The deoxycholic acid targets miRNA-dependent CAC1 gene expression in




!!基金项目" * 内 蒙 古 自 治 区 自 然 科 学 基 金 项 目 "编 号’ %))#)+)!")"# !!作者单位" "内蒙古医学院附属医院普通外科"呼和浩特 )!))#)# !!通讯作者" 欧阳晓晖$345678’^?:_?1?J6:;"O7Z*E7:6*<15 !!作者简介" 赵海平"!"$& 年 =#$男$河 北 省 卢 龙 县 人$医 学 硕 士$ 硕 士 生 导 师 $教 授 $主 任 医 师 $主 要 从 事 肝 胆 胰 外 科 !肝 移 植 基 础 和 临 床 研 究 $345678’9061067Z7:;))’"J6011*<15*<:%
采用干重%湿 重 法 测 定&将 新 鲜 取 得 鼠 脑 的 部 分枕叶用电子天平直接称湿重!然后放在+) i烤箱 中&$0 烤 干!测 鼠 脑 的 干 重!脑 组 织 含 水 量 T #湿 重 = 干 重 $*湿 重 U!))! " !E&!脑组织 +QGS!!N6F 含量及=K6 活性检测
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因子 , 肿 瘤 的发 生 、 展 、 移 过 程 中发 挥 重 要 作 用 。 V G 在 发 转 E F— C是 近 年 来 发 现 的 V C E F家 族 新 成 员 , 特 异 性 的淋 巴管 内 皮 为
步 展 开 对 癌 痛 消 颗 粒 抗 癌 机 理 及 抗 癌 疗 效 的研 究 奠 定 基 础 。 参考文献 :
文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 89 7 2 1 )6O 1 - 10 .8 X(0 0 0 -0 60 3
关键 词 : 葱 白提取 物; 鲜 非酒精性脂肪 肝; 环氧合酶 一 2
中 图 分 类 号 :2 5 5 R 8 .
Ef c fwes — i t k e ta to h x r s in o f to lh— onon sal x r c n t e e p e so f e

A src: jci T xl etee et f es n ns ket c o eepes no O b t tObe t e oep r h fc o w l a v o h—oi t xr t nt x r i f X一1 poe a f oach l o a l a h so C I rt ni r so nnloo c i n t i
COX 一 Ⅱ p oen i as o o ac h l at v r rti n rt fn n lo oi ft l e c y i
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湖北 中医学 院学报


甘肃 医药 2 1 第 3 卷第 9期 0 2年 1
G nuMe i l ora,0 2 V 1 1N . as de unl2 1 , o 3 , o aJ . 9

6 43・
鼻咽癌放射治疗失 败主要原因是 远处转移和局
本研究表明, T 用 P方案诱导化疗+ 顺铂 同步放化
部复发 , 研究发现鼻 咽癌局部复发与放疗后是否有残
n s p ay g a acn ma rg o t a tos b sd ola O- e r ao h rn elc ri o :P on si fc r a e i l y a c
对 于占初诊病例 7%左右 的 I  ̄V 期患者 ,单纯放 0 I Ia I 疗效果欠佳¨ , 】因为局部未控及远处转移率较高, 所
以很多学者把 目光转移 到放 、 化结合这一综合治疗途
径上。 放疗前诱导化疗又称新辅助化疗, 因患者放疗前 营养状态 良好 , 可增加患者对化疗的敏感性及耐受性
并 有 效 地杀 灭远 处脏 器 的亚 临床 转 移病 灶 , 时诱 导 同
化疗的直接效应是短时间内, 使局部肿瘤及 区域淋 巴 结 的 肿瘤 迅 速减 少 【1从 而使 诸 如 严重 涕血 、 6, 头痛 、 鼻
癌生存率及患者生存质量 , 鼻咽癌治疗的发展趋势仍 是综合 治疗 , 那么如何 筛选有效诱导化疗药物 , 以及 适合 国人 的综合治疗方案 , 还有待于进一步地探索和 研究。
l ] Z a g P “a P 1 h n E , n G, C i L; e a. R dao teay f a K t1 ait n h rp o i
瘤杂志 ,9 8 l( ) 1— 1 18 ,0 3 : 7 2 % 2



M e h d f r De e tn b o AZ D c t o o t c i g Vi i gf Z
QI h n —i N S e gl .W ANG ing a g’ J a —u n
( . le e ia 1 ColgeofCh m clEngn e ig,Qig a ie st fS in ea dTe h oo y,Qig a 6 0 2, ia ie rn n d o Unv riyo ce c n c n lg n d o 2 6 4 Chn 2 S a d n tyExtI s e to n a a i ra . h n o g En r i n p cin a d Qu rnt Bu e u,Qig a 6 0 2,Ch n ) ne n do2 6 0 i a
mmo ・L 。 C 2 5 mmo ・L 二 硫 苏 糖 醇 ] l _ Mg 1, l
2 0 L, 甲基亚 砜 2 5 L, 板 R L 弓 . 二 . 模 NA 5 , I
物 F、 1 to R( 0 o l・L 各 1 L, NTP . 一) d s 25

溶藻 弧菌 过 去一 直 被 认 为 不 致 病 或 仅 能
引起 部分创 伤性 感染 而未 受重视 , 到 1 8 直 9 0年 才
收稿 E期 :2 1 一 5 1 t 0 1O — O 基 金 项 目 :国家 质 检 总 局科 研 项 目(0 8K1 0 ; 东 出 入境 检 验检 疫 局 科 研 项 目( K2 0 2 ) 20I 4)山 S 0 8 1 作 者 简 介 : 胜 利 ( 9 9 ) 男 , 士研 究 生 . 秦 1 7 , 硕
l h Nu li i e u n e b s d Amp i c to t o .S e i ct n e stvt r i c ec Acd S q e c — a e s l ia i n me h d f p c f i a d s n ii i we e i y y t s e . e r s lss o d t a h e stv t fNAS e t d Th e u t h we h tt e s n i iy o i BA s6 9 1 f ・m L wh c wa . × 0 c u 一 ih wa i h r t a h e u to sh g e h n t e r s l f PCR me h d t o .De e tn b o a g n l t c s wi t c i g Vi i l i o y i u t NAS A h B



DMS O go p n d pg n nte td r o p (0 2 , 5 u l L.T e e s f DMS ru a a ie i—rae g u s 1 , 5 0 mo/ 】 h cl o l O go p n d r u a
a i e i —r a e o r x s d t fOGD d 2 fr p ruso i he pr s n e o b e c f pg n n te t d g up we e e po e o 8 h o r n a 4 h o e e f i n n t e e c r a s n e o
a ie i ta r g fc n e ta o s ut r u en t t r olce n L l nd T — r pg nn a a eo o c nr t n .C l es p r aa swee c l td a d i- p a NFa wee n i u n e
a NF o e p e s o nd T — x r s i n.M e h d rm a y m i r gi l c t e r r pa e r m wb r a r i Th t o s P i r c o l ul a ur s we e p e r d fo ne o n r t b a n. e
2 ・ 6
Chi es J ur of n or o o T M n e o nal I f mat n n C i
M . 1 VO1 7 ar 20 0 .1 No .3
芹菜 素对 氧糖 剥 夺 损伤 小胶 质 细 胞 的抗 炎作 用
李泽 宜, 书珍 , 果, 翔 韩 王 陈
d tce LS s a . eut T e e p e so f L 1 dT — r inf a t ih ri ee td b E IA a sy R s l h x r sin o 一 a NFQ wee s ic nl h g e DMS y s I Bn g i y n O r u P<O0 )h we e , pg nn c n e tain d p n e t u pe sd I一1 a dT F Qp o u t n o go p( . 1, o v r a ie i o c n t — e e d n l s p rs e L 1 n N — rd c o f r o y 3 i









关键词:依达拉奉右莰醇;依达拉奉;脑出血;铁死亡;脂质过氧化中图分类号:R743.34文献标志码:A DOI:10.11958/20221777Neuroprotective mechanism of edaravone dexborneol in rats with cerebral hemorrhage throughferroptosis-lipid peroxidation pathwayMAO Quanxi,LI Zuoxiao△Department of Neurology,the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou646000,China△Corresponding Author E-mail:Abstract:Objective To investigate the neuroprotective effect of edaravone dexborneol on cerebral hemorrhage in rats and the effect of lipid peroxidation on perihematomal brain tissue.Methods A total of128SD rats were randomly divided into the sham-operated group,the cerebral hemorrhage group,the edaravone group and the edaravone dexborneol group, with32rats in each group.The acute cerebral hemorrhage model was constructed in all groups except for the sham-operated group.The edaravone group and edaravone dexamphene group were injected intraperitoneally with6mg/kg of edaravone and edaravone dexamphene7.5mg/kg,one injection every12hours.The sham-operated group and the cerebral hemorrhage group were injected intraperitoneally with equal amounts of saline.The neurological function was scored according to Garcia score at1d,3d,7d,and14d after surgery.Brain tissue around hematoma was stained with HE staining.Chemo fluorescence assay was used to observe pathological changes and reactive oxygen species(ROS)content of brain tissue around hematoma.Micro enzyme labeling assay was used to detect glutathione(GSH)content of brain tissue around hematoma.The expression levels of glutathione peroxidase4(GPX4),long-chain lipid acyl-coenzyme A synthase4(ACSL4) and phospholipid choline acyltransferase3(LPCAT3)in brain tissue around hematoma were detected by protein immunoblotting.Results Compared with the sham-operated group,neurological function scores were decreased in the cerebral hemorrhage group.Massive inflammatory cell infiltration and neuronal degeneration in brain tissue around hematoma were found,and ROS content,ACSL4and LPCAT3protein expression level increased.GSH content and GPX4 protein expression level decreased in the cerebral hemorrhage group(P<0.05).Compared with the cerebral hemorrhage group,neurological function scores were increased,histopathological damage around the hematoma was significantly基金项目:泸州市人民政府-西南医科大学科技战略合作基金项目(2018LZXNYD-ZK17)作者单位:西南医科大学附属医院神经内科(邮编646000)作者简介:毛权西(1990),男,硕士在读,主要从事神经免疫方向研究。



羟氯喹体内代谢物-概述说明以及解释1.引言在1.1 概述部分,我们将简要介绍羟氯喹及其代谢物的研究背景和重要性。





1.2 文章结构文章结构部分是对整个文章内容的一个简要概括,包括文章的各个章节和各个部分的主要内容和重点。




1.3 目的羟氯喹是一种常用的抗疟药物,近年来也被广泛用于治疗风湿性关节炎和类风湿性关节炎等自身免疫性疾病。




2.正文2.1 羟氯喹的药理作用羟氯喹是一种抗疟药物,主要用于治疗疟疾和风湿性关节炎。

其作用机制主要包括两个方面:2.1.1 作用机制羟氯喹能够通过干扰寄生虫对人体红细胞的侵染和生长,从而达到治疗疟疾的效果。





用[R-32P]dCTP标记PSY,PDS,ZDS,LCY-b,LCY-e,HY-b和ZEP cDNA片段作为作探针,使用若干限制性内切酶对来自25种柑桔基因型基因组DNA的限制性片段长度差异进行了分析。


















关键词:石斛醇提取物;酵母朊病毒;[PSI+];治愈朊病毒是一类能在人和哺乳动物中引起可传染性海绵状组织脑病(transmissible spongiformencephalopathies,TSEs)的病原体,由于其致病机理的复杂性,迄今为止对于朊病毒疾病仍缺乏有效的治疗药物。










丙二酰辅酶A衍生物的代谢工程以克朗微生物学家和生物化学家M. Kornberg为首的研究小组获得了重大的进展,他们发现了一种新的丙二酰辅酶A衍生物糖基辅酶A类(TAC)。

TAC可以促进细胞DNA 的复制和转录,参与硫辅酶的生物合成,并能够更有效地识别多肽蛋白质。












一、来源1.1 4-甲基-7-氧香豆素-β-d-葡萄糖苷酸的分子结构4-甲基-7-氧香豆素-β-d-葡萄糖苷酸(简称MGDG)是一种生物合成物质,其分子结构由4-甲基-7-氧香豆素基团与β-d-葡萄糖苷酸基团组成,属于香豆素苷类化合物。

1.2 MGDG的生物来源MGDG是一类植物次生代谢产物,在自然界中广泛存在于绿色植物的叶绿体中,是叶绿体膜中最丰富的磷脂类化合物之一。


二、生物活性2.1 MGDG的生物代谢作用MGDG是叶绿体膜中的主要成分之一,对维持叶绿体结构和功能具有重要作用。


2.2 MGDG的抗氧化活性研究表明,MGDG具有较强的抗氧化活性,能够清除游离基和抑制氧自由基引起的氧化损伤,对细胞的保护作用十分显著。

三、药理学效应3.1 MGDG的抗肿瘤作用近年来的研究发现,MGDG具有抗肿瘤活性,能够抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖和转移,并诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。


3.2 MGDG的抗炎活性实验研究表明,MGDG对炎症反应具有一定的抑制作用,能够减轻炎症相关的疾病症状,并对免疫系统具有调节作用。

四、临床应用4.1 MGDG在抗肿瘤药物研发中的应用鉴于MGDG的抗肿瘤活性,目前已有研究将其作为候选药物用于抗肿瘤药物的研发。


4.2 MGDG在抗炎治疗中的应用由于其抗炎作用,MGDG也被用于一些炎症相关疾病的治疗,如类风湿关节炎、炎症性肠病等。














Western blot结果显示,皂荚提取物处理组的Smad7蛋白水平明显增加,而Smad2、Smad3和Smad4的蛋白水平明显下降。










Hela细胞的microRNA芯片分析及β-谷甾醇的抑癌路径预测费喜佳;徐德昌【期刊名称】《生物信息学》【年(卷),期】2012(010)001【摘要】天然产物β-谷甾醇对子宫癌的治疗具有较显著的功效,目前已被应用到癌症的临床治疗中,它对人体的正常细胞的毒副作用要远小于顺铂这类传统药物.目前人们对β-谷甾醇的抗癌机理知之甚少.本研究主要利用TaqMan MicroRNA Assay 芯片技术对β-谷甾醇和顺铂处理过的Hela细胞进行分子水平检测,分析两种药物处理前后Hela细胞中microRNA表达水平的差异,得到在β-谷甾醇和顺铂两种药物作用下同时差异表达的microRNA,并结合多种数据库的使用进行靶标预测频数分析及功能富集分析得到与癌症相关的靶标STK4/MST1,从生物信息学角度上推测β-谷甾醇可能抑癌路径.%It has remarkable efficacy to treat cervical cancer cell using (3 - sitosterol. At present, (I - sitosterol has been used in the clinical treatment of cancer and it' s side effects is remotely less than the traditional drug such as cisplatin. However, the anticancer mechanism of 3 - sitosterol is unknown in cervical cancer. In this study, we mainly use TaqMan MicroRNA Assay to detect the consequence of Hela cell treatment by fj - sitosterol and cisplatin and "analyze it from molecular level, we find out the differentially expressed microRNAs and forecast their targets by Targetscan . We also provide direct evidence that STK4/MST1 is afunctional target. From the view point of bioin-formatics , we speculate the possible pathway of beta sitosterol to inhibit tumor.【总页数】7页(P20-26)【作者】费喜佳;徐德昌【作者单位】哈尔滨工业大学食品科学与工程学院,哈尔滨150090;哈尔滨工业大学食品科学与工程学院,哈尔滨150090【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q518.2【相关文献】1.天花粉蛋白对HepA-H细胞和HeLa 细胞抑癌活性研究 [J], 豆长明;李继承2.microRNA-545抑制宫颈癌Hela细胞增殖和凋亡的影响 [J], 闫峰;席艳妮3.基于数字信息学方法筛选软骨肉瘤细胞中的抑癌MicroRNA及其对软骨肉瘤细胞增殖和侵袭能力的影响 [J], 李竟源; 刘慧通; 许凯; 刘时璋; 刘宗智; 易智; 王洪强; 李建辉; 祖超4.宫颈癌HeLa细胞抑癌蛋白FBW7调控机制研究 [J], 孙迪;沈宜5.宫颈癌HeLa细胞抑癌蛋白FBW7调控机制研究 [J], 孙迪;沈宜;谢莹珊;隆霜因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。




Micro RNA(miRNA)作为一类短链非编码RNA,被发现可调控脂代谢在内的多项生理功能。






硫酸右旋糖苷抑制人胃癌细胞HIF-1α和整合素β1表达及其相关性金秀;王潇飞;王红红;董俭达;徐远义【期刊名称】《临床与实验病理学杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(32)1【摘要】目的培养人胃癌细胞株BGC-823,探讨硫酸右旋糖苷(dextran sulphate,DS)对人胃癌细胞整合素β1(Integrinβ1)和缺氧诱导因子-1 α(hypoxia induced factor-1α,HIF-1α)的表达及其相关性.方法培养BGC-823细胞,分别在培养液中加入DS和磷酸缓冲液(phosphate buffered saline,PBS),低氧培养不同时间,应用免疫细胞化学、RT-PCR法检测细胞中HIF-1 α、Integrinβ1的表达,并分析二者的相关性.结果实验组HIF-1α、Integrinβ1的表达水平明显低于对照组,且HIF-1α和Integrinβ1表达呈正相关.结论 DS可以抑制人胃癌细胞的黏附过程,减弱HIF-1 α、Integrinβ1的表达.DS可能通过抑制HIF-1 α降低IntegrinM的表达,有利于抑制人胃癌细胞的腹腔种植转移.【总页数】5页(P53-57)【作者】金秀;王潇飞;王红红;董俭达;徐远义【作者单位】宁夏医科大学基础医学院病理学系,银川750001;宁夏医科大学基础医学院病理学系,银川750001;宁夏自治区人民医院病理科,银川750021;宁夏医科大学基础医学院病理学系,银川750001;宁夏医科大学基础医学院病理学系,银川750001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.2【相关文献】1.硫酸右旋糖苷抑制人胃癌细胞中HIF-1α、VEGF表达 [J], 王潇飞;金秀;王红红;黄允宁;徐远义2.硫酸右旋糖苷抑制人胃癌细胞粘附以及整合素β1基因表达的机制研究 [J], 徐远义;黄允宁;王炜;马竟先;董俭达;曹相枚;赵琳;柳勇;高宏3.硫酸右旋糖苷调节HIF-1α的表达对人胃癌细胞腹膜种植转移的影响 [J], 高文卫;王娟;金秀;王潇飞;黄宁波;黄允宁;徐远义4.硫酸右旋糖苷抑制人胃癌细胞增殖、迁移及相关因子表达的作用 [J], 杨媛媛;王文莙;王潇飞;曹相玫;黄允宁;马艳梅;徐远义5.硫酸右旋糖苷抑制人胃癌细胞黏附以及整合素β_1蛋白表达的机制研究 [J], 徐远义;黄允宁;王炜;马竟先;董俭达;柳勇;高宏;曹相枚;赵琳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



富含多糖的植物组织miRNA提取方法的改进罗茂;李蓉;张春;罗波【期刊名称】《泸州医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2013(036)001【摘要】目的:建立冻融法结合小分子RNA分离试剂盒简便快速提取富含多糖的植物组织miRNA的方法.方法:利用乙醇/醋酸钾沉淀法、小分子RNA分离提取试剂盒标准步骤提取方法和结合反复冻融法改进的小分子RNA分离提取方法分别提取玉米胚乳组织小分子RNA,通过小分子RNA浓度、纯度及完整性检测,以及内参5s rRNA扩增验证模板真实性等比较3类方法小分子RNA的提取效果.结果:乙醇/醋酸钾沉淀法易丢失大量小分子RNA;小分子RNA分离提取试剂盒标准步骤提取所获小分子RNA浓度、纯度较低,富含大量多糖杂质;反复冻融法结合小分子RNA分离试剂盒提取的小分子RNA浓度、纯度较高,有效去除多糖杂质,内参5s rRNA扩增验证真实性表明其所获miRNA的cDNA模板质量较高.结论:结合反复冻融法和小分子RNA分离试剂盒,可以简便快速去除多糖内杂质,保证小分子RNA 完整性,加尾及引物延伸RT-PCR、所获miRNA的cDNA模板质量较高,可用于后续miRNA实验研究.【总页数】4页(P6-9)【作者】罗茂;李蓉;张春;罗波【作者单位】泸州医学院药物与功能性食品研究中心,四川泸州646000;泸州医学院药物与功能性食品研究中心,四川泸州646000;泸州医学院药物与功能性食品研究中心药学院,四川泸州646000;泸州医学院药物与功能性食品研究中心生物化学教研室,四川泸州646000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q943;Q522【相关文献】1.富含多糖·多酚植物组织RNA的提取 [J], 王文锋;穆灵敏;张光谋2.富含多糖的强旱生植物半日花基因组DNA提取方法 [J], 白沙如拉;庞磊;史树德;魏磊3.富含多糖草莓果实总RNA提取方法的改进 [J], 周波;张旸;李玉花4.富含多糖猕猴桃果实组织中总RNA提取方法的改进 [J], 陈昆松;Ross.,GS5.一种改进的富含多糖的芒果组织中完整总RNA提取方法 [J], 杜中军;徐兵强;黄俊生;王家保;徐立因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





结果:灌胃法给药测得半数致死量LD50为3887.0 mg·kg-1,LD50(Feiller校正)95%的可信限为3307.0-4554.3 mg·kg-1,LD5为1831.9 mg·kg-1,LD95为8247.5 mg·kg-1。

腹腔注射法给药测得半数致死量LD50为577.28 mg·kg-1,LD50(Feiller校正)95%的可信限为507.06-660.83 mg·kg-1,LD5为349.12 mg·kg-1,LD95为954.53 mg·kg-1。


【总页数】3页(P49-51)【关键词】急性毒性;LD50;白花前胡甲醇提取物【作者】班旭霞;姜爱雯;杜佩珊;刘云宁【作者单位】河北北方学院附属第一医院;张家口市第一医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5【相关文献】1.HPLC法测定金贝痰咳清颗粒中白花前胡甲素和白花前胡乙素的含量方法研究[J], 刘洋;李伟2.瑶药白花丹炮制前后白花丹醌含量测定及小鼠急性毒性试验 [J], 赵湘培;陈少锋;余胜民;钟鸣3.补骨脂水提取物小鼠灌胃急性毒性及亚急性毒性试验研究 [J], 尤力都孜·买买提;艾西木江·热甫卡提;阿布都吉力力·阿布都艾尼;祖力喀尔·买买提;买合素提·卡德尔;李治建4.HPLC法测定金贝痰咳清颗粒中白花前胡甲素和白花前胡乙素的含量方法研究[J], 刘洋;李伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。







2.基于比较基因组学的Clostridium kluyveri己酸代谢途径关键酶生物信息学分析

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The International Journal of Biochemistry &Cell Biology 44 (2012) 2321–2332Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectThe International Journal of Biochemistry&CellBiologyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /b i o c elThe deoxycholic acid targets miRNA-dependent CAC1gene expression in multidrug resistance of human colorectal cancerYing Kong ∗,Pei-song Bai,Hong Sun,Ke-jun Nan,Nan-zheng Chen,Xiao-gai QiDepartment of Oncology,First Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710061,PR Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 11April 2012Received in revised form 20July 2012Accepted 5August 2012Available online 10 August 2012Keywords:CAC1miR-199a-5p Deoxycholic acid Multidrug resistance Colorectal cancera b s t r a c tThere is evidence indicating that bile acid is a promoter of colorectal cancer.Deoxycholic acid modifies apoptosis and proliferation by affecting intracellular signaling and gene expression.We are interested in revealing the relationship between deregulated miRNAs and deoxycholic acid in colorectal cancer devel-opment.We found that miR-199a-5p was expressed at a low level in human primary colonic epithelial cells treated with deoxycholic acid compared with control,and miR-199a-5p was significantly down-regulated in colorectal cancer tissues.The miR-199a-5p expression in colorectal cancer cells led to the suppression of tumor cell growth,migration and invasion.We further identified CAC1,a cell cycle-related protein expressed in colorectal cancer,as a miR-199a-5p target.We demonstrated that CAC1is over-expressed in malignant tumors,and cellular CAC1depletion resulted in cancer growth suppres-sion.HCT-8cells transfected with a miR-199a-5p mimic or inhibitor had a decrease or increase in CAC1protein levels,respectively.The results of the luciferase reporter gene analysis demonstrated that CAC1was a direct miR-199a-5p target.The high miR-199a-5p expression and low CAC1protein expression reverse the tumor cell drug resistance.We conclude that miR-199a-5p can regulate CAC1and function as a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer.Therefore,the potential roles of deoxycholic acid in carcinogene-sis are to decrease miR-199a-5p expression and/or increase the expression of CAC1,which contributes to tumorigenesis in patients with CRC.These findings suggest that miR-199a-5p is a useful therapeutic target for colorectal cancer.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionColorectal cancer (CRC)is a malignant tumor of the digestive sys-tem that seriously threatens human health.Most colorectal cancers gradually develop as accumulating alterations in gene expression transform normal colonic epithelium cells to tumor cells.This transformation involves a multistep process,including genetic and epigenetic changes,which leads to the activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells (Barrett,1993).Though we have already made progress in the diagno-sis and therapy of CRC in the recent years,patient prognosis is still poor.Meanwhile,understanding the molecular mechanisms that maintain the malignant colorectal cancer cell growth remains incomplete.Colorectal cancer incidence is closely related to genetics;how-ever,a variety of environmental,life-style and dietary factors have played an important role in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer.∗Corresponding author at:Department of Oncology,First Hospital of Xi’an Jiao-tong University,No.277YanTa West Road,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710061,PR China.Tel.:+862985324605;fax:+862987314824.E-mail address:yingkong76@ (Y.Kong).Among the most important risk factors is the consumption of a high-fat diet.High-fat diets lead to a change in the pattern of hepatic bile acid secretion,resulting in higher relative concentrations of potentially carcinogenic bile acids such as cholic,deoxycholic and lithocholic acids (Bernstein et al.,2011;Han et al.,2009).Cholic,deoxycholic and lithocholic acids have been implicated in tumorigenesis.These acids can lead to activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in colonic epithelial cells (Nagengast et al.,1995).Evidence collected to date indicates the involvement of microR-NAs (miRNAs)in cancer initiation,development,and progression,and miRNAs are potentially useful as biomarkers in cancer diagno-sis,prognosis and as additional therapeutic tools (Altomare et al.,2012;Liu and Tang,2011).In fact,an increasing amount of evi-dence links miRNA deregulation to carcinogenesis in several human tumors including CRC (Zarate et al.,2012).Some studies have found that the deregulation of miRNAs is implicated in CRC pathogenesis,particularly by regulating the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (Calin and Croce,2006;Wu et al.,2011).Accumu-lating data suggest that some miRNAs may function as oncogenes or tumor suppressors (Chen,2005).miRNAs comprise a class of small non-coding RNAs that,in general,negatively modulate the expres-sion of complementary genes by translation inhibition or mRNA1357-2725/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.biocel.2012.08.0062322Y.Kong et al./The International Journal of Biochemistry&Cell Biology44 (2012) 2321–2332degradation,thus playing an important role in regulating cell pro-liferation,apoptosis,and differentiation(Gregory and Shiekhattar, 2005).The dysregulation of miRNA expression may contribute to carcinogenesis by increasing the expression of proto-oncogenes or down-regulating tumor suppressors in CRC.However,because only a few miRNAs were reported to be involved in CRC(Schepeler et al.,2008),we are interested in revealing the relationship between deregulated miRNAs and deoxycholic acid(DCA)in CRC develop-ment.The influence of DCA on miRNA expression in CRC tissues has not been investigated.In this study,we hypothesized that the cancer effects of DCA may be mediated in part via changes in miRNA expression.We performed miRNA microarray studies on human primary colonic epithelial cells(PCECs)treated with DCA and found significant alterations in the miRNA profile.Thesefindings have uncovered a mechanism of DCA interaction with host gene expression that involves alterations in the miRNA profile,which alters cell prolif-eration.We found that miR-199a-5p was expressed at a low level in PCECs treated with DCA compared with controls.Although decreased miR-199a-5p expression has been frequently demon-strated in other tumors(Hummel et al.,2011;Sakurai et al., 2011),a functional analysis and the translational relevance of miR-199a-5p has not been defined in CRC.We examined miR-199a-5p expression in CRC and found that miR-199a-5p was significantly down-regulated in CRC tissues when compared with adjacent non-tumor tissues.These studies were undertaken to define the role of miR-199a-5p in CRC through the identification of new target genes and to analyze its biological function in CRC.We identified CAC1as a miR-199a-5p target.CAC1has been demonstrated to increase in colorectal cancer tissues,implicating a causal role of CAC1in promoting tumor progression.CAC1is activated by multiple extra-cellular signals,including growth factors,H2O2,and mitogens, leading to the activation of cyclin-dependent kinase2(CDK2), which,in turn,regulates cell proliferation and allows progres-sion from the G1to S phase of the cell cycle(Kong et al.,2009). We found that miR-199a-5p can inhibit CDK2activity by down-regulating CAC1expression.The up-regulation of miR-199-5p or down-regulation of CAC1expression could suppress in vivo tumor growth.Thus,we postulated that abnormally expressed miR-199a-5p may partially contribute to tumorigenesis by the modulation of CAC1expression in patients with CRC.In addition,we found that miR-199a-5p expression was significantly lower in multidrug-resistant tumor cells than in control cells,and the expression of CAC1was significantly higher in multidrug-resistant tumor cells than in control cells.The high expression of miR-199a-5p and the low expression of CAC1could reverse the tumor cell drug resis-tance.The study provides experimental evidence that miR-199a-5p over-expression is able to inhibit CRC cell proliferation and reverse tumor cell drug resistance in vitro and in vivo,partly through sup-pressing the expression of CAC1protein at the post-transcriptional level in CRC.Considering that miR-199a-5p is down-regulated in the majority of CRC,our results suggest that miR-199a-5p is a pos-sible therapeutic approach for CRC.2.Materials and methods2.1.Colorectal cancer specimensA total of40colorectal cancer tissues(diagnosis confirmed by pathology)and40adjacent normal tissues were obtained from The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University between January2007and rmed consent was obtained from each patient.The samples were obtained from23males and 17females between the ages of32–80,with an average age of 52.6.The samples consisted of15colon carcinomas and25rec-tum carcinomas.According to TNM standard,I:I5,II:8;III:15,IV:12; The samples were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen for24h and then stored at−80◦C.2.2.Cell cultureThe HCT-8cell line was obtained from ATCC(Manassas,VA, USA).Cells were cultured in MEM media containing10%fetal bovine serum(GIBCO)(pH7.4)at37◦C in a humidified atmosphere containing5%CO2.The cells used in all experiments were in the log-growth phase.The HCT-8/VCR cell line was obtained from KeyGEN Biotech(Nanjing,China).HCT-8/VCR cells were cultured in MEM media containing2000ng/ml vincristine(VCR)(Sigma–Aldrich) and10%fetal bovine serum(GIBCO)(pH7.4)at37◦C in a humidified atmosphere containing5%CO2.Human primary colonic epithelial cells(PCECs)that were derived from freshly resected colonic surgical specimens were cultivated in DMEM supplemented with penicillin(100U/ml), streptomycin(10mg/ml;both Sigma–Aldrich),and10%fetal bovine serum(GIBCO)under a humidified atmosphere of5%CO2at 37◦C.2.3.Deoxycholic acid treatmentThe DCA concentration(Sigma–Aldrich)in experiments was determined by the MTT method,and the survival rates of the PCECs were measured when different concentrations of DCA(25,50and 100␮M)were added and cultured for24and48h.For the con-trol group,the samples were cultured for24and48h without DCA addition.The low DCA dose induces cellular proliferation,and DCA concentrations greater than50␮M cause cell death.Thus,we used the low DCA concentration,25␮M,to treat the cells.2.4.miRNA microarraySmall RNAs were isolated from untreated PCECs(control)and those treated with25␮M Deoxycholic Acid for48h using the PureLink TM miRNA Isolation Kit(Invitrogen).Microarrays were produced using an LNA-based oligonucleotide probe library(miR-CURY LNA array ready to spot v.7.1;Exiqon A/S).Two micrograms of sample RNA was directly labeled with Hy3using the miRCURY LNA array labeling kit(Exiqon).We labeled2␮g of the refer-ence RNA with Hy5using the LNA array labeling kit(Exiqon). The hybridization and washing of the microarray slides were per-formed as recommended by Exiqon.The microarray slides were scanned using the Agilent G2505B Microarray Scanner System(Agi-lent Technologies,Inc.,USA),and the image analysis was performed using the ImaGene8.0software(BioDiscovery,Inc.,USA).Each miRNA signal was converted to logarithm base2,and a two-sample t test was conducted.Statistical analysis was conducted using MAT-LAB7.0(The MathWorks,Inc.,USA).2.5.Real-time PCR for miRNAsTotal RNA,including miRNAs,was isolated from pelleted PCECs, colorectal cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues using TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen)according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and it was enriched using an miRNeasy mini-column(miRNeasy Mini Kit,Qiagen,Hilden,Germany).Briefly,the samples were treated with Trizol and then chloroform.The mixture was cen-trifuged at12,000×g for15min at4◦C.A1.5-fold volume of100% ethanol was then added to the aqueous layer.The mixture wasY.Kong et al./The International Journal of Biochemistry&Cell Biology44 (2012) 2321–23322323applied to a miRNeasy mini column(Qiagen)and processed accord-ing to the manufacturer’s recommendations.Real-time PCR was performed with an iCycler(Bio-Rad)using the mirVana TM qRT-PCR miRNA detection kit(Ambion)with miR-199a-5p primers and U6 snRNA primers(Ambion)according to the manufacturer’s proto-col.The level of each miRNA expression was measured using the 2− DeltaCt method(Gramantieri et al.,2007).2.6.Northern blotTotal RNA,including miRNAs,was isolated from pelleted PCECs, colorectal cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues as mentioned above.One microgram of RNA was resolved on a15%acrylamide 8M urea gel,transferred onto nylon membranes,and UV cross-linked.A digoxigenin-labeled LNA probe for miRNA was prepared using a DIG-3 -end labeling kit(Roche).Hybridization was per-formed in hybridization solution(Roche)at42◦C for16h.The membranes were washed in2×SSC with0.1%SDS at42◦C twice for 5min each and then in washing buffer(0.1M maleic acid,0.15M NaCl,0.3%Tween20)at room temperature for5min.After block-ing in1%Blocking reagent(Roche)for30min,the membranes were incubated with an antidigoxigenin antibody that was conju-gated with alkaline phosphatase for30min.Following washing in the washing and detection buffers(0.1M Tris,0.1M NaCl,pH9.5), the membranes were incubated in CDP-Star(Roche),exposed and developed.U6RNA was used as a loading control for normalization.2.7.In situ hybridizationA miRNA locked nucleic acid(LNA)probe was prepared using the DIG-3 -end labeling kit(Roche)for the U6positive control, miR-199a-5p,and a scrambled negative control.The tissue section was deparaffinized and hydrated,followed by treatment with pro-teinase K and refixation in4%paraformaldehyde.These slides were prehybridized for1h and then hybridized with200nM miRNA LNA probe in a hybridization buffer(Roche)for12h.After three con-secutive washes in4×SSC/50%formamide,2×SSC,and0.1×SSC, the sections were treated with blocking buffer(Roche)for1h and incubated with the anti-DIG-AP Fab fragments(Roche)for12h.Fol-lowing three washes in1×maleic acid and0.3%Tween20buffer followed by staining with NBT and BCIP(Promega,CA,USA),the sections were visualized under a microscope.2.8.miRNA target predictionUsing four computer algorithms,including TargetScan, miRanda,PicTar and miRGen,we have identified CAC1as a possible miR-199a-5p target.The sites were predicted based on the base-pairing of seed sequence matches.2.9.TransfectionPrecursor miRNA clones for miR-199a-5p(pEZX-MR04-miR-199a-5p),the nontargeting control miRNA clone (pEZX-MR04-Control),the miRNA inhibitor(pEZX-AM04-anti-miR-199a-5p)and the miRNA inhibitor control clone (pEZX-AM04)were synthesized by GeneCopoeia Co.,Ltd. (Rockville,MD USA).HCT-8cells were transfected with these clones using HiPerFect transfection reagent(Qiagen)24h after plating,according to the manufacturer’s instructions.At24h post-transfection,the transfection medium was replaced.Their sequences were as follows:miR-199a-5p mature sequence: 5 -CCCAGUGUUCAGACUACCUGUUC-3 and negative control oligonucleotide(control NC):5 -CAGUACUUUUGUGUAGUACAA-3 .2.10.Western blotTotal protein from colorectal cancer tissues,adjacent normal tissues,and HCT-8cells transfected with these miRNA clones were extracted using RIPA buffer(1mM MgCl2,10mM Tris–HCl,pH7.4, 1%Triton X-100,0.1%SDS,1%NP-40).Protein lysates were col-lected after incubation on ice and brief centrifugation(13,000×g), and protein expression was analyzed by Western blot.␤-Actin served as a loading control.Equal amounts of protein lysates were run on a10%SDS-PAGE gel.The protein was electro-transferred to a polyvinylidenefluoride(PVDF)membrane using a wet trans-fer apparatus(Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA).The membranes were pre-blocked with a milk blocking buffer(5%milk in Tris-buffered saline containing0.01%Tween20;TBS-T)and probed overnight. The level of protein expression was evaluated using primary anti-bodies against CAC1(1:1500,GeneTex,GTX118514),CDK2(H-298) (1:2000,Santa Cruz,SC-748),and MDR1(D-11)(1:2000,Santa Cruz,SC-55510).Actin(I-19)(1:1000,Santa Cruz,SC-1616)was used as a loading control.Antibody binding was detected using the enhanced chemiluminescence(ECL)detection system(Amersham, Piscataway,NJ)according to the manufacturer’s protocol.Membranes were stripped in between blots(no more than twice)by incubating them in an SDS stripping buffer containing ␤-mercaptoethanol(80␮l in10ml of buffer)for up to15min at 50◦C.This process was followed by a2-h rinse in TBS-T.2.11.Cloning of the3 -UTR and luciferase reporter assayThe portion of the3 -UTR of the human CAC1gene containing the miR-199a-5p binding site was PCR amplified.The pMIR-CAC1-3 -untranslated region(UTR)luciferase vector containing the miR-199a-5p putative binding site in the multiple cloning site within the3 -UTR of the luciferase gene in the pMIR-REPORT TM miRNA Expression Reporter Vector(Ambion,NY,USA)was con-structed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Mutagenesis of the miR-199a-5p seed sequence in the CAC13 -UTR region was synthesized using a site-directed mutagenesis kit(Strata-gene,La Jolla,CA,USA).The pMIR-CAC1-3 -UTR construct(200ng) together with the␤-gal expression vector pMIR-REPORT-␤-gal (200ng)(Ambion)was cotransfected with Pre-miR TM miRNA Pre-cursor Molecules or negative control miRNA precursors(Ambion, NY,USA).Luciferase and␤-gal enzyme assays were performed48h after transfection according to the manufacturer’s protocol.The firefly luciferase activity was normalized to␤-gal expression for each sample.2.12.Analysis of cell viabilityHCT-8cells were plated in96-well plates at4000cells per well.After24h,the cells were transfected with miR-199a-5p,anti-miR-199a-5p,and negative controls.The MTT assay was used to determine the relative cell viability at24,48,and72h,and each experiment was performed in triplicate.In brief,at the indicated time points,the cell culture medium was replaced with0.1ml fresh medium containing0.5mg/ml MTT.HCT-8cells were incubated at 37◦C for1h and resolved by0.1ml DMSO(Sigma–Aldrich).The absorbance was measured at570nm.2.13.Apoptosis detectionApoptosis analyses were performed as previously described (Gramantieri et al.,2007).The Annexin V FITC apoptosis detec-tion kit(BD Pharmingen,San Jose,CA,USA)was used to detect apoptosis.A total of1×105cells were seeded in a6-well plate and then transfected with miR-199a-5p,anti-miR-199a-5p,or neg-ative controls and incubated for48h.After48h,the transfected2324Y.Kong et al./The International Journal of Biochemistry&Cell Biology44 (2012) 2321–2332HCT-8cells were collected andfixed in70%ethanol at−20◦C for 16h.Flow cytometry(FC)analysis of the cell cycle was performed as previously described using the FACSCalibur TMflow cytometer (BD Biosciences).The detection of apoptotic cells after doxorubicin treatment was performed according to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions,and the cells were analyzed by FC.Each experiment was performed in triplicate.2.14.Soft agar assayA total of2×103cells were seeded on6-well plates in2ml of0.3%agar layered onto0.6%agar(Sigma–Aldrich).They were then transfected with or without the miRNA precursors or inhibitors and incubated.The cultures were grown at37◦C in a5%CO2atmosphere for14days.Cell colonies were counted and scored in a blinded fashion by two independent observers.2.15.Matrigel matrix invasion assayIn vitro invasion assays were performed in BD BioCoat Matrigel chambers(Transwell,BD Biosciences,Heidelberg,Germany)as pre-viously described(Shen et al.,2010).Briefly,24h after transfection, 4×104HCT-8cells were seeded in the top chamber with a Matrigel coatedfilter,and750␮l Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium con-taining5%fetal bovine serum was used as a chemoattractant. Inserts were incubated at37◦C with5%CO2for24and48h.After incubation,cells that remained on the upper side of thefilters were mechanically removed.Cells that migrated to the lower side were fixed and stained with Giemsa(Sigma–Aldrich).The cells were counted infivefields for triplicate membranes at10×magnifica-tion using an inverted optical microscope(Nikon ECLIPSE TS100, Nikon,Japan).2.16.In vitro kinase assaysCDK2was immunoprecipitated from equal amounts of protein (∼500␮g)in whole cell lysates.Immunoprecipitates were washed three times with lysis buffer and twice with kinase buffer(20mM HEPES pH7.4,15mM MgCl2,20mM EGTA,50mM NaF,80mM ␤-glycerolphosphate,1mM Na3VO4,1mM DTT,1mM pefabloc, 20␮g/ml leupeptin,and1mM cystine).In vitro kinase assay reac-tions were performed in50␮l aliquots at37◦C for30min in kinase buffer with20␮M ATP,5␮Ci of[␥-32P]ATP(6000Ci/mmol)and 0.2–1␮g of CDK substrate histone H1(Roche).Reactions were ter-minated by the addition of20␮l of SDS sample buffer,and the samples were subsequently subjected to10%SDS-PAGE followed by autoradiography.2.17.Tumorigenicity assays in nude miceHealthy male Balb/c Nude mice(3weeks old)were obtained from the Animal Centre of the Academia Sinica in Shanghai,China. Animals were maintained for7days in a conventional animal care unit before the start of the study.Animal experiments were performed according to ethical guidelines of animal experimenta-tion.Twenty-four male Balb/c Nude mice were randomly allocated into four groups(n=6mice/group)for treatment with different cells:miR-199-5p-,siCAC1-,Scramble-and NC-transfected HCT-8cells.The cells(3×106)were trypsinized,suspended in200␮l physiological saline and inoculated by subcutaneous injection into the rightflank of each mouse.After inoculation,the mice were observed for5h post-injection to ascertain that no health condi-tions occurred.Tumor growth was monitored by measuring the length(L)and width(W)of the tumor with calipers every7days,and the tumor volume was calculated using the following formula: Tumor volume=1/2(length×width2).2.18.Immunohistochemistry examinationSubcutaneous tumors derived from the cells indicated in the previous section were excised from nude mice under ether anes-thesia.The tumors were rinsed twice in physiological saline,fixed in4%neutral-buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin.The sections were mounted on slides,deparaffinized with xylene, and rehydrated by graded alcohols.Immunohistochemical stud-ies were performed on these samples.All staining steps were performed at room temperature,and samples were washed with PBS in between steps.Sections were then incubated with pri-mary antibodies for1h.The primary antibodies used were CAC1 (1:400,GeneTex,GTX118514)and MDR1(D-11)(1:500,Santa Cruz, SC-55510).Biotinylated secondary antibodies(Santa Cruz)were applied for an additional hour following the removal of the primary antibodies.Staining was developed using the avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase complex(Santa Cruz)and diaminoben-zidine(Santa Cruz)following the manufacturer’s instructions. Pre-immune serum was used as a negative control.2.19.Statistical analysisAll values are presented as the mean±standard deviation(SD). Statistical significance was evaluated using ANOVA for multiple treatment groups.P<0.05was considered statistically significant.3.Results3.1.Microarray analysis of miRNA expression at PCECs(control)and PCECs(treated with25 M deoxycholic acid)at48h Clustering analysis demonstrated a significant difference between the control and DCA.In fact,the modulation of the miRNA expression profiles with DCA was striking.A large subset of the miRNAs was affected by DCA.To examine the differential expression between the miRNAs in PCECs treated with DCA and the control,miRNA microar-ray analysis was performed using the miRCURY LNA microarray from Exiqon.The scatter plot analysis is shown in -pared with the control,13miRNAs were up-regulated and9 miRNAs were down-regulated at least1.3-fold in PCECs treated with deoxycholic acid.We chose a1.3-fold cutoff(P<0.05)because a fold-change cutoff of1.3was considered a reasonable mag-nitude and the statistical P value is more important than the intensity for miRNA expression change analyses.In addition,false positive miRNAs werefiltered out in this study using multiple test corrections as described in the methods section.The up-regulated miRNAs were hsa-miR-939,hsa-miR-22,hsa-miR-24, hsa-let-7d,hsa-let-7g,hsa-miR-30b,hsa-miR-30d,hsa-miR-106b, hsa-miR-29b,hsa-miR-629,mmu-miR-23b,hsa-miR-223and hsa-miR-194.The nine down-regulated miRNAs were hsa-miR-1246, hsa-miR-519d,hsa-miR-451,mmu-miR-669f,mmu-miR-467e*, hsa-miR-143,hsa-miR-378*,hsa-miR-1827and hsa-miR-199a-5p (Table1).To confirm the miRNA microarray results,3up-regulated miR-NAs and3down-regulated miRNAs were randomly chosen for Northern blot pared with the control,3miRNAs were up-regulated in PCECs treated with DCA,including hsa-miR-194, hsa-miR-629,and hsa-miR-30b;3miRNAs were down-regulated in PCECs treated with DCA,including hsa-miR-199a-5p,hsa-miR-1246,and hsa-miR-451(Fig.1B).We confirmed that these miRNAs were up-regulated or down-regulated in PCECs treated with DCA,Y.Kong et al./The International Journal of Biochemistry&Cell Biology44 (2012) 2321–23322325Fig.1.Analysis of the miRNA microarray data and miRNA expression as verified by Northern blot.(A)Scatter plot representing miRNAs significantly altered in PCECs (control)and those treated with25␮M deoxycholic acid.Red indicates the expression level of the up-regulated miRNAs,and green represents the expression level of the down-regulated miRNAs.(B)Northern blot analysis of the6differentially expressed miRNAs from the microarray data.After the density of each band was normalized to its corresponding U6density,the ratio between control and DCA treatment is shown on the right.These results are in accord with the miRNA microarray data.(C)miR-199a-5p was down-regulated in human CRC tissues.miR-199a-5p expression was detected in40paired human CRC and non-neoplastic mucosa tissues by qRT-PCR.miR-199a-5p expression was normalized to that of U6in each sample.(D)A Kaplan–Meier survival curve and log-rank test for patients with CRC classified as having either high or low miR-199a-5p expression.High miR-199a-5p expression(n=11),group with the expression ratio≥the mean ratio.miR-199a-5p low expression(n=29),group with the expression ratio<the mean ratio.miR-199a-5p expression had a significant(log-rank test,P<0.05)relationship with patient survival.The results revealed that the patient survival rate of those with high miR-199a-5p expression was significantly higher than those with low miR-199a-5p expression.(For interpretation of the references to color in thisfigure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)2326Y.Kong et al./The International Journal of Biochemistry&Cell Biology44 (2012) 2321–2332Table1List of the differentially expressed miRNAs.miRNA Ratio Log2ratiohsa-miR-12460.125858−2.9921476 hsa-miR-519d0.249910−2.2132337 hsa-miR-451/mmu-miR-451/rno-miR-4510.218461−2.2030526 mmu-miR-669f0.220499−2.1943412 hsa-miR-378*/mmu-miR-378*/rno-miR-378*0.235243−2.1549293 mmu-miR-467e*0.234686−2.1011368 hsa-miR-1430.323437−1.6408348 hsa-miR-18270.341845−1.6105978 hsa-miR-199a-5p0.123134−3.0257304 hsa-miR-939 3.616639 1.85290468 hsa-miR-22/mmu-miR-22/rno-miR-22 3.338136 1.73480228 hsa-miR-24/mmu-miR-24/rno-miR-24 2.565753 1.35605955 hsa-let-7d/mmu-let-7d/rno-let-7d 2.654999 1.39772178 hsa-let-7g/mmu-let-7g 2.899013 1.53114809 mmu-miR-23b/rno-miR-23b 3.094098 1.62949356 hsa-miR-30b/mmu-miR-30b/rno-miR-30b-5p 3.117616 1.63723431 hsa-miR-30d/mmu-miR-30d/rno-miR-30d 3.756407 1.90762074 hsa-miR-106b/mmu-miR-106b/rno-miR-106b 5.864936 2.54727239 hsa-miR-29b/mmu-miR-29b/rno-miR-29b 5.399052 2.43112564 hsa-miR-223/mmu-miR-223/rno-miR-223 5.557928 2.47386327 hsa-miR-629 5.560457 2.47336019 hsa-miR-194/mmu-miR-194/rno-miR-1947.545865 2.90489552 confirming the miRNA microarray data and suggesting that the car-cinogenic effects of DCA are mediated by suppressing or inducing the expression of miRNAs that are up-regulated or down-regulated in colorectal cancer.3.2.miR-199a-5p is down-regulated in CRC tissuesmiR-199a-5p has been reported to be downregulated in some cancers including hepatocellular carcinoma,breast cancer,testi-cular cancer,and esophageal cancer.The role of miR-199a-5p in cancer development may be that of a tumor suppressor(Duan et al.,2012;Hummel et al.,2011;Cheung et al.,2011).However, whether miR-199a-5p is down-regulated in CRC and its role in CRC carcinogenesis are still elusive.To determine whether miR-199a-5p is involved in the regulation of CRC tumorigenesis,real-time PCR was used to assess miR-199a-5p expression in40human CRC and non-neoplastic mucosa tissues.As demonstrated in Fig.1C, miR-199a-5p expression is significantly decreased in29of40 (73%)tumor tissues compared with that in their matched non-neoplastic mucosa tissues.These results suggest that miR-199a-5p is down-regulated in CRC,and its down-regulation may participate in human CRC development.The patients with CRC were divided into two groups accord-ing to the mean level of miR-199a-5p expression:miR-199a-5p low expressers(n=29)and miR-199a-5p high expressers(n=11).A statistically significant association between the miR-199a-5p expression level and clinicopathologic CRC characteristics is sum-marized in Table2.miR-199a-5p expression was correlated with CRC TNM staging and differentiation.In27cases presenting with advanced stages III and IV,4(14.81%)of the cases had high lev-els of miR-199a-5p expression in CRC tissue,whereas in13early stages cases(stages I and II),7(53.84%)had high levels of miR-199a-5p expression.The miR-199a-5p expression in TNM stages I and II was higher than that in stages III and IV(P<0.05).In the22 cases in the poorly differentiated group,2(9.09%)had high miR-199a-5p expression,while9(50.00%)of18cases of the highly and moderately differentiated group had high miR-199a-5p expression. miR-199a-5p expression in the highly and moderately differenti-ated group was higher than that in the poorly differentiated group (P<0.05).No correlation was observed between miR-199a-5p lev-els and age,gender,location,or pathological type of CRC(P>0.05).Table2Comparative analysis the miR-199a-5p expression in different pathological condi-tions(n=40).Pathological factors N miR-199a-5p 2Low High%Total40291172.50Age<60128433.33 2.39≥602821725.00P>0.05 GenderMale2317626.090.02Female1712529.41P>0.05 Tumor siteColon cancer1512320.000.21Rectal Cancer2517832.00P>0.05 Type of organizationAdenocarcinoma1914526.32 3.80Other2115628.57P>0.05 Pathological typesWell andmoderatelydifferentiated189950.00 6.38Poorlydifferentiated222029.09P<0.05TNM stageI+II136753.84 4.89III+IV2723414.81P<0.05Kaplan–Meier analyses and log-rank tests were employed to calculate the effect of miR-199a-5p expression on overall patient survival.The results revealed that the patients with CRC with low miR-199a-5p expression had a significantly poorer prognosis com-pared with those with high miR-199a-5p expression.The2-year survival rate in patients with high miR-199a-5p expression was 73%,which was significantly higher than those with low miR-199a-5p expression(55%)(Table3).Statistical analysis revealed that the survival time between the high-and low-expressing miR-199a-5p groups was significantly different(P<0.05)(Fig.1D).The results revealed that miR-199a-5p expression was correlated with the sur-vival time for patients with CRC.3.3.Detection of miR-199a-5p in normal and cancerouscolorectal tissues by in situ hybridization(ISH)Microarray and real-time PCR analyses demonstrated that miR-199a-5p was differentially expressed between control PCECs and those treated with deoxycholic acid.To examine the tissue dis-tribution of miR-199a-5p expression,we investigated which of the specific cell types expressed miR-199a-5p by ISH.The speci-ficity of the ISH procedure was verified using a scrambled control probe(Fig.2A).The results demonstrated miR-199a-5p expression in the cytoplasm of mucous epithelial cells in normal colorectal tis-sues(Fig.2B and E).Colorectal cancer tissue analysis also revealed miR-199a-5p expression in the cytoplasm of tumor cells(Fig.2C, D,and F).In addition,ISH demonstrated miR-199a-5p expression in inflammatory cells including the plasma cells and lymphocytes in the lamina propria of colorectal cancer tissues.The labeling intensity among the different colorectal cancer tissues was vari-able.Consistent with our microarray observations,miR-199a-5pTable3Comparative analysis of the overall survival rate of patients with high and low miR-199a-5p expression.Pathological factors N Overall survival rate6months12months24months Low expression29100%(29/29)69%(20/29)55%(16/29) High expression11100%(11/11)91%(10/11)73%(8/11)。
