


54. longe. 长寿,长命;寿命 longevity: 长寿 | 寿命 | 长命
55. fecundity [fi'kʌnditi]
n. [生物] 繁殖力;多产;肥沃 fecundity: 繁殖力 | 生殖力 | 生育力 56. fidelity [fɪ'delɪtɪ] n. 保真度;忠诚;精确;尽责 fidelity: 高保真 | 富达 | 保真度
16. deviance ['diːvɪəns]
n. 异常;异常行为 deviance: 越轨社会学 | 变异 | 异常行为
17. demography [dɪ'mɒgrəfɪ]
n. 人口统计学 demography: 人口学 | 人口统计学 | 人口统计
18. mobility [məʊ'bɪlətɪ]
Alligators: 鳄鱼 | 短吻鳄鱼 | 产于美洲的鳄鱼
47. reproducing [,riprə'djʊs]
v. 复制;繁殖(reproduce 的 ing 形式);重述 reproducing: 再生 | 放音 | 重述
48. twinkle ['twɪŋk(ə)l]
n. 闪烁 vt. 使闪耀;闪耀 vi. 闪烁;发亮 twinkle: 闪烁 | 闪耀 | 星闪闪 49. memes 模因(meme 的复数) memes: 模因
32. agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]
n. 代理,中介;代理处,经销处 agency: 代理 | 代理商 | 代理机构
33. military ['mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ]
adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的 n. 军队;军人 Military: 军人 | 军事 | 军用的 34. penal institutions 刑事监禁所(penal institution 的复数) PENAL INSTITUTIONS: 刑事监禁所

crash course 速成课 讲稿文本sociology 双语

crash course 速成课 讲稿文本sociology 双语

crash course 速成课讲稿文本sociology 双语知识传播的方式多种多样,其中速成课(crash course)作为一种快速、高效的学习途径,受到了越来越多人的青睐。


1. 速成课(crash course)的兴起在信息爆炸的时代,人们对知识学习的需求日益增长,但又无法投入过多的时间和精力。




2. 速成课与社会学的结合速成课在社会学领域的应用,不仅为学生提供了更丰富的学习资源,也为广大社会人士提供了机会,能够更深入地了解社会学理论和研究成果。



3. 速成课对社会学学习的影响在社会学学习中,速成课的应用为学习者们提供了更灵活的学习方式。




4. 速成课的展望与个人观点对于速成课在社会学领域的应用,我持支持的态度。



介绍社会学 英语作文

介绍社会学 英语作文

介绍社会学英语作文英文回答:Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior and society. Sociologists seek to understand how social structure, institutions, and culture shape individual and group behavior. They analyze social trends, patterns, and problems, and develop theories and research methods to investigate the causes and consequences of social phenomena.Sociology is a vast field with many different areas of specialization. Some of the most common areas of study include:Social stratification: The study of how societies are divided into different social classes and groups.Social institutions: The study of the major social institutions, such as the family, education, religion, and government.Social movements: The study of how people organize to bring about social change.Social inequality: The study of how social factors, such as race, gender, and class, affect access to resources and opportunities.Social psychology: The study of how social factors influence individual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.Sociologists use a variety of research methods to collect data, including surveys, interviews, participant observation, and archival research. They also usestatistical analysis and other quantitative methods to analyze data and test hypotheses.Sociology is a valuable tool for understanding the world around us. By studying social phenomena, sociologists can help us to identify and address social problems, develop policies, and create a more just and equitable society.中文回答:社会学是一门科学地研究人类行为和社会的学科。



社会学(Sociology)1、社会学的学科性质:社会学是从变动着的社会系统的整体出发,通过人们的社会关系和社会行为来研究社会的结构、功能、发生、发展规律的一门综合性的社会科学Sociology is a comprehensive social science,It aims to get the social structure, function, law of the development through studying the social relations and social behavior2、社会学视角:功能主义Functionalism 塔尔科特·帕森斯T·Parsons冲突理论Conflict Theory女权主义feminism 马克思主义Marxism符号互动理论Symbolic Interactionism 米德George Mead3、社会学种类:宏观社会学macro sociology微观社会学micro sociology4、社会分层’上层阶级up class中上阶级up middle class中产阶级middle class中下阶级lower middle class无产者working class5、文化种类民间文化folk culture高雅文化high culture通俗文化popular culture大众文化mass culture6、社会流动Social mobility水平流动Horizontal mobility垂直流动vertical mobility7、个人社会化社会化:逐渐接受和认可社会主流价值观的过程。

Socialization is a process that people understand and accepted the social mainstream values gradually8、词汇偏见prejudice 歧视discriminateSecondary group 亚文化social organization 社会组织Patriarchy 父权制asceticism 禁欲主义culture construction文化建构社会共识common sense孔德A·Comte 迪尔凯姆E·Durkheim 斯宾塞H·Spencer9、功能主义:functionalismManifest function显性功能Latent function隐性功能促进人的社会化promote the socialization of people维持社会的稳定和整合Assure the stabilize integration of the society促进社会繁荣发展facilities the development of the society10、冲突论conflict theoryMarxism ruled class the ruling class社会关系的再生产the reproduction of social relation实现有效的社会控制Achieve effective social control统治阶级文化资本的再生产The reproduction of cultural capital of the ruling class 实现学历主义Achieve Credicalism11、功能主义functionalism帕森斯的理论是把人类社会同拥有各种器官的有机体做比较,他认为人类社会也有很多结构联合在一起发挥作用,以维持整个体系。

01 What is Sociology绪论bilingual

01 What is Sociology绪论bilingual

Yu Guangyuan 于光远(1915~) 于光远(1915 (1915~
Mr.Yu, Guangyuan, Mr.Yu, Guangyuan, the Chinese famous politician and economist, the honorary president of the China Majiang Championship and Forum (CMCAF) , was elected as the president of World Mahjong Organization (WMO) in 2006.
费孝通( 费孝通(Fei Xiaotong, 1910-2005) 1910one of China's finest anthropologists. His book Peasant Life In China (1939) made him famous in the EnglishEnglish-speaking world. he will be remembered in China for his role in advising the economic reformers in the postpostMao era
5,剩余说(the doctrine of residuals or remains) 剩余说(
"剩余说",即把社会学当作一门"剩余 剩余说",即把社会学当作一门" 的社会科学" 的社会科学".把社会学的研究对象当 作一种变化不定的东西或认为是其他学 科不研究的内容的大杂烩.
Our Understanding
Max Weber
Sociology (in the sense in which this highly ambiguous word is used here) is a science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of its course and effects.




The equipment fault diagnosis is an ology for studying the operational status of equipment. (注释:设备故障诊断是研究设备运行状态的科学。



再比如,sociology,就是由society 和ology组合在一起构成的。




Society 的基本意义为:社会,群体。


二、英语大纲中出现的含有ology词缀的学科词汇总结2015年考研英语大纲与2014年9月13日颁布,大纲词汇表中给出了……个有以ology结尾的学科词汇,以由A至Z的顺序排列,总结如下:arch(a )eology (38页);biology (42页);ecology (59页);geology (69页)。

常用前后缀中出现了两个以ology结尾的学科词汇:climatology, futurology (137页)。

三、英语大纲中出现的含有ology词缀的学科词汇解析和记忆方法1.arch(a )eology:释义为考古学,古物,古迹。





翻译重要词汇整理1.表示学科的名词anthropology--人类学;psychology--心理学;psychiatry--精神病学;neurology--神经学;linguistics--语言学;sociology--社会学statistics--统计学/统计数据;behaviorism--行为学;methodology--方法论aesthetics--美学/审美观;civil engineering--土木工程mechanism--机械学/力学;fluid mechanism--流体力学operational research--运筹学;astronomy--天文学2.其他词汇late--死亡;set--集合;brave=face up to--直面deconstruction--解构主义modernism--现代主义;post-modernism--后现代主义colonialism--殖民主义;post-colonialism--后殖民主义applied--应用;clinic--临床;organic--有机的inorganic--无机物;processor--处理器export-oriented--以出口为导向;disorder--疾病(心理);disease--疾病(身体、心理) depression--抑郁症;compulsive disorder--强迫症astrophysicist--天体物理;disaster--灾难;astronaut--宇航员entitlement--权力;entitle--授予;cosmos--宇宙;cosmic--宇宙的taikonant--宇航员;dispassioned--冷静的,理智的passionate--富有激情的enthusiastic--激情的,热情的;microultrasonicprober--微超声探测器be supposed to =should;be not supposed to =should notbe expected to =needinter-disciplinary--交叉学科;cross-disciplinary--跨学科cross-cultural--跨文化;sponsor--赞助/主办a school of fish--一群鱼;transportation--强调运输traffic--强调通过;issue--发行(动词)/日期(名词)potential enemy--假想敌;intellectual--知识/知识分子/智力enquiry=inquiry;conjecture=estimateaugment(动词)=enhance;fallacy--谬论(名词);paradox--(自相矛盾的)悖论tide--潮汐现象;plausible=seemingly valid--表面上,看上去合理的gas--汽油/煤油;gas leak--煤气泄露;power failure--断电family planning--计划生育;blood group--血型;life span--人均预期寿命rise(vi)--位置升高;数字数量的增长arise(vi)--看到它出现=appear happenraise(vt)--举手(表示位置的上升)/筹款raise sb up--养育某人长大;raise in country--某人在那里长大raise the family=support--供养一家人raise +鸡,鸭,牛,羊,猪--饲养keep+ a dog --养宠物(keep不般不能加人)arouse sth =make sth arise--导致,激发rouse;rouse sb =weak sb up--叫醒某人sth come about =sth happencome around--苏醒;bring around=bring round--把...弄醒future teller--算命的;malfunction--失效;under developed--不发达的mal-nutrition--营养不良;better-off--小康poverty line--温饱线;grassroot--草根piece together--综合,汇集accumulate--积累;assemble--集会,聚会(人)/组装(物)tear down=pull down--拆除(拆了就不要了);disassemble--拆卸(拆了还要用) millennium--千年; calendar--日历later--...之后;latest--最迟的/最新的breakthrough--突破study=learning=development=activities--研究;学习intellectual equipment=knowledgeintellectual inquiry--科学知识的探索working=operation=practice of human mind=endeavor--行为methodology=technology=technique--研究方法circle=academic=community=school--学界,学派preserve--保存(保持原样);reserved--深藏不露reserve--储存(以备后用) energy reserve--能源储存no comments--无可奉告preserve环境保护/专门留给他的preserve conservation--自然保护区the press--媒体,新闻界;coverage--报道,评论,新闻press conference--记者招待会depend upon=rest on/base on/lie--基于/原因是/起因是depend upon=be determined bycolumn--专栏;interview--采访comment=review--评论;news=stories--新闻features--人物特写,专访;headline--标题/头条broadsheet--主流报刊;tabloid--小报information entertainment=infotainment--信息娱乐化mouse potatoes--整天在电脑面前的人;couch potatoes--整天看电视的人netizens--网虫,网民;pohctoed--冥王星Mars--火星;Venus--金星;Jupiter--木星sophisticated--世故highbrow--知识分子/(自以为)有学识的人windfall--意外的收获;turning point--转折点downturn--转折点(向下的转折点)翻译中形容词转为动词形容词转译成动词形容词转换成动词的情况很多。







3.伴侣-:表示与人际关系有关的词缀,如"同伴(companion)"、"生活伴侣(partner)"、"伴娘(maid of honor)"。


5.集体-:表示集体和群体的词缀,如"集体行动(collective action)"、"群体感染(mass hysteria)"、"团体活动(group activities)"。





一、社会学的视野(一)、什么是社会学作为一门需要不断地证明自身合法性的现代社会科学,社会学[sociology] 研究直面社会进程中的各种社会现象和社会问题,通过科学的方法来研究社会行为的基本条件和各种形式,研究社会行为之间的相互作用及其结果,研究政治、经济、文化等社会各个领域和它们之间的关系、作用方式及其由此带来的人们社会生活和社会地位的变动。













社会学名词解释---1. 社会学(Sociology)社会学是研究社会行为、社会关系和社会组织的科学。



2. 社会结构(Social Structure)社会结构指现实世界中人们的社会关系和组织形式的总体模式。



3. 社会化(Socialization)社会化是个体在社会中研究和内化文化、价值观和行为规范的过程。



4. 社会交往(Social Interaction)社会交往是人们在社会中互相影响和相互作用的过程。



5. 社会控制(Social Control)社会控制是指社会对于个体和群体行为的规范、调控和制约。



6. 社会不平等(Social Inequality)社会不平等是指社会中不同个体或群体之间在资源、权力、机会和地位方面的差异或不公平现象。





四、货币哲学 (the philosophy of money)
1、主要内容: 《货币哲学》发表于1900年,是齐美尔少有的大部头的专著,全书分为 “分析卷”和“综合卷”两大部分。前者从社会生活入手剖析货币的本 质,剖析产生货币的需求以及货币所满足的需求;后者则综合考察货币 对整体的人类生活的影响,“对个体的生命情感、对个体命运的链节、 对一般文化的影响”。 2、货币与价值的关系。(money and value) 3、货币的社会作用。 一方面,货币价值附着于物体之后,将物体与人类之间的距离拉大,以 致人们若没有金钱就无法获得这些物体;另一方面,若人们拥有足够的 金钱,就可以克服一切人类与物体之间的距离限制。 总之,随着货币的出现及其在社会生活中作用的加强,导致了一个日益 物化的世界的诞生。 4、货币的消极作用
2、纯粹社会学(Pure Sociology)
这一研究撇开了其中的具体内容,关注的只是 抽象社会交往的纯粹要素_形式(form),也可 以称为形式社会学(formal sociology). 面对纷繁复杂的社会生活,齐美尔意识到要对 与自然现象不同的、具有唯一性的社会历史事 件进行有效的研究,就只能抛开这些事件的特 殊性,而去关注构成这些事件的同一性即它们 的外在形式。——社会几何学( Social Geometry )
Chapter 5 : Georg Simmel and “Formal Sociology” (1858-1918)

一、社会与社会学的分类 1、一般社会学(general sociology) 2、纯粹社会学(pure sociology),即形式社会学。 3、哲学社会学(philosophical sociology) 二、形式社会学(formal sociology) 社会交往的形式( social interaction) 社会交往者的类型(social types) 社会几何学(social geometry)(群体构成的数量与社会互动的距离) 三、文化社会学(cultural sociology) 1、客观文化和主观文化(文化冲突)(objective culture and subjective culture) 2、都市生活(urban life) 四、货币哲学(the philosophy of money)



1. "Sociology: A Global Perspective" by Joan Ferrante - 这本教材

2. "Introduction to Sociology" by Anthony Giddens - 这本教材介

3. "Sociology: The Essentials" by Margaret L. Andersen and Howard Francis Taylor - 这本教材概述了社会学的核心理念和

4. "Social Problems: A Down-to-Earth Approach" by James M. Henslin - 这本教材重点关注社会问题的理解和解决,包括贫困、犯罪、种族关系等。

5. "Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society" by Margaret L. Andersen and Howard Francis Taylor - 这本教材强调多元社会的理解和分析,包括种族、文化、性别和性取向的问题。





《社会学》(Sociology),作者是安东尼·吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)和菲利普·萨顿(Philip Sutton)。


《社会学的想象力》(The Sociological Imagination),作者是查尔斯·赖特·米尔斯(Charles Wright Mills)。


《社会的麦当劳化》(The McDonaldization of Society),作者是乔治·里茨尔(George Ritzer)。


《消费文化与后现代主义》(Consumer Culture and Postmodernism),作者是迈克·费瑟斯通(Mike Featherstone)。


《乡土中国》(From the Soil),作者是费孝通。


社会学 Sociology 外国学生英语作文

社会学 Sociology 外国学生英语作文

Sociology>Sociology Essay:Sociology is a subject that covers vast sub-topics under it. The study of the society, the social changes, social lives and social causes is what is known as sociology. The word sociology has been derived from a Latin and Greek word. In layman terms, sociology means understanding human behaviour.Auguste Comte, a French philosopher, is known as the Father of Sociology. The study of society has become an integral part of our lives andcannot be escaped. Sociology is important to understand why society functions the way it does and the relationships within it.Long and Short Essays on Euthanasian for Students and Kids in EnglishWe are providing the student with essay samples on long argumentative essay of 500 words and a short argumentative essay of 150 words on the topic of Sociology for reference.Long Essay on Euthanasia 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Euthanasia is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Sociology, to be put simply is the study of society, but once we go a little in-depth, it is not just that. Sociology covers the study of social lives, social causes and social changes. Sociology also means an understanding of human behaviour. Sociology stands amongst the sciences and falls under the category of general science. It is called a science as it involves the process of observation, verification and investigation. Sociology being a hybrid word, has been derived from the Greek and Latinwords. The word has been derived from the words ‘socius’ meaning compa nion and the suffix ‘-logy’ meaning ‘the study of’.Sociology is an extremely enlightening field of study, both on personal levels and communal levels. Social consequences and social causes of romantic love, family conflicts, racial and gender identity, religious faith, etc. are discussed in personal fields of sociology. Matters like poverty, wealth, law, crime, education, etc. are the topics that are discussed in the levels of societal sociology.A French philosopher, August Comte, established the sociological studies and established it as a medium of study. Hence, he is called the ‘Father of Sociology’. Inspired by Auguste Comte, another French theorist names Saint-Simon coined the term sociology. He is also the founder of positivism, which is a topic that falls under the sociological studies and covers the three steps of verification, experimentation and observation. He established his theories on positivism through his book ‘Positive Philosophy’ (1839).Sociology has its roots in philosophy and western knowledge. Sociology has such old roots that some of the earliest traces of sociology can be found in medieval Arabic writings. Hence some consider Arabic-Islamic scholar Ibn Khaldun of the 14th century from Tunisia to be the Father of Sociology although there is no solid evidence of his works.Karl Marx denied Comte’s philosophy of positivism but set out to establish a ‘science of society’ and became an integral part in the establishment of sociology.Albion Small in 1892 established the first formal Department of Sociology in the world in Chicago. However, it was Emile Durkheim who developed the institutionalization of sociology as an academic discipline. Durkheim also developed the theories of positivism although he disagreed with most of Comte’s theor ies.Modern Sociological structure is mostly derived from conflict (Weber and Marx), and functionalist (Durkheim) approaches of social structure. Structural functionalism implies that everything within the system is a necessary function for thewhole. Cohesive systems by functionalist theorists are contrasted with conflicting theories.Sociology is highly dependent on the social structure of society. Everything related to society falls under sociology, starting from a small behaviour on how you sit at certain places.You can now access more Essay Writing on this topicThus, we can say that sociology as emerged over the years as an important discipline which is an important response to the challenge of modernization. It is a social science-based ofinteraction between humans and the various processes that change them. Henceforth, sociology is regarded as one of the highest levels of sciences and is a subject that cannot be escaped.Short Essay on Sociology 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Sociology is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Sociology is basically what is known as the study of society and human interaction within society. It is known as a general science as itfollows processes of verification, observation and investigation.Auguste Comte, a french philosopher, is known as the ‘Father Of Sociology’. He not only established sociology as an institution but also developed his theory of positivism. Emile Durkheim is another person who has immense contributions in the field sociology.The word sociology is a hybrid word of both Latin and Greek. Sociology follows both personal and societal boundaries. Another French philosopher Saint Simon, after beinginspired by August Comte, coined the term ‘sociology’.Social stratification, social structure, religion, family, posture, wealth, poverty, etc. are all part of the social studies. Sociology, with time, has become an extremely important discipline and affects every sector of each person’s life. Sociology is a subject that one cannot escape no matter what.10 Lines on Sociology Essay in English1. Sociology is the study of society and human relationships within society.2. Auguste Comte isknown as the ‘Father of Sociology’. 3. August Comte also developed positivism. 4. ‘Positive Theory’ is a book written by Comte on positivism.5. The word ‘sociology’ has been derived from Greek and Latin words.6. The word ‘socius’ means companion and ‘-logy- means ‘the study of’.7. Sociology is general science.8. The general science of sociology follows the steps of observation, verification and investigating.9. In 1892, the first department of sociology was established in Chicago. 10. Modern Sociological Structure is derived from conflict and functional perspectives.FAQ’s on Sociology EssayQuestion 1.What is the definition of sociology?Answer:There is no particular definition of sociology. Sociology is the study of the societal structure and human relations within the structure.Question 2.Who is the ‘Father of Sociology’?Answer:August Comte is the ‘Father of Sociology’.Question 3.What is the meaning of the word ‘sociology’?Answer:The word ‘socius’ means ‘companion’ and ‘-logy’ means ‘the study of’.Question 4.When was sociology introduced as part of the academics?Answer:In 1892, the first department of sociology was introduced in Chicago.。



ssci学科分类SSCI学科分类导语:SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)是社会科学引文索引,是一个对社会科学领域内的重要期刊文章进行索引和引用分析的数据库。



















5.政治学(Political Science):政治学是研究政治现象和政治行为的学科。




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SOCIOLOGYProgram StrengthsThe undergraduate major in Sociology at UNC-CH provides students with theoretical and methodological tools and substantive insights for understanding human social life and institutions. The Department’s faculty is particularly s trong in the areas of social inequality, marriage and family, the life course and aging, work and the economy, religion, formal organizations, sex and gender, social movements, population and human ecology, poverty and welfare, medical sociology, social networks, education, and political sociology. The emphases in courses range widely from the theoretical to the applied and incorporate a broad array of methodological approaches including historical, qualitative, and comparative, although the program’s prima ry specialization is in quantitative analysis.A Flexible MajorThe Department’s major is designed to train students in sociological fundamentals, yet it is receptive to diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches. Departmental majors commonly combine their interests in sociology with courses in other disciplines and programs, such as history, African-American studies, anthropology, political science, religious studies, and business. In addition, the Sociology Department is the primary home to UNC’s minor in Social and Economic Justice. Students interested in pursuing graduate studies in sociology after college may, with instructor permission, also enroll in graduate level courses at UNC. The UNC Sociology Department encourages its students to study issues from a variety of perspectives, and its curriculum is flexible enough to permit students to tailor their program to fit individual needs and interests. The major requirements (9 courses for the B.A.) allow students substantial flexibility in meeting their individual intellectual interests and goals.Research, Service, & CareersThe undergraduate Sociology program is also structured to provide students with opportunities to put sociological ideas into practice through research by means of independent studies, honors theses, and community internships. The department also urges interested students to put their training to practical use in the service of others. Most broadly, the sociology major offers strongpreparation in analytical skills and broad knowledge of human relations and social systems, providing many useful tools for the development of a variety of careers including those in law, business and industry, public relations, public policy, social work, community and social justice organizing, religious ministry, international affairs and development, politics and government, social and market research, criminal justice, advertising, medicine and public health, and education.Major and University AdvisingStudents should feel free to talk with advisors at any time during the semester, not just during registration periods; and to talk about anything on their minds, from course selection to career aspirations. The key is: you must take the initiative! This is a big university, in which it is easy to get lost in a variety of ways. Help is available, but usually you have to seek it out. Finally, to be absolutely sure that you have sufficient credits and course distributions to graduate, obtain The Final Word from your Arts and Sciences advisor in Steele Building. It is these advisors who give the final stamp of approval and determine whether or not you will graduate, so it is crucial that you see your Arts and Sciences advisor at least once a year. For more information, see The Advising Webpage.Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies. Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is sociology’s purpose of understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.Sociology is an exciting and illuminating field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and the world. At the personal level, sociology investigates the social causes and consequences of such things as romantic love, racial and gender identity, family conflict, deviant behavior, aging, and religious faith. At the societal level, sociology examines and explains matters like crime and law, poverty and wealth, prejudice and discrimination, schools and education, business firms, urban community, and social movements. At the global level, sociology studies such phenomena as population growth and migration, war and peace, and economic development.Sociologists emphasize the careful gathering and analysis of evidence about social life to develop and enrich our understanding of key social processes. The research methods sociologists use are varied. Sociologists observe the everyday life of groups, conduct large-scale surveys, interpret historical documents, analyze census data, study video-taped interactions, interview participants of groups, and conduct laboratory experiments. The research methods and theories of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping human lives and social problems and prospects in the contemporary world. By better understanding those social processes, we also come to understand more clearly the forces shaping the personal experiences and outcomes of our own lives. The ability to see and understand this connection between broad social forces and personal experiences —what C. Wright Mills called “the sociological imagination” — is extremely valuable academic preparation for living effective and rewarding personal and professional lives in a changing and complex society.Students who have been well trained in sociology know how to think critically about human social life, and how to ask important research questions. They know how to design good social research projects, carefully collect and analyze empirical data, and formulate and present their research findings. Students trained in sociology also know how to help others understand the way the social world works and how it might be changed for the better. Most generally, they have learned how to think, evaluate, and communicate clearly, creatively, and effectively. These are all abilities of tremendous value in a wide variety of vocational callings and professions.Sociology offers a distinctive and enlightening way of seeing and understanding the social world in which we live and which shapes our lives. Sociology looks beyond normal, taken-for-granted views of reality, to provide deeper, more illuminating and challenging understandings of social life. Through its particular analytical perspective, social theories, and research methods, sociology is a discipline that expands our awareness and analysis of the human social relationships, cultures, and institutions that profoundly shape both our lives and human history.What Can I Do With Sociology?One of the most frequent questions students ask about sociology is, “What can I do with a sociology degree?” The answer is that the career potential of sociology majors is almost limitless. Sociologists are employed by research institutes, the criminal justice system, public health andwelfare organizations, private businesses, law firms, international agencies, medical centers, educational institutions, advertising firms, survey and polling organizations, and beyond. Students with a bachelor’s degree in sociology often secure employment as social researchers, case workers, paralegals, public relations workers, administrators, community organizers, public policy researchers, and data analysts. Sociology also provides great preparation for going on to law school, medical school, business school, and for graduate degree programs in social work, education, public policy, religious ministry, mass communications, public health, non-profit administration, and international affairs.Liberal Arts Education for Success in Today’s EconomyThe days when young people learned specific technical skills for one lifetime career are long gone. Today’s economy and labor market demand employees who are creative, versatile, and adaptable. The best employers are looking for people who are broadly educated in the kind of critical, analytical, organizational, and communication skills that will enable them to master new tasks and solve new problems many times over throughout their careers. Sociology is exactly the kind of major in which to learn those skills. Sociology offers its students a broad education in critical thinking, analytical problem solving, reasoned judgement, and effective communication. It helpsto form its students into a well-rounded person, equipped with valuable intellectual and communication skills and abilities with which to pursue a host of possible vocational callings and careers, and a thoughtful, purposeful life. The issue is not only what you can do with it, but what it does to you. This is the great career advantage of a broad liberal arts college education over a mere technical or professional education at the undergraduate level.Preparing for Graduate SchoolMany people share a misconception that graduate professional schools require that applicants have majored in a particular subjects such as politics for law school, or economics for business school. In fact, professional schools value and admit students from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many of our recent sociology graduates have gone on to law, medical, and business schools. The critical social awareness and research and analytical skills gained through a sociology major also provide a solid foundation for students planning careers in architecture, urban planning, public health, or education. Of course the sociology major prepares interested undergraduates for graduate studiesin sociology, should they choose to continue in the field to become researchers or teachers in either high schools, two-year colleges, four-year colleges, or research universities.Career AdvisingBesides discussing their interests and goals with an advisor within the Department of Sociology, students are also encouraged to seek career information and advice from the University Career Services, 211 Hanes Hall; 962-6507.Resources from the American Sociological AssociationCareers in SociologyASA Resources for Undergraduate Sociology MajorsCourses for Career PathsThe UNC Department of Sociology does not offer formal minors or concentrations in specific fields (although it is home to the UNC-CH minor in Social and Economic Justice). However, the Department does offer the following classes especially relevant to these career areas:• Business and Industry: SOCI 131, 251, 252, 410, 415, 427• International Affairs and Development: SOCI 380, 420, 439, 450, 453• Education: SOCI 380, 412, 423• Law: SOCI 122, 123, 133, 273, 420, 424, 442• Public Policy: SOCI 133, 251, 252, 273, 412, 414, 415, 420, 422, 424, 429, 431, 468• Community Service, Organizing, and Advocacy: SOCI 133, 273, 411, 412, 427, 429, 468• Medicine and Public H ealth: SOCI 251, 252, 422, 431, 468, 469。
