
(W分)()11. A ThC StatiOn ・ B TbC POSt OfriCC C. ThC b∞kstorr.()12. A. HCS taking a PhOlO B. HC IS fl% Ing a kite C. HC s nding a bike. ( )13 A FIrSl turn right.and Ihal IUnl ICnB TUjTI ngh(h⅜ ιceC FirM IUm ICn and IhCn IUm r⅞h∣( )14. A. OnoC a month.. B. OnCCa) αιr C. Onccaucck.()15 A Yes, there is B No. IhCrC isn't C WCdOn't know .闪・听短文.i⅛禅正1»件區∙短文读科.⅛L ( IO分)< )16 CharIIe UltS bo∩ι on______A. MalXrh 2lst B March 20ih C. MaX 2<Xh< )17 ____ gave CharliC a pair Of ShOCSA CharlIC' n uncleB Cliarlic' S aunt C. CbarliC * S ParCntS<)18 GlalIIU IlkMI UIV ________ ZslA books B. apples C. ShOCS()19 CIIaflio' S UIIClCMid CiMIlliC UWUklA. Cal more foodB. read more booksC. S(Ud) hard()20. Charlie is years old.A.6B. 7C. 13第二部分基础知识运用・■单顶迭择•(毎题1分,共IS分)<)21. _______ does JoUr brother ¢0 to IhC Iibran ? -T^iCC a ¼⅜∞kA. HOU farB. HOu many CHoWIOng D. HOW OftCn< )22. ______ 1$ it from ∖our home to IhC bank ? -It S about 4 kilometersA I Hι>⅜⅜ InUChB I HOZ longC HoU man,D Ho⅜⅜ i⅛2. 3. 4.二.听句子.选择正确苔语匸超个句子≪-⅛. < m分〉 ()()6A It was JUnC 6th B It s Mm 1 lth. C IrS WCdnCSdιι∖7. A. Γnι Iate again. Dad B 1 m Sony. Mr. WangX A Γhank ∖ou B. No PrObICm9 A NoJdon t B Yes. I did10.人丨Can da⅞cc. B. No. I Call LC JUSI a slιort timeC IIlC same to >ou.C YCSJ doC Yes, 1 Call(>23—you IlkC music ¼cr∖ much Dld ∖ou SIng a Song al IhC pari∖9―No. but IfeICn ______A. did B doCS C. d∙dnβt D. SingS< )24 ・ XMlaI kindOrhOUSC do∖<xι ∖⅜ant io VCnVl -*∙∙I ∖¾ant a hou⅛c __ QgardCn.A UJIder B. On C. With D. in.< )25 WhX not and ha∖ca look? —OK Lci, S goA logo IIP Slalπ>B goesIIPStaIrS C. go (oIIPSIaIrS D go IIP^aIrS()26 ThCrC is a ∖¾ιιιdou __ the WaIl and IhCnC IS a p>clurc __ it.A. on: inB. m. InC. on;On D .ιn; on()27 She* S her wallet∙ but ShC Call, t itA. IOOklng for: findB. look, findC. looking for. finding D finding: IoOk fix< )28 LlndaOnCn _____ h er ho<ncλ%ork In IhCCVeIlinK« bul IhiS evening she__ TV nouA does: WateI>esB iSdoIng: watchesC t$ doing: is UaIChing DdoCs: is UaUhing< )29.There ____ a lot Of Oloac、Ul her UalIet ・ but SbC doesn't USCA arc: theB arc: It C. is: it D is: IhCnl()30 ThC IillIC bo> IS ______ )can old. TOdaj is h∣s bιrthda>A fifth. ΠAh B. five:fi⅜e C G¼c .fi∩h D, fifth five{ )31.-Torn» don* t IbrgCl ________ OUr^randParClItSafterSChoOl ・OK Mom. IWOn'lA IOViSn B. V ISitIng ClOPla) D pla%ιng( )32. -ThClC IS ______ W ith IUy COlnPUter.-Oh ∙ SOrn to bear Ihat YOU Can Catl IhC SCn ice CenICr Ibr helpA WrOng SOmCthingB something WnMlgC. on、Ihiflg WrOngD. ∖⅜πxιg anything()33. ______ UlIh IhC help Of IhC ICaChCr .the bo> COUId read SOmC books (he age Of five.A. with: at B Of at C With : In D. Under .ιn()34 Th^rc atv α Iot Of ChildrCn ______ baskc4ball On IhC ph∖ground.A. pla∖B. pla∖s C to PklV D. placing( )35 It S SOOd US to help the PeOPIC and children the StrCCtA .for : Valk OeroSSB to .acroM C. to; CrOM D. (on across二.完形换空∙ ( M分〉I CCICbaited n>y twel fth bιrthda∖UIth all Itn friends aι⅞d faιnιh Iay year. VK parents took InC (o go shopping, and L36 me βomc ιox« .1 ZM re,II、(貝的〉hαρρ∖ Ibr IhCir wonderful Prevents 37 IhiS year. T dicin' l SCC an> friends・ and ∖¼o dιdn ( go ShoPPmg WiUIr S the 3⅜?Did the> fbf⅛c<?,What about m∖ b∣rtlκia∖ parts this year? ,, I asked nn ParCntS * Jud、・ICIk do 39 different IhIS ∖car ∖∖ c IlgOtOa PlaCe tomorrow Picase make SUrC to UkC XOUr sa∖ mg box < 存钱⅛O 40κ ou " said my father.I got UP CarI) the next morning SOoM WC got to ChC PIaCC place. A man welcomed US and £LUS to his OiTICC HC told US nan∖ChlldrCn ItCrc had ιo SIOP going to SChOOI because IhCJ ∖⅝crυ42.! Kncu Vin Iny father asked me Io IakC m∖ SaX mgbox then I ga∖ e all Iny 43_to the ChiIdrClI here We hnd a great birthdaχ Parlyzlth them Afler Il(II) 44 ItlnCh ・ WC WCnt home.ThlS XVaS m∖best bι∏hda∖ Pany In m∖ II(C I ∖⅜as hap∣>∖ I)CCaUSC m、SmaIl SjhIng box 45 help IhOSC ChlldrCn HCIPlng OtherS IS really 丿wonderful thing问渎理解(30分)()48 ThCrC arc ____ Joor (S) tn IhO mouse' S house.A. four B OnC C. IhreC D. InO ()49 AnimalS homes are ________Λ in Imr B IhC SaaW C. d ∣fTςront D in holes ()50 AnlmaIr homes arc _______A- on their backsB holesC in PCOPIC S homes D- above dl(B)A IOng IifC IB great Ibr cvet ∖otιe E¾ Cfy OllC uaι>U to hα∖ c a IOng IiiC- I kxιo¾¾ two tutn KISterV C⅛ IK* ⅛J ⅛). ThUλγcLUey and LilV ThCy both have IOng IlVCS- ThC> just CdCbratCd IhClrI(MIth bι∏)ιda ∖!I.uc ∖ and LiIy ZCrC bom On NmCmbCr 20Ih 1916 ThC l ∖⅜in M⅛lcrs VCnI to (heMmC school, had IhC SamojOb and no 、、 IlVe m ChC SanIe IK)IIse. A (CyX months 咚o ・ tlιcs CdCbrmed IheIr Iwhh I)Mhdm (Ogether The> had a ½oικlcrfiιI bιrthda ∖ p3rt> In tl»Clr house. Tho »KCd IbCir frκnds and faιnιl ∖ to COlTK to IhC part 、 It VaS a SUnnX Sunda 、・ and CVCnOnC had a good time**Wc OftCn CCIebrMC OUr birthdays together. ' LUCyMys∙ ° Ten years ago. WC CCJCbratCd OUr90Ih birthday togcti⅛cr LaSlxCar. ∖⅜cCekbraiodOUr99th bιrth<la ∖ ・ loo∕*Man>∙ PCOPle ask them how to keep a IOng life, f * Hard XVork and good food help a IOt That e S all I Can think about W LiK $a\s.36 Abrought 37ASOB PCfIbnllVd B- BlltC bought C . IfD CCkbnUCd38 AIimC B ColOr C ma((cτ D UIaPC D Somethlng < )JU Aon B. from C. at D. With < )41 A PIannCd B IOOk C CnjojCdD 艸C O 42 A poor B noιs ∖C InagIC D. ∖oung < )43 . A. books B ten s CfOOd D. moncx < )44.A.alraιd B- dιlTicuh C- delicious D. bonng ()45 A COUId B InUStC ShOUIdD need(A)EVentXxh < 毎个人)has a home PeOPle IiVe In InalB (Ilrterent kinds OfhCUSeS AnIlnaIS hove dιfterent homes ,too SOmC animals lι∖ c in holcs< Il-J >undcr IhC ground ThC mou⅝c IiVCS UndCr IIK ground Hkhomchaslzodoon Ifan 、<MUHUI 1 COlUCS IUto OnC <k>υr∙ tlιc IuUUSC goes OUt iιυιu IIIC OthCr one. SoIUC buds IIVC Ul holes Ul trees, lhc> COiUCOUI for food In IhC da>tιmc( 白大 and go back to SlCq) at night SnaiIS (⅛⅛φ) homes arcquιtc< )ιntcrcstiπg ThCV Carn their homes On IhCir backs. C OnS cats∙ and dogs IhC in PCoPlC , S homes∖V⅛ c<uι MX all kinds Of αnuιιa ∣5 UI the ZOO Il IS «i big home Ibr lυ<⅝ Of anauah I thιιιk tho J>uuld be GccO 46 ThC s ∣or ∖ IS about ___ A. (he homes Of M>mc anιmah C. M)IuC PCOPIC()47__________ IlVC UndCr IhC SrOUndB SOmC IlWgD. SOIIIC animalsC MiCCD CatS39.A,cvcr ∖on cB. c⅜cnlhmgC. an> Ihing< <ThC i∖un SISICrS dιdn,ι ask for PrcSCniS On IhCir bιπhda> BIII IhCX asked (heir IYiCndS and IamIIj to UsC SOmC moncx lo do good things At sι>ch an OId n驴. Ihey ⅝tιll Uant to do SoInething to help OtherS We MhOuki Ieam from Lucy and LiKLcls Zlsh IhCm a happ∖ and IOng Il(C!()51 WTlen WCrC Ihe twin SIStCrS bom?A. Oil No⅜cmbcr I2dι. 1916. B On November 2(∣ih. 1961C. On November 2<⅛lb1916.D. On No%CmbCr )2ih∙1619()52 ∖Vho dκl the hκιn SISterS CeIebfate their KKXh buthda> with ?A Tħcir ChildrCn B. ThCIr ParCntSC ThClr fnends and faιnιhD ThCir fnends and (CMhCrS()S3 Where dκl thc> CCICbratC their HJ(MJl birthday ?A- In IhC church. B- In d⅞cιr house.C In their gardenD In the Nrk()54. Hoxv COn ¼vc live a IOng IIft?A WC CalI do SPOfU c⅜cr> day.B WC Cal) sU、at home c、Cfy da>C We CanWOrk hard and Cat Well D. We Can pla> happily every day ()55 What did IhC hκιn SISICrs IhCIr friends SndfamιK do On IIKlr birthday。

绝密★启用前|2018-2019学年下学期期末原创A卷七年级英语(考试时间:80分钟试卷满分:100分)说明:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡的指定区域填写自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
4. 考生务必保持答题卡的整洁。
1. There is _______________ "u"and _______________ "s"in the word"use".A. a;anB. a;aC. an;aD. an;an2. —Are these your books?—Yes, they are _______________, and this one is _______________.A. ours;hisB. mine;herC. ours;yourD. mine;your3. We can get some information about history in the _______________.A. palaceB. museumC. marketD. country4. —How was your weekend?—Great! It was my grandfather’s _______________ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A. seventiethB. seventiesC. seventeenthD. the seventieth5. Going to the theatre is good, _______________ I really only like listening to music.A. andB. butC. soD. or6. —The trip to Shanghai Disneyland _______________ so wonderful.—Really? My father _______________ there the other day. He will take me there. too.A. is;goesB. was;wentC. was;will goD. is;went 7. —How do you go to work?—I usually go to work _______________.A. by a carB. in carC. on carD. by car8. —Is Andy _______________ than Amy?—No. Andy isn’t as _______________ as Amy.A. taller;tallB. short;tallC. taller;shorterD. shorter:taller9. Look! There _______________ a lot of people in front of the hospital.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are10. —Did you hear the news about the fire in our building?—Yes. It took the firemen two hours to _______________ the fire.A. put outB. put upC. put downD. put off11. —Do you know if he _______________ back tomorrow?—Sorry, I don’t know. If he _______________ back, I will tell you at once.A. comes; comesB. comes; will comeC. will come; comesD. will come; will come12. The girl _______________ swim when she was only four years old. Isn’t it amazing?A. couldB. mayC. canD. must13. _______________ fine weather it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a14. Why not _______________ your friends for help when you are in trouble?A. askB. to askC. asksD. asking15. —_______________ do I need to feed the pet dog?—Twice a day.A. How longB. How muchC. How soonD. How often16. —The fish tastes _______________, and we have eaten it up.—My mother is a good cook. She cooks very _______________.A. good;wellB. well;goodC. well;wellD. good;good17. —Did you go to the zoo yesterday?—Yes. The bus trip _______________ us about 4 hours. There was too much traffic on the road.A. tookB. paidC. spentD. cost18. Mary is _______________ girl, but she knows a lot about science.A. a eight-year-oldB. eight-year-oldC. eight years oldD. an eight-year-old19. —It’s Friday today. We have Chinese. Do you like it?—No. I think it’s difficult _______________ Bob thinks it’s interesting.A. andB. soC. butD. then20. —Did you come here by bus or by car?—_______________A. I came here by bus.B. I didn’t come here by bus.C. Yes, I came here by bus.D. No, I didn’t.二、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。
湖南省长沙市2018学年七年级英语下学期期末考试试题 精品

(5分)6. A. He is of medium height. B. He is nice. C. He is a good English teacher.7. A. It was great. B. It is OK. C. It was windy.8. A. It was f antastic. B. I stayed at home. C. I loved this vacation.9. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, she did.10. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I must.13.Q: What did Bob do last Sunday?A. He went to the museum.B. He went to the mountains.C. He went to the movies.14.Q: What does Lucy think of English?A. She doesn’t like it.B. She loves it.C. She likes it.15. Q: What time does the girl have to go home?A. By 7:00 pmB. By 5:00 pmC. By 5:30 pmⅣ 听短文,完成表格。
(5分)Name What he / she looks like What he / she likesNancy good-looking 16.__________________Tom 17.________________ playing soccerLily wear glasses 18.__________________Brad 19.________________Holly black hair 20.___________ for friends笔试部分 (共计100分)Ⅰ单项选择。

考试时间100 分钟,满分120 分。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共75分)第一部分听力(共20 小题,每题 1 分;满分20 分)(一)听句子,选择适合的应答语。
1. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she isn’t.2. A. In the morning. B. Every day. C. At home.3. A. 5 kilometers. B. At 7:00 am. C. 20 minutes by bike.4. A. Sounds good. B. Thank you. C. I don ’twant to see tigers.5. A. She is busy. B. She likes geography. C. She is a teacher.(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。
6. What club does Lisa want to join?A. The swimming club.B. The English club.C. The chess club.7. What time does the girl get up?A. 6:30.B. 6:45.C. 6:15.8. Where can’t the girl do homework?A. At school.B. At home.C. At friends ’home.9.Why does Ann like lions?A. Because they are scary.B. Because they’re cool.C. Because they’re big.10.What ’s Mr. Lee doing?A. He ’s playing basketball.B. He ’s working.C. He ’s playing soccer.(三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。

(W分)()11. A ThC StatiOn ・ B TbC POSt OfriCC C. ThC b∞kstorr.()12. A. HCS taking a PhOlO B. HC IS fl% Ing a kite C. HC s nding a bike. ( )13 A FIrSl turn right.and Ihal IUnl ICnB TUjTI ngh(h⅜ ιceC FirM IUm ICn and IhCn IUm r⅞h∣( )14. A. OnoC a month.. B. OnCCa) αιr C. Onccaucck.()15 A Yes, there is B No. IhCrC isn't C WCdOn't know .闪・听短文.i⅛禅正1»件區∙短文读科.⅛L ( IO分)< )16 CharIIe UltS bo∩ι on______A. MalXrh 2lst B March 20ih C. MaX 2<Xh< )17 ____ gave CharliC a pair Of ShOCSA CharlIC' n uncleB Cliarlic' S aunt C. CbarliC * S ParCntS<)18 GlalIIU IlkMI UIV ________ ZslA books B. apples C. ShOCS()19 CIIaflio' S UIIClCMid CiMIlliC UWUklA. Cal more foodB. read more booksC. S(Ud) hard()20. Charlie is years old.A.6B. 7C. 13第二部分基础知识运用・■单顶迭择•(毎题1分,共IS分)<)21. _______ does JoUr brother ¢0 to IhC Iibran ? -T^iCC a ¼⅜∞kA. HOU farB. HOu many CHoWIOng D. HOW OftCn< )22. ______ 1$ it from ∖our home to IhC bank ? -It S about 4 kilometersA I Hι>⅜⅜ InUChB I HOZ longC HoU man,D Ho⅜⅜ i⅛2. 3. 4.二.听句子.选择正确苔语匸超个句子≪-⅛. < m分〉 ()()6A It was JUnC 6th B It s Mm 1 lth. C IrS WCdnCSdιι∖7. A. Γnι Iate again. Dad B 1 m Sony. Mr. WangX A Γhank ∖ou B. No PrObICm9 A NoJdon t B Yes. I did10.人丨Can da⅞cc. B. No. I Call LC JUSI a slιort timeC IIlC same to >ou.C YCSJ doC Yes, 1 Call(>23—you IlkC music ¼cr∖ much Dld ∖ou SIng a Song al IhC pari∖9―No. but IfeICn ______A. did B doCS C. d∙dnβt D. SingS< )24 ・ XMlaI kindOrhOUSC do∖<xι ∖⅜ant io VCnVl -*∙∙I ∖¾ant a hou⅛c __ QgardCn.A UJIder B. On C. With D. in.< )25 WhX not and ha∖ca look? —OK Lci, S goA logo IIP Slalπ>B goesIIPStaIrS C. go (oIIPSIaIrS D go IIP^aIrS()26 ThCrC is a ∖¾ιιιdou __ the WaIl and IhCnC IS a p>clurc __ it.A. on: inB. m. InC. on;On D .ιn; on()27 She* S her wallet∙ but ShC Call, t itA. IOOklng for: findB. look, findC. looking for. finding D finding: IoOk fix< )28 LlndaOnCn _____ h er ho<ncλ%ork In IhCCVeIlinK« bul IhiS evening she__ TV nouA does: WateI>esB iSdoIng: watchesC t$ doing: is UaIChing DdoCs: is UaUhing< )29.There ____ a lot Of Oloac、Ul her UalIet ・ but SbC doesn't USCA arc: theB arc: It C. is: it D is: IhCnl()30 ThC IillIC bo> IS ______ )can old. TOdaj is h∣s bιrthda>A fifth. ΠAh B. five:fi⅜e C G¼c .fi∩h D, fifth five{ )31.-Torn» don* t IbrgCl ________ OUr^randParClItSafterSChoOl ・OK Mom. IWOn'lA IOViSn B. V ISitIng ClOPla) D pla%ιng( )32. -ThClC IS ______ W ith IUy COlnPUter.-Oh ∙ SOrn to bear Ihat YOU Can Catl IhC SCn ice CenICr Ibr helpA WrOng SOmCthingB something WnMlgC. on、Ihiflg WrOngD. ∖⅜πxιg anything()33. ______ UlIh IhC help Of IhC ICaChCr .the bo> COUId read SOmC books (he age Of five.A. with: at B Of at C With : In D. Under .ιn()34 Th^rc atv α Iot Of ChildrCn ______ baskc4ball On IhC ph∖ground.A. pla∖B. pla∖s C to PklV D. placing( )35 It S SOOd US to help the PeOPIC and children the StrCCtA .for : Valk OeroSSB to .acroM C. to; CrOM D. (on across二.完形换空∙ ( M分〉I CCICbaited n>y twel fth bιrthda∖UIth all Itn friends aι⅞d faιnιh Iay year. VK parents took InC (o go shopping, and L36 me βomc ιox« .1 ZM re,II、(貝的〉hαρρ∖ Ibr IhCir wonderful Prevents 37 IhiS year. T dicin' l SCC an> friends・ and ∖¼o dιdn ( go ShoPPmg WiUIr S the 3⅜?Did the> fbf⅛c<?,What about m∖ b∣rtlκia∖ parts this year? ,, I asked nn ParCntS * Jud、・ICIk do 39 different IhIS ∖car ∖∖ c IlgOtOa PlaCe tomorrow Picase make SUrC to UkC XOUr sa∖ mg box < 存钱⅛O 40κ ou " said my father.I got UP CarI) the next morning SOoM WC got to ChC PIaCC place. A man welcomed US and £LUS to his OiTICC HC told US nan∖ChlldrCn ItCrc had ιo SIOP going to SChOOI because IhCJ ∖⅝crυ42.! Kncu Vin Iny father asked me Io IakC m∖ SaX mgbox then I ga∖ e all Iny 43_to the ChiIdrClI here We hnd a great birthdaχ Parlyzlth them Afler Il(II) 44 ItlnCh ・ WC WCnt home.ThlS XVaS m∖best bι∏hda∖ Pany In m∖ II(C I ∖⅜as hap∣>∖ I)CCaUSC m、SmaIl SjhIng box 45 help IhOSC ChlldrCn HCIPlng OtherS IS really 丿wonderful thing问渎理解(30分)()48 ThCrC arc ____ Joor (S) tn IhO mouse' S house.A. four B OnC C. IhreC D. InO ()49 AnimalS homes are ________Λ in Imr B IhC SaaW C. d ∣fTςront D in holes ()50 AnlmaIr homes arc _______A- on their backsB holesC in PCOPIC S homes D- above dl(B)A IOng IifC IB great Ibr cvet ∖otιe E¾ Cfy OllC uaι>U to hα∖ c a IOng IiiC- I kxιo¾¾ two tutn KISterV C⅛ IK* ⅛J ⅛). ThUλγcLUey and LilV ThCy both have IOng IlVCS- ThC> just CdCbratCd IhClrI(MIth bι∏)ιda ∖!I.uc ∖ and LiIy ZCrC bom On NmCmbCr 20Ih 1916 ThC l ∖⅜in M⅛lcrs VCnI to (heMmC school, had IhC SamojOb and no 、、 IlVe m ChC SanIe IK)IIse. A (CyX months 咚o ・ tlιcs CdCbrmed IheIr Iwhh I)Mhdm (Ogether The> had a ½oικlcrfiιI bιrthda ∖ p3rt> In tl»Clr house. Tho »KCd IbCir frκnds and faιnιl ∖ to COlTK to IhC part 、 It VaS a SUnnX Sunda 、・ and CVCnOnC had a good time**Wc OftCn CCIebrMC OUr birthdays together. ' LUCyMys∙ ° Ten years ago. WC CCJCbratCd OUr90Ih birthday togcti⅛cr LaSlxCar. ∖⅜cCekbraiodOUr99th bιrth<la ∖ ・ loo∕*Man>∙ PCOPle ask them how to keep a IOng life, f * Hard XVork and good food help a IOt That e S all I Can think about W LiK $a\s.36 Abrought 37ASOB PCfIbnllVd B- BlltC bought C . IfD CCkbnUCd38 AIimC B ColOr C ma((cτ D UIaPC D Somethlng < )JU Aon B. from C. at D. With < )41 A PIannCd B IOOk C CnjojCdD 艸C O 42 A poor B noιs ∖C InagIC D. ∖oung < )43 . A. books B ten s CfOOd D. moncx < )44.A.alraιd B- dιlTicuh C- delicious D. bonng ()45 A COUId B InUStC ShOUIdD need(A)EVentXxh < 毎个人)has a home PeOPle IiVe In InalB (Ilrterent kinds OfhCUSeS AnIlnaIS hove dιfterent homes ,too SOmC animals lι∖ c in holcs< Il-J >undcr IhC ground ThC mou⅝c IiVCS UndCr IIK ground Hkhomchaslzodoon Ifan 、<MUHUI 1 COlUCS IUto OnC <k>υr∙ tlιc IuUUSC goes OUt iιυιu IIIC OthCr one. SoIUC buds IIVC Ul holes Ul trees, lhc> COiUCOUI for food In IhC da>tιmc( 白大 and go back to SlCq) at night SnaiIS (⅛⅛φ) homes arcquιtc< )ιntcrcstiπg ThCV Carn their homes On IhCir backs. C OnS cats∙ and dogs IhC in PCoPlC , S homes∖V⅛ c<uι MX all kinds Of αnuιιa ∣5 UI the ZOO Il IS «i big home Ibr lυ<⅝ Of anauah I thιιιk tho J>uuld be GccO 46 ThC s ∣or ∖ IS about ___ A. (he homes Of M>mc anιmah C. M)IuC PCOPIC()47__________ IlVC UndCr IhC SrOUndB SOmC IlWgD. SOIIIC animalsC MiCCD CatS39.A,cvcr ∖on cB. c⅜cnlhmgC. an> Ihing< <ThC i∖un SISICrS dιdn,ι ask for PrcSCniS On IhCir bιπhda> BIII IhCX asked (heir IYiCndS and IamIIj to UsC SOmC moncx lo do good things At sι>ch an OId n驴. Ihey ⅝tιll Uant to do SoInething to help OtherS We MhOuki Ieam from Lucy and LiKLcls Zlsh IhCm a happ∖ and IOng Il(C!()51 WTlen WCrC Ihe twin SIStCrS bom?A. Oil No⅜cmbcr I2dι. 1916. B On November 2(∣ih. 1961C. On November 2<⅛lb1916.D. On No%CmbCr )2ih∙1619()52 ∖Vho dκl the hκιn SISterS CeIebfate their KKXh buthda> with ?A Tħcir ChildrCn B. ThCIr ParCntSC ThClr fnends and faιnιhD ThCir fnends and (CMhCrS()S3 Where dκl thc> CCICbratC their HJ(MJl birthday ?A- In IhC church. B- In d⅞cιr house.C In their gardenD In the Nrk()54. Hoxv COn ¼vc live a IOng IIft?A WC CalI do SPOfU c⅜cr> day.B WC Cal) sU、at home c、Cfy da>C We CanWOrk hard and Cat Well D. We Can pla> happily every day ()55 What did IhC hκιn SISICrs IhCIr friends SndfamιK do On IIKlr birthday。

湖南省雅礼教育集团2018-2019学年七下英语《8套合集》期末模拟试卷七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷含答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
16. The first Disneyland was open in _______. But I don't know _______ exact year.A. 1950, anB. the 1950s, theC. 1950, theD. the 1950s, an17. Mark joins the Riding Club so his father gave him a _______ as his present on Children's Day·A. basketballB. cameraC. walletD. bike18. I was _______ last weekend. I stayed at home alone and there was nothing to do.A. boredB. difficultC. worriedD. busy19. 一_______ watch is it?一Mary bought one yesterday. It may be _______.A. Whose, herB. Who, herC. Whose, hersD. Who, hers20. 一Hi, Alice. Could you come to my party next Friday?一Sorry, I _______. I will go travelling with my parents.A. can'tB. couldn'tC. don'tD. didn't21. Qinghe Park is quite beautiful with a river running _______ it and there are many bridges _______ the river.A. through, onB. across, onC. through, overD. across, over22. ----Did you check your email on the Internet last night?----No. I _______ it this evening.A. checkedB. checkC. am checkingD. will check23. 一_______ did Cao Xueqin spend on the famous book The Story of the Stone?一Nearly 10 years. That's _______ this book is so classical andfamous.A. How long,whyB. How much,becauseC. How long,becauseD. How much,why24. 一_______?一My mother is nice to all her students. And she gets on well with all her friends.A. What's your mother?B. What's your mother like?C. What does your mother look like?D. What does your mother like?25. 一Every family will have a robot in the future so we needn't do any housework.一_______.A. That'll be great!B. That's OK!C. Not at all!D. Of course not!三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

最新2018-2019年七年级下册期末联考英语试卷及答案12.What does Gina think of the music?A。
She thinks it’s terrible.B。
She thinks it’s great.13.What does the boy suggest they do after school?A。
Go to the movies.B。
Play basketball.C。
14.What is the man looking for?A。
His phone.B。
His keys.C。
His wallet.15.Where does the woman suggest the man look?A。
On the table.四)听独白,选择正确答案。
16.What is the speaker’s favorite subject?A。
Science.17.What does the speaker do after school? A。
Plays sports.B。
Watches TV.C。
XXX.18.What does the speaker do on weekends? A。
Goes shopping.B。
Visits friends.XXX.19.What does the speaker want to be in the future? XXX.B。
A XXX.XXX.20.How does the XXX future?A。
Indifferent.第二部分英语知识运用(共55分)一)单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.---What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be ____ astronaut.A。

2018-2019学年第二学期七年级英语期末模拟卷(2)(总分:100分时间:90分钟)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—-Did you see_______ film Where are We Going, Dad?Yes, it’s ______ interesting film.A. a; theB. the; anC. a; anD. the; the2. Last year ________ teachers from other cities came to visit our school.A. six hundredsB. six hundreds ofC.hundred ofD. hundredsof3. ---Does the book belong to ? --- Yes, it’s .A. yours; mineB. you; yoursC. him; hisD. his; mine4. Lucy knew nothing about it ____________ her sister told her.A. becauseB. untilC. ifD. after5._________ wonderful works of art? They cost too much.A. What aB. How aC. WhatD. How6. The superman can burn things with his eyes._______ special his eyes are!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a7. —The fish_______ nice. Your mother is a great cook.—Really? Try some, and you will like it more.A. tastesB. smellsC. cooksD. sees8. I put my hands ___________ her eyes to let her guess who I am.A. outsideB. offC. overD. behind9. —Why are you carrying an umbrella? It’s not going to rain.—To_______ myself from the sun.A. protectB. saveC. stopD. prepare10. _______ knows anything about him because he never tells us_______ about himself.A. Nobody; somethingB. Nobody; nothingC. Nobody; anythingD. Anybody; nothing11. Soon she __________ swim a quarter of a mile.A. canB. couldC. is able toD. will be able to12. Lily isn’t here. When _________ she ___________.A. does; leaveB. is; leavingC. will; leaveD. did; leave13. I will keep calling Nancy ___________ she answers.A. whenB. afterC. butD. till14. ______ good news they told us yesterday!A. How aB. HowC. WhatD. What a15. —Would you like to join in the English corner?—___________. What time is it?A. I hope soB. I’m afraid notC. I’d love toD. I agree二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)It’s never too old to run. This is quite true for an old man named Ray. He just finished 75 marathons (马拉松) in 75 days at the age of 75. It’s a record (记录) 16 can believe!Ray wanted to raise £75,000 for a school which helps children with special17 . So he decided to run the marathons. He began his challenge (挑战) in July18 his 75th birthday.At first, the 19 man just finished most of his marathons in and around his hometown. Th en he 20 all over the world to finish all 75 marathons.Ray was a sportsman when he was young. He also ran a big company before. During the marathons, he need 21 to keep fit. But he didn’t need to worry about that. Ray’s daughter is good at cooking. She cooked delicious and healthy food for him for the 22 challenge.When Ray finished his 23 marathon, he seemed to be in quite good condition (状态良好). He was very happy. But he said, “In some way, I don’t want it to end. I 24 what I am going to do next.”“It was a wonderful time when I gave something to schools. If I can help, that’s all I want.”Truly, it’s never too late to run and 25 .16. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D. anybody17. A. needs B. pets C. talks D. studies18. A. in B. at C. on D. of19. A. 75 years old B. 75-years-old C. 75 year old D.75-year-old20. A. walked B. flew C. drove D. swam21. A. food B. water C. energy D. time22. A. whole B. exciting C. careful D. dangerous23. A. next B. first C. all D. last24. A. check B. wonder C. design D. agree25. A. hope B. raise C. exercise D. help三、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)ASydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St, SydneyPhone: 02 93339222Fax: 02 93339203Open time: 9:00 am to 10:30 pm (Saturdays to 11:30 pm)Ticket: $ 60 (for an adult) $ 30 (for a child)Website: www. sydneytower. com. cnHow to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street How to book tickets: by phone / fax or through the WebAttraction: Sydney's best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point about Sydney for exciting 60°views of our beautiful city.26. Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,he will pay _______.A. $60B. $90C. $120D. $15027. Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower _____.A. after 11:30pmB. before 11:30pmC. at 10:30 pmD. by 10:30 pmBFire can be very dangerous. We should be careful with it. This is what to do in a fire:●Shout out. Shout as loudly(高声地)as you can, because people may he asleep.●Call 119. Don’t try to put out the fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.●Keep down next to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it’s easier to breathe(呼吸)and see where you are going.●Test the door. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.●Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. Afire can become very big in a few seconds!●Don’t use the lift. Always use the stairs(楼梯).The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.●Don’t go back. Even if your pet is still inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense(感觉)of smell. They often get away from buildings before people.28. You should keep down next to the floor because_______A. people may be asleepB. people can find you easilyC. there is less smoke down thereD. you should look after your things carefully29. If the door is hot, we should_______.A. open it and get outB. find another way outC. stop to pick up thingsD. go back for something30. The lift is dangerous in a fire because_______.A. it is too smallB. it may go wrongC. it may keep you insideD. both B and CCAunt Polly told Tom to paint the fence (栅栏). Tom felt very sad about it. Then he had an idea!He picked up the brush(刷子)and started painting slowly and carefully. Soon, his friend Ben Rogers came, eating an apple. T om pretended (假装) not to see him.“Tom!”Ben said. “Why are you working?”“I’m going for a swim,”Ben laughed, “but you have to work, don’t you? So you have no time for a swim.”Tom looked at Ben and said, “What is work? What do you call work?”“Isn’t that work?”Ben asked.“Well, no. Does a boy get the opportunity (机会) to paint a fence every day? You never, right? I asked Auntie to let me do it!”“Really? Please, Tom. Let me do a little,”said Ben.“No, Ben. You can’t paint very well.”“I will be careful and do it well. And I’ll give you many apples.”Tom gave him the brush and paint with a sad face, but in his heart he was glad. His trick worked.After Ben got tired and left, other boys came along and Tom said to them. Soon, they painted the whole fence. And Tom, did very little.31. What can we learn about Ben?A. He was Tom’s best friend.B. He often painted the fence.C. He helped Tom paint the whole fence.D. He was able to swim.32. Which of the following can be placed (放置) in “_______”in the last paragraph?A. nothingB. goodbyeC. the same thingD. sorry33. Which of the following is TRUE?A. T om liked painting the fence.B. Tom didn’t do much of the painting work.C. T om paid lots of money to the other boys for helping with the work.D. All the boys knew Tom’s trick well.DA bus arrived and an old woman got on it slowly. She wore no shoes.A little boy pointed at (指) the old woman and said to his mother, “Look, Mum. She isn’t wearing shoes.”“Don’t point at others, Tom. It’s rude,”the mother said and then looked out of the window.“She must have children,”said a woman in a fur coat. “Her children should buy shoes for her.”“People should learn to save money,”said a well-dressed man. “If she saved money when she was young, she wouldn’t be so poor now.”Then all the passengers (乘客) on the bus stopped talking.At the next stop, a young man got on the bus. He was listening to music. When he saw the old woman, he stopped moving. He carried his eyes from her feet to his own. He was wearing his expensive new trainers. He saved money for months to buy them. Unexpectedly(令人意外地), the young man took off his trainers and socks. He stood before the old woman. “Madam,”he said, “I see you have no shoes. Well, I have.”Carefully and gently, he put his socks and fine trainers on the old woman’s feet.Just then the bus arrived at the next stop. The young man got off the bus and walked away, wearing no shoes in the snow.“Who is he?”one asked. “He must be an angel (天使),”said another. But the honest (诚实的) little boy said, “No. He was only a man.”34. What season is it when the story happened?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.35. W hich of the following shows the right order (顺序) of the story?a. The young man saw the old woman.b. The passengers talked about the young man.c. The young man gave Granny his own shoes.d. The passengers talked about the old woman.e. The young man saved money to buy the trainers.A. d-a-c-b-eB. d-e- a-c-bC. e-d-a-c-bD.e-a-d-c-b36. W hat can we infer (推断) from the passage?A. The young man took the bus to give shoes and socks to the old woman.B. The well-dressed man will buy a lot of shoes for the old woman later.C. The woman in a fur coat saved much money when she was young.D. It was not the first time for the young man to help people in need.37. What can be the best title for the story?A. Only shoesB. Only a manC. T o be kindD. To be honest四、信息还原(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷含答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
二.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )21.Do you usually go to school by____ bus?No, I usually ride__________ bike.A./;/B./;theC.the;theD./;a( )22.There________some flowers on the table.A.hasB.haveC.areD.is( )23._______,is there a bank near here?_______,I don’t know.A.Sorry ,Excuse meB.Excuse me ,SorryC.Sorry , SorryD.Excuse me ,Excuse me( )24.Is your sister________medium build?A.ofB.inC.atD./( )25.Is her hair curly_______straight?A.orB.andC.toD.too( )26.His father________very young and cool.A.looks likeB.look likeC.looksD.look( )27.Would you like________coffee?A.anyB.drinkC.drinkingD.some( )28.______milk would you like?A.HowB.How manyC.How muchD.What( )29._______?I’’d like a dress.Ip you D.Can you help meA.Excuse meB.I’m sorryC.Can I helm sorry C.Can I help you D.Can you help me( )30._______she go swimming last Sunday?A.DidB.DoesC.DoD.Is( )31._______was your vacation?Great!A.WhenB.HowC.WhereD.What( )32.He often________half an hour_______English every day. A.spends ,reading B.spend ,reading C.spends ,reads D.spend ,read ( )33.Mary_______to school 10 minutes ago. A.went B.goes C.go D.is going ( )34.We_______a good time b ecause it rained hard.A.haven A.haven’’tB.hadn t B.hadn’’tC.don t C.don’’t haveD.didn ’t have ( )35.Look!Is your father________a book?A.readingB.is readingC.readsD.A and C 三.完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。

( ( )21. A. cheap B. teach C. kitche nC. violi nD.schoolD. swim )22. A. sing B. guitar( )23. A. best B. dress C. people D.help( )24. A. shy B. fly C. by D.busy( )25. A. good B. pool C. zoo D. soon五•选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分)从各小题A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )26. —What did you do last Friday?—Tim played _____ soccer and I played _____ pia no.A. the, theB. the, /C. / ,theD. a, the( )27. —_____ you go to the museum with your father yesterday?—Yes. We there in the after noon.A. Did; goB. Do; goC. Did; we ntD. Do; went( )28. —__________ ? —She is tall a nd thi n.A. What is your sister?B. What does your sister look like?C. What does your sister do?D. What ' s your sister like?( )29. —Where is your sister?一She ______ m y mom with cooking.A. helpsB. helpi ngC. helpD. is helpi ng( )30. —Money is important in my life ,but it isn ' t to me.—Do you think so,too?A. everythi ngB. someth ingC. nothingD. anything( )31 Scott has an interesting _____ .He works at a radio stati on. He has much__ t o do.A. job, workB. work, jobC. jobs, workD. job, works ( )32. —What does he want to be?—He wan ts to be a teacher, and he hopes his dream can ____ .A. cut upB. get upC. come outD. cometrue( )33. My sister has hair.A. l ong black curlyB. black curly longC. long curly blackD. curly black long( )34. —Sorry,I' m late,teacher Wang.—Jack,lat for school aga in.A. isn ' tB. aren ' tC. don ' t beD. not be( )35. Mary is ______ girl, but she knows a lot about scie nee.A. a eight-year-oldB. eight-year-oldC. eight years oldD. an eight-year-old( )36. —What' s in the glass?—There _____ some milk in the glass.A. isB. areC. hasD. have( )37. —What do you thi nk of your En glish teacher?一He is not only strict _ us but also strict _________ his work .A. with , withB. with , inC. in , inD. in ,with( )38. The news _______ terrible. But we are ________ i n it.A sound, in terested B. soun ds, in terest ingC. soun ds, in terestedD. is sounding, in terested( )39. My dear mom usually makes breakfast for me, and it _____ .A. tastes goodB. tastes wellC. is taste goodD. is taste well( )40. Our teacher asked us to stop ______ . So we stopped _____ to him.A. talking; listen ingB. to talk; listeningC. talk ing; to listenD. to talk; to liste n六.完形填空(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2.答卷前,考生必须将自己的考号、姓名、班级按要求填在答卷密封线左边的指定位置上;3. 书写要规范。
第一部分 听力 (25分) I .听力(一)录音中有五个句子,听两遍后,选择与之相符的图片。
(5分)( )1.A B C( )2.A B C( )3.A B C( )4.A B C( )5. A B C(二)录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。
(5分) ( )6. What's in the fridge?A. Beef.B.Oranges.C.Fruit. ( )7. What colour is Lisa's computer?A. Blue.B.Red.C.Black. ( )8.Where are the shoes?A. They're behind the chair.B. They're beside the bed.C.They're under the bed.( )9. How many people are there in Mary's family?A. Three. B .Four. C. Five ( )10. What animal does Betty like?A. Pandas.B.Elephants.C. Pandas and elephants. (三)录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。
(5分) ( )11.Why does Maria call Sam?A. She says happy birthday to Sam.B. She asks Sam some questions.C. She only wants to talk with Sam. ( )12. What are Sam's family doing?A. Eating a cake.B. Visiting Sam's grandfather.C. Having a party for Sam.( )13. What are Sam and Maria doing?A. They're staying at home.B. They' re having lunch.C. They're making a telephone call.(打电话) ( )14. What's the weather like in Moscow?A. Cold.B. Hot.C. Warm( )15. Who lives in London?A. Maria's grandfather.B. Sam’s family.C. Maria's family (四)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。

最新2018-2019年七年级下册英语期末模拟试卷含答案七年级下册英语期末模拟测试卷班级姓名⼀、填空题( )1.The music in the shop is too_______.Let?s get out of here.A.busy B.noisy C.1azy D.1ovely( )2._______can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn?t love it.A.Anybody B.Everybody C.Somebody D.Nobody( )3.— _______I share the table with you?—Of course you .Sit here please.A.Could;could B.May;could C.Could;can D.Can;should ( )4.—Can you give me a hand,Dad? I can?t _______the top of the shelf—My hands are full.You can stand on a chair.A.get B.reach C.find D.climb( )5.There?s a path ______ the hills.Just go _____ it and you?ll find the house at the end of it.A.between;along B.through;across C.over;across D.among;along ( )6. Amy gets up early now. She is _______ late for school _______.A. no; any moreB. not; any moreC. not; no moreD. no; not more( )7. Mary is looking forward to _____ from me, please remember ______ this letter on your way to school.A. hear; sendB. hearing; sendingC. hearing; to sendD. hear; sending( )8. The rabbit jumped ________a big hole. Alice didn?t want to let it get _________.A. off; outB. down; wayC. off; outD. down; away( )9. The man can write with________ hand and draw with ________at the same time.A. one; anotherB. one; the otherC. first; secondD. one; it( )10. The machine is making so much _______. You should use it _______.A. noisy; carefulB. noise; carelessC. noise; carefullyD. noise; careful( )11. The dog still looks hungry. Would you please feed him_______ else?A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything( )12. - It's so hot. I can't fall asleep at all. - Why not_______ with your windows_______.A. sleep; closedB. sleeping; openedC. sleep; openD. to sleep; close( )13. We can make bottles_______ glass.A. intoB. out ofC. atD. in( )14. ---There will be ___________ to treat 10 people to lunch.---Sounds __________.A. enough food; good enoughB. enough food; enough goodC. food enough; good enoughD. food enough; good enough( )15 Wood catches fire easily. So_______ fire.A. keep it away fromB. don't keep it away fromC. keep it awayD. don't keep it away( )16.—Look! The man is________ the poster at the bus stop.—Let?s go and stop him.We should keep our city clean.A.putting out B.putting up C.1ooking at D.1ooking for ( )17.________fathers are both doctors,aren?t they? A.Amy?s and Sally B.Amy and Sally?s C.Amy and Sally D.Amy?s and Sally?s ( )18.The________ of September this year is the ________Teacher?s Day.A.tenth;thirtieth B.ten;thirty C.tenth;thirty D.ten;thirtieth ( )19.Youlook ti red.________ stop ________ and have a rest?A.Why not;to work B.Why don?t you;to workC.Why not;working D.Why not you;working( )20.—Can you go cycling with me?— ________.I?ll go to the Helping Hands Club.A.Sounds great B.1?m afraid not C.I?m not sure D.I don?t think so⼆、完形填空Once there was an island (岛屿) in the sea. All the feelings lived on the island: Happiness, Sadness, Love, and all of the others.One day, all the feelings knew that the island would sink (沉没), so they prepared to 1 . But Love decided to stay. When the island was 2 sinking, Love asked for help.First, Love asked Richness, “Can you 3 me with you?” Richness answered. “No. There is a lot of 4 in m y boat. There is no place for you.” Love asked Vanity (虚荣), “Please help me!” “I can?t help you, Love. You are all wet and might make my boat 5 .” Vanity answered. Then Love asked Sadness, “Sadness, let me go with you.” “Oh, I am so sad that I need to be 6 !” Later, Happiness passed by, but she was too happy to 7 Love?s voice!Suddenly, there was a voice, “Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love felt so excited that she 8 to ask his name.When they arrived at a 9 pla ce, the elder went away. Love asked Knowledge, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “But 10 did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled and answered, “Because only Time can understand how great Love is.”( )1. A. stay B. swim C. leave D. die( )2. A. almost B. hardly C. already D. just( )3. A. help B. take C. send D. drop( )4. A. wood B. rice C. grass D. gold( )5. A. dirty B. nice C. heavy D. light( )6. A. happy B. alive C. alone D. afraid( )7. A. hear B. see C. notice D. watch( )8. A. remembered B. forgot C. decided D. stopped( )9 A. beautiful B. secret C. dangerous D. safe( )10. A. when B. where C. why D. how三、阅读理解AHere is our pet dog,Mr. Hawkeye. Mr. Hawkeye is seven years old,and we got him from our vet (兽医). He takes in a lot of cats. He receives his name because he is such a hawk (掠夺者) around food. If you are not looking,he will take a sandwich off your plate. He can smell the delicious food in the fridge from another floor in the house,and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal! This comes the name,Hawkeye. Hawkeye was a great animal at the vet. They thought he could bring good luck and he took care of all the new cats,giving them baths,etc. He does that at our house as well. Like I said,he is quite a character and very friendly. He always greets(问候) us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to ma ke sure if there?s food there for him, especially chips!( )1. Mr. Hawkeye is _______.A. our pet dogB. the owner of the petC. a catD. a vet( )2. He receives his name Hawkeye because _______.A. he is a hawk around foodB. he can bring good luckC. he is a real characterD. he is quick at eating food( )3. Our pet likes _______.best of all.A. sandwichesB. potato chipsC. potatoesD. new catsBQuestion: Why does my cat lick (舔) me?My cat is one year old. She is very shy. She often plays alone. But these days, she often jumps onto my knees and licks my hand, even when I?m working. It makes me feel a little worried. Is there anything wrong with her? Does she just like the salt on my hand? Is it just a sign of love? Or all of the above?Susan SmithAnswer:Yes. Your cat licks you because of “all of the above”. But most often, it is a sign of love. Another way of showing love is biting on your nose or your face gently. Also, looking at you and blinking (眨) her eyes is a way of saying “I love you.” When she blinks her eyes, you can respond (回应) in the same way. I do that with my cats all the time.So there is nothing to worry about. Just enjoy her licking you!YoursDr White( )4. Susan Smith?s cat is _______.months old.A. sixB. twelveC. eighteenD. twenty-four( )5. Susan?s cat licks Susan on her _______.A. kneesB. feetC. armsD. face( )6. Susan feels _______. her cat when she licks her.。

1. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she isn’t.2. A. In the morning. B. Every day. C. At home.3. A. 5 kilometers. B. At 7:00 am. C. 20 minutes by bike.4. A. Sounds good. B. Thank you. C. I don’t want to see tigers.5. A. She is busy. B. She likes geography. C. She isa teacher.(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。
6. What club does Lisa want to join?A. The swimming club.B. The English club.C. The chess club.7. What time does the girl get up?A. 6:30.B. 6:45.C. 6:15.8. Where can’t the girl do homework?A. At school.B. At home.C. At friends’ home.9. Why does Ann like lions?A. Because they are scary.B. Because they’re cool.C. Because they’re big.10. What’s Mr. Lee doing?A. He’s playing basketball.B. He’s working.C. He’s playing soccer.(三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。

湖南省长沙市青竹湖湘一外国语学校2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.I had a great time playing ________ badminton and going for ________ walk with Joe last Friday.A.the; a B./; a C.the; /2.—I got a bad grade in the Chinese test because of my bad handwriting.—Well, I think it is a very useful ________ for you.A.language B.message C.lesson3.Don’t be worried. He________ you if he________ in New York.A.will call; will arrive B.calls; will arrive C.will call; arrives 4.Reading and listening to music________ them________.A.help; relax B.helps; to relax C.help; relaxed5.I learned a lot ________ my friend ________ how to sort my waste(垃圾分类). A.from; about B.for; at C.to; with6.I’m ________ to see the baby’s________ abi lity in music.A.amazed; amazing B.amazing; amazed C.amazing; amazing 7.Tina and I see English learning _______. She thinks it’s easy to learn English well, but I think it’s ________.A.different; hard B.differently; hardly C.differently; hard 8.—It’s time for breakfast. Where is Steve?—He _______. He stayed up and ________ an interesting book last night.A.slept; is reading B.is sleeping; reads C.is sleeping; read 9.—Now the number of the users of Huawei mobile phones ________ getting larger and larger.—That’s for sure. I think everything in China ________ better.A.is; goes B.is; go C.are; goes 10.—Would you like some vegetable porridge, sir?— _________. The doctor told me not to eat hot food.A.Yes, please. B.No, thanks. C.Sure.A group of boys got together around a tree. “What a tall tree!” they said to each other. “It would be11 to climb to the top!”The boys then decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their 12 were sitting not far away, looking at their children as they played.One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. 13 thought he would win the game.Then the game 14 . All of the boys tried their best to climb as high as they could.15 they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, David reached the top of the tree fastest in the end.His mother was 16 to see this. She asked him, “David, how did you reach the top of the tree so 17 ?” “It was easy,” David said. “The other children kept 18 as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got 19 and were afraid of falling off. I, however, looked up only. When I saw how close I was, I kept going higher and higher until I reached the top.” It i s true in life that if we just keep going forward(向前) without looking back, we are more likely to(可能的) 20 .11.A.easy B.boring C.exciting 12.A.friends B.mothers C.teachers 13.A.Nobody B.Everybody C.Somebody 14.A.started B.stopped C.finished 15.A.Because B.If C.Although 16.A.angry B.surprised C.sad17.A.slowly B.quickly C.difficultly 18.A.looking up B.looking around C.looking down 19.A.excited B.bored C.scared20.A.lose our way B.reach our goals(目标) C.enjoy our life21.How many students were interviewed in the survey(调查)?A.16 B.18 C.2022.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the results of the survey? A.Most students think they don’t do well in studying.B.Some students think they aren’t good with others.C.Six students think they often have free time.23.“Catch-up” is the name of_________.A.a music festival B.a restaurant C.a library24.How often is there a students’ night at Catch-up?A.Every day. B.Once a week C.Twice a week. 25.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad?A.Students can save forty dollars with their student cards at Catch-up.B.Everyone can get a special drink at Catch-up.C.Catch-up stays open for over 10 hours every day.Want to go on holiday, but don’t have enough money for luxury(豪华的)hotels and expensive trips? Backpacking might be a good choice for you.Backpacking is a very cheap kind of travel. European and American students and youngadults(成人)often do it because they may not have much money.Backpackers will never use a suitcase(手提箱)during the trip.They put all their traveling things in a large backpack.The most popular places for backpacking are Southeast Asia and South America. The countries in these areas aren’t very expensive, and are also very hot for most of the year. India and Australia are also very popular. In 2002, over 400,000 backpackers traveled to Australia. Sometimes, backpacking can be dangerous. A British backpacker was shot dead (枪杀)at a beach party in Thailand, and every year similar things happen.Backpacking, in fact, is much more than a holiday—for young people in Europe,and they see backpacking as a way of learning about the world. Backpackers often travel alone for many months, so it is like an adventure and challenge(冒险和挑战).Besides finding new worlds, many people th ink backpacking is also about “finding yourself”.26.As a kind of travel, backpacking is very _________.A.expensive B.inexpensive C.boring27.What do you need most when you go backpacking?A.A suitcase. B.A large backpack. C.A train ticket. 28.From the passage, we learn that__________.A.backpackers like traveling to the countries where the weather is not cold. B.backpackers always have much free time and moneyC.backpackers often enjoy asking their good friends to travel with them.29.How does the writer tell us backpacking can be dangerous?A.By using numbers.B.By giving an example.C.By having a discussion.30.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A.Backpacking is very popular with young people in Europe.B.Backpacking is full of adventures and challenges.C.Backpacking is a meaningful trip to find new world and new self.For many Chinese families, rice is an important part of almost every meal. Where does rice come from? Y uan Longping(袁隆平) and his team work to grow rice on the farmland(耕地).China has 22% of the world’s population(人口), but only 7% of its farmland, so food was a big problem in China in the past. In the 1960s, there was a terrible famine in China. Millions of people died because they had no food. Y uan taught farming at school at that time and he was really sad to see this. “How can I help them have enough food?” he thought. He decided to work on a kind of hybrid rice(杂交水稻) because it has higher output(产量).At the time, other scientists hardly believed hybrid rice had much value. But Yuan and his team worked on it every day. They took very good care of their rice.At last, in 1973, they grew a new type of hybrid rice. Farmers can grow it in many different kinds of farmland and also in bad weather. It can fight disease, too. Its output is much greater than common kinds of rice. With the new type, about 70,000,000 people could have food every year!Yuan solved the food problem in China. But he is still working on rice. Before he retires(退休), he hopes to grow rice by the sea!31.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Most Chinese people have rice as their daily main food.B.Yuan and his team spend much time developing(研发) rice.C.Yuan worked as a farmer during the famine in 1960s.32.The underlined word “famine” in paragraph 2 means .A.疾病B.疫情C.饥荒33.Food was a big problem in China in the past because .A.farmers didn’t know how to grow hybrid rice.B.here are too many people in China but farmland isn’t enough.C.peopl e were so poor that they couldn’t buy food.34.What can we infer from the passage?A.Other scientists all joined Yuan’s team to help him grow hybrid rice.B.It is easy for the farmers to grow hybrid rice.C.Yuan was happy to see hybrid rice come out, so he retired to rest.35.The writer writes this passage to ________.A.help us know about Yuan and his hybrid riceB.discuss how to solve(解决) the food problem with usC.tell us the importance of saving food“How can I keep healthy every day?”36.And now? You can google it and find the answer in a second(秒)!Google is the most popular Internet search engine(搜索引擎) in the world. Larry Page and Sergey Brin made it. They met in 1993, when they studied computer science at Stanford University, USA.They were both interested in spaceships(宇宙飞船)computer in TV program Star Trek(《星际迷航》).They also dreamed of making something that could answer any questions in seconds. 37.In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money and buy as many computers as they can. 38.Then, in 1998, with $100,000, they started their own company. Their first office was in a friend's garage(车库). The company name Google comes from a number. A “google” is a very high number — 1 followed by a hundred zeros.The google search engine soon got popular in the world because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. 39.Google hopes that in the future, all the world's information will be put on the Internet so that everybody can find everything.A.They also borrowed money from family and friends.B.It answers all kinds of questions, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. C.How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 20 years ago?D.Google moved its offices to Mountain View, California in 2004.E.Internet search engines at the time were slow and not smart enough.Have you ever read the best-seller A Street Cat Named Bob. It is about how James Bowen and his cat Bob found hope on the streets of London.James Bowen was a street artist and he sang songs around Covent Garden in London. He sometimes made much money, but not always. When James found Bob on his balcony(阳台), the cat got hurt badly and hungry. He found it hard not to help the cat. James already had trouble feeding himself. Still, James decided to nurse Bob back to health.After that, Bob followed James to Covent Garden every day and attracted(吸引)lots of people. They stopped to listen to James and feed Bob. James made more money and he became more easygoing and friendly. Both Bob and James changed their life a lot after they lived together, although there were many hard days as well.In fact,A Street Cat Named Bob is an autobiography(自传), written by the real James Bowen himself. In A Street Cat Named Bob, James not only tells you about his life with Bob, but also tells you about his hard time in life and what he did with difficulties. The language is simple, so it is easy to read.40.Is A Street Cat Named Bob a book or a movie?________________________________________________41.How did James make money to feed himself in the past?________________________________________________42.Why did James decide to look after the cat?________________________________________________43.What was James like after living with cat Bob?________________________________________________44.Is James Bowen the writer of A Street Cat Named Bob?________________________________________________If you go to Japan in early May, you will see colorful carp flags(鲤鱼旗)everywhere. Japanese people fly flags to celebrate Boy’s Day on May 5th every year. (1) People believe that the festival comes from the Dragon Boat Festival in China__It is quite important for the boys in Japan.On Boy’s Day, children don’t have to go to school. (2) Each family with a boy flies large carp kites outside their homes__The kites are in different colors.Of all the colors, black stands for the father, red stands for the mother and blue stands for the son. The reason why Japanese parents choose carp comes from an old Chinese story about a carp that swims upstream(逆流) and becomes a dragon(龙). And Japanese parents sometimes also put many warrior dolls(武士人偶) around their homes. (3).父母认为锦鲤和人偶能给孩子们带来好运.(4) In Japan, it’s very popular to have a special kind of food on Boy’s Day.The food is the rice cake( 糕团) with bean paste.Moms always make it for kids by themselves. (5). 糕团是一种健康的象征,并且孩子们非常享受吃糕团。
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七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷含答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)16. —Do you know ________ girl with long curly hair?—Yes, she is Mary.She plays ________ piano very well.A.a;/ B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;the17. —______you go to the museum with your father yesterday?—Yes. We ___________ there in the afternoon.A. Did; goB. Do; goC. Did; wentD. Do; went18. —____________________ ______?—She is tall and thin.A. What is your sister?B. What does your sister look like?C. What does your sister do?D. What’s your sister like?19. —Where is your sister?一She______my mom with cooking.A. helpsB. helpingC. helpD. is helping20. —Money is important in my life,but it isn’t______to me.—Do you think so, too?A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything21. Scott has an interesting______. He works at a radio station. He has much to do.A. job, workB. work, jobC. jobs, workD. job, works22. —What does he want to be?—He wants to be a teacher, and he hopes his dream can______.A. g o outB. get upC. e outD. e true23. —________ weather it is!Shall we go for a picnic?—I can't agree more.A.What a good B.What goodC.How good the D.How good24. —Sorry, I’m late, teacher Wang.—Jack, ______ late for school again.A. isn’tB. aren’tC. don’t beD. not be25. Mary is __________ girl, but she knows a lot about science.A. a eight-year-oldB. eight-year-oldC. eight years oldD. an eight-year-old26. —What’s in the glass?—There __________ some milk in it.A. isB. areC. hasD. have27. —What do you think of your English teacher?一He is not only strict ____ us but also strict________his work .A. with , withB. with , inC. in , inD. in ,with28. The news________terrible. But we are________in it.A sound, interested B. sounds, interestingC. sounds, interestedD. is sounding, interested29. My dear mom usually makes breakfast for me, and it______.A. tastes goodB. tastes wellC. is taste goodD. is taste well30. Our teacher asked us to stop_______. So we stopped______to him.A. talking; listeningB. to talk; listeningC. talking; to listenD. to talk; to listen三、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)阅读短文,完成31—55小题。
AIt is Sunday today. The weather is fine. Now it is time for lunch. Guo Tao and his parents go to House of Noodles for lunch. Here is the menu(菜单).Guo Tao’s father likes beef and green tea, but his mother doesn’t like it. His mother likes eggs and orange juice because she wants to be slim(苗条)and healthy. Guo Tao likes ice-cream, but he doesn’t like onions. What do they order for lunch? Can you guess?根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的涂(A),错误的涂(B):31. What time is it? It is about 12:00 at noon32. Guo Tao’s father has special 1 and green tea for lunch today.33. Guo Tao would choose special 334. They should pay at least 45 yuan for the lunch if th ey have noodles and drink for each.35. The passage above is probably from a restaurant on the newspaper.BEveryone has a family name. But what does it mean? From what do family names e?First, some family names e from the place of their homes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England people’s names may be Wood, Lake, because they live near the wood or the lake.Second, family names e from a person’s job. If a person is a cook, his name may be Cook. If a person is a baker, his name may be Baker.Third, many people get thei r family names from their father’s given name. If you hear the name “Jackson”, you will know that he is the son of Jack.Of course, there must be many other ways to get their family names. Do you know them? Guess!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。
36. English people usually have _______ways to get their family names.A.1B.2C.3D.437. The family name Hill es from ______.A. the place of their homesB. a person’s jobC. the father’s given nameD. the mother’s given name38. Which sentence is WRONG?A. Some family names e from the place of their homes.B. Some family names e from a person’s son.C. Some family names e from a father’s given nameD. Some family names e from a person’s work.39. Which family name es from a person’s job?A. WoodB. LakeC. BakerD. Johnson40. Which is Not a family name? Can you guess?A. WhiteB. BlackC. GreenD. LucyCIn our western countries, there are four seasons or 365 days in a year. Usually, we sleep 8 hours everyday. So we have 122 days for sleeping. Then our study or work time is only 243 days left. But there are 52 weekends in a year. Each weekend is two days. We lose another 104 days a year for work. It takes up about one hour to have breakfast and supper. This es to 15 days over a year. But we can’t work all that time, so we need a holiday. Let’s say we have three weeks’ holiday. We don’t work all day. Four free hours each evening takes up 61 days. We have to remember that we get 2 days’ holiday at Easter, 3 at Christmas and 1 at the New Year. There are also 4 Bank holidays(法定假日). Take those 10 days away and we have 32 days for work. But then we have one and a half hours’ lunch every day, and half an hour’s co ffee break. That es to 30 days a year. This means that we have only a few days left for study or work every year. What about you in China?根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。