危化品安全技术说明书(MSDS)目录表1-001 乙炔气 (1)表1-002 氧气 (2)表1-003 二氧化碳 (3)表1-004 氢气 (4)表1-005 氩气 (5)表1-006 甲烷 (6)表1-007 四氢噻吩 (7)表1-008 活性炭 (8)表1-009 三乙胺 (9)表1-010 硫代磷酰氯 (10)表1-011 硫黄 (11)表1-012 甲胺磷 (12)表1-013 多聚甲醛 (13)表1-014(附表1-3)甲缩醛 (14)表1-015 黄磷 (15)表1-016 氯 (16)表1-017 三氯化磷 (17)表1-018 甲醇 (19)表1-019 液碱 (20)表1-020 氨水 (21)表1-021 硫酸二甲酯 (22)表1-022 甲胺磷 (23)表1-023 液氨 (24)表1-024 氯仿 (25)表1-025 二氯乙烷 (26)表1-026 二硫化碳 (27)表1-027 甲苯 (28)表1-028 盐酸 (29)表1-029 氯甲烷 (30)表1-030 硫酸 (31)表1-031 二甲苯 (33)表1-032 醋酸酐 (34)表1-033 多聚甲醛 (35)表1-034 草甘膦 (36)表1-035 稻瘟灵 (37)表1-036 异丙胺 (38)表1-037 漂白粉 (39)表1-038 氯化氢 (40)表1-039 氰化氢 (41)表1-040 氰化钠 (42)表1-041 氯乙酸 (43)表1-043 丙烯腈 (45)表1-044 氧化亚铜 (46)表1-045 四氯化锡 (47)表1-046 四氧化三铅 (48)表1-047 三氯化铝(无水) (49)表1-048 松香水 (50)表1-049红丹油性防锈漆 (51)表1-050 酚醛树脂 (52)表1-051 硫磺粉(补充) (53)表1-052 一乙胺 (54)表1-053三聚氯氰 (55)表1-054 三氯乙烯 (57)表1-055 磷酸 (58)表1-056 四丁基锡 (59)表1-057 柴油 (60)表1-058 对氨基苯酚 (61)表1-059 醋酸乙酯 (62)表1-060 对氯硝基苯 (63)表1-061 氮气 (64)表1-062莠去津 (65)表1-063 扑草净 (66)表1-064 八氯二丙醚 (67)表1-065 硫化钠 (68)表1-066 异丙醇 (69)表1-067 丙酮 (70)表1-068 二氯丙烷 (71)表1-069 环己酮 (72)表1-070 乙酸异戊酯 (73)表1-071 锌粉 (74)表1-072 乙醇 (75)表1-073 次氯酸钠溶液 (76)表1-074 石脑油 (77)表1-075 双环戊二烯 (78)表1-076 乙酸丁酯 (79)表1-077 双氧水 (80)表1-078 丙烯酸丁酯 (81)表1-079 丙烯酸 (82)表1-080 苯乙烯 (83)表1-081 过硫酸铵 (84)表1-082 过硫酸钾 (85)表1-083 丙烯酰胺 (86)表1-084 甲醛 (87)表1-085 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (88)表1-087 汽油 (90)表1-088 乙酸 (91)表1-089 丙烯酸树脂 (92)表1-090 丙烯酸清漆 (93)表1-091 丙烯酸漆稀释剂 (94)表1-092 丙烯酸磁漆 (95)表1-093 二乙醇胺 (97)表1-094 煤油 (98)表1-095 漂白粉 (99)表1-096 漂粉精 (100)表1-097 三氯异氰尿酸 (101)表1-098 松香 (102)表1-099 松节油 (103)表1-100 硫化钠 (104)表1-101 保险粉 (105)表1-102 7385聚氨酯清漆(分装) (106)表1-103 甲酸 (107)表1-104 乙酸乙二醇乙醚 (108)表1-105 H-3聚氨酯漆固化剂 (109)表1-106 聚氨酯漆稀释剂 (110)表1-107 263醇酸树脂 (111)表1-108 异噻唑啉酮 (112)表1-109 N-乙基苯胺 (113)表1-110苯胺 (114)表1-111 乙酰甲胺磷 (116)表1-112 亚磷酸 (117)表1-113 亚磷酸二甲酯 (118)表1-114 氯甲烷 (119)表1-115 乙醚 (120)表1-116 丙烯酸甲酯 (121)表1-117 一甲胺 (122)表1-118 硝酸镁 (123)表1-119 硫化氢 (124)表1-120 硫化铵 (125)表1-121 一甲胺水溶液 (126)表1-122 兔宝宝面漆 (127)表1-123 兔宝宝稀释剂 (128)表1-124 硫氢化钠 (129)表1-125丙酸 (130)表1-126乙酰氯 (131)表1-127丙酰氯 (132)表1-128 丁醇 (133)表1-129 醇酸调合漆(未列名) (134)表1-129 碳化钙、电石 (135)表1-130 硝酸钠 (136)表1-131 溴甲烷 (137)表1-132 磷化铝 (138)表1-133 正丁醇 (139)表1-134 硝基木器漆 (140)表1-135 硝化棉(含氮≤12.6%) (141)表1-136 单丁醚 (142)表1-137 砷 (143)表1-138 碘化汞 (144)表1-139 氯化汞 (145)表1-140 叠氮化钠 (146)表1-141 重铬酸钠 (147)表1-142 高锰酸钾 (148)表1-143 氰化金钾 (149)表1-144丙烯酸 (150)表1-145甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (151)表1-146苯乙烯 (152)表1-147丙烯酸丁酯 (153)表1-148丁醇 (155)表1-149偶氮二异丁腈 (156)表1-150甲基丙烯酸异丁酯 (157)表1-151 甲基丙烯酸(正)丁酯 (158)表1-152 乙酰丙酮 (159)表1-153 2-丁酮 (160)表1-154 生松香 (161)表1-155 硫酸铜 (162)表1-155 硝酸 (163)表1-155 氰化钾 (164)表1-156硝基苯 (165)表1-157 氟化钠 (166)表1-158 氢氟酸 (167)表1-159蓄电池(注有酸液) (168)表1-160 环氧树脂 (169)表1-161 氯苯 (170)表1-162 乙苯 (171)表1-163 樟脑 (172)表1-164 赛璐珞 (173)表1-165 氢氧化钾 (174)表1-166 乙酸丁酯 (175)表1-001 乙炔气标识中文名:乙炔英文名:acetylene分子式:C2H2 分子量:26.04 CAS号:74-86-2 危规号:21024理化性质性状:无色无臭气体,工业品有使人不愉快的大蒜气味溶解性:微溶于水、乙醇,溶于丙酮、氯仿、苯熔点(℃):-81.8(119kpPa)沸点(℃):-83.8 相对密度(水=1):0.62临界温度(℃):35.2 临界压力(MPa):6.14 相对密度(空气=1):0.91燃烧热(KJ/mol):1298.4 最小点火能(mJ):饱和蒸汽压(KPa):4053(16.8℃)燃烧爆炸危险性燃烧性:易燃燃烧分解产物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳闪点(℃):无意义聚合危害:聚合爆炸下限(%):2.1 稳定性:稳定爆炸上限(%):80.0 禁忌物:强氧化剂、强酸、卤素引燃温度(℃):305 最小点火能(mJ):0.02危险特性:极易燃烧爆炸。
二氟化氢铵用途-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述二氟化氢铵,化学式为NH4F,是一种重要的氟化物化合物。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为三个部分:引言、正文和结论。
1.3 目的:本文主要旨在探讨二氟化氢铵的用途,通过介绍其定义、性质以及在工业和医药领域的具体应用,希望读者能更全面地了解二氟化氢铵在各个领域中的重要性和作用。
2.正文2.1 二氟化氢铵的定义和性质二氟化氢铵,化学式为NH4F,是一种白色结晶性固体,常用作氟化剂和腐蚀剂。
一、脂肪多元胺乙二胺 EDA H2NCH2CH2NH2分子量60活泼氢当量15无色液体每100份标准树脂用6-8份性能:有毒、有剌激臭味,挥发性大、粘度低、可室温快速固化。
二乙烯三胺DETA H2NC2H4NHC2H4NH2 分子量103活泼氢当量20.6无色液体每100份标准树脂用8-11份。
介电常数(50赫、23℃)4.1 功率因数(50赫、23℃)0.009体积电阻2x1016 Ω-cm常温固化、毒性大、放热量大、适用期短。
三乙烯四胺TETA H2NC2H4NHC2H4NHC2H4NH2分子量146活泼氢当量24.3无色粘稠液体每100份标准树脂用10-13份固化:20℃2小时+100℃30分钟或20℃7天。
四乙烯五胺TEPA H2NC2H4(NHC2H4)3NH2分子量189活泼氢当量27棕色液体每100份标准树脂用11-15份性能同上。
1. 乙醇胺分子中同时含有氨基和羟基,可以与其他分子形成氢键。
2. 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸分子中有两个硫醇基,它们可以与其他有机物或金属形成配位键。
3. 钠离子与二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸分子中的羧基和氨基形成离子键。
4. 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠分子结构中含有的羧基、硫醇基和氨基等官能团均为生物活性分子所共有的。
1. 农业:可用于增加植物产量、提高作物抗性、调节植物生长和开花时间,提高果实质量等。
2. 食品:可用于保鲜、防腐、增加营养和味道等。
3. 医药:二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠可以用作创伤治疗、降低肝毒性、抗病毒、改善老年痴呆等药物的原料。
磷酸二氢铵的相对分子质量1. 什么是磷酸二氢铵?磷酸二氢铵,听起来是不是像个化学博士的专属名词?其实它在我们的生活中可并不陌生,尤其是在农业和化肥的世界里,它可是大名鼎鼎的“明星”。
就像是咱们平常说的“天作之合”,这俩组合在一起,可是有大用处的哦!1.1 磷酸二氢铵的成分说到成分,咱们就要仔细瞧瞧了。
1.2 为什么要关心相对分子质量?那么,为什么要特别提到相对分子质量呢?这可不是随便说说的。
就像人吃饭,量多了消化不良,量少了又饿得慌,适量才是王道啊!2. 磷酸二氢铵的用途2.1 农业中的“隐形英雄”接下来,我们得说说磷酸二氢铵的用途。
2.2 其他用途除了农业,它还有其他用处哦。
3. 注意事项3.1 使用时的小心翼翼不过,使用磷酸二氢铵的时候,咱们可得小心翼翼。
酰亚胺,化学式为CnH2N (NH2)2CH3,是一种有机化合物,分子中含有一个氨基和两个羰基,是一种有机化合物,其分子式为CnH2N (NH2)2CH3,简称酰亚胺,又名N-亚硝基二苯胺、邻二氮杂二苯胺。
中文名称:氰基胍[5] 、双氰胺[5]
HS Code: 2926200000
硫酸氢铵的化学式中包含4个氢原子(H)、1个氮原子(N)、1个硫原子(S)和4个氧原子(O),因此分子量的计算公式如下:分子量 = 相对原子质量(H)* 4 + 相对原子质量(N) + 相对原子质量(S) + 相对原子质量(O)* 4根据化学元素周期表,氢(H)的相对原子质量为1,氮(N)的相对原子质量为14,硫(S)的相对原子质量为32,氧(O)的相对原子质量为16。
代入公式得到:分子量 = 1 * 4 + 14 + 32 + 16 * 4计算得到,硫酸氢铵的分子量为[[1 * 4 + 14 + 32 + 16 * 4 = 99]]99。
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Hydrothermal Syntheses and Structural Characterization of Layered Vanadium Oxides Incorporating Organic Cations:r-, -(H3N(CH2)2NH3)[V4O10]andr-, -(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)[V4O10]Yiping Zhang,†,‡Robert C.Haushalter,*,‡and Abraham Clearfield*,†NEC Research Institute,4Independence Way,Princeton,New Jersey08540,and Department ofChemistry,Texas A&M University,College Station,Texas77843Recei V ed September26,1995XFour new layered mixed-valence vanadium oxides,which contain interlamellar organic cations,R-(H3N(CH2)2-NH3)[V4O10](1a), -(H3N(CH2)2NH3)[V4O10](1b),R-(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)[V4O10](2a),and -(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)-[V4O10](2b),have been prepared under hydrothermal conditions and their single-crystal structures determined:1a,triclinic,space group P1h,a)6.602(2)Å,b)7.638(2)Å,c)5.984(2)Å,R)109.55(3)°, )104.749-(2)°,γ)82.31(3)°,Z)1;1b,triclinic,P1h,a)6.387(1)Å,b)7.456(2)Å,c)6.244(2)Å,R)99.89(2)°,)102.91(2)°,γ)78.74(2)°,Z)1;2a,triclinic,P1h,a)6.3958(5)Å,b)8.182(1)Å,c)6.3715(7)Å,R)105.913(9)°, )104.030(8)°,γ)94.495(8)°,Z)1;2b,monoclinic,space group P21/n,a)9.360(2)Å,b)6.425(3)Å,c)10.391(2)Å, )105.83(1)°,Z)2.All four of the compounds contain mixed-valenceV5+/V4+vanadium oxide layers constructed from V5+O4tetrahedra and pairs of edge-sharing V4+O5squarepyramids with protonated organic amines occupying the interlayer space.IntroductionThe contemporary interest in vanadium oxide bronzes reflects not only their interesting electronic and magnetic properties1 but also their complex structural chemistry,associated with the ability of vanadium to adopt a variety of coordination geometries in various oxidation states.In addition to the conventional alkali-metal bronzes A x V2O5,2a class of organic-based vanadium bronzes are also known.While most of the alkali-metal bronzes have been prepared at high temperatures,the organic-based vanadium bronzes are prepared at room temperature or slightly higher via intercalation reactions with vanadium pentoxide xerogels,V2O5‚n H2O.The V2O5‚n H2O host possesses a porous layered structure and is capable of intercalating a variety of neutral and charged guest species such as alkali-metal ions,3 alkylamines,4alcohols,5pyridine,6benzidine,7etc.The insertion of amines or metal complexes into V2O5hosts has also been reported.8The resulting intercalation compounds usually retain the lamellar structure with the guest species and water molecules occupying the interlayer regions.Partial reduction of V5+to V4+of the oxide layers has been observed to accompany the intercalation reactions with organic amines.In the cases of aniline9and thiophene,10the reduction of the vanadium oxide host,and the simultaneous oxidative polymerization of the guest molecules in the interlayer regions,have been observed.These intercalation compounds with reduced vanadium sites constitute an interesting class of organic-inorganic composite materials that can be viewed as molecular or polymer vanadium bronzes by analogy to alkali-metal bronzes.2However,the structural information about these intercalation compounds is very limited due to their amorphous or semicrystalline nature and lack of high-quality single crystals.Hydrothermal techniques,in combination with organic tem-plates,have been recently demonstrated to be well suited for the synthesis and crystal growth of reduced oxomolybdenum and oxovanadium phosphates and vanadium phosphonates.A series of novel organically templated molybdenum and vana-dium phosphates and vanadium phosphonates with molecular, two-dimensional layered,and three-dimensional open-frame-work structures have been prepared under hydrothermal condi-tions.11In contrast,hydrothermal synthesis of vanadium oxides using organic templates remains relatively unexplored.12While there are many examples of alkali-metal vanadium oxide bronzes with three-dimensional or two-dimensional structures in which the alkali metals occupy the channels or the interlayer regions, analogous organically templated vanadium oxides with3-D open*To whom all correspondence should be addressed.†Texas A&M University.‡NEC Research Institute.X Abstract published in Ad V ance ACS Abstracts,August1,1996.(1)Murphy,D.W.;Christian,P.A.Science1979,205,651.(2)Hagenmuller,P.In Non-Stoichiometric Compounds,Tungsten Bronzes,Vanadium Bronzes and Related compounds;Bevan,D.J.,Hagen-muller,P.,Eds.;Pergamon Press:Oxford,U.K.,1973;Vol.1. (3)Lemordant,D.;Bouhaouss,A.;Aldebert,P.;Baffier,N.Mater.Res.Bull.1986,21,273.(4)Paul-Boucour,V.;Aldebert,P.Mater.Res.Bull.1983,18,1247.(5)Aldebert,P.;Baffier,N.;Legendre,J.-J.;Livage,J.Re V.Chim.Miner.1982,19,485.Aldebert,P.;Baffier,N.;Gharbi,N.;Livage,J.Mater.Res.Bull.1981,16,949.Lemordant,D.;Bouhaouss,A.;Aldebert, P.;Baffier,N.J.Chim.Phys.Phys.-Chim.Biol.1986,83,105. (6)Ruiz-Hitzky,E.;Casal,B.J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.11986,82,1597.(7)Hasbah,H.;Tinet,D.;Crespin,M.M.;Erre,R.;Setton,R.;VanDamme,H.J.Chem.Soc.,mun.1985,935.(8)Kanatzidis,M.;Marks,T.J.Inorg.Chem.1987,26,783and referencestherein.(9)Kanatzidis,M.;Wu,C.-G.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1989,111,4139.(10)Kanatzidis,M.;Wu,C.-G.;Marcy,H.O.;DeGroot,D.C.;Kannewurf,C.R.Chem.Mater.1990,2,222.(11)Haushalter,R.C.;Mundi,L.A.Chem.Mater.1992,4,31.Soghomo-nian,V.;Chen,Q.;Haushalter,R.C.;Zubieta,J.;O’Connor,C.J.Science1993,259,1596.Soghomonian,V.;Chen,Q.;Haushalter,R.C.;Zubieta,J.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.Engl.1993,32,610.Soghomo-nian,V.;Chen,Q.;Haushalter,R.C.;Zubieta,J.Chem.Mater.1993, 5,1690.Soghomonian,V.;Chen,Q.;Haushalter,R.C.;Zubieta,J., Chem.Mater.1993,5,1595.Soghomonian,V.;Haushalter,R.C.;Chen,Q.;Zubieta,J.Inorg.Chem.1994,33,1700.Zhang,Y.;Clearfield,A.;Haushalter,R.C.J.Solid State Chem.1995,117,157.Zhang,Y.;Clearfield,A.;Haushalter,R.C.Chem.Mater.1995,7, 1221.(12)Huan,G.-H.;Johnson,J.W.;Jacobson,A.J.;Merola,J.S.J.SolidState Chem.1991,91,385.Duan,C.-Y.;Tian,Y.-P.;Lu,Z.-L.;You, X.-Z.;Huang,X.-Y.Inorg.Chem.1995,34,1.4950Inorg.Chem.1996,35,4950-4956S0020-1669(95)01237-7CCC:$12.00©1996American Chemical Societyframeworks have not been observed so far.Inspired by our successful investigation into the hydrothermal synthesis of new reduced vanadium phosphates,we sought to explore the hydrothermal synthesis of new reduced vanadium oxides using organic templates.Along these lines,two novel layered vanadium oxides,(H3N(CH2)3NH3)[V4O10]13and(HN(C2H4)3-NH)[V6O14]‚H2O,14have been isolated and structurally char-acterized by X-ray crystallography.While both compounds contain a layered structure with the organic cations occupying the interlayer regions,the oxide layers in the two structures differ substantially in their composition,connectivity,degree of reduction,and thus electronic and magnetic properties,which reflects the difference in the nature of the two organic cations. In addition,we have discovered a large class of layered vanadium oxide materials with metal coordination complexes (e.g.M(L)2:(M)Ni,Cu,Zn;L)ethylenediamine,1,3-diaminopropane)between the VO layers.15In an effort to further investigate the influence of organic templates on the structures of layered vanadium oxides,we have obtained R-(H3-NCH2CH2NH3)[V4O10](1a), -(H3NCH2CH2NH3)[V4O10](1b),R-(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)[V4O10](2a),and -(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)-[V4O10](2b).The syntheses and single-crystal structures of these compounds are reported here.All of these compounds contain mixed-valence V5+/V4+oxide layers with organic cations occupying the interlayer space.Experimental SectionMaterials and Methods.Chemicals used were of reagent grade quality and were obtained from commercial sources and used without further purification.The powder X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained on a Scintag XDS2000diffractometer with Cu K R radiation (λ)1.5418Å).Thermogravimetric analyses(TGA)were carried out with a Perkin-Elmer TGA7thermal analysis system at a heating rate of10°C/min under an N2atmosphere.The EDS analyses were performed on a Hitachi S-2700SEM.The hydrothermal reactions were carried out in Parr acid digestion bombs with23mL poly(tetrafluo-roethylene)liners.Synthesis of r-and -(H3NCH2CH2NH3)[V4O10].A mixture of V2O5(0.173g),ethylenediamine(0.10mL),and H2O(10mL)with a mole ratio of1.0:1.57:585was sealed in a digestion bomb which was heated at170°C for121h.Black rod-shaped crystals(0.1g)were isolated after filtering,washing with water,and air-drying.Powder X-ray diffraction studies indicated that these crystals are a mixture of 1a and1b,even though they were quite similar in appearance.After examination of several crystals for single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies,the crystals were found to have two sets of distinctive unit cells which corresponded to1a and1b.The optimum conditions for preparation of a single phase of R-or -form have not been found.Synthesis of r-and -(H2N(C2H4)2NH2)[V4O10].A hydrothermal reaction of0.216g of NaVO3,0.346g of H2O3PCH3,0.232g of piperazine,and10mL of H2O in a mole ratio of1.0:3.0:2.3:266at 170°C for47h yielded0.14g of thin black plates after filtering, washing with water,and air-drying.The presence of H2O3PCH3in the starting materials serves to increase the acidity of the solution.The pH of the solution before the reaction and at completion was around 7.Other acids such as HCl also serve in this capacity.The EDS analysis of these crystals showed the presence of only V.Powder X-ray diffraction studies indicated that these thin plates are a mixture of2a and2b.This was further confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies on several single crystals selected,which were found to have two distinctive unit cells corresponding to2a and2b.X-ray Crystallographic Study.In each of the four studies,a suitable crystal was mounted on a glass fiber.All measurements were made at room temperature on a Rigaku AFC7R diffractometer with graphite-monochromated Mo K R radiation and an18kW rotating anode generator.Cell constants and an orientation matrix for data collection were obtained from a least-squares refinement using the setting angles of24-25carefully centered reflections in the range20°<2θ<30°. Data were collected in the range5°<2θ<60°using theω-2θscan technique.In all cases only a unique portion of the reflections were collected.The intensities of three representative reflections which were measured after every150reflections remained constant throughout data collection.Empirical absorption corrections based onψ-scan measure-ments were applied.In the case of2b,an empirical absorption correction using the program DIFABS16was applied.The data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects,and the structures were solved by direct methods.The non-hydrogen atoms were refined aniso-tropically.All the hydrogen atoms were located from difference Fourier maps and included in the refinement with fixed positional and thermal parameters.Neutral atom scattering factors were taken from Cromer and Waber.17Anomalous dispersion effects were included,and the values for∆f′and∆f′′were those of Cromer.18All structures were refined on the basis of independent reflections with I g3σ(I)by full-matrix least squares using the teXsan program package.19Experimental crystallographic data for1a,1b,2a,and2b are listed in Table1. ResultsPositional and thermal parameters of the atoms in the structures of1a are given in Table2,and selected bond distances and angles in Table3.Figure1shows the layered nature of the structure of1a,consisting of vanadium oxide layers with ethylenediammonium dications occupying the interlamellar space between the layers,and a view perpendicular to one of the vanadium oxide layers.Each oxide layer is constructed from equal numbers of VO4tetrahedra and VO5square pyramids. While the VO4tetrahedra are isolated from each other,the VO5 square pyramids exist in pairs sharing a common edge.Within a pair of square pyramids,the two apical oxygen atoms are oriented toward opposite sides of the plane of the layer.Each pair of the pyramids is linked to six VO4tetrahedra via corner sharing,forming a two-dimensional layer with a composition of V4O102-.Figure2shows the coordination environment of the V atoms in the asymmetric unit and the numbering scheme used in Table3.The V(1)O5group is a distorted square pyramid(13)Zhang,Y.;O’Connor,C.J.;Clearfield,A.;Haushalter,R.C.Chem.Mater.1996,8,595.(14)Zhang,Y.;Clearfield,A.;Haushalter,R.C.J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun.1996,1055.(15)Zhang,Y.;DeBord,J.R.D.;O’Connor,C.J.;Haushalter,R.C.;Zubieta,J.;Clearfield,A.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.Engl.1996,35,989.(16)Walker,N.;Stuart,D.Acta Crystallogr.1983,A39,158.(17)Cromer,D.;Waber,J.T.International Tables for X-ray Crystal-lography;Kynoch Press:Bimingham,U.K.,1974;Vol.IV,Table2.2A.(18)Cromer,D.T.Reference16,Table2.3.1.(19)teXsan:Texray Structural Analysis Package;Molecular StructureCorp.,The Woodlands,TX,1992(revised).Table1.Crystallographic Data for Oxides1a,1b,2a,and2b1a1b2a2b empiricalformulaV2O5NCH5V2O5NCH5V2O5NC2H6V2O5NC2H6fw212.94212.94225.96225.96a(Å) 6.602(2) 6.387(1) 6.3958(5)9.360(2)b(Å)7.638(2)7.456(2)8.182(1) 6.425(3)c(Å) 5.984(2) 6.244(2) 6.3715(7)10.391(2)R(deg)109.55(3)99.89(2)105.913(9)90(deg)104.749(2)102.91(2)104.030(8)105.83(1)γ(deg)82.31(3)78.74(2)94.495(8)90V(Å3)274.6(2)281.7(1)307.29(7)601.2(3)Z2224space group P1h(No.2)P1h(No.2)P1h(No.2)P21/n(No.14) D c(g/cm3) 2.575 2.510 2.442 2.496T(°C)20(120(120(120(1λ(Mo K R)(Å)0.71070.71070.71070.7107µ(cm-1)33.4632.6229.9830.65R a0.0300.0220.0330.033R w a0.0350.0260.0400.036a R)∑||F o|-|F c||/∑|F o|and R w)(∑w(|F o|-|F c|)2/∑wF o2)1/2.Layered Vanadium Oxides Inorganic Chemistry,Vol.35,No.17,19964951with the shortest bond distance of 1.607(3)Åformed with the terminal oxygen O(3),while the base of the square pyramid has four V -O bond distances in the range of 1.924(2)-1.996-(2)Å.The V(2)O 4group has a tetrahedral configuration with V -O bond distances in the range of 1.626(3)-1.824(2)Å,and fairly regular bond angles in the range of 107.9(1)-110.1(1)°.While the square-pyramidal vanadium has an oxidation state of +4,the tetrahedral vanadium is indicative of an oxidation state of +5.This assignment of oxidation states is consistent with the overall charge balance of the compound and is confirmed by the valence sum calculation,20which gave a value of 4.1for V(1)and 4.7for V(2).There are three types of oxygen atoms in terms of bonding:O(3)and O(5)are terminaloxygens,O(1)and O(2)are two-coordinate,and O(4)is three-coordinate.An interesting feature of the structure of 1a is that the ethylenediammonium dications in the interlayer space lie parallel with respect to the mean plane of vanadium oxide layers.The parallel packing of the amine molecules in the interlayer space is also reported for the superconducting host 2H-TaS 2intercalated with C n H 2n +1NH 2(n <4),although the structural details are not known.21The ethylenediammonium cations in 1a form several strong hydrogen bonds with the adjacent vanadium oxide layers.The N atoms of the templates are hydrogen-bonded to the O atoms of the VO layers,as indicated by the contacts with oxygen atoms O(2)and O(3)from the upper(20)Brown,I.D.;Altermatt,D.Acta Crystallogr.1985,B41,244.(21)Gamble,F.R.;Osiecki,J.M.;Cais,M.;Pisharody,R.;DiSalvo,F.J.;Geballe,T.H.Science 1971,174,493.Figure 1.(left)View of the structure of 1a down the c axis showing the layers of vanadium oxide and the ethylenediammonium dications in the interlamellar space.(right)View perpendicular to the oxide layer in the structure of 1a .Table 2.Positional Parameters and B (eq)Values (Å2)for Oxides 1a ,1b ,2a ,and 2b atom x y z B (eq)a atom x y z B (eq)a Compound 1a V(1)0.68007(8)0.37874(8)0.60083(10)0.895(10)O(4)0.3778(3)0.4529(3)0.5962(4) 1.19(4)V(2) 1.23102(9)0.42999(8)0.80443(10)0.919(10)O(5) 1.3031(4)0.2373(4)0.8694(5) 1.95(5)O(1)0.9712(4)0.4335(4)0.6784(4) 1.86(5)N(1)0.2887(5)-0.0049(4)0.1181(6) 2.02(6)O(2)0.7184(4)0.3819(3)0.9318(4) 1.33(4)C(1)0.0653(6)0.0397(5)0.1265(7)1.89(7)O(3)0.6690(4)0.1650(4)0.4319(5) 1.92(5)Compound 1b V(1)0.71619(6)0.56232(5)-0.15465(6)0.790(7)O(4)0.6998(3)0.7714(2)-0.0226(3) 1.76(4)V(2)0.84493(6)0.38780(5)-0.66948(6)0.795(7)O(5)0.8237(3)0.3933(2)0.0175(3) 1.08(3)O(1)0.8842(3)0.1741(2)-0.6354(3) 1.86(4)N(1)0.7110(4)0.0611(3)0.7491(4) 1.95(5)O(2)0.8677(3)0.5387(2)-0.3760(3) 1.15(3)C(1)0.5048(5)0.0845(3)0.5851(4) 1.79(5)O(3)0.4631(3)0.5232(3)-0.2821(3) 1.43(3)Compound 2a V(1)0.8050(1)0.39740(10)0.8032(1)0.79(1)O(4)0.7833(5)0.4113(4)0.5020(5) 1.29(6)V(2)0.2577(1)0.43868(10)0.6453(1)0.83(1)O(5)0.7635(6)0.1930(5)0.7704(6) 1.95(8)O(1)0.5286(5)0.4758(5)0.7786(6) 1.69(7)N(1)0.4884(8)0.0984(6)0.2174(7) 1.89(9)O(2) 1.1186(5)0.4754(4)0.8710(5) 1.09(6)C(1)0.6955(9)0.0392(8)0.1873(9) 2.1(1)O(3)0.1954(6)0.2429(5)0.4768(6) 1.96(7)C(2)0.6478(9)-0.1229(7)-0.008(1) 2.1(1)Compound 2b V(1)0.35340(6)0.61669(8)0.44859(5)0.783(9)O(4)0.3667(3)0.9131(4)0.4599(2) 1.31(4)V(2)0.59045(6)0.90167(8)0.64969(5)0.887(9)O(5)0.4852(3)0.9930(4)0.7373(3) 1.66(5)O(1)0.5437(3)0.6342(4)0.5856(2) 1.19(4)N(1) 1.0211(5)0.2034(6)0.4557(5) 3.09(9)O(2)0.2592(3)0.6431(4)0.2607(3) 1.31(4)C(1) 1.1112(5)0.1303(7)0.5865(5) 2.35(8)O(3)0.2250(3)0.5502(4)0.5185(3)1.59(5)C(2)0.9658(6)0.0384(8)0.3600(4)2.86(9)aB eq )8/3π2(U 11(aa *)2+U 22(bb *)2+U 33(cc *)2+2U 12aa *bb *cos γ+2U 13aa *cc *cos +2U 23bb *cc *cos R ).4952Inorganic Chemistry,Vol.35,No.17,1996Zhang et al.oxide layer and O(5)from the lower oxide layer,with N---O distances in the range of 2.759(4)-2.890(4)Å.The positional and thermal parameters of the atoms in the structure of 1b are given in Table 2,and selected bond distances and angles in Table 4.As shown in Figure 3,oxide 1b has a layered structure similar to that found in 1a .The oxide layer is constructed from VO 4tetrahedra and VO 5square pyramids in a similar manner.The coordination environment around the two independent V atoms in the asymmetric unit and the numbering scheme used in Table 4is shown in Figure 4.The V(1)O 4tetrahedron has bond distances in the range of 1.630(2)-1.824(2)Åand bond angles in the range of 105.64(8)-111.27(8)°.The V(2)O 5square pyramid has bond distances in the range of 1.608(2)-1.970(2)Å.The major difference between the structures of 1a and 1b lies in the packing of the ethylenediammonium cations in the interlayer regions.In the structure of 1b ,each ethylenediammonium cation is centered at an inversion center at (1/2,0,1/2)and stretches along the [101]direction.In the structure of 1a ,however,each ethylenediam-monium cation is centered at an inversion center at (0,0,0)and is oriented in a direction nearly parallel to the a axis.This results in the expansion of the a axis and the shrinkage of the c axis in the structure of 1a compared to those in the structure of 1b .In addition,while the ethylenediammonium cations in the structure of 1a are oriented almost parallel with respect to the oxide layers,those in the structure of 1b are oriented with a small tilt angle with respect to the oxide layers.As a result,oxide 1b has a larger interlayer distance of 7.246Å,compared to 7.187Åfor 1a .The interlayer distance is increased to 7.773Åwhen the interlayer ethylenediammonium cations are replaced by proto-nated piperazine cations as in the case of 2a .However,the structure of the vanadium oxide layers of V 4O 102-is retained as shown in Figure 5.Figure 6shows the coordination environment around the two V atoms in the asymmetric unitTable 3.Selected Bond Distances (Å)and Angles (deg)in the Structure of 1a V(1)-O(1) 1.928(3)V(1)-O(2) 1.924(2)V(1)-O(3) 1.607(3)V(1)-O(4) 1.996(2)V(1)-O(4A) 1.961(3)V(2)-O(1) 1.689(2)V(2)-O(2A) 1.735(2)V(2)-O(4C) 1.824(2)V(2)-O(5) 1.626(3)N(1)-C(1) 1.479(5)C(1)-C(1A) 1.505(7)O(1)-V(1)-O(2)87.6(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(3)105.3(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(4)152.5(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(4A)87.7(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(3)107.4(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(4)88.5(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(4A)141.0(1)O(3)-V(1)-O(4)101.8(1)O(3)-V(1)-O(4A)111.2(1)O(4)-V(1)-O(4A)78.4(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(2A)109.0(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(4C)110.1(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(5)109.6(1)O(2A)-V(2)-O(4C)107.9(1)O(2A)-V(2)-O(5)109.7(1)O(4C)-V(2)-O(5)110.6(1)N(1)-C(1)-C(1)108.2(4)Figure 2.ORTEP drawing of the asymmetric unit in the structure of 1a showing the coordination environment around the V atoms.The atoms labeled with A and C are symmetry-relatedatoms.Figure 3.(left)View of the structure of 1b down the c axis showing the layers of vanadium oxide and the ethylenediammonium dications in the interlamellar space.(right)View perpendicular to the oxide layer in the structure of 1b .Table 4.Selected Bond Distances (Å)and Angles (deg)in the Structure of 1b V(1)-O(2) 1.824(2)V(1)-O(3) 1.691(2)V(1)-O(4) 1.630(2)V(1)-O(5) 1.736(2)V(2)-O(1) 1.607(2)V(2)-O(2) 1.970(2)V(2)-O(2A) 1.964(2)V(2)-O(3A) 1.923(2)V(2)-O(5A) 1.936(2)N(1)-C(1) 1.478(4)C(1)-C(1A) 1.504(5)O(2)-V(1)-O(3)105.64(8)O(2)-V(1)-O(4)110.36(8)O(2)-V(1)-O(5)111.27(8)O(3)-V(1)-O(4)108.93(9)O(3)-V(1)-O(5)106.78(9)O(4)-V(1)-O(5)113.47(9)O(1)-V(2)-O(2)108.51(9)O(1)-V(2)-O(2A)107.37(9)O(1)-V(2)-O(3A)108.23(9)O(1)-V(2)-O(5A)106.64(8)O(2)-V(2)-O(2A)77.54(7)O(2)-V(2)-O(3A)87.60(7)O(2)-V(2)-O(5A)144.38(7)O(2A)-V(2)-O(3A)144.18(8)O(2A)-V(2)-O(5A)86.83(7)O(3A)-V(2)-O(5A)86.80(7)N(1)-C(1)-C(1A)109.8(3)Layered Vanadium OxidesInorganic Chemistry,Vol.35,No.17,19964953and the numbering scheme used in Table 5in which selected bond distances and angles are listed.The V(2)O 4tetrahedron is quite regular,with bond distances in the range of 1.621(4)-1.837(3)Åand bond angles in the range of 105.7(2)-112.6-(2)°.The V(1)O 5group has a distorted-square-pyramidal configuration with bond distances in the range of 1.620(4)-1.968(3)Å.These configurations are typical for V 5+and V 4+.Valence sum calculations confirmed the oxidation state of the V atoms,which gave a value of 4.06for V(1)and 4.75for V(2).The piperazine cations are centered at an inversion center at (1/2,0,0)with a chair conformation.The N atoms are involved in hydrogen bonds with the terminal oxygens O(3)and O(5)from the adjacent oxide layers above and below with N---O distances in the range of 2.801(6)-2.901(6)Å.The structure of 2b is shown in Figure 7,positional and thermal parameters are listed in Table 2,and selected bond distances and angles are given in Table 6.It has monoclinic symmetry,and the oxide layers run parallel to the (101)plane with an interlayer distance of 7.838Å.The oxide layers are constructed from pairs of edge-sharing V 4+O 5square pyramids connected together by V 5+O 4tetrahedra via corner sharing.However,the pairs of the edge-sharing square pyramids are not uniformly oriented within the layer as they are in the structures of 1a ,1b ,and 2a .The rows of edge-sharing VO 5square pyramids along the b axis have two different orientations and only repeat every other row along the [010]direction.Figure 8shows the coordination environment around the V atoms.The V(1)O 5distorted square pyramid has bond distances in the range of 1.622(3)-1.959(2)Å.The V(2)O 4tetrahedron has bond distances in the range of 1.623(3)-1.852(3)Åand bond angles in the range of 102.6(1)-117.8(1)°.As seen from these bond angles,the distortion of the tetrahedron in this case is more profound as compared to those in the structures of 1a ,1b ,and 2a .Close examination of the oxide layer reveals that each V(2)-O 4tetrahedron has an additional weak V---O interaction with O(4)at a distance of 2.454Åfrom another tetrahedron as shown by the arrows in Figure 7.This interaction constitutes about 18%of a V -O single bond and results in the expansion of the O(1)-V(2)-O(4)bond angle (117.8°)and the shrinkage of the O(2)-V(2)-O(4)bond angle (102.6°).However,there is no such weak V---O interaction in any of the structures of 1a ,1b ,and 2a ,where more regular VO 4tetrahedral bond angles are observed.The protonated piperazine cations which are centered at inversion centers at (1/2,1/2,0)and (0,0,1/2)have different orientations with respect to the oxide layers.The N atoms are involved in hydrogen bonds with the terminal oxygen atoms of O(3)and O(5)from the adjacent oxide layers above and below with N---O distances in the range of 2.867(5)-2.941(5)Å.Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)of these oxides (since it was not possible to separate phase 1a from 1b or phase 2a from 2b ,the solid samples used in TGA were actually a mixture of 1a and 1b ,or a mixture of 2a and 2b )showed,in both cases,no weight loss until ca.300°C,where a major weight loss begins to occur.This remarkable thermal stability of these oxides can be attributed to the strong hydrogen bond interactions of these organic molecules with the oxide layers.In the case of the mixture of 1a and 1b ,the major weight loss in the temperature range of 310-380°C was about 16%,and the sample continued to lose gradually 10%of its weight up to 610°C.The first weight loss corresponds to the release of ethylenediamine with a calculated value of 14.1%.The TGA curve of the mixture of 2a and 2b shows the first major weight loss of 22%in the temperature range of 300-350°C followed by a second loss of 4%at 400°C and then no weight loss up to 800°C,the highest temperature measured.The first weight loss corresponds to the release of piperazine with a calculated value of 19.0%.The nature of the second weight loss is not clear.However,it is likely that when the organic component is released,it leaves the protons behind attached to the oxygen atoms of the oxide layers,which are then released as water molecules at hightemperatures.Figure 4.ORTEP drawing of the asymmetric unit in the structure of 1b showing the coordination environment around the vanadium atoms.The atoms labeled with A and C are symmetry-relatedatoms.Figure 5.(top)View of the structure of 2a down the a axis showing the layers of vanadium oxide and the protonated piperazine dications in the interlayer regions.The hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.(bottom)View perpendicular to the oxide layer in the structure of 2a .4954Inorganic Chemistry,Vol.35,No.17,1996Zhang et al.DiscussionVery recently Riou and co-workers 22have isolated three amine intercalated vanadates from hydrothermal reactions of mixtures of V 2O 5-SiO 2-HF -amine -H 2O,two of which correspond to compounds 1b and 2a described here.The oxide layers in the four structures discussed here are compositionally and structurally related to that of V 2O 5,which has a pseudo-layered structure.23A schematic representation of the layer of V 2O 5is shown in Figure 9.All the vanadium atoms in the structure of V 2O 5are in the +5oxidation state and have square-pyramidal configurations.These square pyramids share two edges with each other to form double chains along the crystallographic c direction,and these double chains of square pyramids are linked via corner sharing along the a direction perpendicular to the chains to form a two-dimensional layer.If one additional V -O bond is formed for each VO 4tetrahedron (as indicated by the arrows in Figure 7)in the oxide layers of [V 4O 10]2-,then all the vanadium atoms would have a square-pyramidal configuration,and all of these square pyramids sharetwo edges to form double chains similar to those in the structure of V 2O 5.The structural correlations of [V 4O 10]2-with V 2O 5have been discussed in more detail by Fe ´rey.22It should be pointed out that it is not necessary to use V 2O 5as a starting material for the preparation of 1a and 1b which bear structural features similar to those of the parent compound V 2O 5.They can also be prepared using other vanadium sources such as CsVO 3,KVO 3,etc.The V 4+O 5square-pyramidal and V 5+O 4tetrahedral coordination configurations have often been observed(22)Riou,D.;Fe ´rey,G.J.Solid State Chem .1995,120,137.Riou,D.;Fe ´rey,G.Inorg.Chem .1995,34,6520.(23)Enjalbert,R.;Galy,J.Acta Crystallogr .1986,C42,1467.Figure 6.ORTEP drawing of the asymmetric unit in the structure of 2a showing the coordination environment around the V atoms.The atoms labeled with A and C are symmetry-related atoms.Table 5.Selected Bond Distances (Å)and Angles (deg)in the Structure of 2a V(1)-O(1) 1.913(3)V(1)-O(2) 1.961(3)V(1)-O(2A) 1.968(3)V(1)-O(4) 1.926(3)V(1)-O(5) 1.620(4)V(2)-O(1) 1.697(3)V(2)-O(2C) 1.837(3)V(2)-O(3) 1.621(4)V(2)-O(4A) 1.737(3)N(1)-C(1) 1.482(7)N(1)-C(2A) 1.482(7)C(1)-C(2) 1.498(8)O(1)-V(1)-O(2)143.2(2)O(1)-V(1)-O(2A)87.1(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(4)87.6(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(5)107.3(2)O(2)-V(1)-O(2A)78.0(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(4)86.6(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(5)109.3(2)O(2A)-V(1)-O(4)146.1(1)O(2A)-V(1)-O(5)109.2(2)O(4)-V(1)-O(5)104.3(2)O(1)-V(2)-O(2C)106.0(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(3)108.4(2)O(1)-V(2)-O(4A)105.7(2)O(2C)-V(2)-O(3)112.6(2)O(2C)-V(2)-O(4A)111.6(2)O(3)-V(2)-O(4A)112.1(2)C(1)-N(1)-C(2A)112.1(4)N(1)-C(1)-C(2)109.8(4)N(1A)-C(2)-C(1)111.0(4)Figure 7.(top)View of the structure of 2b down the b axis showing the layers of vanadium oxide and the protonated piperazine dications in the interlayer regions.(bottom)View perpendicular to the oxide layer in the structure of 2b .Table 6.Selected Bond Distances (Å)and Angles (deg)in the Structure of 2b V(1)-O(1) 1.956(2)V(1)-O(1A) 1.959(2)V(1)-O(2) 1.918(3)V(1)-O(3) 1.622(3)V(1)-O(4) 1.910(3)V(2)-O(1) 1.852(3)V(2)-O(2A) 1.707(3)V(2)-O(4A) 1.768(2)V(2)-O(5) 1.623(3)N(1)-C(1) 1.467(6)N(1)-C(2) 1.449(6)C(1)-C(2A) 1.491(6)O(1)-V(1)-O(1A)77.5(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(2)144.1(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(3)109.1(1)O(1)-V(1)-O(4)82.4(1)O(1A)-V(1)-O(2)90.0(1)O(1A)-V(1)-O(3)109.0(1)O(1A)-V(1)-O(4)143.6(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(3)106.7(1)O(2)-V(1)-O(4)88.8(1)O(3)-V(1)-O(4)106.2(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(2)99.8(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(4A)117.8(1)O(1)-V(2)-O(5)114.7(1)O(2A)-V(2)-O(4A)102.6(1)O(2A)-V(2)-O(5)105.9(1)O(4A)-V(2)-O(5)113.4(1)C(1)-N(1)-C(2)114.1(4)N(1)-C(1)-C(2A)111.3(3)N(1)-C(2)-C(1A)113.2(4)Layered Vanadium Oxides Inorganic Chemistry,Vol.35,No.17,19964955。