Cloud Computing Test Bed_ Hadoop as a Service Case Study
Filesystem clusters of up to 5000+ machines Pools of 10000+ clients 5+ Petabyte Filesystems
All in the presence of frequent HW failure
Utility Computing
Don’t buy computers, lease computing power Upload, run, download Ownership model
第ep: Cloud Computing
Service and data are in the cloud, accessible with any
Evolution of Computing with Network (2/2)
Grid Computing
Resource sharing across several domains
Decentralized, open standards
Global resource sharing
Applications on the Web
The Cloud
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a concept of using the internet to allow people to access technology-enabled services.
device connected to the cloud with a browser A key technical issue for developer:
第1章走近云计算一、选择题(1)A (2)D (3)B (4)C二、简答题(1)总的来说,云计算就是一种基于Internet的超级计算模式,在远程数据中心里,成千上万台计算机和服务器等设备连接成一片云,用户通过计算机、手机等接入数据中心,进行按需的网络访问。
第2章云计算基础一、选择题(1)D (2)B (3)C (4)A(5)C (6)D (7)B (8)A二、简答题(1)NIST云计算参考架构中各角色的职责如表1所示。
表1 NIST云计算参考架构中各角色的职责在这5个角色中,云承载者为整个云计算系统提供技术支持和实现途径。
毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名:学号:计算机与控制工程学院:专指导教师:2017 年 6 月英文文献Cloud Computing1。
Cloud Computing at a Higher LevelIn many ways,cloud computing is simply a metaphor for the Internet, the increasing movement of compute and data resources onto the Web. But there's a difference: cloud computing represents a new tipping point for the value of network computing. It delivers higher efficiency, massive scalability, and faster,easier software development. It's about new programming models,new IT infrastructure, and the enabling of new business models。
For those developers and enterprises who want to embrace cloud computing, Sun is developing critical technologies to deliver enterprise scale and systemic qualities to this new paradigm:(1) Interoperability —while most current clouds offer closed platforms and vendor lock—in, developers clamor for interoperability。
Cloudcomputing 理论测试题目答案(仅101题)
Cl oudcomputing 理论测试题目答案说明:1、搜索时如果找不到可先尝试去掉英文部分,只搜索中文,可能是中英文间空格问题。
3、红色部分为错误选项,本人到100后就没心情继续刷了,后继者继续努力吧,据说现有300-400道题,助教打算近期再添加100多题……4、改进后上传前,你可以在此部分表明更新信息、姓名和日期,但不要抹杀前人的努力,切记!(10-本-白玉欣2012/4/20)1. 请问在Hadoop体系结构中,按照由下到上顺序,排列正确的是()mon MapReduce Pig2. 关于Datanode的描述错误的是()D.文件的副本系数由Datanode 储存3.关于MapReduce的描述错误的是()D. 一个MapReduce任务(Task)通常会把输入集切分成若干独立的数据块4. Hive查询语言和SQL的一个不同之处关于HDFS 命令错误的是()C. cp:返回到上一级目录5. 配置hbase过程中,下面那个文件没有改动。
A.hbase-default.xml6. hbase表格中行关键字对应的列值最少有几个?D.任意个7. 客户端发现域服务器崩溃之后与__交互来处理问题.B.hbasemaster8. Hive最重视的性能是可测量性,延展性,__和对于输入格式的宽松匹配性。
B. 容错性9. hbase中存储的数据类型是__。
B.byte10. INT整数型有多少个字节__。
NOT D. 8 byte11. Hive提供了基于SQL并使得熟悉SQL的用户能够查询数据的__。
A.QL12. 下面哪一个对于Hive查询语言的命令的描述是错误的__。
C.SHOW PARTITIONS page_view:列出表格page_view 的所有的分隔。
A. 软件即服务B. 平台即服务C. 基础设施即服务D. 硬件即服务2、云计算是对()技术的发展与运用A. 并行计算B. 网格计算C. 分布式计算D. 三个选项都是3、与开源云计算系统Hadoop HDFS相对应的商用云计算软件系统是()。
A. Google GFSB. Google MapReduceC. Google BigtableD. Google Chubby4、从研究现状上看,下面不属于云计算特点的是()。
A. 超大规模B. 虚拟化C. 私有化D. 高可靠性5、Swift通过Proxy Server向外提供基于()的接口服务。
A. TCP/UDP接口B. HTTP的REST服务C. 远程过程调用D. 服务库服务6、Hypervisor是一种运行在()的中间层软件,可以允许多个操作系统和应用共享一套基础物理硬件。
A. 物理服务器和操作系统之间B. 不同服务器之间C. 不同网络之间D. 不同操作系统之间7、防火墙是在()执行访问控制策略的一组硬件和软件系统。
A. 单个网络内B. 两个网络之间C. 单个VLAN内D. 都不对8、云存储系统结构模型由4个层次组成,包括存储层、()、应用接口层、访问层。
A.网络层B. 基础管理层C. 中间层D. 物理层9、MapReduce适用于().A. 任意应用程序B. 任意可在Windows Server 2008上的应用程序C. 可以串行处理的应用程序D. 可以并行处理的应用程序10、以下不属于云计算数据中心关键技术是()A. 虚拟化技术B. 网格计算C. 弹性伸缩和动态调配D. 并行计算框架二、判断题(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、简单地理解,云计算等于资源的闲置而产生的。
Cloud computing理论测试部分习题答案
云计算课程理论试题部分答案1. ___执行文件系统命名空间操作()B. Namenode2. 关于基于Hadoop的MapReduce编程的环境配置,下面哪一步是不必要的()C. 安装Eclipse3.下列说法错误的是()A. MapReduce中maper conbiner reducer 缺一不可4..下面那个选项正确配置了HBASE的分布式环境。
B. 在hbase-site.xml文件中设置hbase.cluster.distributed为true5..hbase如何更新列值?C. 表格中增加新版本的值6..Hive是建立在__之上的一个数据仓库。
D. Hadoop7..Hive提供了基于SQL并使得熟悉SQL的用户能够查询数据的__。
A. QL8..对于最小粒度的任务,Hive查询的反应时间约为___。
D. 几分钟9. 按粒度大小的顺序,Hive数据被组成为:数据库,表格,__和桶。
C. 分隔10. INT整数型有多少个字节__。
C. 4 byte11.下面哪一个关于内置操作符的描述是错误的__。
C. A REGREXP B:如果字符串A与简单的SQL规则表达式B不匹配,值为TRUE,否则FALSE12..下面哪种操作是不被Hive查询语言所支持的__。
C. 在一个表格中添加索引。
13..在Ubuntu上安装Cassandra的命令是什么?C. sudo apt-get install Cassandra14..下列哪项在Cassandra中充当排序因子的角色?C. row15..作为一款分布式存储平台,你知道客户是如何通过客户端与服务器连接的吗?A. 是通过把分布在多台(或一台)服务器上卷挂载到客户端上的文件夹的方式实现客户端与服务器相连16.下列说法错误的是(D)A. MapReduce框架提供了作业队列机制B. Counters是由多个MapReduce框架或应用程序定义的全局计数器C. DistributedCache可将具体应用相关的、大尺寸、只读的文件进行有效的分布放置。
What the Enterprise Needs to Know about Cloud Computing
1982年,Sun公司(Sun Microsystems)首创了“网络即计算机”这一概念。
可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)正在将35,000名员工所使用的邮件服务从Lotus Notes平台转向微软提供的Microsoft Exchange Online服务平台。
纳斯达克公司(NASDAQ)利用亚马逊的S3(Amazon Simple Storage Service)“云计算”服务,以储存股票和基金的历史数据,同时还利用富互联网应用程序提供新的利润增长点。
cloud computering
Cloud ComputingCloud computing,is a calculation based on the Internet, through this way, the hardware and software resources and information sharing may be provided to computers and other devices on demand. Cloud is actually a network, an Internet metaphor. The core idea of cloud computing, is a lot of computing resources unified management and scheduling with internet access, constitute a pool of computing resources to users on-demand services. Network resources is called "cloud." Cloud computing refers to narrow the delivery of IT infrastructure and usage patterns, refers to the network to demand, and scalable way to obtain the necessary resources; generalized cloud computing refers to the delivery of service and usage patterns, refers to on-demand through a network, easy to expand way to get needed services. This service can be IT and software, Internet-related, other services as well Definition of cloud computingCloud is linked by a series of interconnected and virtualized parallel and distributed computer system mode thereof. These virtual computers dynamically provide one or more unified computing and storage resources. These resources provide consultation and service consumers to circulate through the Service. Called cloud computing based on cloud computing. Simply put, cloud computing refers to Internet-based super-computing model. That is in the PC, a large memory capacity and processor resources servers and other storage devices together, unified management and collaborative work.A Brief HistoryIn 1983, Sun Microsystems that "the network is the computer" ("The Network is the Computer")March 2006, Amazon launched Elastic Compute Cloud (Elastic Compute Cloud; EC2) service.August 9, 2006, Google CEO Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) Search Engine Assembly (SES San Jose 2006) first proposed the "cloud computing" concept. Google "cloud computing" from Google engineer Christopher Bisciglia did "Google 101" project. October 2007, Google and IBM began at the American University campus, this plan includes Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, StanfordUniversity, University of California at Berkeley and the University of Maryland, the promotion plan of cloud computing, hoping to reduce the cost of distributed computing technology in academic research, and to provide relevant software and hardware equipment and technical support (including hundreds of PC and BladeCenter and System x servers to these universities, these computing platforms will provide 1600 processor support, including Linux, Xen, Hadoop and other open-source platform). And can the students to large-scale computing-based research network development plans.January 30, 2008, Google announced the launch of "cloud computing academic program" in Taiwan, in cooperation with the Taiwan National Taiwan University, National Chiao Tung University and other schools, will this advanced large-scale, rapid computing technology to the campus.February 1, 2008, IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced that it will build the world's first cloud computing center (Cloud Computing Center) for the Chinese software company in China Wuxi Taihu New Town Science and Education Industrial Park.July 29, 2008, Yahoo, HP and Intel announced a covers the United States, Germany and Singapore joint research program, launched cloud computing research test bed, promote cloud computing. The plan to create six data centers with our partners as a research test platform, each data center configurations 1400-4000 processor. These partners include the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, the University of Karlsruhe, Germany Steinbuch Computing Center, University of Illinois Champaign United States, Intel Research, HP Labs and Yahoo. August 3, 2008, the US Patent and Trademark Office Web site information display, Dell is applying the "cloud computing"trademark, a move aimed at strengthening the future may reshape the technology.March 5, 2010, Novell and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) jointly announced a vendor-neutral plan, called "Trusted Cloud Computing Initiative (Trusted Cloud Initiative)".July 2010, NASA and include Rackspace, AMD, Intel, Dell and other vendors announced support "OpenStack" open-source project, Microsoft in October 2010 expressed support for OpenStack integrated with Windows Server 2008 R2; and Ubuntu Yiba added to the 11.04 version of OpenStack.In February 2011, Cisco Systems officially joined OpenStack, focus on developing OpenStack network services.October 20, 2011, "Shengtai Yun 'product MongoIC announced its official opening, which is China's first professional MongoDB cloud services, is the world's first company to support the MongoDB database recovery cloud service.Cloud computing principlesThe use of specific software in accordance with the priority and scheduling algorithm will calculate or assign specific data to be stored into the cloud environment of each node. Wherein each node in the cloud refers to the distributed computer.Cloud computing featuresTo become a cloud computing, it must have the characteristics of the following five aspects:1) the level of scalabilityLevel Scalability refers to the multi-chip cloud connectivity and integration capabilities for the cloud to work. For example, an offer cloud computing services (cloud computing) can provide access to cloud storage services (storage cloud) to hold the temporary intermediate values. Similarly, the two computing cloud can easily mix a bigger cloud computing.2) Vertical ScalabilityScalability refers to the vertical by enhancing the performance of a single or a plurality of nodes in the cloud to improve the performance of the entire capacity of the cloud. Moreover, in order to meet the needs of market development, cloud nodes must be able to escalate, ie vertical scalability.3) Internet-centricCloud computing platform operators to Internet-centric, storage and computing power distributed among the various nodes of the network is connected, thereby weakening the computing capability of the terminal, so that computing architecture of the Internet by the "Server + Client" to "cloud services platform + Client "evolution. This means that the major changes of the Internet, the Internet functions will be more powerful, and even lead to change the existing general pattern of enterprise information.4) VirtualizationThe underlying hardware, including servers, storage and network equipment virtualized, establish a shared resource pool can DAMA basis.5) The user transparencyCloud users transparency is indispensable to an important feature. Largely transparent to the user of the user's convenience. User transparency includes a transparent operation and technical transparent.(1) Operation Transparency: In the cloud computing environment for users all operations must be transparent, that is user cloud computing environment, the calculation operation or data stored in the cloud and its operation in the machine the corresponding operation is no different.(2) Technical Transparent: Transparent technology means that users do not care about the cloud nodes is how to work together and how extensible. Which includes a horizontal expansion transparent transparent scalability and vertical scalability and transparent.ApplicationCloud IOTThings of two business models: 1. MAI (M2M Application Integration), internal MaaS;2. MaaS (M2M As A Service), MMO, Multi-Tenants (multi-tenant model). Things traffic increases, the demand for data storage and computing capacity will bring to "cloud computing" capabilities: 1. Cloud computing: data from the computing center to center in the early stages of the Internet of Things, PoP to meet the demand; 2. In the advanced stage of things, it may appear MVNO / MMO operators (foreign countries has existed for many years), cloud computing requires virtualization, combining technology, SOA and other technologies to achieve ubiquitous networking service: TaaS (everyTHING As A Service).Cloud SecurityCloud security, by definition, is a from the "cloud computing" a new term evolved. "Cloud security (Cloud Security)" by a large number of clients in a mesh network behavior anomaly detection software, to obtain the latest information on the Internet Trojans, malicious programs, pushed to Server client for automatic analysis and processing, then viruses and Trojan horses solutions distributed to each client. Strategy of the cloud security is: the more users, each user more security, because such a large user base, enough to cover every corner of the Internet, as long as a site is linked to a new Trojan horse or virus appears, It will immediately be intercepted. Cloud StorageCloud storage is a new extension of the concept and developed in the cloud (cloud computing) concept refers to the application through the cluster, grid technology and distributed file systems and other functions, the network in a large variety of different types of storage devices set up by the application software work together to provide a system of external data storage and business access functions. When cloud computing and processing of the core system is a lot of storage and management of data, cloud computing system, you need to configure a large number of storage devices, so cloud computing system is transformed into a cloud storage system, so the cloud storage is a data storage Cloud computing systems and management as the core.Cloud gamesCloud game is cloud-based gameplay, the game runs in the cloud mode, all games are run on the server side, and delivered to the user via the network rendering After the completion of the game screen compression. On the client, the user's gaming device does not require any high-end processors and graphics cards, you only need a basic video decompression capability on it. On Today, the cloud game also did not become a console and handheld community networking model, because so far X360 still in use LIVE, PS is the PS NETWORK, wii is wi-fi. But the possibility of a few years or a decade later, the cloud replace these things become the ultimate direction of development of its network, it is very large. If this vision can become a reality, then the host manufacturers will become the network operator, they do not need to continue to invest huge research and development costs of new hosts, but simply tobring in a small fraction of the money to upgrade their servers on the line, But to achieve the effect is almost the same. For users, they can save for later spending a host, but get really top of the game screen (of course, video output for hardware must be excellent). You can imagine a handheld and a home machine has the same screen, home machine, and we have today is as simple to use set-top boxes, and even home machine can replace the TV set-top box and became the television viewing mode times era.EpilogueCloud computing is a new, promising computing model. Cloud computing to share computer resources cloud computing and storage resources of each node to its fundamental purpose, to provide to the end user needed its main functions. This paper describes the concept of cloud computing, principles and characteristics, and then introduces the features and design principles of service-based architecture, and then proposes a realistic cloud computing services architecture based four-layer structure, and a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the layers and function, and finally describes the calculation of cloud-based services architecture process and prove cloud computing-based services architecture scalability and transparent to the user in terms of better than grid computing.。
1.2 云计算提供的服务云计算包括以下几个层次的服务:基础设施即服务(IaaS),平台即服务(PaaS)和软件即服务(SaaS)。
其中,IaaS(Infrastructure-as-a- Service):基础设施即服务。
PaaS (Platform-as-a- Service):平台即服务。
SaaS(Software-as-a- Service):软件即服务。
它是一种通过Internet 提供软件的模式,用户无需购买软件,而是向提供商租用基于Web的软件,来管理企业经营活动。
1.3 云计算操作系统云计算操作系统,又称云计算中心操作系统、云OS,是云计算后台数据中心的整体管理运营系统(也有人认为云计算系统包括云终端操作系统,例如现在流行的各类手机操作系统,这与先行的单机操作系统区别不大,在此不做讨论),它是指构架于服务器、存储、网络等基础硬件资源和单机操作系统、中间件、数据库等基础软件管理的海量的基础硬件、软资源之上的云平台综合管理系统。
Cl oud computing 理论测试题目答案说明:1、搜索时如果找不到可先尝试去掉英文部分,只搜索中文,可能是中英文间空格问题。
3、红色部分为错误选项,本人到100后就没心情继续刷了,后继者继续努力吧,据说现有300-400道题,助教打算近期再添加100多题……4、改进后上传前,你可以在此部分表明更新信息、姓名和日期,但不要抹杀前人的努力,切记!(10-本-白玉欣2012/4/20)1. 请问在Hadoop体系结构中,按照由下到上顺序,排列正确的是()mon MapReduce Pig2. 关于Datanode的描述错误的是()D.文件的副本系数由Datanode 储存3.关于MapReduce的描述错误的是()D. 一个MapReduce任务(Task)通常会把输入集切分成若干独立的数据块4. Hive查询语言和SQL的一个不同之处关于HDFS 命令错误的是()C. cp:返回到上一级目录5. 配置hbase过程中,下面那个文件没有改动。
A.hbase-default.xml6. hbase表格中行关键字对应的列值最少有几个?D.任意个7. 客户端发现域服务器崩溃之后与__交互来处理问题.B.hbasemaster8. Hive最重视的性能是可测量性,延展性,__和对于输入格式的宽松匹配性。
B. 容错性9. hbase中存储的数据类型是__。
B.byte10. INT整数型有多少个字节__。
NOT D. 8 byteNot bc11. Hive提供了基于SQL并使得熟悉SQL的用户能够查询数据的__。
A.QL12. 下面哪一个对于Hive查询语言的命令的描述是错误的__。
C.SHOW PARTITIONS page_view:列出表格page_view 的所有的分隔。
• Amazon
– AWS:EC2、S3、SimpleDB等云服务
– APPEngine – MapReduce、GFS、BigTable等关键技术
• 云计算是继1980年代大型计算机到客户端-服务器 的大转变之后的又一种巨变。 • 云计算(Cloud Computing)是网格计算 (Grid Computing )、分布式计算 (DistributedComputing)、并行计算(Parallel Computing)、效用计算(Utility Computing)、 网络存储(Network Storage Technologies)、 虚拟化(Virtualization)、负载均衡(Load Balance)等传统计算机和网络技术发展融合的产 物。
---------杨杰群、黄宣霖、韩小 路、汤伟能
• 云计算(cloud computing)一般是指:互 联网为中心,通过建立大型的集中性的计 算中心,为普通用户提供安全、快速的数 据存储和网络计算服务。 • 狭义云计算指IT基础设施的交付和使用模式, 指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所 需资源; • 广义云计算指服务的交付和使用模式, 指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式 获得所需服务。
云计算一、云计算的定义:云计算(英语:Cloud Computing),是一种基于互联网的计算方式,通过这种方式,共享的软硬件资源和信息可以按需提供给计算机和其他设备。
典型的云计算提供商往往提供通用的网络业务应用,可以通过浏览器等软件或者其他Web 服务来访问,而软件和数据都存储在服务器上。
二、基本概念云计算(cloud computing)是基于互联网的相关服务的增加、使用和交付模式,通常涉及通过互联网来提供动态易扩展且经常是虚拟化的资源。
例如:Microsoft CRM 与2、平台即服务(PaaS):消费者使用主机操作应用程序。
应用, 流程和信息作为服务 PaaS 软件平台作为服务 (优化的中间件 – 应用服务器, 数据库服务器, 门户服务器, etc.) IaaS 基础设施作为服务 (计算, 存储,网络)
基础设施即服务 (实用计算、虚拟化)
IaaS —— Infrastructure as a Service
(服务提供商 – 互连网)
(数据中心 – 内部网)
用户端负载降低 降低总体拥有成本
按需扩展资源 使应用具有高可用性
按使用付费 可能将应用的开发与基础设施维护相 对分离 不需要为一次性任务或罕见的负载状 况准备大量设备
云计算是随着处理器技术、虚拟化技术、分布 式存储技术、宽带互联网技术和自动化管理技术的 发展而产生的. 这种大规模的计算能力通常是由分 布式的大规模集群和服务器虚拟化软件搭建。
2011 云计算
Cloud Computing
1990 网格计算
Grid Computing
云是一些可以自我维护和管理的虚拟计算资源,通常为一些大型服务器 集群,包括计算服务器、存储服务器、宽带资源等等。 云计算是基于互联网的超级计算模式--即把存储于个人电脑、移动电话和 其他设备上的大量信息和处理器资源集中在一起,协同工作。在极大规 模上可扩展的信息技术能力向外部客户作为服务来提供的一种计算方式。
数据管理技术 云计算的特点是对海量的数据存储、读取后进行大量的分析,如何提高数据的更新速率以及进一步提高随机读速率是未来的数据管理技术必须解决的问题。云计算的数据管理技术最著名的是谷歌的BigTable数据管理技术,同时Hadoop开发团队正在开发类似BigTable的开源数据管理模块。
数据存储技术 云计算系统需要同时满足大量用户的需求,并行地为大量用户提供服务。因此,云计算的数据存储技术必须具有分布式、高吞吐率和高传输率的特点。目前数据存储技术主要有Google的GFS(Google File System,非开源)以及HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System,开源),目前这两种技术已经成为事实标准。
虚拟机技术 虚拟机,即服务器虚拟化是云计算底层架构的重要基石。在服务器虚拟化中,虚拟化软件需要实现对硬件的抽象,资源的分配、调度和管理,虚拟机与宿主操作系统及多个虚拟机间的隔离等功能,目前典型的实现(基本成为事实标准)有Citrix Xen、VMware ESX Server 和Microsoft Hype-V等。
分布式编程与计算 为了使用户能更轻松的享受云计算带来的服务,让用户能利用该编程模型编写简单的程序来实现特定的目的,云计算上的编程模型必须十分简单。必须保证后台复杂的并行执行和任务调度向用户和编程人员透明。当前各IT厂商提出的“云”计划的编程工具均基于Map-Reduce的编程模型
《学科英语》单元答案文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]U n i t1预习练习参考答案Passage 11. 科学知识2. 实践知识3. 应用科学4. 科学原理5. 操作条件6. 预期功能7. 机械原理8. 民用建筑9. 技术学科10. 分支学科11. 基础设施12. 制造工程1. scientific knowledge2. practical knowledge3. applied science4. scientific principle5. operating condition6. intended function7. mechanical principle8. civilian structure9. technical discipline10. sub-discipline11. infrastructure12. manufacturing engineeringTask 11. Tissue engineering has been a newly developed _________ which represents the new direction of biological medicine engineering.disciplinea branch of knowledge组织工程学是一门新兴的学科,它代表了生物医学工程领域发展的新方向。
2. What sort of preferential policies can foreign investors in software and integrated _________ industry enjoy?circuitan electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow外商投资软件产业和集成电路产业能享受何种优惠政策?3. NC machine tools are difficult to _________ and often result in heavy economic losses when they go wrong due to the high prices.maintainkeep in a certain state数控机床由于价格昂贵,一旦出现故障,维修困难,常带来较大的经济损失。
1. 数据挖掘(Data Mining)数据挖掘是从大量数据中发现模式、关联、异常和趋势的过程。
2. 机器学习(Machine Learning)机器学习是一种通过给计算机提供大量数据和示例来使其自动学习的方法。
3. 数据可视化(Data Visualization)数据可视化是用图表、图形和其他视觉元素将数据呈现出来,以便更好地理解数据。
4. 云计算(Cloud Computing)云计算是一种通过网络提供计算资源和服务的模式。
5. 数据仓库(Data Warehouse)数据仓库是一个集成的、面向主题的、可变动的数据集合,用于支持管理决策。
6. HadoopHadoop是一个开源的大数据处理框架,可在集群中处理和存储大规模的数据。
7. Apache SparkApache Spark是一个快速、通用的大数据处理引擎,具有内存计算功能。
8. 数据治理(Data Governance)数据治理是一套规范和流程,用于确保企业数据的质量、一致性、可靠性和安全性。
云计算术语(中英文对照)1.自由计算free computing2.弹性可伸缩elastic and scalable3.主机host / instance4.硬盘hard disk/ volume5.密钥key6.公开密钥public key7.映像image / mapping8.负载均衡load balancing9.对象存储object storage10.弹性计算elastic computing11.按秒计费charged by seconds12.多重实时副本multiple real—time copy13.安全隔离security isolation14.异地副本long-distance copy15.后端系统back—end system16.前端系统front—end system17.写时拷贝技术copy-on-write technique18.控制台console19.监控台dashboard20.远程终端remote terminal21.服务端口service port22.模拟主机simulation host display显示器23.路由器router24.多路万兆光纤multiple 10000MB optical fiber25.密码验证登录password authentication login26.静态IP static IP27.动态IP dynamic IP28.混合云hybrid cloud29.SLA Service Level Agreement服务级别协议30.分布式存储distributed storage31.存储柜locker32.云计算加速器cloud computing accelerator33.NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology美国国家标准技术研究所34.智能电网smart gird35.智慧城市smart city36.物联网Internet of Things (IOT)37.集成电路Integrated Circuit38.嵌套虚拟化nested virtualization39.内存memory40.千兆Gigabyte41.网卡network card42.单线程测试single thread test43.最大素数测试largest prime test44.单核CPU single—core CPU45.双核CPU dual-core CPU46.磁盘吞吐量disk throughput47.BGP 边界网关协议Border Gateway Protocol48.语音控制voice control49.湿度humidity50.智能分析intelligent analysis51.SOA Service Oriented Architecture面向服务的架构52.开源操作系统Open Source Operating System53.虚拟机virtual machine54.源代码source code55.文档document56.全媒体omni—media57.API接口API interface58.快照snapshot59.工单系统ticket system60.堡垒机fortress machine61.单点登录SSO single sign on62.脚本管理script management63.拓扑管理topology management64.ETL Extraction-Transformation-Loading 数据提取、转换和加载65.网络流量network traffic66.域名绑定domain banding67.文件外链external document linking68.防篡改tamper-proofing69.防抵赖non—repudiation70.端到端end-to—end71.全景透视panoramic perspective72.多维度特征multidimensional characteristic identification识别73.检索retrieval74.存储矩阵storage matrix75.示例代码sample code76.可执行代码executable code77.远程擦除remote wipe78.底层固件bottom firmware79.存储分级storage tiering80.回写式高速缓存Write—back Cache81.软件定义存储software defined storage82.横向可扩展存储transverse extensible storage83.模块化数据中心Modular Data Center84.DNS Domain Name System 域名系统85.封顶capping86.芯片chip87.ISV Independent Software Vendor第三方软件开发商88.特征向量Feature Vector89.远程异地备份remote backup90.虚拟显示技术visual vision91.虚拟现实Visual Reality (VR)92.数据记录器Data Recorder93.业务连续性管理Business Continuity Management (BCM)37。
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Technical benefits
• • • • •
Allow federated cluster experiments/benchmarks Allow innovation at all levels of the cloud computing infrastructure stack Commitment to openness in sharing software, tools, best practices Collection of usage statistics Example research areas:
What worked well
− Security Sweet spot: OpenId & AWS REST Auth & Diffie-Hellman − MapReduce also useful for CPU-bound apps but completion time prediction and efficient failover becomes trickier − Stream+Python powerful combination
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Hadoop as a Service
Why a Hadoop service?
• •
Simplify installation, setup and provisioning Research Questions:
− How to support multi-tenancy with QoS differentiation − How to optimize workflows across users with fluctuating capacity requirements
Differentiated Hadoop services continued
Market-based resource allocator, Tycoon ()
− Continuous bidding (of spending rates) for resource capacity
P: Some users are more risk averse than others (can tolerate less fluctuations) S: Bid on nodes based on predicted guarantee to deliver a QoS level
− Why a Hadoop service? − Differentiated Hadoop services − Economic job optimization − Experiment results − Demo
Cloud Computing Test Bed
Key features:
− On-demand creation − Dynamic resource flexing
Differentiated Hadoop services
• • • •
More important jobs should preempt less important jobs Time critical jobs need to meet deadlines Test jobs need no stringent QoS guarantees How to get users to truthfully reveal their resource requirements?
• VLAN isolated mini-datacenter
− Reset, reboot, power up, power down, get status
• Bias towards large and short experiments • Site coordination required, e.g. accounting
Economic job optimization
− Not all subtasks need maximum capacity at all times
பைடு நூலகம்
− Automatically rescale the capacity as needed to optimize the cost/benefit ratio of the workflow as a whole
Cloud Computing Test Bed: Hadoop as a Service Case Study
Thomas Sandholm, Kevin Lai from Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto
© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice
What is the cloud computing test bed?
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Karlsruhe University, Germany
Intel Research, Pittsburgh
Yahoo! Research, Sunnyvale HP Labs, Palo Alto, Bristol
Part I: Cloud Computing Test Bed
− What is the cloud computing test bed? − Technical benefits − Infrastructure stack
Part II: Hadoop as a Service
Experiment setup
• • • • • •
2 Competing Hadoop users GridMix on 40 nodes 25 GiB input data 6-13 MapReduce Tasks 7-12 minutes/job 30-job sequential workflow/user
Optimization strategies continued
Best Response:
P: When other users place competing bids, optimal configuration/allocation might change S: Find game theoretical best response bids continuously to maximize utility
Experiment results
10-12% performance improvement
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Experiment results continued
45% efficiency improvement
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Lessons learned
Application Services (Example: Mahout, PIG ) Infrastructure Services Optional Interfaces (Example: Hadoop, NFS) Virtual Resource Set (Example: Tycoon, Eucalyptus) Physical Resource Set Mandatory Interface Recommendations (Example: Tashi, Emulab) Hardware (Example: computers, network, storage)
Data Reduction:
P: Early phases of workflow more data intensive S: Use decaying spending rates when bidding
P: During map/reduce synch up some nodes may be bottlenecks S: Redistribute funds to active bottlenecks
Infocomm Development Authority, Singapore
1000-4000 cores/site
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Goal of the cloud computing test bed
Promote −collaborative cloud computing research among
− Application scalability profile not perfectly linear
Optimization strategies
P: Some tasks/nodes more performance critical than others S: Declare relative priority of mappers and reducers or critical nodes and split budget accordingly (e.g. master funding boost)