




一、现代文阅读(35分)(一)现代文阅读I (本题共5小题,19分)阅读下面的文字,完成1~5题。




























1.下列有关化合物的组成元素及功能的叙述正确的是A.磷脂、核酸都含C 、H 、O 、N 、P ,可参与构成核糖体B.糖类只含C 、H 、O ,既可提供能量也可构成细胞结构C.叶绿素只含C 、H 、O 、Mg ,能吸收、传递、转换光能D.胰岛素含有C 、H 、O 、N 、S ,可抑制肝糖原分解为葡萄糖2.科学家利用基因工程将编码天然蜘蛛丝蛋白的基因导入家蚕,生产出一种特殊的复合纤维蛋白,该复合纤维蛋白的韧性优于天然蚕丝蛋白。

下列相关叙述错误的是A.该蛋白与天然蜘蛛丝蛋白的基本组成单位都是氨基酸B.加热变性的蛋白质不能恢复原有的结构和性质C.该蛋白的肽链由氨基酸通过氢键连接而成D.该蛋白的特定结构决定其韧性优于天然蚕丝蛋白3.在真核细胞的核仁中,由核rDNA 转录形成的rRNA 与相关蛋白组装成核糖体亚基。

下列相关叙述正确的是A.细胞中核糖体都分布在细胞质基质中B .rRNA 上3个相邻的碱基决定一个氨基酸C.核rDNA 转录形成rRNA 可发生在有丝分裂各个时期D.有丝分裂过程中,核仁的消失和重建分别发生在有丝分裂前期、末期4.下图为水分子通过哺乳动物细胞膜的两种方式,下列相关叙述正确的是A .方式1的运输速率比方式2更快B.两种运输方式都与环境温度有关C.水分子总运输量仅由通道蛋白数量决定D .水分子通过方式2进入细胞需要与通道蛋白结合5.下列关于生物学研究方法和实验内容对应关系叙述正确的是A.假说演绎法-基因在染色体上B.模型建构法-DNA 衍射图谱C.差速离心法-DNA 半保留复制D.同位素标记法-细胞膜具有一定的流动性6.线粒体的运动依赖于一种细胞骨架--微丝的作用。









让甲球在垂直于水平绳的方向摆动,经足够长的时间,系统振动稳定后,关于乙、丙两球振动的周期T乙、T丙及振幅A乙、A丙的关系正确的是()A.=T T 乙丙A A >乙丙 B.=T T 乙丙A A <乙丙C.T T <乙丙A A =乙丙 D.T T >乙丙=A A 乙丙4.如图所示的四条直线分别描述了四个质量相等物体甲、乙、丙、丁的运动。


设单位时间内水波槽左边接受完全波数为1n ,右边接受的完全波数为2n 。

由照片可知()A.振动片向左移动,12n n > B.振动片向右移动,12n n <C.振动片向左移动,12n n < D.振动片向右移动,12n n >6.为了测量深井口到水面的距离,让一个小石块从井口自由落下,经过时间t 后听到石块击水的声音。

设当地的重力加速度为g ,不考虑空气阻力的作用,考虑声音在空气中传播需要一定时间,则井口到水面的实际距离()A.大于212gtB.等于212gtC.小于212gtD.可能大于或小于212gt 7.哈雷彗星的运动轨道是一个非常扁的椭圆,在近日点与太阳中心的距离为1r ,在远日点与太阳中心的距离为2r ,若地球的公转轨道可视为半径为r 的圆轨道,哈雷彗星的公转周期为T 。
























盐城市2023届高三年级第一学期期中考试数学试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,计40分.1.设复数1i z =-,则2z =()A. B.4C.D.22.已知集合{}{}2230,32A x x x B x x =-->=-<,则A B = ()A.(3,5)B.(1,3)C.(1,1)-D.,1(),)1(-∞-⋃+∞3.在ABC 中,“cos cos A B >”是“A B <”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4.函数(ln ()e exxx f x -+=+的图象大致是()A.B.C.D.5.1934年,东印度(今孟加拉国)学者森德拉姆(Sundaram )发现了“正方形筛子”如下图,则其第10行第11列的数为()47101316712172227101724313813223140491627384960⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅A.220B.241C.262D.2646.设α、π0,2β⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,且1sin tan cos βαβ-=,则()A.π22αβ+=B.π22βα-=C.π22αβ-=D.π22αβ+=7.函数22()sin 2cos 2xf x x =+,则()f x 在下列区间上为单调递增函数的是()A.ππ,33⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭ B.π,03⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭C.π0,3⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭D.π2π,33⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭8.已知点()()2cos15,2sin15,2cos75,2sin 75A B ︒︒︒︒,及圆224x y +=上的两个动点C 、D ,且||2CD =,则CA CB DA DB ⋅+⋅的最大值是()A.6B.12C.24D.32二、选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,计20分.9.对于任意复数12z z 、,下列说法中正确的有()A.若11z z =,则1z R ∈B.若120z z ->,则12z z >C.()221212z z z z +=+ D.若11z =,则111z R z +∈10.某企业决定对某产品分两次提价,现有三种提价方案:①第一次提价%p ,第二次提价%q ;②第一次提价%2p q +,第二次提价%2p q+.其中0p q >>,比较上述三种方案,下列说法中正确的有()A.方案①提价比方案②多B.方案②提价比方案③多C .方案②提价比方案①多D.方案①提价比方案③多11.数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若36,n n S a n n N *=+∈,则()A.{}2n a -是等比数列B.{}n a 是单调数列C.{}212n n a a --是单调数列D.{}n S 是单调递增数列12.对于函数()f x ,若在区间I 上存在0x ,使得()00f x x =,则称()f x 是区间I 上的“Φ函数”.下列函数中,是区间I 上的“Φ函数”的有()A.1()e ,(0,)x f x I -==+∞B.()ln(1),(1,)f x x I =+=-+∞C.()sin ,(0,)f x x I ==+∞ D.()lg(sin ),(2,)f x x I ππ==--第Ⅱ卷(非选择题共90分)三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,计20分.请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上.13.ABC 中,2BD DC =,若AD xAB y AC =+ ,则x y -=___________.14.半径为2的球的内接圆柱的侧面积的最大值是___________.15.若圆22:()4E x y m +-=与函数2y x=的图象有公共点P ,且在点P 处的切线相同,则m =___________.16.ABC 中,sin(2)2sin A B B +=,则2tan tan tan A C B++的最小值为___________.四、解答题:本大题共6小题,计70分.解答应写出必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤,请把答案写在答题纸的指定区域内.17.已知O为坐标原点,(cos ,sin )OA OB αα==.(1)若3πα=,求||OA OB + ;(2)若0,2απ⎡∈⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,求OA OB ⋅的取值范围.18.首项为4的等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和记为n S ,其中546S S S 、、成等差数列.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)令2212211log log n n n b a a -+=⋅,求1001i i b =∑.19.ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是,,,2cos (cos cos )0a b c A b C c B a ++=.(1)求角A 的大小;(2)若a =,ABC 的面积是ABC 的周长.20.设函数21()3ln ,2af x x x a R x=+-∈.(1)若函数()f x 是增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)是否存在实数a ,使得1x =是()f x 的极值点?若存在,求出a ;若不存在,请说明理由.21.数列{}n a 中,112,21,N n n a a a n n *+=+=+∈.(1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)若数列{}n b 满足2212,N na n nb a n *-=⋅∈,求{}n b 的前n 项和.22.设函数()e ln(),R x f x x a a =-+∈.(1)当0a =时,求()f x 在点(1,(1))f 处的切线与两坐标轴围成三角形的面积;(2)当(,)x a ∈-+∞时,()f x a ≥恒成立,求a 的最大值.盐城市2023届高三年级第一学期期中考试数学试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,计40分.1.设复数1i z =-,则2z =()A.B.4C.D.2【答案】D 【解析】【分析】先求2z 再求模长可得答案.【详解】()221i 112i 2=-=--=z .故选:D .2.已知集合{}{}2230,32A x x xB x x =-->=-<,则A B = ()A.(3,5) B.(1,3)C.(1,1)- D.,1(),)1(-∞-⋃+∞【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据解一元二次不等式的方法、解绝对值不等式的公式法,结合集合交集的定义进行求解即可.【详解】因为{}{22303A x x x x x =-->=>或}1x <-,{}15B x x =<<所以{}35A B x x ⋂=<<,故选:A3.在ABC 中,“cos cos A B >”是“A B <”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C 【解析】【分析】先考虑充分性,再考虑必要性利用函数的单调性可得解.【详解】当cos cos A B >,因为cos y x =在(0,π)内单调递减,所以A B <,所以“cos cos A B >”是“A B <”的充分条件;当A B <时,因为cos y x =在(0,π)内单调递减,所以cos cos A B >,所以“cos cos A B >”是“A B <”的必要条件.故选:C.4.函数(ln ()e e x xx f x -+=+的图象大致是()A.B.C.D.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据函数的奇偶性以及特殊点的函数值求得正确答案.【详解】0x x x x +>+=+≥,所以()f x 的定义域为R ,()(ln ln e e e e x xx xx x x f x --⎡⎤-++-+⎣⎦-==++(()lne ex xxf x-⎛⎫+==-=-+,所以()f x是奇函数,图象关于原点对称,排除BD选项.()(1ln110e ef-=>+,排除C选项,所以A选项正确.故选:A5.1934年,东印度(今孟加拉国)学者森德拉姆(Sundaram)发现了“正方形筛子”如下图,则其第10行第11列的数为()47101316712172227101724313813223140491627384960⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅A.220B.241C.262D.264【答案】B【解析】【分析】观察可得第一列成等差数列,然后再观察每一行的特点,即可得到第10行第11列的数.【详解】第一列的数字为4,7,10,13,16,K可得为等差数列,公差3d=,则()()1143131na a n d n n=+-=+-=+则第10行的第一个数字为10310131a=⨯+=然后第一行的数字是加3递增,第二行的数字是加5递增,第三行的数字是加7递增,⋯则第N行的是加()321N+-递增,则第10行是加()3210121+-=递增所以第10行第11列的数为()3121111241+-=故选:B6.设α、π0,2β⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,且1sintancosβαβ-=,则()A.π22αβ+= B.π22βα-= C.π22αβ-= D.π22αβ+=【答案】A【解析】【分析】利用三角恒等变换可得出πtan tan42βα⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭,再利用正切函数的单调性可得出合适的选项.【详解】因为α、π0,2β⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,则cos0β>,且ππ424β<-<,22222cos sinsin cos2sin cos1sin222222tancos cos sincos sin cos sin222222βββββββαβββββββ⎛⎫-+- ⎪-⎝⎭===⎛⎫⎛⎫--+⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭πcossin 1tan tan tan π22242tan π42cos sin 1tan 1tan tan 22242βββββββββ---⎛⎫====- ⎪⎝⎭+++,所以,π42βα=-,可得π22αβ+=.故选:A.7.函数22()sin 2cos 2x f x x =+,则()f x 在下列区间上为单调递增函数的是()A.ππ,33⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭B.π,03⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭C.π0,3⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭D.π2π,33⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭【答案】C 【解析】【分析】先将函数化简,然后换元令cos x t =,结合复合函数的单调性对选项逐一判断即可得到结果.【详解】222()sin 1cos 1cos 1cos cos cos 2f x x x x x x x =++=-++=-++令2cos ,2x t y t t ==-++,122b t a =-=,所以在区间11,2⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭单调递增,在区间1,12⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭单调递减cos t x =在ππ,33⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,无单调性,A 错误.cos t x =在π,03⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭递增,则1,12t ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,∴()f x 在π,03⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭递减,B 错误.cos t x =在π0,3⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭递减,1,12t ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭∴()f x 在π0,3⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭递增,C 正确.cos t x =在π2π,33⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭递减,12t ⎛∈- ⎝,∴()f x 在π2π,33⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭递减,D 错误.故选:C.8.已知点()()2cos15,2sin15,2cos75,2sin 75A B ︒︒︒︒,及圆224x y +=上的两个动点C 、D ,且||2CD =,则CA CB DA DB ⋅+⋅的最大值是()A.6B.12C.24D.32【答案】C 【解析】【分析】求出,A B 两点坐标,设()()1122,,,C x y D x y ,计算CA CB DA DB ⋅+⋅,由弦CD 的中点在以原点为圆心3为半径的圆上,求得圆方程,然后用三角换元法化为三角函数式,利用和与差的正弦公式化简后可得最大值.【详解】1cos15cos(4530)cos 45cos30sin 45sin 3022224︒=︒-︒=︒︒+︒︒=⨯+⨯=,1sin15sin(4530)sin 45cos30cos 45sin 3022224︒=︒-︒=︒︒-︒︒=⨯-⨯=,sin 75cos154︒=︒=,cos 75sin154︒=︒=,,,,2222A B ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭122A B x x =⨯=,同理1A B y y =,A B x x +=,A B y y +=设()()1122,,,C x y D x y ,()()()()11112222,,,,A A B B A A B B CA CB DA DB x x y y x x y y x x y y x x y y ⋅+⋅=----+----()()()()()()()()11112222A B A B A B A B x x x x y y y y x x x x y y y y =--+--+--+--()()()1124A B A B A B A B A B A B A B x x x x x y y y y y x x x x x y y =-++-+++-++()()()()()212124228A B A B A B A B A B y y y x x y y x x x x y y y y -++=+-++-+++))121212x x y y =+-++,2CD =,则CD=,中点的轨迹方程为223x y +=,CD 中点1212,22x x y y M ++⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭在223x y +=上,∴()()22121212x x y y +++=,令1212,x x y y θθ+=+=([0,2)θπ∈),12cos sin )1222CA CB DA DB θθθθ⋅+⋅=--+=-++ 12sin()12244πθ=-++≤,54πθ=时等号成立,故选:C .【点睛】本题考查平面向量数量积的坐标表示,解题关键是确定CD 中点在圆上,这样可用元法把C D x x +与C D y y +用一个变量表示,把与之有关的问题转化为三角函数问题求解.本题才学生运算求解能力要求较高,属于难题.二、选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,计20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分,请在答题纸的指定位置填涂答案选项.9.对于任意复数12z z 、,下列说法中正确的有()A.若11z z =,则1z R∈ B.若120z z ->,则12z z >C.()221212z z z z +=+ D.若11z =,则111z R z +∈【答案】AD 【解析】【分析】根据复数的概念和复数的模以及复数的运算逐项排除.【详解】设1i ,R ,z a b a b =+∈11z z =,即i i ab a b =+-,∴0b =,1z a =∈R ,故A 对;121234i,24i,0z z z z =+=+->但1z 与2z 无大小,故B 错;12i z z +=时2212i 1,1z z =-+=,故C 错;11z =,∴221a b +=,1111ii i 2i 1a b z a b a b a z a b -+=++=++=∈+R ,故D 对,故选:AD .10.某企业决定对某产品分两次提价,现有三种提价方案:①第一次提价%p ,第二次提价%q ;②第一次提价%2p q +,第二次提价%2p q+;.其中0p q >>,比较上述三种方案,下列说法中正确的有()A.方案①提价比方案②多B.方案②提价比方案③多C.方案②提价比方案①多D.方案①提价比方案③多【答案】BCD 【解析】【分析】分别用,p q 表示三个方案提价后的价格,结合p q +>,作差比较即可判断.【详解】不妨设原价为1,方案1:两次提价后变为1(1%)(1%)p q a ⋅++=,方案2:两次提价后变为211%2p q b +⎛⎫⋅+=⎪⎝⎭,方案3:两次提价后变为21(1c ⋅+=,由于20p q +-=>,即p q +>,10000(100)(100)10000100()a p q p q pq=++=+++22()1000010010000100()1000024p q p q b p q a ++⎛⎫=+=+++> ⎪⎝⎭,A 错,C 对.2p q+>,则b c >,B 对.210000(1001000010000c pq a =+=++<,D 对,选BCD .11.数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若36,n S a n n N *=+∈,则()A.{}2n a -是等比数列B.{}n a 是单调数列C.{}212n n a a --是单调数列D.{}n S 是单调递增数列【答案】ACD 【解析】【分析】根据递推公式求出数列的通项公式,然后逐项检验即可求解.【详解】当1n=时,1136a a =+,∴13a =,2n ≥时,111111122(1)23333n n n n n n n a S S a n n a a ---⎡⎤=-=+-+-=-+⎢⎥⎣⎦,∴121233n n a a -=-+,∴1132n n a a -=-+,()21111112,21022n n n a a a a ---=-+=---=≠,∴{}2n a -是以12-为公比的等比数列,A 对,{}n a 无单调性,B 错,1122n n a -⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭,∴1222222111112,22242222n n n nn n a a ----⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-=+-=+=+⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,2121221112222222n n nn a --⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-=-=-⋅ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,∴2212162nn n a a -⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭是单调递减数列,C 对,11202n n a -⎛⎫=+-> ⎪⎝⎭,则{}n S 是单递增数列,D 对,故选:ACD .12.对于函数()f x ,若在区间I 上存在0x ,使得()00f x x =,则称()f x 是区间I 上的“Φ函数”.下列函数中,是区间I 上的“Φ函数”的有()A.1()e ,(0,)x f x I -==+∞ B.()ln(1),(1,)f x x I =+=-+∞C.()sin ,(0,)f x x I ==+∞ D.()lg(sin ),(2,)f x x I ππ==--【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】根据“Φ函数”的定义,对于ABC ,举例判断,对于D ,转化为两个函数图像有交点,作出图像判断.【详解】对于A ,1x =时,1e x x -=,A 对.对于B ,0x =时,ln(1)x x +=,B 对.对于C ,sin x x =有且仅有一个零点0,0(0,)∉+∞,C 错.对于D ,lg(sin)10sin x x x x =⇔=,分别作出10x y =与sin y x =在(2,)ππ--的图像有交点,即()f x x =有解,D 对,故选:ABD .第Ⅱ卷(非选择题共90分)三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,计20分.请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上.13.ABC 中,2BD DC = ,若AD xAB y AC =+ ,则x y -=___________.【答案】13-【解析】【分析】由平面向量的三点共线定理求得x 、y 的值,代入计算即可.【详解】2BD DC = ,2AD AB AC AD∴-=- 1233AD AB AC ∴=+ ,即12,33x y ==.13x y ∴-=-.故答案为:13-.14.半径为2的球的内接圆柱的侧面积的最大值是___________.【答案】8π【解析】【分析】根据球和圆柱的几何性质,结合基本不等式、圆柱侧面积公式进行求解即可.【详解】设圆柱底面半径为r ,高为h ,则224(222h h r r rh =+≥⋅=,当且仅当12r h =取等号,即4rh ≤,2π8πS rh =≤.故答案为:8π15.若圆22:()4E x y m +-=与函数2y x =的图象有公共点P ,且在点P 处的切线相同,则m =___________.【答案】0【解析】【分析】根据导数的几何意义,结合圆的切线性质进行求解即可.【详解】设()0022200222,,,,1EP P x y y k x x x =-=--=-',∴0200221m x x x -=-,∴30022x m x -=-,显然002y x =,且222200002()4()4x y m x m x +-=⇒+-=,∴6262620000000404416042241046x x x x x x x x +-=⇒-++-=⇒=+,22224222000000042002)(28)(2)2(2)(02)[(1)74])0((0x x x x x x x x x -++=⇒⇒-++-+-+⇒==20020x x ⇒-=⇒=400402x m x -==.故答案为:0【点睛】关键点睛:利用添项进行因式分解求解方程的实根是解题的关键.16.ABC 中,sin(2)2sin A B B +=,则2tan tan tan A C B++的最小值为___________.【答案】2【解析】【分析】先将题干条件利用正弦的和差角公式展开化简,得到tan 3tan CA =-,代入正切的和角公式展开中,将tanB 也用tan A 表示,最后代入原式,讨论tan A 的正负,当tan A 为正时,利用基本不等式求得原式的最小值.【详解】sin()2sin()A B A A B A ++=+-[]sin()cos cos()sin 2sin()cos cos()sin A B A A B A A B A A B A +++=+-+sin()cos 3cos()sin A B A A B A⇒+=+tan()3tan tan 3tan A B A C A⇒+=⇒=-且2tan tan 2tan tan tan()1tan tan 13tan A C A B A C A C A+=-+=-=-+∴原式213tan 1 2tan tan tan tan A A A A A+=-+=+若A 为钝角,则A B +为钝角,∴tan()tan 3tan A B A A +>>与条件矛盾,舍故A 为锐角,∴tan 0A >,1tan 2tan A A +≥,当且仅当tan 1,4A A π==时取“=”故答案为:2四、解答题:本大题共6小题,计70分.解答应写出必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤,请把答案写在答题纸的指定区域内.17.已知O为坐标原点,(cos ,sin )OA OB αα== .(1)若3πα=,求||OA OB + ;(2)若0,2απ⎡∈⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,求OA OB ⋅ 的取值范围.【答案】(1)3(2)[1,2]【解析】【分析】(1)利用3πα=,求出OA OB + ,利用向量的模长公式,即可求解.(2)利用cos 2sin 6OA OB πααα⎛⎫⋅=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭ ,再根据0,2απ⎡∈⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,即可求出OA OB ⋅ 的取值范围.【小问1详解】3πα=时,1,22OB ⎛= ⎝⎭,∴3,22OA OB ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭∴||3OA OB +== 【小问2详解】cos 2sin 6OA OB πααα⎛⎫⋅=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭ ∵02πα≤≤,∴2663πππα≤+≤,∴∴OA OB ⋅ 的取值范围为[1,2].18.首项为4的等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和记为n S ,其中546S S S 、、成等差数列.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)令2212211log log n n n b a a -+=⋅,求1001i i b =∑.【答案】(1)11(1)2n n n a -+=-⋅;(2)25101.【解析】【分析】(1)根据等差中项及数列和的意义化简可得公比,由等比数列通项公式求解即可;(2)裂项相消法求出数列的和即可.【小问1详解】∵546,,S S S 成等差数列,∴564546420S S S S S S S +=⇒-+-=6556502a a a a a ⇒++=⇒=-,∴等比数列{}n a 公比2q =-,∴1114(2)(1)2n n n n a --+=⋅-=-⋅【小问2详解】221221log 2,log 22n n a n a n -+==+ ,∴11114(1)41n b n n n n ⎛⎫==- ⎪++⎝⎭,∴100111111111251142231001014101101i i b =⎛⎫⎛⎫∑=-+-++-=-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ .19.ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是,,,2cos (cos cos )0a b c A b C c B a ++=.(1)求角A 的大小;(2)若a =ABC的面积是ABC 的周长.【答案】(1)23π(2)7【解析】【分析】(1)根据2cos (sin cos cos sin )sin 0A B C B C A ++=,化简得到2cos sin sin 0A A A +=求解;(2)在ABC 中,由余弦定理得2212372b c bc ⎛⎫+-⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭,再结合ABC 的面积是.【小问1详解】解:因为2cos (sin cos cos sin )sin 0A B C B C A ++=,所以2cos sin()sin 0A B C A ++=,在ABC 中,A B C π++=,∴sin()sin B C A +=,∴2cos sin sin 0A A A +=,则1cos 2A =-因为()0,A π∈,所以23A π=.【小问2详解】在ABC 中,由余弦定理得2212372b c bc ⎛⎫+-⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭,又ABC 的面积是所以122bc ⋅=()237b c bc +-=,则7b c +=,∴ABC 周长为7a b c ++=+20.设函数21()3ln ,2a f x x x a R x =+-∈.(1)若函数()f x 是增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)是否存在实数a ,使得1x =是()f x 的极值点?若存在,求出a ;若不存在,请说明理由.【答案】(1)(,2]-∞-(2)不存在,理由见解析【解析】【分析】(1)由()f x 是增函数等价转化为()0f x '≥恒成立,通过参变分离,求新函数的最值,得到参数a 的取值范围;(2)先假设1x =是()f x 的极值点,由必要性条件求出a 的值,再代回验证,发现不能使1x =是极值点成立,故判断为不存在.【小问1详解】23()a f x x x x =--',∵()f x 是增函数,∴23()0a f x x x x=--≥'对0x ∀>恒成立,∴()3min 3a x x ≤-令32()3,()33g x x x g x x '=-=-令()01g x x '=⇒=且当01x <<时,()0g x '<,()g x 单调递减;当1x >时,()0g x '>,()g x 单调递增.∴min ()(1)2g x g ==-,∴2a ≤-即a 的取值范围为(,2]-∞-.【小问2详解】若1x =是()f x 的极值点,则必有(1)1302f a a =--=⇒=-'(必要性)当2a =-时,322222332(1)(2)()0x x x x f x x x x x x-+-+=+-='=≥∴()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增,()f x 无极值点,故假设不成立即不存在这样的a .21.数列{}n a 中,112,21,N n n a a a n n *+=+=+∈.(1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)若数列{}n b 满足2212,N n a n n b a n *-=⋅∈,求{}n b 的前n 项和.【答案】(1)()()**1,21,N 1,2,N n n n k k a n n k k ⎧+=-∈⎪=⎨-=∈⎪⎩;(2)1(31)449n n n S +-+=.【解析】【分析】(1)已知等式121++=+nn a a n ,再写一次(用1n +替换n )后,两式相减可得数列的奇数项与偶数项分别成等差数列,分别求出通项公式后可得;(2)用错位相减法求和.【小问1详解】由121++=+n n a a n ①2123n n a a n ++⇒+=+②,②-①22n n a a +⇒-=,∴{}n a 的奇数项与偶数项各自成等差数列,由11223a a a =⇒+=,∴21a =,∴2112(1)2n a a n n -=+-=,∴1n a n =+,n 为奇数,212(1)21n a n n =+-=-,∴1n a n =-,n 为偶数.∴()()**1,21,N 1,2,N n n n k k a n n k k ⎧+=-∈⎪=⎨-=∈⎪⎩.【小问2详解】21224n n n b n n -=⋅=⋅,设{}n b 前n 项和为n S ,∴1231142434(1)44n n n S n n -=⋅+⋅+⋅++-⋅+⋅ ①,231141424(2)4(1)44n n n n S n n n -+=⋅+⋅++-⋅+-⋅+⋅ ②,①-②()21141434444414n n n n n S n n ++-⇒-=+++-⋅=-⋅- ,1(31)449n n n S +-+=.22.设函数()e ln(),R x f x x a a =-+∈.(1)当0a=时,求()f x 在点(1,(1))f 处的切线与两坐标轴围成三角形的面积;(2)当(,)x a ∈-+∞时,()f x a ≥恒成立,求a 的最大值.【答案】(1)(e 1)1y x =-+,12e 2-(2)1【解析】【分析】(1)求导,利用导函数的几何意义求出切线的斜率,从而求出切线方程,从而得到切线方程与两坐标轴的交点坐标,求出围成的三角形的面积;(2)利用同构得到ln()e e ln()x x a x x a ++≥++,构造()e x g x x =+,得到()(ln())g x g x a ≥+,由单调性得到e x a x ≤-,构造()e x h x x =-,(,)x a ∈-+∞,分0a ->与0a -<两种情况,利用导函数得到()e x h x x =-,(,)x a ∈-+∞的单调性,从而求出a 的最大值.【小问1详解】0a =时,()e ln x f x x =-,()1e x f x x '=-,切点()1,e ,∴(1)1e k f '==-,切线方程为(e 1)(1)e (e 1)1y x x =--+=-+令01x y =⇒=,令101ey x =⇒=-,∴切线与两坐标轴围成的三角形的面积为11112e 12e 2S =⨯⨯=--.【小问2详解】由e ln()x x a a-+≥ln()e ln()e ln()x x a x x a x a x a +⇒+≥+++=++令()e x g x x =+,显然()g x 在R 上单调递增,且由()(ln())g x g x a ≥+ln()e x x x a x a ⇒≥+⇒+≤,所以e x a x ≤-,只需()min e x a x ≤-令()e x h x x =-,(,)x a ∈-+∞,则()e 1x h x '=-,若0a -≥,即0a ≤时,()e 10x h x ='-≥恒成立,故()e x h x x =-在(,)x a ∈-+∞上单调递增,此时()()01e 0h x h >==,所以1a≤,与0a ≤取交集后得到0a ≤;若0a-<,即0a >时,当0x >时,()e 10x h x '=->,故()e xh x x =-单调递增,当0a x -<<时,()e 10x h x '=-<,故()e xh x x =-单调递减,故()e x h x x =-在0x =处取得极小值,也是最小值,故()()n 0mi 10e 0=h x h -==,故01a <≤,综上:a 的最大值为l .【点睛】导函数求解参数取值范围,当函数中同时出现e x 与ln x ,通常使用同构来进行求解,本题难点是e ln()x x a a -+≥变形得到ln()e ln()e ln()x x a x x a x a x a ++≥+++=++,从而构造()e x g x x =+进行求解.。



江苏省盐城市英语初三上学期期中复习试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Question: What did the man order for dinner?A. A bowl of noodles.B. A plate of rice.C. A glass of milk.Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, the man says, “I’ll have a bowl of noodles, please.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.2、Question: When will the woman go to the museum?A. On Saturday morning.B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Sunday morning.Answer: CExplanation: The woman mentions, “I’m planning to go to the museum on Sunday morning.” Thus, the correct answer is C.3、You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What does the girl suggest they do for their weekend trip?A. Go to the beach.B. Visit a museum.C. Stay at home and relax.Answer: C. Stay at home and relax.Explanation: In the conversation, the girl mentions that she’s tired from the week and would rather stay at home and relax instead of going anywhere.4、You will hear a short passage about the importance of exercise. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: According to the passage, what is one of the main benefits of regular exercise?A. Improved concentration.B. Weight loss.C. Enhanced mood.Answer: C. Enhanced mood.Explanation: The passage specifically mentions that regular exercise can lead to an enhanced mood, which is a significant health benefit.5、Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.What time does the train to London leave?A. 9:00 a.m.B. 10:00 a.m.C. 11:00 a.m.Answer: BExplanation: In the recording, the announcer clearly states that the train to London will depart at 10:00 a.m. This matches option B.6、Question: Listen to the conversation between two students and answer the question.What subject do they plan to study together?A. MathB. HistoryC. ScienceAnswer: AExplanation: During the conversation, one student says, “Hey, do you want to study mat h together this afternoon?” The other student responds positively, indicating they are planning to study math together. Therefore, the answer isA.7、What did the new player, Jack, do in the game?•A) He scored the winning goal.•B) He made a three-pointer at the buzzer.•C) He helped the team to catch up in the first half.•D) He missed the final shot.Answer: B) He made a three-pointer at the buzzer.Explanation: The dialogue states that Jack, who is the new player, made athree-pointer at the very end of the game (at the buzzer), which led to the Tigers’ win by just one point.Monologue 2 (for Question 8)Transcript:•“Good morning, everyone. This is your principal speaking. I’m calling to inform you about some changes in our school calendar. Due to the unexpected snowstorm lastweek, we have to reschedule the science fair. It was originally planned for this Friday,but now it will take place next Monday. Also, please remember that tomorrow,Wednesday, is a half-day, as scheduled, with dismissal at noon. Thank you for yourattention, and stay safe and warm!”8、When has the science fair been rescheduled to?•A) This Friday•B) Next Monday•C) This Wednesday•D) Next FridayAnswer: B) Next MondayExplanation:The monologue clearly states that the science fair, which was initially set for this Friday, has been moved to next Monday because of the recent snowstorm.9.A) What is the boy doing in the picture?B) What does the girl like to do after school?C) What do the two friends usually do together?D) What is the boy’s favorite activity?Answer: C) What do the two friends usually do together?Explanation: In this dialogue, the girl mentions that she and her friend usually go to the library after school to study. The boy agrees and adds that they also like to go for a walk in the park. Hence, the correct answer is C, which is about what the two friends usually do together.10.A) How does the girl feel about her new job?B) What does the boy suggest the girl should do next?C) Why is the girl late for work?D) How long has the girl been working at the new company?Answer: B) What does the boy suggest the girl should do next?Explanation: The girl tells the boy that she is nervous about her new job. The boy responds by suggesting that she should take a deep breath and try to relax. He also encourages her to ask for help if she needs it. Therefore, the correct answer is B, which is about what the boy suggests the girl should do next.11、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.Question: Where is the man going to have lunch?A. At home.B. In a restaurant.C. At the office.Answer: BExplanation: The man says, “I think I’ll grab a quick bite at that newrestaurant downtown.” This clearl y indicates that he is planning to have lunch in a restaurant, specifically the new one downtown.12、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To advertise a new book.B. To describe a book club meeting.C. To recommend a book to readers.Answer: CExplanation: The passage mentions a book that the speaker finds interesting and believes others will enjoy reading as well. The speaker goes on to describe the book’s contents and its potential appe al to readers. This suggests that the main purpose of the passage is to recommend the book to readers.13、What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. A weekend plan.B. A school project.C. A birthday party.Answer: B. A school project.Explanation: The conversation revolves around the details of a group assignment that needs to be completed by the students. They discuss the topics, division of work, and the deadline for submission, indicating it is about a school project rather than personal plans or celebrations.14、How will they divide the work for the project?A. One person will do all the research while the other writes the report.B. They will each choose a topic and present it in class.C. They will split the research topics and collaborate on the final presentation.Answer: C. They will split the research topics and collaborate on the final presentation.Explanation: In the dialogue, one speaker mentions that they should each take responsibility for researching different aspects of the project and then come together to integrate their findings into a cohesive presentation. This indicates a collaborative effort after individual research.15.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, discussing their weekend plans.Question: What does Alice plan to do on Saturday?A. Go shoppingB. Watch a movieC. Visit a friendD. Travel to another cityAnswer: CExplanation: In the conversation, Alice mentions that she has an appointment with a friend on Saturday, so she will be visiting a friend.16.Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about the upcoming science fair.Question: What is the main purpose of the science fair?A. To test students’ science knowledgeB. To encourage students to research and experimentC. To compare students’ science projectsD. To select the best science studentAnswer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, the teacher explains that the science fair is an opportunity for students to research and experiment, which suggests that the main purpose is to encourage students to engage in scientific exploration.17、Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.What time does the train leave for New York?A. At 8:30 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 9:30 am.Answer: BExplanation: The recording clearly states that the train departs for New York at 9:00 am. The listener should be able to identify this information and select the corresponding answer choice.18、Question: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following question. Where is the woman planning to go for her vacation?A. To the beach.B. To the mountains.C. To the city.Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the woman mentions that she wants to relax and unwind, and that the beach sounds like a perfect place to do so. This indicates that she is planning to go to the beach for her vacation. Therefore, the answer is A.19、What does the man suggest doing this weekend?(A)Go to the beach.(B)Visit a museum.(C)Watch a movie at home.Audio Clip:Man: Hey, I was thinking since it’s going to be sunny this weekend, we could head over to the coast. It would be nice to get some fresh air and maybe even go for a swim. What do you think?Answer: (A) Go to the beach.Explanation: The man suggests going to the coast, which implies going to the beach, because he mentions getting some fresh air and possibly going for a swim. This matches with option A, while the other options are not mentioned in the conversation.20、When is the woman planning to leave for her trip?(A)On Friday morning.(B)On Saturday afternoon.(C)On Sunday evening.Audio Clip:Woman: I’m so excited about my trip! I’ve got everything packed, and I’ll be catching the early flight on Saturday. I just need to finish up a bit of work before then.Answer: (B) On Saturday afternoon.Correction: The correct answer should actually be that the woman is leaving on Saturday morning, not afternoon, as she mentions catching the “early flight on Saturday.” Therefore, the answer should be corrected to reflect anon-existent option, or the options should be adjusted to include “On Saturday morning.” Since we cannot add an option, let’s revise the answer and the explanation:Answer: None of the above (The correct answer is “On Saturday morning,” which is not listed among the choices).Explanation: The woman states that she will be “catching the early flight on Saturday,” which indicates that she plans to leave on Saturday morning. However, none of the given options match this information exactly. If there were an option for “On Saturday morning,” that would be the correct choice.二、阅读理解(30分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:The Great Wall of China is one of the most remarkable architectural achievements in the world. Stretching over 13,000 miles, it was built over several centuries by various dynasties. The wall was originally constructed to protect the Chinese emperors and their people from invasions by nomadic tribes. Today, it is a symbol of Chinese strength and perseverance.The construction of the Great Wall involved millions of laborers, many of whom were drafted into the army or forced into labor. The wall is made of large stones and bricks, and it has watchtowers at regular intervals. The wall’s zigzag design is believed to have been inspired by the Great Wall of Gobekli Tepe, an ancient structure in Turkey.Questions:1.What was the primary purpose of building the Great Wall of China?A) To serve as a grand tourist attraction.B) To protect emperors and their people from invasions.C) To showcase the power of the Chinese emperor.D) To store grain and supplies.2.Which of the following statements about the Great Wall is NOT true?A) It was built over several centuries.B) It was constructed by millions of laborers.C) It is made entirely of bricks.D) It has watchtowers at regular intervals.3.According to the passage, the zigzag design of the Great Wall is believed to have been inspired by which ancient structure?A) The Great Pyramid of GizaB) The Parthenon in GreeceC) The Great Wall of Gobekli TepeD) The Colosseum in RomeAnswers:1.B) To protect emperors and their people from invasions.2.C) It is made entirely of bricks.3.C) The Great Wall of Gobekli Tepe.三、完型填空(15分)Title: The Power of ReadingReading is a magical journey that takes us to faraway lands, introduces us to fascinating characters, and enriches our minds. It’s a treasure trove of knowledge and imagination, waiting to be explored by the curious minds of young readers. As I sit down with my book on a lazy afternoon, I am reminded of the countless hours I’ve spent immersed in the world of words, and the profound impact it has had on my life.One particular book that stands out in my memory is “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a story about a shepherd boy named Santiago who embarks on a journey to ___1___ his Personal Legend. Along the way, he encounters many obstacles and challenges, but through perseverance and the guidance of the universe, he learns the true meaning of his quest.The book taught me the importance of ___2___ dreams. It’s easy to get distracted by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but Santiago’s journey reminded me to always stay true to my aspirations. The universe, Coelho suggests, conspires in our favor when we are pursuing our hearts’ desires.Another valuable lesson I learned from reading is the art of ___3___. Each character in “The Alchemist” faced difficulties, but their resilience and ability to overcome adversity inspired me. It’s not about avoiding pr oblems, but about how we face them and turn them into opportunities for growth.Reading also fosters empathy and ___4___. By stepping into the shoes of different characters, we gain a deeper understanding of human emotions and experiences. This, in turn, helps us become more compassionate and tolerant individuals.Finally, reading is a gateway to ___5___. It opens up a world of possibilities and inspires us to explore new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. As I continue on my own journey of reading, I am grateful for the countless treasures I have discovered and the lessons I have learned along the way.Answers:1.A) uncover2.B) pursuing3.C) overcoming4.D) understanding5.A) knowledgeExplanation:•1)uncover: refers to discovering or revealing something, in this context,Santiago’s Personal Legend.2)2)pursuing: means to follow or strive after something, here referring to dreams.3)3)overcoming: implies defeating or surmounting challenges, which is a keytheme in the book.4)4)understanding: reading helps develop empathy and a deeper comprehensionof others.5)5)knowledge: reading is a means to gain knowledge and explore new horizons.四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.The following sentence has a blank that needs to be filled in with the correct form of the word in brackets. Complete the sentence accordingly.1、The students_______(be) very excited about the upcoming field trip.Answer: areExplanation: The subject “students” is plural, so the verb “be” should also be in its plural form “are.”2.Insert the appropriate preposition in the blank space provided.2、She is responsible__________taking care of her younger siblings while her parents are at work.Answer: forExpl anation: The phrase “be responsible for” means to have the duty or obligation to take care of something or someone. In this case, “for” is the correct preposition to use.3、The teacher__________(be) excited when she received the news that her students had won the competition.A. wasB. isC. areD. will be答案:A解析:本题考查过去时态。





1. 世界上最大最雄伟的100座桥梁有80座在中国。



下列说法正确的是()A. 仅增加索塔高度可减小钢索的拉力大小B. 仅减小索塔高度可减小钢索的拉力大小C. 仅增加钢索的数量可减小索塔受到向下的压力D. 仅减少钢索的数量可减小索塔受到向下的压力2. 某同学用手拉通过打点计时器的纸带,在纸带上选取一些打印点,用一小段时间内的平均速度代替瞬时速度,在υ-t坐标系中描点作图。


则()A. 甲图中点的纵坐标对应纸带运动到该时刻的速度B. 乙图中折线上每一点的纵坐标对应纸带在该时刻的速度C. 丙图中曲线上每一点的纵坐标对应纸带在该时刻的速度D. 因速度不会发生突变,丙图与纸带实际运动更加接近3. 在如图所示的实验中,用小锤击打弹性金属片后,A球沿水平方向抛出,做平抛运动,同时B球被释放,做自由落体运动。

小明为证实平抛运动的小球在竖直方向上的分运动是自由落体运动、水平方向上的分运动是匀速直线运动,改变小锤击打弹性金属片的力度、装置距离水平地面的高度,下列说法正确的是()A. 仅改变击打力度可以得到A 球在水平方向上的运动特点B. 仅改变装置高度可以得到A 球在水平方向上的运动特点C. 仅改变击打力度可以得到A 球在竖直方向上的运动特点D. 分别改变击打力度和装置高度,可以得到A 球竖直方向上的运动特点4. 2020年7月23日,我国成功发射“天问1号”火星探测器。

已知火星的质量约为地球的0.1倍,半径约为地球的0.5倍,地球的第一宇宙速度约为7.9km/s ,则火星的第一宇宙速度约为( )A. 3.5km/sB. 7.9km/sC. 11.2km/sD. 17.7km/s5. 如图所示,静止的长方体铁箱内用细绳a 、b 系着小球,绳a 倾斜向上、绳b 水平,用传感器测得两绳的拉力分别为F a 、F b 。








每小题均只有一个符合题意的选项)1、下列变化需克服共价键的是A.金刚石熔化B.汞受热变成汞蒸气 C.蔗糖溶于水D.食盐溶于水2、常温下,在下列给定条件的溶液中一定能大量共存的离子组是()A.能使pH试纸呈红色的溶液:Na+、NH4+、I-、NO3-B.加入铝粉生成H2的溶液:K+、Mg2+、SO32-、HCO3-C.c(Fe3+)=0.1 mol·L-1的溶液:H+、Al3+、Cl-、SCN-D.Kw/c(H+)=0.1 mol·L-1的溶液:Na+、K+、AlO2-、NO3-3、下列有关物质转化关系的说法中不正确的是A.图1中甲可能是Fe,X可能是Cl2B.图2中A可能为F2,C可能为O2C.图2中A可能为Ca(OH)2,C可能为NaOHD.图3中a可能为C,b可能为CO,c可能为CO24、25℃时,浓度均为0.1mol/L的溶液,其pH如下表所示。

有关说法正确的是序号①②③④溶液NaCl CH3COONH4NaF CH3COONapH 7.0 7.0 8.1 8.9A.酸性强弱:c(CH3COOH) > c(HF)B.离子的总浓度:①>③C.②中: c(CH3COO-) = c(NH4+)=c(OH-)=c(H+)D.②和④中c(CH3COO-)相等5、下列有关热化学方程式的叙述正确的是( )A.在101Kpa时,2gH2完全燃烧生成液态水,放出285.8KJ热量,氢气燃烧的热化学方程式为:2H2(g)+O2(g)=2H2O(l) ΔH=+285.8KJ/molB.已知C(石墨,s)C(金刚石,s)△H>0,则石墨比金刚石稳定C.在稀溶液中H+(aq)+OH-(aq) H2O(l) △H=-57.2 kJ/mol 若将含0.5 mol H2SO4的浓硫酸与含1 mol NaOH 的稀溶液混合,放出的热量等于57.2 kJD.己知2H2(g)+O2(g)2H2O(l) △H1 , 2H2(g)+O2(g)2H2O(g) △H2 , 则△H1 > △H26、硒(Se)与S同主族,下列能用于比较两者非金属性强弱的是( )A.氧化性:SeO2 > SO2B.热稳定性:H2S > H2SeC.沸点:H2S < H2Se D.酸性:H2SO3 > H2SeO37、二氧化硅(SiO2)又称硅石,是制备硅及其化合物的重要原料(各种转化见图)。









1.What caused the noise?A.The bed.B. The thunder.C. The wind.2.What will the speakers probably do next?A.Buy something to eat.B. Make some coffee.C. Find their seats onthe train.3.What time is it now?A.12:00.B. 10:00.C. 8:00.4.What is the woman mainly talking about?A.Cindy’s appearance.B. Cindy’s personality.C. Cindy’s hobby.5.How does the woman probably feel now?A.Dizzy.B. Tired.C. Well.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a stadium.B. At a gift shop.C. At a university.7.What does the woman offer to buy the man?A.Tickets.B. A souvenir.C. Food and drink.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



选择题如图所示,一个大人和一个小孩进行登楼比赛,他们同时从底层出发,最后到达六楼,小孩比大人先到.下面说法正确的是A.小孩重力势能的变化一定大B.大人重力势能的变化一定大C.小孩重力做功的功率一定更大D.大人重力做功的功率一定更大【答案】B【解析】AB.从底层到达六楼,重力势能增加,△Ep=mgh,大人与小孩上升的高度相等,大人质量大,重力势能的增量大,故A 项错误,B项正确;CD.小孩重力做功W=-mgh,比大人重力做功少;小孩所用时间短。




















选择题如图所示,在点电荷+Q产生的电场中,引入一个带电量较小的电荷-q.当将-q移近+Q的过程中A.a点的电场不会改变B.b点的电场不会改变C.+Q在b点产生的电场会改变D.+Q在a点产生的电场不会改变【答案】D【解析】A.a点的电场为点电荷+Q和电荷-q在a点产生电场的叠加,将-q 移近点电荷+Q的过程中,电荷-q到a点的距离发生变化,在a点产生的电场发生变化。



盐城市2023届高三年级第一学期期中考试政治答案1、61. 纳税人应该自觉履行纳税人义务行使纳税人的权力。

* [判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、我国实现从新民主主义到社会主义的转变。

进入社会主义的标志是(? )[单选题] *A.工人阶级成为领导阶级B.社会生产力水平的提高C.生产资料私有制的社会主义改造(正确答案)D.完成《中华人民共和国宪法》的确立3、体力劳动和脑力劳动的分工最早出现在(? )[单选题] *A.封建社会B.奴隶社会(正确答案)C.资本主义社会D.原始社会4、86. 和谐美好的社会,需要脚踏实地的艰苦奋斗。

* [判断题] *对(正确答案)错5、科学家尼葛庞蒂说:“预测未来的最好办法就是把它创造出来。


[单选题] *A.认识总是滞后于实践B.实践和认识互为先导C.实践高于(理性的)认识,因为它不仅具有普遍性的品格,而且具有直接现实性的品格(正确答案)D.实践与认识是合一的6、中国共产党人的初心和使命是(? )[单选题] *A.自觉坚持党的领导和我国社会主义制度B.中国人民谋幸福,为中华民族谋复兴(正确答案)C.坚持并深入推进党的建设新的伟大工程D.推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业7、中国特色社会主义是当代中国发展进步的根本方向,它是由道路、理论体系、制度、文化四位一体构成的,从制度层面看,发展中国特色社会主义需要()①坚持和完善人民代表大会制度②中国特色社会主义理论体系③坚持把国家层面的民主制度同基层民主制度有机结合起来④坚持走中国特色社会主义道路[单选题] *A.①②B.①③(正确答案)C.②④D.③④8、邓小平理论科学回答了建设中国特色社会主义的一系列基本问题,制定了到21世纪中叶分三步走,基本实现社会主义现代化的发展战略。

成功的开创了()[单选题] *A.抗日战争B.解放战争C.中国特色社会主义(正确答案)D.社会主义制度9、认识过程具有()。



2024-2025学年江苏省盐城市初三道德与法治上册期中达标检测试题班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、单选题(每题3分)1.关于责任,下列说法正确的是:A. 责任只来自于法律规定B. 每个人只承担对自己有利的责任C. 承担责任就意味着要付出代价,没有回报D. 不同的社会身份意味着承担不同的责任答案:D解析:责任来源于多个方面,包括道德、法律、职业等。




2.下列关于“集体”的说法,不正确的是:A. 集体是人们联合起来的有组织的整体B. 集体的发展离不开每个成员的努力C. 集体生活可以培养我们负责任的态度和能力D. 集体中的规则都是为了限制个人自由而制定的答案:D解析:集体是人们共同生活的团体,它的发展需要每个成员的共同努力和遵守规则。



3.面对挫折,我们应该持有的正确态度是:A. 回避、躲避,因为挫折只会带来痛苦B. 怨天尤人,认为都是别人的错C. 发掘自身生命的力量,培养面对困难的勇气和坚强的意志D. 顺其自然,等待命运的安排答案:C解析:面对挫折,我们应该采取积极的态度去应对。




4.在网络交往中,我们应该:A. 毫无顾忌地发表言论,因为网络是自由的B. 随意约见网友,建立深厚的友谊C. 遵守网络规则,学会自我保护D. 沉迷网络游戏,享受虚拟世界的快乐答案:C解析:网络虽然提供了便利和自由,但我们在网络交往中也应该遵守相应的规则和道德准则。



2019-2020学年江苏省盐城中学高三英语上学期期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACitisport inNewportWe at Citisport aim to improve sports training and facilities inNewport, giving you more opportunities to try both new and traditional sports.GolfWe are pleased to be able to offer lessons at Kingsway Golf Centre just outsideNewport. These are run by experienced golf professionals, and are held on an all-weather practice area. The adult lessons are open to anyone aged 13 and over, and are suitable for all levels from beginners upwards. These take place on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of six weeks. Children’s lessons for 7-12 year old are held from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturdays during term time.TennisThe Citisport tennis courses provide an opportunity for local people to develop their skills on the brand-new indoor tennis court at Newport Leisure Centre. All equipment can be provided, but please feel free to use your own racket (球拍) if you prefer. Our Starter course is held on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, and is for beginners of 12 years and over. Our Improver course, which takes place on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, is for players with some experience.Football for girlsBy popular request, Citisport is holding another one-day girls-only football course. This aims to give local girls the chance to learn essential skills and develop more advanced ones. The course will take place on Saturday, 9th November from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and is open to all girls aged 10-14 years living in theNewportarea.GymnasticsThis course is for beginners aged 8-14 and will provide an introduction to basic skills. There is a maximum of six pupils per coach in each class. At the end of the course there is a demonstration for friends and family of all the skills learnt there. The course will take place on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.1. What can we know about the Citisport golf lessons?A. You can take lessons at Kingsway Golf Centre insideNewport.B. The golf lessons can take place only in good weather.C. Teenagers can attend golf lessons on Wednesday afternoons.D. Children’s lessons usually last 2 or 3 hours on Saturday afternoons.2. Which of the following statements is true about the Citisport tennis courses?A. You can get the skills in an open-air court.B. You must take your own racket during the course.C. You can take the Monday course if you are a green hand.D. You can become an experienced player after the courses.3. Which course lasts only one day according to the text?A. Golf.B. Tennis.C. Football for girls.D. Gymnastics.BAbout 12 years ago, Sandy Cambron noticed her mother, Pearl Walker, had become quiet after she moved into a nursing home for patients of Alzheimer's disease inKentucky.“We tried everything — photos, old stories — but nothing worked,” she said. “It was really hard for everyone to see how she had changed.” Then one day whileSandywas in a toy store, she had an idea: Why not givePearla baby doll so she could feel as if she were caring for something again? And why not give one to all the other care center seniors?As soon asSandygavePearlthe doll, her mother's face lit up. “She started talking again and she never went anywhere without that baby,”Sandysaid. “She took 'baby' to the dining room with her and slept with her in her arms every night. When she passed away a year later, we even buried her with that well-loved baby doll.”In the following 10 years, Sandy and her husband, Wayne Cambron, continued to buy dolls and hand them out to the elderly of care centers near their home every New Year. Now Pearl's Memory Babies is anonprofit (非营利) organization that has contributed more than 300 dolls to old people with Alzheimer's disease at nursing homes since February 2018.Last year,Sandyposted New Year’s photos on Facebook, all of which are about seniors reacting to dolls thatshe and Wayne sent to a local nursing home. The post was shared more than 210,000 times overnight. People gave almost $15,000 online. That helped the group buy many dolls.“The dolls offer treatment and comfort,” said Elise Hinchman, who works at a care center inKentucky, "Some seniors cry when they get a doll. And they always rock and talk to their dolls. People with Alzheimer might losetheir memories, but they don't lose their ability to love.”4. How did Pearl change after she moved to a nursing home?A. She hardly talked.B. She lost hope in life.C. She felt bored.D. She forgot everything.5. How didPearlreact after receiving the doll?A. She began to cry.B. She was very delighted.C. She played it with a baby.D. She was unconcerned about it.6. What's paragraph 5 mainly about?A. What Sandy did for her mother.B. People's reaction toSandy's post.C. The rising needs for baby dolls.D. HowSandybecame a celebrity.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Good News for Alzheimer's PatientsB. How to Remove Alzheimer's DiseaseC. Baby Dolls Cheer up Alzheimer's PatientsD. Daughter Helps Mother Recover MemoryCSummer heat can be dangerous, and heat leads to tragedy far toooften. According to kidsandcars, org, an average of 37 young children per year die of car heat in the US, when they are accidentally left in a hot vehicle.For Bishop Curry, a fifth grader from Mckinney, Texas, one such incident hit close to home. A six-month-old baby from his neighborhood died after hours in a hot car. After hearing about her death, Curry decided that something needed to be done. Young Curry, who turned 11 this year, has always had a knack for inventing things, and he drew up a sketch (草图) of a device he called “Oasis.”The device would attach to carseats and watch the temperature inside the car. If it reached a certain temperature in the car, and the device sensed a child in the carseat, it would begin to circulate cool air. Curry alsodesigns the device using GPS and Wi-Fi technology, which would alarm the child’s parents and, if there was no response from them, the police.Curry’s father believes that the invention has potential. “The cool thing about Bishop’s thinking is none of this technology is new,” he said. “We feel like the way he’s thinking and combining all these technologies will get to production faster.” His father even introduced the device to Toyota, where he works as an engineer. The company was so impressed that they sent Curry and his father to a car safety conference in Michigan.In January, Curry’s father launched a campaign for the invention. They hope to raise money to finalize the patent, build models, and find a manufacturer. Their goal was $20,000, but so many people believed in Oasis’ potential that they have raised more than twice that — over $46,000.Curry’s father remembers the first time he saw his son’s sketch. “I was so proud of him for thinking of a solution,” he said. “We always just complain about things and rarely offer solutions.”8. What inspired Curry to invent Oasis?A. His narrow escape from death after being locked in a car.B. His knowledge of many children’s death because of car heat.C. The death of his neighbor’s baby after being left in a hot car.D. The injury of 37 children in his school in a car accident.9. What would Oasis do if it was hot in a car with a child?A. It would inform the parents or even the police.B. It would pump out the hot air in the car.C. It would sound the alarm attached to the car.D. It would get the window open to save the child.10. What does Curry’s father think is cool about Curry’s invention?A. It used some of the most advanced technology.B. It simply combined technologies that existed.C. It could accelerate production of new technology.D. It is the most advanced among similar products.11. Why did Curry’s father start a campaign to raise money?A. To conduct experiments to test the invention.B. To get other children devoted to inventions.C. To support a charity of medical aid for children.D. To get the patent and bring it to production.DKenyan mother Beth Mwende heard her sleeping child cry out, but did not worry after the three-year-old quickly quietened down. The next morning, however, she found her daughter, Mercy, nearly unconscious with two bite marks in the neck. “I didn’t know that it was a snake,” Mwende said.Although snakebites are common in her hometown, antivenom medication is difficult to get. Mwende livesabout 160 kilometers east of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. So she took her daughter to a traditional healer. He placed stones over the bites. Mercy died within hours. She was one of about 700 Kenyans killed by snakebites each year, notes a report in the scientific publicationToxicon.The Kenya Snakebite Research and Intervention Center (KSRIC) is working to change that. The KSRIC hopes to have East Africa’s first antivenom medication on the market within five years. It estimates the cost will be about 30 percent of an imported product, which often sells for about US $ 30.More than 70, 000 people are bitten in East Africa each year. Climate change and deforestation are worsening the problem as snakes get pushed out of natural surroundings into populated areas.Nearly 100 snakes live at the research center in a forest near Nairobi. Researchers take venom from snakes and study it before injecting small amounts into other animals, such as sheep. The animals then create antibodies that can be made into antivenom.“Up to now, no one has made any kind of antivenom in Kenya,’’ said Geoffrey Maranga Kepha, a senior snake handler.Two effective antivenoms are available in Kenya, from India and Mexico, the center says.The center is teaching communities that using antivenom immediately after receiving a snakebite can save lives, said head researcher George Adinoh.“After seeing how people died in Kenya from snakebites I decided to devote my life to coming up with a rescue measure that will help or prevent people from dying from snakebites,” snake handler Kepha added.12. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?A. By telling a story.B. By listing figures.C. By referririg to documents.D. By making a comparison.13. Why did Mwende take her daughter to a traditional healer?A. She couldn’t afford any modern treatment.B. She lived where antivenom medication is not available.C. The traditional way is very effective to treat snakebites.D. She believed a traditional healer could cure her daughter.14. What is causing more snakebites to happen in East Africa?A. Lack of antivenom medication.B. Environmental damage and climate change.C. People’s low awareness of the danger of snakes.D. People’s pursuit of traditional cures for snakebites.15. What do we know about antivenom in Kenya from the text?A. Itis taken from antibodies of sheep.B. There is only one effective antivenom available.C. KSRIC is trying to develop a local antivenom now.D. People refuse to use antivenom after being bitten by snakes.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年江苏省盐城中学高三英语上学期期中试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIf you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? Keeping your body alive indefinitely still seems like an impossibility, but some scientists think that digital technology may have the answer: creating a digital copy of your “self” and keeping it “alive” online long after your physical body has ceased to function.In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike the familiar physical clones — children that have identical features as their parents, but that are completely separate organisms with a separate life — your electronic clone would believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to mapthe brain.How? One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology (纳米技术). Ray Kurzweil — one of the kings of artificial intelligence — predicts that within two or three decades we will have nano transmitters that can be put into the bloodstream. Inthe capillaries (毛细血管) of the brain, they would line up alongside the neurons and detect the details of the cerebral (大脑的) electronic activity. They would be able to send that information to a receiver inside a special helmet, so there would be no need for any wires sticking out of the head.As a further step, Ray Kurzweil also imagines the nano transmitters being able to connect you to a world of virtual reality on the Internet, similar to what was shown in the film “Matrix”. With the nano transmitters in place, by thought alone, you could log on to the Internet and instead of the pictures coming up on your screen, they would play inside your mind. Rather than send your friends e-mails you would agree to meet up on some virtual tropical beach.Some peoplebelieve that they can enjoy life after death. But why wait for that when you could have a shot of nanobots (纳米机器人) and upload your brain onto the Internet and live forever as a virtual surfer?One snag: to exist on the net you will have to have your neural network parked on the computer of a web-hosting company. These companies want real money in real bank accounts every year or they will wipe your bit of the hard disc and sell the space to someone else. With your body six feet underground how will you pay?1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Nano transmitters can help map the human brain.B. Electronic clones recreate the original human body.C. Electronic clones may put their physical selves into movies.D. Nano transmitters use a helmet to detect the cerebral activities.2. What is the author’s attitude towards electronic clones?A. Optimistic and careful.B. Interested and unconvinced.C. Excited and confused.D. Assured and critical.3. The author asks “how will you pay?” at the end of the article, because ________.A. you can’t pay to exist on the Internet if you are physically deadB. you can’t pay for hard disc space if you don’t have a bank accountC. you can’t pay for a special service if too many people want to use itD.you can’t pay the web-hosting company if you don’t have a neural networkBJapan's prime minister encouraged the decision to ban viewers, even family members, by issuing a state of emergency order in Tokyo earlier this month in response to rising COVID-19 case numbers.From the perspective of sports psychologists, an Olympics without fans is a real-life science experiment that is helping researchers and clinicians to comb through the true impact of a crowd of fans on its players—and on viewers at home. The strange circumstances under which the games are held may place unexpected pressure on some athletes. On Tuesday, superstar gymnast Simone Biles dropped out of the women's team event, telling teammates and reporters she wasn't in the right “headspace” to compete. “It's been really stressful this Olympic Games. There are a lot of different variables going into it,” Biles told the Washington Post.The 2020 Summer Olympics bears similarities and differences to other major sporting events without viewers. The English Premier League supplemented (增加) game broadcasts with crowd noise from the soccer video game FIFA 20, mixed with game audio in real time. A Taiwanese baseball team and German soccer team began populating stands with cardboard cutouts of fans, and the trend caught on internationally.Jamey Houle, the lead sports psychologist for Ohio State University Athletics and a former Al-American gymnast, says competitive athletes are trained in visualization— imagining performing a certain action or motion, such as doing a roundoff back handspring in gymnastics. Without moving a muscle, players using visualization can solidify neural (神经的) connections and activate their motor cortex (皮层). To visualize most effectively, Houle says, athletes working with sports psychologists will try to simulate as closely as possible the conditions of actual gameplay. Empty stadiums may thus have a measurable impact on players' performance. This phenomenon is grounded in a psychological concept called “social facilitation”, referring to a change in a person's performancethat occurs when others are around compared to when a person is alone.4. What caused Biles to drop out of the women's team event?A. The poor physical condition.B. The absence of the audience.C. The fiercely competitive event.D. The influence of crowds of fans.5. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A. The Taiwanese baseball team is a success.B. The tendency mentioned is popular among some sporting events.C. The 2020 Summer Olympics is stricter in preventing the pandemic.D. The crowd noise plays a leading role in the English Premier League.6. How does Houle explain the impact of empty stadiums on players' performance?A. By doing a roundoff back handspring.B. By simulating the conditions of actual gameplay.C. By using the concept called social facilitation.D. By changing the viewers of a player.7. What message does the author mainly convey in the text?A. Athletes should be trained in visualization.B. Audience should be admitted to the Olympics.C. Social facilitation is helpful to sporting events.D. Viewers present may influence players' performance.CI started out in life with few advantages. I didn't graduate from high school. I worked at menial (不体面的) jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement(成就). It seems that the reasons have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every possible way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline (自律). As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, "Success is tons of discipline."Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four.A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit. With plenty of room at my table, I immediately invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant (犹豫), but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had obtained from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.After we had chatted for a while, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, "Of all the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?”He smiled at me, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, 'Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.'"He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."8. Why did the writer ask the question in Paragraph 2 ?A. Because he wasn't satisfied with himself.B. Because he was a person of self-discipline.C. Because he dislike those successful people.D. Because he wanted to share his idea on success.9. What made the writer invite the older gentleman to join him ?A. His great kindness.B. The gentleman's fame.C. His eagerness for success.D. The gentleman's habit.10. What are the four large books about ?A. Personal changesB. The secret of successC. Sayings of wisdomD. The gentleman's manners.11. What's the best title for the text ?A. The Magic of ReadingB. An Unexpected ConversationC. A Question that Changed MyLifeD. The Power of Self-disciplineDPreventing heart disease is a topic I think about all the time, given my family history of heart disease. So last summer, I travelled toBolivia.The natives, called the Tsimane, were reported to have the healthiest hearts in the world. I wanted to learn what they could teach me about preventing heart disease.Getting to the Tsimane wasn't easy. They lived in small family groups of about 60 people along river banks.We finally found one of the villages at sunset. That night, we set up our tents in the middle of the village. Thatched huts surrounded us, with no electricity or modem conveniences.At first, I thought they mainly got their calorics from meat. However, I found food such as rice and com made up nearly 70% of their diet. The food was not processed, lacking added sugars or salts.During my stay there, I went hunting and fishing with the men and played soccer with the kids. I found the Tsimane were standing or walking nearly all of their waking hours. Men spent lots of time tracking animals. Fanning and gathering, mostly done by children and women, were all-day affairs.I also got a clear idea of how they rested. As soon as the sun went down, people returned to their huts and went to sleep. And with the call of the cock in the morning, another day began.The lifespan of the Tsimane is actually much shorter than those living in theUS. Various factors, like animal attacks and infections, bring down the lifespan. But up until the day they die, they are often very healthy. While heart disease kills thousands of Americans every year and costs nearly a billion dollars a day, the Tsimane remind us that wealth doesn't necessarily buy health.12. Why does the author pay so much attention to preventing heart disease?A. He dreams of becoming a doctor.B. He wants to teach others about the topic.C. His family members encourage him to do so.D. He was born with a high risk of heart disease.13. Which factors did the author mainly focus on in his research?A. Housing, food and cooperation.B. Diet, activity and rest.C. Physical work, social life and lifespan.D. Group size, family history and consumption14. What was the Tsimane 's sleep-wake cycle mainly based on?A. Natural sound.B. Routine activity.C. Animal behaviour.D. Natural light.15. What might the author advise us to do after his travels inBolivia?A. Take in less sugar and salt.B. Stand less and walk more.C. Eat white meat instead of red meat.D. Live in the middle of the community.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年江苏省盐城中学高三英语上学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANothing beats live music, but the venue makes a difference. When you're able to score tickets to an incredible concert in an incredible place, you won't forget the experience. Here are some of the coolest music venues from around the world. If you haven't been to any of these, you've got some traveling to do.Red Rocks, Morrison, the United StatesRed Rocks might be the most beautiful and famous venue in the United States. At 6,450 feet above sea level, Red Rocks is a geologically formed natural stage. Its massive sandstone provides a perfect stage for jam bands. If you're into the blues and jazz, you'll have no trouble finding something in line with your interests.Meet Factory, Prague, Czech RepublicSmallest venues on this list, Meet Factory is an art gallery, theater, and music venue. The venue only accommodates 1,000 people, so you won't see any huge names come through. Still, it's a great place to see up-and-coming local acts, and if you've got an eye for contemporary art, you'll love your time here.Arena of NÎmes, NÎmes, FranceOriginally built around A. D. 70, the Arena of Nimes presents concertgoers with an interesting question: Should they enjoy the music, or marvel at the architecture? The Arena is, after all, one of the world's best-preserved Roman theaters. Many major touring acts plan stops at the Arena of Nimes, especially during the venue's annual festival.Sydney Opera House, Sydney, AustraliaThe Sydney Opera House is one of the world's most famous performing venues. I's also one of the most distinctive buildings in Sydney, thanks to the breathtaking design by Danish architect Utzon. It hosts about 40 events per week, so whether you're into jazz, rock, classical music, or opera, you'll find something to watch.1.Where can you enjoy music in natural beauty?A.At Red Rocks.B.At Meet Factory.C.At Arena of Nimes.D.At Sydney Opera House.2.What is special about Meet Factory?A.It enjoys breathtaking scenery.B.It hosts both musical and artistic events.C.It is the largest venue of all.D.It is famous for contemporary music.3.What do the listed music venues have in common?A.They have a long history.B.They are built near the sea.C.They accommodate thousands of people.D.They are beautiful tourist attractions.BOne day, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家)in England, an adolescent boy showed up in my office. It was David. He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly. His head teacher had referred him to me.“This boy has lost his family,” he wrote. “He is understandably very sad and refuses to talk to others, and I’m very worried about him. Can you help?”I looked at David and showed him to a chair. How could I help him? There are problems psychology doesn’t have the answer to, and which no words can describe. Sometimes the best thing one can do is to listen openly and sympathetically(同情)The first two times we met, David didn’t say a word. He sat there, only looking up to look at the children’s drawings on the wall behind me. I suggested we play a game of chess. He nodded. After that he played chess with me every Wednesday afternoon---in complete silence and without looking at me. It’s not easy to cheat in chess, but I admit I made sure David won once or twice.Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed, took the chess board and pieces from the shelf and began setting them up before I even got a chance to sit down. It seemed as if he enjoyed my company(陪伴). But why did he never look at me?“Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with,” I thought. “Perhaps he senses that I respect his suffering.” Some months later, when we were playing chess, he looked up at me suddenly.“It’s your tum,” he said.After that day, David started talking. He got friends in school and joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times, about his biking with some friends, and about his plan to get into university. Now he had really started to live his own life.Maybe I gave David something. But I also learned that one…without any words---can reach out to another person. All it takes is a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch, and an ear that listens.4. When he first met the author, David .A. felt a little excitedB. looked a little nervousC. walked energeticallyD. showed up with his teacher5. David enjoyed being with the author because he .A. wanted to ask the author for adviceB. liked the children’s drawings in the officeC. beat the author many times in the chess gameD. needed to share sorrow with the author6. What can be inferred about David?A. He liked biking before he lost his family.B. He recovered after months of treatment.C. He went into university soon after starting to talk.D. He got friends in school before he met the author.7. What made David change?A. The author’s silent communication with him.B. His teacher’s help.C. The author’s friendship.D. His exchange of letters with the author.CAs I work in theLarkwhistle Garden in Dyer's Bay, Ontario, I take my time and the garden is teaching me about working with the earth. I recognize that there will be both successes and failures and there are many variables(变量)that affect them both.The quality of the seeds planted has a bearing on how the plants will grow. The weather can be too hot, too cold, or exactly right, and usually varies between all three. Weeds seem to grow in the garden and need to be taken care of, pulled, and removed to ensure they do not eat into the fruits, vegetables, and flowers we have so lovingly planted.I take time to stand back and rest, and to observe the plants and how they are growing. Each plant is unique and develops in the way that is best for them. Some have large broad leaves to shadow their fruit from the severe rays of the sun, while other plants are more open, their fruit needing the light to grow and ripen.Getting my hands dirty, feeling the sweat on my forehead, and the strength and flexibility of my body as I dig, bend and work under the warm summer sun, reminds me I am alive in ways I would not have remembered sitting on the couch.It is attractive to move things around, to transplant, and to disturb the natural order of how plants grow. The garden teaches me that it is important to know when to disturb things and when to let them be. The garden's life cycle follows a pattern that is repeated according to laws of nature, birth, growth, and then dies and it teaches us to accept this fact.8. How many variables may affect the growth of plants in the garden?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.9. What can we learn about the author?A. He feels exhausted while gardening.B. He enjoys life from working practice.C. He takes pleasure in harvesting fruits.D. He dreams away his time in the garden.10. How is the garden tended by the author?A. Its rank grass is got rid of.B. Its plants are left to grow freely.C. Its temperature is controlled properly.D. Its plants with large broad leaves are cut off.11. What fact does the author learn from gardening?A. Life takes its course.B. Hard work benefits health.C. Time is short and precious.D. Gardening brings good harvest.DEach year, the women of Olney and Liberal compete in an unusual footrace. Dressed in aprons (围裙) and headscarves, they wait at both towns’starting lines. Each woman holds a frying pan with one pancake inside. At the signal, the women flip (轻抛) pancakes and they’re off!This “pancake racing” tradition is said to have started on Shrove Tuesday, 1445, in Olney. Shrove Tuesday is the day beforethe Christian season of Lent (大斋戒) begins. During Lent, many people decide to give up sugary or fatty foods.Legend says that in 1445, an Olney woman was making pancakes to use up some of her sugar and cooking fats before Lent. She lost track of time and suddenly heard the church bells ring, signaling the beginning of the Shrove Tuesday service. Realizing that she was going to be late for church, she raced out the door still wearing her apron and headscarf and holding her frying pan with a pancake in it. In the following years, the woman’s neighbors imitated her dash to church, and pancake racing was born.The rules are simple. Racers must wear the traditional headscarf and apron. They must flip their pancakes twice - once before starting and once after crossing the finish line. After the race, there are Shrove Tuesday church services. Then Liberal and Olney connect through a video call to compare race times and declare a winner.In both towns, the races have grown into larger festivals. Olney’s festival is an all-day event starting with a big pancake breakfast. Liberal’s festival lasts four days and includes a parade, a talent show, and contests that feature eating and flipping pancakes. Although the women’s race is still the main event, both towns now hold additional races for boys and girls of all ages.12. How did pancake racing start?A. A woman in Olney created it.B. Women made pancakes before Lent.C. A woman dashed to church with a pancake.D. People followed the suit of an interesting incident.13. What should racers obey during the race?A. They can wear fashionable headscarves and aprons.B. They must flip their pancakes once in the race.C. They must flip their pancakes at the beginning of the race.D. They can flip their pancakes in the middle of the race.14. What can we learn about the race from the last paragraph?A. People can show their talent in Olney festival.B. People can enjoy a one-day holiday in Liberal.C. The race is not only intended for women now.D. People can have a big pancake breakfast in both towns.15. What is the text mainly about?A. The origin of pancake racing.B. The history of pancake racing.C. The development of pancake racing.D. The introduction to pancake racing.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。










1.此日,拍摄地的正午太阳高度约是()A.35°B.50°C.60°D.75°2.该地一年中能两次观测到此景,另一次的日期约为()A.4月14日B.5月14日C.6月14日D.8月14日3.这一天,当地观察到的太阳视运动轨迹是()A. B. C. D.下图为南疆沙漠腹地夏季晴天与沙尘日的地表温度与气温日变化示意图。







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①汤显祖的戏剧既然是用诗体来写的②其着力点却最终落在叙事说理上③这正好呼应了前面提到的汤显祖最重视的真情、纯情、至情④中国文学无法摆脱“诗主情,诗言志”的隐形文化逻辑⑤而莎士比亚的戏剧虽然是用诗体写成⑥其着力点必然落在情字上A.④①⑥③⑤② B.①②⑤⑥④③C.④⑤⑥①②③ D.①⑥③④⑤②4.下列诗句中与右边漫画最匹配的一项是(3分)A.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。












































(4分)译句:▲ ▲(2)少诚惭其军,亦禁界上暴者,两界耕桑交迹,吏不何问。

(4分)译句:▲ ▲9.结合全文,简要概括刘昌裔的主要品质。












(5分)▲▲四、名句名篇默写(8分) .12.补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。

(8分)(1)闻道有先后,▲ ,如是而已。

(韩愈《师说》)(2) ▲ ,潦倒新停浊酒杯。

(杜甫《登高》)(3)直栏横槛,▲ 。

(杜牧〈阿房官赋》)(4)况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上,▲ 。

(苏轼《赤壁赋》)(5) ▲ ,夜吟应觉月光寒。

(李商隐《无题》)(6)醉里挑灯秘U,▲ 。

(辛弃疾《破阵子》)(7)君子不以言举人,▲ 。

(《论语•卫灵公》)(8)沉舟侧畔千帆过,▲ 。










































(4分)▲▲15.小说中画直线的三处细节描写体现了马盛春怎样的心理? (4分)▲▲16.小说结尾老杨和马盛春的对话以及舞台场景描写具有丰富的内涵,请结合全文进行探究其意蕴。






