



Turn on the lower transistor
Input range 0 V to 5.0 V
at 0.2 V or less.
Input voltage of Vrefout or higher is
(X, Y, Z pins: On duty of 8%)
clipped to Vrefout.
Weight: SSOP24-P-300-1.00 : 0.33 g (typ.) SSOP24-P-300-1.00B: 0.28 g (typ.)
Block Diagram
Xin 14
Forward/reverse switching input pin
L: Forward (CW) H: Reverse (CCW)
With Schmitt trigger CW/CCW Hysteresis 300 mV (typ.)
L : 0.8 V (max) H: Vrefout − 1 V (min)
Reference voltage: 0.5 V
With built-in filter ( ≈ 1 μs)
Inputs clock signal
Xout Outputs clock signal
With built-in feedback resistor
Outputs reference voltage signal
Positional signal input pin U



RE50 分布式总线 IO 通用产品
版本:V1.0 日期:2014.10
RE50 分布式总线 IO 通用产品手册
为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。人身安全的提示用一个警告 三角表示,仅与财产损失有关的提示不带警告三角。警告提示根据危险等级由高到低,如下表 示。
表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致财产损失。 当出现多个危险等级的情况下,每次总是使用最高等级的警告提示。如果在某个警告提示中带
2 / 120
RE50 分布式总线 IO 通用产品手册
有警告可能导致人身伤害的警告三角,则可能在该警告提示中另外还附带有可能导致财产损失 的警告。
〉本手册的著作权归沈阳瑞德泰科电子有限公司所有。 〉绝对禁止对本书的随意复制。 〉其他公司及产品名是各公司的商标或注册商标。
〉我们已对印刷品中所述内容与硬件和软件的一致性作过检查,但不排除存在偏差的可能性, 因此我们不保证印刷品中所述内容与硬件和软件完全一致。印刷品中的数据都按规定经过检测, 必要的修正值包含在下一版本中。 〉因商品改良,规格、外观及手册内容会有所更改,恕不另行通知,敬请谅解。
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欢迎您选用本公司产品,使用前 请仔细阅读本说明书,以免误操作。 如有不明可来电询问,我们一定竭诚 为您服务!
相线与相线、相线与零线之间的电击事 故不能保护。
本产品的“告警”功能启用,就是剩 余电流动作保护功能退出,此“告警”功 能必须经供电管理部门批准后方可启用!
1、概述 QLLT 系列剩余电流动作断路器(简称漏电断路器)是本公司近年研制开发的专
利产品,是一种一体式、多功能、有特波保护、主电路电流可设定的漏电断路器。 适用于配电变压器低压侧三相四线中性点直接接地(TT)的低压电网,用来对人身 触电危险提供间接接触保护,也可对线路或用电设备的接地故障、过电流、短路等 进行保护。 2、特点
o-t- co
周围空气温度 +40℃~-5℃
试验电流 1.05 In 1.30 In
脱扣时间 2h 内不脱扣 2h 内脱扣
状态 冷态开始 热态开始
10 Imax
注:In 过电流设定值;
Imax 壳架等级电流
5. 17 特种波形漏电动作特性
然后向下拉手动操作手柄断开漏电断路器。 漏电断路器在通电状态下的断开操作: a)按动“分合操作”按钮,漏电断路器即跳闸,并使按钮自锁不弹起;(弹起后就 会自动重合闸) b)按动“漏电试验”按钮,漏电断路器即跳闸;(会有一次自动重合闸) c)短接外接端子“1”、“2” 漏电断路器即跳闸。(断开就自动重合闸)(订货时选 择) 注:a)、c)两种状态(按钮不弹起、外接端子 1、2 短接)下,断路器无法合闸, 如需合闸操作必须解除上述状态。 6.7 合闸后,按“漏电试验”按钮,漏电断路器应跳闸,并在 60s 内自动重合闸。 当重合闸 5s 后再按动试验按钮,又会跳闸并有重合闸。若合闸后,在 5s 内又按“漏 电试验”按钮或其它原因发生漏电跳闸时漏电断路器将跳闸并保持自锁状态,不再 有自动重合闸。 6.8 当剩余电流超过剩余动作电流值时,漏电断路器应立即跳闸,“缓变”指示灯 亮;并有一次重合闸,如合闸后剩余电流仍超过动作值,则再次跳闸并自锁,不再 自动重合闸。排除故障后按 6.5 条 a)的方法,合漏电断路器。 6.9 过电流、短路跳闸,“过载”指示灯亮,这时没有自动重合闸。排除短路故障 后按 6.5 条 a)的方法,合漏电断路器。 6.10 辅助电源相欠电压或中断跳闸时,漏电断路器“过欠压”指示灯亮,表示辅 助电源电压不正常,必须使辅助电压恢复正常后,“过欠压”指示灯熄灭,此时漏电 断路器自动重合闸,恢复正常运行。 6.11 进行带电检查线路漏电需启用“告警”功能时,(在内部告警功能开启的情 况下)按住“设置”键 3s,“告警”指示灯亮,放开按键。此时漏电断路器处于告 警状态,如果线路漏电超过漏电断路器设定的额定动作电流值,则告警灯不断闪烁。 检查完毕,应及时将告警功能关闭,恢复漏电超限跳闸保护功能。此功能的长期启 用,必须经供电管理部门批准后方可使用! 6.12 漏电断路器设有自动和手动分合闸转换旋钮,当旋钮处于“自动”状态时, 漏电断路器漏电跳闸会自动重合闸(漏电断路器闭锁状态下除外),当旋钮处于“手 动”状态时,漏电断路器跳闸后必须经由人工操作进行合闸。在转换旋钮位置时, 必须先向内按下旋钮,然后再旋转旋钮,转动到位后松手让旋钮弹起定位。当旋钮 处于手动位置时,漏电断路器仍有漏电保护功能。 6.13 如果要使漏电断路器处于分闸状态检修线路时,必须先将转换旋钮转至“手 动”位置,然后按下“分合操作”按钮,使漏电断路器分闸,并使按钮自锁不弹起 (按下按钮则跳闸并自锁,按钮弹起则合闸)。 6.14 本漏电断路器有外接分闸、复位控制接线端子,可对漏电断路器远距离分、 合闸控制,外接接线端子“1”、“2”端,在通电情况下短接即跳闸;断开即(20s~ 60s)自动重合闸。注意:外接控制接线端子为有源端子,每台漏电断路器的外接 端子只能单独用可复位的按钮控制,不得接入任何电源。 6.15 建议用户在漏电断路器出线端加设防雷装置,以提高抗雷击性能。 7、显示 7.1 指示灯 漏电断路器所有指示灯为红色,与显示数值的含义对应: 1) 漏电断路器正常工作时,LED 显示窗(数码管)循环显示: a) 显示窗右边的“mA/漏电”指示灯亮,数码管千位字母 A、B、C 代表漏电最大相; 数码管显示值代表线路实时剩余电流值; b) 显示窗右边的“mA/漏电”指示灯亮,数码管千位字母 E 代表剩余动作电流值档



May 2007 Rev 31/16LM134-LM234-LM334Three terminal adjustable current sourcesFeatures■Operates from 1V to 40V ■0.02%/V current regulation ■Programmable from 1µA to 10mA ■±3% initial accuracyDescriptionThe LM134/LM234/LM334 are 3-terminal adjustable current sources characterized by:■an operating current range of 10000: 1■an excellent current regulation■a wide dynamic voltage range of 1V t 10VThe current is determined by an external resistor without requiring other external components.Reverse voltages of up to 20V will only draw a current of several microamperes. This enables the circuit to operate as a rectifier and as a source of current in a.c. applications.For the LM134/LM234/LM334, the voltage on the control pin is 64mV at +25°C and is directlyproportional to the absolute temperature (°K). The simplest external resistor connection generates a current with approximately 0.33%/°C temperature dependence. Zero drift can be obtained by adding an additional resistor and a diode to the external circuit.Schematic diagram LM134-LM234-LM3342/161 Schematic diagramFigure 1.Schematic diagram2 Absolute maximum ratingsTable 1.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbolParameterLM134LM234LM334Unit Voltage V+ to V-ForwardReverse40203020V V ADJ -ADJ pin to V - voltage 5V I set Set current 10mA P tot Power dissipation400mW T stg Storage temperature range-65 to +150°C T operOperating free-air temperature range-55 to +125-25 to +1000 to +70°CLM134-LM234-LM334Electrical characteristics3/163 Electrical characteristicsT j = +25°C with pulse testing so that junction temperature does not change during testing(unless otherwise specified)Table 2.Electrical characteristicsParameterLM134 - LM234LM334UnitMin.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Set current error (V + = +2.5V) -(1)10µA ≤ I set ≤1mA 1mA ≤ I set ≤ 5mA 2µA ≤ I set ≤ 10µA3586812%Ratio of set current to V - current10µA ≤ I set ≤ 1mA 1mA ≤ I set ≤5mA 2µA ≤ I set ≤ 10µA 14181414231418141426Minimum operating voltage 2µA ≤ I set ≤ 100µA100µA ≤ I set ≤1mA 1mA ≤ I set ≤ 5mA0.80.910.80.91VAverage change in set current with input voltage 2µA ≤ I set ≤ 1mA+1.5V ≤ V + ≤ +5V +5V ≤ V +≤ +40V1mA ≤ I set ≤ 5mA +1.5V ≤ V +≤ +5V+5V ≤ V+ ≤ +40V / VT emperature dependence of set current - (2)25µA ≤ I set ≤ 1mA0.96 TT 1.04 T 0.96 T T 1.04 TEffective shunt capacitance1515pF1.The set current is the current flowing into the V+ pin. It is determined by the following formula:I set = 67.7mV/R set (T j = +25°C)The set current error is expressed as a percent deviation from this amount.2.I set is directly proportional to absolute temperature (°K). I set at any temperature can be calculated fromI set = I o (T/T o )where I o is I set measured at To (°K).Electrical characteristicsLM134-LM234-LM3344/16Figure 2.Output impedanceFigure 3.Maximum slew rate for linearoperationI m p e d a n c e (O h m )Frequency (Hz)S l e w r a t e (V/µs )Iset (µA)Figure 4.StartupFigure 5.Transient responseTime (scale changes at each current level)Time (scale changes at each current level)Figure 6.Voltage across RsetFigure 7.Current noiseV o l t a g e (m V )Temperature (°C)C u r r e n t (p A /√H z )Frequency (Hz)LM134-LM234-LM334Electrical characteristics5/16Figure 8.Turn-on voltageFigure 9.Ratio of I set to V - currentI s e t (m A )V + to V - voltage (V)R a t i oI set (mA)Application information LM134-LM234-LM3346/164 Application information4.1 Slew rateAt slew rates above a threshold (see Figure 4 and Figure 5), the LM134, LM234, LM334 canhave a non-linear current characteristic. The slew rate at which this takes place is directly proportional to I set . At I set = 10µA, dv/dt max. = 0.01V/µs ; at I set = 1mA, dv/dt max. = 1V/µs. Slew rates of more than 1V/µs do not damage the circuit nor do they produce high currents.4.2 Thermal effectsInternal heating can have a significant effect on current regulation for an I set above 100µA.For example, each increase of 1V in the voltage across the LM134 at I set = 1mA will increase the junction temperature by ≈ 0.4°C (in still air). The output current (I set ) has a temperature coefficient of about 0.33%/°C. Thus the change in current due to the increase in temperature will be (0.4) (0.33) = 0.132%. This is a degradation of 10 : 1 in regulation versus the true electrical effects. Thermal effects should be taken into account when d.c. regulation is critical and I set is higher than 100µA.4.3 Shunt capacitanceIn certain applications, the 15pF value for the shunt capacitance should be reduced:●because of loading problems,●because of limitation of output impedance of the current source in a.c. applications.Y ou can easily reduce the capacitance by adding a FET as shown in Typical applications onpage 8.The value of this capacitance can be reduced by at least 3pF and regulation can be improved by an order of magnitude without any modifications of the d.c. characteristics (except for the minimum input voltage).4.4 NoiseThe current noise produced by LM134, LM234, and LM334 is about 4 times that of atransistor. If the LM134, LM234, LM334 is used as an active load for a transistor amplifier, the noise at the input will increase by about 12dB. In most cases this is acceptable, and a single amplifier can be built with a voltage gain higher than 2000.4.5 Lead resistanceThe sense voltage which determines the current of the LM134, LM234, LM334 is less than100mV. At this level, the thermocouple effects and the connection resistance should be reduced by locating the current setting resistor close to the device. Do not use sockets for the ICs. A contact resistance of 0.7Ω is sufficient to decrease the output current by 1% at the 1mA level.LM134-LM234-LM334Application information7/164.6 Sensing temperatureThe LM134, LM234, LM334 are excellent remote controlled temperature sensors becausetheir operation as current sources preserves their accuracy even in the case of longconnecting wires. The output current is directly proportional to the absolute temperature in Kelvin degrees according to the following equation.The calibration of the LM134, LM234, LM334 is simplified by the fact that most of the initial accuracy is due to gain limitation (slope error) and not an offset. Gain adjustment is a one point trim because the output of the device extrapolates to zero at 0°K.Figure 10.Device calibrationThis particularity of the LM134, LM234, LM334 is illustrated in the above diagram. Line abc represents the sensor current before adjustment and line a’b’c’ represents the desired output. A gain adjustment provided at T2 will move the output from b to b’ and will correct the slope at the same time so that the output at T1 and T3 will be correct. This gainadjustment can be carried out by means of R set or the load resistor used in the circuit. After adjustment, the slope error should be less than 1%. A low temperature coefficient for R set is necessary to keep this accuracy. A 33ppm/°C temperature drift of R set will give an error of 1% on the slope because the resistance follows the same temperature variations as the LM134, LM234, LM334.Three wires are required to isolate R set from the LM134, LM234, LM334. Since this solution is not recommended, metal-film resistors with a drift of less than 20ppm/°C are now available. Wirewound resistors can be used when very high stability is required.I set = 227µV/°K) (T ()R set----------------------------------------Application information LM134-LM234-LM3348/16Typical applicationsFigure 11.Basic 2-terminal current sourceFigure 12.Alternate trimming techniqueFigure 13.Terminating remote sensor forvoltage outputFigure 14.Zero temperature coefficientcurrent sourceLM134-LM234-LM334Application information9/16Figure 15.Low output impedancethermometerFigure 16.Low output impedancethermometerFigure 17.Micropower biasFigure 18.Low input voltage reference driverApplication informationLM134-LM234-LM33410/16Figure 19.In-line current limiterFigure 20.Fet cascading for low capacitance分销商库存信息:STMLM334DT LM234DT LM334D LM334Z LM234Z。



6-458Cascadable Silicon Bipolar MMIC␣Amplifier Technical DataFeatures•High Dynamic Range Cascadable 50␣Ω or 75␣ΩGain Block •3␣dB Bandwidth:50␣MHz to 1.3␣GHz•17.5 dBm Typical P 1␣dB at 0.5␣GHz • 3.6␣dB Typical Noise Figure at 0.5␣GHz •Surface Mount Plastic Package •Tape-and-Reel Packaging Option Available [1]MSA-110505 Plastic PackageDescriptionThe MSA-1105 is a high perfor-mance silicon bipolar Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) housed in a low cost,surface mount plastic package.This MMIC is designed for high dynamic range in either 50 or 75␣Ωsystems by combining low noise figure with high IP 3. Typical applications include narrow and broadband linear amplifiers incommercial and industrial systems.The MSA-series is fabricated using HP’s 10 GHz f T , 25␣GHz f MAX silicon bipolar MMIC process which uses nitride self-alignment,ion implantation, and gold metalli-zation to achieve excellent performance, uniformity and reliability. The use of an external bias resistor for temperature and current stability also allows bias flexibility.Typical Biasing ConfigurationRV CC > 8 VINOUTNote:1.Refer to PACKAGING section “Tape-and-Reel Packaging for Semiconduc-tor Devices.”5965-9557E6-459MSA-1105 Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Absolute Maximum [1]Device Current80 mA Power Dissipation [2,3]550 mW RF Input Power+13 dBm Junction Temperature 150°C Storage Temperature–65 to 150°CThermal Resistance [2,4]:θjc = 125°C/WNotes:1.Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded.2.T CASE = 25°C.3.Derate at 8 mW/°C for T C > 124°C.4.See MEASUREMENTS section “Thermal Resistance” for more information.G PPower Gain (|S 21|2)f = 0.05 GHz dB 12.7f = 0.5 GHz dB 10.012.0f = 1.0 GHz dB 10.5∆G P Gain Flatness f = 0.1 to 1.0 GHz dB ±1.0f 3 dB 3 dB Bandwidth [2]GHz1.3Input VSWR f = 0.1 to 1.0 GHz 1.5:1Output VSWR f = 0.1 to 1.0 GHz 1.7:1NF 50 Ω Noise Figuref = 0.5 GHz dB 3.6P 1 dB Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression f = 0.5 GHz dBm 17.5IP 3Third Order Intercept Point f = 0.5 GHz dBm 30.0t D Group Delay f = 0.5 GHzpsec 200V d Device VoltageV Voltage Temperature CoefficientmV/°C–8.0Notes:1.The recommended operating current range for this device is 40 to 70 mA. Typical performance as a function of current is on the following page.2.Referenced from 50 MHz gain (G P ).Electrical Specifications [1], T A = 25°CSymbolParameters and Test Conditions: I d = 60 mA, Z O = 50 ΩUnitsMin.Typ.Max.VSWR Part Number Ordering InformationPart Number No. of DevicesContainer MSA-1105-TR15007" Reel MSA-1105-STR10Antistatic BagFor more information, see “Tape and Reel Packaging for Semiconductor Devices”.6-460MSA-1105 Typical Scattering Parameters (Z O = 50 Ω, T A = 25°C, I d = 60 mA)Freq.GHzMagAngdBMagAngdBMagAngMagAngk.0005.80–1719.08.94171–26.0.05051.81––6213.9 4.98163–16.8.14415.26–640.93.025.07–4812.8 4.36174–16.4.1514.08–52–3812.7 4.33174–16.3.1532.06–48–4112.7 4.31170–16.4.1523.06–52–5812.6 4.26162–16.2.1555.08–73 1.08.300.07–7412.4 4.19154–16.1.1577.10–91 1.07.400.09–9112.2 4.10146–15.8.1638.12–105 1.06.500.10–10512.0 4.00138–15.6.1668.14–116 1.05.600.11–11611.8 3.88131–15.4.17110.17–126 1.04.700.13–12811.5 3.76123–15.0.17811.18–135 1.03.800.15–13611.2 3.63116–14.7.18411.21–144 1.01.900.16–14510.9 3.49109–15.5.18811.22–151–15210.5 3.37102–14.1.19711.24–159 1.001.500.281748.8 2.7572–13.2.2197.31170 2.2848–12.1.2480.341510.992.500.46133 5.6 1.9028–11.9.254–4.38134 4.2 1.6211–11.6.262–8.40122 1.04A model for this device is available in the DEVICE MODELS section.S 11S 21S12 S 22Typical Performance, T A = 25°C, Z O = 50 Ω(unless otherwise noted)G p (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 1. Typical Power Gain vs. Frequency, I d = 60 mA.0246810141216G p (d B )20406010080I d (m A )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 4. Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression vs. Frequency.FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 5. Noise Figure vs. Frequency.N F (d B ) 2.01.0121416182220P 1 d B (d B m )6-46105 Plastic Package Dimensions(4 PLCS)0.0005 ± 0.010 (0.013 ± 0.25)DIA Notes:(unless otherwise specified)1. Dimensions are in2. Tolerancesin .xxx = ± 0.005 mm .xx = ± 0.13mm。



UL 1054第六版2003. 8. 8特殊用途开关田渊仁译目录概说:1.范围2.定义3.零部件4.基本规定(所有开关)构造:5.外壳5.1一般规定5.2内衬6.热塑性材料7.非金属零部件8.密封材料9.带电部件9.1一般规定9.2端子与导线9.3推入式端子9.4快接端子10.绝缘材料11.组装11.1一般规定11.2启动件12 间隙13 一般规定14.测试回路14.1 一般规定14.2 热炽灯负载14.3 代用负载15.非金属部件的测试15.1 成型应力15.2 水密部件16. 过载测试17. 耐久测试18. 电气连接测试19. 温升测试19.1 一般规定19.2 压入式端子19.3 快速连接端子19.4 钢制端子20. 绝缘耐电压测试21. 有限短路测试22. 拉拔测试22.1 压入式端子22.2 快速连接端子23. 启动部件的耐热测试24.一般规定●所有开关25.一般规定26. 补充标志26.1 鵭丝标志26.2 直流专用标志●加热器开关27. 一般规定●电视开关28. 一般规定29. 构造29.1 绝缘材料29.2 开孔29.3 电源线30. 功能30.1 一般规定30.2 测试条件30.3 过载30.4 耐久性30.5 温升30.6 绝缘耐电压测试30.7 连接耐久性30.8 绝缘耐电压测试(重复进行)31. 额定值32. 标志●可拆换式开关33. 一般规定34. 构造35. 额定值36. 包装标志37. 操作说明书37.1 一般规定37.2 袋卸说明书1.范围1.1本规定适用于手动及机械作动的特殊用途开关和可拆换式开关,包括:a.交、直流电的两用或交流电专用;b.250V以下,额定电流小于60A,及600V以下,额定电流为30A或功率小于2HP1.2 本规定适用在工厂装配于合格设备上的特殊用途开关,该特殊用途开关不适于在一般场所进行装配,例如:吸尘器手把开关、电热器开关、收音机、电视开关及设计有一个以上ON可OFF档位的穿线开关(THROUGH CORD SWITCH)1.3 本规定适用于可在一般场所装卸的可拆换式开关,可拆换式开关不可用于安全回路上。


Q L L 1系 列
公司通过 ISO9001 国际质量体系认证
使 用 说 明 书 杭 州 乾 龙 电 器 有 限 公 司
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壳架等级电流 设计序号 产品代号 企业代号 5、技术参数 5.1 额定电压 380V 三相四线 5.2 额定电流 QLL1-100:63、100A QLL1-200:160、200A QLL1-400: 315、400A 5.3 额定功率 50HZ 5.4 额定剩余动作电流(单台漏电断路器上只选用四个档位) QLL1-100 IΔn:0.05/0.1/0.3/0.5/0.8/1.0A 可调(常规:0.1/0.3/0.5/0.8) QLL1-200 IΔn:0.05/0.1/0.3/0.5/0.8/1.0A 可调(常规:0.1/0.3/0.5/0.8) QLL1-400 IΔn:0.075/0.15/0.3/0.5/0.8/1.0A 可调(常规:0.15/0.3/0.5/0.8)
——QLL1 剩余电流动作断路器 ● 集过载、短路、缺相欠压、剩余电流(漏电)、断零
等保护及自动重合闸于一体。 ● 采用微处理器智能化数字编程控制电路,所有功能均由模块化
因某相接地电流变化引起剩余电流超限而分闸,数码管显示跳闸时的剩余电流。 5)FZ(分闸指示)和 QY(欠压指示)同时亮,数码管个位显示“0”,表示漏电断路器因电



合格声明 欧洲联盟 EC 指南
● 上述 Direct-Q 系统在法国的 Millipore SAS-61270 Molsheim 制造 —其设施质量管理系统获得授权注册机构授予的 ISO9001 质量系 统标准认证。
● 我们确认这些实验室 Direct-Q 系统的设计和制造符合下列欧洲委 员会指南: - 89/336/CEE,与电磁兼容性有关; - 73/23/CEE,与设计用于在特定电压界限内使用的电气设备有 关
本公司制造和销售的纯水系统设计用于由原水经纯水系统处理后 生成具有指定特性的(uS/cm,T,TOC,CFU/ml,Eu/ml)纯水或超纯水, 条件是向 Direct-Q 系统输送的原水需符合规格并按供应商的要求对系 统进行维护。
本公司不保证可以将这些系统用于任何特定应用。需由最终用户决 定本系统产生的水质是否达到预期效果、满足标准/法定要求,并由最终 用户承担用水责任。
♦ Standards to which conformity is declared as applicable are the following : - EN 61326-1: 1997: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements. - EN 61010-1: 2001: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
Quality Assurance…………………………………………...1



NB7L2162.5V/3.3V, 12Gb/s Multi Level Clock/Data Input to RSECL, High GainReceiver/Buffer/Translator with Internal TerminationDescriptionThe NB7L216 is a differential receiver/driver with high gain output targeted for high frequency applications. The device is functionally equivalent to the NBSG16 but with much higher gain output. This highly versatile device provides 35 dB of gain up to 7 GHz.Inputs incorporate internal 50 W termination resistors and accept Negative ECL (NECL), Positive ECL (PECL), LVTTL, LVCMOS, CML, or LVDS. Outputs are Reduced Swing ECL (RSECL), 400 mV. The V BB pin is an internally generated voltage supply available to this device only. V BB is used as a reference voltage for single−ended NECL or PECL inputs. For all single−ended input conditions, the unused complementary differential input should be connected to V BB as a switching reference voltage. V BB may also rebias AC coupled inputs. When used, decouple V BB via a 0.01 m F capacitor and limitcurrent sourcing or sinking to 0.5 mA. When not used, V BB output should be left open.Application notes, models and support documentation are available at .Features•High Gain of 35 dB from DC to 7 GHz Typical•High IIP3: 0 dBm Typical•20 mV Minimum Input V oltage Swing•Maximum Input Clock Frequency up to 8.5 GHz •Maximum Input Data Rate up to 12 Gb/s Typical•<0.5 ps of RMS Clock Jitter•<9 ps of Data Dependent Jitter•120 ps Typical Propagation Delay•30 ps Typical Rise and Fall Times•RSPECL Output with Operating Range: V CC = 2.375 V to 3.465 V with V EE = 0 V•RSNECL Output with RSNECL or NECL Inputs with Operating Range: V CC = 0 V with V EE = −2.375 V to −3.465 V •RSECL Output Level (400 mV Peak−to−Peak Output),•50 W Internal Input Termination Resistors (Temperature−Coefficient of < 6.38 m W/°C)•V BB – ECL Reference V oltage Output•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableQQ QFN−16MN SUFFIXCASE 485GMARKING DIAGRAM**For additional marking information, refer toApplication Note AND8002/D.A= Assembly LocationL= Wafer LotY= YearW= Work WeekG= Pb−Free PackageSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 10 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONFigure 1. Functional Block DiagramTIME (17 ps/div)Figure 2. Typical Output Waveform at12 Gb/s with PRBS 223−1 (V INPP= 400 mV,Input Signal DDJ = 12 ps)VOLTAGE(6mV/div)Device DDJ = 3 ps(Note: Microdot may be in either location)1EEVTD D D VTDFigure 3. QFN −16 Pinout (Top View)EE EE EETable 1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name I/O Description1VTD −Internal 50 W termination pin. See Table 7. Note 12DLVPECL, CML,LVCMOS, LVDS,LVTTL Input Inverted differential input. Note 1.3D LVPECL, CML,LVCMOS, LVDS,LVTTL InputNoninverted differential input. Note 1.4VTD −Internal 50 W termination pin. See Table 7. Note 1.15V BB −Internally generated ECL reference voltage supply.5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16V EE −Negative supply voltage. All V EE pins must be externally connected to power supply to guarantee proper operation.9, 12V CC −Positive supply voltage. All V CC pins must be externally connected to power supply to guarantee proper operation10Q RSECL Output Noninverted differential output. Typically receiver terminated with 50 W resistor to V TT = V CC − 2.0 V.11Q RSECL OutputInverted differential output. Typically receiver terminated with 50 W resistor to V TT = V CC − 2.0 V.−EP−Exposed pad (EP). Thermally exposed pad on the package bottom must be attached to a heat sinking conduit. It is recommended to connect the EP to the lower potential, V EE .1.In the differential configuration when the input termination pins (VTD, VTD) are connected to a common termination voltage and if no signal is applied on D/D input then the device will be susceptible to self −oscillation.Table 2. ATTRIBUTESCharacteristics ValueESD Protection Human Body ModelMachine ModelCharged Device Model > 500 V > 10 V > 4 kVMoisture Sensitivity (Note 2)Pb Pkg Pb−Free PkgQFN−16Level 1Level 1Flammability Rating Oxygen Index: 28 to 34UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 inTransistor Count164Meets or exceeds JEDEC Spec EIA/JESD78 IC Latchup Test.2.For additional information, see Application Note AND8003/D.Table 3. MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 3)Symbol Parameter Condition 1Condition 2Rating Unit V CC Positive Power Supply V EE = 0 V 3.6V V EE Negative Power Supply V CC = 0 V−3.6VV I Positive InputNegative Input V EE = 0 VV CC = 0 VV I = V CCV I = V EE3.6−3.6VVV INPP Differential Input Voltage|D − D| 2.8VI IN Input Current Through R T(50 W Resistor)StaticSurge 4580mAmAI OUT Output Current ContinuousSurge 2550mAmAI BB V BB Sink/Source± 0.5mA T A Operating Temperature Range−40 to +85°C T stg Storage Temperature Range−65 to +150°Cq JA Thermal Resistance (Junction−to−Ambient) (Note 4)0 lfpm500 lfpmQFN−16QFN−164235°C/W°C/Wq JC Thermal Resistance (Junction−to−Case)1S2P (Note 4)QFN−164°C/WT sol Wave Solder PbPb−Free 265265°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.3.Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously.If stress limits are exceeded device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.4.JEDEC standard multilayer board − 1S2P (1 signal, 2 power) with 8 filled thermal vias under exposed pad.Table 4. DC CHARACTERISTICS, CLOCK INPUTS, RSECL OUTPUTS V CC = 2.375 V to 3.465 V, V EE = 0 VSymbol Characteristic−40 5C25 5C85 5CUnit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxI EE Power Supply Current (VTD/VTDopen)273527352735mAV OH Output HIGH Voltage(Note 5 and 6)V CC−1040V CC−980V CC−940V CC−1000V CC−950V CC−900V CC–950V CC−900V CC−850mVV OL Output LOW Voltage(Note 5 and 6)V CC−1520V CC−1430V CC−1320V CC−1470V CC−1370V CC−1270V CC–1440V CC−1340V CC−1240mVDIFFERENTIAL INPUT DRIVEN SINGLE−ENDED (see Figures 14 and 16)V TH Input Threshold Reference Voltage Range (Note 7 and 8)1100V CC−101100V CC−101100V CC−10mVV IH Single−ended Input HIGH Voltage (Note 8)V th+10V CC V th+ 10V CC V th+10V CC mVV IL Single−ended Input LOW Voltage (Note 8)V EE V th−10V EE V th−10V EE V th−10mVDIFFERENTIAL INPUTS DRIVEN DIFFERENTIALLY (see Figures 15 and 17)V IHD Differential Input HIGH Voltage(Note 9)1105V CC1105V CC1105V CC mVV ILD Differential Input LOW Voltage(Note 9)V EE V CC−10V EE V CC−10V EE V CC−10mVV CMR Input Common Mode Range(Differential Configuration,Note 9 and 10)1100V CC−51100V CC–51100V CC–5mVV ID Differential Input Voltage(V IHD− V ILD)102500102500102500mV V IO Input Offset Voltage (Note 11)−50+5−50+5−50+5mVV BB Internally Generated ReferenceVoltage Supply(Only 3 V – 3.6 V Supply Load with−100 m A)V CC−1425V CC−1345V CC−1265V CC−1425V CC−1345V CC−1265V CC−1425V CC−1345V CC−1265mVI IH Input HIGH CurrentD/Db (VTD/VTD Open)020100020100020100m AI IL Input LOW CurrentD/Db (VTD/VTD Open)−251075−251075−251075m A R TIN Internal Input Termination Resistor455055455055455055WR T_Coef Internal Input Termination ResistorTemperature Coefficient6.38 6.38 6.38m W/°CNOTE:Device will meet the specifications after thermal equilibrium has been established when mounted in a test socket or printed circuit board with maintained airflow greater than 500 lfpm. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the declared operatingtemperature range. Functional operation of the device exceeding these conditions is not implied. Device specification limit values are applied individually under normal operating conditions and not valid simultaneously.5.Outputs evaluated with 50 W resistors to V TT = V CC− 2.0 V for proper operation.6.Input and output parameters vary 1:1 with V CC.7.V TH is applied to the complementary input when operating in single−ended mode.8.V IH, V IL and V TH parameters must be complied simultaneously.9.V IHD, V ILD and V CMR parameters must be complied simultaneously.10.V CMR min varies 1:1 with V EE, V CMR max varies 1:1 with V CC.11. Typical standard deviation of input offset voltage is 1.76 mV.Table 5. AC CHARACTERISTICS V CC = 2.375 V to 3.465 V, V EE = 0 V; (Note 12)Symbol Characteristic−40°C25°C 85°C Unit Min Typ MaxMin Typ MaxMin Typ MaxV OUTPP Output Voltage Amplitude (@ V INPPmin )f in ≤ 7.0 GHz (See Figure 4)f in ≤ 8.5 GHz 275100380250275100380250275100380250mV f DATA Maximum Operating Data Rate 101210121012Gb/s |S21|Power Gain DC to 7 GHz 353535dB |S11|Input Return Loss @ 7 GHz −10−10−10dB |S22|Output Return Loss @ 7 GHz−5−5−5dB |S12|Reverse Isolation (Differential Configuration)−25−25−25dB IIP3Input Third Order Intercept000dBm t PLH ,t PHL Propagation Delay to Output Differential @ 1 GHz 601201806012018060120180ps t SKEW Duty Cycle Skew (Note 12)Device to Device Skew (Note 17)251020251020251020ps t JITTERRMS Random Clock Jitter f in v 8.5 GHz (Note 15)Peak −to −Peak Data Dependent Jitter (Note 16)f DATA = 3.5 Gb/s f DATA = 5.0 Gb/s f DATA = 10 Gb/s f DATA = 12 Gb/s 0.113440.579990.113440.579990.113440.57999psV INPP Input Voltage Swing/Sensitivity(Differential Configuration) (Note 14 and Figure 12)202500202500202500mV t r t fOutput Rise/Fall Times @ 0.5 GHz Q, Q(20% − 80%)304530453045psNOTE:Device will meet the specifications after thermal equilibrium has been established when mounted in a test socket or printed circuitboard with maintained airflow greater than 500 lfpm. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the declared operatingtemperature range. Functional operation of the device exceeding these conditions is not implied. Device specification limit values are applied individually under normal operating conditions and not valid simultaneously.12.Measured by forcing V INPPmin from a 50% duty cycle clock source. All loading with an external R L = 50 W to V TT =V CC − 2.0 V. Input edge rates 40 ps (20% − 80%).13.Duty cycle skew is measured between differential outputs using the deviations of the sum of Tpw − and Tpw+ @ 1 GHz.14.V INPP (MAX) cannot exceed V CC − V EE . Input voltage swing is a single −ended measurement operating in differential mode.15.Additive RMS jitter with 50% duty cycle clock signal.16.Additive peak −to −peak data dependent jitter with input NRZ data at PRBS 223−1.17.Device to device skew is measured between outputs under identical transition @ 1 GHz.Figure 4. Output Voltage Amplitude (V OUTPP ) versusInput Clock Frequency (f IN ) and Temperature (V INPP = 400 mV, V CC = 3.3 V and V EE = 0 V)INPUT CLOCK FREQUENCY (GHz)O U T P U T V O L T A G E A M P L I T U D E (m V )050100150200250300350400450500INPUT CLOCK FREQUENCY (GHz)O U T P U T V O L T A G E A M P L I T U D E (m V )Figure 5. Output Voltage Amplitude (V OUTPP ) versusInput Clock Frequency (f IN ) and Temperature (V INPP = 20 mV, V CC = 3.3 V and V EE = 0 V)TIME (66 ps/div)Figure 6. Typical Output Waveform at 2.488 Gb/s with PRBS 223−1 (V INPP = 400 mV, Input Signal DDJ = 12 ps)V O L T A G E (60 m V /d i v )TIME (54 ps/div)Figure 7. Typical Output Waveform at 3.5 Gb/s with PRBS 223−1 (V INPP = 400 mV, Input Signal DDJ = 12 ps)V O L T A G E (60 m V /d i v )V O L T A G E (60 m V /d i v )TIME (37 ps/div)Figure 8. Typical Output Waveform at 5 Gb/s with PRBS223−1 (V INPP = 400 mV, Input Signal DDJ = 12 ps)TIME (21 ps/div)Figure 9. Typical Output Waveform at 10 Gb/s with PRBS 223−1 (V INPP = 400 mV, Input Signal DDJ = 12 ps)V O L T A G E (60 m V /d i v )Device DDJ = 1 psDevice DDJ =1 psDevice DDJ =2 psDevice DDJ = 3 psFREQUENCY (GHz)G A I N (d B )0510152025303540Figure 10. Small Signal Gain – S21 Magnitude*−50−40−30−20−100G A I N (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 11. Input and Output Reflection – S11and S22 Magnitude*246810121416246810121416*T A = +25°C, V CC = 3.3 V, V EE =0 V, P IN = −44 dBm,Z S = Z L = 50 W , input and output matching network is not included.Table 6. TYPICAL DEVICE S−PARAMETERSFrequency(Hz)S11S21S12S22dbS11|S11|íS11dbS21|S21|íS21dbS12|S12|íS12dbS22|S22|íS224.97E+08−45.20.005−88.537.272.799−33.2−72.30.001−139.1−2.50.749157.41.02E+09−30.40.030−134.737.373.145−68.4−45.80.005129.8−2.90.714154.31.51E+09−36.20.015−146.537.171.433−105.4−43.30.00798.5−2.90.717132.82.00E+09−27.40.04225.737.474.061−139.0−37.10.01491.8−3.50.666107.12.52E+09−12.30.244−27.736.264.810−179.5−29.90.03254.4−4.40.59992.13.01E+09−10.60.295−83.836.970.102144.5−26.10.0509.4−6.30.48577.33.50E+09−19.00.112−22.135.458.93399.9−28.30.03825.9−5.00.56667.94.02E+09−10.60.294−120.335.660.43773.8−24.80.058−32.6−7.60.41754.24.51E+09−10.70.291167.436.062.84341.1−22.50.075−68.3−13.90.20170.24.99E+09−9.00.35487.135.156.57614.2−25.20.055−107.2−8.70.36781.25.48E+09−10.60.29462.736.465.812−16.1−24.30.061−121.4−8.00.39850.46.01E+09−9.30.341108.235.861.327−72.8−24.50.060−125.7−8.00.397−0.96.49E+09−9.40.34059.436.264.212−119.4−21.90.080−152.4−12.50.237−27.26.98E+09−17.50.13325.534.352.039−141.5−22.70.073177.5−7.40.428−32.27.51E+09−25.60.053107.933.245.861164.6−24.40.060165.7−7.00.445−37.97.99E+09−13.70.206146.525.218.093133.6−21.50.084152.8−7.60.416−54.78.52E+09−6.70.462117.922.613.434116.2−19.40.107120.7−12.10.249−73.79.00E+09−5.20.552106.219.49.336102.0−19.00.112109.9−12.20.246−62.59.49E+09−3.70.65271.119.08.93761.1−19.40.10762.0−11.50.267−100.21.00E+10−9.70.32646.218.78.59518.6−24.00.06350.6−10.40.301−117.01.05E+10−11.00.28335.814.5 5.298−13.3−25.90.05112.9−10.80.288−172.01.10E+10−8.30.3847.212.9 4.408−9.6−29.40.03421.1−13.40.21374.01.15E+10−5.90.506−0.412.7 4.339−33.7−21.40.08536.3−21.40.085−148.61.20E+10−9.00.356−23.812.9 4.395−63.4−19.40.107−9.5−13.40.214159.51.25E+10−15.60.166−46.910.5 3.360−97.8−21.00.089−39.0−12.40.239169.21.30E+10−15.10.175−83.09.9 3.121−119.7−24.00.063−39.9−11.30.272171.61.35E+10−12.00.250−96.58.7 2.728−148.9−22.00.079−39.1−14.90.181177.81.40E+10−11.50.265−−167.1−18.60.118−74.2−18.40.120140.31.45E+10−17.00.140−97.8 5.4 1.856167.6−20.10.099−107.0−15.70.16398.21.50E+10−23.40.068−108.9 4.6 1.695145.0−20.20.098−128.1−11.20.27496.1 NOTE:T A = +25°C, V CC=3.3V, V EE = 0 V, P IN = −44 dBm, Z S = Z L = 50 W, input and output matching network is not included.Figure 12. AC Reference MeasurementIH (D) − V IL (D)= V OH (Q) − V OL (Q)Figure 13. Typical Termination for Output Driver and Device Evaluation (See Application Note AND8020/D − Termination of ECL Logic Devices.)V TTV TT = V CC − 2.0 VFigure 14. Differential Input DrivenSingle −Ended Figure 15. Differential Inputs DrivenDifferentiallyFigure 16. V th Diagram Figure 17. V CMR DiagramV thILDNOTE:V EE v V IN v V CC ; V IH > V ILAPPLICATION INFORMATIONAll NB7L216 inputs can accept PECL, CML, LVTTL, LVCMOS and LVDS signal levels. The limitations for differential input signal (LVDS, PECL, or CML) are minimum input swing of 75 mV and the maximum input swing of 2500 mV . Within these conditions, the input voltage can range from V CC to 1.2 V . Examples interfaces are illustrated below in a 50 W environment (Z = 50 W ). For output termination and interface, refer to application note AND8020/D.Table 7. INTERFACING OPTIONSInterfacing OptionsConnectionsCML Connect VTD and VTD to V CC (See Figure 18)LVDS Connect VTD and VTD Together (See Figure 20)AC −COUPLED Bias VTD and VTD Inputs within Common Mode Range (V CMR ) (See Figure 19)RSECL, PECL, NECL Standard ECL Termination Techniques (See Figure 13)LVTTL, LVCMOSAn External Voltage (V THR ) should be Applied to the Unused Complementary Differential Input. Nominal V THR is 1.5 V for LVTTL and V CC / 2 for LVCMOS Inputs. This Voltage must be within the V THR Specification. (See Figure 21)EE EEFigure 18. CML to NB7L216 InterfaceFigure 19. PECL to NB7L216 InterfaceEEEEEEV CCR T5.0 V 290 W 3.3 V 150 W 2.5 V80 WRecommended R T Values*V Bias must be within common mode range limits (V CMR )EE EEFigure 20. LVDS to NB7L216 InterfaceFigure 21. LVCMOS/LVTTL to NB7L216 InterfaceORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping†NB7L216MN QFN−16123 Units / Rail123 Units / RailNB7L216MNG QFN−16(Pb−Free)NB7L216MNR2QFN−163000 / Tape & ReelNB7L216MNR2G QFN−163000 / Tape & Reel(Pb−Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel PackagingSpecifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.分销商库存信息:ONSEMINB7L216MNR2G NB7L216MNG NB7L216MN NB7L216MNR2NB7L216MNEVB。



!AN-4141: Troubleshooting and Design Tips for Fairchild Power Switch (FPS™) Flyback Applications !AN-4145: Electromagnetic Compatibility for Power Converters!AN-4147: Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters DescriptionA Quasi-Resonant Converter (QRC) generally shows lower EMI and higher power conversion efficiency than a conventional hard-switched converter with a fixed switching frequency. The FSQ-series is an integrated Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) controller and SenseFET specifically designed for quasi-resonant operation and Alternating Valley Switching (AVS). The PWM controller includes an integrated fixed-frequency oscillator, Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO), Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB), optimized gate driver, internal soft-start, temperature-compensated precise current sources for a loop compensation, and self-protection circuitry. Compared with a discrete MOSFET and PWM controller solution, the FSQ-series can reduce total cost, component count, size, and weight; while simultaneously increasing efficiency, productivity, and system reliability. This device provides a basic platform for cost-effective designs of quasi-resonant switching flyback converters.FSQ0565RS/RQ — Green-Mode Farichild Power Switch (FPS™) for Quasi-Resonant Operation Green-Mode Fairchild Power Switch (FPS™) for Quasi-Resonant Operation - Low EMI and High Efficiency Features!Optimized for Quasi-Resonant Converters (QRC)!Low EMI through Variable Frequency Control and AVS (Alternating Valley Switching)!High-Efficiency through Minimum Voltage Switching!Narrow Frequency Variation Range over Wide Load and Input Voltage Variation!Advanced Burst-Mode Operation for Low Standby Power Consumption!Simple Scheme for Sync Voltage Detection!Pulse-by-Pulse Current Limit !Various Protection Functions: Overload Protection (OLP), Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), Internal Thermal Shutdown (TSD) with Hysteresis, Output Short Protection (OSP) !Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) with Hysteresis!Internal Startup Circuit !Internal High-Voltage Sense FET (650V)!Built-in Soft-Start (17.5ms)Applications!Power Supply for LCD TV and Monitor, VCR, SVR, STB, and DVD & DVD Recorder!Adapter Related Resources Visit: /apnotes/ for:!AN-4134: Design Guidelines for Offline Forward Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch (FPS™)!AN-4137: Design Guidelines for Offline Flyback Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch (FPS™)!AN-4140: Transformer Design Consideration for Offline Flyback Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch (FPS™)Figure 1. Typical Flyback ApplicationV SDV OCP SQQR GNDAOCP(1.1V)TSD2V OSPLPFLPFBurst-Mode Voltages T J = 25°C, t PD = 200ns(10)V BURL0.250.350.45V Hysteresis200mVContinued on the following page...FSQ0565RS/RQ — Green-Mode Farichild Power Switch (FPS™) for Quasi-Resonant Operation Comparison Between FSDM0x65RNB and FSQ-Series Differences Between FSQ0565RS and FSQ0565RQ Function FSDM0x65RE FSQ-Series FSQ-Series Advantages Operation Method Constant Frequency PWM Quasi-Resonant Operation!Improved efficiency by valley switching!Reduced EMI noise!Reduced components to detect valley point EMI Reduction Frequency Modulation Reduced EMI Noise !Valley Switching!Inherent Frequency Modulation!Alternate Valley Switching Hybrid Control CCM or AVS Based on Load and Input Condition!Improves efficiency by introducing hybrid control Burst-Mode Operation Burst-Mode Operation Advanced Burst-Mode Operation!Improved standby power by advanced burst-mode Strong Protections OLP, OVP OLP, OVP, OSP!Improved reliability through precise OSP TSD145°C without Hysteresis140°C with 60°C Hysteresis!Stable and reliable TSD operation!Converter temperature range Function FSQ0565RS FSQ0565RQ Remark I LIM 2.25A 3.0A!Lower current peak is suitable to reduce conduc-tion loss!Higher current peak is suitable for handling higher power Over Voltage Protection V CC OVP(triggered by V CC voltage)Sync OVP(triggered by Sync voltage)!Sync OVP is suitable when V CC voltage is pre reg-ulated.FSQ0565RS/RQ — Green-Mode Farichild Power Switch (FPS™) for Quasi-Resonant OperationFigure 5. Operating Supply Current (I OP ) vs. T AFigure 6. UVLO Start Threshold Voltage(V START ) vs. T AFigure 7. UVLO Stop Threshold Voltage(V STOP ) vs. T AFigure 8. Startup Charging Current (I CH ) vs. T A-252550751001250. o r m Temperature [°C]-2502550751001250. o r m Temperature [°C]-252550751001250. o r m a l i z e dTemperature [°C]-252550751001250. o r m a l i z e dTemperature [°C] o r m a l i z e d0. o r m a l i z e dFSQ0565RS/RQ — Green-Mode Farichild Power Switch (FPS™) for Quasi-Resonant OperationFigure 11. Blanking Time (t B ) vs. T AFigure 12. Feedback Source Current (I FB ) vs. T AFigure 13. Shutdown Delay Current (I DELAY ) vs. T AFigure 14. Burst-Mode High Threshold Voltage(V burh ) vs. T A-252550751001250. o r m Temperature [°C]-2502550751001250. o r m a Temperature [°C]-252550751001250. o r m a l i z e dTemperature [°C]-252550751001250. o r m a l i z e dTemperature [°C] o r m a l i z e d0. o r m a l i z e d分销商库存信息: FAIRCHILDFSQ0565RSLDTU。



(at 100MHz/20°C)
Temperature Range
DLW5BTN101SQ2p DLW5BTN251SQ2p DLW5BTN501SQ2p DLW5BTN102SQ2p DLW5BTN142SQ2p Number of Circuit: 1
100ohm (Typ.) 250ohm (Typ.) 500ohm (Typ.) 1000ohm (Typ.) 1400ohm (Typ.)
Noise Suppression Products/EMI Suppression Filters > Common Mode Choke Coil > Wire Wound Type for Large Current
Data Sheet
Common Mode Choke Coil Wire Wound Type for Large Current
Noise Suppression Products/EMI Suppression Filters > Common Mode Choke Coil > Wire Wound Type for Large Current
0.5 min. (L) 5.0±0.3
0.45 min. (T) 2.35±0.15
(4) (3) 1.3±0.3 0.9±0.3
: Electrode (in mm)
c Impedance-Frequency Characteristics (Main Items)
10000 Common mode
Notice Solderability of Tin plating termination chip might be deteriorated when low temperature soldering profile where peak solder temperature is below the Tin melting point is used. Please confirm the solderability of Tin plating termination chip before use.

欧特森5P UPS系列产品参数表说明书

欧特森5P UPS系列产品参数表说明书

Eaton 5P650IREaton 5P UPS, 650 VA, 420 W, Input: C14, Outputs: (4) C13,Rack, 1UGeneral specificationsEaton 5P UPS5P650IR743172042903438 mm43.2 mm364 mm8.6 kg 3 year on electronics, 2 year on batteryCE Marked TUV IEC/EN 62040-1 UL 1778IEC/EN 62040-2 CEEACcTUVusProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances Certifications60 HzSine wave420 W0.65RackBlack/silverNoC14150 V240 V50 HzEaton Intelligent Power Manager, Eaton Intelligent Power ProtectorUser replaceableLead-acid maintenance-free (replaceable)96Eaton UPS Services Quick Guide 2021 Eaton UPS and battery servicesEaton 5P UPS Quick Start GuideSecondary frequency - max Output waveformWattageOutput power factorForm factorEnclosureIncludes network card Input connectionInput voltage - minOutput voltage - max Secondary frequency - min Software compatibility Battery replacement Battery typeEfficiencySpecial features BrochuresManuals and user guidesAutomatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)High-density protection fornetworks: 1U onlyEnergy efficient, reduce energy and cooling costs Delivers clean sinewave output1 slot for optional com card (Network management card, Relay card or Network and Industrial card)Compatible with Virtual environments (VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix Xen, Redhat) Fully integrates with Eaton Intelligent Power Manager software1 USB port + 1 serial port Advanced Battery Management (ABM) technology to increase battery lifetimeNext-generation graphical LCD displayHot swappable batteries Remote reboot and runtime optimization thanks to 2 manageable outlet groupsConstruction type482.6 mm (19 inch) deviceOutput voltage - min200 VColorBlack/silverExtended battery capabilityNoOutput voltage range230 V (+6%/-10%)TopologyLine-interactiveBTU RatingOnline: 85Runtime at half load9 minInput nominal voltage230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)Input frequency range47-70 Hz (50 Hz system), 56.5-70 Hz (60 Hz system), 40 Hz in low sensitivity modeInput voltage - max294 VVoltage typeACPhase (output)1Battery managementABM or constant voltage charging method (user selectable), automatic battery test, deep discharge protectionAuto shutdown functionYesNumber of Outputs C134VA rating650 VAPotential free switch contactYesReceptacle(4) C13Phase (input)1Package contentsRack-mounting kitCable locking systemUSB cableSerial cable(2) IEC-IEC cablesQuickstart guideSafety instructionsNoise level<40 dB at 1 meterFeed type1Runtime graphView runtime graphUser interfaceMultilingual graphical LCD displayBattery quantity1Rack size1UVoltage230VTemperature range0-90% non-condensingEthernet interfaceNoCommunicationUSB port (HID compliant) Serial port (RS232)Mini-terminal block forremote On/Off and Remote Power OffDry contacts (2 outputs, optocoupler, RJ)Relative humidity0-90% non-condensingRack mounting kitYesOutput frequency50/60 HzRuntime at full load2 minType of interfaceOtherPrimary frequency - min47 HzBattery rating12 V / 9 AhTypeUPSEaton Corporation plcEaton House30 Pembroke RoadDublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia 230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)One slot for optional communication card160-294 V (adjustable to 150 V-294 V)50-60 Hz70 Hz2000 mOutput nominal voltageExpansion slotsInput voltage rangeNominal frequencyPrimary frequency - maxAltitude。

Atlas Copco Z压缩器系列产品说明书

Atlas Copco Z压缩器系列产品说明书

ZR/ZT 110-275 (FF) & ZR/ZT 132-315 VSD (FF)Setting the standard in energy efficiency, safety and reliability The shortest route to superior productivity is to minimize operational cost while maintaining an uninterrupted supply of the right quality of air. The Atlas Copco Z compressor series is focused on effectively saving energy, ensuring product safety –only oil-free machines exclude contamination risks for 100% – and guaranteeing the utmost reliability around the clock. And not just today, but day after day, year after year,with minimal maintenance cost, few service interventions and long overhaul intervals.Highest reliabilityFor 60 years, Atlas Copco Z compressors have set the benchmark for durability. T hey are built using long-standing internal engineering practices, and are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000& OHSAS 18001. T he high-end ZR/ZT uses time-provenstate-of-the-art screw technology, cooling and pulsation dampers and provides you with the highest reliability. 100% oil-free compressed airThe ZR/ZT offers you 100% pure, clean air that complies with ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification. T his means zero riskof contamination; zero risk of damaged products; zero risk of losses from operational downtime; and zero risk of damaging your company’s hard-won professional reputation. Maximum energy efficiencyThe ZR/ZT’s superior oil-free screw elements provide the optimum combination of high Free Air Delivery (FAD) with the lowest energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressure drops and an extremely efficient drive train result in the highest compressor package efficiency.The most complete packageWith the ZR/ZT compressor, Atlas Copco provides a superior solution without hidden costs. T he totally integrated,ready-to-use package includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication and control system. T he Full Feature version even integrates an IMD adsorption dryer for an impeccable end product. Installation is fault-free, commissioning time is low and no external instrument air is required. Y ou simply plug and run. Global presence - local serviceOur aftermarket product portfolio is designed to add maximum value for our customers by ensuring the optimum availability and reliability of their compressed air equipment with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive service organization,maintaining our position as leader in compressed air.100% certified oil-free airAtlas Copco is renowned for designing and manufacturing some of the most durable oil-free screw compressors. T he ZR/ZT high-end rotary screw compressor comes out of this strong tradition. Ideal for industries where high-quality oil-free air is key, the ZR/ZT offers the highest reliability and safetyin combination with low energy costs.Food & beverage• 100% pure, clean, oil-free air for all kinds of applications(e.g. fermentation, packaging, aeration, transportation,filling & capping, cleaning, instrument air).• ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification to avoidcompromising the purity of your end productand ensure zero risk of contamination.T extiles• Easy and quick installation.• A completely, fully integrated, ready-to-use solution.Oil & gas• Years of experience in providing compressed airfor the oil & gas industry.• 100% oil-free compressed air for control/instrumentair or buffer air.• Strong global support network to provide 24/7 assistance.Power plants• Ideal for applications such as flue gas desulphurization,oxidation air, and fluidized beds.• Continuous operation.Class 0: the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries whereair quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications includefood and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, semiconductor and electronics,the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a rangeof air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purityas the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renownedTÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. T he TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the outputair stream.concentration in total oil content).321High efficiency coolers and water separator• Corrosion resistant stainless steel tubing*.• Highly reliable robot welding; no leakages*.• Aluminium star insert increases heat transfer*.• Water separator with labyrinth design to efficiently separate the condensate from the compressed air.• Low moisture carry-over protects downstream equipment.3World-class oil-free compression element• Unique Z seal design guarantees 100% certified oil-free air.• Atlas Copco superior rotor coating for high efficiency and durability.• Cooling jackets.2Throttle valve with load/unload regulation• No external air supply required.• Mechanical interlock of inlet and blow-off valve.• Low unload power.1* Only for ZR water-cooled versions.45AirWaterOilMotor• IP55 T EFC protection against dust and humidity.• High efficiency fixed speed IE3 motor (equal to NEMA Premium).4Advanced Elektronikon ®• Large 5.7” sized color display available in 31 languages for optimal ease of use.• Controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure to maximize energy efficiency.5Water-cooled ZR Pack123Silenced canopy• Base frame with forklift slot.• Fully packaged, easy to install.• Easy ducting.1Efficient intake air filtration• 2-stage dust removal system (99.9% for 3 micron).• Low pressure drop.• Efficient protection of the compressor.• Minimum intake losses.2High-efficiency motor + VSD• TEFC IP55 motor protects against dust and chemicals.• Continuous operation under severe ambient temperature conditions.• Full regulation between 30 to 100% of the maximum capacity.34Full Feature: IMD adsorption dryer• Eliminates the moisture before it enters the air net.• Ensuring a reliable process and a top quality end product.• No external energy is needed to dry the air, resulting in high energy savings and no compressed air losses.• Minimal pressure drop.4Air outAir-cooled ZT Full FeatureAirWaterOilVSD: driving down energy costsOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. T hanks to continual investments in this technology, Atlas Copco offers the widest range of integrated VSD compressorson the market.EnergyEnergy savings with VSD Investment MaintenanceEnergy savings of up to 35%Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.T otal compressor lifecycle costVSD?1The Elektronikon® controls both the compressor and the integrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.2Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10.4 bar with VSD reduces electricity costs.3Specific converter and motor design (with protected bearings) for the highest efficiency acrossthe speed range.4Electric motor specifically designed for low operating speeds with clear attention to motor cooling andcompressor cooling requirements.5All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified. Compressor operation does notinfluence external sources and vice versa.6Mechanical enhancements ensure that all components operate below critical vibration levels throughout theentire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energy savings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.Monitoring and control: how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Intelligence is part of the package• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions. • Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data. • Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built-in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Online & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *:Data monitoring programProtecting your productionUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Increase production reliabilityLow quality air heightens the risk of corrosion, which can lower the life span of production equipment. T he air treatment solutions produce clean air that enhances your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.Safeguard production qualityCompressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. Atlas Copco provides clean,dry air to protect your production and reputation in the market.Supreme energy and cost savingsAtlas Copco’s quality air solutions stand for substantial energy savings all day, every day. T aking technology to a new level,these products achieve maximum cost savings.Proven peace of mindBuilding on know-how and years of experience, the entire Atlas Copco quality air range is produced in-house and tested using the most stringent methods in the industry.A dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.BD/BD +-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant• Limited pressure drop• Variants without loss of compressed airFD/FD +(VSD)+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FRefrigerant dryer• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air • Guaranteed pressure dew points• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions • Air and water cooled variantsMD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FMDG-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FRotary drum heat of compression dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression • Negligible power consumption• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew pointsND-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FDryers overviewD e w p o i n t (°C )D e w p o i n t (°F )Flow (l/s)Flow (cfm)+3+37-20-4-40-40-702005001000-94To further protect your investment, equipment and processes, Atlas Copco presents a full line-up of innovative quality air solutions to suit the high quality requirements of your specific application.45213A complete Full Feature packageAtlas Copco’s Full Feature concept stands for a compact, all-in-one quality air solution. Integrating the IMD dryer and its Variable Speed Drive on VSD models, this integrated package offers the highest quality air at the lowest possible cost.Protect your compressed air systemA dry compressed air system is essential to maintain the reliability of production processes and the quality of the end products. Untreated air can cause corrosion in the pipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment and product spoilage.IMD adsorption dryerThe IMD adsorption dryer eliminates the moisture before it enters the air net,ensuring a reliable process and an impeccable end product. As no external energy is needed to dry the air, large savings are obtained. T he pressure drop through the dryer is minimal, which again cuts down the operating cost.The IMD drying principle1 Hot unsaturated air2 Hot saturated air3 Cold saturated air4 Dry air5 Drying sectionOptimize your systemWith the ZR/ZT , Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZR/ZT’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Engineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with thespecifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAll equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty.The reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised. A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliablemaintenance by Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Options• : Optional- : Not available(*) Maximum intake/cooling air temperature is 50°C/122 °F for HAT versions.Please note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.ZR 110-275 (FF)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.- 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.(3) Not available as FF variant.ZT 110-275 (FF)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar. - 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.(1) For the working pressure of the FF variant, please consult Atlas Copco.(2) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.- 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(3) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZR 132-315 VSD (FF) (50/60 Hz)(1) For the working pressure of the FF variant, pleaseconsult Atlas Copco.(2) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C & E, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7/7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar. - 13 bar version at 12 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(3) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZT 132-315 VSD (FF) (50/60 Hz)DimensionsCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0538 14 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。

上海万迅仪表 QSL、QSQ系列电子式一体化电动执行机构 说明书

上海万迅仪表 QSL、QSQ系列电子式一体化电动执行机构 说明书
1.3 与阀门连接 执行机构可以通过连杆与阀门连接。首先需要阀杆与执行机构出
轴完全缩回。 警告:只能用手轮操作执行机构出轴。
● 执行机构连杆插入阀门安装法兰孔,上紧连杆螺母。 ● 根据阀门情况置盘簧。 ● 手动执行机构出轴到连接件。 ● 旋转保持螺母到执行机构出轴使连接配合并旋紧。 ● 用特殊板手紧固保持螺母。 1.4 为了进行正确的安装和减少客户的维护工作,在此强调以下几点: 1、QSL 与阀门连接时先将执行器安装于阀上,再将支架上两个 Ml6(或 M20)螺母带上但 不要板紧,然后安装好连接件并用专用板手板紧保持螺母,再手动该执行器上下运动两 遍,使阀杆与执行器输出轴自动找正,保持同轴,然后再备紧 Ml6(或 M20)螺母。 2、QSL 与阀门为柔性连接,如果将连接方法改为刚性连接则会引起调试的困难及故障 的发生,此情况不在我公司保修范围之列。 3、QSL 与阀门连接完成后,全关时(以下端关上端开为例)铜套外露值 d 不得过定行程 (QSL201、202 为 50mm,208、210 为 60mm,QSL312、314、316、320、325 为 100mm), 见右图。
手动 操作
手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮 手轮
防护 等级
IP67 IP67 IP67 IP67 IP67 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65
重量 (Kg)
5.5 5.8 6.0 8.0 8.2 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 23.0
(二)QSQ 系列 90°行程电动执行机构
手动 操作
防护 等级
重量 (Kg)
QSQl02 100
QSQ202 200
QSQ502 500

VISHAY TCLT11. Series Data Sheet

VISHAY TCLT11. Series Data Sheet

Document Number COptocoupler, Phototransistor Output, SOP-6L5, Half Pitch, Long Mini-Flat PackageFeatures•SMD Low profile 5 pin package •Isolation Test Voltage 5000 V RMS•CTR flexibility available see order information •Special construction•Extra low coupling capacitance •Connected base•DC input with transistor output •Lead-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECAgency Approvals•UL1577, File No. E76222 System Code W, Double Protection •CSA 93751•BSI IEC60950 IEC60065•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE0884)DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending •FIMKO •NOTE:See the Safety Standard Approval List "Agency Table" for more detailed information.ApplicationsSwitchmode power supplies Computer peripheral interface Microprocessor system interfaceDescriptionThe TCLT11.. Series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emit-ting diode in a 5-lead SOP5L package.The elements are mounted on one leadframe provid-ing a fixed distance between input and output for high-est safety requirements.Order InformationNOTE: Available only on tape and reel.PartRemarksTCLT1100CTR 50 - 600 %, SMD-5TCLT1102CTR 63 - 125 %, SMD-5TCLT1103CTR 100 - 200 %, SMD-5TCLT1105CTR 50 - 150 %, SMD-5TCLT1106CTR 100 - 300 %, SMD-5TCLT1107CTR 80 - 160 %, SMD-5TCLT1108CTR 130 - 260 %, SMD-5TCLT1109CTR 200 - 400 %, SMD-5 Document Number 83514TCLT11.. SeriesVishay Semiconductors Absolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedStresses in excess of the absolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute Maximum Rating for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability.InputOutputCouplerElectrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedMinimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements.InputOutputParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Reverse voltage V R 6V Forward current I F 60mA Forward surge current t p ≤ 10 µsI FSM 1.5A Power dissipation P diss 100mW Junction temperatureT j125°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Collector emitter voltage V CEO 70V Emitter collector voltage V ECO 7V Collector current I C 50mA Collector peak current t p /T = 0.5, t p ≤ 10 msI CM 100mA Power dissipation P diss 150mW Junction temperatureT j125°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Isolation test voltage (RMS)V ISO 5000V RMS Total power dissipationP tot 250mW Operating ambient temperature rangeT amb - 40 to + 100°C Storage temperature range T stg - 40 to + 100°C Soldering temperatureT sld240°CParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.Max Unit Forward voltage I F = ± 50 mA V F 1.25 1.6V Junction capacitanceV R = 0 V , f = 1 MHzC j50pFParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.MaxUnit Collector emitter voltage I C = 1 mA V CEO 70V Emitter collector voltage I E = 100 µAV ECO 7V Collector-emitter cut-off current V CE = 20 V , I f = 0, E = 0I CEO10100nATCLT11.. SeriesDocument Number 83514Vishay SemiconductorsCouplerCurrent Transfer RatioMaximum Safety Ratings(according to DIN EN 60747-5-2(VDE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending) see figure 1 This optocoupler is suitable for safe electrical isolation only within the safety ratings.Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits.InputOutputCouplerParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Collector emitter saturation voltageI F = 10 mA, I C = 1 mA V CEsat 0.3V Cut-off frequency V CE = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 100 Ωf c 110kHz Coupling capacitancef = 1 MHzC k0.3pFParameterT est conditionPart Symbol Min T yp.Max Unit I C /I FV CE = 5 V , I F = 5 mA TCLT1100CTR 50600%V CE = 5 V , I F = 10 mA TCLT1102CTR 63125%TCLT1103CTR 100200%V CE = 5 V , I F = 1 mATCLT1102CTR 2245%TCLT1103CTR 3470%TCLT1104CTR 56100%V CE = 5 V , I F = 5 mATCLT1105CTR 50150%TCLT1106CTR 100300%TCLT1107CTR 80160%TCLT1108CTR 130260%TCLT1109CTR200400%ParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Forward currentI F130mAParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Power dissipationP diss265mWParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Rated impulse voltage V IOTM 8kV Safety temperatureT si150°C Document Number 83514TCLT11.. SeriesVishay Semiconductors Insulation Rated ParametersParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.Max Unit Partial discharge test voltage - Routine test100 %, t test = 1 s V pd 1.6kV Partial discharge test voltage - Lot test (sample test)t T r = 60 s, t test = 10 s, (see figure 2)V IOTM 8kV V pd 1.3kV Insulation resistanceV IO = 500 VR IO 1012ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 100°C R IO 1011ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 150°C(construction test only)R IO109ΩTCLT11.. SeriesDocument Number 83514Vishay SemiconductorsSwitching CharacteristicsParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.MaxUnit Delay time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t d 3.0µs Rise time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t r 3.0µs T urn-on time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t on 6.0µs Storage time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L= 100 Ω (see figure 3)t s 0.3µs Fall time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t f 4.7µs T urn-off time V S = 5 V , I C = 2 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t off 5.0µs T urn-on time V S = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω (see figure 4)t on 9.0µs T urn-off timeV S = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω (see figure 4)t off10.0µsFigure 3. Test circuit, non-saturated operation Figure 4. Test circuit, saturated operation95 10804R G = 50 t pt p = 50 P T= 0.01I Fadjusted throughinput amplitudeOscilloscope R L = 1 M WC L = 20 pFI II9510843R G =50t pt p =50T=0.01I F 0Oscilloscope R L ≥C L 20pFΩM 1≤µFigure 5. Switching Times10%I FI C t p pulse duration t d delay time t rrise time t on (=t d +t r )turn-on timet s storage time t ffall time t off (=t s +t f )turn-off time Document Number 83514TCLT11.. SeriesVishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Figure 6. Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Figure 8. Relative Current Transfer Ratio vs. AmbientTemperature05010015020025030004080120P –T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )T amb –Ambient T emperature(°C )9611700t o t0.1110100100000. F -Forward Voltage (V )9611862F I -F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )–250255000. T R –R e l a t i v e C u r r e n t T r a n s f e r R a t i or e l T amb –Ambient Temperature (°C )951102575V CE =5V I F =5mAFigure 9. Collector Dark Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 10. Collector Current vs. Forward CurrentFigure 11. Collector Current vs. Collector Emitter Voltage255075110100I -C o l l e c t o r D a r k C u r r e n t ,C E O T amb -Ambient Temperature (°C )1009511026w i t h o p e n B a s e (n A )0.11101I –C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t (m A )C I F –Forward Current (mA )10095110270.11101V CE –Collector Emitter V oltage (V )1009510985I –C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t (m A )CTCLT11.. SeriesDocument Number 83514Vishay SemiconductorsFigure 12. Collector Emitter Saturation Voltage vs. CollectorCurrentFigure 13. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward CurrentFigure 14. Turn on / off Time vs. Collector Current110V –C o l l e c t o r E m i t t e r S a t u r a t i o n V o l t a g e (V )C E s a t IC –Collector Current (mA )10095110280.1110110C T R –C u r r e n t T r a n s f e r R a t i o (%)I F –Forward Current(mA )10095110292460246810I C –Collector Current (mA )109511030t /t –T u r n o n /T u r n o f f T i m e (s )o f f µo nFigure 15. Turn on / off Time vs. Forward Current510150I F –Forward Current (mA )209511031t /t –T u r n o n /T u r n o f f T i m e (s )o f f µo n Document Number 83514TCLT11.. SeriesVishay Semiconductors Package Dimensions in mmTCLT11.. SeriesDocument Number 83514Vishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。



支持中星九号信号调试,输入对应参数转动天线对准均可出现信号强度和质量显示 AV 输入,AV 输出功能,自由切换显示图象和声音 电源指示灯、信号锁定灯、22K 指示灯、极化电压 13V、18V 指示灯,方便直观调星
可输入监控摄像头信号进行图像显示,DC 接口直接输出 12V 电源可提供给摄像头使用 键盘按键灵活可靠,功能多,快捷键多,可以方便直接调星操作 USB 接口,方便更新软件,升级节目最新数据
说明书光盘 遮光保护套 AV 音视频输出转换线
MH-1105 内置卫星参数
中星 6B—C 亚洲 5 号-C 韩星 5 号—KU 115.5E 100.5E 113.0E 中星 6A—C 亚太 VI—KU 125.0E 134.0E 亚洲 3S—C 新天 11 号-KU 105.5E 108.2E 亚太 5 号—KU E 马布海 1 号—KU 146.0E
MH-1105 配置参数
950~2150MHz 频率范围:950~2150MHz
− 信号电平:−65dBm ~ −25dBm
75 75Ω 输入阻抗:75 LNB 供电: 13/18V,max400mA 3.5 显示器:3.5 英寸精细液晶 LCD 屏幕 系统语言:中文、英文、俄语,泰语 22KHz LNB 开关控制:22KHz

(中文支持 DisEqC:1.2 极轴天线调试)
PID 码输入接收显示 音频输出:内置扬声器 USB 端口:标配
-1 工作温度:-10℃ ~ +40 -10 +40℃ 0. 1. 0.5 1.5 净重:0.5Kg 含包装毛重:1.5Kg DC 12V DC12 直流供电电池:DC12V 锂聚合物电池 AC110V/60Hz/ 40V/50Hz 电源适配器输入:AC110V/60Hz/ 240V/50Hz 10% V/50Hz±10%
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