国际结算期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下面哪项不是国际结算的主要方式?A. 现金支付B. 汇票支付C. 信用证支付D. 电子支付答案:A2. 以下哪种情况会导致贸易逆差?A. 进口大于出口B. 进口小于出口C. 进口等于出口D. 进口与出口无关答案:A3. 以下哪个机构负责制定国际贸易规则?A. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)B. 世界贸易组织(WTO)C. 联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD)D. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)答案:B4. 在国际结算中,信用证的作用是什么?A. 支付保障B. 贸易融资C. 信用评估D. 货物检验答案:A5. 以下哪项不属于国际结算中的费用?A. 汇款手续费B. 信用证费用C. 押汇费用D. 关税答案:D6. 下面哪个国际贸易术语是指卖方将货物交到目的港口,买方自行承担运输和保险费用及风险?A. CIFB. FOBC. EXWD. DDP答案:B7. 货到付款是一种什么形式的支付方式?A. 先款后货B. 先货后款C. 先货后信用证D. 先信用证后货答案:B8. 以下哪个国际结算方式是指双方互相放宽支付条件限制,进行灵活结算?A. D/PB. OAC. CADD. T/T答案:B9. 现金汇款是指通过什么方式进行的国际结算?A. 银行交款B. 网上支付C. 现金邮寄D. 电子支付答案:A10. 在国际结算中,LC的英文缩写是什么?A. Letter of CreditB. Letter of ContractC. Link of CreditD. Link of Contract答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 什么是国际结算?简要说明国际结算的作用和重要性。
国际结算的重要性体现在以下几个方面:- 保障交易安全:通过国际结算,买卖双方可以通过信用证、汇票等方式确保交易安全,避免支付风险和欺诈行为的发生。
国际结算试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际结算是指()。
A. 国内支付B. 跨国支付C. 跨境支付D. 跨地区支付答案:C. 跨境支付2. 国际贸易中常用的货币有()。
A. 人民币B. 美元C. 欧元D. 英镑答案:B. 美元、C. 欧元、D. 英镑3. 外汇市场是指()。
A. 跨国贸易市场B. 资本市场C. 货币兑换市场D. 国内金融市场答案:C. 货币兑换市场4. 发票是国际结算中的重要凭证,以下关于发票的说法正确的是()。
A. 发票是买方向卖方索取的B. 发票是卖方主动提供给买方的C. 发票是国际结算的唯一凭证D. 发票不需要保存备查答案:A. 发票是买方向卖方索取的5. 信用证是国际贸易中常用的支付方式,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 信用证由买方开立并通知给卖方B. 信用证由卖方开立并通知给买方C. 信用证是买卖双方共同开立的D. 信用证不需要经过银行承兑答案:A. 信用证由买方开立并通知给卖方二、填空题1. 国际结算中,常用的结算方式有()和()。
答案:电汇、信用证2. 外汇市场的重要参与者包括()、()和()。
答案:商业银行、中央银行、投资者3. 在信用证中,开证行是指(),通知行是指()。
答案:买方银行、卖方银行4. 国际结算中,应收账款指的是卖方向买方销售货物或提供劳务而产生的()。
答案:应收款项5. 外汇交易的买入价和卖出价之间的差额称为()。
答案:汇率点差三、简答题1. 请简述电汇的工作原理。
2. 请简述信用证的优缺点。
信用证是一种常用的国际贸易支付方式,其优点和缺点如下:优点:- 买卖双方都能获得支付保障,减少交易风险。
第1题(已答). 以下国际结算方式中,对出口商最有利的是() A.
第2题(已答). 以下国际结算方式中,对进口商最有利的是() A.
第3题(已答). 信用证的第一付款人是()。
第4题(已答). 可转让信用证在使用时,转让行不可以改变()。
第5题(已答). 以下关于备用信用证和银行保函相同点说法正确的是()。
第6题(已答). 以下属于备用信用证和银行保函不同点的是()。
国际结算选择题题库1. 商品进出口款项的结算属于(C)A . 双边结算B . 多边结算C . 贸易结算D . 非贸易结算2. “汇款方式”是基于(B)进行的国际结算A . 国家信用B . 商业信用C . 公司信用D . 银行信用3. 实行多边结算需使用(D)A . 记账外汇B . 外国货币C . 黄金白银D . 可兑换货币4. 以下(C)反映了商业汇票结算的局限性A . 进、出口商之间业务联系密切, 相互信任;B . 进、出口商一方有垫付资金的能力;C . 进、出口货物的金额和付款时间不一致;D . 出口商的账户行不在进口国5. 当代国际结算信用管理的新内容涉及到(A)A . 系统信用和司法信用B . 员工信用和银行信用C . 公司信用和商业信用D . 银行信用和商业信用6. 以下 (A)引起的货币收付,属于“非贸易结算”.A. 服务供应 B . 资金调拨 C . 设备出口 D. 国际借贷7. (B)不是纸币本位制度下使用多边结算方式必备的条件.A . 结算货币具有可兑换性B . 不实行资本流动管制C . 有关国家的商业银行间开立各种清算货币的账户D . 清算账户之间资金可以自由调拨8. 建国初我国对苏联和东欧国家的贸易使用(C)的方式A . 单边结算B . 多边结算C . 双边结算D .集团性多边结算9. 传统的国际贸易和结算中的信用主要是(D两类。
A .系统信用和银行信用B . 系统信用和司法信用C .商业信用和司法信用D . 商业信用和银行信用10. 国际结算制度的核心即是(A)。
A .信用制度B .银行制度C .贸易制度D .外汇管理制度11.国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于托收的是:(B)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 2000 12. 国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于商业信用证的是:(A)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200013. 国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于备用信用证的是:(C)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200014. 国际商会的以下出版物中,规定贸易术语的是:(D)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200015.国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于银行保函的是:(D)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. ICC 45816.以下贸易术语中,运费由进口方支付的是(B)。
国际结算复习题及其答案一、单项选择题1. 国际结算中,信用证支付方式的主要特点是()。
A. 以货物为基础B. 以银行信用为基础C. 以商业信用为基础D. 以个人信用为基础答案:B2. 根据《国际贸易术语解释通则》,FOB术语下,卖方负责将货物运至船边,而买方负责()。
A. 支付所有运输费用B. 支付所有保险费用C. 支付货物装船费用D. 支付货物卸船费用答案:C3. 在国际结算中,托收结算方式下,出口方将单据交给()。
A. 进口方银行B. 出口方银行C. 进口方D. 出口方答案:B二、多项选择题1. 国际结算中,以下哪些属于支付方式?()A. 信用证B. 托收C. 汇款D. 保函答案:A、B、C、D2. 根据《国际贸易术语解释通则》,以下哪些术语要求卖方负责货物的运输费用?()A. CIFB. CIPC. DDPD. EXW答案:A、B、C三、判断题1. 在信用证结算方式下,银行对单据的审核是无条件的。
()答案:×(错误)2. 托收结算方式下,银行不承担任何付款保证责任。
()答案:√(正确)四、简答题1. 简述信用证结算方式下,银行的角色和责任。
2. 描述汇款结算方式下,汇款人和收款人的权利和义务。
国际结算考试题及答案一、选择题1. 国际结算是指()。
A. 国内企业与国外企业之间的货币结算B. 国内企业与国内企业之间的货币结算C. 国外企业与国外企业之间的货币结算D. 国外企业与国内企业之间的货币结算答案:D2. 以下哪个是国际结算的特点之一()。
A. 结算币种相同B. 结算方式一致C. 结算方式多样D. 结算币种多样答案:D3. 下列哪种方式不属于国际结算的主要方式()。
A. 资金结算B. 托收结算C. 信用证结算D. 缴纳税款答案:D4. 以下哪个不是外汇市场的主要参与者()。
A. 商业银行B. 中央银行C. 政府机构D. 零售客户答案:D5. 外汇市场的主要参与者通过()进行交易。
A. 交割行B. 交易平台C. 清算行D. 结算行答案:B二、简答题1. 请简要介绍国际结算的分类方式。
2. 请简要说明托收结算的流程。
合同条款如下:1. 信用证金额:50,000美元2. 信用证有效期:2019年1月1日至2019年12月31日3. 装运期限:2019年3月1日至2019年3月31日4. 单据要求:商业发票、装箱单、产地证明等请回答以下问题:1. 请列出双方在信用证结算方式下的权利和义务。
国际结算题库(含参考答案)一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、信用证业务中,( )不承担审查单据的责任。
A、保兑行B、议付行C、开证行D、偿付行正确答案:D2、L/C、D/P和D/A三种支付方式下,就买方风险而言,按由大到小顺序排列,应为( D )。
A、L/C>D/ A>D/PB、L/C>D/P>D/AC、D/A>D/P>L/CD、D/P>D/A>L/C正确答案:D3、某银行议付即期信用证项下单据一套并于5月3日寄出开证行于5月7日(星期五)签收单据,单证相符最迟付款日为( )。
A、5月15日B、5月19日C、5月10日D、5月18日正确答案:D4、信用证受益人审查信用证的重点是( )。
A、开证行的政治背景B、信用证的可信度C、信用证内容与合同内容是否一致D、开证行的资信正确答案:C5、根据贸易方式和信用证的特点转口贸易应用( )信用证。
A、对开B、背对背C、可转让D、循环正确答案:B6、因付款人拒付,代收行按托收行指示将单据退回.单据存根旧途中遗失的风险由( )承担。
A、托收行B、代收行C、委托人D、付款人正确答案:C7、对于出口商来说,( )最符合安全及时收汇的原队A、付款文单托收B、远期付款信用证C、即期付款信用证D、附有电资条款的信用证正确答案:C8、跟单托收中,银行办理了出口押汇,风险在于( )。
A、托收行B、委托人C、付款人D、代收行正确答案:B9、承兑是( ) 对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。
A、持票人B、收款人C、受益人D、受票人正确答案:A10、对于受益人来说.下列种类信用证中( )最为有利。
A、不可撤销承兑B、不可撤销远期付款C、不可撤销议付D、不可撤销即期付款正确答案:D11、当中央银行要紧缩银根时,将( )票据的再贴现率。
A、提高B、降低正确答案:A12、即期付款信用证项下,可以用来取代汇票的是( )。
A、海运提单B、商业发票C、保险单D、商品检验单正确答案:B13、在下列“可撤销信用证的描述中错误的是( )。
一、选择题1. 信用证是国际贸易中的一种支付方式,下列关于信用证的说法正确的是:A. 信用证是由卖方发行的支付工具。
B. 信用证是由买方发行的支付工具。
C. 信用证是由国际结算机构发行的支付工具。
D. 信用证是由运输公司发行的支付工具。
答案:C. 信用证是由国际结算机构发行的支付工具。
2. T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)是国际贸易中常用的一种支付方式,下列关于T/T的说法正确的是:A. T/T是一种即时支付方式,资金可以立即到账。
B. T/T是一种延期支付方式,资金到账时间较长。
C. T/T只适用于小额的国际贸易支付。
D. T/T是由卖方向买方发出的支付工具。
答案:A. T/T是一种即时支付方式,资金可以立即到账。
二、简答题1. 请简要说明国际结算中的汇率风险是什么?并提出相应对策。
为降低汇率风险,可采取以下对策:- 使用远期汇率协议,锁定未来汇率,降低汇率波动带来的不确定性。
- 多元化货币使用,将风险分散在不同的货币中。
- 建立汇率风险管理策略,根据市场走势及时调整结算计划。
2. 请分析电汇和托收两种国际结算方式的特点,并比较它们的优缺点。
其特点及优缺点如下:- 电汇:电汇是一种即时支付方式,资金可以立即到账,速度较快。
- 托收:托收是指卖方将汇票交由银行代收,买方在付款时银行才向卖方支付。
A、20B、10C、100D、50正确答案:D2、下列不属于“展业三原则”的是A、了解客户B、尽职审查C、了解规定D、了解业务正确答案:C3、境内企业可根据实际需要就一笔境外人民币借款开立( )人民币专用存款账户A、1个B、多个C、2个正确答案:B4、根据我行即期结售汇操作规定,总分行系统的即期询价操作界面的价差指()A、客户成交汇率与市价的点差B、市价与分行成本汇率的点差C、基准价与客户成交汇率的点差D、客户成交汇率与分行成本汇率的点差正确答案:D5、办理国内信用证业务时,所提交的发票其日期原则上不得早于信用证开立前()。
A、结汇制B、意愿结汇制C、任一方式D、支付结汇制正确答案:B9、支行在为申请人办理购房结汇时,应当严格按照《关于规范房地产市场外汇管理有关问题的通知》(汇发[2006]47 号)审核境外机构和个人提交的申请材料,对于符合规定的,银行在为申请人办理购房结汇手续后,将结汇资金直接划入()人民币账户。
Introduction1. T o the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is ( B )A. letter of creditB. cash in advanceC. open accountD. banker’s draft2. T o the importer, the most favorable method of settlement is ( C )A.letter of creditB. cash in advanceC. open accountD. collection3. Which of the following payment method is based on commercial credit?( C )A.letter of creditB.banker’s letter of guaranteeC. collectionD. standby credit4. An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF terms, who is responsible for the freight charges in each? ( A )A.importer; exporterB. exporter; importerC. importer; importerD. exporter; exporter5. International cash settlement has the following disadvantages except ( B )A. expensiveB. safeC. riskyD. time-consuming6. CHIPS is the electronic clearing system for ( B )A.GBPB. USDYD. EUR7. CHAPS is the electronic clearing system for ( A )A.GBPB. USDYD. EUR8. From a Chinese bank’s point of view , the current account it maintains abroad is known as ( A )A. a nostro accountB. a vostro accountC. a current accountD.a home currency account9. From a Chinese bank’s point of view , the current account maintained by a foreign bank with him is known as (B )A.a nostro accountB.a vostro accountC.a current accountD.a foreign currency account10. International trade settlement methods are used to complete the money transfer aroused by ( A)A. goods transactionsB. services supplyC. current transfersD. investment incomes11. Documentary credit business is subject to ( A )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9812. Collection business is subject to ( B )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9813. Standby credit business is subject to ( D )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9814.Letter of guarantee business is subject to ( C )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9815. London is the clearing centre for ( B )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD16. New York is the clearing centre for ( A )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD17. T okyo is the clearing centre for ( D )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.JPY18. Frankfurt is the clearing centre for ( C )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD19. There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( A ) are used only to deal with remittance business.A. category 1B. category 2C. category 4D. category 720. There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( C ) are used only to deal with collection business.A. category 1B. category 2C. category 4D. category 721. There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( D ) are used to deal with letter of credit business.A. category 1B. category 3C. category 4D. category 722. BOJ-NET is the electronic clearing system for ( D )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.JPY23. TARGET is the electronic clearing system for ( C )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.JPY24. CHATS is the electronic clearing system for ( D )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD25.Among the following documents, the one which is not regarded as control documents is ( D )A. authorized signaturesB. test keysC. schedule of terms and conditionsD. correspondent arrangement26. The seller should arrange for the insurance of the goods transportation under( C )A.FOBB.CFRC.CIFD.EXWNegotiable instruments27. A cheque must be signed by ( A )A.the drawer B the drawee C. the payer D. the payee28. If a cheque dated 1st Feb. 2007 was presented on (D ), it would bepost-dated.A.1st Mar. 2007B. 2nd May 2007C. 1st Feb. 2008D. 5th Jan.200729.( A )cheque can be cashed over the counter of paying bank.A. An openB. A crossedC. A general crossingD. A special crossing30. The effect of a blank endorsement is to make the cheque payable to the (C )A. specified person B, order of a specified person C. bearer D. named person31. The role of the (A )bank is to debit the cheque to the customer’s account.A. paying B, collecting C. advising D. confirming32. If the bill is payable “60 days after date”, the date of payment is decided according to (C )A. the date of acceptanceB. the date of presentationC. the date of issuanceD. the date of maturity33. A ( B )carries comparatively little risks and can be discounted at the finest rate of interest.A. sight billB. bank billC. time billD. commercial bill34. A term bill may be accepted by the (B )A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. payee35. The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the(B )A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. payee36. When financing is without recourse, this means that the bank has no recourse to the (D )if such drafts are dishonored.A. payerB. draweeC. acceptorD. drawer37. The(C )of a promissory note assumes the prime liability to make payment of the note.A. holderB. draweeC. makerD. acceptor38. The bill which must be presented for acceptance is (B )A. the bill payable at xx days after dateB. the bill payable xx days after sightC. the bill payable on a fixed dateD. the bill payable at sight39. In order to retain the liabilities of the other parties, a bill that has been dishonored must be ( A )A. protestedB. given to the acceptorC. retained in the filesD. presented to a bank40.(C )is not a holder of a billA. PayeeB. EndorseeC. DrawerD. Bearer41. Which of the following is a relative essential item of a bill ?(B )A. amountB. tenorC. payeeD. drawee42. An endorsement ,which prohibits the further negotiation of the instrument ,is called (D )endorsement .A. qualifiedB. generalC. specificD. restrictive43. A check is a (D )draft drawn on a bankA. timeanceC. directD. demand44. An acceptance with “payable on delivery of bill of lading”on the draft is (D )A.general acceptanceB.partial acceptanceC.non-acceptanceD.qualified acceptance45. The (B )of the draft is the person who is instructed to make the payment .A. drawerB. draweeC. payerD. payee46. The act which is never involved in promissory note business is ( C )A.endorsementB.dishonorC.acceptanceD.presentation47. The act which is never involved in check business is ( C )A.endorsementB.dishonorC.acceptanceD.presentation48. The draft with the tenor written as ( B ) must be presented for acceptance.A.payable at sightB. payable at 30days after sightC. payable at 30 days after dateD. payable at 30 days after shipment date49. The endorsement which has no intention to transfer the ownership of the instrument is ( D )A. blank endorsementB. special endorsementC. conditional endorsementD. endorsement for collection50. Among the following persons, the one who has the right to endorse negotiable instruments is ( D )A. drawerB. draweeC. endorserD. holder51. The person who has the right of recourse is the ( C )of the negotiable instruments.A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. acceptor52. The acceptor of a bill is the person who originally named as ( B ) of the bill.A. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.endorser53. The first endorser of a bill is the ( C ) of the billA. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.acceptor54. The first holder of a bill is the ( C ) of the billA. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.acceptor55. Among the following crossed cheques, the one which contains the words ( D ) is a special crossed cheque.A. bankerB. not negotiableC. A/C payeeD. Bank of ChinaRemittance56. The means of authenticating payment order in mail transfer is the ( D )A. SWIFT authentic keyB. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test keyD. authorized signatures57. The means of authenticating payment order in telegraphic transfer is the( C )A. correspondent arrangementB. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test keyD. authorized signatures58. Which of the following is not a method of remittance? ( C )A. M/TB. T/TC. T/RD. D/D59. Open account as a payment method is usually used when ( D )A.goods are sold under the seller’s market conditionB.goods are badly needed by the buyerC.goods are of special standards or special specificationsD.goods are sold under the buyer’s market condition60. In remittance business ,the remitting bank may send the payment order to the paying bank through SWIFT by ( A )A. MT103B.MT202C. MT400D.MT70061. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as ‘in cover , we have credited your A/C with us’, the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( A )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks62.If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as ‘in cover, please debit our A/C with you’, the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( B )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks63. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as ‘in cover, we have authorized Bank A to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with them’, the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( C )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks64. If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as ‘in cover, we have instructed Bank X to transfer the proceeds to your A/C with bank Y’, the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be ( D )A. the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB. the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC. both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD. remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks65. In remittance business, if the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( A )A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover , we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank66. In remittance business, if the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( B )A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover , we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank67.In remittance business, if both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( C )A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover , we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank68. In remittance business, if remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( D ) A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover , we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank Collection69. It will be more convenient if the collecting bank appointed by the seller ( B )A. is a large bankB. is the remitting bank’s correspondent in the place of the importerC. is in the exporter’s countryD. acts on the importer’s instructions70. Under D/P, the documents will not be delivered to the buyer until ( D )A. the goods have arrivedB. the documents have arrivedC. the documents are presented to the buyerD. the bill is paid by the buyer71. Under D/A, the documents will not be delivered to the buyer until (D )A. the goods have arrivedB. the documents have arrivedC. the documents are presented to the buyerD. the bill is accepted by the buyer72. In collection business, dedailed instructions must be sent to the collecting bank ( B )A. in the application formB in the collection orderC. in the documentsD. in the sales contract73. In collection business, dedailed instructions must be given to the remitting bank ( A )A. in the application formB in the collection orderC. in the documentsD. in the sales contract74. In collection business, banks are obligated to verify the documents received to see that (C )A. they are authenticB. they are regularC. they are the same as those listed in the collection instructionD. they are in the right form75. The collecting bank will make a protest only when ( C )A. the documents are rejectedB. the case of need is nominatedC. instruction to protest is given by the collection orderD. protective measures in respect of the goods are taken.76. All the parties to a collection are bound by (C )if the collection is subject to it.A. UCP500B.UCP600C. URC522D.URDG75877. A bill of exchange which is accompanied by shipping documents is known as ( B )A. a clean billB. a documentary billC. a clean collectionD. a documentary collection78. In documentary collection, after the goods have been shipped, the exporter presents the documents to ( B )for collectionA. the collecting bankB. the reimbursing bankC. the remitting bankD. the opening bank79. The instructions for collection are mainly (D )A. given in the S/CB. written on the bill of exchangeC. given by the importerD. given by the exporter80. Which type of collection offers the greatest security to the exporter? ( B )A. documents against acceptance collectionB. documents against payment collectionC. clean collectionD. documentary collection81. Which of the following is not the obligation of the remitting bank?(D )A. to complete a collection order strictly according to the principal’s instructions.B. to perform following all the instructions given by the principal.C. to keep the documents wellD. to examine the contents of documents in detail82. Which of the following is not the obligation of the collecting bank?(B )A.to verify the authenticity of the collection orderB. to take care of goodsC.to release documents strictly on the delivery terms of documents.D.to perform following all the instructions given by the remitting bank.83. Case of need in collection business is the representative of (A )A.the principalB.the remitting bankC.the collecting bankD.the drawee84.In collection business, the drawer of the draft for collection is ( A )A. sellerB. buyerC. remitting bankD. collecting bank85. In collection business, the drawee of the draft for collection is ( B )A. sellerB. buyerC. remitting bankD. collecting bank86. If the collection instruction given by the principal specifies that collection charges are to be borne by the drawee but with no express statement that they maybe waived , charges will be for the account of ( A ) providing the drawee refuses to pay them.A. principalB. remitting bankC. collecting bankD. presenting bank87. The advice of payment sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( A )A. MT400B. MT410C.MT412D.MT41688. The advice of acceptance sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( C )A. MT400B. MT410C.MT412D.MT41689. The advice of dishonor sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( D )A. MT400B. MT410C.MT412D.MT41690.The price term which is more favorable to the seller under collection is ( D )A. EXWB. FOBC. CFRD. CIFLetter of credit91. In L/C business , the exporter can receive the payment only when__C____A. he has shipped the goodsB.he has presented the documentsC.the documents presented constitute a complying presentationD.the importer has taken delivery of the goods.92. The issuing bank can refuse to pay the credit amount when ____C___A.the applicant prevents him from making paymentB.the goods are not the same as those stipulated in the sales contractC.one kind of document required by L/C isn’t presented.D.balance of the applicant’s account is not enough for payment .93. Of the following kinds of L/C , __B_____is the L/C which require no drafts at all.A.sight payment creditB.deferred payment creditC.acceptance creditD.negotiation credit94. Of the following kinds of L/C , ( C ) is the L/C in which drafts are always required.A.sight payment creditB.deferred payment creditC.acceptance creditD.negotiation credit95. Of the following kinds of L/C, ____D___is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit96. Of the following kinds of L/C, ___A___is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.A. transferable creditB. reciprocal creditC. revolving creditD.confirmed credit97 Of the following kinds of L/C, ____C___is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment under a long tern contract covering goods to be transported by regular partial shipments.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit98.Of the following kinds of L/C, ____B___is the L/C which is especially suitable for use to settle the payment under barter transaction.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit99. Confirmation of a credit may be given by BA. the beneficiary at the request of the importerB. the advising bank at the request of the issuing bankC. the advising bank after the receipt of correct documentationD. the issuing bank after the receipt of correct documentation100. The credit may only be confirmed if it is so authorized or requested by ( A )A. the issuing bankB. the supplierC. the advising bankD. the beneficiary101. The beneficiary of a transferred credit is ( C )A. the negotiating bankB. the middlemanC. the actual supplierD. the beneficiary of the transferable credit102. The second beneficiary of a transferable letter of credit is the ( D )A. middlemanB. transferring bankC. the applicant of the transferred creditD. real supplier of the goods103. The first beneficiary of a transferable letter of credit is the ( A )A. middlemanB. transferring bankC. the applicant of the transferred creditD. real supplier of the goods104. The sum of the transferred credit will normally be ( B )A. the same as in the credit before transferB. less than in the credit before transferC. more than in the credit before transferD. equal to the original credit105. The terms and conditions of the transferred credit can be different from the original credit in the following aspects, with the exceptionof( C ).A.the amount of the creditB.any unit price stated in the creditC.any quantity stated in the creditD. the expiry date, the period for presentation, or the latest shipment date106. Under the anticipatory credit,on which party does the final responsibility lie for reimbursement if the terms and conditions are not fulfilled by the beneficiary? ( D )A. the issuing bankB. the advising bankC. the beneficiaryD. the applicant107. The red clause credit is often used as a method of ( B )A. providing the buyer with funds prior to shipmentB. providing the seller with funds prior to shipmentC. providing the buyer with funds after shipmentD. providing the seller with funds after shipment108. An applicant must reimburse an issuing bank unless he finds that ( D )A. goods are defectiveB. goods are not as ordered in the sales contractC. documents received do not allow him to clear the goods through customsD. documents do not conform on the face to the terms and conditions of the credit109. Application for any amendment to a letter of credit should be given to the issuing bank by ( A )A. the applicantB. the beneficiaryC. the advising bankD. the nominated bank110. In L/C business, documents are presented to ( D ) by the beneficiaryA. the advising bankB. the issuing bankC. the reimbursing bankD. the nominated bank111. If discrepancies found are serious, the following ways can be used by the negotiating bank to deal with them except ( A )A.To honor the docs as usualB.To return the docs to beneficiary for amendmentC.To honor the docs against indemnity guarantee of the beneficiaryD.To cable the discrepancies to issuing bank for authorization of honor 112. According to the mode of availability L/C can be classified as ( C )A. clean L/C and documentary L/CB. confirmed L/C and unconfirmed L/CC.sight payment L/C, acceptance L/C ,deferred payment L/C and negotiation L/CD.transferable L/C and non-transferable L/C113.Among all the financial methods mentioned bellow , which method provides funds without recourse ? CA. packing loansB. bill discountingC. forfeitingD. borrowing docs against T/R114.Under letter of credit, the primary debtor is the( C )A. applicantB. importerC. issuing bankD. nominated bank 115. The applicant of letter of credit is ( B )A. the exporterB. the importerC. the exporter’s bankD. theimporter’s bank116. The beneficiary of letter of credit is ( A )A. the exporterB. the importerC. the exporter’s bankD. theimporter’s bank117.A letter of credit which is expired on Oct. 1, 2008 specifies that “documents must be presented within 15days after the on board date of bill of lading”. If the on board date of bill of lading is Sep. 10,2008, the latest date of presentation must be ( B )A. Sep. 24 ,2008B. Sep. 25 ,2008C. Sep. 26 ,2008D. Oct. 1, 2008 118. A letter of credit which is expired on Oct. 1, 2008 specifies that “documents must be presented within 15days after the on board date of bill of lading”. If the on board date of bill of lading is Sep. 25,2008, the latest date of presentation must be ( D )A. Sep. 24 ,2008B. Sep. 25 ,2008C. Sep. 26 ,2008D. Oct. 1, 2008 119. The message type which is used to issue letter of credit through SWIFT is numbered ( A )A. 700B. 705C. 707D. 710120. The message type which is used to send a amendment to a documentary credit through SWIFT is numbered ( C )A. 700B. 705C. 707D. 710121. Which of the following actions performed by the nominated bank is not regard as the action of honor( D )A. to pay at sight under sight payment creditB. to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity underdeferredpayment creditC. to accept the draft and pay at maturity under acceptance creditD. to negotiate under negotiation credit122. Complying presentation under letter of credit means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of credit, the applicable rules of UCP and provisions of ( B )A. ISP98B. ISBP681C. ICC Publication No.522D.ICC Publication No. 758123. Among the following items, the one which is not required to be included in a drawn clause of a draft under letter of credit is ( A ) A. the S/C No B. the L/C NoC. the name of issuing bankD. the issuing date of the credit124. Among the following banks , the one who has no obligation toexamine documents under letter of credit is ( C )A. the issuing bankB. the confirming bankC. the reimbursing bankD. the nominated bank125. The expression "on or about" or similar will be interpreted as a stipulation that an event is to occur during a period of ( B ) the specified date, both start and end dates included.A.three calendar days before until three calendar days afterB. five calendar days before until five calendar days afterC. seven calendar days before until seven calendar days afterD. eleven calendar days before until eleven calendar days after126. If letter of credit specifies the latest date of shipment is on or about May 10, then the actual shipping date should be within ( D ), both start and end dates included,A. May 6-15B. May5-14C. May6-14D. May5—15127. If a bill which is drawn on Dec. 1,2008 specifies the tenor as payable at 30 days after date, the due date of the bill should be ( C )A. Dec. 29. 2008B. Dec.. 30,2008C. Dec. 31, 2008D. Jan. 1, 2008 128. If a bill which is accepted on Nov. 1,2008 specifies the tenor as payable at 30 days after sight, the due date of the bill should be ( C ) A. Nov. 29. 2008 B. Nov. 30,2008 C. Dec. 1, 2008 D. Dec. 2, 2008Documents129. Short form B/L is considered to be ( A ).A.document of titleB.additional documentC.non-negotiablemercial invoice130. Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC. liner B/LD.received for shipment B/L131. Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC. clean B/LD.charter party B/L132. Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC. clean B/LD.on deck B/L133. Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( C ) A.direct B/LB.order B/LC. unclean B/LD.liner B/L134. If a credit calls for an insurance policy, banks will accept ( A ) A. an insurance policy B. an insurance certificateC. a or bD. both a and b135. Commercial invoice must be made out in the name of ( B )A.the beneficiaryB.the applicantC.advising bankD.issuing bank136. A bill of lading doesn't function as ( D )A. a contract of transportationB. a receipt of goodsC a certificate of title to the goods D. an accounting document 137. Freight to collect B/L is suitable for use under (D )A. CFRB.CIFC.DDUD. FOB138. Freight prepaid B/L is suitable for use under ( A )A. CFRB.EXWC.FCAD. FOB139. The drawee of a draft drawn under letter of credit may be ( C ) A. the beneficiary B. the applicantC. the issuing bankD. the negotiating bank140. The drawer of a draft drawn under letter of credit may be ( A ) A. the beneficiary B. the applicant C. the issuing bank D. the negotiating bank。
《国际结算》习题集(含答案)一、单项选择题(共10分,每题2分)1、至今还没有一个全世界统一的票据法,英美法系国家是以( A )为代表的。
A.英国票据法B.美国票据法C.法国票据法D.德国票据法2、出票人与收款人之间的关系,叫做( B )。
A.对价关系B.原因关系C.资金关系D.合同关系3、汇票中的小写金额前面的词是( A )。
A.the sum ofB.Exchange ofC.Exchange forD.Exchange to4、空白支票又叫( B )。
A.记名支票B.不记名支票C.旅行支票D.银行支票5、担保行在保函项下拥有的合法权益不包括( A )。
A.监督受益人履行合约B.在垫付款项后,要求申请人偿还C.要求申请人提供反担保D.在必要时,要求处置担保品6、跟单信用证的卖方,在( A )价格条件下,必须提供保险凭证。
A.CIFB.CFRC.FOBD.以上三项7、拒付是指( C )。
A.拒绝付款B.拒绝承兑C.拒绝付款或拒绝承兑8、中国第一个加入SWIFT的银行是( A )。
A.中国工商银行B.中国农业银行C.中国银行D.中国建设银行9、备用信用证的开证行( B )承担首要付款责任。
A.不需要B.也需要C.有时是要D.依据情况10、持票人对票据的出票人和承兑人的权利,自票据到期日起( B )。
A.1年B.2年C.3年D.4年11、在汇付业务中,出口人一般是( B )。
A.汇款人B.收款人C.汇出行D.汇入行12、使用L/C.D/P.D/A三种支付方式结算货款,就卖方的收汇风险而言,从小到大依次排序为( C )。
A.D/A.D/P和L/CB.D/P.D/A和L/CC.L/C.D/P和D/AD.L/C.D/A和D/P13、根据下列汇票的抬头,指出需要背书转让的汇票( D )。
A. pay B company not transferableB. pay bearerC. pay M company onlyD. pay to the order of ourselves14、如果付款方式是信用证和D/P即期付款相结合的方式,为了收汇安全应在合同中规定( A )。
国际结算试题三一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.某公司签发一张汇票,上面注明“At 90 days after sight”,则这是一张()。
国际结算试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际结算中,信用证是一种______。
A. 付款承诺B. 付款保证C. 收款承诺D. 收款保证答案:B2. 汇票的付款人是______。
A. 出票人B. 收款人C. 承兑人D. 付款人答案:C3. 托收结算方式中,D/P是指______。
A. 付款交单B. 承兑交单C. 付款承兑D. 承兑付款答案:A4. 在国际贸易中,L/C是指______。
A. 信用证B. 托收C. 汇款D. 保函答案:A5. 出口商在收到信用证后,应进行的第一步操作是______。
A. 准备货物B. 审核信用证C. 装运货物D. 申请出口许可证答案:B6. 信用证结算方式下,受益人提交的单据不符合信用证条款,银行将______。
A. 直接付款B. 拒绝付款C. 延迟付款D. 部分付款答案:B7. 汇款结算方式中,T/T是指______。
A. 电汇B. 信汇C. 票汇D. 托收答案:A8. 保函是一种______。
A. 付款承诺B. 收款承诺C. 付款保证D. 收款保证答案:C9. 在国际贸易中,出口商通常使用______来降低信用风险。
A. 信用证B. 汇款C. 托收D. 保函答案:A10. 信用证结算方式下,如果信用证过期,受益人将______。
A. 无法使用信用证B. 可以延期使用C. 可以修改条款D. 可以继续使用答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些属于国际结算方式?A. 信用证B. 汇款C. 托收D. 保函答案:ABCD2. 信用证结算方式下,受益人提交的单据符合信用证条款,银行将______。
A. 直接付款B. 拒绝付款C. 延迟付款D. 部分付款答案:A3. 汇款结算方式中,以下哪些属于汇款方式?A. T/TB. M/TC. D/DD. D/A答案:AB4. 以下哪些因素会影响国际结算方式的选择?A. 交易双方的信用状况B. 交易金额的大小C. 交易双方的关系D. 交易的货物类型答案:ABCD5. 托收结算方式中,以下哪些属于托收方式?A. D/PB. D/AC. C.O.DD. D/O答案:AB三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 信用证是一种无条件的付款承诺。
国际结算练习题库+答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、跟单信用证项下办理出口押汇的对象是( )。
A、通知行B、开证行C、信用证受益人D、开证申请人正确答案:C2、在( )下,担保人承担的付款责任是以合同条款的实际执行情况来判定是否对受益人的索赔给予支付。
A、透支保函B、从属性保函C、预付性保函D、十独立性保函正确答案:B3、在信用证业务中,受益人开立的汇票被开证申请人拒付则( )有追索权。
A、议付行B、通知行C、开证行D、保兑行正确答案:A4、信用证受益人审查信用证的重点是( )。
A、信用证的可信度B、信用证内容与合同内容是否一致C、开证行的资信D、开证行的政治背景正确答案:B5、信用证项下的海运提单上的 Notify Party,应是( )。
受益人为了收汇安全,应在合同中规定( )。
A、开立两张汇票,备随附一套等价的货运单据B、开立两张汇票其中信用证项下用光系,托收项下用眼单汇票C、开立两张汇票,其中信用证项下用跟单汇票,托收项下用光系正确答案:A7、当前业务覆盖面最大的银行间电讯网络是( )。
A、CHIPSB、CHAPSC、SWIFT正确答案:C8、福费延业务中的包买商通常是( )。
A、信托公司B、政府设立的专门的出口信贷机构C、金融公司D、商业银行正确答案:D9、巴基斯坦国民银行开立一份循环信用证,内容包括:(1)开证日期1998年4月四日;(2)有效期:1999年4月30日;(3)金额: USD50 000;(4)特殊条款:非积累自动循环,自 1998年5月 1日起每月循环一次每月最多装运价值为 USD50 000的货物;(5)装运:每月一批;(6)货物:化学品;(7)保兑:请通知行加具保兑。
通知行的保兑金额应为( )。
A、USD500000B、USD100000C、USD400000D、USD600000正确答案:D10、在国际结算方式中,托收是商业信用,信用证是银行信用,( )。
国际结算考试题及答案# 国际结算考试题及答案## 一、选择题1. 国际结算中,最常见的结算方式是:A. 信用证B. 托收C. 汇款D. 保函答案:A2. 信用证是一种:A. 支付保证B. 信用工具C. 贷款协议D. 贸易合同答案:A3. 在托收业务中,托收银行的职责是:A. 保证付款B. 保证交货C. 仅提供服务D. 保证货物质量答案:C## 二、判断题1. 信用证是一种无条件的支付承诺。
()答案:×2. 托收方式下,出口商承担的风险比信用证方式下要高。
()答案:√3. 汇款方式是国际结算中风险最低的方式。
()答案:×## 三、简答题1. 简述信用证结算方式的特点。
答案:信用证结算方式具有以下特点:- 信用证是一种银行信用,由开证银行向受益人提供支付承诺。
- 信用证具有独立性,即信用证的履行与基础交易合同的履行相互独立。
- 信用证的开立和执行遵循国际商会的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(UCP)。
2. 托收结算方式有哪些类型?答案:托收结算方式主要有以下两种类型:- 付款交单(D/P):出口商通过银行向进口商提交单据,进口商付款后获得货物。
- 承兑交单(D/A):出口商通过银行向进口商提交单据,进口商承兑汇票后获得货物。
## 四、案例分析题某公司出口一批货物,采用信用证方式结算。
## 五、论述题论述国际结算中使用信用证结算方式的优势与局限性。
答案:信用证结算方式的优势包括:- 提供了银行信用,降低了贸易双方的信用风险。
- 具有独立性,使得银行在处理信用证时不受基础交易合同的影响。
国际结算考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际结算中常用的支付方式不包括以下哪一项?A. 信用证B. 汇票C. 托收D. 现金交易2. 信用证的开立银行被称为:A. 发起银行B. 通知银行C. 受益人银行D. 付款银行3. 在国际贸易中,D/P(Documents against Payment)是指:A. 付款交单B. 承兑交单C. 电汇D. 信汇4. 以下哪种情况不属于信用证的不符点?A. 货物描述与信用证不符B. 发票金额超过信用证金额C. 货物提前装运D. 所有单据均符合信用证条款5. 托收结算方式中,如果付款人拒绝付款,以下哪项是正确的?A. 托收银行必须代为支付B. 托收银行可以要求发货人支付C. 发货人可以要求托收银行代为追索D. 发货人只能自行追索...(此处省略剩余选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述信用证的基本功能和作用。
2. 什么是远期汇票?它在国际贸易中有何作用?3. 描述一下托收结算方式的流程。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是某出口公司的国际结算部经理,公司收到了一份信用证,但发现信用证中有几处与合同不符。
2. 某公司采用D/P方式出口了一批货物,但货物到达目的地后,发现买方拒绝付款。
答案:一、选择题1. D. 现金交易2. A. 发起银行3. A. 付款交单4. D. 所有单据均符合信用证条款5. D. 发货人只能自行追索二、简答题1. 信用证的基本功能是确保卖方在满足信用证条款的情况下能够收到款项,同时为买方提供货物与单据相符的保障。
2. 远期汇票是一种在特定日期支付的汇票,买方在汇票到期时支付款项。
Introduction1.To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is ( B )A.letter of creditB. cash in advanceC. open accountD. banker's draft2.To the importer, the most favorable method of settlement is ( C )A.letter of creditB. cash in advanceC. open accountD. collection3.Which of the following payment method is based on commercial credit?( C )A.letter of creditB.banker's letter of guaranteeC. collectionD. standby credit4.An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF terms, who is responsible for the freight charges in each? (A )A.importer; exporterB. exporter; importerC. importer; importerD. exporter; exporter5.International cash settlement has the following disadvantages except ( B )A.expensiveB. safeC. riskyD. time-consuming6.CHIPS is the electronic clearing system for ( B )A.GBPB. USDYD. EUR7.CHAPS is the electronic clearing system for (A )A.GBPB. USDYD. EUR8.From a Chinese bank's point of view , the current account it maintains abroad is known as ( A )A.a nostro accountB. a vostro accountC. a current accountD.a home currency account9.From a Chinese bank's point of view , the current account maintained by a foreign bank with him is known as (B )A. a nostro accountB.a vostro accountC.a current accountD.a foreign currency account10.International trade settlement methods are used to complete the money transfer aroused by (A)A.goods transactionsB. services supplyC. current transfersD. investment incomes11.Documentary credit business is subject to ( A )A.UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9812.Collection business is subject to ( B )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9813.Standby credit business is subject to ( D )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9814.Letter of guarantee business is subject to ( C )A. UCP600B.URC522C. URDG758D. ISP9815.London is the clearing centre for ( B )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD16.New York is the clearing centre for (A )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD17.Tokyo is the clearing centre for ( D )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.JPY18.Frankfurt is the clearing centre for ( C )A. USDB. GBPC.EURD.HKD19.There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( A) are used only to deal with remittance business.A.category 1B. category 2C. category 4D. category 720- There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( C ) are used only to deal with collection business.A.category 1B. category 2C. category 4D. category 721.There are totally ten categories of message types in SWIFT system, among which ( D ) are used to deal with letter of credit business.A.category 1B. category 3C. category 4D. category 722.BOJ-NET is the electronic clearing system for ( D )DB. GBPC.EURD.JPY23.TARGET is the electronic clearing system for ( C )DB. GBPC.EURD.JPY24.CHATS is the electronic clearing system for ( D )DB. GBPC.EURD.HKD25.Among the following documents, the one which is not regarded as control documents is ( D )A. authorized signaturesB. test keysC. schedule of terms and conditionsD. correspondent arrangement26.The seller should arrange for the insurance of the goods transportation under ( C )A.FOBB.CFRC.CIFD.EXWNegotiable instruments27.A cheque must be signed by ( A )A.the drawer B the drawee C. the payer D. the payee28.If a cheque dated l s, Feb. 2007 was presented on ( D ) , it would be post-dated.A. 1st Mar. 2007B. 2nd May 2007C. l sl Feb. 2008D. 5lh Jan.200729.( A ) cheque can be cashed over the counter of paying bank.A. An openB. A crossedC. A general crossingD. A special crossing30.The effect of a blank endorsement is to make the cheque payable to the ( C )A. specified person B, order of a specified person C. bearer D. named person31.The role of the ( A ) bank is to debit the cheque to the customer's account.A. paying B, collecting C. advising D. confirming32.If the bill is pay able "60 days after date”,the date of payment is decided according to ( C )A. the date of acceptanceB. the date of presentationC. the date of issuanceD. the date of maturity33.A ( B ) carries comparatively little risks and can be discounted at the finest rate of interest.A. sight billB. bank billC. time billD. commercial bill34.A term bill may be accepted by the ( B )A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. payee35.The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the ( B )A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. payee36.When financing is without recourse, this means that the bank has no recourse to the ( D ) if such drafts are dishonored.A.payerB. draweeC. acceptorD. drawer37.The ( C ) of a promissory note assumes the prime liability to make payment of the note.A.holderB. draweeC. makerD. acceptor38.The bill which must be presented for acceptance is ( B )A.the bill payable at xx days after dateB. the bill payable xx days after sightC. the bill payable on a fixed dateD. the bill payable at sight39.In order to retain the liabilities of the other parties, a bill that has been dishonored must be (A )A. protestedB. given to the acceptorC. retained in the filesD. presented to a bank40.( C ) is not a holder of a billA. PayeeB. EndorseeC. DrawerD. Bearer41.Which of the following is a relative essential item of a bill ? ( B )A. amountB. tenorC. payeeD. drawee42.An endorsement,which prohibits the further negotiation of the instrument ,is called ( D ) endorsement.A. qualifiedB. generalC. specificD. restrictive43.A check is a ( D ) draft drawn on a bankA. timeanceC. directD. demand44.An acceptance with " payable on delivery of bill of lading” on the draft is ( D )A.general acceptanceB.partial acceptanceC.non-acceptanceD.qualified acceptance45.The ( B ) of the draft is the person who is instructed to make the payment.A. drawerB. draweeC. payerD. payee46.The act which is never involved in promissory note business is ( C )A.endorsementB.dishonorC.acceptanceD.presentation47.The act which is never involved in check business is ( C )A.endorsementB.dishonorC.acceptanceD.presentation48.The draft with the tenor written as ( B ) must be presented for acceptance.A.payable at sightB. payable at 30days after sightC. payable at 30 days after dateD. payable at 30 days after shipment date49.The endorsement which has no intention to transfer the ownership of the instrument is ( D )A. blank endorsementB. special endorsementC. conditional endorsementD. endorsement for collection50.Among the following persons, the one who has the right to endorse negotiable instruments is(D)A. drawerB. draweeC. endorserD. holder51.The person who has the right of recourse is the ( C )of the negotiable instruments.A. drawerB. draweeC. holderD. acceptor52.The acceptor of a bill is the person who originally named as ( B ) of the bill.A. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.endorser53.The first endorser of a bill is the ( C ) of the billA. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.acceptor54.The first holder of a bill is the ( C ) of the billA. drawerB. draweeC.payeeD.acceptor55.Among the following crossed cheques, the one which contains the words ( D ) is a special crossed cheque.A. bankerB. not negotiableC. A/C payeeD. Bank of ChinaRemittance56.The means of authenticating payment order in mail transfer is the ( D )A. SWIFT authentic keyB. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test keyD. authorized signatures57.The means of authenticating payment order in telegraphic transfer is the ( C )A. correspondent arrangementB. schedule of terms and conditionsC. test keyD. authorized signatures58.Which of the following is not a method of remittance? ( C )A. M/TB.T/TC. T/RD. D/D59.Open account as a payment method is usually used when ( D )A.goods are sold under the seller's market conditionB.goods are badly needed by the buyerC.goods are of special standards or special specificationsD.goods are sold under the buyer's market condition60.In remittance business ,the remitting bank may send the payment order to the paying bank through SWIFT by (A )A. MT 103B.MT202C. MT400D.MT70061.If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as 'in cover , we have credited your A/C with us', the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( A )A.the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB.the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC.both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD.remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks62.If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as 'in cover, please debit our A/C with you', the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( B )A.the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB.the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC.both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD.remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks63.If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as "in cover, we have authorized Bank A to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with them\ the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be( C )A.the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB.the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC.both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD.remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks64.If the reimbursement instruction written on the payment order is expressed as 'in cover, we have instructed Bank X to transfer the proceeds to your A/C with bank Y', the A/C relationship between the remitting bank and the paying bank must be ( D )A.the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bankB.the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bankC.both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bankD.remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks65.In remittance business, if the paying bank maintains an A/C with remitting bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( A )A.in cover, we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover, please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover , we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank66.In remittance business, if the remitting bank maintains an A/C with paying bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( B )A.in cover, we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover, we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank67.In remittance business, if both remitting bank and paying bank maintain their A/Cs with a third bank, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( C )A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover, we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bank68.In remittance business, if remitting bank and paying bank have their A/Cs with two different banks, the reimbursement instruction should be given as ( D )A.in cover , we have credited your A/C with usB.in cover , please debit our A/C with youC.in cover , we have authorized xxx bank to debit our A/C and credit your A/C with themD.in cover, we have instructed A bank to pay the proceeds to your A/C with B bankCollection69.It will be more convenient if the collecting bank appointed by the seller ( B )A.is a large bankB.is the remitting bank's correspondent in the place of the importerC.is in the exporter's countryD.acts on the importer's instructions70.Under D/R the documents will not be delivered to the buyer until ( D )A.the goods have arrivedB.the documents have arrivedC.the documents are presented to the buyerD.the bill is paid by the buyer71.Under D/A, the documents will not be delivered to the buyer until ( D )A.the goods have arrivedB.the documents have arrivedC.the documents are presented to the buyerD.the bill is accepted by the buyer72.In collection business, dedailed instructions must be sent to the collecting bank ( B )A. in the application formB in the collection orderC.in the documentsD.in the sales contract73.In collection business, dedailed instructions must be given to the remitting bank ( A )A. in the application formB in the collection orderC.in the documentsD.in the sales contract74.In collection business, banks are obligated to verify the documents received to see that ( C )A.they are authenticB.they are regularC.they are the same as those listed in the collection instructionD.they are in the right form75.The collecting bank will make a protest only when ( C )A.the documents are rejectedB.the case of need is nominatedC.instruction to protest is given by the collection orderD.protective measures in respect of the goods are taken.76.AH the parties to a collection are bound by ( C ) if the collection is subject to it.A. UCP500B.UCP600C. URC522D.URDG75877.A bill of exchange which is accompanied by shipping documents is known as ( B )A.a clean billB.a documentary billC.a clean collectionD.a documentary collection78.In documentary collection, after the goods have been shipped, the exporter presents the documents to ( B ) for collectionA.the collecting bankB.the reimbursing bankC.the remitting bankD.the opening bank79.The instructions for collection are mainly ( D )A.given in the S/CB.written on the bill of exchangeC.given by the importerD.given by the exporter80.Which type of collection offers the greatest security to the exporter? ( B )A.documents against acceptance collectionB.documents against payment collectionC.clean collectionD.documentaiy collection81.Which of the following is not the obligation of the remitting bank? ( D )A.to complete a collection order strictly according to the principaPs instructions.B.to perform following all the instructions given by the principal.C.to keep the documents wellD.to examine the contents of documents in detail82.Which of the following is not the obligation of the collecting bank? ( B )A.to verify the authenticity of the collection orderB.to take care of goodsC.to release documents strictly on the delivery terms of documents.D.to perform following all the instructions given by the remitting bank.83.Case of need in collection business is the representative of ( A )A.the principalB.the remitting bankC.the collecting bankD.the drawee84.In collection business, the drawer of the draft for collection is ( A )A. sellerB. buyerC. remitting bankD. collecting bank85.In collection business, the drawee of the draft for collection is ( B )A. sellerB. buyerC. remitting bankD. collecting bank86.If the collection instruction given by the principal specifies that collection charges are to be borne by the drawee but with no express statement that they may be waived , charges will be for the account of ( A ) providing the drawee refuses to pay them.A. principalB. remitting bankC. collecting bankD. presenting bank87.The advice of payment sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( A )A. MT400B.MT410C.MT412D.MT41688.The advice of acceptance sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( C )A. MT400B. MT410C.MT412D.MT41689.The advice of dishonor sent by the collecting bank to remitting bank through SWIFT takes the form as ( D )A. MT400B.MT410C.MT412D.MT41690.The price term which is more favorable to the seller under collection is ( D )A. EXWB.FOBC. CFRD. CIFLetter of credit91.In L/C business , the exporter can receive the payment only when CA.he has shipped the goodsB.he has presented the documentsC.the documents presented constitute a complying presentationD.the importer has taken delivery of the goods.92.The issuing bank can refuse to pay the credit amount when CA.the applicant prevents him from making paymentB.the goods are not the same as those stipulated in the sales contractC.one kind of document required by L/C isn't presented.D.balance of the applicant/s account is not enough for payment.93.Of the following kinds of L/C , —B is the L/C which require no drafts at all.A.sight payment creditB.deferred payment creditC.acceptance credit□.negotiation credit94.Of the following kinds of L/C , ( C ) is the L/C in which drafts are always required.A.sight payment creditB.deferred payment creditC.acceptance creditD.negotiation credit95.Of the following kinds of L/C,D is the L/C which is especially suitablefor use to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit96.Of the following kinds of L/C,A is the L/C which is especially suitable foruse to settle the payment of trade conducted through a middleman.A.transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.confirmed credit97 Of the following kinds of L/C,C is the L/C which is especially suitable foruse to settle the payment under a long tern contract covering goods to be transported by regular partial shipments.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit98.Of the following kinds of L/C,B is the L/C which is especially suitable foruse to settle the payment under barter transaction.A.non-transferable creditB.reciprocal creditC.revolving creditD.back to back credit99.Confirmation of a credit may be given by BA.the beneficiary at the request of the importerB.the advising bank at the request of the issuing bankC.the advising bank after the receipt of correct documentationD.the issuing bank after the receipt of coiTect documentation100.The credit may only be confirmed if it is so authorized or requested by (A )A.the issuing bankB.the supplierC.the advising bankD.the beneficiary101.The beneficiary of a transferred credit is ( C )A.the negotiating bankB.the middlemanC.the actual supplierD.the beneficiary of the transferable credit102.The second beneficiary of a transferable letter of credit is the ( D )A.middlemanB.transferring bankC.the applicant of the transferred creditD.real supplier of the goods103.The first beneficiary of a transferable letter of credit is the ( A )A.middlemanB.transferring bankC.the applicant of the transferred creditD.real supplier of the goods104.The sum of the transferred credit will normally be ( B )A.the same as in the credit before transferB.less than in the credit before transferC.more than in the credit before transferD.equal to the original credit105.The terms and conditions of the transferred credit can be different from the original credit in the following aspects, with the exception of( C ).A.the amount of the creditB.any unit price stated in the creditC.any quantity stated in the creditD.the expiry date, the period for presentation, or the latest shipment date106.Under the anticipatory credit,on which party does the final responsibility lie for reimbursement if the terms and conditions are not fulfilled by the beneficiary? ( D )A.the issuing bankB.the advising bankC.the beneficiaryD.the applicant107.The red clause credit is often used as a method of ( B )A.providing the buyer with funds prior to shipmentB.providing the seller with funds prior to shipmentC.providing the buyer with funds after shipmentD.providing the seller with funds after shipment108.An applicant must reimburse an issuing bank unless he finds that ( D )A.goods are defectiveB.goods are not as ordered in the sales contractC.documents received do not allow him to clear the goods through customsD.documents do not conform on the face to the terms and conditions of the credit109.Application for any amendment to a letter of credit should be given to the issuing bank by (A)A.the applicantB.the beneficiaryC.the advising bankD.the nominated bank110.In L/C business, documents are presented to ( D ) by the beneficiaryA.the advising bankB.the issuing bankC.the reimbursing bankD.the nominated bank111.If discrepancies found are serious, the following ways can be used by the negotiating bank to deal with them except ( A )A.To honor the docs as usualB.To return the docs to beneficiary for amendmentC.To honor the docs against indemnity guarantee of the beneficiaryD.To cable the discrepancies to issuing bank for authorization of honor112.According to the mode of availability L/C can be classified as ( C )A.clean L/C and documentary L/CB.confirmed L/C and unconfirmed L/CC.sight payment L/C, acceptance L/C .deferred payment L/C and negotiation L/CD.transferable L/C and non-transferable L/C113.Among all the financial methods mentioned bellow , which method provides funds without recourse ? CA.packing loansB.bill discountingC.forfeitingD.borrowing docs against T/R114.Under letter of credit, the primary debtor is the( C )A.applicantB. importerC. issuing bankD. nominated bank115.The applicant of letter of credit is ( B )A.the exporterB. the importerC. the exporter's bankD. the importer's bank 116.The beneficiary of letter of credit is ( A )A.the exporterB. the importerC. the exporter's bankD. the importer's bank 117.A letter of credit which is expired on Oct. 1, 2008 specifies that u documents must be presented within 15da ys after the on board date of bill of lading”. If the on board date of bill of lading is Sep. 10,2008, the latest date of presentation must be (B )A.Sep. 24 ,2008B. Sep. 25 ,2008C. Sep. 26 ,2008D. Oct. 1, 2008118.A letter of credit which is expired on Oct. 1, 2008 specifies that u documents must be presented within 15days after the on board date of bill of lading”. If the on board date of bill of lading is Sep. 25,2008, the latest date of presentation must be (D )A.Sep. 24 ,2008B. Sep. 25 ,2008C. Sep. 26 ,2008D. Oct. 1, 2008119.The message type which is used to issue letter of credit through SWIFT is numbered ( A)A.700B.705C. 707D.710120.The message type which is used to send a amendment to a documentary credit through SWIFT is numbered ( C )A.700B.705C. 707D.710121.Which of the following actions performed by the nominated bank is not regard as the action of honor( D )A.to pay at sight under sight payment creditB.to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity under deferred payment creditC.to accept the draft and pay at maturity under acceptance creditD.to negotiate under negotiation creditplying presentation under letter of credit means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of credit, the applicable rules of UCP and provisions of ( B )A. ISP98B. ISBP681C. ICC Publication No.522D.ICC Publication No. 758123.Among the following items, the one which is not required to be included in a drawn clause of a draft under letter of credit is ( A )A. the S/C NoB. the L/C NoC. the name of issuing bankD. the issuing date of the credit124.Among the following banks , the one who has no obligation to examine documents under letter of credit is ( C )A. the issuing bankB. the confirming bankC. the reimbursing bankD. the nominated bank125.The expression H on or about11 or similar will be interpreted as a stipulation that an event is to occur during a period of ( B ) the specified date, both start and end dates included.A.three calendar days before until three calendar days afterB.five calendar days before until five calendar days afterC.seven calendar days before until seven calendar days afterD.eleven calendar days before until eleven calendar days after126.If letter of credit specifies the latest date of shipment is on or about May 10, then the actual shipping date should be within ( D ), both start and end dates included, A. May 6-15 B. May5-14 C. May6-14 D. May5—15127.If a bill which is drawn on Dec. 1,2008 specifies the tenor as payable at 30 days after date, the due date of the bill should be ( C )A. Dec. 29. 2008B. Dec.. 30,2008C. Dec. 31, 2008D. Jan. 1, 2008128.If a bill which is accepted on Nov. 1,2008 specifies the tenor as payable at 30 days after sight, the due date of the bill should be ( C )A. Nov. 29. 2008B. Nov. 30,2008C. Dec. 1, 2008D. Dec. 2, 2008Documents129.Short form B/L is considered to be ( A).A.document of titleB.additional documentC.non-negotiablemercial invoice130.Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC.liner B/LD.received for shipment B/L131.Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC.clean B/LD.charter party B/L132.Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( D )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC.clean B/LD.on deck B/L133.Unless otherwise stipulated , banks will not accept ( C )A.direct B/LB.order B/LC.unclean B/LD.liner B/L134.If a credit calls for an insurance policy, banks will accept (A)A. an insurance policyB. an insurance certificateC. a or bD. both a and bmercial invoice must be made out in the name of ( B )A.the beneficiaryB.the applicantC.advising bankD.issuing bank136.A bill of lading doesn f t function as ( D )A. a contract of transportationB. a receipt of goodsC a certificate of title to the goods D・ an accounting document137.Freight to collect B/L is suitable for use under ( D )A. CFRB.CIFC.DDUD. FOB138.Freight prepaid B/L is suitable for use under ( A )A. CFRB.EXWC.FCAD. FOB139.The drawee of a draft drawn under letter of credit may be ( C )A. the beneficiaryB. the applicantC. the issuing bankD. the negotiating bank140.The drawer of a draft drawn under letter of credit may be ( A )A. the beneficiaryB. the applicantC. the issuing bankD. the negotiating bank。
国际结算练习题库与答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、如果信用证未注明可转让,则该信用证( )。
A、不可转让B、需明确可否转让C、可转让D、可部分转让正确答案:A2、在国际保理业务中应付账款的转让通知必须交( )。
A、债务人B、供货商C、出口保理商D、进口保理商正确答案:D3、下列当事人中,( )是信用证的第一付款人。
A、通知行B、开证行C、开证申请人D、议忖行正确答案:B4、承兑信用证项下的汇票经银行承兑后,承兑银行应对( )承担到期付款责任。
A、善意持票人B、背书人C、被背书人D、出票人正确答案:A5、关于信用证与商业合同关系的正确表述是( )。
A、银行在办理中只认信用证不认商业合同B、商业合同是银行审核信用证的依据C、信用证的开立以商业合同为依据D、信用证与商业合同没有关系E、信用证的履行不受商业合同约束F、银行在办理中要兼顾信用证和商业合同正确答案:E6、凭信托收据所提取的货物.其所有权属干( )。
A、船公司B、进口商C、地委托人D、托收行正确答案:C7、出口商将信用证项下出口单据交其往来银行或信用证指定银行时可申请办理( )。
A、出口押汇B、进口押汇C、打包放款D、贴现正确答案:A8、若信用证本身未具体规定可否分批装运和可否转运,则受益人( )。
A、不得分批装运,也不能转运B、可以分批装运,也可以转运C、不得分批装运但可以转运D、可以分批装运,但不能转运正确答案:B9、在FOB贸易条件下运费应由( )承担。
A、开证行B、买方C、卖方D、船公司正确答案:B10、( )方式下,汇入行不负通知收款入到银行取款之式A、采汇B、电汇C、外信汇正确答案:A11、托收业务中,汇票的付款人应是( )。
A、进口方银行B、出口方银行C、进口商D、出口商正确答案:C12、( )未经受益人同意可以撤销。
A、可撤销信用证B、未保花的不可撤销信用证C、保兑的不可撤销信用证D、循环信用证正确答案:A13、某平年1月31日出具的汇票上写明“A t one month after date pay to…”,该汇票的到期日为当年( )。
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国际结算选择题题库1. 商品进出口款项的结算属于(C)A . 双边结算B . 多边结算C . 贸易结算D . 非贸易结算2. “汇款方式”是基于(B)进行的国际结算A . 国家信用B . 商业信用C . 公司信用D . 银行信用3. 实行多边结算需使用(D)A . 记账外汇B . 外国货币C . 黄金白银D . 可兑换货币4. 以下(C)反映了商业汇票结算的局限性A . 进、出口商之间业务联系密切, 相互信任;B . 进、出口商一方有垫付资金的能力;C . 进、出口货物的金额和付款时间不一致;D . 出口商的账户行不在进口国5. 当代国际结算信用管理的新内容涉及到(A)A . 系统信用和司法信用B . 员工信用和银行信用C . 公司信用和商业信用D . 银行信用和商业信用6. 以下 (A)引起的货币收付,属于“非贸易结算”.A. 服务供应 B . 资金调拨 C . 设备出口 D. 国际借贷7. (B)不是纸币本位制度下使用多边结算方式必备的条件.A . 结算货币具有可兑换性B . 不实行资本流动管制C . 有关国家的商业银行间开立各种清算货币的账户D . 清算账户之间资金可以自由调拨8. 建国初我国对苏联和东欧国家的贸易使用(C)的方式A . 单边结算B . 多边结算C . 双边结算D .集团性多边结算9. 传统的国际贸易和结算中的信用主要是(D两类。
A .系统信用和银行信用B . 系统信用和司法信用C .商业信用和司法信用D . 商业信用和银行信用10. 国际结算制度的核心即是(A)。
A .信用制度B .银行制度C .贸易制度D .外汇管理制度11.国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于托收的是:(B)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 2000 12. 国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于商业信用证的是:(A)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200013. 国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于备用信用证的是:(C)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200014. 国际商会的以下出版物中,规定贸易术语的是:(D)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. INCOTERMS 200015.国际商会的以下出版物中,适用于银行保函的是:(D)A. UCP 600B. URC 522C. ISP 98D. ICC 45816.以下贸易术语中,运费由进口方支付的是(B)。
A. DESB. FOBC.CIFD.CFR17.以下贸易术语中,出口方支付运费但不付保险费的是(D)。
A. DESB. FOBC.CIFD.CFR18.以下贸易术语中,出口方支付运费和保险费,并在出口国装运港的船上交货的是(C)。
A. DESB. FOBC.CIFD.CFR19.以下贸易术语中,在进口国交货的是(A)。
A. DESB. FOBC.CIFD.CFR20.以下适合在信用证结算方式中采用的价格条件是:(C )A. EXWB. DDPC. FOBD. DAF21.票据的背书是否合法,以(B)地法律解释。
A.要式性B.设权性C.提示性D.流通转让性24.票据所有权通过交付或背书及交付进行转让,这是票据的(D )性质。
这是票据的( C)性质。
A.结算作用B.信用作用C.流通作用D.抵消债务作用27.汇票的付款期限的下述记载方式中, (B) 必须由付款人承兑后才能确定具体的付款日期.A. at sightB. at XX days after sightC. at XX days after dateD. at XX days after shipment28.承兑是(A)对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。
受益人29.以下关于支票的说法,正确的是(D)A.是一种无条件的书面支付承诺B.付款人可以是银行,工商企业或个人C.可以使即期付款或远期付款D.是以银行为付款人的即期汇票30.支票的出票人和付款人的关系是( C)A. 债务人和债权人B.债权人和债务人C.银行的存款人和银行D.供应商和客户31. 伦敦一家银行委托国外代理行向收款人办理汇款解付, 头寸调拨如下(B)A . 主动借记对方账户B . 主动贷记对方账户C . 授权借记对方账户D . 授权贷记我方账户32. 客户要求银行使用电汇方式向国外收款人汇款, 则电讯费用由(C)承担A . 汇出行B . 汇入行C . 汇款人D . 收款人33. 银行办理业务时通常无法占用客户资金的汇款方式是(A)A . 电汇B . 票汇C . 信汇D . 以上都是34. 采用寄售方式来出售商品时, (D)承担的风险很大.A . 进口商B . 代销商C . 银行D . 出口商35. 适宜采用电汇结算的债权债务, 一般是(B)A . 零星的、小额货款B . 付款时间紧急的大额货款C . 贸易从属费用D . 不紧急的款项36. 代理行向收款人解付电汇款项之前需要(B)A . 核对汇出行授权人签章B . 核对汇出行密押C . 核对汇出行电文格式D . 核对汇出行汇票票根37. 不必限定在汇入行取款的汇款方式是(C)A . 电汇B . 信汇C . 票汇D . 以上都是38. 对出口商有利的贸易结算汇款方式是(A)A . 先结后出B . 赊销C . 延期付款D . 售定39. 对进口商不利的贸易结算汇款方式是(D)A . 延期付款B . 赊销C . 售定D .预付货款40. (C)是我国南方沿海三省对港澳地区出口某些鲜活商品的一种特定的结算方式。
A . 延期付款B . 赊销C . 售定D .预付货款41、在托收业务中,以下关系中不属于委托代理关系的是(C)A.委托人和委托行B.委托行和代收行C.代收行和付款人D.委托人和“需要时的代理”42、以下不属于代收行义务的是(D)A.收到单据应与托收指示核对,如单据有遗失立即通知委托行;B.按单据的原样,根据托收指示向付款人提示;C.对于汇票上承兑的形式,负责表面上完整和正确之责;D.在汇票遭到拒绝承兑或拒绝付款时,负责作成拒绝证书。
A.出口货款尾款B.出口货款C.佣金 D.样品费51、在结算方式中,按出口商承担风险从小到大的顺序排列,应该是(B)。
A.即期付款信用证B.预支信用证C.对开信用证 D.保兑信用证61. 按照“UCP600”规定,开证行审核单据和决定是否提出异议的合理时间是(A)。
A . 收到单据后的5个工作日B . 收到单据后的7个工作日C . 收到单据后的8个工作日D . 收到单据后的10个工作日62. 以下当事银行中(A)对信用证受益人付款之后享有追索权。
A. 议付行B. 开证行C. 保兑行D. 付款行63. 在信用证业务中, (C)不必向受益人承担付款的责任.A . 开证行B . 保兑行C . 通知行D . 付款行64. 信用证的特点表明各有关银行在信用证业务中处理的是(D)A . 相关货物B . 相关合同C . 抵押权益D . 相关单据65. 以下当事银行中(C)向信用证受益人付款之前不必审核单据。