爱色丽530分光密度计使用说明X-Rite 530 Spectrodensitometer Introduction无限色彩尽在掌握第一部分产品概述⏹爱色丽530分光密度计是当今功能最齐全,设计最新颖的手动颜色测量仪器。
(三)显示屏内主目录的结构主目录密度颜色匹配自动选择功能网点叠印印刷反差色调误差/灰度纸张指数比较校正配置(四)单个测量项目的界面T<选择测量数据形式>>V 0.28C 0.28M 0.28Y 0.29纸张样品标准选项密度减去标准设置相关选项滤波器类型或光源/视角用户对话框测量对象当前使用的功能测量数据说明:结合使用跳位键↑↓和进入键←,可以进入相关子目录进行设置。
日常校正的方法:每天使用仪器前应校正一次1.主目录> 校正,进入校正界面(如右上图)2.放平校正板(如右下图)3.把分光密度计放置在校正板上,测量孔对准圆形白板。
1.主目录> 配置>全面校正,进入全面校正界面(如右图);2.先测量白板,仪器会提示测量两次;3.当屏幕提示“测量黑筒”时,将测量头对准房间中比较暗的地方,按住不放进行测量,直到仪器自动测量四次后才可松开;4.此时屏幕左下角显示“完成”,表示校正成功。
STK520 .............................................................................................. User GuideSTK520 User Guide 3Table of ContentsSection 1Introduction............................................................................................1-2Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module.............................................................2-42.1Connecting the STK520 to the STK500 Starter Kit..................................2-42.1.1Placing an AT90PWM3 on the STK520.............................................2-42.1.2Placing an AT90PWM2 on the STK520.............................................2-52.2Programming the AVR..............................................................................2-72.2.1In-System Programming....................................................................2-72.2.2High-voltage Programming................................................................2-82.3JTAGICE mkII Connector.........................................................................2-92.4STK520 Jumpers, Leds & Test Points....................................................2-112.5DALI Interface.........................................................................................2-122.6Potentiometer.........................................................................................2-13Section 3Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................3-14Section 4Technical Specifications......................................................................4-16Section 5Technical Support ...............................................................................5-17Section 6Complete Schematics .........................................................................6-20IntroductionSection 1IntroductionThe STK520 board is a top module designed to add AT90PWM family support to theSTK500 development board from Atmel Corporation.The STK520 includes connectors and hardware allowing full utilization of the new fea-tures of the AT90PWM, while the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket allows easy to use ofSO24 & SO32 packages for prototyping.This user guide acts as a general getting started guide as well as a complete technicalreference for advanced users.Notice that in this guide, the word AVR is used to refer to the target component(AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...)Figure 1-1. STK520 Top Module for STK500Introduction1.1Features STK520 is a New Member of the Successful STK500 Starter Kit Family.Supports the AT90PWM2 & AT90PWM3.DALI Hardware Interface.Supported by AVR Studio® 4.Zero Insertion Force Socket for SO24 & SO32 Packages.High Voltage Parallell Programming.Serial Programming.DALI Peripherals can be Disconnected from the Device.6 Pin Connector for On-chip Debugging using JTAG MKII Emulator.Potentiometer for the Demo Application.Quick Reference to all Switches and Jumpers in the Silk-Screen of the PCB.Using the STK520 Top Module Section 2Using the STK520 Top Module2.1Connecting the STK520 to theSTK500 Starter Kit Connect the STK520 to the STK500 expansion header 0 and 1. It is important that the top module is connected in the correct orientation as shown in Figure 2-1. The EXPAND0 written on the STK520 top module should match the EXPAND0 written beside the expansion header on the STK500 board.Figure 2-1. Connecting STK520 to the STK500 BoardNote:Connecting the STK520 with wrong orientation may damage the board.2.1.1Placing anAT90PWM3 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO32 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Using the STK520 Top ModuleFigure 2-2. Pin1 on ZIF SocketCaution: Do not mount an AT90PWM3 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR ismounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM2 is mounted on theSTK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.2.1.2Placing anAT90PWM2 on theSTK520The STK520 contains both a ZIF socket for a SO24 package. Care should be taken so that the device is mounted with the correct orientation. Figure 2-2 shows the location of pin1 for the ZIF socket.Figure 2-3. Pin1 on ZIF SocketPIN1PIN1Using the STK520 Top Module Caution: Do not mount an AT90PWM2 on the STK520 at the same time as an AVR is mounted on the STK500 board or at the same time as an AT90PWM3 is mounted on the STK520 board. None of the devices might work as intended.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2Programming theAVR The AVR (AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3...) can be programmed using both SPI and High-voltage Parallel Programming. This section will explain how to connect the programming cables to successfully use one of these two modes. The AVR Studio STK500 software is used in the same way as for other AVR partsNote:The AT90PWM3 also support Self Programming, See AVR109 application note for more information on this topic.2.2.1In-SystemProgramming Figure 2-4. In-System ProgrammingTo program the AT90PWM3 using ISP Programming mode, connect the 6-wire cable between the ISP6PIN connector on the STK500 board and the ISP connector on the STK520 board as shown in Figure 2-4. The device can be programmed using the Serial Programming mode in the AVR Studio4 STK500 software.Note:See STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software for ISP Programming.Using the STK520 Top Module2.2.2High-voltageProgramming Figure 2-5. High-voltage (Parallel) ProgrammingTo program the AVR using High-voltage (Parallel) Programming, connect the PROGC-TRL to PORTD and PROGDATA to PORTB on the STK500 as shown in Figure 2-5. Make sure that the TOSC-switch is placed in the XTAL position.As described in the STK500 User Guide (jumper settings), mount the BSEL2 jumper in order to High-voltage Program the ATmega devices. This setting also applies to High-voltage Programming of the AVR.The device can now be programmed using the High-voltage Programming mode in AVR Studio STK500 software.Note:See the STK500 User Guide for information on how to use the STK500 front-end software in High-voltage Programming mode.Note:For the High-voltage Programming mode to function correctly, the target voltage must be higher than 4.5V.Using the STK520 Top Module2.3JTAGICE mkIIConnector See the following document :“JTAGICE mkII Quick Start Guide” which purpose is “Connecting to a target board with the AVR JTAGICE mkII”.This note explains which signals are required for ISP and which signals are required for debugWIRE.Figure 2-6 shows how to connect the JTAGICE mkII probe on the STK520 board. Figure 2-6. Connecting JTAG ICE to the STK520The ISP connector is used for the AT90PWM3 built-in debugWire interface. The pin out of the connector is shown in Table 2-1 and is compliant with the pin out of the JTAG ICE available from Atmel. Connecting a JTAG ICE to this connector allows On-chip Debug-ging of the AT90PWM3.More information about the JTAG ICE and On-chip Debugging can be found in the AVR JTAG ICE User Guide, which is available at the Atmel web site, .分销商库存信息: ATMELATSTK520。
纸盒位于打印机的顶部。如图所示装好打印纸。 注:打印纸为热敏打印纸,也就是说只能单面打印。因 此注意正确地安装纸方向 把开关切换到“进行”即可转动纸卷
在接有舒适度探头(0628 0009)的情况下计 算紊流度 该功能键被冻结 在接有 CO 探头情况下,重复校零
- 10 -
Aw 值
温度测量 压力测量 湿度测量 转速测量 风速测量
菜单概览 功能键分配方案
在接有温度探头的情况下,利用保存 在 PROBE-T95 fas(t 探头 T95-加速) 中的常数,(也看情况)采用外推法从 读数的变化中得到终值。此功能特别 适于低温探头。常数由电脑软件测得。
参数 温度℃ 湿度%RH 压力 hPa…bar 风速 m/s,m3/h
CO2 转速 电压 V 电流 I WBGT ℃ NET ℃
testo 400 × × × × × × × × × × ×
testo 650 × × × - × × × × × - -
testo 950 × - - - × × × × × - -
打开仪器后盖,把纽扣电池(订货号 0515 0028)装入电池 盒带,“+”符号的一面向上。装入电池或德图充电电池(订 货号 0554 0196)。 注意电池极性!盖上电池盒盖。
参照索引,在“电源”章节进一步了解备选电源、充电模式、 电池质量、充电操作等信息。
纽扣电池-在充电电池耗 尽或更换电池时保存内 存中的数据
Publication Release Date: April 18, 20123V 128M-BITSERIAL FLASH MEMORY WITH DUAL AND QUAD SPITable of Contents1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION (5)2.FEATURES (5)3.PACKAGE TYPES AND PIN CONFIGURATIONS (6)3.1Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mm (6)3.2Pad Description WSON 8x6-mm (6)3.3Pin Configuration SOIC 300-mil (7)3.4Pin Description SOIC 300-mil (7)3.5Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array) (8)3.6Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mm (8)4.PIN DESCRIPTIONS (9)4.1Chip Select (/CS) (9)4.2Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) (9)4.3Write Protect (/WP) (9)4.4HOLD (/HOLD) (9)4.5Serial Clock (CLK) (9)5.BLOCK DIAGRAM (10)6.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS (11)6.1SPI OPERATIONS (11)6.1.1Standard SPI Instructions (11)6.1.2Dual SPI Instructions (11)6.1.3Quad SPI Instructions (11)6.1.4Hold Function (11)6.2WRITE PROTECTION (12)6.2.1Write Protect Features (12)7.STATUS REGISTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS (13)7.1STATUS REGISTERS (13)7.1.1BUSY Status (BUSY) (13)7.1.2Write Enable Latch Status (WEL) (13)7.1.3Block Protect Bits (BP2, BP1, BP0) (13)7.1.4Top/Bottom Block Protect Bit (TB) (13)7.1.5Sector/Block Protect Bit (SEC) (13)7.1.6Complement Protect Bit (CMP) (14)7.1.7Status Register Protect Bits (SRP1, SRP0) (14)7.1.8Erase/Program Suspend Status (SUS) (14)7.1.9Security Register Lock Bits (LB3, LB2, LB1) (14)7.1.10Quad Enable Bit (QE) (15)7.1.11Status Register Memory Protection (CMP = 0) (16)7.1.12 Status Register Memory Protection (CMP = 1) (17)Publication Release Date: April 18, 20127.2 INSTRUCTIONS (18)7.2.1 Manufacturer and Device Identification ................................................................................ 18 7.2.2 Instruction Set Table 1 (Erase, Program Instructions) .......................................................... 19 7.2.3 Instruction Set Table 2 (Read Instructions) .......................................................................... 20 7.2.4 Instruction Set Table 3 (ID, Security Instructions) ................................................................ 21 7.2.5 Write Enable (06h) ............................................................................................................... 22 7.2.6 Write Enable for Volatile Status Register (50h) .................................................................... 22 7.2.7 Write Disable (04h) ............................................................................................................... 23 7.2.8 Read Status Register-1 (05h) and Read Status Register-2 (35h) ........................................ 24 7.2.9 Write Status Register (01h) .................................................................................................. 24 7.2.10 Read Data (03h) ................................................................................................................. 26 7.2.11 Fast Read (0Bh) ................................................................................................................. 27 7.2.12 Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) ............................................................................................. 28 7.2.13 Fast Read Quad Output (6Bh) ............................................................................................ 29 7.2.14 Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) ................................................................................................... 30 7.2.15 Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh) ................................................................................................. 32 7.2.16 Word Read Quad I/O (E7h) ................................................................................................ 34 7.2.17 Octal Word Read Quad I/O (E3h) ....................................................................................... 36 7.2.18 Set Burst with Wrap (77h) .................................................................................................. 38 7.2.19 Continuous Read Mode Bits (M7-0) ................................................................................... 39 7.2.20 Continuous Read Mode Reset (FFh or FFFFh) .................................................................. 39 7.2.21 Page Program (02h) ........................................................................................................... 40 7.2.22 Quad Input Page Program (32h) ........................................................................................ 41 7.2.23 Sector Erase (20h) ............................................................................................................. 42 7.2.24 32KB Block Erase (52h) ..................................................................................................... 43 7.2.25 64KB Block Erase (D8h) ..................................................................................................... 44 7.2.26 Chip Erase (C7h / 60h) ....................................................................................................... 45 7.2.27 Erase / Program Suspend (75h) ......................................................................................... 46 7.2.28 Erase / Program Resume (7Ah) ......................................................................................... 47 7.2.29 Power-down (B9h) .............................................................................................................. 48 7.2.30 Release Power-down / Device ID (ABh) ............................................................................. 49 7.2.31 Read Manufacturer / Device ID (90h) ................................................................................. 51 7.2.32 Read Manufacturer / Device ID Dual I/O (92h) ................................................................... 52 7.2.33 Read Manufacturer / Device ID Quad I/O (94h) ................................................................. 53 7.2.34 Read Unique ID Number (4Bh)........................................................................................... 54 7.2.35 Read JEDEC ID (9Fh) ........................................................................................................ 55 7.2.36 Read SFDP Register (5Ah) ................................................................................................ 56 7.2.37 Erase Security Registers (44h) ........................................................................................... 57 7.2.38 Program Security Registers (42h) ...................................................................................... 58 7.2.39 Read Security Registers (48h) . (59)8.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (60)8.1Absolute Maximum Ratings (60)8.2Operating Ranges (60)8.3Power-up Timing and Write Inhibit Threshold (61)8.4DC Electrical Characteristics (62)8.5AC Measurement Conditions (63)8.6AC Electrical Characteristics (64)8.7AC Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) (65)8.8Serial Output Timing (66)8.9Serial Input Timing (66)8.10HOLD Timing (66)8.11WP Timing (66)9.PACKAGE SPECIFICATION (67)9.18-Pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code E) (67)9.216-Pin SOIC 300-mil (Package Code F) (68)9.324-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code B, 5x5-1 Ball Array) (69)9.424-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code C, 6x4 Ball Array) (70)10.ORDERING INFORMATION (71)10.1Valid Part Numbers and Top Side Marking (72)11.REVISION HISTORY (73)Publication Release Date: April 18, 20121. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe W25Q128BV (128M-bit) Serial Flash memory provides a storage solution for systems with limited space, pins and power. The 25Q series offers flexibility and performance well beyond ordinary Serial Flash devices. They are ideal for code shadowing to RAM, executing code directly from Dual/Quad SPI (XIP) and storing voice, text and data. The device operates on a single 2.7V to 3.6V power supply with current consumption as low as 4mA active and 1µA for power-down.The W25Q128BV array is organized into 65,536 programmable pages of 256-bytes each. Up to 256 bytes can be programmed at a time. Pages can be erased in groups of 16 (4KB sector erase), groups of 128 (32KB block erase), groups of 256 (64KB block erase) or the entire chip (chip erase). The W25Q128BV has 4,096 erasable sectors and 256 erasable blocks respectively. The small 4KB sectors allow for greater flexibility in applications that require data and parameter storage. (See Figure 2.)The W25Q128BV supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and a high performance Dual/Quad output as well as Dual/Quad I/O SPI: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O0 (DI), I/O1 (DO), I/O2 (/WP), and I/O3 (/HOLD). SPI clock frequencies of up to 104MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of 208MHz (104MHz x 2) for Dual Output and 280MHz (70MHz x 4) for Quad SPI when using the Fast Read Quad SPI instructions. These transfer rates can outperform standard Asynchronous 8 and 16-bit Parallel Flash memories. The Continuous Read Mode allows for efficient memory access with as few as 8-clocks of instruction-overhead to read a 24-bit address, allowing true XIP (execute in place) operation.A Hold pin, Write Protect pin and programmable write protection, with top, bottom or complement array control, provide further control flexibility. Additionally, the device supports JEDEC standard manufacturer and device identification with a 64-bit Unique Serial Number.2. FEATURES• Family of SpiFlash Memories – W25Q128BV: 128M-bit/16M-byte – 256-byte per programmable page– Standard SPI: CLK, /CS, DI, DO, /WP, /Hold– Dual SPI: CLK, /CS, IO 0, IO 1, /WP, /Hold– Quad SPI: CLK, /CS, IO 0, IO 1, IO 2, IO 3• Highest Performance Serial Flash– 104/70MHz Dual Output/Quad SPI clocks– 208/280MHz equivalent Dual /Quad SPI– 35MB/S continuous data transfer rate– Up to 5X that of ordinary Serial Flash– More than 100,000 erase/program cycles (1)– More than 20-year data retention• Efficient “Continuous Read Mode” – Low Instruction overhead– Continuous Read with 8/16/32/64-Byte Wrap – As few as 8 clocks to address memory – Allows true XIP (execute in place) operation – Outperforms X16 Parallel Flash • Low Power, Wide Temperature Range– Single 2.7 to 3.6V supply– 4mA active current, <1µA Power-down current – -40°C to +85/105°C operating range • Flexible Architecture with 4KB sectors– Uniform Sector/Block Erase (4K/32K/64K-Byte)– Program one to 256 bytes– Erase/Program Suspend & Resume• Advanced Security Features – Software and Hardware Write-Protect – Top/Bottom, 4KB complement array protection – Lock-Down and OTP array protection – 64-Bit Unique Serial Number for each device – Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) Register – 3X256-Byte Security Registers with OTP locks– Volatile & Non-volatile Status Register Bits• Space Efficient Packaging – 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm – 16-pin SOIC 300-mil – 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm– Contact Winbond for KGD and other options Note 1. More than 100k Block Erase/Program cycles for Industrial and Automotive temperature; more than 10k fullchip Erase/Program cycles tested in compliance with AEC-Q100.3.PACKAGE TYPES AND PIN CONFIGURATIONSW25Q128BV is offered in an 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (package code E), a 16-pin SOIC 300-mil (package code F) and two 24-ball 8x6-mm TFBGAs (package code B, C) as shown in Figure 1a-c respectively. Package diagrams and dimensions are illustrated at the end of this datasheet.3.1Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mmFigure 1a. W25Q128BV Pad Assignments, 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code E)3.2Pad Description WSON 8x6-mmPAD NO. PAD NAME I/O FUNCTION1 /CS I Chip Select Input2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*1(IO2)I/O Write Protect Input ( Data Input Output 2)*23 /WP4 GND Ground5 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*16 CLK I Serial Clock Input(IO3)I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)*27 /HOLD8 VCC PowerSupply*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructionsPublication Release Date: April 18, 20123.3 Pin Configuration SOIC 300-milFigure 1b. W25Q128BV Pin Assignments, 16-pin SOIC 300-mil (Package Code F)3.4 Pin Description SOIC 300-milPIN NO.PIN NAMEI/OFUNCTION1 /HOLD (IO3)I/OHold Input (Data Input Output 3)*22 VCC Power Supply3 N/C No Connect4 N/C No Connect5 N/C No Connect6 N/C No Connect7 /CS I Chip Select Input8DO (IO1)I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*19 /WP (IO2)I/OWrite Protect Input (Data Input Output 2)*210 GND Ground 11 N/C No Connect 12 N/C No Connect 13 N/C No Connect 14 N/C No Connect 15 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*116CLKISerial Clock Input*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions.*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructions, /WP or /HOLD functions are only available for Standard/Dual SPI.3.5Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array)Figure 1c. W25Q128BV Ball Assignments, 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code B, C)3.6Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mmBALL NO. PIN NAME I/O FUNCTIONB2 CLK I Serial Clock InputB3 GND GroundSupplyB4 VCC PowerC2 /CS I Chip Select Input(IO2)I/O Write Protect Input (Data Input Output 2)*2C4 /WPD2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)*1D3 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)*1(IO3)I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)*2D4 /HOLDMultiple NC NoConnect*1: IO0 and IO1 are used for Standard and Dual SPI instructions.*2: IO0 – IO3 are used for Quad SPI instructions, /WP or /HOLD functions are only available for Standard/Dual SPI.Publication Release Date: April 18, 20124. PIN DESCRIPTIONS4.1 Chip Select (/CS)The SPI Chip Select (/CS) pin enables and disables device operation. When /CS is high the device is deselected and the Serial Data Output (DO, or IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) pins are at high impedance. When deselected, the devices power consumption will be at standby levels unless an internal erase, program or write status register cycle is in progress. When /CS is brought low the device will be selected, power consumption will increase to active levels and instructions can be written to and data read from the device. After power-up, /CS must transition from high to low before a new instruction will be accepted. The /CS input must track the VCC supply level at power-up (see “Write Protection” and Figure 38). If needed a pull-up resister on /CS can be used to accomplish this.4.2 Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3)The W25Q128BV supports standard SPI, Dual SPI and Quad SPI operation. Standard SPI instructions use the unidirectional DI (input) pin to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising edge of the Serial Clock (CLK) input pin. Standard SPI also uses the unidirectional DO (output) to read data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK.Dual and Quad SPI instructions use the bidirectional IO pins to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising edge of CLK and read data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK. Quad SPI instructions require the non-volatile Quad Enable bit (QE) in Status Register-2 to be set. When QE=1, the /WP pin becomes IO2 and /HOLD pin becomes IO3.4.3 Write Protect (/WP)The Write Protect (/WP) pin can be used to prevent the Status Register from being written. Used in conjunction with the Status Register’s Block Protect (CMP, SEC, TB, BP2, BP1 and BP0) bits and Status Register Protect (SRP) bits, a portion as small as a 4KB sector or the entire memory array can be hardware protected. The /WP pin is active low. When the QE bit of Status Register-2 is set for Quad I/O, the /WP pin function is not available since this pin is used for IO2. See Figure 1a-c for the pin configuration of Quad I/O operation.4.4 HOLD (/HOLD)The /HOLD pin allows the device to be paused while it is actively selected. When /HOLD is brought low, while /CS is low, the DO pin will be at high impedance and signals on the DI and CLK pins will be ignored (don’t care). When /HOLD is brought high, device operation can resume. The /HOLD function can be useful when multiple devices are sharing the same SPI signals. The /HOLD pin is active low. When the QE bit of Status Register-2 is set for Quad I/O, the /HOLD pin function is not available since this pin is used for IO3. See Figure 1a-c for the pin configuration of Quad I/O operation.4.5 Serial Clock (CLK)The SPI Serial Clock Input (CLK) pin provides the timing for serial input and output operations. ("See SPI Operations")5.BLOCK DIAGRAM ArrayFigure 2. W25Q128BV Serial Flash Memory Block Diagram分销商库存信息: WINBONDW25Q128BVEIG。
得力 标签打印机用户手册 GE530T 说明书
GE530T条码标签打印机用户手册目录手册信息 (1)安全须知 (2)第1章产品简介 (6)1.1 开箱清单 (6)1.2 打印机外观及组件 (7)1.3 产品尺寸 (9)第2章产品规格 (10)第3章使用方法 (12)3.1安装介质 (12)3.1.1 安装纸卷 (12)3.1.2 安装碳带 (14)3.1.3 安装折叠纸 (16)3.2 电源连接 (18)3.3 接口连接 (19)3.4 标签侦测 (20)3.5 操作面板 (21)3.6 基本功能使用 (23)3.6.1 开机/关机 (23)3.6.2 走纸 (23)3.6.3 暂停 (23)3.6.4 打印测试 (24)................................................................第4章接口25第5章打印机日常维护及调校 (26)5.1 清洁打印头 (26)5.2 清洁传感器、胶辊和纸张路径 (27)附录1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明 (28)手册信息本用户手册包含产品使用、安装等基本信息。
PDA 系列产品的设计、制造、检查、试验及特性都应遵照适合的最新版IEC 和中国GB 标准及国际单位SI 制。
GB/T13730《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》GB/50171-92《电气装置安装工作盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范》DL/T630《交流采样远动终端通用技术条件》DL/478-92《静态继电保护及安全自动装置通用技术条件》GB/50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》GB/T50063-2008《电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范》DL/T587-1996《微机继电保护装置运行管理规程》GB/T13729-2002《远动终端通用技术条件》GB/14285-93《继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程》GB/T17626.12-1998《振荡波抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.11-2008《电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.10-1998《阻尼振荡磁场抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.8-2006《工频磁场的抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.6-2008《射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度》GB/T17626.5-2008《浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.4-2008《电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验》GB/T17626.2-2006《静电放电抗扰度试验》GB/T 14047-1993《量度继电器和保护装置》GB 3836.3-2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第 3 部 分:增安型"e"》JB/T 10613-2006《数字式电动机综合保护装置》GB/T13850-1998《交流电量转换为模拟量或数字信号的电测量变送器》JJG596-1999《电子式电能表检定规程》GB/T17215.321-2008《静止式有功电能表(1级和2级)》GB/T 22264-2008《安装式数字显示电测量仪表》产品标准Contents 目 录A -01综合电力监控仪PDA-120系列B -13 三相智能型电力仪表 PDA-103系列C -31单相智能型电力仪表 PDA-101系列D -51 智能型电动机保护控制器 PDA-110MRK F -66参考设计图附录产品业绩G -73GB/T17215.322-2008《》静止式有功电能表(0.2S 级和0.5S 级)E -58 低压电动机保护装置 ADVP-1451产品简介功能详表产品特点PDA -120系列综合电力监控仪是北京奥德威特电力科技股份有限公司按IEC 国际标准开发,与当今国际先进技术同步的网络化综合电力监控仪表。
使用手册MT-C(带有内置PC)型号:8 906 00 (230 V,50/60 Hz)IDENT NO. 8 906 10 (115 V,50/60 Hz)Brabender®公司•文化街 51-55号•杜伊斯堡47055•德国☎电话 - 49 - 203 - 7788 - 0 • 传真 - 49 - 203 - 7788 - 102E-mail:***********************代理商遍及全世界80个国家© Brabender®公司 2006 著作权保护德国工业标准 34登记卡Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG重要!请填写并返回至:Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG,Kulturstr. 51-55,47055 Duisburg,GermanyTel. No:++ 49 - 203 - 7788 - 0Fax. No.:++ 49 - 203 - 7788 - 100E-mail:***********************请填写您所购买的Brabender®仪器的序列号:设备用户Utilisateur / Benutzer / Utente / Utilizador职务__________________________________ Titre / Titel / Titolo / Titulo姓__________________________________Nom /名称/ Cognome / Appelido名__________________________________Prénom / Vor名称/ Nome / Nombre电话__________________________________Téléphone / Telefon / Numero di telefono / Número de teléfono 传真__________________________________Télécopieur / Fax / Numero di fax / Número de fax 公司__________________________________Société / Firma / Ragione Sociale / Nombre de la Compañía 地址__________________________________ Adresse / Adresse / Indirizzo / Dirección__________________________________国家__________________________________Pays / Land / Nazione / País电子邮件 E-mail__________________________________设备Appareil / Gerät / Apparecchio / Aparato仪器/软件__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________识别号:__________________________________版本号:__________________________________(仅限于软件)ρ如果您不希望您的名字用于营销目的, 请在该框标以记号。
■ ■ ■ ■
Pointing devices, remote and game controllers Motion control with user interface GPS navigation systems Industrial and robotics
Package LGA-16 (5x5x1.5) LGA-16 (5x5x1.5) Packing Tray Tape and reel
t e l o
r P e
u d o
) s ( ct
Table 1.
Device summary
Temperature range (°C) -40 to +85 -40 to +85
1 Block diagram and pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
9 8
4xOUTX Vref
d o r
Pin connection
Block diagram
DEMODULATOR SWITCHED CAPACITOR LOW-PASS FILTER Optional LP/HP Filter Not amplified filtered output X GAIN 4x 4x OUT X (amplified)
†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specification Brochure, BRD8011/D.
Rating Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage Average Rectified Forward Current (Rated VR) TC = 65C (Rated VR) TC = 160C MUR550APFG MURD550PFG, NRVUD550PFT4G, MUR550PFG, MURF550PFG Symbol VRRM VRWM VR IF(AV) Value 520 Unit V
Characteristic Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage Drop (Note 4) (IF = 5.0 A, TJ = 25C) (IF = 5.0 A, TJ = 150C) Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Note 4) (VR = 520 V, TJ = 25C) (VR = 520 V, TJ = 150C) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (IF = 1.0 A, di/dt = 50 A/ms, VR = 30 V, TJ = 25C) 4. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 ms, Duty Cycle 2.0%. Symbol VF Value 1.15 0.98 5.0 400 95 Unit V
Storage Operating Temperature Range
-55 to + 125
Note : 1. Mounted on PC Board with 14mm2(0.013mm thick) copper pad areas. 2. Measured at 1 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0 volts.
.024(0.6) .018(0.4)
.032 (0.8)
.181 (4.6)
.095(2.4) .087(2.2)
no suffix
"Y" suffixed
1 3
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage
SD520 20 14 20
SD530 30 21 30
SD540 40 28 40
SD550 50 35 50
SD560 60 42 60
SD580 80 56 80
SD5100 100 70 100
W5300中文用户数据手册v1一、产品概述1. 高性能处理器,保证流畅运行。
2. 大容量存储空间,满足您的存储需求。
3. 丰富接口,方便连接各种设备。
4. 定制化系统,轻松应对各种应用场景。
二、包装清单1. W5300主机2. 电源适配器3. USB数据线4. 用户数据手册(即本手册)5. 保修卡如有缺失,请及时与销售商联系。
三、设备外观与按键功能1. 电源键:长按开启/关闭设备,短按进入休眠状态。
2. 音量键:调节设备音量。
3. Home键:返回主界面。
4. 功能键:自定义按键,可设置快捷功能。
5. USB接口:连接USB设备,如U盘、键盘等。
6. 耳机接口:连接耳机。
7. 充电接口:连接电源适配器进行充电。
四、初始设置4.1 开启设备1. 将电源适配器插入电源插座。
2. 将充电线一端插入设备充电接口,另一端连接电源适配器。
3. 长按电源键,开启设备。
4.2 语言选择1. 在开机过程中,根据提示选择中文简体或中文繁体。
2. 按照屏幕提示完成剩余设置。
4.3 连接WiFi1. 在主界面找到“设置”应用。
2. 选择“无线和网络”选项,进入WiFi设置。
3. 按照屏幕提示连接到您的WiFi网络。
五、基本操作5.1 滑动屏幕1. 向上滑动:查看通知栏。
2. 向下滑动:快速设置。
3. 向左滑动:切换上一个应用。
4. 向右滑动:切换下一个应用。
5.2 点按屏幕1. 单击:选中某个应用或选项。
2. 长按:弹出快捷菜单或进入编辑状态。
5.3 使用应用1. 在主界面,找到您想要使用的应用图标。
2. 图标,进入应用。
3. 根据应用提示进行操作。
六、系统设置与个性化6.1 调整屏幕亮度和分辨率为了让您的视觉体验更加舒适,您可以自定义屏幕亮度和分辨率:1. 在主界面找到“设置”应用。
2. 选择“显示”选项。
3. 在“亮度”中,拖动滑块调整亮度,或开启自动调节亮度。
access via deck hatch.
ENGINE • Engine throttle in the cockpit with removable
handle, • Engine panel, • Sound insulation for engine compartment, • Access via removable companionway, • Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP,
control lines, • 2 winches Harken Performa for genoa and
• 2 winches Harken Quattro on coachroof for halyards and control lines,
• 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets, • 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks, • Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull, • Chainplates for backstay, • Deck Step for mast with blocks, • Handrails on coachroof.
STEERING • Double polyester rudders and stainless steel
rudder stocks, • Self-aligning rudder bearings.
RIGGING • Deck-stepped mast, • 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional, • Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds, • Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm, • Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail,
Order FormWXT530 Series09.03.2017DOC232212AJing Lin Vaisala WXT Weather TransmitterWXT530 SeriesWXT53123456789101112Price 1VersionWXT536Parameters: W, R, P, T, U6WXT535Parameters: R, P, T, U5WXT534Parameters: P, T, U4WXT533Parameters: W, R3WXT532Parameters: W2WXT531Parameters: R12Communication InterfaceSDI-12 v 1.3, 1200 baud, 7, E, 1ARS-232, Std. ASCII auto, 19200 baud, 8, N, 1BRS-485, Std. ASCII polled, 19200 baud, 8, N, 1CRS-485, Std. ASCII polled, 9600 baud, 8, N, 1DRS-422, Std. ASCII auto, 19200 baud, 8, N, 1ERS-422, NMEA 0183 v3.0, 4800 baud, 8, N, 1GUSB/RS-232, 1.4 m USB / M12 cable, ASCII auto, 19200,8,N,1 HUSB/RS-485, 1.4 m USB / M12 cable, ASCII polled, 19200,8,N,1 JmA output 4-20 mA KmA output 0-20 mA LRS-485, NMEA 0183 v3.0, 4800 baud, 8, N, 1R3Analog InterfacesNone1Analog Outputs 2x 0..20mA for WS and WD2Analog Outputs 2x 4..20mA for WS and WD3Analog Inputs: Temp. SR. 10uV/W/m^2, Level (0..5V), TB. (0.2mm)44Data ConnectorNo Connector (bushing and grounding accessories included)A8-pin M12 male connector (bushing and grounding accessories included)BNo Connector (No bushing and No grounding accessories)C5HeatingNone1Heating26User ProfileStandard A7CableNo Cable1Shielded 2 meters long cable, 8-pin M12 connector in one end2Shielded 10 meters long cable, 8-pin M12 connector in one end3Shielded 10 meters long cable, 8-pin M12 connector in both ends4Shielded 40 meters long cable, 12 wires, open ends on both cable ends58Installation AccessoriesNone AMounting Kit BBird Spike CMounting Kit and Bird Spike D9Supporting SoftwareNone1Configuration tool for windows + USB service cable210ManualNone AEnglish Manual BJapanese Manual DRussian Manual G11PackingStandard Packing112Calibration CertificateNone AFactory Test Reports BAccredited Wind Calibration (MEASNET)CTOTALQTYTOTAL VALUE Selections in bold are included in the prices of the basic versions.Selections in italic are available at an extra price.Example of order code with typical settings:WXT536A1A1A1A1A1AACCESSORIES & SPARE PARTS220614Vaisala Configuration Tool, USB Service cable SP220782Cable USB RS-232/485, 1.4m USB / M12 SP222287Cable 2m Shielded 8-pin M12 SP222288Cable 10m Shielded 8-pin M12 SP215952Cable 10m Shielded 8-pin M12, connectors on both ends SP 217020Cable 40m Shielded 12-pin, open end wires SP222109Bushing & Grounding Accessory Kit212792Mounting KitWMSFIX60Mounting Accessory between Mounting kit and 60mm tube 212793Bird KitWSP150Vaisala Surge Protector, no connectorsWSP152Vaisala Surge Protector with connectors for 220782 and 215952 229104Nokeval Converter229110Nokeval Programming Kit218817SP WXT Radiation Shield Set SPWXTPTUSP WXT PTU-Module SP224171WXT Bottom Connector Kit SP214273Analog input connector SP, IP67, 8P,M12,ShieldedWXT530BOTTOMDIGISP WXT530 Bottom Assy with Digital Board SPWXT530BOTTOMANAINSP WXT530 Bottom Assy with Analog Input Board SPWXT530BOTTOMMAOUTSP WXT530 Bottom Assy with mA Output Board SPTM-PT1000Module Temperature Sensor Assembly TM-PT1000。
DATUM / DATE : 2009-11-02 Gurtspezifikation / Tape specification:
I Rollenspezifikation / tape and reel specification:
DATUM / DATE : 2009-11-02
H Induktivitätskurve / Inductance curve:
Induktivität vs Strom (typ.) Inductance vs Current (typ.)
Geprüft / checked
Kontrolliert / approved
Datum / date
D-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400
L (µH)
0,00 0 5 10 15 Current (A) 20 25 30 35
Freigabe erteilt / general release:
Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient (Note 2) Symbol RqJC RqJA Max 6.25 71.4 Unit C/W C/W
Rating Collector−Emitter Voltage Collector−Base Voltage Emitter−Base Voltage Collector Current Base Current Total Power Dissipation @ TC = 25C Derate above 25C Total Power Dissipation (Note 1) @ TA = 25C Derate above 25C Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Symbol VCEO VCB VEB IC IB PD{ Max 60 70 5 10 6 20 0.16 1.75 0.014 − 55 to +150 Unit Vdc Vdc Vdc Adc Adc W W/C W W/C C
Lead Formed for Surface Mount Applications in Plastic Sleeves
Device MJD2955G MJD2955−1G MJD2955T4G NJVMJD2955T4G MJD3055G MJD3055T4G NJVMJD3055T4G Package Type DPAK (Pb−Free) IPAK (Pb−Free) DPAK (Pb−Free) DPAK (Pb−Free) DPAK (Pb−Free) DPAK (Pb−Free) DPAK (Pb−Free) Package 369C 369D 369C 369C 369C 369C 369C Shipping† 75 Units / Rail 75 Units / Rail 2,500 Tape & Reel 2,500 Tape & Reel 75 Units / Rail 2,500 Tape & Reel 2,500 Tape & Reel
Rating Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 2) (IF = 5.0 Amps, TC = 25C) (IF = 5.0 Amps, TC = 125C) Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Note 2) (Rated dc Voltage, TC = 25C) (Rated dc Voltage, TC = 125C) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (IF = 1.0 Amp, di/dt = 50 Amps/ms, VR = 30 V, TJ = 25C) 2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 ms, Duty Cycle 2.0%. Symbol VF Value 2.7 1.65 10 70 30 Unit V
DPAK CASE 369C STYLES 3, 8 1 4 3 STYLE 3
Power Supplies Inverters Free Wheeling Diodes
Mechanical Characteristics
Rating Maximum Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Maximum Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient (Note 1) 1. Rating applies when surface mounted on a 1.5 mm FR4 PC board with a 1 oz. thick, 700 Symbol RqJC RqJA mm2 Cu area. Value 2.5 49.5 Unit C/W C/W
Leuze MLC530
MLC 530
© 2013 Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG In der Braike 1 D-73277 Owen / 德国 电话 : +49 7021 573-0 传真 : +49 7021 573-199 info@
1.1 1.2 使用的符号和信号词 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 检查清单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
设备描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 设备概览 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 连接技术 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 显示元件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 发射器上的运行状态显示元件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 接收器上的运行状态显示元件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 校准显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 2:1Scale - 2:17447480151744748015174474801517447480151T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 7447480151Further informationComponent Libraries:Altium_WE-TI (22d)Downloads_CADENCE_WE-TI (22a)CadStar_WE-TI (19b)Eagle_WE-TI (19c)Download_IGS_WE-TI_1014PSpice_WE-TI (23a)Download_STP_WE-TI-1014Spectre_WE-TI (23a)Free Sample Order:Order free samples of this article directly here!Tutorials:■Single Coil Inductors (PDF)REDEXPERT:Calculate losses for 7447480151 in REDEXPERTWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi004.0002023-12-14DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI Radial Leaded Wire WoundInductor ORDER CODE7447480151SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGED RA FTCautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-TI of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects. Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals might result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties. •Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations might have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•Please be aware that products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi004.0002023-12-14DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI Radial Leaded Wire WoundInductor ORDER CODE7447480151SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE D RA FTImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi004.0002023-12-14DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI Radial Leaded Wire WoundInductor ORDER CODE7447480151SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE D RA FT。
主营产品有:SMD LED 0402、0603、0802、0805、1204、1206、3528、5050、3020、3014、2835、3535、335、020、正面发光及侧面发光,红、绿、蓝、白、黄、橙、粉红、紫、单色双色及三色等…主要应用:照明灯具、灯光亮化装饰工程、玩具礼品、背光显示、荧光验证防伪、手机、家电、MP3、手电筒、汽车、圣诞树、霓虹灯等…点击进入洸子其科技Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)Condition : Ta = 25℃Wavelength[nm]Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta(℃)FDuty (%)。
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January, 2012 − Rev. 4
Publication Order Number: MURD530/D
Figure 6. Typical Current Derating, Ambient
TJ = 25C
Figure 7. Forward Power Dissipation
75 −65 to +175
TJ, Tstg
Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.
Characteristics Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage Drop (Note 4) (iF = 3 A, TJ = 25C) (iF = 3 A, TJ = 125C) (iF = 5 A, TJ = 25C) (iF = 5 A, TJ = 125C) Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Note 4) (TJ = 25C, Rated dc Voltage) (TJ = 125C, Rated dc Voltage) Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (IF = 1 Amp, di/dt = 50 A/ms, VR = 30 V, TJ = 25C) 4. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 ms, Duty Cycle 2.0%. 100 IF, FORARD CURRENT (A) IF, FORARD CURRENT (A) 100 Symbol vF Value 0.95 0.80 1.05 0.90 5.0 150 50 Unit Volts
TJ = 175C
175C 125C 85C
125C 1 −40C 0.1 0 0.5 1.0
85C 25C
25C −40C
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 TC, CASE TEMPERATURE (C)
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 18 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C)
Figure 9. R(t) on an Infinite Heatsink Power (J1) 0.800 W Power (J2) 0.800 W
100 10 R(t), (C/W) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.000001 D = 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 Single Pulse
*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.
Figure 2. Typical Forward Voltage
175C 125C 85C
25C −40C
0.001 0 0 50 100 150 200 vR, REVERSEE VOLTAGE (V) 250 300
0.001 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 vR, REVERSEE VOLTAGE (V) 300
MURD530T4G, SURD8530T4G SWITCHMODE Power Rectifier
DPAK Surface Mount Package
These state−of−the−art devices are designed for use in switching power supplies, inverters and as free wheeling diodes.
Figure 3. Maximum Reverse Voltage
Figure 4. Typical Reverse Voltage
15 IF, AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (mA) IF, AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (mA) Rated Voltage Applied RqJA = 3C/W 5 Rated Voltage Applied RqJA = 57C/W
1 3 4
Mechanical Characteristics
Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 0.4 Gram (Approximately) Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant and Terminal
Figure 5. Typical Current Derating, Case
PFO, AVERAGE POWER DISSIPATION (W) 8 7 C, CAPACITANCE (pF) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 SQUARE WAVE dc 1000
Rating Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage Average Rectified Forward Current (Rated VR, TC = 165C) Peak Repetitive Forward Current (Rated VR, Square Wave, 20 kHz, TC = 165C) Non−Repetitive Peak Surge Current (Surge Applied at Rated Load Conditions Halfwave, 60 Hz) Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range Symbol VRRM VRWM VR IF(AV) IFRM Value 300 Unit V U530 A Y WW G
Figure 1. Maximum Forward Voltage
1000 IR, REVERSE CURRENT (mA) 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 25C 175C 125C 85C IR, REVERSE CURRENT (A) 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01
Characteristics Thermal Resistance − Junction−to−Case (Note 1) Thermal Resistance − Junction−to−Ambient (Note 2) Thermal Resistance − Junction−to−Ambient (Note 3) 1. Rating applies for one diode leg. 2. Rating applies when for both diode legs when mounted on 130 mm2 pad size. 3. Rating applies for both diode legs when mounted on 1 in pad size. Symbol RqJC RqJA RqJA Value 3 92 57 Unit C/W C/W C/W
Leads are Readily Solderable 260C Max. for 10 Seconds
Lead and Mounting Surface Temperature for Soldering Purposes:
0.01 PULSE TIME (s)
Figure 10. PCB Cu Area 650 mm2 PCB Cu thk 1 oz Power (J1) 0.800 W Power (J2) 0.800 W