பைடு நூலகம்在括号里填上恰当的关联词语:()怎么拥挤,他()能左拐右拐地挤过去。
A.总吨B.开航日期C.船舶尺度D.航经海域例1-12:某船始发港开航d0 = 8.9m,TPC = 25.7t/cm,航行及停泊中油水消耗750t,并计划在中途港卸下1800t后再加装1600t货物,则该船驶离该港时的船舶吃水为。
A.8.82m B.8.39m C.8.53m D.8.41m例1-13:已知某轮的六面吃水为:首左吃水4.50m,首右吃水4.52m,中左吃水4.80m,中右吃水4.88m,尾左吃水5.15m,尾右吃水5.19m;且漂心在船舯后,则由此判断船舶浮态仅存在。
13.3. “三个代表”重要思想是江泽民的党的建设理论。
视译分视阅口译(sight interpreting with text)和视听口译(sight interpreting with text while listening )。
边读边译需要译者按照出现的先后把句子切成小段(断句),先阅读到的内容先译,同时迅速转向下一个视幅(eye span),所及的部分,在口译时还需注意目标语的联惯性(coherence)和可接受性(acceptability),也就是灵活整合。
I. Principles for singt interpretation1. Syntactic Linearity 顺句驱动为了避免语言结构重大调整对人脑认知负荷的影响,口译员常常是在总体上依照英文的行文次序,把整个句子切分成意群单位或信息单位,再使用连接词把这些单位连接起来,译出整体意思。
A、IPCONFIG /ALLB、IPCONFIG /RELEASEC、IPCONFIG /RENEWD、PING5.()是一种安全预防措施,使Windows Server 2003域中的DHCP服务器能在网络中正常运行。
A、DHCP需要网络管理员手动配置客户机的TCP/IP信息B、DHCP减轻了网络管理员的负担,不需要手动配置TCP/IP信息C、DHCP租约过程分为两步:客户机请求IP,服务器分配IPD、DHCP服务器只需在服务器上运行Windows Server 2003即可,没有其他要求7.在DHCP服务器上为客户机配置选项时,应用范围最大的选项是( )。
从总供给看,一国的国民收入等于一定 时期内各个生产要素的供给总和,等于 各个生产要素应得的收入总和,所获收 入不外乎两种用途,消费和储蓄,即 Y=C+S; 由 C+I=C+S 得I=S
从图上看均衡的国民收入 均衡国民收入的计算 乘数原理
100+100*0.8+100*0.8*0.8+…100*0.8 =100(1+0.8+0.82+….0.8 n-1) =[1/(1-0.8)]*100 =500
投资乘数=1/(1-0.8)=5 ΔY=[ 1/(1-MPC)]*ΔI =5*100=500
2. 乘数的概念
概念:投资乘数:指在一定的消费倾向 下,投资变动引起的国民收入的最终变 动量。
在宏观经济学中,乘数有双重含义 (1)经济中某一自变量发生变动时,所导 致因变量的最终变动幅度; (2)特指投资乘数。
3 计算公式
= 1/(1-MPC)
= 1/MPS
投资乘数等于1减边际消费倾向的倒数, 等于边际储蓄倾向的倒数。
最简单的经济体系: 3. 假定折旧和公司未分配利润为零, 这样,GDP、NDP、PI和DPI就相等。
(二)两部门经济中的均衡产出 公式:Y=C+I Y--实际产出或收入(剔除价格变动) C—实际消费(剔除价格变动) I-- 实际投资(剔除价格变动) 注意: C—家庭想要的消费(意愿消费) I--家庭想要的投资(意愿投资)
英国文学补充资料1PART ONE: EARLY AND MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATUREChapter 1. The Making of EnglandⅠ. The B ritons:Before entering upon the study of English literature, it is necessary to know something about the English people. The English people are of a mixed blood. The early inhabitants in the island now we call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name of Britain, the land of Britons. The Britons were a primitive people. They were divided into dozens of small tribes, each of which lived in a clustering of huts. "The oldest Celtic laws that have come down to our day show the gens still in full vitality." (Engels) The Britons lived in the tribal society.Ⅱ. The Roman Conquest:In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror, who had then just occupied Gaul. But as soon as the Romans landed on shore of the island, the Britons fought like lions under the leadership of their chieftain. And with the comings and goings of many Roman generals within the time of a century, Britain was not completely subjugated to the Roman Empire until 78 A.D.With the Roman Conquest the Roman mode of life came across to Britain also. Roman theatres and baths quickly rose in the towns. All these refinements of civilization, however, were for the enjoyment of the Roman conquerors while the native Britons were trodden down as slaves. The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years, during which the Romans, for military purposes, built a network of highways, later called the Roman roads, which remained useful for a long time to come. Along these roads grew up scores of towns, and London, one of them, became an important trading centre. It was also during the Roman rule that Christianity was introduced to Britain. But at the beginning of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was in the process of declining. And in 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned. Thus ended the Roman occupation in Britain.Ⅲ. The English Conquest:At the same time Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates. They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. These three tribes landed on the British coast, drove the Britons west and north, and settled down themselves. The Jutes occupied Kent, in the southeastern corner of the island. The Saxons took the southern part and established some small kingdoms as Wes-sex, Essex and Sussex. The Angles spread over the eastmidland and built the kingdom of the East Anglia. Gradually seven such kingdoms arose in Britain. And by the 7th century these small kingdoms were combined into a united kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles. The three tribes had mixed into a whole people called English, the Angles being the most numerous of the three. And the three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, which is quite different from the English that we know today.Ⅳ. The Social Con dition of the Anglo-Saxons:Before the Anglo-Saxons settled down in Britain, they still lived in the tribal society. Each group of families united by kinship fixed its home in a separate village. There were chiefs of the war-band, which was composed of young men. The warriors ate the chief's bread and shared the booty. Though the chief had power of life and death over his men, he did not keep them at a distance. He was familiar with them. He would eat and drink with them, would join their amusements and their songs. There was then what Engels calls "the military democracy grown out of the gens." After the conquest of Britain, the social constitution of the Anglo-Saxons went through some rapid changes. "We know that rule over subjugated people is incompatible with the gentile order… Thus, the organs of the gentile constitution had to betransformed into organs of state… The first representative of the conquering people was, however, the military commander. The internal and external safety of the conquered territory demanded that his power be increased. The moment had arrived for transforming military leadership into kingship. This was done." (Engels) Therefore, the Anglo-Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism.Ⅴ. Anglo-Saxon Religious Belief and Its Influence:The Anglo-Saxons were heathen people. They believed in old mythology of Northern Europe. That is why the Northern mythology has left its mark upon the English language. For example, the days of the week in English are named after the Northern gods. Odin, the All Father, gave his name to Wednesday, Thor gave his name to Thursday, and Frigga, the beautiful goddess to whom prayers were made by lovers, gave her name to Friday. Tuesday preserves the memory of Tiu, another Northern god.The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the seventh century. Then monasteries were built all over the country. In these monasteries, at a time when few but monks could read and write, the earliest English books were written down. But as the monks hated the heathen books, they managed to tinge them with someChristian colour which does not go in with the content of the whole thing.Chapter 2. "Beowulf"Ⅰ. Anglo-Saxon Poetry:English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England. Of Old English literature, five relics are still preserved. All of them are poems, or, songs by the Anglo-Saxon minstrels who sang of the heroic deeds of old time to the chiefs and warriors in the feasting-hall. Four are short fragments of long poems. But there is one long poem of over 3,000 lines. It is "Beowulf", the national epic of the English people.Ⅱ. The Story of "Beowulf":Beowulf is the nephew of Hygelac, King of the Geats, a people in Jutland, Denmark. News reaches him that Hrothgar, king of the Danes, is in great trouble. Hrothgar has built a great hall. But a terrible monster, Grendel, visits the hall from night to night and carries the warriors away. So the hall is deserted.On hearing the news, Beowulf sails for Denmark with fourteen companions and offers to fight the monster. After a feast of welcome, Beowulf and his companions lie down in the hall for the night. Then Grendel appears, seizes and devours one of Beowulf's men. He next attacks Beowulf, who grapples with him single-handed,because weapons do not avail against him. After a terrible hand-to-hand combat, Grendel retreats mortally wounded, leaving one of his arms with Beowulf. Great rejoicing follows and next night the hall is once more full of joys and songs.But Grendel has a mother. She comes to avenge her son's death by carrying away the chief counsellor of Hrothgar. Beowulf and his companions follow the bloody trail to the edge of a lake. Beowulf plunges into the water, finds the old she-monster and follows her into a hall under the waves. In the desperate combat his sword fails to bite. And at first he almost gets the worst of it if he does not by chance seize a big sword left by the giants of old time. With it he cuts off the head of the she-monster. There, too, he finds the body of Grendel himself and cuts off his head as well. With these trophies he goes back to the hall of the Danish king. The triumph is celebrated by feasting and song. And Beowulf sails home to the land of the Geats.Now, he becomes king and reigns over his people for fifty years. Then it comes to pass that a fire dragon comes out of its den and belches forth its fire to burn the people. Beowulf is an old man now. But he bids farewell to his household and goes to seek the dragon with eleven companions. He fights it single-handed. Again the sword fails to bite, and the hero is enveloped in flames.The dragon is killed at last. But Beowulf is hopelessly wounded too. The poem ends with the funeral of the hero:"Thus made their mourning the men of Geatland,For their hero's passing, his hearth-companionsQuoth that of all the kings of earth,Of men he was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest to praise."(In modern translation)Ⅲ. Analysis of Its Content:"Beowulf" is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo- Saxons from their continental homes. It had been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before it was written down in the tenth century. Its main stories (the fights with monsters) are evidently folk legends of primitive Northern tribes. Such tribes lived along the northwestern coast of Europe. Back of their settlements were impenetrable forests. In front of them was the stormy northern ocean. They had to fight against the beasts. They had to struggle against the forces of nature, which remained mysterious and unknown to them. When they returned from their exploits and voyages, the warriors would tell stories of strange monsters that lived beneath the sea, or in the marshes and dark forests inland. They were brave but superstitious. Such is thebackground of the marvellous stories in "Beowulf".Beowulf is a grand hero. He is so, simply by his deeds. He is faithful to his people. He goes alone, in a strange land, to rescue his people. He forgets himself in face of death, thinking only that it profits others. Though the poem was written in the tenth century, its hero was no doubt mainly the product of a primitive, tribal society on the continent. It was probably put together in England on the basis of lays brought from Northern Europe by the minstrels. In his manuscripts on English and Irish histories, Engels mentioned the historical significance of "Beowulf" in reflecting the features of the tribal society of ancient times.Ⅳ. Features of "Beowulf":The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration. In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. There are generally 4 accents in a line, three of which show alliteration, as can be seen from the above quotation.Other features of "Beowulf" are the use of metaphors and of understatements. "Ring-giver" is used for king,"hearth-companions" for his attendant warriors, "swan's bath" or "whale's road" for sea, "sea-wood" for ship; such metaphors occurin great numbers. Understatements as "not troublesome" for very welcome, "need not praise" for a right to condemn, give an impression of reserve and at time a tinge of ironical humour. This quality is often regarded as a permanent characteristic of the English.Chapter 3. Feudal England1) The Norman ConquestⅠ. The Danish Invasion:About 787, the English began to be troubled by bands of Danish vikings. At first, the Danes came only on plundering the country. Gradually, however, they came to make permanent settlements. King Alfred the Great (849-901) succeeded in driving the Danes off with force. Laying down his sword, King Alfred set himself to the task of encouraging education and literature. He translated some works from Latin himself. More important as a literary work is the Anglo-Saxon "Chronicle", written under his encouragement and supervision, which begins with Caesar's conquest and is a monument of Old English prose.After his death, the Danes occupied the country in 1013, and held it for 30 years. Then England was once more governed by another foreign ruler.Ⅱ. The Norman Conquest:The French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. Revolts were cruelly suppressed and the conquest was completed with sword and fire. It was called the Norman Conquest.William the Conqueror ruled England with a high hand. He confiscated the lands of the English lords, and, regarding whole England as his own, bestowed large patches of land to his Norman barons. The Norman barons in turn divided their lands among their own knights. In order to secure the King's authority over his barons, William compelled all vassals to take oath to him directly as well as to their local lords. Then he ordered a great survey to be made of all the land and taxable property in the whole kingdom. The result of the inquiries was enlisted on a roll called the Domesday's Book by the English people. By this means he pushed England well on its way to feudalism, and the Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England.Ⅲ. The Influence of the Norman Conquest on the English Language: After the Norman Conquest, the general relation of Normans and Saxons was that of master and servant. One of the most striking manifestations of the supremacy of the conquerors was to be seen in the language. The Norman lords spoke French, while theirEnglish subjects retained their old tongue. For a long time the scholar wrote in Latin and the courtier in French. There was almost no written literature in English for a time. Chronicles and religious poems were in Latin. Romances, the prominent kind of literature in the Anglo-Norman period, were at first all in French. By the end of the fourteenth century, when Normans and English intermingled, English was once more the dominent speechin the country. But now it became something different from the old Anglo-Saxon. The structure of the language remained English, and the common words were almost all retained, though often somewhat modified in form. But many terms employed by the Normans were adopted into the English language. The situation is typified by the use of the English "calf", "swine" and "sheep" for the animals when tended by the Saxon herdsmen, and of the French "veal", "pork" and "mutton" for the flesh served at the noble's table. 2) Feudal EnglandⅠ. Social Feature of the Feudal England:By the time when England entered the feudal society, the chief feature of the society was distinct division into classes, mainly, two classes: landlords and peasants. Noblemen, knights, bishops, archbishops, abbots and the like, with the king at their head, all belonged to the ruling class who held most of the land. Thepeasants toiled all the year round and paid rent to the gentle folks in grain, service, or cash, with little left to sustain themselves. To rule the people, there was a whole network of church government as well as that of the king's officers. Those who were courageous enough to do or say anything against the feudal order were often condemned as heretics and severely punished, usually burnt alive.Ⅱ. The Miseries of the Peasants:English peasants lived little better than slaves. To make things worse, a disease called Black Death swept over the country (1348-49), and a third of the population perished of this terrible plague. The peasants were compelled to quit their homes in serch of work. Then the King proclaimed a Statute of Labourers (1350) to force them to work at low wages. At the same time, the war between England and France (Since 1337) was prolonged for 40 years. The burden of war expenditure fell upon the common people. In 1379, a poll-tax was imposed upon the peasantry, requiring 4 pence from every poor peasant. Next year, the tax-money was raised to 3 times as much. The peasants were thus completely pauperized.Ⅲ. The Rising of 1381:The peasants could endure no longer, and the famous Rising of 1381 broke out in England. Its leaders were Wat Tyler and JohnBall. John Ball was a poor priest, whose saying,"When Adam delved and Eve spanWho was then the gentleman?"became a slogan for the peasants. One of his sermons has been preserved in Froissart's "Chronicles":"My good friends, matters cannot go well in England until all things shall be in common; when there shall be neither vassals nor lords; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves. How ill they behave to us! For what reason do they thus hold us in bondage? Are we not all descended from the same parents, Adam and Eve? And what can they show, or what reason can they give, why they should be masters than ourselves? They are clothed in velvet and rich stuffs, ornamented with ermine and other furs, while we are forced to wear poor clothing. They have wines, spices, and fine bread, while we have only rye and the refuse of the straw, and when we drink, it must be water. They have handsome seats and manors, while we must brave the wind and rain in our labours in the field, and it is by our labour that they have wherewith to support their pomp. We are called slaves, and if we do not perform our service we are beaten, and we have no sovereign to whom we can complain or who would be willing to hear us. Let us go to the King and remonstrate with him; he is young and from him we mayobtain a favourable answer and if not we must ourselves seek to amend our condition." (In modern English translation)The essence of his sermon was not an appeal to the oppressors to mend their ways, but a call to action directed to the oppressed. The rising was treacherously and bloodily repressed, and Ball and his comrades were arrested and hanged. But the peasants' rising had shaken the feudal system in England to the root.3) The RomanceⅠ. The Content of Romance:The most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England was the romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances was the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons. He was commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournaments, or fighting for his lord in battle. He was devoted to the church and the king. The code of manners and morals of a knight is known as chivalry. One who wanted to be a knight should serve an apprenticeship as a squire until he was admitted to the knighthood with solemn ceremony and the swearing of oaths.Ⅱ. The Romance Cycles:The great majority of the romances fall into groups or cycles,as the "matters of Britain" (adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table), and the "matters of France" (Emperor Charlemagne and his peers), and the "matters of Rome" (Alexander the Great and so forth). The English versions of these romances were translated from French or Latin. The romance of King Arthur is comparatively the most important for the history of English literature. It has its origin in Celtic legends, its beginning in Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of the Kings of Britain" (in Latin prose) and Layamon's "Brut" (in alliterative and rimed English verse), its culmination in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (metrical romance), and its summing up in Thomas Malory's "Mort D'Arthur" (in English prose).Ⅲ. Th e Class Nature of the Romance:The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances, as loyalty was the corner-stone of feudal morality, without which the whole structure of feudalism would collapse.The romances were either recited by professional minstrels or written to be read aloud. But in both cases the audience was usually that of the court or of the castle. The romances had nothing to do with the common people. They were composed for thenoble, of the noble, and in most cases by the poets patronized by the noble.。
减法交换性质:在连减法里,交换任意两个减数的位置,差不变.(1)2869-258-369(2)492-123-87-92 解:(1) 2869-258-369=2869-369-258=2500-258=2242(2) 492-123-87-92=492-92-87-123 =400-87-123=313-123=190例 5 从一个数中连续减去几个数等于从这个数中减去这几个减数的和.(1)613-57-43 (2)1300-120-368-512 (3)10000-2345-1683-3024解:(1)613-57-43=613-(57+43)=613-100=513(2)1300-120-368-512=1300-(120+368+512) =1300-1000=300 (3)10000-2345-1683-3024=10000-(2345+1683+3024)=10000-7052=2948例 6 从一个数中减去几个数的和等于从这个数中连续减去这几个数.(1)526-(126+300)(2)4356-(256+100+59)解:(1)526-(126+300)=526-126-300=400-300=100(2)4356-(256+100+59)=4356-(256+100)-59=4356-356-59=4000-59=3941例 1 加减混合运算的交换律:在加减混合运算中,交换两个数的位置,结果不变.(1)87-46+39 (2)287-329+129(3)4682+7348-964-3028-5326(4)23914-7543-926+6086-1032解:(1)87-46+39=87+39-46=126-46=80(2)287-329+129=287+129-329=416-329=87(3)4682+7348-964-3028-5326=(4682+7348)-(964+3028+5326)=12030-9318=2712(4)23914-7543-926+6086-1032=(23914+6086)-(7543-926-1032)=30000-9501=20499例 2 从一个数中减去两个数的差,等于从这个数中先减去差里的被减数,再加上差里的减数.(1)639-(39-28) (2)2408-(408-159)解:(1)639-(39-28)=639-39+28=600+28=628(2)2408-(408-159)=2408-408+159=2000+159=2159例 3 第一个数减去第二个数再加上第三个数,等于从第一个数减去第二个数与第三个数的差.解:2509-468+68=2509-(468-68)=2509-400=2109(1)乘法简算【例题】例 1 若干个数连乘,根据乘法的交换律和结合律,可以将其中相乘得整十、整百,整千的乘数先结合起来,再与其他乘数相乘,这样计算起来比较简便.(1)4×67×25 (2)125×(73×8)(3)125×313×4×25×8解:(1)4×67×25 (2)125×(73×8)=(4×25)×67 =(125×8)×73=100×67 =1000×73=6700 =73000 (3)125×313×4×25×8=(125×8)×(4×25)×313=1000×100×313=31300000例 2 若干个数相乘,可以先将其中某一个或几个乘数分解因数,使它与其他乘数相乘得整十、整百、整千的数,再计算出整个算式的结果.(1)25×16 (2)125×64×15(3)125×78×72 (4)12×56×375×25(5)625×37×48解:(1)25×16 (2)125×64×15=25×4×4 =(125×8)×(8×15)=100×4 =1000×120=400 =120000(3)125×78×72 (4)12×56×375×25=125×8×9×78=3×(125×8)×7×3×(4×25)=(125×8)×9×78=1000×9×78=3×1000×7×3×100=702000 =6300000(5)625×37×48=(37×3)×(16×625)=111×10000=1110000例 3 几个数同乘以某一个数时,可以根据乘法的分配律,先将几个不同的乘数加起来,然后再与相同的乘数相乘.(1)43×60+5×60(2)432×88+162×43+432×250(3)295×28+295×71+295 (4)72+892×9 解:(1)43×60+57×60=60×(43+57)=60×100=6000(2)432×88+162×432+432×25=432×(88+162+250)=432×500=216000(3)295×28+295×71+295=295×28+295×71+295×1=295×(28+71+1)=295×100=29500 (4)72+892×9=9×8+892×9=9×(8+892)=9×900=8100例 4 利用乘法的运算性质进行简算. (1)(375-16)×8 (2)96×15-15×46 (3)33×67-58×33+33 (4)456×198 (5)102×74 (6)45×28 (7)125×6400 解:(1)(375-16)×8=375×8-16×8=3000-128=2872(2)96×15-15×46=15×(96-46)=15×50=750(3)33×67-58×33+33=33×(67-58+1)=33×10=330(4)456×198=456×(200-2)=456×200-456×2=90288(5)102×74=(100+2)×74=7400+148=7548(6)45×28=(45×2)×(28÷2)=90×14=1260(7)125×6400=(125×8)×(6400÷8)=1000×800=800000例 5 几种特殊数乘法的简便算法.(1)58×52 (2)67×47 (3)66×91(4)98×97解:(1)58×52(十位数相同、个位数互补) =(5+1)×5×100+8×2=30×100+16=3000+16=3016十位数相同,个位数互补的简便方法是:首位(“5”即十位数)加1的和再乘以首位数作为积的前两位数;末位数(即个位数)相乘的积作为积的后两位数.(2)67×47(个位数相同、十位数互补)=(6×4+7)×100+7×7=31×100+49=3100+49=3149个位数相同,十位数互补的速算方法是:首位(“6”)乘以首位(“4”)再加上个位数作为积的前两位(即:6×4+7=31),末位数乘以末位数(个位数)的积(7×7)作为积的后两位数.(3)66×91=(6×9+6)×100+1×6=60×100+6=6000+6=6006一个因数是11的倍数,另一个因数个位和十位数字互补(“9”和“1”).速算方法是:首位数(即十位数)乘以首位数,再加上相同数中的一个数作为积的前两位,末位数乘以末位数的积作为积的后两位数.(4)98×97=〔98-(100-97)〕×100+(100-98)×(100-97) =〔98-3〕×100+2×3=95×100+6=9500+6=9506一个因数减去另一个因数的补数(98-3)作为积的前两位数(95);两个因数补数的乘积作为积的后两位数.(2)除法简算【例题】例 1 在除法算式中,被除数除以5、25、125的简算.(1)530×5 (2)6600÷25 (3)68000÷125解:(1)530÷5=(530×2)÷(5×2)=1060÷10=106根据上述的计算,可以得到:在一道除法里,被除数除以5,先用被除数乘以2,再消去乘积后面的一个0.(2)6600÷25=(6600×4)÷(25×4)=26400÷100=264根据第(2)小题的计算,我们可得到:在一道除法里,被除数除以25,先用被除数乘以4,再消去乘积后面的两个0.(3)68000÷125=(68000×8)÷(125×8)=544000÷1000 =544由此,我们可以得到:在一道除法里,被除数除以125,先用被除数乘以8,再消去乘积后面的三个0.例 2 利用除法的交换、分配和结合的性质,进行简便计算.(1)6498÷19÷9 (2)4597600÷25÷4(3)3216÷8 (4)4740÷12(5)5600÷(28×25) (6)67949÷17解:(1)6498÷19÷9=6498÷9÷19=722÷19=38(2)4597600÷25÷4=4597600÷(25 ×4)=4597600÷100=45976(3)3216÷8=(3200+16)÷8=3200÷8+16÷8=400+2=402(4)4740÷12=(4800-60)÷12=4800÷12-60÷12=400-5=395(5)5600÷(28×25)=5600÷28÷25=200÷25=8(6)67949÷17=(68000-51)÷17=68000÷17-51÷17=4000-3=3997例 3 应用除法的性质,可以进行简便计算.(1)(144+63)÷9 (3)(264-96)÷12(2)1344÷24+2088÷24+864÷24(4)2114÷24-1344÷24+862÷24解:(1)(144+63)÷9=144÷9+63÷9=16+7=23(2)1344÷24+2088÷24+864÷24=(1344+2088+864)÷24=4296÷24=179 (3)(264-96)÷12=264÷12-96÷12=22-8=14(4)2114÷24-1344÷24+862÷24=(2114-1344+862)÷24=1632÷24=68 3.四则混合运算小学数学的简便计算主要是根据四则运算的定律和运算性质,利用数和数之间的特殊关系,能够正确、合理地进行组合和分解、凑整十、整百、整千……的数,再进行计算.【例题】例 1 运用乘法运算定律,凑整十、整百、整千……的数,进行简算.(1)99+99×99+99-9999(2)11×11×11-11×11-10解:(1)99+99×99+99-9999=99×(1+99+1)-99×101=99×101-99×101 =0 或者:99+99×99+99-9999=99×(1+99)+99-9999=99×100+99-9999=9900+99-9999=0 (2)11×11×11-11×11-10=121×11-121-10=121×(11-1)-10=121×10-10=1210-10=1200或者:11×11×11-11×11-10=11×11×(11-1)-10=121×10-10=1210-10=1200例 2 在乘法混合运算中,改变运算顺序结果不变,也可以进行简便计算.(1)7÷13×52÷4 (2)(48×75×81)÷(24×25×27) 解:(1)7÷13×52÷4=(7×52)÷(13×4)=364÷52=7(2)(48×75×81)÷(24×25×27)=48×75×81÷24÷259÷27=(48÷24)×(75÷25)×(81÷27)=2×3×3=18例 3 利用数的分解凑整进行简算.(1)99992+19999(把一个数分解成两个数的和) (2)34999965÷35(把一个数分解成两个数的差)(3)1991×19921992-19911991×1992(4)33333×33333解:(1)99992+19999=99992+9999+10000 =9999×(9999+1)+10000=9999×10000+10000=10000×(9999+1)=10000×10000=100000000(2)34999965÷35=(35000000-35)÷35=35000000÷35-35÷35=1000000-1=999999(3)1991×19921992-19911991×1992=1991×1992×10001-1991×10001×1992 =1991×1992×(10001-10001)=1991×1992×0=0(4)33333×33333=11111×3×33333=11111×99999=11111×(100000-1)=11111×100000-11111=1111100000-11111=1111088889。
发动机习题解答补充 (1)
(√)5、内燃机运行中,如果连杆弯曲,压缩比会如何变化? (变小了,因为分子是总容积,分母是工作容积,分子大于分母,当分子分母增加相同的微小量时,结果变小)6、6102Q汽油机工作顺序为1-5-3-6-2-4,当五缸处于压缩上止点时,第1缸缸处在什么行程?(工作顺序未知如何知道其他缸的位置?)7、气门弹簧如何防止共振(①采用双气门弹簧②采用变螺距气门弹簧③采用锥形气门弹簧④采用气门弹簧振动阻尼器)8、挺柱为什么要旋转(磨损均匀?)9、四冲程发动曲轴,当其转速为3000r/min时,则同一气缸的进气门,在1min时间内开闭次数应该是(1500次)10、气门间隙是指气门与气门座之间的间隙。
空气滤清器(空气供给装置)↓(可燃混合气供给排出装置)化油器(可燃混合气形成装置)→{进气管→气缸→排气管} →排气消声器→大气↑输油泵(燃料供给装置)←滤清器←油箱12、用方框图表示汽油机燃料供给系的组成。
7, 鸡有30只,鸭比鸡少15只,鹅比鸭多9只。
9, 小丽在计算62减一个数时,错误地做成了加法,结果
10, 欢欢送给丁丁( )张邮票后,两人同样多。
笑笑也有一些邮票,如果她送给欢欢8张,她就和丁丁的邮票同样多,笑笑比丁丁多( )张邮票。
冬冬有许多邮票,如果他给力力10张邮票,两人的邮票就同样多,冬冬比力力多( )张邮票。
履带式话筒的基本工作原理是将一小条皱皱 的金属带子松松地悬挂在磁场中, 的金属带子松松地悬挂在磁场中,当空气分 子运动时,它就也跟着运动, 子运动时,它就也跟着运动,从而对磁场中 的磁线通量形成切割,然后产生声音信号。 的磁线通量形成切割,然后产生声音信号。 通常,履带式话筒的拾音类型都是8字型的。 通常,履带式话筒的拾音类型都是8字型的。 有时, 有时,我们可以把履带式话筒想象成一条窗 当风从正面吹过时,它很容易就会飘动, 帘,当风从正面吹过时,它很容易就会飘动, 但是当风从侧面平着吹过时, 但是当风从侧面平着吹过时,它可能就会纹 丝不动了。 丝不动了。
电容传声器的特点 电容传声器的特点
电容传声器的最大优点是灵敏度高、 电容传声器的最大优点是灵敏度高、频 率响应宽、动态范围大、 率响应宽、动态范围大、音质优美 ,是 音乐录音中最常用的传声器类型。 音乐录音中最常用的传声器类型。
缺点是价格偏高,使用时比较娇气, 缺点是价格偏高,使用时比较娇气,工作 时需外加电压,在野外作业时不方便。 时需外加电压,在野外作业时不方便。
在反射声场中, 在反射声场中,有墙壁等障碍物对声波 产生反射作用,甚至多次反射, 产生反射作用,甚至多次反射,如厅堂、 剧场、录音棚等。 艺术录音一般是在反射声场中进行, 艺术录音一般是在反射声场中进行,录 制流行音乐常常使用的强吸收、短混响 室,近似于自由声场,但也不是绝对没有 近似于自由声场, 反射。
传声器的分类(根据声电换能方式) 根据声电换能方式)
静电式 ( 电容式和驻极体式 ) 、 电动式 ( 动圈式、带式 ) 、 压电式 ( 晶体式、陶瓷式、高聚物 式 ) 、半导体式、碳粒式 等。
(按声波作用于传声器膜片的不同方式) 按声波作用于传声器膜片的不同方式) 的不同方式
ThanksThank you very muchIt’s very kind of youI’m very sorryI’m sorry I’m lateI’m sorry,I don’t knowI don’t mindThat’s rightExcellent!I don’t like it.PerhapsIt dependsIf possibleGive me regards to /Mrs Smalley See you soonHave a good time!Have a good trip!Sleep well!Is the /plane/ on time?Is the seat free,please?Do you smoke?What’s this called.please? Ready?Not yet.Just a minute!Can I come in?Come in!How dose it work?It dosen’t workWhat’s the weather like?It’s /hot/.10.1会见某人Excuse me!Are you Liu Haidong?Yes,I amHelloMy name’s john HarrisonI work for Brown and Webster I’m an architectHow do you do?Can I take your case?Thank you very muchYes,thank10.2介绍—某人把你介绍给第三者Mr cooper,this is Mr liuHow do you do?How do you do?When did you arrive here,Mr Liu?Last nightHow long will you be here?Three days10.3旅馆Good afternoonGood afternoonMy name’s liuI’ve got a reservation for two roomsLiu. How do you spell it,please?L-i-uAh,yes. Mr and Mrs liu and two children. Two double rooms with bath That’s rightPlease fill in this form,sir.YesThank youRooms 401 and 402. here are your keysWhich floor, please?The fourth floor10.4预订I’d like two seats in the circle, pleaseWhen?Saturday night, pleaseYws. We still have a few seatsHow much are they, please?$4.50 eachI want something less expensive,pleaseI’ve got two seats in the upper cilcle at $3.50I’d like them, pleaseYes, of courseI’d like a table for tonight, pleaseFor how many?For 2, pleaseWhat time, please8.30I can give you a table at 9 o’clockIs that all right?Fine,thanks10.5在饭馆点菜May I have the menu, please?Of courseWould you like the wine list, too?Yes, pleaseCan I order now?Yes. What would you like?I’d like some soup, and then a steakHow would you like it?Medium, pleaseAnd I’d like chips and a salad, pleaseAnything else?Yes. A carafe of red wine,please10.6旅行Good morningI want to goto leedsI’d like some information about trains,please There’s a train every hour from Kings Cross Station When does the next train leave?At 14.20How much is a return ticket?$18.50Thank you10.7买东西Can I help you?Yes,pleaseThere’s a pair of shoes in the windowCan I try them,please?Yes. What size,please?Size 6Try theseThank youAre they all right?Yes, they’re very comfortableHow much are they ,please?$19.99I’d take them. Thank youI’d like cameraHow much is this one?$96. would you like to look at it ?Yes, pleaseMm . it’s nice,but I want something less expensive What about this one?No ,thank you. I think I’ll leave it11.1一般电话Hello. /52508/Hello. Is that Mr Jones?Speaking .This is li ping hereMay I speak to Mrs Jones,please?She’s out at the momentI’ll ring back latterHello. May I speak to John, pleae?I’m sorry. There’s no John here. This is 413624 Sorry. Wrong numberHello. Brown and Webster. Can I help you?Mr bell, extension 56, pleaseHold the line pleaseI’m putting you throughHello. Mr bell’s officeHello. Could I speak to mr bell, please?I’m sorry. He’s in a meetingCan I leave a message, please?Yes, of course.Could you tell him mr wang called?Yes, certainlyThank you. GoodbyeGoodbye11.2 紧急情况Where’s the Chinese embassy?Help!Help me please!Quick!Look out!Careful!Call the police!Call the fire brigade!Call an ambulance!Call a doctor!Are you insured?Please give your name and addressWhere’s the nearest hospital please?I’m diabelticI’m pregnantI think it’s my heartIs it broken?I’d like a painkillerI’m allergic to penicillinPlease notify mr wu at the hotel BristolWhere’s the police station, please?I’v lost my passportI’v lost my walletMy hansbag has been stolenMy luggage has been stolenI’ve run out of moneyI want a lawyerLaughing songBy (英)William BlakeWhen the green woods laught with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;When the air does laugh with our merry wit,And the green hill laughts with the noise of it; When the meadows laugh with lively green,And the grasshopper laughts in the merry scene, When Wary and Susan and Emily,With their sweet round mouths sing “Ha,Ha,He!”When the pained birds laught in the shade,Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread, Come live and be merry, and join with me,To sing the sweet chorus of “Ha,Ha,He!”青春的树林笑出了欢乐的声音。
曲线到达d点前,试件的变形是均匀发生的, 曲线到达d点,在试件比较薄弱的某一局部(材 质不均匀或有缺陷处),变形显著增加,有效横 截面急剧减小,出现了缩颈现象,试件很快被 拉断,所以de段称为缩颈断裂阶段。
曲线没有屈服阶段,变形很小时 沿与轴线大约成45°的斜截面发
值称为抗压强度 by 。
5 拉(压)杆的强度计算
• 许用应力和安全系数
强度 构件抵抗破坏的能力称为构件的强度。
刚度 构件抵抗变形的能力称为构件的刚度。
稳定性 压杆能够维持其原有直线平衡状态的 能力称为压杆的稳定性。
构件的安全可靠性与经济性是矛盾的。构件承 载能力分析的内容就是在保证构件既安全可靠又经 济的前提下,为构件选择合适的材料、确定合理的 截面形状和尺寸,提供必要的理论基础和实用的计 算方法。
3.扭转变形;4.弯曲变形。 两种或两种以上的基本变形组合而成的,称为组 合变形。
变形特点 :
06.01 S3 17Because the garden was untended, the windows had no shutters, and the lawn overrun by weeds, people passing by the old house it was No error06.01 S3 20When Doris L published The Golden Notebook in 1962, it instantly established herself as one of the most important literary voices of her generation. No error06.01 S3 22It was a Chinese American grower who finally succeeded with adapting the now familiar orange tree to the06.01 S3 23The survey indicated that workers in the United States hope that his or her wages will keep pace with the rising06.01 S3 28Five years in the writing, her new book is both a response to her critics mistrust with her earlier findings and an elaboration of her original thesis. No error06.01 S3 29Despite its cultural importance, the Daily Gazette lost 70was losing as much as $200,000 a year. No error06.05 S6 12Global warming trends, what play a big role in the melting of tropical glaciers like those on Mt.Kilimanjaro, may cause many ice caps to vanish within 20 years. No error06.05 S6 15Our new neighbors are the most sociable people we have ever met, and our chief interests, cooking andare similar to them. No error06.05 S6 16Katherine felt that she has not had any understanding of the highly intricate workings until her uncle took her to the New York Stock Exchange. No error06.05 S6 20Because his experience in the naval medical corps had rewarding, Bob applied to medical school after he was discharged from the navy. No error06.05 S6 22Plants grown for their flowers should be treated with abecausepromotes the growth of leaves at the expense of flowers. No error06.05 S6 24Extending along several city blocks are a row of ginkgo their leaves turning a now that summer is over. No error06.05 S6 26Opposite to most people I know, Annie, a goodherself, actually enjoys seeing the photographs that her friends take on their vacations. No error06.05 S6 28Not very particular in nesting sites, house wrens may nest ineven in the pockets of hanging laundry. No error06.05 S6 29At the reception were the chattering guests, the characteristic of many wedding celebrations. No error06.10 S6 14Because our casserole was smelling surprisingly badly as it baked, the food science teacher us what we had put in it. No error06.10 S6 16As he eagerly awaited the interview for the job, Miguel thought it wise suppressing his and to display a calm he did not feel. No error06.10 S6 20According to some demographers, the number of Unitedaged 65 or older is likely to rise to 8706.10 S6 21When they were asked to compare Norman Rockwell’s paintings to painter Robert Rauschenberg, the students entered into prolonged about the06.10 S6 24The derelict old house across from the warehouses and the even more just beside them have been placed on the list of historic landmarks. No error06.05 S6 25As their brains mature neurologically, infants become capable to distinguish and textures of the objects around them. No error06.05 S6 29There is probably no story more dramatic than baseball’s great hitter and right fielder Hank Aaron. No error07.01 S4 16One subject of Felipe Alfau’s second novel, published more than years after it has been written, is the07.01 S4 17Joining a grassroots movement against inhumane working conditions, some consumers in the United States have stopped buying products from countries, in which workers are essentially a slave laborer. No error07.01 S4 19Eating garlic has long been regarded as a means of warding off has shown that it does have some therapeutic value. No error07.01 S4 21Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company have once again shown how the combination of strength and being agile can produce beautiful movements. No error07.01 S4 23At the conclusion of the novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner recently arrived to New York, moodily watches the blinking green light at the tipof Long Island. No error07.01 S4 26Mediators were standing by, prepared to intervene in the labor dispute even though both sides had refused earlier offers for assistance. No error07.01 S4 27According to some theorists, what any particular bird can eat could change with even the slightest variation in the07.01 S4 29An amateur potter herself, the accountant offered to help the artist with his business accounts, complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping. No error07.05 S5 14Mr. Johnson’s assumption that a teenager had robbed his house being unfounded, for the witnesses described the person they had seen fleeing as a woman in her 40s. No error07.05 S5 16During my most recent trip, I came across a wonderful antique store wandering in the old quarter of the city. No error07.05 S5 18As children mature, they develop an independence that their parents, who have been responsible for them sincethey were born, often find difficult to accept. No error07.05 S5 20To an Iranian, only a salt desert truly merits the name “desert”, for other types of deserts can be sown with dates, and it can be watered by sprinklers or by ancient subterranean canals called qunats. No error07.05 S5 23Both her work on community service projects and her dedication to learning has gained Ms. Stevens the respect of the entire faculty. No error07.05 S5 24After the uprising of October 10, 1911, that has led to the establishment of a Chinese republic,Americans decided to return to China in hopes of a bright future there. No error07.05 S5 26Traffic was heavy, so by the time Brianne finally arrived at the theater, we waited for her for an hour, missing the entire first act of the play. No error07.05 S5 29A volunteer organization, the Covington Soup Kitchen has been feeding needy families since 1977, annually nearly a million food each year. No error06.01 S3 1The library is older than it but still just as beautiful as the courthouse.than it but still just as beautiful as the courthouseB. older and it is just as beautiful s the courthouseC. older than the courthouse; it is just as beautiful as itD. older than the courthouse but just as beautifulE. just as beautiful as the courthouse and it is older than it06.01 S3 5When the Berlin Wall, long a symbol of the Cold War, began to be torn down in 1989, five million people went to Berlin to celebrate that.A.TB.F or its celebrationC.T o celebrateD.I n celebration of thatE.In celebrating06.01 S3 10In similarity with some other great works, the enduring its author, Mary Shelley, wrote the novel when she was not quite nineteen years old.A.I n similarity withB.A sC.L ike what happened withD.L ike the case withE.Like06.01 S10 2The owners of stadiums that bear the names of now bankrupt companies have a problem what to do about the names.B.w hat they should do about the namesC.d eciding what to do about those namesD.t o decide as to whether the names should stayE.should they change those names or not06.01 S10 8The old maxim “Let the buyer beware” suggest that as a buyer we are responsible for inspecting merchandise forA.a s a buyer we are responsibleB.a s a buyer it is their responsibilityC.t he buyer is the responsible oneD.b uyers are responsibleE.buyers are to be the ones responsible06.01 S10 10Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States, itsA.S anta Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States, itsB.S anta Fe, which is one of the oldest cities in the United States, itsC.S anta Fe, which is one of the oldest cities in the United States, hasD.S anta Fe is one of the oldest cities in the United States; itsE.Santa Fe, one of the oldest cities in the United States, and its06.01 S10 13Psychologists advise that before making any major changes in your life, a person needs to focus on one’s goals.’s goalsB.t heir life, a person needs to focus on their goalsC.t heir lives, focus on the goalsD.o ne’s life, you should focus on your goalsE.their lives, people should focus on their goals06.01 S10 14Some beaches are frequently contaminated by untreated sewage that flows into the ocean, which can last forseveral days.B.o cean that can last for several daysC.o cean, it can last for several daysD.o cean, while contamination can last for several daysE.ocean; the contamination can last for several days06.05 S6 5A hot-air balloon rises when the air inside it becomes warm, drops when that air cools, and moves sideways when blown by the wind.B. moving sideways when the wind blowsC. when the wind blows, the movement is sidewaysD. caused to move sideways when blown by the windE. it is blown by the wind, causing sideways movement06.05 S6 8Sometimes called “the founder of art in Texas,” a sculpture of William Jennings Bryan was completed by Elisabet Ney in her Austin studio in 1899.by Elisabet Ney in her Austin studio in 1899B.W illiam Jennings Bryan’s sculpture was completed by Elisabet Ney in her Austin studio in 1899C.I n her Austin studio, Elisabet Ney having completed a sculpture of William Jennings Bryan in 1899D.B ecause a sculpture of William Jennings Bryan wascompleted in 1899 in her Austin studio by Elisabet NeyE.Elisabet Ney completed a sculpture of William Jennings Bryan in her Austin studio in 189906.05 S6 10Chop suey originated in the United States, and many people assume that it was China.B.m any people assumingC.n ot, as many people assume, inD.n ot what many people assume beingE.but many people assume it to be06.05 S10 6Having millions of gallons of freshwater underground, the dangers of ground pollution.A.H aving millions of gallons of freshwaterB.B ecause millions of gallons of freshwater areC.B ecause of freshwater in the millions of gallonsD.B y considering that there are millions of gallons of freshwaterE.Awareness of the millions of gallons of freshwater06.05 S10 10As a child growing up on a farm, my sister and I visitedprize livestock.A. As a child growing up on a farmB. A child who grew up on a farmC. Farm children and growing upD. Growing up on a farmE. Since growing up on a farm06.05 S10 11Bertha Lamme received her engineering degree in 1893, which she then specialized professionally in the design ofA.1893, which she then specialized professionallyB.1893, specializing as her professionC.1893 and, as a professional, specializedD.1893, then, for a profession, specializesE.1893, she has specialized as a professional06.05 S10 13The name “transfer ware”comes from a nineteenth-century technique for whichtransferred onto earthenware dishes.A.c omes from a nineteenth-century technique for whichB.c omes from a nineteenth-century technique according to whichC.c omes from a nineteenth-century technique wherebyD.i s a nineteenth-century technique whereinE.means it is a nineteenth-century technique by which06.10 S6 5We generally think of Canada as the northern neighbor of the United States, and more than half of the states extendA.S tates, and more than half of the states extendB.S tates, and it is the case that more than half of the states extendC.S tates, but more than half of the sates extendingD.S tates, whereas more than half of the states are extendingE.States; however, more than half of the states extend06.10 S6 7Dressed in a crisp, clean uniform, it reflected the efficient manner of the tour guideA.D ressed in a crisp, clean uniform, it reflected the efficient manner of the tour guideB.D ressed in a crisp, clean uniform, the efficient manner of the tour guide was reflectedC.D ressed in a crisp, clean uniform that reflected the efficient manner of the tour guideD.T he crisp, clean uniform of the tour guide reflected her efficient mannerE.The crisp, clean uniform of the tour guide, a reflection of her efficient manner06.10 S6 10By building new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of carbon dioxide emissions are kept out of the atmosphere.A.B y building new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of carbon dioxide emissions are keptB.B y building new windmill farms, it reduced consumption of fossil fuels, and tons of carbon dioxide emissions are keptC.B uilding new windmill farms reduces fossil fuel consumption and keeps tons of carbon dioxide emissionsD.W hen new windmill farms are built, they reduce fossil fuel consumption, and it keeps tons of carbon dioxide emissionsE.New windmill farms, when built, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and also tons of carbon dioxide emissions are kept06.10 S6 11The famous battle depicted in the film Brave heart took place in northern England, and many people assume that it was the Scottish Highlands.B.m any people assumingC.b ut many people assume it to beD.n ot what many people assumeE.not, as many people assume, in06.10 S10 7The shift from traditional to cosmetic dentistry is because adults are getting fewer cavities and becomingA.i s because adults are getting fewer cavities and becomingB.i s because of adults getting fewer cavities and their becomingC.i s caused from adults getting fewer cavities and in addition becomeD.i s occurring because adults are getting fewer cavities and becomingE.occurs because of adults getting fewer cavities and become06.10 S10 8If asked to name a musical group with broad and lasting appeal, the Beatles would be the choice for many, no matter what kinds of music are actually preferred.matter what kinds of music are actually preferredB.t he Beatles will be the choice for many people, no matter what kinds of music are actually preferredC.t he choice for many people, whatever kinds of music they actually prefer, would be the BeatlesD.m any, who actually preferred different kinds of music, choose the BeatlesE.many people, no matter what kinds of music they actually prefer, would choose the Beatles06.10 S10 12All species of sea turtles are endangered because ofoverharvesting of adults, their eggs being disturbed, and destruction of nesting habitats.adults, their eggs being disturbed, and destruction of nesting habitatsB. of the adults being overharvested, their eggs disturbed, and destroying nesting habitatsC. the overharvesting of adults, disturbance of their eggs, and destruction of nesting habitatsD. the adults are overharvested, their eggs are disturbed, and their nesting habitats are destroyedE. being overharvested as adults, their eggs being disturbed, and destruction of nesting habitats06.10 S10 14Acquaintances of Alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his unpredictability but his imagination is still a delight.B.a lthough he is delightfully imaginativeC.a nd he is delightful in his imagination tooD.w hile being imaginative and they are delightfulE.and delightful because of his imagination07.01 S4 8In the 100-yard relay our team impressed the crowd, with each of the members shaving several seconds off her ownA.o f the members shavingB.o f the members had shavedC.o f the members was shavingD.w ho had been shavingE.who shavedTest 1 S10 13In neighborhoods throughout the United States, one can encounter hundreds of different rope-jumping games, each with its own rules.B.e ach having their own rulesC.w hen they each have their own rulesD.w hich has its own rulesE.they each have rules of their own07.01 S4 9Because of their ability to eat large numbers of insects, some people are building bat houses in their backyards.some people are building bat houses in their backyards B.T hey have the ability to eat large numbers of insects, so some people are building bat houses in their backyardsC.B ecause bats can eat large numbers of insects, bat houses are being built in their backyards by some peopleD.S ome people are building bat houses in their backyards because bats can eat large numbers of insectsE.Bats can eat large numbers of insects, because of this some people are building bat houses in their backyards07.01 S4 10For all their talk about ecology, major companies have soA.F or all their talkB.I n spite of the fact of their having talkedC.B esides their having talkedD.I n addition to their talkingE.Although there is talk between one and the other07.01 S10 4Bees must leave the safety of the hive to forage for food many times a day, they are risking being eaten by any ofA.d ay, they are risking being eatenB.d ay at the risk of being eatenC.d ay risking them to be eatenD.d ay; the risk is to be eatenE.day, likewise, they risk being eaten07.01 S10 11A mixture of jazz and classical idioms, the music of Gershwin was more innovative than most of his contemporaries.B. than most of his contemporaries wereC. than were most of his contemporariesD. than that of most of his contemporariesE. than most of his contemporaries, as far as music is concerned07.01 S10 12On October 13, 1955, at the Six Gallery in San Francisco, Allen Ginsberg read his poem Howl, being the inauguration of both a new style in poetry and the BeatA.H owl, being the inauguration of bothB.H owl, both inauguratedC.H owl, it was the inauguration of bothD.H owl, whose inauguration of bothE.Howl, thus inaugurating both07.05 S5 2Because of repeatedly asking in vain for a comprehensive health-care plan, the employees called in’s stubbornness. A. Because of repeatedly asking in vain for a comprehensive health-care planB. After repeatedly asking in vain for a comprehensive health-care planC. They have repeatedly asked in vain for a comprehensive health-care plan, thenD. Repeatedly asking in vain for a comprehensive health-care plan, finallyE. While they repeatedly ask in vain for a comprehensive health-care plan07.05 S5 5Alice Guy Blache, an early filmmaker, introduced close-ups and double exposures, also she set cars on fire, used rats in ran film backward.A.e xposures, also she setB.e xposures, and also she setsC.e xposures, she setD.e xposures; she also setE.exposures by her setting07.05 S5 9Legendary nineteenth-century endurance rider Frank T Hopkins, who rode an American mustang to victory in a 3300-mile race across the Arabian Desert, and the hero of the Disney movie Hidalgo.A. andB. and who has becomeC. also has becomeD. isE. having been07.05 S5 11Twice as many bird species inhabit Ecuador as in North America.(A)as in(B)as inhabit(C)instead of in(D)when compared to(E)than07.05 S10 11Theodore Roosevelt was not just a great reformer; he was also a great president.was also a great president.B.T heodore Roosevelt was not just a great reformer, and also a great president.C.T heodore Roosevelt was not just a great reformer; but also a great president.D.G reat not just as a reformer, but Theodore Roosevelt was also a great president.E.Not just as a reformer, Theodore Roosevelt was also a great president.07.05 S10 12Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition was established to encourage diversemerging of two groups Jackson had previously founded.A. Coalition was establishedB. Coalition is establishedC. Coalition, establishingD. Coalition, which being establishedE. Coalition, established07.05 S10 13In the novel, Jane Eyre must make many difficult choices,like when she forces herself to leave the house of Mr.A. like when she forcesB. and, as an example, when she forcesC. for example, by forcingD. as exemplified by when she forcesE. including forcing07.05 S10 14Nicknamed the supergrain of the future, quinoa is a complete protein, one that contains all the necessary amino acids and is high in fiber.and isB.p rotein, it contains all the necessary amino acids and isC.p rotein, and containing all the necessary amino acids in addition to beingD.p rotein that contained all the necessary amino acids and also isE.protein; thus, containing all the necessary amino acids and being alsoTest 1 S7 3You cannot expect to treat your friends badly and no one notices.B.a nd have no one noticeC.w ithout notice by peopleD.w ithout notice by no oneE.without the result of somebody noticingTest 1 S7 9Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, heA.A lthough the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, heB.T he candidate, having promised both to cut taxes and improve services,C.A lthough the candidate made promises both to cut taxes and improve services, heD.H aving promised, first, to cut taxes and, second, to improve services, the candidateE.The candidate’s promises were both to cut taxes and improve services, heTest 2 S6 4The psychologist states that most people want the same things: interesting and meaningful work, respect, and to have them be loved for themselves alone.them be loved for themselves aloneB.t o have interesting and meaningful work, respect, and loved for themselves aloneC.w ork that has interest and is meaningful, to have respect, and to be beloved for themselves aloneD.i nteresting and meaningful work, respect, and their own loveE.to have interesting and meaningful work, to be respected, and to be loved for themselves aloneTest 2 S6 8Once American films looked slick and commercial compared to European imports; now, almost the reverse is true.B.n ow they are almost the reverseC.i nstead, there is almost a reversal nowD.n ow it is almost the reverse that is trueE.it has now been almost reversed*being通常不选例外:1)构成必要的平行结构2)构成必要的介词宾语3)构成必要的被动语态进行时Test 2 S6 10For many a brilliant architect, being free to innovate is more important than being well paid.B.h aving freedom of innovation is more important thanC.t here is more importance in the freedom to innovate thanD.f reedom to innovate has more importance thanE.to have the freedom to innovate is more important thanTest 5 S10 3In both his longer and his shorter works of fiction, Gabriel Garcia Marquez achieves the rare feat to be accessible to the common reader whilemost demanding of sophisticated critics.A.t o beB.f or beingC.o f beingD.t hat he isE.that they areTest 5 S10 10Cryonics- the technique used to store human bodies at extremely low temperatures with the hope of one dayreviving them- are being performed today, but their technology is still in its infancy.B.a re being performed today, while the technologyC.w hich is being performed today, using technology thatD.i s being performed today, but their technologyE.is being performed today, but the technologyTest 2 S10 5Until just recently many students would take lengthy trips during spring break rather than temporary jobs like now.B.b reak instead of temporary jobs like nowC.b reak; now they take temporary jobsD.b reak; instead, students are taking temporary jobsE.break, but now it is temporary jobsTest 3 S10 1A recent discovery is the finding that people who bothdo only one of these things.A. A recent discovery is the finding thatB. A recent discovery came when they learned thatC. Recently, a finding is thatD. It has recently been discovered thatE. It is a recent discovery thatTest 4 S5 5Societies acting through their governments make the rules to state which acts are illegal, but although war is the of human activities, it has not been declared illegal by any of the world’s governments or their agencies.A.t o stateB.s tatingC.w hen they stateD.t hat are statingE.where they stateTest 5 S10 13Pilots at the airline, angered at the prospect of seeing their pension plans replaced with less generous versions, vowed to use legal means to fight it.A.i tB.t hemC.t hisD.s uch a moveE.that from happening。
高中语文 实词补充翻译(1)
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浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
CRC校验码的检错能力 校验码的检错能力 CRC校验码能检查出全部单个错; CRC校验码能检查出全部离散的二位错; CRC校验码能检查出全部奇数个错; CRC校验码能检查出全部长度小于或等于K位的突发错; CRC 校 验 码 能 以 [1- ( 1/2 ) K-1] 的 概 率 检 查 出 长 度 为 (K+1)位的突发错; 如果K=16,则该CRC校验码能全部检查出小于或等于 16 位的所有的突发差错,并能以1-(1/2)161=99.997%的概率检查出长度为17位的突发错,漏检 概率为0.003%;
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
循环冗余编码工作原理 G(X)=生成多项式 生成多项式 f(X)=信息位 信息位 R(X)= f(X) xk ⁄ G(X)的余式 余式 R(X)=校验码 校验码 Q(X)=f(X) xk ⁄ G(X)的商 T (X)= f(X) xk + R(X) T (X)=实际发送的信息位 实际发送的信息位 k=G(X)中X的最高指数 中
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
传输差错 产生过程
传输数据 数据信号波形 0 1
噪声 (a)
数据信号 与噪声信号 叠加后的波形
采样时间 接收数据 原始数据 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 出错的位 (b) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
补充: 补充:基带传输
基带传输在基本不改变数字数据信号频带(即波形) 的情况下直接传输数字信号,可以达到很高的数据传 输速率与系统效率; 在基带传输数字数据信号的编码方式主要有: 非归零码NRZ 曼彻斯特(manchester)编码 差分曼彻斯特(difference manchester)编码
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
循环冗余编码CRC 循环冗余编码CRC 利用事先生成的多项式G(X)去除要传送的信息多项式, 利用事先生成的多项式G(X)去除要传送的信息多项式, G(X)去除要传送的信息多项式 得到的余式就是所需要的循环冗余编码。 得到的余式就是所需要的循环冗余编码。 接收端, 接收端,先对传送过来的码字用发送时的同一多项式去 若能除尽,则说明明传输正确。否则,传输错误。
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
误码率定义: 二进制比特在数据传输系统中被传错的概率, 它在数值上近似等于: Pe = Ne/N 其中,N为传输的二进制比特总数 Ne为被传错的比特数
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
误码率应该是衡量数据传输系统正常工作状态下 传输可靠性的参数; 对于一个实际的数据传输系统,不能笼统地说误 码率越低越好,要根据实际传输要求提出误码率 要求; 对于实际数据传输系统,如果传输的不是二进制 比特,要折合成二进制比特来计算; 差错的出现具有随机性,在实际测量一个数据传 输系统时,只有被测量的传输二进制比特数越大, 才会越接近于真正的误码率值。
接收正确 接收出错
数据字段 校验字段 f(x).x
R(x) 发送
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
举例: 举例:
1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Q(x) k f(x) .x
传输差错 — 通过通信信道后接收的数据与发送数据 不一致的现象; 差错控制 — 检查是否出现差错以及如何纠正差错; 通信信道的噪声分为两类:热噪声和冲击噪声; 由热噪声引起的差错是随机差错,或随机错; 冲击噪声引起的差错是突发差错,或突发错; 引起突发差错的位长称为突发长度; 在通信过程中产生的传输差错,是由随机差错与突发差错 共同构成的。
1 1 0 0 1 1 发送数据 比特序列
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
CRC校验码 比特序列
带CRC校验码的 发送数据比特序列
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
标准CRC生成多项式 (x) 生成多项式G( ) 标准 生成多项式
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已知CRC生成多项式为 X)= x4 +x +1,设要传 生成多项式为G( 已知 生成多项式为 , 送的码字为10110(从左向右传送),试计算校验码? ),试计算校验码 送的码字为 (从左向右传送),试计算校验码? 某一个数据通信系统采用CRC校验,生成多项式 校验, 某一个数据通信系统采用 校验 G(X)的二进制比特序列为 的二进制比特序列为11001,目的节点接收到的 的二进制比特序列为 , 二进制比特序列为110111001(含CRC校验码)请判 校验码) 二进制比特序列为 ( 校验码 断传输过程中是否出现了差错?为什么? 断传输过程中是否出现了差错?为什么?
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补充: 补充:基带传输
差分曼彻斯特( 差分曼彻斯特(difference manchester)编码 )
差分曼彻斯特编码与曼彻斯特编码不同点主要是: 每比特的中间跳变仅做同步之用; 每比特的值根据其开始边界是否发生跳变来决 定; 一个比特开始处出现电平跳变表示传输二进制0, 不发生跳变表示传输二进制1。
CRC-12 CRC-16 CRC-CCITT CRC-32 x10 G(x)= x12+x11+x3+x2+x+1 G(x)= x16+x15+x2+1 G(x)= x16+x12+x5+1 G(x)= x32+x26+x23+x22+x16+x12+x11+ +x8+x7+x5+x4 + x2+x+1
补充: 补充:基带传输
曼彻斯特( 曼彻斯特(manchester)编码 ) 曼彻斯特编码的规则: 每比特的周期T分为前T/2与后T/2两部分; 通过前T/2传送该比特的反码,通过后T/2传送该比特 的原码; 曼彻斯特编码的优点: 每个比特的中间有一次电平跳变,两次电平跳变的时 间间隔可以是T/2或T; 利用电平跳变可以产生收发双方的同步信号; 曼彻斯特编码信号又称做“自含钟编码”信号,发送曼 彻斯特编码信号时无需另发同步信号。
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纠错码: 每个传输的分组带上足够的冗余信息; 接收端能发现并自动纠正传输差错。 检错码: 分组仅包含足以使接收端发现差错的冗余信息; 接收端能发现出错,但不能确定哪一比特是错的, 并且自己不能纠正传输差错。
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奇偶校验码 垂直奇(偶)校验 水平奇(偶)校验水平 垂直奇(偶)校验(方阵码) 循环冗余编码CRC 目前应用最广的检错码编码方法之一
补充: 补充:基带传输
基带传输的定义 在数据通信中,表示计算机二进制的比特序列的数字数据 信号是典型的矩形脉冲信号; 矩形脉冲信号的固有频带称做基本频带,简称为基带,矩形 脉冲信号就叫做基带信号; 在数字通信信道上,直接传送基带信号的方法称为基带传 输; 在发送端,基带传输的数据经过编码器变换变为直接传输 的基带信号,例如曼彻斯特编码或差分曼彻斯特编码信号; 在接收端由解码器恢复成与发送端相同的矩形脉冲信号; 基带传输是一种最基本的数据传输方式
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补充: 补充:基带传输
非归零码NRZ 非归零码 NRZ码的缺点是无法判断一位的开始与结束,收 发双方不能保持同步; 为保证收发双方的同步,必须在发送NRZ码的同 时,用另一个信道同时传送同步信号; 如果信号中“1”与“0”的个数不相等时,存在直 流分量。
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补充: 补充:基带传输
(a)非归零码 同步时钟
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补充:频带传输 补充:
频带传输的定义 幅度调制(ASK) 频率调制(FSK) 相位调制(PSK)
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浙江商业职业技术学院 信息系
为什么要设计数据链路层 在原始物理传输线路上传输数据信号是有差错的; 设计数据链路层的主要目的: 将有差错的物理线路改进成无差错的数据链路; 方法 — 差错检测 差错控制 流量控制 作用:改善数据传输质量,向网络层提供高质量的服务。
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发送数据 f(x) 生成多项式 G(x)
发送数据 f '(x) 生成多项式 G(x)
. f(x) x R(x) =Q(x)+ G(x) G(x)
. f'(x) x R'(x) =Q(x)+ G(x) G(x)
.xk+R(x) f(x)
R'(x)=R(x) R'(x)=R(x)