07_Nkw_Suspension Technology _2008_E




2021年3月Cotton Textile Technology间接蒸发冷却技术在空调系统中的节能分析宋祥龙1黄翔2(1.西安航空学院,陕西西安,710077;2.西安工程大学,陕西西安,710048)摘要:探讨间接蒸发冷却技术在细纱车间空调系统的最佳应用形式及节能效果。

以西安地区为例,分析了不同室外气象参数条件下,在细纱车间空调系统中采用间接蒸发冷却技术的不同运行模式及运行时长,统计出每年机械制冷运行时长约857h (约36d ),分析计算在机械制冷开启时段中,间接蒸发冷却在不同应用形式下的预冷节能效果。

经对比,当预冷新风、新风作为二次空气时,间接蒸发冷却预冷效果较好,每10万m 3/h 送风量,每年可净节约机械制冷系统电耗9590kW·h 。


关键词:纺织厂;细纱车间;空调系统;间接蒸发冷却;应用形式;节能效果中图分类号:TS108.6+1文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-7415(2021)03-0006-05Energy Saving Analyses of Indirect Evaporative Cooling Technology inAir Conditioning SystemSONG Xianglong 1HUANG Xiang 2(1.Xi'an Aeronautical University ,Xi'an ,710077,China ;2.Xi'an Polytechnic University ,Xi'an ,710048,China )AbstractThe optimal application form and energy saving effect of indirect evaporative cooling technology inair conditioning system of spinning workshop were discussed.Xi ’an area was taken as an example.Different running modes and running time of adopting indirect evaporative cooling technology in air conditioning system of spinning workshop under different out door climatic parameters were analyzed.It was counted that the annual mechanical refrigeration running time was around 857h (about 36d ).The precooling energy saving effects of indirect evaporative cooling in different application forms were analyzed and calculated in the mechanical cooling open time frame.After comparison ,when precooling fresh air and fresh air were used as secondary air ,the precooling effect of the indirect evaporative cooling was better.For every 100000m 3/h air output ,the annual net saving of mechanical cooling system power consumption was 9590kW ·h.It is considered that better energy saving effect can be obtained by scientifically selecting the application form of air conditioning system indirect evaporative cooling technology in spinning workshop.Key Wordstextile mill ,spinning workshop ,air conditioning system ,indirect evaporative cooling ,applicationform ,energy saving effect间接蒸发冷却技术利用干空气能对空气进行降温,绿色低碳,已在工业及民用建筑中得到广泛应用,其中在纺织厂空调中也得到了一定程度的应用[1]。



Technologies and technical devices for annual regulated flooding of a productive strataKadyrov Ramzis RakhimovichUfa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, RussianFederationE-mail: ****************Kuleshova Lubov SergeevnaUfa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, RussianFederationE-mail: ****************Fattakhov Irik GalikhanovichUfa State Petroleum Technological University,Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, Russian FederationE-mail: ****************Abstract – Different systems of stratal flooding by mineral or fresh water into oil bearing formation are used today to enhance reservoir recovery. At low temperatures, 25 degrees below zero and lower, there is a great possibility of freezing of the well head equipment due to cyclic flooding or separate horizontal flooding, lessening injection capacity of the well, emergency stops in flooding, due to water pipe breakage or power cutting off. Besides the wells, crossover bends from water injection wells to the pipe header, and stagnation zones of the embedded in grooves pipes can freeze. According to expert estimation of PJSC “Tatneft” specialists, the amount of frozen injection stations is more than 500 wells per year. Due to the urgency of the issue technological measures have been developed to prevent oil-field equipment freezing.Keywords – freezing prevention; oil-field equipment; annual regulated flooding.I.I NTRODUCTIONNowadays, PJSC “Tatneft” uses reservoir pressure maintenance system (RPMS) with complex structure of reservoir engineering, including great amount of water injection wells (about 10 thousands), with injection capacity 100 m3/day, working from cluster pump stations (CPS), equipped with centrifugal pumps. The distance between CPS and water injection wells is about 2 km, and the distance from treating facilities to CPS varies from several up to thirty kilometers. Besides for enhanced oil recovery system pressure maintenance upgrades are used. Non-stationary flooding is the most effective method. It is especially difficult to use during winter periods especially in emergency downtime, caused by injection well head freezing. According to expert estimation, up to nine oil-gas producing installations of PJSC “Tatneft,” up to 800 water-injection wells are idle during winter because of freezing, as well as many parts of water-injection wells are switched off to avoid their heads freezing. That is why taking preventive measures from injection well heads and water pipes freezing is acute.We suggest a method of preventing injection well heads freezing by non-stationary flooding and its perspective annual utilization on the example of oil-deposits of PJSC “Tatneft”, PJSC JSOC “Bashneft” and PJSC OC “Rosneft”, and operation clustering for water shut–off.To analyze stability of field development with non-stationary flooding seasonality coefficient ϕ[1] was suggested which is determined by formula:,sX)XX(nn/Xniinii=−−=∑∑==12111ϕWhere n is a sample amount; X is a variable; X is observed mean, s is standard deviation.All analyzed data should be in a standardized view. A threshold value of the seasonality coefficient is number 10, derived from observational error method, inaccuracy mean value (based on the analyzed set number parameters) in oil industry (also it evidences minimal process variability) not more than 20%. As it follows from the analysis, the least values correspond to injected water volume Q inj, providing drainage injection Q inj/Q wpl and the water cut of the product B. Average value showed that the rest of the parameters have value more than 10, though Q inj and B nearly 3-8 times less [2]. This fact evidences necessity to control seasonal changes and proves irregularity in non-stationary injection system at winter period of operation.Every year due to irregularity in cyclic flooding, forced stoppage of water-injection wells due to emergency or other reasons of idle hours the oil companies PJSC “Tatneft”, PJSC JSOC “Bashneft” and PJSC OC “Rosneft” produce about 34 thousand tons of oil less, for four years it is more than 137 thousands of oil tons less. Besides well head freezing water injection wells are intentionally stopped, in order to function in summer otherwise if they freeze they will thaw only in the middle of June.International Conference "Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering" (AIME 2018)Nowadays, liquid thermal insulation of pipes, containers and well heads is used as well as traditional heat insulating materials. But even this modern way of insulating in low temperatures, water injection stoppage, lowering of injection capacity prevents well heads freezing from 1 to 3 days and nights. To provide operation of water injection well for longer period it is necessary to use additional sources of heat such as pipage of relic warm earth, application of pipe tracers and others. [3].In order to heat water injection wells heads with natural earth warmth in winter convection heat interchangers have been designed.In central parts of Russia at the depth of 1, 6 m there is a zone of stable positive temperatures. With the depth temperature increases gradually so the optimal depth for placing a convection heat interchanger is 2,5-3 m. Picture 1 shows the model of a convection heat interchanger for heads heating, with a radiator in the heated zone. Its advantage is large contact surface with earth with simple production [4, 5].Fig. 1.Convective heat interchanger: 1 – head heating case; 2 – rubber hose; 3 – descending line; 4 – rising line; 5 – radiatorThe designed construction of the convection heat interchanger for water injection wells head heating was tested in January–February in the laboratory of TatNIPIneft R&D Institute. For this, two shotholes with the diameter 400 mm and depth of 3 meters were made in the open ground.Two convectional heat interchangers were placed into them. At the surface the upper part of the heat interchanger was covered with a cap to prevent heat loss.The tests were conducted in January – February at temperatures from 9 degrees below zero to 22 degrees below zero. The temperature inside the cap and outside the cap was fixed daily. The observation was done through thick organic glass. The tests showed that during outer temperature changes the temperature inside the heating case was never lower 0°С. Dynamics of temperature changes in the interval from 0 to 2°С above zero at the surface of the heater case proves reliability of the designed device and applicability of the earth warmth for well head heating [6, 7]. Convectional heat interchangers for transmitting earth warmth to injection tree KT-SH-114 and КТ-S-48 were designed basing on these tests [8].Also, the way to prevent injection well heads from freezing with the use of saving and using earth warmth has been developed (fig. 2) [9]; as well as the manual for the prevention of injection well heads freezing.This method provides stable functioning of the injection well head tree during seasonal temperature lowering below zero degrees. In case of emergency or any other stoppage and temperature lowering the process of convectional heat transfer takes place from the earth to the injection tree. Successful testing of the conventional heat interchangers has been done at the wells [10].Fig. 2.Two circuit convectional head heat interchanger: I – Upper contour of binding; II – lower contour of binding; 1 – injection head tree; 2 – first heat interchanger; 3 – second heat interchanger; 4 – water pipe; 5 – upper master valve; 6, 7 – valves for connecting and disconnecting the first and the second heat interchanger; 8, 9 – pipeIn case of exhausting of the warmth of the surrounding area another way of water injection heads heating was suggested – with the help of the heating trace. Heat transfer with periodic electrical heating of the circulating water by electrical heater was developed and tested. It was conditioned by the fact that at 4°Сabove zero water has maximum density and convection is impossible. The scheme of earth heat utilization with periodic utilization of electrical heaters is shown in picture 3. After reaching the temperature, at which water circulation by convection is possible (from +5 °С), heating elements are automatically switched off by a controller.This method was tested at 9 wells of NGDU “Aznakayevskneft”, “Yamashneft, PJSC “Tatneft”, each of them had heating strips with further insulating. The test results showed that heaters ENGL are not suitable for long – term heating, and the efficiency of heaters 31 FSR-2ST is 80 % (for enhancing their productivity up to 100 % heatcontrollers and independent systems of protection fromoverload current should be used).Fig. 3. Assembling scheme of the heating strip on the injection tree and necessary equipment: 1 –injection tree; 2 – left upper arm of the binding contour; 3 – right arm of the binding contour; 4 – left lower arm of the binding contour; 5,6 – heating strip; 7 – control unit; 8 – central valve; 9 – insulating material «ROCKWOOL»; 10 – temperature sensorIn order to improve the existing flooding system a new technological scheme has been suggested. This scheme is based on the perspectives of annual cyclic water pumping into water injection well (picture 4), involving connecting to low-pressure flow passages of electrical submersible centrifugal pump, in a shot hole close to water injection well and water passage [6]. The pumping fluid is fed to the pump suction of the electric centrifugal pump (ECP) through the low pressure flow passage, and the outlet side is connected with injection wells.To avoid corrosion wear and shot hole case destruction because of fluid freezing during idle time in cold seasons, resulting in ECP destruction, it has been suggested to install an intermediate leak–proof column. The space between it and a casing column should be filled with rust-preventive non-freezing fluid (oil with non-freezing additive), which will avoid metal corrosion.This technology allows water injecting into one or several wells in the pressure range from 8,5 to 19,0 MPa with the discharge from 20 to 1000 m 3/day, in other words, applying ECP annually as injection pump tree with possibility to group wells according to their intake capacity and injection pressure.Fig. 4. Electric centrifugal pump installation in a shot hole with an intermediate column (case): 1 –intermediate leak tight column; 2 – elliptic bottom of the leak-tight column; 3 – casing column; 4 – inner sectional pipe; 5 – lifting pipe; 6 – ECP; 7 – but-end teeth of the inner side of the section pipe; 8 – cross separation of the inner sectional pipe with the inclined blades; 9 – fillets; 10 – leading pipe lineAs formation – pressure maintenance system has many recommendations and conditions, one issue remains important - how to prevent intake tunnels from freezing in winter time. This issue is especially acute in emergency well stops or during utilization of cyclic flooding system in cold season. It is suggested to summarize temperature distribution in culverts and over land water passages with the use of designed software “Astan” and “Esten” [11].Software “Astan” is a tool for calculating water final temperature of culverts. For calculation ground thermal conductivity is taken as equal 0,289 kkal/(hour ·m ·°C), and earth heat emission is 6,948 kkal/(hour ·m 2·°C). Upon data feeding completion pipe heat emission coefficient at a given moment of water passage utilization can take values in the range 0,003-21 kkal/m 2·hour ·degrees (the last is for extreme weather conditions, for example, strong wind).On the completion of entering necessary variants number we receive information for every case (it corresponds to the table line) about possible water freezing and final water temperature. In particular it shows the starting point of water freezing; freezing imaginary period, for the case when the water passage is longer; or complete freezing coordinate. According to the tests, initial water temperature change varies from 10 to 70 °С, air temperature lowered from minus 5 to minus 25 °С. Water freezing temperature is taken as constant and equal 0 °С, that is, water is taken as fresh as mineral waters have lower degree of freezing [12]. Tables of final water temperatures have been received for feedingwater passage for all combinations with denoting (if necessary) coordinates of icing beginning (in meters from the pipeline beginning) or expected water freeze (coordination derivation of complete freezing, measured in meters).The received data show that additional heating of water pumped into water passages is necessary (especially for surface water passages) [13]. It is found that for culverts the carrier temperature 20 °Сis cost effective. Also, it is recommended to use outer insulation for water flows, in particular insulating paints, that will decrease heat loss and is not difficult to apply and maintenance. It has been found that even in extreme conditions (such as strong winds the heat loss is 21 Wt·m2·°С) complete freezing of the water passage will happen at the length of more than 3,5 km. For heating water passage it is suggested to use heating capacity of the accompanying gases (corresponding calculations have been done with assumptions) for flare that will increase water pumping efficiency and decrease taxation for gas flaring into atmosphere. In particular, there are such possibilities at NGDU “Yamashneft” and others.II.CONCLUSIONWe can make the following conclusions:1. It is found that the main enhancing factor of oil layers development by water pumping is providing possibility of annual regulated flooding (by using earth heat and abnormal properties of water density) and limitation of the associated water inflow into oil producing wells.2. A new method of oil development enhancing is suggested. It is based on statistical analysis and combines complex use of monitoring computer technologies of cyclic flooding efficiency with providing annual regulated water pumping into productive layers and water shut-off works in wells.3. Complex of technologies and technical devices is designed reservoir pressure maintenance system functioning by fresh and mineral water flooding in negative temperatures. This complex provides annual cyclic functioning.4. Methodological grounds are developed, as well as functioning principles; devices for accumulating and transporting earth heat are designed for injection well head heating.5. The technological scheme of reservoir pressure maintenance by an electric centrifugal pump in the shot hole, placed close to water injection well, below soil freezing point and connected at the feeding end of the electric centrifugal low pressure water conducting passage of the pump, which prevents injection well head freezing, reducing energetic and material costs has been designed at NGDU “Yamashneft” PJSC “Tatneft”.6. The mobile complex for electro-heating of well head water injection equipment and adjusting parts of the culverts has been designed, tested and produced basing on the new effective, small-size transformer, providing reduction of maintenance costs in comparison with traditional application of heating by vapor-movable device.7. Basing on the comparative operation efficiency testing of protection from freezing of the well head equipment, water injection wells and adjusted ground surface pipe-lines, the efficiency of self-regulating electro-heating stripes type 31 FSR-2CT and insulating paints has been proved.References[1]H. Pei, Z. Shu, G. Zhang, J. Ge, P. Jiang, Y. Qin, X. Cao,Experimental study of nanoparticle and surfactant stabilized emulsion flooding to enhance heavy oil recovery, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 163, №4, pp. 476-483, 2018.[2]T. Lu, Z. Li, Y. Zhou, C. Zhang, Enhanced Oil Recovery of Low-Permeability Cores by SiO2 Nanofluid, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 31,№5, pp. 5612-5621, 2017.[3]T. Lu, Z. Li, Y. 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Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field Weakening

Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field Weakening

© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 1AN1206INTRODUCTIONThe utilization of an AC induction motor (ACIM) ranges from consumer to automotive applications, with a variety of power and sizes. From the multitude of possible applications, some require the achievement of high speed while having a high torque value only at low speeds. Two applications needing this requirement are washing machines in consumer applications and traction in powertrain applications. These requirements impose a certain type of approach for induction motor control, which is known as “field weakening.”This application note describes sensorless field oriented control (FOC) with field weakening of an AC induction motor using a dsPIC ® Digital Signal Controller (DSC), while implementing high performance control with an extended speed range.This application note is an extension to AN1162:Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM), which contains the design details of a field weakening block. The concepts in this application note are presented with the assumption that you have previously read and are familiar with the content provided in AN1162.CONTROL STRATEGYSensorless Field Oriented ControlField oriented control principles applied to an ACIM are based on the decoupling between the current components used for magnetizing flux generation and for torque generation. The decoupling allows the induction motor to be controlled as a simple DC motor.The field oriented control implies the translation of coordinates from the fixed reference stator frame to the rotating reference rotor frame. This translation makes possible the decoupling of the stator current’s components, which are responsible for the magnetizing flux and the torque generation.The decoupling strategy is based on the induction motor’s equations related to the rotating coordinate axis of the rotor. To translate the stator fixed frame motor equations to the rotor rotating frame, the position of the rotor flux needs to be determined. The position of the rotor can be determined through measurement or it can be estimated using other available parameters such as phase currents and voltages. The term “sensorless” control indicates the lack of speed measurement sensors.The control block diagram of the field oriented control is presented in Figure 1 with descriptions of each component block. In particular, the field weakening block has the motor’s mechanical speed as input, with its output generating the reference d-axis current corresponding to the magnetizing current generation.For additional information on field oriented control of an AC induction motor, refer to AN1162 (see “References”).Author:Mihai ChelesMicrochip Technology Inc.Co-author:Dr.-Ing. Hafedh SammoudAPPCON Technologies SUARLSensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field WeakeningAN1206Field WeakeningField weakening denotes the strategy by which the motor’s speed can be increased above the value maximum achieved in the constant torque functioning region.The constant torque region for field oriented control of the AC induction motor is delimited from field weakening – the constant power region by the maximum voltage that can be provided to the motor.In the constant power region, the maximum voltage is a characteristic of the inverter’s output in most cases.The breakdown torque is constant for the entire range of speeds below the field weakening region limit, and once the speed increases above this limit, the breakdown torque value will decrease, as shown in Figure 2.FIGURE 2:CHARACTERISTIC OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR (THEORETICAL)Constant Power -Field WeakeningConstant TorqueVoltage (V)Breakdown Torque (T)Phase Current (I)T o r q u e , V o l t a g e , C u r r e n tSpeed (Frequency)AN1206DS01206A-page 4© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.The torque of the induction motor is expressed by Equation 1:EQUATION 1:The rated torque of the motor is obtained by selecting the magnetizing current to achieve the maximum torque per amp ratio. In theory, if the magnetic saturation is not taken into consideration, the maximum peak of torque per amp is achieved when the magnetizing current (i mR ) is equal to the torque-producing component of the stator current (i Sq ) at steady state condition for all permitted ranges of stator currents. The magnetizing current is responsible for the magnetizing flux generation. Its dependency on the d-component of the current is expressed by Equation 2.EQUATION 2:FIGURE 3:MAXIMUM TORQUE (THEORETICAL)T 32--P 2---11σR +--------------ΨmRi Sq ⋅=where:T = torqueP = number of poles ΨmR = magnetizing fluxi Sq = torque producing current component σR = L R = rotor inductance L M = mutual inductanceL RL M------1–T R di mR dt-----------i mR +i Sd =where:T R = rotor time constant i mR = magnetizing currenti Sd = magnetizing flux-producing current component0,70710Torque (T)Isq / isis*is1,5 is*2 is*2,5 is*2,5 is2 is1,5 isNon saturating iron(ideal)Saturating iron(real)© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 5AN1206In the real-world case of a saturating machine, the maximum torque per amp is no longer obtained at the same ratio of the magnetizing current per torque command current for the same range of stator currents.The magnetizing flux increase has a nonlinear dependency on magnetizing current, which is a small flux increase requiring greater current needs.Therefore, to achieve a maximum torque per amp ratio,it is recommended to put most of the current increase in the torque-producing current component.The power limit of the inverter and the necessity of speed increase can be achieved by delivering lower torque. Field weakening is well suited in the case of traction or home appliances where the high torque value is necessary only at low speeds.When lowering the torque in field weakening, the same concerns of keeping a high ratio of torque per amp are considered. At the same time, considering Equation 3,the back electromagnetic force (BEMF) is proportional to the rotor speed. This limits the maximum reachable speed once the right term of the equation is equal to inverter maximum voltage (i.e., left term). A BEMF amplitude decrease, achieved by lowering the magnetizing current, would leave more space for speed increase, but at the same time, would lead to the torque decrease according to Equation 1.EQUATION 3:Figure 4 depicts the graphical representation of Equation 3, where U max is the maximum voltage.Considering the two components of the stator voltage,d-q, their relation with respect to the stator voltage vector is expressed by Equation 4 (in modulus).EQUATION 4:The maximum stator voltage limitation is in fact a limitation of the two component terms, d and q, as resulting from Equation 4. Referring back to the control scheme, this limitation is confirmed by the fact that d-q current controllers are saturated. Decreasing the magnetizing current would unsaturate the controllers and get the system out of the limitation presented in Figure 4.where:u S = stator voltage vector i S = stator current vector R S = stator resistance ω = angular speed σ = L S = stator inductance L R = rotor inductance L M = mutual inductance1L M2L S L R ⋅-------------------–u S R S j ωσL S +()i S j ω1σ–()L S i mR+=BEMFu S u Sd 2u Sq2+=where:u S = stator voltageu Sd = magnetizing flux-producing voltage component u Sq = torque-producing voltage componentAN1206DS01206A-page 6© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.FIGURE 4:REPRESENTATION OF STATOR EQUATIONdqInverter output limit U maxj ω1σ–()L S I mRj ωσL S I SR S I S U SI S I mR© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 7AN1206The presented solution uses the rotor speed as an input for the field weakening block. The magnetizing current is adjusted as a speed function so that the control system limitation described previously is avoided. The BEMF steady state amplitude value,which depends on the magnetizing current, must result so that the right term in Equation 4 is less than the maximum inverter voltage amplitude for the operating range. This is depicted in Figure 5.Two criteria must be considered when determining the designated steady state feed voltage amplitude supplied from the inverter for field weakening operation:•Having at any time the possibility to react on load change or on acceleration demand by increasing the output voltage – this being translated in maximum voltage reserve and;•Having the maximum inverter output voltage to minimize the motor current resulting in high efficiency – this being translated in minimum voltage reserveAccording to experience, the voltage reserve should be between 10% and 25% to fulfill both criteria. The current application choice of 15% voltage reserve is based on the consideration that the application does not require high dynamic or load change.Since the variation of the speed is done slowly (i.e., low dynamic), there is no need for an additional flux controller. Instead, the output of the field weakening block is connected directly to the current controller.The determination of magnetizing current as a function of rotor speed is achieved with a series of open loop V/Hz, no load experiments. For each series of experiments, the V/Hz ratio is modified. The experiments consist of varying the frequency, and at 85% of the maximum inverter voltage, the d-component of the current is measured (representing the magnetizing current at steady state). The assumption is that when the motor is running under no load, there is no torque produced (except the friction of the bearings,which is very small), so that at steady state, the d-current component is equal to the magnetizing current. As shown in Figure 6, the values obtained in several side experiments are summarized in a graph representing the magnetizing current function of the frequency.FIGURE 5:VOLTAGE RESERVE FOR STATOR EQUATIONdqVoltage reserveInverter output limit U maxj ω1σ–()L S I mRR S I SU Sj ωσL S I SI mR I S=AN1206DS01206A-page 8© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.As indicated previously, the variation of rotor flux with the magnetizing current is not linear, since the saturation of iron is implied. Equation 5 expresses the relation between the rotor flux, magnetizing current,and mutual inductance.EQUATION 5:To determine the L 0 inductance, it can be assumed that L S = L R . Under a no load condition, L S can be calculated, as shown in Equation 6:EQUATION 6:mRmR i L ⋅=Ψ0where:ΨmR = magnetizing fluxL 0 = L M (mutual inductance)i mR = magnetizing currentwhere:u S = stator voltage i S = stator current L S = stator inductance R S = stator resistance ωS = angular stator speedL S 1ωS ----u S 2i S2-------R S 2–=AN1206Considering that the variations of L S, L R, and L0 are supposed to be identical, the determination of L S variations would be sufficient to extrapolate the results to the other inductances. Figure7 shows the experimental results, and it can be observed that a maximal variation of approximately 25% can be measured between the inductivity at base and at maximum speed.The experimental results for obtaining both the magnetizing curve and the stator inductance (L S) variation, are presented as an example in the Excel file, MagnetizingCurve_FW.xls, which is provided in the software archive (see Appendix A: “Source Code”).© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 9AN1206DS01206A-page 10© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONThis application note represents an enhancement to AN1162, Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) (see “References”).The enhancement effort consists in designing the new field weakening block and the adaptation of the existing variables, which are affected by the field weakening.C Programming Functions and VariablesThe field weakening block has as input, the reference mechanical speed and as output, the reference for the magnetizing current. The function is called every 10milliseconds, the call frequency being set by the dFwUpdateTime constant defined in the include file,UserParms.h . The magnetizing curve is defined as a lookup table in UserParms.h . Field weakening is applied when the reference speed (output of a ramp generator) is above a defined lower limit determined by the constant torque functioning region.An 18x integer array is defined and initialized with the lookup table. To calculate the reference value for magnetizing current i mR , an interpolation is used to ensure smooth field variation. For every speed reference an index for access to the lookup table can be calculated, as shown in Example 1.In Example 1, qMotorSpeed represents the speed reference and qFwOnSpeed is the speed from which the field weakening strategy is begun. Their difference is divided by 210 to get the index in the lookup table.The division term is a measure of the granularity of the samples obtained experimentally from the magnetizing curve as previously described.The reference value of the magnetizing current is between FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex ] and FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex +1].MotorEstimParm.qL0FW represents the division of stator inductance (L S ), which results from the magnetizing curve determination experiments with the double of base speed value for the stator inductance (L S0). In order to have more accurate results, L S is computed as an interpolation between two consecutive experimental results for determination of stator inductance variation.The interpolation part is calculated, as shown in Example 2.The function implementing the field weakening functionality, FieldWeakening , is defined in the C file, FieldWeakening.c , and has the following performances:•Execution time: 51 cycles•Clock speed: 7.2-8.5 µs @ 29.491 MHz •Code size: 212 words •RAM: 46 wordsAs indicated in the previous section, the mutual inductance must be adapted when running in the field weakening region. The adaptation law for mutual inductance, considering the premise that all inductance variation is identical, follows in Equation 7. Figure 8depicts the mutual inductance (L 0) variation according to the motor’s speed variation.EXAMPLE 1:EXAMPLE 2:EQUATION 7:// Index in FW-TableFdWeakParm.qIndex = (qMotorSpeed - FdWeakParm.qFwOnSpeed ) >> 10;// Interpolation between two results from the Table FdWeakParm.qIdRef=FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex]-(((long)(FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex]-FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex+1])* (long)(qMotorSpeed-((FdWeakParm.qIndex<<10)+FdWeakParm.qFwOnSpeed)))>>10);Where the measures having index 0 are the base speed corresponding values.MotorEstimParm.qL0Fw 214L SL S 0--------214L R L R 0--------214L M L M 0---------≅≅=© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 11AN1206FIGURE 8:ADAPTATION OF MUTUAL INDUCTANCE IN FIELD WEAKENINGAll others variables used in field oriented control that incorporate the motor’s constants are also adapted to minimize the errors in the case of field weakening. The variables are:•MotorEstimParm.qInvTr •MotorEstimParm.qLsDt •MotorEstimParm.qInvPsi •MotorEstimParm.qRrInvTrAll of the software functionality was initially designed for a constant power region, which takes into consideration the motor parameter’s constant;therefore, an adaptation function was designed to consider the variation of the parameter’s value with the speed increase in the field weakening region. The function implementing the adaptation functionality,AdaptEstimParm , is defined in FieldWeakening.c and has the following performances:•Execution time: 1800 cycles•Clock speed: 7.2-8.5 µs @ 29.491 MHz •Code size: 218 words •RAM: 62 wordsThe experimental results in Figure 9 show high stability and proper trajectory of the speed control with field weakening.012345678910Time in Seconds05101520x 103S p e e d R e f i n R P M0123456789105000Time in Seconds1000015000q L 0F W N o r m a l i z e d V a l u eAN1206DS01206A-page 12© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.FIGURE 9:EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF SENSORLESS FOC OF AN ACIM WITH FIELD WEAKENINGTable 1 presents the experimental results in terms of torque-speed and efficiency (calculated for both the inverter and the motor).TABLE 1:EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF TORQUE-SPEEDCONCLUSIONThis application note presents a solution for implementing field weakening in a sensorless field oriented control of an ACIM using Microchip’s dsPIC30F and dsPIC33F digital signal controllers. It was developed as an addendum to the previously published application note AN1162, which offers a solution for high-performance, high-speed control of an induction motor drive.REFERENCESAN1162 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) (DS01162), Microchip Technology Inc., 2008Time in SecondsTime in SecondsS p e e d i n R P Ml d ,l qN o r m a l i z e d V a l u e20x 103155010012345678910100005000-500012345678910Speed ReferenceEstimated Rotor Speedld lqSpeed (RPM)Torque (N*m)Mechanical Power(W)Electrical Input Power (W)Efficiency (%)94000.14714623761.685000.17215323465.468000.536047076.611001.1513525054.0© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 13AN1206APPENDIX A:SOURCE CODEAll of the software covered in this application note is available as a single WinZip archive file. This archive can be downloaded from the Microchip corporate Web site at:Software License AgreementThe software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the “Company”) is intended and supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and exclusively with products manufactured by the Company.The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN “AS IS” CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATU-TORY , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.AN1206NOTES:DS01206A-page 14© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 15Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION,QUALITY , PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE . Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims,suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights.TrademarksThe Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, K EE L OQ , K EE L OQ logo, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro,PICSTART, PRO MATE, rfPIC and SmartShunt are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.FilterLab, Linear Active Thermistor, MXDEV, MXLAB,SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM, , dsPICworks, dsSPEAK, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, In-Circuit SerialProgramming, ICSP , ICEPIC, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, mTouch, PICkit, PICDEM, , PICtail, PIC 32 logo, PowerCal, PowerInfo,PowerMate, PowerTool, REAL ICE, rfLAB, Select Mode, Total Endurance, UNI/O, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.© 2008, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved.Printed on recycled paper.Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions.•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. 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If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC ® MCUs and dsPIC ® DSCs, K EE L OQ ® code hoppingdevices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. 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Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Agilent 16048G/H Test Leads Operation and Service ManualThird EditionAgilent Part No. 16048-90050January 2001Printed in: JapanNoticesThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.Allrights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, ortranslated to another language without the prior written consent of the AgilentTechnologies.Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd.Component Test PGU-Kobe1-3-2, Murotani, Nishi-Ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 651-2241 Japan© Copyright Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd. 1999, 2001Manual Printing HistoryThe manual’s printing date and part number indicate its current edition. Theprinting date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections andupdates that are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change.) Themanual part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated.April 1999 First Edition (part number: 16048-90050)December 1999 Second Edition (part number: 16048-90050)January 2001 Third Edition (part number: 16048-90050)Safety SummaryThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases ofoperation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with theseprecautions or with specific WARNINGS elsewhere in this manual may impair theprotection provided by the equipment. In addition it violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.The Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to complywith these requirements.NOTE16048G/H comply with INSTALLATION CATEGORY I and POLLUTIONDEGREE 2 in IEC61010-1.16048G/H are INDOOR USE product.2•DO NOT Operate In An Explosive AtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes.Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes adefinite safety hazard.•Keep Away From Live CircuitsOperating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Componentreplacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenancepersonnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Undercertain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cableremoved. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuitsbefore touching them.•DO NOT Service Or Adjust AloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable ofrendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.•DO NOT Substitute Parts Or Modify InstrumentBecause of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not installsubstitute parts or perform unauthorized modifications to the instrument.Return the instrument to a Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office forservice and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.•Dangerous Procedure WarningsWarnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerousprocedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings mustbe followed.WARNING Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are presenting this instrument.Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this instrument.CertificationAgilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications atthe time of shipment from the factory. Agilent Technologies further certifies thatits calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute ofStandards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institution’s calibrationfacility, or to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organizationmembers.3WarrantyThis Agilent Technologies instrument product is warranted against defects inmaterial and workmanship for a period corresponding to the individual warrantyperiods of its component products. Instruments are warranted for a period of oneyear. Fixtures and adapters are warranted for a period of 90 days. During thewarranty period, Agilent Technologies will, at its option, either repair or replaceproducts that prove to be defective.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facilitydesignated by Agilent Technologies. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges toAgilent Technologies and Agilent Technologies shall pay shipping charges toreturn the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties,and taxes for products returned to Agilent Technologies from another country.Agilent Technologies warrants that its software and firmware designated byAgilent Technologies for use with an instrument will execute its programminginstruction when property installed on that instrument. Agilent Technologies doesnot warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will beuninterrupted or error free.Limitation Of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper orinadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing,unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside the environmentalspecifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. IMPORTANT No other warranty is expressed or implied. Agilent Technologies specificallydisclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose.Exclusive RemediesThe remedies provided herein are buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. AgilentTechnologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.45AssistanceProduct maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements areavailable for Agilent Technologies products.For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.Safety SymbolGeneral definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument or in manuals arelisted below.Instruction Manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it isnecessary for the user to refer to the instrument manual.Alternating current.Direct current.On (Supply).Off (Supply).In position of push-button switch.Out position of push-button switch.Frame (or chassis) terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of the equipment which normally include all exposed metal structure.WARNING This warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.CAUTION This Caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product.NOTE Note denotes important information. It calls attention to a procedure, practice,condition or the like, which is essential to highlight.6Contents1.Installation GuideIncoming Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Connecting the 16048G/H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.OverviewProduct Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.Operation4294A Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Adapter Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Performing Fixture Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4. SpecificationsSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.ServiceMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Contents 81Installation Guide9Installation GuideIncoming InspectionIncoming InspectionInspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or cushioningmaterial is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have beenchecked for completeness and the 16048G/H has been checked mechanically andelectrically. The contents of the shipment should be as listed in Table 1-1. If thecontents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, notify the nearestAgilent Technologies office. If the shipping container is damaged, or thecushioning material shows signs of unusual stress, notify the carrier as well as theAgilent Technologies office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier’sinspection.Table 1-1 ContentsDescription Part Number Qty.Test Lead (16048G or 16048H)-1Mounting Plate-1BNC Bracket a16048-600031Operation and Service Manual16048-900501a.Only furnished with option 001.10Chapter 1Chapter 111Installation GuideConnecting the 16048G/HConnecting the 16048G/HFollow these steps below to connect the 16048G or 16048H to the 4294A.Step 1.Set the 16048G/H to the test connectors on the front panel of the HP 4294A bygradually coupling the four BNC connectors and fastening screws of the fixture with the test connectors and accessory mounting holes of the instrument until they come to complete contact. Step 2.Fasten two of the four BNC connectors to the mating test connectors by graduallyturning the BNC connectors' rotation levers until each pair of connectors are securely connected. Be sure to align the grooves on both sides. Step 3.Turn clockwise the fixture's two fastening screws together, so that the fixture issecured to the instrument.Step 4.Finally, secure the remaining two BNC connectors of the fixture by turningclockwise their rotation levers.Figure 1-1Connecting the fixture to the instrumentNOTEUsing the connection block securing screws enables the 16048G/H to connect the GND of the 4294A.Installation GuideConnecting the 16048G/H12Chapter 12Overview1314Chapter 2OverviewProduct OverviewProduct OverviewThe 16048G/H consists of a direct attachment, 4-terminal pair interface which is equipped with four BNC (f) connectors. These test leads are used to attach user-fabricated testfixtures. Cable length of the 16048G is 1 meter, the 16048H is 2 meter.Figure 2-1Product OverviewChapter 215Overview FunctionsFunctionsFigure 2-2 shows name of each part of the 16048G/H and Table 2-2 shows their function.Figure 2-216048G/H PartsTable 2-1 16048G/H FunctionFUNCTION1Instrument Side Connection Block Connect to the instrument’s UNKNOWN terminal.2Connection Block Securing Screw Secures the connection block to the 4294A.3Ground Lead Connect to the chassis or grounded part of the measurement target.4DUT Side Connection Block Used to attach BNC Bracket or user-fabricated test fixtures.5Mounting PlateMounts on the measurement target to stabilize the cable.OverviewFunctionsCable AssignmentFigure 2-316Chapter 23OperationThis chapter describes the proper methods for setting the 4294A, fixturecompensation with the 16048G/H.1718Chapter 3Operation4294A Setting4294A SettingBefore you begin your measurement, you should perform the adapter setup in the 4294A. Also refer to the operation manual of the 4294A about the adapter setup.Adapter SetupConnect the 16048G/H to the 4294A and perform the adapter setup described below.NOTEFor adapter setup, use the 100 Ω Resistor furnished with the 4294A (Agilent P/N 04294-61001).1.More than 30 minutes warm-up time is required after turning on the 4294A.2.Press [Cal] key to bring up the Calibration Menu.3.Press ADAPTER [] key to bring up the adapter setup Menu. [ ] shows current settings.4.Select 4TP 1M in the case of 16048G, 4TP 2M in the 16048H. When the selection is completed, the softkey label will be underlined.5.Press SETUP key to bring up the Adapter Setup Menu.6.Connect the Lcur terminal and Lpot terminal on the 16048G or 16048H to the Hpot terminal and Hcur terminal of the 100 Ω Resistor furnished with the 4294A. The Hcur and Hpot terminal on the 16048G/H should remain open (nothing should be connected).Figure 3-1 Connecting 100 Ω Resister (Phase Compensation Data Measurement)Chapter 319Operation 4294A Setting7.Press PHASE COMP [-] key to start the phase compensation data measurement.About 1 minutes later, phase compensation data measurement is completed andthe softkey label changes to PHASE COMP [DONE].8.Connect the Lcur, Lpot, Hcur, Hpot terminal on the 16048G or 16048H to the Lcur, Lpot, Hcur, Hpot terminal of the 100 Ω Resistor respectively.Figure 3-2Connecting 100 Ω Resister (Load Data Measurement)9.Press LOAD [-] key to start the load data measurement. When the load datameasurement is completed, the softkey label changes to LOAD [DONE].10.Press donekey.OperationPerforming Fixture CompensationPerforming Fixture CompensationTo compensate stray capacitance and residual impedance, fixture compensation should be performed. When you use the optional BNC Bracket (Agilent P/N 16048-60003) or an user fabricated test fixture, fixture compensation is required. Refer to the4294A Operation Manual for the fixture compensation procedure.20Chapter 34 SpecificationsThis chapter provides specifications of the16048G/H Test Leads.21SpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsApplicable Instruments LCR meters and Impedance Analyzers withfour-terminalsMaximum V oltage± 42V peak max. (AC+DC)Operating Environment temp.-20°C to +150°C(Exclude up to 20 cm from four terminal pairconnection block)humidity15% to 95%RH( @ wet bulb temp. < 40°C)Non Operating Environment.temp.-40°C to+70°Chumidity≤ 90 % RH ( @ wet bulb temp. <65°C)Cable length (Nominal) 1 m (16048G) / 2 m (16048H)Weight Approximately 460 g (16048G)Approximately 690 g (16048H)Safety Standards EN61010-1:1993 +A2:1995IEC61010-1:1990 +A1:1992 +A2:1995CSA C22.2 No.1010.1:1992INSTALLATION CATEGORY IPOLLUTION DEGREE 2INDOOR USE22Chapter 45ServiceThis chapter provides information on servicing and proper maintenance.2324Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceMaintenanceAn exploded view of the 16048G/H for parts identification is shown in Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-4. Do not disassemble any further than shown. Maintenance consists principally of cleaning contacts and replacing worn or damaged parts. Take special care when cleaning contacts.To order parts, use the Agilent part numbers listed in Table 5-1 to Table 5-4. If a faulty part is located in an assembly that cannot be disassembled, order the nexthigher assembly or return the fixture to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales/Service Office for repair or replacement.Figure 5-1Replacable Parts (part 1 of 4)ServiceMaintenance Table 5-1 Replacable Parts (part 1 of 4)Agilent Part No.Qty.DescriptionReferenceDesignator116048-616201CBL ASSY 16048G(Excludes 2,3,4,5,6)16048-616231CBL ASSY 16048H(Excludes 2,3,4,5,6)21400-04934CABLE TIE39170-14651CORE4-1CBL CLANP50515-15501SCR M3-L 8 P-H63050-08911WASHER M372950-00354NUT-HEX-DBL-CHAM82190-01024WASHER916048-006231GUIDE101250-02524CONN-RF BNC1116048-006261PLATE1216048-006271ANGLE130515-10122SCR FL M4L8Chapter 52526Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceFigure 5-2Replacable Parts (part 2 of 4)Table 5-2 Replacable Parts (part 2 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 116044-600012CONN BNC-SMB 23050-00674WSHR-FL MTLC 33050-07894WSHR-FL NM 416047-400024INSULATOR 51253-04762ADPT BNC-SMBChapter 527Service MaintenanceFigure 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Table 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 116047-240212KNOB216048-040211COVER TOP (16048G)16048-040251COVER TOP (16048H)316047-240262FLANGE40515-09144SCR-MACH M3X0.550515-09524SCR-MACH M2X0.4616048-006241ANGLE70515-09143SCR-MACH M3X0.528Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceFigure 5-4 Replacable Parts (part 4 of 4)816048-040221COVER BOTTOM 916048-006251ANGLETable 5-4 Replacable Parts (part 4 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 11250-19854CONNECTOR-BNC 216048-006211PLATE 32190-00164WASHER42950-00434NUT-HEX-DBL-CHAM 516380-240014TERMINAL 642036-006012PLATE 73050-08934WASHER 80535-00434NUTTable 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description。

Cooper Industries Inc. Crouse-Hinds Division IF 15

Cooper Industries Inc. Crouse-Hinds Division IF 15

Cooper Industries Inc.Crouse-Hinds DivisionIF 1540PO Box 4999, Syracuse, New York 13221 • U.S.A.Revised 11/08Copyright© 2007, Cooper Industries, Inc.Page 1Installation Instructions for UX EXIT Series - HAZLED, Self-Powered, Self-Diagnostic Battery BackupIF 1540WARNINGTo avoid electrical shock:WARNINGWARNINGWALL MOUNT -Exit StencilPry NotchShieldSnap-Out Chevrons(2) Screws (Supplied By Others)Frame/Mounting BaseBack GasketFigure 2Hub- 1/2 NPT conduit Sealing GasketKnockout at desired location Conduit bushed nippleThis fixture is provided with maximum of three sets of knockouts for alternate mounting orientation. There are three alternative mounting orientations:●Wall mount ●Ceiling mount ●End mountJunction box is used for mounting only. All wires must be routed through e standard wire 18 - 16 AWG or Solid wire 18 - 17 AWGTo mount on a wall:(see Figure 2)1. Remove exit stencil assembly from frame by prying up on the notches along the edge.2. Remove knockout for CONDUIT HUB at the desired location, with hammer and screwdriver, or drill out with 7/8” diameter hole saw.3. Knock out the appropriate mounting pattern on the MOUNTING BASE for the J-box being used. Also, the (2) 3/8” diameter mounting holes are to be utilized for installation and proper seal of the BACK GASKET. Remove backing from gasket during gasket installation.4. Install conduit hub and sealing gasket that comes with the fixture. See Figure 15. Complete the conduit installation with approved 1/2” CONDUIT and e 1/2” liquid tight fittings for sealing against moisture.6. Connect power supply in accordance with Local Codes and the NEC Code for Class I, Div. 2 Hazardous Location. All wires must be routed through conduit.Cooper Industries Inc.IF 1540Crouse-Hinds DivisionRevised 11/08PO Box 4999, Syracuse, New York 13221 • U.S.A.Page 2Copyright© 2007, Cooper Industries, Inc.To mount on a ceiling or end mount:(see Figure 3 & 4)1. Remove exit stencil assembly from frame by prying up on the notches along the edge (See Figure 1)2. Knockout: Remove knockout with hammer and screwdriver, or drill out with 7/8” hole saw.a. For Canopy: Ceiling mounting : remove Top knockout as shown in Figure 3. End mounting : remove knockout on left or right of the fixture as shown in Figure 4.b. Conduit Hub: Ceiling mounting : remove left or right knockout as desires Figure 3. End mounting remove top or unused side knockout as desired Figure 4.3. Remove the inner GASKET for use with the CANOPY and the JUNCTION BOX BRACKET. Remove backing from gasket. Attach the GASKET and mount the BRACKET and CANOPY to the J-box with (4) screws. Mount the FRAME securely to the CANOPY with (2) screws 1/4” - 20 UNC x 1” long and WASHER.4. Install conduit hub and sealing gasket that comes with the fixture. (see Figure 1)5. Complete the conduit installation with approved 1/2” CONDUIT and FITTINGS. Use 1/2” liquid tight fittings for sealing against moisture.6. Connect power supply in accordance with Local Codes and the NEC Code for Class I, Div. 2 Hazardous Location. All wires must be routed through conduit.Wire connections as follows: 120V line to black lead, neutral to white lead. Cap unused wires.1. Insert the wires into appropriate PUSH IN connector located on the TRANSFORMER in the EXIT STENCIL .2. Route the wires neatly around the EXIT STENCIL wire retaining clips. Push and snap-in the EXIT STENCIL into the FRAME . Check installation by checking the EXIT STENCIL ensuring that it is flush mounted onto the FRAME and that the wires are routed properly around the EXIT STENCIL . 3. Check the “O” RING in the FRAME , ensuring it is clean from dirt. Mount the SHIELD onto the FRAME . With the SCREWS and “O” RINGS provided, check to see that one “O” RING is under the SCREW HEAD and one “O” RING is holding the screw inside of the SHIELD . Tighten the SCREWS on the SHIELD securely, do not over tighten. Push down on the sheild to ensure the are sealed properly against the FRAME “O” RING .4. Energize the AC supply, LED display will illuminate.CEILING MOUNTGasketBracket Canopy"O" Ring Screw(2) Screws - Washes 1/4"-20UNC x 1"LGGreen Ground Screw7/8 Dia. Knockouts on inside top, left & right side locations.Figure 3(2) Screws Supplied By Others(2) Screws - Washes 1/4"-20UNC x 1" LGGreen Ground ScrewGasketGasketEND MOUNTFigure 4GasketCanopyBracketCooper Industries Inc.IF 1540Crouse-Hinds DivisionRevised 11/08PO Box 4999, Syracuse, New York 13221 • U.S.A.Page 2Copyright© 2007, Cooper Industries, Inc.Risque d’incendie/de choc electrique. Contacter Risk of Fire/Electric shock. If not qualified,TO PREVENT FIRE OR EXPLOSION。



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节气门开度 致密区域 自适应模糊神经推理系统(anfis) 自适应模糊控制 自适应控制 自动谈判 膜片弹簧离合器 肿块检测 肺癌诊断 聚类 网格服务 综合素质 维纳滤波 给水加 空间约束 空间数据挖掘 空域平滑 矢量控制 盲解卷积 目标跟踪 目标航向 皮带配料系统 球栅阵列封装器件 特征压缩 煤炭纯度 焊缝跟踪 焊接机器人 热流 烧结炉 滞后 测量残留 水下机器人 水下作业系统 模糊隶属函数 模糊逻辑控制 模糊逻辑扩展dmc算法 模糊聚类 模糊理想点算法 模糊模式识别 模糊核聚类 模糊查询 模糊时间序列 模糊控制器 模糊控制pid 模糊控制:pid控制 模糊径向基函数神经网络 模糊形态学 模糊地名匹配 模糊区域生长
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NPort管理套件-Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2或更高版本发行说

NPort管理套件-Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2或更高版本发行说

NPort Administration Suite for Windows 7 and Windows Server2008 R2, or later Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Supports SHA-256 encoding on Ethernet to secure sensitive data.• Manually adding an Nport on the "Monitor" and "Port Monitor" pages, or using the "Load Configured COM Port" page may cause NPort Administration Suite to show incorrect status for the NPort device.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019NPort IA5000/IA5000A Series, NPort 5000AI-M12 Series, NPort 5100/5100A/P5150A/5200/5200A/5400/5600/5600-DT/5600-DTL Series• Remote log function.• Write community for the SNMP service.• Auto lockout (after 5 minutes) function.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fixed driver signature failure on Windows 7.• For IP Serial library, unable to reopen a Grouped-COM port.• Fixed BSOD when a Grouped-COM port is opened.• Encrypted configuration file can't be imported via web console.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series,NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-8-DT Series, NPort 5600-8-DTL Series, NPort IA5000 Series, NPort P5150A• Supports Windows Server 2019.• Supports Moxa Security Guideline.New Features• Separate driver versions are now used to support different Windows versions; driver v2.0 supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/Visa and Windows Server 2003/2008, driver v3.0 supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016/2019.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports encrypted configuration.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Device search failure when the host has more than 16 IP addresses.• NPort Administration Suite could not be run on Windows 2000.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 10.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Updated IPSerial.dll to fix thread handle always existing.• Utility could not monitor devices with "auto save device" setting when restarting the utility.• Utility could not monitor devices with "manual" setting before executing search function.• Ports mapped by the NPort Administration Suite v1.18 or earlier would disappear when using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.18.• Searching by 802.11 WLAN would fail on Windows 7 or later.• The timeout of IPSerial nsio_checkalive function would not work on Windows 7 Ultimate.• Popup error message "The network component is not ready" when searching for an NPort on Windows 8.• Ports could not be sorted by COM number order when clicking the COM number field in the monitor page.• The ports mapped by NPort Administration Suite v1.19 or earlier could not be opened by using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.19.17.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME,Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • IPSerial.dll upgraded to version 1.7.3.• IPSerial added example code for VB2010.• Updated NPort.dll to support NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.• Supports "Always Accept Open Request" for Windows 2000 and newer.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Driver caused a BSOD when opening and closing repeatedly in Windows 2008 R2.• Driver caused a BSOD when applications open grouped COM ports which contain one or more disabled ports.• In the COM Grouping function, sometimes HyperTerminal may not read the received data immediately.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5150AI-M12, 5250AI-M12, 5450AI-M12.• Supports LLDP configuration.• Supports Windows publish.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Application will not work properly when logging as a standard user in Windows Vista/7environments. This version will prompt the user change to an account with administrative rights.• Windows 2008 64-bit driver would cause a BSOD when accessing an invalid memory path.• Modified the Georgetown time zone to GMT-04:00, Caracas to GMT-04:30, and Sofia to GMT +02:00.• The "nsio_RTS" function was not able to control RTS signals.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• System BSOD when setting and enabling COM grouping functions in Windows 2008 R2.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5600-8-DTL Series.• Supports NPort A Series products in NPort.dll library.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Reduced handle counts when application called nsio_init() from IPSerial library.• When closing COM port and applying change to other COM numbers simultaneously, the NPort administrator utility will cause a hang up.• If the nsio_close() function is called several times and then the nsio_open() function is called, it will fail and return an undefined error code.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Multi-connection by IPSerial library.• Supports Windows 7.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Shortened opening time for COM Grouping.• Shortened setting time for COM Grouping.• Write operation would stop transmitting.• Monitor and port monitor would stop after removing target.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports COM Grouping function for Windows NT.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Set IP filter netmask error on Windows x64 platforms.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5110A, 5130A, 5150A, IA5450A, IA5450AI, IA5150A, IA5150AI, IA5250A, IA5250AI,5210A, 5230A, 5250A.• Supports COM Grouping function (does not support Windows 95/98/ME/NT).New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• "Import COM Mapping" function would throw an "invalid pointer opertion" message.• Monitor function would cause a memory leak.• Adjusted the IRP completion order for multi-processor environments.• Fixed the buffer protection mechanism for issues while inserting special characters in the serial RX buffer.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort IA-5250I.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Upgraded package: IPSerial Library.• Application crash problem with IP serial library when binding more than 8 IPs(alias) for PC.• Loading driver failed in Windows Vista x64.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT did not reset the WriteCharsQueued counter.• SIO outqueue count was inaccurate under classic mode.• The port number was incorrect in the "UDP Mode Settings: Destination" list.• Startup of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• Removal of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• The search function would have issues on a Windows 2003 host with dual LAN cards.• Adding COM port would fail if "SERIALCOMM" registry key was absent.• Invalid argument for time encode.• Access violation problem in "IP Address Report List".• Search function supports 16 IP addresses for local host.• "Alive" status in Monitor and Port Monitor may be incorrect.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows Vista.• Supports 5610-8-DT, 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT, 5650-8-DT-J and 5650I-8-DT.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved IoctlGetCommstatus() to report live out queue count.• Improved utility user interface.• Improved COM setting functions. If the selected ports are in use, no change can be made to them.These settings include: COM number, Tx mode, FIFO, and Fast Flush.• Improved COM setting functions. If the users do not have administrative privileges, they cannot add or delete COM ports. However, they can still view the COM settings and open the COM ports.• Improved utility user interface.• Modem dial out caused system halt on multi-processor platforms.• Driver read operations caused double completion (BSOD) on multi-processor platforms.• GetCommStatus caused a BSOD on multi-processor platforms.• ioctl of setting Xon/Xoff character failed.• Fixed bugs detected by Static Driver Verifier, which include a double completion problem and completion of IRP without releasing the cancel spinlock.• FastFlush setting error when COM port number exceeds 127.• COM Mapping problem when a disabled port is opened.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Added "Network Timeout" function for COM settings.• Added auto message log function.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER bug causing system halt.• Accessible IPs export and import configurations did not match.• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IPSerial nsio_write and mutli-port connection problems.• Administrator could not remove serial port settings when uninstalling the NPort Administration Suite.• COM Mapping could not import files exported by Administrator v1.2.• Disconnecting an NPort will crash the application while calling nsio_close.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports PPP Mode and Real COM Mode (RFC2217) operating mode for NPort 56xx.• Supports 64-bit Windows.• Moved nprcmisic.dll to nport.dll to cover all NPort models.• Supports NPort 5130, 5150, 5650, 5650-S-SC, 5650-M-SC.• Supports SERIAL_LSRMST_ESCAPE and SERIAL_LSRMST_MST event types of IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT requests. SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_NODATA and SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_DATA event types are not supported due to driver limitations.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved Windows 2000/XP/2003 driver "Fast Flush" performance.• Improved disconnection process to prevent application blocking.• Improved NT/2000/XP/2003 driver Ioctl performance (parity, baud, modem...).• High CPU loading with Hyper Threading systems.• COM Mapping rescan prevents some models from being able to be configured.• Port Monitor: When NPort is reconnecting, Administrator increases CPU load to 100%.• Event log lost problem.• IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK (npser+114c) BSOD RQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL problem.• (npser+5c13) BSOD KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED problem.• Verifier testing problem.• Classic mode oqueue length was not correct.• Tx does not stop on network disconnection.• Write blocked after reconnecting.EnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports new functions of firmware 2.0.• Added new NPort IA model.• Added Web console toolbar.• Supports IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER command (Windows 2000/XP/2003), which is used by some 16-bit programs.New Features• Registered COM number usage (Windows 2000/XP/2003). This will avoid other COM device from using the same COM number occupied by this driver.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。

DNV-OS-E302 2008

DNV-OS-E302 2008

OFFSHORE STANDARDD ET N ORSKE VERITAS DNV-OS-E302OFFSHORE MOORING CHAINOCTOBER 2008This booklet has since the main revision (October 2008) been amended, most recently in October 2009.See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.Comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@ For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@ Comprehensive information about DNV services, research and publications can be found at http :// , or can be obtained from DNV, Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway; Tel +47 67 57 99 00, Fax +47 67 57 99 11.© Det Norske Veritas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske Veritas.Computer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas.If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.FOREWORDDET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy services.—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services.—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety MethodologyB)Materials TechnologyC)StructuresD)SystemsE)Special FacilitiesF)Pipelines and RisersG)Asset OperationH)Marine OperationsJ)Wind TurbinesO)Subsea SystemsAmendments and CorrectionsWhenever amendments and corrections to the document are necessary, the electronic file will be updated and a new Adobe PDF file will be generated and made available from the Webshop (/global/).Amended October 2009Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008 see note on front cover Changes – Page 3CHANGES•GeneralBeing class related, this document is published electronically only (as of October 2008) and a printed version is no longer available. The update scheme for this category of documents is different compared to the one relevant for other offshore doc-uments (for which printed versions are available).For an overview of all types of DNV offshore documents and their update status, see the “Amendments and Corrections”document located at: /global/, under category “Offshore Codes”.•Main changes as of October 2008:This standard replaces Certification Note 2.6 (August 1995) -“Certification of Offshore Mooring Chain”.The following is amended:—specification for stud less chain is no longer tentative—requirements to grade R4S and to R5 included—mechanical tests of test coupons taken from full scale accessories—scope of survey for chain and accessories—“approval of manufacturer” programme has been removed.See DNV Standard. for Certification No.2.9.•Main changes as of October 2009Since the previous edition (October 2008), this document has been amended, latest in October 2009. All changes have been incorporated. The changes are considered to be of editorial nature, thus no detailed description has been given.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008Amended October 2009 Page 4 – Changes see note on front coverD ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended October 2009Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008 see note on front cover Contents – Page 5CONTENTSCH. 1INTRODUCTION (7)Sec. 1Introduction (9)A.General (9)A100Introduction (9)A200Scope and application (9)B.Normative References (9)B100General (9)B200Reference documents (9)C.Definitions (9)C100Verbal forms (9)C200Terms (10)CH. 2TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (11)Sec. 1Materials (13)A.General Requirements (13)A100Scope (13)A200Manufacture (13)A300Chemical composition (13)A400Heat treatment (13)A500Mechanical testing (13)A600Inspection (14)A700Repair (14)A800Identification (14)A900 A 900 Records (14)B.Rolled Steel Bars (14)B100Scope (14)B200Manufacture (14)B300Chemical composition (14)B400Condition of supply and heat treatment (14)B500Mechanical testing (14)B600Hydrogen embrittlement testing (14)B700Dimensions and tolerances (15)B800Inspection (15)B900Repair (15)C.Steel Forgings (15)C100Scope (15)C200Manufacture (15)C300Chemical composition (15)C400Heat treatment (15)C500Mechanical testing (15)C600Inspection (15)C700Repair (15)D.Steel Castings (15)D100Scope (15)D200Manufacture (15)D300Chemical composition (15)D400Heat treatment (16)D500Mechanical testing (16)D600Inspection (16)D700Repair (16)E.Materials for Studs (16)E100Scope...............................................................................16E200Chemical composition. (16)Sec. 2Mooring Chain Cables and Accessories (18)A.General Requirements (18)A100Scope (18)A200Inspection (18)A300Repair (18)A400Identification (18)A500Records (18)B.Mooring Chain (18)B100Scope (18)B200Design (18)B300Manufacture (18)B400Welding of studs (18)B500Heat treatment (18)B600Proof load testing (19)B700Breaking load testing (19)B800Mechanical testing (19)B900Dimensions and tolerances (20)B1000Inspection (20)B1100Repair (21)B1200Identification (21)C.Chain Accessories (21)C100Scope (21)C200Design (21)C300Proof load testing (21)C400Breaking load testing (21)C500Mechanical testing (21)C600Dimensions and tolerances (22)C700Inspection (22)C800Repair (22)C900Identification (22)CH. 3CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION 25 Sec. 1Certification and Classification -Requirements (27)A.General (27)A100Introduction (27)A200Certification and classification principles (27)A300Assumptions (27)A400Documentation requirements (27)B.Certification and Classification Requirements (27)B100General (27)B200Information to be supplied by the purchaser (27)B300Design verification (27)B400Approval of manufacturers (27)B500Survey during manufacture (27)B600Certification of materials (27)B700Certification of mooring chain and accessories (28)App. A Scope of Survey for Mooring Chain (29)App. B Scope of Survey for Mooring Chain Accessories (30)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008Amended October 2009 Page 6 – Contents see note on front coverD ET N ORSKE V ERITASD ET N ORSKE V ERITASVeritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11OFFSHORE STANDARDDNV-OS-E302OFFSHORE MOORING CHAINCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONCONTENTSPAGE Sec.1Introduction (9)Amended October 2009Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008 see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 9SECTION 1INTRODUCTIONA. GeneralA 100Introduction101 This offshore standard contains criteria, technical requirements and guidance on materials, design, manufacture and testing of offshore mooring chain and accessories.102 The standard has been written for general world-wide application. Governmental regulations may include require-ments in excess of the provisions by this standard depending on the size, type, location and intended service of the offshore unit or installation.103 The objectives of this standard are to:—provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety by defining minimum requirements for offshore mooring chain and accessories—serve as a contractual reference document between manu-facturers and purchasers—serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and regulators—specify procedures and requirements for offshore mooring chain and accessories subject to DNV certification and classification.104 This standard is divided into three main chapters: —Chapter 1: Section 1 with general information, scope, def-initions and references—Chapter 2: Sections 1 and 2 with technical provisions for materials and chain cables—Chapter 3: Section 1, Appendix A and B giving specific procedures and requirements applicable for certification and classification of materials and chain cables in accord-ance with this standard. Also, requirements to design ver-ification are given.A 200Scope and application201 The mooring chain and accessories specified herein are intended for position mooring applications such as: mooring of mobile offshore units, mooring of floating production units, mooring of offshore loading systems, and mooring of gravity base structures during fabrication.202 Mooring chain links covered are common stud links and common stud less links, connecting common links (splice links), enlarged links and end links.203 Mooring chain accessories covered are detachable con-necting links (shackles), connecting plates (triplates etc), end (anchor) shackles, swivels and swivel shackles.B. Normative ReferencesB 100General101 The standards in Table B1 include provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this off-shore standard. Latest issue of the standards shall be used unless otherwise agreed.102 Other recognised standards may be used provided it can be demonstrated that these meet or exceed the requirements of the standards in Table B1.103 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the design codes and standards shall be documented and agreed between the supplier, purchaser and verifier, as applicable. B 200Reference documents201 Applicable reference documents are given in Table B1.C. DefinitionsC 100Verbal forms101 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this standard and from which no deviation is permitted.102 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be applied subject to agreement.103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard.104 Agreement, agreed or by agreement: Unless otherwise indicated, agreed in writing between manufacturer and pur-chaser.Table B1 Normative referencesNo.TitleASTM E112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size ASTM E381Method of Macro-etch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,Blooms and ForgingsISO 4967Steel – Determination of content of non-metallicinclusions – Micrographic method using standarddiagramsASTM A255Standard Test Methods for Determining Harden-ability of SteelDNV-OS-B101Metallic materialsISO 9712 Non-destructive testing Qualification and certifi-cation of personnelEN 473 Non destructive testing - Qualification and certifi-cation of NDT personnel - General principles SNT-TC-1A(ASNT)Personnel Qualification and Certification in Non-destructive TestingEN 10228-1/3Non-destructive testing of steel forgingsASTM A275 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examina-tion of Steel ForgingsASTM A388 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination ofHeavy Steel ForgingsASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examina-tionASTM A609Standard Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-Alloy and Martensitic Stainless Steel, UltrasonicExamination ThereofISO 1704Ships and marine technology – Stud-link anchorchainsAPI Spec 2F Specification for mooring chainASTM E587Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examinationby the Contact MethodASME IX Welding and Brazing QualificationsEN 287 Approval testing of welders - Fusion weldingEN 288Specification and approval of welding proceduresfor metallic materialsISO 9606 Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding ASTM A488Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifica-tions of Procedures and PersonnelD ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008Amended October 2009 Page 10 – Ch.1 Sec.1see note on front coverC 200Terms201 Purchaser: The owner or another party acting on his behalf, who is responsible for procuring materials, components or services intended for the design, fabrication or modification of a unit or installation.202 Manufacturer: The party who is contracted to be respon-sible for planning, execution and documentation of manufac-turing.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASD ET N ORSKE V ERITASVeritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11OFFSHORE STANDARDDNV-OS-E302OFFSHORE MOORING CHAINCHAPTER 2TECHNICAL PROVISIONSCONTENTSPAGE Sec.1Materials ..................................................................................................................................13Sec.2Mooring Chain Cables and Accessories.. (18)Amended October 2009Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008 see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 13SECTION 1MATERIALSA. General RequirementsA 100Scope101 Sub-section A specifies the general requirements for rolled steel bars, steel forgings and steel castings to be used in the manufacture of offshore mooring chain and accessories. Specific requirements are given in B to D. If the specific requirements differ from these general requirements, the specific requirements shall prevail. Separate requirements for materials for studs are given in E.102 The steels concerned are classified by specified mini-mum ultimate tensile strength into five grades: R3, R3S, R4, R4S and R5.A 200Manufacture201 The steels shall be manufactured by an electric or one of the basic oxygen processes or any other approved process involving secondary refining. Steel grades R4S and R5 shall be vacuum degassed.202 The steels shall be killed and fine grain treated. The austenite grain size shall be 5 or finer in accordance with ASTM E112. The fine grain size requirement shall be deemed to be fulfilled if the steels contain Al, Nb, V or Ti, either singly or in any combination, as follows: When Al is used singly, the minimum total content shall be 0.020% or, alternatively, the Al to N ratio shall be minimum 2:1. When Al and Nb are used in combination, the minimum total Al content shall be 0.015% and the minimum Nb content shall be 0.010%. When Al and V are used in combination, the minimum total Al content shall be 0.015% and the minimum V content shall be 0.030%.203 For steel grades R4S and R5, the following information shall be supplied by the manufacturer to the mooring chain or accessory manufacturer and the results included in the chain documentation:a)Each heat shall be examined for non-metallic inclusionsaccording to ISO 4967 or equivalent. The level of inclu-sions shall be quantified and assessed to be sure inclusion levels are acceptable for the final product.b) A sample from each heat shall be macro etched accordingto ASTM E381 or equivalent to be sure there is no injuri-ous segregation or porosity.c)Jominy hardening ability data according to ASTM A255or equivalent shall be supplied with each heat.204 The manufacturer shall ensure that effective manufac-ture and process controls are implemented in production. Where deviation from the controls occurs and this could pro-duce products of inferior quality, the manufacturer shall inves-tigate to determine the cause and establish countermeasures to prevent its recurrence. Investigation reports to this effect shall be made available to the purchaser on request.A 300Chemical composition301 Specifications for chemical composition shall be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser. Steel grades R4, R4S and R5 shall contain a minimum of 0.20% molybdenum. 302 The chemical composition of each heat shall be determined on a sample taken preferably during the pouring of the heat and shall comply with the specified limits. When multiple heats are tapped into a common ladle, the ladle analysis shall apply.303 The composition shall be determined after all alloying additions have been made and sufficient time allowed for such an addition to homogenize.304 Elements designated as residual and impurity elements in the individual specifications shall not be intentionally added to the steels. The content of such elements shall be reported. 305 Adequate controls shall be in place to prevent accumu-lation of harmful elements such as tin, antimony and arsenic in the final product.A 400Heat treatment401 Materials shall be heat treated for mechanical properties as specified in B to D. Heat treatment shall be carried out in a properly constructed furnace which is efficiently maintained and has adequate means for temperature control and is fitted with recording-type pyrometers. The furnace dimensions shall be such as to allow the whole furnace charge to be uniformly heated to the necessary temperature.402 Sufficient thermocouples shall be connected to the fur-nace charge where it is composed of forged or cast compo-nents. Thermocouples should be connected by capacitor discharge welding.403 Records shall identify the furnace used, furnace charge, date, temperature and time at temperature.404 The manufacturer shall ensure that the specified heat treatment is adhered to. Where deviation from the specified heat treatment occurs, the manufacturer shall ensure that affected products are tested or submitted to reheat treatment and that an investigation is carried out according to A204.A 500Mechanical testing501 Products shall be grouped in test units and sampled for mechanical testing as detailed in B to D. Test material from which test pieces are prepared shall be of equivalent cross sec-tion and be fully representative of the sample product and, where appropriate, shall not be cut, or partially cut from the sample product leaving a ligament, until heat treatment has been completed. Test material and test pieces shall not be sep-arately heat treated in any way.502 Test material and test pieces shall be marked to identify them with the products represented.503 For each test unit, one tensile and three Charpy V-notch test pieces shall be taken. Rolled steel bars and steel forgings shall be tested in the longitudinal direction. The longitudinal axis of test pieces shall be located one-third of the radius or, in the case of non-cylindrical sections, one-sixth of the diagonal from the outer surface.504 The preparation of test pieces and the procedures used for mechanical testing shall comply with the relevant require-ments of DNV-OS-B101.505 The materials shall comply with the mechanical proper-ties specified in Table E1.506 If the results from tensile testing do not meet the speci-fied requirements, two further tensile tests may be made from the same sample. If both of these additional tests are satisfac-tory, the test unit may be accepted.507 If the results from a set of three impact test pieces do not meet the specified requirements, three additional test pieces from the same sample may be tested and the results added to those previously obtained to form a new average. If this new average complies with the requirements and if not more than two individual results are lower than the required average and, of these, not more than one result is below 70% of the specified average value, the test unit may be accepted.508 Where forgings or castings and the associated test mate-rial are submitted to re-heat treatment, they may not be re-austenitised more than twice. All the tests previously per-D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008Amended October 2009 Page 14 – Ch.2 Sec.1see note on front coverformed shall be repeated after re-heat treatment and the results must meet the specified requirements.A 600Inspection601 Materials are subject to visual inspection, non-destruc-tive testing (NDT) and measurements of dimensions as detailed in B to D. The manufacturers shall prepare written procedures for NDT. NDT personnel shall be qualified and certified according to ISO 9712, EN 473, SNT-TC-1A or equivalent. NDT operators shall be qualified to at least level I. 602 NDT shall be performed in accordance with the general practice of recognised standards, e.g.:Magnetic particle testing (MT) of forgings:—EN 10228-1, ASTM A275, using wet continuous magnet-isation techniqueUltrasonic testing (UT) of forgings:—EN 10228-3, ASTM A388Magnetic particle testing (MT) of castings:—ASTM E709, using wet continuous magnetisation tech-niqueUltrasonic testing (UT) of castings:—ASTM A609603 MT of forged or cast accessories shall be carried out after proof load testing. Where a forging or casting is delivered in an intermediate condition for subsequent processing and final MT by the purchaser, the manufacturer should perform suitable intermediate inspections taking into consideration the quality level required in finished condition. In such cases the extent of testing and acceptance criteria shall be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser. See also C600, D600, and Sec.2 C.604 UT of forgings or castings shall be carried out at an appropriate stage after the final heat treatment for mechanical properties, e.g. after proof load testing of finished accessories.A 700Repair701 Surface defects may be removed by grinding as detailed in B to D. The resulting grooves shall have a bottom radius of approximately three times the depth and shall be blended into the surrounding surface to avoid any sharp contours. Complete elimination of the defective material shall be verified by suita-ble NDT.702 Except as provided for steel castings, repair by welding is not permitted.A 800Identification801 Each bar, forging, or casting shall be suitably identified with at least the following:a)identification number, heat number or other marking thatwill enable the history of the item to be traced,b)steel grade designation.A 900Records901 The manufacturer shall maintain traceable records of the following and present them to the purchaser on request:a)steelmaking process and chemical compositionb)heat treatmentc)mechanical testingd)inspectione)repair.B. Rolled Steel BarsB 100Scope101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to hot rolled steel bars to be used in the manufacture of offshore mooring chain and accessories.B 200Manufacture201 Bars shall be made from ingots or continuous cast blooms or billets. Ingots shall be cast in chill moulds with the larger cross-section up, and with efficient feeder heads. Suffi-cient discard shall be made to ensure soundness in the finished bar. Surface and skin defects, which may be detrimental during the subsequent working and forming operations, shall be removed.202 The rolling reduction ratio shall be at least 5:1. The roll-ing reduction ratio shall be calculated as the ratio average cross-sectional area of the cast material to cross-sectional area of the finished bar.B 300Chemical composition301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed specification.B 400Condition of supply and heat treatment401 Unless otherwise agreed, the bars shall be delivered in the as rolled condition.402 For mechanical testing and hydrogen embrittlement test-ing, bar material shall be tested in the condition of heat treat-ment used for the chain as advised by the chain manufacturer.B 500Mechanical testing501 A test unit shall consist of bars of the same nominal diameter, made from the same heat of steel, and with a total mass not exceeding 50 tonnes.502 Test material shall consist of a suitable length cut from one bar in each test unit. The test material shall be heat treated in full cross-section, see 402.503 For each test unit, one tensile and three Charpy V-notch test pieces shall be taken. For Charpy V-notch impact testing, the notch shall be cut in a face of the test piece which was orig-inally approximately perpendicular to the rolled surface.504 The mechanical properties shall comply with the values given in Table E1.B 600Hydrogen embrittlement testing601 For grade R3S, R4, R4S and R5, each heat of steel shall be tested for hydrogen embrittlement by slow strain rate tensile testing. Samples shall be taken from two bars representing the front end and tail end of the billet string in case of continuous casting, or two ingots in case of ingot casting.602 Two tensile test pieces shall be taken from the central region of each bar. The test pieces shall have a diameter of 20 mm, or alternatively 14 mm. One test piece shall be tested within three hours after machining for a 20 mm diameter test piece, or 1.5 hours for a 14 mm diameter test piece. The other test piece shall be tested after baking at 250°C for four hours for a 20 mm diameter test piece, or two hours for a 14 mm diameter test piece. The test pieces shall be loaded at a strain rate not exceeding 0.0003 per second until fracture occurs. 603 As an alternative to testing within the time limits given in 602 the test pieces may be cooled to –60°C immediately after machining and kept at that temperature for a maximum period of five days before testing.604 The reduction of area values shall be determined. The ratio Z1 to Z2, where Z1 is the value without baking and Z2 is the value after baking, shall not be less than 0.85. Alterna-tively, the ratio shall not be less than 0.80 provided Z1 is at least 50%.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended October 2009Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E302, October 2008 see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 15605 If the results do not meet the specified requirements, the bar material may be subjected to a hydrogen degassing treat-ment. The embrittlement tests shall be repeated after degassing and the results must meet the specified requirements.B 700Dimensions and tolerances701 The tolerances on diameter and roundness shall be in accordance with Table E2. Measurements shall be made on at least 1% of the bars.B 800Inspection801 All bars supplied in a machined (peeled) condition shall be visually inspected. All bars supplied without machining shall be tested for longitudinal imperfections by magnetic or electrical methods in accordance with the general practice of recognised standards.802 All bar material shall be subjected to ultrasonic testing at an appropriate stage of manufacture.803 All bars shall be free from injurious pipe, cracks, seams, laps or other imperfections which, due to their nature, degree or extent, will interfere with the use of the bars.B 900Repair901 Defects may be removed by grinding to a depth of 1% of the nominal bar diameter.C. Steel ForgingsC 100Scope101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to steel forgings to be used in the manufacture of chain accesso-ries. Additional requirements for the finished accessories are given in Sec.2 C.C 200Manufacture201 Forgings shall be made from ingots or continuous cast blooms or billets. Ingots for forgings shall be cast in chill moulds with the larger cross-section up, and with efficient feeder heads. Adequate top and bottom discards shall be made to ensure freedom from piping and harmful segregations in the finished forgings. Surface and skin defects, which may be det-rimental during the subsequent working and forming opera-tions, shall be removed.202 The material shall be progressively hot worked by ham-mer or press, and shall be forged as close as practical to the fin-ished shape and size.203 The reduction ratio shall be calculated with reference to the average cross-sectional area of the cast material. Where an ingot is initially upset, this reference area may be taken as the average cross-sectional area after this operation. The total reduction ratio shall be at least 3:1. For forgings made by upsetting, the length after upsetting is to be not more than one-third of the length before upsetting or, in the case of an initial forging reduction of at least 1.5:1, not more than one-half of the length before upsetting.204 Welding to forgings is not permitted. This includes the welding of brackets, bosses, or attachments.C 300Chemical composition301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed specification.C 400Heat treatment401 Forged accessories in grade R3 and R3S shall be sup-plied in the normalised, normalised and tempered, or quenched and tempered condition. Grade R4, R4S and R5 shall be sup-plied in the quenched and tempered condition. Quenched and tempered accessories with diameter over 120 mm shall receive an annealing or normalising heat treatment prior to quenching and tempering.402 For grade R4, R4S and R5, tempering temperatures shall not be less than 590°C and cooling after tempering shall be in water.403 Where forgings are to be quenched and tempered and cannot be hot worked close to shape, they shall be rough machined prior to being subjected to this treatment.404 All hot forming operations shall be conducted prior to the final heat treatment. If a forging is subsequently heated for further hot forming, the forging shall be re-heat treated.C 500Mechanical testing501 Forged accessories shall be mechanically tested as given in Sec.2 C.C 600Inspection601 All forgings shall be visually inspected on accessible surfaces. Where applicable, this is to include the inspection of internal surfaces and bores. The surfaces shall be adequately prepared for inspection. Black forgings shall be suitably de-scaled.602 Forgings shall be free from injurious pipe, cracks, seams, laps or other imperfections which, due to their nature, degree or extent, will interfere with the use of the forgings. 603 All finished accessories are subject to magnetic particle testing, see A600 and Sec.2 C.604 Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out on all forgings after the final heat treatment when the surfaces have been brought to a condition suitable for UT. Both radial and axial scanning shall be used when appropriate for the shape and dimensions of the forging being tested. Unless otherwise agreed with the purchaser the entire volume of the forgings shall be tested.605 For calibration, reference blocks shall be made from steel that is similar in chemistry and processing history to the production forgings. The distance amplitude curve (DAC) shall be based on 3 mm flat bottom hole. No indications equal to or larger than the reference DAC are acceptable.C 700Repair701 Defects on non-machined surfaces may be removed by grinding to a depth of 5% of the nominal diameter. Grinding is not permitted on machined surfaces, except for slight inspec-tion grinding on plane surfaces in order to investigate spurious indications. Welding and weld repairs are not permitted.D. Steel CastingsD 100Scope101 These requirements are supplementary to A and apply to steel castings to be used in the manufacture of chain accesso-ries. Additional requirements for the finished accessories are given in Sec.2 C.D 200Manufacture201 Castings shall be manufactured according to drawings showing the positions of gates, risers and chills (if used). 202 Where flame cutting, scarfing or arc-air gouging to remove surplus metal is undertaken, the affected areas shall be either machined or ground smooth.D 300Chemical composition301 The chemical composition shall comply with the agreed specification.D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS。

NVIDIA Mellanox Quantum HDR 200G InfiniBand 交换机芯片数

NVIDIA Mellanox Quantum HDR 200G InfiniBand 交换机芯片数

NVIDIA MELLANOX QUANTUM HDR 200G INFINIBAND SWITCH SILICONNVIDIA® Mellanox® Quantum™ switch silicon offers 40 ports supporting HDR 200 Gb/s InfiniBand throughput per port, with a total of 16 Tb/s bidirectional throughput and 15.6 billion messages per second.Mellanox Quantum is the world’s smartest network switch that enables in-network computing through the co-design Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ technology. Its co-design architecture enables the usage of all active data center devices to accelerate communication frameworks, resulting in an order of magnitude improvement in application performance and enabling the highest performing server and storage system interconnect solutions for Enterprise Data Centers, Cloud Computing, High-Performance Computing, and Embedded environments.Mellanox Quantum embeds an innovative solution called SHIELD™ (Self-Healing Interconnect Enhancement for Intelligent Datacenters) that makes the fabric capable of self-healing autonomy. So, the speed at which communications can be corrected in the face of a link failure can be increased by 5000X, making it fast enough to save expensive retransmissions or absolute communications failure.Mellanox Quantum offers industry-leading integration of 160 SerDes lanes, with speed flexibility ranging from 2.5 Gb/s to 50 Gb/s per lane, making this Mellanox switch an obvious choice for OEMs that must address end-user requirements for faster and more robust applications. Network architects can utilize the reduced power and footprint, and a fully integrated PHY capable of connectivity across PCBs, backplanes, and passive and active copper/fiber cables, to deploy leading, fabric-flexible computing and storage systems with the lowest total cost of ownership.Key Features>Industry-leading switch silicon in performance, power and density>Industry-leading cut-through latency >Low-cost solution>Single-chip implementation>Fully integrated PHY>Backplane and cable support>1, 2 and 4 lanes>Up to 16 Tb/s of switching capacity>Up to 15.6 billion messagesper second>Up to 40 HDR 200 Gb/s InfiniBand ports >Collective communication acceleration >Hardware-based adaptive routing>Hardware-based congestion control >Mellanox SHARP™v2 collective offloads support streaming for Machine Learning>SHIELD-enabled self-healing technologyINFINIBAND INTERCONNECTMellanox Quantum InfiniBand devices enable industry standard networking, clustering, storage, and management protocols to seamlessly operate over a single “one-wire” converged network. Combined with the Mellanox ConnectX® family of adapters, on-the-fly fabric repurposing can be enabled for Cloud, Web 2.0, EDC and Embedded environments providing “future proofing” of fabrics independent of protocol. Mellanox Quantum enables IT managers to program and centralize their server and storage interconnect management and dramatically reduce their operations expenses by completely virtualizing their data center network.COLLECTIVE COMMUNICATION ACCELERATIONCollective communication describes communication patterns in which all members of a group of communication endpoints participate. Collective communications are commonly used in HPC protocols such as MPI and SHMEM. The Mellanox Quantum switch improves the performance of selected collective operations by processing the data as it traverses the network, eliminating the need to send data multiple times between endpoints.Mellanox Quantum also supports the aggregation of large data vectors at wire speed to enable MPI large vector reduction operations, which are crucial for machine learning applications.TELEMETRYVisibility is a critical component of an efficient network. Capturing what a network is‘thinking’ or ‘doing’ is the basis for true network automation and analytics. In particular, today’s HPC and cloud networks require fine-grained visibility into:>Network state in real-time>Dynamic workloads in virtualized and containerized environments>Advanced monitoring and instrumentation for troubleshootingMellanox Quantum is designed for maximum visibility using such features as mirroring, sFlow, congestion based mirroring, and histograms.SWITCH PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTThe Mellanox Quantum Evaluation Board (EVB) and Software Development Kit (SDK)are available to accelerate an OEM’s time to market and for running benchmark tests. These rack-mountable evaluation systems are equipped with QSFP56 interfaces for verifying InfiniBand functionality. In addition, SMA connectors are available for SerDes characterization. The Mellanox Quantum SDK provides customers the flexibility to implement InfiniBand connectivity using a single switch device.The SDK includes a robust and portable device driver with two levels of APIs, so developers can choose their level of integration. A minimal set of code is implemented in the kernelto allow for easy porting to various CPU architectures and operating systems, such asx86 and PowerPC architectures utilizing the Linux operating system. Within the SDK, the device driver and API libraries are written in standard ANSI “C” language for easy porting to additional processor architectures and operating systems. The same SDK supportsthe Mellanox SwitchX®-2, Switch-IB®, Switch-IB 2, Mellanox Spectrum®, and Mellanox Quantum switch devices. CompatibilityCPU>PowerPC, Intel x86, AMD x86, MIPS PCI Express Interface>PCIe 3.0, 2.0, and 1.1 compliant>2.5 GT/s, 5 GT/s or 8 GT/s x4link rateConnectivity>Interoperability with InfiniBand adapters and switches>Passive copper cables, fiber optics, PCB or backplanes Management & Tools>Support for Mellanox and IBTA compliant Subnet Managers (SM) >Diagnostic and debug tools>Fabric Collective Accelerator (FCA) software libraryORDERING INFORMATIONCONFIGURATIONSMellanox Quantum allows OEMs to deliver: >40-port 1U HDR 200 Gb/s InfiniBand switch >80-port 1U HDR100 100 Gb/s InfiniBand switch>Modular chassis switch with up to 800 HDR InfiniBand ports >Modular chassis switch with up to 1600 HDR100 InfiniBand portsNVIDIA MELLANOX ADVANTAGENVIDIA Mellanox is the leading supplier of industry standard InfiniBand and Ethernet network adapter silicon and cards (HCAs and NICs), switch silicon and systems,interconnect products, and driver and management software. Mellanox products have been deployed in clusters scaling to tens of thousands of nodes and are being deployed end-to-end in data centers and TOP500 systems around the world.SpecificationsInfiniBand>IBTA Specification 1.4 compliant >10, 20, 40, 56, 100 or 200 Gb/s per 4X port>Integrated SMA/GSA>Hardware-based congestion control>256 to 4 KB MTU >9 virtual lanes:8 data +1 managementI/O Specifications>SPI Flash interface, I 2C>IEEE 1149.1/1149.6 boundary scan JTAG>LED driver I/Os>General purpose I/Os >55 x 55 mm HFCBGALearn more at /products/infiniband-switches-ic/quantum© 2020 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, Mellanox, Mellanox Quantum, Mellanox Spectrum, SwitchX, SwitchIB, ConnectX, Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP) and SHIELD are trademarks and/or registered。

ARTISAN TECHNOLOGY GROUP 设备购买、拆解、修理与租赁服务说明说明书

ARTISAN TECHNOLOGY GROUP 设备购买、拆解、修理与租赁服务说明说明书

Overview and ApplicationsNational Instruments S Series devices combine the latest in PC technologies to deliver simultaneous-sampling,high-bandwidth capabilities for low and high-channel-count data acquisition and control e S Series devices in a variety of applications including:•Stimulus/response applications where synchronization among high-speed analog input (AI),analog output (AO),and digital I/O is required •42 V automotive applications •Radar,sonar,ultrasound•Transient/ballistics measurements •High-energy physics •IF digitizationFeaturesThe NI high-performance S Series DAQ devices have the same basic features of a typical multifunction device – eight digital I/O lines,two counter/timers,two analog outputs,RTSI or PXI trigger bus for multidevice synchronization,and PFI lines for software-controlled routing of timing and triggering signals.S Series devices exceed the analog input performance of traditional multiplexed devices with features including:S Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit,1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog InputsAnalog InputSampling Input Analog Max Output Output Digital Counter/Family Bus Inputs Resolution (bits)Rate (MS/s)Range (V)Outputs Rate (MS/s)Range (V)I/O Timers Triggers NI 6120PCI, PXI 41613±0.2 to ±42241±10822, 24-bit Analog, digital NI 6115PCI, PXI 41210±0.2 to ±42241±10822, 24-bit Analog, digital NI 6110PCI 4125±0.2 to ±42241±1082, 24-bit Analog, digital NI 6111PCI 2125±0.2 to ±42241±1082, 24-bitAnalog, digital14 MS/s single channel; 2.5 MS/s on two channels 2Hardware-timed up to 10 MB/s 3800 kS/s with NI-DAQmx, 1 MS/s with additional download. Special conditions apply.Table 1. Channel, Speed, and Resolution SpecificationsOnboard Memory SignalInput Family (samples)Antialias Filters 1Coupling Configuration DIONI 612064 M 5-pole Bessel,AC and DC Pseudodifferential Hardware-timed 100 kHzNI 611532 M or 64 M 3-pole BesselAC and DC Pseudodifferential Hardware-timed 50 and 500 kHzNI 61108,192–DC Pseudodifferential Software-timed NI 61118,192–DCPseudodifferentialSoftware-timed1Filter can be bypassed.Table 2. Special FeaturesNI 6120, NI 6115, NI 6110, NI 6111•2 or 4 analog inputs;dedicated A/D converter per channel •1 to 10 MS/s per channel maximum sample rate•Analog and digital triggering •AC or DC coupling•8 input ranges from ±200 mV to ±42 V•2 analog outputs at 4 MS/s single channel or 2.5 MS/s dual channel •8 digital I/O lines (5 V TTL/CMOS)•Two 24-bit counter/timers•Measurement services that simplify configuration and measurementsOperating Systems•Windows 2000/NT/XP •Mac OS X •LinuxRecommended Software•LabVIEW 7.x or higher•LabWindows/CVI 7.x or higher •Measurement Studio 7.x or higher •Digital Waveform Editor •SignalExpress 1.x or higherOther Compatible Software•VI Logger 2.x or higher •Visual Studio .NET•Visual Basic,C/C++,and C#Measurement Services Software (included)1•NI-DAQmx driver software •Measurement & Automation Explorer configuration utility•VI Logger Lite data-logging software1Mac OSX and Linux applicationsmust use NI-DAQmx Base driver software.Calibration Certificate AvailableDedicated A/D Converters per Channel– help you achieve faster sampling rates per channel,simultaneous sampling,and better dynamic accuracy for transient or frequency measurements.200 mV to 42 V Input Ranges– configure each analog input channel to read from a very wide variety of voltage ranges.The input impedance is lower for 20 and 42 V ranges,preserving the bandwidth for signals with high frequencies and large amplitudes.AC or DC Coupling– configure analog inputs for AC or DC coupling on a per-channel basis.AC coupling removes the DC offset for applications only analyzing signals in the frequency domain.Antialias Filters (NI 6115 and NI 6120)– the antialias filters are turned on from software on a per-channel basis.NI 6115 devices have 50 or 500 kHz filters for each channel,and NI 6120 devices have 100 kHz filters for each channel.Large Onboard Memory (NI 6115 and NI 6120)– NI 6120 devices feature a 64 MS onboard memory,and NI 6115 devices feature a 64 or 32 MS onboard memory.With the extra memory,which requires no extra programming,you can capture high-bandwidth signals over long periods of time,even if multiple devices are sharing the same PCI or PXI bus.Hardware-Timed Digital I/O– the digital I/O lines can synchronize with the analog input,analog output,counter/timer I/O,or an external clock for mixed-signal measurement ing the onboard FIFO,you can achieve reliable data transfers to 10 MB/s.Phase Locking (PXI only)– synchronize multiple devices to a common PXI backplane clock to preserve the phase between measurements across multiple device analog input channels.Professional Analysis andPresentation ToolkitsThere are several analysis and presentation add-on toolkits available from National Instruments that help make you more productive when developing custom applications with your S Series devices. Turn your S Series device into a transient recorder,spectrum analyzer,or one of several other instruments with these toolkits.NI LabVIEW Sound and Vibration ToolkitThis toolkit includes a full set of frequency-domain analysis and presentation tools required for sound and vibration applications. These tools include:•Distortion,gain,phase,cross-talk,and dynamic range measurements •Octave analysis•Swept-sine analysis•Linear,exponential,and peak hold measurements•Baseband and zoom FFT,power,FFT,power spectral density (PSD)•Limit testing•Short-time Fourier transform and shock response spectrum •Weighting filters•System calibration•Waterfall/colormap displayNI LabVIEW Signal Processing ToolkitThis toolkit is a suite of software tools,example programs,and utilities for time-frequency analysis and digital filter design.The toolkit includes:•Wavelet and filter-bank design•Digital filter design of FIR and IIR filters•Joint time-frequency analysis (JTFA) with the Gabor spectrograph •High-frequency resolution model-based spectral estimation for small datasetsS Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit, 1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog Inputs2National Instruments•Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•Figure 1. Sound and Vibration ToolkitS Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit,1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog Inputs3National Instruments •Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•NI Spectral Measurements ToolkitThis toolkit includes all of the analysis and presentation tools to convert your S Series device into a full-featured spectrum analyzer.The toolkit includes:•Measurements such as in-band power and adjacent-channel power •3D spectrogram•Analog modulation and demodulation •I-Q data for digital demodulation •Highly optimized FFT processingHigh-Performance Data ThroughputUsing NI-DAQmx driver software and S Series,you can take full advantage of your PC’s throughput potential,which is useful in many applications including transient recording.Flexible Data TransferWith NI-DAQmx,you can choose where to accumulate data – on the onboard memory,PC RAM memory,or PC hard drive memory.Thus,you can balance your PC application requirements and stream-to-disk/memory capabilities.In any case,NI-DAQmx optimizes data transfers by using DMA (direct memory access) and transferring large chunks of data,while ensuring no data loss.You can also choose the format of your data,further optimizing throughput.Choices include raw (binary),scaled,or the high-level waveform data ing these techniques,you can achieve rates of more than 40 MS/s sustained over the PCI/PXI bus to hard drive (depending on the PC).Data CompactionWith the release of NI-DAQmx 7.4 or later,data compaction is available for stream-to-disk applications.The NI-DAQmx compaction feature strips unused or unwanted bits of data from each sample taken from your S Series device before it is permanently recorded to hard disk.This is helpful because hard drives are typically the throughput bottleneck compared to the PCI/PXI bus and PC RAM memory read/write ing data compression,users with standard hard drives can see up to 20 percent higher throughput when streaming-to-disk.Signal ConditioningWith the release of NI-DAQmx 7.4 or later,all S Series devices are compatible with parallel-mode SCXI modules.SCXI is limited to 100 kS/s for 16-bit accuracy and 333 kS/s for 12-bit accuracy when used in multiplexed mode.However,in parallel mode,the sample rate is limited by the maximum scan rate of the data acquisition device.When SCXI is used in parallel mode with S Series,all channels are simultaneously sampled and the sampling rate is limited by the S Series device,from 250 kS/s per channel to 10 MS/s per channel.Measurement Services SoftwareNational Instruments measurement services software,built around NI-DAQmx driver software,includes intuitive application programming interfaces,configuration tools,I/O assistants,and other tools designed to reduce system setup,configuration,and development time.Automatic Code Generation – DAQ Assistant is an interactive guide that helps you navigate through configuring,testing,and programming measurement tasks and automatically generates the necessary code for LabVIEW,LabWindows/CVI,or Measurement Studio.Cleaner Code Development – Basic and advanced software functions have been combined into one easy-to-use yet powerful set to help you build cleaner code and move from basic to advanced applications without replacing functions.High-Performance Driver Engine – NI-DAQmx delivers maximum I/O system throughput with a multithreaded driver.Test Panels – With the Measurement & Automation Explorer configuration utility,you can test all of your module functionality before you begin development.Scaled Channels – Easily scale your voltage data into the proper engineering units using the NI-DAQmx Measurement Ready virtual channels by choosing from a list of common sensors and signals or creating your own custom scale.Data-Logging Software –VI Logger Lite is configuration-based software designed specifically for data logging.Features include easy logging and viewing of data,data extraction to Microsoft Excel,and code generation in LabVIEW.LabVIEW Integration – All NI-DAQmx functions create the waveform data type,which carries acquired data and timing information directly into more than 400 LabVIEW built-in analysis routines for display of results in engineering units on a graph.NI-DAQmx Base DriverNI-DAQmx Base (available at /downloads ) offers Mac OS X and Linux users a programming interface similar to NI-DAQmx.It includes ready-to-use LabVIEW VIs and C function features similar to those included in NI-DAQmx driver software.S Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit, 1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog InputsFigure 2. NI 6120 and NI 6115 Hardware Block Diagram4National Instruments•Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•S Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit,1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog InputsFigure 3. NI 6110 and 6111 Hardware Block DiagramPCINI PCI-6120..................................................................778397-01 NI PCI-6115 with32 MS........................................................................778534-01 64 MS........................................................................778554-01 NI PCI-6111..................................................................777530-01 NI PCI-6110..................................................................777475-01PXINI PXI-6115 with32 MS........................................................................778194-01 64 MS........................................................................778204-01 NI PXI-6120..................................................................778396-01 Includes data acquisition driver software.BUY NOW!For complete product specifications,pricing,and accessory information,call (800) 813 3693 (U.S.only) or go to/dataacquisition.Ordering Information5National Instruments•Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•S Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit, 1 to 10 MS/s, 4 Analog Inputs6National Instruments •Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•These specifications are typical for 25 °C unless otherwise noted.Analog InputInput CharacteristicsNumber of channelsNI 6110, NI 6115, NI 6120........................ 4 pseudodifferential NI 6111...................................................... 2 pseudodifferential ADC resolutionNI 6110, NI 6111, NI 6115........................12 bits, 1 in 4,096NI 6120......................................................16 bits, 1 in 65,536ADC pipelineNI-6110, NI 6111.......................................3NI 6115......................................................4NI 6120......................................................0Maximum sampling rateNI 6110, NI 6111....................................... 5 MS/s NI 6115......................................................10 MS/s NI 6120...................................................... 1 MS/s 1Minimum sampling rateNI 6110, NI 6111....................................... 1 kS/s NI 6115......................................................20 kS/s NI 6120......................................................No minimum Input signal ranges(selectable by channel)..............................±42, ±20, ±10, ±5, ±2, ±1, ±0.5, ±0.2 V Input coupling...................................................AC or DC Max working voltage for all analog input channels Overvoltage protection(ACH+, ACH-).............................................±42 V Input FIFO bufferNI 6110, NI 6111.......................................8,192 samplesNI 6115, NI 6120.......................................16 Msamples or 32 MsamplesData transfers ..................................................DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts, programmed I/O Analog filter typeNI 6115......................................................3-pole Bessel NI 6120......................................................5-pole Bessel Analog filter frequency (-3 dB)NI 6115......................................................50 and 500 kHz NI 6120......................................................100 kHz1800 kS/s with NI-DAQmx, 1 MS/s with additional download. Special conditions apply.Analog OutputOutput CharacteristicsNumber of channels......................................... 2 voltage ResolutionNI 6110, NI 6111, NI 6120........................16 bits, 1 in 65,536NI 6115......................................................12 bits, 1 in 4,096Max update rate1 channel .................................................. 4 MS/s2 channel................................................... 2.5 MS/sOutput FIFO buffer sizeNI 6110, NI 6111.......................................2,048 samples NI 6115, NI 6120.......................................16 or 32 MsamplesData transfers ..................................................DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts, programmed I/OVoltage OutputRanges..............................................................±10 V Output coupling................................................DCDigital I/ONumber of channels.........................................8 input/output Compatibility....................................................TTL/CMOSPower-on state.................................................Input (high-impedence)Data transfersNI 6110, NI 6111.......................................Programmed I/ONI 6115, NI 6120.......................................DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts, programmed I/O Transfer rateNI 6115, NI 6120.......................................10 Mbytes/s Input buffer sizeNI 6115, NI 6120.......................................2,048 bytes Output buffer sizeNI 6115, NI 6120.......................................2,048 bytesTiming I/ONumber of channelsUp/down counter/timers...........................2Frequency scaler........................................1ResolutionUp/down counter/timers...........................24 bits Frequency scaler........................................ 4 bits Compatibility....................................................TTL/CMOS Base clocks availableUp/down counter/timers...........................20 MHz, 100 kHz Frequency scaler........................................10 MHz, 100 kHz Base clock accuracy.........................................±0.01%Maximum source frequencyUp/down counter/timers...........................20 MHzMinimum source pulse duration......................10 ns, edge-detect mode Minimum gate pulse duration..........................10 ns, edge-detect modeData transfers ..................................................DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts, programmed I/OTriggersAnalog TriggerPurposeAnalog input..............................................Start and stop trigger, gate, clock Analog output............................................Start trigger, gate, clock General-purpose counter/timers...............Source, gateSource...............................................................All analog input channels, PFI0/TRIG1LevelInternal source, ACH<0..3>.......................±Full-scale External source, PFI0/TRIG1......................±10 VSlope.................................................................Positive or negative; software-selectable ResolutionNI 6110, NI 6111, NI 6115........................8 bits, 1 in 256NI 6120......................................................12 bits, 1 in 4,096Hysteresis.........................................................Programmable Bandwidth (-3 dB)Internal source, ACH<0..3>....................... 5 MHz External source, PFI0/TRIG1......................5 MHzDigital TriggerPurposeAnalog input..............................................Start and stop trigger, gate, clock Analog output............................................Start trigger, gate, clock General-purpose counter/timers...............Source, gateExternal Sources..............................................PFI<0..9>, RTSI<0..6>Compatibility.................................................... 5 V/TTLResponse..........................................................Rising or falling edge Pulse width.......................................................10 ns minimumPXI Trigger Bus (PXI only)Trigger lines (7)RTSI Bus (PCI only)Trigger lines (7)Bus InterfacePXI or PCI..........................................................Master, slavePhysicalDimensions (not including connectors)PCI ............................................................31.2 by 10.6 cm (12.3 by 4.2 in.)PXI ............................................................16 by 10 cm (6.3 by 3.9 in.)I/O connector....................................................68-pin male SCSI II typeSpecifications7National Instruments •Tel: (800) 813 3693•***********•S Series Multifunction DAQ Cables and AccessoriesRecommended ConfigurationsSH68-68-EP Noise-Rejecting Shielded CableThe SH68-68-EP is a shielded 68-conductor cable terminated with two 68-pin female 0.050 series D-type connectors.It features individually shielded analog twisted pairs for reduced cross-talk with high-speed devices.1 m ....................................................................................................................184749-012 m ....................................................................................................................184749-02R6868 Low-Cost, Ribbon CableThe R6868 is a 68-conductor flat ribbon cable terminated with two 68-pin female 0.050 series D-type connectors.1 m ....................................................................................................................182482-01BNC-2110 Noise-Rejecting BNC I/O Connector BlockThe BNC-2110 is a shielded connector block with signal-labeled BNC connectors for easy connectivity of your analog input,digital I/O,and counter/timer signals.BNC-2110........................................................................................................777643-01Dimensions – 20.3 by 11.2 by 5.5 cm (8.0 by 4.4 by 2.2 in.)TB-2705 Noise-Rejecting Front-Mount I/O Connector BlockThe TB-2705 is a screw terminal block for your PXI DAQ devices.It latches to the front of your PXI modules with locking screws and provides strain relief and easy access to your analog,digital,trigger,and counter/timer signals through screw terminals.TB-2705............................................................................................................778241-01Dimensions – 8.43 by 10.41 by 2.03 cm (3.32 by 4.1 by 0.8 in.)SCB-68 Noise-Rejecting Shielded I/O Connector BlockThe SCB-68 is a shielded I/O connector block for rugged,very-low-noise signal termination for connecting 68-pin DAQ devices.Silk-screened component locations provide an easy addition of simple signal-conditioning circuitry for your analog input channels.It also includes a general-purpose breadboard area as well as an IC temperature sensor for cold-junction compensation in temperature measurements.SCB-68..............................................................................................................776844-01Dimensions – 19.5 by 15.2 by 4.5 cm (7.7 by 6.0 by 1.8 in.)CB-68LP and CB-68LPR Low-Cost I/O Connector BlocksThe CB-68 and CB-68LP are low-cost termination accessories with 68 screw terminals for easy connector of field I/O signals to 68-pin DAQ devices.The connector blocks include standoffs for use on a desktop or for mounting in a custom panel.The CB-68LP has a vertical-mounted 68-pin connector.The CB-68-LPR has a right-angle mounted connector,and it is used with the CA-1000.CB-68LP............................................................................................................777145-01Dimensions – 14.35 by 10.74 cm (5.65 by 4.23 in.)CB-68LPR ........................................................................................................777145-02Dimensions – 7.62 by 16.19 cm (3.00 by 6.36 in.)BNC-2110 I/O Connector BlockR6868 Ribbon CableSH68-68-EP Shielded CableSCB-68 Shielded I/O Connector BlockTB-2705 Terminal BlockCB-68LP and CB-68LPR I/O Connector Blocks© 2005 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. CVI, DAQ-STC, LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, MITE, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, NI,, NI-DAQ, RTSI, SCXI, and SignalExpress are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective NI Services and Supportand development through deployment and ongoing maintenance.We offer services and service levels to meet customer requirements in research,design,validation,Visit /services .Training and CertificationNI training is the fastest,most certain route to productivity with our products.NI training can shorten your learning curve,save development time,and reduce maintenance costs over the application life cycle.We schedule instructor-led courses in cities worldwide,or we can hold a course at your facility.We also offer a professional certification program that identifies individuals who have high levels of skill and knowledge on using NI products.Visit /training .Professional ServicesOur Professional Services Team is comprised of NI applications engineers,NI Consulting Services,and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner program of more than 600 independent consultantsand integrators.Services range from start-up assistance to turnkey system integration.Visit /alliance .OEM SupportWe offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you want to use our products for OEM applications.For information about special pricing and services for OEM customers,visit /oem .Local Sales and Technical SupportIn offices worldwide,our staff is local to the country,giving you access to engineers who speak your language.NI delivers industry-leading technical support through online knowledge bases,our applications engineers,and access to 14,000 measurement and automation professionals within NI Developer Exchange forums.Find immediate answers to your questions at /support .We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to your application development environment and higher levels of technical support.Visit /ssp .Hardware ServicesNI Factory Installation ServicesNI Factory Installation Services (FIS) is the fastest and easiest way to use your PXI or PXI/SCXI combination systems right out of the box.Trained NI technicians install the software and hardware and configure the system to your specifications.NI extends the standard warranty by one year on hardware components (controllers,chassis,modules) purchased with FIS.To use FIS,simply configure your system online with /pxiadvisor .Calibration ServicesNI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for high-accuracy measurements.We provide manual calibration procedures,services to recalibrate your products,and automated calibration software specifically designed for use by metrology laboratories.Visit /calibration .Repair and Extended WarrantyNI provides complete repair services for our products.Express repairand advance replacement services are also available.We offer extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements.Visit /services .National Instruments • *********** • (800) 813 36932005_4961_301_101_D _6120_611x。

Using the PICmicro MSSP Module for Master I2C Communications

Using the PICmicro MSSP Module for Master I2C Communications

2000 Microchip Technology Inc.PreliminaryDS00735A-page 1INTRODUCTIONThis application note describes the implementation of the PICmicro MSSP module for Master I 2C communi-cations. The Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP)module is the enhanced Synchronous Serial Port developed by Microchip Technology and is featured on many of the PICmicro devices. This module provides for both the 4-mode SPI communications, as well as Master and Slave I 2C communications, in hardware.For information on the SPI TM peripheral implementation see the PICmicro TM Mid-Range MCU Family Reference Manual, document DS33023. The MSSP module in I 2C mode fully implements all Master and Slave functions (including general call support) and provides interrupts on START and STOP bits in hardware to determine a free I 2C bus (multi-master function). The MSSP module implements the standard mode specifications, as well as 7-bit and 10-bit addressing. Figure 1 depicts a func-tional block diagram of the I 2C Master mode. The appli-cation code for this I 2C example is developed for and tested on a PIC16F873, but can be ported over to a PIC17CXXX and PIC18CXXX PICmicro MCU which features a MSSP module.FIGURE 1:I 2C MASTER MODE BLOCK DIAGRAMAuthor:Richard L. FischerMicrochip Technology Inc.ReadWriteSSPSRSTART bit, STOP bit,SSPBUFInternal Data BusSet/Reset, S, P , WCOL (SSPSTAT)Shift ClockMSbLSbSDAAcknowledge GenerateSCLSCL In Bus CollisionSDA InR e c e i v e E n a b l eC l o c k c n t lC l o c k A r b i t r a t e /W C O LD e t e c t (h o l d o f f c l o c k s o u r c e )SSPADD<6:0>Baud Set SSPIF, BCLIFReset ACKSTAT, PEN (SSPCON2)RateGenerator SSPM3:SSPM0START bit detect STOP bit detect Write collision detect Clock Arbitration State counter for end of XMIT/RCVAN735Using the PICmicro ®MSSP Module for MasterI 2C TM CommunicationsAN735DS00735A-page 2Preliminary2000 Microchip Technology Inc.THE I 2C BUS SPECIFICATIONAlthough a complete discussion of the I 2C bus specifi-cation is outside the scope of this application note,some of the basics will be covered here. For more infor-mation on the I 2C bus specification, you may refer to sources indicated in the References section.The Inter-Integrated-Circuit, or I 2C bus specification was originally developed by Philips Inc. for the transfer of data between ICs at the PCB level. The physical interface for the bus consists of two open-collector lines; one for the clock (SCL) and one for data (SDA).The SDA and SCL lines are pulled high by resistors connected to the V DD rail. The bus may have a one Master/many Slave configuration or may have multiple master devices. The master device is responsible for generating the clock source for the linked Slave devices.The I 2C protocol supports either a 7-bit addressing mode, or a 10-bit addressing mode, permitting 128 or 1024 physical devices to be on the bus, respectively. In practice, the bus specification reserves certain addresses so slightly fewer usable addresses are avail-able. For example, the 7-bit addressing mode allows 112 usable addresses. The 7-bit address protocol is used in this application note.All data transfers on the bus are initiated by the master device and are done eight bits at a time, MSb first.There is no limit to the amount of data that can be sent in one transfer. After each 8-bit transfer, a 9th clock pulse is sent by the master. At this time, the transmit-ting device on the bus releases the SDA line and the receiving device on the bus acknowledges the data sent by the transmitting device. An ACK (SDA held low)is sent if the data was received successfully, or a NACK (SDA left high) is sent if it was not received success-fully. A NACK is also used to terminate a data transfer after the last byte is received.According to the I 2C specification, all changes on the SDA line must occur while the SCL line is low. This restriction allows two unique conditions to be detected on the bus; a START sequence (S ) and a STOP sequence (P ). A START sequence occurs when the master device pulls the SDA line low while the SCL line is high. The START sequence tells all Slave devices on the bus that address bytes are about to be sent. The STOP sequence occurs when the SDA line goes high while the SCL line is high, and it terminates the trans-mission. Slave devices on the bus should reset their receive logic after the STOP sequence has been detected.The I 2C protocol also permits a Repeated Start condi-tion (Rs ), which allows the master device to execute a START sequence without preceding it with a STOP sequence. The Repeated Start is useful, for example,when the Master device changes from a write operation to a read operation and does not release control of the bus.MSSP MODULE SETUP ,IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROLThe following sections describe the setup, implemen-tation and control of the PICmicro MSSP module for I 2C Master mode. Some key Special Function Regis-ters (SFRs) utilized by the MSSP module are:1.SSP Control Register1 (SSPCON1)2.SSP Control Register2 (SSPCON2)3.SSP Status Register (SSPSTAT)4.Pin Direction Control Register (TRISC)5.Serial Receive/Transmit Buffer (SSPBUF)6.SSP Shift Register (SSPSR) - Not directly accessible7.SSP Address Register (SSPADD) 8.SSP Hardware Event Status (PIR1)9.SSP Interrupt Enable (PIE1)10.SSP Bus Collision Status (PIR2)11.SSP Bus Collision Interrupt Enable (PIE2)Module SetupTo configure the MSSP module for Master I 2C mode,there are key SFR registers which must be initialized.Respective code examples are shown for each.1.SSP Control Register1 (SSPCON1)•I 2C Mode Configuration2.SSP Address Register (SSPADD<6:0>)•I 2C Bit Rate3.SSP Status Register (SSPSTAT)•Slew Rate Control•Input Pin Threshold Levels (SMbus or I 2C)4.Pin Direction Control (TRISC)•SCL/SDA DirectionTo configure the MSSP module for Master I 2C mode,the SSPCON1 register is modified as shown in Example 1.EXAMPLE 1:I 2C MODE CONFIGURATIONWith the two-wire synchronous I 2C bus, the Master generates all clock signals at a desired bit rate. Using the formula in Equation 1, the bit rate can be calculated and written to the SSPADD register. For a 400kHz bit rate @ Fosc = 16MHz, the SSPADD register is modi-fied as shown in Example 2.movlw b’00101000’ ; setup value; into W register banksel SSPCON1 ; select SFR ; bankmovwf SSPCON1 ; configure for ; Master I 2CAN7352000 Microchip Technology Inc.PreliminaryDS00735A-page 3EQUATION 1: BIT RATE CALCULATIONEXAMPLE 2:I 2C BIT RATE SETUPTo enable the slew rate control for a bit rate of 400kHz and select I 2C input thresholds, the SSPSTAT register is modified as shown in Example 3.EXAMPLE 3:SLEW RATE CONTROLThe SSPSTAT register also provides for read-only status bits which can be utilized to determine the status of a data transfer, typically for the Slave data transfer mode. These status bits are:•D/A - Data/Address •P - STOP •S - START•R/W - Read/Write Information•UA - Update Address (10-bit mode only)•BF - Buffer FullFinally, before selecting any I 2C mode, the SCL and SDA pins must be configured to inputs by setting the appropriate TRIS bits. Selecting an I 2C mode by set-ting the SSPEN bit (SSPCON1<5>), enables the SCL and SDA pins to be used as the clock and data lines in I 2C mode. A logic "1" written to the respective TRIS bits configure these pins as inputs. An example setup for a PIC16F873 is shown in Example 4. Always refer to the respective data sheet for the correct SCL and SDA TRIS bit locations.EXAMPLE 4:SCL/SDA PIN DIRECTION SETUPThe four remaining SFR ’s can be used to provide forI 2C event completion and Bus Collision interrupt func-tionality.1.SSP Event Interrupt Enable bit (SSPIE)2.SSP Event Status bit (SSPIF)3.SSP Bus Collision Interrupt Enable bit (BCLIE)4.SSP Bus Collision Event Status bit (BCLIF)Implementation and ControlOnce the basic functionality of the MSSP module is configured for Master I 2C mode, the remaining steps relate to the implementation and control of I 2C events.The Master can initiate any of the following I 2C bus events:1.START 2.Restart 3.STOP4.Read (Receive)5.Acknowledge (after a read)•Acknowledge•Not Acknowledge (NACK)6.WriteThe first four events are initiated by asserting high the appropriate control bit in the SSPCON2<3:0> register.The Acknowledge bit event consists of first setting the Acknowledge state, ACKDT (SSPCON2<5>) and then asserting high the event control bit ACKEN (SSPCON2<4>).Data transfer with acknowledge is obligatory. The acknowledge related clock is generated by the Master.The transmitter releases the SDA line (HIGH) during the acknowledge clock pulse. The receiver must pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse so that it remains stable LOW during the HIGH period of this clock pulse. This sequence is termed "ACK" or acknowledge.When the Slave doesn ’t acknowledge the Master dur-ing this acknowledge clock pulse (for any reason), the data line must be left HIGH by the Slave. This sequence is termed "NACK" or not acknowledge.Example 5 shows an instruction sequence which will generate an acknowledge event by the Master.EXAMPLE 5: ACKNOWLEDGE EVENTmovlw b’00001001’ ; setup value; into W register banksel SSPADD ; select SFR bank movwf SSPADD ; baud rate = ; 400KHz @ 16MHz movlw b’00000000’ ; setup value; into W register movwf SSPSTAT ; slew rate ; enabledbanksel SSPSTAT ; select SFR bank movlw b’00011000’ ; setup value; into W register banksel TRISC ; select SFR bank iorwf TRISC,f ; SCL and SDA ; are inputsSSP ADD =F OSC Bit Rate 4- 1()banksel SSPCON2 ; select SFR ; bankbcf SSPCON2, ACKDT ; set ack bit ; state to 0 bsf SSPCON2, ACKEN ; initiate ackAN735DS00735A-page 4Preliminary2000 Microchip Technology Inc.Example 6 shows an instruction sequence which would generate a not acknowledge (NACK) event by the Master.EXAMPLE 6:NOT ACKNOWLEDGE EVENTThe I 2C write event is initiated by writing a byte into the SSPBUF register. An important item to note at this point, is when implementing a Master I 2C controller with the MSSP module, no events can be queued. One event must be finished and the module IDLE before the next event can be initiated. There are a few of ways to ensure that the module is IDLE before initiating the next event. The first method is to develop and use a generic idle check subroutine. Basically, this routine could be called before initiating the next event. An example of this code module is shown in Example 7.EXAMPLE 7:CODE MODULE FOR GENERIC IDLE CHECKThe second approach is to utilize a specific event idle check. For example, the Master initiates a START event and wants to know when the event completes.An example of this is shown in Example 8.EXAMPLE 8:START EVENT COMPLETION CHECKAnother example of this could be a read event comple-tion check as shown in Example 9.EXAMPLE 9:READ EVENT COMPLETION CHECKThese examples can be modified slightly to reflect the other bus events, such as: Restart, STOP and the Acknowledge state after a read event. The bits for these events are defined in the SSPCON2 register.banksel SSPCON2 ; select SFR ; bankbsf SSPCON2, ACKDT ; set ack bit ; state to 1bsf SSPCON2, ACKEN ; initiate ack i2c_idle ; routine name banksel SSPSTAT ; select SFR ; bank btfsc SSPSTAT,R_W ; transmit; in progress? goto $-1 ; module busy ; so wait banksel SSPCON2 ; select SFR ; bank movf SSPCON2,w ; get copy ; of SSPCON2 andlw 0x1F ; mask out ; non-status btfss STATUS,Z ; test for ; zero state goto $-3 ; bus is busy ; test again return ; returnThis code initiates an I 2C start event banksel SSPCON2 ; select SFR ; bank bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; initiate ; I 2C start ; This code checks for completion of I 2C ; start eventbtfsc SSPCON2,SEN ; test start ; bit state goto $-1 ; module busy ; so waitThis code initiates an I 2C read event banksel SSPCON2 ; select SFR ; bank bsf SSPCON2,RCEN ; initiate ; I 2C read ; This code checks for completion of I 2C ; read eventbtfsc SSPCON2,RCEN ; test read ; bit state goto $-1 ; module busy ; so waitAN7352000 Microchip Technology Inc.PreliminaryDS00735A-page 5For the I 2C write event, the idle check status bit is defined in the SSPSTAT register. An example of this is shown in Example 10.EXAMPLE 10:WRITE EVENT COMPLETIONCHECKThe third approach is the implementation of interrupts.With this approach, the next I 2C event is initiated when an interrupt occurs. This interrupt is generated at the completion of the previous event. This approach will require a "state" variable to be used as an index into the next I 2C event (event jump table). An example of a pos-sible interrupt structure is shown in Example 11 and the jump table is shown in Example 12. The entire code sequence is provided in Appendix A , specifically in the mastri2c.asm and i2ccomm.asm code files.EXAMPLE 11:INTERRUPT SERVICE CODEEXCERPTThis code initiates an I 2C write event banksel SSPBUF ; select SFR bank movlw 0xAA ; load value ; into Wmovwf SSPBUF ; initiate I 2C ; write cycle ; This code checks for completion of I 2C ; write eventbanksel SSPSTAT ; select SFR bank btfsc SSPSTAT,R_W ; test write bit ; stategoto $-1 ; module busy ; so wait; Interrupt entry here; Context Save code here.....; I 2C ISR handler herebsf STATUS,RP0 ; select SFR ; bank btfss PIE1,SSPIE ; test if; interrupt is ; enabledgoto test_buscoll ; no, so test for ; Bus Collision bcf STATUS,RP0 ; select SFR ; bankbtfss PIR1,SSPIF ; test for SSP ; H/W flag goto test_buscoll ; no, so test ; for Bus; Collision Int bcf PIR1,SSPIF ; clear SSP ; H/W flag pagesel service_i2c ; select page ; bits for ; functioncall service_i2c ; service valid ; I 2C event ; Additional ISR handlers here ; Context Restore code here retfie ; returnAN735EXAMPLE 12:SERVICE I2C JUMP TABLE CODE EXCERPTservice_i2c ; routine namemovlw high I2CJump ; fetch upper byte of jump table addressmovwf PCLATH ; load into upper PC latchmovlw i2cSizeMask ;banksel i2cState ; select GPR bankandwf i2cState,w ; retrieve current I2C stateaddlw low (I2CJump + 1) ; calc state machine jump addr into W registerbtfsc STATUS,C ; skip if carry occuredincf PCLATH,f ; otherwise add carryI2CJump ; address were jump table branch occursmovwf PCL ; index into state machine jump table; jump to processing for each state = i2cState value; for each state; Jump Table entry begins heregoto WrtStart ; start conditiongoto SendWrtAddr ; write address with R/W=1goto WrtAckTest ; test acknowledge state after address writegoto WrtStop ; generate stop conditiongoto ReadStart ; start conditiongoto SendReadAddr ; write address with R/W=0goto ReadAckTest ; test acknowledge state after address writegoto ReadData ; read more datagoto ReadStop ; generate stop conditionDS00735A-page 6Preliminary 2000 Microchip Technology Inc.AN7352000 Microchip Technology Inc.PreliminaryDS00735A-page 7Typical Master I 2C writes and reads using the MSSP module are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respec-tively. Notice that the hardware interrupt flag bit, SSPIF(PIR1<3>), is asserted when each event completes. If interrupts are to be used, the SSPIF flag bit must be cleared before initiating the next event.2AN7352DS00735A-page 8Preliminary 2000 Microchip Technology Inc.AN7352000 Microchip Technology Inc.PreliminaryDS00735A-page 9ERROR HANDLINGWhen the MSSP module is configured as a Master I 2C controller, there are a few operational errors which may occur and should be processed correctly. Each error condition should have a root cause and solution(s).Write Collision (Master I 2C Mode)In the event of a Write Collision, the WCOL bit (SSPCON1<7>) will be set high. This bit will be set if queueing of events is attempted. For example, an I 2C START event is initiated, as was shown in Example 8.Before this event completes, a write sequence is attempted by the Master firmware. As a result of not waiting for the module to be IDLE, the WCOL bit is set and the contents of the SSPBUF register are unchanged (the write doesn ’t occur). Bus CollisionIn the event of a Bus Collision, the BCLIF bit (PIR2<3>)will be asserted high. The root cause of the bus colli-sion may be one of the following:•Bus Collision during a START event•Bus Collision during a Repeated Start event •Bus Collision during a STOP event•Bus Collision during address/data transferWhen the Master outputs address/data bits onto the SDA pin, arbitration takes place when the Master out-puts a '1' on SDA by letting SDA float high and another Master asserts a '0'. When the SCL pin floats high,data should be stable. If the expected data on SDA is a '1' and the data sampled on the SDA pin = '0', then a bus collision has taken place. The Master will set the Bus Collision Interrupt Flag, BCLIF and reset the I 2C port to its IDLE state. The next sequence should begin with a I 2C START event.Not Acknowledge (NACK)A NACK does not always indicate an error, but rather some operational state which must be recognized and processed. As defined in the I 2C protocol, the addressed Slave device should drive the SDA line low during ninth clock period if communication is to con-tinue. A NACK event may be caused by various condi-tions, such as:•There may be a software error with the addressed Slave I 2C device.•There may be a hardware error with the addressed Slave I 2C device.•The Slave device may experience, or even gener-ate, a receive overrun. In this case, the Slave device will not drive the SDA line low and the Master device will detect this.The response of the Master depends on the software error handling layer in the application firmware. One thing to note is that the I 2C bus is still held by the cur-rent Master. The Master has a couple of options at this point, which are:•Generate an I 2C Restart event •Generate an I 2C STOP event•Generate an I 2C STOP/START eventIf the Master wants to retain control of the bus (Multi-Master bus) then a I 2C Restart event should be initi-ated. If a I 2C STOP/START sequence is generated, it is possible to lose control of the bus in a Multi-Master sys-tem. This may not be an issue and is left up to the sys-tem designer to determine the appropriate solution.MULTI-MASTER OPERATIONIn a Mutli-Master system, there is a possibility that two or more Masters generate a START condition within the minimum hold time of the START condition, which results in a defined START condition to the bus.Multi-Master mode support is achieved by bus arbitra-tion. When the Master outputs address/data bits onto the SDA pin, arbitration takes place when the Master outputs a '1' on SDA by letting SDA float high and another Master asserts a '0'. When the SCL pin floats high, data should be stable. If the expected data on SDA is a '1' and the data sampled on the SDA pin = '0',then a bus collision has taken place. The Master will set the Bus Collision Interrupt Flag, BCLIF and reset the I 2C port to its IDLE state.If a transmit was in progress when the bus collision occurred, the transmission is halted, the BF flag is cleared, the SDA and SCL lines are de-asserted, and the SSPBUF can be written to. When the user services the bus collision interrupt service routine, and if the I 2C bus is free, the user can resume communication by asserting a START condition.If a START, Repeated Start, STOP , or Acknowledge condition was in progress when the bus collision occurred, the condition is aborted, the SDA and SCL lines are de-asserted, and the respective control bits in the SSPCON2 register are cleared. When the user ser-vices the bus collision interrupt service routine, and if the I 2C bus is free, the user can resume communication by asserting a START condition.The Master will continue to monitor the SDA and SCL pins, and if a STOP condition occurs, the SSPIF bit will be set.In Multi-Master mode, and when the MSSP is config-ured as a Slave, the interrupt generation on the detec-tion of START and STOP conditions allows the determination of when the bus is free. Control of the I 2C bus can be taken when the P bit is set in the SSPSTAT register, or the bus is idle and the S and P bits are cleared.Note:Interrupts are not generated as a result of a write collision. The application firmware must monitor the WCOL bit for detection of this error.AN735DS00735A-page 10Preliminary2000 Microchip Technology Inc.When the MSSP is configured as a Master and it loses arbitration during the addressing sequence, it ’s possi-ble that the winning Master is trying to address it. The losing Master must, therefore, switch over immediately to its Slave mode. While the MSSP module found on the PICmicro MCU does support Master I 2C, if it is the Master which lost arbitration and is also being addressed, the winning Master must restart the com-munication cycle over with a START followed by the device address. The MSSP Master I 2C mode imple-mentation does not clock in the data placed on the bus during Multi-Master arbitration.GENERAL CALL ADDRESS SUPPORTThe MSSP module supports the general call address mode when configured as a Slave (See Figure 4below). The addressing procedure for the I 2C bus is such, that the first byte after the START condition usu-ally determines which device will be the Slave addressed by the Master. The exception is the general call address, which can address all devices. When this address is used, all devices should, in theory, respond with an Acknowledge.General call support can be useful if the Master wants to synchronize all Slaves, or wants to broadcast a mes-sage to all SlavesThe general call address is one of eight addresses reserved for specific purposes by the I 2C protocol. It consists of all 0’s with R/W = 0. The general call address is recognized when the General Call Enable bit (GCEN) is enabled (SSPCON2<7> set). Following a START bit detect, 8-bits are shifted into SSPSR and the address is compared against SSPADD, and is also compared to the general call address fixed in hard-ware.If the general call address matches, the SSPSR is transferred to the SSPBUF, the BF flag bit is set (eighth SSPIF interrupt flag bit is set.When the interrupt is serviced, the source for the inter-rupt can be checked by reading the contents of the SSPBUF to determine if the address was device spe-cific, or a general call address.In 10-bit mode, the SSPADD is required to be updated for the second half of the address to match, and the UA bit is set (SSPSTAT<1>). If the general call address is sampled when the GCEN bit is set while the Slave is configured in 10-bit address mode, then the second half of the address is not necessary, the UA bit will not be set, and the Slave will begin receiving data..When the MSSP module is configured as a Master I2Cdevice, the operational characteristics of the SDA andSCL pins should be known. Table1 below provides a summation of these pin characteristics.TABLE 1: PICMICRO DEVICES WITH MSSP MODULEDeviceI2C Pin CharacteristicsSlew RateControl(1)Glitch Filter(1)on InputsOpen Drain PinDriver(2,3)SMbusCompatible InputLevels(4)PIC16C717Yes Yes No NoPIC16C770Yes Yes No NoPIC16C771Yes Yes No NoPIC16C773Yes Yes No NoPIC16C774Yes Yes No NoPIC16F872Yes Yes No YesPIC16F873Yes Yes No YesPIC16F874Yes Yes No YesPIC16F876Yes Yes No YesPIC16F877Yes Yes No YesPIC17C752Yes Yes Yes NoPIC17C756A Yes Yes Yes NoPIC17C762Yes Yes Yes NoPIC17C766Yes Yes Yes NoPIC18C242Yes Yes No NoPIC18C252Yes Yes No NoPIC18C442Yes Yes No NoPIC18C452Yes Yes No NoNote 1: A “glitch” filter is on the SCL and SDA pins when the pin is an input. The filter operates in both the 100 kHz and 400 kHz modes. In the 100 kHz mode, when these pins are an output, there is a slew rate control of the pin that is independent of device frequency2:P-Channel driver disabled for PIC16C/FXXX and PIC18CXXX devices.3:ESD/EOS protection diode to V DD rail on PIC16C/FXXX and PIC18CXXX devices.4:SMbus input levels are not available on all PICmicro devices. Consult the respective data sheet for electrical specifications.WHAT’S IN THE APPENDIXExample assembly source code for the Master I2C device is included in Appendix A. Table2 lists the source code files and provides a brief functional description .The code is developed for and tested on a PIC16F873 but can be ported over to a PIC17CXXX and PIC18CXXX PICmicro MCU which features a MSSP module.TABLE 2: SOURCE CODE FILESSUMMARYThe Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) embed-ded on many of the PICmicro devices, provides for both the 4-mode SPI communications as well as Master and Slave I2C communications in hardware. Hardware peripheral support removes the code overhead of gen-erating I2C based communications in the application firmware. Interrupt support of the hardware peripheral also allows for timely and efficient task management. This application note has presented some key opera-tional basics on the MSSP module which should aid the developer in the understanding and implementation of the MSSP module for I2C based communications.REFERENCESThe I2C – Bus Specification, Philips Semiconductor, Version 2.1, /i2c/AN736, An I2C Network Protocol for Environmental Monitoring, Microchip Technology Inc., Document # DS00736AN734, Using the PICmicro SSP Module for Slave I2C Communications, Microchip Technology Inc., Docu-ment # DS00734PICmicro TM Mid-Range MCU Reference Manual, Microchip Technology Inc., Document # DS33023 PIC16C717/770/771 Data Sheet, Microchip Technol-ogy Inc., Document # DS41120PIC16F87X Data Sheet, Microchip Technology Inc., Document # DS30292File Name Descriptionmastri2c.asm Main code loop and interrupt control functions.mastri2c.inc Variable declarations & definitions.i2ccomm1.inc Reference linkage for variables utilized in i2ccomm.asm file.i2ccomm.asm Routines for communicating with the I2C Slave device.i2ccomm.inc Variable declarations & definitions.flags.inc Common flag definitions utilized within the mastri2c.asm and i2ccomm.asm files.init.asm Routines for initializing the PICmicro peripherals and ports.p16f873.inc PICmicro SFR definition file.16f873.lkr Modified linker script file.Note:The PICmicro MCU based source files were developed and tested with the following Microchip tools:•MPLAB® version 5.11.00•MPASM version 2.50.00•MPLINK version 2.10.00Note:Information contained in this applicationnote, regarding device applications andthe like, is intended through suggestiononly and may be superseded by updates.No representation or warranty is given andno liability is assumed by Microchip Tech-nology Incorporated, with respect to theaccuracy or use of such information, orinfringement of patents or other intellectualproperty rights arising from such use, orotherwise.Software License AgreementThe software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller prod-ucts.The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN “AS IS” CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATU-TORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.APPENDIX A: I2C MASTER READ AND WRITE ROUTINES (ASSEMBLY);*********************************************************************; *; Implementing Master I2C with the MSSP module on a PICmicro *; *;*********************************************************************; *; Filename: mastri2c.asm *; Date: 07/18/2000 *; Revision: 1.00 *; *; Tools: MPLAB 5.11.00 *; MPLINK 2.10.00 *; MPASM 2.50.00 *; *; Author: Richard L. Fischer *; *; Company: Microchip Technology Incorporated *; *;*********************************************************************; *; System files required: *; *; mastri2c.asm *; i2ccomm.asm *; init.asm *; *; mastri2c.inc *; i2ccomm.inc *; i2ccomm1.inc *; flags.inc *; *; p16f873.inc *; 16f873.lkr (modified for interrupts) *; *。

07Ms201 (2)

07Ms201 (2)

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User-Friendly InterfaceThis product prioritizes user experience by offering a user-friendly interface. The intuitive design and easy-to-navigate layout make it suitable for both beginner and experienced users. The user-friendly interface ensures that users can quickly learn to operate the product, maximizing productivity and reducing the learning curve.4. Versatility07Ms201 is a versatile product that can be used in various industries and applications. Whether it is data analysis, simulations, or complex calculations, this product can handle a wide range of tasks effectively. Its versatility makes it a reliable and flexible tool for professionals from different fields.Advantages1. Increased EfficiencyThe high performance and advanced technology of 07Ms201 contribute to increased efficiency. The product enables users to process and analyze large datasets quickly, reducing the time required for various tasks. By streamlining processes and eliminating bottlenecks, users can maximize productivity and achieve efficient workflows.2. Accuracy and ReliabilityAnother significant advantage of 07Ms201 is its accuracy and reliability. The incorporation of advanced technology ensures precise calculations and reliableresults, allowing users to make informed decisions based on accurate data. This advantage is particularly crucial in industries where precision is vital for success.3. Cost-Effective SolutionDespite its advanced features and high performance, 07Ms201 is a cost-effective solution. Its competitive pricing and value for money make it an attractive option for organizations and professionals looking for a reliable tool without breaking the bank. The cost-effectiveness of this product makes it accessible to a wide range of users and businesses.4. Seamless Integration07Ms201 seamlessly integrates with various systems and software, ensuring compatibility and ease of use. This advantageous feature allows users to incorporate the product into their existing workflow without major disruptions or additional expenses. The seamless integration contributes to the pr oduct’s versatility and adaptability.Applications1. Scientific Research07Ms201 finds extensive use in scientific research, where accurate calculations and data analysis are pivotal. Researchers can rely on the product’s high performance and advanced technology to process complex data sets and derive meaningful insights. The product’s versatility makes it suitable for various fields within scientific research, including physics, chemistry, and biology.2. Financial AnalysisIn the financial industry, 07Ms201 serves as a valuable tool for data analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making. Financial analysts can leverage the product’s accuracy and reliability to perform complex calculations and simulations, aiding in investment strategies, risk management, and forecasting. The user-friendly interface ensures that professionals without advanced technical skills can benefit from this powerful tool.3. Engineering and SimulationEngineers and designers can utilize 07Ms201 for simulations, modeling, and opti mization tasks. The product’s high performance and versatility enable engineers to analyze and test different scenarios, ensuring optimal designs and efficient processes. The accuracy and speed of calculations provided by 07Ms201 make it an ideal choice for engineering professionals.4. Data AnalyticsIn the era of big data, 07Ms201 plays a crucial role in data analytics. The product’s ability to handle large datasets and provide accurate results makes it a valuable asset for data scientists and analysts. With its advanced technology and high performance, users can extract meaningful insights and patterns from complex data, leading to informed decision-making and business growth.Conclusion07Ms201 is a powerful and versatile product that offers high performance, advanced technology, and a user-friendly interface. Its advantages, including increased efficiency, accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration, make it an excellent choice for various applications. Whether it is scientific research,financial analysis, engineering, or data analytics, this product can significantly enhance productivity and deliver reliable results.。



Windows 7 是由微软公司(Microsoft)开发的操作系统,核心版本号为Windows NT 6.1。

Windows 7 可供家庭及商业工作环境、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、多媒体中心等使用。

2009年7月14日Windows 7 RTM (Build 7600.16385)正式上线,2009年10月22日微软于美国正式发布Windows 7 。

Windows 7 同时也发布了服务器版本——Windows Server 2008 R2。

2011年2月23日凌晨,微软面向大众用户正式发布了windows7升级补丁——Windows 7 SP1 (Build7601.17514.101119-1850),另外还包括Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1升级补丁。

中文名:W indows 7开发商:微软(Microsoft)公司核心版本号:W indows NT 6.1开发代号:Blackcomb和Vienna,后改为“7”历史2007年12月20日:M1(Build 6519.1)正式上线;2008年12月12日:Beta(Build 7000)正式上线;2009年4月9日:Preview1(Build 7106)正式上线;2009年4月21日:RC1(Build 7100)正式上线;2009年5月7日:Preview2(Build 7127)正式上线;2009年5月29日:RC2(Build 7200)正式上线;windows 7 启动时的画面2009年6月8日:Build 7231正式上线;2009年6月18日:Build 7260正式上线;2009年6月22日:Build 7264正式上线;2009年7月14日:RTM (Build 7600.16385)正式上线;2011年2月22日:RTM SP1(Build7601.17514.101119-1850)正式上线。




mini-OTDRAQ7250mini-OTDR AQ72502Automatic detection of splice or return loss values exceeding preset thresholds. It is also possible to edit the data generat-ed, deleting unnecessary splice points or adding points that were not detected.Measures the total return loss between two marker-selected points. Return loss is calculated from the difference between the backscatter level and the reflection level.Up to four waveforms can be displayed on a screen, simplify-ing waveform comparison. Differential display is also possible — convenient for monitoring change over time.Return loss measurementAuto-search function event display s Light power measurements Automatic search function event tableDisplays distance to event, splice loss, and return loss, as well as the total return loss of a section, for each of the automatical-ly detected waveforms. This is possible because the instru-ment captures all reflected light (returned light), including that from optical connectors, the far end, and backscattering light.It then calculates how much these various types of light have been attenuated with respect to the emitted light, to provide the total return loss for the optical fiber under measurement.Combined with the AQ7255B single mode fiber optical unit,long distance fibers up to approximately 200km can be mea-sured.When used with the AQ2761 sensor unit option, the AQ7250functions as an optical power meter.4Screen descriptionModeSelect TRACE, FILE, SPECIAL, and SETUP function screens. MenuItems change depending on the selected mode.LabelInput of up to 36 alphanumeric characters.Vertical-axis scale (dB/)Currently active settingsLNK: Cursor link.Used for simple splice loss measurement.RPT:Repeat measurement function.TPA, LSA:Approximation methods.Two-point (TPA), least square (LSA).FIL: Filter function.OBO, AUT, ATT:Automatic measurement functions.One-button measurement (OBO), auto-distance range (AUT), auto-attenuation (ATT).20k, 5k:Sample data count.Horizontal-axis scale (m/, km/)Overview display screenFull screen display of measurement waveform.The selected portion of the main waveform display is shown in a window.Date and timeFunction keysDisplays key functions.Vertical-axis display start levelDisplays the level value for the top of the waveform display window.Vertical-axis waveform display regionIndicates the display waveform range for the vertical full scale with a bar.Horizontal-axis display start distanceDisplays the distance value for the left side of the waveform display window.Horizontal-axis waveform display region312132223Print-outCommon I/O optical connectorKT-1914-2 0201 KL250Printed in JapanNOTE:q “PCMCIA” refers to PCMCIA 2.1/JEIDA Ver4.2 or higher.q All corporate, trade, and product names are the property of their respective companies.Output sampleAQ7931B OTDR Emulation SoftwareMeasurement data can be transferred from a diskette to a PC for subsequent waveform analysis by the user. In addition, the AQ7931B’s report function makes producing reports quick and easy.(Also compatible with Windows95 and Windows98)Windows95 and Windows98 are registered trademarks of Microsoft CorporationCasesq Soft carrying caseHolds: Main unit, AC adapter, spare battery pack, printer unit or optical switch unit, printer paper, power cord, and instruction manual (one each).q Hard carrying caseHolds: Main unit, AC adapter, spare battery pack, printer unit,optical switch unit, VLS unit or sensor unit, power cord, instruc-tion manual (one each), and printer paper (2 pcs.).Display screenOptional Accessoriesq Spare battery pack q AC adapter q Mouse q Hard-disk card q Keyboard q IC memory cardq AQ4253(*)VLS UnitVisible LD light-source unit capable of detecting even near-end faults.Wavelength: 635 ±10 nmOptical output level: -6 ±1.5 dBmApplicable optical fiber: SM (10/125 µm)Connector: FC or SC (factory option)q AQ2761 Sensor UnitWavelength range: 850, 1310, 1550, 1625nm Absolute accuracy: ±5% (at λ= 1310 nm)Application: Light emitted from small-diameter silica fibers (Core dia. 162.5 µm, NA 0.29)Power measurement range: -60 to +10 dBm Input: AQ9431(*)Connector Adapter (option)(* Specify FC, SC or ST connector)q GP-IB Unit for AQ7250q Centronics Unit for AQ7250q Optical Switch Unit for AQ7250 ( [ ] ch)Number of channels: 4, 8, 12, 16Wavelength range: 1270 nm to 1670 nm Insertion loss: 1.5 dB (typical value)Return loss: 40 dBApplicable optical fiber: SM (10/125 µm)Optical input/output connector: AQ9441(*)Universal Adapter (option) (*Specify FC, SC, ST or DIN connector)One extra connector adapter above the number of channels is required.Dimensions: Approx. 250 (W) x 150 (H) x 70 (D) mmq Printer Unit for AQ7250Dimensions: Approx. 250 (W) x 150 (H) x 70 (D) mmExtension Units(Any one of these extension units can be mounted on the back of the main unit)Sub Units(Any one of these sub units can be mounted on the top of the main unit)Ando Electric Co., Ltd.3-484, Tsukagoshi, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 212-8519 Japan Phone: +81 (0)44 549 7300 Fax: +81 (0)44 549 7450Ando Corporation20420 Century Boulevard Germantown, MD 20874, U.S.A. Phone: +1 301 916 0409 Fax: +1 301 916 1498SAN JOSE OFFICE: 2021 N. Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA 95132, U.S.A. Phone: +1 408 941 0100 Fax: +1 408 941 0103Ando Europe B.V.“Vijverdam”, Dalsteindreef 57, 1112XC Diemen, The Netherlands Phone: +31(0)20 698 1441 Fax: +31(0)20 699 8938NIEDERLASSUNG DEUTSCHLAND: Nymphenburger Straße 119 B, D-80636 München, Germany Phone: +49(0)89 143 8150 Fax: +49(0)89 143 81555Ando Electric Singapore Pte. Ltd.19 Kim Keat Road #05-03, Fu Tsu Building, Singapore 328804 Phone: +65 251 1391 Fax: +65 251 1987Please visit our website for more information:Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



专利名称:SUSPENSION DEVICE发明人:KONDO, Takuhiro,WATANABE, Hideshi申请号:EP07807680.9申请日:20070913公开号:EP2077198A1公开日:20090708专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A suspension device (A) comprising a damper (S) and a gas spring (C), thedamper (S) comprising a motion transforming mechanism (H) for transforming a relative motion between a vehicle body-side member and an axle-side member into a rotational motion and a motor (M) having a rotor (8) to which the rotational motion is transmitted,the gas spring (C) being interposed between the vehicle body-side member and the axle-side member, in which the motor (M) comprises a hollow casing (9), a partition wall member (16) which forms a rotor chamber (r) within the casing (9), with the rotor (8) being received within the rotor chamber (r), a cylindrical stator (17) disposed between an outer periphery of the partition wall member (16) and an inner periphery of the casing (9), and the rotor (8) held rotatably by the casing (9) within the rotor chamber (r), and the interior of the rotor chamber (6) is brought into communication with the interior of a gas chamber (R) of the gas spring (C). According to this construction, it is possible to avoid an increase in size of a suspension device utilizing a motor and with a gas spring applied thereto.申请人:KAYABA INDUSTRY CO., LTD.地址:World Trade Center Bldg. 4-1, Hamamatsu-cho 2-chome Minato-ku Tokyo 105-6111 JP国籍:JP代理机构:Price, Paul Anthony King更多信息请下载全文后查看。



ErrataTitle & Document Type: 6207B DC Power Supply Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 06207-90003Revision Date: August 1970About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incompleteor contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a bettercopy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysisbusinesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other availableproduct information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guideyou to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibrationif no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | 。



GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 920716 AI, ±20 mA/±10 V, 24 Bit, 500 S/s AggregateThis document explains how to connect to the NI 9207. In thisdocument, the NI 9207 with spring terminal and the NI 9207 withDSUB are referred to inclusively as the NI 9207.Note Before you begin, complete the software andhardware installation procedures in your chassisdocumentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific tothe NI 9207. The other components in the system mightnot meet the same safety ratings. Refer to thedocumentation for each component in the system todetermine the safety and EMC ratings for the entiresystem.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9207 only as described in this document.Caution Do not operate the NI 9207 in a manner notspecified in this document. Product misuse can result ina hazard. You can compromise the safety protectionbuilt into the product if the product is damaged in any2| | NI 9207 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwway. If the product is damaged, return it to NI forrepair.NI 9207 with Spring T erminal Safety Voltages Connect only voltages that are within the following limits: IsolationChannel-to-channel NoneChannel-to-earth groundContinuous250 Vrms, MeasurementCategory IIWithstand up to 5,000 m 3,000 Vrms, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand testMeasurement Category II is for measurements performed oncircuits directly connected to the electrical distribution system.This category refers to local-level electrical distribution, such asthat provided by a standard wall outlet, for example, 115 V forU.S. or 230 V for Europe.Caution Do not connect the NI 9207 to signals or usefor measurements within Measurement Categories IIIor IV.NI 9207 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 3 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwNI 9207 with DSUB Safety Voltages Connect only voltages that are within the following limits: IsolationChannel-to-channel NoneChannel-to-earth groundContinuous60 VDC, MeasurementCategory IWithstand up to 2,000 m 1,000 Vrms, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand testWithstand up to 5,000 m 500 Vrms, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand testMeasurement Category I is for measurements performed oncircuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution systemreferred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous liveelectrical supply system that powers equipment. This category isfor measurements of voltages from specially protected secondarycircuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, specialequipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits poweredby regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.4| | NI 9207 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution Do not connect the NI 9207 with DSUB tosignals or use for measurements within MeasurementCategories II, III, or IV.Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O areequivalent. These test and measurement circuits are notintended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II,CAT III, or CAT IV.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI 9207 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4and Ex nA IIC T4 hazardous locations; and nonhazardouslocations only. Follow these guidelines if you are installing theNI 9207 in a potentially explosive environment. Not followingthese guidelines may result in serious injury or death.Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires orconnectors unless power has been switched off or thearea is known to be nonhazardous.NI 9207 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 5 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution Do not remove modules unless power hasbeen switched off or the area is known to benonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impairsuitability for Class I, Division 2.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications,install the system in an enclosure rated to at least IP54as defined by IEC/EN 60079-15.Special Conditions for Hazardous Locations Use inEurope and InternationallyThe NI 9207 with spring terminal has been evaluated as Ex nAIIC T4 Gc equipment under DEMKO 12 ATEX 1202658X and isIECEx UL 14.0089X certified. The NI 9207 with DSUB has beenevaluated as Ex nA IIC T4 Gc equipment under DEMKOCertificate No. 07 ATEX 0626664X and is IECEx UL 14.0089Xcertified. Each NI 9207 is marked II 3G and is suitable for usein Zone 2 hazardous locations, in ambient temperatures of -40 °C≤ Ta ≤ 70 °C. If you are using the NI 9207 in Gas Group IIChazardous locations, you must use the device in an NI chassis thathas been evaluated as Ex nC IIC T4, Ex IIC T4, Ex nA IIC T4, orEx nL IIC T4 equipment.6| | NI 9207 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution You must make sure that transientdisturbances do not exceed 140% of the rated voltage.Caution The system shall only be used in an area ofnot more than Pollution Degree 2, as defined inIEC/EN 60664-1.Caution The system shall be mounted in anATEX/IECEx-certified enclosure with a minimumingress protection rating of at least IP54 as defined inIEC/EN 60079-15.Caution The enclosure must have a door or coveraccessible only by the use of a tool.Electromagnetic Compatibility GuidelinesThis product was tested and complies with the regulatoryrequirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)stated in the product specifications. These requirements andlimits provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencewhen the product is operated in the intended operationalelectromagnetic environment.NI 9207 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 7 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwThis product is intended for use in industrial locations. However,harmful interference may occur in some installations, when theproduct is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if theproduct is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimizeinterference with radio and television reception and preventunacceptable performance degradation, install and use thisproduct in strict accordance with the instructions in the productdocumentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product notexpressly approved by National Instruments could void yourauthority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance,operate the NI 9207 with DSUB only with shieldedcables and accessories. Do not use unshielded cables oraccessories unless they are installed in a shieldedenclosure with properly designed and shielded input/output ports and connected to the product using ashielded cable. If unshielded cables or accessories arenot properly installed and shielded, the EMCspecifications for the product are no longer guaranteed.8| | NI 9207 Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwSpecial Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved formarine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Registercertification for a product, visit /certification and searchfor the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark onthe product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements formarine applications, install the product in a shieldedenclosure with shielded and/or filtered power andinput/output ports. In addition, take precautions whendesigning, selecting, and installing measurement probesand cables to ensure that the desired EMC performanceis attained.NI 9207 Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 9 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwPreparing the EnvironmentEnsure that the environment in which you are using the NI 9207 meets the following specifications.Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 70 °COperating humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree2Maximum altitude5,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor complete specifications.NI 9207Floating Differential ConnectionsGrounded ConnectionsSingle-Ended ConnectionsConnecting an External Power Supply You must connect an external power supply with a 0 to 30 V voltage range to the NI 9207. This power supply provides the current for the devices you connect to the module. You can connect only one external voltage supply to the NI 9207.1.Connect the positive lead of the power supply to Vsup.2.Connect the negative lead of the power supply to COM.Caution Do not remove or insert modules if theexternal power supply connected to the Vsup and COMpins is powered on.Connecting a Loop-Powered CurrentT ransducerExternalPowerSupplyCurrentT ransducerConnecting a Three-Wire Current TransducerThree-Wire Current T ransducerExternal Power SupplyNI 9207 Connection Guidelines•Make sure that devices you connect to the NI 9207 are compatible with the module specifications.•You must use 2-wire ferrules to create a secure connection when connecting more than one wire to a single terminal on the NI 9207 with spring terminal.•Push the wire into the terminal when using a solid wire or a stranded wire with a ferrule.•Open the terminal by pressing the push button when using stranded wire without a ferrule.High-Vibration Application ConnectionsIf your application is subject to high vibration, NI recommends that you use the NI 9940 backshell kit to protect connections to the NI 9207 with spring terminal.Overvoltage ProtectionThe NI 9207 provides overvoltage protection for each channel.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor more information about overvoltage protection.Where to Go NextWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support. At /support, you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs, extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration.NI corporate headquarters is located at11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NIalso has offices located around the world. For telephone supportin the United States, create your service request at /supportor dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone supportoutside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of/niglobal to access the branch office websites, whichprovide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers,email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NItrademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade namesof their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or theNational Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-userlicense agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product.Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NIglobal trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OFTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS.U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at privateexpense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2009—2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved.375206D-01Sep16hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www。

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© Z F S a c h s 08-D -N k w -eSuspension Technology for Commercial VehiclesZF Sachs AGErnst-Sachs-Straße 62D-97424 Schweinfurt GermanyPhone: +49 9721 98-0Fax: +49 9721 /sachsDriveline and Chassis Technology3 The Company4 Partnership to ensure ourCustomers´ Success6 Suspension Technology fromZF Sachs – Safety and Comfort 8 Monotube Damper for Vansand Leightweight Trucks9 McPherson-SuspensionStrut-Module10 N-Damper11 Shock Absorberfor Extra Low Suspension 12 Air Spring/Damper Module13 VARIO-Damper –Stroke-Dependent Damping14 Variable Damping –Maximum Safety and Comfort16 PDC – Pneumatic DampingControl18 CDC – Continuous DampingControl21 Vibrational Dampingfor the Cabin22 Steel Spring Module23 Air Spring Module24 Horizontal Damper25 CDC for Cabins26 CALM® – Cabin Air LevellingModule28 ZF Sachs AGProduct Overview30 ZF Sachs AGSuspension ComponentsDivisionContent The CompanyThe ZF Group is a leading worldwide automotive supplier for Driveline and Chassis Technology. With total sales of 12.6 billion euros in 2007 and 57,372 employees at 119 production companies in 25 countries, ZF is one of the world’s 15 largest automotive suppliers.ZF Sachs, which is the Powertrain and Suspension Components Division of the ZF Group, has been a component supplier and systems partner of the international vehicle industry for more than a century. Our goal: Premium components and their integration are the basis for perfectly adjusted systems. Real customer benefits arise from these technical and economic advances. Auto makers around the world view this precisely the same way, and make use of the expertise and creati-v i ty at ZF Sachs. As a global partner, the company has 23 production and 4 development sites in 13 countries. Systems integration atZF Sachs means that the whole is greater than the sum of its individu-al components. The outstanding products from its powertrain and sus-pension divisions therefore form the basis for the joint projects pursued by ZF Sachs and auto makers. Environmental compatibility is an important feature of ZF Sachs‘ product innovations, along with the care taken in production processes to conserve resources. All proces-ses and products are designed to be environmentally sound over the course of their entire life cycles.The employees at ZF Sachs are the foundation of the company‘s suc-cess. They stand for cutting-edge technological achievement, expertise in complex system environments and logistics, as well as continuous expansion of our global presence. Motivation, commitment, and on-going training and further education of our 17,000 employees ensure the success of the Sachs brand name: Around the world, this name stands for ideas and products in the mobility sector, both now and in the future.Partnership to Ensure our Customers‘ SuccessThe commercial vehicle damper division of ZF Sachs AG develops and pro-duces vibration dampers, modules and systems for commercial vehicle sus-pension and cabin mounts. Our products and solutions make an important contribution to our customers‘ success in the market. All of our activities support our aim of being the preferred global partner for our customers. This means demonstrating our excellence in quality, technology, logistics,life-cycle costs, and worldwide customer service. At ZF Sachs, we base our actions on a culture of mutual trust with our customers, suppliers, and staff.New strategies for suppliersVehicle makers are placing ever higher demands on their suppliers. The emphasis is shifting to joint development and production of complete modules. With extensive technical expertise and long-term experience, ZF Sachs is a preferred partner.ZF Sachs – Module supplierOver the past years, ZF Sachs has resolutely pursued the transition from component dealer to module supplier. ZF Sachs assumes major parts of the development process, selects subcontractors, and ensures that individual components are superbly mutually adjusted. These development processes generate unparalleled solutions such as the CDC® electronic damping system, the air-spring/damper module, and the CALM® Cabin Air Levelling Module with integrated ride-height control for commercial vehicle cabins.Integrating Functions – …More than just Damping“Suspension Technologyfrom ZF SachsFor vans, heavy-duty trucks, city and touring buses, building-site vehicles, tractors, and trailers.ZF Sachs supplies perfectly adjusted vibration dampers, damping systems, and modules for every type of vehicle and application – economical, high-performance, and long-lasting.The valve systemThe damping force curve – or damping characteristics – are the essential criteria for meeting the highest standards of driving safety and comfort. They are achieved by means of a valve system that features precision operation over a wide temperature range. Specially developed variations for commercial vehicle applications can feature degressive or linear characteristics depending on customer requirements, throughout all speed ranges in rebound and compression. The valve system ensures uniform driving performance over the entire service life.Monotube Damper for Vans and Lightweight TrucksAny installation position thanks to separation The Sachs monotube damper features the following operating principle:Damping takes place via the piston valve. The gas cushion compensates for the changing volume of oil corresponding to the different stroke positions of the piston rod. The floating piston keeps the oil and gas chambers separate.McPherson Suspension Strut ModuleZF Sachs offers individual designs for suspension strut modules. Our long-term experience in this field has enabled us to continuously expand our expertise. Sachs McPherson suspension strut modules are wheel-control suspension elements that combine the damper and spring element in a single unit. With an operating principle similar to that of twin-tube dampers, they are especially advantageous for vans.Operating piston and piston valve forN-DamperSachs N-Dampers operate on a twin-tube principle. When the axle encounters sudden loads, the piston rod moves in (compression). This pushes a quantity of oil corresponding to the volume of the piston rod through the damping base valve into the outer tube, while the annular volume of oil is pushed from the lower into the upper working chamber through the piston valve.When the axle load is released, the piston rod retracts (rebound). The annular volume flows back through the piston valve and a quantity of oil corresponding to the volume of the piston rod is sucked in of the oil reservoir in the outer tube through the base valve.Shock Absorberfor Extra Low SuspensionThis shock absorber for extra low suspension operates on a twin-tube principle. Its uniquely designed base valve allows the oil flow to adjust to the special requirements of these applications. These innovative shock absorbers can be installed in a nearly horizontal position, and are therefore used for axles with limited vertical space.Working piston and base valve for opti-Air Spring/Damper ModuleThe air spring/damper module grew out of the conventional design on the market, namely an adjacent damper and air spring on the axle. ZF Sachs has developed an innovative and advantageous alternative solution.This is a compact unit consisting of both an air spring and a damper. By reducing the number of individual components and therefore saving installation space, the air spring/damper module takes a major step toward accommodating the new demands placed on the front axle. The design of this air spring/damper module is similar to spring carrier solutions in cabin mounts, and provides ideal conditions for the intelligent, weight-optimized axle designs of the future.VARIO dampers can feature monotube or twintube design. Stroke-dependent damping is achieved by means of control grooves. Formed mechanically as part of the shock absorber cylinder without weakening the wall, they create a hydraulic bypass to the piston valve. This solution is simple, reliable, and effective.The piston travels over the bypass groove depending on the damper position and stroke. When oil flows over the groove, hydraulic resistance is reduced and therefore the damping force as well. Under normal driving conditions, the VARIO damper operates within the groove range and thus provides enhanced comfort. VARIO Damper – Variable Stroke-Dependent DampingApplication:Air-spring/damper modules are used in commercial vehicles for individual wheel suspensions as well as for conventional suspensions on the front axle. Shortened air-spring/damper modules were deve-loped for rear-axle applications.Variable Damping:Maximum Safety and Comfort The challenge:Vehicle damping must meet complex demands. On the one hand, it is expected to enhance comfort and toprotect the driver, the vehicle, and the freight. At the same time, however, it has to ensure maximum drivingsafety and stability. As such, the damping system has to stabilize movements in the vehicle body and wheelsfor every driving situation. With their pre-set characteristics, standard dampers have to make a compromise.For safety reasons, standard dampers are set to accommodate full loads. When the vehicle is not loaded, howe-ver, their damping forces are excessive which means a loss in comfort. The optimum adjustment for standarddampers is therefore always a compromise. Less damping enhances driving comfort, whereas high dampingpromotes driving safety and stability when the vehicle is fully loaded.Variable damping enables ZF Sachsto offer the following solutions:PDC – Pneumatic Damping Control – is a load-dependent damping system from ZF Sachs. This continuously variable, pneuma-tically controlled system ensures optimum damping, which increases comfort and driving safety.CDC – Continuous Damping Control – is the electronically adjustable damping system from ZF Sachs. Its control system perma-nently monitors all influences on the driving situation such as load, driver actions, and vehicle movements, and dynamically adjusts the CDC dampers to the respective driving and load situation.Ki^^]8¬f¥l­8bl8Z]cnlm^]8 bg8ma^l^8kZg`^lNZkbZ[e^8<Zfibg`For transport companies and transit authorities, variable damping from ZF Sachs is a sound economic investment. Passengers arrive at their destinations more relaxed and happy, less damage is incurred by fragile goods and packaging materials, lower tire wear reduces maintenance costs, and not least of all, drivers are subject to less physical stress and can therefore concentrate better on their job – namely driving. Lower insurance rates are possible for vehicles with variable damping.The cost for repairing damage to European motorways is on the order of seve-ral billion euros. Damage caused by excessively hard damping such as cracks, hollows, and bumps first appears at isolated points. Ruts then develop over time. These ruts frequently lead to critical driving situations, triggered by lanechanges and aquaplaning. Load-dependent damping alone could substantially reduce road damage. Variable damping from ZF Sachs offers safety, comfort,and economic advantage for the commercial vehicles of today and tomorrow.CDC and PDC from ZF Sachs Conventional DampingVariable DampingAir spring pressure is load-dependentCDC – Continuous Damping Control – is the electronically controlled damping system from ZF Sachs. The control system permanently monitors all influences on the driving situation such as load conditions, driver actions, and vehicle movements, and adjusts for the optimum damping force.CDC provides commercial vehicles with active driving safety and comfortable vehicle handling. The economic,social, and technical demands placed on commercial vehicles will be very high in the future. CDC from ZFSachs helps to meet these demands – for transporting both people and goods.20Advantages: ■ SafetyThe vehicle remains stable and easy to control even in critical situations■ Greater safety and better handling in critical maneuvers:1. Braking: Potentially shorter braking distances2. Lane changes: Better control and handling due to lesser roll angle3. Steering: Less steering angle4. Acceleration: Less pitching, better wheel control■ Cargoprotection Less damage to cargo and packaging; cargo remains securely fixed on load floor■ Vehiclewear Vehicle components are subjected to less stress; maintenance costs decrease■ Drivingcomfort Reduced vehicle body and seat acceleration; CDC lowers driver fatigue and thus enhances performance; passengers have a more pleasant trip■ Roadprotection Reduction in damage caused by dynamic loads ■ Cost-effectivenessThe CDC electronic damping system is not only gentle on the driver and the cargo, it also pro- tects the tires, suspension, and electronic com- ponents – contributing to a longer service life and thus greater cost-effectiveness for these components. Better insurance rates are possibleVariable Damping Systems for Commercial VehiclesHigh centers of gravityUpright cargo, animal transports, etc.Frequent load changes Container transporters, etc.Liquid transportMilk collectors, all kinds of tank vehicles, etc.Hazardous goodsFuel, gas, chemicals, etc.Extreme load differencesConstruction material transport,cement mixers, delivery vehicles, etc.Highly sensitive goods Electronics, glass, tiles, etc.Moving or suspended loads Meat, clothing, etc.Sensitive assemblies Cooling aggregates, etc.Extreme driving dynamics Fire engines, utility vehicles,ambulances, etc.IKA/FKA measurement results on a tractor-trailerVibrational Damping for the Cabin221Tire dampingVehicle performance improvement with CDC and PDCCompared to conventional dampers CDC and PDC improve all relevantcriterion of driving dynamics.The steel spring is mounted concentrically on the damper, with linear or progressive characteristics depending on the application. The cabin level is independent of the system and is therefore not controlled. It depends on the load. Different cabin weights require the steel spring suspension to have different load carrying capacities to maintain ride-height levels. This is achieved by using different spring characteristics or by mechanical height adjustment.The combined pneumatic suspension and ride-height control compensates for different equipment and loads in the drivers‘ cab and for dynamic cab movements when the vehicle is operated. Because high suspension com-fort is based on a low natural frequency, drivers‘ cabs – especially in medium and heavy-duty vehicles – are equipped with pneumatic suspension.Interior pressure of 5 bar in the air spring bellows allows for carrying forces of between 2,000 and 4,000 N.A special roller contour for the air spring yields low spring rates in the level position, but a very strong pro-gression in the stroke end positions. This enables both greater cabin stabilization and greater driving comfort.Steel Spring Module Air Spring ModuleCDC eliminates the need to compromise between comfort and stability in the cabin as well as in the vehicle itself. It solves the conflicting demands for higher suspension and damping comfort on the one hand, and on the other hand for a solid connection between cabin and body during abrupt load alterations (start-up, braking maneuvers) and on curves.The control system uses data from the vehicle‘s sensors to adjust damping forces to the optimum level within milliseconds. For simple straight-ahead driving on average-quality roads, it lowers damping forces so the cabin suspension can be soft and comfortable. But as soon as cabin vibrations change due to lane changes, braking maneuvers, or gear shifts, for example, CDC keeps the cabin stable by hardening the damping forces in a targeted manner.Horizontal DamperThe horizontal damper for the driver‘s cab can feature a monotube or twin-tube design. It provides greater safety, comfort, and stability. Drivers‘ cabs are subjected to different stresses due to the different jobs required of them and the different excitation stimuli they encounter. Without the right damping measures, the …cabin trembling“ syndrome can result.Horizontal dampers absorb and reduce excitation stimuli. This directly enhances driving safety and comfort. Thanks to their design, the Sachs monotube and twin-tube dampers can be installed in a nearly horizontal position. Their direct responsiveness makes them superbly suited for damping drivers‘ cabs.CDC for CabinsPiston rodSeal and guide unitOperating cylinderOil compensation chamberWorking piston and base valve for opti-mum adjustment of characteristicsBase valve12 345 61234Piston rod Compression bumperRide-height controlPiston Minimum pressure valveZF Sachs AGProduct OverviewOur Internet portal lets you enter the world of ZF Sachs: products, organizational structure, history, purchasing, quality a ssurance, and environmental management.An overview of ZF Sachs commercial vehicle products for trucks, buses, vans, tractors, and trailers is available at:/sachs30FranceZF Sachs Suspension France S.A.S.Allée Markam60252 Mouy Cedex, France Phone: +33 3 4461 5500Fax: +33 3 4456 1229ZF Sachs Sce Commercial 1ère Monte 62-64, Avenue du Général de Gaulle 94046 Créteil Cedex, France Phone: +33 01 4898 2363Fax: +33 01 4898 2362Slovak RepublicZF Levice s.r.o.Priemyselný park Gén ˇa93401 Levice, Slovak Republic Phone: +421 36 6294-701Fax: +421 36 6294-761SpainZF Sachs España S.A.Barrio Aretxalde, 12848196 Lezama Viscaya, Spain Phone: +34 94 455-5050Fax: +34 94 455-6367EuropeGermanyHeadquarters ZF Sachs AGErnst-Sachs-Straße 6297424 Schweinfurt, Germany Phone: +49 9721 98-0Fax: +49 9721 98-2290E-Mail: zfsachs@ /sachs ZF Sachs AG Bogestraße 5053783 Eitorf, Germany Phone: +49 2243 12-0Fax: +49 2243 12-234ZF Sachs AGMax-Planck-Straße 1753474 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, GermanyPhone: +49 2641 3891-0Fax: +49 26413891-57ItalyZF Sachs Italia S.p.A. Via Nazionale 20910069 Villar Perosa (TO), Italy Phone: +39 121 316-111Fax: +39 121 316-213TurkeyZF Sachs Beldesan Süspansiyon Sistemleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 41480 400. SokakP.K.1018 Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey Phone: +90 262 751-0180Fax: +90 262 751-134531The AmericasUSAZF Sachs Automotive of America15811 Centennial Drive Northville MI 48167, USA Phone: +1 734 416-6200Fax: +1 734 459-6491MexicoZF Sachs Suspension Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Carretera - La Capilla el SaltoC.P. 45680 El Salto, Jalisco, Mexico Phone: +52 333 2080000Fax: +52 333 6880086ArgentinaZF Sachs Argentina S.A.Av. de la Universidad, 51AG-2400 San Francisco (CBA),ArgentinaPhone: +54 3564 438-900Fax: +54 3564 438-938AsiaP.R. ChinaSachs Automotive Components and Systems Shanghai Co., Ltd. Yuanjiang Road 4440Minhang DistrictShanghai 201111, P.R. China Phone: +86 21 6409-9544Fax: +86 21 6409-9644Shanghai Sachs Huizhong Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. 280 Shenwang RoadXinzhuang Industrial Zone Shanghai 201108, P.R. China Phone: +86 21 5442-1030Fax: +86 21 5442-1102ZF DongfengShock Absorber Co., Ltd.23 Shanghai Road, ShiyanHubei Province 442000, P.R. China Phone: +86 719 825 7006Fax: +86 719 825 6696JapanZF Japan Co., Ltd. (ZF Sachs Division)NTB*M Building 6F2-8-1 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0021, Japan Phone: +81 3 3539 5600Fax: +81 3 3539 5605South KoreaZF Sachs Korea Co., Ltd.853-8, OE-Dong641-020 Changwon, Kyungnam,South KoreaPhone: +82 552 39-3214Fax: +82 552 39-3261ZF Sachs AGSuspension Components DivisionZF ranks among the largest fifteenautomotive supply companies worldwide.23 ZF Sachs production companies Europe: Germany 5,France 1, Italy 1, Spain 1,Slovak Republic 2, Turkey 1North America: Mexico 2, USA 1South America: Argentina 1,Brazil 2Asia: China 4 (3 of which are joint ventures), South Korea 1Africa: South Africa 14 Main development sites 1 Sales center。
