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组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。老年组治疗有效率低于中青年组(P<0.05)。=结论>老年早期CR F急




Analysis of Risk Factors of the Early Stage Chronic Renal Failure and Its Rapid Function Dete-

rioration in Elderly Patients H UA N G Fang(Dep ar tment o f E lder ly P atients,the Second

Peop le's H osp ital of Y uey ang,H unan,414000China)

[Abstract]=Objective>T o investig ate the risk facto rs and clinical features o f the early stage chr onic r enal

failur e(CRF)and its rapid funct ion deter ior atio n in the elderly patients.=M etho ds>All80pat ient s w ith CRF in

our hosphtal fr om Feb.1999to A ug2005wer e div ided into tw o g roups,42elderly pat ients abo ve the age of60

and38middle-ag ed and yo ung patients under60.T he clinical features,tr eatments and outcomes between the

two g roups w ere analyzd.=Results>Amo ng the r isk factor s of the ear ly stag e CRF and it s rapid function deter-i

o ration in the elder ly patients,the causes w ere focused on the sever e infection(30.1%),r enal t ox icity by

dr ug s(26.1%),circulat ory volume r eduction(19.0%).T her e w as significant difference betw een the two

gr oups(P<0.05).T he efficacio us tr eat ment in the elderly g ro up w as infer io r to t hat in t he middle-ag ed and

young o ne(P<0.05).=Conclusion>T he r isk facto rs of the early stage chronic renal failure and its r apid func-

t ion deter ior atio n in the elder ly patients are multiplex.It w ould be impor tant fo r the co ntr ol o f sever e infection

and dr ugs w ith renal to xicity to avo id t he acute deter ior ation o f the ear ly st age CRF in the elder ly patients.

[Key words]kidney failur e,chronic;risk factor s


随着我国社会日趋老龄化,老年慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)患者逐年增多。由于老年人肾脏的退行性变化以及常合并多种疾病,老年慢性肾衰竭患者肾功能在某些诱因的作用下会急剧下降。然而这些诱因往往是可逆的。因此认真寻找诱因并积极治疗,有可能恢复肾功能到原有水平。为了解老年CRF 急剧加重的因素及其治疗情况,现将本院80例慢性肾衰竭患者的资料分析如下。


1.1一般资料选取1999年2月至2005年8月在本院住院治疗,临床资料较完整的CRF患者80例,其中老年组共42例,男性28例,女性14例,年龄60~89(67.6?7.6)岁;中青年组38例,男性23例,女性15例,年龄17~59(43.2?13.9)岁;并符合下列条件[1,2]:¹原有慢性肾衰竭(氮质血症期);º短期内血肌酐(SCr)较前升高50%和(或)肌酐清除率(CCr)较前下降15%。在诊断治疗过程中,病情加重,肾功能急剧下降,所测血清肌酐为445~ 1000L mol/L。

