第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择1.Wewatched________interestingmoviesin2019.Someof themmadeushappy.A.akindofB.allkindsofC.akindsofD.akind2.—________doyouwriteanEnglisharticleforourschoolnewspap er?—Onceaweek.A.HowlongB.HowoftenC.HowmuchD.Howfar3.Somepeople________feelsickwhentheyreadabookinamovingcaroronamovingboat.A.mustB.shouldC.mayD.need4.Ifyou have________todo,whatabouthelpingmeinthegarden?A.somethingB.an ythingC.nothingD.everything5.There________asportsmeetingin ourschoolnextweek.A.willhaveB.isgoingtohaveC.aregoingtobeD.isgoingtobe6.—Waterislessthanbefore.Let’splayapart______ __it.—Thatsoundsgreat.A.saveB.savingC.tosaveD.insaving7.—Whatareyougoingtodothissummervacation?—I’mgoingto________ahobby.A.takeupB.takeoffC.takeoutD.takedown8.Eri carrivedontime,________itwastherushtime.A.thoughB.becauseC.w hileD.unless9.isoneof________shoppingwebsitesinChin a.A.largeB.largerC.largestD.thelargest10.—Whataheavyrain!Willitlastlong?—________.Wearegettingintotherainyseasonnow.A.OfcoursenotB.Idon’tthinksoC.That’simpossibleD .I’mafraidso评卷人得分二、完形填空根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项,并将代表字母填在题前括号内。
第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择1.—Isthere________universityinyourcity?—Yes,mysisterisstudyingthere,andshewantstobe________astronaut.A.a;aB.a;anC.an;anD.an;a2.Thereare________ofstudentsinou rschoolbutonlytwo________aregirls.A.hundreds;hundredB.hu ndred;hundredsC.hundreds;hundredsD.hundred;hundred3.Fe werpeoplecandothe________job,butrobotswillneverget________.A.borin g;boredB.bored;boringC.boring;boringD.bored;bored4.Idon''tagree________you.Ithinkshehassomethingtodo________it.A.to ;aboutB.with;withC.with;toD.to;about5.Theywalkedforanhour,and________arrivedatthesmallvillage.A.clearlyB.quicklyC.fin allyD.loudly6.Ifyou________yournameonthepaper,youcanget amagazine.A.cutdownB.lookdownC.turndownD.writed own7.Couldyoupleasegiveme________onhowtoimprovemyEnglish?A.somea dvicesB.anadviceC.someadviceD.alotofadvices8.Althoug hitwasverydifficulttogettheticketforthegame,I________getoneyesterday.A.canB.can’tC.wasabletoD.wasn’tableto9.Ihaven’tseenmyfriendTinafortwoyears.Iam________seeingheragain.A.worriedaboutB.lookingforwardtoC.planningtoD.decidin gto10.There_____afootballmatchonTVthisevening.A.willhaveB.isgoin gtobeC.hasD.isgoingtohave评卷人得分二、完形填空DuringNationalDay,Chinesepeoplecanenjoyaone-weekholiday.Peoplespendtheir____11____indifferentways.Somepeoplemaygohometogettogeth erwiththeirfamilies.Somemaydosomeshoppingandhave____12 ____.Somemayvisitsomeplacesof____13____withfriendsorfamilymembers.Therearesomanypeopleintheseplaces.Thiswillhavesomebigproblems.Forexample,toomuch____14____isdrop ped(扔)everywhere.T oomanypeoplewillwaitinfrontofthewashro om.Foodintheseplaceswillcostmuch____15____andsoon.But thisyear,peoplewhovisitHenanhadagoodtime____16____thecheapestlunchinthesetouristattractions(景点).Theworkersinparksmadespeciallocalfoodfor____17____.Themostinterestingthingwasthatvisitorsenjoyedthedeliciousfoodwithonlyoneyuan.Thecooksmade1,200bowlsoflunchforvisitors.Buttheymade1,275yuan,____18____moreyuanthantheythought.Theyfeltquite____19____andtriedtofindthereasons.Finallytheyknewthatwas____20____somevisitorswantedtothankthesestaffsfortheirhelpandkindness.11.A.holidayB.weekdayC.wee kendD.birthday12.A.lunchB.funC.timeD.money13.A.happine ssB.serviceC.funD.interest14.A.rubbish(垃圾)B.riceC.breadD.food15.A.fewerB.higherC.moreD .lower16.A.drinkingB.eatingC.visitingD.selling17.A.workersB.cooksC.visitorsD.students18.A.75B.85C.95D.120019.A .happyB.afraidC.surprisedD.sad20.A.soB.butC.asD.because评卷人得分三、阅读单选MyVeryFirstChristmasBook—LoisRockandAlecAyliffeAbig,brightbook,whichtellsthestorysimplyandhappilyforveryyoungchildren.Ages:0—312pagesTel:07459-40560TheLittleWhiteHouse—ElizabethGoudgeAfairytaleandwinneroftheCarnegieMedal.Ages:8—12240pag esTel:07459-45783StarofWonder—PatAlexanderAwonderfulcollectionofChristmasstoriesandpoemsfilledwithlivelypagestoreadandenjoy.Ages:7—12224pagesTel:07459-39323FirstFestival: Christmas—LoisRockAnall--in--onebooktohelpgrown--upsandchildrenpreparetheirChristmascelebrationtogether—presents,activitiesandcustoms.Ages:5—848pagesTel:07459-3907421.IfyouwanttomakeaChristmasplantogetherwithyourchildren,whichb ookdoyoulikebetter?A.StarofWonder.B.TheLittleWhiteHo use.C.FirstFestival:Christmas.D.MyVeryFirstChristmasBook.22.Whichnumberwillyoucallifyouwanttoorderabookforyour2--year-oldchild?A.07459-40560.B.07459-39323.C.07459-45783.D.07459-39074.23.Fromtheinformationabovewecanlearnthatthesefo urbooksareallfor________.A.adultsB.childrenC.teensD.pare ntsWhenIwasyoung,Ihadadream.Itwastobecomeapoliceman.Butnow that’snotmydreamjobanymore.Iwanttobeadoctor.ItismydreamjobbecauseIcanhelppeopleandbeingadoctorsoundsni ce.Ifyouwanttobeadoctor,youhavetoworkveryhard.First,youhavetopassthehighschoolsubjects—math,physicsandche mistry.That’stheonlyproblemforme.I’mnotverytalentedat school,butI’mtryingmybest.Afterhighschoolyouhavetostudyhardfor4-5yearsatuniversitybeforeyoucanbecomeadocto r.Whenyouareadoctor,youcanhelpmorepeoplealthoughyouh avelongworkinghours.Ihopemydreamwillcometrue.24.Whatdidthewriterwanttobewhenhewasyoung?A.Anurse.B.Apolice man.C.Ateacher.D.Adoctor.25.Whydoesthewriterwanttobead octorA.Becausehecanmakeenoughmoneyforhisfamily.B.Becaus ehecanpassallthesubjectseasilyatschool.C.Becausehedoesn’th avelongworkinghoursinthehospital.D.Becausehecanhelppe opleandbeingadoctorsoundsnice.26.Howlongwillthewriterstu dyinuniversitybeforehecanbecomeadoctor?A.Twotothreeye ars.B.Threetofouryears.C.Fourtofiveyears.D.Ninetotenyear s27.Ifthewriterwantstobeadoctor,hemustpassthefollowinghighschoolsubjectsexcept(除……外)________.A.physicsB.chemistryC.mathD.musicTheuseoftechnology(科技)intheclassroomisnothingnew,butT opcliffePrimarySchoolisbreakingnewgroundbyhelpi ngautistic(患自闭症的)childrenthroughrobotfriends.Theserobotscandance,playgamesanddoTaiChi.Dr.Guldberg,ateacherfrom UniversityofBirmingham,said,“Studiesshowthatautisticchildrenoftenfindcomputersandtechnologysafe(安全的).Sowewonderhowtechnologycanhelpthemtocommunicate(交流).Theyaretryingtherobotsintheclassroom.Therobotsareteachingthemrightt hingsandactingasfriends.”IanLowe,ateacherfromTopcliffeP rimarySchool,said,“Therobotsareverysmartathelpingautist icchildrenwiththeirlearning.Inthefuturewehopetheycanhelpwithlearningathome.”Andthestudentslovethem.Ianteach esabout30autisticchildren.Seven-year-oldJoshuasayshelikes playinggameswiththerobots,MaxandBen.DanielandKevinsay theyliketowatchtherobotsdance.AndStephensayshelikesitwhenMaxtellshimstories.Theteacherssaythefactthatthechildrenenjoytalkingabouttherobotsshowshowimportantthey areinhelpingautisticchildrencommunicate.28.Whatcanthese robotsdoaccordingtothepassage?A.Dance,singandplaygames. B.Sing,swimandplaysports.C.Dance,playgamesanddoTaiChi.D .Sing,danceandtellstories.29.WhatdoesGuldbergdo?A.Aunive rsityteacher.B.Auniversitystudent.C.Aprimaryschoolteacher.D .Aprimaryschoolstudent.30.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordi ngtothepassage?A.IanLoweteachesinUniversityofBirmingham .B.Ianteachesabout13autisticchildren.C.Theserobotscan’thel pwithlearningathomenow.D.Joshualikeswatchingtherobotsdance.31.Whatisthebesttitleforthispassage?A.Technologyinthe ClassroomB.RobotsCanHelpAutisticChildrenC.HowtoT each AutisticChildrenD.DifferentKindsofRobotsWhenIwasaboy,Iwasafo otballfan.Iplayedfootballwithsomeotherboysinthebackyardallthetime.MymomwasworriedthatIwouldgetillinthehotsummer.Onedaymybrothergavemeanewfootball.Icameintot heyardandplayeditexcitedly.Butsuddenly,theballflewthroughthewindowandnearlyhitmydad.Dadsaidnothing.Hetook myfootballandcutitinhalf.Ididn’tcrybecauseIkn ewhowterriblemymistakewas.Ididn’texpecttogetanotherfootball.Buttomysurprise,Dadboughtmeanotheronethenextmonthandt oldmetobemorecareful.Iwasreallythankfulformyfather’sforgiveness(宽恕).HeshowedmethatevenwhenImadeamistake,hestilllovedmeandgavemeanotherchance.Parentsalwaysgiveus theirunconditional(无条件的)loveandforgiveness.Weshouldalwaysgiveourloveandforgivenesstothem,too.32.Whydidthewrite rplayfootballinthebackyardallthetime?A.Becausehewaseas ytogetill.B.Becausehewasafootballfan.C.Becausehisfather wasafootballplayer.D.Becausehismotherwasworriedabouth im.33.Howdidthewriterfeelwhenhegotthefootballfromhisbro ther?A.Sad.B.Worried.C.T errible.D.Excited.34.Whatdo estheunderlinedword“chance”inParagraph3meaninChinese?A.机会B.足球C.拥抱D.惊喜35.Whatcanwelearnfromthestory?A.Weshouldlearntoplayfo otball.B.Weshouldloveandforgiveourparents.C.Weshould n’tmakemistakes.D.Wemustplayfootballwithourparents.评卷人得分四、补全对话7选5从文后选择恰当的选项补全下面对话。
题号一二三四五六七八总分得分A. something, nothingB. something, anythingC. anything, somethingD. anything, nothing7. What a nice day! We decide _______. We’ll discuss where to go first.A. to go outB. to stay at homeC. going outD. staying at home8. Tom is hard-working, but I am _______ hard-working than him.A. muchB. moreC. a fewD. a little9.—Can you go shopping with me?--I’d love to, but I . I have much work to do.A.am notB.canC.can’tD.don’t10.—? -- It’s Monday12th.A.What’s todayB.How is todayC.How is the weather todayD.What was today11.If we run, we can .A.shakeB.printC.hang outD.make it12.It is easy fruit salad.A.doB.to doC.makeD.to make13.Thanksgiving is always on the fourth in November in the United States.A.FridayB. WednesdayC. SundayD.Thursday14. the books in the bookcase.A.PutB.To putC.PuttingD.Puts15.The kid is young to play this game.A.tooB.veryC.muchD.many16.I’m going to tidy my room when I back from school.A.getsB.will getC. getD. getting17.We should use water and plant trees.A.less: lessB.few; moreC.less; moreD.more; less18. –Is he coming to see us? --IA. hopeB. hope soC.would likeD.would like to19.I’ll bring some flowers I visit an old people’s home.A.untilB.ifC.thoughD.before20. a problem is like cutting it in half.A. SharingB. ShareC. TalkingD. Talk二、完形填空(20分)Mrs Jack was always spending lots of time and money in 21 the shopping.It was winter. Mrs. Jack wanted to do a lot of shopping. She waited 22 it was Saturday when her husband was 23 , and she took him to the shops with her. They went to a lot of shops and supermarkets, and Mrs. Jack 24 a lot of things, and Mr. Jack certainly had to carry all these things. Mrs. Jack often 25 and said, "Look, Joe! 26 beautiful that is!He then answered, "All right, dear. How 27 is it? " and took his money out to 28 for it.It was dark when they came out of the last 29 . Suddenly his wife looked up and said, "Look at that beautiful moon, Joe!" Without 30 , Mr. Jack answered, "All right, dear, How much is it?"21. A. do B. doing C. does D. did22. A. for B. when C. because D. until23. A. busy B. working C. free D. out24. A. sold B. bought C. saw D. paid25. A. stopped B. asked C. went D. walked26. A.When B. Why C. What D. How27. A. many B. much C . beautiful D. dear28. A. dig B.refuse C.print D.pay29. A. money B. cinema C. shop D. hour30. A. to think B. thinking C. thought D. think三、阅读理解。
广西省玉林市2021届英语八上期末模拟教学质量检测试题(三)一、选择题1.Tony decides to go to work, he is very tired.A.because B.if C.though D.so2.—________ dress do you like better, the red one or the green one?—The green one.A.What B.Where C.Which D.Who3.Linda is going to ____________ an art teacher when she ____________ up.A.do; growB.do; growsC.be;growD.be; grows4.He'd like two _____________ and three _____________ .A.sandwiches; turkeysB.sandwich; turkeysC.sandwiches ; turkeiesD.sandwichs; turkeys5.____be a doctor, you have to study for five years in college.A.So as to B.In order to C.So that D.Such that6.I like learning English because the language sounds beautiful. ,it is also very useful.A.Otherwise B.However C.Moreover D.Instead7.They ______ a picnic tomorrow.A.have B.is having C.are going to have D.had8.— ______ do you write to your pen friend?—Once a week.A.How longB.How soonC.How farD.How often9.None of them can find out the answer ______ the question.A.ofB.withC.forD.to10.- _____________ glasses of milk are there on the table?-Eight.A.How oldB.How muchC.How longD.How many11.We plan ______ basketball tomorrow.A.to playB.playC.playingD.plays12.— Do you know if it tomorrow?— I am not sure. It may snow if the temperature below zero.A.snows; will drop B.will snow; will dropC.will snow; drops D.snows; drops13.Dale, I’m sorry to _____ your cup. But I’ll buy you a new one.A.break B.try C.win D.swing14.--How was your school trip?--We hadA.funny to camping B.funny campC.fun to camp D.fun camping15.Look!Tom is filling the cup _________ tea.A.fromB.forC.withD.at二、单词填空16.根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。
2021-2022年玉林市八年级英语上Unit 2第一次模拟试卷带答案
一、选择题1.—How do you learn English?—______ reading a lot of books.A.By B.In C.On D.At 2.What do you usually do weekends?A.on B.of C.in D.with 3.—__________do you watch TV every week?—Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often 4.I always try a lot of vegetables.A.to eat B.to eating C.eat D.to be eating5.—What’s the matter with you?—I have _____ bad cold and have to stay in _____ bed.A.a, a B.the, a C.the, the D.a, / 6.—Jim, when did you come to China?—About three days .A.before B.ago C.in front of D.past7.We try our teacher down.A.not let B.letC.to let D.not to let8.—How many _______do you sleep every day ?—Nine hours.A.hour B.times C.hours D.days 9.Reading aloud is the best way English.A.to learn B.learning C.to learning D.learns 10.— ______ do you write to your pen friend?—Once a week.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.How often 11.______ hours do you exercise every day?A.How long B.How muchC.How many D.How often12.Most of the students in my class________three times a week.A.exercise B.exercises C.are exercising D.is exercising 13.We couldn’t take a walk in the forest(森林) ________the heavy rain. A.because B.of C.because of D.with 14.--_____ will the meeting begin?-- In five minutes.A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How fast15.I could control my feelings at the moment. The song brought back so many childhoodmemories.A.really B.hardlyC.nearly D.clearly16.— do they play basketball?—Every day.A.How soon B.How muchC.How many D.How often17.His mother wants him ___ at home today.A.stays B.stayed C.to stay D.staying 18.They usually go shopping ______.A.one a week B.once a weekC.one the week D.once week19.Smoking______your health.A.is good for B.is bad forC.is good to D.is bad to20.— There used to be lots of fish in the lake.— Yes, but there are very __________ now.A.few B.fewer C.little D.less【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.A解析:A【详解】句意:——你怎样学习英语?——通过阅读大量的书籍。
一、131.—I don’t know _______.--You can buy one at a shop near our school.A.where I can buy a notebook. B.where can I buy a notebookC.what I can buy a notebook D.what can I buy a notebook A解析:A【解析】句意:——我不知道在哪里可以买到笔记本。
根据答语中的“You can buy one at a shop near our school.”可知,此处询问的是地点,而不是时间,所有排除C、D,宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,所以排除B,故答案选A。
2.― people are there in your family?—Five.A.How many B.How about C.How much D.How long A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:——你家有多少人?——五口人。
A. How many提问可数名词的数量;B. How about 用来征求意见;C. How much提问不可数名词的数量,也可提问价格;D. How long多长时间。
因此用How many提问。
3.—Can you come to my party?— .A.Yes, I can’t B.Sorry,I can’tC.No,I can D.Sorry, I can B解析:B【详解】句意:——你能来参加我的聚会吗?——对不起,我不能。
这里是表示邀请,Can you come to... ?的肯定回答为 Yes, I'd love to. 否定回答为 Sorry, I can't. 故选B项。
广西省玉林市2021届英语八上期末模拟教学质量检测试题一、选择题1.- ___________ this farm?-It's very beautiful and peaceful.A.How do you thinkB.What do you thinkC.What do you likeD.How do you like2.Tim is really __________. I think eating vegetables helps keep him in good __________.A.healthy;healthyB.health;healthyC.healthy;healthD.health;health3.─__________ did you go? ─I went to the library.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhereD.How4.Just now they talked about where _________ their summer holidays.A.spend B.to spend C.spending D.to spending5.In the following words, which underlined letters has a different sound from the others? A.catch B.accept C.sad6.I hope everything ___________free in the future.A.is B.was C.will be D.will7.Don't worry about your job ________ you work hard.A.as long B.so longC.as long as D.as longer as8._____ will people have robots in their houses?In about 100 years.A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon9.Are you afraid of the_________ English test?A.come B.to come C.came D.coming10.His mother was angry, because he did ______ job in examination in his class.A.good B.bad C.worse D.the worst11.Eating lots of vegetables and enough meat can___________you healthy all the time. A.have B.get C.keep D.stay12.—______you come to my party on Sunday?—Sure,I'd love to.A.Must B.Can C.Should D.Need13.-------_______ did you ________the summer vacation?------- It was terrible . I have too much homework to do .A.What; think B.How , liked C.How; think of D.How ; feel about14.The four-year-old girl keeps on ________ her mother many questions.A.asksB.to askC.askD.asking15.This dress is _________ than that one and I can't afford it. So I decide to buy a cheaper one.A.very expensiveB.much cheaperC.much more expensiveD.less expensive二、单词填空16.根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写1)It is wellknown that Li Yundi is a p______.2)I'm going to study at c______ next year.3)The students are d______ the weekly plan.4)We must take our s______ seriously.5)The camera is my p______ thing.三、句型转换17.1)We both have black eyes and black hair. (改为同义句)_________ __________ __________ have black eyes and black hair.2)Mike is smarter than me. (改为一般疑问句)_________ Mike _________ than you?3)He has over two bags. (改为同义句)He has ___________ ____________ two bags.4)Ruth isn’t outgoing. However, Rose is less outgoing than her.(合成一句)Ruth is _________ __________ __________ Rose.5)I think friends need to be different. (改为否定句)_________ __________ _________ Friends need to be different.四、完成句子18.根据汉语意思完成句子1)中国是世界上第一人口大国。
广西省玉林市2021届英语八上期末模拟教学质量检测试题(一)一、选择题1.Jane is talented in painting and ________ paint great pictures at the age of 5.A.mayB.canC.mightD.could2.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long?—We’re getting into the rainy season now.A.Certainly not. B.I’m afraid so.C.I don’t think so.D.That’s good enough.3.Our office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every ________.It is not open on the weekend.A.dayB.weekdayC.SaturdayD.Sunday4.We will be glad ________ you any information you may need.A.to send B.to sending C.send D.sending5.-Let's make fruit salad.- _____________ .A.No,I'm notB.Thank youC.That's all rightD.That's a good idea6.If we ______ take environmental problems seriously, the earth ______ worse and worse.A.don’t; wil l beB.won’t; isn’tC.won’t; isD.don’t; won’t be7.-Where is your sister?-I'm not sure. She ____________ be in the library because she likes reading.A.mustn'tB.mayC.canD.can't8.-My father often relaxes himself by __________ to music after work.-How about your mother?A.listen B.listened C.to listen D.listening9.(题文)— Do you mind ______ Linda to join us?— Of course not. The more people, the better.A.ask B.to ask C.asking10.(题文)Zhang Ming was catching up fast,too,but______.A.fast enough B.not enough fastC.not fast enough D.enough fast not11.(题文)—Can you go to the concert this evening?—______.I have to help my parents.A.Yes.I'd love to B.I’m afraid so C.I’m afraid not D.I’m not afraid 12.—I need____to write____now.—Here you are.A.two papers; onB.two pieces of paper; onC.two pieces of paper; inD.two pieces of papers; in13.My teacher helps to ________ the best in me.A.take out B.look out C.bring out D.come out14.She dances better than Mary _______.A.is B.has C.does D.dance15.I am afraid that my mother will be angry _________ me.A.aboutB.ofC.withD.for二、单词填空16.1)Mrs White is a good c_________. She can make many kinds of delicious food.2)Linda wants to be a __________ (科学家)when she grows up.3)I’m going to start when I finish high school and____________(大学).4)I have a cold. How often do I have to take the m_____________?5)Many accidents were caused by careless__________(司机)last year.三、句型转换17.1)The students of Class 2 will see the animals at the zoo this Sunday afternoon.(改为否定句)The students of Class 2________ ________ the animals at the zoo this Sunday afternoon.2)I think there will be more pollution.(改为否定句)I________ think there________ be more pollution.3)The twins will play baseball after school.(对画线部分提问)_______ will the twins________ after school?4)It will rain in Nanjing tomorrow.(改为同义句)________ ________ ________ rain in Nanjing tomorrow.5)I have more apples than Lily.(改为同义句)Lily________ ________ apples than I.四、完成句子18.1)我认为人们家里将会有机器人。
2021届广西省玉林市初二(上)英语期末质量检测模拟试题一、选择题1.—What do you think of _______?—I don't mind it.A.to watch TV B.watching TV C.watch TV D.watched TV2.______________it is raining hard, they are still working in the open air.A.Because B.whenC.Though D.Before3.—________ everyone in your office ________ a pen?—Yes, no one has pens.A.Does; need B.Do; needC.Did; need D.Do; needs4.---What’s _____with you? ---I have a cold.A.matter B.a matter C.the trouble D.the wrong5.Which is ______ country, China, Australia, America or Russia?A.large B.the larger C.largest D.the largest6.Ms.Lin has much ________ of teaching.She is a wonderful teacher.A.temperature B.experienceC.difference D.discussion7.I usually sleep with the window open it’s really cold.A.if B.because C.so D.unless8.─________ will the foreign students be back from Qufu?─In two days.A.How soonB.How oftenC.How farD.How fast9.-------_______ did you ________the summer vacation?------- It was terrible . I have too much homework to do .A.What; think B.How , liked C.How; think of D.How ; feel about10.Mike,________ speak loudly.Your father is sleeping.A.can’t B.don't C.doesn't D.not11.I'm reading a book _____________ Yang Hongying. She is my favorite writer.A.byB.forC.toD.at12.—How many new desks and chairs are there in your school this year?—There are_______3,000.Because there are 3,020 students in our school and each of us has one.A.less thanB.mostC.more thanD.as many as13.My father usually _______ the subway to work, but next week he _______ to work.A.takes;will walkB.takes;walksC.will take;will walk14.Do you think people will have robots____________?A.at their homes B.in their homeC.in their homes D.at homes15.Nearly about _____of the students in my school were born in the 1990s.A.three five B.three fifths C.third fifth D.three fifth16.Keep _________ speaking English every day. You are sure to learn it well.A.practice B.practiced C.to practice D.practicing17.—Tina always get good grade. Do she study hard?—Of course. She is one of _________ students in our class.A.hard-working B.more hard-workingC.most hard-working D.the most hard-working18.─Excuse me. I seem __________ lost. Can you tell me how to get to the Green Park?─OK. Let me show you the way.A.beB.being toC.to beD.to being19.Here ______ some desks and chairs.A.isB.areC.haveD.has20.—Is Tina _________ understanding girl?—Yes, and I always have _________ great time with her.A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a D.an; an二、单词填空21.单词拼写。
广西省桂林市2021届英语八上期末模拟考试试题(二)一、选择题1.-What do you think of Steve's show?-I don't want to watch it at all, It is becoming _____________ .A.funny and funnyB.more boring and more boringC.funnier and funnierD.more and more boring2.— Can you cook eggs with tomatoes ?— Yes, of course. ______ can do it , because it is easy, I think.A.AnyoneB.SomeoneC.No oneD.None of us3.—Do you know that thin man with short hair?—Yes! He’s Ma Yun. He’s made a lot of money ________ the Internet.A.during B.in C.through D.across4.You can't succeed __________ you work hard.A.if B.unless C.as long as D.so5.I think you will not do a good job in the exam without _______.A.competition B.preparation C.information D.education6.—Look at my new bike.—Wow, it’s so cool! When and where ______ you ______ it?A.do; buyB.do; boughtC.did; buyD.did; bought7.He isn’t sure if he _____ rich when he grows up. If he ______ rich, he may have problems ______ who his real friends are.A.is; is; knowingB.is; will be; to knowC.will be; is; to knowD.will be; is; knowing8.— What will you do after you finish your schoolwork?— My parents expect me ______ a writer.A.to become B.becoming C.becomes9.—I’ll be away for a long time.—Don’t worry. She can look after yo ur pet _________.A.careful enoughB.enough carefulC.carefully enoughD.enough carefully10.—People like to watch the sitcoms for many ________.—Yes,they are relaxing and funny.A.programs B.reasons C.grades D.plans11.Linda,I know you are busy now,but I have to tell you.A.important something B.anything important C.important anything D.something important12.(题文)一What do you think of your English teacher?—He is great. No one teaches______________ in our school.A.best B.better C.well D.good13.Light travels __________ than sound.A.much fast B.far fast C.much faster D.very faster14.A toy car made of steel is more expensive than made of wood.A.one B.that C.it D.the one15.You______to school tomorrow if you look after your mother in the hospitalA.don’t need come B.don’t come C.needn’t to come D.needn’t come二、单词填空16.A.根据句意和中文提示写出单词,完成句子,每空一词。
广西省来宾市2021届英语八上期末模拟教学质量检测试题(二)一、选择题1.My father ________ like Mickey Mouse to make us ________ at home yesterday.A.dressed on;laughB.dressed up;laughedC.dressed on;to laughD.dressed up;laugh2.Bill doesn't like studying. He can __________ write English.A.hardlyB.hardC.alwaysD.well3.May 12th is Xiao Ming’s birthday. He__________us to his birthday party.A.ask B.invites C.makes D.tell4.—Let's try paragliding next Sunday morning.—OK.________!A.Catch you on Sunday B.Not at all C.You're welcome D.That's right5.---What do you think of your English teacher?---I love her. She is really ___. She always has a smile on her face.A.hard-working B.funny C.friendly D.serious6.The ______ like ______ to many places.A.traveler;travelingB.travel;to travelC.travelers;travelingD.travel;traveling7.It is not so _______ as yesterday, so there are_______ people walking in Tuanchengshan Park today.A.cold, fewer B.warm, more C.cold, more D.warm, most8.Here are so many books! You can _________ any one to read.A.chooseB.touchC.decideD.reach9.It is interesting ______ English movies.A.watchB.watchesC.to watchD.watched10.hrowing those stones, please.A.Stop B.Stops C.Stopping D.Stopped11.He heard ______ his pen friend just now,and now he is reading it.A.of B.about C.from D.on12.—Do you know _____ the class party?—In our classroom.A.how will we haveB.where to haveC.where will we haveD.how to have13.— My computer works too slowly.— Why not ________ something useless?A.delete B.leave C.use D.write14.(题文)The Yellow River isn’t so ______ as the Changjiang River.A.long B.longest C.longer D.the longest15.(题文)一What do you think of your English teacher?—He is great. No one teaches______________ in our school.A.best B.better C.well D.good二、单词填空16.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
一、选择题1.一Many wild animals lose their lives because people hunt them.二、132.My brother __________the film Youth when I rang him yesterday.A.watchesB.watchedC.was watchingD.is watching3.—Can you come to my party?— .A.Yes, I can’t B.So rry,I can’tC.No,I can D.Sorry, I can4.Mum always tells me ____on the road because it’s very dangerous.A.not to play B.to play C.play D.playing5._________children want to get up early in the morning . They all like sleeping . A.A few B.A little C.Little D.Few 6.—_________is he going to be a football player?—He’s going to practice football every day.A.Why B.WhatC.How D.When7.That sounds like ____________.A.good B.a ideaC.a good idea D.interesting8.Do you think children won’t go to sc hool________50 years?A.at B.for C.on D.in 9.—Mike is a warm hearted boy. I’m sure if you ask him to help you, he won’t _______> A.serve B.refuse C.prepare D.problem 10.一Could you tell me how to pay money by PayPal on the phone?- .A.Take it easy B.It doesn't matter C.You're welcome D.Sure. I'd love to 11.—I don’t know _______.--You can buy one at a shop near our school.A.where I can buy a notebook. B.where can I buy a notebook C.what I can buy a notebook D.what can I buy a notebook 12.—Can you hang out with me this weekend?—Sorry, I am not sure. I have to visit my grandparents.A.must B.might C.can13.Mr. Wu asked us __________a pair of trainers, because we would have to walk a long way. A.sellB.to sellC.wearD.to wear14.—Tina always get good grade. Do she study hard?—Of course. She is one of _________ students in our class.A.hard-working B.more hard-workingC.most hard-working D.the most hard-working15.—Can you come to my party on Saturday evening?—__________. I have to help my parents do housework.A.I’m afraid not B.Sure, I’d love toC.That sounds great D.Certainly not16.The question is too hard. And ________ can answer it.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one 17.The mother always asks her son ________ early.A.get up B.getting up C.gets up D.to get up 18.—Oh, you didn’t carry an umbrella with you! Didn’t you listen to the weather report?— . But it when I left my home.A.Yes; didn’t rain B.No; didn’t rainC.Yes; wasn’t raining D.No; was raining19.—It was raining heavily last night. But I didn’t know it at all.— Yes, the rain was really hard. When I up, I could hear the rain beating against the window. A.woke B.is waking C.wake D.was waking 20.—Where are you going, Jack?--I am going to liste n to Mr. Black’s talk. His talk will ______ American history.A.accept B.invite C.cover D.solve【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.无二、132.C解析:C【解析】句意:昨天我打电话给我弟弟时,他正在看电影《青春》。
广西省南宁市2021届英语八上期末模拟学业水平测试试题(二)一、选择题1.Tony decides to go to work, he is very tired.A.because B.if C.though D.so2.We must cut ______ the tomatoes and put them _______ the blender.A.off;inB.up;intoC.down;intoD.over;in3.What did the foreigners ______ their vacation?A.think of as B.think for C.think over D.think of4.—I’m planning ______ a party tomorrow. Can you come?—Sorry, I can’t. I must ______ the test.A.to have; to prepare forB.having; prepare withC.having; to prepare withD.to have; prepare for5.Mount Lao is one of ____________ mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.A.famousB.the more famousC.most famousD.the most famous6.Wait a moment! I’ve important to tell you.A.something B.nothing C.evertthing D.anything7.He has to ________ the invitation because he is too busy.A.turn on B.write down C.turn down D.take up8.I’m so ______ today. Shall we go to the movies tomorrow night?A.freeB.fullC.hungryD.enjoyable9.-What can I do for you?-I'd like ____________ to write on.A.some pieces paperB.some piece of paperC.some paperD.some pieces of papers10.He was so ______ that he made some mistakes in the English exam.A.carelessB.carefulC.carelesslyD.carefully11.May I have a talk with you, sir? I've got important to tell you.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything12.—Cathy, could you come to our art club tomorrow?—__________.A.I'm sorry to hear that B.Sure, I'd love to C.Never mind D.You're welcome13.—Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday,Xiaoming?—A.I’d love to,but I have lots of things to do.B.Oh,no.That will be too tired.C.I’ll stay at home.D.Yes,please.14.Which is ______ country, China, Australia, America or Russia?A.large B.the larger C.largest D.the largest15.(题文)—Do you like your new teacher?—Of course. She is friendly ________ us.A.to B.of C.for D.with二、单词填空16.根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写1)It is wellknown that Li Yundi is a p______.2)I'm going to study at c______ next year.3)The students are d______ the weekly plan.4)We must take our s______ seriously.5)The camera is my p______ thing.三、句型转换17.根据要求完成下列句子(每空一词)。
2021-2022学年广西玉林市北流市、兴业县、陆川县、福绵区、容县八年级(上)期末英语试卷1. — We must take our temperatures(量体温)three times _______ day at school.— Yes,It's _______ useful and easy way to check(检查)our health.()A. a;aB. an;TheC. an;aD. an; /2. When I traveled in Beijing,I bought something interesting for my parents,but nothing for________ ,because I didn't really see anything I liked.()A. herselfB. myselfC. themselvesD. yourself3. You must look after your________ and keep ________ .()A. health;healthB. healthy;healthyC. healthy;healthD. health;healthy4. — Honey,hurry up!It's time to leave!— Give me ________,please!()A. five minutes moreB. five another minutesC. another five minutesD. other five minutes5. — What are you planning to do ________ three years?— I'll go to college.I'll be there ________ four years.()A. in;inB. for;inC. for;forD. in;for6. Miss Miller,you speak ________ fast for us ________ follow.Can you speak slowly?()A. so; thatB. enough; toC. too; toD. such; that7. — Do you expect ________ the basketball game tonight?— Of course.You know I enjoy________ basketball games.()A. watch;watchB. watching;to watchC. watching;watchingD. to watch;watching8. Frank,________ talk loudly.The baby is sleeping now.()A. doB. doesC. don'tD. doesn't9. We never know what will happen ________ we try our best.()A. unlessB. ifC. becauseD. although10. — Can you please help me with my schoolwork this afternoon?— ________ .I will be available after 3:30 in the afternoon.()A. Sorry,I can'tB. No,you can'tC. Sure,I'd love toD. Of course notLots of people start each year with New Year's resolutions.A resolution is a promise that you(11) to help you live a better life.You plan to do something good or to stop doing something(12) in the coming year.Here are some children's New Year's resolutions.My name is Tony.I'm going to improve my Chinese and get better(13).How am I going to do that?I promise to work harder than before.I'm Jenny.I have many different kinds of(14),like singing,dancing and swimming.This year,I'm going to(15) a new hobby-taking photos.I will learn it(16) my uncle.He takes photos for some magazines and is very good at it.I'm Rose.I hope to be(17) I usually watch TV a lot at night and only sleep seven hours a day.I will listen to my body and sleep more.Also,I(18) to run for half an hour every morning.I know the saying"An apple a day keeps the doctor away".It seems to make sense (有道理),(19) I'm going to eat some fresh fruit too every day.It's OK for you to have a big or small resolution.What's important is that you should take it(20) and try to keep it.Don't let it work only for a few weeks or months.36.A.lose B.make C.move D.show37.A.bad B.short C.slow D.small11. A. languages B. Messages C. services D. grades12. A. prizes B. examples C. hobbies D. activities13. A. put up B. take up C. ask for D. wait for14. A. like B. about C. from D. under15. A. healthier B. friendlier C. happier D. prettier16. A. question B. wonder C. decide D. discuss17. A. though B. because C. but D. so18. A. quietly B. carefully C. clearly D. seriouslyLDo you know the two lovely mascots(吉祥物)?You may know the five "Fuwa" dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games(奥运会).On September 17th of 2019,two new mascots first showed on TV.Now,let's see who they are.Look at the panda!It looks like an astronaut.It wears an ice shell(冰壳)andlooks fat,so we call it "Bing Dwen Dwen".White is the color of ice andsnow. "Bing Dwen Dwen" likes ice sports very much and is good atthem.That's why it is the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter OlympicGames.Do you think the red mascot looks like a lantern?The lantern's name is"Shuey Rhon Rhon".When the Chinese New Year comes,people alwaysmake or buy red lanterns.Red is the color of hope and good luck,so peoplethink their dreams will come true in the new year. "Shuey Rhon Rhon" cangive players hope and help them do well in the 2022 Beijing WinterParalympic Games(残奥会).19. ______ is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.A. "Fuwa" dollsB. Bing Dwen DwenC. Shuey Rhon RhonD. Panda20. "Shuey Rhon Rhon" looks like ______ .A. a pandaB. an astronautC. a lanternD. a dog21. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?______A. The two lovely mascots first showed on TV on September 17,2019.B. "Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Shuey Rhon Rhon" are good at ice sports.C. We call it "Bing Dwen Dwen" because it wears an ice shell and looks fat.D. "Shuey Rhon Rhon" can bring players hope and good luck.MTommy is from a poor family.His father is a worker and his mother is a worker,too.Tommy hopes to be an artist,but everybody says it is not possible for him to be an artist and his family and his dream.But Tommy never gives up.One day,he heard there was a drawing competition the following week,and anyone aged 13 and up was welcome.The winner would get 10,000 dollars and some art equipment (设备).He thought for a minute and decided to take part in the competition.That week seemed like the longest week in his life.Every day when he got home from school,a pencil and a piece of paper were the first things in his hands.He practiced drawing for a long time.Then,the day of the competition came.He finished his drawing quickly.After two weeks,Tommy got a letter.Tommy was too afraid to open the letter.At last he opened it slowly.When he read it,he began crying.However,they were tears of happiness(幸福).22. Tommy hopes to be ______ .A. a workerB. a doctorC. a writerD. an artist23. The underlined words " makes fun of " means ______ in Chinese.A. 嘲笑B. 支持C. 夸奖D. 创造24. Before the competition,when Tommy came back home,the first thing he did was ______ .A. finishing his homeworkB. cooking dinner for his fatherC. practicing drawingD. watching news about the competition25. From the end of the story we can know that ______ .A. Tommy could never become an artist.B. Tommy was happy,because he won the competition.C. Tommy was sad,because he didn't win the competition.D. Tommy didn't win the competition,but he was still happy.NWhen we talk about reading,we probably think of eyes,because we do the readingby eyes.But we can do some reading by ears,too.And with the development(发展)of smart-phones,it's getting easier and easier to do some reading by ears-bylistening to news,stories and so on.This is audio(声音的)reading.We can doaudio reading in many places.Many people like doing audio reading in the bed before going to sleep.When they are in the bed,it would be a great time to do some audio reading.If you read an ordinary(普通的)book,you have to turn the pages (页)with your hands.Some other people would like to do audio reading in the kitchen.For some people,it's boring to cook.So they enjoy their time by listening to news or stories.For some others,it's interesting to cook by listening to instructions(操作指南)made by famous cooks.But be careful.Don't make yourself and others in danger.Let's take driving for example.If you spend much time listening,you can't be a good driver.Finally,audio reading is helpful for blind(失明的)people.It's difficult for them to do reading in the past.But now,they can do some audio reading easily.26. What is audio reading?______A. Do some reading by ears.B. Do some reading by eyes.C. Do some reading by mouth.D. Do some reading by hand. (2)The second paragraph(段)is about ______ . A.people like to do audio reading in the bed B.an ordinary book cannot be listened to C.you have to use your hands to turn the pages D.one should be in bed in the dark before falling asleep27. It's interesting for some people to cook by ______ made by famous cooks.A. talking to friendsB. watching TVC. reading a bookD. listening to instructions28. Which of the following is TRUE in the article?______A. Audio reading is difficult for the blind.B. Audio reading may be dangerous when you drive a car.C. You have to drive a car when you do audio reading.D. Ordinary reading is as easy as audio reading when you do exercise.OHappiness is for everyone.You don't need to care about those people who have beautiful houses or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on.Why?Because those peoplewho have big houses may often feel lonely (孤独的)and those who has cars maywant to walk on the country road in their free time.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into .When you are introuble at school,your friends will help you.When you take lessons,your parents are always taking care of your life and health.When you get success,your friends will say congratulations(祝贺)to you.All these are your happiness.If you notice(注意)a little of them,you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money.It's a feeling(感觉)of your heart.When you are poor,you can also say you are happy,because you have something else that can't be bought with money.When you meet with difficulties,you can say loudly you are happy,because you have more chances to challenge(挑战)yourself.So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck.As the saying goes," Life is like a revolving(旋转的)door,when it closes,it also opens." If you take every chance you get,you can be a happy and lucky person.(1)What does the underlined word " it "refer to(指代)?______A.Happiness.B.Trouble.C.Health.D.Difficulty.29. Which of the following is happiness from the article?______A. You have lots of money,but you have no friends.B. When you meet difficulties,you give up right now.C. You have a big house,but you always feel lonely.D. When you're in trouble,your classmates often help you.30. The third paragraph tells us that ______ .A. Poor people are always happy.B. Difficulties means happiness.C. Happiness is a feeling of heart.D. Life is the revolving door.31. What would be the best title for this article?______A. Money and cars.B. Happiness is everywhere.C. Luck in life.D. Happiness is money.32. A:Mum,I want make a strawberry milk shake. (1)B:Of course.First,get some strawberries.A:(2)B:You need five strawberries.Wash them and cut them up.A:What's the next?B:(3)A:OK.Then,can I turn on the blender?B:Oh,no.You need to pour the milk into the blender,too.A:(4)B:About a cup.Finally turn on the blender and cook them for two minutes. A:I see.Is it OK?B:Yes. (5)A:Great.Thank you,Mum.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)33. For every teenager,you are the most important person in your family.Parents are the (1) (close)people to you in (2) world.But a lot of middle school students are not (3) (understand).They feel they're not as close to their parents as before.They even think their parents don't love them at all.They even don't want their parents to take part in the (4) (parent)meeting.Some students think that their parents say a lot to them,but never accept their (5) (advice).Some of them even say it in an angry voice(声音)."My parents don't let me play computer (6) (game),but other classmates are doing that," one boy often says like this.(7) (other)say,when they're making phone calls to friends,their parents like to ask if they're speaking to a boy or a girl. (8) (its)makes them very sad.Some students even plan to leave home.But experts say that running away may (9) (bring)them some more problems."Show your parents you're growing (10) .Then they'll find you're no longer a small child," a teacher advised his students in class. "Parents help you the most,unless you don't want.They have more experience than you do."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)34. 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。
一、131.—How often do you play the game Glory of the King (《王者荣耀》), Wang Fei?—_________. I don’t like it at all, and I think doing it is a waste (浪费) of time.A.Twice a week B.Never C.Every day D.Sometimes B解析:B【详解】句意:-王菲,你多久玩一次《王者荣耀》这个游戏?-从不玩,我根本就不喜欢这个游戏,我觉得玩这个游戏是浪费时间。
Twice a week一周两次;Every day每天;Sometimes 有时候。
根据答语I don’t like it at all, and I think doing it is a waste (浪费) of time.可知,这里是否定的回答,故选B。
2.-- ______is the public library from our school?-- It’s near there.Just go across the road. It’s next to a post office.A.How often B.How soon C.How far D.How long C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:——公共图书馆离我们学校有多远?——就在那儿附近。
根据答语It’s near there. Just go across the road. It’s next to a post office.可知上文是问“公共图书馆离我们学校有多远?”对于距离的提问用疑问词how far,故答案选C。
【点睛】A. How often“多久一次”用来提问某动作或状态的频率;B. How soon“多久、多块”,用来提问解决事情的速度,用in+一段时间作答;C. How far“多远”,是对距离的提问;D. How long“多长”,是对长度或一段时间的提问。
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广西省玉林市2021届英语八上期末模拟教学质量检测试题(二)一、选择题1.— Could I your English book this class, Kate?— Sorry, I it to Mary this morning.A.borrow; lendB.borrow; lentC.lend; borrowedD.lend; borrow2.We have to do ______ homework this weekend. It’s ______ boring.A.too many; much tooB.much too; too muchC.too much; too muchD.too much; much too3.-My mom _____________ my cup with water when I was thirsty.A.addedB.fullC.filledD.fell4.--Why would you like to recommend Millie for the Best Student Award?--She does well in her lessons. __________she is kind, helpful and generous.A.HoweverB.OtherwiseC.InsteadD.Moreover5.More and more people can _________100 years old in the future.A.live B.live to be C.living to be D.live to6.—New Year is coming. We're ________ having a great evening party.—Me, too.A.hoping to B.planning to C.looking forward to D.expecting to7.My brother studies in the same school ________ me.A.as B.from C.for D.like8.We should have a good habit of _____ the water tap after washing our hands.A.turning offB.turning onC.turning to9.Don't forget ______to my question.A.to answer B.to replyC.replying D.answering10.I enjoy learning English, ______ it takes me a lot of time.A.because ofB.althoughC.becauseD.for11.-Something to drink, Katie?- _____________ ,please.A.A bowl of beef noodlesB.A cup of coffeeC.Many hamburgersD.Some cheese12.—Did you ______ these letters?—Oh, I forgot.A.reply toB.replyC.replied toD.answer to13.An earthquake happened in Ya’an Sich uan in April 2013. people lost their houses in it.A.Thousands B.Thousand of C.Thousands of D.Thousand14.We won’t go to the Great Wall until the rain _______.A.will stop B.stops C.stopped D.has stopped15.This dress is _________ than that one and I can't afford it. So I decide to buy acheaper one.A.very expensiveB.much cheaperC.much more expensiveD.less expensive二、单词填空16.1)The modern development is attractive, but what I like in Beijing is the ________(古老的) cultural characteristics.2)_________(尽管) the film Big Fish & Begonia (《大鱼海棠》) was popular during this summer holiday, my daughter didn’t show any interest in it.3)No matter how serious your problems are, you’d better deal with them __________ (和平地).4)Neil Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and________(服役) as a pilot for three years.5)When Mary first came to China, she wasn’t used to using _________ (筷子).三、句型转换17.1)Lily has been walking for two hours. (一般疑问句)________ Lily been ________ for two hours?2)The Greens will be backin three days.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ will the Greens be back?3)He is so tired that he can’t walk any more. (同义句转换)He is ________ tired__________ walk any more.4)Would you mind turning off the light? (变否定句)Would you mind_______ ________ off the light?5)在公共场所抽烟是不被允许的。
Smoking isn’t allowed _________ __________.四、完成句子18.1)马克是我们班最受欢迎的男孩。
Mark is__________ ____________ _____________ boy in our class.2)周一是我妈妈一周中最忙的一天。
Monday is my mother's___________ __________ in a week.3)我们的学校正变得越来越漂亮。
Our school is becoming__________ __________ __________beautiful.4)父母通常也在你的学习中发挥作用。
Usually parents also___________ ____________ ___________in your studies5)他的书包比我的漂亮多了。
His schoolbag is much________ _________than _________ .五、完形填空19.Many people are interested in talking about life in the future. Some people 1 that life in the future will be easier and more comfortable. But others believe that it will be worse and more difficult than now. As for me, I 2 the idea of the first team.First, as for education, people will have 3 education. This is because of technology (科技). E-books will replace (取代) common books, robots will replace teachers, and students will not have to go to school every day. They will 4 at home through online teaching and will find learning more interesting.Second, people’s 5 will improve. Technology will also play a very important role. New medicine will help people get better quickly. Robots will help doctors and sometimesreplace 6 . Also, doctors will be able to cure more diseases (治愈更多疾病), 7 people will live longer.Third, housing problems will end. People will build houses under the sea. Also, some people will live 8 the moon. Then everyone will have a place to live.Fourth, hunger(饥饿) will stop all over the world. People will grow crops (庄稼) everywhere 9 on the top of buildings.Now what about you? 10 do you think life in the future will be like?1)A.expect B.decide C.think2)A.agree with B.care about C.bring out3)A.longer B.shorter C.better4)A.sleep B.shop C.study5)A.talents B.luck C.health6)A.him B.her C.them7)A.but B.so C.or8)A.on B.for C.with9)A.only B.even C.still10)A.What B.Why C.When20.完型填空Do you like going to the movies? Most of the__ 1 in high schools like movies very much. Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students 2 heir favorite movies. _ 3 of their answers were really interesting. Here are their likes and_ 4 .John, a _ 5 boy, likes watching thrillers(恐怖片) because they are scary 6 exciting.His classmate,May,can’t stand documentaries(纪录片). She told me they were__7 parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. Jack is a big boy. Hesaid he didn’t mind documentaries. But he doesn’t like comedies __ they are boring! And__ coolest movies are action movies. Everyone _ them very much!1)A. teacherB. studentsC. parents D. people2)A. about B. ofC. at D. from3)A. AnyB. SomeC. LotD. Much4)A. dislike B. dislikesC. hobbies D. enjoyments5)A. 3-year-old B. 3-years-oldC. 1 year-oldD. 1-years-old6)A. alsoB. tooC. but D. and7)A. forB. withC. to D. of8)A. so B. whyC. because D. before9)A. aB. an C. some D. the10)A. enjoy B. enjoys C. watchD. watches六、用所给的词正确形式填空21.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。