and the 2006 Census (e.g. using a combination QuickStats, MapStats and Census Tables.制定一个社会形象之一澳大利亚地方政府区(儿)您的选择,(不包括城市Boroondara )使用数据从2001年和2006年人口普查可从澳大利亚统计局的网站上。



3.2 参考文献著录的格式参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做Works Cited,在APA规范里叫做References。


3.2.1 著录已出版的文章一位作者写的文章APA:Roediger, H. L. (1990). Implicit memory: A commentary. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 373-380.注意:(1)在APA里,作者的首名和中间名均应用首字母。



两位作者写的文章APA:Tulving, E., & Schacter, D. L. (1990). Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247, 301-305.两位以上的作者写的文章APA:Barringer, H. R., Takeuchi, D. T., & Xenos, P. C. (1990). Education, occupational prestige andincome of Asian Americans: Evidence from the 1980 Census. Sociology of Education, 63,27-43.无论用MLA 还是APA,第一作者以姓氏开始(加上逗号),继以名字或者名字的首字母,但是从第二作者开始,在APA规范里以姓氏开始(加上逗号),继以名字的首字母。

如果作者人数超过三人,也可以考虑仅保留第一作者的名字,加上et al.(拉丁文“and others”),如:APA:Barringer, H. R. et at. (1990). Education, occupational prestige and income of Asian Americans: Evidence from the 1980 Census. Sociology of Education, 63, 27-43.书评、影评、电视节目评论等(Review)APA:Falk, J. S. (1990). [Review of Narratives from the crib]. Language, 66, 558-562.收集在书籍中的文章(Selection from an edited book)APA:Wilson, S. F. (1990). Community support and integration: New directions for outcome research. In S.Rose (Ed.), Case management: An overview and assessment (pp. 13-42). White Plains, NY:Longman.注意:(1)“Ed.”代表“编”。



Referencing Guide American Psychological Association (APA)APA is an author date referencing style and is the choice for many disciplines including: Psychology Sociology Business Economics Education Nursing Social Work CriminologyUnless otherwise stated the following information and examples are based on:American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Available at CDU Library - REF 808.06615 PUBLNote : Your references should identify an item (e.g. book, journal article, webpage) insufficient detail so that others may identify and consult it. Your references should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically by author (or by title if there is no author).How to reference booksA book with one authorIn text citationMikolaj (2005) examines the phenomena of stress and critical incident stress in the emergency services professions.Environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals (Mikolaj, 2005).Mikolaj states that; “environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals” (Mikolaj, 2005, pp. 25-26).Reference List Mikolaj, A.A. (2005). Stress management for the emergency care provider . Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.Note : Capitalise only the first word of book title and subtitle. As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book by two authorsIn text citationWhite and Perrone (1997) describe the ways in which society responds to crime in the Australian context.There are many ways in which crime is dealt with in society including formal and informal methods (White & Perrone, 1997).The authors state “the doctrine of precedent is meant to ensure that radical change or differential treatment of any kind is difficult to achieve” (White & Perrone, 1997, p.89).Note: An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence.Reference ListWhite, R. & Perrone, S. (1997). Crime and social control: An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book by four or more authorsIn text citationNote: cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al.First citationGillis, Perkins, Roemer and Snodgrass (1987) make the distinction between backward and advanced economies, or between traditional and modern ones.OrThe authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis, Perkins, Roemer & Snodgrass, 1987). Subsequent citationsGillis et al. (1987) make the ….orThe authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies, or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis, et al. 1987).Second citation within the same paragraphGillis et al. make the ….Reference ListGillis, M., Perkins, D., Roemer, M., & Snodgrass, D. (1987).Economics of development (2nd ed.). New York: WW Norton &Company.As per example section page 175 and section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.An edited bookIn text citationSwingland (2003, pp. 65-74) provides an excellent examination of the concept of capturing and conserving biodiversity.Reference ListSwingland, I.R. (Ed.). (2003). Capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity: The market approach. London: EarthscanPublications.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book or work by an association or institutionIn text citationChapter 5 discusses the nature of a workable global emissions trading system (Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, 2007).Reference ListPrime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading. (2007).Report of the task group on emissions trading. Canberra, ACT: Dept. ofthe Prime Minister and Cabinet.Note: When the author and publisher are identical, use the word Author as the name of the publisher.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Citing multiple sources at one point in the textIn text citationOther studies focus on the role of multilateral approaches to the issue of carbon emissions trading. (Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, 2007; Swingland, 2003).Note: it is recommended that the authors’ names be ordered alphabetically inside the brackets. Use a semicolon to separate the works cited inside the brackets.As per section 6.19, page 177 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A chapter in an edited book In text citation …and according to Tulving (1997, p.151) “Few problems in science are as difficult”. Reference List Tulving, E. (1997). What is episodic memory? In T. F. Pettijohn (Ed.), Sources. Notable selections in social psychology (pp. 151-164). Guilford, Conn: Dushkin Pub. Group.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic bookIn text citationHe claims the “decisive step .... was taken in 1895 in London” (Munsterberg,1916, ¶ 2). Note: Use paragraph number when page numbers are not provided. See section 6.05, page 171, for how to cite material with no page numbers. Reference List Munsterberg, H. (1916). The photoplay: A psychological study . Retrieved from /files/15383/15383-8.txtAs per examples 19 to 22, pages 203-204 of the APA manual, 6th ed. (note different types of electronic books are cited differently – check the APA manual if unsure).Print articlesIn text citationSansom (2006) establishes that Herbert’s authorial practice makes him the very semblance of an anthropologist. He likewise is a looter of the Dreamings.Reference list Sansom, B. (2006). Looter of the dreamings: Xavier Herbert and the taking of Kaijek’s newsong story. Oceania , 76(1), 83-104. How to reference journal articlesNote: Capitalise only the first word of article title and subtitle, and capitalise all main words of the journal title.As per example 3, page 199 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic article with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI ).In text citationAccording to Holland (2006) “Classroom climate and teacher credibility are critical both to low student resentment and high diversity learning” (p. 196).Note: A digital object identifier is a permanent identifier given to an electronic document, regardless of whether the URL changes.Reference listHolland, L. (2006). Teaching and learning in diversity classes: The significance of classroom climate and teacher credibility.Journal of Political Science Education, 2(2),187-203.doi:10.1080/15512160600669122As per example 1, page 198 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic article without a DOIIn text citationThe author discusses parallel levels of development in both the evolving information horizon and the human being (Kari, 2006, ¶ 4).Note: Use paragraph number when page numbers are not provided. See section 6.05, page 171, for how to cite material with no page numbers.Reference listKari, J. (2006). Evolutionary information seeking: A case study of personal development and Internet searching. First Monday,11(1). Retrieved from/issues/issue11_1/kari/index.html.As per example 3, page 199 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference newspaper articlesNewspaper article with authorIn text citationDelaney and Vara (2007) report on the introduction of Google’s “My Stuff” and itsimplications for home computer needs into the future. Reference list Delaney, K.J. & Vara, V. (2007, November 28). Google to peddle free parking for your computer files. The Australian, p.40. As per example 10, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Newspaper article no author providedIn text citation April the 1st was the proposed date for the big Cane Toad Day Out (Don’t be a fool, 2008).Reference list Don't be a fool, kill as many cane toads as you can: pollie. (2008, August 18). Northern Territory News, p. 6.As per example 9, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Newspaper article accessed from an online source In text citation “Startnextweek” is an innovative new service for booking and buying training courses online, reports Josh Robertson. (2007).Reference list Robertson, J. (2007,October 22). Online boost for training options. The Courier Mail . Retrieved from .auAs per example 11, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.In text citationCoates (1996) addresses the cost of natural disasters in terms of lives lost from the early 1800’s onwards.Reference list Coates, L. (1996). An overview of fatalities from some natural hazards in Australia. In R.L. Heathcote, C. Cuttler and J. Koetz (Eds.), NDR96 Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction (pp. 49-54). Canberra, Australia: Institution of Engineers.How to reference published conference proceedingsNote: for conference proceedings published in book form use book citing conventions; for those published in periodical form(i.e. published regularly) use journal conventions.As per section 7.04, page 206 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference reports and governmentpublicationsDocument produced by a government agencyIn text citation“39% of agencies have reported facing at least one challenge in regards to the employment of people with a disability” (Australian Public Service Commission [APSC], 2006, p.107).Note: if the organisation is recognised by an abbreviation, cite the first time in full, as above then abbreviation thereafter – (APSC, 2006).Reference listAustralian Public Service Commission. (2006). State of the service report 2005-06. Canberra: Author.Note: if the publisher is the same as the author, then do not repeat details. And if the issuing agency has assigned a number to the report, give the number inparentheses after the title.As per section 7.03, page 205 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference statistics from the ABSIn text citationThe Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] reported that p eople born in the United Kingdom accounted for 23% of all overseas-born persons in Australia's population, followed by New Zealand (10%) and Italy, China and Vietnam (4% each) (2007, p.9).Reference listAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Migration Australia, 2005-06. Cat. No. 3412.0. Canberra: Author. Retrieved 15th February,2008,.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/E0A79B147EA8E0B5CA2572AC001813E8/$File/34120_2005-06.pdfAs per example 4.15 page 231. Cat. No. denotes ABS Catalogue NumberIn text citationThe CCH Macquarie Dictionary and Thesaurus (1993, p.164) defines the term subjudice “not yet judicially settled”.Reference list The CCH Macquarie Dictionary of Law (2nd ed.). (1993.) North Ryde, NSW: CCH Australia.Note : If no editor or author details use book title. As per examples 27 to 30, page 249 of the APA manual, 6th ed.An entry in an encyclopaediaIn text citationVesper, (2005) discusses the range of sources of heavy metal contamination of cave waters.Reference list Vesper, D. J. (2005). Contamination of cave waters by heavy metals. In D. C. Culver & W. B. White (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of caves (pp. 127-131). Burlington: Elsevier.Or Frederic, L. (1997). E-AWASE. In Encyclopaedia of Asian civilizations (Vol. 2, pp. 331). Paris: Author.As per examples 27 to 30, page 249 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Print versionIn text citation Rorrison (2006) examines the central role of the practicum in secondary preservice teacher training.Reference list Rorrison, D. (2006). Jumping through spinning hoops, chance or a carefully constructed learning journey? A critical view of How to reference thesesHow to cite reference books (encyclopaedias and dictionaries)learning in the secondary practicum (Unpublished doctoraldissertation). Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.If the thesis is a master’s thesis, use: (Unpublished master’s thesis).As per section 7.05, page 207 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic thesisIn text citationCampbell’s (2004, p.2) concern is “the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide at a rapid rate.”Reference listCampbell, K. (2004). Family food environments as determinants of children's eating: Implications for obesity prevention.(Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Deakin University,Geelong, 2004). Retrieved per section 7.05, page 207 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference WebsitesWeb documents, no date:In text citationThe guide stresses there are a lot of things you can do(Northern Territory Department of Justice [NTDJ], p.4).Note: if the organisation is recognised by abbreviation, cite the first time in full, as above then abbreviation thereafter.Reference listNorthern Territory Department of Justice.(n.d).Step forward: Getting help about sexual violence. Retrieved August 20, 2008, further example of citing a website at /learn/faqs/web-page-no-author.aspxHow to reference MultimediaPodcastsIn text citation :According to Professor Michael Kahn....... (Seega, 2008).. Seega, B. (Producer). (2008, August 4). Oral Cancer. The Health Report [Podcast]. Retrieved from .au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/As per example 50, page 210 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Television broadcastIn text citationMasters reveals .... (2006).. or The program depicts......(Masters, 2006)..Masters, C. (Writer) & Alexander, J. (Director). (2006). Big fish, little fish [Television series episode]. In D. Shore (Executive producer), Four Corners . Ultimo, NSW: ABC Television.Note: A performer or presenter is only given principal credit if they are the focus of the recording.As per example 51, page 210 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Online videoReference listMesserschmit (2006, July 23). Engineering gone wrong [Video file]. Video posted to /watch?v=7e-UHhYAzucPersonal communications – Citation within the textIn text citationPersonal communications include conversations, interviews, unsourced lecture material, telephone conversations, letters, e-mail messages etc.…(R. Smith, personal communication, January 28, 2008)R. Smith (personal communication, January 28, 2008)…Note : As these materials are unpublished they are not included in reference lists or bibliographies.As per section 6.20, page 214Commonly Used Abbreviationssymbol ¶ paragraphapp. appendixart. articlechap. chapterdiv. divisiondoi digital object identifiered. editor, edited by, editioneds. editorset al. and others (Latin et al)daten.d. nono. nos. number(s)placen.p. nop. pp. page(s)par. paragraphpt. partrev. revisedsec. sectionser. seriessuppl. supplements.v. under the word (Latin subverso)trans. translator(s)vol. volume。

proceeding 参考文献

proceeding 参考文献

proceeding 参考文献Proceeding 参考文献随着科技的不断发展,学术研究的进展也变得越来越迅速。


























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第 1 章 绪论 ............................................................................................ 1
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Candidate: Supervisor: Academic Degree Applied for: Specialty: Affiliation: Date of Defense: Degree-Conferring-Institution:

哈佛参考文献注释体系 Harvard Referencing System

哈佛参考文献注释体系 Harvard Referencing System

STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemThis student guide presents the most commonly used aspects of the Harvard Referencing System.SourcesSnooks & Co 2002, Style manual: for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Australia.Sons,American Psychological Association 2001, Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation, 5th edn, APA, Washington, DC.If further information is needed, students can refer to the ‘COMPREHENSIVEGUIDE: Harvard Referencing System’ or to the above publications in the MacquarieUniversity Library. Students can also check with their departments or lecturers foron-campus Harvard referencing support.AcknowledgementA significant component of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program is the Language for Professional Communication in Accounting Program (LPCA). The LPCA program is a collaboration of the Master of Accounting program and The Centre for Macquarie English (CME), formerly the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR). The LPCA program provides tailored resources for specific units, as well as providing materials for additional generic workshops. Students are able to develop a high level of communication and professional skills and, at the same time, to develop technical skills. These resources are integrated with relevant technical content and are a significant part of the teaching and learning within individual units. Communication and professional skills are assessed, often together with technical skills, in individual units. The development of these skills is essential to students’ success, not only within the units of this program, but also in an accounting career.As part of the LPCA program, resources have been made available to provide students with an understanding of the plagiarism policies of the University and the Master of Accounting program. Also referencing materials, including this Harvard referencing guide, have been developed to address the methods and style requirements necessary to cite research sources. MAcc and CME acknowledge Eugen Klissarov in collaboration with Mary Cayley, both CME-LPCA staff members, for the design and development of this Harvard referencing guide.This project was funded by the 2006 Macquarie University Flagship Grant Scheme.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemCONTENTSFAQs: referencing & plagiarism 1 Specific guidelines: in-text citations, paraphrases & direct quotations 2 Specific guidelines: reference lists 4 Examples: in-text & reference list citations 7 Sample reference list 14 Excerpts from a paper highlighting in-text citations 15STUDENT GUIDE Harvard Referencing SystemFAQsSTUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing System• When using a referencing system for in-text citations and a reference list , you must usethe appropriate formatting elements. •Formatting refers to the use of layout and punctuation, including spacing, indenting, lower and upper case letters, period or full stops, colons, semicolons, commas, brackets and italics. These formatting elements are used to clearly and consistently present in-text citations and a reference list in your written work.• The examples throughout this guide indicate the formatting you should use.IN-TEXT CITATIONSEach time you use an author's words or ideas in your writing, you must place a citation in the text. This applies to both direct quotations and paraphrases. It is important to place the in-text citation directly in, or immediately after, the sentence or clause which uses information or ideas from a source. It is not adequate to put the in-text citation at the end of the paragraph because this indicates that only the information in the last sentence belongs to the source.The basic in-text citation is very similar for all types of sources. However, the type of source being cited cannot usually be identified until the reader looks at the reference list. In-text citations in written work may appear either: a) as part of a sentence[manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.} [in-text citation ] {paraphrase } The use of [ ] and { }, above, are for explanatory purposes only, and should NEVERbe used in written assignments.In the above example, the author is a grammatical part of the sentence and, in this instance, appears at the beginning of the sentence.The above citation can also be placed in different positions in the sentence, for example: i. According to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993. ii. Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers, according to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.b) or at the end of a sentencei.Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers have suffered a significant loss ofdomestic market share since 1993 (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).These conventions apply to authors and authoring bodies or organizations of all types of sources.It is often useful to vary the citation styles, e.g., as part of a sentence or at the end of asentence. Varying citation styles may allow for better linking between sentences andbetween ideas. It also allows for different emphasis – either on the topic or the author. ParaphrasesParaphrases occur when you read a source and use the information in your assignment, but rephrase or write the information in your own words.i.Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) states that Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.This example is a paraphrase and it needs to be cited.The absence of double quotation marks (“ ”) informs the reader this is a paraphrase.It is expected that you will extensively research and use information found in sources.However, it is also expected that most of the information from the sources will beparaphrased, that is, written in your own words.Direct quotationsDirect quotations are used when you want to use some words exactly as they are found in the source.If you rely on a source and use the exact words in your assignment, you must indicate this by the use of double quotation marks (“ ”). These indicate a direct quotation.Direct quotations need to be as brief as possible. They should only be used occasionally and only for good reasons, for example, when:•the author’s words convey a powerful meaning that cannot be paraphrased with the same effect•you use the author as an authoritative voice in your own writing•you introduce an author’s position which you want to discuss•you need to provide supporting points or evidence for your own position.Generally, direct quotations in the text are placed within your own sentences.i.Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by morethan 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.With direct quotations only, page numbers may also be separated and placed at the end of the direct quotation:i.Innes and Warburton (1998) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).Page numbers or paragraph numbers should be provided in in-text citations for bothdirect quotations and paraphrases.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemREFERENCE LISTSThe reference list is usually the last page/s of the assignment. It should begin on a new page and be simply headed References.• A reference list consolidates all the various sources in alphabetical order using either the author’s surname or the names of authoring bodies. The titles of documents (or the titles of media such as videos, CD-ROMs and radio programs) are used if the author’s name or the name of the authoring body is not known.•Numbers, letters or bullets are not used when citing sources in a Reference List.•The 2nd and subsequent lines of each entry are indented (this is called a ‘hanging indent’). •Single spacing within an entry, but 1.5 spacing between entries is used.•Alignment for the reference list page/s is ‘Align left’. ‘Justify’ should not be used for the reference list.Following are the reference list details needed for the more common source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list aresignificantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print &electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventionsrelating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOK, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of series, if applicable•description of work, if applicable•edition number, if not first edition•editor, compiler, reviser or translator, if applicable•volume number or number of volumes, if applicable•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited,plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationReference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Pedersen, H 1937, A concise comparative Lycian grammar, monograph, Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, Gottingen, Sweden.CHAPTER IN EDITED BOOK, print(An edited book is a collection of writings by different authors; the ‘editor’ is theperson who compiles or selects the work to be included).•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body (use the author of the chapter/ article you have read, not the editor/s of the book)•year of publication•title of chapter/article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•the word ‘in’•editor(s)’ initial(s) and surname(s) (initials precede surnames)•(ed.) or (eds)•title of edited book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •edition number, if not first edition•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited, plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationIn-text:It is likely, as has been suggested, that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until inherent cross-cultural issues have been addressed (Adler, 1980).Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-cultural organizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.JOURNAL ARTICLE, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (in italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for journal articles) Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and textile clothing and footwear industries: Australia 1992/93-1996/97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12. JOURNAL ARTICLE, electronic•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for electronic journal articles,if available)•date article was viewed•name of databaseReference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factorswith a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.WEBSITE•author (person or organization responsible for the site)•year (year the site was created or last revised)•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date website was viewed•domain name enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005,<http:// .au>.WEBSITE DOCUMENT•author (may be person or organization responsible for the site)•year (the year the site was created or last revised)•title of document (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •version number, if applicable•description of document, if applicable•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date document was viewed•complete URL for the page/section, including links, needs to be shown and is enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:Macquarie University 2006, What is Plagiarism?, Macquarie University, Sydney, viewed 10April 2006, <.au/plagiarism>.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemExamples of in-text & reference list citationsExamples of in-text citations for types of sources have been provided. The first example in each case is as part of the sentence, and the second example is at the end of the sentence. Examples of reference list entries have also been provided for these source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list are significantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print & electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventions relating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOKS , printSingle authorApplies to authors of all source types. Page no. spans 22-3, not 22-23.In-text:According to Harris (2001, pp. 22-3), the possibility that ... Statistics indicate that ... (Harris 2001, pp. 22-3).Reference list:Harris, RA 2001, The plagiarism handbook: strategies for preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism, Pyrczak Publishing, Los Angeles. Single authoring body , e.g. companies, government & non-government organisations In-text:Telstra Corporation (2004) stresses the importance of ...Corporate governance is stressed due to ... (Telstra Corporation 2004). Reference list:Telstra Corporation 2004, Annual report , Telstra, Melbourne.Unknown authorUse title and italicize both in the text and in the reference list. Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ aredisregarded when placing entry alphabetically in reference list. Page no. spans 111-2, not 111-112.In-text:The inns of court (1965, pp. 111-2) outlines ...It was thought these matters ... (The inns of court 1965, pp. 111-2).Reference list:Department of Finance and Administration 2005, Annual report 2004-05, DFA, Canberra.The inns of court 1965, Jordan & Sons, London.Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations , 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Two authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:Hatim and Munday (2004, pp. 49-50) present data indicating that ... Data has been presented that ... (Hatim & Munday 2004, pp. 49-50). Reference list:Hatim, B & Munday, J 2004, Translation: an advanced resource book, Routledge, New York.Three authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:May, May and Andrew (1999, pp. 31-2) provide ...Guidelines relating to ... (May, May & Andrew 1999, pp. 31-2).Reference list:May, CB, May, GS & Andrew, JD 1999, Effective writing: a handbook for finance people , Prentice Hall, New Jersey.BOOKS, print, continuedFour or more authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use, et al., when part of sentence and when in brackets. Details of all authors cited in reference list.In-text:Kotler et al. (2001, pp. 103-4) believe, however, that ...It is believed, however, that ... (Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 103-4). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney.Secondary sourceThe work of one author, Kotler et al., refers to the work of another author, Gupta. Both sources are cited in the text. Only the source that has been read, Kotler et al., is shown in the reference list.In-text:Gupta (cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12) claims that ... It is argued that ... (Gupta, cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn,Prentice Hall, Sydney.Chapter in edited book Specific chapter in edited book cited. Note use of, in, before names of editors in reference list. Editor’s initials precede surnames. Note use of (eds).In-text:As argued by Adler (1980), cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... It is argued that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... (Adler, 1980). Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-culturalorganizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.Edited bookGeneral focus or content of edited book cited. Editor in author position. Note use of (ed.) in reference list; (eds) if more than 1 editor. In-text:Kamwangamalu’s (1998) evidence that ...There is some evidence that ... (Kamwangamalu, 1998).Reference list:Kamwangamalu, NM (ed.) 1998, Aspects of multilingualism in post-apartheid South Africa, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.2nd or later edition Note use of, edn, in reference list.In-text:Moorhead and Griffin (2001) emphasise that ...It is strongly emphasised that ... (Moorhead & Griffin, 2001).Reference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Multiple works by same author published in same yearLower case letters, a,b,c, used to distinguish works. Multiple works convention applies to all source types. In-text:Nunan (1992a; 1992b; 1992c) indicates that ...A number of theories indicate that ... (Nunan 1992a; 1992b; 1992c). Reference list:Nunan D 1992a, Introducing discourse analysis, Penguin, London.Nunan D 1992b, Research methods in language learning, Cambridge University Press, New York.Nunan D 1992c, Teachers interactive decision-making, National Centre forEnglish Language Teaching and Research, Sydney.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), single authorCite author as for print book; Note translator, trans.; initial(s) precede surname, Sage.In-text:Cirlot (1971) explores the concept of alchemy by using ... The concept of alchemy is explored by using ... (Cirlot 1971).Reference list:Cirlot, JE 1971, A dictionary of symbols, 2nd edn, trans. J Sage, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), no author In-text:The Macquarie dictionary (2005) defines drafting as a process by which ... Drafting is defined as a process by which ... (The Macquarie dictionary 2005). Reference list:The Macquarie dictionary 2005, 4th edn, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW.BOOKS, electronic1.For electronic books, the conventions for multiple authors and editors are the same as for print books.2.If page numbers are not available, then paragraph numbering conventions used: para., paras or ¶, ¶¶.3.Electronic books are generally accessed online through university library databases using student access codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic books, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Electronic databaseIf page nos. not available, provide paragraph nos. if they can be reasonably identified. Name of database provided, URL not required. In-text:As Hofstede, Pedersen and Hofstede (2002, para. 14) acknowledge, the ...It is acknowledged that ... (Hofstede, Pedersen & Hofstede 2002, para. 14). Reference list:Hofstede, GJ, Pedersen, P & Hofstede, GH 2002, Exploring culture: exercises, stories, and synthetic cultures, Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, Maine,viewed 16 November 2005, NetLibrary database.InternetComplete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Scott’s (1998, paras 3-4) strong support of the view that ...This view is strongly supported because ... (Scott 1998, paras 3-4). Reference list:Scott, WD 1998, Increasing human efficiency in business: a contribution to the psychology of business, viewed 17 June 2006, </ catalog/world/readfile?fk_files=38334>.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Online dictionary (2006) defines governance as ...Governance is defined as ... (Online dictionary 2006).Reference list:Online dictionary 2006, Merriam-Webster, USA, viewed 7 June 2006, <http:// /cgi-bin/dictionary>.PERIODICALS: JOURNALS, MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS, print & electronic1.The conventions for journal articles are the basis for magazine and newspaper article conventions.2.In relation to all print and electronic periodicals, the conventions for multiple authors are the same as forprint books.3.Electronic periodicals are generally accessed online through university library databases using studentaccess codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic periodicals, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronicJournal article, print Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 1-12, in reference list. In-text:Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) seems to dismiss the idea that ...The idea that ... (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and the textile, clothing and footwear industry: Australia 1993-97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12.Journal article, electronic databaseName of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 21-8, in reference list. Page no. spans 21-8 not 21-28. In-text:Waldmann’s (2000, p. 23) suggestion that a number of factors relating to ...A number of factors relating to ... (Waldmann 2000, p. 23).Reference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factors with a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronic, continuedJournal article, internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 167-78, in reference list. Page no. spans 171-2 not 171-172 & 167-78 not 167-178.In-text:Shirabe (2004, pp. 171-2) has noted that ...It has been noted that ... (Shirabe 2004, pp. 171-2).Reference list:Shirabe, M 2004, ‘Measures of performance of universities and their faculties in Japan’, Information-Knowledge-Systems Management, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.167-78, viewed 17 November 2005, </citation.cfm?id 1096329.1096334&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=63620412& CFTOKEN= 89901306>.Periodicals: Magazine articles, print & electronicMagazine article, print Note use & placement of day & month of publication in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 33-9. Publisher & place of publication not required.In-text:Le Mesurier and Tandukar (2006, pp. 34-5) clarify this viewpoint which ... This viewpoint holds that ... (Le Mesurier & Tandukar 2006, pp. 34-5). Reference list:Le Mesurier, K & Tandukar, A 2006, ‘Conflict stirs trade fears’, BRW, 1 April, pp. 33-9.Magazine article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided in reference list, pp. 5-9. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. In-text:Reason (2005, p. 7), on the other hand, believes that ...On the other hand, it is believed that ... (Reason 2005, p. 7).Reference list:Reason, T 2005, ‘The narrowing GAAP: the convergence of foreign anddomestic accounting rules could catch some U.S. companies by surprise’, CFO, vol. 21, no. 17, December, pp. 5-9, viewed 5 May 2006, Business Source Premier database.Magazine article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos. (paras 2-3) if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Wolff (2006, paras 2-3) argues that there has been a paradigm shift in ... Due to technology, one argument is that ... (Wolff 2006, paras 2-3). Reference list:Wolff, M 2006, ‘ipod, therefore, I am’, AFR Boss, 9 March, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au/edition.aspx>.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronicNewspaper article, print Day & month provided in reference list. Publisher & place of publication not required. In-text:Indeed, Baker’s (2005, p. 4) confirmation that ...Indeed, it was confirmed that ... (Baker 2005, p. 4).Reference list:Baker, J 2005, ‘No rest for credit cards’, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 December, p. 4.Newspaper article, no title, no author, printTitle of newspaper in italics used in in-text citations & reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 13-14. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:As was noted recently in the Sydney Morning Herald (2006, p. 13), the ... The use of natural resources ... (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2006, p. 13). Reference list:The Sydney Morning Herald 2006, 15 May, pp. 13-14.Newspaper article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 11-16. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:Austen (2005, pp. 14-15) reports that ...It is reported that ... (Austen 2005, pp. 14-15).Reference list:Austen, I 2005, ‘A patent dispute threatens to cut executives off’, The NewYork Times, 3 December, pp. 11-16, viewed 26 December 2005, Expanded Academic ASAP database.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronic, continuedNewspaper article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos., paras 5-6, if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Gittins (2003, paras 5-6) examines a number of possible causes for ... Several possible causes for ... are examined (Gittins 2003, paras 5-6). Reference list:Gittins, R 2003, ‘The truth of the rich-poor divide’, The Age, 4 March, viewed 22 July 2005, <.au/articles/2003/10/28/10672331 B71873.html?from=storyrhs&oneclick=true>.WEBSITES & ELECTRONIC DISCUSSION FORUMSWebsite, e.g. companies, government & non-government organisationsYear 1999, year website created or last revised; Author & publisher same entity. Domain name enclosed in < > brackets. In-text:The St Vincent de Paul Society (1999) provides information which ... Available information indicates ... (St Vincent de Paul Society 1999). Reference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005, <.au>.Website document, authorConventions for author & title of document follow that of a print book. Year 2005 refers to year page created or last revised. Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:In discussing the accounting cycle, Ketz (2005, paras 11-12) indicates ... The accounting cycle seems to indicate that ... (Ketz 2005, paras 11-12). Reference list:Ketz, JE 2005, The accounting cycle, viewed 20 February 2006, <http:// /x50918.xml>.Website document, authoring bodyIf the authoring body uses paragraph numbering, these can be used in the in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. AASB, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. AASB may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:In relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, paras 29-32), outlines ... orIn relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, pp. 22-3), outlines ...Multi-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, paras 29-32). orMulti-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, pp. 22-3).Reference list:AASB—see Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006.Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, AASB 119 Employee Benefits,AASB, Canberra, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au>.Website document, no dateIf there is no date, use ‘n.d.’ in place of the date. In-text:According to the Australia China Business Council (n.d.) an FTA between Australia and China would result in increased living standards in both countries.Reference list:Australia China Business Council n.d., Australia China FTA Round-up, viewed 16 July 2008, .au/.Website, PDF document .pdf in URL indicates PDF document and page numbers should be provided in in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. NAATI, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. NAATI may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:According to the National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters (NAATI) (2005, p. 66), it seems that ...... (National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, p. 66).Reference list:NAATI 2005—see National Accreditation Authority for Translators &Interpreters 2005.National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, Manual for candidates 2004, rev. edn, NAATI, viewed 22 December 2005, <http:// .au/documents/manuals/manual_for_candidates.pdf>.。



1107:16427h 2Study of materials having significance for high energy magnet production and for hydrogen storage. 3Wallace,W.E. 4 (Dep.Chem.,Univ. Pittsburgh, PA USA). 5Report 61983, 7ARO-17165.42-MS
五、新书和视听资料的文摘标题(New Book and AudioVisual Material Announcement Heading)
1.特定标志 pp. 货币代号:
1129:332550h2Texture and Anisotropy Preferred Orientations in Polycrystals and Their Effect on Materials Properties. 3Kocks, U. F.;Tome, C. N.; Wenk, H. R. 4 (Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge, UK). 51998. 6700pp. 7 (Eng)
二、会议录和资料汇编的文摘标题(Proceeding and Edited-Collections Abstracts Heading)
1.特定标志 proc.(proceeding):会刊、会议录、学报 inst.(institute):学会、学院、协会 symp.(symposium):论文集、论丛、讨论会、座谈会 conf.(conference):会议、讨论会
三、技术报告的文摘标题(Technical Report Abstract Heading)



Referencing Guide American Psychological Association (APA)APA is an author date referencing style and is the choice for many disciplines including: Psychology Sociology Business Economics Education Nursing Social Work CriminologyUnless otherwise stated the following information and examples are based on:American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Available at CDU Library - REF 808.06615 PUBLNote : Your references should identify an item (e.g. book, journal article, webpage) insufficient detail so that others may identify and consult it. Your references should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically by author (or by title if there is no author).How to reference booksA book with one authorIn text citationMikolaj (2005) examines the phenomena of stress and critical incident stress in the emergency services professions.Environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals (Mikolaj, 2005).Mikolaj states that; “environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals” (Mikolaj, 2005, pp. 25-26).Reference List Mikolaj, A.A. (2005). Stress management for the emergency care provider . Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.Note : Capitalise only the first word of book title and subtitle. As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book by two authorsIn text citationWhite and Perrone (1997) describe the ways in which society responds to crime in the Australian context.There are many ways in which crime is dealt with in society including formal and informal methods (White & Perrone, 1997).The authors state “the doctrine of precedent is meant to ensure that radical change or differential treatment of any kind is difficult to achieve” (White & Perrone, 1997, p.89).Note: An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence.Reference ListWhite, R. & Perrone, S. (1997). Crime and social control: An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book by four or more authorsIn text citationNote: cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al.First citationGillis, Perkins, Roemer and Snodgrass (1987) make the distinction between backward and advanced economies, or between traditional and modern ones.OrThe authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis, Perkins, Roemer & Snodgrass, 1987). Subsequent citationsGillis et al. (1987) make the ….orThe authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies, or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis, et al. 1987).Second citation within the same paragraphGillis et al. make the ….Reference ListGillis, M., Perkins, D., Roemer, M., & Snodgrass, D. (1987).Economics of development (2nd ed.). New York: WW Norton &Company.As per example section page 175 and section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.An edited bookIn text citationSwingland (2003, pp. 65-74) provides an excellent examination of the concept of capturing and conserving biodiversity.Reference ListSwingland, I.R. (Ed.). (2003). Capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity: The market approach. London: EarthscanPublications.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A book or work by an association or institutionIn text citationChapter 5 discusses the nature of a workable global emissions trading system (Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, 2007).Reference ListPrime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading. (2007).Report of the task group on emissions trading. Canberra, ACT: Dept. ofthe Prime Minister and Cabinet.Note: When the author and publisher are identical, use the word Author as the name of the publisher.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Citing multiple sources at one point in the textIn text citationOther studies focus on the role of multilateral approaches to the issue of carbon emissions trading. (Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, 2007; Swingland, 2003).Note: it is recommended that the authors’ names be ordered alphabetically inside the brackets. Use a semicolon to separate the works cited inside the brackets.As per section 6.19, page 177 of the APA manual, 6th ed.A chapter in an edited book In text citation …and according to Tulving (1997, p.151) “Few problems in science are as difficult”. Reference List Tulving, E. (1997). What is episodic memory? In T. F. Pettijohn (Ed.), Sources. Notable selections in social psychology (pp. 151-164). Guilford, Conn: Dushkin Pub. Group.As per section 7.02, page 202 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic bookIn text citationHe claims the “decisive step .... was taken in 1895 in London” (Munsterberg,1916, ¶ 2). Note: Use paragraph number when page numbers are not provided. See section 6.05, page 171, for how to cite material with no page numbers. Reference List Munsterberg, H. (1916). The photoplay: A psychological study . Retrieved from /files/15383/15383-8.txtAs per examples 19 to 22, pages 203-204 of the APA manual, 6th ed. (note different types of electronic books are cited differently – check the APA manual if unsure).Print articlesIn text citationSansom (2006) establishes that Herbert’s authorial practice makes him the very semblance of an anthropologist. He likewise is a looter of the Dreamings.Reference list Sansom, B. (2006). Looter of the dreamings: Xavier Herbert and the taking of Kaijek’s newsong story. Oceania , 76(1), 83-104. How to reference journal articlesNote: Capitalise only the first word of article title and subtitle, and capitalise all main words of the journal title.As per example 3, page 199 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic article with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI ).In text citationAccording to Holland (2006) “Classroom climate and teacher credibility are critical both to low student resentment and high diversity learning” (p. 196).Note: A digital object identifier is a permanent identifier given to an electronic document, regardless of whether the URL changes.Reference listHolland, L. (2006). Teaching and learning in diversity classes: The significance of classroom climate and teacher credibility.Journal of Political Science Education, 2(2),187-203.doi:10.1080/15512160600669122As per example 1, page 198 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic article without a DOIIn text citationThe author discusses parallel levels of development in both the evolving information horizon and the human being (Kari, 2006, ¶ 4).Note: Use paragraph number when page numbers are not provided. See section 6.05, page 171, for how to cite material with no page numbers.Reference listKari, J. (2006). Evolutionary information seeking: A case study of personal development and Internet searching. First Monday,11(1). Retrieved from/issues/issue11_1/kari/index.html.As per example 3, page 199 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference newspaper articlesNewspaper article with authorIn text citationDelaney and Vara (2007) report on the introduction of Google’s “My Stuff” and itsimplications for home computer needs into the future. Reference list Delaney, K.J. & Vara, V. (2007, November 28). Google to peddle free parking for your computer files. The Australian, p.40. As per example 10, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Newspaper article no author providedIn text citation April the 1st was the proposed date for the big Cane Toad Day Out (Don’t be a fool, 2008).Reference list Don't be a fool, kill as many cane toads as you can: pollie. (2008, August 18). Northern Territory News, p. 6.As per example 9, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Newspaper article accessed from an online source In text citation “Startnextweek” is an innovative new service for booking and buying training courses online, reports Josh Robertson. (2007).Reference list Robertson, J. (2007,October 22). Online boost for training options. The Courier Mail . Retrieved from .auAs per example 11, page 200 of the APA manual, 6th ed.In text citationCoates (1996) addresses the cost of natural disasters in terms of lives lost from the early 1800’s onwards.Reference list Coates, L. (1996). An overview of fatalities from some natural hazards in Australia. In R.L. Heathcote, C. Cuttler and J. Koetz (Eds.), NDR96 Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction (pp. 49-54). Canberra, Australia: Institution of Engineers.How to reference published conference proceedingsNote: for conference proceedings published in book form use book citing conventions; for those published in periodical form(i.e. published regularly) use journal conventions.As per section 7.04, page 206 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference reports and governmentpublicationsDocument produced by a government agencyIn text citation“39% of agencies have reported facing at least one challenge in regards to the employment of people with a disability” (Australian Public Service Commission [APSC], 2006, p.107).Note: if the organisation is recognised by an abbreviation, cite the first time in full, as above then abbreviation thereafter – (APSC, 2006).Reference listAustralian Public Service Commission. (2006). State of the service report 2005-06. Canberra: Author.Note: if the publisher is the same as the author, then do not repeat details. And if the issuing agency has assigned a number to the report, give the number inparentheses after the title.As per section 7.03, page 205 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference statistics from the ABSIn text citationThe Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] reported that p eople born in the United Kingdom accounted for 23% of all overseas-born persons in Australia's population, followed by New Zealand (10%) and Italy, China and Vietnam (4% each) (2007, p.9).Reference listAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Migration Australia, 2005-06. Cat. No. 3412.0. Canberra: Author. Retrieved 15th February,2008,.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/E0A79B147EA8E0B5CA2572AC001813E8/$File/34120_2005-06.pdfAs per example 4.15 page 231. Cat. No. denotes ABS Catalogue NumberIn text citationThe CCH Macquarie Dictionary and Thesaurus (1993, p.164) defines the term subjudice “not yet judicially settled”.Reference list The CCH Macquarie Dictionary of Law (2nd ed.). (1993.) North Ryde, NSW: CCH Australia.Note : If no editor or author details use book title. As per examples 27 to 30, page 249 of the APA manual, 6th ed.An entry in an encyclopaediaIn text citationVesper, (2005) discusses the range of sources of heavy metal contamination of cave waters.Reference list Vesper, D. J. (2005). Contamination of cave waters by heavy metals. In D. C. Culver & W. B. White (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of caves (pp. 127-131). Burlington: Elsevier.Or Frederic, L. (1997). E-AWASE. In Encyclopaedia of Asian civilizations (Vol. 2, pp. 331). Paris: Author.As per examples 27 to 30, page 249 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Print versionIn text citation Rorrison (2006) examines the central role of the practicum in secondary preservice teacher training.Reference list Rorrison, D. (2006). Jumping through spinning hoops, chance or a carefully constructed learning journey? A critical view of How to reference thesesHow to cite reference books (encyclopaedias and dictionaries)learning in the secondary practicum (Unpublished doctoraldissertation). Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.If the thesis is a master’s thesis, use: (Unpublished master’s thesis).As per section 7.05, page 207 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Electronic thesisIn text citationCampbell’s (2004, p.2) concern is “the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide at a rapid rate.”Reference listCampbell, K. (2004). Family food environments as determinants of children's eating: Implications for obesity prevention.(Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Deakin University,Geelong, 2004). Retrieved per section 7.05, page 207 of the APA manual, 6th ed.How to reference WebsitesWeb documents, no date:In text citationThe guide stresses there are a lot of things you can do(Northern Territory Department of Justice [NTDJ], p.4).Note: if the organisation is recognised by abbreviation, cite the first time in full, as above then abbreviation thereafter.Reference listNorthern Territory Department of Justice.(n.d).Step forward: Getting help about sexual violence. Retrieved August 20, 2008, further example of citing a website at /learn/faqs/web-page-no-author.aspxHow to reference MultimediaPodcastsIn text citation :According to Professor Michael Kahn....... (Seega, 2008).. Seega, B. (Producer). (2008, August 4). Oral Cancer. The Health Report [Podcast]. Retrieved from .au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/As per example 50, page 210 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Television broadcastIn text citationMasters reveals .... (2006).. or The program depicts......(Masters, 2006)..Masters, C. (Writer) & Alexander, J. (Director). (2006). Big fish, little fish [Television series episode]. In D. Shore (Executive producer), Four Corners . Ultimo, NSW: ABC Television.Note: A performer or presenter is only given principal credit if they are the focus of the recording.As per example 51, page 210 of the APA manual, 6th ed.Online videoReference listMesserschmit (2006, July 23). Engineering gone wrong [Video file]. Video posted to /watch?v=7e-UHhYAzucPersonal communications – Citation within the textIn text citationPersonal communications include conversations, interviews, unsourced lecture material, telephone conversations, letters, e-mail messages etc.…(R. Smith, personal communication, January 28, 2008)R. Smith (personal communication, January 28, 2008)…Note : As these materials are unpublished they are not included in reference lists or bibliographies.As per section 6.20, page 214Commonly Used Abbreviationssymbol ¶ paragraphapp. appendixart. articlechap. chapterdiv. divisiondoi digital object identifiered. editor, edited by, editioneds. editorset al. and others (Latin et al)daten.d. nono. nos. number(s)placen.p. nop. pp. page(s)par. paragraphpt. partrev. revisedsec. sectionser. seriessuppl. supplements.v. under the word (Latin subverso)trans. translator(s)vol. volume。






然而,按照GB/T 7714—2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。






⑴文后参考文献的著录规则为GB/T 7714—2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,适用于“著者和编辑编录的文后参考文献,而不能作为图书馆员、文献目录编制者以及索引编辑者使用的文献著录规则”。







endnote 参考文献引用书籍的格式

endnote 参考文献引用书籍的格式








例如:1. [Smith, John.](2005). 《The Art of Learning》. New York: Random House.二、多作者书籍的引用格式当引用的书籍有多位作者时,需要在引用格式中逐一列出所有作者的尊称。




例如:2. [Smith, John; Johnson, David.](2008). 《The History of Art》. London: Penguin Books.三、同一作者多部作品的引用格式如果在文献中需要引用同一作者的多部作品时,需要在引用格式中分别列出每部作品的书名和出版日期。









例如:3. Smith, John. (2005). 《The Art of Learning》. New York: Random House.Smith, John. (2010). 《The Science of Thinking》. New York: Random House.四、引用书籍章节的格式在引用书籍章节时,需要包括章节作者尊称、章节题目、书名、出版社、出版日期等信息。




References and Bibliography:A reference list cites work that specifically supports a particular essay or report.A bibliography cites work for background or further reading.A reference list provides the information necessary to identify and retrieve each source material. Because the purpose of listing references is to enable the readers to retrieve and use the sources, reference data must be correct and complete.Make sure that references cited in the text appear in the reference list and that each entry in the reference list is cited in the text.The Electronic Engineering Department has decided to conform to The American Psychological Association (APA) format, which is one of the most recognised reference styles, for all essays, reports, articles, etc. published in the Electronic Engineering Department.As a general rule, make sure that you provide sufficient information to allow the reader to locate the source you are citing. When in doubt provide more information rather than less. Each entry usually contains the following elements: author, year of publication, title and publishing data.References for printed materialBooks• Book author(s) or editor(s)• Date of Publication• Title of book• Page numbers• Publication information: location and publisherExamples:Pitts, J. M., & Schormans, J. A. (2000). Introduction to IP and ATM design and performance : with applications and analysis software. New York : John Wiley. (047149187X)Laughton, M. A., & Warne, D. F. (Eds.). (2003). Electrical engineer's reference book. 16th ed. Oxford, Boston: Newnes. (0750646373)(The long number at the end is the ISBN - International Standard Book Number.)Amari, S-I, Giles, C.L, Gori, M, &. Piuri, V. (Eds.). (2000). Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN 2000. Neural Computing: New Challenges and Perspectives for the New Millennium. 24-27 July 2000. Los Alamitos, CA.: IEEE Computer Society.Article or book chapters in an edited book• Article or chapter author• Date of publication• Title of article or chapter• Book editor(s)• Title of book• Page numbers• Publication information: location of publication and publisherExample:Hardman, V. J., & Hailes, S. (1999). Mobile multimedia access for the Internet. In D. R. Bull, C. N. Canagarajah & A. R. Nix (Eds.), Insights into mobile multimedia communications (pp. 111 - 132). San Diego, CA : Academic. (012 140310 6).(You will not find the author "Hardman" in Queen Mary Library catalogue - authors of book chapters are not included.)Published proceedings or published contribution to a symposium in an edited book• Author• Date of Publication• Title• Editor(s)• Title of publication• Page numbers• Publication information: location and publisherExamples:Papadopoulos, S., & Parini, C. G. (1998). FDTD scattering by a dielectric strut in large geodesic space-frame radomes.In International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory. Proceedings. 25-28 May,1998 (Vol.2, pp. 721-3). Thessaloniki : Aristotle University.Chen, Y., & Cuthbert, L. (2003). Optimized downlink transmit power control during soft handoverin WCDMA systems. In R. Smith (Ed.), WCNC 2003. 2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Record. New Orleans, LA, USA. 16-20 March 2003. (Vol.1, pp. 547-51). Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.Journal• Author(s)• Date of Publication• Title of article• Title of Periodical• Volume number• Page numbersExample:Chiau, C.C., Chen, X., & Parini, C. (2003). Multiperiod EBG structure for wide stopband circuits. IEE Proceedings-Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, 150, no.6, 489-92.Unpublished paper• Author• Date of publication• Title• Title of conference/meeting• LocationExample:Lanktree, C., & Briere, J., (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.Technical and research reports• Report author(s)• Date of Publication• Report title• Page numbers• Publication information: location and publisherExample:Ely, J. J., Nguyen, T. X., & Koppen, S. V. (2003). Wireless phone threat assessment and new wireless technology concerns for aircraft navigation radios. (NASA Technical Paper NASA/TP-2003/212446). Washington, D.C : National Aeronautics and Space Administration.BrochuresAs entire booksIn bracket identify the publication as a brochureWeb referencesOnline periodicals and online documents:Electronic sources include databases, online journals, websites or web pages, online newsletters and web based or email based discussion groups.Provide sufficient information to allow the reader to locate the source you are citing.Cite what is available when you cannot find some elements of information about a source. If the work originally had a print existence, it may be necessary to give the date of the original print publication.Include the date that you accessed the source (Note: not required when citing messages). Cite the address (URL) accurately. Include the access-mode (http, ftp, telnet, etc.). If it is necessary to divide the URL between two lines, break only after a slash mark and do not insert a hyphen at the break.Web PagesIndividual work• Author/Editor• Title of page• Publisher (optional)• Publication date /Last modified• Address• Access dateExample:Crane, G., editor (2000, March). Hercules, Greece's greatest hero. Retrieved November 27, 2000, from Tufts University, Classics Department, Perseus Project Web site:/Hercules/Abbott, K. (2004, May). Finding information for Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Materials and the IRC in Biomedical Materials. Retrieved May 27, 2004, from Queen Mary, University of London Library Web site : /eng/engweb.htmPart of a work• Author/Editor• Title of part• Source title• Publisher (optional)• Publication date /Last modified• Address• Access dateExample:Du Bois, W.E.B. (1903). Of the dawn of freedom. In The Souls of Black Folk. Retrieved November 27, 2000, from Project BartlebyMagazine, journal, newspaper article• Author (if known)• Title of article• Source information (title, volume, pub. date, paging if available)• Database used (when found with subscription database)• Access dateExample: Scott, J. (1999, Jan./Feb.). From hate rhetoric to hate crime: a link acknowledged too late. Humanist, 8-14. Retrieved on November 27, 2000, from SIRS Researcher database.MessagesE-Mail Discussion List Posting• Author• Pub. date of message• Title/Subject line of message• Description• List name• List address (Web message archive or e-mail address)Example:Holland, N. (2000, Oct. 15). Overcoming depression. Message posted to Psyart electronic mailing list, archived at /ipsa/psyart.htmlUSENET Newsgroup Posting• Author• Pub. date of message• Title/Subject line of message• Description• Newsgroup nameExample:Smith, B.C. (2000, Sept. 22). Conserving water in a closed environment. Message posted to news:// Forum Posting• Author• Pub. date of message• Title/Subject line of message• Description• Forum/Message addressExample:Martin, P. (2000, Nov. 24). An impartial Supreme Court?Message posted to /interactions/s.131587/highlights/Personal E-Mail Message• Author/Sender• Date of message• Description/RecipientE-mail messages should be cited only within the text of the paper.They are not included in the References.Example:Anthony Boyle (personal communication, Aug. 31, 2000) stated that this notion of utopia was consistent with the view held by many religious scholars.List of accepted abbreviations:Chap. chapterEd. editionRev. ed. revised edition2nd ed. second editionEd.(Eds.) Editor (Editors)Trans. Translator(s)n.d. no datep. (pp.) page (pages)Vol. Volume (as in Volume 5)Vols. Volumes (as in 5 vols.)No. NumberPt. PartTech. Rep. Technical ReportSuppl. SupplementFor further information:See the American Psychological Association APA style manual./elecref.htmlFor Internet sources: See “Citing Net Sources” the Ohio State University Libraries guide at: net.TUTOR Home/tutor/open/les7/guide.html/tutor/les7/guideimages.html#1。

参考文献类型 英语

参考文献类型 英语

参考文献类型英语Types of Reference Materials in Academic Writing.In academic writing, referencing is crucial as it helps to establish the credibility of the writer's assertions and arguments. It also allows readers to delve deeper into the subject matter by providing them with additional resources. The type of reference material used depends on the nature of the research and the requirements of the academic institution or publisher. Here are some common types of reference materials used in academic writing:1. Books: Books are one of the most common types of reference materials in academic writing. They provide a comprehensive overview of a subject and often include in-depth analysis, case studies, and historical perspectives. Books can be either monographs (written by a single author) or edited volumes (compiled by multiple authors).2. Journal Articles: Journal articles are anotherimportant type of reference material in academic writing. These articles are published in peer-reviewed journals and undergo rigorous vetting by experts in the field. Journal articles are typically focused and provide up-to-date information on a specific topic.3. Conference Papers: Conference papers are presentations or written works that are submitted for consideration at academic conferences. These papers often contain original research or new ideas and perspectives on a topic. Conference papers can be a valuable source of information, especially in fields where research is constantly evolving.4. Online Resources: With the advent of the internet, online resources have become increasingly important in academic writing. These resources can include websites, blogs, digital libraries, and databases. Online resources provide access to a wealth of information that may not be available in traditional print formats. However, it's important to ensure that the information comes from reliable and credible sources.5. Government Publications: Government publications can also be valuable reference materials in academic writing. These publications may include reports, studies, and regulations issued by federal, state, or local governments. Government publications can provide unique insights into policy development and implementation as well as data and statistics that may not be available from other sources.6. Dissertations and Theses: Dissertations and theses are written works submitted by graduate students in fulfillment of degree requirements. These works often contain original research and analysis on a specific topic. While they may not be as widely available as other types of reference materials, dissertations and theses can be a valuable resource for in-depth knowledge of a particular subject.In conclusion, the type of reference material used in academic writing depends on the nature of the research and the requirements of the academic institution or publisher. It's important to consult the appropriate style manual(e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago) to ensure that references are formatted correctly and meet the standards of the field. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that all referenced materials are credible and reliable to maintain the integrity of the academic work.。



教辅书参考书泛滥英语作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Make Full Use of Reference Books. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)参考书泛滥已成为师生共同关注的问题;2)参考书泛滥带来了哪些影响;3)作为大学生,应该如何正确选择和使用参考书。

参考范文1:Nowadays reference books have become a problem of great concern for both teachers and students. There are many kinds of reference books available in the book market. A smarter use of these books is certainly beneficial, but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a lot of problems.First of all, teaching reference books might make the students less attentive in class. Armed with reference books, many students may think that they know what the teacher is going to talk about. So they may not listen to the teacher in class at all. Secondly, some students rely on the reference books too much, which is unfavorable to the improvement of their ability to work out the solutions for themselves. Thirdly, there aresome reference books with many mistakes, which might mislead students.Considering the above-mentioned, we should be careful in selecting and using references books. Firstly, we should check the contents of the book carefully but not only pay attention to the brand of publishing house. In addition, we can turn to the recommendation of teachers and students around us. Besides, reference books are just an assistant, so we shouldn’t rely on them too much. Only in this way can we make full use of reference books.参考范文2:Nowadays reference books have become a problem of great concern for both teachers and students. For example, there are more than ten kinds of reference books available to users of college English. A smarter use of these books is certainly beneficial, but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a tot of problems.To begin with, they make the students less attentive in class. armed with reference books, many students may think that they know what the teacher is going to talk about. So they may not listen to the teacher in class at all. And they may not have the chance to listen or speak English. as a result, they will neither speak nor understand when they are spoken to. Secondly, some reference books are so filled with mistakes thatstudents may be confused as to the correct term or answer. Thirdly, by merely referring to the reference books, the students may be deprived of the ability to work out the solution to the problems themselves. Finally, faced with so many kinds of reference books, the students may feel at a loss which to buy.Therefore, I suggest that students neither overuse nor misuse the reference books. I also suggest that publishing houses make concerted efforts to publish fewer but better reference books. If both the students and the publishing houses adopt the right attitude toward reference books, they will both benefit a lot from them.。

爱思唯尔校稿uncited references

爱思唯尔校稿uncited references

爱思唯尔校稿uncited references 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts, other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!爱思唯尔校稿Uncited References引言在学术界,引用参考文献是非常重要的。



Publishing ContractAGREEMENTmade this <<daynumber>> day of <<month>>, <<year>>between <<Author's name>>, whose residence address is <<Author's address>> (hereinafter called the Author); and INDEX Books whose principal place of business is at Leiden, The Netherlands - email**********************(hereinaftercalledthePublisher);WITNESSETH:In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:1. GRANTThe author hereby grants and assigns to the Publisher the exclusive rights to publish in the English language in book form in all countries of the world, a Work now entitled <<Title of book>> (hereinafter called the Work), which title may be changed only by mutual consent in writing.2. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIESThe Author represents that he is the sole proprietor of the Work and that the Work to the best of his knowledge does not contain any libelous matter and does not violate the civil rights of any person or persons, does not infringe any existing copyright and has not heretofore been published in book form. The Author shall hold harmless and indemnify the publisher from any recovery finally sustained by reason of any violations of copyright or other property of personal right; provided, however, that the Publisher shall with all reasonable promptness notify the Author of any claim or suit which may involve the warranties of the Author hereunder; and the Author agrees fully to cooperate in the defense thereof. The warranties contained in this article do not extend to drawings, illustrations, insofar as not furnished by the Author, or to any other material not furnished by the Author.3. DELIVERYThe Author agrees to deliver to the publisher, a complete typewritten script as well as a complete electronic text of the Work in a format to be determined by the Publisher (hereinafter called the Script). If the Script shall not have been delivered within three (3) months after the date this agreement is signed the Publisher may, at its option, terminate this agreement by notice in writing posted or delivered to the Author.4. PUBLICATIONThe Publisher agrees to publish the Work in book form at its own expense at a catalogue retail price of not less than $60 per copy not later than twelve months after the delivery of the completed Work. In the event of delay from causes beyond the control of the Publisher, the publication date may be postponed accordingly, but not to exceed eighteen months from the delivery of the completed work.5. COPYRIGHTThe Publisher, upon first publication of the Work, agrees duly to copyright it with the relevant authority in the Netherlands in the name of the Author, and to take all necessary steps to protect the copyright under the Universal Copyright Convention. The Author shall, upon the termination of the first term, make timely application for renewal of copyright under then existing copyright law and, provided this agreement shall then be in force and effect, the Author agrees to assign to the Publisher, for the renewal term of the copyright, the rights herein granted to the Publisher.6. EDITING AND PROOFREADINGThe Publisher shall make no changes in, additions to, or eliminations from the manuscript without the consent of the Author, and in order to obtain such consent, shall submit the copy-edited manuscript to the Author for his approval. The Author agrees to return such proof to the Publisher with his corrections within thirty (30) days of the receipt thereof by him. The cost of alterations required by the Author, other than corrections of typesetting errors, in excess of fifteen percent (15%) of the original cost of composition, shall be charged against the earnings of the Author under this agreement or shall, at the option of the Publisher, be paid by the Author in cash; provided, however, that the Publisher shall upon request promptly furnish to the Author an itemized statement of such additional expenses, and shall make available at the Publisher's office the corrected proof for inspection by the Author or his representatives.7. ROYALTIES AND LICENSESThe Publisher shall pay to the Author or his duly authorized representatives, the following advances and royalties;(a) A royalty of ten percent (10%) of the retail price thereof on all copies of the Work sold less returns.(b) Fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds of any license granted to another Publisher to bring out a reprint edition of the Work.(c) No royalties shall be payable of copies furnished to the Author or on copies for review, sample, or other similar purposes, or on copies destroyed.The Author or his duly authorized representatives shall have the right upon written request to examine the books of account of the Publisher insofar as they relate to the Work and any other of the Author's works under contract to the Publisher. Such examination shall be at the cost of the Author unless errors of accounting amounting to five percent (5%) or more of the total sum paid to the Author shall be found to his disadvantage, in which case the cost shall be borne by the Publisher.8. OVERPAYMENTIn all instances in which the Author shall have received an overpayment of monies under the terms hereof, the Publisher may deduct such overpayment from any further sums payable to the Author in respect to the Work.9. NOTIFICATION AND PAYMENTThe Publisher agrees promptly to advise the Author of the terms of any contracts entered into for any grant or license permitted under this agreement whenever the Author's share of the proceeds or royalty is one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more. Such contracts shall be made available by the Publisher to the Author or his representative at the office of the Publisher, and a copy thereof will be furnished the Author upon his written request. The Author's share of such proceeds or royalty shall be promptly paid to him upon receipt by the Publisher.10. AUTHOR'S COPIESThe Author shall be permitted to purchase copies for his personal use at a discount of forty percent (40%) of the retail price.11. STATEMENTS AND PAYMENTSThe Publisher agrees to render semi-annual statements on July 31 and January 31 in each year following the publication hereof, showing an account of sales and all other payments due hereunder to June 31 and December 31 preceding said respective accounting dates. Payment then due shall accompany such statements.12. REVERSION AND TERMINATION(a) At any time after two years from the date of first publication, but not before, the Publisher may on three months' notice in writing to the Author or his representative discontinue publication, and in that event this agreement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert to the Author at the expiration of said three (3) month period.(b) If the Publisher shall, during the existence of this agreement, default in the delivery of semi-annual statements or in the making of payments as herein provided and shall neglect or refuse to deliver such statements or make such payments, or any of them, within thirty (30) days after written notice of such default, this agreement shall terminate at the expiration of such thirty (30) days without prejudice to the Author's claim for any monies which may have accrued under this agreement or to any other rights and remedies to which the Author may be entitled.(c) If the Publisher shall fail to publish the Work within the period in Paragraph4 provided, or otherwise fail to comply with or fulfill the terms and conditions hereof, or in the event of bankruptcy, etc., as in Paragraph 13 hereof provided, this agreement shall terminate and the rights herein granted to the Publisher shall revert to the Author. In such event all payments theretofore made to the Author shall belong to the Author without prejudice to any other remedies which the Author may have.(d) Upon the termination of this agreement for any cause under this Article or Article 13 hereof, all rights granted to the Publisher shall revert to the Author for his use at any time and the Publisher shall return to the Author all property originally furnished by the Author.13. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCYIf a petition in bankruptcy shall be filed by or against the Publisher, or if it shall be adjudged insolvent by any court, or if a Trustee or a Receiver of any property of the Publisher shall be appointed in any suit or proceeding by oragainst the Publisher, or if the Publisher shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or shall take the benefit of any bankruptcy or insolvency Act, or if the Publisher shall liquidate its business for any cause whatsoever, this agreement shall terminate automatically without notice, and such termination shall be effective as of date of the filing of such petition, adjudication, appointment, assignment or declaration or commencement of reorganization or liquidation proceedings, and all rights granted hereunder shall thereupon revert to the Author.14. 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The Author may, at his option, in the case of failure to pay royalties, refuse to arbitrate, and pursue his legal remedies.17. NOTICESAny written notice required under any of the provisions of this agreement shall be deemed to have been properly served by delivery in person or by mailing the same in paper or by electronic means to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth above, except as the addresses may be changed by notice in writing; provided, however, that notices of termination shall be sent by registered mail.18. WAIVERA waiver of any breach of this agreement or of any of the terms or conditions by either party thereto, shall not be deemed a waiver of any repetition of such breach or in any wise affect any other terms or conditions hereof; no waiver shall be valid or binding unless it shall be in writing, and signed by the parties.19. 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参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:[M]--专著,著作[C]--论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《***大学研究生学术论文集》[N]-- 报纸文章[J]--期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版[D]--学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文[R]--报告:一般在标题中会有"关于****的报告"字样[S]-- 标准[P]--专利[A]--文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章[Z]--对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见常用的电子文献及载体类型标识:[DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online)[DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)[M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM)[CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk)[J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online)[EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码.【举例】[1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109.[2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67.2.专著类【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.【举例】[4] 刘国钧,王连成.图书馆史研究[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1979:15-18,31.[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).【举例】[6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33). 4.论文集【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.[9] Spivak,G. "Can the Subaltern Speak?"[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7. 6.研究报告【格式】[序号]作者. 篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.7.专利【格式】[序号]专利所有者.题名[P].国别:专利号,发布日期.【举例】[13] 姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056073, 1989 07 26.8.标准【格式】[序号]标准编号,标准名称[S].【举例】[14] GB/T 16159-1996, 汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S].9.条例【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991-06-0510.电子文献【格式】[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名.电子文献出处[电子文献及载体类型标识].或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期.【举例】[16] 王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].http:[17] 万锦.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983 1993).英文版[DB/CD]. 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社, 1996.11.各种未定义类型的文献【格式】[序号] 主要责任者.文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者, 出版年.特别说明:凡出现在"参考文献"项中的标点符号都失去了其原有意义,且其中所有标点必须是半角,如果你的输入法中有半角/全解转换,则换到半角状态就可以了,如果你的输入法中没有这一转换功能,直接关闭中文输入法,在英文输入状态下输入即可.其实,很多输入法(如目前比较流行的搜狐输入法)都提供了四种组合:(1)中文标点+ 全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(而这时,我没有找到哪个键可以输入/ 符号)也就是说,这些符号是一定不能出现在"参考文献"中的;(2)中文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(这时,我还是没有找到哪个键可以输入/ 符号)也就是说,这些符号也不能出现在"参考文献"中的;上面列出的符号,中间没有任何的空格,你能看出它们有什么区别吗?我看只是-的宽度有一点点不同,其它都一样(3)英文标点+全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,.:[1]-/(4)英文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,.:[1]-/从这两项可以明显的看出,半角和全角其实最大的差别是所占的宽度不一样,这一点对于数字来说最为明显,而英文标点明显要比中文标点细小很多(也许因为英文中,标点的功能没有中文那么复杂,就是说英文中标点符号的能力没有中文那么强大)所以,很多人在写"参考文献" 时,总是觉得用英文标点+半角很不清楚,间距也太小,其实这点完全不用担心如果你觉得真的太小不好看,就用英文标点+全角吧而在[1] 之后,一般也都有一个空格更为详细的内容,大家可以从附件中下载国家标准《文后参考文献著录规则GB/T 7714-2005》查看,不过,很长很烦,拿出点耐心看吧对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用"姓在前名在后"原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母. 如:Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. &I.Gordon.②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly.三、注释注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明注释应置于本页页脚,前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。



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第一节《化学文摘》简介美国《化学文摘》,Chemical Abstracts,简称CA,是世界上著名的检索刊物之一①创刊于1907年,由美国化学协会化学文摘社(CAS of ACS,Chemical Abstracts Service of American Chemical Society)编辑出版, CA自称是“打开世界化学化工文献的钥匙”,在每一期CA的封面上都印有“KEY TO THE WORLD'S CHEMICAL LITERATURE”。



一、CA特点:1. 创刊早、历史悠久:1907年创刊(半月刊),一年一卷;1961年改为双周刊,一年一卷,每卷26期;1962年(双周刊),改为一年两卷,每卷13期;1967年改为周刊(66卷),一年两卷。


4.索引完备、检索途径多:索引是文摘刊物质量的标志,CA有期索引(Keyword Index、Author Index、Patent Index)、卷索引、累积索引(同卷索引)。

二、CA出版物:1文摘本①文摘部分②Keyword Index ③Author Index ④Patent Index2卷索引General Subject Index(普通主题)Chemical Substance Index(化学物质)Author Index(作者)Patent Index(专利)Formula Index(分子式)Index of Ring System(环系)3累积索引1907-1956每10年出一次,1957- 每5年出一次,目前出到第13次。




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例如:①联机网上数据库[db/ol]②磁带数据库[db/mt]③光盘图书[m/cd]④磁盘软件[cp/dk]⑤网上期刊[j/ol]⑥网上电子公告[eb/ol]三、举例1.期刊论文[1]周庆荣,张泽廷,朱美文,等.固体溶质在含夹带剂超临界流体中的溶解度[j].化工学报,1995,46(3):317—323[2]dobbs j m, wong j m. modification of supercritical fluid phasebehavior using polor coselvent[j]. ind eng chem res, 1987,26:56[3]刘仲能,金文清.合成医药中间体4-甲基咪唑的研究[j].精细化工,(2):103-105[ 4 ] mesquita a c, mori m n, vieira j m, et al . vinyl acetate polymerization by ionizing radiation[j].radiation physics and chemistry,, 63:4652.专著[1]蒋挺大.亮聚糖[m].北京:化学工业出版社,.127[2]kortun g. reflectance spectroscopy[m]. new york: spring-verlag,19693.论文集[1]郭宏,王熊,刘宗林.膜分离技术在大豆分离蛋白生产中综合利用的研究[c].//余立新.第三届全国膜和膜过程学术报告会议论文集.北京:高教出版社,1999.421-425[2]eiben a e, vander hauw j k.solving 3-sat with adaptive genetic algorithms [c].//proc 4th ieee conf evolutionary computation.piscataway:ieee press, 1997.81-864.学位论文[1]陈金梅.氟石膏生产早强快硬水泥的试验研究(d).西安:西安建筑科学大学,[ 2 ] chrisstoffels l a j . carrier-facilitated transport as amechanistic tool in supramolecular chemistry[d].the netherland:twente university.19885.专利文献[1]hasegawa, toshiyuki, yoshida,et al.paper coating composition[p].ep 0634524.1995-01-18[ 2 ] 仲前昌夫,佐藤寿昭. 感光性树脂[ p ]. 日本,特开平09-26667.1997-01-28[3]yamaguchi k, hayashi a. plant growth promotor and production thereof [p].jpn, jp1290606.1999-11-22[4]厦门大学.二烷氨基乙醇羧酸酯的制备方法[p].中国发明专利,cn1073429.1993-06-236.技术标准文献[1]iso 1210-1982,塑料——小试样接触火焰法测定塑料燃烧性[s][2]gb 2410-80,透明塑料透光率及雾度实验方法[s]7.报纸[1]陈志平.减灾设计研究新动态[n].科技日报,1997-12-12(5)8.报告[1]中国机械工程学会.密相气力输送技术[r].北京:19969.电子文献[1]万锦柔.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983-1993)[db/cd].北京:中国百科全书出版社,1996。

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Books and edited proceedings
Yves Robert
Laboratoire LIP,UMR CNRS–ENS Lyon–INRIA5668
Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure de Lyon
69364LYON Cedex07,France
[1]P.Quinton and Y.Robert.Algorithmes et architectures systoliques.Etudes et Recherches en Informa-
tique.Masson,1989.English translation:Systolic algorithms and architectures,Prentice Hall(1991).
[2]Y.Robert.The impact of vector and parallel architectures on the Gaussian elimination algorithm.
Manchester University Press and John Wiley,1991.
[3]L.Boug´e,C.Kenyon,J-M.Muller,and Y.Robert.Exercices d’algorithmique.Editions Ellipses,1993.
[4]A.Darte,Y.Robert,and F.Vivien.Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization.Birkha¨u ser,2000.
[5]A.Legrand and Y.Robert.Algorithmique Parall`e le–Cours et exercices corrig´e s.Dunod,2003.
[6]A.Legrand,H.Casanova,and Y.Robert.Parallel Algorithms.Chapman and Hall/CRC Press,2008.
[7]M.Cosnard,P.Quinton,Y.Robert,and M.Tchuente,editors.Parallel algorithms and architectures.
North Holland,1986.
[8]F.Fogelman-Soulie,Y.Robert,and M.Tchuente,editors.Automata networks in computer science:
theory and applications.Manchester University Press and Princeton University Press,1987.
[9]M.Cosnard,P.Quinton,M.Raynal,and Y.Robert,editors.Parallel and distributed algorithms.North
[10]P.Quinton and Y.Robert,editors.Algorithms and parallel VLSI architectures II.North Holland,1991.
[11]M.Cosnard,M.Nivat,and Y.Robert,editors.Algorithmique parall`e le.Masson,1992.
[12]L.Boug´e,M.Cosnard,Y.Robert,and D.Trystram,editors.Parallel Processing:CONPAR92-VAPP
V,LNCS634.Springer Verlag,1992.
[13]P.Cappello,C.Mongenet,G.R.Perrin,P.Quinton,and Y.Robert,editors.Application-specific array
processors ASAP’95.IEEE Computer Science Press,1995.
[14]L.Boug´e,P.Fraigniaud,A.Mignotte,and Y.Robert,editors.EuroPar’96,LNCS1123-1124.Springer
[15]Y.Robert,M.Parashar,R.Badrinath,and V.Prasanna,editors.High Performance Computing(HiPC)
2006,LNCS4297.Springer Verlag,2006.
[16]Y.Robert and F.Vivien,editors.Introduction to Scheduling.Chapman and Hall/CRC Press,2008,to
[17]P.Quinton and Y.Robert,editors.Special issue on Algorithms and Architectures.Integration,the
VLSI Journal,14,3,1993.
[18]C.Lengauer,P.Quinton,Y.Robert,and L.Thiele,editors.Special issue on Parallelization techniques.
Parallel Processing Letters4,3,1994.
[19]S.Pande,J.Ramanujam,and Y.Robert,editors.Special issue on Compiling for scalable parallel
systems.Parallel Processing Letters7,4,1997.
[20]L.Boug´e,P.Fraigniaud,A.Mignotte,and Y.Robert,editors.Special issue on Parallel Computing.
Theoretical Computer Science196,1998.
[21]A.Darte,Y.Robert,and G.A.Silber,editors.Special issue on Compilers for parallel computers.Parallel
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