



• 为了更好地保证各楼层都有良好的采光,
• 以我国为例,南楼高度为h,该地冬至日
L=h x cot H
• 为了更好地利用太阳能,应不断调整太阳 能热水器与地平面之间的倾角,使太阳光 与集热板成直角
• 集热板与地平面之间的夹角(a)和当天的 正午太阳高度角(H)互余,即a+H= 90° 时集热效果最佳
8.该地纬度可能为( )
,当地正值一年中( )
为节能减排,河北省邯郸市新建区全部安装可以通过电脑调控太阳能板 与水平面夹角的路灯和路口红绿灯。下图为拍摄的邯郸市红绿灯照片。读 图完成10~11题。
阅读材料,完成下列问题。 材料 上图为云南省略图。下图为上图中甲 地与我国某中学正午太阳高度角之差的年变 化示意图。 • 计算该中学的纬度,说出P至Q时段甲地与
该中学直立物正午日影的朝向及长短变化。 • 【答案】4.20°N。 • 甲地:影子朝北,由短变长。 • 该中学:影子朝南,由长变短。

SIPLUS System NET Cat. No. 6AG1343-1CX10-4XE0及相关CP

SIPLUS System NET Cat. No. 6AG1343-1CX10-4XE0及相关CP

Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous LocationsClass I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D.Communication Processor , SIPLUS System NET Cat. No. 6AG1343-1CX10-4XE0.CPU Modules , Cat. Nos. 6AG1312-5BD00-2AB0, 6AG1312-5BD01-2AB0, 6AG1313-5BE00-2AB0, 6AG1313-5BE01-2ABO, 6AG1314-1AF10-2AB0, 6AG1315-2AG10-2AB0.Cat. Nos. 6AG1313-6CF03-2AB0, 6AG1314-1AG13-2AB0, 6AG1314-1AG14-7AB0, 6AG1314-6BG03-7AB0, 6AG1314-6CG03-2AB0, 6AG1315-2AH14-7AB0, 6AG1315-2EH13-2AB0, 6AG1315-2FH13-2AB0, 6AG1315-6FF04-2AB0, 6AG1317-2EK13-2AB0, 6AG1317-2FK13-2AB0, 6AG1312-5BE03-2AB0, 6AG1313-5BF03-2AB0, 6AG1317-6FF03-2AB0, 6AG1322-1BF01-2XB0, 6AG1326-1BK01-2AB0, 6AG1331-1KF01-4AB0, 6AG1331-7KF02-2AB0, 6AG1331-7NF00-2AB0, 6AG1331-7NF10-2AB0, 6AG1331-7PF01-2AB0, 6AG1331-7PF11-4AB0, 6AG1332-5HF00-2AB0, 6AG1340-1AH02-2AE0, 6AG1340-1CH02-2AE0, 6AG1195-7HB00-4XA0, 6AG1195-7HD10-4XA0.Cat. Nos. 6AG1417-4HL04-4AB0, 6AG1960-1AA04-4XA0, 6AG1443-1EX11-4XE0.I/O Devices , 6AG1321-1FF10-7AA0, 6AG1321-7TH00-4AB0, 6AG1322-5FF00-4AB0, 6AG1322-5HF00-4AB0, 6AG1322-8BH01-2AB0, 6AG1326-1RF00-4AB0, 6AG1326-2BF40-2AB0, 6AG1331-7TF01-4AB0, 6AG1331-7TF01-7AB0, 6AG1332-7ND02-4AB0, 6AG1332-8TF01-2AB0, 6AG1332-8TF01-4AB0, 6AG1336-4GE00-4AB0, 6AG1341-1CH02-7AE0.Function-devices , 6AG1350-1AH03-2AE0, 6AG1350-2AH01-4AE0.Mounting rack , Cat. No. 6AG1400-2JA10-4AA0.Programmable controllers , Cat. Nos. 6AG1321-1BH02-2AA0, 6AG1321-1BL00-2AA0, 6AG1321-1CH20-2AA0, 6AG1321-1FF01-2AA0, 6AG1321-1FH00-7AA0, 6AG1321-7BH01-2AB0, 6AG1322-1BH01-2AA0, 6AG1322-1CF00-2AA0, 6AG1322-1CF00-7AA0, 6AG1322-1FF01-2AA0, 6AG1322-1FF01-7AA0, 6AG1322-1FH00-7AA0, 6AG1322-1HF10-2AA0, 6AG1322-8BF00-2AB0, 6AG1323-1BH01-2AA0, 6AG1331-7KB02-2AB0, 6AG1332-5HB01-2AB0, 6AG1334-0KE00-2AB0, 6AG1365-0BA01-2AA0, 6AG1153-1AA03-2XB0, 6AG1315-6FF01-2AB0, 6AG1317-6FF00-2AB0, 6AG1322-1BF01-4AA0, 6AG1322-1BL00-2AA0, 6AG1322-1HH01-2AA0, 6AG1326-1BK00-2AB0, 6AG1326-1BK00-4AB0, 6AG1326-1BK02-2AB0, 6AG1326-2BF01-2AB0, 6AG1326-2BF41-2AB0, 6AG1326-2BF01-4AB0, 6AG1331-7KF02-4AB0, 6AG1331-7PF00-4AB0, 6AG1331-7RD00-2AB0, 6AG1331-7SF00-4AB0, 6AG1331-7TB00-4AB0, 6AG1331-7TB00-7AB0, 6AG1332-5HD01-4AB0, 6AG1332-5HD01-7AB0, 6AG1332-5HF00-4AB0, 6AG1334-0KE00-7AB0,6AG1340-1AH01-2AE0, 6AG1341-1AH02-7AE0, 6AG1195-7KF00-2XA0, 6AG1350-2AH00-4AE0, 6AG1353-2AA02-4XB0, 6AG1153-2BA00-2XB0, 6AG1131-1BH01-2XB0, 6AG1193-1CH00-2XA0, 7MH4900-2AA01, 7MH4900-3AA01, 7MH4910-0AA01, 7MH4920-0AA01, 7MH4930-0AA01, 6AG1545-0CC10-4AX0, 6AG1641-0CA01-4AX0, 6AG1643-0CD01-4AX0, 6AG1131-4BD01-2AA0, 6AG1132-4BB01-2AB0, 6AG1132-4BD01-2AA0, 6AG1134-4GB01-2AB0, 6AG1134-4GB11-2AB0, 6AG1134-4JB50-2AB0, 6AG1138-4CA01-2AA0, 6AG1138-4CA50-2AB0, 6AG1138-4CB11-2AB0, 6AG1138-4DA04-2AB0, 6AG1138-4FA03-2AB0, 6AG1138-4FB02-2AB0, 6AG1151-1AA04-2AB0, 6AG1151-1BA02-2AB0, 6AG1151-3AA22-2AB0, 6AG1151-7FA01-2AB0, 6AG1153-2BA02-7XB0, 6AG1153-4AA01-7XB0, 6AG1195-7HA00-2XA0, 6AG1193-4JA00-2AA0, 6AG1195-7HB00-7XA0, 6AG1195-7HC00-2XA0, 6AG1195-7HD10-2XA0, 7MH4950-1AA01, 7MH4950-2AA01.Cat. Nos. 6AG1131-4BD01-7AB0, 6AG1131-4BF00-7AA0, 6AG1131-4BF50-7AA0, 6AG1132-4BB31-7AB0, 6AG1132-4BD02-7AA0, 6AG1132-4BD32-2AA0, 6AG1132-4BF00-7AA0, 6AG1132-4BF50-7AA0, 6AG1132-4HB01-2AB0, 6AG1134-4FB01-2AB0, 6AG1134-4JB51-7AB0, 6AG1134-4NB01-7AB0, 6AG1134-4NB51-2AB0, 6AG1135-4FB01-2AB0, 6AG1135-4GB01-2AB0, 6AG1138-4DD01-7AB0, 6AG1138-4DF01-7AB0, 6AG1138-4DF11-7AB0, 6AG1138-4FA04-2AB0, 6AG1138-4FB03-2AB0, 6AG1138-4HA00-7AB0, 6AG1151-1AA05-7AB0, 6AG1151-3AA23-2AB0, 6AG1151-3BA23-7AB0, 6AG1151-7AA20-7AB0, 6AG1151-8AB01-7AB0, 6AG1151-7FA20-2AB0, 6AG1151-8FB01-2AB0, 6AG1195-7HG00-2XA0, 6AG1153-2BA02-2XY0, 6AG1132-4HB12-2AB0, 6AG1134-4GB52-2AB0, 6AG1134-4LB02-2AB0, 6AG1134-4MB02-2AB0, 6AG1135-4LB02-7AB0.SIPLUS System NET , Cat. Nos. 6AG1342-5DA02-2XE0, 6AG1342-5DA02-4XE0, 6AG1343-1CX10-2XE0, 6AG1343-1EX21-4XE0, 6AG1343-1GX21-4XE0.SIPLUS System S7-300 PS , Cat. Nos. 6AG1307-1EA01-7AA0, 6AG1307-1KA02-7AA0.SIPLUS System S7-400, Cat. Nos. 6AG1405-0KA02-2AA0, 6AG1405-0KA02-7AA0, 6AG1407-0KA02-4AA0, 6AG1407-0KR02-4AA0.SIPLUS NET CP 343-1/ SIPLUS S7-300, Cat. Nos. 6AG1343-1EX30-4XE0, 6AG1343-1EX30-7XE0, 6AG1343-1GX30-4XE0 (CP 343-1 ERTEC Advanced), 6AG1340-1AH02-2AY0.SIPLUS System S7-300, Cat. Nos. 6AG1315-2FJ14-2AB0, 6AG1315-2FJ14-2AY0, 6AG1317-2EK14-2AY0, 6AG1317-2EK14-7AB0, 6AG1317-2FK14-2AB0, 6AG1317-2FK14-2AY0, 6AG1317-6FF03-2AY0, 6AG1321-7BH01-4AS0, 6AG1321-7RD00-4AB0, 6AG1322 8BF00 2AB0, 6AG1326-1BK02-2AY0, 6AG1326-2BF10-2AB0, 6AG1326-2BF10-2AY0, 6AG1331-1KF02-4AB0, 6AG1331-1KF02-7AB0, 6AG1331-7PF01-4AB0, 6AG1350-NRAG.E239877 Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous Locations Page Bottom See General Information for Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous LocationsSIEMENS AGE239877I IA CEWUERZBURGER STR 12190766 FUERTH, GERMANY1AH03-2AY0.Cat. Nos. 6AG1312-5BE03-2AY0, 6AG1313-5BF03-2AY0, 6AG1313-6CF03-2AY0, 6AG1314-6CG03-2AY0.Cat. Nos. 6AG1314-1AG14-2AY0, 6AG1315-2AH14-2AY0, 6AG1315-2EH14-2AY0, 6AG1315-2EH14-7AB0, 6AG1315-6FF04-2AY0.Last Updated on 2012-12-19Questions? Print this page Terms of Use Page Top© 2013 UL LLCWhen the UL Leaf Mark is on the product, or when the word "Environment" is included in the UL Mark, please search the UL Environment database for additional information regarding this product's certification.The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2013 UL LLC".。


第二章 调制技术
使传输的模拟信号或数字信号变换成适合信道传输的信号。 ?移动通信信道的特点
使高频信号的某个参数(如幅度、频率和相位)随基带信号发生相应的变化,以此方法携带基带信号的信息。 解调是调制的逆过程。 调制、解调技术
2.5 扩频通信
m序列(PN序列) Gold序列 Walsh函数
2.5 扩频通信
2.5 扩频通信
主要性能指标 处理增益(Gp):频谱扩展前的信息带宽ΔF与频带扩展后的信号带宽W之比。
Mj:抗干扰容限 Ls:接收系统的工作损耗 (S/N)out:信息数据被正确解调而要求的最小输出信噪比 抗干扰容限:指扩频通信系统能在多大干扰环境下正常工作的能力。
线性调制(一般不等幅): 优点:频带利用率高 缺点:要求通信设备从频率变换道放大和发射保 持充分的线性,所以设备复杂、成本高 恒定包络(连续相位)调制(等幅): 优点:可使用功率高的C类放大器 缺点:频谱利用率低
线性调制与解调 设输入信号:{an},an=±1,n=-∞,∞ 则PSK的信号形式为: 相移键控调制(PSK)
, 0Biblioteka t0je



常用电子管代换表(2012-10-09 00:54:58)转载▼标签:常用电子管代换表文化分类:电子管01A 直热三极管201/3011A5 直热五极管341F5G 直热五极管1F41H6G 直热三极管2A3 直热三极管6A5/6C4C/6B4G6A5G 旁热三极管6A3/6C4C/6B4G6J7G 旁热五极管EF37A/FE36/CV358/CV5080/OM5/6W7G6k7G 旁热五极管6S7/6J7G/6U7G6SJ7MG 旁热五极管6AB7/6AC7/6AJ76X5GT 旁热整流管6ZY5G/CV572/CV573/CV574/EZ35/U147常用型号管芯结构主要用途国外同类型号代备注5X4G 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流氧化物阴极5Z3P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流5T4、5ц3C、CV1861、5R4GY、U52、CV1071、5V3、5AU4、5U4G氧化物阴极5Z4P 旁热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流*5B×1、*5ц4C,GZ30、CV2748、5Z4G/GT 氧化物阴极5Z1P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流氧化物阴极5Z2P 直热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流5W4、5Y3G、80、U50 氧化物阴极5Z8P 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*5ц8C 氧化物阴极5Z9P 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*5ц9C 氧化物阴极6Z4 旁热式双阳极二极管全波整流*6ц4П、6B×4、6×4、6Z31 共阴极6Z5P 旁热式双阳极二极管小功率全波整流*6ц5C 共阴极6H2 旁热式双阳极二极管检波、整流*6×2П、6AL5、C 氧化物阴极6C1 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C1П、CV664、9002 氧化物阴极6C3 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C3П阴地三极管6C4 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大*6C4П栅地三极管6C5P 旁热式三极管低频电压放大6C5GT、*6C5C、6C5 、CV1067、L63氧化物阴极6C6B 旁热式三极管低频电压放大5703、CV3917、*6C6Ь氧化物阴极6C7B 旁热式三极管低频电压放大*6C7Ь氧化物阴极6C12 旁热式三极管宽带电压放大EC88、5842 高S、低N6C31B-Q 旁热式三极管电压放大*6C31Ь-B 氧化物阴极6C32B-Q 旁热式三极管电压放大*6C32Ь-B 遥截止三极管6N1 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H1П、6AQ8、AA61、ECC40/82 氧化物阴极6N2 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H2П、6AX7、6AV7、ECC41 氧化物阴极6N3 旁热式双三极管高频电压放大*6H3П、6A8Q、2C51、ECC42 氧化物阴极6N4 旁热式双三极管低噪声电压放大ECC83、12A×7 高μ、低N6N5P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大*6H13C、6AS7、CV2523、6NS7G/GT 低Ri6N6(T)旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H6П、E182CC、5687、12BH7 、7119、7044、6900、CV50427P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大6H7、*H7C、6N7/G/GT 共阴极6N8P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H8C*6H8M、6SN7、6F8G、CV181、QB65、ECC32 氧化物阴极6N9P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H9C、6SL7、ECC35、6SC7、6CY7 高μ6N10 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H10M、12AV7A、E82CC、CV491 氧化物阴极6N11 旁热式双三极管宽带电压放大*6H23П、6DJ8、ECC84、E88CC、6922、CV2492 高S、低RI、N6N12P 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H12C、TS229、5687 氧化物阴极6N13P 旁热式双三极管低频功率放大*6H13C、6AS7、CV2523、6NS7G/GT 低内阻6N15 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H15П、6J6WA、6CC31、CV858 共阴极6N16B 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大氧化物阴极6N17B 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大*6H17Ь、6112、CV5007 氧化物阴极6N21B-Q 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大氧化物阴极6N23 旁热式双三极管低频电压放大6DJ8、ECC88、PCC88 高μ低N6J1 旁热锐止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж1П、6AK5、6BC5、EF40、EF95、CV850 高频管6J1B 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж1Ь、CV3929、61489、CK5702/7083 旁热式阴极6J2 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж2П、6AS6、CV2522、EF11/732、CV4011 旁热式阴极6J2B 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж2Ь、CK5639 旁热式阴极6J3 锐截止四极管宽带电压放大*6ж3П、EF96、CV848、6BC6、6AG5 束射四极管6J4 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж4、6136、6BX6、6AC7、EF94 旁热式阴极6J4P 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж4C、CV849、1852 旁热式阴极6J5 锐截止高频管宽带电压放大*6ж5П、EF80、CV2521、6F36、6AH6 高S、束射四极管6J7 旁热式阴极五极管低频电压放大6*7 、KTZ63、OM5C、CV1056、CV1404、EF36、NR49、VR56、KTW61、EF37A、5A/157D、CV358、CV5080、OM5B、W310A、57、STR4141、低噪声N6J8 锐截止五极管低频电压放大CV2901、6SJ7、6CF8、6267、EF16、EF86、2729 低噪声N 6J8P 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж8C、5693、EF6、EBC3、CV592 旁热式阴极6J9 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж9П、EF861 旁热式阴极6J20 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж20П空间电荷栅6J23 高互导双五极管宽带电压放大*6ж23П阴极框架栅6J23B-Q 锐截止五极管宽带电压放大*6ж23B-K 低振动噪声12J1S 锐截止五极管小功率放大*12ж1л氧化物阴极6K1B 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K16K3P 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K3、6SK7、6K7、KTZ63、CV1074、6D6、6SG7 旁热式阴极6K4 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大*6K4П、6BA6、6DA6、EF89/93、5749、6K5 旁热式阴极6K5 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大同6K4 旁热式阴极12K3P 遥截止五极管宽带电压放大12K3、12SK7/GT 旁热式阴极2P2 输出四极管低频功率放大2П2П、DL92、1S4T、1L33、1L34 直热式阴极2P3 束射四极管低频功率放大3A4、1662、CV807、DL93 直热式阴极2P19B 五极管功率放大直热式阴极2P29 直热式五极管功率放大*2、*2П29л氧化物阴极4P1S 直热式阴极功率放大*4П1л、4L2D 五极管6P1 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П1П、6AQ5、6BW6、6L31、EL14、90 旁热式阴极6P3P 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П3C、*6л6C、6L6、6L6G/GT、1614、1619、1622 同型:1631、6TT3C6P4P 束射四极管低频功率放大旁热式阴极6P6P 旁热式束射四极管低频功率放大*6П2、*6П6C、6Φ6、1611、1613、1621、6K6、CV509、6V6GT、CV510、CV1912、CV511、6N6C、KT636P9P 旁热式五极管宽带功率放大*6П9C、CV569 氧化物阴极6P13P 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П13C(旁热)旁热式阴极6P14P 旁热式五极管宽带功率放大*6П14П、6BQ5、N709、EL84、CV2975、7320、6L40 氧化物阴极6P15P 旁热式五极管低频功率放大6CH6、6CW5、EL180、EL821、CV2127、12BY7A 氧化物阴极6P25B 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П25Ь、EL71、5902 氧化物阴极6P30B-Q 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П30Ь-B(旁热)氧化物阴极6P31B-Q 束射四极管低频功率放大*6П31Ь-B(旁热)氧化物阴极13P1P 输出五极管低频功率放大*13П1C 旁热式阴极6S6 高S五极管电压/功率放大*6Э1П(旁热)氧化物阴极6T1 高频双四极管推挽输出QM322、5656 旁热式阴极6A2 七极电子管TUNER变频CV453、EK90、X77、*6A2П、6BE5、5750 旁热式阴极6F1 三极-五极管变频/电压放大*6Φ1П、6BL8、6C16 旁热式阴极6F2 三极-五极管变频/电压放大6Φ2П、6U8、6GH、CV5065、ECF82、6BL8 旁热式阴极6G2P 双二极-三极管检波、电压放大*6Γ2、6SQ7、6SQ7GT/G 旁热式阴极WE300B 直热式三极管功率放大300B、4300A 古典式低内阻FU-5 直热式三极管低频功率放大T100-1、RK57、ML714、NU-150、CV2622、CV2768 F123A、GL805、HF150、CV25FU-7 旁热式四极管大S功率放大QV05-25、RK39、HY-61、QE06-50、CV124、807 5B/250A、807V、5S1FU-13 直热束射四极管功率放大*гY-13、813、4B13 TT10、QY2-100、QB2、250、CV278、4T100 CV1927、3874A、5C/100AFU-15 直热束射五极管中功率放大*гY-15 氧化物热子FU-17 双束射四极管中功率放大*гY-17、CV3517、6360、QQV03-10、QQV03/12 旁热式阴极FU-25 旁热束射四极管宽带功率放大1625、FD-25 氧化物阴极FU-29 双束射四极管宽带功率放大*гY-29、829B 旁热式阴极FU-31 直热式三极管宽带功率放大2T26、826、826“RCA”钍钨阴极FU-32 双束射四极管宽带功率放大*гY-32、RS1019、TT20SRS4452、QQE03/20、P2-12 与FU-29类同FU-33 直热式三极管功率放大ES833、CV635、B142、3578、833A、5T33 钍钨阴极FU-46 旁热式五极管中功率放大QV06-20、P40、QE05/40、7212、6146、2B46 氧化物阴极FU-50 束射五极管宽带功率放大*гY-50、SRS552、P50/2 旁热式阴极FU-811 直热式三极管宽带功率放大*г-811、811A 钍钨阴极FU-250F 旁热式四极管宽带功率放大4C×250A 金属陶瓷型EL81 旁热式五极管功率放大6CJ6 氧化物阴极845 直热式三极管功率放大UV-845 Po≈100W6CY7 旁热式双二极管电压放大每组**管特性参数不同Rg< 100kΩ6CX8 旁热式三极管-五极管电压放大和P-K分割比6U9、6F2靓高S18045 旁热式五极管小型功放作耳机放大有极佳表现Po> 1W FC4 旁热式三极管电压放大*гC4 金属陶瓷管6C22D 旁热式三极管电压放大5876 金属陶瓷管6550 旁热束射四极管功率放大KT88 氧化物阴极KT100 旁热束射四极管功率放大KT94 氧化物阴极PL81 旁热式五极管功率放大21A6 氧化物阴极EL34 旁热式五极管功率放大6CA7、KT66 氧化物阴极2A3 直热式三极管功率放大*2C4、AD1、6A3、6B4G、6C4C 211 直热式三极管功率放大FD422 直热式五极管功率放大2E226C33C-B 旁热式三极管功率放大欧美电子管置换表0A2 AG52110A2 SR560B2 SR3108C1 OB210BQ5 YL8410C14 19D810CW5 LL8610CW5 YL8610DE7 9R-AL110DX8 LCL20010DX8 LCL8410DX8 YCL8410EB8 11JE810F18 13EC710F9 12AC510GN8 11JE810GV8 LCL8510HF8 11JE810JA8 11JE810JY8 11JE810LD13 14G610LD3 14L710LZ8 11JE810P18 45B510PL12 50BM811BM8 LCL8211JE8 10EB811JE8 10GN811JE8 10HF811JE8 10JA811JE8 10JY811R3 LY8111Y9 LFL200121VP 12AC512A6 ABC9112A8 OH412AC5 10F912AC5 121VP12AC5 HF12112AC5 UF4112AC5 W11812AC5 W14212AC5 W14512AD6 UF8912AD7 12AX712AF3 12BR312AH8 20D312AJ7 HCH8112AL5 HAA9112AT6 HBC9012AT7 A290012AT7 B15212AT7 B30912AT7 B73912AT7 E215712AT7 E81CC12AT7 ECC8112AT7 QB30912AT7WA CC81E 12AT7WA M8162 12AT7WA QS2406 12AT7WB QA2406 12AU6 HF9412AU7 12AX712AU7 B32912AU7 B74912AU7 E216312AU7 E82CC12AU7 ECC186 12AU7 ECC8212AU7A 12AX7 12AV6 12BC32 12AV7 12R-LL3 12AX7 12AD712AX7 12AU7A 12AX7 12AX7A 12AX7 12BZ712AX7 12DF712AX7 12DM7 12AX7 12DT712AX7 6L1312AX7 702512AX7 7025A12AX7 B33912AX7 B75912AX7 E216412AX7 ECC8312AX7A 12AX7 12AX7A M8137 12B-B14 13GB5 12BA6 12F3112BA6 HF9312BC32 12AV6 12BE6 12H3112BE6 HK9012BE7 UQ8012BQ6GT 12G-B6 12BR3 12AF312BR3 12R-K19 12BY7 EL18012BZ7 12AX712C8 VP12D12D4A 12G-K17 12DF7 12AX712DM7 12AX7 12DT7 12AX712DT7 ECC863 12E13 655012F31 12BA612FB5 30P1212FB5 PL80112FG6 UM8412FQ7 12R-LL5 12G-B3 12GW6 12G-B6 12BQ6GT 12G-B7 13CM5 12G-K17 12D4A12GW6 12G-B3 12H31 12BE6 12HU8 PLL80 12K7 W7612K7GT OF5 12K8 X71M12K8GT X76M 12Q7GT DH74 12Q7GT DH76 12R-K19 12BR3 12R-LL3 12AV7 12R-LL5 12FQ7 12S7 UAF42 12S7 WD142 12SN7GT B36 12SQ7 OBC3 12X4 HZ9013CM5 12G-B7 13CM5 XL36 13D2 6SN7GT 13D3 615813EC7 10F18 13EC7 W110 13EC7 W119 13GB5 12B-B14 13GB5 XL500 13GC8 30PL1 13GC8 30PL10 13GC8 LN319 13GC8 PCL801 141DDT 14L7 141TH 14K7 14F7 XXD14G6 10LD13 14G6 DH119 14G6 UBC80 14G6 UBC81 14GW8 PCL86 14K7 141TH 14K7 UCH42 14K7 X14214L7 10LD314L7 141DDT 14L7 DH11814L7 UBC41 14Y7 UCH80 14Z3 HZ50 150B2 6354 150C1 OA2 150C2 OA2 150C3 OD3 150C4 OA215A6 N15315A6 N30915A6 PL8315CW5 30P18 15CW5 N378 15CW5 N379 15CW5 PL84 15DQ8 PCL84 163PEN 16A5 16A 6AM516A5 163PEN 16A5 30P16 16A5 N15416A5 N32916A5 PL8216A8 30PL12 16A8 N36916A8 PCL82 16AQ3 XY88 16GK8 30PL13 16GK8 30PL14 16GK8 PCL800 16GK8 PCL88 16KH8 ECLL800 16Y9 PFL200 171DDP 17C8 17C8 171DDP 17C8 17N817C8 UBF80 17EW8 HCC85 17KW6 PL508 17N8 17C817Z3 A6117Z3 PY80017Z3 PY80117Z3 PY8317Z3 U15317Z3 U19317Z3 U25117Z3 U34918AK5 602818FX6 X10718GB5 LL500 18GD6 19M-R10 18GD6 19M-R9 18GV8 PCL85 19AJ8 19D819AQ5 HL9019BD 19X319CS4 PY301 19CS4 U19119CS4 U33919D8 10C1419D8 19AJ819D8 UCH8119D8 X11919FL8 UBF89 19KF6 N22LL 19M-R10 18GD6 19M-R9 18GD6 19SU 19Y319T8 HABC80 19U3 19X319W3 19X319X3 19BD19X3 19U319X3 19W319X3 PY8019X3 U15219X3 U30919Y3 19SU19Y3 PY8219Y3 U15419Y3 U19219Y3 U3191A3 1D131A3 DA901A3 DAF901A7GT DK32 1A7GT X14 1AB6 1C31AB6 1H35 1AB6 DK96 1AB6 DK97 1AB6 X251AC6 1C21AC6 DK92 1AC6 X181AC6 X201AD4 DF62 1AD4 DF652 1AD4 DF668 1AH5 1FD1 1AH5 DAF96 1AH5 ZD25 1AJ4 1F11AJ4 DF96 1AJ4 W25 1AN5 DAF97 1AN5 DF97 1AQ5 1H33 1AR5 1S5SF 1AS5 1U5SF 1B3GT DY30 1B3GT U41 1BG2 DY51 1BQ2 DY802 1C1 1R51C2 1AC61C3 1AB61C5GT DL35 1C5GT N14 1D13 1A31D5 40SUA 1E3 DC801F1 1AJ41F2 1L41F3 1T41F5G KL35 1FD1 1AH5 1FD9 1S51H2 1S21H33 1AQ5 1H33 1R5SF 1H35 1AB61H5GT DAC32 1H5GT HD14 1L4 1F21L4 DF921M1 1N31M3 DM70 1M3 Y251N3 1M11N3 DM711N5GT DF33 1N5GT Z141P1 3C41P10 3S41P11 3V41Q5GT DL36 1R5 1C11R5 DK911R5 X171R5SF 1H33 1R5^ 1H331RK23 1S21S2 1H21S2 1RK231S2 DY861S2A DY871S4 DL911S5 1FD91S5 DAC211S5 DAF911S5 DF261S5 ZD171S5SF 1AR5 1T2 R161T2 U371T4 1F31T4 DF911T4 W171U4 DF9041U4 HY1451U5SF 1AS51V6 DCF601W4 R31X2 1X2A1X2 1X2B1X2A 1X21X2A DY801X2A R191X2B 1X21X2B HD93 2050 BA22050 EN32 2050A 1G5020A3 2D2120AQ3 LY8820D3 12AH820D4 6AJ8213PEN 21A621A6 213PEN21A6 N15221A6 N35921A6 PL8121A6 PL82021KQ6 LL52125A6 KT3325BQ6GT 25G-B6 25BQ6GTB HD96 25BR3 25R-K19 25BR3 U32925E5 N30825E5 PL3625G-B6 25BQ6GT 25GF6 30P1925GF6 30P425GF6 N38925GF6 PL30225R-K19 25BR3 25W6GT KT32 25Z4GT U3127GB5 PL50027KG66 LL505 28EC4 LY50029KQ6 PL5212B35 6D12B35 EA502B35 T6D2D21 20A32D21 4G280K 2D21 ASG512 2D21 EN912D21 PL212D21 RL212ER5 XC952FY5 XC972HA5 XC900 2HR8 XCF86 2J2 R202J2 U262J2 U492X2 2X2A2X2 2Y22X2A 2X22X2A H2-10 2Y2 2X230A5 HL94 30AE3 PY88 30C1 9A830C1 9A830C15 9EN7 30C18 7GV7 30CW5 HL86 30F5 7ED730FL1 9GB8 30L1 7AN7 30L15 7EK7 30P12 12FB5 30P16 16A5 30P18 15CW5 30P19 25GF6 30P4 25GF6 30PL1 13GC8 30PL10 13GC8 30PL12 16A8 30PL13 16GK8 30PL14 16GK8 311SU 31A331A3 U118 31A3 U142 31A3 U145 31A3 UY41 31A3 UY42 31A3 V311 31A3 V312 32F 95635FN5 PL300 35W4 HY90 35Z4GT U74 35Z4GT U76 38A3 U119 38A3 U381 38A3 UT85 38A3 UY893A4 DL933A4 E14853A5 DCC90 3AJ8 XCH81 3AL5 XAA91 3AL5 XB913AU6 XF943B4 DL983B4 HD303BH2 GY501 3BX6 XF803BY7 XF853BZ6 3M-V7 3C4 1P13C4 DL963C4 N253C6 XXB3D6 DL293DK6 3M-R24 3EH7 XF183 3EJ7 XF184 3ER5 YC953FY5 LC973FY5 YC973HA5 LC900 3M-R24 3DK6 3M-V7 3BZ63Q4 N183Q5GT DL33 3Q5GT N15 3Q5GT N16 3S4 1P103S4 DL923S4 N173S4SF 3W4 3V4 1P113V4 DL943V4 N193W4 3S4SF 40KG6 PL505 40SUA 1D5 42EC4 PY500 451PT 45A5 45A5 451PT 45A5 BF451 45A5 N142 45A5 UL41 45B5 10P18 45B5 N119 45B5 UL844BL8 5R-HP1 4BL8 XCF80 4BS8 4R-HH2 4CM4 PC86 4DL4 PC884EH7 LF183 4EH7 YF183 4EJ7 LF184 4EJ7 YF184 4ES8 XCC189 4FY5 PC974G280K 2D21 4GJ7 4GX74GJ7 XCF801 4GK5 PC95 4GX7 4GJ74HA5 PC900 4HR8 PF864KN8 4R-HH8 4R-HH2 4BS84R-HH8 4KN8 4Y25 80750BM8 10PL12 50BM8 LN119 50BM8 UCL82 50C5 HL9250L6GT KT71 52KU 5Z4G54KU 5AQ4 55N3 UY82 5636 EF730 5642 DY70 5651A QS1209 5654 EF905 5654 M8100 5654 QM557 5670 6CC42 5672 DL620 5677 FA6 5678 DF60 5692 6CC10 5692 QA2408 5718 EC70 5718 EC71 5725 M8196 5725 QM558 5726 AA91E 5726 DD77 5726 E91AA 5726 EAA901 5726 M8079 5726 M8212 5726 QA2404 5726 QM559 5726 QS2404 5727 E91N 5727 M8204 5763 M8096 5763 QE03/10 5763 QV03-12 5783 85A3 5823 Z900T 5840 EF72 5840 EF7325847 6R-R8C 5847 E182F 5861 EC55 5894 QQE06/40 5899 EF71 5899 EF731 5901 EF732 5902 EL71 5911 DF67 5913 DL67 5920 E90C 5920 E90CC5A/160H 6AM6 5AQ4 54KU5AR4 GZ345AR4 U775B/250A 8075CG4 OSW3107 5ES8 LCC1895ES8 YCC1895GJ7 LCF8015HG8 LCF865HG8 YCF865J2 KY805J6 5M-HH35L509 6KG6A5M-HH3 5J65P29 6CN65R-HP1 4BL85S1 8075U4G 5Z105U4G GZ315U4G U525U4GB H525U8 XCF825U9 LCF2015V4GA GZ325V9 LCH2005W4GT U515X9 LCF2005Y3GT U505Z10 5U4G5Z4 RS25Z4G GZ305Z4G OSW3107 5Z4G R526/30L2 6GA8 6005 M8245 6007 DL67 6008 DF67 6021 ECC70 6028 18AK5 6057 ECC803 6060 ECC801 6063 EZ900 6079 QB5/1750 6080 ECC230 6084 E80F 6085 E80CC 6135 QA2401 6146 QE05/40 6146 QV06-20 6158 13D3 6159 QE05/40H 6189 ECC802 6189 M8136 6201 E81CC 6201 QA2407 6205 EF734 6218 E80T 6227 E80L 6252 QQE03/20 6252 QQV03-20 6267 6CF8 6267 6F22 6267 8D8 6267 EF86 6267 EF87 6267 Z72962DDT 6CV7 62TH 6CU762VP 6CJ5 6351 X319 6354 150B2 6360 QQE03/12 6360 QQV03-106374 EY84 6375 DC70 6391 EF7463TP 6AB8 6463 ECC813 6487 EF70 6488 EF73 6489 EA7664ME 6CD764SPT 6BX4 6550 12E13 6550 7D11 6550 KT8865ME 6BR5 6681 E83CC 6686 E81L 6687 E91H 6688 E180F 6689 E83F66KU 6BT467PT 6CK5 6922 E88CC 6939 QQE02/5 6939 QQV02-6 6977 DM1606A6 B636A8 6Q86A8 PH46AB X636AB4 EC926AB8 63TP6AB8 ECL806AB8 LN1526AC7 6F106AC7 OSW2190 6AC7 OSW2600 6AD8 EBF816AE8 X796AF4 6T16AF4 EC946AG5 EF966AG6 6P256AG6G BVA2646AG7 6L106AG7 OSW2192 6AG7 OSW2601 6AG8 B7296AH6 6F366AJ4 EC846AJ5 6F356AJ8 20D46AJ8 6C126AJ8 6CH406AJ8 ECH816AJ8 X7196AJ9 ECF2026AK5 6F326AK5 DP616AK5 E95F6AK5 EF956AK5 PM056AK6 PM956AK8 6LD126AK8 DH7196AK8 EABC80 6AL3 EY836AL3 EY886AL5 6B326AL5 6D26AL5 D1526AL5 D2M96AL5 D7176AL5 D776AL5 DD66AL5 EAA916AL5 EB916AL5 ED26AM5 16A6AM5 6P176AM5 7D96AM5 DD76AM5 DDR76AM5 EL916AM5 N1446AM5 N476AM5 N776AM5 V8866AM6 5A/160H6AM6 6F116AM6 6F126AM6 8D36AM6 EF916AM6 HP66AM6 M80636AM6 PM076AM6 QZ776AM6 R1446AM6 S6F126AM6 SP66AM6 Z776AN7 ECH806AQ4 6L346AQ4 EC916AQ5 6L316AQ5 BPM046AQ5 EL906AQ5 N7276AQ6 6BK66AQ8 6CC436AQ8 6L126AQ8 B7196AQ8 ECC856AS6 6F336AS7G A1834/5998/6080/6082/6520/7105/7236/6336/6394/6528 6AT6 6BK66AT6 DH776AT6 EBC906AT7N 6DT86AU4GT 6G-K176AU6 EF946AV3 6R-K196AV4 EZ916AV4^ 6FX46AV6 6BC326AV6 6BK66AV6 EBC916B32 6AL56B8 EBF326BA6 6F316BA6 PM046BA6 W7276BC32 6AV66BD7 6LD136BD7 EBC806BD7 EBC816BD7A EBC36BE6 6H316BE6 EK906BE6 HM046BE6 X7276BE6 X776BE7 EQ806BH5 EF816BH6 E90F6BJ5 N786BJ6 E99F6BK6 6AQ66BK6 6AT66BK6 6AV66BK6 6BT66BK8 EF836BL8 6C166BL8 ECF806BM5 6P96BM8 6LP126BM8 6PL126BM8 6PL126BM8 ECL826BN5 EL856BN5 N1556BQ5 6P156BQ5 EL846BQ5 N7096BQ6GT 6G-B3A 6BQ6GTB HD94 6BQ7A ECC180 6BR5 65ME6BR5 EM806BR7 8D56BS4 EC936BS7 8D76BS8 6R-HH26BT4 EZ40 6BT4 MU14 6BT4 U150 6BT4 U718 6BT4 UU5 6BT4 UU9 6BT4 V616BT6 6BK6 6BW7 8D6 6BX4 64SPT 6BX4 6Z46BX6 EF80 6BX6 Z152 6BX6 Z719 6BY7 6F19 6BY7 6F26 6BY7 EF85 6BY7 W719 6BZ8 X155 6C12 6AJ8 6C15 6CJ5 6C16 6BL8 6C18 6GV7 6C31 6K86C4 EC906C4 L776C4 QL776C4 V7416C6 A6776C6 G776C6 T776CA4 6V46CA4 EZ46CA4 EZ81 6CA4 U709 6CA4 UU12 6CA7 EL34 6CA7 KT77 6CB6 EF190 6CC10 5692 6CC31 6J6 6CC42 5670 6CC43 6AQ86CD7 6M26CD7 EM34 6CF8 62676CH40 6AJ8 6CH6 7D10 6CH6 ECL821 6CH6 EF826CH6 EL821 6CH6 EL822 6CJ5 62VP6CJ5 6C156CJ5 6F156CJ5 6F166CJ5 7F166CJ5 EBF41 6CJ5 EF416CJ5 HF616CJ5 W1506CJ6 EL816CK5 67PT6CK5 BF616CK5 EL416CK5 N1506CK6 EL803 6CK6 EL820 6CK6 EL836CL6 6L436CM4 EC806S 6CM4 EC86 6CM5 EL36 6CN6 5P296CN6 EL386CQ6 6F216CQ6 9D66CQ6 E2016 6CQ6 EF926CQ6 QW77 6CQ6 V177 6CQ6 V884 6CQ6 VP66CQ6 W776CR4 A2521 6CS6 EH906CT7 EAF42 6CT7 WD150 6CU7 62TH6CU7 ECH113 6CU7 ECH42 6CU7 X1506CU7 Z1506CV7 62DDT 6CV7 6LD36CV7 DH150 6CV7 DH718 6CV7 DH817 6CV7 EBC41 6CW5 EL866CW7 6L166CW7 ECC84 6D-HH13 6FX7 6D1 2B356D2 6AL56D4 EN936D8 X736D8 X73M6DA5 EM816DA6 EF136DA6 EF896DC8 6FD12 6DC8 EBF85 6DC8 EBF89 6DG7 E89F6DG7 EF89F 6DG7 EM85 6DJ8 ECC886DL4 E88C6DL4 EC886DL5 EL956DQ6A 6G-B6 6DR8 EBF83 6DS8 ECH83 6DT8 6AT7N 6DX8 ECL84 6DY5 EL826E5 6S5G6E5 OSW31106E8 X656E8G ECH35 6E8G TH62 6E8G X147 6E8G X61M 6EC4 EY500 6EC7 6F18 6EC7 W739 6ED4 ED500 6EH7 6F29 6EH7 EF183 6EH7 EF811 6EJ7 6F246EJ7 6F256EJ7 6F306EJ7 EF184 6EJ7 EF814 6EL7 6F236EL7 EF812 6EL7 Z749 6ER5 EC95 6ES6 EF97 6ES8 ECC189 6ET6 EF98 6EW6 6GM6 6EW6 6HS6 6F10 6AC7 6F11 6AM6 6F12 6AM6 6F15 6CJ56F16 6CJ56F18 6EC7 6F19 6BY7 6F21 6CQ6 6F22 6267 6F23 6EL76F24 6EJ76F25 6EJ76F26 6BY7 6F29 6EH7 6F30 6EJ76F31 6BA6 6F32 6AK56F35 6AJ56F36 6AH66F5GT H636F6G KT636FC7 ECC896FD12 6DC86FG6 EM846FG6 EM8406FN5 EL3006FX4 6AV46FX7 6D-HH13 6FY5 EC976G-B3A 6BQ6GT 6G-B6 6DQ6A 6G-B9 6GW66G-K17 6AU4GT 6GA8 6/30L26GA8 ECC8046GB5 EL5006GB5 EL5046GJ7 ECF8016GM6 6EW66GM8 CC86E6GM8 ECC866GV7 6C186GV7 ECF8056GV8 ECL856GW6 6G-B96GW8 ECL866GX8 EAM866H31 6BE66H6 D636H6 EB346H6 OM36H6 OSW3109 6HA5 EC9006HA5 ECC9006HG8 ECF866HG8 ELF866HS6 6EW66HT5 N2ED6HU6 EM876HU8 ELL806J4 TM126J4WA M8232 6J5 L636J5 L63B6J5 OSW3112 6J6 6CC316J6 6M-HH3 6J6 ECC916J6 M80816J6 T2M056J7 EF366J7 TTZ636J7 Z636J7GT A8636J7GT EF376J7GT KTW63 6J7GT KTZ63M 6JE6B 6JE6C 6JE6C 6JE6B 6JE6C 6LQ66JW8 6LX86JW8 ECF802 6JX8 ECH846K6 6K6G6K6 6K6GT6K6 6K6GT/G 6K6 6K6MG6K6G 6K66K6GT 6K66K6GT N636K6GT/G 6K6 6K6MG 6K66K7 EF396K7 OM66K7 PF96K7 W1476K7 W616K7 W636K7GT KTZ63 6K8 6C316KG6 EL5056KG6A 5L509 6KN8 6R-HH86KV6A 6KV6 6KW6 EL508 6L10 6AG7 6L12 6AQ8 6L13 12AX7 6L16 6CW7 6L31 6AQ5 6L34 6AQ4 6L43 6CL66L6 EL376L6GC DL37 6L6GC KT66 6L6GT N66 6L7 X646LC6 6LH66LC6 6LH6A 6LD12 6AK8 6LD13 6BD7 6LD3 6CV7 6LD6 EL802 6LF6 6LV66LF6 N30EL 6LH6 6LC66LH6A 6LC6 6LN8 LCF80 6LP12 6BM8 6LQ6 6JE6C 6LV6 6LF66LX8 6JW8 6LX8 LCF802 6M-H1 6J4 6M-HH3 6J6 6M1 6U5G 6M2 6CD76M5 EL806M6G EL33 6M6G KT61 6M6G N147 6M6G PP6BG 6N3 6U36N3 EY826N8 EBF80 6N8 WD7096P15 6BQ56P17 6AM56P25 6AG66P9 6BM56PL12 6BM86PL12 6BM86Q4 EC806Q7 DH636Q8 6A86R-HH2 6BS8 6R-HH8 6KN8 6R-K19 6AV36R-R8C 58476R3 EY816R3 6V3P6R4 EC226R4 EC816S2 EY866S2A EY876S5G 6E56S7 OF16S7 OM56SA7 OSW3104 6SA7GT MV6-5 6SK7 OSW3111 6SL7 ECC356SN7GT 13D2 6SN7GT B656SN7GT ECC32 6SN7GT QB65 6SQ7 OSW3105 6T1 6AF46U3 6N36U3 EY806U5 EM356U5 Y646U5G 6M16U8 ECF826U9 ECF2016V3 EY81F6V3P 6R36V4 6CA46V4 EZ116V4 EZ806V6GT OSW3106 6V9 ECH2006W7G^ 8D46X2 EY516X2 R126X2 SU616X2 U1516X2 U436X2 U456X4 6Z316X4 E9026X4 E90Z6X4 EZ906X4 U7076X4 U786X4 V2M706X4W QM5566X4W QM5566X5G EZ356X5G U1476X5G U706X9 ECF2006Y9 EFL2006Z3 AD6Z31 6X46Z4 6BX47025 12AX7 7025A 12AX7 7062 E180CC 7119 E182CC 7308 E188CC 7320 E84L 7534 E130L 7534 E180L 7643 E80CF 7722 E280F 7737 E186F 7788 E810F7A7 EF227A7 W1437A7 W1487A7 W817AN7 B139 7AN7 B319 7AN7 PCC84 7AU7 PCC186 7AU7 XCC82 7B6 DH817B6 DL827B7 W1497C5 N1487C6 DH149 7D10 6CH6 7D11 65507D9 6AM57DJ8 PCC88 7ED7 30F57ED7 Z3297EK7 30L15 7EK7 B3497EK7 PCC805 7ES8 PCC189 7F16 6CJ57FC7 PCC89 7GV7 30C18 7GV7 PCF805 7J7 C6107S7 X1487S7 X817X7 XXFM7Y4 EZ227Y4 U1497Y4 U82 807 2B/250A 807 4Y25 807 5B/250A 807 5S1807 ARS25A 807 ATS225A 807 P17A 807 QE06/50 807 QV05-25 8223 E288CC 8228 ZZ1000 8233 E55L8255 E88C 8255 EC88 8278 EL503 8278 F1EL 83 VT8383 WT301 8453 Z550M 85A1 OE3 85A2 OG3 85A3 5783 8A8 9U88B8 8R-HP1 8B8 XCL828BQ5 XL84 8CW5 XL86 8D3 6AM68D4 6W7G 8D5 6BR78D6 6BW78D7 6BS78D8 62678GJ7 PCF801 8GJ7 PCF806 8HG8 PCF86 8R-HP1 8B8 8U9 PCF201 8X9 PCF200 954 E1F954 UN954 954 ZA2 955 UN955 956 32F957 D1C 958A D2C 959 D3F9A8 30C19A8 30C19A8 9U89A8 LZ3199A8 LZ3299A8 PCF80 9AK8 PABC80 9AQ8 PCC859D6 6CQ69EA8 9U89ED4 PD5009EN7 30C159EN7 LZ3399EN7 PCF800 9GB8 30FL19GB8 PCE800 9GH8A 9R-HH2 9GV8 XCL859JW8 PCF802 9P9 9BM59R-AL1 10DE7 9R-HH2 9GH8A 9U8 8A89U8 9A89U8 9EA89U8 9U8A9U8 PCF829U8A 9U89V9 PCH200A1834 6AS7G A2521 6CR4A2900 12AT7 A61 17Z3A677 6C6A863 6J7GT AA91E 5726 ABC91 12A6 AD 6Z3AG5211 0A2 ARS25A 807 ASG512 2D21 ATS225A 807 B139 7AN7B152 12AT7B309 12AT7B319 7AN7B329 12AU7B339 12AX7B349 7EK7B36 12SN7GT B63 6A6B719 6AQ8B729 6AG8B739 12AT7B749 12AU7B759 12AX7BA2 2050BF451 45A5BF61 6CK5 BPM04 6AQ5 BVA264 6AG6G BVA265 6AG6G C610 7J7CC81E 12AT7WA CC86E 6GM8D152 6AL5D1C 957D2C 958AD2M9 6AL5D3F 959D61 6CT7D63 6H6D717 6AL5D77 6AL5DA90 1A3 DAC21 1S5 DAC32 1H5GT DAF90 1A3 DAF91 1S5 DAF92 1U5 DAF96 1AH5 DAF97 1AN5 DC70 6375DC80 1E3DCC90 3A5 DCF60 1V6DD6 6AL5DD7 6AM5DD77 5726 DDR7 6AM5DF26 1S5DF33 1N5GT DF60 5678DF62 1AD4DF668 1AD4 DF67 5911 DF67 6008 DF904 1U4 DF91 1T4DF92 1L4DF96 1AJ4 DF97 1AN5 DH118 14L7 DH119 14G6 DH142 14L7 DH149 7C6 DH150 6CV7 DH63 6Q7 DH718 6CV7 DH719 6AK8 DH74 12Q7GT DH76 12Q7GT DH77 6AT6 DH81 7B6 DH817 6CV7 DK32 1A7GT DK91 1R5DK92 1AC6 DK96 1AB6 DK97 1AB6 DL29 3D6DL31 1A5G DL33 3Q5GT DL35 1C5GT DL36 1Q5GT DL37 6L6GC DL620 5672 DL67 5913 DL67 6007 DL82 7B6DL91 1S4DL92 3S4DL93 3A4DL94 3V4DL95 3Q4DL96 3C4DL98 3B4DM70 1M3 DM71 1N3 DP61 6AK5 DY30 1B3GT DY51 1BG2 DY70 5642 DY80 1X2A DY802 1BQ2 DY86 1S2 DY87 1S2AE130L 7534 E1485 3A4E180CC 7062 E180F 6688 E180L 7534 E182CC 7119 E182F 5847 E186F 7737 E188CC 7308 E1F 954E2016 6CQ6 E2157 12AT7 E2163 12AU7 E2164 12AX7 E280F 7722 E288CC 8223 E55L 8233E80CC 6085 E80CF 7643 E80F 6084E80L 6227E80T 6218E810F 7788 E81CC 12AT7 E81CC 6201 E81L 6686E82CC 12AU7 E83CC 6681 E83F 6689E84L 7320E88C 6DL4E88C 8255E88CC 6922E902 6X4E90C 5920E90CC 5920 E90F 6BH6E90Z 6X4E91AA 5726 E91H 6687E91N 5727E95F 6AK5E99F 6BJ6 EA41 6CT7 EA50 2B35 EA76 6489 EAA901 5726 EAA91 6AL5 EABC80 6AK8 EAF41 6CT7 EAF42 6CT7 EAM86 6GX8 EB34 6H6 EB91 6AL5 EBC3 6BD7A EBC41 6CV7 EBC80 6BD7 EBC81 6BD7 EBC90 6AT6 EBC91 6AV6 EBF32 6B8 EBF41 6CJ5 EBF80 6N8 EBF81 6AD8 EBF83 6DR8 EBF85 6DC8 EBF89 6DC8 EC1000 8254 EC22 6R4 EC55 5861 EC70 5718 EC71 5718 EC80 6Q4 EC806S 6CM4 EC81 6R4 EC84 6AJ4EC88 6DL4 EC88 8255 EC90 6C4EC900 6HA5 EC91 6AQ4 EC92 6AB4 EC93 6BS4 EC94 6AF4 EC95 6ER5 EC97 6FY5 ECC180 6BQ7A ECC186 12AU7 ECC189 6ES8 ECC230 6080 ECC32 6SN7GT ECC35 6SL7 ECC70 6021 ECC801 6060 ECC802 6189 ECC803 6057 ECC804 6GA8 ECC81 12AT7 ECC813 6463 ECC82 12AU7 ECC83 12AX7 ECC84 6CW7 ECC85 6AQ8 ECC86 6GM8 ECC863 12DT7 ECC88 6DJ8 ECC89 6FC7 ECC900 6HA5 ECC91 6J6 ECF200 6X9 ECF201 6U9 ECF202 6AJ9 ECF80 6BL8 ECF801 6GJ7 ECF802 6JW8 ECF805 6GV7 ECF82 6U8 ECF86 6HG8 ECH113 6CU7ECH35 6E8G ECH42 6CU7 ECH80 6AN7 ECH81 6AJ8 ECH82 6E8 ECH83 6DS8 ECH84 6JX8 ECL80 6AB8 ECL82 6BM8 ECL821 6CH6 ECL84 6DX8 ECL85 6GV8 ECL86 6GW8 ECLL800 16KH8 ED2 6AL5ED500 6ED4 EF13 6DA6EF183 6EH7 EF184 6EJ7EF190 6CB6 EF22 7A7EF36 6J7EF37 6J7GT EF39 6K7EF41 6CJ5EF70 6487EF71 5899EF72 5840EF73 6488EF730 5636 EF731 5899 EF732 5840 EF732 5901 EF734 6205 EF74 6391EF80 6BX6EF81 6BH5EF811 6EH7 EF812 6EL7 EF814 6EJ7EF82 6CH6EF83 6BK8EF85 6BY7EF87 6267 EF89 6DA6 EF89F 6DG7 EF905 5654 EF91 6AM6 EF92 6CQ6 EF93 6BA6 EF94 6AU6 EF95 6AK5 EF96 6AG5 EF97 6ES6 EF98 6ET6 EFL200 6Y9 EH90 6CS6 EK90 6BE6 EL180 12BY7 EL300 6FN5 EL33 6M6G EL34 6CA7 EL36 6CM5 EL37 6L6 EL38 6CN6 EL41 6CK5 EL500 6GB5 EL503 8278 EL504 6GB5 EL505 6KG6 EL508 6KW6 EL71 5902 EL80 6M5 EL802 6LD6 EL803 6CK6 EL81 6CJ6 EL82 6DY5 EL820 6CK6 EL821 6CH6 EL822 6CH6 EL83 6CK6 EL84 6BQ5 EL85 6BN5 EL86 6CW5 EL90 6AQ5 EL91 6AM5ELF86 6HG8 ELL80 6HU8 EM34 6CD7 EM35 6U5 EM80 6BR5 EM81 6DA5 EM84 6FG6 EM840 6FG6 EM85 6DG7 EM87 6HU6 EN32 2050 EN91 2D21 EN93 6D4 EQ80 6BE7 EY500 6EC4 EY51 6X2EY80 6U3EY81 6R3EY81F 6V3 EY82 6N3EY83 6AL3 EY84 6374 EY86 6S2EY87 6S2A EY88 6AL3 EZ11 6V4EZ22 7Y4EZ3 6V4EZ35 6X5G EZ4 6CA4EZ40 6BT4 EZ80 6V4EZ81 6CA4 EZ90 6X4EZ900 6063 EZ91 6AV4F1EL 8278 FA6 5677G/50/4K OA2 G105/1D OC3 G150/3D OD3 G75/2D OA3 G77 6C6GZ30 5Z4GGZ31 5U4GGZ32 5V4GA GZ34 5AR4H2-10 2X2AH52 5U4GBH63 6F5GT HAA91 12AL5 HABC80 19T8 HBC90 12AT6 HBC91 12AV6 HCC85 17EW8 HCH81 12AJ7 HD14 1H5GT HD30 3B4HD51 OA2HD52 OB2HD93 1X2BHD94 6BQ6GTB HD96 25BQ6GTB HF121 12AC5 HF61 6CJ5HF93 12BA6HF94 12AU6 HK90 12BE6HL86 30CW5 HL90 19AQ5HL92 50C5HL94 30A5HM04 6BE6HP6 6AM6HY145 1U4HY90 35W4HZ50 14Z3HZ90 12X4KD21 OA3KD24 OC3KD25 OD3KL35 1F5GKT32 25W6GT KT33 25A6KT61 6M6GKT63 6F6GKT71 50L6GT KT77 6CA7 KT88 6550 KTW63 6J7GT KTZ63 6K7GT KTZ63M 6J7GT KY80 5J2L63 6J5L63B 6J5L77 6C4LC900 3HA5 LC97 3FY5 LCC189 5ES8 LCF200 5X9 LCF201 5U9 LCF80 6LN8 LCF801 5GJ7 LCF802 6LX8 LCF86 5HG8 LCH200 5V9 LCL200 10DX8 LCL82 11BM8 LCL84 10DX8 LCL85 10GV8 LF183 4EH7 LF184 4EJ7 LFL200 11Y9 LL500 18GB5 LL505 27KG66 LL521 21KQ6 LL86 10CW5 LN119 50BM8 LN152 6AB8 LN319 13GC8 LY500 28EC4 LY81 11R3LY88 20AQ3 LZ319 9A8LZ329 9A8LZ339 9EN7M8063 6AM6 M8079 5726 M8081 6J6M8100 5654M8121 5840M8136 6189M8137 12AX7A M8162 12AT7WA M8196 5725M8204 5727M8212 5726M8223 OA2WA M8224 OB2WA M8232 6J4WAM8245 6005 MU14 6BT4MV6-5 6SA7GT N119 45B5N14 1C5GTN142 45A5N144 6AM5N147 6M6GN148 7C5N15 3Q5GTN150 6CK5N152 21A6N153 15A6N154 16A5N155 6BN5N16 3Q5GTN17 3S4N18 3Q4N19 3V4N22LL 19KF6N25 3C4N2ED 6HT5N308 25E5N309 15A6N30EL 6LF6N329 16A5N359 21A6N369 16A8N378 15CW5N379 15CW5N389 25GF6N47 6AM5N66 6L6GTN709 6BQ5N727 6AQ5N77 6AM5N78 6BJ5OA2 150C1OA2 150C2OA2 150C4OA2 G/50/4K OA2 HD51OA2 QS1207 OA2 S856OA2 SM150-30 OA2 STR108/30 OA2 STR150/30 OA2 STV150/30 OA2WA M8223 OA2WA QS1210 OA3 G75/2D OA3 KD21OA3 QS1205 OA4G PL1267 OA4G RL1267 OA4G Z300T OB2 108C1OB2 HD52OB2 QS1208 OB2 S860OB2 SR55OB2 STV108/30 OB2WA M8224 OB2WA QS1211 OBC3 12SQ7 OC3 G105/1D OC3 KD24OC3 QS1206 OD3 150C3 OD3 G150/3D OD3 KD25OD3 QS150/40 OD3 VR150 OE3 85A1OF1 6S7OG3 85A2OG3 SR2OG3 STR85/10 OG3 STV85/10 OH4 12A8OM3 6H6OM5 6S7OM6 6K7OSW2190 6AC7 OSW2192 6AG7 OSW2600 6AC7 OSW2601 6AG7 OSW3104 6SA7 OSW3105 6SQ7 OSW3106 6V6GT OSW3107 5CG4 OSW3107 5Z4G OSW3109 6H6 OSW3110 6E5 OSW3111 6SK7 OSW3112 6J5P17A 807 PABC80 9AK8 PC86 4CM4PC88 4DL4PC900 4HA5PC95 4GK5PC97 4FY5 PCC186 7AU7 PCC189 7ES8 PCC805 7EK7 PCC84 7AN7 PCC85 9AQ8 PCC88 7DJ8 PCC89 7FC7 PCE800 9GB8 PCF200 8X9 PCF201 8U9 PCF80 9A8PCF800 9EN7 PCF801 8GJ7 PCF802 9JW8 PCF805 7GV7。


a131112 2 a a156979
受种者编号 37110206012 0120133 3 71102060120120123 37110206012012012 8 3711020601201201 86 37 1102060120120176 37110206012012 0298 3711020601201202 28 3711020 60120120246 153711020601 20120255 371102 060120120263 3 71102060120120277 37110206 0120120140 3711020601201200 45 37 1102060120120155 3 71102060120120193 13371 102060120120208 37 1102060120120235 371102 060120120250 37110206012 0120055 1337110 2060120120058 15371 102060120120087 3711020601201 20088 37110206012 0120150 3 71102060120120168 183711 02060120120165 3711020601201 20218 153711020601201202 90 371102 060120120282 371102060 120120001 37 1102060120120003 37110206012 0120035 3711020601 20120117 133711 02060120120126 153711020 60120120293 371102060120 120177 37110206012012 0195

Latin-1 Supplement

Latin-1 Supplement

C1 Controls and Latin-1 SupplementRange: 0080–00FFThis file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names forThe Unicode Standard, Version 6.1This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard.See /errata/ for an up-to-date list of errata.See /charts/ for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts.See /charts/PDF/Unicode-6.1/ for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 6.1.See /Public/6.1.0/charts/ for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 6.1. DisclaimerThese charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 6.1 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 6.1, online at /versions/Unicode6.1.0/, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, and #44, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online.See /ucd/ and /reports/A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation.FontsThe shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts.See /charts/fonts.html for a list.Terms of UseYou may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts.The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s).The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site.See /pending/pending.html and /alloc/Pipeline.html.Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.00FFC1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement008000800900A00B00C00D00E00F¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´μ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090009100920093009400950096009700980099009A009B009C009D009E009F00A000A100A200A300A400A500A600A700A800A900AA00AB00AC00AD00AE00AF00B000B100B200B300B400B500B600B700B800B900BA00BB00BC00BD00BE00BF00C000C100C200C300C400C500C600C700C800C900CA00CB00CC00CD00CE00CF00D000D100D200D300D400D500D600D700D800D900DA00DB00DC00DD00DE00DF00E000E100E200E300E400E500E600E700E800E900EA00EB00EC00ED00EE00EF00F000F100F200F300F400F500F600F700F800F900FA00FB00FC00FD00FE00FF123456789ABCDEFThe Unicode Standard 6.1, Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.The Unicode Standard 6.1, Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.00AEC1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement 0080009F <control>= APPLICATION PROGRAM COMMAND Latin-1 punctuation and symbolsBased on ISO/IEC 8859-1 (aka Latin-1) from here.00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE• commonly abbreviated as NBSP → 0020 space→ 2007 figure space→ 202F narrow no-break space → 2060 word joiner→ FEFF zero width no-break space ≈ <noBreak> 002000A1¡INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK• Spanish, Asturian, Galician → 0021 ! exclamation mark00A2¢CENT SIGN 00A3£POUND SIGN= pound sterling, Irish punt, Italian lira, Turkish lira, etc.→ 20A4 ₤ lira sign→ 10192 roman semuncia sign00A4¤CURRENCY SIGN• other currency symbol characters:20A0 ₠ –20B9 ₹ → 0024 $ dollar sign00A5¥YEN SIGN= yuan sign• glyph may have one or two crossbars00A6¦BROKEN BAR= broken vertical bar (1.0)= parted rule (in typography)00A7§SECTION SIGN• paragraph sign in some European usage00A8¨DIAERESIS• this is a spacing character → 0308 $ combining diaeresis ≈ 0020 0308 $00A9©COPYRIGHT SIGN→ 2117 ℗ sound recording copyright → 24B8 Ⓒ circled latin capital letter c00AA ªFEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR• Spanish≈ <super> 0061 a00AB «LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATIONMARK= left guillemet= chevrons (in typography)• usually opening, sometimes closing → 226A ≪ much less-than→ 300A 《 left double angle bracket00AC ¬NOT SIGN= angled dash (in typography)→ 2310 ⌐ reversed not sign00AD SOFT HYPHEN= discretionary hyphen• commonly abbreviated as SHY00AE ®REGISTERED SIGN= registered trade mark sign (1.0)→ 24C7 Ⓡ circled latin capital letter rC1 controlsAlias names are those for ISO/IEC 6429:1992.0080 <control>0081 <control>0082 <control>= BREAK PERMITTED HERE → 200B zero width space0083 <control>= NO BREAK HERE→ 2060 word joiner0084 <control>• formerly known as INDEX0085 <control>= NEXT LINE (NEL)0086 <control>= START OF SELECTED AREA0087 <control>= END OF SELECTED AREA0088 <control>= CHARACTER TABULATION SET0089 <control>= CHARACTER TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION008A <control>= LINE TABULATION SET008B <control>= PARTIAL LINE FORWARD008C <control>= PARTIAL LINE BACKWARD008D <control>= REVERSE LINE FEED008E <control>= SINGLE SHIFT TWO008F <control>= SINGLE SHIFT THREE0090 <control>= DEVICE CONTROL STRING0091 <control>= PRIVATE USE ONE0092 <control>= PRIVATE USE TWO0093 <control>= SET TRANSMIT STATE0094 <control>= CANCEL CHARACTER0095 <control>= MESSAGE WAITING0096 <control>= START OF GUARDED AREA0097 <control>= END OF GUARDED AREA0098 <control>= START OF STRING0099 <control>009A <control>= SINGLE CHARACTER INTRODUCER009B <control>= CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER009C <control>= STRING TERMINATOR009D <control>= OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND009E <control>= PRIVACY MESSAGEThe Unicode Standard 6.1, Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.00D0C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement 00AF 00BAºMASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR • Spanish≈ <super> 006F o00BB »RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATIONMARK= right guillemet• usually closing, sometimes opening → 226B ≫ much greater-than→ 300B 》 right double angle bracket00BC ¼VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER• bar may be horizontal or slanted• other fraction characters: 2153 ⅓ –215E ⅞ ≈ <fraction> 0031 1 2044 ⁄ 0034 400BD ½VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF• bar may be horizontal or slanted ≈ <fraction> 0031 1 2044 ⁄ 0032 200BE ¾VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS• bar may be horizontal or slanted ≈ <fraction> 0033 3 2044 ⁄ 0034 400BF ¿INVERTED QUESTION MARK= turned question mark • Spanish→ 003F ? question mark→ 2E2E ⸮ reversed question mark Letters 00C0ÀLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ≡ 0041 A 0300 $00C1ÁLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE≡ 0041 A 0301 $00C2ÂLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX≡ 0041 A 0302 $00C3ÃLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE≡ 0041 A 0303 $00C4ÄLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS≡ 0041 A 0308 $00C5ÅLATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE→ 212B Å angstrom sign ≡ 0041 A 030A $00C6ÆLATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE= latin capital ligature ae (1.0)00C7ÇLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA≡ 0043 C 0327 $00C8ÈLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE≡ 0045 E 0300 $00C9ÉLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE≡ 0045 E 0301 $00CA ÊLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX≡ 0045 E 0302 $00CB ËLATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS≡ 0045 E 0308 $00CC ÌLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE≡ 0049 I 0300 $00CD ÍLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE≡ 0049 I 0301 $00CE ÎLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX≡ 0049 I 0302 $00CF ÏLATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS≡ 0049 I 0308 $00D0ÐLATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH→ 00F0 ð latin small letter eth→ 0110 Đ latin capital letter d with stroke → 0189 Ɖ latin capital letter african d 00AF ¯MACRON= overline, APL overbar • this is a spacing character→ 02C9 ˉ modifier letter macron → 0304 $ combining macron → 0305 $ combining overline ≈ 0020 0304 $ 00B0°DEGREE SIGN• this is a spacing character → 02DA ˚ ring above→ 030A $ combining ring above → 2070 ⁰ superscript zero → 2218 ∘ ring operator 00B1±PLUS-MINUS SIGN→ 2213 ∓ minus-or-plus sign 00B2²SUPERSCRIPT TWO = squared• other superscript digit characters:2070 ⁰ –2079 ⁹→ 00B9 ¹ superscript one ≈ <super> 0032 2 00B3³SUPERSCRIPT THREE = cubed→ 00B9 ¹ superscript one ≈ <super> 0033 3 00B4´ACUTE ACCENT• this is a spacing character → 02B9 ʹ modifier letter prime→ 02CA ˊ modifier letter acute accent → 0301 $ combining acute accent → 2032 ′ prime ≈ 0020 0301 $ 00B5μMICRO SIGN≈ 03BC μ greek small letter mu 00B6¶PILCROW SIGN = paragraph sign• section sign in some European usage → 204B ⁋ reversed pilcrow sign→ 2761 ❡ curved stem paragraph sign ornament 00B7·MIDDLE DOT= midpoint (in typography)= Georgian comma= Greek middle dot (ano teleia)→ 0387 · greek ano teleia→ 16EB ᛫ runic single punctuation → 2022 • bullet→ 2024 ․ one dot leader → 2027 ‧ hyphenation point → 2219 ∙ bullet operator → 22C5 ⋅ dot operator→ 2E31 ⸱ word separator middle dot → 2E33 ⸳ raised dot→ 30FB ・ katakana middle dot 00B8¸CEDILLA• this is a spacing character• other spacing accent characters:02D8 ˘ –02DB ˛→ 0327 $ combining cedilla ≈ 0020 0327 $ 00B9¹SUPERSCRIPT ONE→ 00B2 ² superscript two → 00B3 ³ superscript three ≈ <super> 0031 1The Unicode Standard 6.1, Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.00FCC1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement 00D100E6æLATIN SMALL LETTER AE= latin small ligature ae (1.0)= ash (from Old English æsc)• Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese, Old English, French, IPA→ 0153 œ latin small ligature oe → 04D5 ӕ cyrillic small ligature a ie 00E7çLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA ≡ 0063 c 0327 $00E8èLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ≡ 0065 e 0300 $00E9éLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ≡ 0065 e 0301 $00EA êLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 0065 e 0302 $00EB ëLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 0065 e 0308 $00ECìLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE • Italian, Malagasy ≡ 0069 i 0300 $00ED íLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ≡ 0069 i 0301 $00EE îLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 0069 i 0302 $00EF ïLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 0069 i 0308 $00F0ðLATIN SMALL LETTER ETH• Icelandic, Faroese, Old English, IPA → 00D0 Ð latin capital letter eth → 03B4 δ greek small letter delta → 2202 ∂ partial differential00F1ñLATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE ≡ 006E n 0303 $00F2òLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ≡ 006F o 0300 $00F3óLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ≡ 006F o 0301 $00F4ôLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 006F o 0302 $00F5õLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE • Portuguese, Estonian ≡ 006F o 0303 $00F6öLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 006F o 0308 $Mathematical operator 00F7÷DIVISION SIGN→ 2215 ∕ division slash → 2223 ∣ divides→ 2797 ➗ heavy division sign Letters 00F8øLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE = o slash• Danish, Norwegian, Faroese, IPA 00F9ùLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE • French, Italian ≡ 0075 u 0300 $00FA úLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ≡ 0075 u 0301 $00FB ûLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 0075 u 0302 $00FCüLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 0075 u 0308 $00D1ÑLATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE≡ 004E N 0303 $00D2ÒLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE≡ 004F O 0300 $00D3ÓLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE≡ 004F O 0301 $00D4ÔLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX≡ 004F O 0302 $00D5ÕLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE≡ 004F O 0303 $00D6ÖLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS≡ 004F O 0308 $Mathematical operator00D7×MULTIPLICATION SIGN= z notation Cartesian product → 274C ❌ cross mark Letters 00D8ØLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE = o slash→ 2205 ∅ empty set00D9ÙLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ≡ 0055 U 0300 $00DA ÚLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ≡ 0055 U 0301 $00DB ÛLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 0055 U 0302 $00DC ÜLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 0055 U 0308 $00DD ÝLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ≡ 0059 Y 0301 $00DE ÞLATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN 00DFßLATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S = Eszett • German• uppercase is “SS”• typographically the glyph for this character can be based on a ligature of 017F ſ with either 0073 s or with an old-style glyph for 007A z (the latter similar in appearance to 0292 ʒ ).Both forms exist interchangeably today.→ 03B2 β greek small letter beta → 1E9E ẞ latin capital letter sharp s 00E0àLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ≡ 0061 a 0300 $00E1áLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ≡ 0061 a 0301 $00E2âLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ≡ 0061 a 0302 $00E3ãLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE • Portuguese ≡ 0061 a 0303 $00E4äLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS ≡ 0061 a 0308 $00E5åLATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE • Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Walloon ≡ 0061 a 030A $00FDC1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement00FF00FDýLATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE• Czech, Slovak, Icelandic, Faroese, Welsh,Malagasy≡ 0079 y 0301 $00FEþLATIN SMALL LETTER THORN• Icelandic, Old English, phonetics• Runic letter borrowed into Latin script→ 16A6 ᚦ runic letter thurisaz thurs thorn00FFÿLATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS• French, medieval Hungarian orthography→ 0178 Ÿ latin capital letter y with diaeresis≡ 0079 y 0308 $The Unicode Standard 6.1, Copyright © 1991-2012 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.。

VFD-M_Parameter Manual_SC

VFD-M_Parameter Manual_SC
60 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 6
00 00 00 00
P77 P78
P79 P80
设定范围 初始值 备注 06:外部异常(EF) 07:CPU写入异常 1(CF1) 08:CPU读出异常 3(CF3) 09:控制器保护线路异常(HPF) 10:加速中电流值超过额定电流 值二倍(ocA) 11:减速中电流值超过额定电流 值二倍(ocd) 12:定速中电流值超过额定电流 值二倍(ocn) 13:接地保护或保险丝熔断 (GFF) 14:低电压(不纪录) 15:电源输入欠相 16:CPU异常(CF2) 17:外部中断允许(bb) 18:过负载(oL2) 19:自动调适加减速失败(CFA) 20:软件保护启动(codE) 00:所有的参数值设定可读/写模 00 参数锁定/重置设定 式 01:所有的参数设定为仅读模式 08:键盘锁定 09:所有的参数值重置为 50Hz 的出厂设定值 10:所有的参数值重置为 60Hz 的出厂设定值 60.0 异常再启动次数自动 0.1~6000.0 s 复归时间 00:自动运行模式取消 00 程序运转模式选择 01:自动运行一个周期后停止 02:自动运行循环运转 03:自动运行一个周期后停止 (STOP 间隔) 04:自动运行循环运转(STOP 间隔) 00~127 00 程序运转方向设定 00:VFD004M21A/21B/23A ## 变频器机种设定 (230V 1/3 0.5HP) 01:VFD004M43B (460V 3 0.5HP) 02:VFD007M21A/21B/23A (230V 1/3 1.0HP) 03:VFD007M43B (460V 3 1.0HP) 04:VFD015M21A/21B/23A (230V 1/3 2.0HP) 05:VFD015M43B (460V 3 2.0HP) 06:VFD022M21A/21B/23A (230V 1/3 3.0HP) 07:VFD022M43B (460V 3 3.0HP) 08:VFD037M23A (230V 3 5.0HP) 09:VFD037M43A (460V 3 5.0HP) 10:VFD055M23A (230V 3 7.5HP) 11:VFD055M43A (460V 3


R = Tape & Reel Standard SMT Package
Additional Part Description
-10 = Lead Free Standard Catalog Part
-11 to -99 = Non Standard or Custom Part

CM3322P400R-00 CM2545X171B-00 CM4545Z131R-00 CM2718R121R-00 CM3818R201R-00 CM3032V301R-00 CM5441Z990B-00 CM2722R151R-00 CM5022R201R-00 CM6032V201R-00 HI0805Q310R-00 HI1206N800R-00 HI2220P171R-00 LI0805H400R-00 LI1812D121R-00 HI2220R151R-00 HI2220R301R-00 HR2220V801R-00 HZ0603B751R-00 MI0805J070R-00 HZ0603A222R-00 LI1206E310R-00 28B0315-000 28B0268-000 28R0610-000 28B0500-100 28B0390-200 28R0898-200 28B0473-000 28R0480-000 28B0870-000 28R1127-500 28R0592-010 28B0735-300 28B0870-100 28R1102-100 HFB123049-100 28B0999-000 28R1103-000 28B0686-200 LFB143064-100
LF Low Freqency 28 Broad Band High Performance HF High Freqency

新浪活动-AV 流程表

新浪活动-AV 流程表

Video 定针画面
KV素材 KV素材
Video 定针画面
KV素材 KV素材
AV 流
彩幕 幕布:暖场Video(多窗口)/视
幕布:暖场Video(多窗 全场黑、幕布落下、收 素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 素材 KV素材 素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材 KV素材
16:25 16:31 0:06:00 幸运抽奖 二 意外惊喜
16:31 16:37 0:06:00 16:37 16:47 0:10:00
节目 7-《情歌王》 节目 8-《新浪歌舞团》
16:47 16:52 0:05:00 颁奖 五 十年服务贡献奖
16:52 17:07 0:15:00
节目 9-《歌曲串烧》
描述 员工进场 主持人静音提示 乐队演出-鼓点 乐队演出 5位主持人致开场辞 主持人邀请XX总上场(题词屏演讲稿) 首席执行官兼董事长、董事长 主持人(2人) 节目2-《西班牙之火》 主持人(2人) 节目3-《新浪剧有戏》 1.主持人(2人)引出奖项Video 2.Video播放 3.主持人邀请获奖嘉宾上场(15位代表) 4.嘉宾从台侧上舞台区 5.主持人邀请颁奖嘉宾上场 6.颁奖-颁奖嘉宾 XX XXX 7.合影 1.主持人(2人)引出奖项Video 2.Video播放 3.主持人邀请获奖嘉宾上场(8个团队代表) 4.嘉宾从台侧上舞台区 5.主持人邀请颁奖嘉宾上场 6.颁奖-颁奖嘉宾 XXX XXXX 7.合影 1.主持人(2人)引出奖项Video 2.Video播放 3.主持人邀请获奖嘉宾上场(15位代表) 4.嘉宾从台侧上舞台区 5.主持人邀请颁奖嘉宾上场 6.颁奖-颁奖嘉宾 XXX 7.合影 主持人串场(2人) (90人)每人500元购物卡 羊浪脑袋里 主持人串场(2人) (10人)爱健康奖:SONY智能手环+华为P7手机 (5人) 爱生活奖:户外大礼包+索尼微单相机(5人) 邀请获奖嘉宾上台(台口抽签决定是爱健康奖/爱生活奖) 邀请颁奖嘉宾上场-XXX 颁奖-颁奖嘉宾 XXX 主持人(2人) 节目4-《百变大咖》 主持人(2人) 节目5-《大咖有约》

10730008 GM8050 MODBUS-RTU通讯协议(V2.0)

10730008 GM8050 MODBUS-RTU通讯协议(V2.0)

GM8050 MODBUS-RTU通讯协议 V2.01MODBUS Modicon PLC RTU SCADA DCS MODBUS PC Intouch FIX synall2 ModBus● RS232 PC32● RS232●● RS232●3115200 / ( ) 101814(CRC)( 4 ) 1818NN*8216( 4)(ADDRESS)(8 ) 0 255 1-247GM8050 01 1-8 01 9-16 02 1-8 01 9-16 02 17-24 03 25-32 04(FUNCTION CODE)ModBus 1-255(01H-0FFH) 1( >127)ModBus03H06H14H 22001.03H03H ) 03H 16 (2 ) 2 125CRC2.06H3.14H14H ) 14H 16 (2 ) 2 2200CRCDATA1 03H1 2(N)2 21 2(N*2) N1 N*22 06H1 22 21 22 23 14H1 2(N)2 21 2(N*2) N2 N*2(DATA FORMAT)1(UINT) 0~65565(INT) -32768 ~ +3276722(LONG在个0个~个+个4294967295 4 2 个34 FLOAT -3寄402无23E3无~个3寄402无23E3无,个 2 个4 (CHAR)(CRC)CRC-16*、 、 。

(CRC) 2 16 CRC CRC CRC 16 1 8 CRC 8 CRCCRC 8 0 1 08 8 8 CRCCRC-161 16 CRC FFFF2 8 CRC 8 CRC3 CRC 04 0 31 CRC A0015 3 4 8 86 2 57 CRC CRC 8 8CRC CRC 。

503H01 0200H0200 0201 02021 01个个个 011 03个个个2 02个个个 0200002 00个个个3 603CRC 2 04个个个 CRC731 01个个个 011 03个个个1 06个个个6 31 2 00个个个 0200012 2 00个个个 0201003 2 00个个个 020200CRC 2 1C个个个 CRCB506H01 0200H 102001 01个个个 011 06个个个2 02个个个 0200002 00个个个 101CRC 2 49个个个 CRCB21 01个个个 011 06个个个2 02个个个 0200002 00个个个 101CRC 2 49个个个 CRCB214H01 2000H2000 2001 20021 01个个个 011 14个个个2 20个个个 0200002 00个个个3 603CRC 2 7A个个个 CRC081 01个个个 011 14个个个2 0006个个个6 31 2 00个个个 0200002 2 00个个个 0201003 2 00个个个 020200CRC 2 B8个个个 CRCC2CRC 1 128 CRCCRC11 11CRC 20102031 03H0000H ~ 0007HASCII 0xff GM8050474DH,3830H,3530H,00 FFH, FFFFH….. 0008H ~ 0010HASCII 0xff GM8050474DH,3830H,3530H,00 FFH, FFFFH….. 0010H 0011H V3.12 030CH0012H UINT 0013HUINT 0014H 0015H 0016H 0017H0020H~003F 1/9/17/25 1~3201 1 02 9 03 17 04 25 0040H~005F 2/10/18/26 1~3201 2 02 10 03 18 04 26 0060H~007F 3/11/19/27 1~3201 3 02 11 03 19 04 27 0080H~009F 4/12/20/28 1~3201 4 02 12 03 20 04 28 00A0H~00BF 5/13/21/29 1~3201 5 02 13 03 21 04 29 00C0H~00DF 6/14/22/30 1~3201 6 02 14 03 22 04 3000E0H~00FF 7/15/23/31 1~32 01 702 1503 2304 310100H~011F 8/16/24/32 1~32 01 802 1603 2404 320300~033FH 1/9/17/25 1~3201 102 903 1704 250340~037FH 2/10/18/26 1~3201 202 1003 1804 260380~03BFH 3/11/19/27 1~3201 302 1103 1904 2703C0~03FFH 4/12/20/28 1~3201 402 1203 2004 280400~043FH 5/13/21/29 1~3201 502 1303 2104 290440~047FH 6/14/22/30 1~3201 602 1403 2204 300480~04BFH 7/15/23/31 1~3201 702 1503 2304 3104C0~04FFH 8/16/24/32 1~3201 802 1603 2404 322000H~29C4H 1/9/17/25 01 102 903 1704 253000H~39C4H 2/10/18/26 01 202 1003 1804 264000H~49C4H 3/11/19/27 01 302 1103 1904 275000H~59C4H 4/12/20/28 01 402 1203 2004 286000H~69C4H 5/13/21/29 01 502 1303 2104 297000H~79C4H 6/14/22/30 01 602 1403 2204 308000H~89C4H 7/15/23/31 01 702 1503 2304 319000H~99C4H 8/16/24/32 01 802 1603 2404 322 14H0020H~003F 1/9/17/25 1~32 01 102 903 1704 250040H~005F 2/10/18/26 1~32 01 202 1003 1804 260060H~007F 3/11/19/27 1~32 01 302 1103 1904 2704 2800A0H~00BF 5/13/21/29 1~32 01 502 1303 2104 2900C0H~00DF 6/14/22/30 1~32 01 602 1403 2204 3000E0H~00FF 7/15/23/31 1~32 01 702 1503 2304 310100H~011F 8/16/24/32 1~32 01 802 1603 2404 320300~033FH 1/9/17/25 1~3201 102 903 1704 250340~037FH 2/10/18/26 1~3201 202 1003 1804 260380~03BFH 3/11/19/27 1~3201 302 1103 1904 2703C0~03FFH 4/12/20/28 1~3201 402 1203 2004 280400~043FH 5/13/21/29 1~3201 502 1303 2104 290440~047FH 6/14/22/30 1~3201 602 1403 2204 3004 3104C0~04FFH 8/16/24/32 1~3201 802 1603 2404 320500~055FH1 1~32+01 102 903 1704 250560~05BFH2 1~32+01 202 1003 1804 2605C0~061FH3 1~32+01 302 1103 1904 270620~067FH4 1~32+01 402 1203 2004 280680~06DFH5 1~32+01 502 1303 2104 2906E0~073FH6 1~32+01 602 1403 2204 300740~079FH7 1~32+01 702 1503 2304 3107A0~07FFH8 1~32+01 802 1603 2404 320800~083FH 1 1~32+01 102 903 1704 2504 260880~08BFH 3 1~32+01 302 1103 1904 2708C0~08FFH 4 1~32+01 402 1203 2004 280900~093FH 5 1~32+01 502 1303 2104 290940~097FH 6 1~32+01 602 1403 2204 300980~09BFH 7 1~32+01 702 1503 2304 3109C0~09FFH 8 1~32+01 802 1603 2404 322000H~29C4H 1/9/17/25 01 102 903 1704 253000H~39C4H 2/10/18/26 01 202 1003 1804 264000H~49C4H 3/11/19/27 01 302 1103 1904 275000H~59C4H 4/12/20/28 01 402 1203 2004 286000H~69C4H5/13/21/2901 5 02 13 03 21 04 29 7000H~79C4H6/14/22/3001 6 02 14 03 22 04 30 8000H~89C4H7/15/23/3101 7 02 15 03 23 04 31 9000H~99C4H8/16/24/3201 8 02 16 03 24 04 323 03H / 06H1005H UINT 7000 1527nm 1006H UINT 48000 1568nm1007HUINT 201008H 1/9/17/25 ADCUINT 7001009H 1/9/17/25 ADCUINT 800100AH 1/9/17/25 FLOAT 0.0259 100CH 1/9/17/25 FLOAT-63.669 100EH 100FH01 1 02 9 0317 04 251010H 2/10/18/26 ADCUINT 7001011H 2/10/18/26 ADCUINT 8001012H 2/10/18/26 FLOAT 0.0259 1014H 2/10/18/26 FLOAT-63.669 1016H 1017H01 2 02 10 0318 04 261018H 3/11/19/27 ADCUINT 700 1019H 3/11/19/27 ADCUINT 800101AH 3/11/19/27 FLOAT 0.0259 01 3 02 11 0319 04101FH1020H 4/12/20/28 ADCUINT 7001021H 4/12/20/28 ADCUINT 8001022H 4/12/20/28 FLOAT 0.0259 1024H 4/12/20/28 FLOAT-63.669 1026H 1027H01 4 02 12 0320 04 281028H 5/13/21/29 ADCUINT 700 1029H 5/13/21/29 ADCUINT 800102AH 5/13/21/29 FLOAT 0.0259 102CH 5/13/21/29 FLOAT -63.669 102EH UINT 0 102FHUINT 12001 5 02 13 0321 04 29 1030H 6/14/22/30 ADCUINT 700 1031H 6/14/22/30 ADCUINT 8001032H 6/14/22/30 FLOAT 0.0259 1034H 6/14/22/30 FLOAT-63.669 1036H 1037H01 6 02 14 0322 04 301038H 7/15/23/31 ADCUINT 700 1039H 7/15/23/31 ADCUINT 800103AH 7/15/23/31 FLOAT 0.0259 103CH 7/15/23/31 FLOAT-63.669 103EH 103FH01 7 02 15 0323 04 311040H 8/16/24/32 ADCUINT 700 1041H 8/16/24/32 ADCUINT 8001042H 8/16/24/32 FLOAT 0.0259 1044H 8/16/24/32 FLOAT-63.669 1046H 1047H01 8 02 16 0324 04 324 03 / 06HAddress(Item)0201H 峰 1 00202H101 1-8 02 9-160317-24 04 25-32/ 1码第 码6 码2 码码 码码 码码 88 72 码第 码6 码2 码码 码码 码码 88 722码第 码6 码2 码码 码码 码第 49 B2 码第 码6 码2 码码 码码 码第 49 B23码第 码3 码2 码码 码码 码3 码4 73码第 码3 码6 码码 码第 码码 码码 码码 码码 第C B50001 0000 00001 9~16 1~8码第 码6 码2 码第 码码 码第 第8 72 码第 码6 码2 码第 码码 码第 第8 722 1~8码第 第4 码码 2码 码第 码码 3第 93码第 第4 码2 码码 6码 3F 6A A8 74 2B 7E F6 8B 6D 9D 码7 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 码码 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Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier 1191 -

Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier 1191 -

Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsThe BBM5K8CKT (SKU 1191) is a 2500 to 6000 MHz amplifier which is guaranteed to deliver 100W minimum output power and related RF performance under all specified temperature and environmental conditions. Typical power output is 125W and other typical performance parameters are also listed as a guide for consideration, but not guaranteed. This amplifier is suitable for broadband mobile jamming and band specific high power linear applications in the S and C frequency bands. This compact module utilizes the latest high power RF GaN transistors and also features built in control and monitoring, with protection functions to ensure high availability.▪ Solid-state Class AB linear design ▪ Instantaneous ultra broadband▪ Suitable for CW, AM, and FM (Consult factory for other modulation types) ▪ Small and lightweight▪ 50 ohm input/output impedance ▪ High reliability and ruggedness▪ Built-in control, monitoring and protection circuits ▪ RS485 serial interface for monitoring and control******************************DC , Over Temperature and Environmental Conditions, as specified. Min Typ Max Operating frequency BW MHz 2500 6000 Peak output power P SAT W CW input signal 100 125Gain, small signal G SS dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBmCW. Input power calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.55 6065 Gain flatness small signal ΔG SS dB Test conditions the same as G SS ±5 Gain adjustment range G ADJ dB Test conditions the same as G SS 15 Gain adjustment step size G STEP dB Test conditions the same as G SS 0.5 Maximum input powerwithout damageP IN, Max dBm CW input signal for unlimited duration.20 Input return loss IRL dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBm and 0dBm CW. Input power calibrated / measured at theamplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.-10 Noise figure NF dB Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.20 2nd harmonics 2nddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-10 3rd harmonics 3rddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-20Spurious Spur dBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source of 0dBm at the input to the amplifier. Input power is calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port.Spurious defined as any non-harmonic amplifier output.Spurious measured in a 1kHz resolution bandwidth,10kHz video bandwidth. Specifications apply at offsets of greater than or equal to +/- 10kHz from the RF carrier. Maximum measurement frequency is 6.5GHz.-60Operating voltage V DC V Note: Output power capabilities and gain will vary withvoltage.26 2832 Current consumption I DC A Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement at an output power of 100W with a CW source.22Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-201319812500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsPA enable / Disable time T ON/OFF uSec Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement with 0dBm CW signal presented to theinput of the amplifier. Rise and fall times of amplifieroutput envelope recorded. Rise and fall times at 10% /90% of the output power in linear scale. PA Enable /Disable signal set to 10kHz repetition rate and 50% dutycycle.1PA PROTECTION / RUGGEDNESSThe PA includes protection circuits for:•Over temperature•Over voltage•Reverse polarity•Over currentIn addition to protection circuits, the PA will withstand full reflection at the RF output port at any angle for up to 1 minute at P3dB. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating Case Temperature T C-40 +85 °C Storage Temperature T STG-40 +85 °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing) RH 95 % Altitude (MIL-STD-810F Method 500.4) ALT 30,000 Feet Vibration/ShockMIL-STD-810F Method 514.5/516.5 – Proc 1VI/SH AirborneMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions 8.0 x 6.5 x 1.0 Inch Max Weight 3.5 lb. MaxRF ConnectorsInput: Type-SMA, Female Output: Type-TNC, FemaleDC Interface Connector Hybrid – D-Sub 17-Pin, Male (17W2) Cooling External Heatsink Required (not supplied)2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts DC INTERFACE CONNECTORA1 GND Ground ReturnA2 VDD Supply Voltage: +26.0 – 32.0V DC, 28.0V DC Nominal1 RS485 (-) Serial Communication Bus2 Temperature Reporting Analog Output Voltage @ 10 mV/°C with a 500 mV offset (i.e. 0.75V = 25°C)3 Address 1 Hardware Address 14 Address 3 Hardware Address 35 Attenuator Setting Voltage input in the range of 0.5 – 3.0V DC, 0.5V DC corresponds with minimum attenuation, 3.0V DC is maximum attenuation. Leave pin open or grounded to utilize RS-485 interface. (See RS-485 details below)6 PA Enable 0/3.3V logic levels:Power Amplifier disable is a TTL Logic Low (0V).(Internally Pulled-High 3.3V)Leave pin open or pulled high to utilize RS-485 interface.(See RS-485 details below)7 Alarm Amplifier Alarm indicator: Normally TTL LowA logic High indicates a fault condition, 0/3.3V Logic Levels8 RS485 (+) Serial Communication Bus9 Current Reporting Analog output voltage range of 1V/10 A (i.e. 1.5V = 15A)10 Address 0 Hardware Address 0 – Least significant bit11 Address 2 Hardware Address 212 Address 4 Hardware Address 4 – Most significant bit13 Not Used No Connection14 Not Used No Connection15 Reset Hardware resetLogic 0 to reset PA and clear latched faultsPh. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232 Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsRS-485 User InterfaceThe following settings are used for serial communications:• Baud rate: 115,200 • Start bits: 1 • Data bits: 8 • Stop bits: 1 • Parity: None• Handshake: NoneFrame and Message StructuresFrame structureThe serial link will be asynchronous, and follows a typical RS485 frame structure. The frame structure is defined in the figure below.Each frame is 10 bits in length and will begin with a start bit, followed by 8 data bits and finally a single stop bit.Message structureFigure 1: Serial interface frame structureFigure 2: Serial interface message structure316 W. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301 Ph. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Master AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0X X X X X X X XMaster Address is not evaluatedSlave AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A00 0 0 16 8 4 2 132 Slave addresses are possible (If no address lines are strapped on hardware, unit defaults to address 0)LenLen contains the number of bytes that follow, from Status to Checksum.StatusMaster should load this with zero.Slave will echo back status of the command after it is evaluated.Possible Slave responses:Value Description0x00h Message received and decoded successfully0x13h Checksum error0x2Bh Command not availableThere are 7 supported RS-485 commands, detailed below.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsNullThe null command responds with message status. It is used for a basic test of the communications link.Command frame value (hex) 0x00Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data noneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 17:58:15.3]SEND: 00 00 03 00 00 03 ......[8/30 17:58:15.4]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Soft resetPerforms a restart of the system.Command frame value (hex) 0x04Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:09:39.0]SEND: 00 00 03 00 04 07 ......[8/30 18:09:39.1]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Set power up conditionSets the state of the amplifier bias on application of DC or reset.Command frame value (hex) 0x05Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data 2 bytes:0x0001 sets power up condition to biasenabled.0x0000 sets power up condition to biasdisabled.Slave response Echo with status set2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Example:[8/30 18:13:08.5]SEND: 00 00 05 00 05 00 01 01 ........[8/30 18:13:12.3]RECV: 00 00 03 00 05 06 .......DisableDisables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x06Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:14:36.7]SEND: 00 00 03 00 06 05 ......[8/30 18:14:36.8]RECV: 00 00 03 00 06 05 .......EnableEnables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x07Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:15:35.4]SEND: 00 00 03 00 07 04 ......[8/30 18:15:35.5]RECV: 00 00 03 00 07 04 .......Set input attenuationSets the attenuation level.Notes:•The RS-485 attenuation value overrides voltage control on pin 5.•The value of the attenuation can only be increased from the factory value.•The gain of the amplifier is also a function of temperature compensation.•Variations in gain versus temperature are expected, independent of the user attenuation setting.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Command frame value (hex) 0x11Length frame value (hex) 0x05Command data 2 bytes. The first byte is 0 and the secondbyte is the mixed number attenuationvalue.D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 16 8 4 2 1 . 1/2Examples:30dB is 0x00 0x3C8.5dB is 0x00 0x11Slave response Echo with status setExample for setting 8.5dB user attenuation:[9/4 15:45:49.9]SEND: 00 00 05 00 11 08 05 19 ........[9/4 15:45:49.9]RECV: 00 00 03 00 11 12 .......Get statusReturns current status of amplifierCommand frame value (hex) 0x02Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Input Current (2 bytes)Input Voltage (2 bytes)Temperature (2 bytes)Attenuator Setting (2 bytes)Alarm Register (2 bytes)Example:[8/30 17:59:39.5]SEND: 00 00 03 00 02 01 ......[8/30 17:59:39.5]RECV: 00 00 0D 00 02 00 0A 0A ........0008: C4 00 19 00 11 00 00 C3 ...2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsALARM REGISTER15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Temperature Alarm > 85 C Current Alarm > 25 A Voltage Alarm > 34 V Sequencer AlarmLatched Alarm Current > 29 A Latched Alarm Voltage or Temperature >36 V and/or>90 C00Notes on Alarms• Any alarm condition will pull the Alarm line high (Pin 7)• For Latched Current Alarm, the input power is attenuated by approximately 15 dB. • For Latched Voltage or Temperature, the unit will disable.• A Software or Hardware reset is required to clear Latched Alarm.Voltage 16 bit signed, 1/100th of a Volt +327.67 / -327.66 V Current16 bit unsigned in 1/100th of an Amp0 ~ 65535 in hundredths of an AmpTemperature 16 bit signed inwhole degrees+32767 / -32766 degrees CentigradeStock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-2013。



《运动的描述》压轴培优题型训练【九大题型】一.时刻、时间的物理意义和判断(共5小题)二.位移、路程及其区别与联系(共5小题)三.位移、路程的简单计算(共3小题)四.平均速度(定义式方向)(共5小题)五.加速度的定义、表达式、单位及物理意义(共5小题)六.用打点计时器测量物体的速度(共3小题)七.打点计时器的种类与工作原理(共4小题)八.打点计时器打出纸带的数据处理(共3小题)九.光电门测量物体速度(共8小题)一.时刻、时间的物理意义和判断(共5小题)1.关于时间和时刻,下列说法中正确的是( )A.第二秒末表示的是时间B.前五秒表示的是时刻C.第四秒初表示的是时间D.最后三秒表示的是时间2.(多选)以下的计时数据指的是时刻的是( )A.从北京开往上海的列车12时到站B.1997年7月1日零时中国对香港恢复行使主权C.某人百米赛跑的成绩是13秒D.一场电影要一个半小时3.(多选)下列说法正确的是( )A.“北京时间8点整”指的是时间B.第ns内就是(n﹣1)s末到ns末这1s时间(n为任意正整数)C.列车在广州停15分钟,指的是时间D .不管是前5s 还是第5s ,都是指时间4.经过查询,下表为T16次列车的相关数据介绍,请读表后回答下列问题:车次T16运行时间20小时25分钟发车时间17:25到站时间13:50类型暂无数据详细情况备注无全程2294公里站次车站日期到站时间开车时间里程1广州当天始发站17:250公里2长沙当天00:2100:27707公里3武昌第2天03:4103:471069公里4郑州第2天08:1708:211605公里5北京西第2天13:50终点站2294公里(1)表中 (填项目名称)表示的是时间;(2)表中数据显示,列车在中途停站的时间为  .5.我国在2003年10月成功地进行了首次载人航天飞行.下面是“神舟五号”飞船在飞行中所记录的一些数据,请分别说出哪些是指时刻的?哪些是指时间的?15日09时0分“神舟五号”飞船点火,经9小时40分50秒,在15日18时40分50秒我国宇航员杨利伟在太空中展示中国国旗和联合国国旗,再经11小时42分10秒,于16日06时23分飞船在内蒙古中部地区成功着陆.二.位移、路程及其区别与联系(共5小题)6.质点沿半径为d 的圆形轨道逆时针运动,每2s 移动圆周,初始位置在某处的A 点,如图所示,分别求出下列各种情况下的路程和位移的大小,并在图上标出各位移矢量的方向。


01 小树 02 玲儿 03 凳子 04 轿车 05 手套 06 手枪 07 锄头 08 溜冰鞋 09 猫 10 棒球 11 梯子 12 椅儿 13 医生 14 钥匙 15 鹦鹉 16 石榴 17 仪器 18 腰包 19 衣钩 20 香烟
21 鳄鱼 22 双胞胎 23 和尚 24 闹钟 25 二胡 26 河流 27 耳机 28 恶霸 29 恶囚 30 三轮车 31 鲨鱼 32 扇儿 33 星星 34 三丝 35 山虎 36 山鹿 37 山鸡 38 妇女节 39 三角裤 40 司令
儿童 牛儿 流沙 螺丝 尿壶 蝌蚪 油漆 喇叭 八卦 麒麟 鸡翼 企鹅 鸡蛋 骑士 西服 汽油 机器人 青蛙 汽球 巴黎
81 白蚁 82 靶儿 83 芭蕉扇 84 巴士 85 宝物 86 八路 87 白棋 88 爸爸 89 芭蕉 90 酒瓶 91 球衣 92 球儿 93 旧伞 94 首饰 95 酒壶 96 旧炉 97 旧旗 98 球拍 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
蜥蜴 柿儿 石山 蛇 师父 饮料 司机 石板 湿狗 武林 工人 鼓儿 乌纱帽 青年 火车 蜗牛 武器 尾巴 蜈蚣 榴莲
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80



DESCRIPTIONM35060-XXXSP is CATV screen display control IC which can dis-play 40 (horizontal) ! 16 (vertical). It has built-in SYRAM which can be used with character ROM.It uses a silicon gate CMOS process and it housed in a small 32-pin shrink DIP package. For M35060-001SP and M35060-002SP that are standard ROM versions of M35060-XXXSP , the character pat-terns are also mentioned.FEATURES•Screen composition................................40 characters ! 16 lines •Number of characters displayed...................................680 (Max.)•Character composition .....................................12 ! 13 dot matrix •Characters available character ROM ................256 characters SYRAM..............................63 characters•Character sizes available horizontal.....................2 (once, twice)vertical.........................2 (once, twice)setting by every line•Display locations availableHorizontal direction................................................480 locations Vertical direction ....................................................235 locations •Blinking...................................................................character units Cycle....approximately 1 second, or approximately 0.5 seconds Duty ...............................................................25%, 50% or 75%•Data input ............................................................8-bit parallel ! 3•Coloring Character coloring.........8 colors choices per characterBackground coloring .....8 colors choices per character Raster coloring ..................8 colors choices per screen•Blanking Character size blankingBorder size blankingMatrix-outline Halftone blanking Can be set by every line•General-purpose output ports Combined port output (6)(switching to RGB output)•RAM erase .............................Display RAM erasing by every lineSYRAM erasing separately•Scrolling............Bit by bit smooth scroll implemented by software •Composite synchronizating signal generation....................Built-in(PAL, NTSC, M-PAL)•Display oscillation circuit ....................................................Built-in •Synchronous separation circuit ..........................................Built-in •Synchronous correction circuit ...........................................Built-inREV.1.12MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERSPIN DESCRIPTIONThese input pins determine address and data of the Display RAM, Control RAM, and Overlay RAM (SYRAM) by 8-bit parallel. Hysteresis input is required.When this input pin transitions from “H” to “L”, the device is reset. Built-in a pull-up resistor. Hysteresis input is required.Digital power supply pin. This pin must be connected to + 5V.Ground pin. This pin must be connected to 0V.This pin outputs the composite video signal. The output signal is 2Vp-p. In superim-pose mode, this pin’s signal consists of the OSD signal combined with the input composite signal CVIN.This input pin is used for controlling the “white” character color level of the OSD signal.This input pin is used for controlling the “black” character color level of the OSD signal.This input pin is used for the superimpose mode. An external composite signal may be input through this pin and mixed with the internally generated OSD signal.This input pin is used to input the same signal as CVIN. The horizontal and vertical sync signals are then extracted internally within the device.This input pin is used to determine the slice voltage for extracting the sync signals from the video composite signal.This is filter output pin 1.Analog power supply pin. This pin must be connected to +5V.This is filter output pin 2.These are the pins for attaching an external oscillator circuit for generating the synchronization signal:NTSC (3.580MHz), PAL (4.434MHz), M-PAL (3.576MHz).Factory test pin. The pin must be connected to GND.This output pin can be configured to port P0 or YM output.This output pin can be configured to port P1 or BLNK output.This output pin can be configured to port P2 or B output.This output pin can be configured to port P3 or G output.This output pin can be configured to port P4 or R output.This output pin can be configured to port P5 or CSYN output.Factory test pin. The pin must be connected to GND.This pin is enabled when the CS pin is “L”. Data input to pins AD0 to AD7 is latched at the rising edge of this signal. This pin is hysteresis input.This is chip selection input pin. When this pin is “L”, transmission is enabled. This pin is hysteresis input.FunctionSymbol AD0~AD7AC V DD1V SSCVIDEOLECHA LEBK CVIN HOR VREF LP1V DD2LP2OSCOUT OSCIN TESTB P0P1P2P3P4P5TESTA SCK CSParallel data input Auto-clear input Power pin Earthing pinComposite video signal output Character level input Black level input Composite video signal inputSynchronous signal inputSlice level input Filter output 1Power pin Filter output 2The pins for attaching an exter-nal oscillator circuit for genera-ting the synchronization signal.Test input Port output Port output Port output Port output Port output Port output Test inputClock input for data inputChip select inputPin name Input/Output Input Input ——OutputInput Input Input Input Input Output —Output Output Input Input Output Output Output Output Output Output Input Input InputMITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSP SCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS3MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS4MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS SCREEN CONSTITUTIONThe screen lines and rows are determined from each address of the display RAM.The screen constitution is shown in Figure 1.Fig. 1Screen constitution5MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS6MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS7HSZ0HSZ1HSZ2HSZ3HSZ4HSZ5HSZ6HSZ7HSZ8HSZ9HSZ10HSZ11HSZ12HSZ13HSZ14HSZ15HSZ16BLINK0BLINK1BLINK2BLINK3———0123456789A B C D E F 101112131415161701010101010101010101010101010101010110101010101(2) Address 2A916Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksSet to line 0 of display RAM Set to line 1 of display RAM Set to line 2 of display RAM Set to line 3 of display RAM Set to line 4 of display RAM Set to line 5 of display RAM Set to line 6 of display RAM Set to line 7 of display RAM Set to line 8 of display RAM Set to line 9 of display RAM Set to line 10 of display RAM Set to line 11 of display RAM Set to line 12 of display RAM Set to line 13 of display RAM Set to line 14 of display RAM Set to line 15 of display RAM Set to line 16 of display RAM HSZx 01Horizontal direction character size 1T/dot 2T/dot T: Display clock 0Blinking OFF Duty 50%1Duty 25%Duty 75%01BLINK1BLINK0Cycle approximately 1 second.Cycle approximately 0.5 second.Normal blinking Normal character, reversed character alternation display.Must be cleared to 0.Blinking duty ratio can be altered.Blinking cycle can be altered.Character is in flashing state.Character is always displayed (normal character, reversed character).8MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERSVSZ0VSZ1VSZ2VSZ3VSZ4VSZ5VSZ6VSZ7VSZ8VSZ9VSZ10VSZ11VSZ12VSZ13VSZ14VSZ15VSZ16HIDE TEST20EQP TEST12———0123456789A B C D E F 1011121314151617010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101(3) Address 2AA 16Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksSet to line 0 of display RAM Set to line 1 of display RAM Set to line 2 of display RAM Set to line 3 of display RAM Set to line 4 of display RAM Set to line 5 of display RAM Set to line 6 of display RAM Set to line 7 of display RAM Set to line 8 of display RAM Set to line 9 of display RAM Set to line 10 of display RAM Set to line 11 of display RAM Set to line 12 of display RAM Set to line 13 of display RAM Set to line 14 of display RAM Set to line 15 of display RAM Set to line 16 of display RAMVSZx 01Vertical direction character size1H/dot 2H/dotH: Horizontal synchronous pulseSYRAM writting overSYRAM writting over or character erasing Test mode (Must be cleared to 0.)It does not include equivalent pulse.It includes equivalent pulse.Test mode (Must be cleared to 0.)Must be cleared to 0.Decided by register LINER, G and B or DAC bit of SYRAM.MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS9(4) Address 2AB 16DSP0 00DSP0 01DSP0 02DSP0 03DSP0 04DSP0 05DSP0 06DSP0 07DSP0 08DSP0 09DSP0 10DSP0 11DSP0 12DSP0 13DSP0 14DSP0 15DSP0 16PHASE 0PHASE 1PHASE 2TEST25TEST26——0123456789A B C D E F 1011121314151617010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksSet to line 0 of display RAM Set to line 1 of display RAM Set to line 2 of display RAM Set to line 3 of display RAM Set to line 4 of display RAM Set to line 5 of display RAMSet to line 6 of display RAMSet to line 7 of display RAM Set to line 8 of display RAM Set to line 9 of display RAM Set to line 10 of display RAM Set to line 11 of display RAM Set to line 12 of display RAM Set to line 13 of display RAM Set to line 14 of display RAM Set to line 15 of display RAM Set to line 16 of display RAMSet by combination of DSP 0XX (address 2AB 16 and DSP 1XX )and DSP 1XX (address 2AC 16).At internal synchronous mode (EX = 1), display monitor signal area is all blanking signal (BLNK output) area.Note: For halftone display, it is necessary to input the externalcomposite video signal to the CVIN terminal, and externally con-nect a 100 to 200 resistor in series.However, the halftone display is possible only with superim-posed displays.0Character Matrix-outline1Border Halftone (Note)01DSP0XX DSP1XXRaster color setting.Refer Fig 3, 4 about phase angle.SELCOR=0Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan WhiteSELCOR=1Black Red–2Green–2Yellow Gray Yellow–2Cyan WhiteColor0101010100110011PHASE 0PHASE 1PHASE 200001111Test mode (Must be cleared to 0.)Must be cleared to 0.10MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS(5) Address 2AC 16DSP1 00DSP1 01DSP1 02DSP1 03DSP1 04DSP1 05DSP1 06DSP1 07DSP1 08DSP1 09DSP1 10DSP1 11DSP1 12DSP1 13DSP1 14DSP1 15DSP1 16LINERLINEGLINEBTEST21———0123456789A B C D E F 1011121314151617010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksSet to line 0 of display RAM Set to line 1 of display RAM Set to line 2 of display RAM Set to line 3 of display RAM Set to line 4 of display RAM Set to line 5 of display RAMSet to line 6 of display RAM Set to line 7 of display RAMSet to line 8 of display RAM Set to line 9 of display RAM Set to line 10 of display RAM Set to line 11 of display RAM Set to line 12 of display RAM Set to line 13 of display RAM Set to line 14 of display RAM Set to line 15 of display RAM Set to line 16 of display RAMSet by combination of DSP 0XX (address 2AB 16 and DSP 1XX )and DSP 1XX (address 2AC 16).At internal synchronous mode (EX = 1), display monitor signal area is all blanking signal (BLNK output) area.Note: For halftone display, it is necessary to input the externalcomposite video signal to the CVIN terminal, and externally con-nect a 100 to 200 resistor in series.However, the halftone display is possible only with superim-posed displays.0Character Matrix-outline1Border Halftone (Note)01DSP0XX DSP1XXSYRAM color setting.Color is decided by DAC bit (SYEX) of SYRAM or HIDE register.Refer Fig. 3, 4 about phase angle.SELCOR=0Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan WhiteSELCOR=1Black Red–2Green–2Yellow Gray Yellow–2Cyan WhiteColor0101010100110011LINE R LINE G LINE B 00001111Test mode (Must be cleared to 0.)Must be cleared to 0.ERS0ERS1ERS2ERS3ERS4ERS5ERS6ERS7ERS8ERS9ERS10ERS11ERS12ERS13ERS14ERS15ERS16SERS0SERS1SERS2SERS3TEST22TEST23—0123456789A B C D E F 1011121314151617010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101(6) Address 2AD 16Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksSet to line 0 of display RAM Set to line 1 of display RAM Set to line 2 of display RAM Set to line 3 of display RAM Set to line 4 of display RAM Set to line 5 of display RAM Set to line 6 of display RAM Set to line 7 of display RAM Set to line 8 of display RAM Set to line 9 of display RAM Set to line 10 of display RAM Set to line 11 of display RAM Set to line 12 of display RAM Set to line 13 of display RAM Set to line 14 of display RAM Set to line 15 of display RAM Set to line 16 of display RAMSet to SYRAM code 0016 to 0F 16Set to SYRAM code 1016 to 1F 16Set to SYRAM code 2016 to 2F 16Set to SYRAM code 3016 to 3E 16Erase display RAMERSx 01RAM erase do erase do not eraseIt is unnecessary to reset these registers to “0”.Multiple settings of ERS n is not allowed.Erase SYRAMSERSx 01SYRAM erase do erase do not eraseIt is unnecessary to reset these registers to “0”.Multiple settings of SERS n is not allowed.Test mode (Must be cleared to 0.)Must be cleared to 0.(7) Address 2AE 16010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101Status DA 0123456789A B C D E F 1011121314151617Register SBIT0SBIT1SBIT2SBIT3SLIN0SLIN1SLIN2SLIN3SLIN4SST0SST1SST2SST3SST4SEND0SEND1SEND2SEND3SEND4—————ContentsFunctionRemarksSet display start bit of scroll block:Set display start line of scroll block:SA = Σ 2n(SBIT n )3n=0SB = Σ 2n(SLIN n )4n=0Set start line of scroll block(last line number of the fixed block 1):Set start line of fixed block 2(last line number of the scroll block):SD = Σ 2n(SEND n )4n=0Must be cleared to 0.Setting validSA = 0 to 12invalidSA = 13 to 15Setting validSB = 0 to 16invalidSB = 17 to 31Setting validSC = 0 to 15invalidSC = 16 to 31When the scrolling onsetting valid SD = 2 to 17invalid SD = 18 to 31When the scrolling off set SD = 0SD > SC + 2Note: When the scrolling on, set the ratio which will be SC < SB < SD.SC = Σ 2n (SST n )4n=0PTC0PTC1PTC2PTC3PTC4PTC5PTD0PTD1PTD2PTD3PTD4PTD5SRAND0SRAND1SRAND2ALL24PC0PC1PC2PC3PC4PC5PC6PC70123456789A B C D EF1011121314151617010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101(8) Address 2AF 16Status DA Register ContentsFunctionRemarksPort P0 output YM output Port P1 output BLNK output Port P2 output B outputPort P3 output G outputPort P4 output R outputPort P5 output CSYN outputWhen port output: 0 output, when YM output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when YM output: polarity.When port output: 0 output, when BLNK output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when BLNK output: polarity.When port output: 0 output, when B output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when B output: polarity.When port output: 0 output, when G output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when G output: polarity.When port output: 0 output, when R output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when R output: polarity.When port output: 0 output, when CSYN output: negative polarity.When port output: 1 output, when CSYN output: polarity.0Complete border = 1 dot Complete border = 2 dot Complete border = 3 dot Complete border = 4 dot 1Right and dot border = 1 dot Right and dot border = 2 dot Right and dot border = 3 dot Right and dot border = 4 dot SRAND20011011SRAND 1SRANDVertical direction is 1 dot only.Horizontal display range can be altered when all characters are in matrix-outline size.At external synchronous, set to 0.Operation of character code FF 16becomes ineffective.Blanking with all 40 characters in matrix-outline mode Display frequency f T control f T = f H ! { Σ (2nPC n ) + 512 }7n=0Note:At EX (address 2B016) = “0” (external synchronous), setting “1” of ALL24 register is not available.Refer Fig. 2 about PTC0 to 5, PTD0 to 5.Horizontal display period fully blanked with all characters in matrix-outline size.PC7 to PC0 < 3616,PC7 to PC0 > C616 is not available.Select P0 pin Select P1 pin Select P2 pin Select P3 pin Select P4 pin Select P5 pin Select data of P0 pin Select data of P1 pin Select data of P2 pin Select data of P3 pin Select data of P4 pin Select data of P5 pin Condition of border display is changeable.REGISTER CONSTRUCTION COMPOSITIONPHASE2/LINEB 000011110011001101010101PHASE1/LINEG PHASE0/LINER NTSC —7/1627/16/1617/1611/1623/16—PAL —± 7/16 5/16± /16 15/16± 11/16 9/16—Phase (rad)BlackRed Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan WhiteColor PHASE2/LINEB 000011110011001101010101PHASE1/LINEG PHASE0/LINER NTSC —7/1627/16/16—/1623/16—PAL —± 7/16 5/16± /16—± /16 9/16—Phase (rad)BlackRed-2Green-2Yellow Gray Yellow-2Cyan WhiteColor Table 3Color and phase of NTSC, PAL (SELCOR = 0)Table 4Color and phase of NTSC, PAL (SELCOR = 1)Table 6Setting condition at LEVEL 0, 1 and 2 (at operation)Operation state101Stop state010LEVEL0LEVEL1LEVEL2Sync Pedestal Color Burst Black Red Green Yellow Blue Mazenta Cyan WhiteColor name NTSC ——0—7/16 ± 2/1627/16 ± 2/16/16 ± 2/1617/16 ± 2/1611/16 ± 2/1623/16 ± 2/16—PAL ——±4/16—± 7/16 ± 2/16 5/16 ± 2/16± /16 ± 2/16 15/16 ± 2/16± 11/16 ± 2/16 9/16 ± 2/16—±±±Phase (rad)Luminance level (V)Chroma amplitude (vs. color burst)Min.—————Typ.——1.0——Max.—————Table 7Video signal level (SELCOR = 0)±±±±±No character display at display clockFor matrix and halftone, a character’s number of dots in the horizontal direction increases to 14.Figure 4 shows a display example for a case where adjacent characters have different background colors and for character code FF16.Fig. 4Number of dots in the horizontal direction at matrix-outline or halftone2. Border modeIn border mode, characters are displayed with borders. (Refer toTable 9.) In matrix and halftone modes also, characters are displayedwith borders if the BLK register (address 2B016) is set to 1.Table 10 lists the types of borders.Table 10BorderingHorizontal direction bordering is only 1 dot. When the character extends to the top line of the matrix, no border is left at the top, and when the character extends to the bottom (12th) line of the matrix, no border is left at the bottom.5. Scroll display modeThe scroll display mode is entered by setting registers SBIT0 to 3 (SA), SLIN0 to 4 (SB), SST0 to 4 (SC), and SEND0 to 4 (SD) (all at address 2AE16). (Scroll is turned off when SD = 0.)The screen is scrolled in the range from the (SC)’th line to the (SD-1)’th line, and sections above and below this range are fixed. The beginning line and beginning dot of scroll are the (SA)’th dot on the (SB)’th line.The screen can be scrolled up or down by successively incrementing or decrementing SA and SB.Figure 6 shows examples of how the display is scrolled. The scroll range in these examples contains 12 lines (second to the 13th lines). However, the screen can display only 11 lines at a time, and the re-maining one line is handled as a dummy line and not displayed.Fig. 6 Scrolling exampleFig. 9 Setting example of SYRAMEXAMPLE FOR DATA INPUTUse an 8-bit parallel ! 3 serial input to set data in the display RAM, display control register, and SYRAM. Table 14 lists an example of how data is set.Table 14Data settingFig. 12 Address constructionTIMING REQUIREMENTS (T a = – 20°C to + 70°C, V DD = 5.00 ± 0.25V unless otherwise noted)t W (SCK)t su (CS)t h (CS)t su (AD)t h (AD)t h (SCK)SymbolSCK width CS setup time CS hold time AD setup time AD hold time 1 word hold timeParamenterLimits Min.20020022002002Typ.——————Max.——————ns ns ms ns ns msUnit Fig. 14 Serial input timing requirementsDATA INPUTPRECAUTIONS1. Note for when starting of systemBefore setting registers at the starting of system, be sure to re-___ set the M35060-XXXSP by applying “L” level to the AC pin.2. When power supply noise is generated, the internal oscillatorcircuit does not stabilize, whereby causing horizontal jitters across the picture display. Therefore, connect a bypass capaci-tor between the power supply and GND.3. Note for when throwing power supply into the M35060-XXXSPWhen power to the M35060-XXXSP is activated, characters are sometimes output without defining the internal display RAM, composite RAM and register. Also, immediately after power is turned ON, up until the oscillator circuit stabilizes, data is some-times not set correctly in the register. Therefore, use the follow-ing start-up procedure.__(a) Throwing power supply into the M35060-XXXSP(AC pin= “L”)__(b) Auto-clear releasing (AC pin = “H”)(c) 200 ms waiting state (stabilization period of internal oscillationcircuit) Data input is forbidden.(d) Set register LEVELn_____(e) Set register PAL/NTSC(f) Set register PCn(g) 20 ms waiting state (stabilization period of internal oscillationcircuit)Data input is forbidden.(h) Set other registers(i) Set SYRAM(j) Set display RAM(k) Set register DSPON and register DSPONV to display ON4. Precautions when resuming internal oscillation from the OFFstate.The internal oscillator circuit stops oscillating when register LEVEL = 1, DSPON = 0, DSPONV = 0 and CS terminal = H.When resuming internal oscillation from the OFF state, up until the oscillator circuit stabilizes, data is sometimes not set cor-rectly in the register. Therefore, start oscillation as follows.__(a) CS pin = “H” (oscillation stop)__(b) CS pin = “L” (oscillation start)(c) 20 ms waiting state (stabilization period of internal oscillationcircuit)(d) Set register LEVEL 1 = 0(e) Set other registers: SYRAM, display RAM(f) Set register DSPON and register DSPONV to display ON5. Note for oscillationMake note of the fact that the internal oscillator circuit cannot stabilize in the below situations.(a)When the external composite video signal is discontinuous(changing channels etc.)(b) When change the setting of register PCn(c) When change the setting of register LEVELnWhen (a)~(c), set the display to OFF by registers DSPON and DSPONV before change the setting. Other registers’ settings are forbidden during 20ms after the setting.6. When no external composite video signal is input (Without a sig-nal, characters cannot be displayed by external synchronization.Therefore, switch to internal synchronization.)7. When signal level of the external composite video signal is ex-tremely poor (With a weak electric field, character display is un-controllable by external synchronization. Therefore, switch to internal synchronization.)8. When a crystal oscillator is connected to OSCIN (22-pin) orOSCOUT (21-pin) (Talk with the manufacturer of the crystal os-cillator you are using about matching it to this IC.)Symbol V DD V I V O P d T opr T stgParameterSupply voltage Input voltage Output voltage Power dissipationOperating temperature Storage temperatureSymbol V DD V IH V IL V CVIN f OSCINSupply voltage“H” level input voltage AC, CS, SCK, AD0 to AD7“L” level input voltage AC, CS, SCK, AD0 to AD7Composite video input supply voltage CVIN Oscillation frequency for synchronous signalParameterABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (V DD = 5.00V, T a = – 20°C to +70°C unless otherwise noted)Unit V V V mW °C °CUnit V V V V MHzMin.4.750.8 ! V DD0——Typ.5.00V DD02Vp-p 3.5804.4343.576Max.5.25V DD 0.2 ! V DD——Limits ConditionsWith respect to V SS .T a = 25°CRatings – 0.3 to 6.0V SS – 0.3 < V I < V DD +0.3V SS < V O < V DD300– 20 to 70– 40 to 125RECOMMENDED OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS (V DD = 5.00V, T a = – 20°C to +70°C unless otherwise noted)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 5.00V, T a = +25°C unless otherwise noted)Symbol V DD I DD V OH V OL R ISupply voltage Supply current“H” level output voltage P0 to P5“L” level output voltage P0 to P5Pull-up resistance ACParameterUnit V mV V V k ΩT a = – 20°C to +70°C V DD = 5.00VV DD = 4.75, I OH = – 0.2mA V DD = 4.75, I OL = 0.2mA V DD = 5.00VTest conditionsMin.4.75—3.75—10Typ.5.0030——30Max.5.2560—0.4100Limits VIDEO SIGNAL INPUT CONDITIONS (V DD = 5V, T a = – 20°C to +70°C)Symbol V IN-CUComposite video signal input clamp supply voltageParameterUnit Sync-chip supply voltageTest conditionsMin.—Typ.1.5Max.—Limits VSTANDARD ROM TYPE: M35060-001SPM35060-001SP is a standard ROM type of M35060-XXXSP .Character patterns are fixed to the contents of Figure 16 to 19.Fig. 16 M35060-001SP character patterns (1)00160116021603160416051606160716081609160A 160B 160C 160D 160E 160F 1610161116121613161416151616161716181619161A 161B 161C 161D 161E 161F 1620162116221623162416251626162716281629162A 162B 162C 162D 162E 162F 1630163116321633163416351636163716381639163A 163B 163C 163D 163E 163F 1640164116421643164416451646164716 481649164A164B164C164D164E164F16 50165116521653165416551656165716 581659165A165B165C165D165E165F16 60166116621663166416651666166716 681669166A166B166C166D166E166F16 70167116721673167416751676167716 781679167A167B167C167D167E167F1600160116021603160416051606160716 081609160A160B160C160D160E160F16 10161116121613161416151616161716 181619161A161B161C161D161E161F16 20162116221623162416251626162716 281629162A162B162C162D162E162F16 30163116321633163416351636163716 381639163A163B163C163D163E163F16Fig. 18 M35060-001SP character patterns (3)40164116421643164416451646164716 481649164A164B164C164D164E164F16 50165116521653165416551656165716 581659165A165B165C165D165E165F16 60166116621663166416651666166716 681669166A166B166C166D166E166F16 70167116721673167416751676167716 781679167A167B167C167D167E167F16STANDARD ROM TYPE: M35060-002SPM35060-002SP is a standard ROM type of M35060-XXXSP. Character patterns are fixed to the contents of Figure 20 to 23.Fig. 20 M35060-002SP character patterns (1)Fig. 22 M35060-002SP character patterns (3)32P4B (32-PIN SHRINK DIP) MARK SPECIFICATION FORM32P4BMITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERSM35060-XXXSPSCREEN CHARACTER and PATTERN DISPLAY CONTROLLERS HEAD OFFICE: 2-2-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN© 2000 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP.New publication, effective July. 2000.Specifications subject to change without notice.REVISION DESCRIPTION LIST M35060-XXXSP DATA SHEETRev.Rev.Revision DescriptionNo.date 1.0First Edition980402 1.1•Deletes some Japanese font and create pdf file (some pages)000725•P39 and P40 MARK SPECIFICATION FORM and PACKAGE OUTLINE are added(1/1)。

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